Putin: Zelenskyy Tried to “False Flag” Nuke Plant


On yet another call with President Donald J. Trump on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin again rebutted Western media claims that his military was committing war crimes against the people of Ukraine. He denied a New York Times report that 9,000 Russian soldiers were killed in battle, saying instead the number was in the “low hundreds,” and rejected absolutely tales of Russian platoons mass defecting or fragging their commanding officers.

“Zelenskyy and the West make this propaganda, and they hope it reaches Russian troops to break morale. But it’s lies, all of it, and Russia’s armed forces is still strong to fight corruption that spread across Ukraine,” Putin purportedly told Trump.

The corruption of which he spoke, as reported previously, centers on allegations that the United States and Western Europe had built bioweapon labs and toxic chemical research centers on Ukrainian soil to avoid the judicial oversight and public scrutiny they would have faced in their own respective countries.

Putin’s forces have blown to smithereens all known biolabs in Ukraine. However, Zelenskyy has thus far refused to surrender or supply the locations of 19 Ukrainian and Western scientists who helped erect the labs and aided the development of “genocidal weapons of mass destruction.”

“Putin told Trump these scientists were pulled from the labs ahead of the bombardments. He insists Zelenskyy not only knows their identities, he’s sheltering them, protecting them. Putin says he’s repeatedly asked Zelenskyy to help end the conflict by turning over those responsible, and, at least according to Putin, Zelenskyy’s denied they exist,” our source said.

“These men, I will have them, or else they will continue their work elsewhere. I know they are still in Ukraine. What would you do, President Trump, if you were in my shoes?” Putin asked Trump.

“I would move the biggest, biggest mountains to bring them to justice. If everything you’ve told me is true, their crimes are enormous, huge, and I’d get them, and when you do, and I hope you do, we’ll get that information out,” Trump replied.

Also, Putin denied accusations that Russian soldiers had attacked Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the second largest in Europe. To the contrary, Putin insisted that Ukraine’s military tried to cause a catastrophic meltdown and blame it on Russia in a bid to draw the U.S. and the U.K. into direct conflict with Russian forces. According to Putin, the assault was staged by Ukrainian soldiers dressed in Russian uniforms and carrying Russian weapons. When the true Russian military arrived on scene, it had difficulty discerning its own personnel from the Ukrainian imposters, and many heroic Russians died—some by friendly fire—defending the plant and preventing an atomic meltdown.

“This was meant to bring other countries to fight. I want to clean Ukraine of its evil but not irradiate the continent. This was meant to be false flag,” Putin told Trump. “If Zelenskyy succeeded, the meltdown would’ve made Chernobyl look like a campfire. But we now have the plant.”

The West, Putin added, was spreading so many lies that he had trouble keeping up with all the propaganda.

“Emmanuel Macron, he said on news I told him I am not going to stop, that I’m going to take it all, everything. This is blatant lie. I never spoke to him; I don’t talk to pigs,” Putin told Trump.

“I hate that guy too,” Trump said.

“Putin assured Trump he had no desire to conquer Europe, but would continue his mission until Zelenskyy gives up the scientists and he, Putin, eliminates the pedophile camps he says litter the Ukrainian landscape,” our source said.

In other news, GITMO sources told RRN that the military tribunal of Melinda Ann French has been postponed. Our source would not specify a reason.

RRN is aware that a person claiming to be Melinda Ann French appeared on TV broadcasts the same day she was scheduled to face a tribunal, no small coincidence.

We asked our source if French, for whatever reason, had been released, but he insisted the current “iteration” of French is still in custody.

“The person known as Melinda Ann French is at GITMO. There’s been more than one of him/her. The original Melinda Ann French died at Bill’s hands long ago, and at least two people have assumed her identity, a woman and currently a male actor with whom Bill had a love affair. Irrespective of gender, the person in custody was directly involved in Bill and Epstein’s pedophile ring, and no, hasn’t been set free. I’ll provide more info when I can,” our source said.

RRN is an independent publisher that relies on reader support. We fight for truth and freedom of the press in an oppressed society. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising company, through which to collect donations. Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.
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Ed Prida

Do you need to probe the opinion…where do you live…dear boy?

Jan D Hunsinger

Something is very wrong.

Freddy Benson

it involves your ability to read this site and not realize it’s fiction. i guess it’s something in ecuadar’s water


Someone said it was actual sign language, but I haven’t looked into it any further, just passing that tid-bit on.

Freddy Benson

i’m not sure what it was, but i think they were saying kevin mccarthy gets paid by putin, but just passing it along

Jan D Hunsinger

Where are your stories!?

Freddy Benson



The old name for Ukraine, was Khazaria, hence Vlad is right to take out the trash. Blessings,

Freddy Benson



Exactly. I’m getting worried.

Freddy Benson

don’t be. as long as people keep donating, mr T will continue to rake in those donations with “stories”

Michael R Davis

Some really bad “leaks” news has come out about Francis Collins and NIH, and Mass Murderer Anthony Fauci has apparently disappeared. Fauci of late has been drumming up appearances with hosts with a few dozen audience, so he has apparently become an untouchable pariah, a leper to the NewWorldOrder oligarchs.

So maybe we have some excellent surprises coming forth soon.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael R Davis

I have been saying “Russia is the good guy” but people have been looking at me like I have some sort of disease. Even in the Republican areas, and even with family, and even at church. It’s nuts. Fox news and RINOs like Lindsey Graham are really towing the line for this narrative and a lot more people than we’d expect are getting duped.

Hopefully they will be so busy creating False Flags for this narrative that they will forget about corrupting and harrassing the truckers, but I doubt it. This is a huge show to try to save their pedo arses, to try to save their money laundering, and to take attention away from the good people who are still fighting the vax.

Putin is a great guy. He got rid of communism in his own country (butthole biden, obama, and the clintons went to Russia to try to convince the people not to elect him…hmmm commie much?) well, they didn’t stop him thankfully and now he’s coming to their town! They better watch out, they better not cry, they better not shout I’m telling you why, because putin is coming to town, putin is coming to town. Putin is coming…to their town! 😛 God bless him!


ICYMI, accordingly, Ukraine is the modern day name of what was once Khazaria. No wonder Vlad said, he’s taking out the trash from Ukraine. Speaking of trash, is it any wonder majority if not all of our country’s sanitation companies are owned by them. Even McDonalds is owned by them using Ray Kroc of San Diego as a front. Let us pray; Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us, amen.


It used to be all Italian names that owned the waste disposal outfits. Common denominator is mafia of ANY ethnicity.
I didn’t know that about Ray Crock and McDonald’s.


very quiet on the GITMO home front, I wonder what happened?


It is what DJT calls the calm before the storm, I.e. storm of reports from hardworking MB and company. Meanwhile, join me in praying thus: St Joseph terror of demons, pray us, amen. Blessings,

Freddy Benson

that also sounds like a false flag


Another storm ? I’ll be damned . They just keep on coming .

Freddy Benson

nothing…literally nothing is happening

American Living in Canada



I see the zombie formerly known as James B Comey had a piece in the Washington Post earlier today.


He’s dead as a doornail. Minus his head.


They figured out they can do that. Because we have never broadcast anything.
Sure the one guy that’s the hardest to fit up a double for….he writes articles for Washington Post. What a coinky, no one can see him.

Rob William

Russia is killing Ukrainians for its imperialistic ambitions — that’s what is the truth. Any American supporting Russia in this war is a real traitor – it’s no longer a matter of difference of opinion, it’s a massacre. @MB that’s extremely bad from your side – you are supporting a real world genocidal maniac.

J Bill

That’s either pure propoganda or a lie outright.

Military Officers from Ukraine attepting to make contact with Russian forces to negotiate are killed by Ukronazis. Who are also holding citizens back from fleeing the cities through corridors allowed by the Russian troops. If citizens attempt to flee, they are shot by the Ukronazis.

You’re a deep state troll who can’t get facts straight, and doesn’t know the truth about anything.


Foreign troll I think–likely Ukrainian


Let’s hope not. I don’t hate the Ukrainians, just bad guys of any stripe.


No, I think this one particular, individual guy that wrote the “Rob William” comment is likely eastern European by his grammar. So in this time and place I would guess Ukrainian.
Oh and trying to come with an American sounding name. Like how many people we know with the last name of ‘William’.

Freddy Benson

“You’re a deep state troll who can’t get facts straight,”


Michael R Davis

Ukraine and Belarus.
Russia is too small, too weak to be imperialist.
You Trump supporters, knee-jerk reaction attacking Putin, why don’t you slow down and take a serious look around? An enemy of my enemy can be my friend? Who is the greater danger, the Satanic Cartel murdering our people, our children, our elderly with depopulation JABs, masks, fear, destroying our America; or little Russia over there in the far east?

Trump and Putin are in cahoots for the past 6 years, probably even longer, contriving to bring down, no, totally destroy the superrich Oligarch illuminati New World Order enslaving us, depopulating us, murdering our children, and here you sit at keyboards doing your nails, eyebrows, puzzles, totally clueless?

Trump did win you know. Who do you think he would seek alliance with, to bring down our deadly enemies? You will be very surprised.

Hint: Who did he and Melania visit with during their Presidency, receiving great fanfare and great welcome, far beyond any other world leader historically? Modi? Xi? There are many others in the alliance. You claim to be Trump supporters and you do not know?


Wish washy Trump supporters it appears. If my memory serves me right, BHO did not get the special treatment DJT got from Xi. Apparently, Xi knew BHO’s true color and I don’t mean skin color. Blessings,


The Trump supporters are Not attacking Putin, are you reading anything here? At least the alert ones aren’t. Who are you preaching to, we already know.

Michael R Davis

Yes they are, lots of them. Many are probably weak Trump supporters, influenced heavily by the Trotskyite Russia hating war mongering Neo-Conservatives, perpetrators of 911. And influenced by the America hating RINOs. There are a few here on RRN.

Freddy Benson

oh cool a hospital in izyum was destroyed by russians. i guess that’s a false false false false flag then


Michael R Davis

No, hospital was destroyed by Nazi-Azov-Battalion and blamed on the Russians, who are busy feeding hungry Ukrainians being attacked and killed by their own government.

Freddy Benson

so it’s like a 19-d chess game of false flags. got it. you smooth brain boomers make up anything lmao

J Bill

True that Michael R Davis. NAB are pure evil. It’s reported that in Mariupol, residents write “don’t shoot, children here” on house doors. So, Ukronazis use those houses to stage attacks from.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill
Freddy Benson


your brain cannot smoother

Michael R Davis

Excellent reasons to take Ukraine down to full occupation, kick the US Biden Regime and GSoros saboteurs and nation builders completely out, and eliminate the Nazis.


Praying to God that his light will shine on you to see the light of truth. Blessings,


brain washed…sad

Freddy Benson

he’s right tho

Jan D Hunsinger

Mike on Twitter you said you would be posting today. l hope you are ok.

question everything

A lot of us didn’t have anyone to help us through the waking up process. We did it alone. We discovered horrors and corruption that no one would even think to make a movie about. We tried to tell others only to be ridiculed and maligned.

As people begin to wake up, be gentle, be understanding, and try not to condescend. We went through the process alone so we would be able to help others through the feelings of betrayal, rage, and tears that come from realizing reality isn’t quite what you thought it was, and that evil is more real than anyone can comprehend.

2 Timothy 3:13 KJV
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

2 Corinthians 11:14-15 KJV
“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”


I know you all have been down for a few days. I was so happy when the link finally worked.

Last edited 2 years ago by Maranatha

Now latest post says “waiting for approval.”

unlabeled quality

yep. got that, too.
there’s some random algorithm or filter is in effect somehow.
I’m not encouraged by it at all.

Last edited 2 years ago by unlabeled quality

I got that a lot, too. That’s why I asked Michael what happened.

unlabeled quality

why are my comments being modded?
I mention anything regarding MelFrench and KKline and my comments get modded?

tl:dr MelFrench: definitely two doubles.
also: KKline (Dave, In or Out, Delovely).

Last edited 2 years ago by unlabeled quality
J Bill

Mine too. Could be a comm black out for Military Ops. Russia banned msm and tech from creating disruption and “fake news.”

Freddy Benson


“military ops” are mods on rrn now jfc


Yep, they stopped Currenttime, Krym Realii, Meduza and Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.


Yeah, same here with Joe and Yovanovich and Klobuchar and NoName and Graham. and Putin and Zelensky.

Gregg Nickens

RRN has been compromised. Bye Bye free press………..

Last edited 2 years ago by Gregg Nickens
Gregg Nickens

Micheal, don’t let RRN ‘Go by way of the Great White Buffalo’ because of questionable moderators who strike comments as if they’re ex-MSM employees.

Gregg Nickens

It appears that questionable Moderators are back on RRN when they strike innocuous comments . No wonder RRN keeps going down.

Michael R Davis

I have never had a post marked “! Awaiting for approval” later approved and showing up in the posts. Why is that? Most are not controversial at all.

Freddy Benson

your brain is extra smooth, that’s the reason why your comments need zero moderation

Jan D Hunsinger

Hoping more articles coming.



Glad to see you guys and girls back up…You know you are over the target when you are being constantly attacked…Hang in there…GOD/Jesus is with you…You can’t lose with GOD/Jesus on your side…

Lucy Skywalker

Michael, is there any chance your servers could come under the protection /umbrella of TruthSocial /Elon Musk /X-22 own servers?


Truth Social not exactly setting the world on fire.

Buck fiden

Shee-it! My best recent comments don’t appear here now!


You always have the best comments,it sucks that we can’t see them😆
I do wonder what’s going on,MB wouldn’t be censoring things….I guess we will just have to wait for him to let us know what’s happening


Right, Mike wouldn’t be censoring us, and he does not ban capriciously, he just gets rid of the trolls and troublemakers if they became a huge problem, he always lets us speak freely. Something is wrong with the server, or the connection is being fiddly.


Yea,and have you noticed that the comments are all out of sequence and that sometimes the comments are visible and at other times they aren’t? its weird that he hasn’t come on to let everyone know what’s going on


Anyone see the Lester Holt interview with Barr for a prime-time special on Sunday at 9 p.m on NBC?

ordinary gary

Were the Klingons jamming communications for a few days? Welcome back, Michael.


Anyone see Melinda Gates on the March 3rd episode of CBS Mornings being interviewed at “GITMO” with Gayle King?

Last edited 2 years ago by Delta

Glad to see you back, MB, after 4-5 days’ inaccessibility to your reports.

chris russ

Good to see you are back up and online


I was not able to access this site for more than 24hours. I hope all is well with Michael Baxter.

Anthony Gregory

Glad to see your back on line 👍


This website has much truth, but this is where it goes off slightly.
Nuclear weapons are a complete hoax!

Lucy Skywalker

nukes are real enough but they break galactic law so they get neutralized, been thus for a while. To call them hoax is misleading.


The collapse of the towers (and the other building) 20+ years ago look just like the Sedan test in a clip on the world’s largest videosharing platform. Circumstantial evidence that is good enough to me to prove those horrible things actually exist.

Freddy Benson

where can i read the constitution of galactic law?

question everything


Last edited 2 years ago by question everything
Freddy Benson

Your search – therepublicswrp.weebly.com/the-constitution.html – did not match any documents.

i’m shocked!

question everything

You might need to update your browser, it finds the document just fine on mine.

question everything

It is a web address, not a document to be searched for.

question everything

This one is only U.S. law, but still something people need to understand, especially you, Jaso….Freddy.

Freddy Benson

oh a 2012 bill that says the gov’t lies? no fucking way – the gov’t lies? holy shit i didn’t know that! i guess i better trust rrn lmaooooooooooooo

question everything

What the bill says is that it is legal for the gov’t to lie, but I’m not shocked that you didn’t discern the difference. I am also not shocked that you would try to make it into a ‘two option only’ scenario as that is what you’ve been trained to do. But it really is possible to question everything, as everything really is questionable. It is also the only way you ever get to the real answers. And real, true answers are discoverable, but you have to get beyond accepting things or answers because of who said them or wrote them, and….I just remembered who I’m talking to and realized there is no way to simplify what I am saying enough for you to be able to comprehend it; you just don’t have what it takes to discern truth from fiction, reality from fantasy, but someday you might…it could happen.


Yes the kind that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld led us to believe the ISIS/Taliban had in their possession. Blessings,


Justice well be done.
Gods Speed ~

Deplorable Freedomfighter

Thank You Michael for getting the truth out ther when it is so hard to find the actual truth about this War. I know they have been hitting you hard with Cyber attacks toward Real Raw News. Please continue to bring us the truth Michael!


That’s is Alright, OWD,… At least WE are Back.!
The Deep State is trying to Silence All Of Us…more often here at RRN
The other sites that post their NARRATIVE , have NO Problem.
We have A Voice HERE.


The Time is Now to Expose the Main Stream media, ALL Of them
For Lying to the. World for decades.


Right, by tomorrow morning. Which station goes first and more important who does the arresting? FBI? Local police?

Kathleen Ann

DS controlled Ukrainians (just like BLM/ANTIFA here), have been shelling their own people and twisting it to make Russia responsible. Crimes against humanity. Prayers for all the innocent Ukraine people caught in the middle.


You got that right. A French journalist produced a documentary that show evidence that the Ukrainians were shelling their own people and not the Russians in 2015. No wonder Putin said something about denazification.


Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine For Ending COVID  

Sunday Live: Globalists Want To Launch WWIII To Distract From Bombshell COVID Vaccine Revelations


Or did Collins demise have something to do with the end of convid?


I don’t think so.


MB: would you please report about Big Pharma and the fake medical industry? There is so much to learn during this episodic distraction.

Victoria Flood

Is Putin an actor or clone? He looks different than the one from 2008. Did the white hats get a friendly actor to play their version of President Putin? When do We The People get to be told the truth about what is going on in this information war?


Clone body double with a mask.

Buck fiden

They’re ce nsor ing all of my comments!


Mine too

Buck fiden

What really bothered me about the STFU address, which I didn’t watch, is that two cunts from Commiefornia and Zhou Biden are ruling the country and sending it to ruin.

Freddy Benson

something you didn’t watch bothers you…


Mr Douglass,did you also notice her nose from the side? It was huge but you couldn’t tell looking straight on,but from the side it was a huge hump nose


Thank you, Michael Baxter for bringing RRN back online after another despicable attempt by the bad guys to knock this website offline for good. Thanks again and please keep up the good work. 🙂

Buck fiden

RRN loaded very slowly and incompletely. I saw lots of underlined words (links) and no pictures.


That is how I felt when I woke up today.


Just ONE guess…another RRN attack ?

We missed RRN / MB / DemonSerpentSlayers, so glad you’re back !!

Daughter of the American Revolution

I hope that “Melinda” isn’t Kevin Kline. …That’s low on the priority list obviously. Prayers for the good men, getting the job done. Sick of the Virtue Signaling from the left, every new “news item” gives them a whole new source of “look at me and how righteous I am” Narcissistic supply.

I understand why some people completely divorce from society.


Good to see you back Michael, they really don’t like it when it goes against their narrative.

Jan D Hunsinger

Welcome back MB/RRN! You are a beacon of hope and light to so man.

Rose Mary Abbott

It’s getting to be somewhat of a habit, all these DDOS attacks. I’m glad we’re back on line.


The enemies of freedom simply hate Mike for all of his hard work and hate us for our standing shoulder to shoulder against the deep state and fighting for the kids, that’s all. They hate that we are cheering Putin on for his ruthlessness against the traffickers and which good reason we appreciate him for it.
I’m getting very suspicious that those paedo lairs Putin was taking out in Ukraine not only had kids in them but also CSAM produced there that Biden loved to consume Just a thought.


Do you really think that this site was unable to be accessed for almost 2 days due to the server or hackers? What if it was intentional?


Intel Management Engine.

All PCs (Intel / AMD) made in 2006 onward have this or equivalent. It is a ‘back door’. I found out about this long ago from a tech-truther from Australia who has been sounding the alarm since around 2009. Some time ago, I came across a YouTube clip about the IME and in the comments somebody was being pwned this way and he was able to stop them by rounting all the IME ports the bad guys remote in on to a Raspbery PI instead so his PCs weren’t hijacked.

If you have any pre-2006 PCs lying around that still work, keep them and use them to avoid this ‘exploit’ altogether. 🙂


Thanks. but have none of those lying around.


Michael, why have my comments been removed? i did nothing wrong.

Buck fiden

RRN must have added many verboten keywords.


Yea,something is up,hearing Wayne Jett last night on Nino pretty much confirms that everything is really happening the way RRN has been reporting it,he said he thinks the military wants it leaked out…Michael Baxter is going to go down in history as someone who played a very important role in all of this as far as getting the truth out…

Lucy Skywalker

Ach, perhaps the DOS attack was done by adding verboten words to people’s comments …


Mine too


Welcome back Michael! My son and I prayed for you, your family, team, and website. Thank you for your reports. And, God bless America and EVERY American!!!