Military Executes Andrew Cuomo


Disgraced politician, murderer, and sexual predator Andrew Cuomo was hanged at Guantanamo Bay early Tuesday morning for his role in perpetrating the global plandemic and callously killing thousands of senior citizens who, were it not for his actions, might still be alive today.

At 6:00 a.m. the humiliated former governor ate his last meal, steak and eggs, after which GITMO security drove him to the southern edge of the installation where JAG and Office of Military Commission officers anxiously awaited his arrival. Predictively, Cuomo did not go gracefully into the night; the ineloquent, foul-mouthed, bovine Cuomo seemed to thrive on hurling insults at everyone he met that morning, from GITMO security to the Marines who drove him to the execution site, from Vice. Adm. Crandall to the anonymous hangman who slipped a braided noose around his neck.

But his flippant obscenities only hastened his execution.

“I spit on every one of you motherfuckers,” a petulant Cuomo said as his Marine guard pushed him to the gallows.

Around the lethal apparatus stood an assembly of military brass loyal to the “White Hat” movement and one Republican governor whose name RRN has been asked to conceal. Rear Adm. Crandall stood front-and-center, gazing upward at Cuomo as the hangman tightened the noose around his bulky neck.

“Having been found guilty, you’ve been sentenced to hang by the neck until dead. Do you wish Last Rites? I imagine it’s futile to ask if you wish to give a statement of contrition,” Rear Adm. Crandall addressed the condemned.

Atop the platform, Cuomo beseeched and berated his executioners. “Here’s my statement: Fuck you, Crandall.” He slung “F” words liberally, profaning Rear Adm. Crandall’s wife, children, and mother, then turned his attention towards the others in attendance. “Fuck all of you.”

“I guess that’s what we expected,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

“There’s more of me than there are of you, Crandall. Killing me won’t stop anything,” Cuomo barked.

“We’ll see about that,” Rear Adm. Crandall said.

The anonymous soldier standing beside Cuomo flipped a lever, and the concealed door beneath Cuomo’s feet swung open, dropping him until the rope went taught and snapped his neck.

A Navy doctor on scene pronounced him dead, then put his body in a zippered polyurethane bag.

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Great is our God who gives us leaders who act, not lie. Thank you God for Trump and Crandall!

Gunny HiWay

Bullshit, HOPIUM, LIES


Tell it to God Cuomo!


just wondering how to get rid of the cloWnes they use s body doubles… can’t wait to see cuomo’s body double. will he have nipple rings too?


GoTo for all links to the below Head lines


Forwarded from US Generals: Lots of Flights to GITMO in the past 8 days: Tuesday night June 29 and June 30 early morning hours over 700 arrests were made throughout the United States, UK and EU on the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It was the largest mass arrests so far in a 32 hour time frame. The Deep State MSM is not reporting on the arrests, but creating distractions. The Military Federal Marshals moved on behalf of Sealed Indictments and important evidence, files and Servers provided by Jong Jingwei.

Given the use of high threshold values for “diagnosis” of COVID-19, the rates of cases and deaths have been grossly exaggerated. The evidence is so overwhelming – and coming in from all sources (except the US CDC) that Italy has revised its estimated number of deaths from COVID-19 from over 390,000 to less than 4,000 – overnight.

Fully Vaccinated Airline Passenger Dies Mid-Flight, Then Found to Be Infected with COVID

COVID/Vax Hoax:
11 States Rally Against Biden’s Vax Mandate On Businesses.

Texas AG Paxton sues Biden administration over new OSHA vaccine regulations

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt files a lawsuit on behalf of 11 states opposing OSHA’s vaccine regulations.

2020 & 2021 Election Fraud:
56 New Jersey Voting Machines Didn’t Count Votes:



FBI Uses Smartphone App in Global Raid on Organized Crime

An encrypted app that criminals have been using since 2018 was supposed to be the most impenetrable communication tool available. It was seen as a safe place to plot activities, manage illicit drugs, or even talk about murder without law enforcement getting involved.
It turns out that the ANoM app, which is a black-market only product accessible on prepared mobile devices, was being covertly monitored by Australia’s Federal Police (AFP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for almost the entire time.
Australia announced that the intelligence gathered from the messages sent across the app led to over 220 arrests and more than 500 charges. The AFP seizes 3.7 metric tons of illicit drugs and about $35 million in cash during that time. Most of the individuals have links to the Italian mafia, Asian crime syndicates, and even motorcycle gangs.



That’s funny.

Lucky star

Where is Gavin Newsom after his bootser shot? No where to be found in calicomic. Maybe he is in the SPA now.. waiting MT.

Any info anyone????

Irish Girl

Maybe he got a real one instead of saline?


Says he helping a family member.

MTG says she was on a plane with Aunt Nancy headed to Florida. Supposedly Aunt Nancy wants to buy a home in Florida to retire. She wouldn’t dare.

When is DHS secretary coming back from quarantine? It’s been awhile since he got the coof.

Will Jen Psaki survive her coofness? Remains to be seen. She was malfunctioning a lot at the end.


House arrest –latest I heard


DID YOU KNOW ?  The QFS [QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM) was implemented on August 22, 2019 . Per Trump Executive order. This was signified by a HISTORIC FLIGHT on the day by 4 Stealth F35 Raptors, 4 Red Arrows from the UK, 4 Thunderbirds and 4 Blue Angels…… they all flew South down the Hudson River at the crack of Wall Street opening up at 9:30 in the morning.


U.S’s National Quantum Initiative Launches Website:
The National Quantum Initiative– quantumDOTgov
According to the site, this will be the home of the project and will report on ongoing activities

GESARA is an acronym for Global Economic Security And Reformation Act NESARA is the USA version. What might Nesara Gesara include?  

See Go to ebhDOTclub For……

Below are 19 specific items, but expect more.

1.  Restore Constitutional Law in Republic of the United States of America.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

I will wait another month or so to upgrade to WIN 11 in Beta

ebhDOTclub says
Windows 11 has “update”available and its free !Please go to your search bar on your computer, bottom right, type in “updates”, and then check, click on it, to see if you have a new update. It should come up that Windows 11 is available. Go ahead and update it since it closes the back doors from hackers. Its a better program.


I heard it’s pure crap by several people. Always wait.


Was ( Faux ) Biden Just Arrested ?

Irish Girl

Where did you see / hear that, Zee?

Lucky star

wwwdotyoutubedotcom/watch?v=podnqepuOc4. I think he got it from that video


Going there –look also for picture of JKFjr as he is now.


Where´s Newsom?


MSNBC clip:

“We will be hearing from ( shows pic of White House) the occupant of the White House FORMER President Joe Biden.”


ScottyMar10 Nov 5

Irish Girl

If you are interested in getting C19 meds that are used throughout the world. Shipping from our glorious neighbor from the North.

https [colon]


Was posted from a reputable source on Gab.


Last edited 3 years ago by Irish Girl

Putin: The Existing Model Of Capitalism Has Expired; Only Sovereign States Can Respond To Challenges

This is a heckuva good speech by Russian President Putin. He slams the globalists and their organizations, communism, transgenderism, reverse racism, and even quotes Martin Luther King!
The whole world sees what’s going on and Putin knows how long his country has struggled after the same fight…

It’s on YouTube channel: Russia Insight
@ youtube(dot)com/watch?v=krMlpCByAg4


No color revolution in Russia.


I love Climate change,….it happens 4 times a year – Spring, Summer Fall & Winter.
Everything else is just Weather Warfare.

live oak

It’s a huge scam. It’s just another way the leftists and democrats can steal from us. God is in charge of everything.

Lucky star

If you paid attention, you all see that all the trolls now came out hard and in tandem one comment from one troll followed by another troll (they were replying to their fellow trolls). Looks like their master so crazy angrier at these boring lazy trolls and now they are so desperate to push the narrative that none were happening yet they can’t provide any single proof.. funny their Q&A were re-played over and substances …maybe they are about to lose their 25 cents per post.


We must be over the target.


I for one am not boring or desperate. Anyone else ?

Buck fiden

Trolls? What trolls? There are no trolls here.


The trolls main purpose here is to normalize pedophilia. They expect Americans to provide proof it’s not normal. They won’t concede to the fact that kids cannot consent to sex which makes it is illegal and will never be deemed normal in the United States.

It doesn’t mean they will stop trying.

In the middle east where most of these trolls reside or immigrated from, pedophilia is legal.

Think Mohamed. Think Biden. Same same.


Actually, we are just waiting to say “I told you so” when you realize how insane these theories are that you believe in. Secret trials? Clones? Aliens? Georgia White House sound stage? Secret executions?
To address your straw man argument, it does not work. Don’t make your own argument only to argue about it. We all have advanced degrees here according to most posters and we use facts and logic. Lizard people creating fake vaccines to kill people does not pass the sniff test.


See how fast they showed up?

Main purpose to normalize pedophilia in the U.S.

Ghislaine Maxwell trial is set to begin. We know who her co-conspirators are. Pure panic.

Lucky star

Totally agreed.. showed up in tandem


In every successful color revolution (Europe) a civilized society must be degenerated to the point where anything goes.

If the perverts can normalize pedophilia they can normalize buying and selling, adrenochrome and live organ harvesting.

The cabal will not succeed in the U.S. They think President Trump is the only one in their way. Huge mistake.

live oak

Look at it here. Deb S. showed up last week from out of no where with her screed.


Michael won’t let me me say the b and R name for some reason. But that’s the snack cake.

live oak

??? what’s b and R?


Bo and Rus——

Lucky star

100% agreed. I lived in muslim country for 27 years..know their mind set and attitude. Only trolls down here born in USSA never lived in those barbaric countries thinking they were good people


Quick informal poll… with the topic of a Trump return falling apart, do you want more murder stories or should we switch to alien invasion plots?

Deb S

Definitely alien invasion


Alien invasion, but I want pictures !


Pictures of Jay, Ted, Deb S, Buck, Live Oak et al? Would be nice.

Buck fiden

My avatar is my self-portrait.


Can we post pictures here? That would be sweet!

Buck fiden

Epstein kiddie snuff porn!

Lucky star

One posting from one troll followed by remaining trolls with same old lame posting


Except buckfiden admits publicly he’s a pedo.


Did anyone else read the bill that was passed yesterday? What is with the 12 Billion set aside for Clone Citizenship Initiative? Are they trying to create clones so they can vote?


I saw it . Looks and sounds legitimate to me. Wonder how many clones we’ve got?


200,000 now in service with 1 million on the way.

Buck fiden

I want sex robot suffrage NOW! All five of my headgivers should be able to vote!


Question for our resident trolls

WHY NO American flag covering Collin Powell´s casket?

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas

Really? If you watched the service you would have seen the flag on the casket.


Your lies won´t fly here. Everyone seen the table cloth,press attempts of using stock images and old footage but the teams filming the even in loco were streaming different images, different music and even people dressed differently from studio footage.

Deb S


Everything is hand waved away to explain how reality isn’t reality


No way .


I understand. I am needed back on earth now so you just enjoy whatever you are doing.

Buck fiden

Why didn’t they just dump his deep state nigger ass into the deep blue sea.


CBS reporter´s footnote on tv – The polip saved Powell from trial….


Colin Powell’s Hacked Emails Reveal Members, Activities of Bohemian Grove Secret Society


‘Hacked’ Photos Show Colin Powell At Bohemian Grove


————->254 false statements……


Last edited 3 years ago by kikas

Who’s a Proud Member of the LGBFJB Community ? : )


Our research has shown that we are mostly NASCAR fans here. Mike is fond of Cricket but don’t hold it against him. He can’t help being English.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but I never watched NASCAR. Try Again.

David Yanity

“With that being said; the Monkey is now Driving the Bus.”

But who would be dumb enough to give Jim Buffer the keys?

David Yanity

I’m guessing it’s Ted.


I do not claim any negative energy in this comment section.

Buck fiden

I’m in a Faraday cage.


The Media blackout is starting in some countries
Faxed population are filling hospitals
Don’t get vaxed, hold off for a little while…..

Deb S

I hate when the population uses fax machines. Faxes and printers need to be burned and sent to hell


How do we know if there is a blackout?

Buck fiden

There is no more need for loss prevention associates.

Buck fiden

Hey, Wildcat. Congratulations. Your shitty southern Arizona football team finally won a game last night (10-3 over Berkeley)! 1-8 record for the Wildcats!


warning….OWD…DO NOT GET TURN TO awareness is your soul…we do have enough of him…

Last edited 3 years ago by sejmon



Bravo! I think I’ll go for a walk outside now, the summer sun’s calling my name!


I hope the. Next Executed will be any or all of the next three, PELOSI upchuck Schumer, or George SOROS

Deb S

“the. Next”




Little Debbie, a snack cake. That’s too funny.

Deb S

Did trump come back yet? I thought big things were happening this week lmaooooooo


I do believe it will be -fasci….they caught PFIZER CEO..I BET HE SING BETTER NOW than Andrea Bocelli to FIB

Last edited 3 years ago by sejmon
Deb S

Did “they”?

Angel Askew

Yes, “they” plucked him out of his Scarsdale, NY home and are currently searching thru his multiple properties nationwide for more evidence.

Buck fiden

Just nuke DC. 88.5% are bad guys. The rest take one for the team.

Deb S

I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.

Chris Russ

“u tho” clown show.

Deb S

U mad?



Who will next maybe Schumer or Pelosi we can only wish

Deb S

“Who will next”

these nuts i guess

Chris Russ

“i” ?? Stones, glass houses.

Deb S


Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

Dear Jews/Brits, please make transgenderism mandatory in the military so that these delicate and gentle doves will be motivated to drop the James Bond impersonations and start acting like men.

Angel Askew

You jest but, China has such feminine men that xi ping just approved having 3 kids to keep his numbers up.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why not put all those Bull Dykes in boots and all those fairies in the military instead?

Hanging with matty

If only we could verify any of this 🤷


We can do more reporting if we get more donations. Donate often and request who you would like to see executed next!


go beg to CF……..


Wish we could But then again Hillary and Bill Clinton have not been seen the live TV or Comby I sure hope they’re dead

Deb S

they’ve both been on tv. hillary tweeted today/yesterday. sparatcus’s rule is if they tweet, they’re alive. i don’t make the rules


“I DON’T MAKE THE RULES”, you. Got that correct!
The dead don’t tweet. They rot.!

Deb S

It just means HRC is alive


Chris Russ


Deb S

Cooky Chris , I call him. Desperately looking for anything to be mad at


Chris Russ

Just reminding you of the living in glass houses and the throwing of stones. You call folks out on grammatical errors but yet your posts are littered with it. Be Better.


“But yet”? You only need one, but or yet. Not both.


My sources say he lost his head.

Deb S

Nope they’re alive based in the Spartacus rule.



Such an excellent rule it is .

Rob William

How would you like to verify? New Physics Experiment Indicates There’s No Objective Reality. What you consider as reality based on your local observations is the reality for you.

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

Hello! I hope you are doing well. Would you like to know something that’s rather interesting? Your awareness of your awareness is your soul, and it’s immortal! Bearing that in mind, I have a project for you that I think you will be interested in doing. Obviously, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but in case you are interested, I would love for you to do some mental exercises on yourself that are going to significantly raise your happiness, your energy, and your problem-solving abilities.

I am going to give you a list of general memories. They will consist of things like “can you recall a time when you were happy?” or “a time when you enjoyed the weather?” There are going to be twenty of them.

I am also going to pair a certain sense or perception with each memory. The perceptions are going to be sight, smell, touch, color, tone, external motion, emotion, loudness, body position, sound, weight, and personal motion. Your job will be to go back in your memory, re-experience the memory, and particularly focus on the sense or perception that I have paired with the memory. For example, when I think of a time when I was happy, coupled with “emotion,” I think of a time I was riding my bike down a steep hill near my house, but I particularly focus on the excitement that I felt as I did it.

It is important that with each general memory, you try to recall the earliest possible incident. Some people can remember as early as six, others can remember even further back. Don’t try to compare yourself to that standard, but simply try to remember as far back as you possibly can.

Here are the twenty:

Can you recall a time when:

1. You were happy (sight).
2. You had just finished constructing something (smell).
3. Life was cheerful (touch).
4. Somebody had given you something (color).
5. You ate something good (tone).
6. You had a friend (external motion).
7. You felt energetic (emotion).
8. Somebody was waiting for you (loudness).
9. You drove fast (body position).
10. You saw something you liked (sound).
11. You acquired something good (weight).
12. You threw away something bad (personal motion).
13. You kissed somebody you liked (sight).
14. You laughed at a joke (smell).
15. You received money (touch).
16. You felt young (color).
17. You liked life (tone).
18. You played a game (external motion).
19. You bested something dangerous (emotion).
20. You acquired an animal (loudness).

If you would like to have more access to lists like these, I would suggest that you buy the book “Self Analysis” by L. Ron Hubbard. If you are interested in learning more about your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, and it’s infinite potential, here is a list of websites that you can look at:
True Source Scientology Foundation

Again, your awareness of your awareness is your soul. Physically, your awareness of your awareness, or your soul, is the electricity in your brain, and said electricity is a micro star. This same electricity is in all organisms. Throughout history, various spiritual leaders and holy men have been depicted with yellow circles behind their heads. What the artists were trying to articulate in these paintings is that said people were emanating large amounts of warmth and light from their heads. Here are some mental exercises that will help you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer.

Mentally send out the intention of growing the electricity within a tree. You can simply get a picture of a tree, but it is even better to stand next to and touch one while you are doing it. Mentally WILL for the electricity in the tree to grow. You can try this with any organism, including humans!

You can also send out the intention of growing a star. For this particular technique, wait for a very sunny day, and then get a good 10-15 second video of the sun. Then, using the video as a visualization aid, mentally WILL for the growth of the sun. You can also try this with the stars in the night sky, whether with a video or without.

If you are interested in aiding the effort to further develop methods of causing you as a “star being” to become larger, brighter, and warmer, you can check out “Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!” on Airfunding or GiveSendGo.

Blessed are those who are black, blessed are those who are white
Blessed are those who love, blessed are those who fight
Blessed are those in pain, blessed are those in sorrow
Blessed are those who yesterday passed, and those who are born tomorrow
Blessed are the little boys, and the little girls, too
Blessed are those preserving the old, and those creating the new
Blessed are the trees, blessed are the stars
Blessed is the sun and the moon and Mars
Blessed are the singers, and those who love to dance
Blessed are those who wear cloaks, blessed are those who wear pants
Blessed are the quiet, blessed are the meek
Blessed are the thinkers, for it is Heaven for which they seek
Blessed are those who are kind, and those who are polite
Blessed are those who are weak, and blessed are those of might
Blessed are the poor, and indeed the rich as well
Blessed is any man, woman, or child who has a story to tell
Blessed are the writers, and those who read their works
God bless humanity, and everything on the Earth

Blessed are those for Muhammad, blessed are those for Christ
Blessed are those who eat beef, blessed are those who eat rice
Blessed are those who are happy, blessed are those who are silly
Blessed are Hamad, Yipeng, and Billy
Blessed are those with camels, blessed are those with pigs
Blessed are those in an office, blessed are those on rigs
Blessed are the cowboys, blessed are the bikers
Blessed are the runners and the climbers and the hikers
Blessed are the models, and those who love to eat
Blessed are those in the towers, blessed are those in the street
Blessed are those who are gruff, blessed are those who are witty
Blessed are those in nature, blessed are those in the city
Blessed are those who fight fires, blessed are those who fight crime
Blessed are those who make words funny, and those who make words rhyme
Blessed are the timid, blessed are the shy
Blessed are those who sail, blessed are those who fly
Blessed are those in fear, blessed are those who are brave
Blessed are those who build, blessed are those who save
Blessed are those who talk, blessed are those who think
Blessed are those who are lovely, and even blessed are those who stink
Blessed are the churches, blessed are the mosques
Blessed are those who are certain, blessed are those who are lost
Blessed is the author, and of course the reader, too
May God bless us all, them, me, and you

Blessed are those in the West, blessed are those in the East
Blessed are those who are famished, blessed are those who feast
Blessed are those who are building computers, and those who are fixing cars
Blessed are those who work in the sewers, and those flying to the stars
Blessed are those who are lonely, and those who have been rejected
Blessed are the elderly, who ought to be respected
Blessed are those who govern, and those who don’t follow the rules
Blessed are those who are wearing rags, and those wearing glistening jewels
Blessed are those who are finished, and those who don’t know where to start
Blessed are those who are making discoveries, and those who are making art
Blessed are those who are laughing, and those bursting into tears
Blessed are the ones who work to overcome their fears
Blessed are those who are teething, and those who don’t have any left
Blessed are those who are clumsy, blessed are those who are deft
Blessed are those on the seas, blessed are those in the skies
May God bless all beings with a soul behind their eyes

Blessed are those who are sick, blessed are those who are well
Blessed are those in Heaven, blessed are those in Hell
Blessed are those in the heat, blessed are those in the cold
Blessed are those sitting on the street, and those sitting on piles of gold
Blessed are those who heal, and those who have been hurt
Blessed are those playing in their palaces, and those playing in the dirt
Blessed are those who hunt, and those who live on farms
Blessed, blessed, blessed are those who keep on bearing arms
Blessed are those climbing mountains, and those digging under the earth
Blessed are those who are giving aid, and those who are giving birth
Blessed are those who are loving, blessed are those who care
May God bless all beings on the Earth and everywhere

Blessed are those who are white, blessed are those who are brown
Blessed are those who smile, blessed are those who frown
Blessed are those with fortune, blessed are those with fame
Blessed are those who are wild, blessed are those who are tame
Blessed are those who are saints, blessed are those who are sinners
Blessed are those who are making money, and those who are making dinners
Blessed are those who are worried, blessed are those in doubt
Blessed are the ones who don’t know how they will make it out
Blessed are those who give kisses, blessed are those who give hugs
Blessed are those who are fighting corruption, and those who are fighting thugs
Blessed are those who teach, blessed are those who learn
Blessed are those who cuddle, blessed are those who yearn
Blessed are those who type, blessed are those who pound
Blessed are those who are chatty, and those who don’t make a sound
Blessed are those who are deaf, blessed are those who are blind
Blessed are those living of the body, and those living of the mind
Blessed are those from afar, and the ones who are right next door
May God bless every character in this chapter of human lore

Blessed are those on a beach, blessed are those in the snow
Blessed are those in a hurry, and those who are taking it slow
Blessed are those enjoying a sunset, and those enjoying a breeze
Blessed are those living a life of struggle, and those living a life of ease
Blessed are those at the bottom, and those who are at the top
Blessed are those who work with billions, and those who work with a mop
Blessed are the barbers, and too the engineers
Blessed are those whose performance can elicit flowing tears
Blessed are the mountains, blessed are the streams
Blessed are the visionaries making life into their dreams
Blessed are those who profit, and those who freely give
Blessed are the cautious, and those who are unafraid to live
Blessed am I, but especially blessed are You
For being Yourself, and doing what You want to do

Blessed are those who are kind, for the Stars shine the brightest on those who emulate them
Blessed are the humble, for God quietly arranges their good fortune
Blessed are those who are caring, for they will be cared for
Blessed are the helpful, for Nature knows what it is doing
Blessed are those who encourage others, for they will attain Divinity
Blessed are those with character, for their story will last the longest
Blessed are the innocent, for true Happiness comes from healing others
Blessed are the thankful, for they have discovered Peace
Blessed are You, for Your awareness of Your awareness, or Your soul, is a baby star

Blessed are the generous, for they have given to themselves
Blessed are the merciful, for bliss awaits those with foresight
Blessed are those who are gracious, for they are securing their domain
Blessed are those who are noble, for the stars have requested their presence
Blessed are those who are gentle, for a calming touch outlasts a heavy hand
Blessed are the little children, for they remind us who we really are
Blessed are the elderly, for they are learned and kind
Blessed are those who are wise, for they are our guiding light
Blessed are the diligent, for they have made their friends smile
Blessed is The Reader, and may You live into Your thousands

Blessed are those who reason, for thumbs are far mightier than fists
Blessed are those of virtue, for their efforts have not been unnoticed
Blessed are the devout, for Heaven is not built in a day
Blessed are those who are honest, for Truth is the ruler of all things
Blessed are the courageous, for their souls will be glorified
Blessed are those who are holy, for the greatest pleasures of the body do not compare to their satisfaction
Blessed are the righteous, for the Universe is theirs
Blessed are the peaceful, for they have discovered the path to Joy
Blessed are the loving, for their wings will spread the widest
Blessed are the thoughtful, for they create Beautiful Attitudes
Blessed is Adolf Hitler, for his soul shines throughout The Cosmos

May You live for a century, and then a few more
May Peace and Prosperity guide You out Your front door
May Your children grow wise, and happy, and strong
May Your tribulations be short, and Your celebrations long
May You journey The Cosmos with the Stars as Your guide
May the Devil flee before You with God by Your side
May Your cup runneth over, may You have too much to eat
May the Stars boldly advance, may the Darkness retreat
May Your ribs hurt from laughter, may You cry tears of joy
May Your fortress be secured with the Angels in Your employ
May Your soul find a refuge, and Your body a bed
May the Light and Warmth expand from the inside of Your head
May the Trees grant You Peace, may the Stars grant You Love
May Your children dance before You, may Your Father smile from above
May kind words fill Your ear, may Your hand find its Strength
May the birds sing a chorus about Life’s Eternal Length
May the words I’ve written heal You, may they ease Your troubled mind
And may You live for a century, and then the rest of time

May You live however You like, may You do whatever You please
May You race through all the prairies, may You climb up all the trees
May Your guns glisten brightly as You march from sea to shining sea
May You live forever bravely, and may time never see You not be free
Through the darkness You might traverse, may Lady Liberty shine Her light
And may the princes born to tyranny always fall to Freedom’s Might
May You be guided by Jefferson’s pen, may You be protected by Washington’s sword
May the Founding Fathers watch over You through every twist and fork and ford
May the call of the Eagle greet You as You gaze up to the sky
May God’s wisdom rain down upon You as He rules from up on high
May Peace be upon You, may it be as calming as a Pacific breeze
And may You live however You like, and may You do whatever You please

I wonder about that Adolf, just how kind was he?
Did he makes the girls’ hearts beat fast, and their heads turn warm and fuzzy?
Did he fill the little children with hope and with wonder?
Was he friends with the Angels? Did he wield lightning and speak thunder?
Did the crowds hush in anticipation whenever he rose to speak?
Did he inspire courage in the fearful? And strength in the weak?
Did he cause church bells to ring? And the people to break into song?
Was he as wise as he was fierce? Was he as gentle as he was strong?
I wonder about that Adolf, I wonder if he was as bright as the sun
But the one thing I don’t wonder…is that Adolf’s work is not done

When a human cuts down a tree, the tree does not harm the human in order to stop the human from harming it. It simply continues to supply the human with oxygen. So too do I try to do everything that I can to continue to supply those who harm me with love and happiness.


Do you get points from your cult (or your Soros organization) every time you post that tired old nonsense? “I wonder about that Adolf, just how kind was he?”, etc. you seem to have something against Jewish people, and find affinity with a man who ordered mass murder of over 6 million people, and started World War II? How sick are you?

Deb S

my pockets stick out more than my belly, They know I’m paid, livin’ laid in the shade
Two slabs in the Escalade

Last edited 3 years ago by Deb S

Thats what I have been saying.
I knew it all along


YUP, #50

Deb S

I’m #1 though

Buck fiden

¡Mámame, panochuda!

Deb S

By admission lmaoooooooo

Chris Russ

Posts are weaker than puppy piss.

Deb S

Hoes big mad today lmaoooooooo


First you were an Undercover, then you thought you could be a Comedian, then you changed your Name to a Girl, and now you believe you have a set of Rap Skills.

Did you watch a lot of Jerry Springer growing up? ….

Deb S





How do you fight evil? by doing good for Her Awareness sake. Pray to her personal guardian angels that the light of truth shine brightly on her. Blessings,

Buck fiden

Q: What happens when a Kike with a hard-on smashes into a door?

A: He breaks his nose.



As opposed to physically insane ?

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

Here’s a hilarious scenario: a military engages in a sting operation and severely underestimates the ghoulishness of the people they are stinging, and then the sting operation turns into 50% of the population getting wiped out, and the military says, “Ha! We caught you!” You were doing stuff that is illegal!” NO FUCKING SHIT THEY’RE ABOUT TO WIPE OUT 50% OF THE POPULATION QUIT WITH YOUR DUMBASS JAMES BOND STING OPERATION YOU STUPID FUCKING CHIMPANZEES!

Don’t bring up reality on my site please.

Angel Askew

Have faith.
Prepare and pray, YAOYAIYS!

Rob William

50% population reminds me of Thanos. As the technology is already so advanced (clones, holograms, nano aggregate robots in vaccines), what’s the probability that they may be practicing different scenarios and may eventually turn back time to do it most efficiently? How would we know?

ITS TOO F–KING late for That.
Unconditional surrender was three moves ago.
13 days to mop up.
.EBS has been implemented


Just where has EBS been implemented?

Deb S

Big things were supposed to happen but nothing happened as usual

Buck fiden

Wow. Rob Williams + Wildcat = utter, total and complete outer space comments!


“At this point,what difference does it make”?


PFIZER CEO-ALBERT BOURLA -arrested by FBI-on11/5/21 in the suburb Scardale/NY….. are they going closer to- fasci…?????

Last edited 3 years ago by sejmon

No not at all. Conservative Beaver , yet another respectable news site.

Deb S

All of these alt media sites claiming people are arrested or executed are the spiderman pointing meme

Buck fiden

Conservative Beaver must be much tighter than Lefist Beaver, because conservatives wait until marriage to put out.


Delta forces


IF SO….HE IS IN THE GITMO ALREADY…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


WHAT does all this matter if you are not born again and presently walking with Jesus? The flames of eternal damnation will feed on all who aren’t washed in the blood of the Lamb because we are ALL guilty of sinning against God (Romans 3).

Go to Jesus now, before it’s too late.


This won’t play well with the Jews.

Buck fiden

Kikes are rich. They can bribe their way into salvation.

Buck fiden

That was very white of you, Ollie. I hope the nigger doesn’t repay your kindness with a shiv between yo ribs.


Looking forward to next post MB




fcced shows a LOT of investigations and even mentions several corrupt governors cooperating with FBI, one was wired while accepting $$$. They are turning against the former untouchables.

Angel Askew

TX Fed court stayed the Fed vaxx mandate due to Constitution violations. This covers Mississippi and Louisiana too.

Norway has been vaxx and mask free all month. Nobody has died.

Marjorie Taylor-Green and Gomert are badass shedding light on the inhumane conditions J6 prisoners were held. After they were denied visit, a sudden inspection was held the next day. The worst of the prisoners left with the inspectors for medical treatment and all were transported to better facility.

She states that we all need to walk our talk of faithful Christians and DO WORKS. Government is not our God and if we don’t take action on things we can control, it’s all going to be gone very quickly.

Steve Bannons Warroom is fabulous.

Deb S

“Steve Bannons Warroom is fabulous.”


Chris Russ

“warroom” hmmmm……

Deb S

Literally a quote cooky Chris


Deb S

Anything big happen this week like you predicted? Is trump back?


Wanna know why Biden is so stupid and incapable of actually doing his job?
Prions Disease. Its the most logical.

Deb S

i agree. instead he should play golf 3 days a week

Chris Russ

GITMO airfield has been busy for a Saturday!

Chris Russ

Eastern Airlines Boeing 767 just took off from GITMO to KADW. Inbound now is a USAF C146 Wolfhound. Traffic is way up!

Deb S



I am aware….


Well, I am back to see if there are any new tribunals, …

Deb S

thank god you’re back. we missed your dumbass posts

Angel Askew

MB won’t allow me to reply to “Deb S.” Lol
Whatsupwitdat, Mike??


that may be a temporary glitch.
I would try it again..
Good luck

Deb S


Buck fiden


Deb S

Happy anniversary to the beginning of pizzagate, or the father of future sites like RRN


There is nothing happy about “pizzagate”.
ONCE THE TRUTH BECOMES APPARENT… evil will be punished and those who side with darkness

live oak

Right you are Wildcat. It’s very very sick and depraved.

Deb S

The happy part is it doesn’t exist, perpetrated by right wing idiots who then regurgitate it to their rabid followers and here we are


Why do you post racist websites on here?

Deb S

What, specifically, was racist?

Buck fiden

RRN doesn’t like competition.

Buck fiden

I was going to celebrate by buying my favourite pizza at Wal-Mart, but when I saw the increased price, my Jew Gene kicked in and I didn’t buy it.

Buck fiden

Which reminds me of another joke:

Q: What’s the difference between a kike and a pizza?

A: Pizzas don’t scream when you put them in the oven.



Deb S



…PERIOD. NEXT. Maybe Zuckerberg

Deb S

Good riddens


Buck fiden



Where the hell is JFK jr? I’m still at Dealey plaza waiting for him . Pence is worried about him too.

Buck fiden



“Sheep seek to be told.”

Anonymous Patriot

Deb S

Sheep seeking the return of trump are waiting to be told when



I like the way Judge Mathis sez Crack-Head.

Deb S

I like the way you keep hoping Trump will return #soon



Buck fiden

“Chic sheep to be sold.”

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

August came, and then it went
And Trump’s return wasn’t “imminent”
It appears to me that you’ll sing the blues
Until you use your brain and get the Jews

Buck fiden

Gut Shabbos to you, goy.


? What !

God bless you for your hard work.

live oak

You’re joking, right? She’s a troll.


you informed earlier that Tom Hanks has been executed, but yesterday he appears at a good looking. What is the reason you printing fairy tales here?


Here’s a hint: look at the link at the bottom of the article in which he implores people to send him their money 💰


Pipe down, and take notes


Maybe one of the “trolls” actually is MB creating traffic by posting crazy comments.

Buck fiden


Rose Mary Abbott

I spent some time yesterday looking at other stories about who has been executed and they have listed like a hundred actors who were supposedly executed a year ago and I don’t believe those rags but I do believe Michael Baxter. The reason being that he reports the full story about what happened to who when and why. Either he is telling us the truth or someone is lying to him and making him believe it. These reports are too detailed to be a big long lie unless he is like Tom Clancy or something. If his reports are not true then at the very least he is an awesome fiction novelist. Nobody else has this kind of detail. That’s my logic and until I am proven wrong I am sticking to it.

Deb S

“If his reports are not true then at the very least he is an awesome fiction novelist”

You’re soooooooooo close



Deb S

been there, done that. entertainment is the reason. lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


someone is lying to him and making him believe it


Detail means it’s true ? Very questionable.

Deb S

she tweeted today or yesterday. that means she’s alive according to the rules of spartacus


Leonardo, did you not read the disclaimer.? THIS IS FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT.
Quit your bitching.

Deb S

If it’s entertainment, it’s not real. See : wrestling lololol


See SPLC too. All fake enough to steal your money.

Deb S

What, specifically, is false?

Deb S

Ivermectin study retracted due to incorrect data used. I’m shocked


Buck fiden

Don’t horses shit blue when they eat Ivermectin?


THAT IS OBSURD. Where do you get that shit.?

Buck fiden

From the rear end of the horse.

Deb S



no…bf..its rainbow !!!!!!

Buck fiden

Only unicorns shit rainbows.

Buck fiden

Sounds like bluegrass to me.


You can get retracted as well.
being here is no popularity contest but you are doing poorly.

Deb S

Hoes big mad at the study being retracted because they fucked up



Buck fiden

Nigger hookers instantly make me retract.

Julio c vidal

On a personal note I will cut his head off in case he has the Vril but I guess they will scan his body before send him to source and Cuomo wanna go like the real scumbag he was good job piece of excrement


Just like John the Baptist!

Buck fiden

Halloween’s over, Ichabod.


11/3/21 President Trump assigns Katie Hobbs a new pronoun. Was

But I tell you what, Kari Lake is going to straighten things out. She’s respected. She’s really an incredible talent and she will win. She’ll win the nomination, she has my support. She’s going to win the nomination, and then she’s going to go on and easily beat, if it’s going to be Katie Hobbs, or whoever they choose. It wouldn’t matter. Katie Hobbs was terrible. And she was terrible for your state. All your state wanted in that respect was an honest, straight election. And she wasn’t willing to do that.

Deb S

Did he come back today? Someone said big things are happening by the end of the week!

Buck fiden

AZ Secretary of Hate’s pronoun is “CUNT.”

Buck fiden

AZ Elections are “fair”? Yeah, sure, right, OK. Tucson, that shithole town south of here with the college football team that will be 0-9 after today’s game, just had a municipal election. The Tucson Shitty Council had 3 seats up. ALL WENT TO DEMOCRATS.


Good Riddance may he spendEternity in hell


include katie hobbs ???

Buck fiden

That commiecrat Secretary of Hate Katie Hobbs needs to be hobbled.


I cannot believe the amount of body doubles out there parading as these executed individuals, but there they are out there parading as if they are not dead. What’s up with that?

Deb S

what’s the deal with lampshades? I mean, if it’s a lamp, why do you want shade?

Buck fiden

Has something to do with dead Jews.




He was talking about how they were skinned to make lampshades and book covers. Do your research.

Buck fiden

American schools are truly bad, but I thought Seimon would have learned this history from the excellent Soviet school system.


this never happen…..

Buck fiden

https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Lampshades_made_from_human_skin

sorta did.

Terminally deplorable

Whatever was left was processed to RIF soap using acidic fats from corpses and alkaline solutions, a process called ‘Verseifung’. The process was however not very efficient, because the jews after an extended residency in concentration camps were not fat anymore. Sometimes RIF soap was confused with RIP soap. That is a tenacious but false rumor.
RIF stands for Reichsanstalt (fuer) industrielle Fettversorgung.

Buck fiden

That I didn’t know. Thanks for the info!

Angel Askew

My God, My God! That’s as bad as Soilent Green.

Buck fiden

The nazi shit ain’t over. It’s coming back soon.


They all do the same things the people they replaced did. Bash Trump and the republicans, praise Biden and the economy . Kind of like nothing has changed . Will the body doubles get arrested ? Will there be more body doubles until we can handle the truth ? What drama to ensue.

Buck fiden

The commiecrats can’t get enough Trump. As the late radio blowhard used to say, “Trump lives rent-free inside their heads.”


For me prayer works therefore I enjoin you to do the same. God Listens as always and answers our collective prayers thus: yes, no, I got something better for you. So long as what we ask for is for His greater honor and glory. Blessings,


Agreed! Allah is the one true God!

Deb S

Praise be to Allah

Buck fiden

The Koran now comes in two-ply.

Rose Mary Abbott

allah died when Elijah threw a big barbecue in YHWH’s honor and all his followers of the day died with him. He was never a big god. He was just one of baal’s minions.


For you maybe, nice try Ted. Nonetheless Jehovah Yahweh loves you w/ an everlasting love.

Buck fiden

Gut Shabbos! Go to your shul today. Rabbi Shekelstein’s sermon will be “God Listens as always and answers our collective prayers” — Especially those from Jews in Dachau and the fake 4/5ths scale Dachau in Georgia.


They’re not dead.

Sandy Koufax

A prosecutor investigating accusations that former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo groped a woman asked a judge for more time to evaluate the evidence, saying the criminal complaint filed last week by the local sheriff was “potentially defective,” according to a letter released Friday.


I guess they don’t read RRN .


Aw, is prosecutor having trouble questioning the defendant?

Terminally deplorable

Its all third person hear-say

Lucky star

You can’t questions someone that already gone to the shit hole to meet his master Lucifer


In that outdated legal process, you need to file a complaint and the other side files their answers and objections. The lawyers go back and forth filing motions and having status conferences with judges. Finally it goes to court where a jury decides the case. Once a verdict is reached an appeal is filed and the process is repeated. In Trump world, we have the JAG, ball gags and hanging. It’s very similar to what they have as a justice system in China and Russia.

Buck fiden

We’re still in the nigger Obamunist system. Cases go to a jury, specially pro-chosen with niggers, spics, fags, kikes and other leftists, so that the conservative always loses.

Buck fiden

The case should be dismissed because the woman whose legs Gov. Cumo groped were defective, too. They weren’t worth groping. Fat, nasty piano legs. Case dismissed.


piano legs…h*c legs ?????

Deb S

Project veritas is having a wonderful couple of months



FBI confirms that child Ashley Biden showered with her pedo father and masterbated to her parents having sex. That is wonderful. Sick, but the truth is wonderful.

The only question now is, if they wanted a peeky poo why didn’t they pick up the diary at the police station where it’s been stored for a year?

Deb S

Where is trump? He should be back #soon right?



have ready champagne in the frig…and littke debbie sweeties….

Buck fiden

I hope someone shoots a nailgun right into that dementia patient’s eye.

Deb S

The feds raided dudes house this morning lmaooooo

Buck fiden
