Military Arrests Lori Lightfoot


United States Navy JAG investigators on Wednesday arrested disgraced Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on charges of treason, JAG sources told Real Raw News. They have also detained Lightfoot’s wife, Amy Eshleman, as an accessory to crimes Lightfoot committed before and throughout the Covid-19 Plandemic.

White Hats, our source said, have long looked for an opening to grab Lightfoot, but he, when not in public surrounded by an entourage of security personnel, lived in an impregnable safe room—a fortified room that is installed in a private residence or business to provide a safe shelter, or hiding place, for the inhabitants in the event of a break-in, home invasion, tornado, terror attack, or other threat–inside his brownstone on the northwest side of Chicago.

When Lightfoot was disgracefully eliminated from Chicago’s mayoral race earlier this month, his security detail seemed to evaporate, leaving him exposed. The Deep State, our source said, likely defunded Lightfoot following his abysmal performance at the polls. Lightfoot’s popularity among Chicagoans waned during the Plandemic as crime spiked and looting and mayhem ran rampant, further imperiling a city infamous for soaring murder and other violent crime rates. It’s unclear whether the Deep State orchestrated Lightfoot’s demise—it has a history of throwing its own under the bus once their usefulness expires.

According to JAG sources, Lightfoot eventually received payments exceeding $10m in exchange for issuing draconian stay-at-home orders, forbidding travel, and criminalizing mask mandates, while he eschewed his own guidance—laws for thee, but not for me—and appeared in public maskless to celebrate Joseph R. Biden’s stolen victory over President Donald J. Trump. Lightfoot instructed law enforcement to fine and even incarcerate non-mask-wearing Covid deniers while looting, shootings, and arson plagued the besieged city. She went as far as to “cancel” Thanksgiving and Christmas, ordering police to find and arrest persons enjoying the holidays with “family members you don’t live with.”

The payouts Lightfoot received, our source said, arrrived in March 2021, and came from the criminal regime’s Department of Health and Human Services and were approved by agency honcho Xavier Becerra, who remains on the White Hats “most wanted” list.

“We have financial records and communications proving beyond doubt that Lori Lightfoot accepted bribes to endanger a city already in a massive state of decay. He is guilty of dereliction of duty and treason against the United States of America. Vice Adm. Crandall talked to Gen. Eric Smith on how best to catch Lightfoot, and since she was considered a relatively minimal risk target, given she no longer had Deep State protection, they decided JAG would carry out the arrest.”

On Wednesday, JAG investigators encircled Lightfoot’s car after he and Eshleman had entered it after emerging from a Starbucks in the northwest suburb of Barrington. Lightfoot reportedly resisted arrest, and the ensuing struggle caused his sweatpants to slide over his hips, revealing male genitalia. Investigators were forced to use tasers to subdue the duo, who had suddenly turned on each other, with each accusing the other of “selling out.”

“That Lightfoot’s a dude is no surprise,” our source said. “I believe we have sufficient evidence to convict Lightfoot. Eshleman’s status is up in the air, but we have proof she knew about Lightfoot’s crimes,” our source said.

Edit: We have updated the article to reflect exactly when Lightfoot received payouts from the regime.

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Well I just saw a video on Gateway Pundit where she/he was at a city council meeting YESTERDAY being told off. WTF is up with that?!


Body double or a clone. Both are SOP for the Deep State…

carolyn smith

BS these stories are total fiction. If they were not at least something would have come out in public by now.


This news would not be brought out on the MSM and if this wasn’t true they would be on attack mode as well as filing law suits.

Arsenio Amorio



I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
David Treciak

Big deal. I make a billion dollars a day while lying on the sofa playing video games.


I am making over $20 k a month working part time. I am a full time college student and just working for 3 to 4 hrs a day. Everybody (der-02) must try this home online job now by just using this

Following Website———->>

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Snake in the grass

Ultrafart the Brave

“This news would not be brought out on the MSM…”

Well that’s true – one can’t argue with that, EVERYONE knows and understands that the fake mainstream media are wholly owned and controlled corporate assets. They’ll NEVER publish anything without the prior approval of their genocidal Globalist owners.

“…and if this wasn’t true they would be on attack mode as well as filing law suits.”

Really? That sounds an awful lot like wishful thinking, or maybe just plain old twisted logic. “Attack mode”? What exactly does that look like? And would that ONLY be reported here on Real Raw News and nowhere else, just like the rest of these reports?

I expect if “they” (whoever “they” are) went on attack mode and started filing lawsuits, you’d also claim that proves these claims must be true.

I’m sensing a True Believer echo chamber here in this forum.

mia moriarty



wander…. why smart cookie as carolyn smith still do not get it?????


the media lies 7days a week/24hrs a day. and you think they would tell you this. you cant be this dumb.


That last sentence was rhetorical yes?


I would have said “naïve”.


CGI= Computer Graphic Imaging, used specifically for FAKE news.


Well bugger off and stop reading these BS stories then


L O L ! You really don’t have a clue do you.


The cover for this site is satire while providing what’s happening in the real world. Simple yet genius. So carolyn how many vaxx-jabs have you had?


It’s a military covert operation. You simply can not go and tell the media. You mess around and we won’t be able to catch them if you tell the media what we are up to. Oh, it’s real, but we can’t risk of exposing the operation. Not just yet anyway.

mia moriarty

is that anyway to talk carolyn
“something would have come out in the public by now”so you like sewer news ,fiction best…well alrighty then


Evangelina is spot on. You just need to shift your perspective to see it all.

You’ll get there but first, understanding that basically EVERYTHING we have been taught is a lie, will make the processing of information easier as there is so much overwhelming evil, corruption and confusion.

The great awakening has many layers. Humanity has been brainwashed for generations and the cabal uses many tricks to hide the truth in plain sight, that even when it is obvious, we don’t believe it because it seems so outrageous. However, you will need to steel yourself, because the truth is the darkest, most twisted story ever. it will take time to come to terms with what you see and hear because of the level of depravity and corruption.

I suggest putting everything you read here in the possibly true pile and as you dig deeper you can add more evidence to deepen your understanding.

Lots of evidence can be found on the dark web, in Q chats, telegram and other non-mainstream sites. Good luck.


carolyn…..why you are on this site ????explain pls….

Big Johnson

Quit railing your cousin

David Boettcher





This man replaced a genetic female…it was obvious to any half-wit who watched the news.

so what happened to the original female?

…and who the fuck is this person, if not the female? A murderer?


Right, I’ve seen pictures of “him” long ago and he was beautiful.


Yes, with dark hair and pearls.


The original Lori Lightfoot appears to have been replaced with a mis-shapen body-double.



Last edited 1 year ago by sejmon

Clone of a body double.

mia moriarty

has to be CGI


You might have seen CGI techniques, or a clone. Military destroyed a cloning lab in Missouri’s Ozark Mountains in 2022, and they destroyed another cloning lab in Alaska this year. You can find the news articles on the Archives page of this site.


How many more cloning sites have they NOT found yet.


I think plenty.

Samantha Whitson

Appreciate you doing so. Of course it’s confusing at times. In fact, I’m fairly sure it’s meant to be. It’s far easier to control an uncertain population, which has been a key theme from the deep state. People are not likely to form strong opinions, much less share them or act upon them. Keeps everyone squirrely & indecisive~ the enemy likes it that way. Strength is born of strong convictions among like-minded. So is change.


So my logical questions were deemed “troll questions” and you banned me, coward?

Michael R Davis

Trolls like you ask useless “troll questions” repetitively. We did not miss you at all. Trolls and bots are best ignored and banned.


Stupid and cowardly people pretend questions that poke holes in your childlike fantasy think I should be banned.


Awww…. look who’s back and sniveling about his vacuous prattle being deleted… It’s the LimeGreenFucktard!

Mr. G

Please see my post about updating email and the other one if you have timestamped 0639 EST. Thanks

Debate Judge

I wasn’t given the precise time of the arrest. I was told it happened in the first half of the day. My brain assumed morning as that’s usually when arrests go down. It could have been after the meeting.Yeah, it’s sloppy reporting not to pin down an exact time…

A lot of what seem like troll accounts were spamming the same message and I deleted it. However, I’m pinning your comment as evidence that I’m not trying to avoid answering a logical question.

= = =

I think Michael Baxter is referring to my comment about a Forbes Breaking News article on YouTube I posted. When I first saw this story, I didn’t believe it. About two hours later I saw the Forbes video about Lightfoot having trouble at a City Council meeting.

Last edited 1 year ago by Debate Judge
David Boettcher

Many of us see info out there that suggests this is just a made up info type site. I am glad to see you in pseudo name only at least respond to this post. I keep asking myself if this is fake info what would be the benefit. It never really affects the way I live my life. It is comforting to think this could be happening. In the end, we are all going to feel really good for paying attention or really stupid for believing it could be true.

Will Caulfield



Sorry that happened, Michael, those scoundrels are low creatures.

Dave Kelly

Mr. Baxter, if the story reported at Chicago city hall took place in the morning or early after noon, it could very well be possible that Lightfoot and it’s spouse could have taken a road trip to escape the media and all the pressure , there by heading out the Barrington IL. which is quite a hike , due West out of Chicago, a good hour+ depending on traffic on the tollway. As you reported she was arrested in Barrington, and this would make sense if JAG/military wanted to make the arrest attempting to avoid media , press and lots of bystanders which would be very prevalent after the City Hall activity being in the heart of the Loop. Barrington IL. is pretty laid-back and a WEALTHY community. She/he may have some of her/his supporters out there with a place to stay as to get away from the public or possibly her/his own get-away. This again being the reason for JAG making the arrest in Barrington IL. Lightfoot had plenty of cash , obviously, so this was her/his get-away place out of the city. Lots of wealthy folks have huge homes and spreads in Barrington IL and have pricey townhomes or condos in the city for work during the week ,on the weekends they head out to Barrington.


Every time a said demon is captured they are automatically seen on the tel-a-lie-vision or news media. They dont need a clone or double they just need their devices to send the elusion’s of them, CGI what ever they use it.

David Boettcher

I’ve noticed this as well. It’s like clock Worley! Deep stater caught and within a day or two they are in the spot light. The probability of this happening month after month is says something about who is on offense!


These articles are Baxter fantasy and have nothing to do with reality. That’s what is up with that.


Your an idiot LIMEGREENYETI and Michael should ban you….dickhead

Michael R Davis

The Deep-State FAKE Newsmedia uses old videos, old photos, photoshopped videos and photos, CGI videos of HollyWood quality, doubles, actors with HollyWood silicone masks such as what Arthur Roberts wears in his Academy Award winning role as Resident Dipshit Biden. As many times as Michelle O was caught being a male, the FAKE News could have ripped the fraud Big Mike to shreds, but they did not did they? No, they covered it up, protected the negro queers. Even when Joan Rivers spilled the beans publicly, was murdered immediately, FAKE News covered that up too. Only small truth sources like RRN spread the news. Lack of lawsuits against RRN is proof of the accuracy in most reports. Some are obviously deliberate disinformation from JAG, necessary in war.

FAKE News for now will not report any evidence from Real Raw News, thus endangering their own families to murder from their Deep-State masters. Soon, Commander-in-Chief Trump will have exposed FAKE News liars so much, they will be forced to report the truth, if they have not already been hunted down in the streets and hung from the light poles as far as the eye can see.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael R Davis

GOOD POINT…..when the “Head Nigger” Barack Obama had Joan Rivers KILLED…. it was for the most part COVERED UP by the main stream media. It’s just too bad that Fox News has gone downhill….because CNN and MSNBC are both “fake news”. Most all of the hosts on Fox are JEWS…especially on Fox Business–and, for the most part….they are all Trump HATERS. I can’t stand LOUDMOUTH Hannity….and that unmarried Bitch, Laura Ingraham. So I only watch Jessie…and then Tucker. So much for “Fox News” now run by Liberals.
This reporting on NIGGER Lightfoot….you will NEVER see anything like this on
Fox….much less on CNN or MSNBC.

David Boettcher and search Joan rivers

mia moriarty

joan faked her death ,is what I heard, after a supposed vanity procedure

Dave Kelly

Joan Rivers is ALIVE. She had plastic surgery and has a different Identity, she still is with the same guy, spouse whatever and she still roams with the same friends although she maintains a very low profile and her comedy and celebrity have ended. There are videos on the internet that show the former Joan Rivers, this has been verified.

mia moriarty


mia moriarty

on rare occasions I might watch jessie mostly because i like his sense of humor/the rest in the vanity club ,are overpaid fiction pushers /traitors I haven’t watched SEWER TV FOR YEARS ,they belong in the nearest dumpster …IMO


who would want to marry ingraham abraham


Why do you care if she is married or not? That’s her business, not yours. Are you fathering her kids?

Frederick Carreon

Maybe but not the same person y’all see on TV.😆


YEAH….I saw the same thing on TGP yesterday. Suffice it to say that this NIGGER Lightfoot is either a *butch lesbian*…or…a MAN (ie. tranny). That he was captured by the White Hats….we’ll just have to take Michael’s word for it. I look forward to Michael’s excellent reporting just about every day. I do not believe he makes this shit up–because he provides too much important detail. Speaking of Lightfoot….how can he be attending a city council meeting when he was just voted out of office ??? WTF ??


The new mayor has not taken over yet…..his (Lightfoot’s) term has just ended.

David Boettcher

Get out the disinfectant for that office!

mia moriarty

and a thousand exorcists


And a lot of Ajax.




How about an exorcism?

Dave Kelly

The NEW Mayor has not been ELECTED yet.

mia moriarty

larry’s last stance He brought in paid sychophants to chant ” we love you lori”
I don’t think this little sod has ever in his entire life been loved by ANYONE ON PLANET EARTH fugli ! doesn’t cover this gross little man but hey HE can dance like the devil

Dave Kelly

Her/his term as Mayor has not ended yet, sometime in Early April 2024.

Dave Kelly

She/he was planning on being Big Mike/Michelle’s running mate for the Democratic nomination for US President. ALL the jew zionist satanist oligarchs heavy donors were already lined up. Woke Tranny DARK TEAM MATTERS, ” Michelle – n – Lori , Gonna Do Dis Nation DARK fo Ya’ll.”

mia moriarty

HE be building up HIS HOPES for nothing …ain’t gonna happen

mia moriarty

the hanging of alec baldwin is my favorite ,really brought tears to my eyes …laughing


Notice when RRN says one of the evil scum have been captured…You will see the next day on tv, their clones..They are trying to discredit RRN…No proof that this site is even legit but if it’s not, it’s very entertaining anyway..Although I do hope it’s true…I would rather them suffer more though, instead of an instant death.


I just saw a video of a dinosaur eating a hamburger. What’s you point?

David Treciak

You’ve never seen a deep fake? Mission Impossible movies are based on current technology.


It’s called CGI video. Not analog. We have been watching a movie.


@LizinAz The arrest could easily happen on her way home after the Council meeting. She & “wife” stopped at coffee house, and when getting back into their vehicle, they were apprehended (per RRN) both accounts fit the RRN narrative.


Must be an actor or an actress. I see Gain Newsom all over local TV stations in CA daily here, yet he is allegedly long dead too.

Elisa Orozco

You must be new here……….. That’s OK. You’ll catch on…………

Above Reproach

I want proof ! Show me the head on a plate .


Sounds just like what we would find had this been Michelle Obama aka Big Mike


Always thought Lori was just about the ugliest “woman” God ever created. Now I know why, because she is a man!


Need some new stories Michael. It’s been a week.


Vivian Lightfoot is the daughter of Lori Lightfoot and Amy Eshleman. She was born in 2008 and was adopted in her early years; an American student and athlete from Chicago State.
www dot ghanafuo dot com
The whereabouts of Vivian’s father are still a mystery to us all. However, Lori and Amy are her parents at this time.
Moreover, they have not disclosed the biological father of Vivian anywhere on the news. The lesbian couple adopted Vivian as she was an orphan.
The whereabouts of Vivian’s father are still a mystery to us all. However, Lori and Amy are her parents at this time.
lawyer-facts dot com slash who-is-lori-lightfoots-daughter
It’s unclear when the power couple, Lightfoot and Amy Eshleman, welcomed their adopted 13-year-old daughter into their family; however, it was believed that they adopted the teen when she was a child.
news dot amomama dot com slash 291683-who-are-lori-lightfoots-daughter-wife-al.html


God help the child.

Andrew Stevano

Just watched this exact video and I had the same query. According to the MB article, he/she was picked up the morning of this council meeting yet Larry Lightfoot is there seen to exchange words with the council on her right while being duly chastised by the reporter. Could she be a hologram? Would the DS waste a growing tube to make a Lightfoot clone? Maybe Forbes made a mistake on the date? This is one I’ll just put on a shelf and see what comes to corroborate one way or another. The result may be surprising.

Andrew Stevano

Note that this comment is a reply to the “Debate Judge” comment just several below. Apologies for screwing up the placement of my comment.


I do the same as I forget to hit the refresh button before I comment.

Andrew Stevano

I see MB did address this same query a couple days ago. I need not have posted what I did.


Captain winky!


Bravo JAG investigators!!!!!

This one was a real evil MF! Seriously, these people are likely NOT even human.

Imagine a world where all these fakers are removed and we deal with genuine heartfelt, real people. Most people are amazing, loving, caring and will help anyone in need. That is what we need – REAL people. Not evil’s mouthpiece/traitors to humanity. Begone from this world!


Well what do you know!


Trump may get arrested. Arrest ALL jews who do not bend a knee to the USA flag.

mia moriarty

most of them are in government and are israel FIRSTER TRAITORS /DUAL citizens, OUR country ,They are satanists trying to run OUR COUNTRY into the ground / mister yellen and missy powell

Jerry Chandler

Lightfoot is not a “him”. Operation truth needs to learn to be politically incorrect for people to believe this drivel.

mary pascucci



I rhink they need hazard pay for having been exposed to lightfoots “junk”.


It probably wasn’t much to begin with. They’ll survive.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena
mia moriarty

good that syphilis is not air born HE had all the signs of tertiary syphilis Adolph too


Execution. Hung to death by the neck

mia moriarty

you got it prayers ,AMEN


Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!

mia moriarty


Big Johnson



The story occurred a year ago. How many children did the White Hats allow to cross the border to be sacrificed? RE: Biden candy story.

Last edited 1 year ago by Christine

Whitmer next

mia moriarty

my pick is 99yo joo monster / red poison junky kissassinger

Rose Mary Abbott

So, the viral big press deal about the decredentialed reporter rant in the news is to discredit this real report that Lightfoot is on its way to GITMO. Now I get it!

Pastor Kevin

Lori, Larry, Lucifer … one thing is certain … ‘IT’ is possessed, evident from countless times of seeing ‘IT’ in action … ruthless, dark, and evil as are countless too many others for us to know for certain … but God knows all things and we will see the day when all assumed to be in secret, will be exposed to the world, out in the open for all to see and know, thank you, Jesus!


Yes amen….thank Lord Jesus


Yeah it’s obvious. He actually looked almost normal in photos from mamy years ago. Thank you Source and Jesus for exposinf them to the world.

mia moriarty

“lori larry lucifer” lol ,has a ring to it HE should have made that his name for re election




I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
mia moriarty

it’s UNBELIVABLE!!! you got ripped off ,only $90

Dave Smith

Pigster Adam klingdumbie Duckworthless next please thank you

Dave Kelly

That just means , you and the WHITE HATS are hitting on ALL CYLINDERS.


there pissed. now you all gotten lori. it stirred up the hornest nest. that means your winning.

mia moriarty

I noticed that
prayers are powerful ,sickem with prayers yall


Thank you Michael for all the great reporting I support when I can, thank you.


That means you’re on top of them!! GOOD!!


I am using this forum to state our (Patriots, both Conservatives and some honest democrats) case against the lying corrupt minded evil democrats on the J6 truth that these evil corrupt demonic democrats tried very hard to keep from us. They covered up the J6 truth.

Now, the truth is out and once again these evil lying democrats are twisting the truth falsely accusing Tucker Carlson of doctoring the truth. The J6 video exposed the truth and we were lied to, again.

Last edited 1 year ago by 45-GreatestEver.GOD’sBlessingToUSA.
Frederick Carreon

This is an old news. She’s already been gone a long time ago. Y’all just seeing an actor or a double. 😆😆😆

mia moriarty


Big Johnson

Strange – the ICC has a warrant out for Putin who committed war crimes including deporting children from Ukraine. It’s really weird the ICC didn’t include destroying adrenochrome plants as a war crime (it should be!)

Big Johnson

also #savethechildren unless it doesn’t support your narrative. Until then quit banging your cousins!

Dave Kelly

Whatever happened to Bang yo Mama and Bang yo Daddy TOO? and BANG Grammy and Grampy, EVERYBODY NEED SUM, WANT SUM, AND GET SUM.

mia moriarty

cousins matter


do 2nd cousins count?

Dave Kelly


mia moriarty



Well that’s a laugh…”Deporting children from Ukraine”….more like saving children from the Adrenachrome Factories….so that means the ICC are turning a deliberate blind eye to these factories….they must be in on it….and under orders from the DS. Well Putins not gonna put up with this.


Yes, and the Hague is sending out an arrest warrant against President Vladimir Putin, accusing him of stealing Ukrainian kids during wartime…what a crock! Russia is giving them safe harbor, just like Poland, Romania, Moldova, Germany, Canada, the US and other countries taking them out of the fray. Stupid idiots!
We cannot even arrest a sitting president here (which GHWB, W, WJC, Obumster and now Paedo Joe sorely needs) and the Hague thinks they can arrest a Russian President? Show me the precedent for that!!


🤢🤮🤮 👏👏👏
What a disgusting POS.

David Boettcher

I’d love to see a piece on Hobbs in Az.

David Boettcher

I work from home and I’m making $4 a day in my car the hard way 😂😂😂


Please visit the link below. The URL speaks for itself.

https ://bestnewshere. com/breaking-news-the-supreme-court-in-the-us-has-ruled-that-the-covid-pathogen-is-not-a-vaccine-is-unsafe-and-must-be-avoided-at-all-costs-supreme-court-has-canceled-universal-vax/

Please watch the two clips linked in the body of the article.

If this is TRULY on the up and up, thank The Almighty, this is good news.

Will Caulfield

It’s not true. It doesn’t even make sense.

David Agosta

Knew his arrest would come, once he lost the mayoral primary.


Michael, on March 9 you reported that marines were killed while trying to arrest Ashish Jha. You reported that his head exploded and killed them. But you also reported Jha was arrested by White Hats in your prior article entitled “JAG Arrests Past and Current Covid Task Force Members” on February 25. I posted a question about that to the March 9 article but there’s no reply.

Michael R Davis

Michael Baxter
Looks like a major error in identification in the two articles. The 2nd Jha was ruled a clone, but that does not explain why the JAG investigators were tracking and capturing the same man twice.

Can you provide an explanation or update these two articles?


Hopefully he/she/it will start squealing like the piglet that It is. If they where turning on each other just being arrested, they will talk with little to no prodding.
Maybe something big can be learned from these 2 morons, although they are very low level.
I did see where she was on the news being told off by a reporter. The only thing I can say is if they know about this site it would be sued every day for these stories even though they are fictional.
So maybe there is some validity to the story’s since you can’t sue if your not able to hire a lawyer to sue.
I don’t know anymore I just come here to read some great stories.

David Boettcher

What makes you think they will talk when prodded? 😂😂😂

Mr. G

Hey Michael @michaelbaxter , why haven’t you touched on the highly improbable amount of pharmaceutical companies that house their base of operations in Kiev? Or the ties of electronic moguls like Musk, Microsoft, Apple to transhumanism? Musk still has the Baphomet armor as his profile pics. Unrelated, a lot of people would put more merit into the cloning articles if you covered how we went from Dolly the sheep to corporate cloning facilities? I took a virtual tour of one that started in a lobby! I’ve seen the procedure to remove the piece of forehead cranium that that rapper said was removed so they could manipulate the clone’s host’s(for lack of a better word) memories? Also curious about the giant rectangular cube UFOs being photographed, and certain almost prophetic geographical events, such as the Euphrates drying up. I
appreciate it even if you don’t take the time to read this. Hope you’re secure and hidden, and with more friends and ammo than i expect in the UK

Mr. G

Also, I’d like to update my email with y’all, can’t figure out how to go about it. Any of you guys know how I’d go about that?

Don Reed

She’s a “Laddy” !!!!

mia moriarty

a fugli with his horns filed down

Lisa Cordaro

My family is being wrongly accused of Catholic suicide crap and CANNABLES, which we are not


there’s no such thing a sperfect.


Hope JAG will pick up gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. Any news on that Michael?


They don’t normally pick anybody up that is still holding an office position. At least that seems to be the way things have been happening. Once they fall from grace or retire they get nabbed. The White hats seem to like to let them crush as many innocent people as possible before they make a move.
Fauci comes to mind, if they had arrested him early on and in the public light a lot of people might not have taken the jab.
If they had arrested Biden and his crime family, then forced jabs and all of this corrupt administration might not have been put into office in the first place.

That is the only thing people might hate the white hats for is the fact they had all this information a long time ago and did nothing with it to help prevent some of the death that is happening in the USA and the world.
Ukraine and Afghanistan might not have happened at all if they would have done something a little faster.


Not always…..the got Newsom and Pelosi and they were (are) still in office.

Dave Kelly

and Adam Schiff

Lorenz Manner

Send both of them where they belong and don’t permit them to be again at large. Give them a forever bye-bye. It’s sad but we are at war with devils that want to destroy everything.


But there is no doubt your a troll


Mr.Baxter…why gen.Smith and WH do not stop warmongers..we are much close to WW3 than in the Cuban crisis…1962

Dave Kelly



ww3 is a pipedream. did fallout not teach yo0u anything? its only a dream.

never meant to happen.

Just Me

We all know this ugly corrupted thing is not a he, so why refer to it as a he?

Dave Kelly



cause it was said. “its a He”. we all been fooled into thin king it was a she.


stupid keyboard. stupid typing skills. stop making me do typos:(.

mia moriarty

because when Ellen …oops Allan did a comparison, HE said Beetlejuice’s was the same size as big Mike’s ,they both , had had enhancement surgery

Solange Silverman

So glad to hear it and well deserved. He RUINED my beautiful hometown.

Dave Kelly

Chicago has been in very serious decay and ruination for DECADES, just another dying city in Democratic CRIMINAL CONTROL. This is FACT.


Its ok it will be rebuilt like all the other ruined cities


Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Hang that treasonous bastard and his treasonous cunt partner.


Could very well be his homosexual partner with having nothing other but Male Genitalia too!

mia moriarty

the partner is a boy too

Pepe Penname

What are Lightfoot’s pronouns?


“he/him,” also Lori might have said it was “she/her” before the arrest. Nothing said about the wife, but knowing how trannies behave, he would say, “none of your business.”


Pole Smoker Pervert


PSP. Sounds like a drug.


Pronouns ” Dead & Decaying “ as he finally is used for a truly useful purpose . Fertilzer to make flowers grow …….. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke ,LST-1195


Its possible he could kill the poor flowers, I wouldn’t want “it” in my garden!!


Too damned ugly to be a natural born female!




Lightfoot’s pronoun:

A ‘He’

Eve Bright

Oh so horrible to hear Lori Lightfoot has a male genitalia? (I hope Mr. Baxter you don’t delete my comment. Everyone is entitled of “Free Speech”. Besides I’m an avid follower of RRN. Thank you!)

Willy 2.0

All we are ” entitled to” is that the Government won’t limit or restrict our Free Speech…
Read our Constitution…And what is so Horrible about the fact that Beetlejuice is a dude ??


our UNALIENABLE RIGHT to free speech was granted to us by the Creator, not by the gov’t. the constitution codifies that and prohibits the gov’t from infringing upon that God-given right. YOU are the one who needs to learn to comprehend what you read.

Last edited 1 year ago by THX-1138

God gives it, the Constitution protects it.




Only way that Beetlejuice would have been missed in this new era dawning is IF some advertising campaign ,had been planned with Lori & Marty Feldmans Eyes featured in an Eyeglasses Advert ! ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

David Boettcher


Dave Kelly

As long as it is EXECUTED, nothing.


I doubt Mr. Michael Baxter was doing anything other than reporting facts as they were revealed ! I , when 1st seeing a picture of Lori & husband , immediately thought that a same sex contract had been initiated & was wondering which sex was the common denominator since they both looked quite odd. I also knew that they had to be Chosen for their positions rather than earning them . Useful idiots easily manipulated by giving them short term wealth & small fame. Can anybody really believe they’ll be remembered in 10 years much less 10 minutes from now ? Cheers ring out in Chicago bars now & by the time St. Patricks Day celebration is over ,no one will remember Lori whatshisname ……….. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Fact is….just about ANY NIGGER running for public office in Chicago will get voted into office. Pretty much the same thing applies for Michigan…especially in Wayne County (Detroit). Cook County (Chicago) and Wayne County (Detroit) are 95% BLACK….and they control both states. Niggers all stick together even better than the JEWS. That’s how the “Head Nigger” Barack Obama got voted into office….because the stupid Niggers all considered him to be Black….even though his 15 year old momma was WHITE. NIGGERS ARE SO STUPID….and the courts…state and Federal government are scared to death of Blacks– because they riot…and burn down buildings. That’s why the judges
and the government will give them anything they want. NIGGERS ARE ALL ANIMALS. So much for Lori Lightfoot. I just hope Michael’s story is true.


I find your words to be offensive. We all hate Obombya, but the rest of your words are really really ignorant and awful.


hes right actually. so its ok for them to insult us. but we cant back? thats called being soft.

Dave Kelly

NO not this time, MANY BLACK leaders and former public officials has already declared support for Paul Vallas. The black guy running in this election, Johnson is a marxist communist woke S.O B. he has appeal with the jews, many Blacks maybe some Hispanics , woke white liberals , collegiate cucks, snowflakes , etc. The biggest hurdle with be the zionist satanist jew MONEY which buys the rigging , rip -offs , and FRAUD But Paul Vallas is no fool and he understands exactly how Chicago operates, I believe he knows where the corruption, graft etc. starts and ends. He is Greek and they are PLAYERS in Chicago , make no doubt about it , restaurants , gyros joints , Food Service industry and vendors , gambling
, real estate, you name it, they have someone in it, Greeks are pretty Cool. So Paul Vallas has a very GOOD SHOT at WINNING, just hope he does not loose his way if he wins the Mayor slot


Have read a lot about him & you are correct. “HOPE” they can “CHANGE.”


Blacks do stick together & they were none too happy about all the “HOPE & CHANGE” Obama promised them as they got very little free stuff. Except for the free phones. White hatred has been at an all time high in Cook Co & Wayne Co due to all the “whitey hates us” spiels by Barry.& his marxist friends. Blacks of a feather stick together. They destroyed Flint, Michigan. Its a ghost town now.

Dave Kelly

You are CORRECT everyone who got vaccinated and boosted will be DEAD long before 10 years has lapsed, ALL dirt-napped, This is the heinous reality. NO ONE LEFT TO REMEMBER.


I’m not certain, but I susupect you were part of naval personel aboard the USS Barbour County during the Vietnam War, thank you for your service, God Bless.


We can’t get just one other source to write on any if these articles here????
Not even Tucker Carlson????


Journalism 101: Never reveal the source:
Journalism 201: See 101.

Big Johnson

Journalism 301: Never bang your cousin

Dave Kelly

NO , I am quite sure there are numerous journalists that have fucked their cousins and siblings and their progenitors as well. KEEP IT IN THE FAM.


Whats up with this constant “bang your cousin” thing???
Do you have a fixation with banging cousins???
I mean, I know it’s meant to come across as funny, but still.


Sounds like a fixation to me.

mia moriarty

it is actually funny

mia moriarty



In my estimation there is no way that Michael would share his sources with a fly by night like Tucker ! He cannot have his reputation slide to basement drawer status ………. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


You will find these same Military Intel articles posted on Telegram too!

Michael R Davis

It would have to be approved by the Commander-in-Chief and Military Command. Not bloody likely at this point in time. Some of us amateur sleuths have been pointing patriots to these articles and have been thanked. Many are finding these articles on their own. Right now, Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing.


NOPE. Tucker has 3 kids in college….and he needs to keep his job.


Three? Thought it was only two.

David Boettcher

Pretty sure his kids got scholarships and if not he could pay cash!

Dave Kelly

Maybe he has progeny with other journalists, not necessarily his cousins or relations.

Dave Kelly

Are you sure they’re his kids?

Dave Kelly

That would be the KISS of DEATH, you might as well have Murdoch buy RRN, if he does not already own RRN.

mia moriarty

so you think tucker is a good guy He is CIA /does what he’s told

David Treciak

There are other news sites that report these stories, but most of them copy and paste without giving credit to RRN. Other sites run a list of who has been arrested and the outcome. If you use Yandex you’ll find more truthful stories that Google suppresses.


Oooo Eee Oooo AuAu
Walla Walla binG Bang,,,

Ha Ha.

Bob James

If a person has XY chromosomes, biologically they’re a male. Period.

Lucky Star

Tell that to lgqbt maniac


So Lori’s XY Chromosomes would have been noticed by you more than a dangling participle ? ? Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

David Boettcher
