Biden on American Evacuees: “F** Them. If they die, we’ll blame Trump.”


As Kabul fell to the Taliban, the puppet Biden regime experienced its worse crisis to date: How to contend with a U.S. military that has largely divorced itself from a criminal U.S. government masquerading as a legitimate government body.  And when Biden—or the actor portraying him—sought Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s advice in matters involving the deteriorating crisis in Afghanistan, a powerless Austin conceded he had no control over the military and no answer on how to exfiltrate American citizens trapped behind enemy lines.

“Oh, well, fuck them. If they die, we’ll blame Trump,” Biden said of Americans trapped in Afghanistan.

The ubiquitous “blame Trump” trope is an excuse the Deep State employs whenever it sees diminishing returns on its stranglehold on the citizenry. And Biden’s failure to safeguard American lives drew sharp criticism from his media and political allies, so much so that Nancy Pelosi has begged Democrat lawmakers to “stand behind Biden,” to prevent an exodus of Deep State support.

As the Taliban retook province after province and American dominance in the region waned, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reached out to his most recent nemesis, Marine Corps General and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff David H. Berger, pleading for military support in evacuating endangered Americans.

“You don’t care about Americans. All you care about is saving face and protecting your handlers. You sold your soul, but you know what, we, the real Americans, will not let our brethren die. We’ve already made plans to get our people home. Not because of you and certainly not because of Biden. But because we care for American lives,” Gen. Berger reportedly lambasted Austin, according to a confidential source in the general’s office.

“America will thank you,” Austin replied.

“Don’t pretend to represent America. You’re concerned with popularity; I’m concerned with saving lives,” Gen. Berger replied.

It was Berger and other Joint Chiefs of Staff who orchestrated the deployment of 6,000 troops to protect American lives, our source said.

But team Biden, upon learning of the military’s plan, quickly took credit, pretending as if he and his criminal cadre had mustered military support.

“He really didn’t give two shits about American lives until he realized his approval rating would drop as quickly as Harris’ is. We know that he was ready to throw in the towel and let any dead Americans be counted as collateral damage. We have Trump and the military to thank for saving American lives, not Biden, not his people,” our source said.

Note: When this website uses the name “Biden,” it is not necessarily referring to the real Joseph R. Biden, as many body doubles and actors, including Arthur Roberts, have portrayed him in public and on national television.

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Someone just posted this on Gateway… makes sense..

About 30 000 mzlems who are being flown to America will serve as reenforcements for Antifa and released prisoners. The Biden regime will provide them with a kill list just like they provided the Taliban with a kill list ..

they are preparing for war against Patriots and just flew in their army..

Robbi Delano

I want them to arrest this piece of excrement at you stuv excrement and all of his clothes and look alike’s including his little sidekick bitch Headboard Harris. They need to go to go to Gitmo on a one way ticket to hell.

Rod Littles

Hi, how did you get these quotes? Who told you Biden and Austin said these things, you must have someone very very high up as a source?


In case to don’t get it the majority of the citizens don’t support you or your side kick. I would leave now while you have a previous legacy left for you are losing this battle. Get out of office while you still have some legacy’s left. Just friendly advice. Go home!

Peter Penname

Although I cannot conceive such callousness I wouldn’t put it past Ole Potato Head JB


I wonder if Joe thought the same thing when is son was in service.


ALL Democrat politicians should be flown to Afghanistan and put there in place with NONE of their security personnel and then tell them our military personnel will hold back the Taliban from their location without any guns. Then force the Democrats to go outside the perimeter, greet the Taliban unarmed, sing Kumbayah to them, and they can have another “summer of luuuv.”


So much blood on fake Bidens hands.


The consequences of a rigged election.


Why didn’t Biden campaign?

1. The steal was guaranteed by foreign governments and Dominion.

2. He couldnt campaign because he was already dead like many of his voters.

Continuity of Government

This is not the first time in our history this type of charade has happened.

We are watching a movie.


1913 Woodrow Wilson incapacitated. Wife Edith propped him up. Pretended everything was fine.

1913 the beginning of some very bad things for the USA. The law that never was, Federal income tax, propaganda.


Please give us a new article. We are so hungry for more!

unlabeled quality

gates tribunal, day 1. welcome back.


This dude imbecile biden is NOT president and he knows it.

All “the” appointed cabinet members and administration are illegitimate. I say all “THE” and not “his” cabinet and administration. Why? obama appointed them, not biden.

Every Executive Order (over 70) biden signed are illegal, unconstitutional, flawed, bogus, rubbish, invalid, fake. They have no validity. One Executive Order will invalidate and cancel all these and Trump will sign that historical EO. Let’s Keep America Great!

President Trump won a historical landslide in USA’s election history. Recent election audits confirm this.

Infact there is quite a possibility, though unconfirmed “yet”, Pres. Trump won all 50 States. biden lost the election by a historical landslide and as such should not be addressed anything but former vp.

The illegitimate SecDef lloyd austin signed into order authorizing DOD employees who “NEVER” served in the military to avail of active duty military personnel and retirees benefits with the use of “OUR” Military Exchanges and Commissaries.

We, active duty and retirees sacrificed and earned our benefits lloyd austin handed over and gave to DOD personnel.

We sacrificed our lives, sacrificed time away from our families for long periods, missed births of our children, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations,Thanksgiving, Christmas, and many more special occasions.

Unfortunately due to this long periods we sacrificed time away from our loved ones, many ended up in divorce.

DoD personnel with no military background did none of this but they earn our benefits, with this we lost ours. We want our benefits back, stop DoD personnel now from availing our benefits.

I hope when (not IF) Pres. Trump is re-instated and inaugurated as the constitutionally elected, his next SecDef will cancel, rescind, invalidate lloyd austin’s illegal and unconstitutional orders. We deserve our benefits returned to those who deserve and earned them.

lloyd austin is part of the cabal, the demonic pedophilia team and committed treason and sedition. SEALed Indictment on lloyd Austin awaits Unsealing.

Will this dude be Executed by firing squad? !!!

Last edited 3 years ago by RG1

This dude biden is NOT president and he knows it.

All “the” appointed cabinet members and administration are illegitimate. I say all “THE” and not “his” cabinet and administration. Why? obama appointed them, not biden.

Every Executive Order (over 70) biden signed are illegal, unconstitutional, flawed, bogus, rubbish, invalid, fake. They have no validity. One Executive Order will invalidate and cancel all these and Trump will sign that historical EO. Let’s Keep America Great!

President Trump won a historical landslide in USA’s election history. Recent election audits confirm this.

Infact there is quite a possibility, though unconfirmed “yet”, Pres. Trump won all 50 States. biden lost the election by a historical landslide and as such should not be addressed anything but former vp.

The illegitimate SecDef lloyd austin signed into order authorizing DOD employees who “NEVER” served in the military to avail of active duty military personnel and retirees benefits with the use of Military Exchanges and Commissaries.

We, active duty and retirees sacrificed and earned these benefits austin handed over to DOD personnel.

We sacrificed our lives, sacrificed time away from our families for long periods, missed births of our children, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations,Thanksgiving, Christmas, and many more special occasions.

DoD personnel with no military background did none of this but they earn our benefits, with this we lost ours.

I hope when (not IF) Pres. Trump is re-instated and inaugurated as the constitutionally elected, his next SecDef will cancel, rescind, invalidate lloyd austin’s illegal and unconstitutional orders. We deserve our benefits returned to those who deserve and earned them.

lloyd austin is part of the cabal, the demonic pedophilia team and committed treason and sedition. SEALed Indictment on lloyd Austin awaits Unsealing.

Will this dude be Executed by firing squad? !!!

Last edited 3 years ago by RG1

George Floyd overdosed and died from an FDA approved drug. Oops.


George Floyd was a common criminal who died because he had THREE forms of narcotics in his system. In addition, if a person is saying, “I can’t breathe,” it’s nonsense. If he can speak, he can breathe.


I do hope this means you have stopped posting – forever. I told you awhile back that you were a troll, and I suppose that is why you esteem them. But the entire troll squad can join you and leave, as far as I am concerned. Have a party at your house with Arnold, and stay there in Hooterville. Most will not miss your nonsense. Actually, most don’t even read your nonsense.


I bet he comes back as MIA bofa. Wait for it.


Already did on Gates story.
So much for his honesty.
Not sure about his sanity.

Sue Grantham


A moment ago I got on your site and saw Gates Day 1 tribunal. When I selected the story, it acted like it was going to the story but gave me a white screen, so I closed out and went back to the site and the story is gone ?.

Sandy Koufax

Yes, I read it yesterday. Supposed to last several days. They have video of Gates and Epstein plotting to abduct children. Gate’s attorney says it was role playing. Melinda testified against gates and said he admitted to abducting children and he threatened to kill her if she said anything. Gates had a detailed spreadsheet spreadsheet listing children who had been abducted throughout the US. Gates’s lawyer says that doesn’t prove Gates abducted the children.


I’m confused. You read it and then it disappeared?


It’s still up here.


Waiting is so hard. A hanging, now and then, sure seems to help.


Honest to God if I see this Biden thing one more time I am going to scream. There is so much happening and this is several days OLD.


Quit talking about your little pee pee on here.


MB telegram..says info on gates tribunal


I wrote the whole story for him a while ago and he said he was going to use it. No idea why it is taking so long to cut and paste.


Total surrender: The rat takes the cheese.
The FDA’s list of possible side effects of the Pfizer jab is exactly the same list We the People compiled months ago.

Come on man, mandate it employers and schools, you are 100% liable for any damage it causes. SNAP, SNAP..


And the FDA just proved they are unnecessary. We don’t need them. We the People got this.

Our goal: Minus 80% – We are getting there. Bravo Americans! MAGA


Unelected unnecessary.


Big shout out to Florida for most COVID deaths to date! Strange that they were the first to say no to the masks and have a low vaccination rate. I doubt there is a connection between any of those factors and the fact that the hospitals are overflowing.


Fake news!


The real Biden is already dead and gone, imo.


You’re so full of shit you’ve gotten used to the smell. And you like it.


Do you miss the mean tweets yet? His YouTube videos are even better.
20 hours ago: Incoherent Potato Joe at the podium mumbling and stammering to the Jeopardy tune. It’s really mean.


Big oof everyone, the Maricopa audit report has been delayed because 3 of the 5 members of the audit analysis team, including Doug Logan himself, “have tested positive for Covid-19 and are quite sick.” Guess they should have gotten vaccinated. ?‍♂️


The PCR test was recalled last month. Get a clue Vaxtard


Lol what does this have to do at all with what I was talking about? The vaccines and PCR tests are entirely different things.


I forgot, you prefer the anal swab method.


Who is paying you to say that? Why are you here?


Because he’s a Patriot, unlike you.


So when will Trump be reinstated now? Will this cause a delay?


We will never tell. . We love watching you panic. He, he……

Kelly Knauth Brown

You know damn well he said this verbatim.


Kabul Small Animal Rescue is begging for donations. They are not only trying to get their own staff/animals out but are STILL going out and rounding up all the stray dogs and cats they can find. More and more animals are being abandoned as the week goes on. Just yesterday Rescuers received shocking video footage. it showed working-breed dogs (abandoned by families forced to flee) whose noses had been cut off by the Taliban. Though their staff is OK for now, resources are scarce and access to getting more is extremely limited. They need a landing permit for their animals.
Please donate and/or spread the word.


Read the room. The people on this site do not care about animals nor do they care for foreigners. May as well through a penny in a wishing well.


Not everyone is as ugly as you are inside so don’t measure others by your low standards. Many persons DO care about animals who are often forgotten/overlooked. I’m just spreading the word in case anyone is able to help. People can help themselves; animals can’t. The Taliban considers dogs as “unclean” and if they torture people they will do so to animals (as already noted). Imagine doing something so horrific and agonizingly painful to dogs who use their highly sensitive noses for everything and can even detect cancer cells. In such circumstances euthanasia would be kinder if it comes to that.

Last edited 3 years ago by Guest4579

It’s a scam. People in Kabul do not keep dogs or cats as pets. Stop pretending that your 1st world problems are the same in the 3rd world.


Families may not but this is a rescue/sanctuary.


Thats spelled “throw” stupid. I don’t think they taught you corrective spelling there in China, so I thought that I’d correct you.

Georgia Peaches

Speaking of Bill Gates, for anyone who hasn’t seen the interview of Dr. David Martin by Reiner Fuellmich, I highly encourage you to do so. (There is a link on Sidney Powell’s telegram account on August 23.) It’s a must see! It’s on forbiddenknowledgetv(dot)net. The title is “There is no variant, not novel, no pandemic.” The deception behind this plandemic is way worse than I thought.

Last edited 3 years ago by Georgia Peaches
Vince Sly

Mr. Martin is a clown if you look into him at all you would know they guy has no idea what he’s talking about.


Thank God Hunter Biden was kicked out of the Navy.




Vince Sly

He makes no really meaningful point and ignores the fact that the military has many required vaccines so this is not out of the ordinary at all.


Except, pincushion, this is not a vaccine. This manmade bioweapon designed for the manmade computer created genome has NEVER been used/tested on humans before.

After all this time you still need to catch up. Then perhaps you won’t continue to embarrass yourself or your fellow mushrooms.

Therefore the Commander makes very relevant points since they, unlike your prattle, relate to reality.


As long as you got it, mission accomplished.

J Bill





Update from MB on his Telegram page “Gates tribunal update later today. Will publish this afternoon after I’ve gotten info”


Removing Gates from society is huge. His production of woke freaks of nature has come to an end. Hallelujah!


I gave MB that story 2 weeks ago and he approved it already. It is in some of the older posts.

Lucky star

All the trolls will prepare any kind of disinformation loud and clear…let’s see them in action ????


Lol what is there to prep for? It’s just yet another fake article, it’ll rehash the previous fake Bill Gates articles and then the tribunal will declare him guilty and sentence him to be hanged or whatever next week. Same old same old.


Just heard from DOD Spokesman Kirby that Rumsfeld to be buried in Arlington!!!! WTF! Perhaps empty casket?


He must be very rotten by now.


I heard that too, back in good graces with the military . Vaccine is now mandatory for all serviceman since it’s been approved . Pfizer so far .


Former CIA Director/Woke General Michael Hayden believes the unvaccinated should be sent to Afghanistan.

Clearly, the loser doesn’t want a bunch of needle junkies near his poppy fields. Can’t say I blame him. Smart to keep Hunter Biden out of there. He would snort up every field if he had the chance.


The poppy aka opiates is a crucial ingredient in adrenochrome. Get it?


Take this time to catch up on things. Sooo far behind.


been a ass..all ways will be..junk


Great news, everyone! The FDA has granted full approval to the Pfizer covid vaccine. So to everyone who has been saying “the jab doesn’t even have FDA approval,” well, now it does ?


corrupt FDA..dont do it!


I’ve been reading your posts for quite some time Zane. You always seemed smarter than that. Quite disappointed in you not able to see approval is pure politics. No animal survival prior to emergency use authorization and more human deaths than all other vaxs combined and it is still approved. Pure politics indeed. Very disappointed in you, Zane, very disappointed.

Vince Sly

Zane is just calling out all the people on this comment section and there are many of them who said in their own words that what was holding them back on the vaccine was full FDA approval. If those people are still against it it’s just pointing out how full of shit they are and how willing to move the goal posts they are and that they don’t have firm beliefs.


I don’t get here too much so I must have missed those comments. Perhaps they meant full FDA approval the way it’s been done for decades: Passing the animal trials, then the human trials without suppressing the data deaths and injuries, transparency as they promised and public comments from panels of experts which they skipped right over on the way to approval.


Lol yeah this was my point and people proved it immediately. I mean it’s obvious this wasn’t actually ‘holding them back’, they were never going to get it and the lack of FDA approval was just yet another talking point, but still it’s pretty funny nonetheless.

“The vaccine is unsafe! The FDA hasn’t given it full approval! They only gave it emergency approval which means they know it’s unsafe!”

Ok well now they have given it full approval and declared it safe.

“You can’t cite anything the FDA says they’re corrupt!!!”


Sorry to have disappointed you, Hal. I disagree that FDA approval is pure politics. I think they take their job seriously and would not have given the vaccine emergency approval or full approval if their testing had shown it to be anywhere near as dangerous as you believe it is. I also don’t see any reason to think they are acting any different under Biden than they did under Trump.

The ‘more deaths than all other vaccines combined’ stuff is disinfo, a lot of those numbers people throw around are counting anyone who died of any reason after getting vaxxed, or just purely inflated, the number of deaths directly related to the vaccine is been very minute.


Actually it’s even more deaths!

Criminals installed everywhere for this moment in the big plan:

FDA Approval ILLEGAL! Doctor Reveals Pfizer Insert Proves Criminal Regulation Violations!


No more liability protection. Perfect.


Have some more cheese rats!

Irish Girl

Fetal tissue. Study the ingredients. This is not something to rejoice over. ?

Vince Sly

You clearly don’t know what you are talking about because as someone who has actually done research they is no fetal tissue involved in the vaccine. Now the Regeneron treatment that Greg Abbott received after testing positive for Covid that does use fetal stem cells. Get your facts straight before you make yourself look like a fool next time.


bullshit vince, you are really stupid


He’s a Vaxtard.

Vince Sly

I actual do research and follow the science not what some lunatic with a GED On YouTube says.

Irish Girl

Put source below.


His source is the huge masked angry feminist he saw sitting on the meat at Walmart. They’re going on a date tonight. She’s buying.


Remember the trolls are told to do what dems/msm do…repeat a lie over and over til people believe that it’s truth.


says the troll


I wonder what science degrees Vince Slymeball has.


PHD in gender studies. He/It is gender number 46.

Unlabeled quality

graphene oxide. now we have the FDA on crimes against humanity. them, and any politician or governor who mandates these vaxxines.
The so-called ‘shedding’ and outbreaks come from having the ‘shot’. All this is graphene poisoning. The nanomachines in the shots are made from graphene.
while graphene can be removed from the body through a lengthy detox, you will still die if you get the shot. graphene poisoning and ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement), where you end up developing an autoimmune against your own body.


This stuff is just pure fiction, man. Ask yourself why Trump endorsed the vaccine, AGAIN, two days ago. After mid-August, and a full month after MB’s “imminent” promise that Trump was about to put out an EBS announcing he was tricked and the vaccine is poison and no one should get it. This shit just is not real. There is no graphene in the vaccine, no nanobots, no shedding, and no governor or politician, or anyone at the FDA is about to get arrested for anything related to the vaccine, let alone ‘crimes against humanity.’

The EBS is not coming. Trump is pro-vaccine and consistently has been for a year. You are being suckered by con artists with this crap.


Did Uncle Joe Joe send you out of the basement to say that?


Right after he buffed Joe’s shriveled balls. Works better than ED meds. Buff, buff…BOING!

J Bill

good info!

unlabeled quality

there’s a company called grafis (sp?) that produces graphene and graphene nanotech.
and a few articles on the effects of graphene poisoning, as well as its similarities to covid, and chem-trail flu…
duckduckgo is your friend.

Irish Girl

Partial source:
Pfizer and BioNTech – The Pfizer Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [3].
B. Moderna – The Moderna Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2]. This information is cited by the vaccine researchers Kizzmekia S. Corbett, Darin K. Edwards, and Sarah R. Leist [4].
C. Johnson & Johnson – The J&J Vaccine has publicly admitted to using a cell line called PER.C6. This is published on the Janssen website [5]. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute [2].


Irish Girl, the key words here are “protein tested.” The vaccines were tested on lab-grown human cells that were collected from fetal tissue many years ago. These cell lines are used in a wide variety of medical testing, not just for vaccines.

You can be morally opposed to the use of fetal tissue in medical research if you like, and that’s fine. But saying that fetal tissue is an ingredient in the vaccine is false.


Pearls before swine (no offense to those who own pet swine). I am sure the post secondary educated crew on here will say it is all part of some big plot and when DJT is reinstalled he will reveal all of the things that he is dealing with now.
Just waiting for them to say something about clones and body doubles and how they are somehow involved.


The Great Exposure of the traitors forming basis for the big roundup.

Meanwhile we have the easily manipulated chess pieces fulfilling their parts.

All being hoisted on their own petards, like their own evidenced based data demonstrating the uselessness of what is now being “approved”.


In Spain, the chief representative of WHO got a 100,000 euro bribe from Pfizer. Trump says that they have been buying off government officials. Not good.


The Swedish Prime Minister is resigning. Expect more dictators to do the same.


Got a source for Trump actually saying this? Cause I can’t find anything about it and Trump has been consistently pro-vaccine for a whole year now.


The logic of the human pincushions…..from Populist Press FDA approval article commenter:

Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Yes.’
Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
Bud: ‘Ok.’
Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
Bud: ‘That’s right.’
Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Certainly.’
Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘I’m not asking who’s vaccinated or not!’
Bud: ‘I’m just telling you how it is.’
Lou: ‘Nevermind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
Lou: ‘But I have a mask!’
Bud: ‘Doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘I was able to come in here yesterday with a mask.’
Bud: ‘I know.’
Lou: So why can’t I come in here today with a mask? ….If you say ‘because I’m unvaccinated’ again, I’ll break your arm.’
Bud: ‘Take it easy buddy.’
Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
Bud: ‘Correct.’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the germs from getting out.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your germs.’
Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
Lou: ‘So how in the heck can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’
Bud: ‘Third base.’

American Living in Canada

Hence, why I stopped trying to wake People up. This would be freak’in hilarious if not true.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Amen brother!

MAGA CountryBabe



Psycho Troll


Don’t come back.

Lucky star

Yet he/she always come back like cocroach…..


Cockroach, DUMBASS. The system even tells you you are misspelling the word, FATASS.

Lucky star

IDIOT racist…look like you like to suck a COCK.

MAGA CountryBabe

Everyone has a right to comment…but seriously we need a collapse button for old Wendell. LOL


Peace through strength works.

It’s time for the weak puppet Biden to resign in disgrace.

Sandy Koufax

Biden is a useful idiot who gives an air of incompetency to provide a fake narrative.
Everything is going according to plan to deliver a demoralizing gut punch to every service member and veteran who ever served in Afghanistan to show them that their service was for nothing and the Taliban will be armed to the teeth, stronger than ever and in control of Afghanistan.

MAGA CountryBabe

Actually, the military is in control of the military. President Trump is working in guidance to help with the plan set up long ago. I think we are going to find out that this what you guys call a false flag. Truth coming soon. Hopefully and Prayerfully, in the meantime, lets pray for the lives being lost due to this hurricane.


Exposure of the treason for basis for the big roundup…..people awakening to demand such a goal of the plan…..including FDA now.


Let’s get together and go deal with the Taliban ourselves. Finish this once and for all. We are 100 million strong!


Lol imagine 100 million US civilians just like, buying plane tickets to Afghanistan all at once to go kill the Taliban. Hope you’re skilled at murdering people with your bare hands too cause you’re probably not getting any guns or other weapons through customs ?


Osama bin Laden wanted to kill Obama to install Biden in 2010. He knew Biden was already paid for back then.


Obama who is currently in charge with his cabal knew that too so his dream of having a 3rd term via controlling a chosen idiot is now taking place.


180 billion dollars in cash kept Obama alive.

Ethan Rye

This is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard.


Sorry your gender studies degree didn’t cover history. No refunds.


You should get off Joe’s balls and buff your own. Don’t forget the tweezers.


Our research has shown that MB’s site get about 1018 organic hits per day. We don’t count duplicate hits or postings but since March it has grown from under 200 unique/organic hits to 1018 and climbing. It is mostly because of certain key words he uses that triggers searches. Easy enough to find this information and it explains why he runs the stories that he runs each month.


CDC: 74% infected in Massachusetts COVID-19 outbreak were vaccinated


Jesse Jackson and his wife are in the hospital with the China virus. Fully vaccinated. Woke Chicago PHD made a big deal when she jabbed them.

Everything woke turns to shit.

buck fiden

Trump’s word is “LOSER” for people who are “woke.”

MAGA CountryBabe

I don’t get it, why are we using the term WOKE for these people if they’re not awake? Can someone clarify this too me?


Woketards named themselve. They are blue haired, don’t know what bathroom to use, multi gendered, feminists, mentally ill, racist, pedophile, violent, lazy, Marxists. They call themselves woke. We call them losers.

J Bill

WOKE is a broad name to define members of a special interest group.

AWAKE/ WOKEN means aware of surroundings and “informed.”
Or “awake’ as after sleeping.

DS mixes the term interchangeably to confuse people’s understanding of what WOKE is, and divert attention away from it. That is, DS’s favorite hiding spot.

Sandy Jim

I will try.

During the past 5 years the extreme left wing of the democrat party has consumed that organization. Declaring that they have an almost magical and self evidently superior Moral Sensibily than all other folks on the Planet. They suggest that we are all asleep and that they have the one and only true vision because they are WOKE ! Technically speaking, the Woke are all victims of a mass psychosis. The Woke really do represent a kind of Zombie Apocalypse! They are a maddening mix of the disenfranchised, mixed up marxists and luddites if you take there rhetoric seriously. But if you look behind their madness to their methods….you find Soros and the C.C.P.


yes in deed

buck fiden

The best thing about getting the ChinkyVirus is that you can’t smell everybody’s farts!

Lucky star

Seriously???another racist just like Darlene and Hal????


Darlene passed away two stories ago.


You’re still here, FATASS? Go back to clinton news network, FATASS where you belong.


Special shout out to Florida today! Residents have been asked to stop watering their lawns and washing their cars so the water can be used to make oxygen for the huge amount of people on vents at the hospitals. Florida just cracked 50% vaccinated population. I would give a runner up award to Massachusetts, however, in a July 23 press release, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health said, “While DPH has identified cases in the cluster associated with vaccinated individuals, the total number of cases among vaccinated people in Massachusetts remains extremely low, at 0.1% or 5,166 cases out of over 4.3 million fully vaccinated residents.”
When will President Biden wake up and put the unvaccinated into camps at GITMO and put them on trial for the children they have killed by spreading the virus? Even citizen Donald J Trump has said people should get the shot.


Why when it’s the vaxxed who are the spreaders now as well as the creators of the variants. Each time you take any jab you’re ruining your own God given immune system. Poor pincushions. When you finally arrive at the point when you are totally dependent upon another govt. jab and they then choose to withhold it, you’re a goner.

Sandy Koufax

Love is Like Oxygen,
You get too much, you get too high,
Not enough and you’re gonna die.
Love gets you high.

MAGA CountryBabe

FAKE stats Teddy. Aren’t you woke yet.


Shut off the television; learn to think for yourself. Fattest country on the planet consuming the most processed food now dying of relabeled influenza and pneumonia. COVID still has not been isolated. You can read that right on CDC website if you can use logic and deduce. Good article here about vitamin deficiency misdiagnosed as COVID:

knowledge of health dot com havana-syndrome-or-beriberi

Unlabeled quality

graphene poisoning by injection is the real pandemic. just check it and research all the symptoms.
and you’re right. covid was never isolated.
however, graphene poisoning has flu-like symptoms, along with 5g radiation exposure….

Vince Sly

That shouldn’t be a surprise. Getting vaccinated for something makes it hard for you to get it not impossible (as well as making it less severe if you do get it). So if most of the population of a state is vaccinated then of course most people who do get it will be people who are vaccinated. It’s pretty simple logic.


Huh? Then it’s worthless….but you want it anyway….logic only for the boiling frogs.

Vince Sly

Do you have a developmental disability or are you just bad at comprehension? As I said the vaccines make you more resistant to getting an illness and they make it so if you do get it it’s much less severe. Often now or limited symptoms. So it’s very worth while to get even if it doesn’t make you invisible. I guess thinking is not your strength.

MAGA CountryBabe

Get it thru your thick scull…THESE ARE NOT REALLY VACCINES! So why argue about them. The virus was suppose to happen in 2015-2016. We would have been under the dictatorship of Hitler…y. It would have been worse than we have now. But something went wrong with the launching of the virus, until 2020. And something went wrong with the election. They never thought President Trump would win. They didn’t rig enough machines. There are vaccines and then there is this poison they are distributing with the skillful hands of some nurses and doctors.

Vince Sly

Everything you said is complete insane conspiracy theory bullshit. The fact you believe any of that makes me wonder how you are able to function in the real world. I feel very sorry for your family having to put up with you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vince Sly
Unlabeled quality

because graphene nanoweapon doesn’t slide off the tongue so easily.


it isn’t a vaccine as there is no actual virus in it, even the FDA says it isn’t a vaccine, it is an experimental gene therapy designed to ruin your God given immune system, the most perfect immunity to everything. Now refute me on that and I will tell you how full of crap you are.

Vince Sly

That is a straight up line the FDA website specifically calls it a vaccine and no where calls it gene therapy which it’s not. So you are a liar.


I am a biologist/microbiologist and know that you are full of crap, Vaccine, suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented viruses or microorganisms or toxins or of antibodies or lymphocytes. There is NO SUCH THING IN THE COVID-19 JAB, as there has NEVER BEEN A COVID-19 VIRUS IDENTIFIED AND ISOLATED, PERIOD. No go stuff your information in the same place your head is.

Last edited 3 years ago by Shutterbug

FDA is overseeing the big Pharma producing the jabs which themselves call the jab an “operating system”; No “vaccine” since no “virus”.

So sorry little pincushion to pop your bubble. Reality is frightening for some….now esp. for the already vaxxed.

great fact lady here:



Resistant “to getting an illness”? Ha! They were only created to focus on the one protein….why the vaccinated are now creating the variants and spreading such to the greater population.

You must have failed any basic virus studies even at the 101 level.

Vince Sly

Holy shit you are an uneducated moron vaccines do not create variants did you get an education beyond 3rd grade? You spew this conspiracy q anon bs as if it’s fact when it really just shows how little you really know.


YOU are the MORON, I am highly educated , two grad degrees in sciences, this isn’t a vaccine, it is a manufactured bio-weapon, don’t try to debate me on this as I will shove it right back at you.


Already did. The only background classes you willing pincushions seem to have experienced with is parrot mimicking.

It’s the “vaccinated” who are creating the variants.

Again…..try this:



Are you to stupid to find it yourself ? It’s all over the internet stating exactly what it is, I did my research, now you do yours. Get crackin’ ID 10 T.


Tell that to the citizens of Israel… of THE most vaccinated countries in world w/ compelled green pass cards et al…..where 90% of current hospitalizations for COVID are the fully vaccinated….including now even a small number of the “boostered”.

You’re whistling past the graveyard…..why this new rotten “approval” of a useless jab is being forced prior to the real flu virus season. All those animals in the previous clinical trials for mRNA method died once infected with the wild virus.

Vince Sly

If almost everyone is vaccinated then almost everyone who gets COVID or is hospitalized because of COVID will almost certainly have been vaccinated. Simple logic.


Which proves the jab is useless… is your “logic”.


A D E doesn’t sound very fun to me.

Sandy Jim

In 9 months everyone will call it the Death Shot.


Can we hold you to that prediction? So May 2022 we will have solid repeatable measurable evidence that the shot WILL kill you if you took it? Will it surpass the 628k deaths from the virus itself?


Ya mean the pandemic that killed all those people even though the death toll remained the same? Or are you referring to the fake stats on deaths?


It already has.


What “prediction”? It’s already happening. Poor pincushion mushroom….enjoying being hopelessly jabbed while in the dark w/ manure being thrown on you for your lack of comprehension.

Sandy Jim

While I cannot know the exact number of deaths as of May 15, 2022. I know that now the current estimates appear to show that the vax has killed more than 100,000 so far as of August 15, 2021, some claim the number is as high as 200,000 already.

There is no reason for these numbers to decline in the near term.

And yes I stand by my prediction.

MAGA CountryBabe

They are saying now it will be 6 mos. to 30 mos. people will be dropping over in the streets. I PRAY TO GOD UP ABOVE, this will not happen.


Who is “they”? Another YT video or a FB post?


And apparently after more and more “boosters” have been forced for when the 5G is turned on “in selected areas”!

Unlabeled quality

graphene poisoning can be reverse. there’s also something that can reverse the blockage of one very important immune ingredient.

J Bill

Unlabeled quality, what is it?

unlabeled quality

look for an article that looks at spike protein and graphene oxide detox.
I’m sure there will be others as time goes on.

Sandy Jim

If Bidens people have really vaccinated 30 % of the number that they claim this will be horrific. By the fourth year after vaccination the survival rate among the vaccinated drops to zero.


Zee, did you see the Alabama guy who travelled to a Springfield, Missouri Walmart to put put Walmart on notice that if they jab one more person they will face a Nuremberg trial?

It’s awesome but I can’t remember where I saw the full length vid. A search is providing just small clips. I’ll try Rumble and bitchute and get back to you.


If anyone missed the Alabama Trump rally last night and you want to watch, it’s on Rumble channel @ ggarbers
It was HUGE!!!

President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Cullman, AL 8/21/21



Yes the parts where he says to get the vaccine , he did and it works were the highlights . Pusher of the jab .


Trump is a genius. He gave the People a HUGE platform to publicly oppose the jab and mandates. Millions and millions of People watching from all over the world. BRILLIANT!


Mo Brooks gave the People a HUGE platform to publicly air their grievances about election fraud. He did the job Congress is obligated to do but refused.

Brilliant tag team effort. #MAGA

Lucky star

Mo Brock is just another Rhino

Vince Sly

He is for the jab dummy.


He said you have the CHOICE to take it or not, dummy.

Vince Sly

Just because he doesn’t want to loses the support of the stupid he got the jab hence he supports it. It’s called critical thinking. Maybe you don’t have the brain power for that though.


My brain power than you douche nipple.

Sandy Jim

He still must confirm the movie show for a while longer.

Sandy Koufax

Trump turned Democrats into his female dogs. Twice as many Democrats were vaccinated than Republicans. The spike proteins will penetrate the vaxtard’s blood brain barrier by October and the prions will turn their brains to mush. Vaxtards, such as yourself won’t be able to lick an envelope much less fill out a mail in ballot. No doubt Trump rerouted the sewer lines from Marlago to the vaccine laboratories. Vaxtards are full of Trump’s feces. See ya. Wouldn’t want to be ya.


President Trump is a master of reverse psychology. Vaxtards, I like that. Stealing!

Vince Sly

Exactly operation kill of Republicans with Covid is working perfectly. Hopefully enough die of Covid that a republican never wins an election again. So far so good.


75,000 Americans who love their country in attendance.

#RockStar #MAGA! #AmericaFirst


That is so nice. No hospital beds available in that area now and COVID is up 235%. There are going to be a lot of flags draped over coffins in a few weeks.


Cry more.

Vince Sly

Where was the crying? They were cheering on a bunch of future Darwin Award winners.


Have you ever made it through a day when you don’t cry? Won’t your mommy’s buy you more binky’s? They should.

Vince Sly

I don’t remember the last time I cried though I come close laughing so hard at the lot of you whining and crying about trump losing the election and believing the obvious bullshit on this site.


This whole site is a bunch of Trumptards crying because he lost. You are so upset that you make up murder fantasies about people getting their heads chopped off.


Cry more while We laugh lol!


Proves the jabs are useless and now seen, as predicted, to be dangerous….but keep em comin!


Keep spreading more fake lies…do you work for CNN.


His script comes from the CCP propaganda rag the Daily Beast.


The October 24, 2016 Trump Speech that won the election,

“I will take the slings and arrows gladly for you ”

Hillary called Us deplorables.


Simon Parkes is warning of a possible Black Swan event monday or tuesday. My guess is a stock market fall like black october to further damage our economy


Irish Girl

Oh boy – glad I bought precious metals and supplies. Looks like the road is going to get bumpy. Thanks for the info.

buck fiden

Who’s your dealer?

Irish Girl

McAlvany in CO. mwealth”dot”com –
I was recommended to them by someone I trust greatly. My experience has been positive.

buck fiden

Thanks, Iggy. I’ll check em out.


Batteries and candles !

buck fiden

You better not fucking be Nostradamus. I got shit ridin, and not with Biden.


How is his mother the alien reacting to all this excitement?


Black Swan ? Not ballet I am guessing .


Leftism/globalism/communism, et al, is a mental disorder:
“PATHETIC: Secretary of State Blinken Admits US Must Ask Taliban for Permission to Evacuate Americans from Kabul” ~Gateway Pundit – Published August 22, 2021

Vince Sly

Pathetic is Mike Pompeo striking a deal with the Taliban which is what largely lead to this.


Cry more.


What? No “pigs with wings?”

Arnold should definitely fly business-class at the minimum since it is such a looooong flight.

Thank you Arnold! 3-snort salute!

Sandy Jim

Again Thank You Michael !

In the past 5 days nearly 100,000 people have viewed this one single article at RRN. And perhaps 25,000 have checked in to view the discussion group below. You are changing hearts and minds !

Да, вы хорошо справляетесь со своими новостями.
Irish Girl

So…to those who didn’t like my comment to the trolls, a bit of explanation. I don’t agree with them. I think they are wrong and misguided – however, if we can’t explain and maintain our position with them, how can we expect to make a difference at work or with loved ones? Think of them as a useful but nasty coach. I sort of wonder if Michael leaves these threads open to do just that? I have no idea, but I do like a good debate.
Debate sharpens our fangs, Patriots. It’s good exercise…


Debate is good, yes, but our friends and relatives do not have personal, or maybe directed, agendas. Trolls with agendas are disruptive. Many times they clog the threads just responding to each other with no intent of debate.

Irish Girl

I mostly agree with you – and get what you are saying. It’s true when there is an axe to grind people can be unreasonable – especially on here with the long, redundant threads. It’s a pain.
But I have to tell you – my sister has an agenda and thinks Whitmer is grand and glorious…and others in my family that I care about have gotten the faux-vaccine. It’s distressing.
So these conversations are entertainment. I LOVE my family and it’s not easy, because they think I’m whacked.
Who knows – maybe I am?

buck fiden

Welcome to the club! I’m in AZ, but many of my relatives live in Commiefornia. They come here for the holidays and bring their shit leftist opinions with them. I try very very hard not to explode.

Sandy Jim

No you are not whacked. You are tired get some sleep take a day off. We need you back in this fight when you are rested, OK.

buck fiden

Trolls are good practice. If you don’t practice here, and at other websites, you might instead blow up at your dinner guests and left-of-center relatives, and you could lose them for life, to which I’d say “FUCKIN’ A GREAT!” but my other family members would hate me forever for being the cause of the rift.

buck fiden

If a troll makes a logical argument that is not an ad hominem attack, I welcome it and do not consider that “trolling.”

buck fiden

You do contribute. You are skeptical. I tend to be in that directly somewhat, but I still have some faith – but not a lot. Faith is illogical and like a religion. I envy people with go through the day with shit-eating grins on their faces because they are 110% God-Damned sure of themselves. I tried. I couldn’t do that.

Sandy Jim

Ah, you truly are schizophrenic bucky boy, you need to go back on your meds real soon.

Sandy Jim

“To a point” and you are warm and friendly pedophiles then you revert to Satanic psychotics like buck and ted and exile and Zane we know all this already, JIM. Can you tell us anything that we don’t know about you ? ? ? ? ? ?


Satanic Psychotics sounds like a death metal band ?


Once again thank you . I will continue on my quest but maintain civility .

buck fiden

I upvoted you to counteract the assholes who downvoted your comment out of spite and nothing more.

Irish Girl

LOL – yes, you were over explaining – and you know what? That’s ok. Because if we can’t say what we want here, we are all totally screwed. All good OWD.
I have a sense of humor, and love to banter. I’m really am Irish…and yes, I sing, too. 🙂


Only trolls & shills will tell you Trump is not coming back

buck fiden

I am not sure if Trump is coming back. I am not sure if Trump is not coming back. I guess I’m a half-troll. I’d really like to see some solid evidence: “evidence” that isn’t coincidental or circumstantial. I voted for Trump (in AZ, so I hope it counted) twice.

buck fiden