White Hats: Montana Balloon Was Deep State, not Chinese


The reason the regime hasn’t shot down (see edit at bottom) a “Chinese spy balloon” in U.S. airspace is that the silvery object seen hovering above Montana is actually a Deep State surveillance balloon that has been spying on patriotic militia groups, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Yesterday, the MSM was awash with tales of a high-altitude balloon that purportedly flew over Alaska’s Aleutian Islands, through Canada, and into Montana, a deeply Republican state and home to a rapidly dwindling militia that the Biden regime has long sought to eradicate. After news of the balloon hit the airwaves, Deep Staters Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley announced they had considered downing the Chinese dirigible, but opted not to because debris could have injured persons or damaged property.

Gen. Smith’s office challenged the official narrative, saying Austin and Milley had no intention of firing at the balloon because it’s theirs, not China’s, and they and the regime launched the device to clandestinely keep tabs on a militia movement currently engaged in perfectly legal training exercises in central Montana.

“The balloon’s flight path is different than what’s been said publicly. It didn’t enter the U.S. from Canada. It was launched from Fairchild AFB in Washington and moved under its own power to Montana. It has an electric prop and is remote-controlled, like a drone,” our source said.

Asked how White Hats derived their conclusion, he said a confidential source at Deep State-controlled Fairchild AFB witnessed the launch but had no knowledge of the mission. Moreover, the balloon came to a dead stop south of Roundup, Montana, and loitered motionless for several hours, made possible by solar-powered turboprops powerful enough to neutralize motion relative to the prevailing winds.

Miles below, several hundred members of the Montana and Wyoming militias were involved in a joint wintertime training exercise, clueless that they were being surveilled. The maneuvers are moved to various locations annually because pernicious feds have adeptly infiltrated nearly every militia in the country.

Our source said the Montana and Wyoming militias have many former armed forces members still loyal to President Trump, including a relative of Gen. Smith.

The Deep State, he added, has technology that can count the number of hairs on a person’s mustache from the stratosphere and stream that data back to an operator in real-time.

“If we could do it, they can too,” our source said.

Asked why White Hats didn’t avail themselves of the opportunity to destroy the balloon, he said, “The whistleblower at Fairchild, for whatever reason, didn’t share intel with us until news went public. Also, we didn’t have assets in the area. And like I said, it was probably live streamed right back to Fairchild, so not sure what good it would’ve done. We would’ve knocked it out of the sky if it had overflown our command centers.”

We further asked why the Deep State used a balloon when it could have used a satellite.

“They no longer have access to them,” he said but would not expound on his response.

If White Hats now control the nation’s KH-11 surveillance satellites, it’s a new development; several months ago, Gen. Smith’s office admitted that spy satellites were under Deep State control.

Finally, we asked whether White Hats notified the Montana and Wyoming militias.

“They’ve been made aware,” was all our source would say.

Update: Friday evening, Tyler Perry Studios White House Spokesdemon Karine Jean-Pierre said the regime received word from Beijing that the balloon was studying atmospheric conditions when it blew off course—by 6,300 miles, an improbability. White Hats continue to say it’s Deep State and that the regime fabricated the Beijing explanation to put restless minds at ease.

Update 2: An object exploded in the sky above Billings late Friday evening. In a follow-up call, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told RRN the regime might have shot it down to keep it from falling into White Hat’s hands. After learning of the balloon’s destruction, Gen. Smith and his council ruminated over the possibility that spying on patriots could’ve been incidental.

“It wouldn’t be above the criminal administration to fill that thing with bioweapons and let it rain down on a State with a seething hatred for Biden. We have no proof of that, but we look at all possibilities. We do know it launched from Fairchild and was loitering at 60,000 over the militia exercise,” our source said.

White Hats have no explanation for why a second balloon has been spotted over Latin America.

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local news reports Seattle schools have record low enrollment.. WONDER WHY??
CRT, BIPOC nonstop talking about equity and race.. Flood of refugee children sitting next to Johnny and Sue.. and teacher’s have to take time to translate to teach them English and this greatly impacts their time and ability to teach our American kids.. Drive by local high and grade school in Kent, wa.. NO WHITE KIDS.. people are NOT sending their kids to ANTI WHITE, REFUGEE CAMPS to educate their kids!! They ALL LEFT!! They don’t want to pay taxes for ENDLESS flood of refugees they are paying for to feed and educate the Uninvited 3rd WORLD dropped in their towns.


I even got paid 100 dollar usa in lower than 5 weeks and did virtually clean jobs at home. Because I lost my previous job I got thus nervous and that i tell God I even have this on-line business started 1st level
. the subsequent web…..____worksite76.blogspot.com/


@Delavic — YOU are a gigantic stinking SHIT. Go ahead, detail to the world your experience as Satan’s morning toilet dump shot out of his ass.


I did not believe that Xi would provoke Trump with a “spy” balloon, no matter what. He would have called him personally and talked things out first, at the very least.


Time to take maters into our own hands. The white hats if there ever was any has failed us folks. It’s the same old shit different day.


My assignment on Earth is to whack evil. I surely do enjoy my assignment on Earth by Father Jesus because it perfectly suits my temperament! If you don’t know your assignment, ask HIM and you shall receive enlightenment. 🙂


If that balloon was blown up then where did the balloon come from that went across the rest of the country and was blown up out over the ocean?


I heard it traveled across country going diagonally from WA state reviewing, taking pics of nuclear missile silos. Then shot down off coast of S.C. Northrop Grumman contract with NASA for these balloons. Contract granted 2021. 🤔


Isn’t Northrop Grumman part of Deep State, this story is believable.


Isn’t it funny that all of a sudden the Black Hats wouldn’t want their technology to fall into the hands of the White Hats? Pathetic, when the government doesn’t trust their own people and have to resort to these types of measures. What does that say about the government?

Debate Judge

Deep State, not China ? ? ?
What’s the difference?
Isn’t Deep State supported Biden compromised by China?


Globalists are in every country – thus ‘deep state’. SES appointed by globalists. SES = Senior Executive Service. People in countries are not all bad. It’s the globalist governments that are bad.


Thank You for putting out the Truth.
D.S. surveillance incoming, & could even carry a dangerous substance.
Watch the Skies, & Watch Your Backs. This Is War. May the Lord Protect You All.


do you see now that WHs and DJT are not in control. somebody tried to tell me a week back that DJT vax stance or support is that of control by the DS and not really him. Well if he really doesnt stand and support the vax then he should come out and say it and state that the deepstate DJT is a front/fake/fraud. 🙂


R E B E L N E Ws talks to Gay Slinzee.. Wa state Gov about rehiring fired vax refusers…


So the balloon wasn’t sent from China….but, I bet it was made in China, ha ha!


D.S. no longer has access to spy satellites? Snow White and the Seven Dwarves?


sucks we cannot post links on this site.. have to DECODE them..


Checjk OUT R E B E L N E Ws.. catching wA STATE GOV IN oLYMPIA.. rivals Project Veritas “gotchas”..


Why is everyone getting so hateful on this great, informative site.
Thank you, Michael Baxter for shedding light about what is going on in our crazy world.


its the gov’t. they want us human nature gone.


I am glad to hear the White Hats are weeding their garden.


I meant to post this comment on the polygraph article and I was having trouble so I kept switching back and forth, lol.


Testing. Hardly any comments showing, can’t change pages, usually can’t even get on…..wth??


I just read that this “balloon” was shot down over the Atlantic. I know Trump said Shoot it down, but was anyone else involved in that decision?


Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down, Falling Toward Atlantic This was on Epoch Times
US-China Watch 6:46 am today 2/5.


It appears the US Military shot it down, and Biden is being credited for giving the order.


Biden couldn’t order lunch.

Michael R Davis

Different balloon, or perhaps a FAKE News manufactured balloon.
It certainly was not Chinese.


stop defending them.


This Commy deep state might want to start worrying about us lone wolf’s ..no fucking Mercy…that’s my Moto…

Ruby Kennard

Zelensky, NATO globalists, the EU, and the Biden regime are all active puppets of the cult of Satan. They’ll never surrender or admit defeat. “From the beginning, the Kingdom of God suffeth violence and the violent take it by force”, says Almighty God, “but NO weapon formed against ME shall prosper. I declare the ending from the beginning.” Amen

Last edited 1 year ago by Ruby Kennard

its not satan you idiot.


you religious folks are stupid as hell.

Michael R Davis

We have known for a long time, even before the poorly faked manned moon landings, that NASA is one of the biggest liars on the Earth, almost surpassing the FAKE Newsmedia, the politicians.

Nukkin Futz

Google blocked me from your site on 2-3-23. Said your site was under construction….was it? Was it their deep state handlers pulling this shit to block me from the phoney baloney balloon hoax?


use brave. fuck google.

google is under ccp.


It was over fort F troop! It is balooooon!!!

Nukkin Futz

Desperation is sinking in on the deep state cocksuckers…they’ll try anything that will not work….


Everything they’ll try will not work because, the white hats know the black hats playbook front to back imho. Blessings,


Your story about the balloon is a made up story to cover bigger things the balloon was headed for and they were stopped . And they will always be stopped.
This makes you look bad RRN, now how can we believe the rest of your stories?


 FROM: “There’s Something Strange About The Chinese Spy Balloon” “…Yuka provided the first indication in United States testing that high altitude EMP could be more than 100 times as intense as a low altitude EMP so basically what this article is saying is that the United States tested a nuclear device a very small one at that on a balloon to measure the effects of the EMP and what they found was when an EMP is produced or a nuclear device is detonated in high altitude it creates a pulse that is one thousand times stronger than the low altitude EMP now what would happen if an EMP actually hit America while according to this report it doesn’t look very good in fact a congressional report states that quote an EMP attack would kill 90 percent of all Americans 90 percent quote in a U.S House of Representatives hearing on Thursday members of the recently defunded EMP commission informed Congress of the devastation and electromagnetic pulse attack could inflict on the country in a commissioned report former EMP commission chairman William Graham and its former Chief of Staff Peter Vincent Perry referred to North Korea using an EMP as a doomsday scenario it could use its demonstrated satellite launcher to carry a nuclear weapon over the South polar region and detonate it over the United States to create a high altitude electromagnetic pulse the result could be to shut down the electric U.S power grid for an indefinite period leading to the death within a year of up to 90 percent of all Americans ninety percent of Americans think about that …”


Happy New Year.


it’s definitely military if it was if it was a civilian balloon it was common sense it would have been shut down it
would have been taken down it would have been stopped but no Not only was it not stopped and allowed to fly through there
all this restricted airspace and all this [ __ ] in China but it was also allowed to go and fly over Japan yeah

that was from “EMERGENCY – Chinese Spy Balloon Explained – Shot Down over USA”


“…it’s definitely military if it was if it was a civilian balloon it was common sense it would have been shut down it
would have been taken down it would have been stopped but no Not only was it not stopped and allowed to fly through there
all this restricted airspace and all this [ __ ] in China but it was also allowed to go and fly over Japan yeah…”

That was from: “EMERGENCY – Chinese Spy Balloon Explained – Shot Down over USA”

Dave Kelly


Victoria Flood

Yeah, you and super villian, Wo Fat, of Hawaii Five-0, have got this all figured out! I think YOU are SES and blowing hot air all over this comment section. By the way, the deep state is loosing bigly! Good bye gravy train!


>solar-powered turboprops

WEAPONS-GRADE BALONYIUM. who ever wrote this is apparently so technologically ignorant that they don’t know that “turboprop” means a propeller driven by a jet engine (turbine) instead of a piston engine. “solar-powered turboprops” is nonsensical gibberish.


This literary faux pax was addressed in an earlier reader post w/o the snideness.
Everyone makes mistakes now and then.

Last edited 1 year ago by LEOtheCO
Michael R Davis

At 45,000-60,000 feet they sure get constant sun during daylight hours.


Hey @Michael Baxter,
Please let the white hat militia know I would love to help in anyway. I am on OKC. I am a navy vet who is very empathic. I can sence a rat within minutes of meeting them. You are welcome to do a complete thorough background. I am married and have kids so I can only do so much…

You have my email…


I guess this would explain why Biden didn’t want to shoot it down but then it did go boom. I’m confused – help me out.


The one over SC today went boom as I watched it on TV.

American Living in Canada

Thanks to all US Military White hats, Q team members and all US Military Ally’s White Hats.. You too Michael Baxter.. God Bless ya.


I 2nd this great post!! Thank you for posting!! Not enough people are thankful these days!! People need to be thankful for what they have today, because they might NOT have it in future! Appreciate the White Hats, patriots, patriot military (not all are patriots, i.e. Gen. Milley & Gen. Austin), your parents, your children, your friends, your home, your loving pets, your food!! Thank God for your blessings!!

Bust A Nut

Picking fly shit out of pepper again!

Melody Hart

The White hats have to grab Austin,it’s time .


darth vader

Dave Kelly

They don’t have to grab him, they just have to KILL HIM

Ruby Kennard

And Blinken, Sullivan, etc….

Wayne Hatton

It was actually a giant “Johnson”, launched by Dr. evil!

American Living in Canada

“Stop rolling down hill
Like a snowball headed for Hell
Stand up for the Flag
And let’s all ring the Liberty Bell

Let’s make a Ford and a Chevy
Still last ten years like they should
The best of the free life is still yet to come
The good times ain’t over for good”

Did ole Merle know something?


imagine trusting what china says.


We cant trust anybody anymore. Over 2 yrs since a stolen election and here we sit, with a rubber faced fake president, reading this shit that should have never happened in the US!


imagine defending chinese puppets.

Golden Ages

So did it not fly over the missile silos in Montana?


I hope we get to it first


i wouldn’t trust china.


yeah, they are buying all the houses in America.. with CASH and buying all the goodies at high end auction houses in Sarasota.. like parasites picking over Dead Americans stuff. United States of China is their goal.. killing us softly with fentanyl and bioweapons as fast as they can… and then coming here in droves with E5 Visa’s to buy their way into our country… or H1BVISA’s at twttr to spy on us and censor us for their CCP bosses

Dave Kelly



Here in Canada they have bought up 20% of our housing as investment housing, most of which sit empty. We have a severe housing crisis and there is literally nowhere for low income people to live. They have to pay high rent, if they can even find a place, and then they have to starve and eat just one meal a day….if they are lucky enough for that. It’s real bad here. The homeless ask me for money all the time and I always give them some. Sometimes I give them alot…I figure if God puts them into my space then this is what I do for HIM.


Better yet don’t give them money to use for booze or drugs. I offer them a MEAL. If they’re really hungry, they’ll accept it. If not, then goodbye. But NO MONEY for booze or drugs.


I don’t care what they spend it on.


you should care. what if there killing your friends?


These are CANADIANS. Your comment is stupid.


Better yet don’t give them money to use for booze or drugs. I offer them a MEAL. If they’re really hungry, they’ll accept it. If not, then goodbye. But NO MONEY for booze or drugs. Why don’t they get some tents and go camping just like other people do when they go on vacation? You have some lovely forests. A tent and a sleeping bag should do the trick.


It is 20 below here.


We need to SEIZE all Chinese owned Assets, real estate both personal and commercial and use it as CCP bioweapon PAYMENT for Covid plandemic democide campaign.. thus relieving Us OF ALL DEBTS TO CHINA.. close all Confuscious INstit.. Return 350,000 CCP loyal Chinese college students back to China.. End all State pension funds wrapped up with Blackrock which is infested with CCP investors, Prohibit ANY state colleges or universities.. public or Private from receiving ANY donations from CCP deep pocket actors. Stop ALL E5 immigration programs where rich Chinese buy up all American homes and land and OUTBID Americans in their own Homeland. Basically choke off all Chinese invasion by any means possible.. END AFFIRMATIVE ACTION.. END ASYLUM UN PROGRAMS which are ANTI WHITE agenda to flood us with foreigners.. mostly Middle East, African and mslms.. like they do throughout Europe..


Well said.


We need to END PREP ACT immediately.. END ALL WHO VACCINE PUSHING MANDATES, REHIRE all brave pureblood dissenters sent into financial and emotional turmoil for resisting medical tyranny and prosecute all those who implemented these criminal dictates wrecking LIVES and destroying stability and safety of our communities and then flooding us with 3rd world TRASH on top of the democide against American citizens…DEPORT all these parasites and unwanted invaders……..No amnesty.. just enourages more foreign invaders who eat our food, fill up our landfills, increase crime and poverty and then TURN on us with the likes of the communist shitheads in Congress who are born in foreign countries .. here to backSTAB us!! STOP ALL IMMIGRATION.. we got ENOUGHT poverty and homelessness and we cannot afford the DRAIN on ALL OUR RESOURCES!!! DEPORT, DEPORT DEPORT!!! we are not the WORLD”S TRASH RECEPTACLE!!! WE ARE NOT ONE BIG UNITED NATIONS REFUGEE CAMP PAID FOR WITH AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS MEANT TO DRAIN US OF 1st WORLD LIVING STANDARDS our forefathers worked so hard to OBTAIN and give to us!! import THE 3RD WORLD.. BECOME THE 3RD WORLD!!!


Exactly. And the Turd announced today there will be something like 10,000 more imigrants from Hong Kong coming right away. He is rubbing our face in this. He has all the voters he needs….He stinks like a real Turd.


You GOT IT Darlene!!!I totally agree with all you said. And…stop letting the Chinese or any other company import goods from China. Do not buy Chinese products at places like WalMart and online, like TEMU. I had to really search to find things NOT made in China. I feel badly for the innocent poor there, and those Christians stuck in China, but if we do not take care of our own country we cannot take care of other countries. STOP foreign aid which is being used to line the pockets of dictators all over the world! STOP sending money and weapons to the Ukraine area. Hang Zelensky and everyone helping him. Root out the Clone Labs everywhere as well as adrenochrome labs. Stop playing “nice” with the enemy.


we do not need to send BILLIONS to Isrl.. they can take care of themselves.. what have they ever done for us.. except make vaccines


Ruth the problem is that Canada and United States have decimated the manufacturing industries here and have outsourced it all to China. Everything here is made in China. Now the Chinese usurpers will take over the tech industry, big time. We will all be homeless soon, certainly following generations will….


not quite.


yet they always have more room for endless flood of immigrnt/refugees/asylum seekers and hong kongers


Exactly…votes for them and also the decimation of culture and society, so important to them….They are taking over the hospitals, government offices and all our institutions, as well as the manufacturing that I mentioned above. Well, we will see that they all go straight back where they came from, to improve their own countries, when all this is said and done.


Oh, and it was one little Chinese chink, er, chick, with greasy hair, that brought forward the Injunction against the trucker convoy and ended it, basically. Ten million dollars was donated to the truckers as well, enough for their own political party, and it has all been stolen by the TURD and his sidekick Morticia.


you fool. you give homeless money? your a gullible bastard.


Shut the fuck up.

Dave Kelly

yeah they have the best slaves

Dave Kelly

YES marxist communist tyrants and assholes have a certain charm about them.


lol. this is why you americans are stupid.

you don’t see ti yet. russia,china and u.s will togethor. you made iran a happier nation.

Proudly Unaffiliated

This seems very plausible.

American Living in Canada



The best news is that DS lost control of the satellites!
great job white hats; praying for y’all daily.🙏❤️🇺🇸




The best news is that DS lost control of the EBS like 6 months ago! The white hats have it…but they haven’t used it yet?

Dave Kelly

yeah they must be waiting for for EBS to appreciate in value, no doubt another ignorant decision by the DJT brain trust

Ruby Kennard

Aww, C’mon, pal. Time to stop blaming DJT for all the purposeful destruction to our country. Biden diminished every good work Pres Trump did for America…our safe borders, energy independence, our strong economy, our military prowess, our national security, our medical industry, our kids’ academia, our law enforcement, our judicial system, our MSM news, our Bill of Rights, etc. You are among the 1% of chronic whiners who ARE the problem. Wake up! This is your country, too.

Dave Kelly

I have never blamed DJT for everything going wrong since he became US President, I just call out or point out things that are not right, half -assed efforts, lact of action or response, no follow through and other things that have occurred that make no sense and there is no explanation . other folks are seeing and asking the same questions and at this point these equate to me that DJT is a DECIEVER and there is shit about Gen. BERGER that equates to the same, he is a DECEIVER as well. I do not whine about anything, I just ask questions and point out inconsistencies and things that do not make sense. The PROBLEM is there are too many of you folks that just go along to get along and take whatever you are told as gospel and this is EXACTLY the REASON this NATION is where it is at RIGHT FUCKING NOW, and you folks still do not understand this! WHY do you people not see or understand this reality. Many of you buy into narratives that are just flat out bullshit. RIGHT HERE , why did DJT ALLOW Pedo-joe ( already been EXECUTED, 2018 OR 19 ) to take over the US Presidency , knowing full well the 2020 ELECTION was a TOTAL FRAUD, RIP-OFF and ROBBED? DJT knew of this MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION WAS HELD IN NOV, 202O, REMEMBER THE PRIOR ELECTION 2018 WAS A FRAUD AS WELL, SO WHY DID DJT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN? Answers? Anyone? NO , JUST GO ALONG TO GET ALONG. WELL THAT DOES NOT WORK FOR ME and NUMEROUS OTHERS. I DO NOT DO , GO ALONG GET ALONG, and YOU FOLKS SHOULD NOT DO, GO ALONG GET ALONG EITHER. WAKE -UP!


I would love for the EBS to come out, but losing faith quickly

Dave Kelly

Can’t wait to hear when the DS loses control of their bowels. Then you know shits really happening.


Biden has been doing that for a long time now. Pity the poor person who has to clean him up every few hours.

Dave Kelly

they can only get pay-per view


Another word for deep states is yarlmukes. The white hats/Rothschilds/haavara coin nazis are no better than the black hats/ Rockefellers/Project paperclip Nazis. Sure they are seperate groups vying for power but there end goal is the same. (America/Arserath (2 Esdra 13:40-50) Is a special land created and set aside for his “Elect” people (Catholics specifically, possibly Christians in general, Its not my call to make thats Gods) Why do you think Christopher Columbus brought Hebrew translators with him? He knew the real Israelites had been carried away here in captivity. That is the reason why the fake jews (jesuits) were trying to seperate the indigenous children away from their parents? To forget their history, custome, hebrew language etc…Indian Heiroglyphs are paleo Hebrew. God cut off and cursed Judah 2000 years ago. Their next destination once Jesus and his harvesting angels return will be the lake of fire.
Israel was the Northern Kingdom Judah was the Southern Kingdom. God says he will bless those who bless Israel (America/Arserath) and he will curse those who curse Israel. Pretty soon God is going to use Elam (Isaiah 13:17) to pour out his Judgement wrath on Israel.
In Revelation 18 God said his son Jesus Christ was crucified in Babylon. (That would be Jerusalem not the Vatican City )as William Cooper erroneously postulates.
When God says my people perish for lack of understanding.he was speaking about all of his people in Americans.
P.S. Kanye is a real tribe of Judah member. (Look at a 1494 map of Africa the Slave Coast of Africa used to be named Whiddah Land prior to the last slaveships sailing away. The letter J wasnt invented until the 16th century when the White Skinned Kenites/Babylonian Radhanites conspired to usurp the tribe of Judah identity.


Well that explains a lot.


It’s a weather balloon. Fuk yu stoopii Amerrycans. I wonder if it is our, ‘coast to coast’ indoor plumbing? Why the communist hates us so much. You ever been to China? The indoor plumbing stops at the city limits. After that, you’re squatting in holes dug into the earth.

Last edited 1 year ago by geo

Abject poverty 5 miles outside every city….people squat everywhere they want, in China…


hang onto your old dishwashers folks.. mine had a leak after 17 years working without a glitch.. looked around at HD at 10 different ones.. they are ALL the same cheap shit made in china.. with shitty designs.. institutional looking like everything else in China.. no style or aesthetic functional appeal. cheap flimsy plastic parts.. decided the fix the old one.. you’ll never find any new ones that compare to the old and durable ones made 20 years ago.. they will last 30 years or more if you repair them.. they are all going “green” with less water flow and smaller motors, etc.. no heated dry, etc.. Just dumping cheap shitty Chinese made crap into our country.. they don’t care if it breaks down in 2 months.. also electronic control panels are like dollar store watches.. cheap cheap cheap.. this is what we have to thank for WTO opening under Obomo and his criminal buddies before him.. check out the latest models.. even high end brands are crappy shit because they are all made in same factories in shithole Chinese child labor factories…

Dave Kelly

Well you can thank your corporate kike captains of industry for all the latest GOOK GARBAGE , on sale near you.


the REAL WTO raw deal.. our factories sent to CCP shithole towns and we get massive flood of Fentanyl, opiods and bioweapon viruses in return.. That is our trading partnership with Chyna..and then in last two year of pandemic.. Chinese buy 9billion in US real estate to add insult to injury…paying CASH to outbid Mr. and Mrs. struggling American middle class family is struggling to survice in “global dystopian” nightmare economy.. so they don’t have to worry about getting stuck with a shitty CCP made dishwasher because they are living in a tent in Seattle and their Chinese neighbors are living in 500K houses..


Yes! Did you know that any car made in 2008 or newer has a cutoff switch in it? If for any reason the police – or whomever – want to stop you all they need do is hit the cutoff switch and your car dies.

Last edited 1 year ago by Guest4579

doesnt stop the rampant carjackings…. only targets Maga folks


That’s why I stick with my 30-year old SUV. Take good care of it and it will even pass smog tests.

Dave Kelly

I think you have the date/year WRONG.


We need to pass a law that NO foreign ownership is allowed for ANY property in the U.S. and its territories and possessions.

Dave Kelly

ALL made possible by an ENTIRELY CORRUPT AND CRIMINALLY COMPROMISED US CONGRESS and EXECUTIVE BRANCH ADMINISTRATIONS , THE CFR, numerous establishment Foundations and think tanks and so other asshole entities. ALL of them pimping and promoting the NWO ,TECHNOCRACY and TRANSHUMANISM.


I had a clothes dryer that lasted for over 30 years and my microwave is still going, have never had a problem with it. Got it as a wedding gift in 1987. Those were the days.

Last edited 1 year ago by Blondie
Dave Kelly

Wedding gift and anniversary gift too. 36 YEARS , can’t beat that.

Dave Kelly

yep , I hear you Darlene , We are all just trying to get through for now, but things will turn for the better, COUNT ON IT!

question everything

Speaking of “new technology”, here is something you will all probably need to be aware of:


deep fakes with AI voices to match

question everything

Exactly! So now they have the capability of faking believable evidence against anybody they want to.

Dave Kelly

Here is one for you , the covid -19 PCR Tests are in fact cloning devices use for cloning, the details and information is at the NIH web site. so DO NOT TAKE THE TESTS , do not take the DoD countermeasures either OTHER WISE KNOW AS the VAXX


i refuse all tests now.. pap smear tests made in China.. and those colon samples, too.. all DNA collecting tools.. no radiation mammograms, either.. don’t trust them… i don’t buy their “test for everything” mentality


FYI.. if you got a leak.. check the hose line FIRST.. not after you replace the water inlet valve and Pump.. It was a 30 dollar hose.. 17 year old machine will run another 20 years with durable made in America PARTS and LABOR.. these days.. even if they say “made in America”.. they still import shitty 3rd world parts from China made of cheap plastic that wont’ last.. We have done ourselves NO FAVORS by gluttonizing ourselves with CHEAP China SHIT.. in return for being another CCP slave nation.

Dave Kelly

Great location for GOOK Disney CONCENTRATION FARM.


I saw a lot of that in Egypt, too and also on Cyprus. On Cyprus some places advertised “American Toilets”


I did a photo special on “WC’s of China”, “

no you didn’t

Dave Kelly

Hate communist marxist KIKES , GOOKS and YOU TOO , NOW FUCK -OFF,……and DIE GEO DIP-SHIT!


More Americans need to show their disgust and revulsion when touring that shithole. Perhaps then they would get the picture that their country is backwards and NOT prospering.
You need to show your ‘special’ on TV. This is what commie Joe wants for America.

Last edited 1 year ago by Guest4579
Lady Hermann

The “explosion” over Billings happened while the “balloon” was reported to be over Missouri. Did you ask about the conflict there?


Its another distraction, nothing less.


Pick the Matrix you like, Goober, and strap in.


my matrix has the OG jenna jameson

Dave Kelly



I even have got paid 80 US dollars in a lot of not up to five weeks nearly in operation clean jobs at home.As I’d misplaced my preceding post, I became thus flustered and impart God I even have commenced this first-rate on-line
viewing following web.

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Mark Bardsley

Get lost 👇


I am glad we have militia forming to do what the treasonous oathbreaking pussies in the military won’t do.


Zechariah 9:13 says there is going to be a civil war in America and that God intends to use black Judah as his bows and white Ephraim as his arrows to overthrow Javan (Talmudic Zionists) look at Greece’s colors now look at Israels colors.


I am making $100 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning $16,000 a month by working on a laptop, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

What ever you did to improve your web site MB, it didn’t work.

Dave Kelly

Imported GOOK tech , what do you expect from that garbage?


Obama, Biden, and the Deep State must be scared stiff since they are spying on US citizens — WINNING!!

Robin redwine

You had to have taken drumps death jab to be that stupid.

Which part of the current earthly paradigm feels like winning?

The millions dying from the death jab?

The 10 dollar eggs or the millions homeless?



Dave Kelly

Well O’Barry and PEDO-joe are stiff, no doubt they have both been EXECUTED, as for the DS some are scared , some are stiff, and some are living HIGH on the HOG in the parasite Kosher state.

Debate Judge

Congress and the media recognize Biden as the president. Trump is preparing for another election.

Michael R Davis

Quite obviously the Resident Biden and Resident VP Harris are in charge of nothing and are re-running Laurel and Hardy and Three Stooges skits. The US Military is in charge and will return Trump to the position he won in the 2020 election landslide. Very doubtful the military will ask the opinions of SCOTUS, Congress, FAKE News, or the Globalist Deep-State NWO wannbe tyrants. There will be no 2024 election. The DC Corporation is dead.

Dave Kelly

They are more likely watching Disney kiddy flicks and child porn

Anne m Fallon

It is amazing how the deep state can get ALL the media, all the admin, 24/7 to lie to the american people. its just one lie after the next. Has garland or blinken come back into the USA. blinken hiding in syria & garland in canada per previous post. are these doubles ?

Dave Kelly

ALL of the DS shitheads that have fled the continental United States are in ISRAEL, THEY HAVE SANCTUARY IN ISRAEL, some maybe in Switzerland , but that is it , this is where they are hanging out, some are no doubt living in posh digs in TRUMP HEIGHTS, Fun in the sun , great golf, fun at the pool , casino and lots of debauchery , sexual deviancy, PEDOPHILIA, everything and anything a deranged, degenerate ,immoral TREASONOUS LOWLIFE ASSHOLE COULD DREAM, in ISRAEL and TRUMP HEIGHTS.


SORRY MY COMPUTER IS JUNK IT LEAVES WORDS OUT WEN I TYPE SOMETIMES, cina is the new military branch of the deep state that is replacing America. as it seems from wat, I can tell wat tey are doing and wat the deep state has been doing it looks like the deep state is trying real ard to make cina the new America economically and militarily saying that tey are not the deep state is wrong. its dangerously Nieve and can cost us America and millions of American lives you yourself ave said that Biden is a spy for cina and tat e answers to tem , so as tucker Carlson on fox news you can’t ave it both ways either cina is deep state or your articles are wrong. so, if cina is deep state ten you can count on the fact that wat ever the deep state knows cina does, also the leader of cina told Biden infact e demanded that e take our weapons, I again seen a msm news report on it and cina as said wen tey invade America tey are oin to kill every man woman and child I seen the news article myself from cina saying tis , so know tis everything the deep state is doing to America is being done by cina as well cause tey are the same roup , working from the shadow waiting to attack openly once we are weak enough for tem to win against us . cina has been destroying our elections for the deep state ackin our computers. China has been arming communist and anarchist or trying to, cina has been taken all the body parts of babies. cina has been attacking our economy trying to force us into slavery to tem . cina has been setting up tere military all over the world to replace America and take everything from us for tem selves. our businesses our land and our allies to and if you want to know more about wat tey are doing read my last post.


SORRY MY COMPUTER IS JUNK IT LEAVES WORDS OUT WEN I TYPE SOMETIMES, cina is the new military branch of the deep state that is replacing America. as it seems from wat, I can tell wat tey are doing and wat the deep state has been doing it looks like the deep state is trying real ard to make cina the new America economically and militarily saying that tey are not the deep state is wrong. its dangerously Nieve and can cost us America and millions of American lives you yourself ave said that Biden is a spy for cina and tat e answers to tem , so as tucker Carlson on fox news you can’t ave it both ways either cina is deep state or your articles are wrong. so, if cina is deep state ten you can count on the fact that wat ever the deep state knows cina does, also the leader of cina told Biden infact e demanded that e take our weapons, I again seen a msm news report on it and cina as said wen tey invade America tey are oin to kill every man woman and child I seen the news article myself from cina saying tis , so know tis everything the deep state is doing to America is being done by cina as well cause tey are the same roup , working from the shadow waiting to attack openly once we are weak enough for tem to win against us . cina has been destroying our elections for the deep state ackin our computers. China has been arming communist and anarchist or trying to, cina has been taken all the body parts of babies. cina has been attacking our economy trying to force us into slavery to tem . cina has been setting up tere military all over the world to replace America and take everything from us for tem selves. our busnesses our land and our allies to and if you want to know more about wat tey are doing read my last post.

Pat N

You must have a virus/bug in your computer or sticky key on your keyboard. It seems to be fairly consistent about what letters in the words to leave out, like the “h” & sometimes “g”.

Pat N

You must have a virus/bug in your computer or sticky key on your keyboard. It seems to be fairly consistent about what letters in the words to leave out, like the “h” & sometimes “g”.
Could be operator error. That’s usually my problem.

Dave Kelly

Well all of that being said , Communist China is a FRAGILE FAILING SHITHOLE STATE, they cannot even keep hold of what they claim they have and hold, this is why the zionist satanist degenerate , deranged jews and the establishment inbreds , jews have been in alliance with fellow marxist , communists since at least the 1930’s possibly much earlier. They propagandize and pump bullshit incessantly , hence their control of media , infotainment etc. They are self proclaimed masters of DECEIT AND BETRAYAL , they use obfuscation and subterfuge on a massive scale CRIMINAL, CORRUPT ,DEGENERATE IMMORAL LOWLIFE SATANIST SOCIOPATH PEDOPHILES , CANNIBALS ,VIAL EVILS FUCKS, THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN. Once people figure them out, they COLLAPSE and FUCKING DIE. REMEMBER THIS ALWAYS, IT IS HUMANITY’S JOB AND OBLIGATION TO VANQUISH THESE FUCKING SHITHEADS,….ENTIRELY. NOW GET TO WORK, AND KILL THESE ASSHOLES, ALL OF THEM, NO EXCEPTIONS, KILL ALL OF THEM!


Today (2/3/23) Biden is saying he ordered the balloon be shot down. Biden couldn’t order lunch.


Unless he is having only ice cream.