DeSantis Calls Biden “Fake and Ineffectual” Over Plandemic Lies


Governor Ron DeSantis on Wednesday challenged White House claims that Florida is responsible for 20% of new Covid-19 cases in the United States, said a source in the governor’s office who said he had overheard a heated conference call between DeSantis and WH Communications Director Kate Bedingfield.

Before speaking to Bedingfield, DeSantis spent an hour trying to reach the White House on a private line reserved for gubernatorial use. He and his secretary made a combined 17 calls but received only a recorded reply: “No one is available to take your call at this time. Please try again later.” The White House public switchboard yielded comparable results.

DeSantis then discovered that Biden and his senior staff were not at the White House but at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, a lavish, sumptuous, ritzy hotel in National Harbor, Maryland, where they had signed a yearlong lease on an entire floor.

“This isn’t the first time Biden’s people couldn’t be found at the White House,” our source said. “They seem to be shuffling and setting up office all around D.C. and Maryland, but they’re never at the White House. When Gov. DeSantis finally reached someone, that party hung up on him. To finally get through to Bedingfield, he had to trick the operator into believing he was someone else. It might have been a shady move, but he wasn’t going to sit back and let Biden’s people slander him and besmirch the great state of Florida with boldfaced lies.”

A livid DeSantis, our source added, asked Bedingfield why the White House and the CDC had fabricated outlandish tales about Covid-19 spikes in Florida and claimed the Sunshine State was responsible for 20% of new cases nationwide. The truth, DeSantis argued, was exactly the opposite; Florida has had a precipitous decline in Covid cases over the last 12 months, and hospitalizations, contrary to CDC assertions, were at an all-time low. Nominal cases, DeSantis told her, were consistent with Covid’s seasonal trajectory and not caused by a mythical mutation spreading like wildfire throughout his state.

“Gov. DeSantis told her that Florida’s own top health official, Dr. Shamarial Roberson, refutes the CDC’s metrics. He wanted to know where the White House was getting its info, because it certainly wasn’t from Dr. Roberson, who is the one person who would know,” our source said.

“I know where you’re obtaining your information. You’re making it up in your heads,” DeSantis reportedly told Bedingfield.

“I’m really not qualified to answer your questions. You should address your concerns with President Biden or CDC Director Rochelle Walensky,” Bedingfield replied.

“I’d love to, please put either on the line,” DeSantis said.

“Neither of them is available to take calls at this time, but I’ll be happy to deliver your message,” Bedingfield said.

“Why am I not surprised? You’re inept and ineffectual, just like your useless fake president and his CDC stooge who hasn’t set foot in CDC headquarters since her appointment. Your incompetence is eclipsed only by your arrogance. Neither I nor the people of Florida will let these lies go unchallenged,” DeSantis said, and hung up the phone.

Asked why Biden’s people are targeting Florida, our source gave the following reply: “My thoughts, and I’m not speaking for the governor. They still have a grudge against Gov. DeSantis because he refused to shutter Florida’s economy and enforce masking mandates. They’re upset that Florida thrived while Democratic states withered. Right now Florida is seeing an enormous uptick in tourism, which is boosting the state’s economy. I believe they want to frighten people to steer clear of Florida. But it’s not only Florida, because they’re making up stories about Covid spikes in Texas, too.”

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jim rose

One of the best governors in the US…..we’re so proud of him standing UP for what he believes while the majority of other state’s governors cower in fear and indecision. I can’t wait for all these traitorous rats to be exposed and pilloried in every town square….

buck fiden

I’m jealous, too. The best that Arizona can put up, here in the Land of the RINOs, is #NeverTrumperDougDouche-y.

Mary Parry

I hope Ducey was one of the 28 Governors who were arrested at the Pentagon meeting held by Gen Flynn and the former NSA Admiral Rogers in early July. Wish Michael Baxter would report on that Pentagon meeting’s arrests. There were also 108 military arrested. Who were they? Hope Miley was one.

Joseph G.





You haven’t heard Milley is a traitor?
He was the general who went to Pentagon to give them hell for not letting imposter Joe Biden into Pentagon on a day Trump was rumored to be their. Article is around somewhere might be on this sight even. Look back at older articles. Milley is crooked. So is the Gen in charge of National Guard. Hokanson and more I’m sure.


Article here is “Pentagon Coup Joint Chiefs Overthrown”

Terminally deplorable

Circular reference.

Terminally deplorable

If the hell thing had come from Gunnery Sgt Hartman, I would have been scared. But Milley, no.


There is an article on RRN that Miley & Hokanson were arrested & sent to GITMO for treason.


i have heard miley has been arrested through a friend in the upper military !


Yes I absolutely believe you,
Many have said same thing.
of course he has been seen giving testimonials on msm so we know when they do this it only verify’s to us it is true however those still trapped in the msm world of lies wont believe.

Sandy Koufax

Milley is a disgusting fat body and is unfit to serve.

stacy Stilwell

I have heard that we will get to watch the tribunals,would your friend know if this is true?




Why did he sign A BILL making it OK for FLoridians to be FORCIBLY VACCINATED???


Plz provide proof that he did this. TY.


SHutterbug provided below… please confirm..


It was in news in an article


U have to know that’s fake news,


It’s a Bill passed in May, so it isn’t fake news.


might want to check who said that.


That part of the legislation was already on the books post 9-11 to allow for forced vaccination. It wasn’t part of the new bill that he signed. There is a good interview with Rep Anthony Sabatini on the Stew Peters Show where he explains it. They have been working to get rid of that part of the legislation, but RINOS not cooperating.


Thank God yes Stu news amazing

live oak

He never did any such thing. The media hates him because he has a backbone and we have been a free state with no businesses going under; everything has remained opened. He took GREAT care of our elderly population FIRST. We just love him to death and I’m so grateful that he’s my governor.


It is certainly a great idea to have these clowns fully exposed for what they really are: Self-serving political operatives disguised as “for-the-people” public sersants. Just look at that man by the name of Joe Biden and you’ll see what a colossal political hypocrite he is. Can you pinpoint anything in what he says that is not fake? I assure you he’s got a fake bone, or many fake bones. By the way, this RRN report “DeSantis Calls Biden Fake” reinforces persistent suspicions that Joe Biden & Co. do not operate from the White House, because the U.S. military has serious doubts about the integrity of the 2020 presidential election and makes the White House off limits to Mr. Joe Biden.


I understand Biden has been locked out of the White House the entire time. Since the fake inauguration…

Angela James

Where I live in Texas, every business including malls, restaurants, movie theaters, and schools are open. You hardly ever see anyone wear masks. No news of the hospitals being full of Covid patients either!


not in the houston area..10-20 % well maked id*ots eveywhere…..and i do not talk about elderly….

Robert James

Same here in Florida. But we are getting flooded with refugees from New York and elsewhere.


I’m stocking up on tar and feathers…..???


My background, apart from the Army, was as a IT Director. I interacted with the C level executives and board members all the time. The bad ones would always accuse others of what they were doing that was wrong. You could not professionally confront them.

This bunch of yahoo’s act like a bunch of spoiled brats on the playground, being bullies. The teachers justify their behavior. They would do anything that they wanted without any remorse until all the other kids stood up and complained. But this bunch does not have teachers to deal with. They have our United States Marines, the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force led by patriots!

Evil is as evil does. Their will be no mercy. A Kim Clement prophesy stated that God will show no mercy to those that defile Washington DC.


or attack His chosen people and prophets…

Terminally deplorable

Hope you are right with the army. I am less confident with the religious aspect. How many armys does the Vatican have?


Never doubt God or He will doubt you.


Many times I my life people attacking me have experienced instant karma, because I trust In Him. At times I have been compelled to warn people of this. Perhaps the recent destruction of the Floyd mural should be considered.

Susie Q

Thank you for your service from a grateful Texan! I have a wonder that perhaps you can settle for me. I’ve heard that the military is flying illegal aliens from our Texas border to points all over the USA. They are supposedly putting them in Conservative areas to mitigate the Red vote. Any knowledge of this?


I can’t wait either! Go DeSantis!


So the rumors that the White House and D.C. are shut down appear to be true.
“This isn’t the first time Biden’s people couldn’t be found at the White House,” our source said. “They seem to be shuffling and setting up office all around D.C. and Maryland, but they’re never at the White House.”

live oak

Ron DeSantis is my governor and we love him dearly. He is doing for Florida what President Trump did (and will continue to do) for America. He gets much negative press because we are a free state and have been successful in every way because of him.

Jim Gross

Precisely one of the reason Yugoslavia was targeted for (another) unnecessary war in the 1990’s, they were becoming a booning vacation platz for all of Europe which would have brought 3 cultures together in harmony.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jim Gross



I’m proud of our Governor and glad he takes NO CRAP FROM PAEDO BIDEN!! NO ONE LIVES AT THE WH!! ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE FAKE!!

Kay Holland

Here is something else happening in FLORIDA that you may want to look at. It was in the Miami Standard. Hope you get to see it. //

Kay Holland




Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Reverend Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville , Florida , when he said America will not come back. He wrote:



* “The American dream has ended.” The first term of Joe Biden has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.



A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood , uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the chronically unemployed that do not want to work , illegal aliens and other “fellow travelers” have ended………Norman Rockwell’s America.



You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.



People like me are completely, politically irrelevant, and I will probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.



The Cocker Spaniel is off the front porch, the pit bull is in the back yard, the American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New World Order.



The curtain will come down, but the damage has been done, the story has been told.



Those who come after us will once again have to risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly frittered away due to white guilt and political correctness..”



Got the guts to pass it on? You bet I do and just did….






Kay Holland

I will try ONE more time, if you want to see what DeSantis did, Go HERE: //
and HERE:
My hope is that this time the commenters get to see these. It is up to YOU if you look and read them.

Kay Holland

Michael, here is another link to the demanded vaccines in FLA. You asked me for links, and this is the second one. Hope this helps, and that you allow others to access it, also.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kay Holland
MAGA CountryBabe

We all knew Byden wasn’t at the WhiteHouse for over 6 months now.


Missouri is under attack too. Did you see that Missouri Mayor on Face the Nation tonight lying through his teeth about the fake delta variant?

Governor Parson refused to mandate masks statewide and the corrupt Mayor’s and health systems are mad as hell. The Governor also made new rules about their authority to lock down during State emergencies and non emergencies.

City council members forced masks saying they were needed until a vaccine was available. They didn’t expect to get it and now they’re scrambling using the fake delta variant.


I would love to see DeSantis be chosen as Trump’s next VP; however, I don’t know if the people of FL would give him up. He’s been an incredible example of the way a governor should serve the people of his/her state. How great would it be if all the blue states had a governor like him?

James D

We should all pray for Governor DeSantis. This attack on him and his state is just the beginning. Pray to release over him a spirit of strength and a Holy boldness. Pray over the people of Florida that their eyes will be opened and that they will be able to discern the lies and and groundless accusations that are to come.


Look at all the trolls, looks like we are over the target “DeSantis”


These people who are pushing fear mongering for stocks/vaccine payouts and personal/professional promotion are a danger to humanity.


What a fabulous way to tell us without telling us which hotel the farce is being staged from LOL!

Robert James

As a Floridian, I am very enthusiastic about our governor. LOL.


For all those who are concerned about Ron DeSantis, you might want to look this up and be pleasantly surprised. He is a good guy.
look up Florida Phoenix “What is and isn’t known about Ron DeSantis’s Navy career? Records provide a glimpse.” Or you can just look up his name with US Navy Jag and see his images and pieces. Maybe give your mind some peace.Blessings to all of you in this new week.

Joseph B.

I have a relative working as a nurse at a Central Fl. hospital, who says COVID is non-existent there & has been for quite a while. The hospital was never as busy as the media made out through this. At one point last year, the nurses were bored. It had never been that slow during that part of the year. As Elaine said: fake, fake, fake, fake.

Sandy Koufax

A virus that was never isolated. A test that doesn’t test for the virus. All based on Pasteur’s Germ Theory, which is exactly that, a theory, never proven.


no not blood and guts….just want to see justice happen in THIS world and that our enemies of humanity are no longer capable of harming innocents


as a Deplorable, I take exception to that pov


It’s Sunday and Trump still hasn’t been reinstated. Don’t forget to refuse your child care credit or donate it to one of the Trump legal aid funds.


I am planning a relocation to Florida, but have not picked the city yet. My money is better spent there. Rebuilding my business, better there.


I feel bad for the people that made all the Trump 2020 tshirts and flags. They must have gone bankrupt just like Trump did many times.


merchandise still selling…as well as commemorative coins…..

MAGA CountryBabe

I am wondering…how can someone sell merchandise and profit using some one elses name or likeness? Are all the profits going to PRESIDENT TRUMP? Probably not illegal but I find it pretty scummy. Unless of course all proceeds are going to the person or persons whose face or name is on the product.


You mean like the libs with the “I’m with her”, “Hillary 2016”, and “Feel the Bern” bumper stickers and shirts still out there.


New Trump flags and signs in my area. And a few Impeach Joe signs also.


According to an article on here a few weeks ago, Biden supposedly had a stroke on June 1 and was hospitalized from the waist down.

But now, according to this article, he’s at a resort???

Sorry, folks, but that doesn’t jibe. So what are we supposed to actually believe? ?


So they hospitalized just his legs… That’s pretty smart


? ? ? ? ? ?


About the size of it! ?


sam …did you ever compare “bidens ” since 2015..seen to me there is least 3-4 of them…wake up..sammy


So why does this article make no mention of that, sejjy? 😉

Last edited 3 years ago by Sam
MAGA CountryBabe

MR. Baxter leaves that up to AMG Go there to learn more.

MAGA CountryBabe

There are two Bidens. The so-called hospitalized or one or dead one is the real Joe. The one in the FAKE WH is the FAKE BIDEN.


I am going to go with the Dark Outpost report Joe has been dead for a few years. I like it the best.


Some citizen journalist should do a stakeout at Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center and catch those suckers on video as they come and go, along with timestamps.


Never going to happen. Most of the readers here don’t go outside for fear of 5G attacks or robotic birds. Just say you saw it and they will quickly repeat it as facts.

MAGA CountryBabe

Ted don’t you ever get tired of being a paid di##head?


That’s my Governor who has more backbone than Joe Biden and his inept son Hunter will ever have combined!

Coons Laura

I’m so sick of this COVID garbage. It’s been a hoax all along and now their trying it again with this Delta variant BS. All part of their depopulation/one world order.

Angela James

Michael, Can you please get rid of Ted? The comments section used to be a supportive community until his stupidity and immaturity came on board.

MAGA CountryBabe

Angela, sometimes we just have to put up with the Hillary,Obammie, Biden butt kissers. Aren’t we the people that promote free speech? Unfortunately, some bad has to come with all of the good. He loves the attention. So give him some or just pass him by.


Tell them, Ron DeSantis!


Folks we have to take some chill pills. At the time of this post we have 232 comments. I’d guess about 200 have devolved into calling each other idiots, trolls, morons and those are just some of the nice names. Wishing death on a person who disagrees with you is what they do in banana republics for real.

We all have to agree none of us can prove what is reported is real or fake since we have no contact with a source. So lets just agree to disagree but keep it civil. If it is real the world will be changing very soon. If it is not real we will have bigger problems to deal with besides arguing with faceless screen names.


now…. try do it on HUFF & PUFF !!!!!

Heather Duncan

this whole time I thought the right hat operation of the fake biden, was taking play at tyler perry studios in atlanta


I would not put nothing past these Satanist. They spent 4 years and millions upon millions of tax payer dollars on Made up stories Lies to foul Trump and this country. They even funded and supported BLM ANTIFA and supported Looting Rioting Destroying Property Attacking Police and Pushing very hard for racist divide. They started and are pushing the Cancel culture and want to undo the Constitution and take away all the peoples rights and have a state of Tyranny under their control. I curse their agenda in the Name of JESUS.


Of course Biden would lease office suites. Only the legitimate, duly-elected President can live in the WH. It’s more proof that he is NOT president of our Republic. Same reason he isn’t allowed at the Pentagon.


EVERYONE, please quit arguing with these troll goons. they will be dead soon with blood clots, so who cares.


that sounds mean….but i read that the ratio of dems to repubs getting vaxed is 2:1

Angel Askew

That ego maniac Mayor Garcetti of Los Angeles is still licking boots reinstating the mask mandate for Los Angeles County as of tomorrow, Sunday, July 18th, 2021.
He is desperate to be Senate approved as Ambassador of India as reward for job well done. Jokes on him when Trump returns. Disgusting scrub that he is.
Larry Elder has announced his running for Governor of California. Please send that man contributions!

It’s horrifying seeing the sheep already wearing the masks again giving the death glare.
I’m sorry but I’m kind of looking forward to these people dying off within the next 2 years. It is said 12 out of 13 people will be gone.
Do not do anything that shares body fluids with these people…
Shedding is real.
Home school your children.




I can’t wait until the real President goes back to the White House. Notice that both Georgia and Arkansas have both discovered cheating on their elections. Bar did not see it so what was he doing – closing his eyes or protecting some one but Mike Lendell’s proof is the best with the LARGEST cybercrime against this country and he has proof of it. Court let’s see what side you are on! Because their are lots of us who have seen this information already and in our minds it is one of the best reporting on what happened against our country. It is a great report that shows the proof of the stealing of our elections. See it was not just the states but countries that put Biden into office. This wrong must be righted or our elections are gone and your vote will never count so pray that mike Lendall will be able to show the proof and we can stop this from happening again and get rid of the current voting machines or if not ask for a paper ballot instead.


It should be pretty obvious that they resent Governor DeSantis because he’s doing a helluva good job! He’s efficient and takes his responsibilities seriously. He cares about doing right for the people of Florida.

It doesn’t surprise me in the least that he couldn’t reach anyone in the White House. They’re NOT THERE! They haven’t been since Inauguration Day, and I LOVE that he’s called them out, insulted them and described Biden as the ‘fake’ president… which he IS!!!

DeSantis should be Trump’s next VP… he’d do an outstanding job, if this phone call is anything to go by!


He’s not really calling them out though, this whole article is “an anonymous insider told me about a phone call DeSantis had.” If he think Biden is fake and Covid is fake why does he never say these things publicly?


Isn’t Trump’s reinauguration imminent though? And his big announcement that covid is fake. So all these things will be public knowledge long before DeSantis has to face reelection. Unless of course it’s a bunch of bullshit ?‍♂️

Chris Russ

Thank you for sharing your information sir! Out of curiosity I looked up on maps the Gaylord National Resort and convention center where they are reported to be staying. Go take a look what is directly next to the resort. It’s the “Air force one experience” a replica of AF1 or former one is on static display there. It may be nothing but I found it quite interesting. Wonder if it’s used as a set?


Great find! Thanks!


Reading some Yelp reviews on the AF-1 Experience, people were complaining that it was closed as of around February 2019, but that it wasn’t announced on its website. The most recent reviews I could find are from 2019, which would be consistent with its closure that year.

Could it be that the Biden team had taken over that exhibit early on in case they were locked out of the White House?

Chris Russ

Possible. It just struck me as very odd. Furthermore, why do you need to rent out an entire floor of a hotel? If you really are the POTUS I would think you’d have access to the white house.


Lol you guys know Kevin McCarthy and several other GOP reps and senators have had multiple meetings with Biden at the WH right? None of them have said the WH was empty or the meetings were relocated. Why would they all be lying to you about this?

Patriot Gal

In the beginning of the double’s (Biden) Presidency, the REAL WH was closed to them. They had fake backdrops that were filmed at Tyler Perry’s replica (used for West Wing series) of the WH in Atlanta and Castle Rock entertainment studios in LA. Biden’s whole cabinet is illegal. The US Corp is bankrupt and defunct, therefore the whole fake Presidency is illegal and invalid. DT still remains President, but everything is run by the military now. This, soon, will be an exciting time….the end is near. WWG1WGA


It’s funny that someone mentioned a Tyler Perry created movie prop White House and after that, it was treated as fact. Tyler Perry’s studios has said no one is filming on that part of the 300 acre lot and Castle Rock Entertainment has confirmed that their set was torn down years ago.
There are a lot of elaborate theories floating around on this site but try and accept the fact that Trump lost.

Patty Parker

Darkoutpost writes HRC was executed Dec. 31, 2018 of course this does not align with MB timeline. How do we know the truth? Just curious.


Maybe that one was a dangerous double who knew too much ….maybe a clone? All the stooges, clones and doubles can’t be left to go free. Maybe there’s another half dozen Killery’s collecting MSM fees.


Well according to the multiple live appearances HRC makes every week, in a variety of places, she is just alive and both MB and Darkoutpost are straight up lying to you. ?‍♂️

Terminally deplorable

Sounds like a clerical error.


Yawning !


We have been waiting 2 weeks for reports from Gitmo and tierra Del Fuego and other news from the tribunals and we get this filler stuff? Should have been 10 to 12 tribunals during the down time yet no reporting on the results of those tried, convicted and executed? This is just fluff.


WOW–you are grouchy today!!! Try again and let us all be nice to each other. Remember flies and honey?

You know you can look elsewhere for your news. There is no obligation on the part of this author to tell what you want to hear.

You should look at these articles as gifts if you believe them. If not, you can find other sites to read that interest you but possibly not the truth.

I am sure that there will be enough news here for a very long time to come. There is no rush to publish anything at all.

I, for one, am not interested in upsetting any of the plans that are in the process.
Let’s leave well enough alone and don’t pressure anyone.

God bless you!

Best regards


Not grouchy. I am hungry for more news from the tribunals. I read approximately 12 conservative sites daily. So my information is diversified. If one asks questions that want edification on any of the reporting here that person gets slapped in the face. I 100% want the reported stories to be true. And will be elated if all this proves to be so.

Patty Parker

I’m reading from Darkoutpost that HCR and Bill were hanged 12-31-18, wish this was confirmed.


That’s all I ask for is a bit of conformation on the articles written here.


You will never get what you are looking for. How many times have you read that big things were happening and nothing happened? MB sells adds based on the click through rate and these lab rats are spinning the wheel and feeding the beast. MB gets paid every time you check to see if he wrote a new story so why bother writing more frequently?


Look up the word “covert.” We are currently in a covert operation to take down the deep state Communists. It is the military’s timeline. Michael can only report what they give him. Surely you understand this.


What adds?
I’ve been reading M.B’s site for months now and haven’t seen a single add. Watch your accusations!

Last edited 3 years ago by MR BILL

I read that bill and melissa gates were hung in Haiti a few years back, and ancestry dot com shows both deceased in 2013 (/)


They were hung in India by parents of children maimed or killed by his forced polio vaccine.


I do like that site. Sometimes he is kind of out there. I have said from the first time I visited this site I believe the articles but I believe the time line is not correct.


I am in perfect order. I am just inquiring why? That’s the thing about this place. You ask a question not following the prescribed argument and you get hammered for asking. The tribunals are paramount to most people who read this site. I check it multiple times per day hoping for new pertinent information. Questioning the stories here is Verboten I guess.


But you don’t ask nicely. You demand.


it was the “should have been” . . . .

Angel Askew

If MB does not receive the Intel he does not write it. Simple.
In the end, we will all be informed via our public ebs.

OWD offers practical alternatives otherwise.

J Bill

One thing for sure, that whatever has happened at the tribunals, and resulting executions (there are no “sorry mate, you’re aquitted…off you go!” at them), the world can only be a better place. Whatever Michael may or may not write.

Read the prior article’s commenter posts at bottom for Covid-19 hoax info. Lot’s of “meat” there!

Or check the AZ audit’s info released yesterday. Numbers don’t lie either. Yet people have trouble getting their heads around it. Check Jack S’s comments in the YT audio.

Can’t get any closer to convicting himself for fraud if he tried. Hint: he must have known the truth, to have carefully scripted his language to mirror the exact opposite, in a desperate attempt to deflect all blame.

Like stupidty is a job description.


I agree with the hog.


Fluff is good right now and helpful as this war is being run like no other war you’ve every known about unless you know the Chinese ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Also you DON’T let the other side – the enemy know what’s happening, enemies who you are holding etc. There’s plenty of reasons to go dark on many enemies. The info given to MB must be for a reason– they are the previous period goons that worked with Killery and not so much in the news for the latest info anymore.

Terminally deplorable

Comapare that to the Biden admin. Let let you permanentlty know how evil they are. No Sun Tzu whatsoever. That is why they are losing.


as well as not letting fellow citizens know ALL……loose lips and all…..


I agree, RRN is losing its edge. “Breaking: DeSantis says means things about the Biden admin.” Who cares, we could read this shit in a real newspaper. Give the people what they want MB, how bout some more Gitmo articles where Trump personally executes Tom Hanks or whoever.


Schweet! Guess what you’ll get? A political answer which would be politically correct.


I’m more interested in an update of what is happening with the supposed June GITMO trials

Last edited 3 years ago by Delta
Phyllis Bonviso

He is a governor and he can’t get through and you guys expect “we the peoples” to make a difference..ever hear of a “snowballs chance in hell”…though we do have the divine in us to move mountains, make miracles happen, am working on that one…

Mary Parry

It is well-known that the DC White House is EMPTY. They are just using it for military tribunals. There are two “Movie props” (fake white houses), one at the Castlerock Studios in CA and one in a Tyler Perry studio in Atlanta.

Lorie Mena

External viruses can only be transmitted via injection ie syringe, animal bite or insect sting. Viruses are not like bacteria as they need a host cell to thrive. They must go directly from host cell to host cell.Additionally, Coronaviruses are lung viruses and is a non-transmissible type…unless it is re-engineered in a lab, which this bat coronavirus was.

Furthermore, Humans produce a lung coronavirus (and a rhinovirus, ie Influenza A and B) which is part of our immune system.
These are detoxification agents that are triggered by the macrophages in our lung cells when there is an overload of bacteria and toxins. Viruses fight against bacteria.
Another version (two different viruses) of this immune response occurs in our intestinal tract.

We are really being scammed with ignorance and fear!!! The real danger is the “vaccine.” Research Gain-Of-Function technology.

Sue K

Thanks, Lorie; very good summary.


You have a lot of information that is half right and very mixed up. I know your intentions were good but your information as it sits is wrong.


I wonder if the Christians know what that song is really about.


other sources indicate all Kardashians basically on house arrest…..


More truth in Lorie Mena’s info than anything you had to offer

Paula Cochran

Can ‘we the people’ impeach the Biden administration?


Why not? Trump was impeached twice.

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The Biden ‘administration ‘ isn’t even a real thing. Fraud vitiates everything.


Imo no. All they do is vote which is all that politicians want you to do. Impeachment is done by congress thru votes. If there were a way for the base to impeach peacefully, they wld and shld have done it by now. What does the Constitution say? For WtPple to remove gov if it no longer represents the welfare of WtPple, in my own words. Does it say how? In this case America has been subjected to a foreign gov but if it hadn’t the only way I can think of for an impeachment wld be a voting ballot ques for the base: Should the current administration be impeached? And who wld set that up? A house divided cannot stand. The base is barred left and right unless grassroots reorganize. In a nutshell, Trump is now the only one that can right the ship with at least 80% of WtPple.


The Second Amendment was written for the sole purpose to protect us from a tyrannical government, either foreign or domestic, by force if necessary.

Last edited 3 years ago by Shutterbug