DHS to Restart Disinformation Governance Board


Suppose Joseph R. Biden, or the person posing as him, steals the presidential election in 2024. In that case, his regime will criminalize free speech and punish authors espousing anti-government views, effectively banning controversial content from the web and print, according to a U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) report.

Last May, the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security abandoned ambitious plans to create a Ministry of Truth and appoint Nina Jankowicz its czar. Jankowicz drew disdain for her flippant attitude on misinformation, and her history of spreading it. Her credentials and sanity were questioned after a cringeworthy TikTok video of her adapting the Mary Poppins song “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” about fake news went viral. Public backlash against Jankowicz and the Disinformation Governance Board was so intense that the DHS claimed to cancel it.

However, ARCYBER claims to have acquired Deep State email exchanges in which DHS hardliners discuss reinvigorating the Ministry of Truth under a less ominous moniker after Joe Biden “wins the election in 2024.” The emails, which include correspondence among Alejandro Mayorkas, FEMA Director Deanne Criswell, and FBI honcho Christopher Wray, also epitomize the Deep State’s hatred for average American citizens.

In one, Wray namedrops journalist Tucker Carlson, calling him a “myopic malcontent” for criticizing the Ministry of Truth and, specifically, Jankowicz. In a decent society, Wray writes, journalists opposing the creation of lawful bodies of governance would be lined up and shot or imprisoned indefinitely. He even rejoices at the thought of overseeing executions. Replying to him, Criswell goes a step further by including “pretty much every person that voted for Donald Trump” in the execution pool. And Mayorkas says a new and improved Ministry of Truth will “drop the hammer” on unsanctioned news. The DHS, per his email, has a list of 16,000 YouTube channels and websites to be seized.

In a second exchange, Mayorkas applauded Brazil President Lula da Silva for embracing legislation making his country the first in the democratic world to codify laws censoring and banning “fake news and disinformation online” and punishing those found guilty of spreading it. Criswell deified da Silva: “He’s a visionary, a true leader.” And Wray said American politicians should adopt da Silva’s style of rule. “The only good media is a controlled media,” Wray wrote.

The tyrannical trio pitched one another innocuous names for a future version of the Ministry of Truth. Mayorkas liked “The Commission for Management of Language,” Wray favored “National Linguistic Relations Agency,” and Criswell, possibly joking, pulled a non sequitur out of thin air. “We can use National Domestic Pet Protection Agency. Spend 5% of the budget protecting cats and dogs and the rest shutting down seditious social media channels,” she wrote. Her version of the Ministry of Truth would unilaterally declare truth and falsity and pressure online platforms to ban content in the name of national security.

A third round of emails offered one possible motive for abolishing the First Amendment. Mayorkas feared that internet freedom would generate a whirlwind of negative press surrounding a universal mRNA influenza vaccine developed by researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) Vaccine Research Center (VRC), part of the National Institutes of Health.

The vaccine is currently in Phase I trial. If approved by the FDA, it will replace standard and recombinant flu shots currently on the market.

“It’s imperative we have the tools to squash anti-vaccine talk. We failed to do that with the Covid-19 vaccines and look what happened. Soon we’ll have a second chance to get it right,” Mayorkas wrote.

Finally, Mayorkas mentioned an unfamiliar name in connection with Biden’s odds of winning the 2024 election. A man named “Quinn Klipstein,” he said, was working behind the scenes to ensure Biden’s victory.

Klipstein is a phantom; Real Raw News could not find anyone by that name on search engines and Instacheckmate.com, a public records search service. ARCYBER said “Klipstein” is likely a pseudonym for one of Biden’s handlers.

The emails were enciphered and required decoding, our ARCYBER source said.


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If we keep making some low level, respectable noise on this website, I believe the White Hats will keep listening to us Patriots here, seriously.


The Deep State commonly makes their apparatchiks use drugs. Mayorkas is only acting but his extreme mendacity and hubris reminds me of the way drugs turn a person into a cold blooded deviate.Curious if thats whats happening.

Robert Gregory Boensch

This Country is Ours and Our Children’s future
Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan;
They failed to respond; It’s law Now;
In law, acquiescence
The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended
period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a
MICHIGAN Inc.is a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations;
And We the People of Michigan have full control Today;
Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04
Image of the date they received certified Mail
April 6, 2022 at 11:58 am
To The Michigan House of Representatives
101st Legislature
I Robert Gregory Boensch Am Formerly presenting this Document as a Remonstrance
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan
Drafted by Robert Gregory Boensch
I am a common man and this document is for all the people of this state. It is for our children who have
not fully learned what a State is and how government works they don’t know they have (that operation
is by omission and deceit).This information is also for our Elderly and people that are challenged that
are unaware of why events happens in this world around us. And its also for all the people that are not
interested or too scared to get involved in Governmental affairs. And, for the ones in power that have
usurped power as impersonators abusing their false powers against the common good for the people.
And this remonstrance is to be restricted to our God given Rights and everything that is disclosed and
referenced. And not to be expanded upon or altered in any way unless agree upon by the Author and
creator Robert Gregory Boensch.
It is with this Knowledge that I present this Document to you today. This Document is drafted my
myself today with the interest in the well being of all of the people in this Great State of Michigan.
And with full knowledge and hope that the other State and territories of this Great nation will take note
of what is enclosed and alter and adapt any part of the elements that are to be disclose herein for the
benefit of their own land.
Remonstrant were used in this state and this is not a new concept but a very hidden one, and now we
will go to some history for the founding of this state and how it was created.
You need to down load the PDF and click the links through out this document to see all.
Find the documents on this click here 1835 CONSTITUTION OF MICHIGAN
in 1836 after the constitution a remonstrance was used 5 times as noted in the
1835-1836 Journal of the Senate
Part one Evidence being presented
Part two what redress is being sought.
Page 1of 9
Part one Evidence being presented
President Donald Trump says this Inauguration Day marks the transfer of power back to the People.
Trump: We are transferring power from DC back to people
President Donald Trump says this Inauguration Day marks the transfer of power back to the People
President Trump Proclaims The People of America are Sovereign
Fourteenth Amendment
Section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens
of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which
shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive
any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its
jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The three Day Congress
117th United States Congress January 3, 2021 – January 6, 2021.
People on January 6 2021 Did President Trump Shut Down The United States Congress before the
Electoral collage votes were certified???
President Trump Speaks to the crowd this.
254. Proclamation to disperse
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter,
he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their
abodes within a limited time.
Video Evidence 2021-1-06
Our President of The Unites States of America Proclamation to disperse (while in office).
Donald Trump tells supporters to ‘go home’ after they storm Capitol
Donald Trump tells supporters to ‘go home’ after they storm Capitol Archive backup
page 2 of 9
Written in Law
Office of the Law Revision Counsel United States Code
10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse
254. Proclamation to disperse.
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter,
he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their
abodes within a limited time.
+ Article 4 of the constitution concerns the state
+Section 1:mandates that all states will honor the laws off all other states;
this ensures, that for example, if a couple is married in Florida is also considered married in Arizona, or
that someone convicted of a crime in Virginia is consider guilty by Wyoming.
+Section 2 guarantees that citizens of one state be treated equally and fairly like all citizens of another.
It also says that if a person is accused of a crime in one other state flees to another, they will be
returned to the state they fled from. This section also has a clause dealing with fugitive slaves that no
longer applies.
+ Section 3: concerns the admittance of new states and the control of federal lands.
+ Section 4: Ensures a republican form of government (representative democracy”
and both of which are opposed to a monarchical or aristocratic scheme-the states derives its power from
the people, not from a king or gentry, and guarantees that the federal government will protect the
states against invasion and insurrection.
Page 3 of 9
In January 2021, like in most presidential inauguration years, the United States Marshal’s Service
deputized thousands of law enforcement officers and Army National Guardsmen.
A Deputation Story 2021
Written in Law
Department of Defense Law of war Manual 2016
1236 pages
As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special
or emergency courts for cases involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons suspected of
committing offenses related to the non-international armed conflict.
Such courts must be regularly constituted and afford all the judicial guarantees that are
recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.84 Such courts may distinguish based on
nationality.85 The procedures of such courts may deviate from those applicable during ordinary
Proclamation of martial law was the only provision in case of disturbances endangering the security of
the state. It would have entailed handing over all powers to the military authority and suspending
private and public liberties.
Government and Parliament considered this step too extreme. Hence they devised a new contingency,
the so-called ‘state of emergency,’
The government in turn gave authority to regulate movements of persons and goods, assign places of
residence, create forbidden zones, order searches, ban meetings, control the press, dissolve
associations, collect reparations for willful damage and for aid given to the rebels, suspend or transfer
civil servants, deprive elected representatives of their seats, postpone by-elections, and delegate certain
civil powers to the military.
(“No country which relies on the law of the land to regulate the lives of its citizens can afford to see
that law flouted by its own government, even in an insurgency situation. In other words everything
done by a government and its agents in combating insurgency must be legal. But this does not mean
that the government must work within exactly the same set of laws during an insurgency as existed
beforehand, because it is a function of a government when necessary. It does not mean that the law
must be administered in exactly the same way during an uprising as it was in more peaceful times,
because once again a government has the power to modify the way in which the law is administered if
necessary, for the well being of the people, although the exercise of such power is usually – and rightly
– subject to considerable constitutional restraint.”).
Page 4 of 9
Written in Law
Constitution of the United States Fourteenth Amendment Section 3
section 3
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President,
or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously
taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any
State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the
United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort
to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such
Written in Law
Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election Executive
Order 13848 of September 12, 2018.
Written in Law
“All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall
consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
“The people have a right in an Orderly and peaceable manner, to assemble and consult upon the
common good, give instructions to their representatives; and to request of the legislative body, by way
of petition or remonstrance, redress of the wrongs done them, and of the grievances they suffer.”
Part two what redress is being sought.
And here by request that this State of Michigan To Review and investigate all of the Above elements
presented and other elements of crimes that have be waged upon myself and others That are known
publicly or to be brought forward by Robert Gregory Boensch to be included in this Document at a
later day.
and use the law as required to do the following and to expand the breath of these requests to include
any and all others laws that are applicable to cover all actions that were carried out and include
all the party’s involved even those that are not stated in this documents.
I am also demanding to make every Court in Michigan a Common Law Court. And the abolishment of
this State’s bar association and demand that no member of said bar or any other states bar to participate
in any legal mater in the State of Michigan. And fore the Abandonment of all statutory laws in this
state of Michigan for the history and use of many of these laws are to hurt and eat off the substance of
the common people of Michigan by those in Power and it has been proven time and time again by my
personal experience of the actions that were carried against Me and others that I am a witness To.
Page 5 of 9
please redress and declare that this state will act as a Republic form of Government.
Article IV Section 4, shall be incorporated into our state constitution, For This will benefit all people by
placing the power where it belongs -To We the People of the State of Michigan
Question was there Arrest made after the Insurrection act was proclaimed January 6 2021
Per the Article 4 of the Constitution and who was arrested.
I am asking for These Special or Emergency Courts to be created for carrying out justice for the people
of Michigan.
As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special or emergency courts for cases
involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons suspected of committing offenses related to the
non-international armed conflict.
Impeach any and all the people in the state of Michigan that took and oath of office to the
constitution of the State of Michigan and or The United States of America and remove them from
office that committed crimes against any of this states common people and include all others being in
To Impeach all of the members of the United States Congress that are from my State and
All of the Members of This States Senate and House of Representatives including any one else holding
an office in Michigan and remove them and their staff from office!” That were an influencing member
and or voting member that participated In any one or more of the following acts
The 2021 election Insurrection
The First impeachment of President Donald John Trump.
And-Or The Second impeachment of President Donald J Trump
And-Or That also voted for the Electoral collage votes to Joe Biden.
And expunge from the record in this state these impeachment records of President Donald John Trump
and plea with the United States Congress to do the Same.
And in my State Your are requested to do the following.
Remove all of the electoral collage votes that were pledged for Joe Biden under fraud.
and audit all of my states vote polling places by September 1 2022
To end this the militia or the armed forces control under the 2020 election fraud
To remove and bar SERCO and other Operators, Controllers, Partner’s and Ownership Ship completely
from all strategic Businesses and government entities in Michigan from foreign countries.
Page 6 of 9
And I Robert Gregory Boensch Reserve the Right to add any and All
Evidence elements and or Documents that I have or will receive about any and all crimes.
That I have been a witness to or been a victim of For the fact many Witness are at risk today.
And request these crimes be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest of the Law.
Furthermore be it dully noted that the complexity of the crimes that were commented Against
Me personally and my Family and others are So complex and as they become forth.
I am Requesting For these retribution to be address as addendum’s to this Remonstrance.
Questions to Answer
Who are the People and Countries that interfered in our 2020 Election.
Was Congress suspended after President Trump Spoke these Words on Jan 6 2021.
Was one of the above Laws Violated on or around Nov 3 2020 or January 6 to 20 2021.
Was certifying the 2020 Presidential Electoral College a Crime.
Question Did congress to do and illegal Vote on the Electoral College.
Question would this nullifies all of the Electoral collage votes to Joe Biden under fraud etc.
And makes the claim of voter fraud in 2020 open for investigation in each state.
Constitution for the United States Fourteenth Amendment Section 3.
Question Every member of congress that voted to accept the electoral collage votes for Joe
Was a willing Member of this November 3 2020 President election Insurrection
And shall be removed from office By the Military?
Every member of congress that voted for the articles of impeachment of
President Trump.
and Every Member of the Senate that Voted for Impeachment of President Trump.
Did so as an Act of rebellion against the same
And shall be removed from office By the Military?
For any body in The United State congress Or in Each State’s Senate and House of
Representatives.” that participated in these crimes. Should they be allowed to vote?
Page 7 of 9
But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.?
I think Not
If you commented a crime in this country in any court of law
can you demand to sit on the jury that is hearing your case
any congress member guilty can not sit in the jury!!!
To Those in My State that accepted the electoral collage votes for Joe Biden
You can not participate in voting for such relief in this remonstrance.
And what kind of Retribution do we need for our injuries and financial losses.
And please address the Harm to the United States Citizens that such action has caused and Give
retribution to such Victims in a just way as they seem fit.
This Insurrection
That was carried out against the People of These States on November 3 2020.
This Was declared By President Trump on Jan 6 2021
By proclamation.
A Declaration By Robert Gregory Boensch
Everything that is in this Document was investigated By Me and Found to be True
to the extent that the elements presented to me are authentic and true.
From a Common Sovereign Man
Robert Gregory Boensch
________________________ ____________
“notice to principal is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice principal”
the requirement for a 30 day notice for response.
To Jason Wentworth Speaker of the House
164 Capitol Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Phone: (517) 373-8962 Email:
Page 8 of 9
House Clerk’s Office
House of Representatives
PO Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Secretary of the Senate
Michigan State Senate |PO Box 30036 |
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Arenac County Clerks Office Nancy Selle, County Clerk
P O Box 747
120 N Grove Street
Standish, MI 48658
From a Common Sovereign Man
Robert Gregory Boensch
309 N Delano Rd
Au Gres Mi 48703
Page 9 of 9
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch


Why hasnt Myorkas been arrested and hauled to camp Blaz yet? It maked it so obvious that he is working for Shin Bet and they are the “Mexican” cartel trafficking the fentanyl into America as a means oof conducting a cold war in America.
They are running a drug trafficking op out of New Hampshire. Barbara Lernor Spectre will proudly tell you who is behind the border crises. Both the black hats and White hats make up the chess board tiles on freemasonic lodges. I dont see one as being good annd the other as evil. They are both two factions of fake jews (Lucifers own) vying for control of the world. It is all about a pivot to Greater Israel. The belt and road is the Silk Road 2.0. Is there an adult who can follow a money trail between Black Rock, Vangaurd, State Street and Myorkas and his immediate family members bank accounts?
He is a treasonous bastard.

Last edited 1 year ago by aimee

🇺🇸Nothing burns my ass more then these scared little shits that want to take away our constitutional rights.🇺🇸💪🏻


I read somewhere that big Mike rolled over on obummer the black rat and the black melonaire caught a load of decon to the back of his head. Can anyone concur on that


🇺🇸I hope that’s true.🇺🇸👍🏻


Obummer snitched out Mike and Barry was shot in the back of the head, Mike took the injection.


Mayorkas is becoming very dangerous as power and fame fill his criminal brain and head. Pick him up Guantanamo, for treason 1.


I think they have, I’ll have to check and see if they did or not.


I would wager a guess than Mr. Klipstein is non other than Mr. Renegade himself, Barak Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro. I don’t know how anyone ever voted for that guy and not see thru the façade that he was a devil.


Myorkes should be a high priority target.


Director Dorkas Mayorkas!

Peter Lewis

We have the evidence. If these traitors are allowed to continue living, the USA, as we love it, will be gone. It will be replaced by a dead society of illegal aliens doing their masters’ bidding. Don’t forget that illegals are exempt from the bioweapon called a “vaccine”. In my opinion it’s time to use ninja tactics and remove these traitors.


President Trump is getting them all.

Lorenz Manner

I think that disgusting and delusional Mayorkas has to be next in line to get his GITMO residence. He is a dangerous liar and full of hate against the truth. The day I’ll see him at GITMO will be a joyful day.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

How is this not going on already?


Myorkas and Wray definitely need arrested and taken to camp Blaz. A forensic accountant/Auditor needs to be hired to follow their money trails and those of their family members. Remember how Q used to always say to trust Wray? If anyone needed any more proof that the white hats are every bit as dirty as the black hats and they all come together around the world under the umbrella of fremasonic lodges. They are represented by the black and white checkerboards on the floor.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Top suicidal rates in the world today 2023. Do not trust CDC. Airline pilots, Doctors ,Nurses, Farmers, Trans, military, teens, the elderly, bankers. If it’s not genocide then it’s suicide.






My biggest complaint of Mayorkas attitude is the way he is ALWAYS looking down his nose at EVERYONE! And yes, he has the eyes of a psychopath.


Good advice on this, now White Hats have carte blanche to act against them anytime.
Typical move of commies.
All I wish is them to be decimated and processed on mil tribunas so they can pay the high price for what they’ve done not only to US but the whole world.

Mark David

Someone should strangle that little Nazibastard with a good, sturdy rope. And let us watch.


Good pic of Mayorkas…but wasn’t he already strung up? and if not, why not? I can’t think out anyone, offhand, more deserving of the honor…


Something clones or whatever


Hes definitely a sold out jewish traitor. I dont know why anyone in our government would give any position to an Israeli first traitor. Particularly Homeland Security contract. Israel is actively trying to destroy America. Look up Barbara Lernor Spectre that dybbuk in a golem will proudly tell you who is behind all the b.s. in the world.


Director Dorkas Mayorkas is a filthy jew kyke bastard! But in other news…


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic





Sleeper being awaken?


Trust Wray to fool many.


All of the gematria and divination bullshit should have been everyones first red flag that it was a zionist disformation operation.
God cut off and cursed Judah they no longer receive any revelation from God which is why the devils have to resort to gematria (divination) which God forbids


I still have been stricken with angst after Dr Buttars’ passing. Never forget what he did to assist others in the truth. A lot of people have sacrificed their lives so as to help humanity. Never forget these humanitarians because the new history is no longer a lie.

Dr John

I was reading this article and thinking the Deep State DHS is a pain in my ass. It almost gives you a headache thinking of all the things the try to pull and have pulled to date.
They are going to execute is for speaking out against their lies!

What an attitude! Why can’t they be more like honest companies selling Aspirin to treat headaches. Nice honest people with products that work (sic) and safe to use (SIC).

Check out the listing below of this very common product for headaches. Not mentioned below is that the product also makes that portion of your brain that senses headaches more sensitive… to the next time the headache is worse. A nice marketing tool to ensure you keep coming back!

From “Drugs(dot)com we read:

Serious side effects of AspirinAlong with its needed effects, aspirin may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.
Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur while taking aspirin:

Incidence not known

  • Abdominal or stomach pain, cramping, or burning
  • black, tarry stools
  • bloody or cloudy urine
  • change in consciousness
  • chest pain or discomfort
  • confusion
  • constipation
  • convulsions, severe or continuing
  • dark urine
  • decreased frequency or amount of urine
  • diarrhea
  • difficult breathing
  • drowsiness
  • fainting
  • fast breathing
  • feeling that something terrible will happen
  • fever
  • general tiredness and weakness
  • greatly decreased frequency of urination or amount of urine
  • headache
  • heartburn
  • increased thirst
  • indigestion
  • irregular heartbeat
  • light-colored stools
  • loss of appetite
  • loss of consciousness
  • lower back or side pain
  • muscle cramping and weakness
  • muscle tremors
  • nausea or vomiting
  • nervousness
  • numbness or tingling in the hands, feet, or lips
  • panic
  • rapid, deep breathing
  • restlessness
  • seizures
  • skin rash
  • stomach cramps
  • swelling of the face, fingers, or lower legs
  • unusual bleeding or bruising
  • unusual tiredness or weakness
  • vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
  • weakness or heaviness of the legs
  • weight gain
  • yellow eyes and skin

I suppose any of the above side effects would be better than a headache; certainly loss of consciousness would take your mind off of it. Vomiting of blood would have my full attention.

Its not take two aspirins and call me in the morning. It is take two aspirins and I will very likely see you in the morning with additional symptoms.

Knowing all of this should aspirin be in your house or vocabulary? At least the DHS is telling you the side effects of what the will do and though it is death, at least it is only one side effect.


Thank you Dr John for speaking the truth. During WW2 anti psychotics were introduced to dumb down prisoners. To this day anti psychotics like olanzapine, zyprexa, seroquil, risperidone are prescribed by the allopathic industry to” help anxiety.” Then came the anti depressants. All of which causes harm to the body with horrific side affects. Stop taking these? You will go through withdrawal of psychological torture.

Dr John

More GREAT input thanks Steph

Robert Gregory Boensch

Someone responded to our problem of fighting our massive corrupt government and that we had little chance of winning such a fight.

A great post
here is two of my ops
The Day I Took Control Of The United States Government By Robert Gregory Boensch
Two sheets of paper drafted by me stopped our federal government in its tracks.
Or search this title on archive===org

this is the one for today.
Robert Gregory Boensch Commander Of Michigan
2022-09-15 archive===org and see all in my name on there

Today We all are Commanders of Our States!

the power is ours today network and take these documents and show your state who is the boss

Thanks for all your post today

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch


As a RN who has “seen it all” Docs, nurses actually lick fentanyl patches before applying and after removing them to the skin of patients. Pharmacists are also well aware that you can switch pills that may look the same even after counting your selves. About 8 years ago an ER doc who I knew personally lost his license to practice because he did the lick thing. He told me he had a better means of employment. He moved to California to work on a on a new innovative project.


So let me get this straight, NATO jookroids lost Bakhmut to a bunch of ex-cons led by a former restaurant ower? Lol. They weren’t even russian military for fuck’s sake! Total humiliation for NATO and especially the wanna be ob/gyn who believes she runs the EU!


Why the fuck is America even over their? What are our national interests in the Ukraine? We have none other that the Haavara coin Nazis in Israel and the Paperclip Nazis in America are real concerned about all the Nazis in the Ukraine. Putin is rescuing their child sex slaves and blowing up their designer genome specific biolabs and intercepting shipments of adrenochrome headed to the deep state in America.


Klipstein is possibly a code name for Obama.


Good eye. the goat fucking muslim is hiding behind a jew mask!




Good ol Kenny Klips


Wrong. Obama’s code name is Deep State Dark Lord

Mark David

BHO is also called RENEGADE.




The late BHO. He is no longer of this material world.


stop worshipping obama.

Rene Labre

Tar and feather him.


www. youtube .com /watch?v=4TecvLdbdTU

Sparky Sr

Truism…. off topic though…


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

does the agent keep her gunbelt on while you suck her american cock?

Surf Nazare

Anybody hear DeSantis speech in NH—–at the risk of alienating many on this board it was one of the best I have heard. He gave facts as to all he has done in Fla and it is impressive. From putting in the death penalty for pedophiles to putting in 4 new supreme judges making the courts conservative for the first time. The lowest crime rat in 50 yrs.—–the list goes on but impressive with accomplishments and not rhetoric. He lays out what he did about Covid etc.—–how state was kept open—-ok you get the idea—haters go ahead and hate but look at the facts and not emotions and might be’s and bs—


I agree. However! He stabbed TRUMP in the back. And its no coming back from that. Loyalty is everything. So F- HIM.


You agree!


Did he whine about wokeness


Don’t know, but you practice your whine daily.


you must be a freak who have sex with kids.


too late
and that was not ron.


Ron Kippur!



Sparky Sr

He had to do what he did. He had no choice but to set the record straight since he was not only a JAG but an attorney. He also knows that if he violates the constitution in any way, he hangs… He plays the fence very well. Even with the FEMA fiasco – they committed the crimes not him BUT was he notified before or after the crime. As Gov, he had to let FEMA in for the rebuild $$$.


Thats pure blackmail by Biden & the FED’s. Pay too play!!!

Rene Labre

When he found out what FEMA was up to,the ads came out,Ft.Meyers,you loot you die! he said that himself. Civilians patrolled the wealthy neighborhoods in john boats. Not much civilian looting,people knew better, You will get killed and they will just toss you in the floodwaters. FEMA pulled the same shit during Katrina. The Cajun Navy showed up in Ft.Meyers, then special forces.They killed many FEMA people.FEMA did not rebuild anything. They overran their headquarters and got back the loot.The military that is. Still I would not be sold on him for his speeches.He is tricky and shifty.


He done the bait & switch move, you have to see thru the fog to understand what it is he’s been doing. Its all part of their master plan.
He’s playing the good cop as the bait to get your vote, then comes the switch when or if he gets elected. Right now, he’s telling people what they want to hear and thats about it. If e totally destroyed Disney to the point they shut down, that would’ve been sufficient, however he only went so far as to get rid of their Lobbyists and temporarily shackled them enough to where they can rebuild around another Governor once he leaves office.


DeSantis is a DS counter operative.Don’t be fooled. He did what he did just to get into the polls and try and surpass Trump he is the ultimate DS alternative to Trump. He is backed by the Bush’s, Soros and the like. Why anyone would listen to anything this traitor has to say is beyond me. Tickle my ears a little and Ill scream with excitement? Come on Man.


100% agree.


Tickling your ears is SOP for a Bait n Switch. Consider actions, not just words. eff ‘im and his DS supporters.


I hear you. I understand what your saying but he is a groomed Pilgrim Society puppet who has been set up to look good. Did you notice during covid he was allowed to act reasonably. The crown owns disney world he is being allowed to come against Disneyworlds wokeness. His allegience will always be to the crown and the privy council not America. Now I love Trump but I recognize hes far from perfect. The satanic matrix practically flipped upside down at the thought of him being Commander in Chief. I hated the fact that Trump had Jared Ivanka and Henry Kissinger (Rockefellers puppetmaster) in the white house. I felt they were responsible for the foreign things that happened that I didnt approve. He did do a lot of good things though.


DeSantis makes a wonderful mayor or governor, but a US President is not within his grasp whatsoever. He is too mean and nasty looking. Never smiles. He is incessantly pissed off at the American People it seems.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna

Real question Americans ask of Ron is…when is he going to wipe that perpetual disgusted scowl off his face and stop being so pissed off at the country and every one in it? The guy needs smiling classes. Not all of us live in Florida. You catch more flies with honey, Ron!!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna
Mary Catherine Podlesak

“It’s imperative we have the tools to squash anti-vaccine talk. We failed to do that with the Covid-19 vaccines and look what happened. Soon we’ll have a second chance to get it right,” Mayorkas wrote.
I doubt if the White Hats will allow these fools to carry out their threats.


We let Biden Win again then Putin was right America has lost the Christ light . I’m moving to Uganda, Wich means FAMILY




Psst,…..they’ll eat you. You know, since they’re Cannibals there openly eating people they want to.


FBI Wray CONFIRMS Whistleblower FD1023 Form EXISTS as CONTEMPT Moves Forward

“No One Is Above The Law”

Famous words of the pedo crooked democrats as they falsley accused and tried to frame President Trump of colluding with Russia Russia Russia, their infamous words “No one is above the law”.

They lied lied lied lied to the American people to the voters and the fbi knew it and didn’t do a damn thing . They are not above the law.

When the corrupt pedo lying democrats were telling President Trump no one is above the law they actually meant it on them.

And now the crooked lying infamous fbi director falls in the same category as the lying crooked democrats “no one (he) is not above the law”.

Justice will prevail and those guilty will face justice.

Last edited 1 year ago by TakeAmericaBack2024



Meanwhile, the front page of the Post features a blonde social worker “counseling” the homeless man riding the Metrolink train. This is a new contract that St Louis made with a Bloomington, Ill co(think O/Eric Holder). This is your “new” police force. It is a matter of time before one of her “clients” puts her in a headlock.


If the British prime minister is coming to visit Biden at the White House, which one will he use? And how will they make sure the PM or his staff doesn’t blab to the whole world that they are actually in Atlanta rather than Washington? Does Biden get a weekend visitor’s pass or something?


CGI Joe Biden will host body double PM Sunak at the Clone White House


filthy muslim sunak goat rapist cave dweller


“If the British prime minister is coming to visit Biden at the White House, which one will he use?”

I bet he’ll use the faggot B list actor arthur brooks

Rene Labre

The white house is off limits. I do not know how many times gullible people have to be told that. There are no rose garden events, press conferences,anything at all other than military activity. China actually said it. The whole thing is a load of bollocks. they have this phony Rose garden event,In certain locations,there are cameras in washington at he same time as the event is going on,in camera footage,time stamped,it is crickets in The Rose Garden.


By George you’ve got it! Perfect scenario as you described it. It’s all phony baloney, just like Joe is. The US military rocks and is running the show. Tyler Perry ‘s White House sound stage is where Joe’s CGI image, is operating out of, along with the real phony US President, Karine the press sec’y.


So they want violent revolution huh. When liars are portrayed as authorities on misinformation, theres nothing much left to say. Defer to Clowns, Become a Clown.

Jose Ramirez

Don’t you worry 2024 election is here; hahaha… always is about 2024,,, what about now? fucking ball shit!




We know it’s rigged, and still they eat McDonald’s and watch sports? Litmus test for the braindead



Jerry Chandler

To install a NWO, the usurpers must weaken democratic institutions. Instilling social strife is central to the plan.


Barbara Lernor Spectre will proudly brag about this.



https ://benjaminfulford. net/


https ://stillnessinthestorm. com/2023/05/benjamin-fulford-may-29th-2023-why-the-us-has-to-go-through-chapter-11-bankruptcy/

The endgame….

https ://benjaminfulford. net/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Stop-the-NWO-treaty-.jpg

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.

— Revelation 13:16-18 https ://bibleprotector. com/TEXT-PCE.zip




Oh Lord, Fulford again. The guy should dress in a clown suit and rubber nose, and take ownership of what he really is. Why would anyone listen to him much less send him money? Get a job Ben!


He does not need to work, as he is a roth schild.


He got an interview with David Rockefeller cocksucker. He must have some cachet.




This is adjoined to my “rocket science” comment way below. I was plagued by a homeless guy in front of my office for months. The police said that there is no law against it. Remember, I am behind the DMZ in Cori Bush’s district (the squad). Finally, after being sufficiently p*ssed off, I stood outside my door and yelled “Antifa Is Here!”. The dude never returned.




Cool. Good one, you are a brave girl.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Robert James

“Biden’s Handlers” really need to take the express flight to Gitmo!


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

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We really are living in insane times. The pathetic part, people still have no clue. Truly useful idiots.

Air man

Off subject: Another one to watch is Alex Soros, son of George. Alex has made many trips to the “white house.”




Maybe people don’t know that there IS a fake one. Everything is staged elsewhere. Possibly Tyler Perry’s WH replica in Atlanta where TV’s West Wing was filmed. NO ONE is in the REAL WH. It’s all locked up.




The one in atlanta


Truth and Freedom are not a commodity! Real Heroes don’t get paid. Expect me l


The TP replica is 2/3 scale of the real one, btw. And lacks the details, trees, etc 😏😆🤫


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic




Jewelie Dee

It is going to be business as usual until we have another stolen election, and then it will be business as usual with a new fake President.




Prayer and a mindset of confidence guides your life. You can make mush or you can make nagnificience, the choice is yours. Lift up yourself and then lift up others.


typo above magnificience,


Definitely #soon. Maybe.


do you know where to stick a cob cobb?


Do you know where to snare a bear, claire?


@Jim — What “things” do you desire to “happen”?



Mike Huntsucker

EBS..mass arrest…public executions ..med beds..we want fucking justice…stop the chem trails..stop poisoning our food and water..shut down the lieing media.stop brain washing our children ….I could go on and on…it’s time for civil war… military isn’t doing jack shit


All those things will totally happen…………#soon


Well that’s OPEN TREASON. Goodbye Nazi’s. Adopting the CHP’s communism will get them gone.

Last edited 1 year ago by Lorinda