Biden Hires Crisis Actors to Portray U.S. Marines


The criminal Biden regime employed actors to portray Marine guards during the illegitimate president’s hellish speech Thursday night, a source in Gen. Berger’s office told Real Raw News.

Standing before an ominous backdrop and basking in the glow of crimson lights the color of blood, Biden (or his body double) delivered the most divisive speech in the history of politics and made clear he was declaring war on the tens of millions of Americans who support the Make America Great Again ideology.

Flanking him were what appeared to be two squared away Marine Sentries. They stood motionless, eyes forward, as a raging Biden vilified and demonized President Trump, his supporters, an MAGA adherents from coast to coast. But the men in uniform, our source said, were not Marines at all. They were imposters.

According to him, the entirety of the Corps renounced Biden as a fake president after the White Hat coalition firmly established that he had indeed stolen the 2020 presidential election. Since then, the Corps, under Gen. Berger’s orders, has waged a war of attrition against Biden and his Deep State cabal.

“Those were absolutely not real Marines,” our source said. “Total fraud. Crisis actors.”

Following Biden’s remonstrative screed against MAGA, U.S. Marine Corps Cyberspace Command tried without success to verify the identities of Biden’s sentries.

“I can’t go into methods, but those men were not Marines. Someone in Biden’s camp hired people to play Marines,” our source said. “I can say Gen. Berger is fuming mad. He’s called this an affront to the Corps, and blatant stolen valor. Only true and honorable Marines who have been through Parris Island or MRCD San Diego get to wear that uniform,” our source said.

Thursday night’s charade was not an isolated incident. Biden has since the start of his stolen presidency been seen in the company of so-called Marines many times. Our source said these were all fakes, for no true Marine would dishonor himself by being seen anywhere near the faux president.

As an aside, a comparable situation occurred when Biden first attempted to board a VC-25, a modified Boeing 747 that bears the call sign Air Force One when POTUS is aboard, on February 9, 2021, for a trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he was scheduled to participate in a townhall meeting hosted by CNN pedophile Anderson Cooper. The U.S. Airforce, though, denied him access, saying he was “not a real president.” To remedy this self-perceived inequity, Biden’s (Deep) state department purchased a retired 747 from German aircraft carrier Lufthansa and repainted it to mimic the look of a VC-25, blue and white with United States of America etched on the fuselage. He postponed the town hall until the repaint was completed a week later.

“The fraud going on here is unlike anything this country’s ever seen. They’ve gone too far now, and it will unravel. If it makes a difference, only time will tell,” our source said.

Edit: Corrected story to correctly indicate that Lufthansa is a carrier, not a manufacturer.

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Of course not and obvious. Real Marines would have declared war, identified Brandon as an enemy combatant and taken him into custody, at best.


Well, if he’s hiring “crisis actors,” at least we know he has a crisis on his hands.


Now I do wonder about the legitimacy of this website. There is video of another cell phone recording and the marines are not in the recording on the phone. Green screen is obvious.


Apparently they were not even crisis actors as someone with a phone camera demonstrated there were no marines of any sort actually live at the “event”

buck fiden

Ding Dong ! The Bitch is Dead! The Global Bitch! The UK Bitch!


Elizabitch ? The EVIL one. ?


I heard that happened years ago, …and that “IT”. was a shape shifting lizard,
The announcement has been delayed so it can be used as a distraction
For this weekend,…. (9-11)


Good Riddens ! Only the D.S. will even notice !
The information war is won , just tying up loose ends now
And sending them to the gallows for the (drop and snap)..😏

J Bill

tribunals resumed on the 6th yet no new articles to get mikey to 30k lmao


Mike just posted on TS that a huge story will drop when he hits $30K.

J Bill

so…in a month?


Or Two. !……

John .S

Have any idea how hard it is to write a comprehensive news article? How about writing a thesis?

Deciphering information, coordinating script, preliminary draft, oversight, editing and publishing takes serious time, not like whipping-up a batch of pancake batter, frying pan to plate.

Stelter article, many pain staking hours; how do you like your pancakes?


Is it time for a
A FRESH. Article ?


According to Mike, donations must hit $30K first.




Have Fun today, mutual consent, nooners, booty calls, afternoon delight, and quickies..
Sounds like Great advice…
😏. 👍 🐦🐝 👫 🍻 🌈

J Bill


John .S

Previously out with my [GILF] Gumad. Hit heavy at Belmont, did dinner. Soon as I ordered raw clams, she knew a room was in the plans.

We were reminiscing the days of $20 motel quick rates, long gone. She said: “air conditioning was a lot colder back then too”.

Jacuzzi and a box of Mr Bubbles [bubble bath] still a blast for high mileage people, running on low RPM’s.


Those impersonating Marines should be discovered and imprisoned. Or maybe we should just let the real Marines have a day with them. They’re probably Antifa or maybe rogue FBI agents.

John .S

Cannot pursue, litigate neither jail a hologram nor enigma of sight and mind.

Those two Marines were casted with a laser, red backdrop to cloak rays of projection. If you direct a laser pointer at that red backdrop you wouldn’t see it.

Wolf Blitzer years back exposed holograms, whereas one materialized in front of him, generated on his news cast.

Star Trek’s holodeck in current day is real; who would ever thought otherwise?


New York have lifted the face mask requirement for people using public transportation. They said the decision was made soon after they saw an elderly man with writing on his car windows holding court in a high school parking lot. New York lawmakers said they were equally impressed with how this man was able to locate a veteran when he needed to tie his shoe.

John .S

Driving in Nassau County currently see MTA buses [electronic billboard] flashing: “Face Masks Optional” prior: “Face Masks Required”.

Mask wearing zombies currently walk amongst us, whom prisoners of their own mind, indulging in their self inflicted slavery.

Myself take great pleasure ridiculing them, though never engaging women [code of conduct].

I’m a provocateur, master of instigation.

Months back, tuned-up a pair of tattooed hipsters, swaggering themselves as tough guys in Williamsburg Bklyn.

I called those mask wearing wussies out “Man-to-Man”, they obliged me, taking my offer.

Myself went easy on them, performing fancy footwork, skipping out of my shoes. No shoes with laces, cannot tie, severe arthritis, carpal tunnel too.

Wife knows when I tuned someone up, via seeking booty call when returning home. She says: “go see your Gumad, kitchen is closed”.

Angel Askew



“Beginning today, masks are encouraged but optional on @NYCTSubway @NYCTBus @LIRR and @MetroNorth”

“Let’s respect each other’s choices” What a Stupid Sign:

h t t p s colon //twitter dot com/MTA/status/1567541665652523011?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1567541665652523011%7Ctwgr%5E686495a373680c43832c91a3d104ddf1f9a3a272%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww dot ny1 dot com%2Fnyc%2Fall-boroughs%2Fnews%2F2022%2F09%2F07%2Fgov–hochul-covid-19-announcement


“A MTA survey earlier this year regarding masking aboard New York City’s subways and buses found that compliance among riders had dropped.”

So.. that’s all it took was a Survey? Not the Upcoming Elections?
::rolls eyes::

All the Hood Sheep cannot break their Programming and they will blindly wear it so they “feel safe” .. cough cough.. Hempstead.. If you travel in those parts.. Remember.. “Respect Each Other’s Feelings/Decisions!” Don’t be lookin at them Funny, now!

Angel Askew

It’s easier to spot “stupid” now without mask mandate.


I can smell Stupidity a mile away !!

John .S

PS: Jerry Jeff Walker, Mr Bojangles: “grabbed his pants, then took a stance and jumped so high, did the ol’e soft shoe”.

RIP Jerry, seen his act at Lone Star Cafe Manhattan, seen Bo Diddley there too. Believe It or not spoke with both, no selfie photo, before camera phone.

BTW: guitarist David Bromberg does a great rendition of Mr. Bojangles on YouTube, which explains songs origin via improv lyrics.

The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band did a rendition of it too


AT least one of them was on a green screen.

J Bill


Angel Askew

A Texas law blocking construction of a Chinese-owned wind farm could inspire other states to write new laws deterring China from burrowing into American infrastructure. 

The Lone Star Infrastructure Protection Act prohibits companies /entities from entering into agreements in Texas involving critical infrastructure if they are “owned or controlled” by governments or citizens of China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. 

Critical infrastructure defined by the bill:
📌Communication systems
📌Cybersecurity systems
📌Electric grids
📌Hazardous wast
treatment systems
📌Water treatment facilities. 

The legislation was a response to GH America Energy, a subsidiary of China’s Xinjiang Guanghui Industry Investment Group Co. Ltd. In 2016, they purchased about 140,000 acres in Texas. About 15,000 acres was for building a wind farm. 


How Texas Is Fighting Chinese
Infiltration – AMAC – The Association of Mature American Citizens


What was the year Americans successfully repelled an attempted ccp land invasion?

Angel Askew

Never. But I remember when Clinton invited them in to international trading and business. Dad said it would be the death of us. He was right.


So when the Texas power grid goes down again, they can only blame themselves?


This is a good thing!

Angel Askew

Agreed! I share it hoping others will promote it in their own local governments. It’s LONG overdue.

I want only Americans to own land. American corporations may land-lease only with community approval of terms.

Gary Cooper

Michael Baxter . Where are YOU ?


He’s filming a sequel to High Noon.


Could it be a communist inspired plot?


His brother is a movie producer.

J Bill

and he sucks at it


Gay J and Interracial Facials is his next movie!

Angel Askew



Maybe MB hasn’t been writing new articles because he’s too busy helping his brother write a sequel to 2001 Maniacs!


2002 Maniacs?


2022 Maniacs 😎


I had never heard of the movie so I checked out the IMDb,is his brother Tim Sullivan?


What a great name for the movie about MB and RRN….if one is ever made

Angel Askew

Look who is taking over for Clinton Foundation PEDOS!!

BREAKING: Kim Kardashian launches new private equity firm SKKY Partners.

This new equity firm will be responsible for the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children from all over the world.

This witch is making serious moves after Kanye West exposed her recently.


Oh wow did they put out a press release stating that they would take over responsibilities for the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children? Or did some nobody on the internet just make that up and you believed them because you believe every made up thing you read on the internet?


Biden said in a press conference they have assembled the most comprehensive voter fraud organization in the history of US politics. Do you believe him? Or do you believe he made it up?


He said this on a podcast (not a press conference) and if you bother to actually listen to it in the context of the conversation, he is referring to an organization that protects against voter fraud and discrimination, not an organization that commits voter fraud. But hey why let the facts get in the way of a good misleading 2-second sound bite?


We heard what he said.


‘an orgaization that protects against voter fraud’?

So as long as a dem wins the organization did its job! If a repub wins, collusion with the terrorist nation du jour.


No but if helps you sleep at night just keep telling yourself that’s the only reason your side has been losing elections, I guess. Not because of backing massively unpopular policies like ending Roe v. Wade or anything 🤷‍♂️


Well, at least you CAN sleep at night because a woman decided NOT to have your little precious body dismembered while in her loving womb of Life. You have no idea of the connection of a mother to her child.

You are a spoiled ingrate.

David T

You’re being too kind. I can think of descriptions that are accurate and are far less congenial.


That’s nice but your opinion on abortion (or mine) is irrelevant to my point here. Overturning Roe was broadly unpopular whether you like it or not. The abortions-banned-under-all-circumstances laws that Republican state legislatures have been rushing out are broadly unpopular. Tons of polling shows this. There’s still no proof of dem voter fraud but there’s plenty of evidence that the GOP is just blowing it.


interesting how the abortion bills/laws are unpopular with some except the ones who never got a chance to disagree.


JULIE is correct, You are an ingrate
. Your POST IS A TWISTED , PHUCKED UP , opinion …
that you wouldn’t even have if your parents had aborted. YOU

Let THAT sink in…
IT is NOT about political “SIDES”. !
It is NOT about, what’s “POPULAR” today !
YOU CRAVE ATTENTION… That’s why you post.

Rob William

A stopped clock is correct 2 times in a day but Julie is never correct. She is dumbness personified.


Again – my post is not about my opinion on abortion. I didn’t even state an opinion. I stated that Republicans’ decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is widely unpopular, and it is hurting them in recent and upcoming elections, and that is a fact whether you support the decision yourself or not.


Sticking scissors in a baby’s popular?


“I didn’t even state an opinion.”

uh, THAT is an opinion. lol. It is not an opinion to say at least you got a chance TO have an opinion. You are fond of affirmations, and you do support that way of thinking in the form of a decision you have yet to see. Maybe too many hot women distracting you from a nobody on the net?

Rob William

You are super dumb to the power infinity.

Rob William

Julie is super dumb – she is trying to create an army of woman in 60s with guns.


“There is beauty in truth, even if it’s painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They don’t teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they develop one’s character, one’s mind, one’s heart or one’s soul.”
Rose Mary Abbott


Lies certainly teach. If they didn’t, they would not demonstrate deceit for others to learn, the willing learners. If one has Eyes to See and can see a lie for what it is, is that one not being shown what she does NOT want?

J Bill

lmao a grifter saying this shit is hilarious

Angel Askew

Fascist pig.

Rob William

Completely bogus childish argument.

Angel Askew

Fascist pig.


Well, of course it appears that way TO the childish.

Sandy Thomas

Yay RoseMary!

Angel Askew

Fascist 🐖.

Angel Askew

Yes. Although you would never be trusted again, Please let us know when it sinks in.

Angel Askew

Biden having Feds raid Trump was more about grabbing nuclear docs on Obamas Iran Deal than it was DJT. Obama is under int’l investigation. Makes more sense why he’s playing footsies at the WH today! 🤯Read this😎!:



Lmao no it wasn’t. Cope harder though


Does your irritation feel the same in chinese vs engrish?

Rob William

You are the dumbest person ever!


Wah. Everybody know’s Biggs is an idiot and you’re a close second. How’s Your Engrish?


Also how is Obama playing footsie at the WH when Michael Baxter says the WH is totally dark and patrolled by White Hat marines or some shit? 😂


Obama is playing hide the weenie with big mike.


This is a family-friendly website Earl, please keep your personal sexual fantasy scenarios to yourself.


Fuck off.


You pay such close attention to Baxter’s words. It’s almost as if you are studying him so that you can imbue the reader with a sense of doubt. Are you that jealous he makes more $ writing at his job than you do at yours? lol


Sort of correct! I do keep track of the RRN storyline because I like pointing out the places where MB lazily contradicts his own past stories, or fucks up really basic details (like incorrectly calling Vice Admiral Crandall a Rear Admiral for 6 months.) But it’s more about the angry (and entertaining) responses I get to pointing these things out than it is about ‘imbuing doubt’.

By the way my annual pay is way higher than what MB makes off of this site. He’s been at this for close to two years and still hasn’t met his “annual goal” of $30k 🙃


How do you know the responses were motivated by anger beyond your own perception of them? Can you see around your own perceptions? Perhaps others see their anger in you and thus believe you are angry?

What never ceases to entertain me is others perceiving my words/others’ words as angry when in fact they were devoid of anger. In this way, the written form is better than the spoken.

J Bill

foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever lmao still stuck in neutral

Rob William

Baxter is a fraud con man, why should we pay attention to any fake thing he writes? It’s a gospel truth to only super dumb people like you.


Feel free to leave.


Was Obama at the real White House in DC or the fake one in Georgia?


Good question! Thank you.

He could have been at any soundstage in the US, especially the one in culver city.

Angel Askew

It’s true. Castle Rock Studios was bought by Jeff Bezos. He was first to offer up their studios. Tyler Perry in Georgia too.


fascists and communist can agree on Bezos

Angel Askew

Bezos is up their in monopolizing the pie with Musk. Transhumanism/Space bullcrap.

Sharon Janice Manning

Isn’t there a mock White House at a nearby military base. There, they practice defending the White House.

Angel Askew

I know they have an entire floor at a hotel in Delaware rented too. I’ve not heard of any military practices.


I want to hear stories about about the range.


I wanna hear about her big guns.


She’s got the big guns!
She was a ballerina
On a subway train
Stiletto heels
And a candy cane

Rob William

….. nuns with big guns?

Rob William

Completely fake and wrong.


And you know this because…………………………..???

Above Reproach

Suddenly Biden has the chest of a 40 year old man and the ability to string along more words than he has said in 2 Freaking years. The horse Shit is up to his Neck and is still dropping on him like a Horse that was fed Beans.
As if he thinks Americans will be Scared of his DRIBBLING Bull Crap.
All he did was cast in stone how much of a TOTAL ASSHOLE he is for the last stab at trying to be relevant ! America will never be a Socialist country.


You have underestimated the power of Dark Brandon


You know the dems/rinos are desperate when even the trolls admit biden is brandon! ffs

J Bill

you don’t get the joke. go back to the q telegram channels for more content


You are the joke.

J Bill

look at me. i’m the j bill now. and you’re still not to 30k lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Rob William

She doesn’t because she is dumb.


You’re behind on your meme literacy Reedie. Try to keep up


is it as dark as the dark kenyan?

Rob William

You are the biggest moron ever!


Cry s’more.


Hopefully he’s not and comes on soon with something to say in Buck style about the unveiling of the 2 negro traitors who’s portraits just went up in the Whitehouse 🤪


Strapped to a nazi table and injected with unknown substances? That sounds like what they do to small children in leninist/marxist public schools, especially in shitbird libtard districts.


More than likely he got hooked up with a big titted blonde milf.


Hopefully that’s it,I would hate to hear that he went back


Hopefully he’s with the MILF Earl was talking about


He’s going to jail and Trump can’t pardon him this time 😂


did your cunt get wet writing that?


I don’t have one of those, but hey, if I did, it’s possible it would get wet from reading Bannon’s indictment tomorrow 🙂


will you read it in catonese or mandarin?


No Reedie, I will read it in English, because as badly as you want to be racist to me I’m just a boring regular white dude.


So you are sensitive about racist remarks but you insensitively throw misogynistic barbs at others?

Does white mean Caucasian? Lots of blanched skinned chinks running around, yellow one.


I would love to see you provide an example of me throwing “misogynistic barbs”, Reedie


I would love to see you provide an example of a man giving birth to a baby, ffs weirdo libtards.


Ah so you have no examples and are just going to bring up something completely unrelated that I never even said, got it 🙃


21million chinese on lockdown and not a single city in euro zone is locked down? Maybe the europeans are too busy collecting firewood! lol

Not one city in N America is locked down? Black hats have a lot of work to do! Can’t even keep their precious Georgia Shitstones up, ffs! Amateurs.


Why it’s almost as if your nonsensical belief that there is a nefarious “Black Hat” scheme to lock down all the cities was just imaginary bullshit all along!


Well, clearly you have a salutable imagination!


Fake news. No lockdown.

Angel Askew

33 China Cities locked down
Chengdu ext Lockdown.

Chengdu alone has 21 million people.
They were all starving to death so CCP let them out for groceries. Devastating confession with raw data from retiring mucky muck confirm the Ugher people’s torture and genocide by China government. Drones are flying up to windows telling them to get in their rooms…


Why can’t the west have that and get this dance going ffs?

Angel Askew

I can’t see Americans being locked down again in any capacity.

Gavin Neusome wants people to unplug their fridge so trust fund kids can charge their toys.

A new level of awakening is happening this week.

It’s like a bad Star Trek episode in these liberal cities, Julie.

It would be a massacre.


Lol then move, us other Californians won’t miss you


‘WE’ other californians won’t miss you. Your leninist public school teachers have done a fine job with your fragile eggshell mind!

J Bill

you live in texas and new york. larp more lmaooooooo


I bet it is ugly. Liberal cities will be brimming with vaxxed zombies. I hope to have access to a webcam documenting the madness. THAT is going to be entertaining!


I have a webcam Reedie, I could show you a live stream of CA if you like! It’ll be pretty boring though, there isn’t any vaxxed zombie apocalypse going on here or whatever it is you’re imagining in your larp.


boring white man in boring ca. got it.

Rob William

You have no scientific aptitude.


Do you use science to arrive at that conclusion?


Why do you even care about China. What are you trying to reveal?


The chinese are suffering and you do not care? That’s highly insensitive, especially since they share your worldview.


Just the communist leaders, the people are victims.

Rob William

Julie loves Chinese… Did she eat some?

Rob William

Are you delusional by design or is it learned?


How do you know I got that info from the news?


Wozz is Ted…who knows nothing!
Just ignore the troll…


But my words are what he wants.

J Bill

oh cool, mb doing engrish as a side account

Rob William

LARP harder you dumbo.


no, he’s swilling down beer with a dozen illegals and most def not fucking an intern with a cigar from Cigar King!


and mos def not smoking a blunt with some mexican landscapers outside a medical building before having to return to meet the chief MD’s.

Jan D Hunsinger

I hope we get an update soon.

J Bill



Gay J’s dad was gay as well




still using hashtags boomer? how’s facebook these days? lol

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie

here’s an update: The communist chinese rope used to hang Avril balked at her ugliness. As avril approached, it said, “You’re so ugly you could be a ccp sister!”

Rob William

Refresh every 5 mins – it’s a good time pass.


https: // /


Honestly this trailer fucking rules. I love how the guy they cast as Joe Biden does not look or sound or act like Joe Biden in any way. I also love how they just abandoned the whole “Biden is a basement-dwelling dementia patient” thing and instead made him like a super shrewd and menacing mob boss 🙂


 I love how the guy they cast as Joe Biden does not look or sound or act like Joe Biden in any way.”

Well, sources say they did have Arthur Brooks to play Biden. But Arthur said he was booked until at least 11/2024!


Sources say you are even worse at making up fake “sources say” bullshit than MB 😂


Good comeback!


I’m loving how it’s finally being exposed that Hunter fucked it all up for all of them🤣a couple of years too late but better late than never…the smartest man Biden knows


No way😪I hope not


calm down babe…..he will be back soon…from his mission…

Angel Askew

Hopefully he met his warrior princess and he’s doing her dishes somewhere. Lol


It ain’t her dishes he’s doin.

John .S

See, Gavin Newsom’s doppelganger, take a careful look, and listen to voice.

J Bill

remember when mikey photoshopped gavin’s pic and i mentioned the pic was modified by adobe lightroom one hour prior? that was fun


making shit up again Gay J

J Bill

remember when you banned me for pointing out you edited the picture one hour prior? that was pretty fucking funny. it’s probably why you can’t get to 30k now


i made 30k in 2 months trading silver futures as you typed
your tripe
on a satire site

How’s the prius piker?

J Bill

lmao keep begging for donations with dumbass articles b/c i know you don’t wanna play big bank takes little bank


If 30k is so little to you, why don’t you go drop it in MB’s givesendgo page, Reedley? Seems like he’s reeeally struggling to even close to his “annual goal” these days 😬


avg radiologist makes 25k$/month. I’ll send them a link!


Remember when Mike said Biden was alive and hiding in his Delaware basement and people went crazy because Mike said that Biden was in a coma a week earlier?
Mike had to comment that he only posts what he is told and he is not saying where Biden actually was.
Right after that, Mike went on a “vacation” and nothing has been the since.


you re mos def a filthy chink

J Bill

cry mikey


dunk a wonton


Remember when Mike said Crandall was a Rear Admiral AFTER Crandall had been publicly promoted to Vice Admiral? Remember when Mike then continued to call Crandall a Rear Admiral in every article for about 6 months after that, because he had no clue it happened and none of his super secret insider “JAG sources” ever corrected him? Good times 🙃


Good catch! Better tell wozz to keep better records. Clearly he ain’t no German.


yes ..he is fake….do they really think whole population is stupid….




I wonder if they are pre recorded as he’s been wearing winter wear with a polar bear in these informational videos and commercials,why would he be wearing winter clothes?


good eye!


Perhaps he’s hiding the fact he wears diapers.

Last edited 2 years ago by goober

He’s in the news every day.


Anyone see Hillary and Chelsea Clinton on September 6, 2022 on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon? They look pretty good for a couple of dead people. Let me guess, it’s CGI, Clones & Body Doubles…right? Perish the thought that maybe, just maybe that MB might be lying and making this all up to all the groupies and faithful fanbase of RRN. *GASP*

Last edited 2 years ago by Delta


J Bill

29627 lmao. it’s taking foreeeeeeever



J Bill

foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Gay J with sticky O button

J Bill


and e


I totally get it, you don’t want to face reality. I feel your pain.


The pain of knowing you want to suck trump’s balls?


The answer your question is no but your boy pedophile Biden did say you have the talent to take your clit and balls in your mouth all at once. Congratulations on the recognition. 😉


Fuck you.


Sorry, I have taste but thanks for asking though.

J Bill

mikey got big mad


It’s all part of the plan.


where comey at? where anita dunn at?

John .S

Hmm, see your admiring Madame Tussauds work. The Madame known for mask making skills.

The Madame has NYC West 42 St. location, having many face casts of celebrities.


masks should be mandatory for ugly as fuck chinks.


Lol Madame Tussauds makes wax figures, John. They do not have movable faces that would function as masks 😂


Correct, Biggs! The masks were wax and they did not have movable faces, in 1884, as per their site.




I thought Chelsea was well done but I didn’t buy Killary. Fake.


They did have a very well done schtick. The normies will buy it. I haven’t watched these 2 enough when they were alive to judge. Chelsea, seemed very believable and if you aren’t familiar with her, easy to believe, I have no way to judge. Killary did look back at Chelsea for approval when saying she had 3 grandkids as if she really didn’t know, but Killary could very well be oblivious of grandkids. I think though, now that she’s “retired” she would probably know how many grandkids there were if real, especially given her attraction to children. With all that extra neck skin, could easily be a mask. Chelsea they did a good job on. I still believe she’s left the planet permanently. These 2 have kept a low profile and they’re bringing them out in desperate election times so that lends credibility as well.

J Bill



lmao at the person in the mirror Gay J? how does your dad feel about you being a dick sucker?

J Bill

how does my dick taste?


did he not like your mom so he used you as mom?

J Bill



so tag team trauma to Gay J a long time ago?

did your step brother and step dad bend you over a felled tree and have their way with a young gay J.

If a young Gay J Billy cries in a forest and no one hears it, is he really crying?


Ask Biggs.

J Bill


Angel Askew

I’ve seen interview of Baxter calling us “stupid” for believing this fictitious site. He was in fatigues. All you could see was his eyes. This is an info war.

If The Simpsons and other cartoons can drop truth bombs years earlier, who am I to say “Baxter” isn’t dropping truth bombs like trailer previews??

Let the deceitful Fed Trolls stay lost in their mission and wokeness. SO boring.

The truth is stranger than fiction.

J Bill

lmao larp harder, nazi. donate more! lmao help mikey get to 30k lmaoooooooooooo

Angel Askew

In my mind’s eye, I see your unibrow moving as you talk. Entertaining.

J Bill

donate more, cry harder, nazi lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo



J Bill

cuck lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

30k lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


30k$ is a big number for you lil one?

J Bill




Clean your keyboard.

J Bill

clean your wife’s tonsils


30k$ was reached a long time ago. clearlyyou are still working on your first 30k$?

J Bill

mos def i’m not lmaoooooooooooo


Stuck on oooooooooooooo?


those aren’t o’s but zeros rather. That is his bottom line annually.

J Bill

shall we play a game?


Border cross dresser.



J Bill



Baxter is right though, you are stupid and he’s laughing at you for sending him money for his MAGA hopium fan-fiction. Absolutely wild that you can watch him on video just brazenly admitting this and you still refuse to accept you’ve been scammed 🙃


Someone here said you were laughed at as a kid, and it clearly had an effect on you. so now you want to do it to others to assuage your anguish.

How’s it working?


How’s it working out for you just baselessly making up bullshit like this on the internet? Doesn’t seem like it’s paying off much for you or MB!


swimmingly! made 30% on some stock options recently after 45 minutes of work.


He was beat up on the playground.


maybe, but female intuition tells me this one was rejected by one whose affections were valued.


It is an admitted drag queen.


Lol what? Show me this non-existant admission Rube 😂


I wasn’t, but hey this is the internet where you can believe any made up thing you want! The only limit is your imagination 🌈🦄✨️


Maybe you think there are no clones and no body doubles because your imagination is limited as per your disclosure?

And since you cannot even fathom such a thing could exist outside of imagination, you have deluded yourself into thinking what you see is not?


No it’s just because I’m not s conspiracy-brained whackadoo like you

Angel Askew

Just like you CCP liberal Feds, I’m here for the comment section.

J Bill

cry nazi!




You should listen to Derek Johnson and then decide,he’s bouncing around on all of the truth sites,he’s airing his videos on YouTube under Randel Locke or on Rumble under rattletrap 1776,this is good also
https: / / /




if it’s on TV it must be true!


Can’t prove it’s false, either. 😉

Last edited 2 years ago by Delta
Sharon Janice Manning

Killery and her daughter are starting a new show “Gutsy” soon, according to Megan Kelly.


Nobody watches that shit, but If it is on cable tell lie vision, the mindless will still watch it and believe anything they see.

J Bill

mikey doesn’t even hide it anymore lmaoooooooooooo


You’re right! It’s better to believe everything you read on the internet like RRN, instead of believing your own lying eyes 😉


Steve Bannon is expected to surrender Thursday to face New York state charges related to his fundraising effort to build a wall along the southern US border, people familiar with the matter say.

The state charges, which have been returned in an indictment, are based on the same conduct Bannon was charged with by federal prosecutors in 2020. Then-President Donald Trump pardoned Bannon on the federal fraud charges related to the alleged scheme as he was leaving office. Presidential pardons do not apply to state investigations.

John .S

Bannon screwed up in trying to building a wall. He should have solicited funds to dig a moat.

Water stocked with trout & large mouth bass, perfect in receiving state environmental fish & wildlife funding.

Moat to be deemed as bird sanctuary [wet lands] for endangered species, opening door for federal funding.


wet lands along the desert border? ok

John .S

Yep, and a Oasis in the desert is also a wetland. Marsh that runs alongside rivers, estuaries, creeks and streams are wetlands, including a moat.


an ‘oasis’ in a desert is better known as a mirage.


“an ‘oasis’ in a desert is better known as a mirage” You need to invest in a dictionary.




you making shit up again?

J Bill

your “source” (lmao) is going to jail


Will I see you jerking it in the corner as a jail slut?

J Bill

nah earl’s wife is gonna suck me off while i put a fat load down her throat when the news comes out


the only fat load is the one coming out of your mouth


No, Bannon is reportedly going to be indicted tomorrow, state prosecutors gave him a heads up that it’s coming. You see, unlike the bullshit that Michael Baxter “reports”, this is something that will actually happen.


Wow. You do a lot of investigation into Trump and Bannon, even more so than Trumpers. What threatens you about these men? Is it because they don’t agree with you?

J Bill

you gonna cry when your “source” goes to jail?


why are you worried about someone else gong to jail? Wonder if the feds have seen your writing?

J Bill

crrrrryyy mikey cry



george friend

Seems like a media blackout right now. Willing to bet big moves are being made. Fake Bill Barr on TV is proof. They are running out of players. JAG must be doing a good job behind the scenes.
The fake Marines at Freedom Hall need dealt with. The Corps can not allow this. Berger could have sent a squad or real Marines to that event. Straitened some shit out.

Last edited 2 years ago by george friend
John .S

Excellent Post, “”Media Blackout'” [stalled MSM news cycle]. “Moves Being Made” well said.

Berger more then likely had covert goon squad at event, great point.

Who knows, maybe person[s] of interest was apprehended at that event.

Again, excellent post.


Lol #soon

J Bill

write more murder porn


you really like jerking off to murder porn?

J Bill

jan and i do like that, yes


I bet fucking homo

J Bill

write more murder porn Mr. 29,627


one day you too will have 30k$


..but enough about you


I saw a video today where the marines were cgi. They showed someone videoing with their phone and there were no marines.

Rob William

This completely contradicts RRN and MB. Kindly show the proof. Why wouldn’t phones capture CGI?


You contradict yourself but you ask for others to show you something? dork


Have we ruled out vampires? It was night time, cameras did not see them, no one can find them. Vampires!


how did you see them then?

J Bill

he’s just asking questions. calm down mikey


by that reasoning, so was I.

Therefore, your suggestion is for YOU!

Michael R Davis

Because cellphones would not have access to the CGI stream, Dipshit Joe in front of his green screen, or perhaps on his usual Hollywood stage, would show up, but the marines and background added later would not show up on the CP video.


Do we have any cell phone video of the actual background? Was it actually done in Philadelphia or was it all done with actors in Hollywood?


By your own admission then Biden was talking from a fake set? Thank you for that!

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie
Michael R Davis

Apparently one of the stages is in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building which is part of the White House complex.

There are apparently several copies of the Oval Office elsewhere he uses, one in Hollywood.


Exactly 🤷

Robert Gregory Boensch


Message received
God Speed.
and may all be safe.

Robert Gregory Boensch

It’s been a pleasure to serve .
Our Fathers People


Larp harder, my man


But is that not what YOU are doing chink?




Oh I see, so the role you are playing is not live and there is no action.

J Bill

nope. try to keep up mikey


so your role gets no action either? cuck?


Exactly as I predicted, Russia is now working with North Korea. Chernobyl nuclear power plant is unstable and people need to evacuate. Movie coming to an end soon.

John .S

Cinema: The Matrix, “they scorched the atmosphere”, artificial intelligence took over.


if you are so good as a predicter, why not try your hand at trading SP500 piker?


Isnt there a law about wearing a military uniform and you are not in the military?
You could say this is all fake, marines, pres, stage, speech. But the dems want us to believe it is all real. So then my question stands.


Yeah probably, but it doesn’t matter because those were real marines and this story is just fake like always


maybe if you type harder it can finally be fake to you. Persistently believing it is fake will not make it true for you one day.


I already live in reality Reedie, I’m afraid you’re the one who needs to larp so hard to convince yourself that Michael Baxter’s bullshit will be really real #soon

Last edited 2 years ago by Biggs

Well, if you live in ‘reality’ then I must be there with you.

Thank you for your honest admission, “I’m afraid.” It is a difficult step but the most important one.


What were their names and rank? What unit/company are they with? How did they get selected for this diatribe?

question everything

If there is such a law, it has never been enforced against hollywood, or any of the other ‘trusted’ news sources.

Angel Askew

Putin has the world on a string.
His country is thriving with sanctions.
But, he has announced that until the collective West drops all sanctions the pipelines to Europe will remain closed.

Will Biden allow Europe to die or give up his co-conspirators and long list of illegal activities??

Whatever happens in Europe, USA is next. Colorado has already made it illegal to chop and burn wood. Wth


He will say to them same what cookie monster Vicky Nudelman said in Feb. 2014 FUCK EU !!!!!!!!


Lol what


EU = european union

Angel Askew

1) JUST IN: Ukrainian President Opens NYSE with Virtual Bell Ring and NEW T-Shirt

“I invite you to Ukraine. Invest in Ukraine. This will be your victory,” he told traders at the start of the #AdvantageUkraine campaign. 

2) “Assassination of Russian appointed “commandant” of Berdyansk, Artem Bardin, is now dead after his car was blown up.”

(Please verify thru your own methods)

Robert Ford

Regarding investing in Ukraine, that is nothing new; the Bidens have been doing it for years.


invest in ukraine? pile on the shorts, long russia

J Bill



unsecured credit is rising and may likely continue to rise
SP close the year >3700 but <4300

John .S

Come-on Angel, you can type *WTF instead of Wth, it’s only a acronym.

There was buzz in NYC of abolishing burning wood [solid fuel] that went quiet.

Colorado not burning wood seems extreme, didn’t hear anything on that.

Like to see Colorado LEO’s approach a hunting cabin while woodstove is cranking, telling hunters to extinguish fire, which will never happen.

Angel Askew


It doesn’t seem to be for cooking or private home small fires yet.

J Bill



BIGG COLON for michelle obama to grind up into!

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie
Robert Ford

Colorado burns LOTS of coal.

John .S

Yep, Yep on Colorado coal.

Hunted north of Garfield which is somewhat close to Grand Junction 20+ yrs ago. Camp heated with coal [cook stove/water reservoir].

Going to do return trip when receiving Medicare, officially retired LoL.


to fuel their cute electric cars!


Putin and Trump need to have a joint press conference where they explain what is really happening in Ukraine. Everyone needs to know how Putin rescued 35,000 children and how Trump reunited many with their families.

Angel Askew

When they do, you’ll be hanging from a tree.


#soon 😂


Soon these stories will be real for you, and the longer you remain the more expeditiously their veracity will crystallize in your mind. And there is nothing you can do about it.


#soon 😂😂😂😂😂


That seems uncalled for. I will pray for you and your family.

Angel Askew

I’d much rather you take your derisive antics elsewhere, snake.🌳🐍


Your lies are uncalled for. What is prayer Wozz?

J Bill

and your tonsils can hang from these nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts lmaooooooooooooooooooooo


poor performance, your bonus is gone Gay J



Angel Askew

Not as ugly as his consistently black heart. There is a spot in the tree for you too.


Are you suggesting that we are apples?


No, we are suggesting you are poor.

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie

her ‘black heart’ can only help us in that the sullied heart you perceive reveals what is in need of correction/healing within YOU. Our ‘opponents’ can help us if we change our minds about the world of opposites.


what the face in the mirror?




not only sanctions but move NATO troops to 1997 borders…

Angel Askew

Yes. Why shouldn’t he?
He is beating them at the game they started! He keeps warning them!

Angel Askew

It will pain him to leave those pipelines closed if the puppets continue their act into Winter.


yes! otherwise, Putin should turn the nato troops to glass forthwith!


If you focus on Biden’s earlobes, they are different on any given day. One day they are attached to his neck ( doppelganger Arthur Roberts or CGI) and the next day they are unattached to his neck and appear normal. Joe and Arthur are both fakes no matter how we look at it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joanna
Angel Askew

His eyes go from blue to brown as well.



Robert Ford

None of the earlobes look like the real-Joe popular photograph from 2005 where he is shown with Hunter.


A Fresh Article would be Welcome !
🐦. 🍻. 🐝

John .S

Myself prefer another pedo arrest over anything else, children come first.


And let us NOT forget ,a swift trial and EXECUTION… Which is the Cherry on top !

David L Baiker

RRN is getting a lot of donational revenue from this story. That’s the main reason no new story. The other reason is…it’s hard to come up with new bs. RRN could come up with pretty much ANY BS story and as long as it mentioned trump (in a good way), Biden (in a bad way), elites (in any way) or pedophilia (so the pervs have something to arouse them) and they will keep coming back.

John .S

FYI: received confirmation on Stelter’s groping antics. Can say, heard it out of a horse’s mouth.

BTW: Andy-boy Cuomo is gone forever via different horse.

Have a few horses in Massapequa & Seaford, Alec Baldwin is gone too.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

In other words, anyone on the internet can make up anything they like and you belive it 🙃

John .S

The Stelter, Cuomo and Baldwin check I wrote herein is good for deposit.

Better yet, deposit the check drafted by MSM that Antifa riots were peaceful protests.


All three of them are still here bro


it’s not real bro. relax. Find your nearest university and ask to access their ‘safe space’.


well said!


In other words, you are emotionally invested in a bunch of nobodies on the net who may believe something?


Yes I am, because it is funny that you nobodies believe such insanely stupid shit 🙂


So you would rather read a bunch of funny shit posted by nobodies on the net than spend time with attractive women your own age? ok. lol


Lol those two things are not mutually exclusive, dummy


Almost well played but…

4′ communist chinese females with pock marks do not qualify as attractive women, but if they rock you then cool!!


So how is that any different than, anyone can make up anything on TV and cable news they like and you believe it?


I don’t watch cable new bro, it sucks


You are right., exactly correct
We are all phucked,..
And no jar of vassilene either !


Lol WC you were just saying yesterday that all your dreams would come true today, weren’t you? I guess the disappointment of it never happening for a million days in a row is really taking its toll, huh


Well, you’ve been here for a million days and we can see your recent performance lacks a clearly defined angle. Is time taking a toll on the troll?


Who gives a shit about my ‘performance’, I post for my own entertainment and could not possibly give less of a fuck if you don’t like my posts


Telling me how much you don’t care about me is more of a caring gesture than if you didn’t write anything! Thanks though for revealing how much you value my words.

There is simply nothing you can do to stop valuing my words, and you do not like that.


Lol keep trying to suck your own dick, you’ll reach it eventually I’m sure


As much as you want to be misogynistic with me, I’m just a boring caucasian woman.

J Bill


John .S

Update on Trump’s litigation.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

News broke yesterday. Could get even more interesting.

J Bill

could. won’t. cuck


what did you dad say when you admitted you were gay J?

Trenton Rizza

Berger got the crisper MRNA shot right after it came out and will kick out his soldiers that say no. All of the good soldiers are getting the boot. Just my opinion before, “Let’s Go Brandon” cancels our free speech.


Nothing can stop Dark Brandon


I would venture to bet. A quick plane crash would cancel
A Brandon ticket, sending the imposter to the great “here /after” !

J Bill

nothing can stop dark brandon. he’ll only return stronger if you kill him


crazy how even the trolls are calling Biden brandon! lol.


When did he start?

John .S

Sniff-sniff, Billy Crystal’s ‘Mr. Saturday Night’ end its Broadway Run.

The stage musical closed Labor Day weekend after five months at the Nederlander Theater.

Alleged, next for Crystal via TV limited series will portray Eli, a child psychiatrist who recently lost his wife when he encounters a troubled young boy.


So you are into Broadway musicals?

John .S

Beauty and the Beast was fantastic, seen it twice. Like Radio City’s Rocketts too.

Blue Man Group is back in NYC this Sept at the Astor theater, worth seeing again, McSorley Ale house in walking distance.

BTW: McSorley’s hot open roast beef platter is fantastic, be aware their mugged mustard on the table is not for the screamish.

Angel Askew

You’re a NY’er thru and thru! Glad to know someone who still enjoys the rich culture he is surrounded with. Kudos, J.S.!

John .S

I’m a real New Yorker, can’t hide it, especially when I speak, often it turns a few heads when out of town, that’s when I go into Andrew Dice Clay mode.

J Bill

gay af


possible suitor for ya Gay J?


crystal the filthy jew, ffs

Michael R Davis

If Saint Hillary had stolen the election in 2016, we would have either been at civil war for the past 5.5 years, millions dying every year, many of them innocents caught in the crossfire, or disarmed, in FEMA camps for the past 5.5 years, millions dying every year, elections suspended. Either way millions more would be dying from the deadly JABs. That was the plan. It would have been much worse for the other nations of the world with Saint Hillary and the Chinese unrestrained by Trump.

Trump gave us a 4-year respite to armor up, to be educated for what was coming after the 2020 stolen election, to prepare the other nations of the world. Yes, there is a major alliance organized against the Globalist Deep-State, against the world child, slave trafficking cartels. The war is won, almost over, far fewer deaths than should have been expected against the Globalist Deep-State enemies in a 5.5-year time period.


How are you certain of what would have happened?

Michael R Davis

How? By opening my eyes. By abstaining from mind altering drugs and alcohol. By diligently doing my own research instead of relying on others.

The Globalist NWO Deep-State conspirators have been telling us, bragging, delineating in detail their plans for us for many decades. You have been perhaps sleeping under a tree for the past 20 years, Mr Rip VanWinkle?

David L Baiker

Research!? You mean watching as many youtube videos as possible that agree with your way of thinking….right? Sorry…I put the word thinking in there…we both know people like you can’t think.


How can you be certain about his definition of ‘research’?


You have been sleeping under a tree,
you troll ted turd,
For 20 years, !
Hippy, yippee, beatnik…💩…


You’re no longer funny. Quit playing your stupid ‘baiting game’ and try something new.


It’s scratched too.


Chinks do not adjust very well to adversity. it’s not genetic; it’s just laziness.

Rob William

Imagine the worst possible scenario and act on it – like Iraq war. BTW the actual voting machine breach came from an election denier official and two Trump team delegates. Unlike RRN/MB they have a video proof of it.
MB> Give us at least one video proof of any execution, JAG proceeding you have written about.


that’s how dems roll. It’s all bullshit!


Lol you are so incredibly delusional dude, it is truly a marvel


How can you be certain you are not deluded?

Rob William

Very well written!

Debate Judge

The fraud going on here is unlike anything this country’s ever seen. They’ve gone too far now? ! ! !

Just now?

Angel Askew

Hardly. How do you like them bringing Podesta back into the fold to run interference on the pedophilia charges coming down the pike for Pedo-Pete cloaked as green energy point person! IMHO.

Anthony Bourdain did not “suicide” himself.

What if Baxter’s articles are true? Just off by a few years? 95% of Congress has unclean hands and feet for crying out loud.


How do you like them bringing Podesta back into the fold when Michael Baxter told you he was executed over a year ago? What happened to “we haven’t seen Podesta do anything significant lately so RRN must be real!!” 😂

Last edited 2 years ago by Biggs
Angel Askew

No one cares about your need to stay verbatim to the articles, child.


Lmao “not verbatim to the articles”, that’s a funny way of admitting that Podesta is alive and Michael Baxter outright lied to you 🤷‍♂️

Angel Askew

No, it really doesn’t but you continue with your selective comprehension.


Chinks have a hard time with engrish


Your unremitting presence here is a funny way to admit these stories are true.


Did they find the real, brother abductors of Madeliene Mccann? Are they going to move their imfamous art work into the white house? You should have the scoop on that?


I’ve never heard of these people nor do I have any clue what you’re talking about. Can’t say I care either, sorry bud.


Lol you are so incredibly delusional dude, it is truly a marvel


And you are so incredibly committed to replying to every one of my posts and giving me attention 🙂


You probably didn’t know it, but it is more fun, or entertaining to troll a troll, than be a troll. Trolls are not very bright and easy to troll.


Come at me bro 😉

John .S

As posted multiple times prior.

Law Maxims:

[1] out of fraud no actions arise. [2] things invalid from the beginning cannot be made valid by subsequent act. [3] fraud not cured by lapse of time. [4] once a fraud always a fraud.

Clean Hands Doctrine: he [she] that comes for equity must come with clean hands.

Elaborate fraud at nears end, complicit [RICO] fraudsters face issues.

Anticipate October Surprise.


I am ready for the “surprise “. , NOW !
Why wait. ?😏

Rob William

Wait for #forever.


You wait because it’s not real


You reply because it IS real and are therefore threatened by a bunch of red hat MAGAs! lol


Lol no


“…unlike anything this country’s ever seen..” Improper grammar. In that example the singular possessive of “country’s” is ‘ever seen’, which makes no sense. Write it correctly so others learn English correctly. It should read: “unlike anything this country has ever seen.” A 5th grade English mistake….


This is our 5th Baxter. We might see a 6th soon.

Rob William

People are quitting because there is too little money to be made now.


No, they are quitting because of the Trolls, just like YOU, !


True. Baxter formed a LLC last November to try and get some PPP grants and protect the donations. It’s pretty obvious when another Baxter is writing.

David L Baiker

Trying to set up skipping out on that money like other repukes?


why does lindsay scare you?


As equally obvious of when Ted Wozz here fucking piker


you still have your job as a trashman in china. stop bitching!

David L Baiker

Are they regenerating like Doctor Who?


But the question NOW is , what about the DEATH TAX..??

question everything

Income Tax? Wouldn’t that require a profit? I would think his accountant(s) make sure that there is no “profit”. Probably incorporated, too.


I expect perfection.
Just like the grammar police.
For Pete’s sake…
What is this site coming to.. ?



David L Baiker

Sure hope you don’t teach english. The ‘s at the end of country is a contraction, therefore “country’s ever seen” is the SAME as “country has ever seen”.

question everything

One of the problems with college degrees is that they’ve made a lot of people think they are smarter than they truly are.
This arrogance and smugness makes them dumber because they think they’re too smart to receive new information from anybody with fewer ‘credentials’.
You’ll never learn anything if you already “know it all”.
Mark Twain is accredited with saying “Do not let your schooling interfere with your education. Intelligence along with character is the goal of true education.”
It is also important to understand the difference between education and indoctrination.
Your most important lessons in life won’t be learned in a classroom.


good post. there was not a single question in your post

question everything

LOL…is that a first?


So the real Generals know this happens and they do nothing to stop it, nothing to warn the public? Ive been in the conspiracy theorist category for decades knowing the lies run deeper than anyone can imagine. What is going on now…my mind just can’t comprehend why the military is allowing this to continue. We have a person playing the part of a ex VP holding life long government position and military doesn’t arrest him for treason?
All those helping this man isn’t arrested for treason?
Yes much is for optics to wake sheeples up and to piss off the American citizens but ENOUGH is ENOUGH. Time to end this so called ”movie”
Don’t give me true why’s and how’s I know them all.
I also know military and Trump took oaths to protect our country and it’s people.

Rob William

Trump took oath to protect himself and his ego.




I just stubbed my toe, thanks Biden 😡


What is your answer ?


Now little girl..don’t you run and hide.!
I know that you’ve been hurt before..
But don’t you be afraid no more…


The White Hats are doing their best to slowly wake up the sheep who were conned by a failed business man. We can’t show everything all at once, we have to do it slowly. This gives people a chance to reunite with their families and get the help they need.


This gives us the time we need to find the Gag and the straight jacket for little teddy and bo0fa, to reunite with X iLE at the nut house


Yes, Biden had every chance to succeed in business. He simply wanted to fail as a businessman, and he got what he wanted.

Relax, take your 17′ skiff out for a roll!

David L Baiker

What “life long government position” is Biden holding? Drump has NEVER taken an oath that he didn’t have his fingers crossed hiding them behind his back!


It’s not real Lisa, and it’s absolutely wild how you basically understand this, given your repeated acknowledgement that the military never ever actually does anything, but you still just endlessly cling to the hopium anyways.


Do you think others cling to hopium because you project your own neediness that these stories are false?




“I’m Hillary Clinton, you can’t do this to me,” she said, her voice a witch’s cackle.

“It’s already done,” Donald J. Trump shouted up at her.

Rob William

How is your women is 60s militia working out?


speak engrish chink


That was one of my favorite articles,
I still can smile as I see the “Drop and Snap “, of her wrinkled neck..☺


Revisiting MB’s greatest hits because the new articles suck ass, huh 😂


Well, if the new articles suck take it up with Ted, er, Wozz!

More than that however, if the new articles suck, then why read them dork?

Hillary’s death really got to your side, huh? lol

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie

I’m not here for the boring articles, I’m here for the dumbass comments. That’s where the real entertainment is!


You never read any of the articles? Well, your comments ARE pretty lame, that is true. How often do you re-read your own comments?


I didn’t say that, I do read the articles (or at least skim them, they’re pretty dull sometimes.) Just saying the real draw here is the comments. If this site didn’t have comments section I wouldn’t even bother with it.


Bidens picture looks like the imposter just crapped his diaper.


Maybe by tomorrow….. Wishes just might come true..
Everyone start praying
And get serious,.. No phoney baloney begging for unicorns and fairy dust
Crap. !
🌈. 🐦. 👫. ☺. 🐋. 🐣. 🍩. 🐝. 🍻.

Bill Kaulfield

Lol. Tomorrow?

Unicorns and fairy dust, indeed.

Bill Kaulfield

Only a few hours left, Wildcat!


I believe even the chinese communist rope with which Avril was hanged balked at her ugliness.

Rob William

This is a public blog and not a secret website.


Michael Baxter!!! I thought our military captured the deep-state stronghold in NC or somewhere and we have control of it and the EBS! WELL???? What are they waiting for? People are hurting and some are dying!!!! Don’t they care?? How much longer? How much more can “The People” endure? WE NEED ACTION AND RESULTS NOW!


this shit aint over by a long shot. election will be stolen again. there will be more executive orders, more corruption, food/goods scarcity, inflation while the americans sit idly by and hope for a more hopeful future via voting harder!


He he.




Lotta bloodlust goin on up in here.


blood, lust, money, loss, attack, guilt, betrayal, neediness, fear,

bring. it.



Angel Askew

And passion!

J Bill

and still hasn’t hit 30k lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


workn on it yo. give me some time. i’m up and coming…


Oh for sure, these people live for Michael Baxter’s imaginary descriptions of executions


Maybe if you stand in front of a mirror and affirm it 100 times these stories will finally be false for you.


Now WHY would you say that , let alone Think it ?
Why should there even BE another “election”…. After the 2020 one. ?
Just Pennsylvania mail in ballot count returned 120,000 ,MORE ballots than were mailed out to the registered voters.
The legislators didn’t EVEN LOOK at the evidence. !
They should ALL get the firing squad… For the corruption they participated in…
Everyone is LUCKY that I am NOT IN charge.
HEADS would Roll ! And I am NOT kidding.


lol Heads should roll!


Things would straighten up in a hurry..I am telling you !
I would not stand for lying, theft, murder , corruption, bribery, pedophilia, rape , adrenchrome parties, DUI, and human trafficking, ext
I don’t like Lawyers, politicians , crooked JUDGES…so they would NOT DO SO WELL, ..


The world is ruled by money, brute force and hot chicks.


I actually LIKE HOT chicks


me too!


Wildcat for prez!!!!!!!




go wildcat go!!!

btw PERFECT expression lol


Yeah….as in heads rolling off the guillotine into the basket.


Just picture how that would set an example
NO repeat offenders !
Population reduction of the evil that work for SATAN


This claim, which combines mail-in vote totals from the June 2020 primary election with totals for the Nov. 3 general election, is false.


You have no credibility, you are a troll, who has been banished several times, teddy…bo0fa…ect…..
Nobody believes a word you say.


Just the fact they return so dutifully is interesting. Why are they so threatened by Trump ?

Bill Kaulfield

Actually, yes, Julie is very serious about her retardation.

Rob William

Playing for the biggest LARP.


Damn I guess Patriots were never really in control after all, huh 🤷‍♂️


I wish you didn’t hate humanity so much, I really feel some light in you. You are just not dark enough Biggs. I do not believe you rape, torture, murder, eat children and drink their blood. So, if you don’t, then why are you protecting evil and giving shit to good hearted individuals who are fighting this evil?

Is the pay that good?
What about YOUR children? Do you have any? Do you want them dead?
You sound quasi-intellectual, (not that it means much when you know the truth because the heart is where the power is but the cabal made the intellect king which is fucking stupid and dumber than dog shit but you know, stupid people fall for it because of you know, ego dumb fucks). So how about it Biggs? Do you like human flesh?

OR will you stand up and smash the a/holes who do this??

Pick a fucking side…. or have you?


Hi Kitty, I appreciate your post and your assessment that there is some light in me 🙂

No I do not hate humanity. I do not protect evil. I do not rape or torture or eat babies or whatever. Nobody makes me post here and I don’t not get paid anything for it at all. I’m just an average guy, I have a full time job unrelated to any of this, and I just post here as a hobby because it’s fascinating and entertaining to me.

The thing you are missing here, is that you are trying to forcibly make me fit somewhere into this whole “White Hats vs. Black Hats” narrative in a way that makes sense to you. I don’t fit into it because it isn’t real and I don’t believe either faction exists. I understand you’re very invested in it after 5 years of qanon and junk, but it just isn’t real. That’s why Michael Baxter just promises you thing after thing and none of them ever happen. He never explains why none of them ever happen, he just moves right along to the next fake promise. These two sides don’t exist. Maybe some day you’ll tir of the endless waiting and endless promises and realize that. Or maybe you won’t, but either way it’s just going to be more years and years and years of none of this stuff ever actually happening.

And also, yes I do have a kid. I care very deeply about my kid’s future. “The Cabal” is not a threat to my kid because it’s not real. I’m more worried for a future where my kid’s rights and access to voting have been trampled or taken away by anti-democracy authoritarians like Donald Trump. Because that’s something that is actually slowly happening here in the real world, unlike all this imaginary spy war nonsense.


You have a kid? Is your kid a sheep? Animals can’t vote. If you had an I.D. and were an actual citizen, you could legally vote. Just because you crossed into california, doesn’t give you the right to vote.


Lol you’re so weird, Rube. Yes I have a kid. No, my kid is a human. Yes I have an ID and I am a citizen, I was born in the US and have lived here all my life. Yes I have the right to vote, and i vote in every election. I know it makes you really furiously angry that there are voters who disagree with you but that’s just democracy, bro. Deal with it. Or cry about it I guess, who cares


I don’t buy it Biggs, if you really were a parent you would be fighting the good fight and not wasting time here. You display some intelligence but why waste it on childish games?

If you think for one second that this is about politics, you are truly undereducated on this very wide topic, in fact, you don’t understand the very first thing about this war.


The first thing you need to research is this:
DJT was asked by the military brass and patriots from the alphabet agencies to run for presidency to SAVE THE CHILDREN AND SAVE THE REPUBLIC. If he refused, they were going to overthrow the government and we would have been under martial law but knowing how deep the deep state was in control and knowing what they had planned, they knew that cost would be too high. That is why they asked him to run.

Once you understand that and the trafficking and abuse (which I assume you DO know about unless you’ve been living under a rock), everything else makes sense.

There is a meme that reflects this perfectly – a picture of DJT saying, “You think they are after me, but they are not. They are after you and I am just in their way.”

The second thing to research is the globalist elites:
“Data might enable human elites to do something even more radical than just build digital dictatorships. By hacking organisms elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself, because once you hack something you can usually also engineer it”
–Yuval Noah Harari pic.twitter .com/192zzKVisG

People like to project because it’s how we’ve all been taught to do life. Also, people tend to bash what they don’t know so get to know and understand the truth, Biggs, you owe it to your kid.


It’s like you didn’t even read what I wrote. I am well aware of all these conspiracy theories you’re talking about. They’re bullshit. Nobody in the military brass asked Trump to run. He’s not on a secret mission to save the world from a shadowy cabal. He’s just an egomaniac with narcissistic personality disorder, and a wreckless authoritarian who wants to destroy our democracy because he can’t stand that he lost. He’s a bigger threat to my kid’s future than some imaginary ‘globalist takeover’ that will never happen.


It’s a ruse, rube. And you keep falling for the same shit over and over again! lol

William R Nicholson

Creepy Joe would melt like the witch in the wizard of oz if ever in the real presence of a genuine Marine ! The Intense Presence would probably kill Joe by heart attack since I am convinced he only likes young boys & girls …….. Not truly familiar with real men . Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Frisbee The Cat

Yeh. What kind of parade rest is that, anyway?

Sharon Janice Manning

I noticed that myself. My father was a proud Marine and I know he never stood like that.

Rob William

Are you voting for Dr Oz?


go away chink

J Bill


navyblueballs, lsd-1996


Thank you for your service and agreed except this Byedan is an actor playing a role to help wake up the normies and bring an end to this madness!! Last I heard, the actor Arthur Roberts was on his death bed so no idea who this one is!!

I’m sure someone here will know.

Luckily, the real Joe Byedan has left this early plane.


The Court has allowed Trump to hire a special master to review the confidential documents that Trump stole and was trying to sell. Movie coming to an end soon.


maybe he didn’t hit your bid because it was in yuan?


You sound like ted and bo0Fa..
Be careful you don’t end up like those losers…


Go put a Dr Oz sign on your lawn.


agreed on that one, wtf


Lol they’re still here dummy, nothing happened to them.


Where’s Reed and Don Reed and Forsaken?


You’re right here, Reedie


OWD, ! , Wow , had a LOT to share ?
That has been suppressed for some time , now hasn’t it .
Well , the contents do scream ..a BOOK in the future

question everything

As much as I dislike hearing grown men scream, if you do write a book, especially if you never plan to publish it, be sure to include the chapter(s) about your father. You really must get that off your chest.

question everything

I understand that, but time waits for no one.