General Berger Tells Trump Don’t Go to New York


United States Marine Corps General David H. Berger has joined the ranks of military brass urging President Donald J. Trump to remain in Florida instead of traveling to a hostile New York, where the criminal district attorney and thousands of police and federal agents eagerly await his surrender.

Trump yesterday announced his itinerary for the next few days; he will fly to New York aboard Trump Force One Monday afternoon, then stay at Trump Tower until his arraignment on Tuesday. He said he would return to Mar-a-Lago and deliver a speech Tuesday evening, assuming Bragg and the Deep State don’t try to disappear him or deny him bail. A defiant Trump said he would plead not guilty and face his accusers in a court of law.

Gen. Berger, who has been silent since his ordeal at the hands of CIA kidnappers, spoke briefly with Trump Sunday night, saying he empathized with the President but didn’t understand why an innocent man would blindly step into a minefield. He parroted Gen. Smith’s concern over Trump stumbling into a trap, a potential ambush laid by Bragg and enforced by the 9,600 cops and 2,200 federal goons who have already descended on lower Manhattan.

“I know civilians in your circle are encouraging you to turn yourself in, Mr. President, but it’s a tactical error, in my professional opinion. Even if nothing happens, is it worth the risk? You are innocent. There’s no good reason to put yourself in peril,” Gen. Berger reportedly told Trump.

He seemed genuinely concerned for the President’s safety, saying several times that the Deep State cannot under any circumstances be trusted, especially since it has spent years maligning and demonizing a man who has sacrificed his privacy and personal freedom to restore prosperity to the Republic. In an emotional soliloquy, Gen. Berger called Trump a valorous hero whose patriotic deeds rivaled those of the Founding Fathers.

“We need a living President Trump, not a martyr,” Gen. Berger told Trump.

Trump, sounding dauntless and confident, said, “Let me tell you, this witch hunt has nothing on me. I’m going to New York. No harm will come to me, General. We’ve accomplished a lot, and there is a plan.”

Gen. Berger responded with the adage about the “best-laid plans of mice and men,” meaning even the most carefully crafted plans can go awry. “You have an indominable spirit, Mr. President, but I—we cannot afford to lose you. The Deep State’s destructiveness knows no boundaries,” he said.

Nonetheless, Trump dismissed the General’s inauspicious tidings, insisting he would prevail against the Deep State’s immutable evil.

“We’ve crossed the Rubicon, Mr. President. The damage we’ve caused the Deep State is irreparable, and they want revenge. I wish you luck, and I pray we speak again soon,” Gen. Berger said, closing the call.

By the time this is published, Trump may be on his way to New York. We should all pray for his safety.

As an aside, I am aware of comments saying the real President Trump is laying low at NORAD and that a body double will go to New York. I am open-minded to this possibility, since we live in a world of clones, holograms, CGI, and transformative AI. However, I felt compelled to print this story since I heard part of the call. If the Trump at Mar-a-Lago is a doppelganger that walks, talks, and acts like the real President Trump, all the better, as he must remain protected at all costs.

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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Robert James

Will the organized patriot who kept tract of all the executions listed on please post the list again? I promise not to lose it again.

Robert James

All respect to your good intentions, General Berger, the legal precedent Trump will set with his appearance in court will mean that “Biden” and the other top traitors will be arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced, and HUNG!! And, it can’t be too soon!!


General Berger are you doing well? Thank God we found you. General smith is doing a great job how ever we miss you as well. I hope you have great physical therapy person as well. Mine got me back and walking when I broke my kneecap.

Last edited 1 year ago by Katie

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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

It’s good to see General Berger’s eye healing. I hope the rest of his body is also healing well.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Mr. President..You are our hero and our big hope. We cannot trust these other traitors we have found we have among us. I have heard they have someone in your inner circle and this is Good Friday weekend. They want to hang you with the false God analogy because we all know that is what Obama was and I am sure he wants to hang it on you. Remember how they had school children singing praises to him and how they were always drawing haloes on him. Please listen to General Burger.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Rene Labre

Well thank goodness for our answered prayers. the president is okay,all of the protesters are ok. He was much loved in NYC. If he,or his double for that matter did not show up that would have been a bench warrant. Th at would been been a huge meal for the media and all the clucking hens on “The View.”that would have officially made him a fugitive. He handled it with impeccable class.And he looked clearly pissed.And yet again they fell into the trap. The best bet is for the Judge and DA to resign,for the case to be dismissed. He showed us he is our leader for sure. Yet again. showed General Smith his balls are made of brass,just like his. The patriots are not sheeple,they have remained restrained.

Big Johnson

He was much loved in NYC


Pat Nelson

I like my clucking hens, they are part of my flock. They are good girls that lay eggs for me.
“The View” are hate-spewing-devil’s-minions.


Possible arrest of Bragg the DA:


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Debra Rudolph

Berger is a Fearmonger now. Can you imagine if Trump hadn’t gone? Who are you working for , Berger?

Big Johnson

Hamburgler is working for other Fearmongers


No one is a fearmonger. The fear was justified and it could have gone sideways fast. Plus, we have no idea how things went out in the crowds. No footage there.


You got that right. We do not want to lose another President. 3 were assassinated in Tanzania, Burundi and Haiti, Japan’s Prime Minister was assassinated, and Argentina’s President was nearly killed herself.

Michael R Davis

No he is not. That is ridiculous.
Both Generals Smith and Berger were following a script.
Trump needed this precedent so we can begin holding public trials and executions of traitors, genocidal mass murderers, child predators. If they can frame a former President, then anybody can be arrested and prosecuted by the courts. The COG (Continuation of Government) JAG courts can now do publicly open courts with the people seeing the results. Trump did not want to appear too eager to go to court, or Alvin Bragg might have backed out. Thus we had the Generals and many others warning him not to go. Mission accomplished.

Pat Nelson

His CIC.

Pray Hard

“You gotta pass to the bill to see what’s in it.” “You gotta come to NYC to see the charges.” Trump forced them to make it a spectacle and according to every lawyer last night – it’s a nothing burger. All the dems are disappointed that it’s the same old stuff, nothing new! Trump respected the rule of law , went to NY Court to hear his charges, showing that he does not feel he’s above the law. Most others in his position would have Zoomed in or not shown up at all. By Trump going to NY it showed how desperate the Dems are. Prayers answered that yesterday turned out well for America.

Jim Panner

A plan to get Trumps DNA? Nothing is ever what it seems, I think the whole plan was for a totally different reason which as usual, no one got.

CONservative DEMocrat

He also proved he as nothing to fear…..his conscious is clear.


thedcpatriot. com /secret-twitter-account-allegedly-belonging-to-aoc-wishes-death-upon-matt-walsh-account-deleted-after-exposed/

twitter .com /realnikohouse /status/1642525392165535744?s=20

Big Johnson

lmao when boomers don’t know how twitter works they come up with this shit

Chris G.

For Michael Baxter: I’d like to know if any ‘Black Hat’ military have crossed over to the ‘White Hat’ side? …in significant numbers??

Big Johnson

Yes. 69 crossed over


Wouldn’t that man them trans?

Big Johnson

No. It means 69 crossed over to the other side


rumble. com /v2g5sqs -live-45th-president-of-the-united-states-donald-j.-trump-delivers-remarks-a.html


manhattanda. org/ wp -content/uploads/2023/04/Donald-J.-Trump-Indictment.pdf

manhattanda. org/ wp -content/uploads/2023/04/Donald-J.-Trump-SOF.pdf


Trump went to NY and is back home safely. So either General Berger and General Smith are not part of the plan or RNN is all BS!


Your analytical skills are insufficient for drawing conclusions in this case. The safety of President Trump is of paramount importance to the Generals who are wise to the ways of the Deep State. Trump took their advice into consideration, he values their perspective. His legal team prepared him for facing his accusers in person. He has no fear of the courtroom given that he has not done anything wrong. He knows to watch for DS games that put his life at risk. Reporting on these matters, regardless of what Trump chose to do today, does not negate our Generals nor does it alter the professional method of reporting on this topic. Quit complaining…

Pat Nelson

Very well said, Lynn.

Freedom Lover

** Bragg is a braggart, seeking to move up in politics.

** These are ‘trumped-up’ false allegations, at worst minor infractions,
being erroneously called felonies.

** The charges aren’t even properly listed, nor are laws cited.

** Trump was Tuesday just awarded nearly another $122,000
from Stormy Daniels for legal fees for her fake case,
on top of a previous $300,000
awarded to Trump.

** Paying off a sheister to go away
was done by Stormy’s sheister lawyer, Cohen,
who spent 14 years in prison.

** The whole thing was a set~up ~for money~
& to try to make Trump look bad politically,
& to attempt to keep Cohen out of jail.

Big Johnson

LOCK HIM UP!!!! lmao


These desperate idiots are extending the 5 year statute of limitations on felony business charges by saying Covid regs under Andrew Coumo authorized it. Their hubris knows no bounds.


Why isnt ANYBODY talking about charges against Biden? His stealing documents was put out there to the public! Just one of many criminal things he and his “pals” did. But lets do a 24-7 talk on Trumps obvious bs bogus charge!

Big Johnson

What charges against Biden or Pence for “stealing documents”?


Biden has highly classified documents strewn in his garage! They’re not even in a file cabinet. That is hardly under ‘lock and key.’ In addition, Biden was not (and still is not) a president when it was done so he did it ILLEGALLY and is a security threat. Only a president can declassify documents. Biden is on the take with the communist Chinese for $31 million. He is a traitor to our country, a marxist, and he takes orders from communist China.


Off to Gitmo you go, Joe! And the same goes for Jill and Judge Emmett Sullivan for trafficking her family members and other people’s family members to him for sex!

Big Johnson

LOCK HIM Up!!! lolololol

Big Johnson

I’ll ask again: What charges against Biden or Pence for “stealing documents”?

No charges against them.


John .S

Today [this evening] starts Passover, perfect time for kosher-nostra arrests, i.e., Chuck Schumer, Jamie Raskin & Bernie Sanders as perfect trifecta. Win-Place-Show.

Hard to handicap the Axlerod – Beetlejuice daily double in facing gallows.

Have Beetlejuice to win, Axlerod to place and who knows, Rahm Emmanuel possible late entry. Could call that the Chicago Trifecta.

John .S

Matters of Trump.

What was the Injury that Trump allegedly inflicted?

Who experienced an “Injury in Fact” with causal connection arising from Trump’s alleged actions?

See, Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992) Id., 560-561 Pp. 5-6, referencing three essential elements of Injury in Fact (1) Injury inflicted upon plaintiff, (2) Causal connection between injury and defendant’s conduct, (3) That injury is likely to be redressed by favorable judicial decision.

Sherar v. Cullen, 486, F. 945, “for a crime to exist there must be an injured party…, without an injured party a complaint is invalid on its face”.

Prosecution and lawyers cannot testify. Who is the Competent Witness that will take the stand and testify against Trump? Supra, Trinsey v.

Trinsey v. Pagliaro, D.C. Pa. 1964, 299 F. Supp. 647 court holding: “Statements of counsel in brief or argument are not sufficient for summary judgement”.

United States v. Bishop, 412 U.S. 346 Court has held “[t]he meaning of the word ‘willfully’ connoting voluntary, intentional violation of a known legal duty. The word ‘willfully’ having two classifications, (1) as misdemeanor having less scienter based upon caprice or careless disregard, (2) as felony requiring evil purpose” Id., at 351.

Jones v. Coonce, 7 F.3d 1389 (8th Cir. 1993), and Bentitez v. Wolff, 985 F2d. 662 (2nd Cir. 1993) Qualified Immunity defense fails if public officers trespass clearly established rights because reasonable competent officials should know the law governing their conduct.

Herein myself not practicing law, no practice needed.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

Chances are very good a real lawyer has already considered these cases and many others

John .S

FYI: a lawyers first responsibility is to the court. Google: Corpus Juris Secundum, Volume 7, Rule 4.


That has nothing to do with my comment on your amateur pettifogging


Remember, all their Courts are illegal in a Constitutional Country.

John .S

Three part question inadvertently not posted.

Prosecutor as “public officers” did he proceed
(1) capriciously with careless disregard?
(2) in malice having evil purpose?
(3) none of the above?

Billy Bob

God of the Earth Henry Kissinger might have told the people not to touch him, let him be. On the subject of doppelgangers – he practically didn’t talk none, did he? Thats a giveaway (“Vantage Point” material) – about the same when he contracted “covid” and headed to the hospital (aka Raven Rock with nuclear controls).


Hindsight only goes with Foresight, when it check’s back.
The Buddy Principle.

Blessing’s be of Diligence ~

Dave Kelly

Well something is going on here at RRN, because the first posts showing up, were posted well over 12 hours ago, more like 24 hours ago but they are showing as being posted very recently within 5 minutes to within an hour ago, so what gives, RRN?

Big Johnson

You don’t understand browser caching. It’s tough for boomers, I get it.


You are so lucky to be soo smart!

Big Johnson

I know!

Michael R Davis

Geeze, just use the refresh. Problem solved.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

why do all my comments get deleted!???

Dave Strickland

Perhaps they delete eveything you say, except when you say “why do all my comments get deleted!???”


Why arent the idiots on here getting deleted?




Try swinging a Cat here.
Welcome to the club.
][ guess we’re the elite deleteist’s.


It’s annoying having to repeat this but I will.You can’t expect to engage these demon controlled minions(Marxist Statist dems and Rino’s)in protracted gradual generational warfare as they’ve already ideologically subverted every generation for about the last sixty years in becoming self replicating with no further need of outside recruitment.Their revolutionaries are still very much in control of every medium of USA authority in their earthly hatched spider web except prayer to which they have no access.Astoundingly the levers of power were willingly handed over to them even after it was known they’d stolen the elections.The Dominion Election Systems are still leavened throughout our nation which guarantee Marxist Statist dem/rino victory no matter who or what they run through internet vote switching, Obama’s network Mule system is ever ready to create, disappear and stuff ballots anywhere and everywhere,their Antifa and BLM criminal thugs and shock troops need only trigger reporting applications from their Noviste media to be mustered into actions of murder,burning,looting.Trump’s ostensibly running for re election after he already won.It won’t matter how big his crowds are or how many votes he gets in an election the secret is the people really in control on Capitol Hill of both parties have already agreed and acted both passively and actively in determining he’d be both removed from office and never returned.Both parties are in effect colluded against our representatively elected Constitutional Republic and its citizens no matter what kind of encouraging articles of Military Tribunal,rightful evil riff-raff dispatches here and there as long as their revolutionary agenda remains progressively in motion.


There is absolutely no point in voting whatsoever. However, the illegal immigrants will take over. What to do? Paper ballots under armed guard, all the way. No tabulators of any kind.


I wonder what it will take for people to realize they aren’t even just illegal immigrants anymore…. they are Invaders at this point. Invaders. We are being invaded. Doesn’t sound good does it…


It is definitely an invasion .


I thought our military was to protect our borders ??


Hand Marked Ballots.
No SSI, No Ballot., No excuses.




“They” want it all, and We shall deliver to “them” all “they” Truly Deserve.
Every Last Second,,,

tic,,, tic,,, tic,,,

Big Johnson




1 million 0peratives in North America alone.

Babylon is fallin g.
Babylon is fall ing.

God’s Speed ~


nypost .com /2023 /04/ 04/ stormy-daniels-ordered-to-pay-trump-122k-in-legal-fees-hours-after-arraignment/

Dave Strickland

When did Spawny get changed to Stormy?


all that paranoia for nothing! TRUST THE PLAN!


i agree !


What is the plan. The mid terms were also interfered with. That was two years After the white hats took control!! So what is to stop the next presidential election being won by Biden?

Mark David

Was this “indictment” a foot in the door for discovery about the enemies of this country? I certainly hope so. Now there is a clear path to the government being forced to release everything, as part of the Trump Team’s discovery against the Deep State’s prosecution.

Will Caulfield

Lol. Sure, buddy. Sure.


hey will, why don’t you go fuck off? go to one of your liberal sites, oh, i forgot, THEY DON’T ALLOW COMMENTING !

Will Caulfield


Big Johnson

Ooooooooh, get ’em Dan! lmao

Mark David

I want the White Hats to kill every traitor they find and identify. Video tape the killings so the public can watch. I am fed up with the political games and antics Fight fire with fire so we can watch them burn.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David
Will Caulfield

I want a big house in the country, and my own island, and a gazillion dollars, and a hovercar!


you can’t have that if you never leave your mommies basement.

Will Caulfield


Big Johnson

Fine. I’ll leave your mom’s bed


Very Lame.

Big Johnson

Did you mom want seconds?


Like what they do in North Korea, right?


thats what these bastards would do to us if they could !

Big Johnson

Hell yes I do!


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making nb money online more than $20k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Dude please tell us how you are earning your $9 an hour. I am desperate for a new job.


Online, Google paid $45 per hour. Nine months have passed since my close relative last had a job, but in the previous month she earned $10500 by working 8 hours a day from home. Now is the time for everyone to try this job by using this website…

Click the link—↠

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Apparently our awesome President has returned home to Mar-a-Lago!! There were many prayers going up for him over the past 2 days. I know that I am thankful those deep state demons were not allowed to touch him. This DS demon prosecutor….Bragg….is the one who will come out of this with a trip to GITMO!! He is the one committing all the crimes here. I personally, do not want President Trump to put himself in that dangerous position again…he means to much to this country. However, God is in control and he took care of him today. People were angry and protesting at the courthouse too. God bless DJT and the White Hats.


They have nothing at all on him, This was their last gasp at trying to. These Demoncrats wasted millions of dollars trying to find nothing but false charges. They should be arrested .


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making nb money online more than $20k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Trumps on a flight to Florida, he’s out safe…


Unless they killed him and put a Deep State clone on that plane

Michael R Davis

His lawyers and security were with him all the time.
It was a trap, worked like a charm. Trust the plan.
His business interests were turned over to his kids long before January 20 2017.
Going to need a bigger mall for his Inauguration.

Will Caulfield

A trap? Who did he trap?

Michael R Davis

Trump trapped that fat halfwit Alvin Bragg and the idiot Democrats. They fell right into the trap. Such simpletons. Their impeachments failed, everything failed, and Trump is the most popular President in history.

He got charged with stacked misdemeanors which will go nowhere. A prosecutor cannot stack misdemeanors and magically call them felonies. The 9th Circuit Appeals Court would cancel a conviction immediately. The same 9th Circuit which just ordered Stormy to pay Trump 121,962.56 for court costs. This was a trap, and Trump was silent, unusually quiet, because he did not want the trap to fail. The Judge even asked him to speak up. The idiot Democrats fell right into the trap. The limousines, aircraft, must have been filled with laughter, cheering, all the way home.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michael R Davis
Will Caulfield

How is that a trap for Bragg? Even if his prosecution fails, so what? It would be a disappointment for him, but that’s about it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield

When the Chief Prosecutor of the Court System is caught manipulating the courts to arrive at extra-legal outcomes in order to knowingly harm citizens, then we must recognize that the system is broken-completely.

Bragg will go to jail for what he just did before a nation of law-abiding citizens…not for focusing upon Trump, but instead, due to his ‘Captain Ahab’ pursuit of an existential ‘White whale’.

Will Caulfield

If you think Bragg will go to jail for this, then you’re delusional.


I mean everyone here is delusional but that’s beside the point, really


you two are real idiots, i love watching clueless people agree with themselves.

Michael R Davis

Trump risked his life, showed up to the courtroom quietly, setting the trap. Over the weekend and Monday, he prepared the trap by publicly attacking the judge and prosecutor, condemning, demanding their arrest and prosecution, exposing their collusion and bribe-taking with George Soros. Luckily, they did not have second thoughts about their weak case. Now, Trump prosecutors, JAG prosecutors can lawfully go after any politicians they please, a precedent set.

Will Caulfield

How does showing up set the trap, or set precedent? The precedent would be there whether Trump showed up or not. And he didn’t have to go in order to publicly attack them. And according to this website, politicians have arrested and tried by the JAG in GITMO already. So where’s the trap? What exactly did Trump accomplish?

Are you sure you know what a trap is?

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield

Because something something 5D chess


Prosecutors and JAG couldn’t lawfully go after politicians who committed crimes before today? Weird, I’m pretty sure they could but whatever you say bro

Last edited 1 year ago by Cyrus
Will Caulfield

Seems like Mikey is implying that the past convictions and executions at GITMO that this website post stories about were illegal.

Uh oh….

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield
Michael R Davis

JAG prosecutions of corrupt treasonous politicians and former Presidents are not publicly known, are they? With this precedent set before the public, now JAG can start publicly prosecuting them. The totally corrupt civil judiciary can not be trusted, so therefore the citizenry will be satisfied with the military handling it. I expect to see public trials soon, and perhaps videos of past trials.

Will Caulfield

Still, not a trap. And yes, corrupt politicians have been publicly prosecuted.

What the hell are you talking about?

Also, #soon.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield

Bragg leaked the contents of the grand jury to the press. That is a FELONY. It is Bragg who is committing the crimes!

Will Caulfield

And what exactly did Trump do to set this trap? I mean, you could easily argue that this is a political prosecution and the Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot with it, but what exactly is it that you think Trump did?


Have to agree. This was no “trap” because no one was caught and nothing had changed. “Trap” tends to get overused on these pages

Raul Redero

Cuando van a juzgar a todos estos traidores a la constitución y a we the people


You are correct. They have to.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making nb money online more than $20k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
About Time

Looks like the Trumpstr was right again. Got to love that man!!


Today was a sad day for America.


election day 2020 was worse

Big Johnson

I love maga tears


Very sad. Along with J6, J20 and N3

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena
Big Johnson

Maga tears are the best!

Michael R Davis

Alvin Bragg charged Trump with “false business entries”.
Pay up Stormy. US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just awarded Trump 121,962.56 in attorney fees from Stormy Daniels, in addition to almost 500,000 she already owes him. Yes, she admitted publicly twice that there was no affair with Trump, which the 9th Circuit knows very well.

All of his business interests were turned over to his kids long before the January 20 2017 inauguration. So Donald Jr made some typos?
Our Commander-in-Chief wins another battle.

American Living in Canada

Fake news up here is trying to stir up sh!t.. it ain’t work’in.

Michael R Davis

Bragg took 11 questionable misdemeanors, added 3 legal counts on each, and stacked them to 33 misdemeanors. Then with some legal hocus pocus, he added a questionable 34th misdemeanor, hyped them to 34 felonies. Since they are tied to two lying women, McDougal with her original anonymous names, and Stormy, the misdemeanors have no legal standing. Stormy admitted twice publicly that there was no affair with Trump, but the corrupt Soros prosecutors and judges convinced her to lie some more with no purjury charges, which is why the 9th Circuit Appeals Court ordered her to pay Trump’s court costs, already owing him almost 500,000 for other court ordered court costs.

American Living in Canada

When I said it ain’t work’in.. it’s the fake news BS that’s not grabbing traction and working.

President Trump let them throw their punches. Rope a dope.


Also this case also throws the doors wide open to indicting any other president of the former USA Inc. Grand Jury in Fla. is now going after the biden crime family with evidence of child trafficking etc. God will provide a way for me to be able to afford more jiffy PoP


Lol he just got charged with felonies dude

Michael R Davis

Bullshit dude. He got charged with stacked misdemeanors which will go nowhere. This was a trap, and Trump was silent because he did not want the trap to fail. The idiot Democrats fell right into the trap. The limousines, aircraft, must have been filled with laughter, cheering, all the way home.

Will Caulfield

You’re repeating yourself, Mikey. Are you sure you’re not a bot?

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield

You’re repeating yourself, Will, are you sure you’re not a bot?

Will Caulfield

But I’m not repeating myself. Are you stupid or something?


I dunno man Trump looked pretty sad today 🙁


You could see by his countenance, his stance, his poise, his facial expression, his whole aura, that it did not go at all well in that court room today. It was scary when he came out of those doors. The look on his face said everything. He looked doomed. Then, of course, his speech was just like all the others: what he will do if he is re-elected. Nothing was said about the charges, what he thinks about them, whether they are true or not, nothing. No explanation to the American people or to the world as to what his stance is on the allegations, and even, what the allegations really are. He just spoke about 2024 like we all just have to ignore what may, or may not, be going on. Sort of like gaslighting…let’s just move on here. 2024 is coming. Hmmmm.

Pat Nelson

Trump always looks defeated before a win.


There was no trap

Stinky Perfume

I just saw the felonies also, on the msm news all wrote up. If he got it reduced to misdemeanors or the news lied IDK.


They released the indictment, the full document. It’s 34 felony charges. Mikey here is just coping, that’s all


Indictment were from 2017. After Trump became President. He was no longer running his business.


The indictment happened last week buddy

Kelly Brown

The reason Trump is being indicted is funny.


At least he got laid amirite?

Big Johnson

“actually, it wasn’t twitter, it was truth social”

lmao these attorneys are having a horrible day


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Get lost with your scam BS.

American Living in Canada



Watching on Newsmax; Trump already heading to LaGuardia airport.