Dick Cheney Hanged at GITMO


The Judge Advocate General’s Corps and the Office of Military Commissions do not typically conduct “business” on Saturdays, but for Richard Bruce Cheney, they made an exception.

Cheney, who on 18 January was convicted of treason and murder and sentenced to death, was hanged at Guantanamo Bay Saturday morning before a quorum of military brass—Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall and “White Hat” loyalists from other branches of the Armed Forces, excluding the National Guard and Coast Guard.

The execution, however, had a hitch. Cheney tried to cheat death when the pivoting door beneath his feet failed to open after Rear Adm. Crandall had given the “execute” command.

Unlike gallows of bygone days, which functioned mechanically with levers and pullies, the apparatus at GITMO works electronically; an anonymous soldier pushes a button, and the door swings open.

When the door did not open, Cheney tried to invoke a myth of the Wild West stipulating that if gallows failed—rope breaking, for example—the prisoner would be set free, his sentence commuted.

“I should be released. Your machine broke. It was customary in the 1800s, that when a lynching went awry, for whatever reason, the condemned was released,” Cheney said as he stood atop the platform with his head in the noose.

“Unfortunately for you, this isn’t 1867 Cheyenne, it’s 2022 GITMO,” Rear Adm. Crandall said. “But if it were, we wouldn’t hang you. I think a duel at 20-paces would be far more gratifying.”

A soldier from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers arrived in 15 minutes. He found a short in the wiring, which he repaired promptly with a portable soldering iron.

Unsurprisingly, Cheney began swearing and cussing, his voice rich with condescension, at Rear Adm. Crandall and the other officers in attendance, vowing his people would avenge his death.

“You’re about to be reunited with some of those people,” Rear Adm. Crandall said, and once more instructed the soldier atop the platform to press the button.

This time the gallows worked flawlessly. The door swung open, and Cheney dropped to his death. A physician on-scene pronounced him dead, and his body was sealed in a plastic bag.

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how can one confirm these hangings: Newsome, Cheney, that doctor, Dunn (come Feb 19, 22)… ?


Treason is the Reason for Gitmo


Susan Banks

That was so funny! He has a sense of humor in him!!! I wonder if Cheney stood there for 15 minutes waiting with the Noose was around his neck? Lol I’m sorry to be giddy, but for what he did to our country on 9/11 was horrendous! And more than 3,500 people died too!! Bastards!! I didn’t know right away but when I heard full story I knew they did it! I know each one of them have plenty of time to ask for forgiveness!! If they do, they will be in Heaven.


Giddy is good. LOL!

Mary Wells

Thank God another demon is dead.

John .S

Sniff-sniff, highly suspect Fredo was apprehended [hush hush], turned stoolpigeon, tossing Zucker under bus. Zucker’s takedown on 33rd day of the year [eyes wide shut].


Fredo singing like a bird!

John .S

Buzz, alleged that Joint Chief Gen. Milley, also Special Ops Gen. Clarke, also Marine Commendont Gen. Berger, and National Guard Gen. Hokanson ”’tested positive”’ for Covid [wink-wink].

Most know the code words (1) Self Quarantined (2) Tested Negative (3) Tested Positive (4) CEO’s Resigning, stepping down.


Wow I haven’t heard about these guys.

“The military has to be last!” 🍊


I looked it up. The reports are dated J 17. My dogs birthday!

Surprised I missed this.

Good times.

Robert James

Cheney’s mountain property should be made into part of the nearby park.




RRN is under constant attack via technical/electronic means.This is the first time in over a day I’ve been able to get on and check for articles and I can tell it’s still under attack and not up to full speed yet.For a site that’s supposedly so false there’s a lot of effort constantly put toward shutting it down.

Buck fiden

Or it could just be shit websoftware.

John .S

Not software issue. Suspect cause was Gavin’s poltergeist.

Was Crandall at fault who should have utilized guillotine?

Did Crandall besides Chaplin have a inkling of evil forces?

Sniff-sniff, photo of Newsom’s incarceration in cell/room with crucifix was interesting.


Doubtful the white hats like that a troll is allowed to pretend he’s a site admin.

Angelina Barrientos

I remember Baxter said Gavin Newsom was executed too and yet he was at the 49’ers Rams game defying his own mask mandate.

Freddy Benson

now *that* is a miracle!


One more traitor gone! I liked Cheney until I found out what he did and how many people he killed and got us into a war.


How could you ever like that scumbag???


I would like to see that.


What a Dick

Frederick Carreon

If the arrested were taking orders from the
cabal & carrying out those orders. That is
called Treason
Obama said “I was only following orders” . Yeah
orders that made him commit treason. He made a
plea deal and was let out for a time to help Trump,
but somewhere along the line he violated the plea
deal and was rearrested and was put before a firing
squad and shot in the back of the head. Lying Big
Mike was executed shortly after. We will find out
next year when all this is released. Obama turned
over on Big Mike to get a plea deal.
Everyone who was arrested made a video
confession, to get a plea deal, even if it was just
death by lethal injection instead of firing squad or
hanging. Lethal injection is a preferred way to die.
You simply fall asleep and don’t wake up. It is
painless and peaceful. Big Mike got the lethal
injection, I have to think he made a video

Everyone who has been executed has a double or
clone. These are put in place by the white hats to
make people think they are still around. That is so
the people who are are not awake will not get angry
or upset enough to start riots against the
government for executing someone they loved. Like
Madonna, or other celebrity. Or get so upset they
have to go to the hospital. I know some people who
would have to be put in the psych ward. They will be
unable to accept that they have been lied to all their
lite. Believe it or not there are many democrats out
there who still love obama & Michelle. Michelle has
recently been on PBS reading books to children,
Obama appeared with her in one session. These are
videos that are done with CGI. They are fake. They
both are dead.


I wonder how this might impact Liz Cheney’s panel on the 6 Jan situation. Surely, she must be a wee bit struck by the legitimate power of the U.S. Military!


2019 Miss USA/ Attorney jumps to her death from her 9th floor NY apartment this morning.

What is she guilty of?

President Trump did call out a NY law firm that Schumer’s brother is Partner last night.

Said they are violating his Constitutional Rights.


Honk honk!

Lucky Star

Adrenochrome drinker

Freddy Benson

two things happened.

boomers: “are these data points?”


freddy…are you teenager????

Buck fiden

Jesus Kryst!


OOPS I made a mistake on my latest post, LT has Not been taken down – he’s just moving his website.

Last edited 2 years ago by goober
mary pascucci



“Things are happening now on military bases around the world that never have even been thinkable had the election not been rigged.”

“Not the TV Generals.”


It had to be this way and it’s worth it.

#SaveTheChildren #DrainTheSwamp

“We will be respected again.” 🍊

Promises Made, Promises Kept



Mr Baxter,I have a question I’d like to ask you.From time to time in your articles you inform us that the military(your sources) asks you to withhold names,etc.for various reasons.Do they specifically instruct you not to inform other particulars that you’re told which you choose not to report to us the readers? Thank you for your attention in reading this.


I will explain how it works as explained to me by MB himself. Mike goes to a specific pay phone near where he lives and waits for a call. When the phone rings he answers with the code “the chair is against the wall”. The other side says what happens word for word and MB writes it down. When the caller hangs up, MB gets back on his bicycle and pedals home to post on the blog. All papers used to write down information are burned and the ashes put into a bottle to be buried.
Important points: no one can see MB taking the call. If someone is watching, the phone won’t ring. The phone location is a secret. No one can see the notes or the ashes.
Hopefully this answers your questions.


Thanks Ted!


The troll “ted” is trolling you. This site allows trolls for some reason…


to fully expose themselves ….as current beauties in the CON-gress…

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
Lucky Star

When the military asked not to reveal that is an order not to reveal.which parts of that you really don’t get to your mind and why you think you were entitled to it????????


Orders are for military from military. Not to civilians and not to citizens of another country like MB.


You didn’t even understand my question to Michael Baxter.Your comment reveals that.

Deneze C Lujanen

i also want to see the Rothchilds and rockefellers,Klaus Schwab,Kissinger, WEF,CIA,DAVOS GROUP,BUILDER BERG GROUP<CFR<TRILATERAL COMMISSION<COUNCIL OF 300,ALL MASONS.. hang or better yet go in front of the firing squad ,Those are the people who are trying to bring in the NWO and agenda 2030 and chipping humans by 2026..these people are very sick


Donate and include the request on the donations page.


Their turn is coming, soon enough we’ll ALL get the green light to take them down – We The People must do it together, whether we want to or not. It must be done.
We will do it in the name of God and Jesus will be our Savior but everybody must repent their sin in order for his protection.

Robert James

Now, That is good news! One less rat bastard traitor!

Deneze C Lujanen

his next life he will be doing Karma work cause its going to bite him right in the ass..it will be Hell for him.. these people are sick


Have you seen the short video of two trucks out in the middle of nowhere, driving through a snowy landscape?

Lead truck with HUGE Canadian flag followed by a truck with a HUGE American flag.

Captioned, We are one! We are free!

It’s pretty cool.


Freddy Benson

Freddy saw the short video of canadian protestors dancing on the tomb of the unknown soldier. Great job patriots!!!!!!!!!


So, how’s Beijing this time of year?

Freddy Benson

it is cold in canada where dumbass patriots danced on the tomb of the unknown soldier. just admit it. it’s easy to admit when you’re wrong, boomer


Getting ready for the Winter O 2022 starting 2/3/22, imho.

Lucky Star

Where are James Comeycal and cuomo????


Dan the man tweeted it.


And so, one by one, the DS members are falling down.
Next please.


The Number of BUNGLED executions at GITMO is astonishing. Per reports, they seem to rival the number of UN-BUNGLED executions. Should improve with practice, however. MAGA

Freddy Benson

They’ve had plenty of practice if read how many people died on rrn… Boomers still can’t figure this out

Lucky Star

Where are comeycal and cuomo?

Rose Mary Abbott

If it makes their death more miserable then all the better.


See Pally, this is what I’m talking about, this is the RRN spirit right here. ‘MORE misery! MORE death! Everyone I don’t like deserves to DIE and I refuse to feel bad for it!’


It’s called a “plot twist,” Paladin. See, if MB wrote every one of these execution articles as simply “Crandall led ____ to the platform then a soldier pulled the lever then ____ died” then it would be even more repetitive than it already is, and the audience might get bored.


Perhaps congress can allocate funds for some new equipment.


Imho, it’s spicing up the reporting. 🙏🙏🙏

Lucky Star

Out of discussion, what do you think about Trump on the rally in Conroe TX Saturday 1/29/2022. Was it real Trump or his body double??????

Freddy Benson

It was Trump! He’s finally going to pardon antifa and the feds!!!


Definitely a double. His tie was not the correct shade of red which is definitely DOUBLE COMMS

Lucky Star

When you said that it’s the opposite way. That was the real Trump


It’s good to see justice being served. Interesting how most prefer to die than be sorry for their crimes against humanity and live.

Stinky Perfume

That IS spooky. Seems nobody really knows if angels or demons caused the mishap. I think it’s demons, maybe one got out of someone they hanged previously and stuck around. In the movie Jupiter Ascending, the only thing that kills a vampire is another vampire. But the soul get’s released to recycle and winds up glad about it and working the light. Crazy determined vampires, wind up taking tens of thousands of years to realize they went the wrong way. AI tech and genetic engineering led to vampirism.




A Dick to the very end…may he burn in peace forever.

Lucky Star

Peace?correct word pure fire forever.

question everything



We caught them all!


Ends with

Coming this Spring

Game Over

Angel Askew


John Durham or Eric…this is fantastic!!


What bs? Theres no way the military would allow a fluke like this , these gallows (if they exist) would be checked many times prior to execution. I guess mb ran out of scenarios to use

Stinky Perfume

The whole point is some spirit did it. Pushed a wire and made a short.


To give him last chance to confess -what he done he fail…….


Lol wut


You don’t know much about the military and NOTHING about machinery.


You have no idea.

Bev Kungl

It’s truly amazing how each and every one of these scumbags have an attitude right until the very end.


Because they think they are untouchable beings, Illuminati chosen ones as though they were superior over God (NOT). But Satan will show himself as the liar he has always has been. Too late for them to escape then.


We write it that way because our readers love it! When we wrote that Bill Clinton got life, our donations fell sharply. We had to quickly have him find poison so the readers would think it was all part of the plan. We follow a formula and it is based on what gets us the most donations.

Angelina Barrientos

Who are you? Do you help write RRN articles? So , what you are saying is that RRN IS fake content? That’s all I’m interested in is finding what is truth. I can go to CNN or other left activist networks for the lies but I choose not to . I want truth with evidence and apparently that can’t be asked here at RRN because these people behave just like the leftist liberals as if Baxter doesn’t NEED to answer any questions that compromise his articles. To make it fair , he doesn’t have to answer but at least give the respect to anyone who chooses to read fiction or non-fiction. I like fiction reading as much as the next person but at least I know that it is. I have emailed Mike Baxter and asked the same question, why isn’t there some evidence and why is he special enough to receive intel from high ranking military. He still hasn’t responded. I’ll be waiting for an answer. Hopefully he will give me one.

Angelina Barrientos

I agree about faith but I put my faith in The Lord almighty not man. There is a difference.

Angelina Barrientos

At this point it doesn’t seem to matter. Whatever Gods going to allow , is gonna happen. If all this become truth than I will be the first to praise MB for a great job and be humble but if not I will be the first to say , It was always to good to be true, told you so. It can go both ways .

Angelina Barrientos

Those were my thoughts too. Everyone yells, cusses, doesn’t have a bit of shame or even begs for mercy.


You can make up anything on the internet. Let us know when MB answers you . I’m sure he will explain everything and answer all questions . You can even copy it here .


People come here to cheer on imaginary executions, Angelina. If the condemned person is sad and remorseful, the audience might feel pity or sympathy for them. That’s not fun. What’s fun for the audience is if they’re written as saying like, “I was just following orders, I did nothing wrong! I’ll see you in hell!” then the audience gets to think OHHH I KNEW THEY WERE PURE EVIL, LET’S SEE THEM DIE!!


When is Nancy Pelosi going to Gitmo?


After she gets arrested at the salon, I hope.




U. S. Truckers organizing a convoy from Cali to DC.

Most of Us will have an opportunity to line the route with our Trump Won and Fuck Joe Biden flags if they travel I 80 all the way.

Good times.


Get ready to work, get ready to fight, get ready to win like never before.


We are moving on from the Wuhan flu whether they like it or not. We are sick of talking about bad things. We will be talking about greatness again.


I wonder how Barack Hussein Obama is doing?


Hold on I’m coming.



Mitt the nitwit Romney has the coof!

Ha, ha, ha, ha!


Lucky Star



i believe….another beautie in the GITMO…

John .S

Has the Flu=arrested.
Self quarantine=House Arrest. Tested negative=no confession. Tested positive=confession.

John .S

PS: CEO’s stepping down=Apprehended.


The Truckers arrested Trudeau! Honking a confession out of him.




Is it like Hands Across America? You do know that was actually a DS plot to photograph everyone for their database.


i thought that rule was still in effect too. like if the electric chair shorts out they don’t redo the execution.


Ethel Rosenberg was zapped by the electric chair and didn’t die after the first batch of jolts. She was executed anyway with additional jolts. Her husband Julius died after the first batch of jolts.

See ‘Execution’ of:


The Rosenbergs may have been complicit patsies executed as scapegoats to allow Klaus Fuchs and others spies to escape punishment. See ‘Soviet nuclear program’ at the link above along with:




“If I run and if I win, we will treat those people from January 6th fairly.”

Sure doesn’t sound like a guy who thinks he’ll be back in power anytime sooner than 2025 🤷‍♂️

Freddy Benson

he’s gonna pardon the feds AND antifa? wow!

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy Benson

Happy and confused are ye?

Angel Askew

Lookup: Sheldon Adelson.
Trump fell out of favor with him so Sheldon took Israel and made a new pact with Biden throwing DJT to the dogs.
Different wings of the same dragon.


Yesterday, today or Tomorrow.


Lol it’s not my opinion that Trump is talking about maybe running in 2024 and maybe being back in power in 2025 Wildcat. There’s video of it bro


They’ll be exonerated and released and their captors will be arrested and stand in at their own Tribunal along with their co-conspirators.

Freddy Benson

why did trump start a “lock her up” chant if she’s dead? that boomer doesn’t read rrn!

Lucky Star

Where are James Comeycal and cuomo???

Freddy Benson

Boomers like “wHerEs CoMeY?” while using a WordPress blog which contains no sources, videos, pictures, and an author using a pseudonym, with his real name on the donation link, as proof that something happened.

Boomer brains need to be studied for gullibility. I’m surprised you have any money after wiring half of your life savings to a Nigerian prince

Lucky Star

Out of wedlock and Unwanted child by your leftist parent the boomer… no wonder you keep mentioning the boomer…. seems you got your parent attitude and brain… always have negative thinking towards anything you don’t like


Awww snap! He pulled out the “out of wedlock” card. I see a real fight starting soon!

Freddy Benson

How many apple gift cards have you purchased for someone who called you?


Spoken like a true angry boomer

Freddy Benson

Freddy has already won. I don’t know what this printed list is though

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy Benson

President Trump opened with the Undertaker theme song RIP again.

How fitting.



Has the political figure you are threatening to act against responded to your claim against their bond yet?


Lol I bet she deposited that letter right into the trash a week ago

Last edited 2 years ago by Wedge

She was arrested last night.

Spot lights matter.

Good times.



Your average time at a job. 1 year 2 months.

Unreliable, inconsistent, lacks focus.

Follow the money.



Cheney seemed too calm when the door failed to operate, almost like he expected it to malfunction. He also immediately had his comment about the traditional release due to malfunctions. Only when he was told they would try again did he get angry and start cursing. I believe he actually thought he would be freed. IMO someone put that short in the line and Cheney knew it would fail.

In my over 20 years working on military radar systems I have never had a “short” in the middle of a wire, it’s sealed against weather by a weatherproof insulation coating. Shorts are usually located where a wire joins another electronic component and mostly in the other components rather than the wires. To be in the middle of a wire run is extremely odd and would have been immediately noticed by a melted wire casing.

By the way, the modern practice of attempting to execute more than once has been upheld in court by a case that a state had to throw the electric chair switch twice to complete the execution. The anti-death penalty groups sued the state and the courts ruled it was not a cruel or unusual punishment to be electricuted more than once.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rodnryl
Freddy Benson

“To be in the middle of a wire run is extremely odd”

yes. that would be odd. i wonder why that would happen.


Liz snuck out at 3 A.M. from the visitors quarters with a cutting device, while the guard was distracted.

Freddy Benson

Someone else said it was a spirit. Boomers, I beg you, get your fake news straight before spewing it all over your iphone 4


EXILE is masquerading around as



I am not. Yet another wrong guess but once again I am flattered with all the attention.


Exile is a lot smarter than his understudy, he just acts dumber.


Diversion and division.


It was a clue for us that there are traitors even at GITMO!


Once again we join our heroes in Russia’s Metzgoya Extraterrestrial Research Outpost in the Ural Mountains. Steven Seagal is communicating telepathically with the Anunnaki leader.
“So you are telling me,” said Steven Seagal “That Operation Warp Speed, the genius Donald J Trump plan to vaccinate all Americans was named in such a way as to let Patriots know that they should do their own research?”
“Not quite Steven,” said the Anunnaki voice. “President Donald J Trump was following something of a tradition with the names of Operations. Do you recall ‘The Pespi Challenge Steven?”
“Of course!” spat Steven Seagal. “Every red blooded American knows that when given a choice, Americans will choose correctly. We proved that during the Cola Wars.”
“Operation Pepsi Challenge was started by the Republicans as a way to get every American to try one of the two popular cola soft drinks knowing that if they also gained knowledge similar to Anunnaki, it would make the news,” said the Anunnaki voice. “It would also revitalize the cola industry and the United States Government could see if civilians could find similar ingredients that may be more stable for interstellar travel. Remember, White House II was up and running in Georgia and could use Coca Cola as a shill company to buy more ingredient. That was the plan. But instead, it exposed a deep rooted human weakness that exists to this day.”
“If you are talking about Jolt Cola, Orbitz, Crystal Pepsi, Josta, Cherry Jolt, Vault, Apple Slice, Coca Cola Black Cherry Vanilla, Life Savers Soda, Snapple Tru Root Beer, Pepsi Blue, and OK Soda, I would not go so far as to call them failures. They were just bad sodas,” said Steven Seagal hungerly.
“No,” said the Anunnaki. “It exposed the human weakness where if one person liked something, say Pepsi, that means that all that like Coke are wrong. And not only about soda choices but about everything. You humans can not separate how you feel about a product and how you feel about a person who does not enjoy the same product. You were right in calling it a Cola War. You turned a taste test into a war that lasted for years. It wasn’t necessary, it wasn’t expected, but in a way, it was also not surprising.”
“So what? We had Ronald Regan and Donald J Trump. Why were you lizard aliens holding back your knowledge from us? Why not just give us the wisdom of the universe?” Whined Steven Seagal.
“Because we saw what you did with sugar water! Did you think we would give you warp capable travel after that? We had to reveal knowledge slowly with a cover story. Your people could not handle knowing what was really going on so quickly. You had to hear the truth slowly.”
“Sounds like something a liar would say. We can handle knowledge! Humans are bigly smart!”
The Anunnaki continued, “Yes, and we found others who were smart to introduce knowledge to the humans. Again your race surprised us by reacting poorly to knowledge.”
“Like What?” asked Steven Seagal.
“Our next 2 diplomats who helped usher in our gifts of knowledge. You may remember them from history too Steven. Have you ever heard of Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?”
“Traitors,” Steven Seagal spit. “And both dead now at the hands of God fearing Patriots!”
“No Steven, they were not accepted and they are not dead.”

Please donate to see the next part of “The Anunnaki Double Cross at Russia’s Metzgoya Extraterrestrial Research Outpost”!


I would need to say that the right is
MICHAEL Baxter has Over 205 upvotes on the coment in 12 hours time


It happens when you lose your Soul from a Vaccine. You will be assimilated like a Borg.

Last edited 2 years ago by goober

As a veteran of the Cola Wars myself, I am shocked to my core 😱


Blessing of Justice.


Liz Cheney will probably continue to fulfill his wishes…..why all the current misuse of power she now is displaying herself.

Angel Askew

North Dakota’s longest serving Attorney General died Friday unexpectedly, a month after announcing his imminent retirement.

The Bismarck Tribune reported family members are unsure of his cause of death but it was not related to COVID-19. He was reportedly transported to the hospital Friday morning after being found unresponsive in his home.

“It is with the utmost sadness that the Office of Attorney General announces that Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem
passed away unexpectedly on Friday, Jan. 28, 2022. He was 68,”

Dave Smith

Hi could you update his real cause of Feath.??? Thankyou for any information you can Give me on this God bless you and your family and friends amen

Angel Askew

This came out of The Brisbane News of N. Dakota. Saturday, 1/29/21.

Lucky Star

He was given a choice… kill himself with untraceable poison or hang at gitmo and becomes a famous news for his family, trolls and leftist, NY Post, .

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucky Star
Freddy Benson



Freddy Benson

Wrong post boomer

He was called a hero, lauded on Fox for being a hero, was asked what he’d do next as a celebrity. Whoops


Why am I not believing it when people die of causes unrelated to COVID-19?

Angel Askew

Not these elected officials.
Just watched a video of secret Final Stand. Says ALL of AZ government is complicit of the child/sex trafficking coming thru their border.
I think N. Dakota has been a destination for that slave/cartel ring for years.
America has some tried true veterans doing some gnarly badassery behind the scenes today.
Mexico is making just as much money as Biden admin from moving these sold off gang raped women and children thru borders. All pregnant.

Ell Felix

Buck Fiden gives this chat group a bad name. Why can’t Michael “ban” him. He is too foul.


He will probably be very flattered that you acknowledged him,but how can one person give the group a bad name?




Take it to the admin atTake it to the admin at “RRN.Moderator001 AT gmail DOT com”
They will take care of any requests to ban someone. Just give us the username that hurt your feelings along with what they said plus an idea of how much you have donated to the fundraiser so far this month and what you expect to give next month.

Ted – Site Admin






Because our friends like Buck FideN
Are valuable regular contributors to the conversation.
He is well appreciated.

Buck fiden

Thanks, Wilbur!

I doubt you’ll see this comment because I’m replying to one that’s 2 days old. The current story bores me. I’d rather read about Cheney’s hanging.


There are many trolls on this site and they don’t give this site a bad name. How is only Buck Fiden guilty? And as for foul mouths, I’ve seen others use profanity, too. It’s still free speech, even if we don’t agree with it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Xena
Buck fiden

You’re a Liberal in the good sence of the word! Thanks.

Buck fiden



Loop Garoo

Baxter could be a sceenwriter with his advanced editorial style. No fluff — just humor and facts. Good job. I’d like to see a pix of the gallows rig.

Freddy Benson

Nice name loop garoo

Buck fiden

Once upon a time there were three men: a doctor, a city planner, and an engineer. For some reason all three offended the king and were sentenced to die on the same day.
The day of the execution arrived, and the doctor was led up to the guillotine. As he strapped the doctor to the guillotine, the executioner asked, “Head up or head down?”
“Head up,” said the doctor.
“Blindfold or no blindfold?”
“No blindfold.”
So the executioner raised the axe, and z-z-z-z-ing! Down came the blade–and stopped barely an inch above the doctor’s neck. Well, the law stated that if an execution didn’t succeed the first time the prisoner had to be released, so the doctor was set free.

Then the city planner was led up to the guillotine.
“Head up or head down?” said the executioner.
“Head up.”
“Blindfold or no blindfold?”
“No blindfold.”
So the executioner raised his axe, and z-z-z-z-ing! Down came the blade–and stopped an inch above the planner’s neck. Well, the law stated that if the execution didn’t succeed the first time the prisoner had to be released, so the planner was set free.

Finally the engineer was led up to the guillotine.
“Head up or head down?”
“Head up.”
“Blindfold or no blindfold?”
“No blindfold.”
So the executioner raised his axe, but before he could cut the rope, the engineer yelled out:
“WAIT! I see what the problem is!”




Just checking in on RRN The Jerk,speaking of The Jerk why did you sign as O W D?


Buck fiden

Quit stealing my lines! 🙂

Freddy Benson

Watching perry mason


Did you get all these shows in your country before?


The only thing Joe Biden Fixed was the Election !!
-Donald Trump Jr

question everything

…and its still broke!!


Hows Barack Obama Doing??


Trump is Great tonight !!!


I caught that too.

Noticed that based state AGs were introduced and then President Trump went after the Soros owned DAs.

Lions hunting gazelles.



The Press is the Enemy of the People !!!

Freddy Benson

can you rotate a pdf?

Rob William

Cold pressed.


Their ratings are so low, that these propagandists, purveyors of complete deceit are demoted and assigned to harass social media platforms that are over the target of truth.


Its why they’re attacking us – here, now. They’re all in on it together. They must protect their masters.


I laughed my ass off at the one. So true!

Buck fiden

The only thing that Microsoft could make that wouldn’t suck would be a vacuum cleaner.