EAS on Standby for Midterms


If the Deep State Democrats cheat their way to victory in the November midterms, President Donald J. Trump will implore the U.S. military to trigger the Emergency Alert System (EAS), White Hat sources told Real Raw News.

The EAS, formerly called the Emergency Broadcast System, was established in 1963 to alert Americans in time of war and was in later years expanded for use during peacetime emergencies at state and local levels. Until recently, the nation’s most contemptible police force, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, had control of the EAS—until the White Hat partition of the U.S. military seized it during a brazen assault on FEMA’s Mount Weather stronghold last March. When activated, the EAS, in brief, overrides local and cable broadcasts and transmits an audio tone and a text message to cellular phones. It is somewhat similar to but more powerful than the Amber Alert System and the National Weather Service’s severe weather notification system.

Over the last few months, President Trump and White Hats have disagreed on when exactly the EAS should be activated. For example: When the FBI raided and occupied Mar-a-Lago, Trump beseeched Marine Corps General David H. Berger to spin up the EAS, saying the nation was under siege. But Gen. Berger, having consulted his team, argued that an isolated incident, though unlawful and unconstitutional, should not constitute a national crisis. Had the FBI raided Trump’s other properties, or illegally detained Trump, he would have considered engaging the EAS. Trump had ultimately concurred with Gen. Berger’s assessment, saying that prematurely triggering the EAS could backfire and play into the Deep State’s hands.

Nonetheless, Trump said the military must use the EAS if the Deep State steals the midterms, for the results will affect the 2024 presidential election.

Gen. Berger had no issue with that.

If the Deep State sweeps hotly contested senate, state, and regional races, a chain of events will take place: once victors are announced, U.S. Army Cyber Command and U.S.M.C. Forces Cyberspace Command will conduct an independent investigation. They will evaluate not only the Senate and House of Representatives, but also analyze gubernatorial and mayoral races. Even county judge results could face intense scrutinization. The joint cyber command force will also look to see if illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities had cast ballots.

Then, if election theft is proven, White Hats will switch on the EAS. An image of the U.S. flag flown upside down will appear on cell phones and televisions across the nation. Patriots should recognize this as a sign of national distress. Sources told Real Raw News this should not be interpreted as an immediate call to arms, as the military does not want citizens caught in the crossfire when it storms state and federal buildings and drags treasonous officials into the streets, in chains.

“This won’t be time for a civilian uprising,” a source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office told RRN. “We want all patriots to hang their flags upside down, to spread the word, not get themselves killed. We have people who have been training for this day for a very, very long time. If things go south and we need patriot assistance, we will send out a follow up message explicitly stating that. Otherwise, we don’t want to see the Wild West in America’s streets.”

In addition, White Hats wish patriots would stop posting selfies of themselves and their firearms on social media.

“People who do this are inviting the ATF to knock at their door. It’s problematic. Yes, we all have First and Second Amendment rights, but now is not the time to invite trouble. If we eventually need help, and I emphasize the word “if,” we won’t have it people have had their firearms confiscated,” our source said.

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We will see won’t we?

Afshin Nejat

Great. Well, maybe part of their announcement could include some backstory as to why people who have conversations that are completely insane but who “identify” as sane are proliferating throughout visible society at the mass cultural and media level. This cacophany of insane people and conversations and activities, masquerading as sane, and as part of a large ensemble of coordinated mass actions using PRS (problem reaction solution) in order to result in a mass social engineering campaign as part of a massive hybrid warfare effort, is part of a wide Full Spectrum Dominance attack on Americans, partly conducted by many Americans both wittingly and unwittingly (but still responsible), and is coordinated with foreign agents you can’t criticize at all in some countries. The history of this operation goes back far but if you can’t figure out where it is as far back as 1940 with absolute clarity and certainty and that it is at diametric odds with how history is pretended to have gone (according to just-outlined Fifth Column Apparatus), then you are already mentally and spiritually captured and being primed for a great cull. If you haven’t noticed, it kicked into high gear just over the last few years. What was that about Operation Warped Sheep?


This is stupid, so you are waiting until they cheat before you do something, people are tired of this changing stories, let them do something or keep quiet.


The Gateway Pundit article: “House Judiciary Committee Democrats voted to support NON-CITIZENS the right to vote in our elections.”

You still think, you will have a country by midterm?


Will some find out what Washington learned in the battle of short hills , the militia are indispensable , can you sheriffs say deputize that man ?

Joseph Swanton

If all patriots were to unite against future elections, sponsored by this criminal cabal, then you’d better believe someone would stop making excuses!!

george friend

You’d walk right into their trap. They want violent reprisal. Violence is their game, their field. This is why I love us. We have the most peaceful society that has ever existed, and we are doing it while being choked out and stomped into the dirt. They shit on us and drag us through the mud, and still we take it all in stride.
I tell you this, Joseph Swanton, we have earned our stripes and we’re all invited to the party of all parties. 100 years of celebrating, just to get started.
But first, we have a few stragglers that need to go. These Globalists ain’t shit. The script is about to flip.

Peter Lewis

OOOOOOH! An Independent investigation!! What kind of empty threat is that? There are about 100 “investigations” going on every day since Biden took office. Look how long it took to scrape up evidence about voter fraud in the last presidential election. There was plenty of time for Dominion and Smart Matic to erase every single machine that was used during the election. Now they have sued Powell for billions of dollars for claiming fraud because they have had lots of time to get rid of evidence. The Deep State has no fear of another “investigation”. What a wuss-puss!!! All the white hats have is this once a week capture of some operative that they can hang something on that will put him or her away. Since that threat is so flimsy, watch for massive voter fraud coming in the midterms.

Jose Ramirez

Mass arrest now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrest the 90% of the house and 90% of the senate. Dead penalty now!

george friend

Trump is a coward at heart. It’ll never happen. These jerkoffs let fear dictate every decision. I mean look at the guy, he’s fat, old, and most of all, he’s a rich spoiled cake boy. Don’t expect heroism from a dude who lived the posh life of royal house cat. Soggy bastard probably never swung an ax in his entire life. Think about it.. does he look like a champion? No, he looks like a fat spoiled frat boy with grey hair. Fuck this timeline…. Everything in it is gone.


The only thing missing after “dragged into the street” is “to be frog-marched up the gangplanks of the waiting GITMO barges, and sent off to their day of doom.

Mary Parry

Come on General Berger do what Trump says ARREST THEM ALL AND GIVE US THE EAS now!!!


B.S. why wasn’t it on standby for the real election? They have to cheat twice before we count it? Tards everyone, I’m not voting in a rigged election again. If we have it all use it. If we don’t nothing will change. The Military is the only way. We are a foreign occupied country. Do something besides holding another B.S. election. Our political system can’t fix this.

Rob William

This is a very bad advice.

george friend

I can’t disagree with him. He’s making some really good points. Why in the hell do we have a military, which we spends hundreds of billions, that sits on it’s ass while the citizens are overrun with enemies, foreign and domestic? How is holding another election going to fix this?


In the election of 1888, Benjamin Harrison was defeated by incumbent Grover Cleveland by almost 100,000 popular votes, a huge margin for the time. Yet, due to “electoral irregularities”, Harrison was declared winner. He went on to be one of the historical point men in the bankrupting of America.
The bad news is this crap has been going on forever.
The good news is Cleveland retook the office next election.

Strange, or not so strange, their stated party affiliations — Harrison (R) Cleveland (D) — were the opposite of what we have today.

Angel Askew

Excellent to know this. Thanks for sharing!


Interesting rant by knowledgeable veteran. Over three hours long but it will open your eyes because he backs it up with military facts, law, regulations, codes, etc. Can be played on fast speed but some needs to be listened to on normal speed. Part 1 has dropout on the audio, Part 2 is a repeat of part 1 plus more detail.

www dot ournewearthnews.com/2022/08/29/usa-military-veteran-with-top-secret-military-clearance-part-2-awoken-on-the-corporation-of-usa/

Rob William

By overtly adopting QANON conspiracy theory, DJT wants to intimidate DOJ about possible riots if he is arrested. I am really curious to see whether and when DJT will be arrested. As most of us will agree (now or may be after midterms), this story itself is completely bogus but what can MB do? This gives him more importance and money than his earlier Nibiru stories!


What will MB do? The same thing he always does: make up some dumb excuse for why the White Hats had to postpone The Storm/EBS (again) and promise that it’s still coming sometime really #soon, for real this time (again)


The mass arrests I’m leaning towards are high up élite people we wont see or we don’t even know them for that matter, the puppeteers AND HIGHER, but the puppets still need to be used for this election fraud system to play out.????, even though we know the 3 city states empire, City of London the Vatican and DC Military industrial complex of the crown has fallen, the dc area the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation is broke closed bankrupt, the game is over. So what part of this mid term election is even valid?? WHO TRYS TO GET A JOB AT A CLOSED BANKRUPT COMPANY. non of it, it is like voting for the schools board members when the school isn’t in the valid district and it has been boarded up, (dc isn’t America it is called British district of Colombia foreign land belonging to the to the crown ).or the bank that bailed them out 3x a charm we our on our 4th flag btw ,own and holding and claimed to our land as
WE THE PEOPLE, NOT OUT TO SEA VESSELS. LONDON BRIDGE HAS FALLEN so many country’s will be free to live and regain their RIGHTS.. game changer. AND NOW THAT THE POMP AND BULL SH84 IS DONE.
THE QUEEN IS DEAD THE DEBT IS PAID. We the people want new and fair election of all government officials, in every state and of course a new leader to make sure they do their jobs by the law of the land our constitution to which they take their oath.


As to comment APPROVALS: You can “wait for” something OR “AWAIT” something. “Await” means “wait for” or “expect”. Saying “await for” is redundant, repetitious (ha!) & un-necessary – something like “The la Trattoria” in Mickey Blue Eyes (1999 movie w Hugh Grant). Cheers!


The signal from DJT was the flag with missing stars at the Ohio rally! Check this out:
THIS IS HUGE! (Flag pic is not shown with this comment, but you can check it out on RSBN on rumble)
So those who say nothing is being done – guess again! #ithasbegun



george friend

Also Vincent Fusca in the crowd. My dad noticed him.


Are you suggesting that when Trump is arrested, he will not accept a deal?


Again I say, a sitting (active, still-in-charge, the only one military takes orders from) president CANNOT be arrested and jailed. Sorry to disappoint you.

David L Baiker

So drump CAN be arrested since he is NONE of those things!

Angel Askew


george friend

This is the biggest news since hillary died. Nobody wants to talk about it? After this weekend, going to be on everyone’s mind.


THIS WEEKEND IS GOING TO BE EPIC!!!! The death angel is riding for those evildoers! God is going to do it in one day!!!!!


Blah blah blah…. we heard this in 2020 about what was supposed to happen in Jan 21. Much like Trump will be back in office by the end of 21, I’ll believe it when I see it. Still waiting on the planet Nibiru to crash into us by the way…. You predicted that one too.


Personally I’m more interested in the fate of the Anunnaki invasion. Give us an update MB!


Mike said there is no money in Anunnaki. You have to go to Wattpad for Anunnaki updates.

Sandy Koufax

Senators who leave office before the end of their term will be replaced by the governor of their state, while house members who leave office before the end of their term will be replaced by special election. The same bad actors that put the removed congresspersons into office, will install their replacements.

J Bill

whatever, sodie


🇺🇸 I think they are just throwing us a bone with this article. ♥️ There’s probably something different that’s going to happen, don’t ask me what I have no idea. ♥️🇺🇸


Mike has to post fluff because the narrative is changing fast. He has to find a replacement for Trump since Trump is going to prison soon. He can’t say Putin is the good guy anymore and he certainly can’t say that Putin is a military genius. Vaccines don’t scare you anymore and Mike already killed Fauci last season. So Mike will post this garbage until something big happens that he can twist so readers can jerk off to it.

Vicky Hyle

Well we may need this alert system, I got a warning post on my FB. Said he had heard from higher ups in govt, that they were going to bomb nuclear sites and blame it on Putin. Any word this Michael? It was quickly taken off my page and his computer. I am worried.


Lawyers for former President Donald Trump signaled Monday that they oppose having to immediately make disclosures about declassification related to the Mar-a-Lago documents as part of the special master process ordered by a federal judge this month.


Lol, Judge Raymond Dearie was one of the Trump legal team’s own picks for special master. Now that he’s been appointed to the job, they’re mad that he’s actually requiring them to produce some evidence that Trump declassified any of the stuff he is retroactively claiming he declassified 😂


A Republican county official in Georgia and operatives working with an attorney for former President Donald Trump spent hours inside a restricted area of the local elections office on the day voting systems there were breached, newly obtained surveillance video shows.

The video reveals for the first time what happened inside the Coffee County elections office on January 7, 2021, the same day its voting systems are known to have been compromised. Among those seen in the footage is Cathy Latham, a former GOP chairwoman of Coffee County who is under criminal investigation for posing as a fake elector in 2020.


Has anything really changed the past couple of years to prevent a recurrence of election theft? No, and likewise nothing has changed that would substantiate an EAS broadcast either. Over half the country remains asleep to this reality, and those who are awake wouldn’t know what to do anyway. The serpents still have far too much control over the media, pure and simple. In short, I’ll believe it when I see it.

J Bill

dead gqp voters are new, so you’ve got that going for you which is nice


Very encouraging. Thanks.


Too late; the opportunity to take care of anything has passed.


Since this article contains more made-up General Berger quotes I think it’s a good time to remind everyone of some stuff General Berger has *actually* said 🙂

“So far, more than 90% of the Marines are vaccinated, and that’s really good progress.”

“I know the science behind it, I know how the vaccine was developed, I’m confident in it. That’s the best way we can protect not just ourselves, but the marines around us, and our families, and out friends.”

“We need you to get vaccinated. We need every single Marine in the unit to be vaccinated. We don’t have extra Marines, we’re a pretty small force and we have to make sure everybody on the team is ready to go all the time. That’s our job.”

www hqmc.marines.mil/cmc/?videoid=820211


Yes, I’ve seen that video.


God bless the General!

J Bill

damn, you’re lazy af lmaooooo

switch accounts lmaooooooooooooooooooooo


I declassified that link.




Sure, it’s dated November 2 2021, which was long after MB started writing Berger as one of the characters in his fan-fiction and ‘quoting’ him as being extremely anti-vax.

Btw if the url isn’t working for you for some reason, just google ‘berger vaccines’ and this video is like the second result listed, with the title “Commandant of the Marine Corp”

J Bill

oh hi, mike

george friend

This article is fucking stupid. “be afraid of your government”

george friend

Fear is the mind killer, friend. I’ll never let it make decisions for me.


i’m scared to decide!

J Bill

ok buck

J Bill

i can’t imagine why. switch accounts lmaoooooooooo


Were is the article we’re the Military got I to the building and Changed the codes were Changed. That he mentions in this article.

K Brown

If they steal the mid terms, he wants the EAS used.
They stole the presidential election, but he’s been silent…
Not the RRN anymore.
RRN NEVER wrote about this crap until Baxter returned from his Alaska HOLIDAY…
Read the old posts.
Compare them to the new ones…
Not Baxter.


I think Trump and the Patriots want to involved the American people by getting out there in mass numbers and to vote the Democrats out. They’ll have more than enough. 2020 was about the Presidential elections. 2022 is about the State Legislatures moreso than the Congress.


Studies have have found that whilst some group members will leave after the date for a doomsday prediction by the leader has passed uneventfully, others actually feel their belief and commitment to the group strengthened. Often when a group’s doomsday prophecies or predictions fail to come true, the group leader will simply set a new date for impending doom, or predict a different type of catastrophe on a different date.




MB has mostly gotten around this by not promising anything on any specific dates (not since that “Trump Inauguration July 4 2021” article, anyways.) Hence why everything since then is just the #soon variety of vague promises.

Even with this one he leaves himself some wiggle room because he doesn’t say the EAS will happen immediately after a loss on midterm election day. It would happen following the completion of an ‘independent investigation’ by Army Cyber Command. How long would that investigation take? Who knows, could be weeks, months, etc. Plenty of time for MB to cook up new plot twists and new excuses for why the EAS and The Storm will be postponed for the thousandth time 🙃

Angel Askew


Angel Askew

Stay vigilant
Hold the line.
Show restless civilians
How to be useful,
Bide the time.
Be wary of snakes
The grass is high
So, patch what needs fixin’
Sharpen the blades
Protect and teach the children
How good neighbors are made
And cut your grass.
There’s a storm comin’!


Wonderful poetry, but nothing has actually been done in 6+ years to demonstrate justice to Americans nor to fix the unfolding communist takeover in the U.S.

Angel Askew

Your suggestion that DJT did nothing and still is doing nothing is completely laughable.
I guess you have a #metoo t-shirt as well?


hold the line? where is your line?

Angel Askew

I do my part every day, locally.
Many young people have honest questions.
Many displaced veterans.
Many food pantries need help.
California does not accept election worker apps from unvaxxed.
I walk my talk.
We can’t all be on the frontline.


well said

george friend

You need to take the law into your own hands.

Angel Askew

G.I. Jane’s got questions yet won’t answer the same question?
You’ve all got jokes today!

J Bill

mike is funny

J Bill



Michael, you say if election theft is proven, EAS will be switched on….well, we the Patriots know the 2020 election was stolen and nothing has been done so I have doubts about seeing the EAS turned on.


Yeah but just wait for it bro. And wait and wait and wait and wait and wait


that shit ain’t gonna happen. our society is going to breakdown way before that happens


Have the results been over turned?


According to Trump, all of the electronic voting data was monitored in real time during the November 2020 election. What sort of secondary ‘investigation’ is needed by military if we have the capability to monitor the internet traffic in real time? This seems like another load of BS. I don’t believe any consequences will come of a cheated election in November 2022 other than the same grumbling and complaints for the usual conservatives. The place is going off a cliff into the abyss of communism.

Last edited 2 years ago by Analyst
buck fiden

Truer words were never spoken.

I fear:

The commie chinks will take Taiwan back without a shot fired by the USA and with the commie chink’s puppet Zhou Biden’s blessing.

The House will remain in Pelosi’s hands.

The Senate will remain in Jewmer’s hands.

The FBI will ratchet up its raids on Zhou Biden’s enemies.

The IRS will go after anyone it wants to without probable cause, like flipping a coin and auditing everyone on a certain street.

The banks will stop allowing withdrawals of paper currency, instead issuing “digital dollars” sometime next year.

The federal government will put a deadline on the use of paper currency, possibly saying something like “all paper money and coins will be NULL AND VOID as of 31 Dec 2023. The CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency – will become the new exclusive Coin of the Realm.”

¡Prepárense, mother fuckers!


Serious question. Why do you think China suddenly gave Putin the cold shoulder? Putin is losing bigly in Ukraine and no one will help him.


Serious answer: I believe an entire company of PLA soldiers went down to ukraine. Russia is dominating in the main as evinced by online helmet cam footage of ukroid soldiers getting shot in the head. You can hear the projectiles hit helmets before you hear the riflecrack. That was an american merc who got his number called.

Angel Askew

China convoy rolled into Ukraine this morning thru Russia.

J Bill

my balls rolled through julie’s tonsils this evening


Trump never said that, it’s just bullshit from fake truther sites like this one.


Our own government is warning us and revealing at the same time, how deathly afraid they too are, of the ATF. Pathetic.

buck fiden

Many people here are waaay beyond mere firearms at this point.


Non lethal suggestion: waterballoon filled with black glossy paint, oil, sand. Apply liberally to any liberal protest.

Can’t hold a fishingpole with greasy hands! Can’t see through a riot shield when it is painted black and scratched from sand.


Have these actually been tested? I’m no water balloon expert but I get the feeling the sand might cause the balloon to rupture and explode in your hand before you even finish throwing it


OH YES, it has been tested!!! Just don’t fill the balloon more than 1/3 or 1/2 way! Works like a charm! catapult motion, not MLB

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie


J Bill

or milkshakes!

Incorrigible skeptic

Buck as crass and remorseless as you are, you consistently amaze me with your ability to hit the nail on the head. Drive’er home brother!!!


We are still waiting on Nesara as every thing that was promised to us

J Bill

i got mine


my sources say you didn’t get any Nesara. and you’re not going to. ,because of your bad attitude. !

buck fiden

That sounds like Zhou Biden’s upcoming Social Credit Score tied to the new Digital Dollar.

J Bill

hi mike

J Bill

nope. i got it. cry


We are prepared for the ascension,
Don’t give into the negative propaganda you are surrounded by.
Look forward to thousand years of PEACE… It is right around the corner..

J Bill

any day now #soon

Incorrigible skeptic

Unfortunately I dont see it coming cheap. I’ve seen the best laid plans go sideways. Our involvement is’nt if its when.

J Bill



During and after it all goes down, blacks will crawl back in their holes just like the Orks in Lord of the Rings.

We’ll never again see them stick their narcissistic, scam artist, hypocrite, lying, communist supporting, baby killing heads up in our faces again.

BET, CRT, BLM and The Dark Lord will be marks of shame, for all time.

Praise God YHWH.

Last edited 2 years ago by EdBob

and the spic wetbacks, chinks, and towelhead goat rapists as well as the dots.

J Bill

just get a swastika tattoo already


sickle and hammer on the foreground of a bloody american flag

buck fiden

That’s where we’re all headed with Zhou Biden in charge and the nigger president in the basement relaying the orders from the EuroKikes and Central Committee of the 300.

J Bill

get the tattoo

buck fiden

On Zhou Biden’s dick

buck fiden




buck fiden

Silly Julie, towelheads ARE dots!! Well, some of them are actually sand niggers.

Sorry: that was a Sikh joke.

Last edited 2 years ago by buck fiden
Angel Askew

Well, that about covers everyone then! Lol Don’t forget the Jews!!

Moving forward, unless you are born here, you get shipped back to your country of origin. Immigrants who are here 25 years or more, speak, read and write English and contribute to society can stay.

If you are an anchor baby you may choose to leave with your family.

All immigration rules will revert back to 1940 ish. When there were actual rules and qualifications.

Zero dual citizenship.

All men must serve two years active duty.

Only sovereign citizens may own land. No corporations or governments. Land lease only.

Imho. It’s a healthy start.


Lol it takes a LOT to claim the title of “most racist person on RRN” but this post certainly makes you a contender, EdBob

buck fiden

Thank God I’m not one of those.

buck fiden


Samantha Whitson

Encouraging, though quite puzzling. Why on earth did they not activate such when the dang PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION WAS STOLEN??!! I understand the white hats “seized it during a brazen assault last March” (EAS) yet we had already received “Presidential Alerts” via our cellphones, on a national level, prior to that! Soooo~ what the heck?! Is it simply part of the overall operation that it play out this way? I suppose I’m having an emotional reaction, I’ll admit that. Some things truly do give pause for thought~ I don’t like doubting our leaders. To have even momentary thoughts, it’s shameful really- all things considered. My own husband spent 34 yrs in military comms, so I should know better right? Sadly, those very decades were the worst of the worst, as far as the division & manipulations taking place in a very split leadership~ of which even our own guys did not yet have the fullest understanding.
*Thank you M.B., as always, we appreciate your time & effort & the constant attack/deflection you are dealing with. Either God’s hand is still on this entire thing, or we’re truly in for a much uglier road than we could possibly have imagined.

J Bill

cope and seethe, jack


Does your husband ever read these articles and tell you that military comms do not work this way and MB is clearly just full of shit?


So when the November midterms come and go and there’s still no Storm and no EAS and none of any of this bullshit, what do you guys think MB will write as his next excuse for kicking the can down the road a few more months? Maybe he’ll say Trump is saving The Storm as the kickoff to his big New Year’s bash or something 🥳


By November, Trump will probably be awaiting trial or hiding in Russia.

buck fiden

If Trump’s hiding in Russia, I’m going there, too.

J Bill



He’ll say just before the EAS was supposed to go off, they discovered a new tunnel system with kids in it. And if they moved on the DS, the kids could be possibly harmed in some way. It’s for the kids I tell ya!

forget about 2020! forget the south border does not exist anymore! forget economic woes!

J Bill

and the tunnel will serve cheese pizza, right?


Oo yeah that could be a whole story arc. Right when the White Hats were JUST about to kick off The Storm, the Deep State reveals that they have thousands of children held hostage in a tunnel somewhere and they’ll gas the whole tunnel if The Storm happens! Boom, Storm is now postponed (again) and MB has a new storyline that will last at least a month about the thrilling rescue of thousands of imaginary children.

buck fiden

Forget gun waiting periods and gun and ammo registration in shit states like CA, OR, WA, NM, HI, DC (wannabe state), CO, NY, MD, MA, CT, RI, ME, IL, NJ, PA and other shitholes where people worship the Democrat Party.


ammo reg? wtf

J Bill

cheese pizza, right? just want to make sure i’m there on the right day

The Bear

This is more entertainment news. Even do Mr. Baxter said that he is reporting what’s his sources told him for me this is simple a disinformation tactics to get us entertain.


We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.


You have a point. These fucking ‘truthers’ constantly e-begging harms their street cred. Wtf


How will you absolve yourself of such woes? but yea, i hear ya!

Joseph Swanton

Mass arrests now! Military must go all in! Elections in a criminal government mean nothing and we have a criminal junta, third world style, ruling us now!!

Kelly Brown

The EAS needs to go off. Now. No warning. No RRN articles. No Q posts. Just let us know Biden is not in charge.

J Bill

i’ll let you know when biden is no longer in charge if you stop posting


Nope. Been telling you for a year Kelly, it’s not real and it’s never coming


Not I ,…..
I don’t feel like that …


Thanks for your contribution, Mr Baxter. So you had a 5 min talk with your source. Then you spent 20min writing about it. Then you ask for $. What is up with ‘truthers’ constantly asking for fucking $? Is it not enough you are fulfilling a patriotic duty to keep others informed? Is that not reward enough?

Let’s get Michael Jaco to chime in on his keen navy seal intuitive powers! Then we can buy his bullshit intuitive dvd’s and then become patreons of the other doom YT channels!! They can fill our heads with more doom than we thought possible, and we can keep them happy with our$!

Mr Baxter, you seriously hurt any street cred you have/had by asking for $.


Last edited 2 years ago by Julie
J Bill

lmao start selling coffee mugs and tshirts mike


Ouch. !, Where did All that come from ?
EAS won’t help ……if that’s what is bugging folks…
Folks need to have STAR LINK to stay connected…
The wait is about 19 months…yeap , the list is THAT LONG. !
I know ..I got mine a month ago…SUPER FAST…
The charade of QE 11 lizardBitch so called funeral, for the
shapeshifting adrenochrome drinking children torturing POS, and the “ten days of darkness “,…is the NEWS ..MSM wants you to watch…
DON’T. WAste your time ..it has been since 2019 since the real DEATH. !


Ayyy look who’s finally waking up 🙂

trust nothing

I’m not sure what category this article falls under, satire, humor, parody, educational, information or entertainment.
It appears to be more hopium for the brainwashed Trump people.
If anything in this article is true, it shows the 2020 farce is not going to be addressed. No military sting operation happened, no water marked ballots, doesn’t matter if dead people vote, or vote multiple times, non-citizens voting is ok, ballots made in China is no problem, voting machines being hacked is perfect, fraud does not vitiate everything, video evidence and depositions means nothing, big tech can buy the election with $400 million and installing anyone the DS wants is the old normal.
Treason within the government is just fine. Poisoning the population for depopulation is done for the environment and climate crisis. MSM can be paid off to censor truth and feed the sheeple more lies.
But we all need to wait for the next most free and fair election ever for a bunch of fake congress people and clones that are not who they appear to be. Rinos and Dinos run the show, with lots of talk and no action for the people they are supposed to represent.
The garbage laws made during the Biden administration should all be overturned.
But no no no no no you must all wait to see, and find out again, history repeats itself.
And the apathetic population will do as they are told and believe someone else will do the right thing.


“If anything in this article is true, it shows the 2020 farce is not going to be addressed.”


And of course, we are told we have to wait ONE YEAR according to the DoD Law of War Manual (lol) to allow an occupying foreign force of the nation to vacate. If they do not, then we can take them to court! For.Fuck’s.Sake.People.

If someone takes up residence in your house, you are required to give them 1 year’s notice! Retreat to the bathroom while you trust the plan!

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie
trust nothing

I have physically removed squatters in my house. No pay no stay.
Unconstitutional laws are made to protect criminals like the people making those laws. Compliance with those laws should never happen. Trials and prosecution should be fast and fair with evidence fresh in the mind. Cases are dragged out for the benefit of the attorney.


It falls under “stuff Michael Baxter made up to trick gullible believers into sending him donation money.” All of his articles fall into that category, actually.


I don’t understand any of this when 95% of government is corrupt and people running again our corrupt, so what difference will it make?. There are very few and fair in between good people. The election was rigged for years and to keep waiting and moving goal posts makes no sense. If this plan has been going on for years I just don’t understand this logic, but I guess we will see. Why are ppl saying white hats are in control, clearly they are not if election is still being stolen. Can’t have it both ways.

J Bill

don’t vote. it’s rigged


Vote early and vote often…even if you are among the dead..


No, voting is how they get you. Your info, your DNA, everything. If you don’t want to be replaced by a synthoid clone in the dead of night you should never vote again.

Angel Askew

Did your Mole people while waiting to inhabit your dead boosted bones advise you of this?

J Bill

your vote will include watermarked ballots and bamboo. don’t do it!


Of course not, while I do my best to stay informed on the latest activities of the Mole People, I do not get any info or advice from Mole People directly. They tend to be very distrustful of humans, and of all surface-dwellers in general really.

Angel Askew

BREAKING: Chinese Military Convoy Enters Ukraine from Russia.

Unverified video purportedly shows Chinese units rolling into Ukraine following Russian President Putin’s and CCP Head Xi’s talks last week.



Military can selectively shut-off security systems in private residences, blow-out the doors, seize the inhabitants, and execute them on the spot.

America is at-war … SHOOT TO KILL TWO-THIRDS OF POPULATION. Leave carcasses for carnivores to eat and poop to particulates that the winds distribute over Earth.

Enough said, not enough done … work incessantly without complaint!

Lance E Uhl

Okay, so the rigged 2020 election did not warrant the EAS but the midterm does?


Yeah sure why not 🙃