George W. Bush Military Tribunal: Day 3, Part I


Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall opened Monday’s proceedings by reading a handwritten note Dick Cheney had given to George W. Bush in June 2001.  Penmanship analysis experts, he told the panel, had verified the text and signature as Cheney’s.

“Per our Tuesday talk, have reached out to contacts. They’re on board if the price is right. They want a lot of money. It’s trivial compared to what we stand to make in the long run. Half up front, half when done. We should meet for lunch soon in New York or Washington,” Rear Adm. Crandall read.

On cue, Bush’s attorney David Aufhauser challenged the letter’s authenticity, demanding to know how JAG had magically come into possession of a scrap of paper that was over 20 years old and arguing that the message was so nebulous that no sane or intelligent person could infer criminal intent.

Aufhauser perspired, wiping sweat from his brow, and seemed visibly unnerved. His day hadn’t started on a good note. Ahead of court, he admitted to Rear Adm. Crandall that his digital forensic expert had authenticated the microcassette introduced into evidence on Friday and conceded that the voices on the tape “likely” were Rumsfeld, Bush, and Cheney’s.

He looked at the note and called it “chicken scratch.”

“Your client isn’t adept at destroying evidence,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “This was found among other evidence seized at his Crawford ranch. Look, this commission freely admits that Cheney did all the planning for 9/11. Bush sure doesn’t have the brains to do it. Until we catch Cheney, and we will catch him, we won’t know everything. But Bush had final authority, and he abused his authority to wage war on this country and the world. The panel, not you, Mr. Aufhauser, will decide which evidence is valid. You’ve had a chance to hear the entire tape; the panel deserves that privilege.”

He resumed the tape:

Cheney: “The less you know right now, the better. Plausible deniability. You just have to trust I know what I’m doing, George.”

Rumsfeld: “Has to be multi-pronged here. I don’t want to be the one to explain why $2.3t is missing, or where it went.”

Cheney: “None of us will have to explain anything.”

Bush: “What if your overseas friends fuck this up, Dick? In any plan a million fucking things can go wrong. We don’t want to get bitten on the ass if this goes south.”

Cheney: “Trust me, I’ll have planned for every contingency. If there’s a mishap, we can use a little friendly fire to finish the job, and cover that up. It’d be no different from what Clinton did in ’96.”

Although Cheney didn’t expand on what happened in 1996, Real Raw News believes he was referring to the downing of Flight TWA 800 in July of that year.

Bush: “Get it right, Dick, get it right.”

Rear Adm. Crandall stopped the tape and put the tribunal on recess until after lunch.

(I will publish the 2nd half of Monday’s tribunal this evening.)

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Katie Jones

You won’t catch due to Cheney already being dead.

Thank you Michael!

Slight typo: in “Flight TWA 800“, swap the first and second words.

God bless!



Omicron Ceti (Mira) ‘The Wonder’Star 


David Fabricius of East Friesland, Germany is recognized to have discovered OMICRON CETI in 1596 while searching for Mercury.

A new ultraviolet mosaic from NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer shows this star, MIRA as a speeding star. 

Mira (pronounced my-rah) after the latin word for “wonderful,” is shedding material that will be recycled into new stars, planets and possibly even life as it hurls through our galaxy leaving an enormous trail of “seeds” for new solar systems.

The Galaxy Evolution Explorer discovered Mira’s strange comet-like tail during part of its routine survey of the entire sky at ultraviolet wavelengths. When astronomers first saw the picture, they were shocked because Mira has been studied for over 400 years yet nothing like this has ever been documented before.

Mira’s comet-like tail stretches a startling 13 light-years across the sky. For comparison, the nearest star to our sun, Proxima Centauri, is only about 4 light-years away. Mira’s tail also tells a tale of its history – the material making it up has been slowly blown off over time, with the oldest material at the end of the tail having been released about 30,000 years ago.

Mira is a highly evolved, “red giant” star near the end of its life. Technically, it is called an asymptotic giant branch star. It is red in color and bloated; for example, if a red giant were to replace our sun, it would engulf everything out to the orbit of Mars. Our sun will mature into a red giant in about 5 billion years.

Like other red giants, Mira will lose a large fraction of its mass in the form of gas and dust. In fact, Mira ejects the equivalent of the Earth’s mass every 10 years. It has released enough material over the past 30,000 years to seed at least 3,000 Earth-sized planets or 9 Jupiter-sized ones.

While most stars travel along together around the disk of our Milky Way, Mira is charging through it. Because Mira is not moving with the “pack,” it is moving much faster relative to the ambient gas in our section of the Milky Way. It is zipping along at 130 kilometers per second, or 291,000 miles per hour, relative to this gas.

Mira’s breakneck speed together with its outflow of material are responsible for its unique glowing tail. Images from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer show a large build-up of gas, or bow shock, in front of the star, similar to water piling up in front of a speeding boat. Scientists now know that hot gas in this bow shock mixes with the cooler, hydrogen gas being shed from Mira, causing it to heat up as it swirls back into a turbulent wake. As the hydrogen gas loses energy, it fluoresces with ultraviolet light, which the Galaxy Evolution Explorer can detect.

Mira, also known as Mira A, is not alone in its travels through space. It has a distant companion star called Mira B that is thought to be the burnt-out, dead core of a star, called a white dwarf. Mira A and B circle around each other slowly, making one orbit about every 500 years. Astronomers believe that Mira B has no effect on Mira’s tail.

Mira is also what’s called a pulsating variable star. It dims and brightens by a factor of 1,500 every 332 days, and will become bright enough to see with the naked eye in mid-November 2007. Because it was the first variable star with a regular period ever discovered, other stars of this type are often referred to as “Miras.”

Mira is located 350 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cetus, otherwise known as the whale. Coincidentally, Mira and its “whale of a tail” can be found in the tail of the whale constellation.


Lucy Skywalker

thanks Zee, much appreciated.


Astrology of OMICRON Ceti (Mira) Star in Constellation Cetus

People We Know Who Have This Star OMICRON Ceti MIRA Conjunct Planets in Their Natal Astro Charts

Some connected to Tyrants & Dictators, (Biden, Polosi Queen LIz II etc) Dictators, Adrenochrome, Royal Bloodlines:

Ascendant conjunct Mira: Liza Minnelli 0°33′, Proclus 1º13′

Midheaven conjunct Mira: Pope Francis I 0°34′

Part of Fortune conjunct Mira: Billie Eilish 1°27′

Sun conjunct Mira: Melville Davisson Post 0°01′, Iggy Pop 0°02′, Andie MacDowell 0°05′ (and South Node), Mike Barson 0°15′, Queen Elizabeth II 0°16′, Hans Fritzsche 0°18′, Carmen Electra 0°25′, Ryan O’Neal 0°27′ (and Venus), Daniel Chester French 0°33′ (and Pluto), Joan Miró 0°33′ (and North Node), George Takei 0°43′, Adolf Hitler 0°50′, Napoleon III 0°54′ (and Mars), Françoise Rosay 0°59′.

Moon conjunct Mira: Prince Charles, of Wales 0°22′, Joe Biden 0°43′, Bobby Fischer,chess player 1°22′, Celine Dion 1°24′

Mercury conjunct Mira: Timothy McVeigh 0°46′, Beatrice, Princes of the UK 0°51′, MacKenzie Scott 1°14′, Nigel Farage UK 1°15′

Venus conjunct Mira: Ryan O’Neal 0°05′ (and Sun), Michelangelo 0°30′

Mars conjunct Mira: Leon Blum 0°33′, Celine Dion 0°56′, Napoleon III 1°02′ (and Sun)

Saturn conjunct Mira: Nancy Pelosi 0°07′

Pluto conjunct Mira: William Lilly 0°54′, Daniel Chester French 1°02′ (and Sun), Vincent van Gogh 1°18′

North Node conjunct Mira: Joan Miró 1°18′ (and Sun)

South Node conjunct Mira: Andie MacDowell 0°36′ (and Sun),

More:   astrologykingDOTcom/mira-star/
Meanings of OMICRON Ceti (Mira) Star in Constellation Cetus


Why does any of this matter or just a distraction from all the things you said would come true today ? That did not .




Any new predictions? Batting average is awfully low.

unlabeled quality

‘the project for the new american century’ and the black eagle trust.


Needs a re-write by NON GLOBALISTS
And, not before we’ve finally and totally cleared the swamp of Evil, Anti God Globalists have all been taken out

Anything from Norway’s Global Think Tank is suspect


I just finished watching the documentary. So many perpetrated the lie. No one ever asked who are we protecting. All those FBI agents for what Clinton? I recommend everyone watch. TWA: Flight 800 on Netflix
God bless the eyewitnesses
God bless the families of Flight 800
Maybe then you will believe how the 2020 election was stolen.




Watch it here for free (with ads =P)


The non-existent virus: why I keep pounding on this
by Jon Rappoport December 15, 2021

Why have I spent nearly two years asserting that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist?
Because it doesn’t exist.

And as my regular readers know, I’ve offered much evidence to back up that claim, and the claim that virology itself is a worthless sham.
But there is a larger point. I’ve made the point for over 20 years.
Reality is invented.

I sometimes characterize the operation with this name: The Reality Manufacturing Company.

It’s the oldest company on Earth.

Propaganda? Of course. But more than that—the engineering of perception. Because if they can get people to see how they want them to see, nothing else matters.

Once their perception-package is installed, people have no idea that anything else exists.

And the main forgotten factor? Every individual has his own UNIQUE and DIFFERENT way of seeing. A way that exists outside of any programming.
Which is why I continue to write about artists. THEY are the ones who express their own unique ways of seeing. They always have—when they weren’t bribed and co-opted into going along with the Reality Manufacturing Company’s perception package.

I’ve often written, “Every individual is an artist of reality.”

The virologists in their labs are painting their version—collectively. Of course, they would never admit this. They couldn’t, because they’ve bought the perception package.

On page 1124656789, there is a section on viruses. “They’re everywhere, and they infect people and do great damage, and we must identify and treat and defeat them…”

As long as the perception package is installed, a person can’t see otherwise. He’s captured. He believes there are thousands of distinct diseases, each caused by a single virus. We can thank the Rockefeller Empire for this absurdity.
In the much larger scheme of things, the individual’s gateway into unique perception is imagination.

“An artist who has no imagination is a mechanic.” (Robert Henri)
“Without the playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable.” (Carl Jung)
“What if imagination and art are not frosting at all, but the fountainhead of human experience?” (Rollo May)

“Everything you can imagine is real.” (Pablo Picasso)
“You cannot hear the waterfall if you stand next to it. I paint my jungles in the desert.” (Macedonlo de la Torre)

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” (Albert Einstein)

“So I believe that dreams — day dreams, you know, with your eyes wide open and your brain machinery whizzing — are likely to lead to the betterment of the world. The imaginative child will become the imaginative man or woman most apt to create, to invent, and therefore to foster civilization.” (L Frank Baum)

“All human accomplishment has the same origin, identically. Imagination is a force of nature. Is this not enough to make a person full of ecstasy? Imagination, imagination, imagination. It converts to actual. It sustains, it alters, it redeems!” (Saul Bellow)

“When the imagination sleeps, words are emptied of their meaning: a deaf population absent-mindedly registers the condemnation of a man.” (Albert Camus)
Every fake propped-up reality is a fork in the road, because the non-mind-controlled individual can imagine alternative futures.

I should make this clear: Part of the perception package is the false assumption that the customer, who buys the package, knows everything there is to know, and is independent and free—when he isn’t.

The acid test? Is he creating the future he most profoundly desires? Or not?
The individual has a million excuses available to him—but he has an immense blank canvas in front of him. Who is creating the painting of his future on it? The Reality Manufacturing Company? Or is he himself doing it with great energy and power?



Did Biden resign today like you swore would happen?


I think she will continue to ignore us. Imagine that. No texts, no EBS, no troops out of Iraq, no Nesara. Plus several other promises go ignored.


You embarrass yourself, Fed.


did biden resign? lmaoooo


Plandemic video links archive:

The last link explains the secret/end game of the Plandemic in 15 minutes:

Last edited 2 years ago by IsThisFairUse2

Cheney: “Trust me, I’ll have planned for every contingency. If there’s a mishap, we can use a little friendly fire to finish the job, and cover that up. It’d be no different from what Clinton did in ’96.”
Confirmation that the Clinton body count included the plane crash at Dubrovnik that killed Ron Brown and the autopsy findings that he was shot on of the head disappeared. Ron was going to expose the Clintons, poor man. Bush and Cheney have much to answer for.


Shame on anyone that up votes this shill or any other shill


SHILL as usual–wrong question.

Frances Rose

Michael, if the White Hats are gleaning the mood of the people by reading this sample of public opinion, please ask them to get er done.

Thank you.


I checked and the White Hats said they don’t care about your opinion.

Rose Mary Abbott



Hi Zee!

Jan D Hunsinger

Millions of people he raped and tortured concur with you.


Michael, ‘1996’ was about the murder of Clinton commerce secretary Ron Brown, shot out of the air while in final approach, in an USAF T-43, over Croatia, killing all onboard. The covert, wicked op ensured Mr Brown never revealed the Clinton transactions with China. Recommend all RRN fans read up on the, ‘Clinton body count.’

Last edited 2 years ago by Edbob
Just Me

I hear the body count is over 100. In 2016 when the witch lost, remember all of those dumb liberals crying? I could not help but laugh at these fools. Only if they knew the evil HildaBeast was. The Clintons and Bush, there was no difference in them, both evil.


I heard it’s over 9000.

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott

Exactly. It really hurt when I saw that there were no differences between the two Parties. Then I joined the Tea Party Patriots and proceeded to help fix the problem with the Republican Party. It’s not anywhere near finished yet. There are enemies everywhere and all of them have to be uncovered and destroyed from their evil plans.

Lucy Skywalker

Correct. But the place to start is with oneself.

We all have to become the patriots we wish to see around us. And that means facing our own shadows. Cannot deal with others until we’ve dealt with ourselves. Then Great Spirit will show what next.


The Clinton Witch must have worked her evil ‘cool-aid’ dumbing down spells and monthly moon Rituals on their stupid demorat followers.

Goodness knows what that evil ritual involved ????? Part of the ritual obviously was to have the DEMORATS hate Trump !!!!!!!!! ..

Now you see the results.. Zombie thinkers like our trolls. Not one critical thinker amongst them.

Lucy Skywalker

Zee I love you for being on the right side, and so involved. But you have to take the “zombie thinking” out of yourself before you can fault trolls like Jay, who is sometimes more correct than you. You did post stuff that he picked up. You have to own up to that!

Love you Zee.

Rose Mary Abbott





I posted this a little while ago, but the Body count is pretty specific and detailed. The number obviously needs to be adjusted.. These deaths were between 1977-2016.

“A look at the Clinton body count and their connections”
htt p s colon//www dot whatreallyhappened dot com/RANCHO/POLITICS/DEAD/clinton dot bodycount.gif


So sickening….so many …. !!!
I will be glad when the swamp is totally cleaned out of these evil shits


Giant image!

Three Starbucks employees where scrubbed as cover to get the Arkancided mark who was there. No money stolen. Just like Seth Rich who was probably finished off at the hospital when he got there (barely?) alive.

J Bill

Thnx Edbob, will do!


Evil Bastreds all of the World needs to know what they did . Make it all public their families will have to hide


i got a text, thought it was the EBS, and fell let down.


Same. I was so so sure it was Trump kicking off the 10 Days of Darkness, but it turned out to just be someone trying to reach me about my car’s extended warranty.


day 3 part 1. lmao

Rose Mary Abbott


Kathleen Ann

That sob Darth Vader is next…hiding offshore in some DUMB built by Haliburton 20 years ago…they’ll get him. His spawn of Satan daughter is desperately hanging on by her nails at the moment…she knows. Her days are numbered too. All those who called for DJT’s impeachment without a stick of actual evidence, are screwed. Every last one of them. Double for RINO’s.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kathleen Ann

Worry not, Trump is coming back today !

Rose Mary Abbott



NO he’s not


You said he was!!!


Wow what a bizarre turn, Zee was definitely saying a week or two ago that it would happen on the 15th. Has Zee herself become a troll/shill? Does she need to add herself to her own list?


Can you find that list Jay?


Absolutely, here ya go:

  • Trump will send out the EBS from AF 1:
  • According to Simeon Parks the President of US Inc. Joe Biden, would step down on that Wed. 15 Dec.
  • The Cabal’s US Inc. would be out of money by Fri. 3 Dec. Congress’s 15 Dec. extension to shut down the government would not change that fact. The Stock Market has been in freefall since last Fri:
  • During that activation Citizens of the world would receive seven Presidential Msgs to their phones before being cut off.
  • A Military takeover of Mass Media satellites with the new Starlink Satellite System would last for Ten Days of Darkness, where eight hour documentaries about the Fall of the Cabal would be shown 24/7 on all news outlets worldwide.
  • The Military has actually been in charge of the US since Nov. 3 2020 when troops tabulated watermarked ballots of the election and certified that Trump had won by an over 80% vote.
  • Recently Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was charged with a serious crime and she made a deal by capitulating to a plan to decertify the 2020 Election – all of which was really not necessary since in March 2021 Trump was accepted by the Pentagon as Commander in Chief of the Military Forces, and then secretly inaugurated as President of the Restored Republic on Sat. 27 Nov. 2021.
  • The US is withdrawing the remaining 3,630 troops out of Iraq tonight so that Iraq can announce their sovereignty today Fri. 3 Dec.
  • Sometime Fri, Sat or Sun 2,3,4 Dec. Bond Holders should receive access to funds and Tier4B should receive notification to start redemption/ exchanges.
  • Operation London Bridge: That’s the week we are in now.
  • Just two investment firms – Vanguard and BlackRock – own almost all of the mainstream media and most of Big Pharma as well. The vaccine propaganda machine looks a lot like Hitler’s IG Farben:
  • Nobody. No state, nor Nation is in debt. The Pedophile corrupt global bastards just run a double accounting system. Debt for the People and all the wealth for the Deep State Underground world and Satan transgender pedophile High Monster society. We have been played and manipulated by our politicians and their muppet masters all over the world and time!!!! All agenda Globalists will face tribunals for justice at Gitmo. Where They Go One, They Go All to #TRIBUNAL and many have been already and a lot more will be executed for #Crimes against #Humanity and other Treasons. …Q @Q17_Awakening
  • GESARA has been signed off by all countries at The Hague(International Court of Justice) 2019 & 2020 POTUS would be giving you numbers like border wall & other numbers telling you how many countries had signed off…….

So basically just the entire way the world works, flipping upside down over the course of a single month. But oddly enough none of it has happened!


I’ll be damned , nothing changed. Thanks for the list , we could post it every day as a reminder to dear Zee.


He NEVER went away


How does that list look ? Any additions or subtractions, explanations?


Two words : DOV ZAKHEIM


He’s my favorite Star Wars character!

Rose Mary Abbott



Jay what an evil shill U R


Guess you’re more of a Trek fan, huh 🤷‍♂️


They are fans of fiction if they are here.


Please visit 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers at 911pilotsDOTorg for additional information.

Dov Zakheim was the CEO of Systems Planning Corporation (SPC) until shortly before 9/11 when he was appointed as comptroller of the Pentagon where the day prior to 9/11 then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld reported that $2.3-trillion was missing from the Pentagon budget. Coincidentally, American Airlines flight 77 that struck the Pentagon directly hit the Office of Budget Analysis where over 30 auditors who were investigating the missing funds were killed and all records destroyed.

Dov Zakheim has been called the mastermind of 9/11. His company, SPC, developed and produced a system called the Flight Termination System, which enables a remote source to take complete control of a commercial jet aircraft’s autopilot and flight management computers and direct the aircraft to any target, including the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9/11.

More Here: youtubeDOTcom/watch?v=UU1opMJpdFg


The Pentagon hit was done with a disabled [N2 mine] missile (and possibly) [BOOM juice] in the Pentagon. The plane parts strewn on the lawn that were picked up as a photo op was ‘theater’ and disinfo.

Please see my earlier post here:

for an explanation of the ‘mechanics’ of 9/11.

Just Me

My brother in law who worked in the area from where the Towers came down, he has now cancer in the blood from breathing that toxic air that linger for a long time. He is a nice guy but dumb down and a democrat, last summer he told me that he thought Bush is a good man. I just look at him and tried to tell him that is not the truth but I knew he was not going to believe me. Too bad that some people are so dumb down to connect the dots, he can thank these three criminals who masterminded this act of terrorism against our country, now he too is a victim. It’s true what they say, you can’t fix stupid.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Me
Daughter of the American Revolution

So ironic a democrat saying that Bush was a good guy now – I remember how much they hated Bush and were always trashing him (simply for being a supposed Republican/Conservative) back then. Not remotely as much as President Trump, of course – but it was a constant. The media has way too much power over some people.


Dov Zakheim at the Pentagon that made their Satanic plan of death all work out… He needs to go down also

Dov Zakheim was the CEO of Systems Planning Corporation (SPC) until shortly before 9/11 when he was appointed as comptroller of the Pentagon where the day prior to 9/11 then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld reported that $2.3-trillion was missing from the Pentagon budget.

Lucy Skywalker

Sounds interesting. Hope he will be coming up soon for Michael Baxter.


The ‘toxic’ air is cover for this:

Explains why the debris pile of WTC1, WTC2, and Bulding 7 were not tall enough for starters.

The above earlier post I made basically has all you need to know about the ‘mechanics’ of 9/11.

Jan D Hunsinger

You mean his doubles? Why would they Jim. ldiotic question.


Zee said he will. It’s part of some list of like a dozen things she said are definitely happening this month. The list also includes NESARA/GESARA and then UN disbanding and all kinds of fun stuff like that. (note: none of the things are happening)

Lucy Skywalker

You’re partially correct – Zee did say what you quote, and some at least of her predictions have not obviously come true. Thanks for that check.However that does not make true your claim that none of the things are happening.


I would really like to hear more about how Bush is in the courtroom. So far, it’s only been about his attorney, not much about Bush himself. IMHO, I think Bush is pretty much resigned that there’s no way out.


He found out at his daddy’s funeral.

Rose Mary Abbott

There was a way for Bill Clinton and Marc Mezvinsky. The only very slim chance he has is admitting it all and begging for the court to have mercy. Without that he has no chance at all with the Tribunal panel. Outside assassinations don’t count in this stream of logic of course.


Lol MB still doesn’t know that Rear Admiral Crandall was promoted to Vice Admiral 5 months ago. Gee I wonder why his “military sources” never correct him on this! Frankly I am shocked that a military operation would approve such sloppy work 🙃


My guess is that these Tribunals were conducted months ago and the information is being dripped out to us slowly. This is the most progressive “back channel” site I can find.


Nope, here is Michael Baxter himself directly refuting that assumption:

Not the case. The tribunals are recent. The dates given in the articles are accurate to my knowledge.”

He gets details like Vice Admiral Crandall’s rank wrong just because he’s a sloppy fan-fiction writer.

Rose Mary Abbott





If you really believed it was fiction, a wicked little prick like you wouldn’t waste his time here. Instead, you are riveted to it. Deep in the center of your evil idiot soul, you have to be here. Your end is coming too, and the dread of that keeps you plugged in, anxiously awaiting your unique fate in all of this, once in the history of the world, great American drama of Godly wrath and justice, with all of your naked deeds eventually being hung out for all to see your pathetic, voluntary guilt and open shame.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edbob

I am riveted by it! Not so much the articles themselves, the writing is pretty mediocre, tbh. The part that really fascinates me is you guys, all my friends here in the RRN comments section. You’re all so detached from reality it is almost beyond belief, and it is highly entertaining to me.

Comments like yours here are exactly what I’m talking about. You are being sooooo dramatic with all this bullshit about my soul and Godly wrath and assuming I’m trembling with fear and the end is coming for me and etc etc. And what are my terrible terrible deeds you speak of? Posting comments debunking a shitty wordpress blog. It’s unreal. Don’t ever change, Edbob 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay
Lucy Skywalker

Neither Michael Baxter nor any of his supporters here are perfect. Most have glaring faults. That doesn’t make them on the wrong side. You’re speaking with all the wrongheaded wisdom of Julian the Apostate. You’re the one on the wrong side of history, for all your cleverness.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucy Skywalker

And we are all riveted by how much daily energy you waste coming here to scold all of us because we have open minds, is the real truth. Please send us the details that you are researching that this site is all bull. We need to understand your side of the story and your sources repudiating all this. Your words alone are not doing it for us. We need proof that this site is bogus and you are just unable to deliver that to us.

Last edited 2 years ago by joanna

That’s about it for Shill Jay
Except I expect he’s sold his soul aready to DS

Last edited 2 years ago by zee

Wow are you dramatic . Please include me .


Back channel? Imagine that .

Rose Mary Abbott


Boss Lady

Years ago I stayed the Triangle Ranch in Moose Wyoming. Cheney was there with his secret service people, they went out for 4+ days on a backpack trip. Fast fwd a couple years and I was there again. This time a restaurant owner in DC was there for 3 weeks. He had never been on a horse in his life but he told me he was sent there to “hide” so he wouldn’t have to testify at some trial back in DC. Wish I asked more questions back then but that’s where I’d start looking for Cheney.

Linda Chambers

He might be in New Zealand or the Antarctic.


Highly doubtful he’s in Antartica, that’s Anunnaki territory. Unless.. Cheney is an Anunnaki shapeshifter himself, entirely possible he could be!

Rose Mary Abbott


Boss Lady



Zee said he will publicly resign today, and when has Zee ever been wrong about a big prediction like this before?

I dunno about you guys but I’m gonna spend all day sitting in front of my computer with a big bowl of popcorn and a bottle of champagne handy, just waiting for the big news to drop!! 🥳


i can’t wait!!!

Rose Mary Abbott





Oh you most certainly did say that. I have the receipt!

  • Trump will send out the EBS from AF 1:
  • According to Simeon Parks the President of US Inc. Joe Biden, would step down on that Wed. 15 Dec.

And so on. So where is it? No resignation, no Trump on AF1, no texts or EBS, nothing at all on that big ol’ list has come to pass. As always.

But putting all that aside for a moment, I have a genuine question for you Zee: do you even remember posting this stuff? Do you genuinely think you never said it? Has all this conspiracy crap so thoroughly broken your mind that you can’t even remember what nonsense internet claims you were hanging all your hopes on just a week ago?



David Vidrine

We realize they’re all dirty and common sense tells us it’s all been rigged. When the F do we finally see ALL the truth come out, world wide???


Never, it’s only here . Try telling someone else and see how far you get . Send the article to OAN and Newsmax. That should do it .

Rose Mary Abbott



In due time, just stay focused and never mind the Trolls.

Jan D Hunsinger

l’ll pray without ceasing they get Cheney!


So will I.

R.G. Spiritus Arbitus

No stone left un-turned upon another, onward.

tic,,, tic,,, tic,,,


I wonder if some future “tribunal” defendant will suddenly be found not guilty in some kind of surprise twist.

Probably not. Baxter does not seem the type for that type of complex storytelling. Also, people would be able to note that the newly freed defendant is never making any comments about their secret tribunal that only one minor WordPress blog reported.

I am still curious as to why Tom Hanks and Peter Scolari were tried by military tribunals in the Baxterverse. I can understand the rationale for political figures (even if it does not actually work legally in reality) but what was the in-universe justification for having the military deal with actors instead of local or federal law enforcement? I do not recall seeing any in the episodes that dealt with them.


Nah I doubt it, the closest he came do doing this was when he wrote the episode where Bill Clinton was sentenced to life in prison at Gitmo rather than sentenced to be summarily executed. Boy were the fans mad about that one! I would assume that MB wrote that ‘life sentence’ ending with the “Bill Clinton found dead in his prison cell shortly after” story arc already in mind, but the RRN audience are not fond of slow-building plot twists like that one, they want immediate setup/payoff arcs like an action movie.


Correct! When people of lower intelligence are asked if they want $1 today or $5 in 3 days, they always pick the $1 option. They want something now since they can’t understand waiting for something better.


Because we are under the Military right now and they call the shots. Hence, Military Tribunal. We are not under Maritime Law currently, nor are we under Constitutional Law. Since the Military is in charge – BLAMO!! Let’s clean the swamp up. No need for civilian corrupt courts.


The military are not in charge . Why are you led to believe this? Maxwell case is being tried in civilian court .


but then they will pick her up for major offenses…I believe this trial is for a few law suites that women have on her, like when they had epstein the last time and let him go…I believe the major crimes will be tried by the military.


Law suits come later, this is criminal charges. That’s what all the testimony is about.

Lucy Skywalker

I reckon that too. In fact it might be the point at which the existence of these military courts become more widely known.

Lucy Skywalker

there is sufficient and appropriate evidence that the mil are in charge. IOW not enough for you to admit to, which is as it should be, never let the enemy know and let your allies know just enough.


So why is Maxwell in Federal court for the same charges as Hanks?


But how is the military in charge? Is this based on any real-world laws, or is this some fictional law that exists only in the Michael Baxter universe?

Rose Mary Abbott

Crimes against foreign underaged citizens. Crimes against foreign humanity.


Foreign humanity? Is that different from domestic humanity?


If the crimes occurred on US soil then they are under the jurisdiction of United States law enforcement.

If they occurred on foreign soil then they are under the jurisdiction of the foreign government.

What gives the military any law enforcement authority?

J Bill

crimes against humanity.

Lucy Skywalker

Enemy Occupation.

Lucy Skywalker

Crimes Against Humanity. No distinction in military law.


dmwaters is a TROLL / SHILL


You did not address my question.


Of course not , she has no answer .

Lucy Skywalker

whether or not she does, I do. I don’t expect you to believe me. And I’m not going to hang around for your comments. I’m just dropping information. Si monumentam requiris, circumspice.


Bush’s life is forfeit.Perhaps he might ask to trade the Big Kahuna’s life in order that he might preserve his own?

Rose Mary Abbott

I get the impression that many people think that Obama is the power behind the Cabal. I do not. I believe the strength comes from the old money Rothschild or Rockefeller families. They have been involved for at least a century. The Queen of England was old enough to be a big player.


The Rothschilds have been controlling the British royal family since 1815 around the time of the Waterloo debacle, This is why Chucky was photographed straightening Lord Jacob Rothschild’s tie and the Queen was snubbed and ignored by Jacob because he owns them. Just because she wears a crown doesn’t mean he has to show her any respect in his mind, though we normies differ. Imagine, these Khazarian goons have been controlling the British throne since before Queen Victoria was even conceived. That’s scary.

Lucy Skywalker

What I understand is that Nathan Rothschild, son of Mayer Amstel, got rich on Waterloo and with those riches, paid off Queen Victoria’s debts in return for forcing paternity on all Victoria’s official children.

Certainly it is from this point that haemophilia entered the royal European bloodlines – a strangely apposite curse.


Did you know the Rothschilds will MURDER their own who are not ‘team players’ and get the MSM that they own to cover the foul deed up?

Related link:


There’s a (in)famous pic of a Rothchilds gently poking Prince Charles in the chest at some party to make a point.

The City Of London (banking district) is sovereign territory inside London, England. It is quite telling that QE2, sovereign of the British Empire upon which the sun never sets upon, HAS to ‘call ahead’ to pay a visit there, has to verbally ask the ‘Mayor of The City Of London’ permission to enter, and her companions must be in their dress uniforms (famous pic of Harry and Charles in their dress military uniforms on there way to/inside TCOL). All of this came about after the establishment of the Bank Of England there in 1694–one of the VERY FIRST central banks in the world at that time.

Last edited 2 years ago by IsThisFairUse2

That’s a thought.


Two deers caught in the headlights of JUSTICE!!! String them up by their balls or impale them both till they die when THEY are convicted. Patience TEAM AMERICA!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I am going to repent for having voted for this GABMUCS!!!!!!

Frederick Carreon

U mean scumbags 😆


And I can call him a lot worse, too. Bush deserves it.


That is the slang term for ‘used male prophylactics’. =P

For completeness, certain feminine hygiene products are called ‘rags’. Marshall Mathers III used that word in one of his songs long ago.


Dont forget, we still have Cheneys daughter in Congress. Face it, without Q, Trump and our Military we would all be screwed right now. We can never be this asleep at the wheel and stupid again.


Don’t leave out the good Lord. Without him, we can do nothing, Amen?


From the KJV Bible

Joh 15:5 I am the vine, ye [are] the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

John Chapter 15 is well worth reading but way too long to post here.

Lorenz Manner

To me all is very clear. Cheney was one of the doers. He has to be catch sooner as possible. George was a cooperater and is guilty. The noose or the firing squad is inevitable. Sorry for that but these are the consequences.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lorenz Manner
Rose Mary Abbott

I’m not sorry! They need to grab his little brother Jeb! too because he knew about it and still got George elected through endless vote counts. Now that I know they were both planning the same kind of evil I’m not so sure that Gore would have not been better. The Cabal has been planning this for at least 150 years. I don’t know how many years President Donald J Trump has been planning the fall of the Cabal.


Thank God for President Trump. Hurry back!!


Thank you Michael Baxter. I will enjoy it just the same.


Well, he did admit that it’s not the votes that matter, it’s who counts the votes that matter. He admitted he stole the election yesterday. He also said he would be willing to step down for the Afghanistan debacle.

Which day the actor steps down is irrelevant. Actors and liars don’t matter.


You have the link to him admitting all that?





Rose Mary Abbott


Angel Askew

Imho he will be out of office by 12/31/21.

Klause Schwaub was given an ultimatum on Rockefeller Island this past week in Antarctica.
Take the pill, go underground into obscurity indefinitely or relinquish his power and plans and be part of humanitys’ longevity.

He chose to stay and adjust.

Germany is printing money today under the excuse of “green global Initiatives” and many countries are halting or reversing stances on vaxx. Satanist Klaus no longer owns or operates the United Nations.

Anyone able to get on Facebook yet??

Fourwinds10 . com/siterun_data/government/new_world_order/news.php?q=1639415896

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

Make sure you keep the wheels on those goalposts well-greased, Angel 🙂


Also, if Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, I suppose it makes sense that his evil twin ‘Satanist Klaus’ would live at the South Pole 😉

Jan D Hunsinger

No but their puppet masters do and we haven’t gotten all of them yet, have we.

Rose Mary Abbott

I would LOVE to see that! Can you give us a web address? With a “Pretty Please” on top?


TrumpLost is way off on this one. This is what Biden actually said:

“Today, the right to vote and the rule of law are under unrelenting assault from Republican governors, attorney generals, secretaries of state, state legislators. They’re following my predecessor deep into the abyss. The struggle is no longer just who gets to vote or making it easier for eligible people to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all. It’s a sinister combination of voter suppression and election subversion. It’s un-American, it’s un-democratic, it’s unpatriotic. And, sadly, it is not unprecedented now.”

TrumpLost left out out that rather important “The struggle is” part. In context he is saying the total opposite – that it should NOT be the people counting the votes who get to decide the outcome of the election, and we need to keep up the fight against those people.


u r CIA


The gateway pundit a couple days ago

Outlandish Outlander

Cheney: “The less you know right now, the better. Plausible deniability. You just have to trust I know what I’m doing, George.”

Ah, yes ye ole, Plausible deniability,” excuse clause. Colonel Edward Mandel House used the same tactic when explaining to former President Woodrow Wilson the plans of the Deep State of that time to entrap the American people into, “Voluntary Servitude,” to the fiat currency money masters of the Federal Reserve Banking System.

This idiot signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. (December 23rd of 1913, which was passed at 11PM at night. Think about that for a moment.) It was reported later on that President Wilson stated that he had regretted what he had done by signing the Federal Reserve Act into law. However, that regret came far to late, and that is why America, as well as the rest of this world, is in the current political crisis that it is experiencing at this moment. The Federal Reserve System is at the core of the IMF and the Bank of Settlements. Nevertheless, that act was treasonous just as much as what Chaney, Bush and Rumsfeld have done; along with a lot of other Deep State agents.

Colonel House said, “…they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.”

And, so it is that plausible deniability is always the backup plan of the evil-wicked rats to be used as their ultimate excuse for avoiding the consequences they so rightly deserve.

If you have never heard of or read this entire quote of Colonel Edward Mandel House, I strongly encourage that you do so. It is very revealing. For in this statement reveals the fulcrum point… what is at the central core… for how all governments function under a bunch of lies and deceit.

Make no mistake about this folks. The intention of the American form of Republican Government is for government to SERVE the people, NEVER to rule over the people. That is why the Deep State overlaid the Republic with a Legislative Democracy in 1871, with the Act of 1871.

This is precisely why the people need to know and understand that the Constitution is a Trust, and the Posterity,” are the named beneficiaries to that Trust, named by the Grantors of that Trust, “We the People,” (the Forefathers) who bequeathed the inheritance of “Liberty,” (Private Property) to the, “Heirs of Freedom.” Those liberties and that freedom, were won by the forefathers in the war for independence. (Revolutionary War) Therefore, they had every right to bequeath that inheritance to their heir’s; and, so they did through a Trust.

Now, IF you do not see the Trust, then how are you as one of it’s Beneficiaries ever going to defend that Trust righteously? In other words, IF you do not know that the Constitution is a Trust, then how can you do anything about any TRESPASS against it? For a trespass against the Trust is indeed a trespass against the people; the beneficiaries, to STEAL the inheritance from the Beneficiaries. Do you see why this is?

Folk’s, this is one of the biggest secrets that has been kept from the knowledge of the people. However, I encourage all of you to go there. In other words, find out for yourselves what the truth is to this matter. Learn what you need to know by unlearning what you do not need to know.

Last edited 2 years ago by Outlandish Outlander

Here is the link to a good article with the quote in is from Colonel Edward Mandel House: https :// onlashuk{dot}wordpress{dot}com /2019/07/03/the-infamous-colonel-edward-mandel-house/
(make sure to close all spaces and replace {dot} with a period)

Rose Mary Abbott

You are one of the reasons I read the comments here. There is great knowledge shared in these comments. Thank you.


Inside the banking scam–a video clip link archive:

Enjoy! 🙂

Jan D Hunsinger

Correct. Satan does change his tactics….lf it ain’t broke, he won’t fix it.



Johnny Lunchbucket

Haven’t you heard “buffing your tiny package”, Joe Biden is dead.


If Joe Biden is dead then why did esteemed poster Zee promise he’s resigning today? Checkmate, Johnny L

Rose Mary Abbott



What a rude comment Johnny Honeybucket ( and you probably don’t know what a Honeybucket is for.)


Bu fu-er, Jim. Jim bu fu-er, is his real name.

Kelly Knauth Brown

So callous in how they managed to kill almost 10,000 people o 9/11…and their reasons to do so even worse.


This reminds me of a great song from the Kennedy Grandkids”Its Going Down Timber”


Musically, that song is BAD but it is ‘truther content’.


Francis Ford Conolly’s epic answer to Oliver Stone’s cinematic epic about the above event. Scrubbed from YouTube after quite some time:

And, at long last, the Bob Dylan 60 MINUTES interview:

Seen the ‘money shot’ from this clip in countless other truther clips with foreign subtitles on the screen. Never on YouTube in full. I couldn’t get it off the CBS site. Download and save a copy before CBS gets around to telling YouTube to scrub it.

Frances Rose

Just think how this is all going to look to the normies. Hearing that 9/11 was an inside job, perped by the POTUS and his henchmen at the time, with international assistance, and huge sums on money. We know the buildings were wired for controlled demo, the initial explosion was a bomb and the plane going in was CGI/Blue Beam Tech. There was no plane going into the pentagon that was a missile, what I am trying to figure out was what about the plane that slammed into the ground in Shanksville?


Recently read somewhere that it was shot down by our government….makes sense with everything else being revealed.


Within an hour after flight 93 went down, local news interviewed a farmer working outside and he heard/saw the flight with 2 fighter jets screaming on its tail…the interview disappeared nearly instantly

Rose Mary Abbott

I thought that was the one that got the Pentagon.


Yes make sure you send copies of the article to the AP and UPI. It will be all over the national news by tonight for the normies to see.

Rose Mary Abbott


Jan D Hunsinger

No sympathy for them! They mocked us mercilessly for 20 years when we told them.

Lucy Skywalker

Yes inside job, Yes wired for controlled demolition (by Israeli team), Yes plane was CGI/whatever, Yes Pentagon missile.

But there’s more. Strange tech that’s not supposed to exist was beamed at the Towers, maybe from building seven, to turn the lot into dust – “dustification” – so that the mass literally disappeared, microscopic footprint compared to what normal physics would calculate. See: Where Did the Towers Go? by Prof Judy Wood – a superb deconstruction.

More again. 9/11 was the day NESARA was scheduled to start – from inside a whole floor in one of the Twin Towers. THAT was the reason for their demolition. Similarly it was JFK’s threat to undo the Fed that was his undoing – only he secretly survived as did his son in 1999.

Now it’s all slowly coming back to haunt them and take down the whole deep state. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.


Sorry, Judy Wood is either mistaken, a ‘limited hangout’, or outright disinfo.

Peter Valentino and Dimitry Khalezov solved the mechanics of 9/11:

It was [N2 mines]. Everything else that day was ‘window dressing’ for that. See:

The Conspiracy

The Demolition

Expanded, ‘reloaded’ 2021 version of above 2010 presentation (work in progress)

Get Khalezov’s 3 books here:


The time line in the main book is exhaustive and rather exhausting to read due to the detail and EXTREME length. A LOT happened that day..

And his dictionary research here:


The planes were CGI/video graphics, and paid crisis actors before the term was invented. See:

Mark Walsh 9/11 Crisis Actor

Breakdown of above clip

Simon Shack – September Clues

Colin Alexander (as Ace Baker) – The Great American Psy-Opera (1 clip mirror copy)


Briefly, according to prior research, Flight 93 went ‘poof’ thanks to an air-to-air [N2 mine]–reducing the plane and everyone in it into [hot glowing particles]. As cover (for some reason), old plane wreckage was dropped in the woods near the old mine shaft in the ground they say Flight 93 went into. So you have Flight 93’s ‘disappearing act’ into the old mine shaft as the ‘A explanation’ and the fake wreckage in the nearby woods as the ‘B explanation’– both acting as cover for the GHASTLY ‘C explanation’, Flight 93 was [N2 mined] in mid air to shut up eyewitnesses/participants in the 9/11 subterfuge that day and destroy evidence of the crime–the very plane they travelled in.

Proud Patriot

I love Rear Adm. Crandall… saying “Bush sure doesn’t have the brains to do it”!!!! Lmao! He’s probably more stupid and ignorant than Biduh!!!




*Vice Admiral Crandall


I always thought W was an idiot, but I thought he was “our” idiot so I supported him. The whole family is nothing but Nazi Traitors. Rot in Hell!


As a Texan, I felt betrayed. Voted for Pappy and W. Hate to admitjj it, but I was like many die-hard Democrats who always vote Democrat so long as the letter D is in front of the candidate’s name.


We were all betrayed by him and Poppy.


Hang them high! But shorten the drop distance so their necks do not break and they’re slowly and painfully strangled.

Rose Mary Abbott

Just like Bill Gates!

Son of Ethan Allen

The millions they referred t were likely the gold stolen from the federal bank.

Jan D Hunsinger

Tunnels of pure gold underground.

Frances Rose

God lets hope so.


I sure hope this tribunal is aired on TV for all the world to see. People need to see the lies! Thanks, Michael.


I agree! Then we will know if all of this is true or not.


Yes today . They will pre empt the soap operas. Check now .

Rose Mary Abbott



ppl need to know whole truth about 09/11 and killing of JFK… SW*NES…

Rose Mary Abbott

It surely will come out and be explained in the end.


Nope, there is no end to this. Trump is supposed to be back today. I didn’t hear the EBS, did you?


No more fancy State Funerals for these scum bags. Drag their corpse behind an old beat up Rambler so everyone can enjoy the send off.


Why does it have to be a corpse? These traitors have done more damage than there are stars in the universe.

Rose Mary Abbott

I wonder how many old Ramblers it would take to drag them all to death. That would be very entertaining, very educational and very popular. It might even be good for scaring the poop out of nare-do-wells who might aspire to be evil. Nobody alive knows what it is like having a world with no cabal in it. I am looking forward to a free world. I hope they get all the communist dictators too. Freedom for the whole world!


Most people in America believe 9/11 was an actual terrorist attack. PURE EVIL. Get Cheney. GET HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has lived 20 years high on the hog. What a sick bastard. GWB is just a dumba$$ born into one of the most corrupt political families on Earth.


Yes. Ghwb=most evil bar none.worse than Hitler, Pol pot, Stalin Mao, mussolini…combined. THAT IS HOW EVIL SCHERF SR WAS . Pure evil.

Jan D Hunsinger

It WAS a pure evil “terrorist attack”. lt was also an inside JOB! Designed to explain trillions missing from the pentagon; usher in the PATRIOT ACT which had been written long before, and provide an excuse to attack five nations in the middle east. Also re-establish the poppy fields for all the opium $.


For years I heard about 9/11 being an inside attack and I dismissed it as ‘conspiracy theory’. Now after reading this I’m sick to my stomach for being so gullible, and also for the fact I voted for George Bush twice, because I believed he was a decent man.I find it hard to follow how he could do this to innocent hard working people at the WTC. I used to wonder how the death count could be so low, because at that time of day just about everyone is at work. I used to work on the 108th floor which was the Reservation department for Windows on the World on the 107th floor, which was the largest restaurant in the country and all staff would be there on both floors preparing for the lunch crowd plus all the other offices in both towers. It just didn’t make sense. Now we know, they lied about the death count.

Lucy Skywalker

thanks for your honesty. Everyone can get it wrong but what matters, can they own up to it?

Sue Grantham

The fact that they conspired against Americans for ANY reason is treason. I’ve already heard enough. Guilty and death penalty is warranted


Let’s wait for the final hearing–I’ve heard enough also