The Deep State Strikes Back

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Several U.S. Marines on a clandestine assignment to arrest a prominent Deep State lawmaker were tragically killed last Wednesday when their OV-22 Osprey, a military aircraft with a somewhat checkered history, plunged from the sky and erupted in a colossal fireball. The mainstream media and the criminal Biden regime labeled the crash “an accident still under investigation,” but the White Hat vanguard of the U.S. military believes the crash was an act of Deep State sabotage.

The official narrative is simple: the tilt-rotor aircraft, which lands vertically like a helicopter but flies more similarly to an airplane, went down near Glamis, California, about 115 miles east of San Diego and 50 miles from Yuma, Arizona, during a routine training mission. On the surface this seems plausible because the Osprey has had 13 hull loss accidents that have resulted in 51 fatalities. Pilots have called the V-22 “an uncooperative aircraft to fly,” and some have petitioned for its withdrawal from service. So, in theory, last Wednesday’s crash could’ve been another random mishap.

But White Hats say the crash and the true nature of the Osprey’s mission, combined with unassailable evidence, rule out a mere accident; to the contrary, they assert that both a Deep State double-agent and a saboteur learned of the operation and conspired to bring down the airplane and its occupants.

They also challenge the number of Marines killed in the crash. Sources told RRN the Osprey held eight Marines: the pilot, the copilot, two flight engineers, and the four Marines tasked with apprehending a Deep State villain.

On Sunday, June 5, White Hats decided to move against a liberal lawmaker who lives near Glamis and was deeply rooted in a child trafficking ring whereby abducted American children, some as young as 4 years old, were sold to the House of Saud, the ruling royal family of Saudi Arabia. The military is said to have transactional proof implicating the target of last Wednesday’s disastrous operation. Our source did not reveal the target’s name because a follow-up operation is already underway.

“Several targets of opportunity live within 100-mile radius of that area. Naming a target or specific place of residence might spook them all,” our source said.

The operation, he added, ought to have been straightforward and effortless. The Marines were stationed at Camp Pendleton, a White Hat stronghold, and assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 364 of Marine Aircraft Group 39, part of the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing headquartered at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego. On Wednesday, April 8, at approximately noon, Gen. David H. Berger greenlit the mission, and the Marines set forth to capture their target. The pilots were instructed to touch down briefly while a 4-man reactionary force travelled on foot a short distance to the target’s location. If the assignment had gone as planned, the Marines would have stormed the target’s home, captured him, and flown him to Camp Pendleton for processing.

The Osprey, though, plummeted into the arid terrain minutes after takeoff, killing all aboard.

According to our sources, White Hats have taken possession of both the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder, instruments which record cockpit chatter and preserve the recent history of the flight through the recording of dozens of parameters collected several times per second.

Distrustful of outsiders, White Hats used in-house aircraft investigation experts to forensically analyze the Osprey’s short but ill-fated flight.

“There was zero sign of trouble up until 45 seconds before the crash. The pilots were talking casually about 4th of July plans. Then the shit hit the fan. The voice recorder picked up a massive explosion at the same time the FDR recorded an immediate loss of all flight controls. An explosion in the left engine was so strong it blew the rotor right off the engine. The aircraft banked hard and corkscrewed into the ground,” our source said.

The pilot’s last words were: “We’re dead, someone f***** us over.”

Certitude of sabotage, our source explained, was established when White Hats examined the wreckage. Explosive residue—C4 and thermite—was found on shrapnel from the left engine mount.

“We don’t yet know how it got there, who planted it. It’s damn peculiar. The V-22 was fully inspected 48 hours before, and a thorough preflight was done before it took off. Somehow, someone entered a secure area undetected and, by the looks of it, hid explosives in the engine cowling—that’s my guess, not official. We still have no answers why the explosion crippled all flight controls,” our source said.

More disturbing is that only 13 White Hats, excluding the deceased, had foreknowledge of the mission. White Hat operational details are compartmentalized, classified, and shared on a need-to-know basis. The implication is an officer within the White Hat echelon fed information to his true masters, the Deep State, which surreptitiously found a way to sabotage the Osprey without getting caught.

Gen. Berger, our source said, is personally spearheading an investigation to learn the traitor’s identity.

“It’s hard to believe someone in our ranks could’ve done this. We’re examining all angles. When we catch the traitor, and we will get him, he will be executed,” our source said in closing.

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If Michael isn’t going to write any more bed time stories this site should be taken down. I liked Michael’s stories, some of the best bedtime stories I’ve read in a while.
You knew most if not all where not true, but still fun to read.
I’m not a believer in the clone thing. Doesn’t make it not true, I just won’t believe that they can make an exact person with memories and everything still intact. It’s the memories and soul thing that I don’t believe, how can something that has never lived possible know the memories and life experiences of it’s DNA father.

Anyways, if your out there Michael you should really take a few minutes out of one day and at least let your readers know your all right. Not saying you need to write more stories, just let people know you are a live and well.


Mr. Baxter: Come out! Come out, wherever you are! That i, unless RRN is a dead website. If so, RIP. If you’ve left the land of the living, we’re loved you during your very brief life.

Mike Hawk

Nothing new posted since the 15th. Something big must be going down.

Ron Burgundy

The “big” news is that all this was obviously fake. Don’t build your life around internet fantasy worlds.

Dave P.

I told you before MB is dead and he is in Heaven. RIP MB.


Pathetic “boomer” music for Baxter’s funeral.

youtube dot com/watch?v=gEPmA3USJdI

youtube dot com/watch?v=n_GFN3a0yj0


I can’t wait for the Messiah return and wipe out evil off this planet. It won’t be a moment to soon.

Rob William

Define evil. Many time the religious nuts are the most evil people!

Angel Askew

Whether MB comes back or not, fiction or not, even if DJT returns or not, the fact is, the petrodollar IS crashing and taking the world’s economy with it.

This time next year they’re predicting 250mill U.S. people will be dead from the experiment jabbs or starvation. The feds WILL never stop finding ways to control us. Stay off that cbdc if possible.

If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it. Be useful. Keep stacking and support local networking.

As horrifying as it will be, other countries will suffer worse. Pray and stay active!

It’s all a “jump ball” and many will not make it to half time.

Ron Burgundy

Who is the “they” predicting 250mil deaths? Could it be…other insane fraudsters like MB? 😮


6 Mill isnt it? 6Mill in Ukraine (going on rd 2), 6 mill in russia & 6 mill in germany, but now its the USA’S turn – I guess.
Jews do a good job of genocide and it seems they always get away with it. Isn’t that ironic, I mean if you think about it we can go back further in history to the Spanish Inquisition where 6 mill christians died there too.

Ron Burgundy

What a weird person you must be.

Angel Askew

It’s refreshing to see you finally showing off in front of all your full Jewish bloom. Shedding the goyim like snake skin unless, of course, it’s to reproduce and shapesshift into a new schtick.
You never fooled me, Scott and it REALLY pisses you off. LOL!


This is an example of what Mike was afraid would happen and one of the many reasons why he had to stop. Now this person believes that 250 million people will die because of a vaccine when there is absolutely no credible evidence to support that statement. This site attracts a certain demographic who spreads information without understanding what they are saying. Mike and I are working with a local lawyer in Texas to draft a statement about Mike’s responsibility and exposure to litigation.


Who is predicting 250 million US people will be dead? Do you have an article or news outlet, who is it exactly? That’s a lot of people just in the US. That would mean the Deep State won and the earth has been depopulated.
Which would mean places like Israel will be completely gone since they have the highest vac rate in the world.
I’d like to read the article where you got the information, instead of just taking your word for it.

Angel Askew

I have given up on “sharing” literature here. It only feeds the trolls. Please consider it a “nugget” to research on your own. The Live Wire and The Ice Age Farmer, MIKE Adams of Brighteon dotcom as well as anything about Agenda 21 are great places to start.

The depopulation will continue even if DJT returns. Too many took the experiment. The more shots taken the quicker your immune system is crushed. All ones sleeping viruses emerge and/or you can no longer fight environmental exposures.

Think; “Soylent Green”.

John .S

At current beleive vax as primary culprit for mass death.

Buzz that Marbury Virus is encapsulated [suspended] in vax triggered by 5-G pulse via cell towers, similar as to popping a pimple via flip of a switch.

No doubt starvation in equation, many clueless that US food processing facilities been deliberately destroyed. Also, cattle, poultry and grain under attack [weather warfare].

Petro Dollar on cusp of death. Countries returning US dollars not needed to purchase oil, diminishing its value.

Matters of election highjacking must be brought to closure, as decertification process dragged out.

It’s time for swift action, before there’s nothing left of America to salvage. The drip-drip analogy, feeding populas crumbs
for easy digestible awakening nolonger viable.

God Bless America.

Angel Askew

This is my current understanding too, John.


I wonder if Trump will be the first arrest that shocks the world. They need to make him disappear like Jeffery Epstein because he’s dead. January 6 hearings will recommend that he be arrested.


I dunno. I’m trying not to give up hope but it think it may be time to grab our ankles and kiss our asses good-bye. Please prove me wrong.

J Bill



You giving rim jobs? Yuck!


Don’t worry about the trolls, their only job is to confuse you nothings habbening.
Pay them no nevermind.


I am really wondering why we haven’t heard from you in nearly TWO weeks.
You can’t tell me that nothing is happening. Thanks

J Bill

11 days akshually


You really should learn English Omar.


He’s chillin in may he co.


I blow my nose at you, I fart in your general direction.



May the Monkey Pox be upon you.


Beware the bath houses

Last edited 2 years ago by Earl



Yes,I put up the British Shill List


looks like the deep state struck back at Michael Baxter.


Where are you Michael?


In may he co sipping a margarita with your pesos.

Martin Kohler

Eleven days with no updates.
Maybe the title of the last installment was prophetic.
I hope not.


Has anyone seen the photo of Trump standing next to a large “poster” hanging on a wall? I think it is in his office. Mar-a-Lago? The poster says “Plus Ultra”. It stuck in my head because I did not know what it meant. I still don’t. But I was just watching the 2015 movie “Tomorrowland”. In the scene where the girl goes into a Head Shop/Gift Store, the owner tells her that the people who had invented the future, where she had just come back from, called themselves “Plus Ultra”. It made me think of Cold Fusion, Looking Glass, the 6000 patents, The Adventures of Barron Von Trump, Zero Point Energy, Tesla, Break-away civilizations, and bases on Mars. Does anyone have any idea of what, if anything, it could mean as it might relate to the “Great Awakening”?


No, just you.

Rene Labre

Hitler was was a very well read intelligent person. A very kind, compassionate person.Very funny actually,as well as a ladies man.Big time animal lover. How did he bring the German people out of desperate poverty to become one of the most powerful economic forces in the world? He outlawed usury interest by the banks..the trap we are in right now. “Our labor is our gold.” Peacefully he got back Germany’s real land holdings. Winston Churchill was a drunk slob a moron. It was Poland that provoked that military attack that started the war..They were warned over and over again. They were laid waste. on the spot.


Cool story, Nazi 👎


It happens to be true.


No, it is not. Do your research on The Gleiwitz Broadcasting Station false flag attack


I have and what the OP posted is true.

Oklahoma patriot

Before hitler went into politics he hand made greeting cards ,,beautiful cards,,,,and he wasnt even german ,,,,austrian ! Uno like swartchineger,,,

J Bill



It’s Schwarzenegger. not “swartchineger”. You’re making him sound like a sausage.


That is not true. Poland did not fire the first shot, the Nazis did. The night before 01.09.39, a false flag incident occurred at a radio station. The Gleiwitz Broadcasting Station false flag attack was a staged event by Nazi forces pretending to act as rebellious anti-German, Polish activists on the eve of WWII at the start of September 1939. This attack against the German radio station would be used as a pretext for Nazi Germany to invade Poland.


While we are on the topic of history, the video I watched at the Pearl Harbor museum claims that the officer on watch that fateful night, saw on his monitor planes headed towards Pearl Harbor. He immediately informed his superiors but was brushed off telling the officer, “they are our planes coming back from a recon.” The rest is history of should haves and could haves. Blessings,


Maybe the WordPress company was pressured to block him from publishing new articles and posting comments.


If this is the case, no payments to WordPress and the site is then eliminated.

J Bill

False flag WordPress operation


Lol he has Telegram and Twitter too you know. If he was being blocked by WordPress he would be able say so on those sites, and also logically WordPress would have taken this one down already.


No I didn’t know. So you are not only on this site 24/7 following MB, you also follow him on Telegram and Twitter too? That’s devotion . . . or something else.

Typically, WordPress will take it down when the money runs out. But if leftists are controlling WordPress, then yes, it would have gone down in a flash.


I think they call it “stalking”, maybe even obsession.


The only ones fault that RvsW was overturned is these libturdian whack jobs…. screaming they will open their dirty legs just to get pregnant and get an abortion….fuck them and anyone else who disagrees….shame these little pussies will still be able to get an abortion

J Bill

On the bright side, you won’t have to worry about it. Who wants to lift that massive fupa?

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

John boy….you don’t even know what sex I am….I will give ya 1 guess

J Bill


Rene Labre

You also have 10 scattered tribes also Jews. As much in every way as you are. you go on long and hard about King David yet rejected and crucified his son. I refer to Jesus as man here, a man who is also God incarnate,God with us as a man. The big joke of preachers and their very expensive tour of Israel, what a pathetic joke. Money grubbers.Straight up. If you go there talking about Jesus you are going to be rejected.Big time.

Ron Burgundy

Insane ramblings very cool

Country Girl

If you’ve had kids, you know that when they get quiet, they’re up to something. I think the white hats are up to something and are not allowing any details to get out. Not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. At least that’s my hope and prayer.
We’ve just experienced a great victory, thank You, Jesus.

Last edited 2 years ago by Country Girl
J Bill



The White Hats are just like small children, got it. Very reassuring 👍


I suppose that great victory was the SCOTUS’ overturning of ROE V WADE. It was a great victory indeed and all the glory goes to God who is above all. Blessings,


And one more thing, the win would have been impossible had HRC won. With DJT as President, conservative justices were put in place. This was prophesied by Mark Taylor a retired Florida firefighter. Sadly, this is not the end of the pro life battle because there are states that remain pro choice and we pro lifers cannot rest on our laurels per se. Our fight goes on and with God’s help, we will prevail. Let us pray, Jesus we trust in you and in everything we do, help us. Blessings,

Oklahoma patriot

Not pro-choice !!!!!!😡 They are pro-murder ! Roe v wade was the most prolific serial killer in world history ! Call it what it is genicide tool for blacks !
And the blacks are so busy hating themselves they cant see it ! Democrates hated freeing the slaves then ,,and today,,,

J Bill

i’m pro-murder of “oklahoma patriot” due to the bad takes




Mike has already said he is shutting down because none of it is real.


lying shill


British Shill List📋


Dumb bitch.




That’s why it is called a satire site?


They also have to figure out who the traitor is/was. #radiosilent


Your wife said the opposite

J Bill


Oklahoma patriot

Oliver weasle doglas is a bott ! He replys to every comment,,, your argueing with a machine ! Hes not real ! Wish i knew how to block it from here ,,,if anyone does ,,,do it


STFU moron.


Jesus ain’t got nuttin to do with the fictional white hats.


He does when the White Hats, call for His help. If the power of prayer can help reverse Roe v. Wade, it can help the White hats take down the deep state and cut it off at the knees, especially those pro-choice idiots.

buck fiden

All right. I’m tired of no new stories and I’m horny. I’m taking advantage of my new-found freedom, and I’m going cunting tonight. There’s a bar in Chandler where the owner has huge fucking tits. I’m not posting again on this site unless MB writes another story or I get sucked off.

Shalom, Motherfuckers!


You sound so much better now that you have your new found freedom🤣


Lol,sorry,I was making the British Shill list…Zee’s back,and I’m just encouraging Bucks new found freedom🇺🇲


Is the bar by any chance owned by Stormy Daniels? Have some wholesome fund BF. Blessings,


That rap trap bar would be out of business if Stormy owned it.

Mr. Bill

Happy hunting!


Oral cream pie!


‘Michael Baxter,’ may very well have been, ‘Q.’

Rationale: Q went offline in December, right before 6 Jan. RRN popped up right after 6 Jan. Now RRN goes missing and Q pops back up..

Time will tell. MB may not even be a real person, but a fictional entity cooked up by the white hats. Does that mean RRN is fiction. Not at all.

Rob William

He is real and his name is M. Tuf.. and he is down with moderate Covid. Give him a few days please.


RRN is fiction, and if Q keeps posting he won’t mention any of the executions or shit that MB made up. Q is also fiction btw. Larpers gonna larp.

J Bill



Your rationale could very well be part of The Plan. Imho, RRN is not missing but just 10-7 which is CB code for radio silence. The site is staffed and is functioning well albeit no MB reports. Btw, I don’t think MB is Q because it is a known fact among the patriots that Q is a team consisting of no more than ten patriots DJT one of them hence his Q+ ‘handle’. As you said, time will tell. Meantime, pray without ceasing in Jesus’ mighty name. Blessings,

David T

Excellent points Delavic, thanks for posting them.

J Bill

“I have nothing to add but would like to inject myself into this conversation somehow”


10-7? Code for “in-hiding”


So Mike admits that he made it all up and you continue to try and think up new conspiracy theories? No wonder he soaked you clowns for over 50K.


liar shill

J Bill

it’s even higher than 50k lmao


I’d bet money MB can multi task

J Bill

Gaybill multitasks by taking multiple loads to the face

Mr. Bill

Well noone has seen M. B. and Batman in the room at the seme time either.


Very astute observation.


RRN is fiction. MB is real. Easy to research. Google an article by Bill McCarthy titled “A look behind real raw news.”

Ron Burgundy

lol keep twisting yourself in knots trying to justify your continued belief in this dumb shit



Status of Real Raw News

As some of you may have noticed, this site has not updated in a while. I feel as though I owe you an explanation. A few years ago, I started a web site called Twisted Truth and found that the political stories got more donations than the alien stories. Since this is entertainment and not news, I switched my focus from aliens to politics. I know now that it was a mistake. While the stories started out as fun and funny tales that no one in their right mind could ever believe, I started to take a more radical stance and say things that were actually harmful. I started to realize that the more “out there” the stories were, the more money I could make telling them. What I could not see then but can see now is that these stories could hurt people. When I started saying that COVID was fake and that the vaccine was a “clot shot” that killed people, I did not realize that some of my readers were so gullible that they would believe it. I thought that it would encourage them to do actual research and see that COVID was real and that vaccines have been saving lives for at least 100 years. Instead, people took parts of my stories as “fact” and posted to other social media sites as evidence to back up their incorrect beliefs. I have to live with the fact that what I wrote about a lot of subjects may have injured or even killed people. This is a burden that I must carry and I will never make up for the damage I have caused over the years.
Even when the facts were brought to my attention, I was so blinded by my love of money that I would say that I was “just passing on what I was told” or “my sources confirmed it”. Truth be told, there were never any sources and nothing I have ever stated was true. It was a con and I am ashamed.
I even went so far as to file for incorporation in Texas as AMERICAN MEDIA PUBLISHING LLC thinking that I would keep this going forever but I now know I was only fooling myself.
Please forgive me for the harm I have caused and please do not forward any of my old stories on other social media platforms. I have a lot of work ahead of me to try and repair the damage that I have caused and it all starts here with my most sincere apology.
Please take care of yourselves.
Mike T



Please have Michael Baxter affirm this post. Thank you. Scott


When you are in church today, think about this.

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
“Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”


Ted I’m impressed. You’re showing you good side and PTL. Btw, if what you said about Peter seeing the wind is true, then he had supernatural powers at that stage of his earthly life. Blessings,

David T

Satan quoted scripture in Matthew 4 when Jesus was tempted in the desert. Don’t be deceived by Teddy Spread misusing the Word, he is still as evil and deceptive as ever if not even more so.

J Bill



Repost to avoid moderation
Please be careful. Please read as many other posts by T_ed and other nearby posts not made by T_ed and keep 0:15 – 0:28 of

https ://

in mind, thanks. 🙂

P.S.: T_ed or others like him may reply to this post to discredit / cast doubt on it. You have been forewarned in advance. I cannot spell T_ed’s name correctly in this post or it will go to moderation and won’t post immediately as will posts containing URLs that are not ‘tweaked’ as shown above. If you read as many other posts by T_ed and other nearby posts not made by T_ed, you will see/understand why. People like T_ed have been here at least as long as I have been here–ultimately trying to get all the real, sincere posters/readers of RRN to leave it so this website can ‘die on the vine’. 🙁

David T

Absolutely correct. That’s the troll turds’ mission, all 2-3 of them who use more than a dozen fake names.

J Bill

like gaybill does?


Too late rigor mortis has already set in.



David T

Scott, as you can see below in Teddy Spread’s post he quotes scripture (out of context) just as Satan did when Jesus was tempted in the desert by Satan. It’s painfully obvious that the troll turds on here are of a similarly evil nature and will lie and deceive at will, to drive people into doubt and away from here. Teddy Spread has posted delusions bs about being part of RRN admin which he is not, and he alternates between claiming that MB only gets a paltry amount of donations, then switches over to claiming that MB is on a vacation with all the donated money. You’ll get no affirmation from MB that anything the troll turds post is real.


MB is on the “lam” with your pesos.


Nor does MB ever say I am not the admin. Think about it.


I find it funny that all the trolls and naysayers are posting everyday salivating at the mouth looking for new news stories like a Heroin addict looking for their next fix. They can’t seem to get enough.

J Bill

We’re laughing at you


Proud of you for finally coming clean, Mike.


He’s “busted” and he knows it.


Idk….we don’t see a lot of these pigs anymore…the pedophile brothers….Comey, clitins, shit…I could go on and on….it’s crazy right?


Or Caumo…from NY, you couldn’t keep this guy off TV during, and after Covid?


That Michael LaVon Robertson (MO) was a tranny…?


nasty lying shill

Rose Mary Abbott

My question is to the many many trolls who live in the RRN comment section here is why are you still here? There is nothing going on here anymore. Your garden has dried up. Time to go elsewhere.


Bless your heart Rose. I am glad to see that you are still alive. We pray for your health every day. May Jesus heal you and allow you to walk again. Be free in the light of Christ.

buck fiden

How old are you, RMA? Has your “garden” dried up yet?


She said a while ago that she is a quadriplegic. Think about it.


One of Jerry’s kids?


Hey…seems Jan is gone too🥳probably forgot to pay the bill at Southern Ecuadorian Edison 🤷‍♀️


Because people with conspiracy-mush brains are still posting stupid shit here, which I find entertaining. Jesus Rose how many times do I have to say this? That is what I’m here for. There is no job or payment or goal or anything else to it.

J Bill

I’m here because it’s fun to use your smooth brains as a slip ‘n slide


Because they are funny and ad satire and parody to RRN,the big question is why are you here? you seem to be obsessed with the trolls as you feed into them instead of focusing on the articles Zee


I think it’s fucking funny that these fucktards are being executed…even if they aren’t…I love the thought….fuck them all…how bout dat?


Me too…and even if they aren’t I hope that they will eventually be executed….🤗


How do you know,He hasn’t called me a whore once? Are you sure on this one because I can’t stand him?he is a mean twink


Ok,I wasn’t sure,send me the list because I need to memorize it

J Bill

Aw gayjill is trying to act like someone else. Your glory hole needs your attention


Nobody is being executed, no matter how many times you jack off to fake execution stories

David T

I’m with you on that as well. .

J Bill

you’re agreeing with yourself?


Why are you still here bitch?




Nice language, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Mark Acton

“Sitting on the fence” is waiting for the flood in a sea of fire.

Sitting Bull would probably agree. The great spirit will find lost souls when the Earth is cleansed of evil spirits. OR will the “White Hats” get off the fence and step up to the plate?

God is the owner of Genesis… therefore a “win win” against the creator is a “lose lose” for creation. God is surfacing what the Bull left behind.

Snitches get stitches; what kind of high school drama is this? The clicks have invaded and big brother has not rolled up his sleeves. I guess the Bullies are going to rule the halls. Not on the watch of those who sacrifice.

Big difference between a volunteer and the chosen in God’s eyes. Chosen do not know how to sacrifice, they know how to sacrifice others. Volunteers are willing to sacrifice themselves for the will of the Father… Spirit intervention would be nice

Jude 1:14

Dave P.

Wake up people. MB died and went to heaven. He is not coming back. RIP MB>


Well, it has been ten (10) days since this last post and crickets from Michael Baxter. Is this Michael’s final post?


Yes. RIP Mike 💀


Is may he co heaven?


I am making $92 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $ninety five however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. That is what I do..

Last edited 2 years ago by Truckinbroke
Dave P.

However you owe taxes at the rate of $65 per hour. Pay up bozo!!!!

Mark Acton

What does the GOP MI candidate for gov. Have in common with the Colbert crew?
A light sentence?
Win win for HQ?

Not seeing much “P” endorsement. Maybe a sea of espionage… for the new book.

Meanwhile God is seeking his children…

If time is not of the essence, UV fools to think you are on top.

As quick as a $2 bill, if they print a $200 bill. After all, topping Benjamin would endorse the turkey.

Entertainment or sheer panic, God is not amused. Question is becoming when will the plug be pulled on this planetary experiment?

Ask Enoch…

White Hats or White Bull?

Sitting on the fence best fits which adjective?


Land of the Lost reference hidden in plain sight?

buck fiden

They’ll definitely put a leftist nigger or spic activist on the $200 bill if there ever is one.

David T

Promise? Take all the troll turds with you and you f-sticks can start up your own site.



Ron Burgundy

Still sticking to the “RRN is legit” stuff, Dave?

Michael R Davis

Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe) was never raped, she lied, she admitted publicly to Carl Rowan, many other journalists, that she lied, that she was never raped. She later repented of her lies, her sins, her many crimes.


Her lie which imho was expertly choreographed by the radical left, caused the loss of an estimated 65 million innocent lives. The overturn of the law was a small consolation. Q said it appropriately that “these people are sick and evil”. Lord hear our prayer. Blessings,


Has any one noticed that RRN posted this article 6/15 and there has not been anything afterwards for 11 days now? Also in the comments Goober doxxed MB’s address in Irving, TX, claiming he had high security clearance. Is RRN functioning? Is MB functioning?


No Gunther, nobody else has noticed this. You are the only person here with keen enough observation skills to know that there haven’t been any new articles since this article from 11 days ago.

buck fiden

Finally, I’m functioning again! Praise Jesus’ name!

Last edited 2 years ago by buck fiden
David T

Voice of experience OWD. What else are you waiting to get out of your system?


He’s on the run. It was easy to dox him. He got sloppy and is now on the run. (with your donations).


Very slow to update and post new information or follow up on previous situations and releases of information

Ron Burgundy

Because this has always been fake. It’s not real. It’s made up. Imaginary.


Mr.Baxter will you be posting another article soon. We haven’t heard anything since June 15th. Thank you.

buck fiden

Exactly. We all thought Q was gone forever, too.


He took the cash he grifted from you and is most likely in may he co.


If I am correct in connecting my dots to show Michael Baxter, Q, Juan O Savin, and JFK, jr. all to be the same person, then Mr. Baxter’s AWOL may be due to the reappearance of Q with three new posts (first since 12/8/20). While I devote myself to the Q-board like a Viking to his runes, I prefer the straight news of RRN. And I miss it, although I think the return is nigh and our days of scraps are nearly over. WWG1WGA & MAGA


You are not correct, but you can larp whatever the fuck you want I guess. The Storm or the EBS or any of that shit will never come either way bro.


Kai’s day job is being Nancy Pelosi’s pool-boy.


At least it has its perks, if you know what I mean 😏

buck fiden

You ever get to see Nancy’s big tits when she goes skinny dipping?



David T

Wow I just puked up a little when I read that . .

Ron Burgundy

Stop wasting your life playing internet detective. Go outside.

buck fiden

Best advice I’ve heard all month!! I spend most of my time outside now. Because I CAN !!!!!


Me too. Lawn and garden look great. Chicks are digging my tan.

J Bill

Invite me on your pod to discuss naked boomers and how gullible boomers can be

buck fiden

Boomers may be Chardonnay-chugging libtards, but you can actually find many people of that age group who don’t have a single fucking stupid tattoo. Why is it that everyone under 30 seems to have at least one?


Mine? Drunken nights in Hong Kong. 1975



Status of Real Raw News

As some of you may have noticed, this site has not updated in a while. I feel as though I owe you an explanation. A few years ago, I started a web site called Twisted Truth and found that the political stories got more donations than the alien stories. Since this is entertainment and not news, I switched my focus from aliens to politics. I know now that it was a mistake. While the stories started out as fun and funny tales that no one in their right mind could ever believe, I started to take a more radical stance and say things that were actually harmful. I started to realize that the more “out there” the stories were, the more money I could make telling them. What I could not see then but can see now is that these stories could hurt people. When I started saying that COVID was fake and that the vaccine was a “clot shot” that killed people, I did not realize that some of my readers were so gullible that they would believe it. I thought that it would encourage them to do actual research and see that COVID was real and that vaccines have been saving lives for at least 100 years. Instead, people took parts of my stories as “fact” and posted to other social media sites as evidence to back up their incorrect beliefs. I have to live with the fact that what I wrote about a lot of subjects may have injured or even killed people. This is a burden that I must carry and I will never make up for the damage I have caused over the years.
Even when the facts were brought to my attention, I was so blinded by my love of money that I would say that I was “just passing on what I was told” or “my sources confirmed it”. Truth be told, there were never any sources and nothing I have ever stated was true. It was a con and I am ashamed.
I even went so far as to file for incorporation in Texas as AMERICAN MEDIA PUBLISHING LLC thinking that I would keep this going forever but I now know I was only fooling myself.
Please forgive me for the harm I have caused and please do not forward any of my old stories on other social media platforms. I have a lot of work ahead of me to try and repair the damage that I have caused and it all starts here with my most sincere apology.
Please take care of yourselves.
Mike T

Sandy Thomas

they are not same people,. MB from TX, 107 from WA, not JFK, Jr. But if MB is connected to Q, that might explain something here.


The fucker is a disgraced former reporter and english teacher from NYC. Fled to Irving Texas and is now on the run again.


Apophenia can be considered a commonplace effect of brain function. Taken to an extreme, however, it can be a symptom of psychiatric dysfunction, for example, as a symptom in paranoid schizophrenia, where a patient sees hostile patterns (for example, a conspiracy to persecute them) in ordinary actions.
Next you will think you are a pod caster and start telling other people these things you see.


Lol…no on Juan O Savin,this I know


How? Enlighten us.


I have never seen Q so I don’t know about him but I have seen Juan O Savin,he’s short and pudgy and looks nothing like JFK,and he doesn’t look like the guy that I have seen in a video that was supposed to be MB,MB seemed to be very thin from what I saw


I have a question is it possible that the equipment that we gave Ukraine to fight the war is being replaced?

J Bill

replaced with what? b0fa?

buck fiden

Pose the same question to the Afghanis.


No, our Military might is just being destroyed.
You can thank uncle joe blow.


Note from Michael delivered today by the military.
“Please pick up all of my things. Gabby hated people who litter.”


Stand by,
Shits ’bout to get real!

Only the comfy will ride out the storm!


What storm bro? 😴

J Bill

i’m comfy af

Ron Burgundy

Stay comfy my friends

buck fiden

If shit were virtual, it wouldn’t stink.


Supreme Court is going to review Brown V Board of Education next term.

Angel Askew


buck fiden

GREAT NEWS INDEED, Tedless! Keep the niggers out of my schools!!!


Why? Kneegrows is funny.


Well, MB has some ‘splaining to do.

J Bill

It’ll be a false flag


Or maybe he’ll just take his donation money and abandon RRN for good and will never explain anything.


He already did. He fled NYC to Texas and has most likely fled from Texas to may he ko


The lying prick is in hiding.


It feels like something big is about to hit. I hope so any way!


I feel like that too

J Bill

Gaybill, get back your glory hole and get your fill so you can take your morbidly obese wife out for chow night


Golden Corral is an option.



buck fiden

Civil War II about to start. You in Commiefornia can keep your abortions. We in Arizona will keep our firearms.


I go to Newport Beach for business often and have noticed that people there are getting larger. Even in Lido Beach area where you can’t throw a piece of Kale without hitting a plastic surgeon, people are very out of shape.


Lots of fat girl surgeries and liposuction going on,I have fat friends that would rather get the surgery where they put that thing in their stomachs to keep them from eating like pigs,then get the fat sucked from them and then have the sagging skin removed rather than go to the gym…

buck fiden

That’s because Zhou Biden has told the Border Patrol to stand down and has allowed MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of illegals to invade the country. And where do they all go? Commiefornia! Land of Free Shit! Short, fat beaners are now your state’s #1 ethnic group. That’s why everyone looks bigger.


Did you see that the Abortion loons closed down the 101 yesterday?one of my sons was stuck in it…I hope they all get pregnant 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m beginning to suspect that MB has been muzzled for the time being for OPSEC purposes; i.e., arrests are being ramped up considerably and, for now, the White Hats don’t want even MB’s info to be out there.

J Bill

He’s with gaybill at the glory hole today


I haven’t seen Gaybill on,maybe something happened to him🤔


In Irving Texas.


MB never reports or has reported anything without approval from his military source(s). Imho, there are truthers out there that reports events that are identical to MB’s. I am not worried about MB’s whereabouts or viability. Let us pray, Jesus in everything we do, help us. Blessings,

Ron Burgundy

MB has never reported anything. He just makes shit up


He fled NYC because they “outed” the bastard.



Status of Real Raw News

As some of you may have noticed, this site has not updated in a while. I feel as though I owe you an explanation. A few years ago, I started a web site called Twisted Truth and found that the political stories got more donations than the alien stories. Since this is entertainment and not news, I switched my focus from aliens to politics. I know now that it was a mistake. While the stories started out as fun and funny tales that no one in their right mind could ever believe, I started to take a more radical stance and say things that were actually harmful. I started to realize that the more “out there” the stories were, the more money I could make telling them. What I could not see then but can see now is that these stories could hurt people. When I started saying that COVID was fake and that the vaccine was a “clot shot” that killed people, I did not realize that some of my readers were so gullible that they would believe it. I thought that it would encourage them to do actual research and see that COVID was real and that vaccines have been saving lives for at least 100 years. Instead, people took parts of my stories as “fact” and posted to other social media sites as evidence to back up their incorrect beliefs. I have to live with the fact that what I wrote about a lot of subjects may have injured or even killed people. This is a burden that I must carry and I will never make up for the damage I have caused over the years.
Even when the facts were brought to my attention, I was so blinded by my love of money that I would say that I was “just passing on what I was told” or “my sources confirmed it”. Truth be told, there were never any sources and nothing I have ever stated was true. It was a con and I am ashamed.
I even went so far as to file for incorporation in Texas as AMERICAN MEDIA PUBLISHING LLC thinking that I would keep this going forever but I now know I was only fooling myself.
Please forgive me for the harm I have caused and please do not forward any of my old stories on other social media platforms. I have a lot of work ahead of me to try and repair the damage that I have caused and it all starts here with my most sincere apology.
Please take care of yourselves.
Mike T

David T

Right there with you, staying the course buddy!




What a maroon.

buck fiden

Possibly. With abortion issue having been turned back over to the states, the communists are now in riot mode again.

Communists have published the SCOTUS members’ home addresses. The #NiggerFA and #NiggerLivesMatter abortion communists have made life so difficult for the AZ State Senate last Friday, they have had to convene their session in a different location.

David T

That’s my take on things as well. I’m ok with waiting patiently to allow time for things to unfold without any online coverage at all. Especially with the last article that was posted by MB, it appears there was a mole/traitor in the ranks that they had to identify and take out.




He fled to avoid arrest.


More updates please.

Sandy Thomas

So how long are you bugging out for, again? You said a few days …


He fled to void arrest for sedition.


Site author “Michael Baxter” portrays himself as a reporter with access to privileged information. He cites unnamed sources who he claims are in day-to-day contact with Trump, and others who he claims are at Guantanamo Bay. He promises to check back with them regularly. He attributes direct quotes to named people. He issues corrections when he makes spelling errors or gets someone’s title wrong. A disclaimer added to its “About Us” page in April says the website contains “humor, parody and satire,” yet Baxter has defended the accuracy of his writings dozens of times in the comments sections on various articles.

“We don’t publish fake news,” he wrote in one such comment.




His name says it all.



Status of Real Raw News

As some of you may have noticed, this site has not updated in a while. I feel as though I owe you an explanation. A few years ago, I started a web site called Twisted Truth and found that the political stories got more donations than the alien stories. Since this is entertainment and not news, I switched my focus from aliens to politics. I know now that it was a mistake. While the stories started out as fun and funny tales that no one in their right mind could ever believe, I started to take a more radical stance and say things that were actually harmful. I started to realize that the more “out there” the stories were, the more money I could make telling them. What I could not see then but can see now is that these stories could hurt people. When I started saying that COVID was fake and that the vaccine was a “clot shot” that killed people, I did not realize that some of my readers were so gullible that they would believe it. I thought that it would encourage them to do actual research and see that COVID was real and that vaccines have been saving lives for at least 100 years. Instead, people took parts of my stories as “fact” and posted to other social media sites as evidence to back up their incorrect beliefs. I have to live with the fact that what I wrote about a lot of subjects may have injured or even killed people. This is a burden that I must carry and I will never make up for the damage I have caused over the years.
Even when the facts were brought to my attention, I was so blinded by my love of money that I would say that I was “just passing on what I was told” or “my sources confirmed it”. Truth be told, there were never any sources and nothing I have ever stated was true. It was a con and I am ashamed.
I even went so far as to file for incorporation in Texas as AMERICAN MEDIA PUBLISHING LLC thinking that I would keep this going forever but I now know I was only fooling myself.
Please forgive me for the harm I have caused and please do not forward any of my old stories on other social media platforms. I have a lot of work ahead of me to try and repair the damage that I have caused and it all starts here with my most sincere apology.
Please take care of yourselves.
Mike T


It’s been two weeks? Where are the MTribunals? Valery J.?


They were fake bro

Rene labre

These traitors and criminal come to face military tribunals. As civilian enemy combatants. If special forces have your file it is over for you. civil court and your expensive attorney are not and option anymore,you sorry piece of shit. you are guilty of the charges against you. They are not allegations. They are formal charges. and you are guilty of them. Unless you can prove otherwise,beyond any shadow of a doubt. you sorry bastard. Only just yesterday you were so big and bad. That is all over now,never to return. All of your ill gotten gain is going to confiscated.Like the pirate you are.Nobody gives a shit about you.They are going to drop you like a hot potato. You are now a liability to them. You will be replaced by a grade c actor. The actor are not going to walk either. They also are going to face a firing squad.


Yarrrr 🏴‍☠️

Ron Burgundy

Senility? Mental illness? Fourth grade education? Just a smooth brained boomer? All of the above?

You decide!




Read the comments please.


Michael is currently in his room, crying inconsolably because Q came back and stole all the thunder away from his fan-fiction 😭

John .S

Hmm, know someone that unknowingly had diverticulitis, that ate bag of pistachio nuts rupturing intestines.

Person suffered sepsis shock, woke up in ICU, fitted with colostomy bag, lucky to be alive.

Indervidual was hospitalized for weeks, atrophine set in. Person was out of commission many weeks.

Herein, strongly recommend getting a colonoscopy.