Dr. Francis Collins Hanged at GITMO


Another Deep State actor has bitten the dust.

On Monday, 21 February, Dr. Francis Collins was hanged to death at Guantanamo Bay, but he did not go quietly into the night, or, in his case, the dawn. Whimpering, bawling, sniveling, and moaning, Collins tried to bargain for his life as a uniformed Marine shoved him up the shallow steps leading to the gallows.

The man who used to strum his guitar at work and creepily serenade female employees implored the execution detail to spare his life, saying he was old, tired, and probably wouldn’t live much longer anyway. Below him, Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall and another high-ranking military officer who was chomping noisily on a cigar cast a disdainful glance in his direction.

“I didn’t do anything,” Collins said repeatedly, his frail frame atremble. “I did nothing wrong.”

“Treason, mass medical malpractice, conspiracy to commit murder,” Rear Adm. Crandall bellowed. “Eight unethical behavior suits in litigation, suddenly settled and confidentially sealed days before Obama appointed you head of NIH. But you did nothing wrong?”

Unlike other Deep Staters, Collins requested Last Rites. A member of the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps climbed the steps and stood beside him, saying, ““Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up.”

Collins beseeched the priest to parley on his behalf, to tell Rear Adm. Crandall he didn’t deserve to die.

“That’s beyond my job description, my child,” the priest replied.

Without further ado, a soldier atop the platform slipped the noose around Collins’ neck and gestured to Rear Adm. Crandall that he was ready to carry out the execution. Rear Adm. Crandall gave the “execute” order, and Collins dropped to his death, his neck snapping instantaneously.

He was pronounced dead at 9:15 a.m. on Monday morning.

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Note: Typos have been corrected to reflect correct dates.


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He was right about not having much longer to live.

Lorenz Manner

This way will everyone of these traitors end their lifes. They were pieces of garbage that willingly wanted to destroy America and American people. Good riddance Collins.

Gunny HiWay

(Because NOT ONE other source worldwide verifies your claims including my own established over 25 years active)
Don’t get me wrong, I want them all at the firing squad wall with me holding a Garand.
How about a pic?
E-7 Ret.

Jewelie Dee

If he sincerely asked God for mercy, he was given mercy. I don’t have a problem with that, as a person of faith. And if he did, God lovingly welcomed him.


Actually it is now being said; Putin is destroying Biological Warfare Chemical Labs run by the US Dept of Defense in the Ukraine.
Remember now, the NIH funded Gain of Function in the Wuhan Lab who released a bio weapon onto the people of our Planet called CV-19, then fake Booster shots in multiple big Pharma Labs around the world, but in the Ukraine the people of our planet can now be rest assured Putin won’t be tolerating anything of the sort especially next to Russia’s Borders. Each target hit was in deed a BioLab in the Ukraine and Not so much Military Bases.




//mobileDOT twitterDOT


This is somewhat off the subject but Sheriraye did he report called who’s your daddy. I found that very interesting I don’t know how true it is but it was fun to read.


Most of the stuff that is not true is fun to read. I am sure you catch my meaning.


STFU Ted. All You ever do is Lie!


You are just a goofy goober. Send your complaints to RRN DOT Moderator001 AT gmailDOTcom


Silence, pudding for brains.

Dave Smith

Test Q

Dave Smith

wondring why my 5g post has to be approved???

Dave Smith



live links can trigger that. Repost with interrupted links.


When was it posted for approval? I will review and push it through.
Ted – Site Admin


You’re a nobody Ted.


Who hurt you? Why do you need to act out?


Ban me site man, if your the site admin like you say you are – just do it!!! Until then I plan on hurting your precious feelings until you crawl back into your safe space.
Nobody likes a Liar Ted, so I suggest you just go away

J Bill

“there’s no site-administrator Ted here…”



Everything is BIDENS Fault !
Without exception, EVERYTHING, EVERY single thing that MORON
has done has weakened our national security, our economy, our foreign policy, our border, the value of our dollar.
Inflation, national debt, food, rent ,travel and the cost of living has gone sky high.
For starters, I WANT Him impeached
This shit show must END NOW


File against his bond. Talk to TrumpWon about how to do it.


But how is that possible if he’s just an actor and Trump is Secret President, hm?


That makes you wonder doesn’t it . Someone had better get the story straightened out .


I missed that. You can’t impeach an actor. For someone to be at fault, they need to be responsible for the act. So I think what Wildcat (Zee) is struggling to say is that Biden is the president and Wildcat is disappointed with how Biden is handling certain policies. Nice to see them coming out of their fog and starting to think about changes and not violence.


Execute fauci by Guillotine NOW!

Last edited 2 years ago by RG1

The Nazi FASCIST TROLLS are wrong again
Corn hole Cole and bend over Benson are looking more stupid than usual.


I wouldn’t pat yourself on the back too much. All Putin is doing is protecting the people in the two areas of Eastern Ukraine where 95% of the people speak Russian and side with Russia. You have to remember, Putin is a WEF member so he was probably told not to take it too far. The market dropping 15% or less than 15% ytd is not “crashing.” They’re just creating buying opportunities for their deep state buddies. There are no rogue world leaders anymore. Even North Korea answers to China.


You should check the stock markets Worldwide, which are OPEN NOW !
Then check BITCOIN
Then Check the value of SILVER…
This is JUST the beginning.


Get a grip Wildcat. Markets around the world are down a few %. Bitcoin is being manipulated and silver is up, OH MY GOD, $.22/oz. It has to get above $28/oz before it can be considered a breakout. It’s all theatre and everything is now openly controlled by the deep state. The transition started in 2020 going from covert operations to overt operations. They don’t care that people are waking up to their plan; they’re going for it and the hell with what anybody cares. That’s why they didn’t hide too well the stormtroopers they brought into Canada.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hal

The US also plays a significant role in the WEF. The USA is a pivital driving force of all things to come regarding the “Great Reset” based on what analysts say. “Biden administration” is playing into all of it.

Buck fiden

I want them to create a “buying opportunity” for precious metals.


My God, Wildcat, how fucking dumb are you? Putin is starting a war to conquer Ukraine, as in destroy their independence and their sovereign government and force them to become Russian territory and bow down to him. This is the complete opposite of liberating, you fucking fascist.

David T

Putin is doing no such thing you dumb-@$$. It’s all smoke and mirrors by the corrupt By den admin to take the focus off the Durham info, China and Joe’s foreign policy failings. If you got news from something other than CNN or quit making it up yourself (same amount of truthfulness) you’d know better. I realize that you hope people on here are stupid enough to believe what you’re shoveling.

Buck fiden

I’d love to believe that Durham is the saviour, but he’s had over a year and nothing has occurred in light of his “evidence.”

I hope you’re right, but I’m a big skeptic.

J Bill

Corn-hole cole and freddy “the cob” ben-son. You guys’ are a good fit together. Like a comedy team headed to Gitmo to “chill and hang” for a bit…

Buck fiden

Communist China wins with its puppet Zhou Biden.
America loses when gas prices hit $10/gallon.


Something is always happening thanks to the internet.
Here are my predictions for the next 12 months:
There will be a weather related accident.
Some form of transportation will fail and people will be injured.
A celebrity will die.
A politician will die.
Stocks will lose value during a down day.

Let’s see if any of these things happen.


Wait , what about the EBS going off ? Take a chance .


If I drop too many truth bombs on people, they will panic. Believe in the process.

J Bill

you guys/gals make a great comedy team. a welcome relief from pressing world issues.

Buck fiden

Is Truth Socialist a Truth Bomb?

J Bill

100% Wildcat. Since Ukraine’s borders haven’t been “ratified” with it’s neighbors since 1991, nobody can say anything about Russian movements.

Buck fiden

Stock market crashing is a bad thing. A lot of hard working Americans have 401Ks, IRAs and other things attached.

The dollar crashing is a bad thing. Good, hard working Americans work their entire lives, do the right thing, raise families, pay mortgages, and get FUCKED by Biden and his Chink Democrat Party as a result.

J Bill

It has to go that way, with no cooperation from Xiou b to assist in changing over to the Gesara. Xiou Biden, who forgot to establish themselves a viable new dollar before going “scorched earth” on the US economy (no GDP = no $US). They also forgot the G/N Agreement has the corner on gold to back their new digital currency.

The good hardworking Americans will benefit. Their money will simply be converted to the new G/N standard. The changeover will equal a trade-up in value. Not a trade-down, or loss.

But those names on the indictment sheets will have to explain themselves for selling out their country, for at least the last 22 years. Many have become infinitely wealthy intending to sell out their American countrymen somewhere down the line.
They face Justice now.

Gunny HiWay

Stock market closed UP today 2/24/2022 by 93 POINTS.
Go figure.


This site reported sometime ago that Hillary Clinton has been executed. Last week She was seen at DNC gathering defending herself over Durham’s report. I am confused here. Who is telling the truth?

Lucky Star

Go check on killary’s DNA, height. Do research




How exactly do you check peoples DNA? Do you keep a known good sample to compare them with?


RRN is telling the TRUTH.
Main stream media is lying to everyone as usual, just like the trolls and
Like corn hole Cole and bend over Benson…

Buck fiden

I am the Great CORN COLE EO! I need T.P. for my BungHole!

Buck fiden

That cunt is dead. April 2021. Hanged at Gitmo.
Everything MB writes at RRN is true.

Lucky Star

Out of the topic, Russia sent missiles into Ukraine. Will zhou biden resident go into the war now? war that the cabals are looking for it to distract from this fake covid 19?


Zhou biden is in the basement writing new EO (executive orders) to cancel oil and natural gas pipelines to make Russia really regret liberating Ukraine…
I think the IDIOT calls them SANCTIONS…😉

Buck fiden

It’s getting to the point of serious irreversible damage now.

Zhou Biden must go!


It’s a war they are looking to make money from. Their coffers are getting frozen or emptied and they need the US to make them more war money. It has worked for them many times and our gov’t has participated. Joe is/was a professed Zionist so the math in this equation is not that difficult with his administration. 5D chess game.

Buck fiden

I see it more as a game of commie Monopoly, and we are about to lose.

J Bill


Buck fiden

Qui bono?

Biden, because the “war” is “sucking the oxygen” from news stories of Biden’s communist takeover at home.

Commie Chinks benefit, too, since its enemies are at each others’ throats.

Russia is not our enemy.
Chinks are.
Biden is.

Freddy Benson

breaking news: trolls are conducting a denazification operation of rrn


Would be nice but I doubt there’s any way we can convince Angel Askew to leave.


Praise the lord !

J Bill

excellent! annhiliate the fascist trolls.

as they whine and cry “I voz joost fawlving ze awdaws…”


Everything is mash potato brain BIDENS fault, and the trolls and the shills. That voted for him and the DEEP STATE they support.

Freddy Benson

it’s a false flag

Freddy Benson

smooth brain boomer checks in



FAKE News… ALWAYS gossip by Troll (bendoverbenson).

Buck fiden

“Bendover Benson”

Good one, Wilbur!

Freddy Benson



TrumpWon dialed it back after his bond action went bottom up.

Buck fiden

You would only have to worry if RRN conducted a decommunisation campaign.

Freddy Benson


Lisa M Moyer

Sotomayor needs to go next. When will Pedo Robert’s be arrested??? Still waiting.

Lucky Star

Military should put double robes around her neck due to her heavy body


Double robes? Sounds comfy!

Buck fiden

The “wise” Latrina needs to be assfucked with a ma deuce!

Chris G

When will Klaus Schwab be arrested and hanged?? That’s what I want to know.


Where is he ?


Doesn’t seem like he’s on MB’s radar at all, I don’t think any RRN post has ever mentioned him. Guess he doesn’t watch Infowars. 🤷‍♂️

Last edited 2 years ago by Cole
Lucky Star

I believe he was arrested few weeks ago


I know that he was arrested in Antarctica…


God you people are so fucking gullible


Antarctica , sanctuary for those on the run . Perfect vacation destination .

J Bill

So, where do you stay in Antarctica then?


Holiday Inn of course .

Buck fiden

Since he wants us to live in space pods, I vote we “space” him.

To “space” someone means ejecting him from a ship in space so he dies without oxygen – from the TV series and novel “The Expanse,” by James Corey.

Don Reed

Hey Michael,I think we should nickname you “The Baxterator” !! Let’s take a vote !!

Freddy Benson



No. Terrible nickname.

Buck fiden


mary pascucci

Isn’t it funny how when they get to the end they never did anything wrong–they all said the same thing but every one of them DID do something wrong! bye bye

Freddy Benson

every story is like that. weird!

J Bill

no it’s not. you’re weird.


Yippee, the list of dead criminals is encouraging. Thanks Michael for reporting on these great events! 🙂

EXECUTIONS in 2022: Anita Dunn (hanged), Francis Collins (hanged), Dick Cheney (hanged); Gavin Newsom (hanged), Mike Donilon (hanged). 

EXECUTIONS IN 2021: Bill Gates (hanged), Hilary Clinton (hanged), Bill Clinton (suicide), Chelsea Clinton (hanged) and husband Mark Mezvinsky (hanged), Hunter Biden (hanged), Andrew Cuomo (hanged), Colin Powell (suicide), Donald Rumsfeld (suicide), James Comey (guillotine), John Brennan (hanged), Tom Hanks (hanged), Adam Schiff (hanged), John Podesta (firing squad), William Barr (hanged), Susan Rice (hanged), Huma Abedin (hanged), John McCain (firing squad), Bush Sr. (euthanized), Bush Jr. (hanged).

Buck fiden

Obama, Biden, and Niggadier General Austin should be next.

Jessie B. DeBerry



Now get Faulsie!

Freddy Benson



Juan O Savin video today when asked about GITMO activity: we need to get more and more popcorn as the numbers increase.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

Lol what numbers?


Do you know what “covert” means??!! Your leftist masters use lies and deception covertly. Look at how they got Obamacare through (covertly, corruptly behind closed doors).

You and your ilk ask these questions to create an atmosphere of doubt, while you don’t know what your leftist masters are up to; they don’t give you the dates and numbers of what they are doing; but that’s okay as long as you get paid.


Lol nice meltdown but it’s an incredibly basic question. What numbers is he talking about? How does he know they’re increasing? He just has the say “the numbers increase” based on nothing and you instantly believe it?


You and your ilk have some explaining to do: “Small Businesses Continue to Struggle: Fed Survey”


Lol nice completely unrelated subject change.

But if you somehow haven’t noticed it we’re still in a global pandemic that has effected the economy all across the board in countless ways. Small businesses struggled due to covid under Trump too, dummy.


The only demic globally is the pedodemic.


Please explain this: “Doddering Biden volunteers America for higher energy prices to defend Ukraine’s borders”


That’s one way to say “America should abandon its allies and let them fall victim to hostile invasions,'” I guess.



Freddy Benson

it’s a false flag


I wish it was Fauci.


He was honest with one thing. That was,” I dont have much longer to live anyways!”
See ya!


Every single one of these Complicit Big Pharma Paid Doctors that Betrayed the Hippocratic Oath they swore upon need to be held accountable and punished accordingly with their crimes against humanity.


Okay, so where is the proof that this is actually happening? If the White Hats are actually executing these people then why is your website the only one that knows about it? More people would be coming forward with this news and the White Hats should want people to know that justice is being served in order to have the support of the American people. In other words, more citizens of all political parties would be in support of this knowing that evil people who were trying to bring us harm are actually being removed for good.


Oh boy , where do we start but you are correct .


I am quite sure that more hard facts have to be revealed before the operation goes overt, and that a certain percentage of we the people must be awake. Timing is everything.

Freddy Benson

it’s a false flag


On Ninos corner TV real raw news was mentioned and Nino and Juan O Savin said that no executions have taken place at GITMO like is being stated on this website. They said indictments from Durham are happening but no executions.

Freddy Benson

two indictments, yes. i’m aware nothing is happening like rrn states. the two you mentioned are q-adjacent grifters though. donate, idc. but know who they are


O’savin is a dumbass…he wears a blood ring…


O’savin is a dumb ass misinformation idiot…trust him at your own risk. He talks too much shit.

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith

You talk to much shit dumb ass


Watch yesterday’s Nino,Juan grabbed a bag of popcorn when asked if the traitors were being taken to Gitmo and replied that we are going to see justice and that “Justice is a dish best served cold ” insinuating that things are happening…Juan has been saying for over a year that they are happening

Rose Mary Abbott

Watch and see if MSM trots out a Francis Collins look alike just to deny it. There is no reason for him to be in the news because he retired. Where are their lawsuits?


Lawsuits for what ?


Why is this happening? “BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Sues Adam Schiff and the Jan 6 Committee”


Schiff is still alive among other things . Roger Stone knows the truth .


Lol why is Roger Stone attempting to sue a dead guy, Jull? 😉

Last edited 2 years ago by Cole
Freddy Benson

and hrc too.

must be a false flag


don’t believe and go away. There is a reason it is happening this way…and most MSM know exactly what is going on, but they are NOT reporting it for their own reasons…to keep idiots like you ignorant.


On to Fauci!!!


No need to hang him. They can just step on, and crush that POS!

Freddy Benson

yes!! i love fascism!!!

Buck fiden

Then you’ll love the Biden Regime.

Buck fiden

>> “That’s beyond my job description, my child,” the priest replied.

Best line of the story!

Don Reed

Well, at least the “Priest” got something right when he called Collins a child. Because he sure whimpered & cried like a child before the noose was slipped around his Traitorous neck !!


Mike and I are thinking about a few spin off stories about the priest insulting the other prisoners.

J Bill

They’re looking for a new playwright at Gitmo. You should apply t-ed.


No thanks. Too many stand up comedians there already.


How do you get a nun pregnant?

Dress her as an altar boy.

virginia hicks

when will thr tribunals be televised?


Never . How could they be ?


Why did Two Prosecutors Handling Trump NY Case Abruptly Resign??!! What will your leftist masters do now?


I was replying to the question about televised executions .


Well then, why did your leftist masters do this: “EVIL: Threatening Posters Listing the Names and Personal Info of Hacked GiveSendGo Convoy Donors Appear All Over the Streets of Ottawa Following Trudeau’s Vicious Crackdown”


Who did that and so what ?

Freddy Benson

this is due to a false false false flag


see date above….


since tuesday..fidel trudeau jr. ended ML,VVP proclaim independence of luhansk/donetsk republics and start cleaning east ukraine of banderistas and DS.. sudden resign of 2 anti Trump prosecutors..

J Bill

100%. Not declaring Ukraine borders since 1991 made Minsk Agreement null and void, allowing L/D Rep to seperate without arguement. Putin will seek “payback” from dirty bolshevik rogues and clean history of bad blood. I hope he makes a movie out of it.

Trying to pull Trump into kangaroo court was a big mistake.

Freddy Benson

they resigned in a false false flag


it is up to military when they decide…yesterday….been very important day 02 20 2022 …beginning of end of this circus which began on 11/04/2020….

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon

What was imporant about yesterday, sej? Nothing happened. Lol you didn’t even write the correct date, yesterday was the 22nd.

J Bill

The 22nd of Feb. 2022 marks a 246 year cycle of Pluto returning into the same celestial alignment as it was July 4, 1776.

A very big day for President DJ Trump.


Why? Nothing happened.

Freddy Benson

What country you from?

‘What’ ain’t no country I ever heard of, do they speak English in ‘What’?

English, mother fucker, do you speak it?


Contrary to popular belief, cole is not a drag queen and his lover freddy is not a gay muslum.


Never Virginia, they’re imaginary

Trenton Rizza

I wish these stories were true. Meanwhile fake president Biden is about to start a war that we will al regret.


do not worry….no more war from jb…

Freddy Benson

just from putin. tucker’s rootin’ for putin

J Bill

Putin just did an “end run” around the whole fake biden administration.

Who were trying to start a war. But no one came…

Buck fiden

Biden must be removed from office ASAP – before he starts a real war!


For all the naysayers — I find it quite hard for anyone to make up these accounts. Each one is totally different and basically explain how our nation has gotten to where it is. I believe these tribunals are showing the true identity of these scumbags. Tribunals are not like our current courts where this type of scum gets off having the most money or the best lawyers. Thank you Rear Admiral Crandall and Mike.


Why do you think they are true ? There is no proof . Why aren’t they on any other news outlets ?


Explain why this happened: “DOD Admits Biden Admin Let In 28 Afghans with Suspected Terrorist Ties”


I was answering the query about the executions and tribunals . I will research what you just asked .

Freddy Benson

false flag op

Rose Mary Abbott



Thanks for the mention . As always .


Would you believe that Mike Baxter plagiarizes from NPR?

Buck fiden

What bothers me more is that he READS NPR !!!!!

Freddy Benson

“Each one is totally different”

lemme stop you right there…


When I read About an Execution of a Mass Murderer, Traitor, Human Traffickers, and Child Molesters,… Here
..I am reminded that the ” Elite ” have referred to the rest of mankind as (useless eaters)…, TAX Slaves,
Sex slaves, child toys ,and adrenochrome sacrifices, for their EVIL WISHES.
Bill Gates had made a statement that the World should only have
500 million,…
The other 7 Billion were over population ! ???
I am satisfied that the Alliance has carefully REWARDED many DEEP
STATE players with a MILITARY tribunal, AND A FITTING SEND-OFF


Now Fauci’s boss can explain to the denizens of Hades how they need a Covid shot!


Mike and I were discussing how best to publish our new book and I think we should leave it up to our readers. The book is about what goes on behind the scenes when Mike gets a hot new story. It details the origin of how we found the “magic pay phone” where we get calls from JAG and other high placed sources. It also documents the dangers we face daily exposing the truth.
Mike wants to start a new site and charge per story and I want to just publish as one big PDF.
Thank you in advance my fine Patriot brothers!


I think you should release it as a series on TRUTH Social! If/when RRN is ever able to creat an account there, that is! You can split it up into a series of like 4 to 5 thousand tweets! Er.. I mean ‘truths’.

Oh but you’ll need to cut all the parts that mention executions or anti-vax stuff, TRUTH Social is censoring those apparently.

Freddy Benson

i like the pdf idea but i’d end up putting in on the pirate bay so per article is probably best.


It is encouraging to know that he is now in heaven with Jesus since he received last rites. It was kind of the JAG to allow him to be absolved of all sin before his death.


“At Yale, Collins worked under the direction of Sherman Weissman, and in 1984 the two published a paper, “Directional cloning of DNA fragments at a large distance from an initial probe: a circularization method”. The method described was named chromosome jumping, to emphasize the contrast with an older and much more time-consuming method of copying DNA fragments called chromosome walking.”

Phyllis Bonviso

moving the chairs on the Titanic…

Cappy McCappy

We need to see some Group Hangings


See? I don’t think so.

J Bill

exile would love that. she’s here talking trash all the time, but in real life is a despicable sadist who can’t keep it together.


Exile is retired and plays a lot of pickle ball. I’d say he has it together just fine, sounds like a nice relaxing retirement to me.


Ivanka Trump is requesting a voluntary meeting with the January 6th Insurrection Investigation Board. Sources have confirmed that she is trying to cut a deal to avoid a long jail sentence or worse.
Big things are happening. Movie coming to an end.


Real news ! Reported everywhere .


You and your ilk have some explaining to do: “Biden Is Talking Tough On Russia Now… But Here’s How His Appeasement Led To Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine”


jullou- invasion of 404 state will start only this week on invitation of 2 new republics

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
Buck fiden

Everything Zhou Biden does directly benefits communist China. Having Russia and the “USA” at war helps the fucking Chinks. When the dollar crashes, all we can do is throw bricks through chink restaurant windows and pretend we’re Nigger Lies Matter.


see my comment above ted y

Buck fiden

Really? I thought she was sent to accept terms of surrender for the Biden Regime.


Dr. Fauchi – Where are you?
You’re up next!!!

Kelly Knauth Brown

I have a serious question: How does your everyday pro-mask, pro-vaccine liberal feel as of 2.22.22? To me it’s obvious the matrix is crumbling, but is it to them? Or are the still actually pro-Covid?


I only know of a few of them, they’re die-hards and brainwashed libtards, they even wear their masks driving to work and home again. Its all too pathetic.


Many of them are in a zombie like state. I wonder if they even feel anything anymore!


Why would you think anybody is “pro-Covid”?


Why is he doing this while mandating our military get the clot shot; doctors are now concerned with military readiness: “Biden Orders More US Troops to Eastern Europe as Russia Evacuates Embassy”


What doctors are concerned about military readiness? Military doctors? Or just the crackpot anti-vax blogs and Facebook groups?


Dumbest question ever.


No one is “pro Covid”. That’s just ridiculous. I’ve had it and and have friends who have died from it. I guarantee you don’t want it. So I’m pro vaccination. Pro treatment. Pro mask. Pro anything that will keep anyone else from getting it. Thank you Pres Trump and Warp Speed. Thank you Doctors and nurses who put themselves on the line to treat this highly contagious illness. I get it though most people here will not believe anything that doesn’t fit in their reality bubble. Pray you don’t have to find out the hard way that Covid is no hoax.

Rose Mary Abbott

I had it a year ago and I had complicating circumstances at the time. It wasn’t fun, but it wasn’t as bad as the flu. The loss of smell and taste were the real identifying factors for me. My oldest friend took the vaccine and lost his ability to see. I would rather face the bug any day than play the Russian Roulette game of ” Is the vaxx going to hurt or kill me?” I’m 66 years old to boot. You have to cough hard and long enough to get all the phlegm out so it doesn’t coagulate in your lungs. Mucinex was a big help.


Covid virus has never been found to exist. No one anywhere on Earth has ever isolated it. No one has a copy of it. Influenza A or Influenza B were only found on lab tests. Covid stands for Certificate Of Vaccination I.D. All companies selling the vaccines are “‘pro covid'”. Democrats and Rinos are Pro covid, all tyrannical leaders wanting more power are pro covid. That probably doesn’t fit your reality bubble.


No loss there


They should’ve used a bungy chord so the prick could bounce up & down like a yo-yo.
I wonder if Dr. Fauchi is starting to worry now, if not he should start.

Kelly Knauth Brown

Wow, at least Collins was remorseful in his own way.


Yeah he was, but just for aminute or two. Then it was over.

Terminally deplorable

Anthony: What are you going to do this week, Francis?
Francis: Hanging out at GITMO, Tony.

Last edited 2 years ago by Terminally deplorable

Have you noticed that none of them do anything wrong?!?

Terminally deplorable

Just following orders


Plausable deniability – Told to just act dumb like Killary washing her server like with a dish rag or something.


Read the room. The stories are made to generate donations.


Have you noticed that Michael Baxter writes the same stuff over and over and there’s no need for him to get more creative since you guys just keep sending him money for it anyways?

John .S

Where’s Fredo?

Alleged, hiding in plain sight, rhetorically dressed like a Hasidic (Oy-vey), living in one of his family owned buildings.


LMAO!!!! Maybe he got a new hat with the new look.


Wrong, he escaped underground months ago. Like way way underground. Reportedly he is living in exile amongst the Mole People in the Deep Earth.

Air man

“How sweet it is.”


Thank you Michael Baxter!!! 👍👍👍

Stinky Perfume

That guitar thing to serenade the opposite sex is hilarious. It works, and this one looks so obvious in the photo, in the dork category if you want to laugh at him, believing that a ragged old man can play that game at that age.


Actor Harry Dean Stanton was elderly and he still played a mean guitar on “Big Love” and “The Patriot.”

Keith White

Fauci should get the same treatment.

Rose Mary Abbott

I just can’t get a vision of Fauci asking for Last Rites.