Military Advises Trump: “No More Interviews”


White Hats within the U.S. military and at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago command center have recommended that President Donald J. Trump avoid more interviews with Deep Staters masquerading as friends or neutral parties, a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.

The advice came after Trump and freedom-hating Piers Morgan sat down for a discussion hosted by The Sun, a U.K. rag-mag posing as serious journalism. Minutes into the interview, Morgan, who claimed to be Trump’s friend, viciously attacked Trump’s stance on the 2020 presidential election. He berated Trump’s longtime assertion that the election had been rigged and stollen, and asked him to admit, finally, that he had lost the election fair and square.

Trump wisely called Morgan a “fool,” and accurately labeled RHINO Deep Staters Mitch McConnell and Michael Pence “Extremely stupid” and “very weak,” respectively.

“President Trump has a tendency to want to give his position, and that’s caused him to get involved in interviews with Deep Staters trying to trick him up or put him in a ‘gotcha’ situation. Morgan’s what we call a Trojan Horse, a guy feigning friendship while secretly plotting to undermine. Morgan’s history shows this. We shouldn’t forget his interview with Alex Jones, which proved Morgan is a communist,” our source said.

His comment was a reference to a 2012 heated debate on gun rights between Morgan and Infowars host Alex Jones. Morgan opined that Americans should not have the right to bear arms and advocated for abolishing the 2nd Amendment.

“For someone who once said he hates America, Morgan sure spends a lot of time here,” our source said. “Trump keeps his friends close and enemies closer, but he expected a fair interview. There’s no doubt Morgan is a paid shill.”

Trump, our source added, was initially apprehensive about scheduling the interview but went forward after one of his top advisors, Gen. Michael Flynn, told him, “Do it. We must remind the country you’re still here and not backing down.”

Other members of Trump’s inner circle, however, warned him in advance that the interview would be nothing more than an attempt to discredit him.

Trump’s righthand man and longtime ally Stephen K. Bannon had warned him that Morgan was an attention-seeking agent provocateur funded by none other than George Soros. Even patriot Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene had chimed in, likening Morgan to a coiled rattlesnake waiting to strike.

“We know the outcome, but President Trump was smart enough to end the interview and walk out after realizing Morgan’s hidden agenda. The next morning, he got a call from Marine Corps General David H. Berger, commander of the White Hats. General Berger, politely, asked President Trump to refrain from doing additional interviews while his people are working to cleanse the Deep State,” our source said.

“Mr. President, I have no authority to dictate, but it’s against your interest to submit to interviews. They are not interviews; they’re interrogations, interrogations meant to incriminate you based on flimsy logic and spurious allegations. There’ll be a time for interviews, but not now. I only ask that you consider my words,” Gen. Berger reportedly told Trump.

Trump acknowledged the advice; he said he’d take it under consideration.

Morgan’s shoddy plot to entrap Trump failed, but it’s not the first time Trump had stumbled into the Deep State’s web of deceit. In July 2020, Axios journalist and communist sympathizer Johnathon Swan lured Trump into a 30-minute interrogation, as did demon-witch Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes, in October 2020.

Edit: Spelling corrections have been made for Rep. Greene’s name and a few others. We’re all human and make mistakes. Thanks to readers who pointed them out.

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President Trump has absolutely nothing to Prove, The Evidence Speaks for Itself! It’s Time to Lower the Boom on the Mass Stupidity Consuming America! I Know a Lot of Veteran’s and Law Enforcement who have been Very Patient as Democrat’s and Liberal’s Destroy America with Obummer’s Smoke and Mirrors Campaign, The Horrors of which won’t be Completely Known for Year’s! Washington D.C. has lost All Significance as the United States Capital! It’s Time that it was destroyed so America can move on!!


I agree and Never give Piers Morgan interviews period. Let him go back into his hole. I was hoping he would stay in England. Never trust Piers Morgan period. I agree with General Berger. Morgan is a snake. I wish we could band him from America period along with soros. Please do what General Berger tells you what to do about Morgan that snake!!!!


Trump was approached by military and asked to run against Killary because military didn’t want to take over country if they could avoid. I think Project Looking Glass had something to do with it. DJT ran for Presidency because he is patriot and his country asked him to. He never want it but when he knew truth, he could not stand by and let evil win. Also, he is playing toughest hardest chess game with these deep staters so he traps them in games he plays. He does have ego and mouth but he is very very smart and use all his intelligence to win. Not afraid to look like fool. Research this about Trump being asked, so you get up to date with current events.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jude

Tomorrow is Loretta Lynches “Big Day!”


tarmac Queen…devils welcome open arms…bitch


I don’t care so much about you Baxter as I do the people who tell the truth.
You twist and turn. Squish us. Somebody has to speak for the Crown. Keep up your formidable genre.


Its all right here for you Oliver.
bitchute. DOT/video/IOliznELwkGH/


I’m suffering.I just wanted a friend.


Thank you.


I am leaving this world.


Compassion overload

Rob William

I understand.

Rob William

I don’t know if it applies to you but still a friendly advice – One of my friend started talking like that (incoherent sentences) before he was diagnosed with bipolar syndrome.


Thank you for your concern. Bipolar is just the allopathic terminology for imbalance the orange and yellow ray chakras.

Rob William

I will advise you to at least have a meeting with a doctor about it. It’s sometimes extremely important, it can change your life!

Sandy Koufax

I find “may” interesting, because it leaves open the idea that other options are in play first (and likely before 2024).


Last edited 2 years ago by Sandy Koufax
Buck fiden

Urrine Hatch died today.


Freddy Benson

Ok, mb

Judy White

I hope and pray President Trump takes the General’s advice.


I agree on more interviews with stupid!!!!! They will never listen for every one needs to have people agree with them then they go overboard with their plans!


Teal yaw news coverup. Makeshift MB. UNDER COVER MICHAEL BAXTER EXPOSED




You deleted my real news.zzz venom. Sch scui fim ptss as scum.

Freddy Benson



I’m telling you! You can fake the jab You need a humanity nurse or pharmacist to do so. I am not Dr A. I am on the list.

Freddy Benson

“I am not Dr A. I am on the list.”


what list are you on?


Do you think I would tell you?

Rob William

It seems that vaccine anyways becomes ineffective after 5-6 months. Get ready for 2-3 shots a year — we will need shot credits to maintain the “vaccinated” status – like maintaining membership of professional bodies.


I see all one of you kind hearted people.


Great speech President Trump!

“The tyrants we are fighting do not stand a chance of victory because we are Americans and Americans only kneel to God and to God Alone ” !!

Freddy Benson



Take care of your babies, children, elders, animals and your self also. Can you not see that they are trying to separate us? All government and elitism serves one purpose only: CONTROL OF HUMAN POPULATION.


Johnny Nash: I can see clearly now.


Genocidal maniacs

Sandy thomas


Freddy Benson


J Bill


Freddy Benson

😭😭😭😭😭 Jill is thirsty and sad

Rob William

And coming tumbling down.



Freddy Benson

Why is Elon texting the dead bill gates about shorting Tesla?

I mean I know why

“Yeah, but I didn’t leak it to NYT. They must have got it through friends of friends.

I heard from multiple people at TED that Gates still had half billion short against Tesla, which is why I asked him, so it’s not exactly top secret.”

Freddy Benson

who cares if Gates is alive or dead”

well it’s kind of important in the RRN universe


Louis Armstrong, Otis Redding, Johnny Nash. Do you think they knew something we didn’t?


Thank You Oliver. I will listen and let you know.


I just listened to BB.I never realized how powerful REAL music is. Thank you.It means a lot to me😊


I get it now. Sitting on the dock. Thank you for your service.


Hear me out… if a huge chunk of stock is sold, that would need to be reported on Bill’s Form 8949 along with the Schedule D. In RRN world, Bill’s assets were seized by the government and there would be no need to file since it would be the government estimating taxes on the capital gains for the government to pay to the government. If anyone wants to prove that Bill was executed they simply need to make a sunshine law request for who paid how much taxes on that stock sale. Boom! Facts, common sense and logic!


Interview should have never taken place unless it was seen as an opportunity for Trump to have it recorded to have on record for the world to see just how he gets set-up by stupid DS financially supported puppets like Piers Morgan who is a complete and utter idiot as history has long proved it out. Realize that SOME of the good people of our country still need to be shaken out of their illusion of what’s going on in our country and around the world. Some people just don’t understand the depth of the worldwide corruption and the purpose behind it all. It’s like the ignorant that have been vaxed and still think it’s a good thing and are ready and willing to line up for their next booster. These people God love ’em, need to wake up but unfortunately, some never will. President Trump I believe as it’s been said, has had to do things in such a way so the people will catch on and see as many already have. If we blow this opportunity to fix our country then we may as well kiss our freedom goodbye and I for one way born and grew up in this country as a free person and I’d like for it to stay that way. We may be under a threat but we are winning and the DS is going down. Enough of this garbage already.


Yeah I’m sure something will happen #soon 😴


tell us what is on yours mind


Down voting this comment is stupid
You are right…some won’t wake up but some are, so… long is the alliance going to wait???


Don’t want to take the jab and save your job and your life? Find a nurse or pharmacist who writes down the the lot numbers of the vial and injects you with saline instead. Where there is bad there is always good. Don’t think this is not happening.


5 per million.It’s plausible to me considering 5 lives saved are better than none.

question everything

You okay, dude?
It was only 4 minutes between these 2 posts, that are somewhat opposed to each other:
“One life saved matters”
“And even it was, who cares if Gates is alive or dead”

J Bill

he’s running low on oxygen. forgets to switch tanks…


What do you know about LBJ and M. Monroe house keeper coroner’s farce?


So the trick is to ask for the saline shot?


Think thrice to save your life❤️

Gregg Nickens

I sincerely hope that RRN is prepared for Mon and Tues the 25th and 26th because of the executions of Susan Rice and Michael Fauci. The DS always telegraph their disruption activities on execution dates of DS elites.


We are prepared. We usually get about 100 unique visitors but we inflate the numbers.


Who is Michael Fauci? And what does Susan Rice have to do anything? MB already wrote she was ‘executed’ last August, not next week. You seem confused, let’s get you back to bed, grandpa.

Rob William

Michael Fauci is an attorney who is has been declared guilty by association (matching family name).

Buck fiden

Sorry for your lo$$.

question everything



These Devil worshipping Creeps have been doing this for thousands of years. They tried to trip up and fool Jesus Christ himself. Same creeps different time period. The Pharisees and Sadducees are fake Jews. They are the Edomites and descendants of Esau from what I’ve studied. I agree, He should not be playing in the Devils pit.

question everything

Satan is building his army, an end time army of super-soldiers and “false positives” among mankind. They are being born at this very moment- not in the future- it is happening NOW. End-times meddling to produce hybrids, beings that can be human or animal, as well as human-type entities with special powers. In Noah’s day people saw and believed, they suffered at the hands of these beings and cried out to God for help! There was no unbelief because mankind knew what it was to be attacked and enslaved by a race of beings stronger and mightier than them. The question today is- Who will believe the report of the Lord? “THEY SHALL MINGLE THEMSELVES WITH THE SEED OF MEN; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron doth not mingle with clay.” – Daniel 2:43


“THEY SHALL MINGLE THEMSELVES WITH THE SEED OF MEN; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron doth not mingle with clay.” – Daniel 2:43
We appreciate the use of gender neutral language.

David T

Since you are fond of quoting scripture, please show how God endorses gender confusion, LGBTQ behaviors and homosexuality by providing scriptural support for your positions.

question everything

I find it…interesting(?)…that when it comes to ‘sexual reassignment’, that there are only two options instead of the proclaimed 76 or so.


Careful, their heads will explode on that one question alone.
But I’m sure they’ll find an excuse for it eventually.


Oh, confusing sex and gender again. Not surprising.

question everything

I am not confused about sex or gender, but I am also not surprised that ‘you’ are redefining terms to fit your abomination of what God created.

question everything

Maybe you should rewrite that post after your meds kick in, or maybe after your first cup of coffee.

question everything

Can you see the irony of you asking me this question after you join Ted in his attempted distraction from my original post?

J Bill

“dung people repeat negatives”

You making fun of the goat herders again?


Can you explain what you are asking for please?

J Bill

I can see what David’s asking for:

“Ted, when did you have your lobotomy?”

question everything

Who are you referring to exactly when you use the term “We”?


We as in RRN. And it should be written as “To whom are you referring…”

question everything

Sometimes I forget that you have the grand illusion of being a part of RRN.
And it shouldn’t have to be written at all, but you were vague in who(m) you were referring to.

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything
question everything

According to the fifth amendment, he also has the ‘constitutional right’ to remain silent, as do both you and I. Therefore we all are a part of a once great nation quickly being flushed out of existence, and the aforementioned constitution no longer guarantees anyone any rights as it has become a mere piece of paper that is worth even less than the U.S. dollar.

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything

While I envy the fact that your mind must be uncluttered without the burden of retaining knowledge, please allow me to fix that for you.
The Fifth Amendment can be invoked only in certain situations.
An individual can only invoke the Fifth Amendment in response to a communication that is compelled, such as through a subpoena or other legal process.
The communication must also be testimonial in nature. In other words, it must relate to either express or implied assertions of fact or belief. For example, a nod would be considered a testimonial communication for purposes of the Fifth Amendment. So would the act of producing documents or any other piece of evidence; the act of production communicates an implied assertion that the individual possessed the evidence.
Finally, the testimony must be self-incriminating, such that the information would provide a link in the chain of evidence needed to prosecute the individual for a crime. Thus, the information itself need not be incriminating; it suffices that the information would lead to the discovery of incriminating evidence.
Under the correct circumstances, it can be used and is still in use today. Why you would suggest it has been repealed is just another example of your breathtaking ignorance.

question everything

I did not suggest it had been repealed, which is a shining example of your assumption of your own greatness.
What I said was that it no longer guarantees anyone any rights, and that is because of the current dismantling of the judicial system. If you are unaware of this, it is your ignorance, not mine.
No matter how much you choose to nitpick what I say, we all have the right to choose that we will not speak, that we will remain silent, and we also have the right to choose to speak. I am not merely referring to the legal system of rights in this country, for there has always been a higher court.


He’s a Tranny, just hoping for some acceptance – that will never come.




Ted,……”WE”??? ,…..(THERE IS NO “WE”) we have nothing to do with you or anyone like you, you’re a parasite like the rest of your family, friends & neighbors.
What you wrote, is a description of the Nephilim.

What better in reference for today is;

Daniel 2:44
In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will shatter all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself stand forever.

In meaning, your time is short.


Exodus 21:32 comes to mind and I hope you find some comfort in the wisdom.
32 If the bull gores a male or female slave, the owner must pay thirty shekels of silver to the master of the slave, and the bull is to be stoned to death.



J Bill

Well Sven, that about says it all…


Salute Gen.Berger.

John .S

If anyone doesn’t own a portable generator, fuel jugs and power cords shame on you.

Secure food supply, hygiene products, medicine and other necessities now. Update eyeglass prescription, have spare pair.

Aline yourselves with like minded people, have mutiple plans in place.

Fasten seatbelts folks, no doubt we’re going for a ride, writing is on the wall, make sure your firearms are sighted-in.

Things can [most likely will] get ugly fast. Avoid naysayers and non-believers at all costs.

Hunker down time is knocking, SHTF Cometh. At any blip or inkling of uncertainty leave your job [place of employment]. Have bugout bag at ready.

Don’t think twice in shooting your liberal neighbors when total SHTF else regret it later, fact they’re the enemy from within as liability, must eliminate that risk.

Don’t waste valuable ammunition on shooting mask wearing Cov-idiots, resist the urge, even though they make good target practice, and in abundance.


Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

Cool story, fascist

J Bill

Keep your head down and lay low, liberal…. lay low.

Daughter of the American Revolution

The word ‘liberal’ has become such an oxymoron. THEY are ANYTHING but “liberal.” Freak sick tyrant extremists no matter how you paint it, nothing “loving” there just twisted degenerate lusts.

J Bill

Agree. IMO, Nazi’s started practising ‘Liberalism’ in the Eagle’s Nest at Berchtesgaden. Hitler wouldn’t allow his commanders to talk about war, strategy, evil schemes, or dark subjects.

Instead, spoke of poetry, wine, of art/paintings, Hitler’s obsession with aliens and the occult, to make a dreary agenda. Steeped in irony by the lack of character, in people who spoke them. (Nuremberg Diary)

i.e. hear no evil/see no evil/speak no evil

Liberalism (pc) is not defined by these words, but by the irony in them. When spoken by the people who shouldn’t. Making normal lines of communication, i.e. implied meaning & understanding, become blurred, where Liberalists’ thinking interferes.

Like people virtue signaling here by defending heinous criminal groups. Where obviously, total character and moral hypocrisy isn’t an issue for some. While offensive to most.


Lol fuck off Bill. No one is shooting at me. Just more horny fascists like you jacking off to the thought of shooting people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wedge

Spoiler alert. John is 34. Never married. Never moved out of his parents house. Does not own a car or a gun. Enjoys playing WOW and heating up soup. Don’t be like John.

John .S

Love the sarcasm, myself clicked the positive icon.

Try the Progresso Minestrone Soup, with fresh grated parmesan, drizzle of olive oil, semolina bread & vino.

Don’t need to come out of basement for that, that’s where the kitchen is. First floor kitchen is just for show.


Ahh. Italian fellow.

David T

Wedgie and Teddy, the Spread brothers who won’t leave home because they can’t leave their brothers’ behinds.


Yep their, Butt Buddies Forever I heard. I bet they both have tattoos on their ass too.


Who hurt you?

J Bill

Why do you hate truth?


Why do you think about gay sex so much, apropos of nothing?

American Living in Canada

Tally Ho.

John .S

PS: forgot to mention Cop Calling Libtards aka, Karens aka, Snow Fakes.

Myself take pride in voicing ridicule & vitriol on them whom constantly call Police via hurt feelings.

Myself via laws of nature [strong survive & weak they cry] in dominating Liberals aka, Cancel Culture Cultists as my new favorite past time.

Most libtards are UFT members, Millennials & Z-Gens, in abundance, ripe for picking, whereas opportunity knocks.

Wear mask in public ‘you will hear my voice’, women & kids off limits via code of conduct.

Myself bast in title of being labeled: Public Enemy #1 in my area. Take pride in emasculating mask wearing Cov-idiots, after they’re challenged, especially pumped-up types, more the merry.

Myself utilize extraordinary retribution methods returning malevolence on covert cop calling liberals in similar of handing Kryptonite to Superman [Lex Talions, best served cold].

Tally-ho Liberals, you’re fair game, adage: all is fair in love and war.

American Living in Canada

Same here.. I had one libtard said “he didn’t want to talk to people like me anymore when I was getting the best of him” My reply… ” ok I’ll talk to the guy behind, so you better cover up your ears buddy”

John .S


Rob William

Ted Cruz lacks a backbone.


Piers Morgan is back from England I thought when we drove him out the first Time I thought he new he stood not come back for no one wanted to listen to him, he must be dense. He has nothing to say for we didn’t have any thing worth while to listen to from here so we turned him off.


He is indeed insufferable.


President Trump seems smarter than all the Trojan horses put together. Morgan should skedaddle back to jolly old England or wherever it is cold and damp. As far as I’m concerned he has worn out his welcome.


IDT even England wants him back.

Freddy Benson

thanks judy. let’s get you back to bed

Daughter of the American Revolution

I’d be happy if he crawled back under the slimy rock he slithered out from under, it’s probably cold and damp under there too…


He never really was welcome here…he’s not very bright, honestly, so he probably doesn’t know he’s on the wrong side of the pond lol…


Trump is dead. ShariRaye just said the cabal shot him, he died and they revived him. She was told he won’t be in public anymore; just his clones, doubles, and etc. Now, the Military says no more interviews. He’s dead.

Freddy Benson


it does explain the extra moisture (and diaper!) on his skin in the interview


Fresh out of the cloning tube!

David T

That is a dumb ass post. It’s obvious you’re a Trump hater. Go away troll.


I dunno David, I’d say it fits right in at this dumb ass site. You guys are always going on about clones and shit 🤷‍♂️

Rob William

What you writing is completely untrue. He is alive is mentally sharp (neurologically he may have some issues due to age). Overall there is a good chance he will win 2024 unless gets sick.



J Bill

“Ruth the dipshit troll is dead.”

There, fixed it for ya. Anybody can spread rumors…


I heard a rumor that J Bill enjoys sucking goat dicks, it’s why he confusingly calls other people things like ‘goat herder’ all the time for no reason, it’s because he has those goats on his mind all the time. 🐐


Darn. Darlene died too.


I find this highly unlikely because we just played a round of Golf the otherday.


Who is ‘we’? You’re out there playing golf with Trump, goob?

Freddy Benson

I think it’s really brave of Putin to continue to lead his country despite suffering a stroke

J Bill

i think it’s really brave of you continuing to defend pedos here under the guise of compassion i.e. virtue signalling, while being a two faced psychopath.

Freddy Benson

you haven’t called your reps, pedo lover


Big local news story today about how my meeting with a Pennsylvania Senator got the mask mandate reversed.

Rob William

It seems that the word pedo is more on your radar than anyone else. Are you sure you are not doing guilty projection?


The Term in proper use is called;
“Guilt by Projection” – Liberals & Communists use it all the time, you should know this by now.

Freddy Benson

And thirsty Jill uses it more than anyone on this site

Daughter of the American Revolution

It would be interesting if someone did the math – the statistics on troll post frequency. Probably, a 500+ troll post ratio vs “sane people” posts, per day. Imagine here all day every day, because it “amuses” the no-life hopeless wretches.

J Bill

“..the no-life hopeless wretches.” lol

Good one. Got way more punch than ‘troll.’

question everything

If any of you grow weary of the bread and circuses and hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness, invest 48 minutes of your precious time to watch or listen to this video; it just might save your life:

Freddy Benson

“invest 48 minutes of your precious time to watch or listen to this video”

forward to ten friends before midnight to receive an amazing prize!!!!

question everything

The one you are mocking in your folly is not me, but I suspect you know that already.

Rob William

It’s too long and the thought process feels a little chaotic.

question everything

The bible is much longer and can feel a little chaotic, but the wise know it is a worthwhile investment of their time to not only read it, but to study it. In it they discover truths like ‘people perish for lack of knowledge’. Ignorance isn’t the bliss that you might think it is.


Not ALL are given the chance to understand the Bible because of their ignorance, impatience or because they’re outright evil and have never prayed for forgiveness to Jesus as witness before our Lord God of all Heavens (which I highly recommend).
We are Not their Missionary’s, we are the ones who will bury their corpse in our fields for fertilizer. Their one true God is Satan who is boiling in shit & piss forever and ever.

question everything

I disagree…slightly. ALL ARE given the chance, but many choose to refuse or reject it, for the reasons you gave and more. I think a huge reason, especially in this country, is the man made tradition that humans are independent, but we are all servants to a master, whether we realize it or not; and by rejecting the true master, we automatically accept being a slave to the other.


In other words, “Shut Up” Mr President

Between now (04/22/2022) until our constitutionally elected President is reinstated this year, Pres. Trump should stay out of the limelight. Completely avoid any and all interviews.

Last edited 2 years ago by RG1

Reinstated this year? Lol won’t happen.

Rob William

Actually that’s a bad strategy because the electorate is not just a minuscule minority on RRN.


As is the Liberals seen on Fake News Media Comedy hours everyday?

Rose Mary Abbott

Now that they have the nuts and bolts engineers of the Deep State gathered up and taken care of maybe the White Hats will want to consider going ahead and chopping off the heads of the snake 🐍 that tried to do us all in. President Donald J Trump does have a forgiving heart though. Or maybe he wants to show Americans what the news media really is. I think President Trump wants the press to understand, but they just don’t want to. We will put an end to them by turning off our TV sets and going outside to play with our kids for a huge change and blessing.


Remember when you said that Biden would resign? Good times, good times…

J Bill

Biden’s just like the Azov battalion hiding out in a big basement: flat out busted and broke, playing video games.

Not a prayer left…

Rob William

I think is well aware and seems to more rigid & stubborn in his approach than Trump – which makes it harder for him to course correct.


Biden fake face doesn’t resign. The cabal deletes him only to bring in another fake black eyed creature to fool the people that NOW we will be saved. No external authority can save us. The elites would like for us to believe so.


I will not dumb down. I realize I can’t change peoples perceptions of reality but I can speak my truth.


Nope nothing will change. Just more waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and 😴


By the way, the reason I wrote all of that about Trump is because I’m hoping Baxter can provide a reasonable explanation for why Trump insist on taking credit instead of going after pharma.

Is pharma still too powerful?
Are the forces that would crucify Trump if he spoke bad about the jabs still too powerful?

What’s the reason?

It bothers me because I am not jabbed and don’t want to be, but am I wrong? Is Malone wrong? Is McCullough wrong? Are the other MDs right?

I really don’t care about clones, and Gitmo, and all the rest because none of that can be proven until it is proven. Until that day, clones are make believe to me.


What next? No Santa Clause?

Rob William

Honest question: what is SADHGURU?

Rob William

Trump is taking credit of his greatest achievement in the office – operation warp speed.


I have no concerns. President Trump knows exactly what he is doing.


Makes sense. The US government is now under military control, not the American people, imo. If the Feds ever dare to come out and declare we are under “martial law” that is when all hell breaks loose and the 2nd Civil War begins.

David T

I agree with you. And the good guys are the ones who believe in the Second Amendment, we are armed locked and loaded.

Rose Mary Abbott

I dare anyone here to come up with a better track record for actually taking care of this country than President Donald J Trump. He is a fighter that never gives up. He is amazing. I’m so proud of him I could bust. I see so many people here that think they could do a better job and I would love to see them put their actions where their mouth is. I have never seen a better president in my lifetime. I’m glad that the shot didn’t hurt him. I know several Christians who have been totally vaccinated and it has not hurt them. I have one friend who was not a Christian and he lost a great deal of his eyesight. He was not fully vaccinated. He only got one shot. I personally think that God protected President Donald J Trump from the danger of that shot. God knows what we need far better than we do. He gave us President Donald J Trump and we need to thank God every day for him and ask Him to keep him safe and in good health entirely.

Freddy Benson

“God knows what we need far better than we do. He gave us President Donald J Trump and we need to thank God every day for him and ask Him to keep him safe and in good health entirely.”

definitely not a cult…

J Bill

100% Rose MA.


Donald J Trump banged a porn star. If that didn’t kill him nothing will.


The following Presidents did a better job.
Woodrow Wilson (1913 – 1921)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933 – 1945)
Harry S. Truman (1945 – 1953)
John F. Kennedy (1961 – 1963)
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963 – 1969)
Jimmy Carter (1977 – 1981)
Bill Clinton (1993 – 2001)


Sure about that, Ted?

Woodrow Wilson – Signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, signing away money creation power to private bankers making him “a most unhappy man”. Too late–America has been paying that price since 1913–108+ years now (4-22-2022).

Franklin D. Roosevelt – Knew the Pearl Harbor attack on 12-7-1941 was coming but did nothing and let it happen–all by design to benefit the bankers above/behind him.

Harry S. Truman – OKed the use of [N2 mines] on Japan when they were basically defeated by the end of WW2 as both a show of force to Russia (who’d get it later anyway by 1949) and as a ‘science experiment’ on the effect of [N2 mines] on civilian populations. That ‘worked’ in that these horrible weapons haven’t been used to scrub cities and the people in them since 1945, 76+ years ago (4-22-2022).

John F. Kennedy – Vote frauded into the WH then decides to be a good POTUS. Averts WW3 during the CMC with help from Nikita Krushchev and K-19 survivor Vasili Arkapov. Tries to wean the USA off the FED with his ‘silver certificates’. For this primarily, he is scrubbed in Dallas on 11-22-1963. As cleanup, his brother Robert was scrubbed also on 6-6-1968 to prevent him from becoming POTUS and bringing his brother’s killers to justice. Sirhan Sirhan was a patsy who took a shot, missed, and has been kept in jail since 1968 when he could have been paroled. Per RRN, (fake) Gavin Newsom denied him parole on 1-13-2022 while the real one was arrested 11-1-2021 and later (eventually) executed at GITMO 1-24-2022.

Lyndon B. Johnson – Becomes President the day of JFK’s murder. Gets back to WDC and cancels JFK’s XO 11110. JFK’s ‘silver certificates’ are recalled and destroyed. The ones that escaped would later become collector’s items. LBJ allows the Vietnam war to ‘drag out’ thanks to the Gulf Of Tonkin hoax). In the end, nearly 60,000 U.S. soldiers are killed when JFK wanted to avoid war or ‘play to win’ and end it as fast as possible.

Jimmy Carter – Was POTUS during the 1970s energy crisis and did what he could to manage it. Famous for an interview with Playboy Magazine, visiting TMI with wife Rosalyn during the emergency/near disaster/catastrophe there, and being blamed for the botched rescue attempt of hostages held at the U.S. embassy in Iran. A (backroom) deal was made to free the hostages ON THE SAME DAY Ronald Reagan became President on 1-20-1981. The Shah of Iran at the time was a part of the ‘theater’ of this incident. Prior research revealed the higher ups at the Embassy were tipped off and left–leaving their low level staff to be to be used as pawns in a geopolitical operation that dragged out for 444 days. A byproduct of this was the NIGHTLINE TV program hosted by Ted Koppel.

Bill Clinton – Signed NAFTA into law causing good paying manufacturing jobs to leave the USA for places with (much) cheaper labor around the world–leaving behind lots of service-sector ‘McJobs’, fiat-currency driven financial services jobs, sports and mass media entertainment jobs, and military service as the employer of last resort. Got caught up in ‘Gulf War 1’ and the Whitewater investigation. The records for these were sent to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in OKC and blown up on 4-19-1995. Remember the ICONIC TIME Magazine cover picture of the fireman holding a limp (likely dead) child in his arms? The scandal involving prosecutor Ken Starr and Monica Lewinski was a later ‘bonus’ and may have been used to get the world to forget about the OKC bombing and its use as cover to keep the Clintons out of trouble and the USA ‘off the hook’ for medical compensation to Gulf War 1 veterans and their families contaminated by DPU used during that conflict.

Last edited 2 years ago by IsThisFairUse2

Good post.
Let’s also remember the Ethel Kennedy , despite the urging on her family members to free Sirhan Sirhan since he was an innocent patsy used by MK-ULTRA mind control, demanded that Sirhan remain in jail for life. She had to know the evidence her kids had, and the govt had, and the documentarians had in proving Sirhan did not shoot her husband.
But even during a documentary that her daughter Rory made chronicling RFK’s life, she refused to talk about what happened that day; either it was too traumatic to talk about (which is understandable because she was pregnant at the time of the shooting), or the family has been threatened with death, according to one lawyer investigation the Sirhan case.
The latter I believe to be true, since Jackie Kennedy was the one, according to Roger Stone, in his book about LJB’s connection to the JFK assassination. She hired not one, but two investigators and even went to the French intelligence services to find out what the hell happened. Aristotle Onassis had to help her pay for the investigation because it was so expensive. The evidence reports she got, she gave to Bobby and Teddy so they could both go after JFK’s killers.
But the bad guys who went after JFK threatened her with death if she ever went public with this. She probably told JFK Jr. and Caroline the truth of JFK’s murder. JFK Jr. vowed to go after them by starting GEORGE Magazine and Caroline did also by running for office. But she got threatened as well when she went after Hillary’s old Senate seat in 2009 that JFK went after in 1999 before his plane crashed over Martha’s Vineyard, killing him, his pregnant wife Carolyn, and his sister-in-law, Lauren.
There was a fourth passenger on board, a flight instructor, who was there to help JFK navigate the route in his brand-new fancy plane with the latest technology, because he still had an injured foot. The fuel selector valve was turned off prior to the crash into the water. But many fake documentaries did not explore this possibility of the cause of the crash.
This is how sick the Deep State is. They never forgive and they never relent. And they are still showing how revengeful and how ruthless and how hateful they are by still trying to kill Trump and his family.


Devils Chess Board lays out the jfk murder.
Dulles was a big part of that effort.
Even though it’s foster we need to rename that airport.

David T

Probably the best factual chronological post I have ever seen on real Ron news. Good job!


You are welcome.




Johnson took part in JFK’s demise. Just curious what M. Monroe knew and what is the truth about the faked death and the “house keeper?”

David T

Tesdy spread is at it again. Your opinion and one dollar would probably get a shitty cup of coffee somewhere.

J Bill

BC? You’re truly wacko.


He’s so delusional he thinks he’s the admin of this site; he wrote that post; he’s a legal researcher; and more. Sad..he needs to get a life.

Gunny HiWay

Trump needs to STFU already.
His vax stance and his lack of support for the J6 prisoners have made him very unpopular with his actual base.
I am one of those and will never vote for DJT or even support him going forward.
He walked out on all of us.


I just wrote a very long post about Trump once again wanting credit for the jabs and he even said he thinks the negativity toward the jabs is from the left so the left can take credit.

He did it at the Amelia Island Leadership Conference. I’d include a link, but I think doing that automatically triggers a review on this system.

Anyone interested in the speech can find it on Bitchute by doing a search for Amelia island.

I am at a loss to understand why at this point Trump goes out of his way to take credit instead of saying, “look, we needed operation warp speed. Dr. Bright blocked my order to give everyone HCQ for free. So I needed to apply pressure to get something fast, but I never told them to lie, cut corners, or make something that is unsafe. They told me it was safe”.

I do believe Juan O Savin is in Trump’s orbit and Juan has said not to take the jabs. So I do not understand how this message has seemingly not got to Trump or what the upside to Trump’s 2024 ambitions would be.

Maybe it’s too early for him to do it?

And no, I do not believe Trump is coming back before 2024. We’re already basically into 2023 for Pete’s sake.

J Bill

You missed the boat somewhere Leslie. Trump never left.

Gunny HiWay

So we can blame Trump for $6 gas, millions of illegal SPICS on our border and $10/lb hamburger?.. Neato

J Bill

you can try. biden signed the orders troll.


He’s just another jew projecting. Don’t let the runt give you any shit he knows his ass is going to be handed to him eventually.


Agreed, no way I am voting for him I’m 2024! #FTrump


I disagree about the not voting for him part. I’d rather vote for the person I agree with 90 percent.

Nobody is perfect and people are bound to do some things I disagree with.

DeSantis won’t be able to stand up to the media mob like Trump can. He’s in the minor leagues in Florida.

Moreover, we don’t know what DeSantis will do that we disagree with.

Again, nobody is perfect, but Trump has proven he will fight within the rules.

And it should not be forgotten that Trump wanted to make HCQ available to everyone for free.

It was Dr. Bright and (I can’t think of her name) who conspired to disobey Trump’s order.

Trump still has my full support. There is nobody else I can say that I trust more.


Nobody cares what you want and nobody cares what you say.

Rose Mary Abbott

Maybe you should practice what you preach.

Gunny HiWay

Maybe you should dearie.
I love tits and ass…It is the insufferable CUNTS they are attached to that I have issues with.
Just like you… CUNT
Go play with your cat and vibrator.

J Bill

you’re an idiot. fuck off troll.

David T

You are a disrespectful dumb ass to use the c word on a female who simply disagrees with you. You supposedly served in the military? All of the military people I know who served would never disrespect or female like that. Who is military did you serve in anyway? I think you are a fraud.


This is no way to speak to lady. You must learn to control self when angry. This disgusting behavior, not fit for humans. Sounds like you have mental disorder and need to see doctor!


1) As long as we’re using electronic voting machines to cast ‘votes’ none of this will ever get cleaned up.

2) Trump has a reputation as an information guy so it isn’t believable that he doesn’t yet know about vaxxed people dying of strokes, heart attacks, rare fast developing cancers as a result of getting these poison shots.

All we really know for sure is the mainstream media continues to run video clips of the Clintons, Cheney, Brennan, Newsom, W. Bush et. al.


I liked Trump when I heard about how he offered to be an informant for the FBI before he opened his casino in New Jersey.

J Bill

You’re just mad because he rejected your application, and wouldn’t deal you into the fold.


Good one!


I heard that too, myself. I heard it from you, but from nobody else.

Gunny HiWay

Oh bullshit.
“Doesn’t know”?
Does he live on an island without electricity?
Trump is a real estate guy and an actor.
Nothing more.
And you are a typical Trumpet fool.

Rob William

Are you Desantis?


You not have full picture. You need research Trump never approved poison, he was lied to. He always referred to vaccine as therapeutics not this. They kept this from him. Be mad at him if you must but you not helping the fight, the fight we need to win. When medbed come all will be healed we have to race so people wont get sick and die. Dont waste patriot energy on mad at Trump, use energy for good to fight evil. Tell people wake them up. Bitching not good energy. Hope you fight with patriots. There is bigger story you will hear about when it can be shared. Hope you feel better soon.


Biden needs to stfu and leave the USA for Izreal along with his entire regime, and he can take all his other Zionist Bolshevik butt buddies and Pedo’s with him.

Freddy Benson

why isn’t MTG saying she’s been cloned/cgi’d/deepfaked during her trial after she gets caught lying?


Various sources have said that she is not aware that she is a clone. What I think may happen is that DJT may bust in and end this movie by activating the EBS.

David T

And the conjoined Spread brothers, Freddy and Teddy are at it again.


Yeah a lot of clones do not realize they are clones, it’s one of the trickier parts of keeping clones around. If you’re not careful they will convince themselves that they are the original, and attempt to assassinate the real original and take their place.


I have heard that there is a movement to pass laws that would legally change the name “clone” to “alternate entity”.

Rob William

All those forms will have an extra field for the clone status: original, 1st copy, 2nd copy …, AI hologram

Rob William

Even with overwhelming evidence clones are not ready to accept that they are not original. It’s too painful for them to accept the reality so they keep living in a fake world and act as if they are original.

Rose Mary Abbott



Very interesting comment Zee.

Gunny HiWay

Well, that would be 2 years late and futile.

Sue K

Piers Morgan, it’s time to go home and never come to America again. Return to your judging spot om Britain’s Got Talent; that’s about all you’re good for, and you even suck at that.

Debate Judge

Michael Baxter:
He got a call from Marine Corps General David H. Berger, commander of the White Hats. General Berger, politely, asked President Trump to refrain from doing additional interviews while his people are working to cleanse the Deep State,” our source said.

“Mr. President, I have no authority to dictate, but it’s against your interest to submit to interviews. They are not interviews; they’re interrogations, interrogations meant to incriminate you based on flimsy logic and spurious allegations.

= = =

Debate Judge:
I agree with Marine Corps General Berger. If the outcome does not change conclusions: President Trump, you are a liar with a Big Lie, then do not do them. You cannot let the media parade you as the Big Liar. // Go to YouTube Channel: Rudy W. Giuliani. Watch two videos from this year (April 1 and April 4, 2022): 2020 Election Illegalities and Irregularities. Exposed by John Solomon. // No more parading as a denying Big Liar. Prosecute these media channels. Prosecute Steve Inskeep at NPR. Prosecute Piers Morgan at Piers Morgan Uncensored. President Trump needs to demand interviews be held with John Solomon and himself where John Solomon speaks first.


Lol prosecute Piers Morgan for what? Asking Trump a question that made him mad is a crime now? He’s not even a US citizen bro.

Rob William

Prosecute anyone who disagrees with Trump.

Freddy Benson

Making trump look moist


Making Trump look like a soggy hotdog, crime of the century 🌭

J Bill

izzat what your translator told you to write? it’s trying to make fun of you by heaping ridicule upon you, to get you to stfu.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill
Debate Judge

I’m not using the “institute legal proceedings” definition. I’m using the “continue with (a course of action) with a view to its completion. I’m saying when Trump does interviews, be like a lawyer and make your case with evidence. // Would I like to see legal action taken against those who called Trump a liar? It is quite annoying to keep up with the progress of Mike Lindell, Rudy Giuliani, and John Solomon (and others–apparently, White Hat military concluded their investigation of the 2020 election and have concluded Trump won) and so much has happened as if there were no facts supporting Trump. It is a crime. There must be Justice. People did vote for Trump and have been wronged.

Last edited 2 years ago by Debate Judge
Tom Bombastadillo

Trump should know who is who by now. He should have known that Piers Morgan is a dishonest POS.


Thank you Michael for posting this wonderful news, and I agreed with our military % percent. After I read about the news on Axelrod’s arrest, I thought that the military are getting into the core on Obama’s criminal organization, and hope that we could see more information coming out. I am also worried if our military is in complete control with the current situation that Biden and DOD keep sending our taxpayers hard earned money to Ukraine to escalate the war there. Who give Biden and DOD the authority to send those money to that corrupted Zelensky mafia? The number is over 3 billions now. Both Obama and Biden should be arrested by our military for starting the war in foreign countries, and these war criminals should be arrested and trialed by our military tribunal ASAP.

Freddy Benson

“military % percent.” thank you for not agreeing with the military


You need to address your concerns with your state representatives. I spoke with mine this morning and got the mask mandate lifted in Philadelphia.

David T

And yet again, the conjoined Spread brothers, Freddy and Teddy posting in tandem and doing a few other things in tandem as well.

Freddy Benson

david did you call your local reps? if not you’re a pedo lover

Rob William

David needs to take care of his health using pedometer.

David T

You tail pipe triplets keep plugging each other and switching ends. Absolutely disgusting pedophile troll pieces of shit.

J Bill

I’m sure you troll creeps are well versed in using it.

In fact, take it’s meaning to a whole other level…


These articles on Military trials and hangings are not true (lies). We are still seeing these people doing interviews everywhere.


You must be new here. Welcome!


Are you still wearing a mask also?



Rose Mary Abbott

It’s very easy to find doubles and if that doesn’t work they create clones. Then of course there’s always CGI. has an article about stunt doubles looking exactly like the actors they do their stunts for. Arthur Roberts has been filling in for Biden since last spring. Look him up on He has memory problems himself because he’s even older than Biden. Washington DC and Hollywood are all in everything together. The Deep State owns the complete MSM news corporations. It’s a propaganda free for all. Biden hasn’t been allowed to stay in the White House and still goes to his house in Delaware. There’s tons of flick flubs where his hands are filmed going through microphones and things. It’s like we’re living in a movie of some sort. Sounds weird but it is true. Except for OANN television news doesn’t exist anymore. Toto we’re not in Kansas anymore. Biden is fake, Hillary is fake, Bill Gates is fake, Tom Hanks is fake (haven’t seen them put his double out in a while), Adam Schiff is fake, Bill Barr is fake, and so forth.


Question, if all these people were clones (they’re not) then what difference does it even make, when the ‘white hats’ never really do anything and just let the clones run the things the same way they did before they were clones? 🤷‍♂️

Rob William

Do we need to extract her out of the Matrix? Where are the red and blue pills?


Elaine, hi, most people here are awake and aware. This means they have done research to know what is happening in this good v evil showdown. There are deep state trolls here also and a lot of varying opinions but you must research this so you know for yourself. Clones have been used since a long time ago, maybe 60 years or more. It is common for elites people and actors and politicians to use them. This is ET technology.


Ted Cruz does not qualify to be the President of the United States, simply he is not a natural born US citizen. He entered into US with a travel visa, not a US passport. If he had qualified to be a natural born citizen of US even he was born in Canada, he would have been issued a US passport by the US consulate in Canada, but he didn’t get the US passport, instead of a travel visa. He concealed this information in 2015 just like Obama concealed his true birth certificate in 2008. Ted Cruz is an opportunist who has no true beliefs, and time will tell.


I wonder why this didn’t come up when he ran for elected positions before.


Because he didn’t disclose it.

Rose Mary Abbott

If Obama can do it (and he did) so can Cruz. The only reason Cruz lost my vote for president in 2016 is because he stabbed Ben Carson in the back. Then along came Trump who did the right thing by Carson. That’s when I prayed and asked God about Trump. God said “Yes” and so I did and I have NEVER regretted it for a second. When you get your high paying job back and gas is cheap again don’t even think about highsiding people saying you supported him all along because you didn’t.
