While the real Joseph R. Biden sits in the sheltered confines of his Delaware mansion basement, his doppelganger, 83-year-old Arthur Roberts, is expected to clandestinely meet WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Geneva at the World Health Assembly, an event at which Roberts, on behalf of the American Deep State, will surrender control of the U.S. healthcare system to WHO globalists in a further push toward a One World government.
On May 9, conservative media including OAN and The Washington Free Beacon revealed that the illegitimate administration had drafted a set of amendments that would strengthen the WHO’s authority on global pandemic response.
Until the reveal, the administration had made no public mention of its intent to yield health authority to the WHO. The leak, though, impelled the document’s authors—Rochelle Walensky, Xavier Baccara, and Anthony Blinkin—to release publicly a heavily redacted and edited version of the proposed amendments. The revision available for public consumption omits several key paragraphs that message the regime’s odious nefarious designs.
The above information comes from military sources who claim to have seen the original amendments and have been tracking the movements of Biden’s body double.
“It’s important to understand the real Biden is a senile puppet who doesn’t leave his basement. The Deep State convinced him Covid really did kill millions of Americans and warned him to stay in his basement. He’s so afraid of Covid, he installed a hermetically sealed door. He’s in his own world, and has no idea what’s going on outside his basement, while his double Roberts, and we know it’s him, will give Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the original amendments,” said a source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office.
Actor Arthur Roberts, as reported previously, has convincingly portrayed Biden at public events and press conferences, with only one slipup that nearly exposed him.
According to White Hats, Roberts has since received extensive training to mimic Biden’s mannerisms, gait, senility, and speech patterns.
“When Roberts hands over the amendments, it’s unlikely Tedros Ghebreyesus will suspect it’s anyone but Biden,” our source said.
A crucial omission from the publicly available amendments, he added, appears in the original version under Article 11, section 4, which reads, “If the Director-General decides at his discretion a pandemic is imminent or occurring, his advice and authority on pandemic governance shall supersede regional, state, and federal authority until such time the pandemic ends, again at the Director-General’s discretion.”
That single paragraph grants Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the World Health Assembly, the main decision-making body of the WHO, unilateral power to not only enforce mask and vaccination mandates in the U.S., but also the ability to restrict travel and impose lockdowns and stay-at-home orders on American citizens. Moreover, the WHO would have unfettered capability to conduct digital surveillance on the citizenry under the pretense of monitoring lockdown violators.
“Naturally, we’re closely watching this situation. We expected they’d try something novel when their Covid scheme fell apart, but we didn’t expect them to go with this Monkeypox scare so soon,” our source said.
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He looks so different than the real Biden.
hahaha… fuck them clowns. Lets see them try and enforce that silly shit. 🙂
GITMO all the doppelgangers … they are traitors too
Though entertaining, remember, this just fantasy.
Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.
The U.S. Healthcare ‘System’ has already been overtaken. This is NOT an act or a move under that premise At All. This is a move to impose a worldwide ‘lockdown’ under the guise of a false epidemic whether it be monkeypox or whatever the CDC comes up with. The DS U.N. forces will ‘attempt’ to take over nations with the CDC as their dark overlords enforcing mandatory euthanasia jabs.
His hair does not match bidens.
What would happen if the director general took a bullet to the face from a sniper and 89% of his brains are hanging out the back of his head will Arthur Roberts OK the pooping in his pants Joe Biden I did will he understand that that the WHO director general is not gonna respond to his questions or or tell him Mr. Biden you just shit your pants again
This post brought to you by a concussion.
Patriots, please quit the juvenile “who are you” rock song jokes. Our nation is in mortal danger. When n00bs visit here looking for intel, and instead read a bunch of boomers making 10th grade wisecracks, it drives them away from Michael’s hard work and poisons the well, pushing needed supporters away from us.
Or maybe that’s what all of you, like the trolls you like to “pretend to engage”, are really for. Ask yourselves: would George Washington post what I am about to post? Would Jefferson look kindly upon it? I ask myself that every day and am not alone. STOP THE BULLSHIT AND FOCUS. Baxter dropped you some great intel the other day and always does. This is how you reward that? With drivel about A POP SONG?
Relax, bro, none of this is real. Don’t get fooled again.
The Deep State Khazarian Mafia, Global Elites, CDC. Satanic Cabals have all said repeatedly that it is their intention to kill most of the people on Planet Earth. We should take the position that all members of these corrupt organizations should be shot on sight. They should all be hunted down and executed by the Military. This is survival now, and the World needs to take action against them, and they must be removed as soon as possible.
WHO = World Hell Organization.
Whhooooooo are you?
Who who…………..who who
I just ordered the booklet from turning point USA that says on the bulletin the conservative response to the great reset which is happening now with our leaders. Biden is making us poor on purpose so we can be invaded(my opinion) so he can give more away from America. I don’t have the booklet yet but if you are interested in finding out what is going on you can order the booklet with phone number 855-882-0406 or text reset to 7-1776 to see what Charlie says. Notice this number has 1776 in the number to call. Let’s order and see what Charlie has to tell us and who was called to this meeting of leaders Canada was. Get the bulletin to see what Charlie has to say. He is head of turning point USA. Oh you have to donate some money when you order.
The cabal KNOWS that’s not Biden.
You said it. The U.S. government is ILLEGITIMATE, end of story. Nothing the imposter has done is legal or will be able to stand after the takedown. Say, also, wasn’t it you who reported that the original is actually DEAD? That feels more right to me than he’s hiding in Delaware. Let’s hope so.
Anyone notice that the above photo of faux Biden looks like Jeff Dunham’s crotchety old man puppet?
The elites are frightened by the prospect of the world learning Planet X is real and has been covered up.
Plandemic lockdowns serve to control the populace for reasons other than the presence of Nibiru, destroy economies and social structure, and get rid of the USA as we know it. Rushed “vaccines” assist with the plan to greatly depopulate the earth.
Why isnt this traitor being called out for treason and arrested
Because none of this is real.
Why isnt this traitor being called out and arrested fot grand treason
I’m sick of these GLOBALISTS!!! Election Stolen 2000mules.com IMPALE THEM ALL!!!!
how was the election stolen? be specific
Pay Dinesh $29.99 to find out 💰
Seriously? Have you been living under a rock for ten years? Perhaps you have over dosed on your stupid pills or too many vax boosters. Anyone that believes a presidential candidate can hide in his basement for his campaign and run on higher taxes and get rid of fossil fuels and win with more votes than anyone in history cannot be helped. Biden even stated they had the most inclusive voter fraud organization ever. And we all knew then that wasn’t the real Joe. No amount of evidence will convince you. I would take up the entire page listing all the proof. Try searching it without using Google.
“we didn’t expect them to go with this Monkeypox scare so soon,” ….I thought they “had it all, & know their playbook?” That’s what we’ve been hearing for years now.
imagine being scared about something that already has a 100 year old vaccine
So Adhanom Gayassus is a legitimate enemy combatant. If his own nation state does not have a WHA capability to act, we should arrest and try him, as an enemy combatant.
Cool story ed
Mike, you’ve got a revolt on your hands. Your followers are confused because your version of nonsense fantasy fanfic conflicts with the nonsense fantasy fanfic they read on some other scam artist’s site. There’s a glitch in the Matrix.
They felt they couldn’t afford to wait with monkeydoo visuals until after midterms.
Speaking of doppelgangers, I still don’t get it how Special Forces could discount CIA Headmistress Christine Blasey Ford who was coaching Pelosi and others how to evade.
Americans, submit to foreigners who can barely speak English or no speak Americano at all and wait until they tell you when monkeydoo is over.
Vladi is bad to the bone, didn’t say one word about Arthur, except when it’s time.
They are a bunch of poo flinging monkeys.
If you check with your Pentagon sources, you will probably find that the “real” Biden was put to death in 2019 for crimes against humanity. The creature in the basement is also an actor.
Well, then that make Jill Biden the first Ho
melania had some nice looking tits in those pics
So what happens if this POS Biden cedes control of US health to the World Homicide Org.? Do they send UN troops here to enforce their vaccinations, mask and lockdown mandates? Could the WHO send UN troops here?
Nothing. It’s not real, and it’s nonsense because the president doesn’t have that power under the Constitution.
All the ORIGINALS have gone to their bunkers, all we see walking around are their fakes.
That’s an awful lot of clones/doubles that they have to create to keep the deception going. Not saying it’s not true but man… the sheer magnitude of running a world full of fake people seems to me a huge waste of money and energy.
Looking forward to reading some GOOD news sooner than later.
Don’t know about the rest of you, but I am DONE.
CNN has turned on Trump’s COVID Shot and their report will be a Gulp! moment for the Moronic Maggot Millennials. I tried reporting the details but my comment was not approved.
What’s with all these unapproved comments? What is Michael Baxter trying to hide? 🤔
I have not seen any proof of any articles. We get second hand information at best which makes his writings stories. We believe because we are desperate.
Most of my posts are also being removed.
they probably suck tbh
I think J Bill is a bot
Biden’s hair plugs are a cruel reminder to Anita Hill of the comment that Clarence Thomas allegedly made about her can of Coca-Cola. Unless Biden is a gorilla, his hair plugs were transplants from his nether regions. Biden forced Anita Hill to testify. Jill Biden and Kamala Harris are completely tone deaf to allow Biden to parade around shamelessly with hair plugs.
where’s sandy thomas and sandy beaches? oh and forsaken and that other guy
The real Jôe was last seen in public October 2018. Then nothing until April 28, 2019.
That’s when the doppelgänger was first seen and who we’ve seen ever since.
and what are we supposed to do with this information?
Hang this SOB doppelbanger. Firing squad!
Those durn doppelbangers!
Some of us are really gullible to believe in such things!
At the risk of offending others, the doppelgangers aren’t the bad guys. They’re just playing a part in this supposed “movie” for some unfathomable reason. The real bad guys are the ones that need to be “processed”. Keep in mind that Putin’s not the original guy but he’s done a great deed in cleaning up the mess in U. He’s a doppelganger. Just sayin’… Personally, I think it’s time to get rid of all of scumbags worldwide not just here in the USA so the world can move forward towards peace.
My guess is the majority of RRN readers know in their heart of hearts that this is all nonsense but they love pretending that they’re living through a made for tv thriller.
It’s like Dungeons and Dragons for divorced, overweight boomers who identify as “sheepdogs” because they carry 1911s (anything less than .45 ACP is for liberals!) everywhere they go.
They get to fantasize about the day when it all be comes “real” and they are legally allowed to just go shoot people they hate out in the streets because the White Hats told them it’s ok.
“Man, if I was there, I’d be snapping Antifa necks left and right…then I’d, like, kiss their girlfriends and then walk away in slow motion while Nickleback plays…hang on, I’m out of breath, I need to sit down. Anyway, yeah, like I was saying, today’s military is full of pussies…”
We really need to buy white hats.
Of course! It’s the perfect disguise.
Well you guess wrong, DF. On all counts. DF.
so you do think all of this rrn fan fic is real? would you like to buy a reverse mortgage?
You realize that by the Military allowing all of this to continue, they are killing our country! Its ALL TREASON!! If they don’t stop it NOW, they are just as guilty. If they don’t do something to save our country, to me it shows they are ALL involved!!
Give them some slack Tracy, they are very busy with other extremely important matters right now. Like executing actor Alec Baldwin for some reason.
Yeah, right? Is that guy really so important considering everything else??? I’m all for conviction of criminals but but I would aim higher. Starting with the Kenyan
Their priorities are different than yours. They want to catch celebrities and hang them whereas you want to protect people…
I thought the real Joe was dead. Shot! As Trump said. And I heard Michael Jaco say many times Joe was dead.
i heard a podcast which said someone is dead so therefore they’re dead. i don’t need no verification!
Has anybody noticed videos of large numbers of people all over the world collapsing in front of the camera? If it’s not from the jab, it’s most definitely a God thing…..
i have not seen this. please post your links. i would like to watch
I really want see them as well.
Just do a search on YT for clones and body doubles. You’ll find the videos.
You Tube of all places……
be more specific
Post the links because I can’t find anything on YouTube
MK Ultra – Clones – Body Doubles. It’s all there on YT.
Are you sure it wasn’t just a flash mob or something?
You must have been one of them that landed on your head…….
Post the link man
this sounds interesting. please share
I thought Arthur Roberts was under the White Hats control.
Whoever controls the teleprompter controls Arthur Roberts.
Whoever controls the teleprompter should make him say “Fuck you, San Diego!”
Nothing new here. We have been lied to our entire life.
Teachers should undergo a military training to combat a maniac with body armor and assault weapon firing indiscriminately. I think they should also wear full swat body armor while teaching kids because when it starts to happen, there is no time to put it on. Classrooms should also have bullet proof shields per kid because it’s so illogical curb assault weapon ownership rights!
Your post reads like it was written by a methamphetamine addict. Stop using methamphetamines before your teeth fall out.
It’s the only sensible solution 👍
This is the body double actor (Arthur Roberts) who has the earlobes attached to the neck. Supposedly, the real Biden has normal unattached earlobes. That’s how most of us can tell them apart.
Wow! DS is so lame by doing everything right but did a bad job in attaching ears. They need better QA.
Shoulda just CGI’d him from the start
A 2005 Supreme Court Ruling declared that the police do not have a constitutional duty to protect citizens. This ruling was used by a Federal Court in 2018 to dismiss criminal charges against a cowardly deputy who hid under the stairwell of a school while an active shooter was executing students in Parkland, Florida. The Moronic Maggot Millennials think they don’t need to carry a firearm on their person because the police will protect them. You can’t fix stupid.
The DOJ reports 100,000 defensive gun uses per year while the CDC reports 20,000 firearm homicides per year. That’s a five to one ratio of defensive gun uses to firearm homicides. The Gun-Free Schools Act signed into law by Bill Clinton prevents administrators and teachers from carrying a firearm on their person for self defense and to protect students while on school property. Of course there will be tremendous amounts of firearm homicides in locations where guns are banned. That is the intent of the Gun-Free Schools Act. Our elected officials hate children and want them dead.
don’t they want the kids alive to harvest andr3nochrome?
i would think they want kids alive too
Those kids aren’t in school and most are eventually killed.
Those kids aren’t in school and most are eventually killed.
they’re in school according to sources
Of course, teachers want to undergo a military training to combat a maniac with body armor and assault weapon firing indiscriminately. I think they should also wear full swat body armor while teaching kids because when it starts to happen, there is no time to put it on. Classrooms should also have bullet proof shields per kid because it’s so illogical curb assault weapon ownership rights!
Your post reads like it was written by a methamphetamine addict. Stop using methamphetamines before your teeth fall out.
Or…you may be successful in maneuvering around the algorithms.
Congratulations !
RealRawNews is turning the very thing it Reports On, Fake News! Yesterday’s report was Obummer was in Geneva with 11 Unknowns, then went to the CDC to get the Monkey Pox Garbage Launched! Today it’s Arthur Roberts going there as Biden to turn over the Keys to the Medical and Pharma Industry! Talk about Conspiracy Garbage! People are looking for the Truth, Not Piecemeal B.S.!!!!!
and what’s up with biden being on tv and also in a closet?
Omnipresence is an explanation!
Keep sending MB those donations, folks! 💰💰💰
Biden hair exposes him. This man has away to much hair on his head.
“Too much” – Yeah they are really shabby in making doubles, just that RRN people have eyes better than any forensic expert.
So who is running our government? Deep state? Obama? The CCP?
Take your pick, Miss Pat.
mole people probably
Yeap,… Probably the mole people .😐
It is most certainly the Mole People.
oh well :/
Yeah, in MBverse it’s really confusing. In my universe, Biden admin is in control.
If you survive Trump’s COVID Shot and previously had cancer, you are 80 percent more likely to see your cancer worsen post-injection. For half the people who got the shot, their cancer got dramatically worse after Trump’s COVID Shot, Nobody’s cancer got better after the shot.
There is clearly no scenario in which any person should ever take Trump’s COVID Shot.
I can think of a few,
If you are a qualified “troll”
If you are a registered Democrat
If you are “insane”
If you work for the Deep State.
If any of the above reasons apply to you then you need to have all the vaccines and boosters.
“If you work for the Deep State”
Do they have job fairs?
I think it has something to do with the color of your hat? It’s unclear.
Let’s all buy made in America white hats.
What if you’re an unqualified “troll”? Do you some “troll” qualification guidelines I could refer to?
None of those apply to me. Even CNN has turned on Trump’s COVID Shot.
Right on Wildcat!
Democrat trolls, who’re insane automatically qualify for a triple dose.
look at me. i am the j bill now
Trump’s COVID Shot has already killed at least the same number of Americans as the covid virus supposedly has.
Trump’s COVID Shot is killing 336 children aged 5-11 for every one that is supposedly “saved” because of the injections.
Taking Trump’s COVID Shot a second time is the most dangerous part of the process, increasing all-cause mortality rates by at least 800 percent within 30 days (the first and third injections increase it 600 percent and 480 percent respectively).
thank you for that information and sharing it with rrn readers. i’m sure it comes from a highly reputable source
Best sources ever!
Even CNN has turned on Trump’s COVID Shot.