Biden Regime: Vaccines More Important than Baby Formula


The criminal Biden regime is more interested in vaccinating than feeding babies and infant children, said a whistleblower in the administration’s communications office who claimed to have overheard a disturbing conversation between Kamala Harris and Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, the latter of whom RRN has mentioned in recent articles.

Their telephone call, which took place on Friday, centered on a problem that has been plaguing parents of especially young children for months: a nationwide shortage of baby formula.

The regime has blamed the shortage on everything from supply-chain issues to Vladimir Putin, as outraged parents have been forced to scour stores everywhere—often finding them devoid of even a single can of formula—to find the products they need to feed their starving kids. The nationwide out-of-stock rate currently hovers at 64%.

Kamala Harris and Gina Raimondo, however, said parents were “dramatizing” and “inflating” an imaginary crisis at a time when they should be worried about the vaccination status of their children.

“Parents should stop whining so much about food and think about what will happen to their children if they don’t get vaccinated as soon as they can. Don’t you agree, Gina?” Harris said, and added that shops near her upscale Washington, D.C., home had a surplus of baby formula.

Her vaccine comments refer to the regime’s push to vaccinate newborns and children under five. Moderna has asked the FDA for emergency use authorization to do just that, and the FDA will likely respond during the first week of June.

According to our source, Harris, who has no biological children, ranted on about how parents in contemporary American society overfeed infants and, in turn, are responsible for child obesity. Harris, our source added, spent 10 minutes praising Michelle Obama (Michael Robinson) for his “2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act” for school cafeteria lunches, which required schools to serve children fruits and vegetables every day and to offer more whole grain-rich foods and fat-free or low-fat milk. The program gained much criticism when school kids began sharing photographs of rancid, inedible food on social media.

“After that, Harris started her vaccine spiel again, saying she was disappointed kids under five weren’t already vaccinated. It was vaccine this, vaccine that, as if the almighty ordained that kids should get jabbed at birth. She said parents should stop crying about baby formula and just breastfeed their kids if it’s really an issue.  Getting vaccines in the arms of kids was the real problem, per Harris’ words,” our source said.

Sec. of Commerce Raimondo, who has two teenage children, offered no rebuttal. Rather, she said her children had made her “proud” by getting double vaccinated and later boosted, and by promising to get additional booster shots every 4-6 months, just like their mother.

“I hope the FDA gives a swift reply; infants could die of Covid-19 if they don’t get vaccinated shortly after emerging from their mothers’ wombs,” Raimondo said shockingly. “No one really needs baby formula, but they need vaccinations.”

The exchange shows how out of touch with reality Harris and Raimondo are. They dwell in a bubble of affluent exclusivity, a world in which wealthy liberal elitists and Deep State stooges plot the downfall of humankind while sitting safely immersed in a sphere of protected influence.

In closing, our source added a few comments that support contentions made not only by RRN but also by other right-leaning conservative websites.

“Neither Biden nor Harris has ever set foot in the real White House, only replicas. Biden has plenty of body doubles and hasn’t left his Delaware basement in quite a long time,” he said.


Note: I have nothing yet to report on tribunals. I understand the Billy Ayres tribunal began Thursday and lasted into Friday. I expect to receive an update Monday. Thank you for your patience.

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Tracy Reinert

These ‘people’ are inhuman, as well as inhumane.


Glad to hear that he was HANGED!

Rick Pol

If this is true its a really good sign that the Military (Whitehats) aren’t going to tolerate any election with false flags and massive fruad.

But RRN has some explaining to do;
Many reports like this one can’t be easily verified so we just hope and pray that they are true, but the report from Feb of the military taking over the SPR (oil Reserves) to stop Biden from selling off the reserve is easily varified. Either the sell off stops thanks to the report being true or its not and the sell off continues. Sad to report that the sell off has continued with a report yesterday showing that since February’s report another 50 million barrels have been depleted. It’s illegal to allow it to drop below 500mb and Biden is allowing it to drop this year to about 380mb. This must be stopped ASAP. Can Michael please up date us on why the reserve continues to be sold off?


Have you noticed that we are becoming just like Venezuela? Supply chain issues, food issues…. Oil and gas. All this happened in Venezuela. People hungry.


I had a test the other day when the doctor asked me if I got the boster shot and I said no and he was looking at my Covid test where it was all negative. I think it is called the pri. It is a test that you get to have a doctor work on you now. I was all negative. No Covid no boster.


How much money are they’re making off that vaccine per company? Do not vaccine your babies this is critical.


I have that feeling they’re going to poison the Baby Formula’s or at the least “some”. I also feel, it will be intentional, and of course they’ll get a pass with the help of some jewish politician writing a law to protect them from retaliation and lawsuits.
When will it become too obvious that were in a genocide?

Ron Burgundy

You “feel” that, do you?


The more they harp on vaxxing everyone the more resistant people are.


Dr. say’s he knows best.

Interesting Video about Nuremberg#1


Since the White/Gray Hats stopped them from sac-ri-ficing children they’re now trying to starve the children. They need to pick on someone their own size.


Incredible and stupid! SMH.


“Baby formula” is totally unnecessary. Breast milk is best, but if not available goat milk is highly recommended over any type of commercial, processed, synthetic powered formula. There are many better ways to feed babies, people in need are challenged to step up and start thinking for themselves and their kids, and not believe any doctors. This will be extremely difficult for many.

Afshin Nejat

Either you are all fucking around, or you need to light a fire under your asses. This should have been nipped in the bud. Trying to wrestle an advantage for your particular agendas is not going to work. You’ll be overtaken. In case you haven’t noticed that has already happened. Stop being goofy and admit you fucked up.


Ghouls in plain sight.


They can’t vaxx babies so they want infected vaxx mom to breast feed and contaminate their babies.

robin earl redwine

so biden hasnt left his basement in months… and websites know this…. but vaccine don still cant mention that to the american people? Ive never seen a bigger coward in my life.

Leslie Parsons

Michael Baxter, would you please remove the trolls on here? It destroys intelligent conversation related the the actual article.

J Bill

hook up your oxygen tank, and save what’s left of your brain.

then fuck off faggot.

Ron Burgundy

Lot of self hatred and internalized homophobia, it seems.

If you’re gay, it’s okay buddy. Live your truth.

Daughter of the American Revolution

Didn’t the Supreme court just rule the forced vaccine shit Unconstitutional? And I just saw them forcing a vax on anyone wanting to enter gov buildings in NY? What the bloody hell is going on?! They are throwing out ALL the righteous laws and rulings, seems to me a clear declaration of war.

Rob William

Isn’t forced vaccination different than needing vaccination to enter a building? Even Djokovic is denied entering US for US tournaments.

Angel Askew

Right. They don’t “force” you. They just deny you services. That is why they are getting rid of the food. When you are hungry enough, you will comply.

I understand there are layers to it.
1. Federal cannot mandate, only suggest unless directly managed by feds ie: The VA/active military, Federal courthouse.
2. Each State makes its own mandates and laws.
3. Then you have the voluntary discretion of the business what to allow/require to enter their establishment as well as it’s employees. Ie: “shirts and shoes required”

I refuse to renew my LA Fitness membership. You only can get in if you have “the app” OR allow them to have a digital picture of your face. The dumb down is real!

Catfish S550

Those Puff Adders must be hanged. No Excuse.

Jan D Hunsinger

Still hoping for an update on Vilsack.,


and then what happens?

are you suddenly able to drink the water in a third world shit hole?

are you able to orgasm?

does the news relieve anxiety?

Rob William

Probably kills boredom!


The socialist communists will always slap down any one person or one country that opposes their plans, of course. We see that everyday, when Psaki takes the stand to either tyrannize or shut up the American people with flippant remarks vs. informative remarks. It’s getting old and tired.

Phyllis Bonviso

Not one democrat, republican, left, right, conservative, nazi has ever started an impeachment, cognitive test (and on and on) on getting Biden out of office, not one. So, all sides are for him to be in office, so don’t know why people are complaining about him, he is here to stay. Storages – they are paying the farmers to “plow under” their crops (or else), they are holding up shipments of goods in China, they are blowing up food plants and they are taking knowledge away from people thinking vegetables are made in the grocery store – viola shortages. Vaccines, as you have said, are toxic/deadly, just they are still coming out with more and more vaccines – nothing is stopping that train. So, you think you won. We have God. Play out your wrath on the humans, lake of fire is waiting for you. Another thing you cannot provoke God to move faster than He wants. It is always His timing, not yours.

Rob William

And after all we are only ordinary men.

Sandy Koufax

The Camel Toe would be worse than Biden.

Angel Askew

I’m not the quickest runner on the mark but if Kamel Toe ends up POTUS, I am seriously running for President.

John .S

Just exited mega supermarket, via curiosity checked shelves, no baby formula whatsoever.


Try Florida. Melissa has a friend there who works for WIC and she said they have lots in stock.

Ron Burgundy

I love the part where the VP has an “upscale DC home”. The VP lives in Blair House, which is on a government installation. I know MB is trying to imply that the VP lives in some pampered enclave so the true believers can engage in some resentful ranting (btw, stores in the DC area are just as short of formula as anywhere else) but she lives in the same place as every other VP.

Ron Burgundy

Whoa big news

Rose Mary Abbott

The only thing the Obiden “administration” has shown us has been utter stupidity. Don’t they know that they are through? They have already lost the trust of the people. All of their lies have awakened the country to the TRUTH of what is really taking place. Are we going to let them cheat in the next election in November? What’s being done to protect our elections? I know our Federal government hasn’t done a DAMNED thing! The states are the only governments providing any kind of real protections for our elections.


“Are we going to let them cheat in the next election in November?”

remember kids, it’s only cheating if you lose. MTG and other republicans aren’t challenging their results


Thank you Zee.


Not all women can produce milk. My mother could not to feed me. It is clear these women have no clue about what they are doing. But then they work for a clueless President.

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie
Sandy Koufax

Pfizer executive, Michael Yeadon, states that the most effective remedy against COVID 19 is natural immunity. This is confirmed by the CDC.

A Jan. 19 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed natural immunity against COVID was at least three times as effective as vaccination alone.

Moronic, Maggot millennials need to have their hands held to find the relevant information.

Here you go little buddies.


lmaooooo clown

Sandy Koufax

Moronic, Maggot Millennial. Someone cut and pasted my comment.


lmaooooo clown


By now you may have noticed that the last story is no longer linked to our fundraising page. You have probably also noticed that we are not posting as frequently. Please be patient while we make some big changes at RRN in light of the recent events in NY by one of our frequent commentators.


I suppose naming that frequent commentator is off limits but the rest of us could have an unofficial pol in guessing who that individual was?


We welcome the gays here. We are a safe place. You are loved here Gay Bill.

J Bill

I guess for you to “lose the bottle” was always a losing proposition.

So fuck off you demented lunatic.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Thanks Michael. And thanks to POTUS Trump, Military, and Veterans who’ve made it possible for Americans to learn their federal and state employees are not as they appear! If government employees wear a dress, they are MALE; if they wear pants, they are FEMALE, and they masquerade by names dissimilar to their “family” (White, Caucasian, Yellow, Red, Brown, Black). But now we know who they are … FREAKS and MONSTERS that Military dispose of!

Okay men! You control the levers of power: Ensure all FREAKS and MONSTERS primal scream into their deaths!

Ron Burgundy

Hey Firedog,

Just fyi: none of this is real. I’m in the military and I assure you this is all supermarket tabloid nonsense.

Angel Askew

You’re obviously not in NYC or Los Angeles.


And they would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for us metalling kids🤣


Metalling 🤖

Angel Askew

*meddling 🙋🏼‍♀️


Now David Zublick is reporting that Donald Trump is dead.


I don’t follow him; his “truth” was denounced sometime ago.

David T

Sick of your anti-Trump bs.


cry sandy cry

J Bill

Go jump off the Golden Gate.

Take the rest of the nut-job trollery with you.

Angel Askew

And float like lead balloons.

Mont Schroeder

Kamala is a tranny who doesn’t know shit from shinola about feeding children……………….or anything else…….!

David T

Democrats did poorly in the last election but thanks to Dominion voting machines, Eric Coomer, several thousand mules, new voting rules, they claim that more people voted for Biden than voted for any other POTUS by right at 10,000,000 votes. And I have oceanfront property in Kansas I’d like to sell as well.


Hopefully they are all dead before November


you’re talking to gaybill, fyi

David T

Just more bs from you that is false. Big surprise there DF.




all sandy accounts (used to be 3 or 4), gaybill, davet, firedog and most likely anything with fire in the name, and i’ll update the list as i find more.


If no fake Biden has been in real white house then wtf are we waiting on? So anyone can play an imposter to being a fake president and our military just sits back and allows it?
Great protection we have.

David T

Did you attend West Point? What was your GPA there?


Girls can’t go to West Point. I see what you did there.


It makes no sense because it isn’t real, Lisa.

According to MB the ‘white hat military’ has been in control of the EBS broadcast base for months. According to MB they have conclusively proven that the covid vaccines have pesticides in them.

And yet nothing happens. No EBS. No warning of any kind. Just sitting back and letting those pesticide vaccines get injected into millions of people including kids. Even the miltary’s own vaccine mandate is still in place and troops are still being discharged for not complying.

And according to MB, what the military is actually up to while all this is going on is.. arresting and prosecuting Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin for some reason. 🤷‍♂️

Ron Burgundy

Because none of this is real.

J Bill

This is off today’s topic, but a point of interest. Developments at Azovstal factory are positive for the Russian and Federation Forces: rumors of surrender of Azovs today, starting in small groups.


Sure, sandy. “Rumors”


J Bill

fuck off faggot


Wow Gaybill,you have a bad temper,I bet you are a spitter with that mouth…


i think he swallows. not that i think there’s anything wrong with that

Last edited 2 years ago by Jason
J Bill

wow, back at you troll whore

J Bill

Sorry, it’s unofficial. Can’t quote the source(s). But looks bad for the moronic, millenial f/maggot crybabys here.

Who pinned their hopes and dreams on nazi fantasies of world domination…


cry sandy cry


Lol look at that, J Bill once again using the same words Sandy Koufax with does with his copypasta about “Moronic, Maggot millennials”. Did you forget to switch accounts again bro?

Sandy Koufax

It’s quite obvious that you ran out of Tampax. Your menstrual flow must resemble Niagara Falls.

Daughter of the American Revolution

If only their parents had disciplined them and homeschooled. They raised an entire generation and more of vile lowlife arrogant spoiled brats (with a few exceptions of course). Sad truth is they will never know how good it is to BE a ‘good’ person and actually care; their conscience has been seared/destroyed for the constant selfish acts. Reprobates.
Have nothing to do with them, shut them out, we are to walk away from them entirely. This is why I will not speak to trolls. Responding to them at all gives them success, they are filled with demons and only here to make money and demoralize, harm others emotionally. They are utter filth, and that is the COLD HARD FACTS.

Rob William

They already surrendered the steel factory and people have been evacuated. Mariupol (or whatever is left of it) is under total Russian control now. It’s a total massacre for no reason!

J Bill

they never “surrendered the steel factory.” the nazi’s surrendered the war, dumbkoff.

the remaining citizens the nazi’s had kidnapped were released last week.
the citizens they were holding to try bargain their own release with, using them as human shields.

the nazi’s decided they’d rather face tribunals in Donbass, than total annhiliation in a sewer hole by a bunker buster.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

They have to cover their deep state faces with masks in the Biden regime all day, especially in front of those pesky public cameras, because they are all actors, as they go about their fake jobs on their fake movie sets.

Rob William

😀😀😀 This is really funny!


Is everyone, presently in government, on the criminal organization payroll?


From what I have seen, it looks like obesity in the USA is not from over eating, but instead from eating the wrong food. It turns out the cheapest food in the store is what is doing it. More nutritious less fattening food costs more. There is a video of a field food researcher looking for food additives that will make people feel hungry when the eat the food. How strange is that for a job to have?

Rob William


John Sonn

.Michael- never seen the “natives” so restless and ready to jump ship. Not just here but other conservative sites also. If you are able I think you should give feedback to your sources that continuing to delay real change is going to be counterproductive. I also think it will lead patriots to pick up arms- which just plays in to the black hats desire to make firearms illegal.


MB has no sources. There is no delay. There is no white hat military. Nothing ever happens because it’s fiction. You will keep waiting month after month and get more and more frustrated and MB will never have an answer for you. He’ll just keep the fake articles coming until the donations stop rolling in.


Our fucking baby formula is at the fucking souther border going to illegals!


Can you provide a source please?

Rob William

Tina is the source herself.


I saw it on Newsweek a few days ago


That’s only part of it,why is there a sudden shortage on formula? I’m hearing all kinds of stories,one was because of too many babies being born this year,another was formula recalls,one article said the formula plant closing,etc….


Seems legit.


Lol,that’s like blaming Trump for the gas shortage,they are lying…they just need to hurry and hang them all before babies start dying…

Jan D Hunsinger

Where are you, MB?



Rob William

Author should comment for clarifications only, not to validate/invalidate other peoples comments.


Enough people. It is absolutely incredible to me why anyone reads, acknowledges, votes, or even care what these scum post on this site . Why would anyone do this to Jason or Wedge? What is wrong with you people? We are supposed to be waking up and yet your acknowledgement of these two idiots not only shows you can’t wake but any attention you give actually feeds them. Ignore and let them go. You have a lot more to wake up to than paying these pos any lip service. They are not how we wake up.


Wake these nuts up lmao

Meanwhile back in reality, five years and nothing has happened. Donate more for hopium, marks!

J Bill

fuck off faggot


Dang Gaybill…I pegged you for a bottom but you have the temper of a top,two words…


Bill is a bit tense because MB just keeps edging him and edging him for month after month but that EBS climax never comes 😬


lmao this clown ass boomer got mad because he can’t switch accounts lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Rob William



I think people just like talking to me 🙂

David T

Very well said Terry. Thanks for the reminder, hopefully the patriots on here will ignore the troll turds.


Please be patient with the slowness of comments and new stories loading. As you are all aware, our site was featured on a few news stories as having a connection with the alleged Buffalo NY shooter. The accused shooter was a frequent contributor to the comments section. Because of this situation, we have had to allow server access to both state and federal agencies to investigate his prior posts. We at RRN have always cooperated with all government agencies and will continue to cooperate as long as we are able.

Sandy Koufax

Ed Dowd, a financial analyst and portfolio manager for multinational investment giant BlackRock stated that despite the waning COVID-19 outbreak, America continues to experience excess mortality rates, due to the vaccines. Dowd stated that funeral homes were expecting their business to drop off but instead it has not and that these are excess deaths, levels of mortality are higher than what we’ve expected, even when you try to back out COVID.


lmao clown

Rob William

Tell 5 differences between a cow and a goat.

Rob William

It was a simple Turing test to differentiate between humans and bots.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Terminally deplorable

This country needs a wholesale hanging.


Are you talking about any one group in particular?


Mr.Baxter…WHAT’S HAPPEN WITH-W.C. AYERS ..TRIAL ????? 05/12?????


JAG realized that the charges against him were actually dropped all the way back in 1973. They cancelled his tribunal and flew him back home and apologized for the misunderstanding. 🙇‍♂️

J Bill

sometimes what you say say is so stupid, it’s actually funny. you should write comedy script.


Thanks Bill! I’ve made lots of suggestions to MB for ‘zingers’ to write into these articles, since we all know how much everyone loves Vice Amiral Hannink/Crandall’s snappy zingers. He hasn’t co-opted any of mine yet but maybe some day 🙂

Btw while my post was mostly a joke it is factually true that the federal charges against Bill Ayers for his involvement in the Weather Underground were dropped in 1973. The FBI blew the case by not following the law on warrants and stuff during their investigation into the WU. Statute of limitations is probably also long gone on the crimes he was potentially involved in too, given that it was over 50 years ago now.

“In 1973, new information came to light about FBI operations targeted against Weather Underground and the New Left, all part of a series of covert and often illegal FBI projects called COINTEL.[22] Due to the illegal tactics of FBI agents involved with the program, including conducting wiretaps and property searches without warrants, government attorneys requested all weapons-related and bomb-related charges be dropped against the Weather Underground, including charges against Ayers.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Wedge
John .S

Myself suspect Ayers Esq’s pulled a maneuver.

Suspect Billy-boy has powerhouse defense team.

Possibility of delay for authenticating evidence, alleged voice recordings.

Ayers is not stupid in producing incriminating electronic communications, though arrogance & complacency brought many down.

Who knows maybe I’m wrong, maybe Bill had a heart attack, or rhetorically shapeshifted into a huge snake making escape.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S
Rob William

He is a big shape shifter!