On My Abscence


First, I apologize for my extended absence. The news to which we are exposed sometimes overwhelms the best of us, and mandates a break from reporting on the tumultuous turmoil that is the world we live in today. For reasons of personal safety, I prefer not to announce absences in advance, as the MSM and fake news fact-checkers have already doxed me, making my home practically a matter of public record. Thus, I don’t want “them” knowing when I’m away.

So, I just returned home from a 10-day trip to Alaska, a place I’ve always wanted to visit. I feel refreshed and reinvigorated and will be plodding full steam ahead to publish backlog and current content.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I appreciate everyone who takes time to visit Real Raw News, and will double my efforts to ensure we continue to publish hard hitting pieces that expose what’s really happening behind the scenes.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Truckinbroke

Welcome Back Michael! Glad you went to Alaska, it’s beautiful up there! Thank you for the truth!


I am happy that you lived the dream I have of going “North To Alaska”.


Grateful you are ok Micheal…. I was concerned for your well being.

Last edited 2 years ago by Seventhscion7

This made my night!!!

Tracy Reinert

Good to take care of yourself & family! Sounds like a lovely time!


Michael, I also have dreamt of seeing Alaska. I was lucky enough to live in arctic Scandinavia once. I hope you enjoyed and thanks for giving all of us hope that despite how it looks, positive changes are happening to ensure America is cabal-free in the future. Thank you!


We’re all in the same boat.
During times like this, one of the best things to do is to reconnect with nature. Welcome back!

Philo Beddoe

I couldn’t help but smile when I saw this post! Glad that you are ok and feeling refreshed. Beautiful picture and “Welcome Back Michael!”



Deneze C Lujanen

Michael..Kudos i hope you had a great time and i was wondering if the deep pricks got to you..im glad they didnt.. you must be careful though and yes you cant mention any thing to us here until you are free too.. the alliance is doing a good job and arresting lots of these deep prick idiots.. i cant wait to see people higher up too getting executed like the rothchilds,Rockefellers ,Kissinger,Klaus schwab, Trudeau,Freeland, and so forth.. thats my wish list and Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett too.. they are all so evil.. zionist satanists Jews…. they should all be executed and our planet should be free of all those parasites… so WE the People of the world can live in peace ,Prosperity,and Harmonany with our people of the world.. No more wars,Poverty, Homeless,Death and so on. and no more harming our children ,they are very sick reptiles….. God have mercy on their souless souls..


Beautiful Picture, thank you for sharing!


ready to go mike, we appreciate everything you do for us. good to take a breather from time to time.

John .S

Fasten seatbelts folks, and prepare for “tumultuous turmoil”.

No doubt something big is going down, prepare for impact avoid the blast.



David Agosta

Michael, are you writing anything on Roe vs. Wade being overturned and the DS reaction? I like to hear your view?

Rob William

Like a true journalist, MB creates reports and doesn’t write opinions.

Debate Judge

There is a Deborah Birx that is being interviewed by Jordan.
Sotomayor spoke about the abortion decision.
Tom Hanks is coming out with a new movie.

Is it time to bring in the actors as well?

The released Pfizer documents are being analyzed by volunteers.

With less abortions, more children will be wards of the state?

From less abortions to more children getting injected?

The US is spending more than $30 bn on Ukraine. Britain is spending less than $5 bn.


Wow it’s almost as if everything ‘reported’ by Michael Baxter is just hopium fan-fiction so he can rake in your donation money for his vacation fund 🏖

Debate Judge

I searched for news, “Two New Countries Apply to Join BRICS.”

The released Pfizer documents are being analyzed by volunteers and the results are more worthy of a recall. Without a recall in the military first and the general public second by end of day July 5, 2022, just give up on the White Hats, the military White Hats, MAGA, the media, realrawnews, the 2020 election, etc. It’s over and has been over.


Lol, ‘Q’ has been back for less than a week, and has already fucked up multiple times revealing that it’s almost certainly just the 8kun administrators running the account. Today Q posted “you sound envious” in response to someone criticizing Jim Watkins. It sure looks like Jim forgot to clear the Q tripcode from his post before defending himself. Whoops!


J Bill

whoops. watching freddy show the json cache proving it was jim or ron is hilarious

J Bill




Yeah, cuz he’s dead.


Why hail your return if you aren’t going to bring any new news or updates? Is RRN dying on the vine?


Dead, dead, Dead.


Lol. Hats off to MB on some excellent trolling there 👍

Rob William



Since he hasn’t actually published any real news like we thought.. it got me thinking.. did he write this badly? I know he made spelling errors so that’s no biggie. But starting an article with” First?” at least he didn’t write First off.. and then starting the next paragraph with “So” ? and “tumultuous turmoil?” That’s like saying “gigantic huge” . I’ve only been reading here a few months but I thought he wrote better than that. As the trolls will say “It’s a clone”. “MB is a clone! “


I do hope the real MB is ok.



J Bill

it’s a less educated clone/cgi/deep fake of mb

buck fiden

Professor of engelska are ye?


“Like you thought”. ?


Get the stick out of your a$$ !


Lol no it seems to me like MB just doesn’t care anymore. The grift has gotten too boring and tedious, and he keeps writing himself into corners. Maybe he’s about to give up on RRN just like he gave up on twistedtruth.net before it.


He bailed. Just like he always done. It’s in his DNA. Established pattern.


He’s not a bad writer. But is a hell of a good liar.


What is worse is how he ends every story with “in closing”. That just shows frustration. He is so anxious to stop writing that he needs to push himself by reminding everyone that he is almost at the end.

Rob William

This is unedited MB.

Vikki Arcila

When is the next report coming out? ?


After the Ten Days of Darkness…


Again? 😴


Be careful bringing up Jews around here, OWD. It triggers the nazis on RRN like Angel Askew.


Something VERY BIG is about to Happen !
Get prepared
GET your affairs in ORDER. Make a LIST..

Nothing should be left to Chance.
If you are a troll or shill ignore this post

J Bill

make a list of what

buck fiden


J Bill

list complete




Something may be coming that’s BIG. But it won’t be from here.


Something ‘big’ will be ‘coming’, alright… If you know what I mean 😏

Rob William

Do you mean big 💩?


You are probably right,even some of the die hard followers are starting to question things




Yes Welcome back well deserved vacation…

Rob William

Cassidy Hutchinson gave the most damning testimony against Donald Trump under the oath to the 6/1 committee! Trump tried to snatch the steering and lunged at the Secret service people?

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Sue Grantham

She gave a staggering word salad hearsay testimony.
She lied under oath. The President sits in the BACK SEAT, so unless he turned into rubber band man, she’s lying. SS is ready to testify against her accusations.

J Bill

keep focusing on the lunge. ignore the pardon requests, meadows burning evidence, and armed protestors lmao

they showed footage of a guy in a tree with an ar 15 (btw ar stands for assault rifle and the version is 15, so ar 15)

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

AR is the developer of that style of Military “Style” Weapon. AR is Armor Rite. A weapons manufacturer. Do your research before you utter this nonsense. .

J Bill

no it’s assault rifle.

15 is the current version


Trolling is a art.

Angel Askew

And the note she swore that she wrote was written by a White House attorney who is willing to testify to that fact as well.
She is now eligible for 5 yrs in prison for slander and libel against a sitting POTUS.


“against a sitting POTUS” lmaooooo larp harder 🙃


A grifter and attention whore. Ain’t working out for her. Proven liar.


Her testimony was quickly debunked.

Michael R Davis

Hutchinson is another lying troll just like the commie trolls here on RRN. The Beast is a heavily armored stretch limo, the President and First Lady sitting in the sealed against gas attacks and protected back seat. Maybe if he was Spiderman, Trump could somehow have reached the driver’s seat, the driver and agent sitting shotgun both willing to testify that Hutchinson is a liar and send her to prison.


Reminds me of Stormy Daniels. How’d that work out for da ho?

Michael R Davis

Robbed by her Democrat hero lawyer Avenatti and owes Trump big bucks.


“The Beast” is not a single vehicle, it’s what they call the vehicle in the President’s motorcade that the President is riding in. Sometimes it is a limo, but on Jan 6th when Trump was leaving his pre-riot rally he was in the SUV version of The Beast. No partition between him and the driver.

Rob William

But the testimony is spicier than the MBs stories and JAG dry humor. Reality is stranger than imagination?


No…he has super powers🤣


Come on RRN. Anything new? We know you have something for us, let’s get it out now. We deserve to know. When is S execution?

J Bill





The letter S was sentenced to execution? What, was it harvesting adrenochrome from the kids on Sesame Street? 🙃

Sue Grantham

this comment has nothing to do with alaska.
The sergeant at arms was shot crossing the street to his apartment the night before he was supposed to testify. The building across the street from his apartment had video. One great thing is that during his deposition, he stated that there was a coordinated effort by government agencies to infiltrate the protest and to create chaos.
if he would’ve testified that at that hearing; people would’ve been indicted immediately

J Bill


Sue Grantham

🤣 🤣 🤣

Bill Kaulfield

Please edit the headline.


The fact that MB has not corrected the headline is very interesting. Means he is not reading comments. Maybe he didn’t write this article.


Maybe it was the Lizard People behind this. From the plane Lovetron I think.


And taken to Planet X!

buck fiden

Getting nuki by Anunuki on Planet X sounds quite X.


Naucht Waffen



J Bill

his clone wrote it


Maybe he just does not give a shit anymore, lol


He has abanded a few other other of his sites in the past.

buck fiden

Oy! Matthew 27:46 all over again…..

buck fiden

“On My Abscess … “


You really should see a doctor about that, buck

Angel Askew


Brenda Hoten

God’s army is watching over and protecting you. Glad you got to visit Alaska. We missed you.


Not very bright are you.

Rob William

No, she is actually very brave. She crosses roads keeping her eyes closed – the hallmark of true bravery!

buck fiden

Sorta like Michael Stenger.

Jan D Hunsinger

If no new stories today, l will conclude MB is not back.


That’s just what I was thinking. When I saw “Absence” (Abscence) spelled wrong, that sent up a red flag. With no new stories, I don’t believe MB is back. I think we’ve all be sucker punched!

Rose Mary Abbott

MB has misspelled words in the past. Let him have some time to meet with Gitmo and get what information they deem as safe to report. If too much time goes by then I will probably join you in your opinion. I don’t know why we would matter enough to anybody on the dark side to try to use MBs website. We should not matter that much to the deep state. We are not writing influential articles for people to read. The trolls are still hanging out here for some reason. Somebody is still paying them to be here for some reason.


This is exactly what they want us to think. They want us to think it doesn’t matter what we research or discuss. Your attitude puts Patriots lives in danger.


WHO the HELL is “they” ?
Your attitude ALWAYS stinks !


MB is the dark side.

Rob William

Bizarro world?

Ron Burgundy

You’re paying us in entertainment value.


I agree.


Rose, I know you love to take this stuff super seriously, but I am being 100% sincere when I tell you that nobody pays me to be here and this website does not matter. It’s fictional stories catered to please a very specific audience, from a guy who then uses your donation money to go on fancy vacations. I am still hanging out here because it is entertaining to me. I honestly don’t care if MB has given up, it’s just fun to post with you guys because you believe in such absurd nonsensical things. That is really all there is to it.

Rob William

MB is still recovering from Alaskan frost bite. Let his fingers rest for a few days.

buck fiden

Frostbite? It’s fucking SUMMER!

Rob William

Denali Summit is freezing in Summer!

buck fiden

Careful. Zhou Biden signed a Red Flag law meaning anyone who says something his régime doesn’t like, or anyone who acts differently, can be picked up, sent to a FEMA Kamp and summarily executed via Smart Guillotines.

buck fiden

Yes, there have been a shit-tonne of major headlines in the last 5 days. A target-rich environment for a writer.


Everything is perfectly fine. No need for panic , or concern.
When the News is worth reporting, we all will get and read the next article.
Just Chill !




Something isn’t right. Why is this under news and not listed as an update. Why use a stock photo? Why was his condo listed for sale?

John .S

Hmm, June known wedding month. Maybe MB got married, went on honeymoon, selling bachelor pad, and involved in moving into larger dwelling.

Possibly MB as expecting father in priority mode, website temporarily on hold, while trying to keep his personal life private.


His shit is no longer private or a secret. Was easy to track and expose him. All his info is out there and easy to find. He is a fraud and grifter. A fiction writer out to write a book and possibly a movie. You donators out there are funding his goals. Maybe he will include this forum in Chapter one or scene one.


If you are any kind of a gentlemen, please leave Michael alone. He is a human being, too.

buck fiden

He’s Anna-nuki.


Mike has been in a civil union with the same man for many years. They are not adopting children due to Mike’s age and health issues. It just doesn’t make sense that Mike would create at least 2 new LLC’s and leave town the next day. Something isn’t right.

Angel Askew

If true, his Politico article comments are valid and he’d rather have his little cousin type up a few articles to give him a head start out of Dodge.

I’d much rather he’d continued to choose hot topics from our comments and blend them into reality.

I guess he’s reached a ceiling in his fine NY Post authentic journalism.

I do hope he is healthy and wish him well.

Jan D Hunsinger

I agree 100 percent

John .S

Quit Claims Deed into LLC.

buck fiden

After bidenflation, it’s all nigger money. A millionaire’s bank account and an illegal greaser who crossed the Rio Grande with a family of 25 will soon both have the equivalent of a Zillion Trillion Zimbabwe dollars.

Rob William

I actually bought a 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollar bill on eBay. It’s unimaginable!


Ya never know. Could be anything like that. but just odd that he gave us no news. Disappointing he couldn’t throw us even one piece of dirt.


What do you suspect Ted? Because I think MB would have engaged in conversations in the comments as he usually does when he’s away for a while


The real Question that should be considered is, why does Ted not be having his head examined.
It is obvious to the rest of us readers, that he is delusional and off of his medications


Trolls don’t take legal meds.

buck fiden



Concur, he is off the rails.


Well that’s because you and SOME of the other readers consume most of your time here arguing with them,so the real question should be why are you and SOME of the other members spending most of your time on here arguing with them instead of scrolling past them🤔


Seriously, I think Mike has been compromised. Someone realized that Mike had a following and is collecting information from us and using it as intel. The site captures IP addresses and logs our comments so it is easy to see what true Patriots are talking about. The one idiot on here who has the long posts with links is just giving our playbook away to the black hats.
And Mike’s footprint is growing with more businesses in Texas. The whole Alaska thing? Ask yourself what you can see from Alaska. The correct answer is Russia!

Rose Mary Abbott

RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. That’s the funniest thing I have ever heard you come up with Ted! Blame everything on RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. Biden Biden Biden is where the fault lies. Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine is Biden’s baby. His little playground got blown the hell up and went bye bye. They lost hundreds of bio weapons laboratories and thousands of children for sex trafficking. They lost billions of dollars invested in the evil they were producing. They are losing their whole evil dream and they can’t do a thing about it. I love Jesus for taking it and Biden down. Time for the losers to admit their loss and go to prison or firing squad. I wonder if trolls will be allowed freedom or if they will also pay for their part in this big move for treason. We will have to wait and see what happens to you all. Your IPs are also being made available.

J Bill

oh no! my ip is being made available? the horror!


So do I, thank You, Jesus! Natty Rothschild must be tearing his hair out now that Putin is smacking the tar out of Ukraine for their rebelliousness. The deep state is foaming at the mouth and is sending weapons to Poland to send to Ukraine to back them up, Howitzers according to one source is being sent to the Ukriane from Poland, because they are so scared of the New World order dying. AND THAT’S WHAT WE WANT, FOR THE NWO TO BE DEAD IN THE WATER!
Ukraine is not even an independent state because it never filed its papers in 1991, according to the UN Secretary General; so technically, it’s still under Russia anyway.
Nikita Khrushchev, a native Ukrainian himself, gave the Crimea to the Ukraine in 1954. But Putin took it back because the NATO/EU/CIA/globalist cabal started committing abominations and egging Russia on to start a war, as we can see from the video of McCain, Graham, Klobuchar, Yovanovich and Petroshenko in the Ukraine encouraging the Ukrainians to fight Russia and promising they would get Washington to back them up. If that is not a Logan Act violation, IDK what is.
There is a solid reason they hate Russia so much: because Putin hates the New World order and kicked the globalists out of Russia and expose dtheir evil plans to the entire world. And he will not allow LGBTQ indoctrination in the country nor allow Russian kids to be adopted by parents living in countries were LGBTQ agendas and same-sex marriage and paedophilia are tolerated and not MORE strictly punished. He loves kids, he wants to protect them. This is why he is our ally in our fight against the deep state, he is fighting child sex trafficking like Trump does.
And both of these men, fathers of children themselves, absolutely HATE the deep state, because they also know what they did to JFK, a protector of children as well as a father, who also fought the deep state before they finally killed him in Dallas out of revenge for exposing the secret societies and standing up to them.

buck fiden

Zee Zee Zee.

John .S

Hmm, can see much from Denali Mountain.

buck fiden

We pre-nigger-president America lovers prefer to call it “Mount McKinley.”

Angel Askew

He never did answer me about the drop down “share” button for Russian social media.

Sue Grantham

Putin is doing the right thing by destroying the evil child monsters, trafficking tunnels and biological weapons labs.
He also enacted the death penalty for child monsters.
Yeah, we would be lucky to have him here running things compared to the crackhead in charge.

John .S

Putin is a master tactician, artisan of sleight of hand, that doesn’t do anything in lack of gain. Beware of bearers of gifts, and wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Sue Grantham

He’s gifting humanity on many levels. Gives the finger to the NWO, enacted the death penalty for child monsters, removed propaganda news from Russia. He’s okay by me 👍🙏🇺🇸

Angel Askew

Agreed. But again, Americans are being held hostage by the same bad guys he is fighting.
If no one steps in for us, Putin and China eventually will.

buck fiden

Putin’s got it all fucking easy right now! He has America just where he wants us: commanded by a passed out drunk captain, with the USS America on autopilot heading towards a goldberg.

Angel Askew

So be it, Ted.
Either humanity beats the Cabal/WEF completely or it ends at the Gulag.

buck fiden

Perhaps MB has a CCW permit in Commiefornia and now Antifuck Niggers are targeting his new home there, thanks to the info Commiefornia’s spic AG “released.”

Angel Askew

Yep. He doxxed the entire list of concealed carry registrants. The entire list was published. Addresses and job titles too!

Angel Askew

Agreed. And the increase in spelling errors is painful.

Rose Mary Abbott

Ted doesn’t give a rat’s behind about MB except that he might have to find another site to make his money from. Don’t worry about Ted. Soros will tell Ted what to do and where to go if MB has been taken out by the deep state. Ted’s purpose here is to confuse and destroy this particular comment section in order to throw doubt all over MBs articles. They have been a badge of authenticity for MB in my opinion.

J Bill

soros pays me, not ted

Sue Grantham

Apparently Soros is not paying Antifa and they won’t riot, pillage and burn without being paid.

buck fiden

That cheap kike pays nobody. He promises you cash but doesn’t deliver. You complain, you get epstein’d.

Jan D Hunsinger

He always uses stock photos. But yes, it feels like something is very wrong.

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m not meaning to insult you but you are finally showing your value as a troll. Very gently gathering trust for your self with the people here and then when things go south you give us a nice boot in the ass to send us all to oblivion. You are like a very silent snake slithering to make your kill strike. I used to think that they were wrong about you but I find now that you are the most dangerous kind of troll out there. Patience seems to be your virtue.

J Bill

look at zee rolling up on everyone in the comment section

buck fiden

Troll-la-la-la-la la-la la la !!!

buck fiden

Publish a new list, beeotch!


🤣Rose,you are losing it
OWD isn’t a troll🙃

buck fiden

Most women are dumb cunts. They get cheated on ALL THE TIME and most have absolutely ZERO RADAR. That’s why we can two-time them – most of the time with zero repercussions. Which leads me to a pertinent song:

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyR-FYwUpGg

EDie Nichols

Well, you returned just in time! Glad you had a great trip!


Just in time to do nothing!


Michael, we missed you, but happy you timed-out for rest and play … welcome back to the daily grind, and Q, too! 😉  

Flo Gil

So no fake news for 10 days … got it …


Oh well…😶

Sandi Fassbinder

Glad you got rest .

Afshin Nejat

What a fucking weakling. Stop bullshitting and get back to writing these amusing stories.


You are not worthy, go find another site

Rose Mary Abbott

Hey, I am the Zee fake remember? I share my crown with NOBODY!

buck fiden

Patience, Afshit Nigger. He’ll be back soon.

question everything




Andrew Stevano

Michael, very nice to have you back. I have been chomping at the bit to know:

– the latest about David Axelrod,
– the latest about Marc Mezvinsky,
– the latest about Mike Pence,
– the latest about Chris Cuomo,


The Truth is all you list are dead/executed…
Good riddens


Lol you’re not even keeping up with MB’s fan-fiction, bro. He wrote that Chris Cuomo evaded capture, remember? And Mike Pence was only put on house arrest or some shit


Mezvinsky was executed.
Mike escaped White Hats yet again- — saw him or his double/clone/CGI with a sucking noise coming out of him after every sentence like he had a respirator, or an oxygen hole somewhere on his body after the gunshot surgery.
Nothing yet on Christ Cuomo after his narrow escape.
Nothing yet on Axelrod.


So glad you were able to take a break! I understand entirely. Welcome back!

Mr Smith

I hope you got some fishing time in the king salmon are just starting to roll in up here in Bristol bay and the fish look good nice and fat

J Bill

MB’s reply after cashing out the donations:

Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis
When I was dead broke, man, I couldn’t picture this

Angel Askew

And just because it’s Tuesday, Democrats just submitted a bill for a Transgenders Bill of Rights.

They are desperately trying to trigger us into civil war.

J Bill

i’d happily punch a nazi


Or a liberal Democrat…

J Bill

are you a nazi?

buck fiden

How do Germans tie their shoes?

Into little knotsies !!


Transgender people make up about 0.5% of the US population. Why are y’all so obsessively filled with hate for such a small number of people? You seriously want to start a civil war and go murder people in the streets over this teeny tiny segment of the population having some rights?

Sue Grantham

They aren’t special. Equal is equal. Their main goal is to make their lifestyle choices the normal and destroy the children.
If they need a pride parade to feel pride; they have self esteem issues and there’s not a parade big enough on the planet.
Equal is equal. NO ONE IS SPECIAL

buck fiden

Exactly! It’s saner to hate niggers, who are 12% of the population, or spics, who will soon become the majority, Amish, Mormons, and Orthokikes notwithstanding.


They are very immoral people, in case you didn’t know. Aside from the ugly sex acts they perform on each other, they have babies or adopt babies and then raise them as nongender people (this is also what President Vladimir Putin, a father of children, opposes as he supports conjugal marriage and multi-child families raised by straights, and supports the churches which were destroyed by 78 years of Communist rule, while President Volodymyr Zelensky, also a father of children, supports as well as tolerating LGBTQ families and LGBTQ culture and LGBTQ indoctrination of the kids — and his handler is billionaire Igor Kolomoisky, who helped him become, after his career as an actor, president of Ukraine).
Transsexuals alogn with homosexuals and lesbians don’t put themselves as the proper mother and the proper father; they refuse to complete the birth certification application with the birth sex, the birth name, or the natural parent assignation they both have that produced the kid — IF they did it themselves without the help of a surrogate, or IVF; and the donor/surrogate should be listed as the father in the case of lesbians doing the dirty deed, or mother in the case of homosexuals doing the dirty deed.
These kids are subject to the worst immorality possible, living with gender and birth sex confusion, and they will be very confused and traumatized. They will spend years in therapy if they make it that far if their brains are not fried first from being indoctrinated as nonbinary and without the necessary document showing them as their proper birth sex and their names for identification purpose, which their need throughout their entire lives.

Angel Askew

Case in point: see the mentally ill supporters comments. Lol

J Bill

cry nazi, cry


Excellent point..
The mentally ill supporters comments clearly show that the medication is not working and frontal lobotomy is a much better option..

J Bill

cry wildcat, cry

nazis deserve to be punched


Typical Tuesday…


(Paid) anti-troll tips:

  1. Do not reply to, upvote, or downvote posts made by trolls.
  2. DO NOT reply to, upvote, or downvote posts made by trolls!
  3. Memorize / mentally maintain a list of known trolls who poste here on RRN or other online message boards you frequent. Then simply ignore/skip past any posts made by them. Their posts fall into one of 4 categories:
  4. Deceive – the troll lies about the parent post in some way to try to get you to ignore it. The parent post contains (helpful) factual information that the troll KNOWS IS TRUE but lies anyway…to try to get you to ignore the parent post anyway.
  5. Deny – the troll makes posts denying the truth and veracity of any content in any prior posts. Could take the form of https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man arguments.
  6. Deride – the troll attacks THE PERSON in an irrational manner rather than the person’s ideas in a logical, forthright manner as in a (formal) debate. This is a https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem attack.
  7. Spam – Unwanted posts that waste the resources available to the online message board see https ://www.templetons.com/brad/spam/spam25.html for the OBVIOUS (in)famous version of spam. The other kind of spam is where two or more trolls create ‘comment chains’ with ‘off topic’ posts not germane to the article/story they are posted to. This makes it difficult for non-troll readers/posters of RRN or other online message boards to skip past such content. As a ploy, trolls will ‘vote each other up’ to appear legitimate but please do not fall for this trick.

Why paid trolls?

Unpaid trolls who ‘grief’ non-troll users on online message boards such as RRN are either doing it ‘for the lulz’ or are GENUINELY (but functionally) INSANE!

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” 
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein

So that leaves the paid trolls.

Don’t focus on the trolls at this level. Focus on their PAYMASTERS.

Why are the paymasters paying them to cause trouble online for everyone else?

As part of an agenda they want to see fulfilled NO MATTER WHAT.

It is as simple as that.

Their controls are simple and effective.


These three truthers

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Lindell
Jim Stone http ://www.jimstoneindia.com/

have been banned and marginalized at the financial level by the paymasters to get them to shut up and go away…all for exercising their First Amendment rights to free speech (to point out the wrongdoings of the paymasters and the proxies they work through) guaranteed to them by this

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_the_United_States

Famous ‘version’ of the above
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMoyH1uLhRk
(The original copy from the copyright holders is behind a paywall on YouTube)


https ://www.youtube.com/

has basically become worthless for truthtelling now because it is owned and controlled by the paymasters who have demonetized and scrubbed many truthtellers there. Thus, forcing them to give up or find alternative (usually ‘payware’) means of self-expression in order to avoid censorship.

So far

https ://www.bitchute.com/


https ://rumble.com/

are the biggest YouTube alternates/replacements that are not as censored as YouTube itself. There are many others like

https ://odysee.com/


https ://gab.com/

that are big but not as well known as Bitchute and Rumble.

A simple censorship test I found effective is searching a videosharing platform for this (in)famous 382-minute documentary (yes, 6+ hours) about the paymasters: IN THE NAME OF ZION (WARNING: CONTAINS (BRIEF) DISTURBING CONTENT)

https ://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=in+the+name+of+zion

No hits. Buried or scrubbed by YouTube

https ://rumble.com/search/video?q=in%20the%20name%20of%20zion

3 links on the first page of search results. Below is one of them with an ‘accurate’ URL ‘caption’.

https ://rumble.com/v127mqh-in-the-name-of-zion-full-documentary.html

https ://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=in%20the%20name%20of%20zion&kind=video

3 links on the first page of search results (which ‘endlessly scrolls’). Below is one of them which appears to be ‘direct from the author’.

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/cssXkCAPV3jY/

For balance, there is the epic 317-minute (yes 5+ hours) documentary (of sorts) about the paymaster’s helper network made by an ex-helper risking his life to do so. It is here

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/xoU7OfqHN6Dv/

as YouTube scrubbed the original copy from his channel there.

The mechanics of the paymaster’s worldwide financial network

Earliest known example of the current system
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_of_England

How it works. Stop after 25:21, the rest is end credits and an ad to buy gold (NEVER ‘paper gold’).
https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFDe5kUUyT0

Helpful follow-along chart
https ://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/gs-live/uploads%2F1471957753054-HSOM_Episode_4_Poster.jpg

Financial history of the paymasters and the proxies they work through (210-minute documentary)

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTPopNG6LRM

Mirror copy. Original was scrubbed along with the uploader’s (original) YouTube channel long ago.

The paymaster’s mechanics of censorship

Soundbite version
https ://www.bitchute.com/video/q3sKM5KhT8sG/

Full version
https ://www.bitchute.com/video/e0mw6eI4Ezmk/


When a truther speaks up (and refuses to stay quiet) with damning information about the paymasters and/or the proxies they work through, they are killed (in)directly and that is that.

A (partial) list of known victims ‘murdered’, ‘suicided’, or ‘died conveniently’.

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Forrestal
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Seth_Rich
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_David_Steele
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vince_Foster
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrance_Yeakey
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Webb
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Rupert
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Gunderson
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Rivers
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_William_Cooper
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Collins_Piper
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Kappy
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McAfee

https ://gossipcrux.com/rob-skiba-wiki-age-death-cause-wife-net-worth/
https ://wikispooks.com/wiki/Tracy_Twyman
https ://wikispooks.com/wiki/Barry_Jennings
https ://wikispooks.com/wiki/Danny_Jowenko
Why aren’t there Wikipedia pages for them?

Parting words:

“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn

“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?”

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Alfred_Strom

in case the trolls decide to respond/downvote this post to get the non-trolls to ignore it.


And yet, it is possible that leftists offer “ignore trolls” advice so that conservatives don’t counter them . . . because they really don’t like to be called out. But thank you.

BTW, I am a seldom commenter. I only came out due to the dire situation we are in. In fact, I will now go back into hiding.


The paid trolls are paid by their posts and by the downvotes they get for them for ‘bigger money’. If you don’t reply/downvote them they get paid little or nothing at all. See

https ://electronicintifada.net/content/inside-israels-million-dollar-troll-army/27566

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/4wOchGx4HPIL/

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_8200

With no financial incentive, they are wasting their time posting and will either stop/leave or continue to post for low/no pay which is considered a form of insanity per Albert Einstein. OWD’s post is this

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem

attack with no (detailed) explanation why they disagreed with my post. Just a sarcastic, mis-identified, ‘knee-jerk’ reaction.

MB blocked one troll but they came back. MB replied to them basically saying indirectly that they used a DS-level VPN network to get back in. The troll denied it of course. Then the reason the trolls won’t stop posting here is probably because they are military and HAVE to do it–otherwise they risk court-martial, imprisonment, or execution.

I heard somewhere online that when the paymasters do not want to answer for their crimes, they attempt to generate sympathy for themselves from the ‘sleeping masses’ that watch the MSM that they own and control by wrongly accusing their accusers of things explained in these two clips from my original post:

The paymaster’s mechanics of censorship

Soundbite version
https ://www.bitchute.com/video/q3sKM5KhT8sG/

Full version
https ://www.bitchute.com/video/e0mw6eI4Ezmk/

I heard elsewhere of another saying that describes the behavior of the paymasters. Paraphrased, as I don’t have the exact wording or source URL handy, is this:

“When you cannot call out the criminals for their criminality, you then know you are being ruled over by criminals.”

J Bill

nope. false flags everywhere

question everything

paid trolls? LOL….Romans 6:23…the wages of sin is death

buck fiden

I prefer to be paid in Bitcoin.


We appreciate your use of gender neutral language.

J Bill

bye. but probably a false flag because you’ll be back tomorrow


We look forward to not seeing you.


The stupidity of “countering trolls” is exactly what trolls want. I’m guessing you are quite possibly a troll account that is here to make life better for trolls.

Trolls love to be called out so they can turn a single troll post into an entire volley of bullshit.

Somehow I think you already know that & are a troll account in hiding that only comes out, like you indicated, to rescue the trolls from extinction due to “being ignored” – which is the only way to paralyze a troll – ignore them.

Probably you’re here to counter a very effective article (IsThisFairUse2) on the entire charade you’ve come out to comment on.

J Bill

we’re here to laugh at you

J Bill

my pockets stick out more than my belly


This post isn’t long enough, you should probably add another 30 or so useless wikipedia links imo


It’s fucken long and stupid…


Einstein did not say that.
but I do agree that we should be cautious of people who post stories for financial gain.

Dr John

All good information. One value the trolls have is as a meter that tells when they are concerned about information being leaked or sources like this site sharing information we are not supposed to know. The more they attack, the more concerned the Deep State is about the target. Bigger, more dangerous targets must get greater fees, driving the trolls to places like this. It is an inverted complement.

As long as the trolls are coming in force we now MB is telling the truth. Otherwise they would not bother with this site. I got kicked off of Twitter 8 times for telling the truth, same difference I was making an impact that weakened their position.

And by the way, I thought I was the King of Looooong comments. I now realize my mistake and the brevity of my comments.

All good and great information, worth the read, Thanks.

J Bill

nope lmao


What an idiot


As nice as your article sounds the reality is that Trolls want to be attacked, love to be attacked, so the more they attack – the more they are being fed. If everyone completely ignores them they will first escalate to making the most triggering posts possible but when that doesn’t work, when they fail to get a reaction, that’s when they stop – only when totally ignored even when doing their most triggering comments. They rely completely on triggering people to shut them up. That’s why they don’t go away is that people are too weak to manage their own triggers. The reason the trolls love it is because they prey on human weakness. Stop being weak & trolls disappear. It’s that bloody simple.


Lol it is genuinely so funny how you guys tell yourself this. Please continue telling yourself this for another 5+ years as your larp never becomes real and I continue to call you a gullible dumbass 🙂


These external posts may interest you. I tried and failed to post them here on RRN as they would go to moderation for one reason or another. Please read them and pass them on–they contain important information.

https ://justpaste.it/36xlg

Couldn’t post this one on Pastebin (see below) due to the ‘woke filters’ there.

DJT, LGB, FJB, and Banking
https ://pastebin.com/bum2LLm3

DJT, Berger, Whitehats, Insurrection Act, Project Pelican
https ://pastebin.com/Ya0S81Lh


Thank you @IsThisFairUse2.




Can you keep it short and to the point?

Sue Grantham

You can add Steinger, Sergeant at Arms to the list. Shot crossing the street to his apartment the night before he was supposed to testify 🤨

Sue Grantham

Remember Wikipedia can be edited by anyone at any time

buck fiden

Your Awareness of Your Awareness is Your Soul.


Exactly….long and boring 😴


My anti virus software is giving me a red alert. getting out of here. suggest you do the same.

J Bill

share the quarantined items

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

“Senate Sergeant At Arms In Charge of Security On Jan 6 “Who Called Out Professional Agitators” Is Found DEAD One Day Before Surprise Witness Appears At Witch Hunt Committee Hearing.”

J Bill

False flag

Sue Grantham

He was shot walking across the street to his apartment the night before he was supposed to testify 🤨 video shows it from the building across the street from his apartment


“NBC and CBS are reporting that both Trump’s driver and Secret Service agent are willing to testify under oath that Trump never attempted to grab the steering wheel. And just like that, today’s “bombshell” testimony at the January 6 Committee Hearing is completely discredited.”

J Bill

False flag

It’s also only one part and the only second hand testimony. Rudy and meadows still asked for a pardon; trump knew his supporters were armed and didn’t care. You were on here for months saying it was antifa lmao 🤡

Cope 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The Palmieri Report previously reported that she wanted to work for Trump even after January 6th but according to Trump she was denied a job.

J Bill


Cope. 😭


He turned her down for a job. She got pissed. Lied and got paid. Don’t kid yourself.


“Proud Boys Proven INNOCENT in Newly Released VIDEO Hidden from Public! — DOJ Tried to Hide This Evidence! BLOWS UP DOJ and Liz Cheney’s Bogus SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY Charges – THEY HID THIS FROM PUBLIC!”
And ANTIFA member was carrying a gun.


“Ignored by Liz Cheney at the Jan. 6 Show Trial: Antifa Members Caught with Gun and Released on Jan.6

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou
J Bill

The proud boys and oathkeeper leaders recorded themselves planning for Jan 6 😭😭😭😭 cope


Proud Boys were planning to attend, yes, and watch out for moms, pops, grandmas, grandpas and kids, knowing leftists would be out for violence that is depicted on many videos that Nancy Pilosi and her cult won’t release. But now we are hearing about videos.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jullou

Lol do you ever sense a pattern here? Even though ‘Patriots are in control’ none of this slam dunk evidence you talk about ever exists. Why don’t they just release the fucking evidence? Why do they waste everyone’s time spreading around rumors that they have the evidence but never actually release it? Just like the election fraud evidence, this shit does not exist bro


LOL, yes ,..I see a pattern here. Residents from the local insane asylum escaped ,”LIKE YOU”,…to complain.
You are NOT anyone Bro
Go start a site and you can have your narrative..

Sue Grantham

Your ignorance is only second to your arrogance

Sue Grantham

There’s nothing wrong with coordinations Of meeting at a rally, protest or meeting.
The issue is: the only ones armed were FBI plants, Antifa and Capital police.
Everyone else went through security before walking within the velvet ropes.
Steinger (Sergeant at Arms) state’s in his deposition that the plants were there to create chaos.


Listen to it. I did. They committed no crime.


She also never mentioned Big Foot. Does that mean she is covering something up?


My sources are many.

J Bill

your sources are RRN and the gateway pundit; the latter famous for the antifa super solider story. coooooooooooooooope lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo


Can you explain how video hidden from the public proves someone innocent? Also, there is no verdict of innocent. It is guilty or not guilty. Do your research.




Many thousands of stupid Americans also believe that the chairperson of The Proud Boys Enrique Atario is white🙃

J Bill

he’s not but he’s going to jail for a long time


It sucks because he is a great guy who helped out a friend of mine once

question everything

Antifa wants to invade the Sturgis Bike Rally….LOL…..Bring it!


Lol,ANTIFA wouldn’t stand a chance


Where in the Hell do you come up with this crap you write ?