Military Tribunal Convicts Paul Pelosi


True to its word, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and the Office of Military Commissions resumed military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay following the Labor Day weekend. White Hats, however, seem to have shuffled manpower, for the officer presiding over Paul Pelosi’s tribunal on Tuesday was not Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall; rather, it was Major General Joseph B. Berger (no relation to Marine Corps General David H. Berger) the deputy judge advocate general of the U.S. Army. His presence at GITMO on Tuesday clearly illustrates forces beyond Navy JAG, the U.S.M.C, and the Special Operations community are working toward eradicating the Deep State. It is, perhaps, a new era of cooperation.

Regardless, Gen. Berger had harsh words for Paul Pelosi, who appeared without legal representation.

“Mr. Pelosi, it would appear you are a prodigious child molester,” Gen. Berger said. “I must admit I’m in a unique situation here, as it’s been my understanding the defendants brought before this tribunal usually stand accused of treason, with other crimes secondary. But you, Mr. Pelosi, are here because state courts refused to prosecute you, even when shown concrete proof of your crimes.”

Disheveled and discombobulated, Pelosi told the tribunal he had never had sex with minors.

“That’s only because you’re 82 years old and can’t, isn’t it? That didn’t’ stop you from offering drugs and cash to touch them and make them touch themselves, did it?” Gen. Berger asked.

He showed the three officers tasked with weighing JAG’s case against Pelosi images JAG investigators had obtained of a naked Pelosi lying beside a nude 14-year-old girl in a San Francisco hotel room. The photos showed Pelosi’s wrinkled hands molesting her body.

“Look, Paul…Do you mind if I call you Paul? That girl in the picture, and she is just girl, and three other girls are standing by right now, to testify remotely, as is the individual who arranged your meetings with them. This is sickening to me. If you come clean, admit your guilt, this panel of officers may show you some mercy, not that you deserve it. I don’t want to be here, in your sight, and I’m guessing you want this over too,” Gen. Berger said.

Pelosi, who had until that moment remained silent, blurted, “I’m a broken 82-year-old man. What can you do to me? Kill me? I’m dead already. Dead inside. You want to know if I touched kids. Yeah, I touched them. What the fuck would you do if you were married to a fucking witch for 60 years? I touched them, a lot of them, but there was never sex.”

“Is that how you rationalize it? How you justify it? We do appreciate your candor.”

Owing to Pelosi’s admission of guilt, Gen. Berger asked the panel to deliver a verdict without having introduced even a single witness. The panel rejected the death penalty, but decreed that Pelosi spend his remaining years as a permanent houseguest at Guantanamo Bay’s Camp Delta detention block.


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Now, about his wife….


So, now, while the Pauly P. case is headed for arbitration, it seems Andrew Cuomo is back in the news, at least — since his “permanent leave-taking” ostensibly occurred on Nov. 4, 2021, according to this site. That said, he’s apparently just filed a complaint against Letitia James with regard to her harassment report against him, while one of his former aides filed a lawsuit for harassment on the job, and then some. The respective outcome would seem to hinge on his actual whereabouts, hmmm?


He should not try to blame a mentally insane witch like his wife. Feeble defense. We all know how criminal she is, but there always was an option called divorce. At least we got him off the streets of San Francisco. He constantly drinks and drives and molests underage girls. Those are his two main pastimes, all the while blaming it on his wife.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joanna

Ding Dong the Witch is DEAD l
and her flying Monkees are
🙈🙉🙊 are detained !


I guess Nazi P. has realized by now, that her precious alleged rapist of a guy, Pauly is sitting in the big house off the coast of Cuba and will be for a long, long time. She’s next. His young San Fran hooker victims, will have to move on too.

Angel Askew

Getting To That Other Shore


Good morning to all patriots and will full ingrates!

Angel Askew

Are you bragging or coming into awareness?

Angel Askew

9/11/2001 was the birth day of THE NEW WORLD ORDER GREAT RESET.
Happy Anniversary!!

We’re going need more rope!


I am suggesting that chain instead of rope be used..
Just rinse and reuse.
Preferably a choke chain !

Rob William

Meanwhile in the RealVerse Putin is losing the war in Ukraine and his army running away from the battlefield.

Angel Askew

Enjoy the show Zelensky puts on while washing your tax dollars.


I really feel that Putin was affected by the cancer treatment and he made some awful decisions because of it. Similar situation with the pillow guy where he separated from reality.


You are a TROLL, your “feelings” ..really don’t matter !


You’re watching a movie, Rob. Russia won the war in Ukraine months ago. Those ‘Ukrainians troops’ chasing the Russians out? Crisis actors. The countless Russian tanks and missile launchers being left behind as they hastily flee? Holograms. All a ruse, for the sheeple who can’t accept what an incredibly unmatched tactical genius Putin is. Zelenskiy will publicly announce the surrender #soon and the sheeple will be flabbergasted.


Putin has already Won that little skirmish ! He LIBERATED Ukraine !
That is REALITY.
You live in LA LA LAND…
And everyone knows .


Bobert claims a debate was rigged. Imagine what she will say when she loses.

Rob William

And the reality is rigged too. Better to be safe in the fictional MBVerse.

Angel Askew

Enjoy what beach days you have left. The red wave one day event will be catostrophic.
You may want to juice up your Prius now.

John .S

My next big beach day is the first Saterday in Dec, many will take a swim, location yet not known [Staten Island, Coney Island, Rockaway Beach].

Event: “Freezing for a Reason”, bring a towel & check book. All proceeds go to Special Olympics.

Heated tent on boardwalk, Irish Coffee served.

Angel Askew

Polar Bear Club is NOT for the dainty!! Nice cause!

John .S

Good Day to all the scallywags herein.

9-11 was a inside job, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and *Larry Silverstein* operation, plus others.

Where’s Larry Silverstein?

question everything

I still get flabbergasted by the folks who still believe that the damage to the twin towers could be caused by planes, or that don’t recognize controlled demolition of buildings. Can you imagine the amount of blind faith in government and media a person would need to buy the official narrative?
plus others” = Mossad. They were the ones who installed the charges for the controlled demolition.

question everything

Having lived most of my life in California, it surprises me that you can think people wallowing in misconception doesn’t effect others. For example, have you seen the laws that get passed in your state?

Angel Askew

He lives in the armpit of Los Angeles.

question everything

I was born not far enough from the LeBrea armpits, and spent about 50 years in CA, had my schooling in Californication indoctrination, and then started learning what life was really all about.

Angel Askew

You woke up and took a good look around. Kudos!

question everything

Other’s misconceptions can and do effect our lives, but I agree that their misconceptions don’t need to effect our joy. Even though there was nothing happy about 9/11/2001, I find much joy in life on 9/11/2022, so….have a joyous day, no matter what the calendar has to say.

John .S

Silverstein’s *Pull It* video [WTC 7] resurfaced.

question everything

What would really happen to a plane:


No idea, but I loved reading his books of poems as a kid! What a creative and funny guy 🙂

Angel Askew

Different “Silverstein”.

Angel Askew

Investing the insurance payout. Living off the interest by now.


These executions are going way to slow you need to really speed them up. God says if the tree is bad the fruit is bad. All of the Pelosis should have been rounded up and executed. The whole family is satanic. When Nancys tranny son said that his mother will cut their heads off. She meant that he has seen his mother do that 8 times a year forever. Nancy was a one time fling of Charles Manson. Her family and the Fromme family were friends. The Houghtans were Kris Jenners maiden name.


You need to step up your donations so more execution stories will be written. Stories are driven by donations.


And don’t forgot to fill in the ‘note’ section of your donation with the name of the person you most want to read about getting executed! That’s how Mike decides, it’s sort of an informal voting system.

Rob William

The answer is donate donate donate.


He meant that in a literal sense. Nancy is a high priestess. A satanic witch.


I heard she even teaches a summoning class at Hogwarts 🧙‍♀️

John .S

Want to hear that Larry Silverstein been apprehended.

Well today is the day, RIP FDNY Jeffery Palazzo Rescue 5, my friend. Lost five other people directly connected to me whom sat at my dinner table.

Jeffery received recommendation to get on a fire boat and declined, wanted heavy rescue.

Trump named Coast Guard Cutter after Jeffrey whom petty officer in reserves, also another FDNY firefighter too. See Stars and Stripes publication.

No doubt, Larry Silverstein mass murdering genocidal lunatic.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S
Rob William

Donate before demand.

Angel Askew

Your friends will not have died in vain much longer, J.S.


Hopefully these evil bastards are already being rounded up and being given their last meal.


“What the fuck would you do if you were married to a fucking witch for 60 years?”

I have to admit this quite sounds a bit bogus. Sounds made up.

James walker

It’s depressing to have gitmo full of treasonous traders and all we get after 3 weeks is Paul pelosi gets life in prison for molesting kids


Well if it makes you feel any better, Gitmo isn’t actually full of “treasonous traders” anyways. Or treasonous traitors either, for that matter.


fun fact
you’re full of it. !


Fun fact, nothing was revealed on 9/10/22, just like every ‘prediction’ you make week after week after week, because you are living a larp 🙃


Give Pelosi a pill that he can take when he’s really ready to go. He’ll probably take it pretty soon.


Lift you Hands up, to the sky
youtube dot com/watch?v=3jaSUZ7MM6k&list=TLPQMTAwOTIwMjI5Oe3uWJqQww&index=45


I have the feeling that some things really big have happened recently and we’re not hearing about it. 🙁 The Pelozers aren’t really big news. they’re pests.


I’m sure those really big things will be revealed #soon


It seems as though, as soon as the witch boarded that plane for her infamous Taiwan trip, Paul was being picked up. Awesome work, JAG.


He is vile. Hang him high.


Good Morning Everyone,.
I look forward to a Great Awakening,.
Something Shocking taking place
Very Soon !
Does anyone want to guess what will be Revealed ?


I heard on the short wave that Trump will make an announcement tomorrow.


I heard that also…


I wonder if anyone still uses the CB anymore.

John .S

C-Q – C-Q – C-Q.

Oops, Breaker-Break-Break, how about it DX Land, skipping from NYC. Baking cookies, oven hot.

John .S

#soon, LoL.


This guy gets it 😉

John .S

Nah, just wanted to beat you to the punch, satire. Anticipated you would post, modus operandi.


You’re on to me, John! Though in this case, Wildcat said the big reveal or whatever would happen “Very Soon !” so technically the correct response would be #verysoon

I give you an A for effort though 🙂


11/03/2020 ???????

Sandy Koufax

Trump wrote a tribute to the evil and satanic late Queen Elizabeth.


It has a secret code in the message.

Bill Kaulfield

Lol. Really? What does it say?


It said he is trying to get the documents back.


A “tribute”. ?
Interesting choice of words !.
I see that shape shifting lizard possessed entity as an EVIL instrument,..
Responsible for the torture of children.!
The TRUTH will be reported, but the mainstream media has suppressed it.


Surely the proof that she was a shape-shifting lizard all along will be revealed #soon




Has Nancy noticed her husband is gone? He will have to dry out in GTMO. Are all these SWATS on President Trump’s allies payback? I can’t wait til we have him back in Office, to pardon the persecuted and free the J6ers!

J Bill

“Are all these SWATS on President Trump’s allies payback?”

the fuck?


Anyone know what “the witch” is saying or doing about this? Do they get to have visitors at GITMO? She probably wouldn’t go anyway. Where is the REAL Piglosi? That isn’t her we are seeing in the news lately. I keep reminding myself that we are seeing a movie. I just want to see everyone who has already been arrested per the headlines I am seeing on Restored Republic vids.


Nothing, it’s not real

John .S

Breaking News out of Maricopa County Arizona. Federal Judge injunction that protects First Amendment activities.


She has no soul


Anyone else hear that Trump was knighted?

John .S

Yeah, alleged by the Knights of Columbus as ultimate protector of Columbus statue at Columbus Circle.

Trump warned people: “if you mess with Christopher you’ll be messing with the Italians”.


Evil group. They are known for building model trains.

Jose Ramirez

I did not like the verdict. The death penalty is the right punishment. We need to have no mercy to these devils.


Yeah! Blood for the Blood God!! Skulls for the Skull Throne!!! 💀💀💀


I agree, If he ends up poisoned by the cook like bill Clinton, it wouldn’t upset me either..


Yeah, get it off your chest and say it like a Liberal or Commie would!!!
No Mercy!


Hopefully Nancy, Clinton double, Merkel one and two, Boris replacement, Fauci, and the rest follow the queen of England, soon, wut.

John .S

Made 50 copies of this article, also Stelter article. People are actually reading them.

Majority of response: “Holy Cow”
few say: “why this isn’t on TV news” in look of disbelief.
I laugh saying: please don’t litter, offer article to someone else.


king shize is stelter


Keep up the good work ! 👍
Awaken the Masses.

J Bill

i love when julie rips out those dentures

Sandy Koufax

35 senior Trump allies’ homes are raided by the FBI and crickets from RRN.


Trust Wray 😉


Trust Crandall. He gets the job done !


Q never said to Trust Crandall, bro. He said to Trust Wray a bunch of times. Why aren’t you trusting Wray?

Bill Kaulfield

Which ones?

J Bill

it includes stephen miller. such a shame


what is it with white guys and shame ffs?


Only a fake grifting jew should hold shame.

Bill Kaulfield

He wasn’t raided. He was served a subpoena.

J Bill


David T

Apparently the FBI is coming up empty handed so they have to keep harassing, weaponizing, and expanding their bs in a desperate too find anything they can feed the media with up to the midterms. Anything to distract from Byedum’s plummeting approval ratings.

Sandy Koufax

Substance doesn’t matter. The the attorney fees are $1000 per hour and they will be bankrupted and convicted anyway.

buck fiden

Gut Shabbos, Kiketologists!
Now begins the day of rest.

We pray that for the deep state,
Today begins the day of arrest!

Angel Askew

Kiketologists! LOL!

buck fiden

SchicklGruber = Shekel Gruber = Money Grubber. Heil Beiden!


Avril Haines Military Tribunal Slated for August 10.

Did this tribunal take place? If so, what was the outcome?


No, it was boomer fan-fiction just like all of them


Try not to pay any attn to Biggs, the guys a flake and no doubt a rainbow bitch.


Lol what the hell is a ‘rainbow bitch’?


Normal people would get a divorce if they were married to a witch or warlock as yourself, Pauly. Admit you are a child pervert and be done with it.


Maybe Nancy cast an invincibility spell on their marriage certificate 🧙‍♀️

Rob William

Ha ha ha, really really original!


yes, you should put more energy into your attempts at originality!


Visions of the PLANET of the APES…
messages that I’ve written,
never meaning to send…..


At least that is one more drunk off the road permanently. I personally think Nancy is in a secret coven so the fact that he acknowledged she was a witch might have some truth to it.


If you remember vaguely, De’Santez was once quoted as saying he wanted to ban Witchcraft in Florida? He met a shit pile of slack from their yabber jabbing jaws, imagine if every state banned Witchcraft. Ouch.

Angel Askew

Making human or animal sacrifice and/or drinking the blood is not acceptable. He has a lot of cultures down there.

Rob William

Which era are we in? Middle Ages?


apparently the Psycho Age

Angel Askew

Not really. It all ties back to worshipping Ba’al/Satan. Many do not realize God no longer required a life sacrifice after he gave his son.

Many Africans and Caribbean and others know it common practice for villagers to go missing still today. Kidnapped by the “medicine man” for organs and body parts for witchcraft and profit. Its as old as time.


God never did, but the Satanic religions had the people believing it for aeons so they went with the human sacrifice show one last time.

Angel Askew

Nah, They’ve known since Enoch won the challenge and sent them away.


ask tedy podesta……


🇺🇸 Thank God for the military, putting away these people.

Anthony Gregory

With the rate of killings by the deep state all this is nothing. I’m not suffering. My life has generally been good.
I hoped to see something great for those who were tortured maimed murdered sexualy abused then murdered denied the chance of life.
Nothing to see here.😔
I had 3 days work. Before the train strikes.
Old boy said the only thing Trump cares about is Trump.
NWO are desperate to get a move on.
The Queen was killed off.
Charlie the child molester the turd
Can access the nuclear armaments.

Nukkin Futz

I wonder if the tribunal court room busted out in total lafter, after Pelosi’s assertion of his spouse? Wut’ta great comeback line from all of the past detainee’s!



Rob William



What will Nancy do? What , Will, She Do?.


Continue her grift.

J Bill

29642. stil


Nothing, it’s not real


take a trip to KYIV !!!!!!!!

Paula Porter

Well, we have more confirmation that she’s a witch.

buck fiden

Especially if she weighs the same as a duck.



Last edited 2 years ago by Julie
J Bill


boomers use three commas

Dale Knight

I if the 19th president of the republic doesn’t send up soon , there will be another 1812. Think about it


We are ready. Bring it!

buck fiden

December 13th is the day Deep State Digital Currency is born. Expect banks to stop allowing cash withdrawals sometime next year.




I can’t put my finger on it ,
but there’s something wrong with that picture.
The Deep State digital currency sounds like a story tale..,
…and they can’t have any authority when they should all be in Gitmo, in body bags by that date !


They want you ‘chipped.’ Mark of the beast.

buck fiden

Zhou Biden signed an XO back in March creating it.

buck fiden

“Choose your eternity”

– “Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey”

Angel Askew

If you don’t hold it you don’t own it.

Angel Askew

UN Nuclear Watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Chief calling for immediate Nuclear protection zone around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

The plant has been under Russian control for months, and the Ukrainian forces are the ones shelling the plant. But the UN choose to leave out that convenient detail in their reports and in this announcement.

Be cautious. We are still unsure as to if the IAEA are acting honestly, or if they have an ulterior agenda.
-shared from: disclosetv

(It’s a big 9/11 weekend. Obama is under scrutiny for Iran by these same authorities. DJT has all the docs and Barr is running interference keeping all the normies interested. The Pope has all monies back in Vatican by 10/1/22, Queens death finally announced, murder by elected Dem in N.M. not mentioned by MSM, The Hunter Biden movie release was timed perfectly. Impeachment and removal of entire administration looks imminent. IMHO) ⚖️🌎


thanks for the well organized post!


Call me a conspiracy theorist, but wasn’t the “shape shift ing
Pope executed a while back ?
But I am ALL for impeachment of the fake administration..
Let the good times roll


Yeah but it turns out he was actually still alive, he had just shape-shifted into a version of himself that looked dead. Crafty guy!

Rob William



Elaborate more about how the queen supposedly died?

Angel Askew

I’ve not come across anything about that.

Rob William

You are itching for a good fight.

J Bill

two proud boys plead guilty. they face almost 5 years in jail

and the worldwide markets are all deeply green! must be a coincidence!


No coincidence.

Sources say the ‘proud boys’ were actually FBI informants. Markets rally on news FBI is getting cleaned up! Thanks for that!

maybe over the weekend, 2 DHS workers will get prison terms and USTreasurys can finally rally!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie
J Bill

then they go to jail for 5 years. and the markets are green!!!!!

cry more! larp harder! sluuuuuuuuuuuuuurp

29642 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

corrupt fbi in jail for 5 years? what is there not to like?


The FBI is an agency of the DOJ, dummy. If Jan 6 was an FBI op why would they prosecute their own agents for their own op? 🙃


Lee Harvey Oswald


trust wray


I do!

J Bill

29642 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I heard biggs and J Bill are both members of The Proud boys…
Gay Parade marches… Their favorite pastime.!


I knew Earl Scheib and you are no Earl Scheib.




So the Lizard Queen dies and worldwide markets are all deeply green!

How high would the markets go if all other world leaders followed suit?


I’m happy to hear London Bridge is Falling Down ,
.this should have been reported 3 years ago.

Pamela Stetor

Yet another sick horrible person.


Shape shifting lizard person, who tortured children.. At last is ” reported dead”…😱

Vicky Hyle

One more down, saving the children, one by one… How did the world get so many pedophile? Why do they turn this way? How do we stop them from turning that way? The Bible says to set a example of what happens if you do these abominations, A death penalty. Laws need to be enforced with a “Iron Rod”, so to speak. Softness creates disasters, everytime. Children need to be guarded, protected, they are the future, they are our unconditional source of love and joy. Standing by, letting evil have it’s way …. To kill them, to abort them, to torture them, to use them, to sell them for sex, to make them a source for adrenochrome, sacrifices, IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!!! EVER!
Thank you for going after them! You are their Heroes and The Heroes of the World, and God’s servants/Warriors against Evil!
May God’s Grace and blessings keep you!

Last edited 2 years ago by Vicky Hyle
Rose Mary Abbott

If everyone had no chance to make it out alive there would never be any information gained about anything. But he will possibly be murdered in his cell like Bill Clinton was. Sometimes death is too easy. Sometimes dragging out a person’s death is more befitting the crime and they might be able to use the fear of death to gain information on say the witch he had a life sentence with before.


I agree 100%

John .S

We’re going to see Madame Tussauds latest creation: Queen Elizabeth in casket.

Many enjoyed watching her holographic image in horse drawn coach at jubilee event.

Previously few years back, Queen was placed in a cryogenic resistant polyurethane bag, and main storage vessel pressurized with liquid nitrogen.




Lol why don’t they just put the hologram in the casket?




the english are weird like that. look at their language ffs

John .S

Many months back, NY Post ran photos and article of Madame Tussauds figurines of Queen.

Photos depict waxed Queen standing and sitting, now horizontal figurine on display.


I’m glad to see this guy get some punishment, but, like the others, I really want to see the Wicked Witch of San Francisco swing from a rope. Second only to Hillary, Nan is one of the most evil people on the planet.

Angel Askew

She is the chief gatekeeper for the truly evil ones. She just makes sure she gets her cut by any means necessary.

J Bill

she’s my dealer


was the deal you get to eat paul’s ass while she straps on the peg to make you her pony? lol

J Bill

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 29642

Rob William

You are surprisingly rude for a woman in her 60s.


Or Rude Rob the Rube!


you remind me of a gremlin that has a date with a microwave oven!


Nancy can’t take her cut with her,
… Nancy will leave this world with her reputation and nothing else.,..
Oh. Maybe that lizard birthday suit…!

Angel Askew

I read today, if GOP wins midterms she will seek to be made Ambassador to Italy.

Bye, Pauly.