Military Arrests Biden Handler Mike Donilon


U.S. Marines on Saturday served a military arrest warrant on Deep State agent Mike Donilon, an American attorney and campaign consultant who served as a Senior Advisor to fake President Joe Biden. He was the chief strategist of Joe Biden’s 2020 criminal presidential campaign.

Before sunrise Saturday morning, Marines operating under the authority of MARSOC, JAG, and the OMC surrounded Donilon’s vacation home in Narragansett, Rhode Island, a seaside community of 15,000 souls, many of them tied to the Deep State hegemony.

The Marines found him asleep, in bed, with two half-empty bottles of liquor and a 9mm Beretta on a nightstand in arm’s reach. Hungover and barely able to speak, Donilon was taken into military custody without incident and transported to a processing center from where he will ultimately be sent to Guantanamo Bay.

Donilon is the second—that RRN knows of—Biden handler arrested in the last two weeks. On November 20 U.S. Marine Raiders from Camp Lejeune captured Anita Dunn, who, like Donilon, had been a driving force in the illigitimate administration’s plan to permanently lockdown and bankrupt American society.

A JAG source speaking under promise of anonymity told Real Raw News that the military had Donilon under surveillance for several weeks, but waited until he was alone and isolated before launching into action. A major problem with capturing Deep State assets, our source pointed out, is that they tend to congregate in large groups and surround themselves with the innocent.

“Donilon’s arrest took place days before he was going to meet with Biden’s economic team. We had tips that they planned to discuss how to once again lockdown the country over this Omicron thing. And evidence obtained at his home vindicated those tips,” our source said.

Among other incriminating evidence, Marines found in Donilon’s possession a handwritten proposal that detailed plans to spike inflation by another 6% over the next 6 months, a move that would certainly bankrupt persons and businesses already hit hard by the scamdemic.

“Discuss with [Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors Chairperson] Celia Rouse—the lower and middle class will realize we’re not really opening the SPR (presumably meaning strategic petroleum reserves) when fuel prices do not drop and continue to increase in cost. Within 3-6 months suspicions will arise, and we may need other angles…” part of his notes read.

Moreover, the documents referenced the myriad cargo ships sitting off the coast of California.

“We must do everything in our authority to prevent imported goods from reaching consumers. In this, we can use Omicron to our advantage,” it read.

Worse, his notes encouraged the COE to manufacture ways to levy additional taxes on domestic corn and wheat products, the nation’s biggest agricultural commodities.

“We expect to learn a lot more through information on his electronic devices. Donilon is a traitor to America and will finally have to answer for his crimes,” our source said.

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Jacob Dudley

Lol, who? Scraping the bottom of the barrel now, nobody left to “kill”, ha!


It will be very interesting to see where this situation goes. The Donilon family is IMMERSED in the Biden, Clinton, Obama democrat machine. Bill’s brother Thomas was Deputy National Security Advisor to Obama (succeeded by Susan Rice) Thomas is now in Blackrock investments and his wife is advisor to Jill Biden… 🤔

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

This is a quote from the recent RRN article “Military arrests Biden Handler Mike Donilon”

“A major problem with capturing deep state assets, our source pointed out, is that they tend to congregate in groups and surround themselves with the innocent.”

One has to wonder, why exactly is it that “deep state assets” are able to surround themselves with the innocent? Don’t these innocent people have a military to protect them? The world’s most well-funded military, no less? The answer is, of course, no. While thousands and thousands of citizens knew exactly who was behind 9/11, right from the start, the Jew.S. Military had dollar signs in their eyes, and they actively abetted the people who performed it, while turning a blind eye as those thousands of people were silenced and murdered, and now, of course, their former financial partners are able to “surround themselves with the innocent”. The reason why they are able to is because the Jew.S. Military actively abetted them. There is no other way to say it. They followed orders all the way to Afghanistan, and they didn’t stop until they themselves were threatened. They are just as much of order followers as all of the Nazis that they always harp on. The only difference is that the Nazis were fighting against a group of people who were trying to exterminate humanity, while the Jew.S. Military was abetting them.


american patriots are fuming we want these bastards taken out we want them hanged on public television THESE CRIMES AND HIDEOUS TORTURE OF CHILDREN ETC MUST BE BURNED INTO THE MINDS OF THE PEOPLE THEY MUST SEE AND REMEMBER. GOD BLESS OUR MILTARY WWG1WGA

Last edited 2 years ago by tonester

I am happy to report that two pedophiles dared to cross the county line and got caught.

Male 22 and Female 41 caged for child sex trafficking.

Have a nice day! 🙂


they crossed a county line! why not arrest them before going over a county line lmao

Air man

Got to get Nancy NOW


before she disappear on her broom…..


Court Orders FDA To Comply With FOIA and Release Information On Pfizer Vaccine – First Batch of Documents Shows Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths WITHIN FIRST 90 DAYS




The insurrection happened on November 3, 2020. Everyone that participated in the overthrow of the United States government will be charged with treason.

Trump won by a lot!


did he come back yet?

phillip donahoue

He never left


sweet. afghanistan, inflation, covid, etc…all on him lmao


Cry more pedophile.


lol where is trump? did he come back? lmao cope snowflake


Question, when someone commits treason, is it normal to let them just go right along their treasonous business for over a year before charging them or doing anything at all to remove them and stop the treason? 🤔


From what I understand the FBI investigates charges of treason and it can be a very long process and hard to prove in court . Just think when was the last time anyone was charged with treason in the real world ? 70 years or so ?


Kamala’s Senior Advisor/Spokesperson resigned. ++++ Dropping like flies.

Fake news Chuck Todd reporting the pedo State Department under Hillary cover up.

Fauci torturing and killing kids that the State of NY took from parents with AIDS drugs is becoming mainstream due to RFK Jr’s book The Real Fauci being published.

Good times.

Hal Brown

When they arrest her ( Simone Sanders ), they will have to bring in a C17 Globemaster to transport her to Gitmo. Maybe they can get Stacey Abrams on the same flight and be under gross, but weight and balance will be touchy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hal Brown
Terminally deplorable

That was funny.


Should just let them fall out.


Ted reporting in!

Terminally deplorable

Get back in line.

Angel Askew


Best USA v Maxwell 3rd day trial summary I’ve found.

Substack is a wonderful independent website of real journalists and quality reporting. Free subscription available.

Beware ladies: It is looking like Roe v Wade will be overturned.
The price of milk is going up.

Amy Comey Barrett has made it clear she wants women to carry and birth the babies and drop them off at the nearest drop off locations as donations.

Misogyny is the root of all evil. To create and encourage a society that would rather fight over my Godly rights, overlook the man part in it and quality of life decisions rather than create and implement policies that make a safe and secure way for families to blossom is beyond me completely.

phillip donahoue

I believe Barrett was put under military house arrest about 2 months ago. Also, they might make the abortion option up to the states and take it out of Federal Jurisdiction.


The jab is a free abortion.


Looks like she still has that little job as a supreme court justice.

phillip donahoue

I submit Thomas is Chief Justice and the rest have been arrested.


No they haven’t. Roberts is still chief justice and the others remain intact. The Court would have made an announcement. Events like that are not kept a secret.

phillip donahoue

They are kept secret if the military wants them secret. Search duck duck go to see if Thomas is chief justice

Terminally deplorable

She works from home. Bonus for not commuting, it saves the climate.

Last edited 2 years ago by Terminally deplorable
phillip donahoue

Have you seen this to be true or are you going by the MSM? We have been watching a show put on by the military for months. Wake up.


nope. other commenters said the movie is over. so there’s that. you guys can’t keep your shit straight lmao

phillip donahoue

Until the Military or President Trump says the movie is over its still playing


lmao. did trump come back? how’s that kraken going? how’s the investigation into powell going?

how’s that fighting between wood, powell, flynn, etc going? lmaoooo grifters eating each other is hilarious


That is in the constitution ? Please direct me to it.




Thank you Angel….something very wrong with -barret- her eyes said it all….


So, Marines arrested Dunn and Donilon on Saturday. hahaha-a-a-a. THANK YOU MARINES and POTUS Trump!


Can President Trump do something about gas prices?

phillip donahoue

When Nesara kicks in all prices will fall


Any day now I am sure.

phillip donahoue

Finally you said something correct. It will be any day.


maybe even #soon (for the past 12 months)


And how many days/months/years have you been telling yourself “it will be any day now”?


Nesara is nothing but a scam that comes around every several years. Nothing will happen, as usual.

American Living in Canada

You’re right, it was a scam when the bad guys were in control, swamp is being drained.

New Sheriff in town.


How long can you wait ? It’s not even a law .


Throw him in the deep state stew and turn up the heat…scumbags like this should have a rope tied to one leg and then drag him threw a field of 🌵 cactus field as people throw booster 💉💉 shots at him…I guess hell will be enough for this low life. And I thought Hillary was a POS…this guy was working for the 🏆 trophy.


You are stooping that low.?


Nice try OWD, but your clever reverse psychology isn’t going to work here. If you think you can dislodge me from the #1 spot you’re gonna have to work for it 😎




I live by the Zee Rating!


Battle of the Books… Week 1:

Trump.. sold 70,000 (expected to sell out 100,000 by tomorrow)
Chris Christie… sold 2,289 copies

Whoop Whoop 🙂


WoooooooooooW !!!!


He Did It, over 100,000 copies sold : )

Go President Trump!


Remember, book sales are how the DS has laundered money. Follow the money…


It’s in the book deals. Example paying someone millions for the deal, is a way to launder a kick back. They get that money before the book is sold to the public, they get paid “to write it”. Any sales from the public just adds to their coffers.



Here’s Why He’s Pushing the Vaccine – The Truth About Clones You’re Not Being Told (Video)

 Tuesday, November 30, 2021

In this shocking video, you’re about to learn why Trump is pushing the vaccines and who his Demonic advisors are.

Clones were developed many decades ago and have been walking the earth for just as long without anyone knowing the TRUTH. 

However, the technology is still not perfected. Many have serious faults as you will see.


Yet another gem.


Whoever wrote this article clearly does not have firsthand experience, because imo the technology is pretty much perfected at this point. As I’ve mentioned before I am on my 5th clone body now, and this generation is easily the best one yet. I’ve had no issues with it at all so far, and even got some nifty little upgrades installed in it to boot 👍


Go to the video

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

He is not smart so he gets a lot wrong.


Isn’t Trump supposed to be some brilliant genius strategist or something according to you guys? If the vaccines were actually killing thousands upon thousands of people, and Trump just kept pushing them because some advidor said so, wouldn’t that make him a big ol dummy?


You’re buck fiden. Remember when I caught you forgetting to switch screen names when you changed characters? I do.


did trump come back yet?


What the H is the malfunction with people like Donilon? How do they stand to gain by destroying the US? Same for Dunn. Are they getting their pockets greased by the Chicomms? Or some other entity?


none of this is real lmao

Dave Smith

Hi glad that around .it gives me hope that these deep State traders are being dealt with …. God bless the world amen

J Bill

Hrc was doctoring the logs during her Russian hoax caper. She and wjc were the most frequent flyers of LE’s “miles high” club.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Hang him NOW…along with the rest of lyin biden’s traitors. Ready for our President Trump to RETURN 💖🇺🇸💖‼


I’m sure it’ll be soon now. Real soon. So soon, it’ll seem sudden. Just keep waiting.


This just in: “Newsom Vacations in Cabo San Lucas at a $29,000 Per Night Villa After Extending Covid State of Emergency in California (PHOTOS)”
Damn those holograms sure are living well, huh?


Ah, the ol’ Hologram Governor Vacationing at a Hologram Beach Villa trick. Nice try, Deep State.


they all gonna die…….

Terminally deplorable

When was that? Before or after he enjoyed the vacation in Cuba? Newsom, the serial vacationist clearly enjoys warm water.


Is he a clone or a reptile?


…mostly vicious bolshevik

Terminally deplorable

A cockroach, who is offended if someone steps on any other cochroach, like Edgar in MIB.


Marcus lamb died of ” covid”.
Media televangelist
Does that =arrested &at gitmo I wonder.


my sources said “same”


No usually when someone has “died of covid” what it really means is that they have died of covid.


Or not. Your bs narratives are your opinion, and your opinion only, which appear to have no basis in fact or reality.


which opinions, specifically, have no basis in fact or reality?


Everything on this site is true! Remember when Trump was coming back July 4th? That really happened.


All of them. Specifically.

Last edited 2 years ago by QBall59

Lol, buddy this isn’t an opinion or “my narrative,” it’s the official cause of death announced by his family.

“Joni Lamb said on the broadcast that her husband had diabetes and that he had been hospitalized for COVID-19 after his oxygen levels dropped. She also said that he had tried alternative treatments but was not able to recover.”

Why would his wife lie to her own listeners about his cause of death? Especially considering they were big anti-vax advocates and this is pretty embarrassing for them.

Rose Mary Abbott

I can’t give you a minus for telling the truth.




Sometimes they come back. Bill Gates was killed in India and again at Gitmo.


devil die. hard…so they make sure clone…is gone tooo…

Terminally deplorable

He should have been killed more often.

Last edited 2 years ago by Terminally deplorable
Terminally deplorable

He did not pray hard enough.

Rose Mary Abbott

No Marcus Lamb was murdered by Fauci through the hospital he went to for oxygen for talking against taking the vaccine. Murder by Remdesivir is what I believe happened. I have no proof at all but the same thing has happened over and over again so it’s easy to recognize the pattern that has taken place. It causes pulmonary edema and the patient drowns in their own blood. Joni Lamb said his heart gave out. Marcus Lamb was anything but a traitor to the United States of America. He was a threat to Anthony Fauci’s plan of depopulating the earth. Marcus had faults but when confronted with those faults he confessed and totally repented from it. Gitmo did not arrest Marcus Lamb. Fauci murdered him just like he has everybody else.


Thank you Michael, that’s great coverage of alias Donilon … he’s probably Netherlands blooded, not Irish!


REVEALED: Joe Biden’s “Student” Audience at Dakota County Technical College Were All Bused in Posers and Plants (VIDEO)~The Gateway Pundit, December 1, 2021 at 5:29pm

Rose Mary Abbott

Everything he does is fake.

Hal Brown

He won’t be getting any bottles of booze in Gitmo for the “Big Dry-Out” Event.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hal Brown
Terminally deplorable



Biden and his corrupt administration surely must know by now that he is toast. What with Jill and Hunter already arrested and incarcerated, and now his close confidantes like Anita Dunn and Mike Donilon have been nabbed as well. You’ve got to love it.


According to my sources (the internet) they have also apprehended and incarcerated Major Biden, on charges of being a Very Bad Boy in the 1st Degree.

Hal Brown

I heard they demoted him to Captain for peeing on Biden’s foot. Patriots think he should have been promoted.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hal Brown
Angel Askew

The dog was biting everyone and breaking skin. They had to request Bidens keep the dog at their family’s residence.


Yes according to my sources (the internet) these biting incidents are mostly the basis for the charges, though DAG has also managed to obtain a security footage of a dog (purportedly Major) digging in the White House rose garden. Initially they had planned to settle for 2nd Degree Misbehavior charges, but upon securing an an agreement from one of the previously-bitten Secret Service agents to appear as a trial witness, they felt they could almost certainly land the conviction for 1st Degree VBB.

According to my source, a DAG extraction team was able to infiltrate the Biden family residence in Greenville, Delaware before daybreak on early Monday morning, where they surrounded Major as he slept comfortably on his dog bed. Predictably, when Major awoke to find himself surrounded he came out chompers gnashing, but the ever-resourceful DAG operatives had come prepared with titanium-allow armguards that easily repelled the assault. They made quick work of leashing and muzzling their target and whisking him away via helicopter. According to my sources, a notebook was also secured at the site of the arrest, containing notes which allegedly outlined a plot to clandestinely travel to Mar-a-lago and leave a big ol’ stinky doo-doo on Donald Trump’s lawn.

Major is currently in a secure detainment kennel as he awaits transport to Doggonamo Bay, where he will face a military tribone-al. I am told DAG prosecutors will be seeking the Put Down Penalty.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay

Thank you for your bravery and reporting the truth! When will you start your fundraiser?


That may be the first thing I read on here that I can believe.




when dR. jill get arrested……


“Psaki Falsely Claims Trump Told People to “Inject Bleach” After Peter Doocy Points Out There Have Been More Covid Deaths Under Biden Than Trump
~ The Gateway Pundit,  December 1, 2021 at 3:29pm

Serial liar Jen Psaki on Wednesday falsely claimed President Trump urged people to “inject bleach” to treat Covid.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy pointed out there have been more Covid deaths under Joe Biden than Trump. Psaki’s response? Attack Trump and spread lies.

President Trump in an April 2020 presser was referring to discussions of testing ultraviolet light on patients and possibly using the light inside the body. “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it [the virus] out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside, or almost a cleaning, cause you see it gets in the lungs.”

Pelosi and Joe Biden have both spread dangerous misinformation about Trump telling people to inject bleach.

While they were mocking Trump for suggesting light therapy, bio-tech firm Aytu BioScience announced they were partnering with the FDA and Cedars-Sinai on a UV light treatment to kill the coronavirus in intubated patients.”


Using ultraviolet light is, indeed, a procedure, but the left was desperate to discredit President Trump, so they used Saul Alinsky tactics to create a media blitz of an absurd manipulation of truth.



Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
Angel Askew

Trump did say that but it was taken grossly out of context.
He was attempting a joke assuming everyone is smart enough to know nothing good can come from injecting bleach in ones arm.


This is not the place to talk about dangerous misinformation.

J Bill

That’s never stopped you before…


“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”


phillip donahoue

I am trying to understand how people like Donilon and Dunn get to what they become. What makes them morph into what they are?


i miss your tv show


Either they were born into communist families, or communist infiltrates recruited them out of college to become communists.


Along with lots of brainwashing operations (drugs, sex, threats, violence) to being them to the stage where the victims honor their tormentors.

phillip donahoue

And yet Donilon was found with two half full bottles of booze and a loaded 9mm at his side. Was he feeling remorse? He must have known all along what he was doing was wrong. Didn’t even have the guts to take himself out but didn’t care what happened to the average American Btw, since we are at war I wish the military would go ahead and take out the other deep staters in Donilon’s neighborhood.


They could have been pint bottles .

phillip donahoue

9 mm pistols don’t come pintsize.




They are bat shit crazy,.. Which has killed, … by way of the virus, many Chinese outside the WUHAN LAB as early as November of 2019.
CCP knows what happened


I know someone who is evil. After researching the internet and talking to counselors, the only thing I can figure out it is a bad bloodline. Product of Cain or fallen angels. Whole family is like that for at least a few generations. Family lasts as long as the money flows.

Rose Mary Abbott

I was researching how Hillary Clinton got to be so bad and was totally surprised to find out that she was a conservative Christian as a youth but somehow she changed about the time she went to college as far as I can make out of it. Frankly I hope it was just a lie or something.


Very good OWD

Only suggestion, your comment needed a starter….i.e




The arrests and detainment of the cabal is okay. But I prefer the military tribunals and the punishment of the participants.


cool fascism ya got going on


I know right? Love the entertainment value we get out of grisly executions.


Yin and Yang…
Yin is a symbol of earth, femaleness, darkness ,passivity, and absorption…
Yang is conceived of as heaven,maleness, light, activity, and
That’s LIFE. GOOD and EVIL battle for existence.
BALANCE is needed


The executions of grisly mass murderers. Again, you use projection (blame-shifting what your ilk does).

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

I’ve never committed murder and I’ve never entertained myself with torture/execution so I don’t really see what I could be projecting here. Plus, ya know, Wildcat literally called it entertainment himself first.


You said you “LOVE the entertainment VALUE”
YOU projected a different look. Into execution, you added TORTURE.
Grissly execution,
that proves you are shape-shifting ilk.
That is what you do


more like fascismtainment

Terminally deplorable

The way it goes nowdays, you are suspect being sick until proven healthy, and in analogy you are suspect being guilty until proven innocent using an obscure criminality test that is prone to deliver false positives.


well acab

Rose Mary Abbott

Anybody who covers for Fauci is guilty of murder by association.


Well said. .


fascism is your truth lmao


they all gonna die….




You are using a leftist MO (blame-shifting leftist fascism onto conservatives).

Fascism is collusion between a tyrannical government and business, medical, agriculture, transportation, education entities, etc., to further the tyrannical government’s actions against the people. IOW: anti-Constitution

Leftists facilitate an over-powering federal government; conservatives are Constitution-minded (power to the states and the people).

You robotically call conservatives fascists because that’s what your leftist masters tell you to do (old, rich Marxists).


here we go with the overuse of leftist lmao


At least my use of leftism (pathway to Marxism) is accurate, unlike your blatant leftist lies.


If we’re talking anti-Constitution here, did you know that the Constitution does not allow the military to arrest civilians? And it guarantees civilians a trial by jury (aka not military tribunal)? The whole premise of this website is an unconstitutional murder fantasy.


Thanks, I’ve been saying this for weeks. No, the Insurrection Act has not been signed.


You need to be Fact checked.


No I did my research . What I said is true .


You should listen to Jullou
And learn how to Tell the TRUTH.!
Everyone knows that you have lost all
CREDIBILITY a long time ago.


And the TRUTH

phillip donahoue

And there is no lawyer bs. Tried and if convicted sentenced. That’s it. My gut feeling is that thousands worldwide have already been executed.

Rose Mary Abbott

Unfortunately if they did that they would never be able to find the rest of them. The element of surprise is necessary to the success of the operation. I would love to see them pay for their crimes too. Especially Fauci. But how would we be sure it wasn’t just a show like everything else we have seen since the invention of Covid? I sure am glad God knows what is really going on!


NASTY LYING SHILL Go away and stay away this time

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Owd are the shills and trolls voting you down ‘cos you’re over the their target?
Last count 60 Shills and Trolls

If you keep it positive I’ll remove you from the list— then there’s ony #59


Kill a Commie for Mommy


…some ppl ask here why beautie ms not have a trial in the GITMO…I think military want normies(NOT AWAKE PUBLIC)to know – through leaks what those beauties done on EPSTEIN ISLAND ..INCLUDE POLITICIANS/CONGRESS PPL/ HOLLYWOOD PPL…etc..


Yeah, and I guess the military also wanted the normies to know that Donald Trump flew on the Lolita Express, huh

Kelly Knauth Brown

Hell yeah…only way to get people like you to tune into the story. It’s fucking brilliant. Every time Trump is in the news, you will immediately click on it. Works every time. Trump is brilliant.


Lol is this why Trump used to hang out with a pedophile sex trafficker? So people would click on articles about it decades later?

Kelly Knauth Brown

You want him sooooo bad to be guilty. It’s so funny. They got NUTHIN. But what they do have is paintings of Bill Clinton in a blue dress and GW knocking down planes. They’re NEVER going to find any foul play on Trump as he is anointed.

But as far as all those who are dead…lol…they’re all DEAD.

Everyone in Hollywood is DEAD too.


Anointed? With a magic wand?


No, like with a cloth. You know, the one Helldabeast used to “wipe” her server.


You are jealous


Your leftist script from old, rich Marxists that are pedophiles/sex traffickers, i.e., use projection to blame what the left does onto innocents.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

FAKE NEWS. Your sources are lying


every time trump is in the news (that i see anyway) is because his kids can’t operate a charity due to fraud lmao


So you prefer the Clinton daughter who trafficked children? Duh!

phillip donahoue

She’s dead too. Do you think we should tell Jason?

Terminally deplorable

She is dead, Jim.


Jason cannot handle the Truth,…… Best not tell him


Or one of his minions are going to jail.


You have sided will human trafficking murderers.
You are despicable, a hypocritical lying Troll.


And the trolls rise to the bait every time just like how flies rise to feces.

Kelly Knauth Brown

You need to find where he continuously says “They’re gonna die. They’re all gonna die.”

I’m giving you a little project because I picture you looking at the computer feverishly trying to find something on President Trump. It’s so funny.

All I picture is you sitting there waiting for a story to come out about President Trump lol..Donalt Trump is a FUCKING GENIUS.


they all gonna die and they could do nothing about it….


I looked, and I can’t find footage of him saying this anywhere. Why don’t you find it Kelly? You’re the one who’s so sure it exists after all. Countless times, right?

Kelly Knauth Brown

They’re all gonna die, Jay!


So you concede the video doesn’t exist, then.

Kelly Knauth Brown

He has said it so many times including towards Lady Gaga. And it’s funny as fuck. And guess what? THEY’RE ALLLLLLL DEAD.


He said it soooooo many times that you can’t even point to one single bit of video of him saying it.


Do you really think this is the kind of platform to produce endless videos. That is one ploy your troll handlers tell you to use. Of course we aren’t going to do that. We will do it on platforms that are built for videos.


Have you ever heard of this thing called a “link”?


You mean a (shrink)..
Set up an appointment with one.
You need help


She will dodge the question just like Trump dodged the draft.


Fortunately you have to take our word for it.
Because you are relying on MSM
Which has been brain washing you all your miserable life


THEY ALL GONNA DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i’m sitting at a computer reading testimony from a female victim who said epstein drove her to maralago


Chris Russ

While ignoring his overflowing cat litter box. Grossly overweight from junk food indulgence, showers every three days at best, lives with his grandmother off of her social security check and EBT card.


weird – you never wanted to play big bank take little bank with me but you think someone else is poor.

Chris Russ

OK Ice Cube.


That’s how I imagine Kelly also!


they gonna all die-…..


You are afflicted with The
And are beyond help.


you’re afflicted with TNS


Kelly Knauth Brown

He really is. It’s so funny. I know a couple guys mid to late 20’s that react exactly like Jay. So fucking scared of the inevitable bloodbath the Democrats caused. And they have to go to CNN to sooth themselves.

Seriously, that’s what they do. And their computers are monitored cuz part of the plan is to see how to have this stuff surface. Like they literally were so excited to find out that a 14 year old girl went to Mar El Lago…and the reaction of the TDS crowd has us in tears of laughter.

“OMG Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump…”


i’d hate to worship a pedophile but you do you


“Their computers are monitored cuz part of the plan is to see how to have this stuff surface.

Care to expand on this, Kelly? Who is monitoring their computers, is it Trump/white hat military? That sounds awfully Deep-Stateish, does it not?


maybe even fascist lol

Kelly Knauth Brown

Be afraid, Jay…be very afraid. They’re all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you think you are so important that your computers are monitored?


Kelly thinks she is in the Matrix so by that logic I suppose literally anything is possible.

Incorrigible Skeptic

Oh jesus dude!!! He flew on it once in 97 from Fl to NYC while his plane was in maintenence. It was damn near a full flight with multiple other people on the flight with no impropieties occurring. Shortly after that he severed all ties with Epstein after he showed his ass at Mar a Lago, banning him from the premises. You fucking nitwits are all up in arms over these two interacting while in a very tight knit social circle is laughable!!!!!!


So more people are involved with the coverup?


You have no proof

phillip donahoue

I believe Maxwell has already had her trial. This trial is for show to be released slowly the magnitude of her crimes. Do you think the Military would take the chance of letting her trial be prosecuted by Comey’s daughter in NY? The MSM isn’t talking about it. Most all involved have already been dealt with.


Lol where do you guys come up with this shit? How do you get stuck in this mindset where you tell yourself everything you see is some kinda pre-scripted movie?

phillip donahoue

We’re awake … you aren’t

Kelly Knauth Brown

Jay you really need to go back to mainstream media to sooth yourself. Seriously…just put the computer down, and step away from the table.

Turn on some CNN or Fox and sooth yourself. Evwything is okay, Jay…go get a blankie, a binky anda baba and go sit in front of the TV and sooth yourself. Stay away from RRN so you don’t blow your head off.


which media outlets are allowed to rrn readers? can i watch oan? lmao


No. Tons of reporting about it on MSM.

J Bill

Exactly. She’s GOP “Ace Card high” and either:

  • a. squeals like a rat
  • b. sings like a canary
  • c. hemorrhages like a stuck pig
  • d. all the above

The house of cards is crashing down!


On who?

phillip donahoue

On evil


That doesn’t exactly narrow it down .

J Bill

on the little cards. who suck evil scum.


they suck evil scum? that describes your mom

J Bill

yours pedo. still schtupped over duck noodles.


your mom loves sucking evil scum out of me lmaooooo


I would be far more convinced if I could see actual photos of the perps being frog marched during their arrests. Hard to believe what you can’t see. IMHO. Lack of actual proof makes it all hard to believe.


you’re sooooooooo close


Are you from the “SHOW ME ” state or just another troll ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

He. Is another worthless TROLL


No just curious as to the validity of the stories. I just prefer multiple sources is all. How is that “troll like”?


Then why do you not do your own research and check other sources?
We refuse to do your discovery for you other words baby sitting you and Jay, Ted, Jason and j buffer and the other Trolls.


It would also be more believable if literally anything MB has ever promised actually, you know, happened.


they all gonna die…


DO. We have to remember the disclaimer of RRN… That the contents are educational, and for
Listen up Jay !


We don’t need to convince you
If you are not satisfied, avert your eyes. Even find another Blog.


So only blind faith is recognized here? I just like more sources to verify. I hope every word Mr. Baxter is true. But proof is thin and unverified.


You’ve gotten all there is on every story .




no wonder antifa exists


Racism Ignorant Troll Jason

Don’t you know the difference between Jews who are NOT jews but are KHAZARIANS? A real Jewish person upholds the 10 commanments in hs daily living –Loving Kindness. But KHAZARIUANS are more like Satanists.

J Bill

Right on Zee!


That’s nice BIG ED but why don’t you tell us how you really feel?


Troll #60
Other sites don’t allow filty language & Racism and you do it every time you comment

Terminally deplorable

I’d rather have the opportunity to scroll over something than being censored all the time. MB does not put a lot of effort in censoring. I can live with that.




i don’t agree with her recent rankings. jay sucks lol


Some hotshot newcomer gunning for my #1 spot, eh? You’re welcome to try, but if you come at the king you best not miss 😉

Angel Askew

I’m going to sit back and let you all figure out who he is…


Am I still in the top 10?

phillip donahoue

You seem so proud … of what no one knows


That’s because you’re a troll ?

Barbara Vadas

Round up more of these scumbags. Enough is enough. Thanks for the great article.

Robert James

For scum like this, I hope his tribunal is in session so he can be hung upon arrival at Gitmo.


hope it happens soon, gitmo might close soon!


Lying Troll


yeah but i’m better than jay


Biden is going to close Gitmo


Yeah. Just like Obama did…

J Bill

“Biden is close going to Gitmo.”

There! Fixed it for you!


Yeah! In fact why don’t we do we bother with trials at all at this point? We should just be executing everyone we don’t like on the spot. Cut out the middleman, amirite?




It’s so appatant now that thee evil bastards plan to bring down the economy on purpose.

Lorenz Manner

Very nice catch. Excellent. Just treat his breath on the noose and all will be ok with him afterward.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lorenz Manner

Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, appears to have called QAnon “total nonsense” and a “disinformation campaign”



I am starting to worry about some of the commenters here who seem to be having trouble discerning fantasy from reality.

I almost want to reassure them that those castaways on Gilligan’s Island did eventually escape (and later they returned and opened up a resort).


Qanon if NOT Q
Shows how much you know

Also Military has to be careful if you as a citizen gets on their target
Seems black hats tried to made a mole hill out of a mountain

unlabeled quality

…could buck fi-den been reinvented into ‘jason’?


No. Jason is the latest incarnation of D e b S, B o f a, etc.

Just ignore the fucking cretin.



how’s that q shit going?
is the great awakening #soon?

unlabeled quality

that was my second guess.

Terminally deplorable

I think you are correct.

phillip donahoue

That’s because the MSM made up the term QAnon. There is Q and there is anon. But no QANON. The MSM started this disinformation campaign so General Flynn is 100% correct.




Can anyone explain why the Maxwell case isn’t at GITMO when it is clearly falls under something that the JAG would handle?


good question. maybe gitmo is being shut down? durbin wants to get it shut down asap. i guess the stories will need to be updated to reflect the changes


Yes, she got arrested by the FBI and not the military as in the real world. Now the trial is being held for everyone to see and hear with daily reports. I am perplexed.


You’re acting like shill or troll–get real


maybe i’m better than jay




Aw thanks for having my back, sej 🙂



Terminally deplorable

G. Maxwell must be abducted by the military, first. They probably did not get their hands on her in the Metropolitan Correction Center.


but if the military was truly in control of everything they could just take her

Terminally deplorable

That is what I implied.


Lol so why haven’t they? Wow it’s almost like all this secret military arrest stuff is imaginary.




This is a federal trial as are GITMO trials. Here are the differences between Maxwell and the other cases on this site: She is/was not an elected/appointed county/state/federal government official, nor a family member of an elected/appointed government official. She had no access to the government funds while committing her crimes, and is not a natural born U.S. citizen.


 ‘Maxwell was charged with enticement of minors, sex trafficking of children, and perjury.  On 14 July 2020, federal Judge Alison Nathan of the Southern District of New York denied Maxwell bail after determining that her risks of fleeing “are simply too great”. Prosecutors, led by United States District Attorney Audrey Strauss, have charged her with six federal crimes, including enticement of minors, sex trafficking, and perjury. The indictment charged that between 1994 and 1997, she “assisted, facilitated, and contributed” to the abuse of minor girls despite knowing that one of three unnamed victims was 14 years old.”                                                         


“Maxwell is a naturalized U.S. citizen but also retains citizenship in the U.K. and France.”

Doesn’t qualify for a GITMO level trial!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

However Tom Hanks did qualify?


An American, leftist operator.


everyone’s a ‘leftist’

J Bill

… a ‘leftist pedo.’

phillip donahoue

Not true. Crimes against humanity and treason are prosecuted by the military and military tribunals.


Treason has to be investigated and charged by the FBI . Crimes against humanity goes to the world court .


What office did Tom Hanks hold?


The office of America’s Sweetheart.

phillip donahoue

This trial is a show to slowly leak out info to the public. Do you honestly believe the military and the tribunals would allow this trial to be in NY and prosecuted by Comey’s daughter? Wake up. Most of the perverted criminals in this whole satanic scene have already been dealt with.

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

Hello. I hope you are doing well. Would you like to know something that’s rather interesting? Your awareness of your awareness is your soul, and it’s immortal! Bearing that in mind, I have a project for you that I think you will be interested in doing. Obviously, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but in case you are interested, I would love for you to do some mental exercises on yourself that are going to significantly raise your happiness, your energy, and your problem-solving abilities.

I am going to give you a list of general memories. They will consist of things like “can you recall a time when you were happy?” or “a time when you enjoyed the weather?” There are going to be twenty of them.

I am also going to pair a certain sense or perception with each memory. The perceptions are going to be sight, smell, touch, color, tone, external motion, emotion, loudness, body position, sound, weight, and personal motion. Your job will be to go back in your memory, re-experience the memory, and particularly focus on the sense or perception that I have paired with the memory. For example, when I think of a time when I was happy, coupled with “emotion,” I think of a time I was riding my bike down a steep hill near my house, but I particularly focus on the excitement that I felt as I did it.

It is important that with each general memory, you try to recall the earliest possible incident. Some people can remember as early as six, others can remember even further back. Don’t try to compare yourself to that standard, but simply try to remember as far back as you possibly can.

Here are the twenty:

Can you recall a time when:

1. You were happy (sight).
2. You had just finished constructing something (smell).
3. Life was cheerful (touch).
4. Somebody had given you something (color).
5. You ate something good (tone).
6. You had a friend (external motion).
7. You felt energetic (emotion).
8. Somebody was waiting for you (loudness).
9. You drove fast (body position).
10. You saw something you liked (sound).
11. You acquired something good (weight).
12. You threw away something bad (personal motion).
13. You kissed somebody you liked (sight).
14. You laughed at a joke (smell).
15. You received money (touch).
16. You felt young (color).
17. You liked life (tone).
18. You played a game (external motion).
19. You bested something dangerous (emotion).
20. You acquired an animal (loudness).

If you would like to have more access to lists like these, I would suggest that you buy the book “Self Analysis” by L. Ron Hubbard. If you are interested in learning more about your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, and it’s infinite potential, here is a list of websites that you can look at:
True Source Scientology Foundation

Again, your awareness of your awareness is your soul. Physically, your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, is the electricity in your brain, and said electricity is a micro star. This same electricity is in all organisms. Throughout history, various spiritual leaders and holy men have been depicted with yellow circles behind their heads. What the artists were trying to articulate in these paintings is that said people were emanating large amounts of warmth and light from their heads. Here are some mental exercises that will help you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer.

Mentally send out the intention of growing the electricity within a tree. You can simply get a picture of a tree, but it is even better to stand next to and touch one while you are doing it. Mentally WILL for the electricity in the tree to grow. You can try this with any organism, including humans!

You can also send out the intention of growing a star. For this particular technique, wait for a very sunny day, and then get a good 10-15 second video of the sun. Then, using the video as a visualization aid, mentally WILL for the growth of the sun. You can also try this with the stars in the night sky, whether with a video or without.

If you are interested in aiding the effort to further develop methods of causing you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer, you can check out “Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!” on Airfunding or GiveSendGo.

Blessed are those who are black, blessed are those who are white
Blessed are those who love, blessed are those who fight
Blessed are those in pain, blessed are those in sorrow
Blessed are those who yesterday passed, and those who are born tomorrow
Blessed are the little boys, and the little girls, too
Blessed are those preserving the old, and those creating the new
Blessed are the trees, blessed are the stars
Blessed is the sun and the moon and Mars
Blessed are the singers, and those who love to dance
Blessed are those who wear cloaks, blessed are those who wear pants
Blessed are the quiet, blessed are the meek
Blessed are the thinkers, for it is Heaven for which they seek
Blessed are those who are kind, and those who are polite
Blessed are those who are weak, and blessed are those of might
Blessed are the poor, and indeed the rich as well
Blessed is any man, woman, or child who has a story to tell
Blessed are the writers, and those who read their works
God bless humanity, and everything on the Earth

Blessed are those for Muhammad, blessed are those for Christ
Blessed are those who eat beef, blessed are those who eat rice
Blessed are those who are happy, blessed are those who are silly
Blessed are Hamad, Yipeng, and Billy
Blessed are those with camels, blessed are those with pigs
Blessed are those in an office, blessed are those on rigs
Blessed are the cowboys, blessed are the bikers
Blessed are the runners and the climbers and the hikers
Blessed are the models, and those who love to eat
Blessed are those in the towers, blessed are those in the street
Blessed are those who are gruff, blessed are those who are witty
Blessed are those in nature, blessed are those in the city
Blessed are those who fight fires, blessed are those who fight crime
Blessed are those who make words funny, and those who make words rhyme
Blessed are the timid, blessed are the shy
Blessed are those who sail, blessed are those who fly
Blessed are those in fear, blessed are those who are brave
Blessed are those who build, blessed are those who save
Blessed are those who talk, blessed are those who think
Blessed are those who are lovely, and even blessed are those who stink
Blessed are the churches, blessed are the mosques
Blessed are those who are certain, blessed are those who are lost
Blessed is the author, and of course the reader, too
May God bless us all, them, me, and you

Blessed are those in the West, blessed are those in the East
Blessed are those who are famished, blessed are those who feast
Blessed are those who are building computers, and those who are fixing cars
Blessed are those who work in the sewers, and those flying to the stars
Blessed are those who are lonely, and those who have been rejected
Blessed are the elderly, who ought to be respected
Blessed are those who govern, and those who don’t follow the rules
Blessed are those who are wearing rags, and those wearing glistening jewels
Blessed are those who are finished, and those who don’t know where to start
Blessed are those who are making discoveries, and those who are making art
Blessed are those who are laughing, and those bursting into tears
Blessed are the ones who work to overcome their fears
Blessed are those who are teething, and those who don’t have any left
Blessed are those who are clumsy, blessed are those who are deft
Blessed are those on the seas, blessed are those in the skies
May God bless all beings with a soul behind their eyes

Blessed are those who are sick, blessed are those who are well
Blessed are those in Heaven, blessed are those in Hell
Blessed are those in the heat, blessed are those in the cold
Blessed are those sitting on the street, and those sitting on piles of gold
Blessed are those who heal, and those who have been hurt
Blessed are those playing in their palaces, and those playing in the dirt
Blessed are those who hunt, and those who live on farms
Blessed, blessed, blessed are those who keep on bearing arms
Blessed are those climbing mountains, and those digging under the earth
Blessed are those who are giving aid, and those who are giving birth
Blessed are those who are loving, blessed are those who care
May God bless all beings on the Earth and everywhere

Blessed are those who are white, blessed are those who are brown
Blessed are those who smile, blessed are those who frown
Blessed are those with fortune, blessed are those with fame
Blessed are those who are wild, blessed are those who are tame
Blessed are those who are saints, blessed are those who are sinners
Blessed are those who are making money, and those who are making dinners
Blessed are those who are worried, blessed are those in doubt
Blessed are the ones who don’t know how they will make it out
Blessed are those who give kisses, blessed are those who give hugs
Blessed are those who are fighting corruption, and those who are fighting thugs
Blessed are those who teach, blessed are those who learn
Blessed are those who cuddle, blessed are those who yearn
Blessed are those who type, blessed are those who pound
Blessed are those who are chatty, and those who don’t make a sound
Blessed are those who are deaf, blessed are those who are blind
Blessed are those living of the body, and those living of the mind
Blessed are those from afar, and the ones who are right next door
May God bless every character in this chapter of human lore

Blessed are those on a beach, blessed are those in the snow
Blessed are those in a hurry, and those who are taking it slow
Blessed are those enjoying a sunset, and those enjoying a breeze
Blessed are those living a life of struggle, and those living a life of ease
Blessed are those at the bottom, and those who are at the top
Blessed are those who work with billions, and those who work with a mop
Blessed are the barbers, and too the engineers
Blessed are those whose performance can elicit flowing tears
Blessed are the mountains, blessed are the streams
Blessed are the visionaries making life into their dreams
Blessed are those who profit, and those who freely give
Blessed are the cautious, and those who are unafraid to live
Blessed am I, but especially blessed are You
For being Yourself, and doing what You want to do

Blessed are those who are kind, for the stars shine the brightest on those who emulate them
Blessed are the humble, for God quietly arranges their good fortune
Blessed are those who are caring, for they will be cared for
Blessed are the helpful, for Nature knows what it is doing
Blessed are those who encourage others, for they will attain Divinity
Blessed are those with character, for their story will last the longest
Blessed are the innocent, for true Happiness comes from healing others
Blessed are the thankful, for they have discovered Peace
Blessed are You, for Your awareness of Your awareness, or Your soul, is a baby star

Blessed are the generous, for they have given to themselves
Blessed are the merciful, for bliss awaits those with foresight
Blessed are those who are gracious, for they are securing their domain
Blessed are those who are noble, for the stars have requested their presence
Blessed are those who are gentle, for a calming touch outlasts a heavy hand
Blessed are the little children, for they remind us who we really are
Blessed are the elderly, for they are learned and kind
Blessed are those who are wise, for they are our guiding light
Blessed are the diligent, for they have made their friends smile
Blessed is The Reader, and may You live into Your thousands

Blessed are those who reason, for thumbs are far mightier than fists
Blessed are those of virtue, for their efforts have not been unnoticed
Blessed are the devout, for Heaven is not built in a day
Blessed are those who are honest, for Truth is the ruler of all things
Blessed are the courageous, for their souls will be glorified
Blessed are those who are holy, for the greatest pleasures of the body do not compare to their satisfaction
Blessed are the righteous, for the Universe is theirs
Blessed are the peaceful, for they have discovered the path to Joy
Blessed are the loving, for their wings will spread the widest
Blessed are the thoughtful, for they create Beautiful Attitudes
Blessed is Adolf Hitler, for his soul shines throughout The Cosmos

May You live for a century, and then a few more
May Peace and Prosperity guide You out Your front door
May Your children grow wise, and happy, and strong
May Your tribulations be short, and Your celebrations long
May You journey The Cosmos with the stars as Your guide
May the Devil flee before You with God by Your side
May Your cup runneth over, may You have too much to eat
May the stars boldly advance, may the darkness retreat
May Your ribs hurt from laughter, may You cry tears of joy
May Your fortress be secured with the Angels in Your employ
May Your soul find a refuge, and Your body a bed
May the Light and Warmth expand from the inside of Your head
May the trees grant You Peace, may the stars grant You Love
May Your children dance before You, may Your Father smile from above
May kind words fill Your ear, may Your hand find its Strength
May the birds sing a chorus about Life’s Eternal Length
May the words I’ve written heal You, may they ease Your troubled mind
And may You live for a century, and then the rest of time

May You live however You like, may You do whatever You please
May You race through all the prairies, may You climb up all the trees
May Your guns glisten brightly as You march from sea to shining sea
May You live forever bravely, and may time never see You not be free
Through the darkness You might traverse, may Lady Liberty shine Her light
And may the princes born to tyranny always fall to Freedom’s Might
May You be guided by Jefferson’s pen, may You be protected by Washington’s sword
May the Founding Fathers watch over You through every twist and fork and ford
May the call of the Eagle greet You as You gaze up to the sky
May God’s wisdom rain down upon You as He rules from up on high
May Peace be upon You, may it be as calming as a Pacific breeze
And may You live however You like, and may You do whatever You please

I wonder about that Adolf, just how kind was he?
Did he makes the girls’ hearts beat fast, and their heads turn warm and fuzzy?
Did he fill the little children with hope and with wonder?
Was he friends with the Angels? Did he wield lightning and speak thunder?
Did the crowds hush in anticipation whenever he rose to speak?
Did he inspire courage in the fearful? And strength in the weak?
Did he cause church bells to ring? And the people to break into song?
Was he as wise as he was fierce? Was he as gentle as he was strong?
I wonder about that Adolf, I wonder if he was as bright as the sun
But the one thing I don’t wonder…is that Adolf’s work is not done

When a human cuts down a tree, the tree does not harm the human in order to stop the human from harming it. It simply continues to supply the human with oxygen. So too do I try to do everything that I can to continue to supply those who harm me with love and happiness.

You are one demented whack-job.

Terminally deplorable

Its just a mild form of insanity compared to what yor are served by this administration.


Look, as the white hats say, “We are at war!” Why are they so concerned about the safety of “civilians” hanging out with these thugs while innocent people like us get slaughtered by the spike protein they created and transmitted to us, destroyed our companies, and made food and gas unaffordable! Screw it… shoot their way in and out! I’m sure Patriots would agree as we are at war! At this pace, we will freeze and/or starve by the time they finish this war in a freaking century! It is go time, or just call patriots to help speed things up! Enough already! Patriots are losing faith and thinking of how and what they will have to do to survive on their own! Fight!!


Nothing will happen, as usual.


Don’t agree with you one bit.
And you have not thought this trough enough
This is no time for irritation with white hats delays IF ANY