Military Arrests Andrew Cuomo


Disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo is in military custody and will face a military tribunal for his role in coercing NY State health officials to artificially inflate Covid-19 fatality numbers during the initial wave of the Plandemic.

On Sunday, August 15, U.S. Navy Seals under JAG authority arrested Cuomo at property he leases in East Hampton, NY. A JAG spokesperson told RRN that the SEALS suffered no casualties but had to subdue two of Cuomo’s bodyguards, both of whom the SEALs incapacitated using non-lethal force.

The pre-dawn raid caught Cuomo, who was asleep in bed, by surprise; reportedly, he muttered “oh, fuck” when he opened his eyes and saw 6 heavily armed SEALs leering down at him. The SEALS restrained Cuomo in zip cuffs, escorted him outdoors and pushed him into an unmarked van, our source said.

“He’s been taken to a military holding facility until he’s transported to GITMO,” our source added.

He told RRN that the military had started an investigation into Cuomo’s misdeeds two years ago, after reports began to surface suggesting that the former governor had instructed nursing homes and hospices to put relatively healthy senior citizens into mobile, refrigerated morgues—eighteen-wheelers that, prior to the plandemic, had been used to transport frozen goods and vegetables across the nation.  It turned out that Cuomo held substantial stock in BZS Transportation, a Brooklyn-based refrigerated transport service.

“Many of these people did not have Covid-19. No PCR tests were ever done. A lot of these people were old and elderly and had other illnesses that had nothing to do with Covid, but Cuomo wanted to enforce lockdowns—and the more Covid cases, the better the lockdowns. He indirectly put living people in frozen food trucks to freeze to death,” our source said.

Moreover, JAG has obtained irrefutable proof that Cuomo threatened to withhold state funding from nursing homes and hospitals unless they attributed non-Covid deaths to Covid-19. As a result, thousands of death certificates were falsified on Cuomo’s orders. Heart attacks, gun shot victims, drownings, people struck by lightning, car accident fatalities, drug overdoses—all blamed on Covid-19.

The military, our source said, has long sought Cuomo’s arrest, but until recently the groping former governor had ample Deep State protection.

“He was insulated and had too much prominence to simply nab and grab,” our source said.

But Cuomo’s security quickly dissolved after 16 women accused him of sexual harassment, forcing his resignation. People who had been his intimate allies suddenly abandoned him, and whatever Deep State protection he had eroded beneath his feet. Even the actor, Arthur Roberts, who portrays Joe Biden in press conferences and on television, called for Cuomo’s resignation. In short, he was thrown to the wolves.

“We realized we had the perfect opportunity to make the arrest,” our source said.

Cuomo will probably be interrogated and offered a chance to confess, before being flown to GITMO. But if he’s anything like other Deep State operatives arrested by the military, he’s more likely to just claim “I was following orders” and will wind up facing a firing squad or the gallows.

Correction: The arrest took place on August 15, not August 7. We apologize for the typo.

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Kelly Knauth Brown

I really hope everything Mr. Baxter writes is what is happening……………….

Karen Smith

How does this work as the media sometimes write about these people still doing things after they are supposed to be at Gitmo? l also saw his final Goodbye “lm leaving speech” after he was supposed to be at Gitmo.

Last edited 3 years ago by Karen Smith

Who is giving these orders? Please find out.


so when are you coming for Murphy

John S.

Front page NY Post 8/24, Andrew [currently] doesn’t have a place to live who trying to find home for his dog.

Why won’t brother Chris put him up during housing transition? No spare bedroom? Buzz Chris has a lavish place.

Newsday Publication 8/24, Andrew’s speech prerecorded; from where?

Hmm, styrofoam State Seal [plaque] velcro to curtain backdrop in illusion from NY location?

Andrew didn’t look himself during speech, seems like he’s in a different world (90 miles South of Key West).


And this wasn’t Cuomo yesterday?


Trenton Rizza

That was him as best I can tell

Deb Dulude

Please those that are not understanding the illusions, trickery, black magic that these evil people are using. Watch the movie WAG THE DOG

Trenton Rizza

How did Cuomo do a farewell speech after he was arrested? I hope these stories are true and not just a story.

Deb Dulude

They , the politicians, have body doubles. They also use CGIs—-computer generated images and oh one more —- clones.
Look behind the scenes. Watch the movie WAG THE DOG.
They have been hiding all this technology from us for a very long time. Look at the science fiction movies. THey are throwing it in our faces and laughing at us.

Deb Dulude

And also holograms.

Trenton Rizza

I hope you are right


Why would he leave his dog behind?????!!!!!


Sandy Koufax

The dog was just a prop. Psychopaths like Cuomo are unable to connect with animals.


Or maybe he left in a hurry!


Does anyone really believe these stories?????


Yes because no one from the JAG or those arrested are disputing them.



Jake BH

If not Gov Cuomo live, then who just gave Hurricane Henri report for Long Island New York in the present time? The male person appeared to be Giovanni Cuomo! What gives? I don’t think he is in bilocation!
please explain!


Oh I have seen him on the tee vee all day long and yes that was him . This site is obviously fake news . Imagine that!


Entire movies are made in CGI. Think they can’t do it in real life?

Deb Dulude

They have holograms, CGIs, clones and oh yes body doiubles. They have been hiding all this technology from us for a very long time. It s all going to be exposed.


brother Chris…wake up


Good Riddance to this disgusting slimy evil Deep State Satanic Pervert Pedo…And his his disgusting Loser low life POS brother Chris Cuomo of the CIA Run Mockinbird Media Trash Fake Lying News …CNN!!!!!!


I have it on good authority that George and Alexander Soros were arrested yesterday by a contingent of Cub Scouts of America. It is believed that they were some 750 strong when they nabbed the pair at the Signature MIA private Jet Center at Miami International Airport before they attempted to board a Global Express Global 8000 private business jet on their way to Haiti to attempt to “rescue” children displaced by the earthquake and then take them to their private island in the South China Sea.

The Cub Scouts caught wind of the Soros’ plan and found out what time their private jet had set for their IFR departure flight plan from some children engaged in Civil Air Patrol activities. The call went out on the Children’s Radio Relay League of America ham radios to have the Scouts gather, and gather they did.

The Soros were nearly beaten into bruising from the Scouts as they rounded them up and pummeled them with their little fists.

The Scouts took the nefarious duo to an emergency, make-shift civilian court at Coconut Groves famous Dinner Key Marina where the two men were tried by a hastily prepared 12 Eagle Scout members tribunal.

In a 9 minute trial the pair were found to be guilty of crimes against children, crimes against currency, crimes against humanity, crimes against the Constitution, crimes against fashion, crimes against mirrors etc.

The sentence was handed down by an Explorer Scout, death by firing squad. But the kids were not old enough to own real firearms so they set up a semicircular firing line and used wrist rocket sling shots and .17 caliber CO2 pellet rifles instead.
Because of the near non-lethality of the method, it took nearly 6 hours of a continued barrage of ball bearings and lead pellets before the two criminals succumbed to their injuries.

The kids sold the airplane to the Fixed Based Operator that was refueling it and they all went to Jahn’s Ice Cream Parlor in Miami and ordered 50 Kitchen Sinks and had a wild ice cream party afterward.

It was a very good day for all except the Soros.


I heard that too, you beat me. Forward it to the AP and UPI, they might be interested. News is news .


I heard somewhere that American citizens cannot go to GITMO, that it is only reserved for foreign prisoners. Can somebody elaborate on that if they know?


Yes it’s been designated for foreign terrorists for a while now. No Americans are there , only 39 prisoners and the most recent one was admitted over 10 years ago. Biden is going to close it . Plenty of information about it .


Here’s my take, ordinary, law abiding Americans have no business going near GITMO. On the other hand, American citizens who have committed treason definitely are welcomed to GITMO. Lastly, yes initially, GITMO was for foreign prisoners/enemy combatants post 9-11. It is alleged that the place have been refurbished during the past three years to accommodate the influx of treasonous characters starting with HRC, J, Brennan, J. Podesta, J. Comey to afford them very important prisoners treatment.


It was refurbished to accommodate an aging population of current prisoners . Handicapped facilities . No US citizens there .

Deb Dulude

Arriverderci Andrew !


Governor Newsom sold one of his mansions


He knows his days are numbered

Katie Jones

I had not heard of the freezer trucks. New York is not the place to be if you are older under cuomo. I thought so many died that they did not have room in the morgue for all the bodies. What a liar.
Just heard trump is going to speak in an hour which for me is 6:00 central time zone.


Watch for information coming from the Pennsylvania informed consent advocates. A group of doctors and nurses who work in the Penn University health system.

Penn University is manufacturing the Pfizer jab lead by Clinton machine Rhaum Emmanuel’s brother. The Clinton machines goal has always been to collapse the health system and covert to 3rd world socialized medici


Attorney Bruce Caster (Trump’s lawyer who defeated Pelosi impeachment 3) is representing the group. Heavy hitters are joining daily. #Nuremburg2.0

We have some mopping up to do. The entire Clinton machine must be dismantled.




Penn University is where the CCP funded Biden center is located. Will be easy to connect the University to China and seize their assets.


The University that trafficks baby parts. One truth leads to another.


Not Penn State. That is the other PA University-Pitt.




Do you mean the University of Pennsylvania or Penn State ? U of P is in Philadelphia .


Amazing that of all the ‘fine’ minds amongst the libs out there that none of them even attempted to claim the five million dollar reward for proving the evidence of election fraud to be wrong. But they can’t, and won’t because they KNOW. Wait for the trolls to choke on their words as the truth is finally unable to be censored or blocked.


I believe the Symposium was a starlink test. 130 million cyber attacks could not take down the fourth server.

We got more than expected from the three day event. If starlink is active today that means the dark web is gone. No more sharing kiddie porn and drug trafficking. The deep state panic tells me we do have a new public internet. Also explains why protecting the poppy fields is no longer a profitable endeavor.


How do you find out if Starlink is active ?


Lol people did attempt it, the reason nobody “won” is that it was a essentially a “Prove Mike Lindell Wrong” contest, and the judge of that contest was Mike Lindell. He never was and never will admit anyone can prove him wrong, no matter what. He’s going to blow his whole fortune on this crap and will never have anything to show for it.

Also if you were paying attention, he rescinded the offer before the Cyber Symposium even ended. Specifically the reward was for “proving his pcap data is not solid proof the election was stolen” and then it turned out his pcap data was complete crap, every expert at the event said it was unreadable. At that point the contest was completely moot, and pretty much anyone could have made claim to the reward, lol.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zane

I believe the prize was taken off the table after it was discovered there was no evidence to disprove. The person who had the evidence had a stroke and could not deliver it.


Can anyone explain why Biden is taking the blame for Kabul when Trump is in charge of the military? It really crushes most of your “Trump is really in charge” theories.


Yes why doesn’t someone explain this ? They explain everything else ad finitum .


Already explained and now repeated. There are many other offerings here even if you can’t keep up others do.

Kandie Barriga



What do you mean by “in charge of”? The military is in charge at the moment. They are the ones to return their recognized CiC when the time is fit. They just happen to be providing certain means to their goal in cooperation with their choice for future governing….as it always has been. Meanwhile you are under their control while the ongoing coup offers future tribunal evidence of treason and its punishment of the many……iow, draining the swamp monstrosity!

Once again, catch up!


And just a little more help for you “guys” who can’t keep up with the latest, you might just want to go to MB’s latest report to understand who’s really in charge.

I know….bummer for you!


Gen Milley on TV now . That’s him for sure .




The entirety of the US military are body doubles.
Geeeeeezzzzz, try to keep up…

American Living in Canada

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,


Ooooo is this the 10 Days of Darkness? Is it happening right now?


I can’t find out but Z mentioned it many times with great reveals to be noted .


“A day is as a thousand years”!

Mushrooms don’t know when they are in the dark and having manure thrown on them!


So in other words there is no timeline at all for Trump to return the the WH and for all we know it might take a thousand years. Got it 🙂


Indeed a dastardly demon raised by a dastardly demon!


President Trump has really screwed up with the Afghanistan situation. So many women and children sold to human traffickers this week because of his actions. The reputation of the US military may never recover.


When was that moment where he moved to deny his own plan of action?


Don’t Engage SHILLS, TROLLS &
Don’t Amplify Wrong Information
Don’t Disrespect RRN Administrator Michael Baxter & Member’s Comments

LIST of TROLLS & SHILLS on this page —–

1     Bofa
2     TED
3 Jim Buffer
4    Exile
5     Zane
6     buck fiden
7     Ethan Rye8     
8 AmericaVanguard
9    Oliver Wendell Douglas
10  Rick
11   Project 144K
12  Xnibblet
13  dannyd
14 Edd
15 cJake BH ?

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Yes , yes , I made number 4 and I don’t even get paid . Thanks fellow trolls for support and shared cynicism and jadedness . Whooo hoooo! Reinstatement day will mean even more now !


Zee, when is it scheduled for now?


gotcha…it obvious..easy to avoid and move on.
thanks patriot!


Is Starlink up?


Lol the best part of this is that you put the list together ostensibly to warn people ‘not to engage’ but literally no one replies to all these users more than you do, Zee. It’s not even close 🙂


Is Zee female or do they just take it in a way that would be more comfortable for a female?


Please make a list of the people who will be getting a huge bonus soon! Maybe the top 15 would be nice. Oh wait, you just did! Thank you!

Lucky star

They will send some one using name “Zeen”


It’s bend me shape me.




He’s a class A scumbag…he needs to freeze to death before burning for eternity..


President Trump on Hannity tonight 9pm ET


Federal employees are reaching out to Project Veritas like never before. New release August 24th.


Can’t wait to listen to him complain about how badly Biden has mishandled the Afghanistan withdrawal… even though Biden has nothing to do with it since Trump is secretly Commander in Chief 😉


“Biden is Utterly Unfit to be the President of the United States and it Blows my Mind How World Leaders … ‘Suckup’ to such an Intellectually Bereft Individual” – Alan Jones at Sky News in Australia


Biden is currently at Walter Reed hospital, paralyzed from the waist down from a stroke as of June 1 per Michael Baxter. He is not functioning as president. But he has never been able to do the job of VP let alone Pres.


Biden is fine, Michael Baxter is full of shit.


Your friend, Mr. Biden, would highly disagree with you himself.


Gonna need some proof on that one, bud. Show me Biden denying he is Commander in Chief or whatever it is you’re talking about


Props to Hannity, he led the interview very well. Probably his highest ratings this year.

President Trump is our true leader without a doubt. Tough as nails. MAGA!

#ImpeachBidenNow #BidenResign #25thAmendmentNow


As per usual Hannity’s questions were 10 minutes long. He should learn to shut up and seal the deal. It was an OK interview but hannity as always interjects himself as the center of attention.


That’s not an accident, Hannity knows Trump can go on rants that go wildly off the rails if he doesn’t keep a tight grip on the interview. In particular I’m sure Fox is very nervous about Trump going off on election conspiracies about Dominion and other companies, because Fox actually cares about the risk they’re under to possibly get sued for defamation.


When, oh when, will that foul TRAITOR Mitch McConnell be arrested, taken to GITMO and undergo a military tribunal?! He’s on the take with the communist Chinese just like Biden and aligns himself with the commiecrats.
Bret Baier of Fox News was asking him if any of his Kentucky constituents in Afghanistan were in need of help and he looked dumbfounded. That piece of crap wouldn’t know or care.

Last edited 3 years ago by Guest4579

His wife is of Chinese descent if that means anything and a rich one to boot. Sorry for stereotyping her.


Her family owns a shipping company.

Angel Askew

That is not stereotyping her. It’s a fact. You didn’t say “all chinese drive bad.” That would be stereotyping. Lol


All chinese drive bad.

Lucky star

Another racist other than Darlene


Lighten up BITCH. It was a joke, DUMBASS


No one will arrest him .

Angel Askew

My vote is to keep you, Ollie. Probably just a weird glitch. I told MB I loved him and he put me in time out. Seemed that way anyway. ?? WWG1WGA

Angel Askew

Ha! I plead guilty. No silk stroke though. Just excited from the news. I don’t even remember which article now.

Angel Askew

His stroke job? Nah, it’s all relevant in the big scheme of things. The info once publicly dissemenated and proven will be disgusting for most but crippling for the heels dug in I don’t believe it until I see it neysayers. These articles are priming us.

Angel Askew

I bet $5 Cuomo is trying to hang out for two weeks before resigning knowing DJT is about to drop the hammer on this entire charade and beg to keep his job and be pardoned from his geriatric murders.


So Trump is going to do something in 2 weeks?


Reinstatement day redux!! Of course it will happen . According to Zee days of darkness are over on Friday without any major reveals as she predicted. Why pray tell ?

Angel Askew

Possibly even this Friday. O’Byedone’s plans are to abandon all the Americans still in Afghanistan and bring back as many Afghans as possible.

I heard a tape today from 2 of 22 missionaries who got out. The rest are in hiding. Taliban is going door to door confiscating weapons and looking for trouble already. The Missionaries do not expect to live.


You mean “WAS” trying to hang out for two weeks
“cos he’s arrested now


Come on your Zeeness, what reveals have happened since the start of the ominous Days of Darkeness that no one else seems to know about . Spill it . They will soon be over . As always nothing will happen .

Angel Askew

I’m not disputing MB’s article. I think he was arrested and is wearing the ankle bracelet with terms or something similar.


Tarot by Janine has some interesting things to say about Real Raw News…


Such as?


Was really a positive for RRNews
It’s real Military Info

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Sorry…tried to post a link to the YT video..but got message that “Post awaiting for approval”…according to her interpretation of the reading…mainly true..timelines may differ


Maybe you tried to put the link in with the “.” befote the com?

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Link is : youtubeDOTcom/watch?v=PNe4wkwdYiY&t=629s


Well if the tarot cards say so, that settles it!


I don’t really like Tarot much but I prefer it to your BS
And she actually made good sense–more than you TROLLS


Lol I actually cite sources, if you think bullshitting with a deck or cards makes more sense then that, then you are exactly the kind of mark that grifters like ‘Janine’ seek out.

Cindy B.

If the military is in control, are they also calling the shots in Afghanistan? I hope not.


Before jumping in–Let’s be careful and wait for more info — many lives are at risk here


For those of us that watched the TV case for war in the middle and later learned it was all lies will question everything we are hearing today.

I am reserving judgement for now.


We heard from someone here her son is over there and can’t get out


Must be a civilian. Who in their right mind would want to go there in the first place? it must have been for high pay/hazard pay.

Last edited 3 years ago by Guest4579

Don’t we wish we can take a peek inside Q’s Quantum computer.


The military is in control of what they have always been tasked with and they answer to the Commander in Chief Joe Biden. Your Trump fantasy is falling apart fast.


You focus on that to distract us from Biden’s failures that are putting us all at risk, including you. Earth to Mars . . .


Trump on tv now, not acting or sounding like he has any control . He knows




You flatter me with all the attention . Thanks .


NY Post headline: Murder by incompetence’: Biden spurns Afghan allies while letting border get swarmed


Seems your Joey Boy has abandoned ship and gone home[


It makes zero sense that Trump is Commander in Chief but Biden is somehow calling the shots in Afghanistan anyways. Trump is even putting out statements every day saying Biden is doing a bad job handling it, and it’d be going much better if he was still calling the shots himself.

In other words there is nothing to your guys’ big fantasy that Trump is still the super-secret Commander in Chief of the military. Trump himself is spelling it out to you.


While you ignore Biden’s organized chaos in Afghanistan, you continue to repeat your worn-out mantra. Don’t ignore my words “organized chaos” which means Biden and his ilk intentionally cause the chaos so they can pretend to fix the chaos, while going after the vast reserves of gold, platinum, silver, copper, iron, uranium and aluminum in Afghanistan to line their own pockets. It costs a lot of money for these globalist-communists to create the chaos to force Communism on to free countries and to bribe the underlings to support them. If you haven’t noticed, they have been doing this for decades.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jullou

I’m not even defending Biden here though. Nowhere did I say his Afghanistan withdrawal has gone well.

My point is just that all evidence here, including Trump’s own words and official statements, points to Biden being the current Commander of Chief of the military. All this stuff about “Trump is Secret Commander of the military because he signed the Secret Insurrection Act” is pure fantasy.


Then put your thinking hat on. Do you think the military was divided during the Obama era when he fired many, many flag officers (generals and admirals) and probably recruited for leftists??!! I think so. I believe what we have is a leftist military division and an America-First division that are at odds. I believe President Trump has the support of the AF division and the fraudster had his leftists. Never in recent times have we had such a division and a coup to inaugurate a fraudster. So as you see, matters are complex and very serious right now to continue your rather shallow attempt at mocking us on this point.


You are just wildly speculating, there is zero evidence whatsoever that the military is divided into opposing left and right factions. There has been no ‘coup to inaugurate a fraudster’ either. Did you watch the Biden inauguration? Cause the military was there, and they were totally on board with everything happening right in front of them.


BTW, I am not talking about defined military divisions governed by regulations. I am talking about innate matters of the heart (knowing right from wrong.


While the troll squad ignores the huge faults and inexplicable oddities of the Biden Admin, they repeat a familiar line about Trump being secretly Commander-in-Chief, which I don’t recall any article here saying. What the articles do say is that Trump signed the Insurrection Act before he stepped down, handing off the situation to the military. But, the military has some generals not on-board, and there is current allowance for Biden and his puppet-masters to run most things, while the counter-insurgency runs behind the scenes, grabbing the deep state operatives they can arrest and put on tribunal, while they get ready for an imminent (date unknown as yet,) arrival of more public actions.

The squad of trolls don’t want to believe it, and they create all sorts of purposeful false distortions to confuse and cloud the facts as they are known. Deep down, they are worried that the articles on this site are actually true.


A serious dangerous shill


That’s right, better watch out for my very dangerous internet comments ?



Last edited 3 years ago by Zee


If you haven’t already, watch


Hilary Clinton, the former secretary of state, does not comment on Afghanistan. Is this not an indirect proof of its liquidation?




In addition to what DJT said at a CEPAC rally when the crowd.chanted, lock her up to which Trump responded (and I’m paraphrasing here,)” no need she went away “.

J Bill

it is of her “liquidation.”


Well, this is definitely a welcome bit of info. Glad “Party Tits” is in custody. He is definitely too dangerous to be on the loose. He & Whitmer & others have killed more people than any other serial killer to dated that I am aware of, maybe George H Bush & all the Iraqis that he had killed is the only one I know that can surpass “Party Tits”. This man is a serious Cuck. Glad that our MilSpecOps nabbed him! Yahoo! Great job!


Don’t forget about “W” and 9/11.


Gee, I wonder how convincing Cuomo’s body double will be. Guess we’ll find out because there’s no way the military didn’t arrest him, right?


Trump was busy pulling the military out of Kabul so that the women and children there could be enslaved. So you still say Trump is running the military and Biden is not involved? Time to change the narrative so you can blame Biden for this because it does not look good for Trump to have enabled the Taliban.


Unfortunately, the recent chaos is happening on JB’ shift. He even blamed “the previous administration” for the chaos. Trump’s shift starts next week. Watch the news and pick your media.


Lmao, so being Commander in Chief happens in shifts now, sure man why not 🙂


Thanks for asking my fren. Just the messenger here, it is alleged that there was an unwritten agreement between the Blue and Red teams taking turns in running the country. All that written agreement stopped when Obama became President cuz his term ushered the DS 16 year Plan to destroy our country. HRC’s much anticipated winning the 2016 election was to complete the 16 year plan.


yes..because of circus in the kabul & washinghton dc….


If Trump was really president, he would step up now and take control. But he isn’t and he won’t do anything but play golf and drink Diet Coke.
Your theories all fall apart when reality steps in. Trump controls the military? So the whole situation now is his fault? What happened to the chess game you all love to talk about. Did he lose that too?


Ted, don’t we all wish we can take a peek into Q’s Quantum computer just for this time? Do you know of good hackers?


Pretty much anyone who was not at the pillow guy show would be better than anyone who was there.


Jim, don’t we wish we can take a peek into Q’s Quantum computer even just for this one time? Let’s all leave it in God’s hands He who is on our side in our fight against the DS/Cabal. ???


go check out before its news, and rumor mill sites…..

J Bill

He’s aleady in. August 20 for the dissenters.


Put HIM in the freezer!! What a total SCUMBAG, him and his brother!
Speaking of his scummy brother… Did you know Fredo’s wife Cristina Greeven Cuomo was listed in Epstein’s 1997 address book.. HMM…


These people are sick!


And extremely infectious even more infectious than Covid.


You got that right. Why can’t common sense be contagious… Baffling beyond belief. Maybe we wouldn’t be where we are today if all us had a Brain


Melissa, God gave us a brain to be used for His greater glory and honor. Unfortunately, some use their free will to do evil things.

Terminally deplorable

And way more deadly.


Sick devil worshipping freaks!!


With the death certificate to read thus, died of hypothermia. How’s that for getting even. ???


yep..did know that..times coming


Yeah, please MB, can we get a new reinstatement date from your Mar-a-lago source? I’m ready to get super hyped for it again! 🙂


J Bill what is the site for your information?

J Bill

Maybe not for mine. But certainly not for yours. So stand up and be counted troll.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

They want the site so they can go over there and troll some more.


That´s why they keep coming here, day after day, praying for a slip up thinking they will get to see any sources,lol

Lucky star

Like a dumb donkey

Merrylee Lanehart

It’s about damn time! Now, when are they coming for Newsom, Brown and Inslee?


When one falls they all fall.

buck fiden

Where they go one, they go all?

J Bill

*** Important News Update! For Mr. Baxter, Patriots, commenters:
Today’s YT update fresh, including lots of recently declassified info.

MAJOR info presented as public announcements on You Tube. Includes warning to dissenters/engagement in treasonous activity, as on public internet. Major public outlet includes Real Raw News.
It is 27:00 approximately in length, lots of data. Voice is Artificial Intelligence voice via US Military Intel. Pay close attention.
I can provide a few brief points. But there is many to mention in this space. Some may be of more importance, especially for USA and will try to include those first.
President DJ Trump has been publicly observed in AF1 Jet.
People (i.e. trolls here) who continue to refute this info, who pose themselves as a threat to USA National Security and a barrier to world peace, can expect to be dealt with by USA Military and world wide forces. For continuing to present themselves as enemy combatants. Constitutional Law and Martial Law will apply.

The links:
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of August 17, 2021
First portion: start @2:50… 3:25 approx.
a. Mike Lindell signals possibility all 50 States were flipped
b. Joe B declared illegitimate President including by foreign operatives. Who wish only to negotiate with a legitimate President Donald J Trump. This includes hostile forces in the middle east.
c. @7:40 any POTUS in defiance of Constitutional Law or world wide, will be removed by Military.
d. CCN reporter(s) have been apprehended disinforming critical middle east forces. Who now insist, will only negotiate with a Legitimate USA President, Donald J Trump. Due to past bad faith dealings with past administrations (see @22:00)
e. Project Veritas (@ 18:50) will be deposing New York Times imminently. For all world to see vast implications, especially re: polling in SCONY Judges’s ruling April 14, 2021. Implications for Social Media platforms, MSM, internet trolling, etc..
f. @22:00 Specific identification of traitors from past US administrations and treasonous activities identified to be true source information, found on REAL RAW NEWS site, and source Michael Baxter. See Adam Schiff article. Benghazi incident is outlined here.
h. 6000 patents re: special medical treatments or technology will be released, including anti-gravity and new energy source.
This is only a partial list people. But will listen again and transcribe as much more info as I can. To be included in further email updates to Michael Baxter and his RRN site.
People beware if a child is disinforming the general public at internet sites such as RRN. Who may be presenting as voting adult members of the general public.
Disrupting the flow of important, critical information presented at this site to other people world over who rely on it.
May Almighty God Bless:
All USA Military Intel, Army, Navy and Marine Divisions
President Donald J Trump & his Family
All Patriots
Good Citizens of the USA
Good citizens and commenters world wide

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

Lol the US military AND worldwide forces are coming for me? Seems like a bit overkill, no? ?


Ahaha I’m a threat to national security and an enemy combatant because I say your dumb website is fake? This post rules Bill, this is some of the absolute larp-iest bullshit I have ever seen on here, thank you ?

J Bill

go away Zit while u still can.


I will never stand down. I will never stop posting. ??

J Bill



No, let him keep commenting these morons don’t know what their remarks are setting them up for as always the criminal eventually trips up and is the cause of their own demise. Or like the saying goes, ‘went back to the well one too many times’. They get greedy.


I will never face justice for my posting, Lisa.

buck fiden

A compliment from Zane!

J Bill

go away Zit while u still can.




Sorry, I was recovering from an extreme belly laugh. It hurt but was so worth it. Thank you I needed that

Angel Askew

No one has used there ammo yet, boy. Slow down. lol


A Cyber Ninja?


See what I mean, the idiots always comment themselves into criminal activity. They step on their own feet and create their own fall.


Lol so Jim Buffer saying he is a ninja is criminal activity? Can you please cite me the law being violated here, Lisa? 🙂


GFY with lying stupid sh-t


No such place… .
My shidoshi is Hiroshi Takanaga, a 17th generation Ninja master, my other master is Grand Master Kam Yuen who I studied Praying Mantis Kung -Fu under. My first master was Wayley Lin under him I learned Wu-Shu Kung Fu…so please tell us all the names of you instructors.

Last edited 3 years ago by Shutterbug

Grand Master B

J Bill

ahh. a “looker” was she?

J Bill

it’s “university of gmail.” you spelled it wrong.


Name them


Come find me you pussy, I’ll take you down.

J Bill

I got only one. My instructor was SK Army Drill instructor.
Not from a cracker-jack box lid mail in course.


I’ll watch on bitchute. Probably won’t last long on yt. I know of the channel you are referring to.

J Bill

I’m surprised, YT hasn’t taken any down lately despite a treasure trove of juicy and incriminating info on the updates. They keep coming and can’t read them fast enough.

My guess? Trump, Military Intel et al must have ‘ACE card high’ for obstruction charges up their sleeves.

That would be pretty much cover everyone who speaks “cabal” in the US.


LOL…I’ve had many people think that, but they’ve always lost for I have skills most don’t have.


Highly doubtful.


In what? Uplifting the beer glass and throwing away the cigarrete but?


LOL…you have that right kikas !!

J Bill

with a Yuge right bicep.


check out:
rumor mill news
before its news

J Bill

To add @ point h. – these patents have been with held by deep state for many years to secure personal profit.


I have thought for many years that science had surely discovered a cure for cancer…I’m sure they have and more than likely many wonderful scientists lost their lives because of their genius and their wonderful discoveries.
The pharmaceutical industry didn’t want the public to know. The huge amount of money their hideous chemo treatments bring in is much more important than saving lives.


For sure. Cancer is very profitable for big pharma.


Why do you think they have tried so hard to keep marijuana as illegal , they knew back in 1972 that it kills cancer cells.

Angel Askew

20 years ago, Hospice doctors prescribed Mom “marinol” in her last 6 weeks of life. She just had no appetite but things were optimistic. She took the new pills and had more fun food requests than I can remember. She was mystified of her appetite! When I told her she was “high” she looked disgruntled and said; “no wonder I’m so thirsty and feel so spacey!” Enjoy it Mom, enjoy….. nice memory.


In the 1800 doctors prescribed canabbinoids to increase the appetite of patients suffering from sicknesses such as tb (which is treatable for a long time,now) despite certain doctors forcibly infecting populations to “study”


100% true.


What about this horrible dialysis stuff. Surely there is a better way…lotsa folks in my area fall for that scam. Medical tyranny has to stop!


Pharma and doctors have relatives too, you know, that suffer from cancer.

J Bill

You are correct tinydruid. In my early years nursing, it was already rumored there be cures waiting on the fringes of release, for numerous diseases.
But big Pharma passed law allowing them to cover their R & D dollars before a generic copy manufacturer could secure a patent and undercut their production and $$$ profits. They even circulated petitions around urging professionals to support them, or they threatened to with hold all their formulations.

It sounded like good business management at the time (’88), but looking back, know now they never released cures for anything. The big generic ASA co. (BYr) held an all encompassing patent at the time too, charging access fees to the narrow market. Interestingly, their drug is now most recommended for inflammation side effects, helping the body to rid itself of clot forming proteins. Easily bought without a $$$ prescription.

I’ve read recently the US has gone it’s own route for cancer cures, extending research into traditional home remedy’s: garlic & lemons, and cold pressed flaxseed oil. Incidentally, flaxseed oil Om3 being a main ingredient in Dr. Johanne Budwig’s anti-cancer diet from 1960-ish time.

The sulfur in garlic, being absolutely toxic to cancer cells. The Om3 in flaxseed oil, with a whey binder, crosses cell membranes without digestion. Re-teaching cells to burn fats with O2. Instead of sugar without O2, whose metabolic by product lactic acid, causes residue to build up in cells, calling for HGH to flood the cell, to cause unrestricted cell overgrowth.

This is cancer’s most basic beginning. In sugar metabolism, the cell pH is turned acidic. In fat/O2, it turns basic. leading to another enduring mystery: baking soda – absolutely toxic to acid loving cancer. At present, no way is known for NaCO3, to bypass the body’s digestive system without being broken down. Before it can eliminate cancer.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill
Unlabeled quality

Baking soda and olive oil, as well as a turmeric-ginger-raw honey combo, and cancer goes bye-bye.


Trump confirmed Michaels articles at his CPAC speech when the crowd chanted lock her up. Trump replied, don’t worry about her she went away.

I trust your Intel. Thank you. Cheers to ya!


Wow man that is some truly solid confirmation.

buck fiden

You piqued my interest, Bill.
Post more!

J Bill

Today’s update can be reached, same place, “18”. I’ll jot a few quotes. The DARK HUMOR can’t be avoided. The quotes are macabre, insanely stupid, scary. Hilarious, while made in their absence of conscience:

  1. “Psaki going on vacation next week due to crisis in Afghanistan”
  2. “Biden who is also on vacation, has not addressed the public about the foreign policy nightmare taking place in Kabul”
  3. “The leader of Taliban terrorists is still on Twitter, and Trump is banned as an enemy of the people”
  4. “A Blinken when asked about the capture of Afghanistan and fall of Kabul calls it a “heartbreaking event.” Advises 10,000 US citizens to “hide…”
  5. Pelosi says jb should be “praised.”
  6. CNN reports the Taliban entered Kabul “peacefully.”

“… more news at 11:00”

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

God said; I’ll never leave you nor forsake you. How’s that for faith and trust building.


Prepare for trolls to switch to doomer mode. Goes something like this, “I want Trump to come back too but I don’t believe these articles.”


“concerned patriot”mode again…..

J Bill


Daughter of the American Revolution

Leftists and ill-intentioned trolls may or may not answer to justice on earth, but they most certainly will answer to God when the day comes. If they had any wisdom they would be much more afraid of the latter. Some may be sincere but those with selfish intentions surely will answer, I would hate to be them. Thank you for the encouragement and loyalty. God Bless all Patriots and God’s children, Protect our President Trump in our People in Yeshua’s name.

Sissy lou

Waiting on Michael to post encouragement with new stories. Tx U Michael


#ImpeachBidenNow #ResignBiden trending on Twitter. And that’s from the left.

Good times. MAGA!


Last week Dan Scavino posted a pic of Trump shaking hands with Obama. The power move where he pulls Obama’s hand toward him. Gives him a little pat on the shoulder.

Putin did the same to Obama.


MTG filed new articles of impeachment today.

Kamala is focusing on Haiti and fighting with the fake staff members. Nobody likes her.

Angel Askew

Probably trying to breathe life into the Clinton Foundation to kidnap more Haitian children who aren’t really orphans to sell and eat.


Lol that’s not from the left.

Sandy Koufax

The Cuomosexual.


Funny as hell!

Sandy Koufax

Is the cover photo an ad for Dunkin’ Doughnuts?

John S.

Would wager Coumo turns stool-pigeon, as another Abe Reles aka, Kid Twist. Abe was known as: the canary that sang, but couldn’t fly.


more like cuomo chirps annoyingly
rather than “sings”. My guess, chirping will grow louder, more strident, and insist even more on how much he “loves” us in New York….


it is cuomo who will sill all beans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If Trump doesn’t act and act quickly there’s not going to be an America left.


Convicting and executing traitors isn’t acting?


Not when every “executed” person gets immediately replaced by an identical clone/body double who retains their job and all their power 🙂

Katie Jones

Whose orders?


A fish, yes, but a small one.

Chris Russ

Baitfish are often used to catch trophies.


Good analogy !!


In retrospect, Michael should have waited until Cuomo left office before posting this one, he’s still there for like 12 more days and that will certainly entail more public appearances and probably a farewell speech even though he’s supposedly being transported to Gitmo right now.

But who am I kidding, of course none of you guys even care about that, he’ll just say it’s a body double and you doofuses will eat it up ?‍♂️


Those pesky facts get in the way .