Trump Stands Tall Against the Deep State


President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday brazenly defied the liberal judge who tried to violate his 1st Amendment right to free speech by, while stopping short of issuing an official gag order, cautioning the president to curb his unfiltered rhetoric. A beleaguered but resilient Trump, against the advice of military allies, ventured into hostile territory Tuesday afternoon, where he pleaded not guilty to a litany of fabricated, unfounded charges meant to undermine his official return to power in 2024.

Upon returning to Mar-a-Lago, President Trump delivered a fiery speech calling for the prosecution of criminal D.A. Alvin Bragg and alluding to financial ties between Judge Juan Merchan and the Biden-Harris campaign. He reminded patriots that the regime’s weaponized Department of Justice had infringed on his 4th Amendment right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure when FBI agents unlawfully stormed Mar-a-Lago last August. Trump seemed rejuvenated while addressing his ardent supporters; he clarified that he could not be controlled or silenced.

Although no harm came to Trump in New York, Generals Smith and Berger felt his foray into Deep State-controlled Manhattan was an unnecessary risk, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News Wednesday morning. When Smith failed to dissuade Trump, he insisted on replacing two secret service agents with undercover U.S. Special Forces just in case the situation went south.

“There are good agents genuinely concerned with the president’s safety, but the agency is part of the DHS, which is run by Deep Stater Alejandro N. Mayorkas. He’s wicked and can’t be trusted. The Special Forces accompanied Trump from the moment he left Trump Towers until he got to Mar-a-Lago last evening,” our source said.

Special Forces, he added, have orders to protect President Trump “by all means necessary” and to accompany him on all trips to and from Mar-a-Lago.

He said heightened security is vital because U.S. Army Cyber Command has been monitoring Deep State chatter calling for an end to Trump’s life, including threats against Trump’s youngest son, Barron. Most threats came from the offices of high-ranking Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Dick Durban, and Debbie Stabenow, while less credible intimidations came from whiny wannabes such as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Cori Bush, pawns seeking to elevate their status in the Deep State echelon. These querulous peons, our source said, all have a stake in Trump’s demise.

“There have been 15 attempts on Trump’s life. Several more were thwarted in planning stages. They couldn’t kill him, so they’re trying to jail him. They will fail again,” our source said.

The criminal Biden regime and the Manhattan D.A.’s office are inextricably linked, conjoined by a vitriolic hated of President Trump and his mission to purge the federal government.

“The Deep State thinks it has good reason for wanting Trump out of the picture. We’ve killed many of their people, and they want to avenge those losses. They undoubtedly blame President Trump. His safety is our number one concern, and we have good, brave people willing to sacrifice their lives to safeguard his,” our source said.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic



The signing of a US Insurrection Act, as alleged in 2019, is no small, insignificant event, even though it is clandestinely done. It has the ability to take out many traitors and swiftly, only if it is in the right hands, of the right Patriots. Trump also has God on his side.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna

I believe it also put the Military in charge and kept Trump as President although only constitutionally at the moment and currently Commander in Chief. The govt. is overseen by the Military and what is called devolution. It makes Congress , etc, completely powerless.They no longer exist as a governing body. And of course the Biden Administration is all part of the scripted movie but being removed which I believe has been completed. We have been having what I call covert martial law as the Military Alliance/White Hats have been arresting evil and in fact executing millions while rescuing maybe just as many children. The truth will shock the world but I don’t believe it will be revealed completely. Btw, I also believe we will have our flare of ascension right after the 10 days. No telling when though.


Thank you,Terry.


I don’t think God takes sides in our politics. That’s an ego out of control. I just hope DJT always remembers to call upon Him and follow His will.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I’m glad they replaced the secret service guys beforeTrump went to NY Can’t trust them.


MSM pushed for President Trump to be able to speak about the trial; otherwise, they make no money. It’s all about $$$.


So, when is Liz Cheney getting the rope treatment?


Sounds like a face lift… When its the whole skull 💀…LOL
No more worries about wrinkles,age spots and skin tags.
Will save money on hair and makeup !
I heard that body-bags are in short supply and bags of ice are going to be soon 🔜.


Good one! That nasty witch. LOL


Naw, they’re not – it takes time to check them out before they’re posted for everybody to see. Theres a few Trolls here that are liars & idiots.


Exactly. Trolls need supervision,. And censored when they step out of line 😞


And I am quite sure Michael KNOWS which trolls & shills need to go. So little time, so many trolls!


Except for Delavic


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Basically, the US Military is willing to sacrifice their own lives in order to save President Trump. This reveals that President Trump did indeed sign an Insurrection Act in 2019, as alleged, before he left the District of Criminals. We are firmly under military control.


He did sign that bill one October…… So I think it be impossible he didn’t enact it…. That’d be pretty dumb if him and he is no dummy


Then, why are we losing ground?


Tom Heneghan explosive Intel site says gore is pres. Just saying 🤔

Big Johnson



You are a troll , with a tiny weenie..🤷


That’s not correct,
Tiny weenie says stupid stuff like that!


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Homosexuality is a sickness of the mind. In the 1950s there were clinics designed to treat these disorders but they no longer exist. Before homosexuality was decriminalized, we didn’t have Gay Pride parades or Tranny Storytime at the local libraries, Desmond is Amazing, or twerking stripdances for kids. Even homosexuals back then didn’t do this in front of the kids, they knew it was wrong.
Today clinical therapists and clerics in California and New Jersey (at last check) are forbidden to offer counseling to gays and gay-attracted people seeking to come out of homosexuality under threat of penalization. IOW, they have to stay gay or transsexual and they cannot change, no matter how much they want to. What they are really saying is that gays or gay-attracted persons are not allowed to change back to being straight. That’s like saying when you’re sick or injured, you get denied medical care. That’s like saying you have to stay sick or hurt, and not get help, even if it’s life-threatening. And with enforced jab mandates around the world today, starting with kids as young as 6 months old, getting denied necessary and critical life-saving care because we refuse the mRNA shot that is killing us and sterilizing us and maiming us, has become a reality.
That’s sick.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

That’s pretty much the world we live in today !
Upside-down, twisted backwards…ect
It’s mixed up
Not anything that’s makes sense


Good grief, what kind of a delusion are you living in? You cannot counsel people from one sexual orientation to another. I’m sorry, but it just does not work like that. We are either heterosexual or homosexual. And no more than someone who is heterosexual choose to be heterosexual does someone who is homosexual choose to be homosexual. We are who we are. No one ever arrived at a fork in the road, forced to make a decision about the sexual orientation. We can certainly discuss what choices people make and how they choose to live their lives but who we all are in terms of sexual orientation – that’s not up for debate. You simply cannot medically change one’s sexual orientation. It just does not work like that.

And on that note, last I checked, God did not condemn being gay. He certainly condemned the ACT of homosexuality – in other words, sex between two people of the same sex – but not for the reason of being gay.

That is all.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making nb money online more than $20k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
star fleet

“…and we have good, brave people willing to sacrifice their lives to safeguard his.” If that doesn’t pull on your heart strings to love America and our brave men in uniform, then nothing will.







Because you have been identified as a wonderful person.🤔 ?
Did you get the memo?


I’m just anticipating the EBS/ NESARA/ GESARA

Will Caulfield



Hope you extraordinary patience and unlimited time


In less than a week,. That’s not long !


You don’t sound sincere…

Surf Nazare

ask what happened to Trump in the tombs—he made an off hand remark about that and Trump doesn’t drop little gems for nothing—a plan even in his off hand remarks–did something happen to him ??????


He didn’t go to the jail. Only the courthouse


Only Trumped up felony 34 count…

Anonymous One

President Trump has God’s hand on him…. But we must all pray for his safety because even the less credible whiny wannabes such as Alexandria Occasional Cortex are still a danger. God Bless President Trump and God Bless America!!!!


You got that, after that threatening Tweet to Matt, what else can this Congressmember be capable of? A Parliamentarian does not do that as a servant of the people.


President Trump is protected by God’ Jehovah, and all weapon fashioned against him shall be detroyed, every tougue that lie against Trump shall be condenmed forever, Amen.

Unrelated, I started a project to help save our children, inspire confidence and positivity to children and adults. My first “Be Best Princess Coloring Book” with positive affirmations is live on Amazon, in 16+ countries. Kindly support my project by buying copies and give to girls in your life. Since links are not allowed on this comment session, you can find it on Amazon by searching book name and Author.

Name: Be Best Princess Coloring Book
Author: InspireCafe Collections.

Thanks MB for allowing me to post this.




Best Princess Coloring Book?



mia moriarty



If you don’t do any research, . you will always ask questions ,.. like that. Jehovah= God.


Yes, I finally looked it up and it is not the devil, as I thought. I guess the Jehovah’s Witness people ruined it for me. lol.



Mark David

Get off this page, you jerk.


Google pays $300 on a regular basis. My latest salary check was $8600 for working 10 hours a week on the internet. My younger sibling has been averaging $19k for the last few months, and he constantly works approximately 24 hours. I’m not sure how simple it was once I checked it out. 

This is my main concern……….

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making nb money online more than $20k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
larry smith

What is the situation with the IRS and whether to file year 2022 personal 1040 income tax returns?

Ann Ononomous

While we’ve been told more than enough times how we’ve never needed to, no one can ever seem to give a definitive one way or the other. 🤷

Mark David

I’m not filing this year. Screw the IRS. I am also waiting to get back all the money I gave the IRS after more than 50 years of working. To heck with the Deep State, and the stealing of Americans wages for more than 100 years.


File an extension, then, do it again next year.
Either way, they wont get any of your money that way.


Even the IRS admits Tax is optional.

Rene Labre

President Trump commander and chief. He would lay down his life for us.Would we for him for the sake of our republic? Yes. Most of the republicans stand dumbfounded,offering little to no support.To busy lining their pockets.That sadly is what they care about,lining their pockets.


That’s nothing new, all politicians do that, they have been doing that for years, since Rome, Greece, Babylon and earlier.


So I live in Wilmington DE and stood behind hunter today in a liquor store. Now was this a drinking clone cuz I’ve heard several times that he’s been put down.

Stinky Perfume

Did he say he was Hunter or just looking like him. Look alikes happen often. I used to think they were placed to make us think about people they look like to us.


I would know that face anywhere. How many pics have we all seen over the past two years? Plus, we’re both in the same smallish town. The eyes, the beard, the weird grin…The lady giving out free samples of something said the same thing.

Dave Kelly

If he pulled down is drawers , would you recognize hunter then, check his feet see if they are flat, If it has no nads, it’s a clone.


A doppelgänger perhaps?


Since HUNTER BIDEN has been “put down”, so to speak, at Gitmo awhile back…I guess that you are mistaken.

Dave Kelly

been put down is all hearsay.

American Living in Canada

Why didn’t strike up a conversation with him? Ya know, like Columbo did.


Because I’d rather swallow a hairball.

mia moriarty


Dave Kelly

ask hunter where someone can score some CRACK, the good shit.

mia moriarty

his dad probably gets free fentanyl for hunters’dealers

mia moriarty

did you offer to buy one of his masterpieces/ his prints are selling for $75,000 each lots of pipe money


So I made a comment about how the arrests are doing to slowly and I got downvoted. Stop with the bullshit. Leave people tf alone!


That will learn you to have an opinion 🐱
Yeah, people leave him alone !


As if anyone wouldn’t agree the arrests are going slowly. 🙄

Last edited 1 year ago by Leslie

Things are going slowly because we are not told anything of substance (besides what we learn here). If we are not told anything, we don’t know how to react. Therefore, it is left to those in the know to act…we are mushrooms in the dark and therefore rendered inactive. No information, no action to act upon the information. Our ignorance is their main tool.


Love mushroom soup! Let’s have some 🙂


You can put it on your chicken or porkchops too, lol.

Will Caulfield

Maybe you shouldn’t concern yourself with how many votes you get. Does it really matter that much to you?

Ann Ononomous

Well if it really matters to you, I agree. It sure seems like everyone who’s gonna wake up, has done so a long while ago and yet, it still drags on. On the other hand, after they execute someone and then then that person pops up again, I would think it’s either a clone or body double. I think this could go on indefinitely! 🤔

Will Caulfield

Of course. It’s a forever war.

Mark David

When you’re fighting all infiltrated governments, politicians, royals, intelligence services, banks, markets, news media,, etc., it will take time. Give them all the time they need because they ARE saving the world.

Mark David

They are being REPORTED slowly, but they could be happening 100 or 1,000 times faster than that. The Military isn’t going to give up to the minute reports to the public, because the public also includes the Enemy.

Angela James

Derek Johnson (Rattletrap1776 on Telegram) shows the pattern of flights from Florida to Gitmo. There are many…..daily in fact. With 200,000 sealed indictments by Trump, we are only hearing about a fraction of the tribunals and executions.


100% agree with you.
Besides, as soon as an evil person is erased, a clone hits the ground running..


They sure do.




Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making nb money online more than $20k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Google pays $300 on a regular basis. My latest salary check was $8600 for working 10 hours a week on the internet. My younger sibling has been averaging $19k for the last few months, and he constantly works approximately 24 hours. I’m not sure how simple it was once I checked it out. 

This is my main concern……….

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

With this being the headline here for three straight days, things are moving too damn slowly !


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making nb money online more than $20k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Peter Lewis

What kind of game are Trump and the White Hats playing? It looks to me like a guerrilla campaign similar to the TV series Swamp Fox. My opinion is that there are two main targets. Secure our election systems by any means necessary. Use the military, if we have to, to safeguard our ballots and those people trusted to count them. Expose all the members of the Deep State to the American People. Give us their names and faces. Remember, when the next presidential election gets stolen, we will all see how powerful the Deep State has become. Then it will all have been for nothing. The only course of action for the American People will be revolution.

Big Johnson

They’re playing hungry hungry hippo


There are many other options.
ITS NOT the ONLY course of action.
Watch and take notes
GOOD shall Prevail !

Big Johnson





👍. You tell him ReJe !


Lose,. Thats what I said…ARE you the Spell Police ?


Hard to understand why people feel compelled to correct others when it’s obvious what you meant!

Will Caulfield

Hard to respect the opinion of someone who has trouble spelling basic words.


Thank You


The mid terms and a couple of presidential elections have been tampered with. White hats have been in charge for 2years but were unable to stop it. So how will trump win an election and if the courts are corrupt then he may not even be able to run.


The military needs to put their money where their mouth is and guard the elections. If they don’t, they are working for the DS, pure and simple.


Yepper!! Totally!!!


We need to trash those dang Dominion voting machines.


Paper ballots, into a cardboard box, hand counted and under armed guard!

mia moriarty

France hand counts ,why do you suppose we never have


Google pays $300 on a regular basis. My latest salary check was $8600 for working 10 hours a week on the internet. My younger sibling has been averaging $19k for the last few months, and he constantly works approximately 24 hours. I’m not sure how simple it was once I checked it out. 
This is my main concern……….

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

“Bragg’s indictment may violate Trump’s 6th Amendment rights: legal analysts“

Bragg is a fraud, corrupt as can be.

Compare Trumps innocence and biden’s guilt.

Trump did not commit a crime like bragg says he did while and the biden crooked family committed serious crimes yet the DOJ and FBI have not done anything to arrest and convict the biden crime family.

What is the Supreme Court going to do about this injustice done on Trump and the justice not yet done on the biden crime family?

Big Johnson

SCOTUS is going to go on vacation with Clarence Thomas’ donor paying the way




Nothing wrong with spending time with a friend.
It’s none of our business
The MSM just wanted to stir the shit.
Happened ALL the time with DEMOCRAT HYPOCRITES !
Again , partision politics, and conjecture aiming to division and argument


Hearsay,. …
Besides it is none of our business.
Clarance Thomas’s a good guy.
Let people go on vacation with friends 😁


And give him a break from all the everyday demonicrats.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making nb money online more than $20k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic


Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Nice try, we know this was a body double.

Big Johnson

Yep. Clocking in at 270lbs, it can’t be him. We know the WH Dr said he was 239!


Are you sure, ? How do we know that you are
not just making this up ?
Like anyone cares anyway….


BJ’s a Liar.


Exactly,. BJ’s a liar !

Sandy Thomas

Michael, did you mean “less credible intimidations”, or ‘intimations’ (of assassination) by cortez/bush?

Big Johnson

Don’t question Mike!


Silence,. Whippersnapper !..
I mean tiny weenie..🤔


Get real.


Trump is not just a threat to liberal judges but to the entire BAR Association … the British Accreditation Registry. Why is there a BAR Association in the United States. Why is there still a BAR Association in India? Why is there a BAR Association in Australia? Why is there a BAR Association in Brazil?
Is the British Empire secretly the One World Government?

Sandy Thomas

😶 Getting Warm


What is the BAR association?


Sorry I was having a brain fart. Of course I know what that is. 🤣


Even if you didn’t, you could always google it.


Oh ye of little knowledge. There is no British Accreditation Registry in the United States. Just because some Internet hoople says it doesn’t make it true

Dave Kelly

because Alcohol is served pretty much EVERYWHERE, this explains Bar associations.

mia moriarty

the pilgrims society

Michael R Davis

Yesterday, Derek Johnson explained the recent Commander-in-Chief actions very well.

(remove two spaces)
https ://rumble .com/v2ge3l2-derek-johnson-breaks-down-cic-trumps-maralago-speech-on-april-4-2023.html


Almost 2 hour video lol

Big Johnson

while watching that video, be sure to visit imgur dot com lol


A two hour Rumble video? Sorry, I have a life and things to do other than stare like a retard at a screen


Especially if it’s DJ doing the vid. What a long winded bore.

Dave Kelly

DJT is an Egotistical WIND-BAG with a side of BLOW-HARD, but he really digs himself


Off with you, then! Bi-eee


Don’t Lie, ….if you had a life, you would NOT be wasting our time making STUPID comments on this site everyday…retard

John .S

Awaiting to read the arrest of Chuck Schumer.

In satire: Chuck was followed by Marines leaving home, visiting brothel, then followed to Mikveh. Upon exiting was apprehended.

Marines said: quickest brothel visit they ever seen.

Dave Kelly

Schumer will be taken to Israel and given sanctuary by ORDER of TRUMP, count on it. Trump do for the jew, but not you.

mia moriarty

yup he’d fit right in ,in israel

mia moriarty

chucky is more of a chicago bath house
rahm /hammered paul type of a guy, when Iris is not looking

Michael R Davis

Ha ha, talk about walking into a wall blindfolded.
Bragg, you fat assed halfwit, did you check the signature on the check?
Was there a ‘Jr’?
Just toss a bare hook into the swamp, and a million Democrats will grab it.

Our Commander-in-Chief is well-liked by New York police officers, fire fighters, and first responders, part of the reason he so daringly enter the lion’s den. Also, Trump personal security counter-snipers and Special Forces arrived early and coordinated with New York police officials in setting up key posts on and inside the buildings, plus the Special Forces security sent by General Smith.

Immediately after the devestation of 911, New Yorker Donald J Trump was on scene with his own work crews assisting the first responders, and through his career has quietly helped dozens of their families after a hero was lost or seriously injured, and that personal caring does not get forgotten.


Absolutely. All of that happened. BTW, Trump never went to Ground Zero and never sent workers to help. FDNY confirms that. HIs story changes every time he tells it. Those of us who were there know it too.


How many showers have you taken with your 12 year old daughter you sick bastard…. Any supporter of a known pedophile is also a fucking pedophile…I hope you hang


Not everybody who votes for paedophile is a paedophile himself, but all of them who do vote for Incest Joe having a love of the worst immorality if they think having sex with children is not a deal breaker for them. People look at me oddly when they find out I didn’t vote for Hillary and supported Trump, they think I’m crazy. Crazy to support a fighter for the kids and lock up the sex offenders? Yeah, call me crazy deplorable.

Big Johnson

Yeah, call me crazy deplorable rapist. FTFY


Okay, Little dick, I mean Crazy Deplorable Rapist. There, I fixed it.


Sodie, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Insults are only effective if the insultee holds in insulter in high esteem or respect. Neither of those conditions apply to you, so your pointless shrieking about a daughter that I do not have just makes you look foolish. I will never hang for any reason. If it makes you fell better to write that, go ahead. But it means nothing to me.

Will Caulfield

It may make her look foolish, but I’ll bet pointless shrieking makes Sodie feel better.

And isn’t that what’s really important?

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield
Big Johnson

It’s really Mike, but yeah it’s still funny

Dave Kelly

It’s much Deeper than that. Sodie has serious problems.

Dave Kelly

He did not say who he supported? So how do you come up with this BULLSHIT, Sodie? Are your projecting onto other people the behavior and afflictions that you harbor and engage in, are YOU a PEDOPHILE Sodie ? Do you abuse young children Sodie? Were you too , abused as a child so you feel that you can do the same to other children , Sodie. Is this the degenerate CRIMINAL behavior that you practice? Are these evil acts that drive you , a ritualistic behavior of yours Sodie , Explain yourself Sodie?


Hey, KID, who sent cha?


Hey kid. What does this meaningless phrase have to do with anything? Or is your Tourette’s acting up again?

Dave Kelly

Unfortunately these TRUTHS will never convince DJT worshipers for they are deranged and mentally deficient and maligned just as those afflicted by TDS. Both sides harboring severe extremist views well beyond reality, they are mentally ill.

American Living in Canada

Looks like President Trump is showing all the “i’ s are dotted and all “t’s are crossed.

“Let it roll, baby, roll”

The Doors.

John .S

FYI: “I”s are “”jotted””” and “T”s are “”tittled””, idiom: jot your “I”s, and tittle your “T”s.

BTW: lower case “J”s are jotted.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S
American Living in Canada

Ok John .S I’ll get on that right away.

Big Johnson



If the Judge is part of the deep state and the whole court thing is corrupted by the deep state. They could still find him guilty. Then they will say it’s Trump against the rule of law which would a be a big statement and he will be barred from running in the next election. An election they will also rig as the mid terms were. So how is this going to be handled?

Michael R Davis

Not until far into 2024 as now scheduled, and more than likely Commander-in-Chief Trump will return early in 2024 to the presidential seat he won in 2020. By then, Soros owned Bragg and Judge Merchan will be long gone, swallowed up by the Justice served in the JAG courts. Yes, the COG (Continuation of Government) constitutionally served by the US Military overrules the civilian courts. There will be no 2024 election.


No election? And you know this how? Did Austin Steinbart travel to the future and tell you?


Do your research.. and stop asking foolish Questions. . the rest of us find you infantile!


Calm down you lunatic. If there are no 2024 elections, why is Trump building a campaign and staffing it, and spending millions of dollars to boot. Answer- There WILL be a 2024 election. Trump knows it, along with millions of other people who live in the real world. You may find me infantile. I find you deluded.

Will Caulfield

Your crystal ball needs some Windex.


Jag .. have you on the list !
You won an all expense paid one way permanent vacation to gitmo! Congrats 👏🎉

Will Caulfield

Sure, buddy. Quaking in my boots.

Will Caulfield

Do you really think the JAG is going to send people to GITMO for making snarky comments on the Internet? GITMO isn’t big enough for that, kitty.


No elections, just executions!!! Where did all those Demoncrats go????


Lol. Main Stream Media doesn’t even know to report that they have gone missing.
But we know what happened, and who is in the body bags and safely stored on Ice awaiting the big reveal !🤔

Will Caulfield



No one

Michael R Davis

And RINOs, just as bad as the Dems, if not worse.




There better not be, because Dominion Voting Machines have not been abolished in any way, shape or form. And the military has not said they will guard any paper votes. That is where we stand, at the present moment, in Canada and in the USA.


Oh ye of little faith and understandimg 5D chess game.
This case is just where T wants the bastards.

mia moriarty

is there even going to be a” next election”As president Trump won in 2020 /what is the point of a 2024 election?

Rene Labre

these big Generals look very weak to me


Your eyesight is even weaker!

Stinky Perfume

That makes sense since Trump just made a show their advice was not an issue. I figured they should take their own advice and not go themselves and they did. Trump must have had a future view from his base but I guess they sent a body double because Trump is I hear away working with some dead people that didn’t die somehow like Fauci according to the supersoldiers SSP Secret Space Program. I think they hung Fauci but his soul wasn’t in the body by then already moved on.

The level they are at in the knowledge is way above what most of surface earth is involved with. Everyone is tracked like from when their soul enters and leaves the body. At that level they aren’t using microchips, just frequency scanners.


Sounds crazy

Rene Labre

He went to NYC,not a fake him for real.And kicked ass handily.That was how it had to go down.If not a bench warrant would have been issued and that would make him a fugitive of justice.That would really get those stupid hens clucking on the view.He is a coward too..Well you can blow that out of your ass,He rocked into NYC first class on his private jet.New York is my town.How could New York not love him? The Brooklyn bum? One of their very own?He took it into his own hands.I cant imagine great Marine generals to be so timid.This one is for all the cards my friends,do we have a republic or don’t we? Not a democracy,a constitutional republic.

Anne Stallybrass

The Marines are not timid, they are simply thinking military. I’m sure Trump understands that.

mia moriarty

PRESIDENT TRUMP understands more than you’ll ever know ms Anne


He’s from Queens.

Above Reproach

Listen up, how about we the citizens of NYS Demand separation of State,
Let’s cut off NY city and the lower portions of NY from upstate. We the working people are sick of paying the taxes that NY City officials SUCK UP
Like milkshakes. Do you have any idea how much money that STUPID waste of time has cost the people of NY ? I’ve never seen as many complete waste of space, as the bunch of self indulgent pigs who somehow have managed to cheat their way into the positions they hold.
You can bet NOT FOR LONG.

Carol B.

I agree with every word you say, I live in GA. and I was furious at the time and money this Bragg DeepState crowd cost us……….I can’t help but believe they are hiding something that would blow heads off……..this is how they work…….and I sure pray that New York separates the bullies from the hard workers………The deep state would be mad, they suck up money and see just how much theatrical harm they can do with the money……..This needs to stop asap….


The US dollar is about dead, and this will suck a bunch of whats left out of the fake Corp. ,They are imploding themselves, And they think they will try to put a Central Bank cashless system in!?? Aint going to happen..,
But theres a gold backed system coming in to save OUR day, not theirs.


And, how many people died ‘cos the POLICE were too busy doing BS service to the KM who don’t want you to know their faux Gov. IS FAUX AND WAS A CORPORATION, NOW ENDED IN Bankruptcy a few years ago.


100% agree. California is 10X worse. We only have a greedy control freak uni-party out here, all communist Dems. No patriotic conservatives allowed in.

Above Reproach

These people going after Trump aren’t any smarter than a box of rocks !
I’m dame good at reading people. The DA is a complete joke, not going to normalize crime ! What the F——- Do you call letting criminals out of prison, with no bail ? He has lost all credibility 100% . Fact is the Democrats are eating their own. Don’t walk away from the democratic socialist party, RUN gas fast as you possibly can…


This was what Trump wanted, For people to see more of how corrupt the govt is to the sleepers, and now it has opened the way to expose all past and present presidents, and all govt officials.


Yes, President Wilson will enjoy the sodomizing prostitutes (non-human renegade angels alias Jew) in HELL for enslaving Americans by Rothschild’s Federal Reserve Board.

mia moriarty

you must NEVER say one single derogatory word about a ‘JEW” Any other cult ,it’s ok but jews ( very touchy ,when it comes to criticism and exposing the lies of the chosen by satan ) out pops the rant diatribe ,with their buzz words and mantra/the holloween cost /the khazarian myth and the fav …to play victim
Jesus was sumerian


Rocks are smarter, older have history


I have never witnessed a braver man in my life than President Trump walking so confidently into the lion’s den. Money can hire the best security in the world but only God can give the courage. I truly believe he was chosen by our living G-d of Abraham for such a time as this.


I don’t think that God involves himself in our politics, but you are correct that he is brave and that our country needs him to return to DC.


I disagree with you thinking because Father Jesus authored humankind’s “user manual,” HIS Holy Bible, and HE chose righteous men to scribe HIS words just as HE did when HE authored the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and Immigration Law, the only lawful Immigration Law. WHY? Because Father Jesus said America is HIS favored nation, hence, HIS promise to cause an exodus of aliens simultaneously leaving America because of aliens’ UNWORTHY INTENTIONS of coming to America.

DID YOU HEAR THAT WORTHLESS NON-HUMAN RENEGADE ANGELS ALIAS JEW?! You shall primal scream into your deaths for your crimes against humankind, and you know first-hand that Father Jesus is coming for YOU, not HIS “beloved humankind”!

mia moriarty

“America is his favored nation”
1 PETER 2;9
“But you are a chosen generation,a royal priesthood,a holy nation,his own special people,that you may proclaim the praises of him,who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light”


You got that right!!

Dave Kelly

They are the First Responders that folks like you have been heaping huge praise upon and worshiping since 9-11 2001, but now the tides have turned, ReJe

mia moriarty

you don’t think “GOD involves himself in our politics ” Are you stupid or just pretending


I saw that scene … it appeared the cop let the door slam on POTUS Trump because the heathen looked at POTUS to see his reaction as the door slammed on him.

I am not looking to Military to SPLAY and SLAY the evil humans and evil renegade angels alias Jew. Rather, I am looking forward to Father Jesus as HE fulfills HIS promise to Americans to cause an exodus of aliens out of America simultaneously for their “unworthy intentions” of coming to HIS favored nation, America.




I believe Almighty God anointed President Trump, too, for such a time as this. I believe he is the last Trumpet: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (I Corinthians 15:52 KJV)


They let the door slam on him. Total disrespect. But that’s cops. They are higher beings than the rest of us, don’t you know.

mia moriarty



That is why God gave him an easy blessed family life & made him a billionaire in this lifetime as well. God must like President Trump very, very much!

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna