Putin: Bombed Hospital Was Really Bioweapon Storage Facility


Tales of the Russian military indiscriminately bombing a maternity ward brimming with civilians and pregnant women are either exaggerated or outright inaccurate, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on a Wednesday evening telephone call with Donald Trump.

A Mar-a-Lago source privy to that call told Real Raw News that, according to Putin, the maternity and children’s hospital in southern Ukraine was a bioweapon storage facility that held weaponized smallpox and other lethal pathogens. Putin insisted Zelenskyy knew of the toxins and said he’d given the Ukrainian president a stern admonition in advance of the strike: Evacuate your people, but don’t touch the weapons, because we’ll be watching.

“Putin told Trump that Zelenskyy got 24-hour notice and could have easily cleared the ward. True or not, Putin says he would have guaranteed patients safe passage to a nearby hospital.”

His voice quavering, Putin also told Trump that he regretted loss of life, but said Zelenskyy was responsible because he cowardly hid weapons of mass destruction behind human shields. Moreover, Putin refuted a Mariupol city council statement claiming that Russian bombs had obliterated not only the hospital but also several city blocks.

“Five people died, President Trump, and, yes, that is regrettable. But our strikes were surgical. Reports placed more than 200 people in the building. If I wanted to kill Ukrainians, your Western news would report 200 dead, not five people. Zelenskyy refused to have those people evacuated, and we told him. Its on his head, not mine. This filth care about protecting those that pay him, not civilian lives,” Putin reportedly said to Trump.

When Trump asked if reports of thermobaric weapons being deployed were correct, Putin said, “Yes, I had no choice. We must use ordnance that burns hot enough to destroy pathogen. Conventional bombs do not do that, President Trump. But I was careful as could be.”

The biologic weapons, Putin added, had been stored unsafely and haphazardly in standard vaccine freezers on a floor beneath the maternity ward. Consequently, one misstep could have caused hundreds of thousands of preventable fatalities.

Ebola, smallpox, plague—the rogue’s gallery of highly infectious deadly pathogens is frighteningly long and their ability to cause disaster is great, which is why BSL-4 pathogens are typically studied under scrutiny and within the tightly controlled confines of a biosafety level 4 (BSL4) facility.

Yet Putin said the bombed hospital had no safeguards, no safety protocols, and that the slipshod hospital was an ecological disaster waiting to happen.

“Believe me, nobody is more in line with what you’re doing than me, but you know I can’t say that in public. This will be the biggest reveal when it’s known, but right now, President Putin, Sleepy Joe and the Lamestream News are going absolutely crazy saying you’re killing women and children. Trust me, many people I’ve talked to understand what you’re going through. What you’re doing is something like we’ve never seen before,” Trump told Putin.

Putin closed the call in saying they’d speak again soon; he had work to accomplish.

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I pray this is true.

Spiritual Dragon

Because Soros & our stupid Gov’t is calling to Demonize Putin, I am going to side with Putin. There is something going on when the most evil man, Soros is siding with Ukraine.


The Russians sure are tearing the cities and country up just to wipe out bio-weapons labs and human trafficking rings. Their intelligence reports must not know exactly where they are located.


Looks like an invasion to me with a lot of innocent people getting killed .


Yeah, From the looks of it I’d say Putin was just using that as an excuse.


IT’s. A simple Liberation… Of human sex slaves, Child kidnapping, and money laundering
Shut down the whole corruption /ghetto
And execute a few bozos


Michael, why do my comments now require approval? Did I break some rule I was not aware of? It’s been happening for a while now.


ok, that one worked, it must be replies. Let’s see if this one requires approval.
This one went through as well but it’s to myself. So Michael it seems my message requires approval after responding to another’s post. I’m sure it wasn’t like that previously. Is it meant to be like this for all my replies to others?

Last edited 2 years ago by Kitty

Are you a troll or shill? Is Zee mad at you ?


On a conservative talk show last night it was mentioned that there are “biolabs” and there are “bioweapon labs.” We should not let the left misconstrue this subject by calling all of them biolabs.

Afshin Nejat

You all ever hear about PNAC? The “conservatives” in this country are about as mind controlled to follow the PNAC and other “deep state” agendas (which is by no means essential the Democrats in nature, though they are a major “progressive” force in that direction). The conservatives, as they are called, are basically one step back for every two steps forward of the progressives, maybe less, in the service of Old World powers who have in essence a “Zionist Theology”. That’s actually the Bolshevik force that runs these operations against MY freedom, whether as an American or not. They are kosher to the conservatives, their objectives are hallowed, they are deemed untouchable from criticism or reproof, and they run the media and “Deep State” I keep hearing conservatives whining about. If that isn’t handled, you can shove all this fantasy where the sun don’t shine. Your freight train through existence will have one destination and you are not going to like it. Hell on earth, before a further existence in hell.


Satan?! Like Dana Carvey? How quaint.

Buck fiden

Zhou Biden’s Psock puppet has big ones.


Destroying bio lab in the conventional way using bombs very irresponsible. It has to be done using special procausion measures to avoid any leak.


Sure is , good thing it didn’t really happen .

Lucky Star

You wished!!!




EBS today !! Get ready for full disclosure . You will be able to say “l told you so “!


This is the Awakening.
Don’t rely on any one else.
The answers are found thru careful
Not by listening to Media propaganda

Bill Thompson

imagine falling for russian propaganda

that site isn’t responding but looks like another wordpress blog on godaddy just like rrn

Bill Thompson

ah rumble dot com and good old glenn…his husband used to do gay escort work and because of that, glenn blocks people on twitter. he’s also peddling russian propaganda

i’m honestly surprised glenn hasn’t run with the story of “us trying to harm russians with birds” story yet

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Thompson


Last edited 2 years ago by WrongWayCorrigan

Very insightful, thank you🙏

Jose Ramirez

Putin is saving the humanity. And Trump is back soon. MAGA.



J Bill

j-ay jon-ass


Saw more MSM validation of this story…. You trolls gonna admit when RRN is right????


Validation there is a story but not that it’s true. They are ridiculing Putin and Russia for the propaganda and attempt to validate the attack .

Lucky Star

Your pay check increased from 10 cents to 40 cents now?


Not yet but I would turn it down if I was paid.


Propaganda,. NOT validation.


Are you falling for the Russian propaganda? Two sides always.

question everything

Two sides always?
In most cases, there are always more than two options. This is a common propaganda technique, suggesting, for example, that if you think Ukraine is in the wrong then you MUST think Russia is in the right. Be more discerning.

Air man


chris russ

Paging Dr Fauci……

Bill Thompson


Bill Thompson

what kind of pizza?

Bill Thompson

eh…any ham? if i could pick off the pineapple maybe i’ll attend the next round

Buck fiden


Lorenz Manner

Go Putin, go, go, go. Take down all of them in Ukraine. Drain the Ukrainian swamp.

Bill Thompson

you can move to russia if you wanna suck off putin

Sandy Koufax

It’s very difficult to immigrate to Russia. The average US citizen could not meet the requirements.


yeah, you’re real funny. But your sense of humor isn’t going to get you too far when the whole house of cards comes down. You may be a good doggie but you won’t be spared the fallout of the depression on its way caused by your masters. dipshit.
Ed Dowd explains the CDC data battleplanDOTnews/watch?id=622a86fbe9c9f76590e04ef4

Bill Thompson

oooooh owd sees through you, mr buffer!

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Thompson

One puppet speaking to another. Giving the world yet another dose of hopium. I am so sick and tired of this whole dog and pony show. Trump did nothing to prevent the Corona hoax. He is just like every other politician either bought and paid for or an opportunist to the max. The world would be much better of without all this secrecy and deadly play acting. When will the nonsense ever stop?


When WE the people stand up and forget about this made up dog and pony show. One puppet speaking to the other. I am watching a movie right before my eyes.That’s why I keep coming back. This will come to an end soon. Gratefully a happy ending for us all will ensue.

Bill Thompson

why did you reappear with an avi from a dutch conspiracy site?

David T

What should Trump have done?

Rob William

Putin is a hardcore communist and now a genocidal maniac. Don’t support him if you are an American.


IT is just a matter of everything moving forward…

Rob William

Putin is a communist who wants to recreate USSR. He doesn’t support any kind of personal freedom, which is evident from his recent crackdown on free press and expression. One can get 15 years in Russia for simply speaking against govt. I don’t want US to become like Putin’s Russia. A big reason for the spike in gas prices is Russian war. Putin is ready to nuke the world if he cannot get USSR again.


You do realize this article has been proven true by your precious MSM right?? Thats 2 in a row…..Whatever will you trolls do after more and more are proven true??


Thermobaric bombs so powerful and destructive that they destroy all evidence. Sure Putin, sure.


Have you researched them dipwad ? Evidently not, shill.


Ask MSM about all the bioweapons in the US hospitals, and doctors offices that they openly suggests everyone get ! They try to fool the public in believing that “Its PROVEN safe!” ??? Another blatant lie!!

question everything

BUT, so far the bioweapons have been “safe and effective”! Safe for the producers and distributors, and effective at eliminating many ‘useless eaters’. They(an acronym for The Heirarchy Enslaving You) define words differently than the normal definitions, for instance, GWB said he was ‘born again’–there is a sick masonic ritual that is called being born again, but has nothing to do with what most think it means.


EXACTLY, the bioweapons developed to for mass genocide, and the useful idiots complied…
Even standing in line for boosters to get to the GREAT hereafter faster

Barry Williamz

Both men doing a great work at this time when needed.


Breaking: Russia Convenes UN Security Council Meeting to Present BioLab Evidence — Friday at 11 AM~Gateway Pundit, March 10, 2022 at 9:46pm

Bill Thompson

i hope the gwp brings those antifa super soldiers


Did anything happen ?


It did not go well. The UN said there was no evidence of bio weapons . Look it up . easy to find .


I looked it up,… Your sources are wrong again, so therefore you are
WRONG also
ALL bioweapons labs are EVIL and are in most every country. Corruption is every where
BTW it is EASY to find.
WHY do you keep drinking the
Kool- AID. ?


I respectfully disagree but let’s see how it plays out .


UN representative Izuma Nakamitsu did not find any evidence of bio weapons . I looked that up. Vasily Nebenzya of Russia had a strange presentation that included bats, birds and insects .


Sadly the MSM news that are semi White Hats do not have the facts so they follow what the rest of the world is saying Fox NewsMax WION and other so called reliable news are misinformed and are paint ing a picture that make Putin look like a monster when in fact he is doing a good thing If the story he is telling Trump is True The real MONSTERS here are Biden and ZELENSKYY like Putin Like Putin said they care more about their money and power than the people. Sound very familiar ( The Left AOC OMAR WATTERS PELOSI SCHUMER NEWSOME BIDEN HARRIS even some RINOS are in the mix. They are far more dangerous than Putin. Sadly there will be collateral damage it is a war zone that blood is on BIDEN’s hands and ZELENSKYY for using citizens as shields just like the Terrorist in the middle east COWARDS Plain and simple. GOD will have his Judgment and it will be final. God Bless and Pray for the people and curse these demon monsters send them back to Hell


Waiting. For approval,
Can I get ” LIST” of words that I am NOT ALLOWED to SAY ?


Troll, shill, Zee,




Taking note, I don’t want to be censored


“I told you so” 😉


We must’ve struck a nerve. ! ?



GreaterIdaho for Trump

There have been so many fake news stories that were taken from video games and not ukraine, that most believe nothing that msm says about the events of the last 3 weeks.

question everything

Ya think? I wish people were that aware, and obviously some are, but do you really think it is most? As in more than 50%?

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything

My approvals have been waiting all day

Buck fiden

I don’t know which keywords are setting them off.
Just substitute some letters and try again.


I’ve tried everything lol,I would try it one way and then another way with no luck,im sure MB is sick of all of the approvals,it would be nice to know whats going on though

Bill Thompson

oh i know…




What? Try Morse code -.. –. / -.-. ..– ..-.-.




Mine too! Weird huh. ?


Yes,really weird


I just want Jesus to take me Home. Tired of all this…. Parents took shot willingly while in nursing home. Now Zombies. My dad has permanent tube draining from brain after 2 brain, blood clots and 2 strokes and had to have brain surgery. Both in diapers. I begged them to let me take them into my home and even was going to buy a home for them all before COVID. But, they refused and chose another sibling to be their POA. He wants them in nursing home and out of his way. Now, they are miserable. I don’t have any say now and don’t want to waste hard earned money on lawyer who probably can’t do anything. My dad doesn’t really know what’s going on. My mom’s eyes turned black and distant. Her letters to me don’t make sense. I think their DNA did change. Their Dr., who is also my dad’s surgeon, has disappeared. I’m sure he ordered which shots they were to take. That nursing home has been locking the patients down so family can’t either visit or hardly visit.


I’m sorry this has happened and that you are feeling like this,but it’s not your time yet,you need family and friends around you if you are feeling like this,things will get better and praying will help you ,I will be saying prayers for you and your parents,I hope that things turn around for you soon and that you feel better soon


Lol,yes I do,I hate to hear about anyone feeling so down that they would want to die,except for murderers,rapists,pedophiles,satanists and other wastes in our world


Trolls and shills?


Trolls and Shills what?


Except for the murderers , rapists, etc .


Trolls and Shills not included


That makes everything better .


Some people hurt horribly but are not satanic. Some souls cannot endure the pain of existence. Please Pray for these souls.


I know a few people that hate their existence and I pray for them

Daughter of the American Revolution

Hopefully it might help a little to know you aren’t alone in being grievously tried; these are our tribulations, tests and trials. Stay close to God/Yeshua.

…And Don’t bother to listen to the unbelievable POS filth-pile of a troll. …Demonic turds want nothing more than to damage, destroy and kill us and it starts with fear.

Daughter of the American Revolution

Breaking my rule just for you, just today. Expect no response further. May YHWH BLESS your teenee weenee tiny black little shrivelled up pustule of a heart, in Jesus name, may you be Blessed and truly come to know God.


That’s fucked up


“I don’t have any say now and don’t want to waste hard earned money on lawyer who probably can’t do anything.”

That line doesn’t make any sense to me. You’re concerned enough to get on here and opine about it. How do you know a lawyer can’t do anything about it? If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. One consultation can expand into many but one wouldn’t cost that much to find out what your rights are if any.

Rob William

DNA changed? What do you want to say?


I’m sorry OWD, but DNA can be altered, many findings show how it can be done, mRNA alters DNA. Sorry, but this time you are wrong.


I have graduate degrees in biology/ microbiology, and one in entomology ( I like Bugs ), but your internist is wrong, sorry, I stand by my facts and do your own research, then come back and we can talk. Take it like a man OWD, you are wrong this time.


Nobody thinks I’m somebody else any more . TW was sure of it for a while and I was intrigued but he is gone .He is cashing in the rewards from his surety bonds victory .


Shill envy ? I’ll never get over that . Who is my Dean Martin?

Bill Thompson

owd’s brain got smoother in the past year


Is he really gone? I hope so as he was always calling me a whore

Bill Thompson

two people might miss him lol




Which TWO. ?


You are JUST an ordinary troll.
But it is possible that you wish a
Do you miss TW. ?


I do not .


Heh , you were banished for saying almost the exact thing to me,
You should stop commenting


Ruth, Jim buff-me and bill Thompson are all the same person… Is what I believe


This is called dementia and it happens to a lot of elderly people, it’s been around far far longer than the covid vaccines, my friend.

Buck fiden


Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden

Ruth, please take care. I know. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your beloved parents. Myself a nurse and child of GOD also have witnessed the atrocities and would like to deeply reassure you that the nursing staff is genuine and do their best under the circumstances. Your parents are loved as you are also.You are not alone. This too shall pass.

Johnny Lunchbucket

Putin, saving life for eternity, now that is an avatar that I can’t get behind.

I sure hope that all are aware that this is not the original Putin who was a much more horrible of a man. This Putin represents the Russian people as a whole and the whitehat’s

Last edited 2 years ago by Johnny Lunchbucket
Rob William

Putin is a horrible communist who wants to recreate USSR.


Not a Communist anymore, that information is
Obsolete and pure negative. Propaganda…
Truth is you are getting programed by reptilians ! LOL


Uhh so who is he? A clone? I thought clones were evil tools of the Deep State or something

J Bill

And I thought clones were trolls who change their names because they’re tools.


“Sleepy Joe and the Lamestream News are going absolutely crazy saying you’re killing women and children.”

That’s what the MSM does… Always about the ‘women and children’….

And right on cue, here comes all the Donate to Ukraine Commercials.


Praise the lord !


What’s that supposed to mean ?


Donations to Ukraine.


Just like the Clinton’s with Haiti. And where do you think that money goes??

Bill Thompson

i think biden should throw paper towels at a group of people in haiti



Fool Me Once……


Straight to the biden crime family. Is my guess !

Rob William

Please don’t support communist Putin who has already taken away Freedom to speech right of Russians.

Jane D

Hold on there Robbie…I’ve been to Russia and have had numerous conversations with a few citizens there and NONE have bitched, pissed and moaned about not speaking freely. They had no trouble telling me what they thought of Hillary Clinton, Trump and also Putin (this was when Clinton & Trump were running for President).


He just makes stuff up to annoy people. Probably not even an American citizen.

question everything

I pay taxes, so, whether I like it or not, I donate to Ukraine….and Congress’s 21% pay increase….and Nancy Pelosi’s paycheck….sickening, isn’t it?

Sharon Manning

Yeah, 1.9BN to Ukraine to protect their border. What about ours?


A 21% raise with a 10% Approval Rating…….



Its Communist, you are forced to, you’re being robbed every
Day, month, and year. Of your LIFE..
And confused folks like rob William wants to keep us all
Enslaved….. To the system




Because he is killing women and children, that what happens when you shell cities full of civilians


Exactly, done by the Azov Battalion and the Ukrainian Deep State Army, but not by Putin.


Is that footage from 2014?

Chris G

Trump’s emergency landing on Sat March 5th: is the cause of the engine failure known? And is Mar-A-Lago still being bombarded with microwaves?


There were pregnant women and brand new babies sitting on that horrible stuff! The Deep State needs to be purified into pure energy. Get the DEW.

Buck fiden

Distant Early Warning?


Think Paradise, California. That is the other meaning for that term.

question everything

That’s what I said using the actual words that those letters stand for, but got the “Awaiting for approval”


The Dew Drop Inn, An iconic restaurant in the mid-west, lost their insurance policy recently.


My cousin lost her house in Paradise and because Newsom had PG&E file bankruptcy she no longer owns a home


It’s a strange world we’re living in now…

Buck fiden

Russians being the good guys, American “leaders” being the bad guys. Role-reversal.

Rob William

Putin is a hard core communist. Don’t fall for all this junk propaganda. MB also needs to step away on this issue and support USA on this issue (if he is an American).

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Buck fiden

Yes, he was. Zhou Biden is also a hard core communist along with the fucking stinking nigger Obama in the basement calling the shots and not getting any publicity for it.




What you say is not true
The Communist. Man DATES forced on us
Are PROOF. !

question everything

Do you think it might still be ‘good cop, bad cop’, just reversing roles?

Sara Schmidt

I wish I could share these posts.


You must know a lot of people still ‘blue pilled’ by the MSM. 🙁

I’m so happy I ‘woke up’, got ‘red pilled’ and learned how the world REALLY works.

Watching truther clips downloaded from the top 3 known videosharing sites (‘Y’, ‘B’, and ‘R’) and other ones inside VideoLAN at 3x is compelling, informative, and with one particular ‘bitter truther’ breaking down/debunking MSM clips on the ‘B’ site somewhat entertaining and occasionally downright HILARIOUS–especially in the rare case where the content he is commenting on would leave him at a loss for words. One moment in one clip he did in the past was SO FUNNY to me, I replayed it so many times inside VidoLAN, I lost count! 😀



question everything

Also, in the upper right corner of each post is a link address for that comment that can be copied and shared.


That’s good to know,thanks

Gregg Nickens

The day when world history is retold truthfully and accurately, and not as a cabalist, nwo, deep state narrative, is when true enlightenment of humanity will begin.

Buck fiden

Do I have to give up my pickup truck?


Can you still afford the fuel ?


No fuel for me. I just coast around.

Buck fiden

Actually, I haven’t driven it for almost a year now. A friend’s holding it for me. I’ll get everything back in July when I move back to Phoenix.

Rob William

Elon Musk is so happy!


Please keep your pick up. I’m keeping mine also.

Buck fiden

Even if gasoline is $10/gallon, having a large vehicle that carries shit will be important for Plan B if shit goes south.



question everything

Duck Duck Go Is Now Duck Duck Gone, Now Manipulating ‘Russian Disinformation’ Search Results


Confirmed. Saw it on a Mexico-based ex-pat USA truther who said he used to work for ‘The Puzzle Palace’. He recommends using Russia’s ‘Y’ search engine and France’s ‘Q’ search engine to avoid ‘filter bubbles’ and censorship. I cannot link to him from this post as it may trigger moderation. Maybe the situations are getting so sensitive nowadays with Ukraine, link moderation may be turned on by default now.

Strangely, (but thankfully), I’ve never seen ‘spamvertied’ URLs to blatant commercial websites here like I’ve seen on ‘ZH’ ran by the character protrayed by Brad Pitt in a particular 1999 movie as a pseudonymn. Its just the the deceptive, disruptive users here trying to discourage people so they leave RRN (for good). Thankfully, due to MB’s efforts, that group appears to be getting smaller and smaller everyday. 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by IsThisFairUse2
question everything

At DDG, the moderation isn’t turned on by default, it was a choice that was made:


Lol what sites do you guys even have left now

question everything

Lol nyfb

Phyllis Bonviso

Not buying Putin is a hero – I see Armageddon transpiring right before my eyes. Trump, military, US – allowing all this to happen to its people for the sake of being awakened, not buying that one either. We are being had by both sides. Even if our side is doing it for our own good, would never trust them for taking away our choice if given the full, truthful facts; instead taking away our rights and doing it on “their” own for our safety. When someone tells you, “I’ll protect you”, ask “But who will protect me from you?”…

David T

“Allowing this to happen” – what do you propose Trump and the US military should do about it? If you look up Nunn Lugar from 2005 it will explain who has been behind this corruption in the Ukraine.


The wait we have endured enabled the white hats to catch more of the black hats. Easy to understand.

Buck fiden

I hope so.


There you go .

Buck fiden

Enjoy $7/gallon gasoline.


That really sucks, Thanks a lot , F-ing Politicians

Rob William

Now you are talking sense. A big reason for the spike in gas prices is Russian war. Putin is ready to nuke the world if he cannot get USSR again.

Buck fiden

ι nενεr blαmεd thε Rμssιαns fοr ομr gαs prιcεs.

ιt’s 100% Zhομ Bιdεn’s fαμlt (αctμαlly, thε fμckιng nιggεr οbαmα ιn thε bαsεmεnt cαllιng thε shοts).

οn DαY οNε οf hιs ιllεgιtιmαtε rεgιmε, Zhομ Bιdεn ιssμεd αn ιmpεrιαl dεcrεε (fkα “εxεcμtινε οrdεr”) SHμTTιNG DοωN αmεrιcα’s dοmεstιc εnεrgy prοdμctιοn (Kεystοnε Pιpεlιnε, bαnnιng frαckιng, drιllιng & οιl εxplοrαtιοn). Nοω, Zhομ Bιdεn’s fμndιng αmεrιcα’s εnεmιεs (ιrαn, νεnεzμεlα) by bμyιng THειR οιL αt ιnflαtεd prιcεs!!

Thεsε tωο mμthrfμckεrs mμst HαNG FοR TRεαSοN !!!!



Rob William

Putin is a communist who wants to recreate USSR. He doesn’t support any kind of personal freedom, which is evident from his recent crackdown on free press and expression. One can get 15 years in Russia for simply speaking against govt. I don’t want US to become like Putin’s Russia.



Buck fiden

I’ll have to ask the January Six-ers about that one.

Sue Grantham

Go Putin Go!!♥️🙏🇺🇸


Ironically, you think Putin should get the Nobel Peace Prize for what he’s doing?


Scary , huh ?


Didn’t Obama get one. ?


Still to this day, no one knows why.

Buck fiden

On his 11th day in office!

David T

That’s right, it was real quick! I was like, WTF??

David T

Yes, within the first 6 months or so of getting installed as POTUS. And no one has any idea why. Or how that obscure Indonesian communist half-breed came from nowhere and ended up POTUS.



Rob William

Good work Russian agent!

J Bill

coming from a nazi / nazi sympathizer.

Rob William

There are so many white supremacists and anti-semites in this forums but I am not one of them. On the other hand Putin is a communist and ex-KGB who wants to recreate USSR. Unless you are a communist too, you cannot support him.

Buck fiden

Your last statement is not necessarily true.



J Bill

HTF would you know anyways? One who can’t tell difference between black or white.
Unless you’re a nazi you should leave here.


Wait so.. you’re saying that if he’s a nazi he should stay here? 🤔

J Bill

You’re half right:


And a white supremacist himself.




Have you considered moving to Russia?


Have you considered getting your head out of your ass ? Your sphincter is closing off the oxygen to that mush you call a brain.

J Bill

Have you considered jumping off a cliff?


From coast to coast, the U.S. is beautiful. In every state we have beautiful architecture. Whether this building pictured above is a before or after…it’s still ugly. People really need to appreciate America and all it has to offer and its beauty; I know I do and always have. Each state in our country is unique in its own way. I can’t wait until We Make America Great Again, Again. Trump had it right and still does. We are taking back and will rebuild even better than before. I love our country.

Buck fiden

Da Projects and nigger housing is always a blight on the landscape. Shithole spic neighbourhoods in ShitCongo, LA, south Phoenix, south Tucson, San Antonio, Albuqueercoup are all places to be avoided.


AMEN to that!

Chris G

I suppose that next, the Cabal will accuse Putin of destroying a baby milk factory. 😅

Rob William

Stop acting like Russian agent. Just stop!

Johnny Lunchbucket

God you are stupid. Go put your helmet in an start licking windows again please to occupy your time. It is brain dead dipshit’s like yourself that give America a bad name as well as all of your deepstate heroes.


I think his special hug-me jacket would work better than his help-me helmet on this one. Then again, Maybe both…

Rob William

And you are supporting a hardcore communist Putin? Really?



J Bill

*sniff, sniff*

I smell Bolshevik. 100% bullshit.

David T

Love your comments J Bill! Nothing quite as satisfying as using facts to punk-slap the crap out of liberal trolls.




Stop acting like the Kazar You are Rob, we ALL know.


The next is the new AIDS /VAIADS vaccine auto immunodeficiency disease.

Fake Bill,Hill and Fa are going to tell us to do another jabber to enslave the people. Wait and see. Do NOT COMPLY.WAIT. They are CGI. Watch MB.


I resigned from my place of employment as a Registered Nurse due to the knowledge of the crimes against humanity. I will never stop speaking the truth. Keep playing the chess game.

J Bill

That’s how they roll.


Please don’t drink milk. ALL milk is highly disruptive to our bodies. Graphene oxide is in most food /beverages/ sky the trails. The
cabal doesn’t stop at Ukraine. The deep has been fortifying baby food with graphene like our masks. I am a white hat and speak to my fellow Patriots.

Buck fiden

What about Yoghurt?


Yogurt like all dairy causes inflammation in the body.I am trying to wean myself off of it. I grew up in a dairy state…Northern Wisconsin USA

Buck fiden


Good people there.


Stay off the Sundrop too!


What is sun drop, please?


Maybe the soda


Oh boy, here we go. Into the great milk controversy , look out .


Just like real raw news. Have some real raw milk.

Bill Thompson

both make you ill


Even organic milk?


Yes. I was purchasing organic whole milk for my son for years thinking it was healthy for him. I researched and found out how it causes inflammation and extreme hormonal imbalance. I now have a wonderful doctor who is homeopathic who lives in Nevada even though I live in Wisconsin. No more meds for me. The meds my son took/ still taking has caused serious adverse reactions and his quality of life has been greatly reduced. If you have gotten the jab don’t do another.


Yea,I have family members that hate Putin right now because of it,they can’t seem to break away from fake news,I told them yesterday as they expressed their hate for Putin as a baby killer that the hospital probably had bio weapons there and that’s probably why they blew it up,they didn’t want to hear it

Buck fiden

At least Putin didn’t cut off his entire country’s domestic energy supply and started buying gasoline from his enemies!

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden

No,but I have heard of this dude who runs a country who did

Bill Thompson

we export more than we use lmao

Buck fiden

If that were true, gasoline would be under $2/gallon right now.


Seems to me, why just recently gas was under $2.00,…I think it was ajust a couple years ago – you know,…..like back when Trump was our POTUS.


I don’t care about gas when I am fighting for my life.

Buck fiden

Thαt’s rιght. αnd ιf yομ gο tο xxxgαsprιcεs.cοm, ωhεrε xxx ιs thε cιty οr stαtε ιn ωhιch yομ lινε, αnd clιck οn thε grαphs οn thε lεft, αnd chοοsε thε 11-yεαr grαph, yομ’ll sεε hοω mμch οf α shοckιng jμmp ιn prιcεs Zhομ Bιdεn hαs ιnflιctεd μpοn thιs cομntry!


The videos , interviews and optics are hard to ignore . Impossible to fake all of it and yes it is real . Many other sites hit and causalities besides the hospital . Listen to your family members . They are correct .

Buck fiden

I’ll take Putin over Zhou Biden and his America-Last Party any day.

Bill Thompson

move to russia


move to ukraine

Rob William

👍👍👍 everyone supporting Putin should move to Russia and become a communist with no rights!

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Buck fiden

Your comments would make sence had you made them during the Cold War.

Today’s Russia isn’t the Soviet Union, and alas, today’s America is becoming that way.


WHAT A CRAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Everyone supporting biden should move to Ukraine and become a communist with no rights.


Move to Saturn

Bill Thompson

move to uranus

Buck fiden

OUCH !!!!!!

Buck fiden

Я уже был там. Очень холодно. Летом в Владивостоке тоже холодно.

(I’ve already been there. Very cold. Summer in Vladivostok is also cold.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden

I love them despite our different beliefs,but they think Biden is doing a great job and told me that Bidens high gas prices are saving the Ukraine people from being killed…I think Bidens done an awful job on purpose and I miss my country that has always been what I have always known….America….Land of the Free,Home of the Brave


What? High gas prices helps save the Yukes from being killed? (sorry for the spelling, the censorship is driving me bonkers) With all due respect to your family members, I truly believe they need some truth pills.


Yea,but it would be a waste of time,its almost like they were Brainwashed,I’m wondering if it was something in the 💉 they had


Take a look around for the videos of nano particles in jabs. Then add 5G to nanos.

Buck fiden

America is Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave under Zhou Biden’s dictatorship with the stinking nigger in the basement Obama.


Yea…until they are gone…I don’t think we can say the “D” and “E” words anymore so I put “gone”😉😉😉😂


They were given 24 hour notice and 5 mad scientists or guards stayed anyway. Too bad. They knew what they were protecting in that hospital. That is more notice than it took fraud burden to turn off the oil, stopping the keystone, crippled the country and destroyed millions of hard working Americans, taking away their incomes, homes, causing suicides and ruined our economy.


No it isn’t impossible to fake all of it. Not if they’re all in agreement. All it takes is alot of videogames, plus actors..


Lots of 2014 videos finally coming to light, posing as current. Seeing is believing.


Silence your filthy mouth Kazar, the only purpose you share are lies & deceit.
If I had it my way, clowns likeyou would have 666 branded into your foreheads for all the people to know what you truly are.


What might I be ? I think I’m telling the truth , just like you think you are .


We have all been brainwashed about Russia and Putin for decades and decades. Apparently for some not an easy thing to overcome but pure logic will dictate that the same media that trashed President Trump for 5 years are now trashing Putin, oughta tell you something if you’ve got a working thinking brain.


Yep…the brain works and thinks pretty good

Rob William

Are you a Russian agent?

Buck fiden

Just watched the latest episode of “Snowfall.” It featured a fat, nasty affirmative action negress, who always plays authority positions on other TV shows. She was saying how great Cuba was and that everyone had great health care and 99% literacy rates no matter what colour or class you were.

Dumb nigger! Doesn’t she know that health care in Cuba is abysmal? Doesn’t she know that there are no classes besides SLAVE in a communist nation?

These stupid, fucking niggers are Lenin’s “Useful Idiots” today.



Buck fiden

We need to do to Zhou Biden what the Italians did to Benito or what the Romanians did to Nicolae.

J Bill

Are you a soros-sucking sycophant?

David T

Are you a deep stater?


Our media hasn’t been talking about Putin for decades and decades. Forty years ago it was the USSR And I think much of it was largely true. So I don’t know about decades and decades.


Keep plugging away at them Stacy. Sooner or later it will all sink in.


I think they will figure it out someday lol,I hope


He looks pooped💩


I’m sure they are.

Rob William

Putin a hardcore communist and a genocidal maniac who wants to recreate USSR.

Buck fiden

ι’m fαr mοrε ωοrrιεd αbομt nαsty yεllοω chιnk cοmmιεs ιnναdιng Tαιωαn. Thεy’rε tryιng tο pιtch thε nαrrαtινε thαt Tαιωαn ιs ενιl αnd hαs bιοωεαpοns lαbs αnd chιldrεn rαpεs ωhιlε cοmmμnιst Chιnα ιs thε gοοd gμy? Sοrry. ι’m jμmpιng οff thιs trαιn ιf Tαιωαn ιs pαιntεd αs thε bαd gμy.




He does not want to recreate Soviet nation. He might want the old borders back, but under a better Non- NWO system.

Buck fiden

good answer.


Rob Williams, stop being so stupid, it shows.

David T

what’s Biden? Who does he report to?

Sharon Manning

There were biolabs under that hospital. Putin have Zelensky 24 hours to evacuate and he refused to do it.

Bill Thompson

no wonder your family thinks you’re insane

David T

Frederick, you old turd. Piping up again about that which you know nothing about?

David T

Fox fell from grace about 3 years ago. I can’t remember the turd’s name at Fox who called the 2018 midterms for the Democrats taking back the house, way too early. Found out later that he used to be in Hillary’s inner circle. Now Fox has people like that in key positions making key decisions.

Buck fiden

On Election Night 2020, when that fucking kike called Arizona for Zhou Biden IMMEDIATELY as the polls closed, I stopped watching Faux News for good!


Me, too!!! Totally stopped watching Fox News—they can go to Hell!!

David T

Yep, me too. Agreed!

David T

Yep, probably was that same person.


I believe Murdoch owns them, which already says something.


He does. One of his daughters-in-law put a bottle of champagne and glasses on her Instagram saying they won or something. The arrogance of the woman!

Rob William

Are you an American? You acting like a true Russian agent! Please stop all this destructive propaganda, it can really hurt people, unless you can say anything in the name of “Satire”.

Johnny Lunchbucket

Stfu douchebag.


Inter dimensional alien .

J Bill

Soros-ass-licking sycophant.


Go play in another sandbox if you don’t like it here.


Truth is a hard pill to swallow.

Buck fiden

Lookie there, Maw! There’s a commie behind evry bush!


I used to say Lookie in 6th grade and one boy in our class would always tell me Lookie was not a word until I punched him,we became good friends after that day and still remain friends

Daughter of the American Revolution

Why is Tucker still on Fox… that’s what I can’t figure out.


Money. Maybe Fox pays better than some other networks.

Daughter of the American Revolution

Doesn’t Disney own Fox though? Tucker says things the left hates. That’s why I can’t figure out why they haven’t sacked him yet.

J Bill

I saw that too. God only knows what the Ukronazis could have planned for it’s use. Considering recent Russian Intel updates on Kiev’s plans for LDNR this March.
Jesse was my favorite, last chance msm source for truth. His sources are dead wrong on this.

My other concern about this type of hub, is what else it’s hiding there: servers loaded with trafficking info, money laundering, gain-of-function business, rico stuff etc..? A treasure trove of corruption…


Yeah Jesse is normally right on the money but he is really out with the chickens on this one. (Totally wrong) Tucker is finally catching on he did a great job last night and said 2 or 3 times the US gov was lying about the biolabs.


youscrube likes to edit, so watch it on brighteon, or bitchute, or somewhere else to get the whole report.


I thought the same thing about Jessie (Muddy) Watters. I can’t stand watching or reading any of the fake news propaganda. Thank God for you, Michael. You’re in my prayers. Stay safe.

Bill Thompson

you should tag him on twitter

Gregg Nickens

Michael, Fox News is prepping their ‘exit stage left’ narrative so as to remove themselves from culpability and what is to come. However, it will not work.

Sharon Manning

All MSM can only say what the big bosses tell them to say. I hate it. I believe there are six families that control all our MSM. I keep wondering why they don’t do their own research, then either tell the truth or leave!

Gregg Nickens

Did you know that many of the MSM are double agents working for the CIA and Mossad? These agents also hold dual citizenship with the US and Israel. If they think they can run after this fiasco, they’re wrong…..


Well,….we do know they’re paid very well to push disinformation towards the Kazars benefit and world domination plan.
People should all just shut the television off, they’ll do themselves some good.


Old Deep State move to countermove – weve heard this same ploy played out time after time.
Remember when the last time we heard somebody bombed a Children’s Hospital??? Or using Children as human shields?
Nobody in their right mind does this !!!
Who are they, thats not in sound mind & body and without a soul?


Its not always easy to know whats true but this morning I read that Poland, a member of NATO may get involved.

If true thats obviously not good. This thing could get out of control quickly.

Biden may not have the nuclear codes but that doesn’t mean another nuclear armed member of NATO cant do something. I wonder what the Defcon level is right now.

Rob William

NATO will not get involved unless they are extremely prepared. Biden does have nuclear codes as the president of USA


He has them memorized.


He may have memorized codes before that no longer exist & have been totally changed!


That was a joke.The guy playing as him, has little cognitive memory.



J Bill

Biden wasn’t allowed into Pentagon, therefore, could not possibly have nuclear codes. Even as prez of a defunct corporation in DC.


patriot in control, trust the plan

doug miller

Thank you, Mike.


As a medical trained person who left the so called helping profession I am a witness to the tunnels underneath hospitals…. In the USA


MB please help to awaken the sleeping sheep to see from their slumber.

Last edited 2 years ago by 369

Don’t go to the hospital unless you have lost an arm or a leg. By the way…ALL Pharmaceuticals are poisonous.

Buck fiden



You just got my AMEN

Buck fiden

Fuck her up the ass. If she screams, you’ve performed a Mitzvah. If she doesn’t wake up, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Daughter of the American Revolution

Interesting; if you have details please feel free to share. So what I imagine… is that those ‘baby farm’ especially illegal women endlessly pregnant…would come to the hospitals, their child taken and removed via the tunnels underneath?

TOtal speculation on my part; any idea what the tunnels under U.S. hospitals were used for (legitimately or illegitimately)?

Buck fiden

Spic children. Sorta like WW2 Japs and bayonet practise.

Daughter of the American Revolution

I wish I could unsee some of the crap I’ve seen this year. Including the REAL footage of an Asian man eating “roast baby” …

I have seen this ritual…not personally. It happens more than you can imagine.The good news is that the swamp is being drained.

Buck fiden

ι sαω α gοοk (νιεt, nοt Kοrεαn) νιdεο οf α dοg gεttιng ιts brαιns bαshεd ομt, bειng skιnnεd, thεn thrοωn ιntο α hμgε pαn αnd cοοkεd, αll ωhιlε μgly, skιnny tοοthlεss gοοk mεn sqμαttεd οn thε grομnd, drιnkιng 33 Bεεr αnd cοffεε, hανιng α grεαt tιmε lαμghιng αnd smοkιng cιgαrεttεs bεfοrε thεy chοppεd μp thε dοg αnd αtε ιt. Jμst αnοthεr dαy tο thεm. Fοr sοmε rεαsοn, pεοplε kιllιng αnd tοrtμrιng dοgs bοthεrs mε fαr mοrε thαn sεειng pεοplε οn thε rεcεινιng εnd.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden

If you eat any kind of meat… especially if it is ground up or fast food.. be assured that there is HUMAN DNA.What do you think the tunnels are about? After the creatures get their A they grind these beloved souls and sell it to us! And people are worried about gas.

Madison WI. It’s not just about women and children.


They don’t just take.They do research and experiments. GOD help us all.

Buck fiden

That’s actually terrifying.


If you are replying to him about the tunnels aka Annex’s under certain hospitals they are very terrifying…and the people working in them are evil

Daughter of the American Revolution

Reminds me of the villain in an old game called “Baldur’s Gate”… more predictive programming I guess. Sickening…


Yes,mind control and other scary things,it gives me anxiety when I think about it and I don’t have anxiety,I consider myself very fortunate and others not so fortunate,I have never heard of Baldurs Gate

Buck fiden

Very dark D&D kinda video game my uncle used to play. He also played a really scary game called “Doom.” The graphics were primitive compared to today’s video games, but those big pink monsters with horns scared the shit out of me!

Buck fiden


Daughter of the American Revolution

The predictive programming crap goes back pretty far lol…

unlabeled quality

…I knew there was something about that game I couldn’t stand….

these days, the entire video game industry is corrupt. including legalized gambling loot boxes for children.

Daughter of the American Revolution

The game industry was corrupt years ago, now it’s an absolute CCP-run dumpster fire. I hate to say it but what should have been meant for a bit of fun has contributed where we are now. Imagine if all games disappeared overnight.

What would our Soy-boy young “men” do right now without their games? Probably throw tantrums for a while then go outside and realize what hell reality has become all around us.


I have been in two of them,they refer to them as an annex,what were you doing in them?


I was informed and told to be “quiet “ It’s research and experimental. I believe that by my speaking out I can help humanity to see the real truth. This has taken a toll on me. This is my purpose and I have lost all fear.


I was told to shut my mouth,but being a victim and a survivor and leaving the state that it happened in I had to speak out…I had a great ritual abuse counselor that helped me through it,I can say that I am lucky and thankful to be alive


That’s what they do…try to tell you to shut your mouth. They say to wear masks. You are alive because this is your journey. GOD speed.


Yes they do,I was going to write a book on everything that happened but I was advised not to,and yes,I am alive because of God,thank you

Daughter of the American Revolution

I believe you both 100%. Been through and seen some godawful things myself. Problem is it makes me pissed off at the ENABLERS in society more than anything. Their willful idiocy, or willful blind eye is why we’re still here.


It was a very scary time for me back then,it happened in the early 90’s,I hope that the things that you have been through are over with now


I will write a book with you.No more fear.


I would do that,I know that one of my abductors is probably deceased now


I cannot imagine that what you saw in the tunnels underneath the hospitals was easy. If it’s even half true….


How can I disclose what I know with out being censored?


It’s true