Military Convicts, Executes, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jennifer Dillon


In the last two weeks the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps has tried, convicted, and executed two Deep State villains, Deputy Chief of Staff Jennifer Brigid O’Malley Dillon and former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, both of whom were found guilty of treason and seditious conspiracy following brief but impactful military tribunals.

On June 19, Dillon invoked her 5th Amendment Right to remain silent after Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall introduced incontrovertible evidence linking her to the stolen 2020 presidential election. The evidence included emails, audio, and witness testimony that conclusively proved Dillon was deeply rooted in a ballot harvesting scheme that helped Joe Biden steal the 2020 presidential election. According to Vice Adm. Crandall, Dillon hired “mules”—a term borrowed from cartels and human traffickers that bribe or blackmail persons to ferry illegals or drugs across the border—to deposit fraudulent ballots in drop boxes across seven states.

Vice Adm. Crandall showed the tribunal text messages—timestamped 3:15 a.m. on November 4, 2020– Dillon had sent to Steve Ricchetti, co-chairman of the Biden campaign, in which she touted having “found” Biden an additional 12,500 votes in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. And in a 3:45 a.m. text, she bragged about “finding” 3,750 votes in Maricopa County, Arizona.

“Biden is on a road to victory,” she wrote to Ricchetti in a follow up. “No one and nothing can stop us now.”

“A road to victory—by way of theft,” Vice Adm. Crandall said before showing the officers tasked with weighing JAG’s case against Dillon several hundred phony ballots that JAG investigators had retrieved from the Maricopa County Recorder, the agency responsible for determining the validity of provisional ballots. In theory, verified ballots are processed and tabulated in the same manner as early ballots; unverified ballots are rejected and set aside. In reality, the Maricopa County Recorder tabulated suspicious ballots without verifying whether signatures on the ballots belonged to registered voters living in Maricopa County.

“Our investigative services scrutinized hundreds of ballots and determined through handwriting analysis that the same person had signed all of them—20 john Smiths, 15 Bill Smiths, 17 Laura Smiths, 19 Tom Smiths, and so on. All ballots put in drop-boxes for Joe Biden,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

Dillon objected, saying that JAG’s procurement of her private text messages was a violation of her 4th Amendment Right to be secure in her possessions against unreasonable searches and seizures, and she lambasted Vice Adm. Crandall for bringing her to trial without a shred of evidence.

“This is a miscarriage of justice,” she cried out. “Even if your allegations are true, nothing implicates me of any crime. President Biden won a fair election, honestly, and you’re maliciously prosecuting me for no reason whatsoever. I have rights!”

“You’re an enemy combatant; you have no rights,” Vice Adm. Crandall corrected her. “And as for evidence, we have it in ample supply.”

To the witness stand he summoned Matthew Joseph O’Malley, Dillon’s cousin and an American politician and businessman who served as president of the Boston City Council in 2021. He appeared as a cooperating witness.

“Mr. O’Malley, have you been promised anything in exchange for your testimony today?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked.

“No,” O’Malley said.

“Yet you’re here to testify against the accused?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked.

“Yes,” O’Malley replied.

“Would you please tell this commission what you told me during your initial deposition,” Vice Adm. Crandall said.

“Jennifer told me she had hired people to make fake ballots favoring Joseph Biden,” O’Malley replied.

“Why would she tell you this?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked.

“Because she wanted me to be party to it, to participate.  She told me in plain English that she had taken steps to ensure Biden’s victory, no matter what, and said she’s arranged for ballots to be cast in Biden’s name in many states, in many districts,” O’Malley said.

“To your knowledge, was this her idea?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked.

“Yes, she bragged about it incessantly. Look, I haven’t been the most honest person in my life or political career, but I wanted no part in her plan,” O’Malley said.

O’Malley went on to describe how Dillon had hired homeless people and ANTIFA activists to deposit counterfeit ballots in drop-boxes in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and other states. He said she’d promised him “political gain” in exchange for his cooperation in securing Biden’s victory.

But Jennifer Brigid O’Malley Dillon refuted his testimony, claiming she had no such discussions with her cousin, and accused him of lying under oath.

That’s when Vice Adm. Crandall played an audio clip of Dillon trying to coax her cousin into participating in the ballot harvesting ring.

“Joseph, I know you hate Trump as much as we do. We must do everything possible to stop him from getting reelected. I have my assets; you have yours, and you should use them to generate votes for Joseph Biden while we still have time. If we work together, Trump will be gone, gone and forgotten, and Joseph Biden can usher in a new vision for the United States of America,” Dillon’s voice could be heard on the tape.

The 3-officer panel said they’d heard enough. They found Dillon guilty of treason and conspiracy to commit election fraud, and recommended she get the maximum allowable punishment—death.

Vice Adm. Crandall affirmed the decision.

Less than 24 hours later, on 20 June, Dillon was executed by gunshot in accordance with JAG’s recent directive.

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I hope her family cries for this traitorous commie piece of shit every day.

Katie Jones

Have you noticed there is major illegal immigration going on in Britain and if someone is positioning their troops in our friend Britain. There is to much immigration going on in places of freedom as if someone are positioning people for something in the future? I am very leery of all this movement of people as if it was planned for a war. As if some one is looking at a map and placing people in that country on purpose.


in pima cty az, 100 illegals come in per night. lock and load.


GOOD!!! Another Biden Demoncrat Criminal Scumbag POS is gone!! Good Riddance…They are all getting what they deserve…


WHEN are the people in the AGENCYS OF COUNTY AND STATE GUARDIANS GOING TO BE ARRESTED,they are KIDDNAPPING OLD PEOPLE who have money in the bank,and making them WARDS OF THE STATE,then stripping them of their money,and putting them in nursing homes where they can’t get away while their bring LOOTED BY THE GOVERNMENT,THIS IS ORGANIZED CRIME..A RICO crime,A FEDERAL CRIME..I know they got my SISTER RIGHT NOW,they want her retirement she saved up..the BANKS,POLICE,COURTS,JUDGES,AND THE COUNTY AGENCIES ARE ALL IN ON IT.GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION IS OUT OF CONTROL EVERYWHERE NOW…


sorry to hear arizona. .. yes and they also want to kill all the people drawing pensions and Social security checks with covid vax’s.. because all the pension funds are raided by CCP allied investment companies.. they want all the illegals flooding in to finish the rest of us white people off with home invasions, car jackings, etc.. i live in hellhole democratic/communist Wa state.. the NGO’s are flooding us with illegals. .drive down the road and you see random 3rd world muslims roaming the streets like they just arrived from their stone age hellish homes and now they are here to breed and take over… there are NO limits to how many of these impoverished people are invading our communities.. and they are given welcome mat by Marxist pigs destroying our nation .. teaching CRT, ESL and raping us long timers with 12 percent property tax to pay for our new UN refugee camp neighborhood.. 3K Afgans just dropped in our town.. Federal Way.. i’m sick of seeing non English speaking Africans and Middle Easterns, East Indians, Chinese and Mexicans EVERYWHERE i go..


that is ONE good reason not to keep more than minimum as needed to pay bills “cash in the banks”.. better to dig a hole in your yard than trust the banks and govt with 100’s of thousands of dollars.. especially in the hands of vulnerable elders. they don’t give you squat in interest for it anyway.. better bird in the hand than 2 in the bank vaults.. if you don’t hold it.. you don’t own it..

Robert James

The Chinese got executions right. One bullet. Now we’re doing that, within 24 hours of sentencing. Perfect.


It does look like a man. I wonder if her/his kids are adopted. Sure looks it So many of these people are tranny freaks. AOC, Kamala Harris, Jen Tsaki was Mark Zuckerberg. No way that’s a female from the look of it.


Hard to fathom the mindset of these people; she has kids! and was obsessed with a vision for America like the CCP: Organ harvesting, AI, Pedophilia, Human Trafficking, Social Credit Scores, Total enslavement, Hunger Games Society. WTH! They truly must be reptilian souls.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ceecee

Interesting how few of the Comments are about the content of this report. Deputy chief of staff to the White House is a person with significant responsibility & profile. I imagine her absence will be noticed by some of the other WH staff.

Angel Askew


Easy to read and great information.

solange Silverman

Now, we “patiently” await the public reveals and the emergence into the open of Pres. Trump and the white hats. It can’t come soon enough.

Ron Burgundy

You’ll wait forever.

mary pascucci



Young and healthy people are dropping like flies.They now refer to it as “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.” LOL. you can’t make this shit up!

Me me

There is proof coming out that Trump purposely threw the election because he was promised something bigger. He is not who you think he is. And how come you guys never replied to Benjamin Fulford.


He didn’t throw it. It was stolen. The GEOTUS is set to return in Ultra MAGA fashion The Salty Army and Mad Berserker Lads are ready to rock n roll. Be advised and stand by.

Rob William

“Throw it” is more graceful than “Stolen”. You should take it!


So, my question is: Since the military has the proof of this undeniable treason to our country, what in the world are they waiting for to show all this to the world? Our Country and our values are destroyed by minute. How much more do we need to suffer this tyranny and illegitimate government, and why???


The military ain’t gonna do shit. They spent an entire month saluting the Flag Flag. They took hormone blockers and spent their time transitioning. .

Angel Askew

Did you see the new revised emblem of the eagle for the department of the Navy?? Horrifying.

Rob William

Undeniable proof of Trump’s inaction during 6/1 insurgency? Military can’t do much, it’s up to DOJ to indict him.

question everything

Actor Jon Voight Calls For Joe Biden To Be Impeached: ‘We Cannot Wait’ (VIDEO)

question everything

“Many globalist leaders around the world got their first taste of dictatorship as a result of covid19. Many political leaders found that they could lock down their cities, states and countries and impose their will due to the fear that covid19 produced. This was their first taste of dictatorship. Like a fox that gets its first taste of chicken blood, these foxes must be put down in order to protect the chicken house.”
Travis Tritt,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/110/115/588/original/fcbc01c8ce3fff52.jpeg


He is spot on.


Military Convicts, Executes, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jennifer Dillon and sussman?

Really?! As brandon would infamously say . . . “come on man”


David T

Your postgame is a lie. Just like what you post DF.

Rob William

It’s satire and if you believe in it, you need to upgrade.

John .S

Shop for essential necessities.

Catch holiday sales now, window of opportunity is closing.

Store food, fuel, hygiene products, medical supplies etc.

Cap off home heating oil, and Bbq tanks, acquire hand held walkie talkies and batteries. Dig out old CB radios, if finding 8-track tape player throw in garbage.

Make plans with family and trusted people, designate a muster location.

Avoid all naysayers and nonbelievers, there’s no helping them when catastrophe hits, whom your potential libility later.

Herein peanut gallery don’t forget to click negative icon, and I recommend in refilling your psychotropic meds in advance, riding out catastrophe is a bitch.

Angel Askew

Throw 8-track tape in trash..LOL!

I’m headed to the beach for the weekend with my bug out vehicle.

Rotating all stock, tightening her up and topping her off on the way back from the serenity of the ocean.

Bear spray and a tazer will go far.

These wingnuts fold like an omelette, brother.

I’m more worried about the wolves and vultures for the Long haul.

John .S

Heading to beach myself, that’s in my backyard.

On 4th staying local via Coney Island’s Nathan’s Famous hot dog eating contest.

On 4th always place extension ladders on house, tethering extra long garden hose for potential fire hazzard.

Myself have multiple hose connections on all sides of house.

Buddy’s house caught fire via fireworks [silver jet] landing in rain gutter. 4th as no go in being away from homestead.

Safe travel, if anything is out of the ordinary, bail out from wherever, don’t hesitate, neither give it second thought.

Best Wishes.


Buy more weed!


I am sorry that you live in fear.

John .S


My neighbors make Macy’s fireworks display look like a kindergarten class.

Neighbor’s [the guys] said: the sausage & pepper trailer, that also fries zeppoles goes in my driveway this year.

It’s not fear in staying home.

Angel Askew

I miss the days of Grucci fireworks and sausage and peppers from the grill and maybe a little sangria/rum punch/chiante!! Rock on NY!!🇺🇸

Rob William

What’s the timeline? What’s the penalty if this prediction goes completely wrong?

Michael R Davis

Executed Deep-State Enemies of the People, planning our demise, our deaths, our Depopulation, the destruction of our genetics, infertility of our children. Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, many others, have been openly boasting about these plans for decades.

None of these truly wicked are going to truly repent and be “saved”. What they have done to children, to the elderly, to Americans, to the entire world population is not forgivable, and JESUS has prepared the Lake of Fire for them, their destiny. Blindly carrying a Bible around, pretending to be suddenly pious, mumbling a verse or two, is not repentance. Obeying Acts 2:38, the Keys to the Kingdom, is repentance and the road to salvation. Satan knows the Bible better than anyone, and he is certainly not going to escape the Lake of Fire prepared for him, his fallen angels, his demons, his Nephilim, his millions of devotees here on Earth, judged by the Creator, burning for eternity. JAG is arranging the well-earned meeting with JESUS.

John .S

Last sentence in script is contradictive.

JAG is arranging a Lake of Fire final destination, and not *a well earned meeting with Jesus.

JAG is assisting them to bottom of lake.

Hmm, Loretta Lynch, no doubt at bottom of lake in failure of underwriting her last minute insurance policy.

Loretta knew of the Clinton’s heinousness perpetrated upon children and stood quiet, no redemption for that, now burning at bottom of lake.

Michael R Davis

No, JAG is arranging their appointment at the Great White Throne Judgement where JESUS will judge them and likely throw them into the Lake of Fire for eternity, banished from His presence forever. (Revelation 20:)

Whether they spend time in Hell between now and then is uncertain, deliberately confused by the different power-hungry religious leaders, who also push their ridiculous “Rapture” doctrine to the easily fooled.


Why don’t you quit with this garbage already every one of your stories are false. Jennifer Dillon flew back to the US yesterday with his Fraudulency on Air Force One after his trip to Europe. Even a spokesman for the Pentagon said this story (and probably the rest of them) are fabrications. She was not tried anywhere. You’re running an elaborate scam, you would be wise to stop before someone in the Pentagon visits you about lying about their JAG staff.

Ron Burgundy

People who believe this stuff are essentially unreachable. The scam is so obvious that if people are falling for it at this point they’re mentally ill or as dumb as a bag of rocks. That said, they’re entertaining.

Rob William

“Dumb as a bag of rocks” 🤣


Did you see this person on da plane yesterday? Who exactly are your sources at the pentagon? The Pentagon person said this is all fabrication and “probably” the rest too? They don’t know if all of these stories are fabricated? Let’s hear some names at least….At least MB name’s names….you pull the CNN chain with the sources said bahahahaaaaaaa

J Bill

I performed a DNA test after she got off the plane, gaybill

It’s her

David T

So you tasted her shit, did a DNA test on it, and you’re sure it was her. Ok, DF.

J Bill

Just a regular dna test. Cry 😭😭😭😭😭

David T

RRN has been running for coming up on 2 years. Not a single backlash from any military nor any other person mentioned here either, like witnesses etc. One special needs school in NY State had their attorney file some letter with RRN to take down the story that explained how that school was forcing the shots on their “students” so in a logical response, MB simply took down that article instead of engaging in a legal battle that even if MB/RRN won, they would still lose. So if this bothers you this much, GTFO. Go away. You do not need to be here so spare your troll ass the agony, and leave.

Ron Burgundy

One of the things that is common to RRN believers is they think this website is way more important and influential than it is. They go, “Well, look, if this was false, wouldn’t the military be freaking out and demanding they stop?”

You have to realize that this is a very obscure website that 99% of people don’t know it exists, and of that one percent who do, most of them recognize it as wacky bullshit. There are a billion fake conspiracy bullshit websites out there with “stories” involving military personnel. The military doesn’t have the time, the inclination, or the ability to forcibly take them down. Why? Who cares? It would be like trying to argue with the National Enquirer when they claim that Bat Boy just saved the world from dragons or whatever. The vast majority of people recognize it’s bullshit anyway, so it’s not really worth the effort.

Besides, on the rare occasions that RRN stories have gotten enough traction for someone to mention them to DOD/the military, the response has always been “yeah, that’s bullshit.” But RRN have the memories of goldfish, so they just immediately move on to the next bright and shiny thing.

J Bill

Mb said he was gonna rerun the story after doing more work. Cry more gaybill 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Michael R Davis

The toothless Deep-State Pentagon run by Faggot Miley and Darth Vader Austin is nothing for patriots to worry about. JAG does not answer to those traitors.

Ron Burgundy

JAG doesn’t report to SECDEF?

lol okay dummy


Remember when the real Mike would post a few stories every week? Now Clone Mike posts at most every few days.

Rob William

Do the clones realize they are clones?


Ah,, the good ole days

Doktor Zaius

Did my heart good to hear about Sussman. Too bad our regular courts are not courts of justice. Anyone with eyes and two brain cells to rub together could see Sussman guilt in lying to get POTUS taken down. Pffffffft on you, Sussman, and that horse you rode in on too! (Horse name was Hillary). We the people, slaves no more.


Those regular courts will put anyone of us in jail but they don’t seem to work from criminals in the political field …. Above the law somewhat

J Bill

There’s room for you, gaybill

Rob William

Yes else DOJ should have done something about Trump’s 6/1 inaction.


ABSOLUTE PROOF of paid trolls online from one of their victims:

https ://

2:20:45 – 2:29:25 of
https ://

Explains EVERYTHING from ‘the back end’ — why the paid trolls won’t go away and why the unpaid ones are ‘idiots’ per Owen.

Please save the above clip with instructions in the description of this clip

https ://

in case Bitchute scrubs Owen’s clip if/when pressured by the paymasters.

Please use ffmpeg to cut out the time indexed segment of Owen’s clip and repost it as much as possible online to warn others of paid and unpaid trolls.

I WILL NOT directly link to the paid troll paychart Owen shows in his clip above. It can still be found at

https ://

with the right search terms until they paymasters pressure the sites hosting the image to delete it.

Please make copies of this image and re-share it far and wide online to warn others of paid trolls.

To make this damning image harder to censor, load it into MSPAINT or equivalent and slightly change the color of one or more of the grey pixels in the image at random. Then save and share the modified image.

The censors cannot use the hash value of the original image to ban it and if dozens/hundreds/thousands of people are sharing and resharing ‘tweaked’ copies of this image will make it unfeasible to ban via hash values and computerization.

This forces the censors to have to ban the image ‘in person’ by hand with visual inspection which will be slow, tedious and expensive in labor costs–the bane of the paymasters as they want to keep their costs as low as possible in anything and everything they do.

I first found this paychart posted by Jim Stone

http ://

quite some time ago at his old news site that was scrubbed at the behest of the paymasters by his webhost for posting damning information about one of their helpers

https ://

who is now dead per RRN

https ://

Below is an updated repost of

https ://

with added content (from this comment chain) so everything is in this single post that can be referred to by a single URL.


(Paid) anti-troll tips:

  1. Do not reply to, upvote, or downvote posts made by trolls.
  2. DO NOT reply to, upvote, or downvote posts made by trolls!
  3. Memorize / mentally maintain a list of known trolls who poste here on RRN or other online message boards you frequent. Then simply ignore/skip past any posts made by them. Their posts fall into one of 4 categories:
  4. Deceive – the troll lies about the parent post in some way to try to get you to ignore it. The parent post contains (helpful) factual information that the troll KNOWS IS TRUE but lies anyway…to try to get you to ignore the parent post anyway.
  5. Deny – the troll makes posts denying the truth and veracity of any content in any prior posts. Could take the form of https :// arguments.
  6. Deride – the troll attacks THE PERSON in an irrational manner rather than the person’s ideas in a logical, forthright manner as in a (formal) debate. This is a https :// attack.
  7. Spam – Unwanted posts that waste the resources available to the online message board see https :// for the OBVIOUS (in)famous version of spam. The other kind of spam is where two or more trolls create ‘comment chains’ with ‘off topic’ posts not germane to the article/story they are posted to. This makes it difficult for non-troll readers/posters of RRN or other online message boards to skip past such content. As a ploy, trolls will ‘vote each other up’ to appear legitimate but please do not fall for this trick.

Jull0u (see below) demonstrates the troll technique of ‘projection/displacement’ where they accuse others of behavior/activities they themselves engage in.

Another (paid) troll technique in use is ‘rotation’ where a different troll is the ‘first responder’ to new posts their paymasters do not like and want ‘downcommented’/downvoted — basically anything that points out the crimes of the paymasters and their helpers against everyone else, also known collectively as ‘The Deep State’.

Anti-troll tips in action shown in the comment chain starting here:

https ://

Why paid trolls?

Unpaid trolls who ‘grief’ non-troll users on online message boards such as RRN are either doing it ‘for the lulz’ or are GENUINELY (but functionally) INSANE!

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” 
https ://

So that leaves the paid trolls.

Don’t focus on the trolls at this level. Focus on their PAYMASTERS.

Why are the paymasters paying them to cause trouble online for everyone else?

As part of an agenda they want to see fulfilled NO MATTER WHAT.

It is as simple as that.

Their controls are simple and effective.


These three truthers

https ://
https ://
Jim Stone http ://

have been banned and marginalized at the financial level by the paymasters to get them to shut up and go away…all for exercising their First Amendment rights to free speech (to point out the wrongdoings of the paymasters and the proxies they work through) guaranteed to them by this

https ://

Famous ‘version’ of the above
https ://
(The original copy from the copyright holders is behind a paywall on YouTube)


https ://

has basically become worthless for truthtelling now because it is owned and controlled by the paymasters who have demonetized and scrubbed many truthtellers there. Thus, forcing them to give up or find alternative (usually ‘payware’) means of self-expression in order to avoid censorship.

So far

https ://


https ://

are the biggest YouTube alternates/replacements that are not as censored as YouTube itself. There are many others like

https ://


https ://

that are big but not as well known as Bitchute and Rumble.

A simple censorship test I found effective is searching a videosharing platform for this (in)famous 382-minute documentary (yes, 6+ hours) about the paymasters: IN THE NAME OF ZION (WARNING: CONTAINS (BRIEF) DISTURBING CONTENT)

https ://

No hits. Buried or scrubbed by YouTube

https ://

3 links on the first page of search results. Below is one of them with an ‘accurate’ URL ‘caption’.

https ://

https ://

3 links on the first page of search results (which ‘endlessly scrolls’). Below is one of them which appears to be ‘direct from the author’.

https ://

For balance, there is the epic 317-minute (yes 5+ hours) documentary (of sorts) about the paymaster’s helper network made by an ex-helper risking his life to do so. It is here

https ://

as YouTube scrubbed the original copy from his channel there.

The mechanics of the paymaster’s worldwide financial network

Earliest known example of the current system
https ://

How it works. Stop after 25:21, the rest is end credits and an ad to buy physical gold (NEVER ‘paper gold’) if you can afford it and get it.

https ://

Helpful follow-along chart
https ://

Financial history of the paymasters and the proxies they work through (210-minute documentary)

https ://

Mirror copy. Original was scrubbed along with the uploader’s (original) YouTube channel long ago.

The paymaster’s mechanics of censorship

Soundbite version
https ://

Full version
https ://


When a truther speaks up (and refuses to stay quiet) with damning information about the paymasters and/or the proxies they work through, they are killed (in)directly and that is that.

A (partial) list of known victims ‘murdered’, ‘suicided’, or ‘died conveniently’.

https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://

Phil Schneider https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://
Why aren’t there Wikipedia pages for them?

BONUS: A paymaster that refused ‘to go for the jugular’ and was scrubbed at the behest of his own.

https ://

Henry Makow: “Amschel’s story is a great tragedy. A sensitive, intelligent and good man is born into a megalomaniacal family of generational satanists. He discovers he must be a ruthless predator. It’s not in his character. He has a soul. He resists and is murdered.

Let’s always remember this good man.”

Dr John: “All good information. One value the trolls have is as a meter that tells when they are concerned about information being leaked or sources like this site sharing information we are not supposed to know. The more they attack, the more concerned the Deep State is about the target. Bigger, more dangerous targets must get greater fees, driving the trolls to places like this. It is an inverted complement.

As long as the trolls are coming in force we now MB is telling the truth. Otherwise they would not bother with this site. I got kicked off of Twitter 8 times for telling the truth, same difference I was making an impact that weakened their position.

And by the way, I thought I was the King of Looooong comments. I now realize my mistake and the brevity of my comments.

All good and great information, worth the read, Thanks.”

These external posts may interest you. I tried and failed to post them here on RRN as they would go to moderation for one reason or another. Please read them and pass them on–they contain important information.

https ://

Couldn’t post this one on Pastebin (see below) due to the ‘woke filters’ there.

DJT, LGB, FJB, and Banking
(A detailed, historical overview/expose of the paymasters)
https ://

DJT, Berger, Whitehats, Insurrection Act, Project Pelican
https ://

Jull0u: “And yet, it is possible that leftists offer “ignore trolls” advice so that conservatives don’t counter them . . . because they really don’t like to be called out. But thank you.

BTW, I am a seldom commenter. I only came out due to the dire situation we are in. In fact, I will now go back into hiding.”

SeanW: “[To Dr John] As nice as your article sounds the reality is that Trolls want to be attacked, love to be attacked, so the more they attack – the more they are being fed. If everyone completely ignores them they will first escalate to making the most triggering posts possible but when that doesn’t work, when they fail to get a reaction, that’s when they stop – only when totally ignored even when doing their most triggering comments. They rely completely on triggering people to shut them up. That’s why they don’t go away is that people are too weak to manage their own triggers. The reason the trolls love it is because they prey on human weakness. Stop being weak & trolls disappear. It’s that bloody simple.

[To Jull0u] The stupidity of “countering trolls” is exactly what trolls want. I’m guessing you are quite possibly a troll account that is here to make life better for trolls.

Trolls love to be called out so they can turn a single troll post into an entire volley of bullshit.

Somehow I think you already know that & are a troll account in hiding that only comes out, like you indicated, to rescue the trolls from extinction due to “being ignored” – which is the only way to paralyze a troll – ignore them.

Probably you’re here to counter a very effective article (IsThisFairUse2) on the entire charade you’ve come out to comment on.

[To Jull0u] The paid trolls are paid by their posts and by the downvotes they get for them for ‘bigger money’. If you don’t reply/downvote them they get paid little or nothing at all. See

https ://

https ://

https ://

With no financial incentive, they are wasting their time posting and will either stop/leave or continue to post for low/no pay which is considered a form of insanity per Albert Einstein. OWD’s post is this

https ://

attack with no (detailed) explanation why they disagreed with my post. Just a sarcastic, mis-identified, ‘knee-jerk’ reaction.

MB blocked one troll but they came back. MB replied to them basically saying indirectly that they used a DS-level VPN network to get back in. The troll denied it of course. Then the reason the trolls won’t stop posting here is probably because they are military and HAVE to do it–otherwise they risk court-martial, imprisonment, or execution.

I heard somewhere online that when the paymasters do not want to answer for their crimes, they attempt to generate sympathy for themselves from the ‘sleeping masses’ that watch the MSM that they own and control by wrongly accusing their accusers of things explained in these two clips from my original post:

The paymaster’s mechanics of censorship

Soundbite version
https ://

Full version
https ://

I heard elsewhere of another saying that describes the behavior of the paymasters. Paraphrased, as I don’t have the exact wording or source URL handy, is this:

“When you cannot call out the criminals for their criminality, you then know you are being ruled over by criminals.”

Parting words:

“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

https ://

“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?”

https ://

in case the trolls decide to respond/downvote this post to get the non-trolls to ignore it.



John .S

Hmm, reminds me that: *the awareness of your awareness is your soul.


If this troll gig ever dries up, I could make a fortune selling him thumb tacks and string.




I was literally about to write that, and you beat me to it ; )

IsThisFairUse2: Someone in the past here wrote, “Your words are like a fingerprint,” I suggest you use that piece of advice instead of posting this Never Ending Drivel and forcing people to read your Dear Diary Tantrums.

David T

“forcing people to read your Dear Diary Tantrums.” Really? You poor victim, someone is “forcing you” to read this. Give me a flipping break. Kinda hits too close to home for you paid troll turd DF’s on this site when your methods and processes get exposed.

Rob William

It’s at least a very long scroll.


You give me a break you Flippin Flamin Pretentious Fool… Just because I disagree with this person’s method on sharing the entire volume of “Encyclopedia Britannica for Trolls”…..

There’s a way to inform others without purposely clogging the comments.

If you don’t like my individuality and my sense of humor and the way I don’t sugar coat things, Keep It Movin / Scrollin.

Happy Independence Day, Davie.

J Bill

My pockets stick out more than your mom’s belly


Trolls are disgusting if even human … They will get eaten first😂😂😂

David L Baiker

Flat earth, the moon is a “nightlight”, the moon emits ” cold light”, anti-science, anti NASA Owen Benjamin! THAT OWEN BENJAMIN!? WOW! You assholes will believe most any crazy!


STFU Awareness🖕🏻

David T

Wow, awesome post!!!! I copied it and will do the sharing in the manners you described.

Rob William

Can you summarize it?


I made this (re-edited) post to

https ://

A good 2-hour documentary about the paymaster helper network ( a companion piece with the 5+ hour one here

https ://


with tips on how to save videoclips from online videosharing platforms using a browser with an ‘inspect’ feature and ffmpeg (if needed).


>Harry Knowledge123 (from WorldTruthVideos): you know how to download from brighteon ? both visual and audio present ?

First, look for a download button on the webpage. It should say ‘download’ or is simply a down arrow. Click that and the file should download. Some sites ‘hide’ the download button behind ‘…’ and the like. Unhide the the download button and click it. Some sites save the downloaded clip to the same filename so you must be careful and always rename such files before downloading another one.

All the other sites have no download button and you must do the following:

Here is a way to download any unprotected .mp4 or .ts file from the internet using Google Chrome or a clone with the ‘Inspect feature’ when you right click a webpage (properly – some sites are choked with media and whatnot and that option doesn’t show up).

MP4 files are easy (but they MUST appear to the browser as MP4s!).

Find a webpage with the MP4 you want on it.
Right click the webpage and select ‘Inspect’. Select ‘Network’ or click the ‘>>’ and select ‘Network’.
Select ‘Media’. Make sure the red dot is lit for ‘Recording’. If not or you mess up, toggle the record button off then on then refresh the page. Sometimes, the page preloads the mp4 URL for you.
Find the mp4 URL in the list, right click it and open it in a new page (or copy paste it to the same page if it doesn’t start playing in the browser’s ‘video player’).
In the new page, the mp4 should start playing. Right click and chose ‘Save As’ or click the 3 dots in the lower right corner of the player and select ‘Download’. Once it starts downloading, close the page to save bandwidth. Wait until the MP4 stops downloading and you should have it. 🙂

.ts files are trickier but you can get them.

First, download ffmpeg. It can download .ts streams and turn them into mp4 files.

Do the first part the same but select ‘Fetch/XHR’ instead.

.ts files will probably auto play so you may have to fiddle with the ‘Disable cache’ checkbox, record button, and refresh page so when the page loads, all the other URLs get loaded as well. Pause the playback so you are not overwhelmed by the .ts pieces in the URL list.

Now the fun begins.

Look through the url list for the first .m3u8 file you find. If you click on it, its contents should appear in a pane next to the cursor. if you see ‘#duration’ in the file proceed below. otherwise you must ‘select’ the .m3u8 file you actually want to download from the list. You likely want the .m3u8 file with the largest ‘bandwidth’ number available for the highest quality. Then you must carefully put together the precise URL to this file using a text editor with copy/paste support.

use this ffmpeg command at the command processor prompt:

ffmpeg -i “” -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc “output.mp4”

but substitute the ACTUAL .m3u8 URL for the placeholder example one above.

Wait untill ffmpeg is done and you should have the .ts file converted to a playable .mp4 file.

Some sites separate the audio and video so you must download both separately to a ‘video.ts’ file and ‘audio.ts’ file
then combine them with ffmpeg like this:

ffmpeg -i “video.ts” -i “audio.ts” -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc “output.mp4” [show less]

YouTube stands alone and is a special case.

Don’t bother using the above techniques to save YouTube clips–they won’t work.

The following 2 WILL WORK.

If you are on Microsoft Windows, download this app

https ://

Then upload it to

https ://

to make sure it is free of malware

I just re-downloaded as of this post and uploaded it there and the app file is OK–but ALWAYS upload any downloaded app files there to check them for malware before your install and run them.

Quite a while ago, I installed AVC on a ‘throwaway PC’. I use this PC to surf the internet and ‘eat’ unwanted bandwidth-wasting Windows Updates that can only be stopped by keeping a PC offline FOR GOOD or using this ‘forbidden trick’ I found online:

https ://

RCD4u Admin: “Yes, our profile has now been blocked on the entire Microsoft Website, so it looks like they did NOT like this post.”

banned by Microsoft here:

https ://

I haven’t used this trick because though it says it is reversible, there could be gotchas so I would only use this trick on the ‘throwaway PC’ to finally stop Windows Update once and for all. As a ‘last resort’, I can save all my data files on this PC and just re-install Windows fresh on it. The trick tells Windows to stop itself from downloading any Windows Update files to a special system folder thus stopping that COLD! However, knowing Windows, it could get ‘stuck’ and result in high CPU usage–more than likely. So press Ctrl-Shift-Esc to bring up Task Manager, click the CPU tab to ‘top list’ the processes that are using lots of CPU. Check with Google (if you can) to insure the process is a part of Windows Update. If it is, select it and click the ‘End Task’ button. Sadly, it is possible the process is ‘protected’ and cannot be ‘end tasked’. In that case, you must save all your work (if you can) and restart your computer. 🙁

Run AVC and do this to configure it to save YouTube files

Gear Icon / Online Video / Select Format / Manual Select / OK

You can copy/paste YouTube URLs but it is a bit/rather cumbersome.

You can use the faster drag/drop links method with a compatible browser (like Chrome) like this:

First, move AVC into the lower right corner of the screen so that the ‘Add URL(s)’ tab is near to the corner of the screen but still fully visible and click it.
Another dialog box pops up. Position it and the browser window so both are
visible on the screen at the same time.

Navigate to a page on YouTube (or a Google search results page) that has ‘pure’ YouTube links that look like these:

(Two cute, informative and ‘frightening’ computer A.I. cartoons. Please watch them)

https ://
https ://

Left-click the links one by one, drag them to the AVC window and release the left mouse button to add them to the list there. To be safe, only add 5-10 URLs at a time then click ‘Start Download!’.

Stacked popup windows will appear allowing you to select the video format. ONLY select format 18 (smaller) or format 22 (bigger) and click ‘OK’ for each one and wait.

Once done, you can play the video in AVC by clicking it, then the white ‘play’ triangle. Click ‘Play Video’ for larger video. Double click the screen for full-screen. Double click again to make smaller. Mouse over the the grey square (it turns white) and click it to stop playback. Click ‘convert video’ to get back to the list to select and playback a different video.

Gotcha: Once you quit AVC and restart it, the video list is lost but the clips are safe on disk here:

Open File Explorer

This PC / Local Disk (C:) / Users / Owner / Videos / Any Video Converter / YouTube

Change the first, second, and fourth bits as needed to get to AVC’s YouTube folder.

Sort files by Type to get all the MP4 files grouped together in alphabetical order. All the other files are subtitle files and livestreaming chat logs. Compress them into one file with 7zip to save them or delete them. 7zip is here:

https ://

The above two clips are DOWNRIGHT HILARIOUS played back at 3x speed inside VideoLAN! XD 8D 🙂 (^_^)

VideoLAN is available here:

https ://

Using VideoLAN, I can watch lots of truther clips in a lot less time at 3x if the audio is recorded properly and the speaker(s) don’t have a thick accent. Truther clips are actually MORE COMPELLING this way as ‘pregnant pauses’ are ‘compressed’ to a minimum–lending a sense of urgency and seriousness to the clip. However the on-screen action is sped up to 3x as well which may have unintended consequences for the viewer. I started at 1.5x and worked my way up to 3x. In some cases, I can watch content at 4x but I must focus and the audio must be ‘studio quality’ in order to listen to it with comprehension at that speed which I have done on rare occasions in the past.

If you come across an age-restricted YouTube clip, try to use AVC to download it. If that fails, enter the URL into

https ://


and click the ‘Start’ button, wait a bit and a red ‘Download’ button will show up next to a thumbnail image from the clip. Click that. 9convert will likely open a pop-up window so close it as fast as you can and try clicking the ‘Download’ button again if needed. Close the popup windows as needed. eventually another red Download Button appears near the top center of the screen. Click that and the clip is downloaded. DO NOT CLICK ANYTHING ELSE! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! IF YOU DON’T SEE THE 2ND RED DOWNLOAD BUTTON, CLOSE THE PAGE AND TRY AGAIN — RE-ENTERING https :// IN THE ADDRESS BAR OF A FRESH BROWSER WINDOW.

All the other online YouTube downloaders I’ve used in the past don’t work (properly) anymore or won’t download age restricted videos thanks to the paymasters that ultimately own YouTube and their legal team(s). 9convert is the ONLY YouTube downloader I’ve found that will download ANY non-payware / non-‘watch free with ads’ clips from YouTube–though with A LOT of on-screen ‘addonkey’ spam. =P

Please use this post to archive and save truther clips you deem important to save them from being scrubbed on behalf of the paymasters at their behest so they can be reposted and shared to warn and inform others. Feel free to copy and share this post if you want.


Forgot to add: Please also copy and share my newer (Paid) anti-troll tips post with the Owen Benjamin part at top at

https ://

as far and as wide as you like. All non-troll online messageboard users should know this information so they can ignore any (paid) online-trolls on their message boards as well as here on RRN.

Rob William

This is too much to read. Say it in a couple of sentences.

Rob William

You are violating the fair use policy item 2.



Last edited 2 years ago by Truckinbroke

Sure looks like a he to me???….I’ve been watching Linda Paris and well lets say once you start to notice the veil is lifted!!!….


I thought it was just me but think she’s a he!


Hope You agree.

Billy Bob

Them people upstairs need to fast on anal sex, piss drinking and shit eating, and start listening to Putin before it’s too late.


Great news for sure. Sadly she was unsaved and her real problem has just begun foe say a billion eons/ Eternity

Michael R Davis

None of these truly wicked are going to truly repent and be “saved”. What they have done to children, to the elderly, to Americans, to the entire world population is not forgivable, and JESUS has prepared the Lake of Fire for them, their destiny. Blindly carrying a Bible around, pretending to be suddenly pious, mumbling a verse or two, is not repentance. Obeying Acts 2:38, the Keys to the Kingdom, is repentance and the road to salvation. Satan knows the Bible better than anyone, and he is certainly not going to escape the Lake of Fire prepared for him, his fallen angels, his demons, his Nephilim, his millions of devotees here on Earth, judged by the Creator, burning for eternity. JAG is arranging the well-earned meeting with JESUS.


I couldn’t agree more.


Lake of fire isn’t painful enough

Michael R Davis

Not even a single drop of water to ease the thirst?


I would certainly LIKE …to read a fresh ARTICLE
Really soon. 😶


Make a suggestion about what you want to see when you donate.

J Bill

MB’s clone is slower

Rob William

DNA encoding mistake?


I was never a Nazi.

J Bill

what about your clones?


I can’t speak for the clones.


Oh, you think being a liberal is better than being a Nazi??!! Self-delusional psychosis


I wouldn’t know since I am neither.

J Bill

Cry more nazi

Heather Duncan

I love it I love it !!!, die die die, all of these cockroaches


Blood for the Blood God!! Skulls for the Skull Throne!! 💀

Rob William

Were you high?


God Bless Vice Admiral Crandall “an Americans Hero”

J Bill



wow and if this is true the news to all to see what’s coming!!!
no one will believe it- Evern my wife as she keeps telling me…
we need some hope that justices is getting done…

Ron Burgundy

You should listen to your wife. Your slip into internet fantasy land is probably worrying her. She’s probably wondering if you’ve gone senile, to be honest.


Wrong , the wife should listen to him. You are a wuss. ,
And you know that.
Keep your advice to yourself.


Sounds like someone has mommy issues.

J Bill


Rob William

That sounds misogynist.

Rob William

Do you believe Superman is real?


She’s a nobody so let’s get to the meat of it.

buck fiden

She is meaty.

Rob William

JAG has trouble prioritizing. A couple of days back he took a whole day to sentence a fish stealing cat to prison.

Gunny HiWay

Another Biden TRANNY.
Can’t wait till it is open season on all Liberals.

J Bill

You didn’t get the email? Open season started last week

John .S

Just recapping the condemned last words, in rating Gates, Fauci and Baldwin my top three.

Podesta’s response not utilizing blindfold was good, that I place before Hillary’s cackle.

Herein Dillon with no last words, many feel short changed. Hoping to hear Sussmann’s words before catching a bullet.

J Bill


Something like that. Now you don’t have to wait

Billy Bob

Well, hopefully masked Mrs. Doubtfire (Arthur Roberts posing as Biden) will be exposed foreign and then domestic press. Knowledgeable Putin is too good to do that but he can make a knockout request.


Perhaps if Missy Big Mouth did not go bragging to her cousin Joseph, how easy the election steal was, she would still be alive. It is about time the White Hats got involved. There are dozens and dozens of her type in the current US government. She must have gotten it quickly and easily to the back of the head, as this is Crandall’s new easy breezy execution preference. As soon as they downed the Osprey, the 2nd American Civil War is on now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joanna

No one has been “offed.” The bitch ain’t dead. Crandall is sitting on his patio in Virginia sipping martinis.

Terry Jacks

Hush, troll. Adults are talking.


STFU Troll? Come at me bro!

Little fucking bitch!

Last edited 2 years ago by Earl
buck fiden

Atta boy! That’s how we comport ourselves here at RRN!


Damn right. Earl don’t take no mess.

David T

Yeah right. Faggot DF.


Eat shit and die fucktard.

David T

Your icon even looks like the pile of shit that you are, DF.


Little piss ant. I’ll slap that faggot fucking smirk right off your face.


Gullible boomers are talking, anyways

David T

Oops you almost replied as Earl, didn’t you


No, Earl is very clearly a right-winger, dummy. The only thing we seem to have in common is we can both see that Michael Baxter is very obviously a lying grifter.


How does AOC’s dick taste. Try swallowing before you run your jib.

J Bill

Earl is still upset about learning of the true definition of AR

J Bill

Jill changed accounts properly! Hallelujah 🙏


Would you please stop posting so we can see the adults?

Tracy Reinert

Such high-handed umbrage toward Trump, & such blindness to self… astonishing. Glad we are getting to the bottom of this Tyranny. Pun intended.

orange julius

Still surprising how insane and unrepentant these people are. The number of people involved in the steal must be colossal. They are all treasonous.


It’s all part of the script.

J Bill

And yet, no leaks. Amazing


They’re hardwired to their Dark Lord Obama and the arrogance is overwhelming. Their loyalty to their brother in evil, Lord Voldemort Zelensky, is yet another indicator. They all hate Trump and Putin who have dedicated their top careers to taking down the deep state, saving the kids, denazifying the globalist playground which has expanded with the inclusion of Sweden and Finland — until now both neutral countries — and making Natty Rothschild piss his pants. Reprobate brains all around.

Air man

Deconstruct the administrative state should be priority.

Angel Askew

Agreed. Down to the rebar!

J Bill

sounds like the bolshevik revolution to me. bannon would be prouud

so…are you fascist or communist?

cliff stine

ok so if you are executing for election fraud and such, get yer ass in the trumps stolen house and open you waitin on!




It’s not real bro

Angel Askew

Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko has passed on. Well done, Sir and thank you.


That sucks.

buck fiden

He was one of my favourites, too. brilliant man. RIP.

David T

Natural causes, or did big Pharma have him taken out?


According to my sources he accidentally broke his neck while attempting to suck his own dick. RIP Zev 🌹


At least he didn’t try and stick a cat up his ass like Walter.

Angel Askew



After the crash involving Carrie Madej, nothing is impossible..,.I put nothing past that damned deep state!!


Very sad. Fine man who tried to save lives.


He saved many lives and was vilified for his methods and efforts. Because he didn’t fit their narrative of lies and stupidity


Hey Mike. The thread is getting tedious. Move on to the next chapter. The “normies” are getting restless. Just saying.


good news..

Protesters Arrested at Supreme Court Abortion Rights Rally
so tired of these whining liberal wretches..and their stupid signs
I was never so pro Life before as i am now.. seeing the insane justification of these idiots and their faux moral outrage.. the babies have a right to a fighting chance at life once they are conceived in my opinion and it is murder to interfere with the process.. No other MAMMAL on EARTH kills the UNBORN.

Angel Askew

Agreed BUT the root of it is not being addressed.
We need to capture ALL of that Planned Parenthood funding and revamp that entire department into an untouchable healthy moms and dad’s opportunity transparant treasure chest.

NO one ever wants to fund solutions for nuclear family and quality of life once baby is here. NEVER. And the only one sacrificing and left holding that beast of burden is THE WOMAN.

GOP and Dems are equally guilty of this.


Can we change the “beast” word to baby or best of burden please?


Birth control is cheap and easy to obtain. Besides, some of those hoes is so damn ugly, Stank, ugly and fat ass hoes


Like the one alongside Paedo Joe?


You mean the tramp? The Alice Cooper impersonator?

buck fiden

Most PP shills and pro-abortion fanatics are butt-ugly fat fucks. I doubt even Mohammed would rape them.

David T

Cosby wouldn’t even waste a quaalude on them either.


Some animals do kill their young. .RE: ShitCago.

buck fiden

I don’t mind protests. However, when protests become violent chimp-outs, MOW THE FUCKERS DOWN!


She’s never looked better.


The Good News is rolling back out again !


BITcoin has lost 1182.00 in the last 24 hours..
The market is down..the deep state is in serious

buck fiden

Platinum closed below $900 for the first time in a while. I’m getting hard.


We are almost There !
More arrests and executions happens everyday.
WE are days away from Nesara and Gesara, Med Beds,
Quantum financial system.
The detainees are being processed very Quickly, jail cells emptied for fresh criminals.🔐🔚 is near


Lmao “days away” from a bunch of things that do not exist. How many days Wildcat?


seriously……STHF soon….days ahead be ready


How many days? Gimme a number so I can make fun of you some more when it doesn’t happen, like always

John .S

Can’t wait for SHTF.

Have hard pipe hitting MoFo’s that will go to work on mask wearing cov-idiots, liberals also snowflake millennials and z-gens with plyers and blow torch for compromising America with their nonsense.

Going to get a few ounces of cocaine [for old time sake] cooler of beer, and blast Edger Winter’s Frankenstein over pick-up truck stereo when Shit Hits the Fan.

Can’t wait, often X-Gen liberals have gold teeth, plyers a must. Gold will get ya more white powder & beer. Heck with (Red Bull) energy drinks.

Rock & Roll, Hoochie Coo.

Ron Burgundy

What’s it like to know that your weird purge fantasies are never going to come true, and that impotent rage in you is just going to curdle as you retreat into an internet fantasy life?

Just curious.

John .S

Fantasies LoL, RIP Roy DeMeo.

buck fiden

I love internet fantasies. They kept me alive for quite a long time. I no longer need them, but old habits die hard.

John .S

Oh yeah, Lock & Load and Tally Ho, SHTF near.

buck fiden

I hope so, but I see no evidence of any of that. The only drug I’m on now is Hopium®, and for the first time in years, I’m taking a drug voluntarily.

David L Baiker

Nesara is a scam from the 90’s. It’s based on some guy’s college paper he wrote to get a Masters degree. It’s NOT real and is NOT going to happen!


WHEN!? When will the arrests and execution of America’s #1 traitorous enemy, the mainstream media, begin!!!?



Tom Henry

Don’t be so sure about that, let be honest here…what’s out there that we don’t know will be judged and face their punishments.

J Bill



#Soon !

J Bill

More #soon hopium!


Dude you stole my bit

buck fiden

You can’t steal my bitcoin.

Ron Burgundy

Never. None of this is real, Ed. All that anger you feel is just going to give you a heart attack.

If you spend the rest of your life in a ball of rage based on dumb internet fanfic…well, it’s your life.

chris russ

and here you are…

J Bill

…laughing at you


The big honchos of NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX have capitulated to DJT and are doing what they are told to by Maestro and Handler Q+. The same with Twitter and META courtesy of Prince Ben Salman of The House of Saud. Someone even suggested Dorsey and Zuckerberg are already in the spa waiting for their turn. Things are happening to say the least. Charge against the above entities at the very least is rebellion/insurrection. Jesus we trust in you. Blessings,

J Bill

jim watkins is q+ (because of his opsec failures on the reboot and because he’s fat)


Make no mistake, God has damned her wicked soul to hell, to burn, in horrible, hopeless torment, for all eternity. One hundred thousand thousand years from now, her soul will have only begun to pay the price for her twisted sins and crimes, that so violently and negatively impacted others while on this earth.

Last edited 2 years ago by EdBob


Ron Burgundy

Make no mistake…she ain’t dead, dude. Neither are Tom Hanks or Hillary Clinton or Gavin Newsome or any of the other subjects of the same regurgitated bullshit on this dumb site.

buck fiden

I’m too young to be a “man,” man, and I’m too old to be a “dude,” dude.

Lucky Star

Like cocksucker, you keep coming back to this site