Military Topples FEMA Outpost in Florida


U.S. Special Forces on Saturday toppled a Federal Emergency Management Agency “mobile command center” in Southwest Florida, arrested six FEMA agents, and recovered 350 firearms FEMA had looted from evacuated homes, White Hat sources told Real Raw News.

At approximately 3:00 p.m., a Special Forces detachment patrolling the storm-battered city for signs of federal misdeeds happened upon a FEMA encampment—disaster relief tents pitched atop wooden pallets—in east Naples, near Wyndemere Country Club off Highway 75. The elite soldiers stayed at a safe distance while using binoculars to surveil the scene; a half dozen agents, visibly unarmed, wandered in and out of the tents in aimless abandon, as if very bored. Outside a tent sat several wheelbarrows brimming with guns.

The soldiers fanned out in two-man teams, encircled the camp, and closed the distance on their quarry. One agent, a sentry, was lighting a cigarette when Special Forces ambushed him from the rear. They slapped a thick strip of duct tape over his mouth, zip tied his wrists. The agent had a Glock 17 holstered beneath his windbreaker and a holdout pistol, a snub-nosed .32, strapped to his ankle.

The sentry dealt with, Special Forces surprised, subdued, and disarmed the remaining agents, demanding an answer as to why five wheelbarrows overflowing with guns and boxes of ammunition were sitting beside the tent.

“It’s ours,” the lead FEMA agent reportedly said.

But Special Forces questioned his sincerity, as many weapons in the wheelbarrows looked more like unlawfully seized, civilian-purchased guns than government-issued gear—the Special Forces lead rummaged through a wheelbarrow and retrieved a Marlin Model 60 .22 tube-fed rifle and an antique flintlock pistol that showed signs of water damage. He then found a Crossman 1377 American Classic, a pellet gun.

“When did FEMA start issuing these?” the Special Forces lead asked.

“We answer only to Director Denise Criswell or Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas,” a FEMA agent replied smugly. “If you have questions, take it up with them. We’re doing our job.”

The FEMA agents tried to justify their actions and accused Special Forces of “participating in an illegal coup to overthrow the democratically elected government of the United States,” said a source in General David H. Berger’s office.

The source, who reviewed the debrief, told RRN that Special Forces arrested all six agents under reasonable suspicion that they had violated their oath of office and oath to the Constitution of the United States of America. Special Forces demolished the FEMA camp and appropriated the firearms, he added.

“This was blatant misuse of authority,” our source said, “and we’ll see to it they’re punished for their crimes. Of the stuff retrieved, there were several pellet and BB guns, hunting shotguns, boxes of birdshot—you know, not stuff the government equips agents with. They stole those weapons. Hell, there was even an Airsoft rifle.”

Alas, White Hats believe FEMA is still on the prowl, harassing, taunting, and robbing God-fearing American patriots, in Southwest Florida. Our source said Special Forces will remain in Florida until every corrupt FEMA agent has either been arrested or driven from the area.

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The enemy within, is in all of our 50 States, not just Florida. The deep state, are the worst, in my state of California. Completely trying to trash the place and pretty much succeeding.


off topic.. did my best to flag wave for Tiffany Smiley today in Kent Wa.. not exactly “friendly territory”.. every other person drove by was refugee from 3rd world .. muslims, afgans, Africans, Asians.. you name it.. we’re 7th most ethnically diverse city in America.. and it is looking more like 3rd world trash shithole city… only got about 4 honks in 30 minutes of waving flag.. These people ARE not even LEGAL.. much less English speakers.. what a waste.. this is sanctuary hellhole and whites are already in minority in our own country.. I hope Tiffany wins, but with mail in only voting and illegals/refugees voting.. they got a better chance than us… I’ve lived here 20 years and this is what they have planned for rest of the country.. muslim multiplying us out of existence.. foreigners invading and taking over.. sorry, but i am seeing it right before my eyes.. go to grocery store all newly arrived “aslyum” illegals whatever.. using foodstamps to buy all our food.. shelves empty.. so sick.. i can’t stand this town..


I didn’t request that delete icon. What’s up. None of my comments are getting posted.


Putin challenges this US world order. He says it is over with. Washington, led by its Jewish neoconservatives cannot stand the thought. They are determined to destroy Russia. Putin has acknowledged their determination to destroy Russia and has communicated it to the Russian nation. And the people said, “Fuck the EU, and all governments of the west including some of their citizens! Let them freeze. Let them collapse!”

We did this shit to ourselves. We do not have anyone to blame.

Rob William

Thanks for the opinion, Russian.


Move to Russia

Angel Askew

Putin has certainly given every opportunity to avoid this.
If DJT is reinstated by January the world will make sense again.
Otherwise, I expect to see world leaders abroad hanging dead in the streets throughout Winter. Corporate officers too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew
Angel Askew



It’s not only southwest Florida FEMA is terrorizing and pillaging. It’s the entire country now.


Wild how FEMA is terrorizing and pillaging the entire country and no one anywhere has a cell phone to capture a single video or photo of it

John .S

New vechile windows writings:
Guns and Ammo
..Time is Now
..Lock and Load

Smaller window:
SHTF cometh

Myself been receiving positive response, hearing about types of arms people possess, whom ready to rumble.

Been receiving many thumbs-up from passing moterists too.

Had few police complaints waged by emotional disturbed libtards.

Not going to FOIA their info via current round of window writings, suspect as same cop calling culprits, known as Karens.

Via past FOIA-ed 911 call, cop caller said: “I’m uncomfortable, making me nervous gotta come quick”. Cops arrived saying: “Great writings as usual, Karens at it again, keep-up the good work”.

Karen’s have neighborhood FB page, ranting hysteria about me. One blogger posted: “he’s unhinged”, another said: “he has police in his pocket, they’re not doing anything” LoL.

Angel Askew

These useless people ruin the neighborhood everywhere they go.
They cant die off fast enough.
Keep on rockin’, John!

John .S

Keep rocking in the ‘Free’ World.

The true test of ‘Liberty’ is your right to test it. If not tested tyrannicals will reap unbridled wrath.

It’s all about checks and balances.

God Bless America.

Angel Askew

I’ve got one more week and Ill be in a red state ski resort working till end of May. I plan to learn to shoot and fish and pick mushrooms and ride horses and meet some level headed new friends.

I feel extremely fortunate.

God Bless America, indeed.

John .S

Hey Angel, yourself and I smoked out disgruntled Marxist sympathizers and Communist in this blogosphere via negative
icon clicks.

Angel Askew

Right on, brother. And some other good neighbors too.:)


In their defense John, you are pretty unhinged 🤷‍♂️

John .S

Often SJW’s in tantrum call police. Their title of ‘Warrior’ behooves me, whom worthy of ridicule, vitriol, and other counter measures if necessary, whom later regret, adage: in this day and age”.

Love hunting social justice warriors, cancel culture cultist and cop calling Karen’s, no hunting licence required, no bag limits, nor restrictions.

Myself proficient in turning predators into the prey. War is a two-way street, Tally-ho.


Special Forces need to rescue innocent people and not play around looking for people who broke an oath. Most great Republicans have cheated while married and broke an oath of fidelity to their spouse. Let’s focus on what is important and not who took a toy pistol.


We are two of the few compassionate ones here. The others are trash.

Jerry Chandler

Do FEMA families of deceased bad guys get government benefits for service?


Yes, they get 80% of the deceased pay, half of the social security and medical insurance for the family for life. Plus a 1 million insurance pay out.


#soon may well be RIGHT NOW.

Tribunal# 42-2016-D3626-HJ




full report

2:03:34 – 2:22:36

This is just one data point but should serve as proof that the information posted here at RRN is true/plausible and is related to recent RRN stories posted here.

Rob William

David Baiker is going to break all time record of negative votes. Congrats!


My boy will be crying all the way to the bank! That post made him nearly $225K so far.

Tony G

Same old stuff here. Never any factual evidence to support any of these stories. Always “it’s coming soon”, or “military raided such and such”, “tribunals held”. Is there any real proof that even 1% of these stories might be true?


We all feel the same frustration. However, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, in all of media history has ever existed like this. MB mentions by name many high level current active duty military command and law personnel yet no one brings libel or slander. We see spooky media silence from all those whom have claimed to be executed – sure, maybe an easy deep fake vid or ‘sighting’ but zero tangible. Hillary high profile political debate or run for office? Fagfettaboutit. Regular Comey or Brennan or Hanks or Gates, etc public interaction? Nope. It’s as if they are all truly gone, and we seem to know they are. The kicker though is the damnable teaser of why in hell Berger wouldn’t kick in the MSM doors and start the ‘mass arrests,’ as you state. Blood in the streets? Who gives a shit. Righteous Americans can fend for themselves and the ones who can’t – fuck them. The minions of city dwellers who are asleep – fuck them. They’ll never wake up, not till they come near to starving as niggers run up and down their streets looting and, we’ll acting like niggers. But in a few weeks, all that will slow down, as the worthless niggers all die off and run out of grape drank and chips, then we’ll be rid of the worst of the cancer. Not a damn miserable one of them could survive more than a week or so without whitey trucking in some MacDonalds for them. As for the righteous, who were asleep, they’ll finally humble themselves and call out to God for help, which is EXACTLY what needs to happen here. So in the transition, the only bad thing that will come to pass is some good old fashioned suffering and all those black flash mob, car jackin, immoral, nasty lives, that do NOT matter, will be equalized – praise God. As for the millions of illegal invaders – open war.. the blood will flow in Texas, AZ, NM and FL. Martial law, with troops on every corner will be the only hope of any order. But, alas, this is what must be.

Only then, can this once great nation return. It won’t take long. Whites and Asians rebuild fast. Maybe 2-5 years and America will be like never before, rid of all the communists, illegal, black hordes, and free to prosper again as the greatest nation on earth. Genocide you say? Fuck them all. They are our ENEMIES. And something has to give.


You can’t sue for libel or slander without showing damage, whether from loss of job, reputation, or monetary. I don’t see how “they haven’t sued” is a defense for these stories being remotely true.


Well then, get the fuck off this news site then. Oh, unless you’re exactly what we know you are,.. a god damnable paid deep state traitor shill, who, when this all goes down, will be pulled apart, limb from limb, in the street, by anyone who knows who you work for.


This is a news site?

J Bill

hi mike lmao


Lol, can’t stand that he proved why you’re wrong, huh bud


You’re not the gatekeeper of this site and I’m not a troll nor a shill.
I give my opinions, like you. I’m a limited government conservative Trump supporter and couldn’t care less what you think.
I think your fragility speaks volumes here vis a vis the “truthfulness” of these stories. I wish every one of these stories were true. I want proof, that makes me a shill? Get bent.

Sandy Koufax

Trump COVID Shot Addicts are the dregs of humanity and must be herded on to FEMA Barges and set adrift to live out the rest of their days.

J Bill

gaybill is back!

Angel Askew

As a rule, I never mix my politics with my health decisions or religious views.
I dunno. I was raised to know its not anyones business.


“Command center on top of wooden pallets”. That tells me even FEMA is feeling the brunt of JB’s hyperinflation. Can’t afford sophisticated equipment geared for the weather conditions eh. Blessings

J Bill

fema camps are cool though

Julio c vidal

good job put them behind bars, Traitors and let their family members know what they really are if any?

J Bill

i’m ron burgundy?


Remember when we were told to Watch The Water???
bitchute. com/video/Iw4Yon5DF1Fe/

Poisoning the water and killing the fish – so you can starve to death.
They’ve been caught now, so what transpires next should be met with fire.


Remember when you were told to TRUST WRAY?

J Bill

remember when you held b0fa in your mouth?


Why is the Supreme Court playing along with the criminal Biden regime?
How can they rule that Mike Lindell can be sued for over 1 billion dollars when at least 2 of the judges were executed at GITMO?
This is starting to get out of hand!


Let’s get back to the issue at hand, that is FEMA. The FBI, DOJ, FEMA how many more corrupt agencies are there in the US Government? Thank God for the white hats!

J Bill


buck fiden

That’s an old swing song our stage band learned.


I miss middle school band.


If you ask me LIGMA has definitely got to go, compared to other agencies they’ve managed to fly under the radar for years, but that’s no reason to excuse their crimes.

Rob William

Some crackpot has said that LIGO facility is being used to create Gravitons, which are used kill people. So that’s also on the list.


not a crackpot. the ILIE facility was used by ccp bush dykes for scissor training


I saw that video too!

J Bill

i saw it on rumble!!!!

Poco Gozo

I hope in God’s Good Name that this is true! These FEMA agents are zombies, brainwashed morons weaponized to hurt and kill.

J Bill



First of all FEMA, we do not have a democracy, so anyone elected “democratically”, is not legitimate, like Joe. The left wants the Mar-A -Lago illegal raid, to send a strong message to the people, that the deep state is not finished with the USA just yet.

J Bill

thank god mtg didn’t get elected then. whew


Still no public arrests? STILL?????? Boy, I can’t imagine what a few public arrests and executions might do to deter the Deep State.


I heard they’re coming #soon bro


Movie coming to an end soon.

buck fiden

I wanna watch it backwards, so like “Roots,” it has a happy ending.


I love that joke.


It won’t stop anything, they have planned this out well!!! Besides, they’re determined, resilient and have vast resources we don’t have, and they know the repercutions but for some reason they are high on that sacrifice thingy, so naturally we sacrifice them accordingly in a cold and brutal fashion.

Sandy Koufax

They have a army of clones at their disposal. Most people can’t tell the difference.


Lmao army of clones


i was suspicious of clones until i was delayed at O’Hare airport at 2am last year during Covid mask hysteria.. i was waiting by the gate because flight was delayed “due to weather’ and two “IDENTICAL” airport cops floated by on their “hovercraft” vehicles.. and THEY WERE EXACTLY the same.. what are the chances these dudes were “twins”.. they were gone in a flash,, but i swear they were duplicates on these kind of hover things cruising through the airport.. They must have been clones.

Sandy Koufax

They will just send out another clone and keep on truckin’. The Mainstream Media won’t report the arrests.

Rob William

Supreme Court rejects Mike Lindell plea to dismiss $1.3 billion lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems. I don’t know when Ginni Thomas will also be prosecuted. They made completely frivolous allegations against law abiding people to promote election fraud lies. It’s time for the payback, otherwise discrediting of election when one loses, will become a monster.

Sue Grantham

How come over 1400 people have been arrested for election fraud crimes in 2020, if there was no fraud?🤔
Because it was fraud and they were caught.


Is there a list of who was arrested for election fraud?


They busted two of them in the city I live in, and they’re nowhere to be seen and haven’t been seen since their arrests.

J Bill

yeah gqp who voted for their dead parents lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Angel Askew

Dominion Voting had to drop their lawsuits against Sydney Powell and Rudy Giuliani over a year ago.

What is this now other than some trick SCOTUS is playing to awaken more sleepy sheep??

SCOTUS also gave transgenders civil rights equal to women and minorities back in March 2020. Im still waiting for that to make sense too.

J Bill

nope lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Vote them out!


1. Many of the people who have been charged for voter fraud in 2020 were Republicans attempting to cast multiple votes for Trump

2. 1400 is a tiny tiny number of votes relative to the ~155 million votes cast. Not significant enought to come anywhere remptely close to putting the final electoral college outcome in question. Even if all 1400 cases benefitted Biden (which, again, they did not.) The margin of possibly fraudulent votes would have to be in the millions to arrive at the possibility of the final outcome being significantly altered by fraud.

Angel Askew

The stealthness of the reckoning is driving them mad.


Agreed. The people of the Donbass are law abiding people. It’s time for an end to referendum fraud allegations. It’s time for the payback, otherwise discrediting of election when one loses, will become a monster.

J Bill

the people of donbass should visit tuffweb dot com to voice their displeasure

Angel Askew

The people of Donbass have suffered terribly and are well overdue for big brother support.

J Bill

they should visit tuffweb dot com


STFU, idiot. Dominion / DieBold / Sequoia have been deciding US elections for YEARS. You’re asleep at the wheel,

J Bill

maga tears are the best


do you use them as lube for when big mike takes your ass? lol lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


That’s an unusual thing to say.


Yeah really cannot get this scenario out of your head, can you 🤨

J Bill

give us an update on steven seagal lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

buck fiden

Jesus had a fucking temper, too. Did you see the acts of vandalism he committed inside the First Bank of Heebs?

Angel Askew


Linda Chambers

Now there will be “Discovery.”

buck fiden

Fuck that noise… They had a nigger woman Vulcan and an angry chink lesbian among its cast. Ever since The WomanDelorean fired Dana Carano, I stopped watching all Star Trek and Star Warz franchise TV shows.


To charge someone with seditious conspiracy is to send a signal that not only have they done a bunch of bad stuff,” said Admiral Crandall, “but that they’ve done bad stuff that rises to the level where we as the government want to express that this is an attack on the basic functioning of a democratic system and is even more dangerous for that reason.”


yes, a particularly poignant segment of his epic meditation evincing a nationalistic sense of self-preservation.


Anything Democratic is dangerous, you should know this by now, just look at the way you act.

above Reproach

I guess  Director Denise Criswell  has some Splaning To Do !
Probably telling scumbag minions go out and collect as many weapons as they can find ! Everything the Democrats are doing is to weaken the ability of the people to fight back against a tyrannical Government. It’s 100% obvious,. How is it that the Government can hire 80 + thousand IRS
agents but not have baby formula on the shelves of grocery stores ?
If this doesn’t make people Wake The Fuck Up ! I don’t know what to say. Except ( WAKE THE FUCK UP ) !


fema is desperate AS FUCK imo if they are confiscating .22’s ffs!


I think the story may be bigger than we thought. Who would evacuate their home and leave their gold and guns? Seems like something more sinister is happening.


No shit Sherlock! Glad to see you finally admit that.


I knew it. Mole People ambushes. Mole People do value rare earth metals so the gold is likely being left behind to appease them in order to avoid future attacks.


She doesn’t, she’ll never talk about this, and neither will anyone else outside of imaginary dialogue on this goofy fan-fiction blog


Hang all of FEMA! Treasonous Bastards.




All the freaks are hidden away and protected, don’t think for a minute they’re easy to capture.


They have the best technology. It didn’t seem to be a problem when they rounded up Jan.6er’s.


Nah man Berger is too busy making sure everyone in the Marine Corps is getting vaccinated 🙂



Mike Lindell got his wish and a major victory with the SCOTUS! Good work Patriots!


and the plebs are falling for the misdirection well!


And the larpers are digging themselves deeper into delusion, further insulating themselves from anything real that’s actually happening here in the real world 🙃


The minute they FEMA smuggly times accusations end them. I’m so over evil.




Opening the Veil to find out whats behind it – The Great Awakening!
Its time the people rise and stop them in their tracks!


Tough period for the deep state mason cucks…

Populist got elected in italy
Can’t even keep their precious Georgia-Fucktard Stones up ffs in the US
They blew their wad on a bs pandemic no is buying anymore
If gun confiscation occurs, no one will comply.
And now FEMA cunts are losing gunfights left and right while ATF agents can’t fight because their wives are pregnant!!! lol hahahaha
Looks like world governments are disorganized and increasingly ineffectual

Bring it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie
J Bill

make b0fa great again!


The idiot DS are in a no win situation: Every time they push for gun confiscation they provide the americans with reasons to hold onto them! What a predicament the mason fucks got themselves into!

Sue Grantham

If the government treats us like shit now, while we have guns, can you only imagine what they’d do if we were unarmed?


well, the ATF would send in their agents’ pregnant wives to put the patriots down!


No, they’ll bring in NATO Forces to do the killings. Lets just hope Putin destroys NATO first – which is the plan!
Watch the movie “Amerigeddon”.

J Bill

watching gaybill and forsaken talk to each other is always a good time

Vikki Arcila

Praise the Lord someone is taking care of the people who have gone through hell. My best friend of 53 years lost everything there. Her son died of cancer two years ago, her husband has died a year ago of cancer and now she has lost her home with the roof torn off her mobile home. She’s homeless and nowhere to go with two puppies. They worked so hard all their lives, finally retired. She has been grieving so much and now this, her memories of her husband and herself used to sit on the screened in porch and watch the birds on the lake and talk. How she loved the low-keyed time together……….for it all to be taken away from her. At 76 years old, where does one start from there? She has a tumor growing near her carotid artery, she’s not in the best of health and no one left to help her. I am devastated for her; how can this be? This woman has helped so many people in her life and has been reduced to this, where is the justice in this? She feels so defeated, it breaks my heart as I sit here in my home in Texas, protected with a roof over my head, handicaped, but protected……….what will she do or how does she even start?


We are glad to hear that you are safe in Grand Prairie Texas. Please keep up the good work.


Can you help her? Perhaps ask her to make an appeal to the Creator?

Rob William

Let’s take a moment to congratulate David Baker for his more than (less than) -300 votes! Finally someone is making ripples again.


I can see ripples when you drop a mean shit on gay j’s chest!


Notice that the gold was not mentioned nor the fact that they should try to RETURN the guns to their owners.


According to Maritime Law, all that gold and those guns were legitimately plundered and therefore they are now legally the rightful property of the gulf’s current Pirate King.


that only applies to the sand niggers and spics


Special Forces arrested all six agents under reasonable suspicion that they had violated their oath of office and oath to the Constitution of the United States of America.
It doesn’t get funnier than that!


Agreed. LEO’s violations of their oaths at federal, state, municipal levels occur so frequently, to point out them out is rather banal at this point!


So what happened to these FEMA agents? Were they beamed up to the Enterprise and sent to a Star Fleet prison plant? These people have families. They disappear and their next of kin never asked where’s my family member. Not one news source discusses FEMA raiders in Florida, not even the most conservative ones. This just another fiction story with absolutely no proof.


where would you think you would see ”proof’?


My sources have confirmed that the families have all signed NDA’s so no one will ever know.


Give it up Clown.

J Bill

mike’s sad

Sue Grantham

Excellent. Maybe DeSantis was privy to this sting on FEMA. He allowed them in to be able to show the sleepers just how brazenly treasonous FEMA is🤔


DeSantis is a Black Hat now, Sue. Please try to keep up with MB’s long meandering storyline 🙃


it’s a ruse dude. geez you people are so fucking stupid

Sue Grantham

Thank you Julie


Do you guys believe RRN or not? You’re all over the place with this shit, you literally live in a fantasy land in your head where you only accept the parts of the made up story you like, and make up your own extra fan-fiction to wave away any little notion you don’t like

J Bill

it’s just mike talking to and responding to himself


DeSantis invited them to Florida so that Special Forces could spring the trap.


Naw, De’Santis gorges himself between Khazarian legs, he wants “power”, they ALL want “power”. Take it all away, and they’re “powerless” and the Khazarian Satanist Mafia’s have nothing and will be hunted down like wild rabid animals.


Music to my ears!!! We appreciate you Special Forces!!! Take them all down! The cheek of these goons! They are TERRORISTS and they do NOT work for the American people but an evil cabal and they are terrorizing citizens and stealing from patriots! Cannot believe the lines these people give, where is their humanity? Where is their decency?

So happy these heroes are taking them all down!


FEMA the Goon Squad Overreach wanted to put We The People in Death Camps. Not surprised if their Demonic activity.Mayorkis needs to be impeached and arrested


Great job! Stealing a child’s toy. Doesn’t surprise me. Nice to hear justice will be done. Lots of blood on their hands, those folks.


We don’t want them “driven from the area” they all need to go
To Gitmo.


Please. cut the cra@ with the ‘drip, drip, drip’! Is every thing gonna be swept under he carpet? Yet again? Means absolutely NOTHING … anymore to me … drip, drip, drip…. Oh d


The real message from this story is that the White Hats are powerless. How much taxpayer money did we spend to capture a handful of agents that we need to house and feed for the next 50 years?




Piracy is a crime in the Constitution punishable by death. Govern yourselves accordingly. We are under marshal law war powers and as such the military must deal with insurrection, especially from bad government employees engaged in Piracy!


We are not under martial law, ya goof

Rob William

Marjorie Taylor Green has permanently changed the name of martial law to Marshall law. Constitution doesn’t even talk about individual crimes, treason is the only crime specifically defined in the constitution.


so why does that matter? fed government refuses to operate within its framework. why should anyone else?

Sue Grantham

Might wanna educate yourself on the UCMJ and what is considered high crimes, sedition and treason


prove it

J Bill

we’re under marshall law dumbass


We still have Congress passing laws and a whole court system making rulings. You guys talk about/complain about/celebrate those things constantly. If we were under martial law none of that shit would be happening because in martial law the military decides everything.


People complain about the shit that is promulgated by the MSM. What law has been codified requiring MSM to report the truth? How do you know mil is not the earthly supreme authority right now?

J Bill

because steven seagal would tell us

J Bill



what your date with michelle obama when she dropped a mean shit on your chest? lol hahahah


J Bill



Lol you are so fuckin weird Reedie, why is your head filled with images like this? Suppressed fetishes seeping out?


So you see an image before you, but you do not see yourself as the imagemaker.

J Bill

i saw an image maker on tuffweb dot com lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo

no bitches coming to that house lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo


heard the ukroid nazi’s are looking for some gay j fun in the barracks yo!

J Bill

no bitches? lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo

god damn, now i know why you wore that mask. you’re fugly


General Berger, straining at knats while the country goes to hell.


He’s busy enforcing the military vaccine mandate, bud


J Bill


Rose Mary Abbott

It would seem things are heating up with the military. It is my hope that they will be able to secure whatever technology it is that messes with the weather. This particular storm Ian is very suspect being as how it went right for President Trump’s area of the world. They get so many hurricanes down there though so who knows what the truth is? It is also my hope that this thing is finally happening so it can come to an end quickly and safely as possible.


IMO Of course it was weather warfare..


Read “Angels Don’t Play this HAARP”.

Rob William

The best thing about being a believer in RRN is that one become perpetually hopeful despite of however many promises and deadlines are broken.


go away chink

Just Me

Your friend Karl sounds like a traitor and a leftist retard, if he had the chance he would do it again. Trump is not perfect but he is 1000 times better than this senile puppet Joe who is destroying our country by the day.


Sorry that happened, Oliver. Cheating is treachery, and that friend of yours is no friend to take your lady like that.

Sue Grantham

So your focusing your bitterness towards others


Give facts get deleted lol this site is bs

Rob William

It’s a LARP website.


larp harder bro

J Bill

can’t larp harder than you. give us an update on steven seagal


wipe michael obama’s shit off your chin first!


if you included links they don’t appear – no links allowed.

So try again without them.

Jonathan Ray Carmona

Wow – this is so crazy. I never knew FEMA was this bad. Seems like the whole organization just needs to be eradicated from off the face of the Earth.

Rob William

If it’s a war between military and FEMA, wouldn’t anyone in Florida know about it first hand? What chance does FEMA stand against US military?


what chance do ccp chink dykes have against American Patriots?


Zip actually. It fills me with the warm fuzzies knowing that the CCP will have its ass handed to itself in the near future and the true leaders of the free China republic will reveal themselves. All CCP operators will be arrested and tried.


most of their infantry is comprised of low IQ clones. the chinks were unable to figure out how to increase or at least maintain adequate IQ levels in their product


An army of clones??!! Yikes I didn’t know that. Regular clones is scary but low IQ = robot

I heard even the regular clones need a handler because they cannot stay focussed. Crazy freaking world.


FEMA trained by sitting under mt weather sucking each other off. It seems that training failed them against SF.


Can’t explain it…but these FEMA vs. SEALS articles of late have brought more joy to my heart than all the others almost put together.


Ok, I think I just figured it out. It’s because they’re actually catching these lowlifes in the very act. And that’s a beautiful thing.

Rob William

Good for you! Delusion is better than disappointment.


experience has made you confident in this assessment!


Brilliant meme-worthy response!


Ride that hopium high, bro


Ride that pole at Biggs harder bro!


Yes as I sat at work calling critical cardiac enzymes on death jabbed victims I thought about these heartwarming articles all weekend..


Doesn’t it just fill you with warm fuzzies reading stories about people getting shot in the head 💀


yea, kinda like the leftists talking about murdering scary red hat MAGA gmas!

Vince Sly

Just like most stuff posted on this site that isn’t a thing that is actually happening that is just your fantasy world.


Cool strawman but unlike you guys nobody on the left actually talks about that


Your argument is an instance of your own complaint. ffs


And while all this is happening DeSantis is glorifying FEMA and their efforts in helping the people of Florida.

Pat Nelson

Smoke & Mirrors.

Rob William

In RealVerse DeSantis is saying the truth for once. In MBVerse with no real stakes in the real world, anyone supporting FEMA is a criminal.


again, go away ugly fucking chink!


Those poor bastards need to replenish all the weapons confiscated at their Mt. Weather armory by Delta Force. I hear the IRS needs some, too.

BTW, FEMA personnel must receive minimal weapons training. It seems that they’re glorified office pogues. They’re getting their asses handed to them.