Putin: Pedophiles and Traffickers Hiding in Azovstal


If one believes the mainstream media, the final stand for the Ukrainian city of Mariupol began this week as Russian forces entered the massive Azovstal steel plant where, according to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have been hiding for weeks.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, has a different take on who exactly is hiding within the subterranean bunkers and tunnels of the colossal coastal complex.

On a Wednesday evening call with President Donald J. Trump, Putin said that child traffickers responsible for the abduction of thousands of Russian children were embedded among the civilians trapped inside Azovstal. He also claimed that Zelensky was endangering the lives of thousands of innocents by sheltering traffickers at Azovstal.

“Putin told Trump he saw two possibilities. Either Zelenskyy is genuinely trying to protect the traffickers, using civilians as human shields, or he’s hoping Putin bombs the place to oblivion, killing everyone, including the traffickers so they, if caught, can’t implicate Zelenskyy in the biggest human trafficking ring the world has ever known,” our Mar-a-Lago source said.

Putin, he added, namedropped two persons: Yuriy Kosiuk, a Ukrainian billionaire whose estate on the Khotiv settlement Russian forces had bombed to smithereens, and Alexan Hadjetian, an affluent Armenian national who had been marketing children on Ukrainian soil for nearly 20 years. Putin said he had solid evidence both men were camouflaged somewhere inside Azovstal’s dark, twisting, difficult to navigate tunnel system.

“Putin said the Ukrainian ‘freedom fighters’ entrenched in Azovstal don’t know the truth about Kosiuk and Hadjetian, that they’ve been led to believe they’re key to the resistance and must be protected at all costs. It’s Putin’s feeling the blood of civilians is on Zelenskyy’s hands, since it’s he who is using them as human shields to safeguard the child traffickers and pedophiles,” our source said.

Vladimir Putin, a humanitarian, has allowed hundreds of civilians to safely egress the area through a controlled evacuation corridor, with Russian troops—who have photographs of Kosiuk, Hadjetian, and a half dozen other known traffickers—scrutinizing every departure.

Before laying siege to Azovstal, Putin purportedly gave Zelenskyy a chilling ultimatum: “Surrender the scum criminals and turn yourself in, or I’m not responsible for what happens next.”

“Since we received no reply, the pig Zelenskyy’s intentions are clear,” Putin reportedly told Trump. “He will continue to give these evil men refuge. Maybe he wants me to kill them so they won’t testify against him. These men inside have done horrible atrocities and will not escape.”

Moreover, Putin made an urgent plea to President Trump, asking him to use his next rally to warn the world about what is really happening in Ukraine.

“President Putin, I’m with you, and I understand, but, you know, things are too hot here right now. I am working behind the scenes to get big things out in the open, but right now that’s the best I can do. Soon, very, very soon, the world will know what you’ve done to protect our children,” Trump replied.

In closing the call, Putin assured Trump that tales of him losing his mind or abdicating his presidency due to cancer were fictions created by the CIA.

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This is one time in history (outside of WWII, where Russia wanted world communism and was willing to fight the Nazis) where Russia is actually an ally in some way of the USA.
Mr. Putin, thank you for bombing all the bioweb labs underground, and freeing the children from torture and despicable organ harvesting by the vicious satanists in ukraine (doesn’t deserve capitol letter).

Afshin Nejat

“Powerful read. Couldn’t put it down”.
-Tom Clancy
Real or not, this is way behind the curve, cognitively and morally. This is just bobbing up for air so we can drown some more at this rate. But man truly is as La Rochefoucauld says, a creature for whom real vice is as normal as pretended virtue.


Attention Putin if your reading this ………..
I think your a good guy. I know its the parasitical nazi deep states all around the world that depend on this dark money.


Love the comments on the donation page. 20 million special ops forces just in the USA and weren’t relieved of their oaths!!

“dually” elected. so biden and trump are tag teaming the presidency. god damn our country is full of idiots

I’m only one of over 20+ million highly skilled and special forces veterans living within our beloved republic who have never been relieved of our sworn oaths. Thousands need to be arrested for treason, sedition and crimes against humanity of the highest order. For love of God country and liberty Donald Trump is my dually elected President and Commanding Chief of these United States.


LMAO at oan settling their suit in the quietest way. Gateway pundit and Rudy about to settle next 🤣🤣🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The right-wing cable network One America News Network on Monday ran a pre-recorded 30-second segment acknowledging that there was “no widespread voter fraud” by Georgia election workers in the 2020 presidential election. The segment appears to be part of a recent settlement relating to a defamation lawsuit brought against the network by two such workers.

The segment notes that an investigation by state officials into unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud made by ex-President Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani turned up nothing. “The results of this investigation indicate that Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ‘Shaye’ Moss did not engage in ballot fraud or criminal misconduct,” a narrator states.


Donations are at an all time low averaging $20 per day. Didn’t anyone get a tax return? Support payment? SSI payment? Start donating again!


Tax return? Pfft didn’t you hear, Ted? NESARA just went into effect several weeks ago, making the IRS totally obsolete and practically defunct. There is no need for any of us to pay federal taxes anymore! Surely there will be no consequences to this decision!


Mike wrote himself into a corner. As much as he wants to write that Trump was behind the SCOTUS entertaining the idea of overturning Roe V Wade but he wrote too many stories saying that the Justices were under house arrest or executed. I think we may wind down soon.


This was inevitable but really this was about the friends we made along the way (including Jill’s fupa)


Here’s a suggestion for you guys: write that Trump simply replaced ACB and Sotomayor with new Justices. Welcome to the court, Justice Diamond and Justice Silk! Also you can write that Trump signed a secret executive order that completely removes the Senate’s role in the SCOTUS confirmation process, and lets Trump just pick anybody he wants and put them on the court immediately, and even remove other justices from their lifetime appointments anytime he pleases 🤷‍♂️

Stinky Perfume

Is this news ongoing? Because the news is all over Putin threatening he can nuke Britain now (if they interfere with his Ukraine take over) So the fact he said he can as a threat and he is quoted saying there would be nothing left in Britain if he did, is where it’s at now? I can only guess if those thousands there in the Steel Plant are moving on. Putin is scary with his nuke talk, always has been but can he? What is fear? False Evidence Appearing Real. I look to see if he can nuke Britain and it looks like a no, as there’s too many people there. They don’t even bomb Ukraine unless the people already moved out from being scared off from distant bombs. It’s not like what happened on Gaza Strip or Syria. I don’t even think those people got a warning. Someone was big time after them from space weapons. Nuke talk don’t seem real since Fukushima was the last nuke event.


In 1984 – at the height of the Cold War – Mr Trump even told a Washington Post interviewer he wanted to be put in charge of US-Russia nuclear arms negotiations.

“It would take an hour-and-a-half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles,” Mr Trump said. “I think I know most of it anyway.”

Stinky Perfume

I’m saying the last big nuke event was Fukushima, before that it was Chernobyl. Oddly enough Chernobyl was cleared, of considerable radiation lingering.

It’s easy to see the area is kind of habitable, people live nearby, and it’s not much radiation, videos showed them 20-25 years ago, and they couldn’t move because they were too poor to get out but they were all fine, so the proof is in, the stuff get’s cleaned up more than they admit because I guess they wanted the area more vacant so they nuke for other reasons and nuclear power plants is just another way of what’s said to be opening portals.

Chernobyl is said to be loaded with trapped interdimensional demons in one rant nobody knows is true or not but it’s well documented in a story like rant on YT where fact looking like fiction is allowed but not if it sounds real. Same theme here on RRN where it has to look like parody fictional.

These interdimensional demons can escape to surface earth according to Gene Decodes. Normally they are too huge and need some kind of huge portal to get out. This was said to be the plan for Notre Dame but right before Lucifer ceremony day entrance via portal came to happen, Gene Decodes said Japan set it on fire to destroy the portal from allowing this creature to get to surface earth and inhabit a body. The plan was to take over the world as the antichrist in some male body, after escaping. What keeps them inside the earth I don’t know but something underground is the critical issue of human trafficking.

Rob William

Did you use google translate?

Stinky Perfume

If that’s a joke it went over my head.


Why is President Donald J Trump begging the court to stop fining him for not turning over documents requested in discovery but turned over his personal phone? What is Putin calls?
“President Donald Trump said he no longer has four cell phones identified by the New York attorney general’s investigation into the Trump Organization’s finances but has turned over his personal phone to be searched as he begs a state judge to lift a civil contempt ruling that so far has cost him $140,000.”

buck fiden

My biggest complaint about Trump is that he allowed the cougar and the midget to implement their MasKara Ultra Programme on the American people along with their deadly vaccines. Trump likes to delegate, but he delegated our freedom away with these two fraudsters.

Stinky Perfume

Gene Decodes ranted on and on about that on rumble over a year ago. He said Trump had to do this because the military was given the power by Trump to take over, and the military wanted the vaccine program. The program wasn’t known said Decodes for what it was, the situation he claims is the vaccines were designed to kill off MK Ultra people. Their DNA is not considered enough human and they were created to get into these programs to rule the earth. There’s not a block in America without them. They are the teachers, police, politicians, Hollywood, and on and on….Decodes claims there’s a variety of human percentages of DNA in individuals but the higher the percentage the quicker the thing kills people off and someone with hardly any caananite or non human DNA has an easy time with the vaccine. All the other antivax news acts like all human beings are the same. I’m hearing over and over that the exemptions to the vax mandates went immediately to the politicians who basically exempted themselves which made it clear from the beginning but the people getting dead from it, these could represent the MK Ultra population. Athletes aren’t as great as they act like, it’s all programming and fakery how they got into supersoldier like talent and skills.


he’s either negligent or an idiot. either way, if this was biden, mb would have hundreds of stories lined up about phone taps and hacking (well, what he thinks is hacking)

Ron Burgundy



Stay classy.


Still betting this is a kinder, gentler version of Putin…as in clone, or look a like.


For whatever it’s worth, Biden’s Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack was slated to be terminated today, Monday, May 09th. Maybe we’ll hear about it tomorrow.

Rob William

His body triple clone has already taken his place and giving speeches. He was speaking at UMN crookston yesterday.


I tried to call up the US Department of Agriculture and demand that they come clean about his arrest and not replace him with yet another identical clone, but unfortunately they already did and the clone answered the phone and he just cackled and said, “You’re too late!!” 😕


The real Donald Trump is gone, dead. He is not coming back and I hope they don’t put in a fake one like they did with Biden. Trump died from prostate cancer. He didn’t do what God wanted him to do. He was a deceiver. The family knows he’s dead, yet keep having these rallies over and over which say nothing but still praise Operation Warp Speed and deadly ventilators. Why are people so stupid?!

Rob William

Your information about Trump is most probably incorrect. About the second point, I can understand your skepticism about the vaccines. Why do you think ventilators are bad? They have been used for last few decades and has saved innumerous lives for pneumonia, heart failures, organ transplants etc.


Where is your source? What does Trump family gain from hiding his ” death”. Your postulation is far fetched. Also, Biden is all too real, unfortunately.


honey…biden is not real at all…even Bo Jo noticed it when he meet him last year …cameras been promptly cut off….


Lol keep telling yourself this for the next 3 years, sej


Because he is the president and can not leave the country, especially when in possession of the nuclear codes, Donald J Trump has chosen to identify as deceased for tax purposes. This is a proven way for a person who already owes money to the tax authorities or wishes to avoid being liable in the future to taxation at what they consider high tax rates, instead of choosing to reside in a foreign country or jurisdiction which has no taxes or lower tax rates, they claim to be deceased for 366 days. In general, there is no extradition agreement between countries which covers extradition for outstanding tax liabilities against a deceased person who has no estate.


I’m not saying I believe your statement on Trump is true or not but, I’ve seen you post this again and again but, without providing your source. So, provide your source, a link, a whatever but back it up so others can look into it and decide for themselves. If you don’t provide something solid than this is nothing more than a statement that holds no water and thereby people will take it as false, and your credibility is shot. Looks like you posted this about an hour ago, I have time, I can wait but people want more than just mere words, people want proof, like a credible source.


lmao i can’t believe someone on rrn is asking for a source when the source for rrn is an “anonymous dude” in florida


To add insult to injury, they are asking for a source so that they can do their own research. What they are saying is proving something means nothing to them.
“If we can’t live in peace, then let’s die in peace. “ ~ Jim Jones.

J Bill

words to live by….


drink some kool-aid


“So, provide your source, a link, a whatever but back it up so others can look into it and decide for themselves. If you don’t provide something solid than this is nothing more than a statement that holds no water and thereby people will take it as false, and your credibility is shot.“
Really? Do you know what site you are on? There have been 526 stories on here and 482 of them claim that their sources wish to remain anonymous. We were told that the Gates Foundation threatened the site but nothing was ever provided to back it up. We see people daily who were reported to have been executed but everyone here just believes it without question.


Hahaha! A fresh spin on it all. You know, Ruth, wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants. Actually, if that were true, then the FBI, CIA and AOC Biden-Chinese-Nancy cabal would have total power – total control, and therefore they’d already have us in the Walmart gulags. But Trump is NOT dead, and his *white* hat alliance is up and running full speed ahead.

Again, for those of you who are slow; how do we know Trump’s still alive and well? because we aren’t in Walmart gulags! If the DS really did actually have any power, we’d be locked up and headed for the Obama Chanelle guiotines (sp?) by now.

Stinky Perfume

I think he’s dead also, and the new one is a tad less senile. Take the original Putin, I like the new Putin one better except for the lies, which don’t want that. It’s like a horror story to have to live all these lies with them living to create body doubles, clones, actors…..


Possible lessons learned from the Ukraine war. Lab rats and pedophiles go hand in hand seems like.


The Ukraine has been the Operation’s Center of Evil since WWII! Adolf Hitler was into the Occult and even though he escaped to Argentina, The Fourth Reigh flourished in the Ukraine! Human Trafficking, Satanism and Every Horror Imaginable lies at the feet of Zulinski and his Mafia Ridden Satanist’s! Cut the Head Off of the Snake and Destroy the Ukrainian Leader through every means necessary! Since Putin has them Cornered, The “Rod’s of GOD” need to Target and Wipe them from the Face of the Earth! The World needs to go back to the Old Ways of Conducting Business with Sniper Assassination’s and Overwhelming the Satanist’s! Same Thing needs to happen in America, Satanist’s have No Rights on GOD’s Creation! The Lambs Book of Life Will sort them Out and Satan with his followers can be locked Away in Hell for 1000 years!!




lyao all the way to hell boy


Lol it’s wild how Ukraine was a country that got barely any attention until Putin in invaded it (and did a really shitty job of invading it) and now suddenly like every other conspiracy theory has been retconned to take place in/originate from Ukraine, like it’s the most important place in the world and always has been.


[yawn] ‘conspiracy theory’ getting as tired as, ‘racist’


.shitty job???? ….you know BS whats going on in the 404 country….Russian forces already liberated those 2 republics on east and whole -black sea coast…

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
Rob William

Wow this is funny 😄 😄


The thing that truly rocks about this insane version of ‘history’ is that Ukraine did not even exist as a nation until 1991. Before, during, and long after WW2 the Ukraine region was a part of the USSR. You know, that same USSR that fought an especially brutal and deadly front against Nazi Germany?

So in this version of ‘events’ the USSR brutally fought the Nazis for years, lost an estimated 27 million lives (the most of any nation by far) took tremendous structural damage with whole towns and regions lost to scorched earth warfare, and then, following the defeat of the German Nazi regime, the USSR just.. let the Nazis stroll right back in and set up shop in their territory, just like that? And stay there for decades and take over the local governments and everything? Honestly where do you guys come up with this nonsense 🙃


I bet Joy Behar would jump from Empire of State bldg with/with out parachute…..


nobody gives a fuck


nope. not funny. truth.


According to the survey conducted on request of the International Center for Advanced Studies in 2014-2015, the distribution of religious beliefs in the regions of Ukraine (with the exception of the Lugansk region and Crimea) looks like this:

Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate) – 44.2%,
Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) – 20.8%,
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church – 11%,
Protestants – 2.5%,
Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church – 2.4%,
Roman Catholic Church – 1%,
Buddhism – 0.2%,
Paganism – 0.2%,
Islam – 0.1%,
Judaism – 0.1%,
Others – 8%.


I hope we get a new story soon. Mike and I wrote a good one about abortion over the weekend.

John .S

I’m writing a book on the Cuomo Brothers, going back to their grandfather. Unresolved Fredo issues causing delays.

Best sellers list, here I come, have publisher chomping at the bit. Publisher said: “Martin Scorsese will want to talk to you”, I replied: “prefer Quentin Tarantino”.


It will probably have a great soundtrack!


Thank you for your continued support. We are sorry to hear that you have been dissatisfied with the content as we strive to provide our readers with the most patriotic promises and first quality hope. Please keep in mind that we have provided everyone with jocular waggery between whoever we are executing and Admin Crandall. Whilst we endeavor to make all of our donors happy, there are some obstacles always in our way. Clones and aliens are paramount among our foils as of late. Be that as it may, I have been moved by your plea and have personally made a donation to St Jude Children’s Hospital under the name of Mr. Eustace Haney in the hope that it would clear his name.
Enjoy your Sunday Mr Douglas! You deserve it.


I suspect it is because we respect each other.


“JBill is here to provide blow jobs to anyone that actually thinks for themselves.”


Last edited 2 years ago by Jason

No Quarter.
The Deal is Done !



Lucky Star

For you bastard


Could you briefly explain what you mean by that?

David T

Military terminology. People who serve or served this Nation’s military understand. Which is why you and DF J son don’t have a clue.


Did you serve in the 17th century?

J Bill

“The Deal is Done ! ”

Trump won… again. Thanks for playing….


trump won his seat in maralago lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Rob William

More mercy!

question everything

I was once accused of throwing pearls before swine here, and there is obviously some truth to the accusation, as so many here trample the truth in the mud. But I don’t think everyone that reads the comments here fits that description. There is also the parable of the sower to consider; not all seed falls on good soil, but that doesn’t stop the sower from sowing. So, with that said, this is for those few who still have ears to hear:


sir, this is a Wendy’s

question everything

Could I get chili with that, then? And a spicy chicken sandwich, medium fries, and a large sweet tea?

question everything

I did notice a lot of swine on the menu…


My laugh of the day. Good one.


sir, we don’t put cops on the menu at wendy’s

question everything

Of the 13 chicken sandwiches on the menu, 10 have bacon on them.
Are you sure you know where that meat comes from? Are you sure it isn’t one of the Gates Foundations inventions?


Since Bill Gates was captured and executed by JAG, his assets would have been seized by the US Government. So when you suggest that the Gates Foundation is behind something, you are actually accusing the US Government. To some people, that would be treason.


If you’re referring to J Bill then don’t take it personally. He’s just universally an asshole and feels the need to bully everyone here including people who are generally already on his side 🤷‍♂️

question everything

I really don’t remember who said it, but I remember thinking that it was weird that they would refer to themselves as swine.

J Bill

you’re the bully. like you own everybody’s posts with your drivel goat shit, while calling everyone a gullible dumbass. fo already you lying, two-faced nutjob.


“you’re the bully.”

cry fupa lifter lmaooooooooooooooooo


Now now, to be fair Bill, I only call people gullible dumbasses when they are rude and combative (like yourself.) To people who are nicer or seem to be genuinely asking questions I try to explain to them what a liar and grifter Michael Baxter is in a nice way 🙂



Wolf people

Tore said that she paid a hooker to drop off Hunter’s laptop at the repair shop.


How’s her run for secretary of state? The one she can’t run in because she would rather cry about incorrectly completing required forms and found she can grift instead


Sunday, may 8th
This is a Beautiful Sunny Day

Last edited 2 years ago by Wildcat



Sunday… Sunny Day… holy shit I think this is some kind of code, you must be on to something Wildcat. Something big. Bigger than any of us…. 🤔


I don’t believe anything Wildcat says.

question everything

When Chairman Mao Zedong came to power in China, one of his first jobs was to commission a nationwide survey asking for suggestions on ‘how to improve governance’.

After receiving the results, Mao had his goons track down and kill the people who made the ‘best’ suggestions.

Beware of surveys, petitions, and expressing your views on the new ‘free-speech’ Twitter platform…..it’s could be a Mao-style trap!

Angel Askew

Musk= Neuralink, Starlink and Transhumanism. He is simply leading the sheep to a path of slaughter that allows him to grossly profit before hand.
5G Towers MUST come down AND our entire govt needs to be replaced. IMMEDIATELY.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

Yeah Angel I bet any of those things will happen any day now 😴


Lol do you think Twitter Inc is going to send out murder squads to kill their own users who make suggestions on how to improve the site? 🤔

question everything

In the last two years, the people and government in this country have done many things I didn’t think they would ever do. The people of China probably thought they were ‘safe’ also.


“Mao played a personal role in organising the mass repressions and established a system of execution quotas, which were often exceeded. He defended these killings as necessary for the securing of power.”
Sound familiar? Learn history or repeat history.

question everything

This just in:
The ‘Ministry of Truth’ announce that there is NO SUCH THING as the Deep State, because governments and the bureaucracy love you, and are always working in your best interests.


So you read 1984 or just the Cliff Notes?

question everything

Do you work for the thought police or are you just a wannabe?


, Big Brother ,…has your back
I am still waiting for the Tax refund
Where is it. ?
Maybe the IRS is broke. !
What if. Social security is running out of money.
Ministry of Truth. ? Did it need to communicate that
There is NO SUCH THING as the
Deep State. ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Wildcat
question everything

I don’t know about your tax refund. The last tax refund I got was in 1991. Maybe my social credit score isn’t high enough.


Fix your w4 dumbass

question everything

There is nothing wrong with my W4, Oh Wise One.


Your refund is based on your w4. If you’re not getting a refund you’re perfectly balanced or you owe (and fucked up). No social credit score is involved dumbass

question everything

I know, Oh Wise One. I did not say that I was owed a return, just that I didn’t get one since 1991. I know how the tax system works; remember, I’m a boomer…been doin’ this a long time. The social credit score comment was sarcastic satire….that’s my story and I’m stickin’ with it!



“Maybe my social credit score isn’t high enough.”

Rob William

No more negotiations about the storyline. 😀 BTW there is a Black Mirror episode about social credit score.


The Ministry of Disinformation & Propaganda is the better term.
Goebbels 2.0


Good God you write like you’re translating text and adding your own punctuation

J Bill

this in for a long time now: you’re a liar.

question everything

Can you comprehend sarcasm?


jill can’t comprehend much tbh

Rob William

Or bureaucrats don’t work at all. Of course, there has to be a counterbalance to the bureaucracy & judiciary otherwise they will become our masters – but that will not come from completely unsubstantiated and hard to believe stories which include rapidly maturing clones, military picking up anyone they like etc. if that happens military will become our new masters. We don’t want move from one master to another isn’t it?


Totally legit story. Here is the next paragraph.
After loaning Biden the keyboard and sending him on his way, Mac Isaac grabbed a beer and got to work extracting the data from the third laptop’s hard drive.


Oh are whistleblowers good now?

John .S

vancouvertimes (dot) org/vp-of-pfizer-arrested-after-document-dump/


LMAO that website is infested with ads. Definitely legit 👍

John .S

Video clips within that link are interesting, worth a second look.


Nope 🤣


They are infested with virus and spam bots. Who is paying you to do this?

David T

Who is paying you and the other troll turd to infest this site?



J Bill

btc is dead…. again. bye.


how’s that qfs going? nesara? still not happening? lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

wanna play big bank take little bank?

these soros pockets stay fatter than that fupa your wife hauls around on chow night

J Bill

fall hard. then die.


Lol Bill is mad that his imaginary Quantum money doesn’t exist when it was supposed to replace USD like over a month ago. How much ‘worthless’ cash did you send away to the QFS currency inspectors or whatever, Bill? 🙃


For what I did to stop the J&J shot, you are welcome.

Rob William

I love the domain name of it. They would have paid a lot for it.


Hope President Trump does say something about it at his next rally, because it doesn’t sit well with me hearing him bad mouth Putin so savagely at those rallies.


Yes sending mixed signals does not work well for some but as Q says optics are important during the fog of war. I am leaving everything in God’s hands and he knows what is best for us. We just need to trust him unconditionally. Blessings,

Rob William

He sends only signal, you get fictional theories from RRN.


Yeah how is this not completely obvious? The words coming out of Trump’s own mouth do not match RRN ‘reports’ because RRN is Trump/qanon fan-fiction. Trump is opposed to Putin’s war and he is not having super-secret phone calls with him about all your little qanon fantasies, guys.

John .S

The ‘Art of the Deal’ includes the Art of the Psy-op [smoke and mirrors].

Anyone can read, though reading in-between the lines is key.

Many experience difficulties deciphering shades of gray, also in seeing through smoke.

In hyperbole, Trump engaged in serious round of cards, in playing close to vest, poker face tactics [mixed signals] deployed.

Stakes are high, card shoe has multiple decks, table has advanced rotating players.

Coca-Cola talks to Pepsi, and Trump talks to Putin whereas, Child Trafficking, and Crimes Against Humanity the common objective as Trump rants Putin as smoke screen tactic portraying adversaries [not on same team].

Astute know a diversionary Boogyman always in the mix, currently Putin, and kept alive in the psyche of the simpleton that cannot decipher shades of gray.

Again, reading in-between the lines is key.

J Bill

Good one. Complicated dynamics and choreography of two consummate pressure players.

Hard to believe Putin got UN to ‘cave’ and participate in the extraction process. Even harder to believe UN didn’t know how high level nato commanders got stuck in the tunnels in the first place. “Art of the Deal…”

Can’t imagine what it’s like to be a fly on the wall in Azovstal…


“Art of the Deal…”

Angel Askew

EVERYTHING is a “jump ball” now. EVERY government is against it’s people and needs to be replaced immediately.
UN just signed an agreement with WEF and WHO on Friday.
We are far too complacent.
Durham needs to move faster.
Bless that man’s ❤️!
2000 mules is compelling.
Roe v Wade is a distraction from the sterilization and deaths of all the women that’s coming.
The SCOTUS leak was a distraction from the Ghislaine Maxwell case. The Judge shaved 10 years off of her sentence the same day.
If you have the time and where with all to get involved I encourage each if us to do so. Theyareout to kill us. Trump is playing both sides to the middle.
Live a joyful life.
There is no where to run to.

Rob William

Replaced with what? Govt will be replaced with govt… you will get a chance in 2022 and 2024.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Daughter of the American Revolution

U.N. = UNHOLY. When you think exactly about what the UN is.. wicked leaders of nations coming together, and creating their own one-world, wicked army…all in the name of “peace-keeping.” That is Babylon/Tower of Babel creepy crap all over again. I have always sensed the pure evil in that organization and they need to GTFO of my country and stay out.

Angel Askew

Agreed, DOTAR!! Unfortunately, The Rinos are much worse than the lame-o Democrats.
The big Q is HOW??

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew
Rob William

Psy-ops doesn’t you have to become a delusional psycho. May be Trump doesn’t love Putin as much as MB.


The Pureblood Armies are building & uniting.


By reposting stories and tweeting? Learn from my example and actually do something for once in your sad sorry life.

Lucky Star

Yes your sad sorry life is trolling anyone here and become a avid trolls, pretending as a co-writer here🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣… sad sorry …stroy of your life.. full of failure


Ted has met with local and national reps. What have you done besides be a bitch in the comment section of a blog?

Lucky Star

Said the paid trolls like you???🤣🤣🤣


Call your reps. I know you’re not American so you have no idea what Ted has done

Lucky Star

He was done nothing other than pretending to be co-writter. Do I care about your suggestion? Nope.

Once a troll always a troll. And no one believe anything that’s coming out of your mouth anyway

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucky Star

LMAO idgaf. Ted has done work. You translate your bullshit into English for a WordPress blog. Fuck off and cry more 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Last edited 2 years ago by Jason
J Bill

j-troll is feeling the “pressure.” btc sinking like a lead baloon again?



Rob William

What is pureblood? Do they do a DNA analysis and do a match? The social norms of marriage themselves lead to diversity of DNA.


Its being done every single day, you just don’t get the memo’s.


I hope your nursing home takes away your internet privilege.


Go figure!
They’re all sick in the head.

Rob William

😀 this is really funny!


Not as funny as Bidens new Propaganda Minister for the Safety of Disinformation…um whats her face again – slack jaw miss Goebbels?



He can still be heard several day’s later say’n,..
I Did’n do Nuth’n man!


Grifter receiving give send go funds..


don’t be shy


Thats right Jeromy,…..Jason wants a little of you like your Daddy does.


Yeah goober that’s it. God you marks are the dumbest fucks on the planet and you vote. Jfc

J Bill

triggered!!!! good one goober. you hit the nail on the hammerhead….


God damn you’re an idiot. Donate more marks 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can understand your daddy has pulled your pigtails a few too many time’s around his waist and all that other crap you do, but get yourself a looser fitting black hat than you have right now, its cutting the blood circulation to your puny brain. Other than that, you can be back to rubbing your hands together and bobbing & weaving back & forth again real soon.

Lilian Aquino

Why do people engage with trolls? It’s soo boring to see the trolls looong arguments about literally NOTHING! They will question you about everything. Please let them be, just ignore them.


Who are you

Lucky Star

Your nightmare


Nah. nobody in the comment section of a WordPress blog is anything close to worrisome


Lmao. 2spooky, Lucky, much 2spooky.

David T

Agreed. There are actually only 2 of them but they have an ever-rotating list of about a dozen names that they use. I agree that ignoring the trolls is the best course of action and will make for a better experience on the RRN site. There didn’t use to be any on here, but over the last year, it’s gotten bad with them. Like an infestation of sorts.


for being such great researchers, you’re all idiots.

no wonder nothing ever happens

Rob William

research based poor references and improbably assumptions is worse than not doing any research.


1) Research is over, unless you’re a newbie.
2) Sorry,…jails are full, you’ll have to wait your turn.

Last edited 2 years ago by goober

You must have missed the baking going on. Too bad you missed out. Have fun donating and being a mark.


Lol you say you agree that ignoring the trolls is the best course of action, and yet you do not ignore the trolls yourself David, you constantly reply to the trolls with homoerotic fantasizations. Curious 🤔

Daughter of the American Revolution

The problem is it pays too well, so there are loads of them on here arguing with each other just to keep the comments going so they get paid more because not enough decent people want to actually engage them.

I agree its ridiculous and annoying having to keep on scrolling past them. It’s like San Francisco or any other shithole democrat city, the crap piles up, stinks, and you have to step over it constantly when the lowlifes are getting rewarded for being lowlifes.


These pockets stay fat

question everything

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?


a lot of profit for no work. jfc you’re all idiots

David T

That is a perfect analogy! I might add to it that the one shitting on the sidewalks think everyone else should clean up after them.


Step over this comment while you bitch on a WordPress blog. Keep being a bitch though! Donate more mark

David T

You think you’re so smart, but you’re so damn dumb, you don’t even know how stupid-dumb you are. I laugh at every one of your stupid-ass posts, and would love to laugh in your face as well! Keep the stupidity coming, troll turd!


is this supposed to be one of those “dunking on trolls” posts you previously mentioned?

the only thing closer to a boomer posting w/e the fuck you just tried to say, is those boomer progressive commercials. god damn log off boomers. get off the internet. you should be arrested for owning a device which MIGHT connect to the internet.

David T

There you go again DF. Telling people who disagree with your fundamentally flawed idea of how the world should be, to “get off the internet.” Wow. What kind of arrogant ass are you? I’d like to interview your parents if you even know who they are, write down everything they did raising you, and then write a book listing all those things and title the book “How to NOT raise your kids” (unless you want them to turn out to be total pieces of shit) and then I’d put your butt-ass ugly picture on the cover.


damn the ebs needs to warn us when boomers connect to the internet. log off boomer!!!!

J Bill



Well, they admit they are poop posting, so….their medium is their message.

David T

They sure are!


Agreed. Why hold polite conversation with beings who sell out humanity for nickels, and would sell out their own mother for a penny?

Gunny HiWay

Russia should NUKE Kiev today.
Regardless of the ramifications.

Rob William

Good that you don’t have any position of responsibility for anything on earth.

J Bill

surprised you didn’t notice that earlier. gunny has a phD in advanced trolling.


do you ever rest your head on that massive fupa?

Dave F

Sickem Vlad !!! Sickem!!!

William Turner

Why is it so difficult to capture Yuriy Kosiuk and Alexan Hadjetian? Putin knows everything about these child traffickers, including where they are hiding, right?


Because Zelensky knows where they are and won’t give them up to Putin. He refuses to surrender. He wants to be the big Ukrainian cheese that takes down the fearless Russian boss. It’s not going to happen.

David T

Probably for the similar types of reasons it took years to hunt down Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.


Bin Ladens name was really Bill Osman, a ci_a agent put deep undercover to create an illusion to fabricate war. It was all preplanned, if you think back to when Bill Clinton bombed some warlords playground deep in Afghanistan, it was a prelude to war even though it didn’t happen fast enough. Anyway, that was just to rile them up and ruffle some feathers before Bush decided to send in troops after 9/11 (either your with us or against us) with a few other Countries just to Sacrifice a few thousand more Christian & Muslim lives along with a few Billion in large and small arms etc. all for the Khazarian Mafia profiteers. The plan has always been for the Khazarians to destroy large populations of Muslims so they cannot fight back against them in Isreal, when they have always wanted the Ukraine back after the Russians once kicked them out. Here in the States, their better known as Zionists, but either way they’re Khazarians and they’re a Mafia.
Lets all just hope Biden stops giving Zelenskyy $$$33 Billion every other month.

David T

No kidding about By-dun giving Z billions. I wonder what percentage of that ends up back in Joe “the big guy” By-dun’s offshore bank accounts.


Perhaps the white hats have all that money watermarked just as the ballots were for easy tracking in the 2020 elections. I hope and pray that is not strictly wishful thinking on my part. Jesus, we trust in you, amen.

David T

Amen to that, amen! God’s plans are at work, may His will be done, and may us good and faithful servants be instruments of His will on Earth.




Human Trafficking is a multi-Billion dollar biss the Deep State cannot afford to lose, nor get themselves any further exposed in, or allow many many others to be exposed such as Joe Biden (blackmailed), but eventually if Zelenskyy don’t give it all up, its all out fun times for Russia.


Count on Vlad having all out fun times. No way in hell is he letting those traitors and paedos escape.

John .S

No capture, alleged Fredo is there, running a protection rackett shaking down whomever.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S
buck fiden

First thing I’m gonna do when I’m back home is to fire up the old car waiting for me and take a week-long trip into the desert. Who cares if it will be 110°+ degrees and gasoline will top $5/gallon?


25 more days!


count me in! if…you need a third wheel that is

buck fiden

I know several women in LA but none speak Engrish. They love white dick, a rare commodity in Monterey Pock. LA is now only 27% white, which means 13% white guys.

OK, Jason, and OWD! We’ll put our politics aside, get three sheets to the wind, and chink out! That’s the American way! Let’s not get any STDs! As one of them said to me, “No gruv, no ruv.”

Daughter of the American Revolution

About 70% of the white guys in So Cal (depending on age group) are limp-wristed Soy-eating.. if they have a girlfriend she’s mannish with pink hair and wears the pants for sure. Gen X are the only ‘men’ I see left and many dying off. Sometimes I wonder if it might actually be good for Russia to send us some of their men, seems there’s an abundance there – but judging from the women younger than Gen X, there’s only ho’s or marxist SJWs with hairy pits that no man would want.

We ARE in deep crap aren’t we… We need a miracle from God for sure.

buck fiden

Commiefornia just needs to import strong white midwestern men from rural communities/farm country. They’re straight, tattoo-free, and could make many children, unlike the fag-boys and halfbreeds roaming LA, SF and SD.

Daughter of the American Revolution

It’s too horrendous a mess here, the midwestern boys don’t want to be here; I dated a few of those, soldiers in my younger years; they hated CA, I couldn’t blame ’em. IF we ever get the mass arrests of leftist traitors/criminal/illegal deportations we’d have a shot at making this state beautiful again.
The strength I see coming from the Russian men is what we USED to be, before 0bongo the Usurper slithered in. We need that back. Only going to happen by an act of YHWH God above.

Angel Askew

This is absolutely true. All beta’s.

Daughter of the American Revolution

Some of the ones I see, I wonder if there’s another class down from beta… yeeeeesh.

Angel Askew

Yep. They’re confused and gay and want to be you.


Lol ok, so leave. Seeya 👋


First round is on me!

David T

I have a .44 mag round. Interested?

J Bill

you do threesomes?

buck fiden

¡Mucho mejor! Gracias.

Only have a numbness in my fourth finger on the right hand. Everything else is OK and I got out of having to do outdoor work for the rest of my stay.


Buck, what did you get put in there for? What was the crime? How long have you been in there?

Tracy Reinert

Prayers that the innocents are released & the civilian confused come to their right minds, before Putin does what he must.

J Bill

Apparently 1,000 civilians were released, including some soldiers. But many soldiers remained underground. Now facing “phase 2” of Putin’s rescue efforts.

Tracy Reinert

Putin is proving to be a very good man, a great leader, & a very dangerous military genius.

Rob William

If that’s the question with those choices — (4) none of the above.


I saw that Zelenskyy personally owns an estate in Florida worth an estimated 40 million USD. I wonder where he obtained the money.

John .S

Wonder if that alleged property boarders Disney, and has tunnel and Gavin Newsom type dungeon?



Rob William

Zelenskyy university.


Statement by White hats from Restored Rebublic:

  • Be careful Patriot Anon Freedom Fighters across the world. Be careful of those who divide inside the Great Awakening. Many are drunk on ego, were followers, or simply were drunks and high who take to social media to vent (hate/accuse) instead of seeking help for their mental, drug or alcohol problems.
  • Some of us were not here for these games, followers or being a keyboard warrior looking for fights and raging nonsense. Some of us are here because we truly care for humanity, nature, animals and Earth.
  • No matter where you are, seek peace. God will not do for you what you can do for yourself. (This means learn to use all your sacred senses in Harmony. Come to a clean life and Light).
  • The Great Awakening is much more than can be fathomed.
Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Rob William

When will you publish latest rankings?


We wary of the many time wastoing Trolls & Shills trying to destoy this platform…..


You’re wasting people’s time with multiple redundant posts 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Rob William

At least post the latest rankings (1) long version best (2) rapid best (3) blitz best


We wary of the many time wastoing Trolls & Shills trying to destoy this platform…..

Statement by White hats from Restored Rebublic:

White Hat Intelligence:

  • Be careful Patriot Anon Freedom Fighters across the world. Be careful of those who divide inside the Great Awakening. Many are drunk on ego, were followers, or simply were drunks and high who take to social media to vent (hate/accuse) instead of seeking help for their mental, drug or alcohol problems.
  • Some of us were not here for these games, followers or being a keyboard warrior looking for fights and raging nonsense. Some of us are here because we truly care for humanity, nature, animals and Earth.
  • No matter where you are, seek peace. God will not do for you what you can do for yourself. (This means learn to use all your sacred senses in Harmony. Come to a clean life and Light).
  • The Great Awakening is much more than can be fathomed.

Was the Bible the first Mainstream Media Mockingbird Controlled Narration?

  • Think about it: Why did the Pope Alexander the VI want Michelangelo to create a white Jesus. Why did Michelangelo paint Jesus with blue eyes, white skin and paint Jesus as Cesare Borgia (his lover – the Pope’s son)?
  • Today the media, Facebook, Google can lie at any point and it’s controlled by the Deep State 6000 year old Cabal, who created the CIA and most all Intel agencies, wars and Central Banks.
  • But somehow the Bible, in the hands of the Romans, gay Popes and Vatican managed to be untarnished?
  • Imagine all the Christian Wars, the Knight Templars, creation of the first Banking System through the Bible and Romans.
  • Don’t get me wrong. I believe in God, but something is really fishy about the Romans, Gay Popes, the known Vatican Child Molestation Ring and control of the Bible narration.
  • Do you really think that the Bible was never re-edited in 2,000 years with over 200 denominations using the Bible in the US and 45,000 different denominations of the Bible existing globally?
  • What if the Bible was heavily redacted, and the real 54 books of the Bible were hidden under the Vatican Library?
  • Why in 1964, did the Vatican remove 14 books from the Bible?
  • This isn’t about an Election. This is about a Great Awakening. The Truth isn’t for everyone.
Last edited 2 years ago by Zee
Wolf people

Forget everything you read or people told you. Just tell me this. What do you know about God from your own experience?

Rob William

Zee is a person of science. Ask about 5D quantum mechanics and not god.


I’m losing trust in trump, hope he turns it around soon, so my trust can be restored, truth is always the godly way😕 😔


You’re going to be waiting a long time for trump to be truthful 🤣🤣🤣

Wolf people

Trust truth then.

Gregg Nickens

Azzelstall? They’re hiding in the bathroom? That’s where cowardly s–th—s hide out. lol


Where’s the big thing that happened yesterday? Lmao

Rob William

If getting a “D” is a big thing …

Wolf people

All civilians have been evacuated from Azovstal as of today. Check Intel Slava Z on Telegram.


Zee could be anywhere.


And you TROLL are FBI?


troll theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese nuts

Angel Askew

You two are so gross it’s funny at this point.



David T

The only balls on you are in your mouth.


“The only balls on you are in your mouth.”

lmaooooooooooooo wtf

omg boomers trying to be funny. fuck off, donate more, keep being a bitch on a wordpress blog lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


are you saying zee has a musty claptrap?

J Bill

and how’s yours, and the fupa? your neighbors were complaining, about bad smells from your apt. like dead carp rotting on the beach. were you intimate?

David T

Dead carp rotting on the beach?!! Just about gave myself a coffee sinus-wash!!


did you have a stroke trying to write this? god damn old man get back to the prune juice. you need all the energy you can muster to use proper punctuation.

Angel Askew


Lorenz Manner

Everything sounds sad because of the criminals in the underground at Azovstal.
Putin will win and I’m sure he already has the solution which is a secret to the world. That’s understandable. Soon the whole world will know the whole truth and even President Trump will be back in office.

Rob William

It seems Putin is working with the same timeline as EBS #soon