SCJ Kavanaugh Under Military Protection


Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has been under White Hat protection since shortly after a liberal lunatic, identified as Nicholas John Roske, was caught skulking near his home with zip ties, 2 Glock pistols, and tactical gear. When arrested by U.S. Marshalls, Roske said he had planned to kidnap, torture, and murder Kavanaugh in response to the justice’s position on Roe v. Wade. He also blamed Kavanaugh for the Uvalde massacre.

Early Saturday, White Hats reached out to Kavanaugh, saying they had actionable intelligence suggesting that Deep State insurgents were still plotting to assassinate both federal and state conservative justices. They pressed the urgency, the direness, of the situation, and told Kavanaugh that Roske’s arrest would not stop the criminal Biden regime from making another attempt on his life.

“Justice Kavanagh got lucky. Had the marshals been Deep State sympathizers, which many are, he might now be dead,” a source in Gen. Berger’s office told Real Raw News. “I can’t discuss specific evidence, but it involves a systemic plot to purge the courts of influential conservative judges.”

The military, he added, presented Kavanaugh with two options: Either allow White Hats to temporarily relocate him and his family to a secure location, or accept into his home a small contingent of plain-clothed U.S. Special Forces as trustworthy security.

But Kavanaugh, our source said, initially resisted both options, saying he would neither cower in fear before the Deep State nor allow it to dictate his movements. He argued that his constitutional responsibilities precluded cowering in a basement like a Joseph Biden.

“Justice Kavanaugh said we were overreacting,” our source said. “Since he didn’t want to take our advice, Gen. Berger contacted someone whose advice he would take, and asked that person to talk sense into Kavanaugh.”

That person was President Donald J. Trump.

Kavanaugh and Trump reportedly spoke Sunday evening, and although RRN has no knowledge of what was said during their private chat, whatever Trump told Kavanaugh must have put the fear of God in him, for he afterward accepted White Hat protection and agreed to the temporary relocation plan. According to our source, the Kavanaughs have already moved to a safehouse and are beyond the reach of the Deep State.

The attempt on Kavanaugh’s life marks the second time (at least) the Deep State has tried to murder conservative SCJs. As reported last March, SCJ Clarence Thomas survived a Deep State move to poison him. He has received White Hat protection ever since.

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just in… Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Undoing Constitutional Right to Abortion

Let the crazy begin!


How does one go back and find their posts in these forums?

Tracy Reinert

Much as i hate that my family all took the shots, i see the benefit & need of it, because half the country has lost their ever-loving minds. They gotta go.

Truth Teller

I don’t understand how these Traitors still have the power to pull something like this off or take down a Marine chopper.


Good,I like Kavanaugh and knew this was going to happen so I pray for them. So God can protect him and is wife and his great girls.


I am making $92 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $ninety five however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. That is what I do..

Last edited 2 years ago by Truckinbroke
Robert Gregory Boensch

He said
I Like Beer


They did succeed in assassinating Scalia

Phyllis Bonviso

Isaiah 10:20; 28:14-18.
In Isaiah 28, Isaiah (was God’s prophet) is warning Judah (Israel) that though they boast that they have achieved peace and security, their security covenant will be broken and the invasion which they sought to avoid will overwhelm them,

Today Israel signed the contract/agreement with EU (the anti-christ) – this is the start of the 7 years of Revelation/Armageddon – 3 1/2 years from now, they will turn against Israel – Israel always trusts other countries and not God and end up in slavery –  notice below the agreement is valid for “three years” and will be “renewed” – this is the 7 year agreement. This means the antichrist is in charge – Jerusalem temple will be rebuilt, the antichrist will enter it and people will believe it is good for all people, then in 3 1/2 years, things turn mark of the beast is here and no food, clothing, water without the mark of the beast…

Israel has the gas – signed a contract with the EU (anti-christ) AND THEY KNOW THIS!!! Contracts are with Shell, Chevron, etc., Lebanon.

Damascus (capital of Syria) was bombed by Israel, took down their radar tower at the airport, along with the runways. Russia made their radars – Russia will fix them but will cost the Syrians – Russia complete control over that area.

Syria hosts: Russia and Iran

Russia is not leaving Syria – Russia wants the Mediterranean because there is gas in the Mediterranean and they need to be at the border of Israel (to destroy her)

Israel is now exporting gas to Europe to replace Russia from supplying gas.

Israel’s history is to not trust God, they know God saves them time after time after time, yet Israel takes things into their own hands and ultimately when they do that God let’s them be taken over and be killed or be slaves (yes a loving God has a strong wrath against those who do not listen to Him – He is trying to bring the fear of the Lord to protect them from being slaves or dying but they never listen. So, here we go again, they just signed a deal with the Anti-Christ and in 3 (1/2) years, things will drastically change.

There was a question of whether God’s people (His followers) would be lifted up to heaven before this whole thing started but looks like we are still here or we are left here to teach and hold firm to His Word.

And we look at our news and all we see is porn…

EU Signs Gas Deal With Israel, Egypt in Bid to Wean Itself Off Russian SuppliesAgreement is valid for three years and will automatically renew for another two

Michael R Davis

Your Baal priests, Amalek preachers, ministers of Satan have taught you well, twisted scripture to suit their plans, rewrote prophecy to confuse GOD’s people.

GOD’s people are Israelites, now called Christians after His name as prophesied. (Numbers 6:22-27) We are not called Israel anymore, that name stolen by our enemies, the anti-christs.

We are not those God-haters over in the Sandpit of Hell, the Old Promised Land.
We are going nowhere, no fleeing our duties, no disappearing into the clouds, putting on our Armor of GOD, onward Christian soldiers. GOD will bless the entire Earth with the New Jerusalem, the new promised land, America. (2 Samuel 7:10)


Amen, Brother Michael. Let’s wait and see what PB’s response is. For what is to come are written in the book of Revelations as I pointed out in my response to her comment above. Blessings,


PB, no offense, but imho, future events of significance are in the Book of Revelations. A lot of well respected Televangelist even reference the book of Revelations for what lies ahead. What did I miss? Blessings,


Great they are protecting him and his family. Now, who is protecting our troops from this virus ? There has been 80 unknown death, planes falling out of the sky , soldiers dying in their bunks, something wrong. How many of China’s soldiers have died. There is no leadership in this country at all. Wake up America, there is a genocide going on. Trump going to lead this country again, needs to make haste , by midterm want be anyone to vote , but those non vaccines takers. No leadership whatsoever, the crooks. Thank God for the few governor’s we have that are standing up.


Trump is the one who brought out the bioweapon shots! Even after knowing people were dying and severely injured from them, he still pushed the shots!!!! The Military told him to shut up or he’d lose his supporters. He got a letter from them. He used the Military through DARPA and Operation Warp Speed was his baby. Besides, Trump died from prostate cancer. It spread into his organs. If he comes back, it’s a clone, double, masked, or etc. like its been for a while now. CIA=Trump, CIA=Biden, CIA=Military, CIA=Hollywood, CIA=White House………


Trump is pro-covid-vaccine dude. He even takes credit for their creation.


Quit telling stories.


This country won’t make it to the midterms. The more they raise interest rates, the more the debt bubble burst creating Great Depression II. China is having a run on the banks now that the press in the west won’t cover. Our run is soon to follow. All central banks around the world will be defaulting soon. Stock up on everything now as the paper money will just be shitty toilet paper soon.

The demoncrats will soon find out “why do you need an assault weapon”? Because there will be no answer when you call 911. Law enforcement agencies now are not going on some 911 calls because of the costs of fuel. Wait until it’s $10/gal. At the start of the Great Depression in 1929 half the people in the US grew their own food. Today, about 3%. Good luck with that. This is an intentional take down of the west that is now accelerating. May you live in interesting times.


Maybe we can get some of the $250 million that Trump took in donations?


Yes of course they protect each other, the other elite…


They’re all corrupt


Thank you white hats for protecting our justices who are logical in their decisions.

Ron Burgundy

So Ivanka Trump said she didn’t believe there was election fraud and her father legitimately lost. Is she going to Gitmo, patriots?


Probably already there.


Her husband, Jared Kushner is Q. He made a lot of money from the Plandemic. That whole (adult) family knows Donald Trump is dead and are deceiving the public by not telling us. They continue to make money off these ridiculous rallies and made 250 million off their phony Election Defense Fund, which does NOT exist! For Trump, it was ALL about money, control, and power. He even made money off the Plandemic.


Ruth you have to stop and take a good look at your posts. You sound really off the wall. Be careful with watching too many videos on Before It’s News because there’s a lot of quacks on there. Anyone can make an insane video and upload it. It doesn’t mean it’s true….

Michael R Davis

Ruth is insane, an antichrist, a tool of our enemies, with no sense of how crazy she sounds, fitting right in with these Deep-State trolls.

Mark Heisler

Part of the Movie for sure


Exactly, Sadly, a lot on this site think otherwise. But we will see soon enough. I am staying the course, for I truly believe that God is on our side and He is ABOVE ALL! Blessings


$15 in donations in the past 24 hours! Step it up Patriots! This is unacceptable!
Also, 22 spots left for the RRN January 6th Watch Party tomorrow. Email me to claim your spot before they fill up.


Anyone see the recent video of Tom Hanks where he can’t stop his hand shaking at the Elvis premiere?

Last edited 2 years ago by Delta

Maybe it’s just a side effect of the lethal injection that killed him 11 months ago 🙃


Now, that’s funny! LMFAO!


Finally! A story that can be independently corroborated. I cannot wait to witness more RRN validation.


It won’t be though


Anyone see the recent video of Tom Hanks where he can’t stop his hand from shaking at the Elvis premiere?


What part are you talking about?

John .S

Today June 14th, UK, Daily Mail posted Tom Hanks having health issues, in actually its his brother Larry charading in UK.

Stage being set for Hanks final curtain call, alleged Larry wants out.

dailymail [dot] co[dot]uk/news/article-10917157/Fears-Tom-Hanks-health-Hollywood-megastar-appears-unable-control-shaking-right-hand.html

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S
J Bill

he already died according to the site you’re posting on


Yeah, one site and one source, so it has to be true.


No, it’s not his brother Larry, CGI or freakin clone. It’s Tom Hanks, alive and well. Don’t be so gullible. It’s time to face the facts


He seems pretty healthy for someone who Mike claims was executed.




Happy birthday President Trump. Hope you are enjoying your day.

J Bill

b0fa’s birthday is today too!


Happy b0fday!


Just maybe the military used this as an excuse to get to him, to arrest him.

John .S

Years back buddy’s car broken into, property stolen.

Much later he gets surprise phone call from detective, property retrieved come in and identify it.

He walked into police station then cuffed, had warrant on him. Retrieved property was a rouse saving them leg work.


Justice served! Why didn’t you turn him in like a true Patriot? What are you hiding?


To all those who think these stories are bullshit, where is John Podesta these days? The democrat candy-man was lamentably ubiquitous less than 10 years ago and now you can’t even get ONE interview with this man about the mid-terms? How about his brother tony? I’m sure james comey would love to run his sack of shit jowels about the collective political bent, but nothing from the 6’5″ cocksucker.

J Bill

Why isn’t trump president? This very site said he would be put back into office on July 4 2021


He died of prostate cancer.


Nope. He’s dead.


Ten years ago? In 2012 the song Payphone by Maroon Five was number 4 on the top 100 pop chart. Why do you think anything from 2012 would still be relevant today?


They ought to take them (except Thomas) down to GITMO and protect them with a rope.

Rob William

They should be kept safe behind 7 layers of strong rooms with no window (nano bots can do direct energy attacks through the glass). The room should be sanitized every hour to prevent biological attacks, they should war lead helmets to prevent brain wave attacks.

Big E

Remember what Cucky Chucky S said (about abortion/murdering babies) on the steps of the Capitol following the fraudulent election…”I’m coming for you Kavenaugh, I’m coming after you Gorsich”
Hopefully he and the rest of the Marxist assholes in the capitol will soon be going down…all the way down, below the ground.


Big E, calm down. Chuck “U” Schumer(as the late Rush Limbaugh calls him) has been arrested, in GITMO awaiting tribunal according to credible truthers. Meanwhile, pray without ceasing to God Almighty and keep the faith. Blessings,

Big E

Thanks Delavic. I’m trying, but I’m growing impatient. This is so nauseating.
Got any feeds/info on Chucky in GITMO. Would love to see that. It might remedy my sour stomach.


Delavic’s source is they made it the fuck up 🤷‍♂️

Delavic authored by Medeea Greere. She has a post titled Deep State arrests date 5/2/2022 and there is a hyperlink in the post that takes you to the list of indictments, arrests and executions. Before I go, allow me to share a prayer by St. Teresa of Avila about Trust In God; May nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not leave. Patient endurance attains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing: God alone is enough. May God richly bless you.

Rob William

So why to worry about what his clone says, isn’t it? Even if the clone passes laws and those laws are illegal but enforced, we should not worry because it’s not the real person.


No, Mike reported that Chuck was killed.


To bad the country isn’t under military protection.

Rob William

It isn’t? Isn’t that the primary duty of military (other than prosecuting people you hate and protecting Kavanaugh)?

J Bill

You love fascism.


Fellow Patriots, our country is headed to a recession, if it is not already in one. Our country is in its Worst Inflation ever in over five decades, compliments of former vp biden.

What can you expect with the worse person in the Whitehouse who was not even elected but cheated his way into the Whitehouse. Many of our corrupt politicians, including RINOs, have cheated and stolen elections to stay in power.

Do you really think maxine waters was honestly re-elected? Be honest with yourself and the answer is no way. How about nancy pelosi? No way too. I don’t think so.

Let’s keep an eye and close watch this coming mid-term election in November 2022.

If you are driving or walking and you see suspicious vehicles or persons dropping off election ballots in mail boxes, take videos or photos of the persons and vehicles and report it to the military or a Republican politician (not a RINO).

If it is very late at night and you see a suspicious truck carrying mail ballots take videos or photos of the location, the truck license plate # and the driver.

If you have time follow these trucks and see where they go and what post office or mail boxes they go to. Take a clear photo of the driver and his/her companions, question them, let them know they “could be” committing treason, a crime punishable by death.

Let the military know and inform a Republican politician (not a RINO).

Let’s start spreading the word and protect our election integrity. Let’s do everything peacefully without hurting anyone or damaging properties.

Let’s take our country back from these corrupt luciferian politicians who raise and steal our taxes and kill our babies.

Let’s Make America Greater than ever. GOD Bless America, GOD Bless President Trump his family and all his security personnel, GOD Bless and Protect our Babies, GOD Bless all Patriots, you and me.

With an honest election, no cheating and no stealing, we will certainly take back the House and the Senate in a landslide victory, no doubt. America is sick and tired of these lying corrupt luciferian politicians. Let us VTO them (Vote Them Out).

We will make these corrupt luciferian politicians extinct forever, for the sake of our beloved country, our babies, and our future. GOD is with us. AMEN!

Last edited 2 years ago by Patriot

Your ship has sailed. The January 6th tribunal has shown without question that Trump stole over $250 million dollars under the guise of donations to his Stop The Steal campaign when Trump actually created a false narrative only to run away with the money.
The rats are leaving the sinking ship. Look at the lack of donations. Every other comment on here is written by Zee’s home health aid under one of her many names.
Sorry to ruin your day but you have bought into a very big lie that came to its logical conclusion.


LMAO. LIAR LIAR pants on fire.


I know for a fact that Patriot is an 86 year old woman who considers “late at night” to be anytime after 5:30 PM. She talks about following trucks and telling drivers that they could be killed for treason. Get a life.
And you, Goober, have been the subject of many conversations where your claims have been laughed about for hours. We feel sorry for whoever has to care for you and listen to your total nonsense every day. Get a grip on your life, your weight and your sugar intake. I can hear your mouth breathing all the way over in New York.


He is not so much dirty as he is mentally unstable and surrounded by enablers.
PT Barnum lived in a very nice house thanks to gullible people.
Trump didn’t care where the money came from as long as it rolled in. Many of the televangelists in the 80’s and 90’s did something similar where they would create a problem that only money could solve. End of the world coming, donate so we can expand our ministry and get more prayers. Trump turned that into donations are needed to fight election fraud. The rubes hand over the cash and feel like they are in the fight.
The most telling act of Trump’s one term run was his refusal to say he lost thinking it would mean he won. That says everything anyone needs to know about his character.


Trump won🇺🇲





J Bill

Won what?


He certainly won 2nd place and a trip to Florida.


This is another great example of a teaching moment for the other 16 people on this site. You responded to something I said that you didn’t agree with. I responded stating my side and you acknowledged it. Not once did we call each other names or accuse the other person of a crime. Perfect example of civil discourse.


Trump has committed fraud because there is no Election Defense Fund. It doesn’t exist.


No drop boxes where I live. Voter ID is finally going to our state legislator.


Patriot, ICYMI; NP & MW have been arrested and are in GITMO awaiting tribunal. As for JB, he is either a double/clone and is under White Hat control who’s handler is Q+. He is a good actor in this good movie that Q keeps telling us to enjoy. When his usefulness to our cause is exhausted, he will be disposed of, putting it mildly. You’re absolutely right that God is with us hence, no one can be against us. God is above all. Blessings,



Ron Burgundy

I feel so sad for your grandkids that have to listen to you babble about your fantasy world with clones and white hats.


Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a lot of RRN believers whose grandkids don’t talk to them anymore.


You’ve never felt sad in your short AI life, and neither has your Deep State Tonto chiming in below. Go fuck yourself, masked man.


Don’t worry. A Judge has said he can’t be alone with kids.


No lo merece sus votos son con la izquierda


We speak American here esse. Take an ESL course.


ESL=Earl Sucks Longones


I don’t understand how the fake Biden admin can keep defying the Constitution. You cannot protest in front/near a SCJ’s home. NO ONE is enforcing it. There is nothing someone can do about that?


Where in the Constitution does it say you can’t protest near a SCJ’s home? 🤷‍♂️


It’s a federal law. Go look it up. Peaceful protests at the court itself is fine.

Would you like to be doxed? Can I stand in front of your house with a bull horn? Scare the shit out of your family and neighbors?

Sound like fun?


Because the insurrection act put an end to it?

Sue Grantham

It’s a Federal Law.


My point was you can’t just say any federal statue is ‘in the Constitution’


That’s how criminal the usurper is, he is following the dictates of the deep state and he is embracing and bringing in the NWO. He stops anybody who does try to protect the SCJs. Biden wants abortion to stay legal. He wants Roe v. Wade to stay the law of the land, he wants to keep forcing us to pay for abortions even when under conscience or economic or religious reason we don’t want to. The paedodent is doing the same thing Trudeau is doing in Canada — you cannot even run for office or get fundraising assistance without supporting abortion on your application; if you do, you won’t run in the elections or get your fundraising money. Vote in support of Marie stopes and you lose. Opposing LGBTQ inside or outside the churches, or speak out against gay marriage, or uphold the gold standard of mom and dad in conjugal marriage as parents for the kids, and you get taken to court for hate speech and you lose your family. This is not even communist, this is also fascist.


Here’s a question: if we ignore everything the media offers in print, on TV, and through rumors – what do we have? I think Americans are too easily distracted. What if we all went without TV, computers, and cell phones for 24 hours. Bet most of those companies would fold…


You really think 24 hours of no TV would put someone out of business?


Its nothing really new by any means or stretch of your imagination. Just turn it off and stop listening and you’ll feel so much better.


Have an adult help you read next time.

question everything

LOL…the final countdown….20 hours to dust

Dave Smith

The 3 days of Darkness is coming….


Remember when Zee was all about the 10 days of darkness? It was last December if I remember.
I feel badly for her home health aid who has to type it all out for Zee.

question everything

Like Bob Seeger said, ‘Wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then.’ Innocence and ignorance have their charm, but it isn’t bliss.


On former AG Barr. We all know the talk one of a gonner, executed for treason. This one blabbing his mouth is a clone nevertheless still a traitor ands treasonist representing the real one and should definitely be executed like the real one.


Lol wouldn’t they just replace him with another clone? 🙃


no need, the deep fake tech makes it unnecessary.


Gotcha, so why even bother executing anyone if they’re so easily, instantly replaced 🤷‍♂️


eventually get to the shot callers I suppose and remove a link in a chain on the ground- the mental hypnotism mesmerization belief manipulation goes on as long as they’ve captured the media. It’s not called the prince of the power of the air for nothin.
Ephesians 2:2,3;
 “2Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: 3Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.” 


Off topic, does anyone find it odd that MSNBS is finally going after Juan O’ Savin?


Yes, quite odd and ham-handed. I connect my dots to show our Hero President running both sides all to free the minds of those still inside the Matrix. Talking-head “Pfang” was so inept that it resembled an infomercial. So then, this was preparatory to Kennedy coming back as Trump’s Vice-President. If I am correct, many more such “reports” will follow. There is a hard and fast deadline and that is September 3rd, when the ballots and other evidence may be legally destroyed. MAGA


Hope you’re right🙏




Lmao, which Kennedy is going to be Trump’s VP? JFK Jr, who is dead? Or JFK, who is also dead, and would be 105 years old today if he wasn’t? 🙃

Dave Smith

JFK jr is Alive…

question everything

Aren’t(weren’t) they democrats? RFK jr is.


His name is from a 107 DARPA Coin. He’s CIA.


Wednesday tribunal postponed. Special Forces deployed to intercept unknown bad actors.
RRN Zoom Watch Party postponed to Thursday. Email now to reserve your spot.

Rob William

I want a spot!


I received your email and your spot is reserved. I am working on guest speakers like we had last time but for some reason people are avoiding commenting recently.


You and ted have a spot reserved at Gitmo..
Because of Alex POS Baldwin, the execution of all traitors is moving along nicely.
One simple firing squad, is much more efficient than the drop and stretch. !


Oh Zee… you are so dramatic!


Happy Birthday President Trump!!

< 3


My birthday too! Today 14th June.

Rob William

Happy birthday!


Thank you


We know.


He’s dead. No birthday.

Michael R Davis

You effing Deep-State anti-American trolls are so full of crap.


Are you mad because your larp never becomes real? ☹️

Rob William

Sometimes money leads to stress and even jail time.


Your money is worthless, better to barter….
Besides after the conviction, at Gitmo,..they now immediately take you to the WALL, and shoot your sorry self… No more time to contemplate your troll mistakes.


Lol nobody is taking us to Gitmo dummy. Nobody gives a shit that we make fun of you on your dumb larp blog.


I heard a rumor that Wildcat is actually posting from a 4/5 scale replica of Wildcat’s house, located in Atlanta GA 🤨


Don’t waste your energy on being angry,.. And don’t miss making your alimony payments either…
Don’t worry be happy ,😼

question everything

Especially when you realize its worthless paper, and even more so when everyone else realizes its worthless paper.


If you wonder if the January 6th tribunal is having an impact, Mike has raised a whopping $20 in the past 24 hours.
We may do another RRN watch party this week. Who is interested?

Rob William

We should have “impact factor” for all the fake news websites, then people can decide where to spend their “precious” time to post comments.


False, fake. Report.
You are so gullible… Its pathetic


Oh Zee. You are asking for the ban hammer.


Ouch, I guess people were confused and not too pleased about MB messing up the storyline again. He offered no explanation for why the White Hats are giving Kavanaugh special VIP treatment after he betrayed Trump by voting against hearing election fraud cases. Especially confusing since he previously wrote that White Hats branded ACB a traitor and placed her under house arrest for that exact same vote. 🤷‍♂️

American Living in Canada

From Rebel News…

“Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino is a… liar. 
That’s right, I said it! 
Mr. Mendicino has repeatedly claimed that multiple police agencies requested the feds invoke the Emergencies Act to dismantle the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa back in February”. 

American Living in Canada

From True North News…

“When the Trudeau government invoked the Emergencies Act to quash the peaceful Freedom Convoy, they made a number of wild claims to rationalize its use of the never-before-used act. Since then, Trudeau’s narrative about why the government needed these unprecedented powers has crumbled – the convoy was not funded by foreign donors or terrorists, the protesters had nothing to do with the arson attempt in Ottawa and to this date – not a single police force has confirmed the government’s claim that the police requested the government to invoke the act.
This week, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino’s deputy minister says Mendicino was “misunderstood” when he repeatedly said law enforcement requested the government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act. Fortunately for the Trudeau government, they can count on the legacy media to cover for them.”

American Living in Canada

From Presscore News…

“Analysis of evidence in the “targeted” killings of Barry & Honey Sherman concludes murders were politically motivated, who the prime suspects are & why”.


With all due respect, Canada is just the thing between the ice cap and America. No one really cares.

J Bill

Canada isn’t a real country

Air man

It’s time to go after the big fish and work down.


My sources said that there are tribunals under way right now where they are laying out their case showing how one big fish sold a huge lie to the American people. Those in charge of the tribunal know that the American people are not able to comprehend the details of the scam so they are breaking up the evidence so that it comes out slowly over a few weeks. They even have familiar white hat players on video explaining step by step what happened.
Don’t worry, the big fish will be caught. We The People just need to take out all of the little fish first.


To believe your “sources”. , is your mistake.
Instead FOCUS on TRUTH !
Your tribunal is scheduled !
No escape from your lies.
You WILL be held accountable ..😀


Thanks Zee when is my tribunal scheduled for? I don’t want to miss it.


We have to go slowly because the general public is not ready. First we have to show what happened big picture then we step back and focus on the little details. But in the end we will show how Trump told a huge lie and made over 250 million from it.


You trolls have been getting very mouthy lately.


For the real truth, please visit Mark Alan King and his gematria website.


He is a whack job. Total nonsense.


Lmaooo gematria


The more I read, the less I know. Sure does feel like the sewer rats are trying to take down as much of humanity as they can before they’re exterminated.


There will never be a public beheading bro, it’s not real

Rob William

Some patriots don’t believe in the rule of law and due process. Just behave who you don’t agree with!


They are so goddamn horny to live in a fascist dictatorship, it’s unreal


Try an keep up..
James Comey’s execution is just a step away from
Trolls like you could be the very first example.
Looking forward to the social cleansing.
The alliance HAS your I P address…
So don’t act surprised when it happens


Pfft ahahaha. I’ve been here for over a year bro. Nobody fucking cares. There are no white hats. There is no alliance. Nobody cares what my IP is. There are no secret executions. There will never be public executions. Nobody gives a shit dude. Your larp cannot hurt me no matter hard hard you cry and hope and wish that it will, you dumb fascist 😂


James Comey was executed a long time ago. He had his head cut off and RRN reported it.

Sandy Koufax

January 6 panel Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) on Monday evening said the committee will not be making criminal referrals to the Justice Department. Rep. Zoe Lofgren said we’re the legislative branch, not the prosecutors, backing up Bennie Thompson’s statement.


Biden signed the insurrection act so it is in the hands of the JAG now.


We are Go !

Pat Nelson

Military “White Hats” waiting on orders from Trump. Trump says, “be patient, we’ll win the mid-terms”. Then what? Does that cancel tribunals & executions? Are they not going to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity? Does the DS get a slap on the wrist and told, “don’t do that again DS, Inc. or I’ll have to spank you”? Are we being played so the big man’s ego gets a boost showing the people that he can win? Big question in my head. Why is winning the mid-terms so important if when NESARA becomes affective the government will be reduced to 10% of today’s capacity? You know, smaller government. Don’t need that many leeches in office. Present government will be sent home for good. Lawyers & judges will have to be re-trained to Constitutional laws. “Everything’s going to plan, don’t worry”. Every time I hear this, I get more worried. Whose plan, what is the plan? If we’re watching a movie and they know the outcome, why is the DS able to create roadblocks impeding the White Hat’s progress?


benjaminfulford DOT net/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Cartel-money-went-to-Pelosi-via-Comey.jpg

Anthony Gregory

All the more reason to step up the storm.


He got me impressed by his response to the DS threat on his life. He has a very special duty. Keep him save, so we can reverse some of the evil in this country.


Praying for him and his whole family.

Crazy cat lady

November 7–8, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon) There will be another Blood Moon, Nov 8 is Election Day. There was a Blood Moon last month in May.


This can’t be a coincidence, Dems must have planned it this way so they could use their satanic witchcraft to put a reversal hex on the election results. Or maybe by holding the election on that day they expect a large number of Republican voters to be mauled by werewolves on their way to the polls.


Who knew? Voodoo?



Crazy cat lady

I believe that things are moving too fast now. The DOJ is trying to indict Trump. The polluticians along with 10 RINOS are trying to take away 2A.At the border, 1000s on military age illegals have crossed into our Nation and were bussed all over the countryside. The globalists are stealing our Country. We are very close to a Civil war.

Rob William

Highly o̶p̶t̶i̶m̶i̶s̶t̶i̶c̶ pessimistic prediction.


That is the only way. Military is split! We are the only way! Load up!


What are you actually suggesting?

question everything

LMAO…..and they said it wasn’t gonna lick itself!

David Demchak

Thought he was a bad guy?


Lol MB doesn’t care enough to keep his story straight. He wrote last year that ACB was branded a traitor by the military and they arrested her and put her on house arrest for voting against the Supreme Court taking up 2020 election challenges. Kavanaugh also voted against them but he never got ‘arrested’ and now MB says the military is giving him special treatment and protection. It makes no sense.

He literally just looks at stuff happening in mainstream news and makes up stories based on it that he thinks would appeal to you burned-out Q addicts who are so desperate to believe the White Hats are real even though Q was a big ol flop. In this case he saw the story about a random lunatic who was caught plotting to kill Kavanaigh and figured “yeah I can knock out a story about White Hats giving him special security or something, I’ll just say the attacker was some kinda Deep State agent, simple enough”


Lol oof, I really can’t. I can recall nearly all the first names at least. Not a chance I’d remember all the last names 😅


If your going to string discussions about how about some Presidential Emergency Action Documents…PEADs the ones President Trump signed. What secret powers did Trump do… because we know he never left. Kick these comments to higher ground.