U.S. Military Holding White House for Trump’s Return


The man who calls himself president, Joseph R. Biden, has never set foot in the real White House, Real Raw News can now report. Immediately following the results of the 2020 presidential election, the U.S. military assumed provisional control of the White House amid concerns that Biden and his Deep State allies had indeed stolen the election.

On election night, as President Donald J. Trump’s commanding lead over Biden seemed to magically evaporate, the U.S. military was already investigating reports of collusion between the Biden campaign and the Chinese-sponsored hacking group Nakion, which is surreptitiously funded by the PLA. The shadowy cyberwarfare group has a history of interfering in foreign elections and is a principal player in the PLA’s cyberwar with Taiwan.

The military has evidence proving that the Biden campaign not only had knowledge of but also encouraged Nakion’s intrusion into Dominion voting machines. Dominion provided election equipment and software to 28 states, including battleground states where Trump’s imperious advantage shifted in favor of Biden during the wee hours of the morning.

While America slept, the military watched.

On November 4, at 5:00 a.m., Trump received a telephone call from Joint Chiefs of Staff member Marine Corps General David H. Berger, who revealed that Chinese saboteurs had penetrated Dominion voting machines in at least 6 states. Gen. Berger told Trump the military had failed to thwart the attack because “someone on the inside” fought its efforts to regain control of voting software. When Trump asked Berger to consult Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley, Berger reportedly said, “Mr. President, I don’t think we can trust him. I suggest you immediately sign the Insurrection Act.”

The Insurrection Act of 1807, when enacted, supersedes the Posse Comitatus Act, the latter of which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.

Three days after the election, as fraudulent votes were still being tallied, Gen. Berger told Trump he’d do everything possible to prevent Biden’s installation as president. But on day 4 almost every media outlet, most of congress, and the liberal elite endorsed Biden as the victor.

Despite his illegitimate victory, Biden met an unwelcome surprise when he arrived at the White House on January 20. Instead of getting a ceremonial greeting, he and Kamala Harris were stopped by National Guard and U.S. Marines at the barbwire fence encircling the White House. The Marines informed them that the military had assumed control of the Executive Branch and instructed them to vacate the area. When Harris belligerently said, “Move aside, we’re president now, the Marines locked the gate.

Although most military supported Trump, Biden had his allies—the intelligence agencies, the Secret Service, and dissident elements of the U.S. Military, including a few high-ranking generals and admirals.

RRN heard but cannot confirm a report of a brief firefight that occurred after Kamala Harris had ordered the Secret Service to storm the White House. According to the report, two Secret Service agents were killed and one Marine seriously injured before Biden’s forces were repelled from the grounds.

To avoid shame and maintain an illusion of power, Biden’s people concocted a ruse, supported by his media allies, to deceive the American public into believing he had won a fair election and had moved into the White House on schedule.

Inside Actor/Producer Tyler Perry’s 300-acre Atlanta estate sits a three-story stucco replica of the commander-in-chief’s residence, which he originally built as a set piece for a television show. Perry, a Democrat who endorsed Biden and funneled millions of dollars into his campaign, allowed Biden to use the faux White House as an operating base. Although the replicant White House is built to 80% scale, on television and in images it’s indistinguishable from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Biden and Harris have been using the facsimile to feign leadership and impose despotic rule on the nation. It is from there that Biden’s criminal press secretary, Jen Psaki, delivers daily press briefings, and Biden hosts foreign dignitaries. Alas, the whole of the mainstream media, including Fox News, abides this fiction perpetrated on the American public.

Meanwhile, the real White House has been dark, guarded by our nation’s finest. Stalwart observers and even Trump’s allies have proven the White House is empty. In May, Trump ally and attorney Lin Wood penetrated the veil of secrecy by sneaking inside the White House to prove that neither Biden nor any member of the presidential staff dwelt within. Instead, Trump’s photographs still adorned the West Wing, and papers bearing his signature still sat on the Resolute Desk.

RRN has heard from sources both in the military and within Trump’s inner circle, all of whom claim the White House is being preserved for its proper occupant, Donald J. Trump, whose return to authority is imminent.

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i thought it was my internet cause i have pretty bad/sometimes amazing speeds, sucks to have DSL. But yeah i figured something fishy was going or perhaps your site got overloaded due to high traffic. Thanks for the Update Mr. Baxter

Proudly Unaffiliated

This is what happens when you are over the target. Well done Michael and infinite thanks to all the patriots, particularly those in the US military.


Ruse. Not rouse
Excellent reporting as usual
Key word: illegitimate
Trump used it, Amistad guy used it, now Baxter uses it…hmm, ” a thing is established by two or 3 witnesses”…!
Cannot wait for Trumps triumphant return!!


How about this word to Joe Biden at the White House gates: “RAUS!”

J Bill

epic battlecry.

J Bill

Thought you meant “RUSSS!”



Andi Kay

How about this to Joey: “Raus! Mach schnell!”

Terminally deplorable

Here is the true German idiom: Raus, aber dalli (expedited)”!


or as they ARE Nazis,

“Raus, ihr bösen Schweinehunde, bevor wir in die Hoden schießen”

Terminally deplorable

You are not to mess with


Yup, LOL
You need ’em alive for the Mil. Tribs.


I will translate : get out you pig hound before we shoot you in the balls!.
Meine deutsch ist Rusty, lol
But I think that’s the gist


PIG-DOG IS MUCH stronger and shame making when said in German — its quite bad –used for nasty people or evil ones.
The other you got right except use the proper term

Terminally deplorable

Its more a fictional thing, that sounds bad. I have never seen a real Schweinehund (the animal) in action. Its more like Schwein = bad character, although not necessarily true and Hund = low value life, cannon fodder, analog to the German war movie “Hunde (Soldiers), wollt ihr ewig leben?”




Sounds appropriate to me!


Get out you EVIL schweinhunde, sorry forgot that important word


Evil added for English helps a bit,, but it’s lost in English trans. but. you got the shoot ’em in the……part

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Terminally deplorable

A German would understand that, but he would say it slightly differently
“Raus, Ihr Schweinehunde (boese is already implicated), oder es gibt einen auf den Latz (not necessaily a shot, but a kick or hit onto the Latz( the buttoned front flap of a Lederhose))


good one sehr gut!

Dean Vermite

You’ll be waiting the rest of your life.


Wear it as a badge of honor!


I knew something was up. Took me forever to get the site to load. Treasonous Deep State Bastards.


Tick tock time is almost up for them


International press (UK) has reported outages in major websites,as well

“Global internet outage ‘was NOT a cyberattack’: Hosting provider Akamai says routine software update triggered ‘bug’ that knocked out websites including UPS, FedEX, Amazon, HBO Max and major airlines”


Where is McAffee when we need him.


Try this and let us know the secrets
I can’t get in, He’d alive

rumormillnews DOT COM/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=177667


Don’t go there–unknown problem

Terminally deplorable

He is here. on my computer. He is doing well.


“chatter” has it that McAfee (and Kennedy JR) are alive. Also that Julian Assange is wh.


Julian Asante is wh ??? Not understanding what “wh” means?

Terminally deplorable

white house, white hat, wild hog. whale hump, wrong hole,
witch hunt, wussy hick

buck fiden

ωhore house

Angela James

White hat – good guy


We all know he is a w.hat

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Usually White Hat sometimes White house.
Hat in this case.

Last edited 3 years ago by Lisa19

white hat


Too much effort to write out the words?


..he is ready..to step in





sorry bout the all caps….


Thank you!


my pleasure….it was a quick search cuz i wasn’t sure either….

Terminally deplorable

He is dead, Joe.


ditto on that here also


Me too. No advance notices.

Joseph G.

Me too.


Ditto on that also. I can’t remember how many times I subscribed.


Same here: subscribed, emailed Michael, never given the option to reply to any coments or post any- had me questioning the validity of everything I was reading from here.

What are the thoughts of users here on A-G News, or the content they post on their site?


I subscibed twice, but since MB is very busy, I didn’t worry. Instead, I just check every day around noon and again later. Only takes a few seconds.



Joshua Munn

The only way I can see the rapture being after the tribulation which contrary to what Kent teaches is the same as the great tribulation according to Matthew 24 (why does Kent never address Matthew 25 by the way? In that chapter three parables are given to us by Jesus Himself to His Jewish (the time of Jacob’s trouble is for the Jews Kent not Christians. Christians don’t need great tribulation described by Jesus to the Jews who listen especially when He teaches these things to the Jews in Luke 21 in a Jewish temple. The great tribulation is designed to punish all Jews especially Israel and most of all the synagogue of Satan for rejecting Jesus and also putting His innocent blood on their hands when they demanded He be crucified. All the good New Testament Jews became Christians like Peter, the 11 apostles, Jesus’s disciples and Paul least of all and we do not need great tribulation and already are in tribulation not great but with Christians being killed for example we already have tribulation). But the only way that the rapture can be after the great tribulation is if Jesus returns and the rapture happens at the same time Kent. The rapture is pre time of Jacob’s trouble which with Syria attempting to destroy Israel just last night I believe Ezekiel 38-39 and Psalm 83 are coming to past. The Jews are also I saw an article getting ready to build that third temple this year. Not sure how long it will take. But I believe the covid vaccines and this proof of vaccinations and people dying from the vaccines and the microchipping of the vaccinated are the mark of the beast system and no you cannot take it Kent it’s either or when it comes to worshipping the beast Barack Obama and the Democratic party. I pray against this entire thread inside and more than anything ever. The antichrist i believe are Joe Biden and Barack Obama combo. This is for several reasons first of all in Revelation 17 we read about Babylon which is obviously America with our debauchery, we are being destroyed from within like the scripture reads but it also reads that’s the king that will go into his destruction after a king that only continues for a little while (Trump, Trump-Pence like Trumpets, all the prophets back Trump as the Isaiah 45 45th president King Cyrus, Jesus will return at the last trump, etc.) Then you have what the scripture reads about 8 eights 5 are fallen, one was and now is again, one continues for a little while (Bush Sr.-globalist, Clinton-globalist, Bush Jr.-advanced globalism through 9/11, Obama/Biden-one who was and then was not, Trump-continues for a little while, Biden/Obama Obama says Biden is finishing what he started, both were illegitimate terrorists who became president through immense fraud in 2008, 2012, 2020 and Obama wasn’t born here neither was Kamala, the audits are now showing fraud) I believe Obama and Biden as the scripture says are going into their own restrictions as Revelation 17 and 18 say before Christ returns in Revelation 19. Remember John wrote there are many antichrists? Still not convinced? The original language of Luke 10:18 where Christ tells us Satan has already fallen like lightning from heaven? That includes Baraq O’bamah and he is the one Satan will fall as. Remember Barack Obama’s real name is Barry Soetero. Do the math. Satan is falling into his destruction as Barack Obama who probably will be arrested and executed soon since he’s the military’s number one terrorist as a former CIA operative that orchestrated all of this same with Biden and all of Congress and the Supreme Court for treason. I pray against all of this, all the like especially those two comments in the thread just above or below depending when you see it this thread and the last thread same with all threads on this website. I pray against all of this comment most of all inside and out all my prayers subjects and stipulations amen. I pray all your channels, videos, comments, descriptions, all the like, all associated, all else, all the rest, all etc. are all and/or taken care of inside and out all my prayers, subjects and stipulations in all exact manners, all same ways, all vice versas all amens. Websites added in to every last jot and tittle too. Accordingly, respectively and orderly as well.



Terminally deplorable

 Reply to  Diana

 1 day ago >>330153943
I pray your reply is all my prayers, subjects and stipulations most of all. I. Pray that all of this thread is all taken care of inside and out all my prayers, subjects and stipulations most of all and >>330138571
I pray against all of this, all the like, all associated, all the rest, all else, all etc. in all exact manners and vice versas as this: >>330139100

Ed Bob

Joshua Moron, you are not legit. You are obviously a cia shill troll. Don’t post here again.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ed Bob
Sharon Manning

Good grief. Who would read all that???

Mr. G


David Yanity

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.

Ed bob

Communist Instigation Agency
Federal Bureau of Instigation


Bla bla bla whoop diddle do da bla bla bla

David Yanity

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.


Great big yawn



David Yanity


*offers Pepto Bismol to Delta*

But remember…

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.


Wow 26 Times-plus? Trolling now GTFOOH




sorry for the typos folks.. i write in haste.. i know it is lose it.. not loose.. i hope you can overlook the typos and see the substance of my words… so just for the grammar grads… i don’t take time to “proofread” when i’m in a mad rush to speak my mind.. Thanks for not criticizing me. We are all in this together.. We must support our LIKE MINDED friends.. We are after all “family”.. since most of us are feeling like a lone voice in the wilderness amongst the travesties coming at us from all sides.. I know i am amongst my own kind here.. Thank you for being my sanctuary of Truth and Clarity in the FOG of MSM “disinformation” and LIES.. they are masters of DECEIT and Lies and trying to PLAY PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE with the weak minded pawns who fall prey to the DEVIL’s games. I have pity on their poor souls for not seeing beyond the veil of THESE DEMONS who want us all DEAD.. that is the gist of it.. THEY REALLY WANT US ALL DEAD.. plain and simple.. ONCE YOU GRASP that FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH.. you will GUARD yourself against their REIN OF TERROR!! THEY ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS!! they call others WHO AND WHAT THEY REALLY ARE!!! GLOBAL ELITES ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS against WE< THE PEOPLE!!


You can edit your post.


edits have been disabled i notice..


I believe there is a short time after you publish your post that you can mouse-over your post, click on the lower-right icon that appears, and see an ‘Edit’ option. Not sure how much of a time window, but it’s certainly helpful for people to view their post and quickly revise. I’m guessing at least a 10 – 20 min window(??)

Unlabeled quality

More like 1-5 minutes before your post becomes permanent.

Terminally deplorable

MB should extend that. Sometimes, I see a typo a day later.

Ed bob

Or, haha!, sometimes I rail a bit too harsh at a fellow compatriot, who mostly meant well, then wish a day or so later that I’d have had the chance to edit in a gentler, horse whisperer tone.

Note: this sentiment never applies to CIA shill-trolls like Zane, Joshua Munn, or Ravenpup.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ed bob

I think because of the DDOS attacking… MB has turned off some features. i.e can’t get “Latest” posts to come to the top. So we have to keep scrolling to bottom of page for the them

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee
Ed bob

Is MB really Q?.. hmm.


IS working…use with in a few mins. only after posting

Angel Askew

Darlene, I think this is your least “potty mouth” post to date! 🙂
You are authentic and full of passion and find comfort in like minded truth seeking people here.
I know I am guilty of not always citing my sources when I share what I’ve learned elsewhere. I don’t write it all down!
You are appreciated. 🙂


Thanks Angel. i will try to use less offensive but equally venal words to describe these demons and their demonic actions against our great Nation and against all the FREE WORLD.. I am sure i am like alot of folks whose heads are exploding with SHEAR RAGE at that TRUTH of what we are up against.. NO rose colored glasses on my face.. I have the clarity of a bald eagle from 200 yards away eyeing his prey.


Darlene, while most of us are in agreement with your sentiments somewhat, you need to take it down a bit. You cannot live in such a constant state of angst. Its detrimental to spirit, soul and body, and causes others to bypass your message because of all the vitriol.
My advice, unsolicited though it may be, is to slow down, take a deep breath, and realize that the United States and the rest of the world is not as it should be, and that screaming at the top of our lungs figuratively with obscenities, is not going to change it, but maybe a lot of focused prayer and action will. You know the saying, instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle. Just proffering a different perspective in love Darlene.


Thank you for the advice.. but i guess my hysteria is in response to how we Americans have let things get this far in the first place by being complacent and politically correct and compliant. I do agree with your statements, but our ANCESTORS never would have let the Destruction of our great NATION get to this point before they took ACTION to DEFEND our RIGHTS and UPHOLD the Constitution and take care of TRAITORS. Nothing has been done since 911 to RESURRECT this great Nation and we have devolved into 3rd WORLD hellhole just watching it happen. No ONE IS STOPPING it. Corruption is RAMPANT and SYSTEMIC ALL across the BOARD.. WE ALL NEED TO BE ENRAGED. IMO.

Last edited 3 years ago by Darlene

You are more than welcome. I don’t know if you have
listened to any of the prophets like Hank Kunneman, Robin Bullock, Kent Christmas etc, but each of them have stated that God is doing a mighty work in this nation, that He is in the process of cleaning up the mess that is now called USA, that the evil and wickedness of the deep state both Republicans and Democrats will be revealed, and the whole world will be standing in amazement saying, I never knew all these things were happening. He is also in the process of restoring this nation, and will wreak vengeance on those who with purpose and intent harmed His children. While I won’t say sit back and relax, I’d say Pray, Praise,Vote and let God do the rest, He’s a Big God, and if you get an opportunity please listen to the prophets I mentioned above, they’re on YouTube.


This response is actually intended for both you, Jaycee, and Darlene, and for that matter, anyone that reads this and it resonates to them.

The Lord called me to serve Him a little over thirty years ago, and began showing me things that were going to happen in my future. Some of which has already come to pass, but most of which hasn’t. I knew He wanted me to help children, but I had no idea about the depth of the abuse these children have suffered and so, did not truly understand what He really meant. In my mind, I could only conceive of relatively normal children with relatively normal problems. That being said, I would like to share with you, in its entirety, a message that God gave me to share with people. The original message was given to me on October 13, 2006, and is as follows:



I was still talking to God the following morning in my classroom, during my planning time. It was October 13, 2006, when He instructed me to get pen and paper and start writing down what He was telling me. I expected that His words would be a personal message to me, concerning my life and current situation. I began to write down the words that entered my mind, which came almost too quickly for me to keep up. It was only later, when I actually read the message I had written, that I noticed that only parts of the message were directed to me, individually. More often, God directed the message to “each of you,” a group of people, the identities of which, as yet, only He was aware. I know it is a little confusing, but God knew He was addressing His message to multiple people, even if I did not realize it, so I leave the message as He gave it to me.

I don’t know how to untangle the message to separate the parts that were only intended for me from the parts of the message He intended to be for everyone else. The message references the Greek classes I took for two years in college, which might not be applicable to you, however, He was simply rephrasing and expounding upon John 1:1, and its sentiment applies to everyone. If the message speaks to your heart, and you get the feeling that God is directing these words to you and you “know who you are,” then God gave me this message to share with you. In this message, God made numerous allusions to prophets, books, terms, and events in the Bible with which I was not overly familiar, especially those from the Old Testament. It caused me to go look them up. To that point, I had not been particularly faithful in reading the books of the Bible, especially Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and similar books. So I had to spend a lot of time reading the Bible myself, just to understand what He was telling me. God instructed me to record the date and time that these messages were given to me. I did not understand the reason for this until many years later. The message He gave me I now share with you:

10/13/2006 9 a.m.

I am the Boss. I am the Head. I make the decisions. Through prayer, you WILL hear my voice, I will make it plain. I will make this happen; I will bring it about. I will accomplish it, for it is my dream, my vision, my purpose I have given to each of you. I have called you to perform it together. Do not hinder one another. You are the army of Joel. You will look neither to the right nor to the left but straight ahead at the task I have set before you. You will do what I have called you to do. Do not worry about money. All the money in the world is under my control. Listen to my instructions and be careful to follow them. Do not lag behind nor try to run ahead. I will go before you and come behind you—I will encompass you. I am your retirement—your exceedingly great reward. Read Deuteronomy 28. Believe it. Trust me. Am I a man that I should lie?

You are where you are right now because I led you there. You are following my plans and purposes for your life. Don’t worry about hearing my voice and missing something. I can and will use anything I need to in order to make my voice heard by you—to make my wishes known to you. Don’t worry about people who try to come against you. It is not a wise thing for anyone to set themselves up against my children, my anointed servants. Those who do this set themselves up against me, and I will surely deal with them according to their deeds. Many people will serve as “lessons” in your life. You must all remember (and learn this well), that many people under your authority are serving me just as you are. Don’t hinder them; empower them. Build them up. You would do well to never forget this. Each of you, write the vision down that I have given you, make it plain. I will accomplish it. I will perform it.

10/13/2006 9:30 a.m.

Write down everything I tell you. Record it and follow it. Be prepared. I am on the move and I will begin to send people to you, or I will send you to them. They will be ready to receive you, just as you will be ready to receive them. When they come, you will know that I have sent them. Be prepared for the windfall. I will provide you with everything you need, when you need it. Your first book will provide resources for the ranch property and I will use the book to draw the people who will come to build it. Remember Nehemiah? Is anything too hard for me? Treat my people well. My servants—my children—are worthy of their hire. Pay them well. There will be bread in my house and NO ONE who comes to me will be hungry or thirsty. Doctrine? Don’t worry about doctrine, denominational differences, and such. If you find it in my Word (for it is my Word), trust it and do it. Don’t waste your time arguing about it with anyone. It is simple: Feed my sheep. Love one another as you love yourself. If I am lifted up, I will draw all men unto me. I have given the dream—the vision—to each of you. Many of you have been waiting and looking for its fulfillment for years now. As each of you begins to write down the vision you have been given, you will marvel at how similar they are. You will see the similarities and realize that it has been given to you, by me. It is from me. Your dreams and visions are my dreams and visions. They are one and the same. When my Word goes forth it shall NOT return to me void. It will be filled with purpose and shall accomplish everything for which I sent it. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. I was (and am) the Word. I create with nothing more than my Word. I need nothing more. I spoke this world into existence. Everything that you see—and billions of things you haven’t seen or even dreamed of—came into existence at MY WORD. I speak into existence worlds and universes, yet sometimes you are afraid to trust ME. I feed and clothe the small, unseen creatures you know nothing about. I know your every thought and have numbered every hair on your head. I save your tears when you cry. Yet you have a hard time believing MY WORD—trusting that I can do BIG THINGS for you and in your life. Yes, the vision will require a lot of money, land, and people. I know this is scary for you to think about. You have held back from starting because you feel so small, unworthy, and insignificant, doubting I would choose you and not others for this. I say, why NOT YOU? I have called you by name—years ago. I gave you the DREAM and you heard me (you know you heard me). Do not be like Jonah. Do NOT run away from this! Do not be like Jeremiah or Moses and give ME excuses.

I will provide everything you lack as you need it. I will be the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. Giants you face are not even grasshoppers to me. I laugh at them. I still sit on my throne and laugh. The nations may rage against me and come against my holy city, but they shall not prevail. My will and my Word shall NOT BE TRAMPLED UNDER. They shall stand and not be moved. 10/13/2006 2:05 p.m. Remember what I spoke to you all those years ago. Write it again and hold to it. Remember it! Many people will see the need to have this place for the children. As I move to bring MY PEOPLE back to me, to renew and restore their love for me, I will provide a place for ALL to come to me. I will accomplish it. For I have spoken and my Word shall go forth and accomplish my will and purpose. It only takes ONE PERSON, listening prayerfully and obediently to Me, to provide the money for the purchase of the property. (This part was originally spoken to Phyllis Hicks sometime in August 1989, soon after I shared with her the dreams God had given me, and we prayed about The Shepherd’s Haven. I lost touch with Phyllis years ago, and have been unable to locate her. So Phyllis, when you read this; CALL ME!) Those of you I have spoken to—and you know who you are—commit and set aside time to pray together diligently and earnestly for the vision to come to pass. As I provide guidance and direction, OPENING DOORS, AVENUES, and HIGHWAYS, be SURE to step out in faith and follow me. Do you have faith even as small as a mustard seed? If so, watch it grow and bloom and flourish—even as the cedars of Lebanon. Trust me. Watch and walk in faith. You are a story in the Bible. You are writing it NOW. What will it say? Will it say that you believed me? Yes! You will walk in faith. Believe in me—my Word is truth. At the time I was uncertain as to whether the message was actually from Him or only the longings of my own heart, so I filed it away among other keepsakes and eventually forgot about it, only retrieving it years later when He reminded me of it. But you now have some idea of why I am publishing this book. I was told to write the vision down and to make it plain. There is some repetition in this book because many times, when I asked the Lord a question, He would give me the same answer, which was already in the message He had given me. The repetition bothered me, so I asked the Lord what to do about it. He told me, “Repetition is good. How many pages are in the Bible?” “Hmm, about 1,500 pages, give or take a few, depending on whether you count the index and stuff—and how large the type is,” I replied. “How many prophets did I have to send to the same stiff-necked, rebellious people over and over, to tell them to repent and obey me?” “If you want a quick answer on that, was it forty, maybe? I don’t know. I would have to read it through and count them, which might take a while.” “This is important. My message is short and simple but it still took 1,500 years and 1,500 pages to get my point across and still, my people do not get the message. I want them to GET THIS MESSAGE.”

Unlabeled quality

Some of us who are livid, who attempt to inform others are met with blank stares, apathy, or ostrich memes. And then these people become patriots after the fact. It’s like this even in Washington state. If people would get their faces out of the smartphone, or quit watching the poop tube, people may yet have a clue.
Such is life, I guess.?

Linda Chambers

Unfortunately, our current state of destruction is due to over 100 years of subterfuge. World money, and political, financial and education lies and schemes have under minded our wonderful Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Ed bob



Last edited 3 years ago by Ed bob

Yeah! We don’t need foreigners coming over here and taking our land and forcing us to all huddle together and complain. We did that fair and square to the Native American people and we specifically invoked the no “taksies backsees” clause. We even involved our military, in the name of Christ our Lord!

Angel Askew

Shut up, Ted.

Unlabeled quality

Ted and Zane have been engaging in ‘playing both sides’ for a while now…they’re still trolls. And should be ignored.


I’ve noticed that as well.

David Yanity

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.


why don’t u go say your CRT prayers and go to bed.. and wake up on some Twittr feed for Fcebook obedient traitors who answer to fact checking Commies.. that is where you belong.. your twisted rationale is not digestible.. so go regurgitate your Marxist dogma double speak on those FIRST AMENDMENT VIOLATING SOON TO BE SUED UP THE AX SITES..

David Yanity

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.



Ed bob

It’s NOT foreigners ‘coming over here.’ It is instead, an INVADING ARMY of ENEMIES, designed and motivated to KILL us, STEAL from us, and DESTROY our infrastructure. So, as Angel Askew just told you, stfu, Fed.


Same for me

Linda Groves

WooHoo Michael! Thank you sooo much for this post! Can’t wait for our president to take the reins back from this runaway horse we’ve been riding! Biden committed robbery and our posse (military) has apprehended him! Thank you, God! Thank you, Michael! And thank Trump, the most brilliant sheriff to lead us to justice! Can you tell that I’m from the west?? My heart is full of so much love for all of you! God bless you!

Joshua Munn

The only way I can see the rapture being after the tribulation which contrary to what Kent teaches is the same as the great tribulation according to Matthew 24 (why does Kent never address Matthew 25 by the way? In that chapter three parables are given to us by Jesus Himself to His Jewish (the time of Jacob’s trouble is for the Jews Kent not Christians. Christians don’t need great tribulation described by Jesus to the Jews who listen especially when He teaches these things to the Jews in Luke 21 in a Jewish temple. The great tribulation is designed to punish all Jews especially Israel and most of all the synagogue of Satan for rejecting Jesus and also putting His innocent blood on their hands when they demanded He be crucified. All the good New Testament Jews became Christians like Peter, the 11 apostles, Jesus’s disciples and Paul least of all and we do not need great tribulation and already are in tribulation not great but with Christians being killed for example we already have tribulation). But the only way that the rapture can be after the great tribulation is if Jesus returns and the rapture happens at the same time Kent. The rapture is pre time of Jacob’s trouble which with Syria attempting to destroy Israel just last night I believe Ezekiel 38-39 and Psalm 83 are coming to past. The Jews are also I saw an article getting ready to build that third temple this year. Not sure how long it will take. But I believe the covid vaccines and this proof of vaccinations and people dying from the vaccines and the microchipping of the vaccinated are the mark of the beast system and no you cannot take it Kent it’s either or when it comes to worshipping the beast Barack Obama and the Democratic party. I pray against this entire thread inside and more than anything ever. The antichrist i believe are Joe Biden and Barack Obama combo. This is for several reasons first of all in Revelation 17 we read about Babylon which is obviously America with our debauchery, we are being destroyed from within like the scripture reads but it also reads that’s the king that will go into his destruction after a king that only continues for a little while (Trump, Trump-Pence like Trumpets, all the prophets back Trump as the Isaiah 45 45th president King Cyrus, Jesus will return at the last trump, etc.) Then you have what the scripture reads about 8 eights 5 are fallen, one was and now is again, one continues for a little while (Bush Sr.-globalist, Clinton-globalist, Bush Jr.-advanced globalism through 9/11, Obama/Biden-one who was and then was not, Trump-continues for a little while, Biden/Obama Obama says Biden is finishing what he started, both were illegitimate terrorists who became president through immense fraud in 2008, 2012, 2020 and Obama wasn’t born here neither was Kamala, the audits are now showing fraud) I believe Obama and Biden as the scripture says are going into their own restrictions as Revelation 17 and 18 say before Christ returns in Revelation 19. Remember John wrote there are many antichrists? Still not convinced? The original language of Luke 10:18 where Christ tells us Satan has already fallen like lightning from heaven? That includes Baraq O’bamah and he is the one Satan will fall as. Remember Barack Obama’s real name is Barry Soetero. Do the math. Satan is falling into his destruction as Barack Obama who probably will be arrested and executed soon since he’s the military’s number one terrorist as a former CIA operative that orchestrated all of this same with Biden and all of Congress and the Supreme Court for treason. I pray against all of this, all the like especially those two comments in the thread just above or below depending when you see it this thread and the last thread same with all threads on this website. I pray against all of this comment most of all inside and out all my prayers subjects and stipulations amen. I pray all your channels, videos, comments, descriptions, all the like, all associated, all else, all the rest, all etc. are all and/or taken care of inside and out all my prayers, subjects and stipulations in all exact manners, all same ways, all vice versas all amens. Websites added in to every last jot and tittle too. Accordingly, respectively and orderly as well.



Terminally deplorable

 Reply to  Diana

 1 day ago >>330153943
I pray your reply is all my prayers, subjects and stipulations most of all. I. Pray that all of this thread is all taken care of inside and out all my prayers, subjects and stipulations most of all and >>330138571
I pray against all of this, all the like, all associated, all the rest, all else, all etc. in all exact manners and vice versas as this: >>330139100

Angel Askew

I prefer the perspective of Book of Judges: The Story of Gideon.
Stay in prayer and meditation for our Gideon in your mother tongue’s.
And listen for the reply…
Although long winded and repetitive, thank you, Munn!!

David Yanity

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.


enough already 1 post will do! you are polluting the comments after that!

Ed Bob

It is doing it intentionally. It’s a cia controlled opposition shill troll.


Now…….after 2 days

I think IT –> (Joshua Munn )<– is a BOT not a HE

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

To  Joshua Munn

Wel know who the satanists are there is no need to put so much energy into telling your god what to do and whom to take out.




So stop interfering in HIS/HER/ITS work.

Angel Askew

He is obviously up to no good now. Obnoxious.

David Yanity

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.


More great big yawn.well a few more paragraphs and you would have told us everything you know.
P.S. read revelation it tells you all you need to know. Let those who have ears to hear.


this bot is likely part of the attack on this site.


Wow 24 Times– making a fortune with you copy’n’paste $hill Trolling? now GTFOOH


Wow 26 Times-plus? Trolling now GTFOOH


Thank you for trying to fix it, Michael! This is epic!! Please keep them coming!


Same here, could you check, please? I sent to email address to subscribe.


Guys, Michael appears to be handling this all by himself. I think he has enough on his plate. Instead of complaining about his inability to notify us when he posts something new, why don’t we just consider it a welcome surprise, when we sign on and there’s something new. Just sayin all.


these are NOT complaints….simply letting MB know that the email feature is not working, and maybe he can just let us know whatsup.

Ed Bob

Jaycee is on point. Stop the ridiculous, unnecessary posts, and moronic personal requests to MB.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ed Bob

who appointed you hall monitor?

Ed Bob

Ans: ‘I’m not bossy. I just have leadership skills.’ [purple t-shirt with all caps gold sparkle print I just observed in my hotel lobby, in VA, worn by a 300 lb aggressive looking, black female, who was hanging out with some BLM logo wearing folk].

Last edited 3 years ago by Ed Bob
Joseph G.

it is a valid request.

I literally check the site every 30 minutes 24/7, checking for updates.

there is an email notification feature.

Ed Bob go get some sunshine.

You are like Oscar the Grouch.

Ed Bob

Yeah, I have, admittedly, been a little grouchy recently. It seemed start about the same time the FBI got me fired from my 32 year government career, just because I went to see Trump speak on 6 Jan.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ed Bob

Folks, we really do need to cut each other some slack. We never know what’s going on in other’s people’s lives. I am so sorry to hear that, Ed Bob. That is totally unfair! Do you have a chance to appeal?

Ed Bob

To ‘appeal’ and to get clearance returned, a government employee has to have a job. I don’t, as I got terminated, again, just for going to DC on 6 Jan to hear Trump speak and pray for the nation. If I apply to get a government job, they won’t hire me because the system shows me not having a clearance. It’s a catch 22 that is designed to purge military of all conservative ‘dissenters’ to Biden regime. Military now training troops to be on lookout for, ‘domestic terrorists.’ Eg; Trump supporters, or those who believe the election was stolen.

I also get no unemployment or covid $, due to getting ‘terminated.’ Only hope is Trump return.

Meanwhile, ‘disadvantaged businesses’ and ‘woman owned’ business contract stipulations, written by Obama admin, have taken over most government contracts. It translates to only brown skinned peoples of the world, and women, taking over all business contracts with government. When combined with what we now know about adrenochrome and pedo empire, this country is in a heap of insane mess, that makes Nazi Germany look friendly. PS – I am white, Christian, straight male – dead on arrival in modern American world, all by design. Entire legal system currently built to remove me and breed me out – no legal hope at any level of society will dare to defend a white, conservative, Christian, straight male.

Sad for me? Sure, but who gives a s? The difference between a recession and a depression is: it’s only a *depression* if YOU lose YOUR job. Otherwise, it’s just a recession. However, without me, without us, this nation is going to revert to a third world county shit-hole like South Africa. There will be nothing good or desirable left to enjoy. Satan will rule, there will be nothing pure, everything will be substandard dirty, and corruption and hopelessness will hover, as Reagan said, for a thousand years.

Think I’m overstating the problem? They’re coming for you.. gonna knock on your door real soon. And there won’t be any good cops, no John Wayne, no honest straight thinking cavalry or military, no honest politicians, not even a godly pastor or media man who will be there to help. You’ll all get jabbed, or sent to a FEMA camp if you resist. Your puny 40 cal pistols won’t help either because you can’t organize or communicate to even form up a Sunday school meeting.

Bottom line; you all better damn well hope Trump gets back in that White House.


HE is coming back. Hopefully mid August. Have Faith, keep praying

Terminally deplorable



I am at a loss for words. For what it’s worth, my heart and prayers go out for you, Ed Bob. ?


I have said all along that Michael definitely can use extra/temporary help especially in times such as this. Digital soldiers, are you there?

Coons Laura

Yes no complaints just informing.

add elder

Amen to that…saints consider others and what they have on their plates to deal with.


but shutting down other’s contributions or questions is NOT constructive….what happened to “free speech”

Joshua Munn

The only way I can see the rapture being after the tribulation which contrary to what Kent teaches is the same as the great tribulation according to Matthew 24 (why does Kent never address Matthew 25 by the way? In that chapter three parables are given to us by Jesus Himself to His Jewish (the time of Jacob’s trouble is for the Jews Kent not Christians. Christians don’t need great tribulation described by Jesus to the Jews who listen especially when He teaches these things to the Jews in Luke 21 in a Jewish temple. The great tribulation is designed to punish all Jews especially Israel and most of all the synagogue of Satan for rejecting Jesus and also putting His innocent blood on their hands when they demanded He be crucified. All the good New Testament Jews became Christians like Peter, the 11 apostles, Jesus’s disciples and Paul least of all and we do not need great tribulation and already are in tribulation not great but with Christians being killed for example we already have tribulation). But the only way that the rapture can be after the great tribulation is if Jesus returns and the rapture happens at the same time Kent. The rapture is pre time of Jacob’s trouble which with Syria attempting to destroy Israel just last night I believe Ezekiel 38-39 and Psalm 83 are coming to past. The Jews are also I saw an article getting ready to build that third temple this year. Not sure how long it will take. But I believe the covid vaccines and this proof of vaccinations and people dying from the vaccines and the microchipping of the vaccinated are the mark of the beast system and no you cannot take it Kent it’s either or when it comes to worshipping the beast Barack Obama and the Democratic party. I pray against this entire thread inside and more than anything ever. The antichrist i believe are Joe Biden and Barack Obama combo. This is for several reasons first of all in Revelation 17 we read about Babylon which is obviously America with our debauchery, we are being destroyed from within like the scripture reads but it also reads that’s the king that will go into his destruction after a king that only continues for a little while (Trump, Trump-Pence like Trumpets, all the prophets back Trump as the Isaiah 45 45th president King Cyrus, Jesus will return at the last trump, etc.) Then you have what the scripture reads about 8 eights 5 are fallen, one was and now is again, one continues for a little while (Bush Sr.-globalist, Clinton-globalist, Bush Jr.-advanced globalism through 9/11, Obama/Biden-one who was and then was not, Trump-continues for a little while, Biden/Obama Obama says Biden is finishing what he started, both were illegitimate terrorists who became president through immense fraud in 2008, 2012, 2020 and Obama wasn’t born here neither was Kamala, the audits are now showing fraud) I believe Obama and Biden as the scripture says are going into their own restrictions as Revelation 17 and 18 say before Christ returns in Revelation 19. Remember John wrote there are many antichrists? Still not convinced? The original language of Luke 10:18 where Christ tells us Satan has already fallen like lightning from heaven? That includes Baraq O’bamah and he is the one Satan will fall as. Remember Barack Obama’s real name is Barry Soetero. Do the math. Satan is falling into his destruction as Barack Obama who probably will be arrested and executed soon since he’s the military’s number one terrorist as a former CIA operative that orchestrated all of this same with Biden and all of Congress and the Supreme Court for treason. I pray against all of this, all the like especially those two comments in the thread just above or below depending when you see it this thread and the last thread same with all threads on this website. I pray against all of this comment most of all inside and out all my prayers subjects and stipulations amen. I pray all your channels, videos, comments, descriptions, all the like, all associated, all else, all the rest, all etc. are all and/or taken care of inside and out all my prayers, subjects and stipulations in all exact manners, all same ways, all vice versas all amens. Websites added in to every last jot and tittle too. Accordingly, respectively and orderly as well.



Terminally deplorable

 Reply to  Diana

 1 day ago >>330153943
I pray your reply is all my prayers, subjects and stipulations most of all. I. Pray that all of this thread is all taken care of inside and out all my prayers, subjects and stipulations most of all and >>330138571
I pray against all of this, all the like, all associated, all the rest, all else, all etc. in all exact manners and vice versas as this: >>330139100


Once is enough, quit taking up space, thank you !!


my eyes glazed over…….at least wait a day in between….

David Yanity

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.

MAGA CountryBabe

Come on dude this is getting a little redundant.


You think? Wait.. didn’t you just give me shit for my comment to Michael Baxter regarding Joshua Munn? And your post to me was at the same time you posted this? ? That’s ok, MAGA, I don’t consider you a snowflake for it ?


I asked MB if he’d do something about BOT/Shill/TROLL JOSHUA MUNN



Good ?? Let’s hope he does!
I checked that twitter account. If it’s him, Joshua Munnings, he’s a barber in Ohio. That’s all I could see because I don’t have a twitter account.

David Yanity

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.


Joshua Munn I think you are being very Selfish. We have asked you before to not post like this.


We know who the satanists are there is no need to put so much energy into telling your god what to do and whom to take out.



So stop interfering in HIS/HER/ITS work.


More yawning falling asleep now. Munn give it up you don’t know what you speak of.


Your right Munn, the Rapture is not after the tribulation. It is before. At the end of the 7 year trib. the war of Armageddon commences. Satan and is armies are defeated. Satan is bound for 1000 yrs and the Lord Jesus rules on his throne in Jerusalem during that time. After the 1000 yrs. the devil is let loose for a time and is able to get people to make one last assault on God and his people. Those people are burned up and the devil is sent to the lake of fire permanently. The present heaven and earth are destroyed ushering in the new heaven and earth where all who love God and the Lord will abide with forever and ever without end. Amen.

David Yanity

You’ve been smoking crystal meth again, I see.

David Yanity

Either that, or this is the actual transcript of Donald Rumsfeld’s last words before the potassium cyanide took effect.

Last edited 3 years ago by David Yanity

That’s right Jim 100%!!! God bless you brother. And God bless America!

David Yanity

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.


Wow 25 Times– making a fortune with you copy’n’paste $hill Trolling? now GTFOOH


Really really TIRED of your,& your ramblings. You do NOTHING to bring anyone to meet Jesus Christ. Just QUIT.

David Yanity

Don’t feed the Clowns IAmerica.

Joseph G.

Thank you Patriot!


Same here


You guys it probably has to do with GOOGLE(e)mail.


I don’t use anything affiliated with google. I don’t mind that the updates aren’t working with my email because I get my updates from Michael’s Telegram channel.


not everyone is on telegram….so it IS helpful when others share that information here!


I agree, and a lot of ppl do share here that Michael has posted a new link on his Telegram channel.


Link please


He has a telegram channel? Never even thought to look!


What is the channel? Just tried looking under his name and Real Raw News and don’t see it.


It’s RealRawNews. There are 5,105 subscribers. There is a close-up of MB’s face wearing sunglasses.


2nd tie Link please ..fed up looking after 6 tries RRN on Telegram


And, I am signed up for Telegram

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Zee, if you’re signed up with Telegram you should be able to find Michael’s channel by searching “RealRawNews”. You’ll see a close-up pic of MB wearing sunglasses with a bluegreen tint. I only recently joined in April. It’s different, in that you can’t be on Telegram and share a direct link from a post. The links that MB posts in his comments lead directley to a new article here on RRN.


Write into address line

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

I haven’t gotten them for a couple months. if they don’t work. ok. if MB is too busy. Ok. basically it is just a whatsup type of question and not the complaining some may think….

Unlabeled quality

People are very anxious for our POTUS to return. And it shows. But asking a simple question shouldn’t be enough to trigger wwiii from people.


(…maybe we all have “inner snowflakes”…..)

Unlabeled quality

Or inner sparks, waiting to start fires…or worse. A fiery snowflake….
I don’t know why people have been picking fights with you. WTAF??


I noticed MB’s form would not accept my email which is my own domain — had to use another one.. Yes it’s a google thing for sure. Best to use gmail if you have it


Holy guacamole and thank you, Micharl.


Again, since my message dropped way WAY WAY down, I’m just saying again, what great news! Thanks so much!


got caught in “traffic” maybe?


I wrote it to Michael at the very top of the page! Now it’s so far down I can’t even find it‼️


I think this movie ends with Fake Biden and Harris conceding publicly. The few that voted for them will throw tantrums in the street but they are so weak they’ll be put down quickly.


they have to concede..otherwise 30-40% ppl would not believe…..i expect jumps from 7 th floors….


I think a public concession will lessen the blow for the lefties. Allow Fake Biden and Harris explain what they did, from Gitmo.


Xiden and harris were just along for the ride on November 3rd. Others were orchestrating the big steal. Those two are just DS puppets. Wouldn’t surprise me if the DS kills both of them when things are going down and blames it on President Trump and his supporters. Then the chaos begins with skirmishes all over the country, possible secession in some areas, and the speaker of the house claiming her “rightful” position as president.


That’s just before they’re executed, right??


Is Walter Reed Veterens Hospital in DC the new Prison ?
If so, Camel two toes is there?
If so, The orig. stroked out, paralyzed $Bi-bi-don is also there??
If so The 6 State Govs.who never left the Pentagon are there?
If so The Traitor Admirals and Generals are there?
Or, if not, where ever they are holed up


Not sure. The crooks won’t even say which TX Dems or White House aids that got the coof. Coof is code for jailed?


WTH are you talking about ??⁉‼


coof = cough


Going by the news
The Military hospital has to have good hospital-prison facilities as Gitmo has no facilities to care for $iden in the state he must be in after the severe stroke June 1st, he’s unable to walk. Great acting now in faux WH. as it’s nearly over, now the WH doc is concerned about faux’s mental faculties..(acted ofcourse). Way to end the whole faux BS


Look for articles about Gitmo investments now with a brand new wing with wheel chair access,medical facility for senior care,etc. It was on msm.


No. Biden is in the White House, VP is at the VP residence and the governors are at home.

Ed Bob

I think this movie ends with the mass beating of liberals in the streets, no matter their color.


If they dare to take it to the streets I’m sure they will lose. Nobody likes them.


Do you think the illegals will be the rioters? If so we got a couple million to deal with. I wonder how that would play out


Monkey Werx thinks they are installing them in the big cities for that purpose.


I saw that. That would be Miley’s military doing that?


I agree, I have heard the same, but I’ve read, it will be the Chinese, and UN, which people have seen in various states….so who knows for sure, just be prepared!


i think they are importing their FUTURE army to deal with the PATRIOTS when we have had enough and take to the streets.. these r NOT children they are letting in.. they are men of fighting age.. gang members, etc.. from ALL OVER>. in other words.. PAID MERCENARIES working on behalf of UN and CCP infiltrators who want to get rid of us PESKY AMericans who think we still have RIGHTS to our own LAND and FREEDOM.. THat is the REASON the borders are OPEN. in LET IN people who have NO qualms about killing AMericans if they can get a leg up on us and TAKE over our SHIT!!


Yeah but unfortunately we have to keep watching the movie for another 80,000 hours to get to the end.




I’m just glad to see a new story and new tribunal information,im waiting to hear about all of the traitors and their fate,thank you


Absolutely AGREE‼

Dawn Thorpe

You are correct Michael. Took three tries before I could get it to load. Means they do not want this out there…

Irish Girl

Guess you ruffled some feathers with this one. Praying for your safety, Michael.

Big E

Seems the deep state techies are possibly testing the water to see (when the time comes) how effectively they can circumvent the truth about election fraud being divulged (Q referenced communications blackout; RED 2). They’ll be going into panic mode once proof of election fraud starts peculating through alternative media streams (like this one). Of course the MSM will be doing everything in their power to disqualify the info.

Kudos to you Michael – we stand by you and thank you for your service. By the way…what has become of the (other) individuals noted on your last tribunal list? Any word?

Incorrigible Skeptic

Very well could be. There is a massive ddos attack hitting the US and western Europe. Word is the Mccaffe deadman switch is dropping tonight at 1am. We’ll see how big of a firework show that is.


Some announcements in multiple WH sources, about Emergency Broadcasting System happening on 11 August.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Yep I’d heard that FEMA had announced a test to the system. Whether that’s the full story or even the real story remains to be seen.


Well said …all that goes from me also to Michael and for all that he does


Follow Chris Krebs money. After being fired by Trump when he lied saying the election was secure he joined forces with a Facebook exec. Their first client, Solar Winds.

Get him, and the so called Russian hackers quickly disappear.


The fake news loves Chris Krebs so you know he’s filth. Get his money and send him to Gitmo!


After 5 – 6 years of Deep-State lies and collusions, I would expect DJT needs to get his next book out. — In his spare time of course

With his hugely gained experience from dealing with the‘dirty tricks’ DS, he needs to write a book for educational, philosophical and historical perspective reasons.

Attempted Sabotage Of My Deals,,,,

By Your WWGOWGA Pressy —DJT




From what I understand, at Gitmo they must sign releasing ALL their assets.


Michael, please take a good look at Joshua Munn’s posts and block him, thank you!

MAGA CountryBabe

We might not like what is said but we don’t block people or censor them. Or are you one of those lefty snowflakes that can’t handle someone else’s view?

Sharon Manning

I do not object to a person stating his/her view ONE time. Enuff said.


Maga … it’s the huge repeated, copy’n’pasted postings of Joshua Munn’ that take up gobs of space. Not asking to have him removed, but he needs to shorten his postings also

Ed Bob

Joshua Munn comments are not ‘a view’ country babe. They are an attack, by an enemy, with multiple pages of babble l, designed to clog these comments. So it appears you didn’t notice that.

That said, the left’s ‘view’ is communism, and anti-American, satanic nonsense. After this is all panned out, Satanists, demoncrats, communists and lefties won’t be allowed to spew their ‘view’ anymore – their ‘view’ is what got us into this baby blood drinking, BLM city burning mess to begin with.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ed Bob

Munn is a bot. No response to any posts, no explanation or follow up, just the same wall of text multiple times in articles. Its a copy paste from another discussion board that is always under attack. It’s quite possible it’s part of the DDOS attack. Munn should be blocked for security.

However, ironically, you were trying to censor others by criticizing language you disapproved of, so now it appears when the content is up your alley you’re defending a spammer, making personal slams, under the guise of support for free speech. Kind of transparently hypocritical.

These wall of text spam posts are completely off topic, not for any proselytizing purpose, they are here to disrupt.


And who are you to make such an adamant statement? It is up to Michasl whether he does that or not. But I agree with Cricket. Josh rambles & rambles & rambles. He takes the Bible & twist it around to suit himself…& he really makes no sense…he just rambles. I agree…BLOCK him if you can…I certainly would. I know Jesus Christ well as my Lord & Master…my Saviour & am not ashamed to say it…but Josh doesn’t make anyone want to come to know Him….he just RAMBLES on & on. Please do us all a huge favor & remove him. Thank you.


You’ve not studied the problem — it now looks like a BOT attack


You speaking of the bot who keeps posting a 12 inch long post over in here?
Something is up with that for sure and now MB is having issues getting out his reports….under attack.
DS dont want world knowing their big demons are being taken out.


None of us can block or sensor people here on RRN, but as a moderator, Michael Baxter can, and does. I can ask him, it doesn’t mean he will. No, MAGA, I’m not a lefty snowflake, quite the contrary, lol! To make such an ignorant accusation I must’ve struck a nerve… are you a Scientologist like Joshua Munn? Or are you just oblivious to his monotonous ramblings to consider them “views”? I suggest you actually read the comments on this article and come back and let us know what you think, specifically, of Joshua Munn’s repetitive, copy/pasted “views” and how they contribute to the article at hand. His replies don’t correlate with anyone’s comments. Check his posts on previous articles and you’ll find the same redundancy.

Unlabeled quality

This Munn person is likely a troll or bot, though. And I’ve noticed this guy’s posts have been increasing with intensity whenever an article comes out about Trump or anything related to his return.
It helps to know the difference, MAGA CountryBabe.
Free speech ends when you start harassing people to distract from the truth.


Reported to MB 16 hours ago approx. to do something. Control, Block or Remove
I called it Shill or Trolling but realize now if it appears with certain words/ nouns used by members here, then its most probably a BOT !





Ed Bob

Yes, Joshua Munn bombarding your comments with pages of white noise Babel.

J Bill

It was there waiting for me (everyone) when I walked into the page. A TH in the commenter’s window. The window was black and the tool icons were shuffled around. I cut the link and came back…gone.


oh hey you did come back after a new, albeit shitty, translator




DDOS attacks; troll invasions. Not bad for a crazy conspiracy-theory website. Makes one wonder why the enemy thinks this site is worthy of so much time and attention.

Thanks, Michael!


he he he ! Right on ! LOL !
Trolls reported back to base…..!!!


Or MB just said it and wanted to see how many people are so crazy that they also suddenly “noticed” that the site was slow.


right over the target

J Bill

Bombs away!!!


oh shit you’re both back? god damn i didn’t think you could both make it back without a better translator

MAGA CountryBabe

?????????? WC’s?

Terminally deplorable

Now with enhanced Chinese technology


Michael had it sorted out pretty quickly
But, don’t be surprised if it loads slower again —
RRN must be bothering them now– he he he


Try telegram…It works real good??

Vince Sly

Be careful My research has shown that telegram has been compromised and the DS has been collecting everyone’s info including location info.