Marines Foil Fed Plot to Explode U.S. Military Base


On Sunday, United States Marines at USMC Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina, apprehended two FBI agents who had entered the base undetected and were skulking near an ordnance building that held bombs for the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing’s AV-8B Harrier and F-35 Lightning II jets, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Cherry Point, regarded as one of the best all-weather jet bases in the world, sits on 29,000 acres of land in Havelock, North Carolina. The heart of Cherry Point is its massive four-point runway system, designed to provide multiple approach and departure advantages to all aviators who can fly there. The air station’s runways are so long that they served as an alternate emergency landing site for NASA during the years that the agency maintained a space shuttle program. The station has approximately 53,000 active duty, dependents, and civilian contractors.

Despite its size, population, and abundance of traffic, Cherry Point is a closed base, meaning a valid military I.D. is needed to enter its front and rear gates. After the Christmas Day assault on Guantanamo Bay, Gen. Smith tightened security on all domestic Marine Corps installations, instructing leadership to watch for corrupt feds and deny entry to military commanders loyal to the criminal Biden regime.

At 10:45 p.m. Sunday, an aircraft mechanic spotted two shadowy figures outside a secure ordnance depot. He called security, saying “a couple of guys in tactical gear with sidearms” were loitering around the depot’s loading doors. They did not appear to be authorized personnel.

“All weapon lockers and storage have a keypad entry. It’s not like anyone can just walk in. There are also cameras everywhere, but the intruders weren’t seen. Maybe they knew blind spots, or maybe an inattentive Marine wasn’t watching the security feed. Anyway, the maintenance worker alerted security, and they investigated,” our source said.

USMC Military Police quickly located the trespassers and ordered them to put their pistols on the ground. They complied, and the M.P.s cuffed and searched them. The prowlers refused to identify themselves and carried no wallets, no identification; they were, however, wearing belt pouches with maps of the station, digital cameras, wire cutters, and an electronic gadget the size of a remote garage door opener.

Our source said the M.P.s separated the prisoners and brought them to holding cells for interrogation.

“Garrison commander Colonel Brendan C. Berks and Gen. Smith were notified of the intrusion. They told the M.P.s to apply the necessary pressure to get a confession. We knew they were FBI as soon as we fingerprinted them but wanted to hear what they had to say,” our source said.

When told he was under arrest and would be tried as a war criminal, one fed asked the M.P. to elaborate on the charges.

“That’s not necessary for you to know. All you need to know is you’ll be found guilty and executed,” the M.P. replied. It’s unclear if he was serious—since he had no authority to make such a decision—but his tone and body language must have scared the fed shitless, for he admitted he was FBI and that his superiors had ordered him to infiltrate the air station, access the ordnance depot, and plant a “receiver” that would have remotely detonated all the GBU-12 and GBU-16 laser-guided bombs after he had egressed the station. The electronic gadget, he admitted, had a dual purpose: it ought to have opened the door to the depot and served as a trigger to blow the building and a chunk of the base to smithereens. The device, however, malfunctioned and wouldn’t open the door.

“He couldn’t or wouldn’t say why Wray wanted to commit an act of terror on a U.S. military base. He just said those were his orders. He also said he got on base by exploiting a weakness in the fence,” our source said.

The second fed, he added, has thus far refused to talk.

When asked about their fate, he said, “Well, the M.P. was right about one thing: they will be held as war criminals.”

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Wasn’t that supposed to pass congress? To give money to people who are not part of Ukraine miltary? Biden you are in trouble again! Just can’t get your hand off our money. You are a criminal and a crook.

Joseph Bale

These are not FBI agents … they are terrorists and need to hang.


Google pays $300 on a regular basis. My latest salary check was $8600 for working 10 hours a week on the internet. My younger sibling has been averaging $19k for the last few months, and he constantly works approximately 24 hours. I’m not sure how simple it was once I checked it out. 
This is my main concern……….

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Do we have boots on the ground in Ukraine. White hats?


Hang the treasonous bastards!


I’d like to see an article of Christopher Wray on RRN.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Situational awareness. Good job. Like I have been saying, sheilds up and go to red alert!

Big Johnson



Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Afshin Nejat

That’s great. It would be great to stop them from blowing up dairy farms and igniting chemical disasters, enabling a de facto invasion (prestaging for more “woke warfare” under other guises as “movements”), and stop them from injecting all our cattle and crops with biohazardous materials.


Exactly! Why aren’t they protecting these items?

Stinky Perfume

The one’s being blown up I heard were already injected cattle with mRNA for some years already. The white hats they say did it, but in the Art of War I guess we might never know. On Rumble this title Super Soldier Talk – Jenny Lee Update People say things like they have food stored underground that’s all organic for coming times of change.

Surf Nazare

The Marines you want under your command—-go to You Tube—-bring up Marines singing “Days of Elijah” Amazing !!!! This is what our country NEEDS now !!!!

Joseph Bale

Listen to that video every morning with my first cup of coffee before the day begins. Urah!

Alex Murray

I honestly cannot see any other way they we’re able to get in other than cloaking technology. They can make ANYTHING invisible this way. They’ve been doing it with air craft for years.


The only thing that came to mind was the invisible cloak from Harry Potter. 😉

Stinky Perfume

There’s beings that can hypnotize someone nearby to look the other way and they also know who is out there looking. They might have telepath beings working for them or know those skills, depends on if they’re human or not. They can look human and not be a surface dweller but came up from underground somewhere. What would they want? They don’t want their adrenochrome factory and supplies to dry up, so stuff that happens can be from the underground.

Why their device didn’t work as expected is curious. They acted like they almost blew up the whole base had their device worked.


Mike? Is that you?


Where do you get all this fictitious junk?


So both you and Trump believe we have invisible aircraft? Did we get the technology from the Romulans? Stealthy aircraft are hard to detect on radar but they are quite visible


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

So you were ordered to blow up your own military base and said to yourself…sure why not!!! Hang em high!!


M.P. threw the hook with bait and sink, the fed swallowed it all.
Let’s see if the other fed will fold any time from now.
Next in line to be processed and executed as war criminal please.


MB, it might be time to turn things up a couple of clicks and I have an idea about how to do it. You have been faithfully reporting on behalf of the White Hats for several years now. In return for your service, the WH’s should let you embed in their next mission. Go full-on Hunter S. Thompson and make yourself part of the story. Get right down there in the mud and grit with the operators. Make us feel every second of the action, feel each splash of blood, smell the burning flesh, and hear the agonized screams of the wounded. Thompson revolutionized journalism with his unique style. You could make this site bigger than TikTok. Dust off your old NY Post notebook and fedora. Buy a pack of Camels. Go gonzo, for all of us.


You have a sick interest in the agony of others. Get help.


Google pays $300 on a regular basis. My latest salary check was $8600 for working 10 hours a week on the internet. My younger sibling has been averaging $19k for the last few months, and he constantly works approximately 24 hours. I’m not sure how simple it was once I checked it out. 

This is my main concern……….

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Rolling my eye’s.
And I have an apt for rent on Cloud 9 in Tartaria – for cheap! Has a balcony overlooking the edge of the earth.

Big Johnson

your eye’s what?

mary pascucci


Big Johnson



If the country is serious about cleaning up the current communist US government which is completely out of control and full blown communist at this point, we need to get our act together and move the Convention of States forward and get more US states on board. We have only 19 states on board and all signed on ready to go, however, we need 34 states to officially hold a televised convention.


Not gonna happen


Mark Levin, is that you? And posting as a woman? Or have you gone trans too?


What States were those that signed on again, I remember about this happening.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

How can you people be so blind? This is obviously comms from Q. Get the autists on this immediately

Stinky Perfume

Figure a guess those bombs had potential to blow up the FEDS, so they came to stop that power against themselves. Once federal bldgs were blown up, if that’s the plan, people will not believe in the administration anymore. Although people still can’t generally tell if a particular military is white hat or black hat. There there’s who switches hats, then there’s just games they can play to divert attention. They acted like they had a device that would detonate all the bombs. What spaceship level gave them that? Figure none, they can just say anything. Tell two of their agents they are on a mission that isn’t meant for more than a diversion.


It is only time which exists in the 3 dimensional state of being. If you feel the collapse then get ready


3 dimensions? That’s amateur hour Steph. I can feel 5 dimensions. Sometimes 6 after I’ve had my coffee.




Invert 6.


Put – The Coffee down!

Big Johnson

OMG Mike, we need more executions!!!! I can only shake with rage so often in one week but the lack of executions is literally making me go through withdrawals!


Oh dear, tiny weenie, go ahead. And admit , you are shaking because the withdrawal is really about You “TRANSITION FOR MALE TO FEMALE “surgery.
Our sources confirm..that you have been identifing as a woman.
YOU Are weird 😉

Big Johnson

I need to inject marijuana into my ass so I stop shaking!


Its ok, BIden he’ll fix that for you.

Big Johnson

How will he fix it? I need to control this rage now!!!!!


So many corrupt traitors come from our own military & 3letter agencies. MFlynn comes from both!!! You did an article once that identified him as deepstate. Can you please write about him again as many people need clarification on this


Wray must be arrested!





Terry Gabrich (SF)

The largest runways on any base or at any airport is at Eileson AFB Alaska. Army, Navy, and Marine Corp bases were known to be open bases, and Air Force bases closed bases. However, things have changed. When I was at Eskan Village Saudi Arabia (which at that time was an Air Force base. At the beginning of the next year it went to Army, and then six months later it went to the National Guard) Terrorists attempted to blow up our front gate. Eskan Village then became a closed base. I suspect that most, if not all, Air Force bases around the world as well as in the U.S. are now closed bases.

Last edited 1 year ago by Terry Gabrich (SF)
Victor Bravo

You mean the FBI ran out of food plants to blow up?


Yeah, farm accidents and industrial fires never happened before Biden


That be truth.


Truth is seeing and not always with your eyes.


Something big is going to happen soon. They can not contain this blatant attack on our Military. Good catch. There would have been thousands dead if they achieved the goal… the end game.

Will Caulfield



Yeah man definitely #soon


Mos def


Ya mean like ALL of uncle Joes Financials being released 4-18 at 9 am in the AM?
Yea, a Shocker!!!

He’s F*D.

Yep, something has to give now.


Hmm 4-18 came and went with no financials. Necessary disinformation or just another bogus Internet prediction


why is Christopherf Wray still walking around and breathing? He needs to be the next arrest


Mayorkas as well.


Because Q said to TRUST WRAY dude. Don’t you think the White Hats listen to Q? He’s like their main guy, bro


This is only the first of the attempts to disrupt the Nation’s military! How many haven’t been caught yet???


The day the military arrests Wray, will be a great day! Wray, Austin, Milley and all of the other pieces of corrupt sh!t.


The guy is walking around Washington every day. How hard could it be? Yet, no one attempts to arrest him. I wonder why?


because holograms are hard to capture & bottle up!


Yeah and you need the guy holding the projector to follow him around trailing a long extension cord. Keep out of the direct sun. Holograms fade in bright light. LOL

John .S

FBI agents as stupidity at its finest, essentially similar though not necessarily identical to robbing a so called Mafia Social Club, oblivious to penalties.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

This story is in the Top 10 Most Crazy Stories.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….`

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Michael Baxter, would you please block this spammer?


Get Wray!!!


Get Shorty


If you wanna make’m talk, threaten with a covid booster!

John .S

Ha – just show agents the Comey video via James performing the basket catch.

Interrogators could say: “Say – Hey” that’s not Willie Mays of NY Mets that perfected a different type of basket catch.

BTW: The “Say Hey Kid” is the oldest living member of Baseball Hall of Fame, suspect not vaxxed.

God Bless ya Willie.




Ty*** Blessing’s be ~


After a second read a few more flaws in this tale emerged. Munitions are frequently stored away from occupied buildings on a base, sometimes in igloo-like structures buried in the ground. Security would not hinge on some bored 19 year-old PFC. There would be motion detectors, infrared sensors, intelligent software monitoring the sensors to spot unusual activity, and maybe even ground pressure sensors like the ones used at the White House to detect people walking on the lawn. Here you supposedly have two guys creeping around in the open, with other people nearby, trying to make entry into a highly secure area. Extremely unlikely.

As noted below bombs are stored without fuses for safety. Without a detonator these things are just big
metal tubes full of flammable chemicals. The FBI has the world’s best bomb squad so the idea that a team was sent out to set off a bunch of bombs without the proper tools strains credulity.

So how to spin this story to save it. Maybe the FBI guys were going to deploy the Jedi mind trick; “We are not the FBI agents you seek. Let us go.” Have a very attractive and all-but-naked woman burst into the security office, mesmerizing the Marines while alarms blare and giving the agents time to penetrate the bunkers and disable the safety systems. As for the detonation, make the handheld device a transmitter that activates a Jewish space laser which will bathe the bunker in an orange glow before it explodes in a massive fireball. Like it happened in Diamonds are Forever.

I was hoping for a little more drama, perhaps a torture scene with one of the captives giving “a tortured scream ripped from his throat like a shriek from the very depths of Hell.” But there’s always next time.




You should write a movie script


Sounds like an action pack movie.


sounds stupid.

Ann Ononomous

How about, these people (?) are just a bunch of idiots and they’re time on earth has “Terminated.”


This story would have been better if it was the A-Team doing the mission instead of two bumbling dudes who MB wrote as just like wandering into the base somehow with no plan


You are low frequency man it she.


ok chill man.


this is why you aint in charge. you let emotions to run over people multiple times.

you guys here are going to hell along with them, lol.


There is no hell. Love is the opposite of fear.


If you don’t realise this is a desperate war being waged against God but God is winning and will win, you are now part of that desperate war… And you will LOSE!!


God and righteousness always wins.


Not always, I beat Him at Battleship once. It was close though, He’s pretty good


Hard to beat those Acts of God


We the people have won and now it’s time to clean up the mess.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….`

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Do you even get anyone responding to these stupid posts of yours? Why are you here?


Bot. Can’t read or understand your comment


Do we need any more proof the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. and many other 3 letter agency need shut down and defunded. They are enemies domestic.


Do you mean the FED, its 3 letter agency’s are a biased & radicalized political faction thats also an organized criminal Syndicate that hires Domestic Terrorists to work for them?
If so, I think you’re onto something, because that explains a lot.

Lorenz Manner

No mercy, no regrets, no mitigating circumstances. They were there to commit a terrorist attack. Don’t be too late to get Wray and give him a swing in the noose as soon as possible.


75,000 more IRS agents aren’t going to Stop WE AMERICAN PATRIOTS.

Will Caulfield

They don’t have to stop you. You’re not actually doing anything.


I wish this were true! Americans now are like a frog in a frying pan… just sitting as it gets cooked and no desire to jump! Too damn lazy and contented with however bad it gets… just look around!


Frog in a pot of water slowly heating on the stove. Metaphor alert


I’m just glad our WW II vets are not here to watch the impotence of the modern man-bun wearer in America. they get hangnails just changing channels on their remotes!


Stop US, not we


Since bombs are stored with the fuses removed, how were these guys supposed to set off a bunch of them, let alone one? The explosive components are relatively safe unless initiated with a detonator. Those go into the bomb as the plane is being readied for takeoff. So, a bit of a flaw in the premise of this story.


I heard. Rumors that the quantum financial system has been activated..
Ask Alexa.
will tell you…
The three letter agencies are likely all corrupt !
Serious changes to our Government are GOING To HAPPEN !
Next that Idiot BIDEN has to be arrested…


A fat drunken Australian with a YouTube channel is not a reliable source

Will Caulfield





I guess Arthur Robert’s reign as the fake installed but not elected Beijing & Kiev Biden will be ending sooner rather than later.

Judi Kay

Yeah, let us all know when that happens!


I can tell the difference between the Biden and Arthur


Yeah I heard that in 2016.(qfc) Nothing’s gonna happen til Trump is back defacto. by 2027 we’ll be rockin & rollin.


Can Alexa tell Me My Trust Account number’s ?c


Yes and soon but he also needs to be removed from office. He is not running the White House Obama, the Kenyan is. His birth certificate was found in the English library. The first time then it was found in the Kenyan hospital where he was born. He is kenyan.


I’ve heard he was born in British Columbia. That source even gave the hospital but I forget the name.. Everything about that person is a lie, so who knows.

Last edited 1 year ago by Claire

This site has already posted detail’s of the Kenyan’s passing into the hellish planets a couple of years ago. I believe he is dead, imo.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna

he was birthed in a barn in Kansas! his mama is a donkey! thus, the prophecy was fulfilled….. lol


Lets just “hope” uncle dirty Joe his a brick wall on his bike next time.
Its only fitting.


Yeah Everyone, fellow TAX SLAVES ?
Today is ” filing your Taxes”…
did you get it done?
Or…get an extension ?
Or ..not do you Taxes ?
Or forget to do taxes?
Or decide something else ?


Klaus Schwab is having to pay my debt this year! I own nothing, & him having to pay my taxes made me real happy!


Questions for the President:
•Sir why did you not end/vacate the Federal Reserve Act by Executive Order upon taking your Constitutional Oath of Office in 2017 up until you left the White House?
•Sir why did you not immediately declare our nation under invasion and immediately order our nation’s borders be secured and defended by every means necessary with our combined military force elements while ordering an appropriately high,deep,secure nation separation structure(s) immediately commence building in accordance with your specifically worded Constitutional Oath ?
•Sir you were counseled by Dr.Peter Pry that our chief imminent threat both internally and externally was via atmospherically detonated E.M.P. and that this could be thwarted via Faraday circuitry for discernably miniscule national expenditures in protection of our national electrical grids.You mentioned Dr.Pry but once publicly yet our nation still remains unprotected from the disastrous consequences that would be experienced after such an attack.Why sir did you not act and stop this while you had the power?

Last edited 1 year ago by Alex379

Maybe the deep state threatened to kill him or his family, we don’t know why, he did what he did, anything is possible at this point…?


Because he’s not insane?

Rob William

Because President doesn’t have a throne? Every action can be examined and reversed by the Congress and Courts.


not if their in Guantanamo Bay cells!


Zohar Zisapel of RAD group controls the electrical grids. If they get shut down it will be him (Israel) They are the ones carrying out this covert coldwar against America. Everyone knows that the antichrist desires to reign from Greater Israel. First they have to destroy America if Israel is to become the worlds super power.
2 Esdra 11 says Arserath/America does not fall. God cut off and cursed Judah in 2 Esdra 1:24. Plus Israel is the size of New Jersey. Also God says he who hath not the son hath not the father. So their delusional pipe dream is D.O.A.


You do not know what you are talking about!


because too many sheeple were asleep& wouldn’t accept it.


Thats the best answer yet…at that point the sheeple hated Trump…and the impeachment would have happened against us..and so many things they were throwing at him to stop him from actually doing what needed done.


Because it wasn’t the Plan as Trump was asked by the Military to run in the first place. This has always been a military operation from the very beginning. Plus this is world wide not just our Country. You have get rid of them all not just our country. This is bigger than you can imagine so it is complicated. I Trust the Plan they know what they are doing? Alex379 you are thinking of this like a domestic issue but you are wrong it is global with rat lines goes all over plus even in deep tunnels underground and so much corruption and blackmail. Just a mess…..




Because he was selected like all the others! Killery could not keep conservatives under control and certainly no to get the kill shot by force. So, bring in a white knight to control us while following through with the DS plan. If he wins in 2024, it’s because it was fixed! He cannot beat the system or algorithms! Either Lise or not, not harm /no foul to DS.. they still control! Read up on Fed Reserve and you will see the bigger picture! All by design.. see CBDC as finishing blow! Trust “The Plan”?! Ha!


it did not get high enough polling number responses! oh…..and “IT” HAD to be this way, rightttt??


because Twitter & Facebook suspended my account??




So let’s see that they are EXECUTED as SOON as possible !
Make an example out of them, then send a video of the hanging to
ALL the MSM news …and see what the Reaction is


The news won’t run it.

Tom henry

Fbi…fully bodies incoming!

Proudly Unaffiliated

The FBI needs to be put through the shredder. All of it.


Disbanded abolished and erased from our history.