Special Forces Fight FEMA Brigands in Storm-Battered Southwest Florida


As Hurricane Ian smashed into Southwest Florida and inundated entire communities, the criminal Biden regime’s Federal Emergency Management Agency began a campaign of terror against displaced persons whose lives and homes the storm had shattered. Rather than dole out bottled water, food, and blankets, or guide desperate storm victims to shelters, armed FEMA brigands pillaged battered homes in search of cash, gold, and guns.

In Naples, torrential rain flooded streets and turned vehicles into floating debris. Many of the city’s affluent residents, mostly retirees, had heeded evacuation orders and fled their homes for higher ground. After the storm passed over the city and the winds waned, FEMA agents in motorized rafts launched into action—but not to conduct water rescues. On Turtle Hatch Lane, just west of Inner Doctor’s Bay, homeowners stranded atop the roofs of single and two-story homes tried in vain to flag down the FEMA boats cruising the floodwaters. Instead of helping marooned citizens, agents took potshots in their direction, laughing, according to reports, at people who had literally lost everything. They systematically targeted what had been the city’s most expensive homes. Agents in wet weather gear unlawfully entered flooded houses and emerged from them carrying jewelry boxes and firearms.

It was not the first time callous FEMA agents had used the cover of a hurricane to burglarize homes, and, in some cases, murder hurricane exiles.

During 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, FEMA agents perched atop the Louisiana Superdome practiced marksmanship skills on homeless persons seeking refuge in the structure. Some were taken out to sea aboard FEMA barges and thrown overboard as shark food. And in 2017, FEMA looted hundreds of Southeast Texas homes in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Yesterday, however, the regime’s paramilitary force had only ransacked a dozen before meeting an obstacle.

The White Hat partition of the U.S. military had expected FEMA’s move and sent Special Forces to Southwest Florida immediately after the National Weather Service predicted Ian would make landfall near Fort Meyers. Sources told Real Raw News that U.S. Marine Corps General David H. Berger and 5th Special Forces Commander Col. Brent Lindeman had devised a plan to thwart FEMA’s plans to loot or murder innocent civilians. Lindeman had requested permission to send Special Forces “Alpha Detachments” to the vicinity to protect people and property.

On Tuesday afternoon, hours before Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ordered the shutdown of airports in Ian’s projected track, a C-130 Hercules military transport aircraft touched down at Ft. Meyers International Airport. The plane held six 12-man squads and an equal number of inflatable airboats, each powered by water-cooled, large-displacement, V8 automotive engine rated at 500hp. Special Forces set up a mobile command center in Naples, near Freedom Park where the storm surge was expected to crest.

“Gen. Berger believes FEMA was acting on orders of administrator Denise Criswell, a truly evil bitch, and Alejandro Mayorkas, a Deep State handler. FEMA’s motto has been never let a good crisis go to waste. The agency’s historical actions proved that. We fully anticipated they’d take advantage of this hurricane to torment good people. But this time, we were ready for them,” a source in Gen. Berger’s office told Real Raw News.

At approximately 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, a Special Forces airboat travelling east along West Drive in Naples merged with a FEMA raft heading the opposite direction. The FEMA agents, our source said, tried to shed their official attire—windbreakers with FEMA stamped in yellow ink—when they saw uniformed military encroaching on their position. FEMA’s raft was so overladen with confiscated gold and guns it barely stayed afloat. From 25 yards, the Special Forces commander, shouting through a bullhorn, ordered the FEMA raft to hold position. That’s when all hell broke loose. The FEMA agents raised their rifles, but they were too late; Special Forces unleashed a hailstorm of gunfire, striking both the raft and agents aboard it. The raft deflated, and surviving agents were swept away in the floodwaters.

Special Forces rescued trapped civilians after FEMA had been dealt with.

“FEMA is still out there, but we’re dealing with them. We’re not letting them threaten storm survivors anymore. We have teams in place, working to safeguard civilians and their property,” our source said.

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Afshin Nejat

Lindeman is a knight of PNAC.


cursed bitches..when will the time come for open warfare?


The storms, like all actions the “elite” plan, are designed to achieve multiple objectives in one swipe. So these “designed” storms, which I suspect are actually patented – funny how they always have a NAME, right – just like the viruses – and are also announced with the name BEFORE the event – like the viruses!!!? Are these storms all products tied in the insurance claims with this “product name”? I suspect it’s the same scam. After all, these storms/hurricanes etc are created, which makes them weather weapon “products”. Remember, it’s all commerce and contracting. So they are money laundering big time too, in addition to destroying peoples lives, child trafficking, mass poverty, destruction infrastructure, starvation, illness, and last, but not least – make it difficult for many people to vote at the mid-term elections.

Would welcome some feedback from others as to “weather” these storms are patented.


All these low life’s should be thrown into the Everglades and left to rot. At least the Gator’s will be well fed. One way to reduce the carbon footprints, right?





Terry Jacks

I never trusted FEMA. Anything the KM-controlled US Govt politicians got their hands on was doomed. I hope these facts are broadcast and written about all over the US. There’s nothing worse than murder and abuse of those who are in need.

Tom henry

To the military, thank you🙌🏻👏🏻👍🏻🙏🏻


One of my sons and his family live in Cap Coral, right next to Ft Meyers. He was fine. I can’t figure out how it all jumped over him and snaked Ft Meyers.

Alexander J. Federowicz

To Site Admin… Please keep this version… the other had typos… edit does not appear to function correctly at times…

The present storm looked much like the one parked over Bermuda… Clearly only the Eye had any real energy… Winds were 20-30 miles per hour for tens of miles outwards from the eye… only a few isolated spots ever breaking the 50-60 mph level… Yet the eye was simultaneously listed as being at 140-150 mph… That is not an actual storm. Clearly the microwave and scalar weaponry was deployed… Also very oddly we have friends in the claimed damage area’s, who stated, “NO FLOODING, AND ALMOST NO DAMAGE… JUST GUSTING…” I am going to be visiting and directly questioning many random spots claimed to be storm damage… However, for those who understand Temporal Warfare, Simultaneous outcomes can and do phase back and forth during a temporal conflict… Sometimes actual Self Choice comes into concrete use during such warfare… The Observer is not to be considered isolated from the local events…, but rater as an energetic whole with the generative temporal functions… The Human Aetheric Energy Density is above 10^90 megatons per cubic inch… and our bodies contain 6-10 liters ! Thus Gravittic & Temporal manipulation of the local domain is well within the range of any properly disciplines & practiced human.

Alexander J. Federowicz

The present storm looked much like the one parked over Bermuda… Clearly only the Eye had any real energy… Winds were 20-30 miles per hour for tens of miles outwards from the eye… only a few isolated spots ever breaking the 50-60 mph level… Yet the eye was simultaneously listed as being at 140-150 mph… That is not an actual storm. Clearly the microwave and scalar weaponry was deployed… Also very oddly we have friends in the claimed damage area’s, who stated, “NO FLOODING, AND ALMOST NO DAMAGE… JUST GUSTING…” I am going to be visiting and directly questioning many random spots claimed to be storm damage… However, for those who understand Temporal Warfare, Simultaneous outcomes can and do phase back and forth during a temporal conflict… Sometimes actual Self Choice comes into concrete use during such warfare… The Observer is not to be considered isolated from the local events…, but rater as an energetic whole with the generative temporal functions… The Human Aetheric Energy Density is above 10^90 megatons per cubic inch… 6-10 liters ! Thus Gravittic & Temporal manipulation of the local domain is well within the range of any properly disciplines & practiced human.


What we are witnessing is about the bogus criminal deep state Biden/FEMA regime, and the fact that US Special Forces are now fighting against their own treasonous politicians.

Terry Jacks

Politicians were always our biggest enemies. Once in office, they were nearly impossible to get rid of. The politicians knew this and took full advantage, with the wicked MSM running cover for them.


Everyone needs a “bugout box.” Put your most essential papers in it (birth certificate, social security card, pink slip to your car, property ownership) as well as real jewelry, irreplaceable photos, medicines, a water bottle, maybe a couple of sticks of dehydrated food). Life comes first, of course, such as kids/pets, but whether it be a hurricane, tornado, fire, flood, or earthquake everyone should have their most critical items in a medium-size box that is waterproof with a handle that can be carried.
You also need it for any move. I found out the hard way when movers stole all those items and then had the nerve to demand $500 more to deliver them – which they never did.

Last edited 2 years ago by Guest4579

Well if civilians were witnesses you would think they would start talking to everyone even if the media doesn’t spread the word.

Richard Clarke

Sounds like what happened during Katrina.


Surely we’d be seeing this on the news if if were true. All those people on the roofs would have taken videos, right? Just once, I’d like to see this site back up something with proof. Just once. I so want to believe this site, but so far I’ve not seen one story that was proven true.


Most people on their roofs are too busy barbecuing, but certainly msm would show it.

Kelly Brown

This is one of those RRN articles I wish wasn’t true. What a disgrace.

David L Baiker

You got your wish!


How awful. I’ve been through a hurricane and the neighbors who stayed for the storm all helped each other pick up the piece’s.
im so sorry the survivors are or shot at.


Ian hurricane was just a little too strong and convenient. Weather weaponization is definitely in play here. Florida has been a model state for the rest of the republic to use as an example. Well the cabal had to damage that, but God always takes our broken things and makes them whole and out of pain, joy, in the end God wins.

David L Baiker

There is NO SUCH THING as weather weaponization!

Angel Askew

Would you take those straws out of your nose before you speak, please.


What is the new woke name for it now?

William R Nicholson

Dang this story makes me miss my days in Navy ! Ever since I met my 1st good buddies on the strand & cooking fresh caught halibut in the pit barbeque ……. I have felt so much pride in even being slightly acquainted with the true heroes of our nation ; Special Ops Community ! They are the best of the best & do so much that remains in the shadows , only known by Creator God ! SOF & Patriot heroes everywhere , remember ……….. nightly barbeques , a fresh fish fry , every night at Sunset ( ‘cept Sabbath Days ) lakeside at my Hevaenly mansion All Patriots welcome . Cordially , Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Go get them S.F.


in case you had any doubts about the total commie infested corrupt fucks running Wa State.. here’s a new update for ya..

Spoliation of Evidence’ — CHOP lawsuit judge asked to rule against City of Seattle over deleted texts — UPDATE

nothing to see here.. and no surprise the ex” summer of love” mayor has a photo of the Kenyan in her office .. her loyal master and no wonder SEattle went to SHIT under her shitty rule


Lovely fema camps operational too.


How can this shit be happening…this government must be dismantled and executed.


If this doesn’t convince people that the current government is an organized crime syndicate and that we are living in a thugocracy, I don’t know what will. I want the FEMA agents shot on sight and the leaders publicly hung. The citizens need to see this and what kinds of people are running this country.

David L Baiker

If you want to describe the government as organised crime….what administration had a “don” at the head of it?


Most all of them. You mean like a Don (mister) Juan. Mr. is don.




I don’t know whether this is true or not, but “Oh for fuck’s sake.”

David L Baiker

It’s not! Just relax.


No Quarter given.

David L Baiker

How about 2 dimes and a nickle then?


Why would they want their firearms and valuables?


Because MB has to make them sound cartoonishly bad and evil to please his reader base

David L Baiker


Angel Askew

I used to think Jimmy Carter was just a “Moe”. He created FEMA, The education dept, tanked the economy etc. No wonder he was swinging hammers doing his penance the rest of his life. He knew.
YET, how is he the only one not on “the list”? Not a pedo, just Commie?


Possibly not a “Moe”, but rather a “Mole”. As in Mole Person. Personally I think it is unlikely, Mole People are not natural shapeshifters like the reptilians so it would take some pretty heavy illusion voodoo or expert disguise techniques to pull of the deception, but.. it’s possible. It would explain his remarkably long life as well. Ultimately the jury is still out on this one.

Bill Kaulfield

Mole-lizard hybrid cyborg, maybe?

John .S

Peanut farmer Jimmy that gave away Panama Canal was perplexed he didn’t receive the magic envelope at Bush funeral.

Suspect Jimmy has no clue of what’s transpiring at Gitmo.

Myself beleive Jimmy is watching Courageous Cat & Minute Mouse cartoons.

Only thing good that came out of the Carter Administration was: Billy Beer.

Tied on a few good drunks with that, causing a few WTF moments, awakening from drunken stupor, again no breakfast, called taxi.

buck fiden

A lotta Martin Looter Kings out there. Shoot ’em on sight, Floridians!

Last edited 2 years ago by buck fiden

I just love our military! White hats that is. Did you hear that they took on board a man who dressed as a women who was trying to give medical records to our enemies of this person.


They are just now getting that what they are doing is purposeful. They are doing these things against the American people

Angel Askew

I have no idea of what you just said.


Just saw Como is going to have his own show. Thought he was at Gitmo.


Do you need any more evidence that everyone of these stories is pure fiction. Ask yourself if these stories are true how come we never see any photos of the captured prisoners, why does no one else report these arrests and trials. As corrupt as the media is there are still people who dig and come up with truthful stories. By the way there are no White Hats and General Berger is no patriot. He was one that OKed the kicking out of any Marine that refused the bioweapon jab.


Isn’t it time to take care of this regime and all the agents that causes havoc, let the public know that they need to defend themselves and tell everybody they are not going to get away with anything, time to stop talking and start citizen arrest. We are Americans and it’s time to let them know it. I’m not going to take this anymore and demand public hangings then they will think twice about trying our patience.

Angel Askew

Welcome to the party. Refreshments are on your left.


Don’t get confused. They let anyone be Americans now. The real Americans are Patriots.


Go ahead buddy, demand public hangings. Let us know how it goes 👍

Last edited 2 years ago by Biggs
buck fiden

>> armed FEMA brigands pillaged battered homes in search of cash, gold, and guns.

Bad move, FEMA. This is FLORIDA – gun country! People stay behind and SHOOT TO KILL. This isn’t Commiefornia or some other gun cuntrol shithole.


In the words of the inimitable Andrew breitbart….WAR.

The deep state never had pushback before…



BTW bots erased rrn from my home page. The bots scrubbing millions of bits of data per second from the web are no match for me, a human. ..I just add rrn right back on.


here’s your wakeup call everybody, we are not playing any more games and I’m taking off the gloves.


Lol what are you gonna do bro?

Angel Askew

Its the FAAFO graph.


This is so sad, all our departments are corrupt 😢, thank God for the white hats and the special forces 🙏 I’m praying for your safety and success and thank you real raw news for the updates, I wish we had more, but I know can’t rush these things 😀 😊 even thought we want them faster.

Dave Smith



This is just appalling.

If anyone needed any more proof that we have Criminal Government in this country, here you go…


Thanks guys!


More unprovable stories. Where are those mass arrests the “white hats” were just itching to do? All private too with zero evidence?
Got it.
Anyone have any video of any of this? One clip?


Videos . . . because that’s what we expect, right? But then the leftists would capture the faces of the white hats and FBI would raid their houses.


Oh come on.
This is fan fic! All of it.
Would i like these stories to be true? Of course!
Am i living in the real world? Yes.
Not one of these stories is true. Let me answer your next question of “Why hasn’t any of the real people named sued this website or “Mike Baxter”?”
The answer is because it’s all fantasy and they have no monetary or reputation damage from this nonsense . That’s why.
I wish there was such a thing as “White Hats” and i wish Trump was working on some secret plan and had parts of the military behind him but it’s ALL fake.
This is a comic book for patriots.


did your parents have any children that lived?


That’s your reply? What a sad little person you are. I asked simple questions. I want verification in the form of actual evidence aside from this comic book site and you lash out because suddenly you are faced with the withering reality that you’ve been had.

I feel sorry for you.


So where are all the flag officers that Obama fired (200 of them)? Where are all the rest of the military, their families and civil service personnel/contractors that didn’t go along with Obamunism??!! If you think they are standing down, then you need to do some research.


Ok then, where are they? Have you been personally keeping tabs on all of them, Jull?


You tell me! Where are they? If you are seriously suggesting that all the people we have been reading about who have been executed are now walking around as body doubles and CGI i have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn. I literally know the real estate people in the real estate company selling Alec Baldwin’s house and they’ve spoken to him, in person. Are they now part of the conspiracy?
The Atlanta Braves team visited the white house and took pics with PedoJoe, are you suggesting they are ALL lying and are now part of the conspiracy that nobody is allowed in the real white house?

Seriously, you people need to get a grip here. This is ALL nonsense. I think it’s fun to read though and you “true believers” in the comments are almost as bad as the leftist scum trolls.


We talkin’ literally have heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend, that those loud mouth realtors actually work in a real estate office? Hopefully the team left their kids at home before going to the white house studio. Can’t believe they allow them in D.C. with the name Braves.


As with every RRN article, no, not a single person on the planet has a video of any of this crap

Angel Askew



Definitely #soon 😂

Donna Hyde

I am so over joyed that our millitary is our there where they should be. Instead of being across the world defending other countries. I ❤ LOVE YOU GUY’S ❤ ❤ ❤


If this is true, then its enough for the military to do a full blown takedown NOW of the Biden Crime Admins.


Not now, Terry. #soon


Terminate FEMA.
When I say terminate, I mean KILL ‘EM ALL
Take no prisoners.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anel
Jonathan Ray Carmona

I am VERY encouraged to see this; that the White Hat military is moving in and taking direct action to serve and protect. And I love that evil villainous FEMA so called agents are being taken out.

Now if only we could see more direct action like this taking place in the D.C. Swamp – or wherever the Bidan clown Admin is hunkering down these days.

Anthony Gregory

Thank you special force’s.
You have my heart.


I hope Special Forces line the east coast prepared to take all these pirates down when they attack.

Michael R Davis

If true, can you imagine the fat, out of shape, untrained, lawless Deep-State FEMA bureaucrats facing down highly trained deadly Special Forces troops. Oh the panic, the panic before they died. Good riddance to the cowardly bastards who were there on the docks in New York on 9-10-2001 prepping for the treasonous Deep-State Bush Regime attack on America.


Don’t hurt yourself jacking off too hard while thinking about it, Mike


We feel sorry for you. Bad decision cutting off your penis and working as a drag queen, seems to have made you angry and jealous of real men and real women.

Michael R Davis

So, you were there with a personal hand in 911, huh Biggs? Wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Everything is personal with you, easily read like a book. All us folks here on RRN seeking revenge, seeking justice, seeking the end of our enemies, seeking the return of freedom for our families, really rubs you raw, doesn’t it Biggs? Most on here read you like a book, you treasonous POS.

Donna Miller

Whenever it says Federal in the beginning of an Agency it isn’t about WE THE PEOPLE… These agencies all have THEIR OWN AGENDA…. You can BET THAT THE MSM WON’T BE COVERING ANY OF THIS… THEY ARE ABOUT COVERING IT ALL UP….


I hope all the child groomers drowned.

buck fiden

Note how the language evolves to shield evil:

“Gay” = “homosexuals”
“Groomer” = “paedophile”


This makes sense. A credible piece.

John .S

Tyranical Denise Criswell ran NYC Emergency Management, NYPD her goon squad that reaped havoc during Covid.

Criswell has Master of Arts in Security Studies from the Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Homeland Defense and Security.

Angel Askew

How about that Allison Russo today in Queens? 25 years on the job. Lieutenant. Tragic! PERFECT example why protection is necessary.