Military Arrests Obama Era Holdover for Treason


United States Navy Jag Investigators on Friday arrested an Obama-era stooge on the charge of treason after a criminal investigation revealed he had been lurking in the shadows and advising the current regime on how to funnel federal tax dollars overseas without drawing public scrutiny, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

He said a particular name, Jack Lew, surfaced several times while JAG traced the billions of American dollars the criminal regime had furtively sent to Ukraine over the past 15 months.

Lew is an American attorney who served as the 76th United States Secretary of the Treasury from 2013 to 2017. His political career began in 1995, when he worked for the Clinton administration as a special assistant to the president. He faded into political obscurity when Trump in January 2017 assumed his rightful place in the Oval Office.

His disappearance, JAG said, was an illusion; Lew had been instructing the current Treas. Sec., the criminal Janet Yellen, on the art of embezzlement. He thought so highly of his exploits that he bragged to Yellen about how he had, at the bequest of Clinton, misappropriated $4 billion to fund Bosnian freedom fighters in response to Serbian atrocities against Bosnian civilians. The $4bn was exclusive of what Congress had approved–$23.5bn toward “peacekeeping” operations in the theater. Lew also boasted he had, this time for Hussein Obama, given Iran $70bn U.S. tax dollars, a down payment for Iran’s promise to abandon nuclear weapon ambitions, which Iran reneged on.

JAG learned of the deals via telephone conversations between Lew and Yellen that were intercepted by U.S. Army Cyber Command.

Lew, our source said, was incredibly proud of his exploits.

In March, ARCYBER intercepted another call on which Yellen told Lew she had to surreptitiously send Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy an added $4.2bn without Congress’ knowledge. Lew replied that the answer was simple: siphon the money in aggregate from multiple cabinet-level departments to disguise the withdrawals. Lew recommended pilfering $1bn each from the Treasury Department, the Department of Veteran Affairs, the Department of Education, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Agriculture. Lew told Yellen that the heads of those departments wouldn’t oppose the thefts because they represented a minuscule amount of their annual budgets.

“No one will notice at all,” Lew told Yellen. “That’s the way we’ve done it for decades.”

Our source said Yellen is a mathematical dunce who, like Lew, is a relic of the Clinton administration. The difference is that Lew understands finance and how to cook the books, whereas Yellen is a “yes woman” who has been living in Ukraine since October 2022—to avoid being caught by the White Hat partition of the U.S. military.

“Dozens of Biden’s people fled overseas to hide from us,” our source said. “You know what, there’s no statute of limitations on treason. We’ll get the bitch Yellen just like we got Lew.”

JAG investigators, he added, caught Lew outside the Fairways Inn strip club in Smyrna, Delaware. Investigators on location saw Lew, a married man and proclaimed Christian, shell out $16k in lap dances and drinks during the 12 hours he spent in the club.

“He was giving strippers money hand over fist,” our source said.

A JAG detective tapped an intoxicated Lew on the shoulder as he stumbled to his vehicle in the parking lot of the club. When shown a military arrest warrant, Lew reportedly laughed, blurting that Barack Obama had given him “lifetime immunity” against prosecution. He tried to slug the JAG officer, who dodged the strike and delivered a haymaker to Lew’s jaw, breaking it and sending him to the pavement.

“Let’s see if Barack answers your phone call from prison,” the JAG official told Lew.

Lew, our source said, has been taken to GITMO, while JAG decides whether to try him there or send him to Camp Blaz.

In closing, RRN asked our source why Lew was sent to GITMO, if JAG is now holding tribunals in Guam.

“You’re [sic.] misreporting isn’t our problem,” our source said. “Yes, certain prisoners are going to Guam, and Adm. Crandall’s skills are needed there, but some prisoners will still have tribunals at Guantanamo Bay.”

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Robert Gregory Boensch

Our Remonstrance
Is it the Journey to our freedom?
archive Org
its up to you MB to edit and put this link in
Robert Gregory Boensch Commander Of Michigan
Presents to you the story Of How President Trump Has
Set the People of this County Free
A Document with links to laws and Video of the Journey
10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse
Text contains those laws in effect on May 19, 2023
From Title 10-ARMED FORCES
Subtitle A-General Military Law
§254. Proclamation to disperse Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
The People of these States Have To Make the First Move
And then the Military will Complete this action
And then We will all together Build a New Nation from the ground Up
The Commander of the Sovereign
of These fifty States and territories

Of This
Constitutional Republic
Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch


Take him To Guam & Chop his head off

Brigid Bardont

Speaking of Yellen, I’d LOVE to see her against a wall, catching some lead. She deserves death for that hair don’t.

Susan Banks

Omg what they did and how much money was spent!! Thank God most of it will be retrieved!! Just look at how frivolous they have been with fake money, just making whatever they need! No one could sustain that!!! Geez Louise! She’s an idiot especially in her ugly Yellow Dress!!! I want to 🤮!!! And to think the drunk idiot could take on JAG? In a Fairway Strip Club! Fairway is a cheap ass motel that drug dealers use to see the drugs!! He’s a real class act! Lifetime Immunity!! I spit my Water out on that one!!! Is that what stupid gay mother effer told them? Lol that’s even funnier!! These people were living a life of looking over their shoulder! No thank you!!!!


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

scalp lew the jew and make hussein shitstain wear it as a yakima!

Brigid Bardont

Or a “covid” mask. ;^)b


Nice to see such a scumbag traitor getting caught. Even better that he is a slimy weasel who is going down! Down the “hatch” that is. Har har har

Barack actor in mask, save meeeeeee

Why is there no compassion from these traitors? No self-realization or regret for the role they played in being a traitor. It’s truly disgusting. It’s like they are no longer human and I am quite prepared for that to be the case. They appear to have little to no spirit left in them.


Simply put they’re demons.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Coming on May 17, Real Raw News Radio will add a new dimension to the RRN Network


So who had mexican nazi white supremacist shooting up the place for may 2023?


Looks like we finally found the nazi white supremacists the leftists keep talking about. In my remissness, I didn’t think to look at mexicans for nazi white supremacy, my mistake.

So ANY hispanic could be a nazi white supremacist!

The brown face of white supremacy is here!



John .S

Ray Epps is the ASAP arrest, and 6thers set free post haste.

That POS Epps needs an ol’e school bounty placed on him, plastered in every Post Office – Dead or Alive.


I don’t know if USPS patrons could bear seeing his ugly as fuck countenance!


They stopped putting up those posters years ago. Lots of years

Susan Banks

When I heard the other week that Nick Alvear (the blunt smoker in the Capitol) was rearrested I couldn’t believe if! They had to be watching him, he was jn Kentucky! He lives in California. So I’m not sure why this is happening!!


Now school bus drivers are dying while transporting children.


Such expansive power the DStards once had!

Now they are getting hanged. What a total defeat. That’s got to be bitingly humiliating for those who once held so much power!

I guess more teen mobs to express the vehement frustration of the DStards?


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Poor George Santos. Imagine the irony: Accused of being dishonest in his dealings with Congress


what would you expect from a gay mason faggot?


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

see it


Come on folks when are you going to see these stories are pure fiction? Many of these stories about people being tried and executed are false. Lori Lightfoot is alive and well in Chicago. Liz Cheney is preparing to try to run for President and released a campaign video this week. Obama, Bush, Fauci are alive and well talking to the press. If we are wrong is show one photo of these people being arrested in handcuffs. Why do they never show a pictures of these people being dealt with because this stuff never happened? Please stop believing there are people in the military that are going to save you. The number one mission of the US military is to defend and protect our country. Do you see anyone from the military preparing to defend the border when 700,000 migrants rush the border this week? Michael you can purge this comment but all it will show is that many of us know this is all false and many will eventually see it for their own eyes and turn away, unless you start showing some real proof of anything. All you are doing is selling false hope.




Lol.. Go to the whitehouse and tell us why its fenced off and guarded by Marines. But its fictional. You wish dumb dumb..😎😎


Why, because it’s been that way for over 100 years with a fence around the White House. The US Marines have always had the responsibility of guarding the White House. You haven’t been able to walk up to the White House and knock on the front door since Lincoln was President. Guess you trolls wouldn’t know that.


You cant be this dumb. Keep trolling. While all your heroes hang by the neck..


Try and book a tour of the whitehouse.. Then come back and tell us what happened..i’ll wait..😎😎😎


They are booking tours this very day: whitehouse(dot)


lmao. you wish.

Susan Banks

Bullshit!! It was a Prison for a long time! Lights out at 9 every night! No US Flag flying on top of WH! Come one you can’t be that uninformed!!! Go listen to Derrick Johnson who knows more than all of us put together in Military Law! Go listen to him tell you that the day Biden was inaugurated was actually his Funeral!! Go watch him on other people channels and get up to speed dude!!


The White House is fully occupied and has people coming in and out all day. Same with the Executive Office Building next door. The White House has been fenced and guarded for more than a century. Uniformed Secret Service patrol the grounds and if you look carefully you can see snipers on the roof. There is also radar and a ground-to-air missile defense system. Radar is on the roof of the White House. Missile is on a building across the street. It’s an Avenger system with eight missiles and a .50 caliber machine gun, mounted on a pedestal that can be retracted and covered. This is all factual. You can actually see pictures of it and read about it.


you spelled .50 correct swan man!


No need too.. a lie has zero details.. its just a lie.

Susan Banks

AND EMPTY!! They’re clones dude!!


You are the troll, believing this stuff. All you all have to do is show us one picture of these criminals being dealt with and we will shut up. Would love to see these traitors swinging from a rope but it’s not happening and your government hates you and will turn you into a slave soon or later, the only way to stop them is resist and demand accountability.



Susan Banks

Go eat shit and die! There’s no hope for you! Just like the Pedo’s that have already hung!! Clinton Obama bushs bidens all gone!! Poof! On a rope! Do you really think Trump was going to let them live for what they did to our Country? They sex trafficked children under DC!! The whole DC!! It’s been flooded twice! Everyone of this satanic buildings are coming down! DC will be a Bird Sanctuary. All power is going to the States! You should be more concerned about running for an office after you wake the F up!!!


Truthiness. Much needed around here


That is a lie.

John .S

Got news for ya, fact, Andrew Cuomo, Alec Baldwin and Brian Stelter are dead, you can take that to the bank.




And the bank will send it right back. Cuomo has a cable news show. Baldwin is back in New Mexico finishing up the movie Rust. Stelter is writing books and making the rounds on the speaking circuit.

Insert your excuse/refutation here: (Clone, mask, double, illusion, astral projection, etc)


And the bank will send it right back. Cuomo has a cable news show. Baldwin is back in New Mexico finishing up the movie Rust. Stelter is writing books and making the rounds on the speaking circuit.”

You actually believe this? I didn’t realize chinks were so gullible!


Irish. Not Chinese


oh yea, forgot about the portly stetler! ovens all!

American Living in Canada

There’s quite a few Mayors up here that were buddy buddy’s with Trudeau up here.. missing, not a peep. gone.


American Media Group amg-news dot com also offer names of criminals that match Michael Baxter’s list of named criminals. When will you LEARN TO DISCERN truth?

Susan Banks

And also if you watched TV you could see every Country capitulated to Trump in 2018! Every Country was run by DJT that were of any importance!!


Head in the sand? Never heard of clones/body doubles/actors wearing high quality masks? Oh, Killary “appeared” on both the east coast and west coast recently, only an hour apart. Must have been pure magic.

Susan Banks

You can’t pull the wool over old retired ladies like us!! Great comment!!


It will cost you.
God’s standards of holiness in sexual behaviour, marital and family morality are higher than that of the Larry George Bonnie Timmy Quintons.
We as believers can change this country, but it’s a process. We can oppose  same-sex marriage and transsexual families by strong action in our homes, churches, schools, neighborhoods before going to the state houses and city gates:
1.- shunning and ostracizing the intentionally sinning the ell gee bee tee kew people, from family events;
2.- not allowing the ortho sexuals  access to or anywhere near our children (that’s what parents did to protect their kids in the 1950s to the 1980s until things started changing) to teach our sons and daughters that same-sex relationships, marriage, families and transsexuality and their respective marriage and families are wrong;
3.- not allowing the unrepentant alphabet people to come to dinner;
4.- not attending the unrepentant anagram people’s weddings or baby showers;
5.- not even eating with the arrogantly unrepentant ortho sexuals anywhere;
6.- in context and in line with proper church discipline regarding same-sex abominations,  as taught by the example in 1 Corinthians 5:4-5, excommunicating them from the churches/synagogues;
7.- if one is in political leadership, petition raising their taxes for the privilege of their ortho sexual sins. Get them in the pockets where it hurts the most if they want marriage equality and gay-affirming adoption that badly, which should help lower the national debt.
8.- not inviting them on family vacations and family reunions and other family-oriented events or church events. Protect the children from same-sex behaviour.
9.- have nightly warfare prayers with family and friends who are fellow believers according to Ephesians 6:10-18 to apprehend and incarcerate all sex offenders and all spirits not from God, to pray for President Trump, President Putin, their families, JAG and the White Hats,  and our Godly leaders according to 1 Timothy 2:1-2, and protect our families from filth and scum. If your children join in, they will learn warfare prayers as well.
The last thing I want is for any family to be broken up, because I hate that more than anything. So does God. But although the ell gee bee tee kew people need to be treated with love and compassion and respect and understanding, their sins are egregious sins and they need to be repented of.
We can love the sinner and hate the sin, but that doesn’t mean loving the sinner and loving the sin. 

Robert Gregory Boensch



Are ortho-sexuals people who use, ahh, “devices “ or does it mean something else?


I have no idea, but I can’t stop laughing!! Excellent question, I almost don’t want to look it up😳🤢🙏❤️🇺🇸


you actually read that?


look at California and all the whites living on the streets all done by anti-America white hating black supremist. for who? China and the deep state. who is taken all the businesses and homes and land from the American westerners who is benefiting from our downfall. and who are they giving these businesses and homes and land to. not American patriot’s anti-America haters in their eyes they have taken massive parts and now own these sections of America there not America anymore. they have made Americans hate these areas so much many are saying take it that area is full of Americas worst filth but they aren’t realizing that was the plan all along to drive them out and take a massive part of our nation from us to make them think and feel this way so they wouldn’t fight back when they took this land from America.

Robert Gregory Boensch


that was the plan all along to drive them out and take a massive part of our nation from us to make them think and feel this way so they wouldn’t fight back when they took this land from America.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Organic tribes and Our native lands

that was the plan all along to drive them out and take a massive part of our nation from us to make
them think and feel this way so they wouldn’t fight back when they took this land from America.

The only problem is
How did We take a massive part of our Indian nation From Them
before USA became a nation again, WE were the cause of millions of Indians?
mass murder wars and mass brain washing By the missionary’s -White Mans God!
You are close to the right track.
But We need to respect all Nations the organic tribes and their native lands
Every Where on this Vessel We live on with all of the living Creators and plant Life etc.
Organic tribes and Our native lands
Man Has No Right To Take from Another Or Lure Tribal Members to a new
Nation with the promise of Jobs Land and Money..
The blog today is another lesion about worshiping Money with total disregard in how it effects ones
Tribe -Nation
President Trump 2017-01-20 Said I was elective to give power back to the people
President Trump at the United Nations The People of America are Sovereign
President Trump says he believes in nationalism
And Every Country [Tribe] on the planet should be a free Nation putting it’s Own People Frist
Again I Will Say This
And Every Country [Tribe] on the planet should be a free Nation putting it’s Own People Frist
But We need to respect all Nations the organic tribes and their native lands
Trickery So we barter with them and gave them trinket’s.
And years later when they gain and edge and start asking for what’s there’s
We trick them again With gambling casinos.

In Which any one with with any knowledge of ( Rights from Wrong)
Would Know that this is Far worse than pulling them away from their Organic life Style. And teaching
religion to them.
Still deeper into the White Mans Trickery of Worshiping Money!

I am 100% white Blood and this I say Today.
For My Blood is the Same Blood of all of Our Heavenly Creators Organic Tribes People Blood
Regardless of the color of their Skin

We as our Creators People need to Cherish what we have in common
and respect our differences and seek and live in peace


before Israel became a nation again, they were the cause of millions of westerners’ mass murder wars and mass brain washing they have benefited from the destruction and mass deaths of western nations and people they are open anti westerners. that are working to set at the pinnacle of power. the have looted and crooked their way to the top of every powerful position in every powerfully rich industry and have shaped our society into a destructive course to benefit them and their anti-American and westerner followers . they built there nation off the blood and lives of all westerners .


Modern “Israel” is a Khazarian Mafia
Bolshevik state, run by Rothschild.
Surprise surprise.

Rothschild wanted his own country,
to be sovereign, and get away with
all the crimes.


The Nazis were controlled
by Rothschild, too.

The Holocaust was orchestrated to
instigate Jews to leave Europe, and
migrate to Israel, where they would
be “free”.

Susan Banks

Yes they did until Trump!! He coded it down!!


the Israelites are the deep state they are the core of the corrupt system. that has been barking out orders for decades they are illuminati. part of spiritual mystery babalon

Michael R Davis

Those bastard children of Satan are not Israelites. They are Israelis, Khazarians, Babylonians, haters of GOD, haters of JESUS, haters of Christians, haters of true Israelites who love GOD. Why are we called Caucasians? We appeared in history escaping from our captors out of the Caucasus mountains, as GOD drove His people westward to North America, to His new promised land. (2 Samuel 7:8-11)

(remove spaces)
eurofolkradio .com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/a-migrations.jpg

www .losttribes .net/menu/CeltMigrations.jpg


funny i keep upvoting the comment but the numbers go down– what gives?


SOME Israelis are deep state, only some.
The rest are victims, mainly.


When are you white hats going to move against all the black supremacist there clearly loyal to the deep state and China, and are benefiting from all the harm they are causing to America they are part of the anti-America anarchist groups, or are working with them , all they do is create division and hate and divide how many Americans have to be beat down in the streets by them cites burned or looted before people realize they are working with the deep state and china there not tools being manipulated cause everyone by now realizes the news is out and has been out that people are working really hard to destroy this nation and over throw it , and yet they are still looting rioting and burning hard to over throw this nation ,I have literally watched them on the news say they are going to take everything from whites whoopy goldbug laughed about it is one of them all I here is white nazi racist being punished good, but now it’s time you go against all the black supremacist programming and start punishing them to cause they are benefiting from every city they burn down and job they take or destroy by hollering racism they like Labron James al Sharpton work for China or other anti America nations and have been for a long time they hate America and wont to over throw it to and have sold out America for money or fame or control or power how many athletes of all races bent the knee for our national anthem that wasn’t a protest that was an attack on America a weakening of it and they even went leaps and jumps forward and started pushing for the American people to take the death jab , they are anti America working to over throw this nation just like the movie stars from the end side working for anti America hating people and have mass brain washed the masses like the Israelites have to make the people think if you punish them for a crime then you’re a racists perfect weapon the deep state has made and Israel to a anti america anti anything other than them alpha violent attack dogs you think they are superior to every other race just like the nazies , the Israelites not all of them thank God but some a lot there right in the middle of the deep state which is sad cause I am a very devoted Christian and have loved the nation of Israel before I found this all out that there Masad ran the pedo sex slave rings and that there nation has benefited been built from the mass murder of American kids when I found out Israel was intentional harming and profiting from the misery of not only American children but children from all over the world , it shook me cause I to was brain washed to think they were holy people chosen ones untouchable but I was wrong they have made themselves seem untouchable claiming to be Gods people Well let me tell you this Gods people aren’t pedos or sex slavers God hates people like these who claim to be his and profit from evil and say it is Gods there not under Gods protection , Gods people are the circumcised in heart jews the Christians the christ likeminded followers of Jesus Christ the messiah .


Is part of your name missing? Like …of the Ku Klux Klan


yea man, kinda like CCP PLA is missing from your name


When are you white hats going to move against all the black supremacist there clearly loyal to the deep state and China”

When are YOU going to move against them?


Not to change the subject. But seems as though the 7 euthanized horses on derby day may have been a satanic sacrifice. Q clock reference of the queens burial and king Charles Coronation 6month 6 weeks 6day 666. Going back to those drones on derby day
And Moscow attack it takes massive programming to do those little tricks. Not knowing if it happened that way just a coincidence right.


Sacrificing horses? I killed a mouse Saturday. Does that count?




The bad guys are into numbers weather you think it’s fun and games or not. The christian school shooter shot 6 people, children all 6 years old, all adults in their 60s. You think she asked their age before she shot them?

Joe Biden said he would pass certain legislation if it took him 6 months, 6 days or 6 hours, His words not mine.

Why are all these numbers lining up, coincidence right along with what people are saying, you mock what you don’t care to understand.

Last edited 1 year ago by snoppy

I understand that numerology is superstition. So is Gematria.


Good point. They are desperate to perform their satanic rituals and anything like this I would automatically assume was part of their fookery. Symbolism, rituals, gematria = their obsession. They be loopy & evil. I think we are well past coincidences 🙂


They did say they were only taking higher level targets to Guam. Doesn’t sound like Lew is high enough on the food chain.


Oh! Clever.




Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
American Living in Canada

Off topic.. but really is it? It’s all intertwined.. Update from NCI..

“The legacy media has been depriving Canadians of balanced information and truth about the destructive government response to COVID-19 for three years.

Government funded media like CBC and others have enforced the government line on everything from the effectiveness of lockdowns to the safety of the injections, some of which have already been pulled from the market.

On Monday, NCI Administrator and former leader of the opposition in Newfoundland and Labrador, Ches Crosbie issued a challenge to media:

“For over 15 days of widely advertised public hearings, government funded media, with one or two exceptions on the part of brave reporters and producers, has failed to report even one testimony to indisputable facts. An example is testimony from emergency planning experts such as Lt. Col. David Redman. This expert showed that governments chose to ignore their own pandemic plans which warned of the enormous health damage which would be caused by lockdowns, and that lockdowns could not prevent viral spread.”

This is the kind of censorship we are up against, folks.

That’s why we need your help. Through your support we are funding the tools we need to broadcast the hearings ourselves and get the message to Canadians, with or without the media. 

Mr. Crosbie later remarked in the press statement: “the most damaged victims of government recklessness are a generation of our children. By ignoring indisputable facts, the media is betraying our children.” “


Hi, Michael.
Great to hear of these justice activities at GTMO and en-route to Guam.

From your website, is seems that GTMO etc are quite slow in processing these criminals, with just 2-3/week reported, but presumably there are more Tribunals going on than just those reported here(?)

When you are next in touch with those that brief you, could you ask them about the numbers of tribunals happening weekly or monthly etc. Maybe they do not want to give names etc but numbers would be of great interest.

And if they start talking, maybe try and get numbers executed/lifers etc:)

Last edited 1 year ago by Atlanta
John .S

Who is: Ke Huy Quan, also known as Jonathan Ke Quan who just showcased in P6 current uploaded video.

Sniff-sniff, Quan CCP?

Would wager one of my testicles as yes.


Wow, that’s quite some wager!

John .S

Nah – have three of them, blessed with a spare, barmaids nickname me: Tres Heavos, could wager only one.




John, allow me to play Jan Hunsinger. It should be Huevos, w/c is Hispanic for eggs. Btw, Nothing wrong with carrying a spare huevo. Blessings,🙏🙏 from The REAL Delavic.

Will Caulfield

Spanish. Hispanic is not a language.


or around the lower latitudes it is affectionately called spicanese!


Thanks Jan. My bad! 😂. Blessings 🙏🙏 from The REAL Delavic.

John .S

I checked spelling, that’s what I came up with.

Barmaid into body piercing, she wants to pierce me twice in separating the three that causes me to walk on a kilter.

Sometimes I kilter left, often kilter to the right depending on their position, no equal balance, they float.

Doctor said: “predominant right side kilter is because you’re right handed, practice being ambidextrous it might help”.

No piercing for me, have enough problems walking through metal detector via my hip replacement.

Wife likes the idea of being pierced, she hates when my balls are twisted, also said: “can hang Christmas ornaments on them”.

Will Caulfield

You and that chick with three boobs from Total Recall should get together.


what is total recall boomer? hahahaahlol


Double or nothing 😂


What balls he has!

John .S

My balls are made of brass, and when clanging together – it plays Stormy Weather and lightning shoots out of my ass.


Just read His Fraudulency is planning a trip to Papua, New Guinea later this month. Maybe your military friends could arrange a stop in Guam for him on the way there to try a cell on for size with the rest of his friends at Camp Blaz?


If you’re referring to JB, what in heaven’s name is his reason to go to Papua NG? Papua is where HRC contracted her fatal disease known as Kuru according to sources. As if he dose not have enough issues health or otherwise. Blessings 🙏🙏 from The REAL Delavic


Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?

They taste funny


that doesn’t translate well to mandarin!






The Judge will not release docs showing that Dem Tech Billionaire Reid Hoffman is behind the Jean Carroll smear case. Reid shares a 30 yr friendship with German, NZ(Arden)& US Billionaire Peter Thiel. They were the “PayPal Mafia” who financed FB. Thiel was the largest funder of MAGA. Now, according to a Vanity Fair article he is boycotting ALL Republicans(including DeSantis) because he doesn’t like the conservative agenda. His boyfriend just “jumped” from a Miami high rise after crashing Thiel and his husband’s NY party, infuriating the husband. Meanwhile, Thiel’s last bf is ensconced at spy tech biz Palantir. How convenient. Thiel is in the Vulture Capital biz with unlimited funds (like Buffet). This message is brought to you by Bud Light and Big Mike courtesy of Disney (satire?).


good catch


How does this affect the jury verdict? They weren’t part of any deal. Oh, wait. Wait..I forgot. Everyone is conspiring with everyone else. So these jurors, from the day of their birth, were programmed to find Trump liable. Should have seen that.

David T

Hey W0zz, why are you here?


For about the 40th time, I am not W0zz. My dog learns faster than you.


and the taiwanese president learns faster than the ccp dog trainers!

Michael R Davis

It is a Kangeroo court, a Communist show trial.
With the Civil Government out of action, the Military Continuity of Government underway, it is just meaningless noise, with no Constitutional authority at all.
Resident Biden is a perfect example of its castration.


Civil suits are not regulated under the Constitution. The only mention is that a trial can be held if the suit exceeds $25


well, shilling on the web beats doc review huh?


FYI: My post is anchored onto 17 votes for many, many hours now. 17 is Q. It seems there is agreement on my post from those higher up in the Q/Q+ position!


Right! All these people are so corrupt. Reid is a fraud, they are all placed in these roles and expected to do their part. All bought and paid for, controlled puppets. The entire system is corrupt and this entire fiasco just shows how much it stinks.

We are all so aware of the corruption, they cannot fool us anymore, despite their best efforts.


It doesn’t matter anymore

Rita nelson

What do you Mean? What’s changed?


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I sure hope this is true. Michael if there is anyway I can witness the executions live let me know. Matter of fact, if they need an executioner then sign me up! The only good traitor is a dead one!





You’re not mentally unstable, that’s for sure. Are you in a place where there are no doorknobs on the inside?


Interesting conundrum has arisen over Janet Yellen who, as we know from this site, is hiding out in Ukraine. In the last few days Yellen has been burning up the airwaves and the Internet in meetings with the Federal Reserve, Biden, and numerous members of Congress. Among those members of Congress are some certified White Hats; Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boehbert, Marjorie Green, Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, James Comer, and more. All of them have tweeted and/or put out statements on Yellen’s most recent testimony. But how can they not notice that, A) Yellen is not actually there, or B) She is there but it’s not really her, or C) All of those White Hat members of Congress are covering for her at some synthetic hearing arrangement which includes lots and lots of other people who may or may not be in on it all.

Rep. Gaetz: “You’re not Janet Yellen. You’re some Deep State clone. I can smell the farts from here.”
Sen. Cotton: “Mr. President, I request that the chair instruct whoever cut the cheese to take that mess outside.”
Ms. Yellen: “Can I take my shoes off? My feet are killing me.”

So now it’s time to choose your favorite deception. How is Janet Yellen making very public appearances despite being out of the country?

Clone. Mask. Masked Clone. Masked actor. Cosmetics and Prosthetics. Plastic Surgery. Body Double. Doppelgänger. Apple Dumpling Gang. CGI. VGA. MTV. FDIC. Green Screen. Special Effects. Ordinary Effects. Hologram. Blue Light Projection. Industrial Light and Magic. Space Aliens. Anunnuki. Browns. Greys. Altoids. Quantum Satellite. Italian Space Lasers. Mass Hypnosis. Jedi Mind Trick. Tricky DIck. Mass Hallucination. Chemtrails. Morgellons. Your aunt Edna who everyone always thought resembled the Treasury Secretary. Demons. Fallen Angels. Stumbling Angels. Pagan gods. .

Be creative. Think outside the detention cell.

John .S

Be careful loosely throwing around: ‘Italian Space Lasers’, not a good idea.

Vito and Carmine will get upset, it’s no telling in what they’ll do. They’re unstoppable once they get a hair brain notion in their heads. Often read about their escapades in newspaper, referencing: police seeking witnesses.

Question: Why wasn’t NYC [Columbus Circle] Christopher Columbus statue ever touched? Answer: Vito and Carmine.


Actually, you are 100% correct, and I say that as a proud New Yorker.




No earlobes, flat feet, missing molars, no genitalia, uncontrollable flatulence. I think that’s all of the clues.




we don’t want to hear your self-description!

Surf Nazare

Remember I posted about a company —Tencent Cloud—- If they have 3 minutes of video and 100 spoken sentences—-they can create Deepfakes of an individual. Now think this is for public just how much more do you think the Black Hats have to be put on display. Remember when Biden came out to speak and his hand went through the mic—-sloppy work and you can bet that wont happen again. Then there is that old stand by —-The Clone—-


you really think peeps read yo shit? lol


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

you can still catch STDs by blowing chinks. ask swan man


Thank you JAG investigators and Cyber and ARCYBER for finding the invisible. May God lead you toore invisible.

William Turner

Why don’t the white hats arrest these Deep State criminals all at once? This one-a-week arrest procedure won’t make any difference.


I know, so many missed opportunities when lots of these folks gathered in one place and they did nothing. The recent crowning of Charles, you had a whole church full of these criminals and nothing. Yeah once every so many weeks will take decades.


Especially his side whore, who was grinning like the cat that ate the canary after getting crowned. Diana should have been crowned queen, NOT THAT VILE CREATURE !! SHE DESTROYED TWO MARRIAGES TO HAVE HIM AND HURT ALL OF THEIR KIDS TO GET TO THIS POINT!

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

Queen Rottweiler!!


I wish I could put up a pic of a rottweiler with a crown!


I suppose they could be arresting them en mass, but just not releasing it via MB. I can’t wait for the total ahah moment when we know that we know that we know, that this is all 100%. I believe, but I could sure enjoy seeing the nail prints in His hand. .



Lorenz Manner

These people don’t deserve any mercy or regrets. Just take them down forever and eliminate them because they have destroyed America and the whole world.




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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Arrest Mayorkas publicly now!

Lorenz Manner

Yes, yes, yes. Mayorkas is another disgusting imbecile and delusional liar.




…says the named fake one!


Give him 2 options for his last meal… pork or pork!






I’m like the Federal Reserve Bk, but printing another kind of pork!




People finally figured out what they were eating




Let’s make him live in the pig pen and eat pig feed and raise beautiful swine with gina haspel, the big brain joo prodigy! They could figure the shit outta any pig pen!

Eve Bright

So much to clean up! Indeed, Pres. or CIC (now) Trump has said , “the swamp is deep and filthy!”. This is why it is taking so long for this alleged movie to end. Many are so impatient for all these things to end. So to everyone a simple reminder…”Everything comes to you at the right moment. Be patient.” ✌🏼


I know I know …be patient. I still feel like the girl from Willy Wonka “But I WANT IT NOOOOOWWWWWW” LOL

Rene Labre

We are going to have to be. The house is filthy and can’t be cleaned up in one day.Civil order has to be kept as best as possible. Look at it now even these once beautiful cities. Many more are being picked up.People get upset at the lessor targets,which are just as important because they are the worker bees.Lew the jew was one. Many of them operate under the radar.It is those arrested and talking providing that info. They have a clone,a cheap model,the clone does not have the knowledge of a sewer. rat like lew the jew. Look at where he was arrested,a cheap dive strip joint. I would say your promise of immunity ends when one of the special forces people pistol whips your frigging head. These people do not play any games at all. On of the DS women had a thigh holster and pistol under her dress,”don’t touch that pistol!’ Really we ought to grateful and thankful that somebody is doing something about it to save our republic.Risking their very lives for it.Some sit and complain it is not fast enough enough to suit them.


I agree with you….we should all be grateful they are doing the work they are doing. We have lost several of our White Hats along the way also. We need to be constantly praying for them!!


Personally I don’t think they’re letting us know about every single arrest they make, just the ones they want us to know, and “The White Hats”, don’t mind putting out there for the deep state as well. 🤔🤨


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

The noose is waiting





david simmons

Looks like Guam is getting more valuable than Israel and its’ Talmud and Protocol of Zion.


so many filthy jews are getting executed we should erect a Pig Monument to commemorate the lives of so many joos who were totally committed to proving there is a limit on their treachery.


It’s abundantly obvious that Barak Obama is dead. Why do people keep insisting that he is alive?


It’s not that obvious. I’m not convinced yet, and it sounds like our boy lew wasnt convinced either. What makes this so obvious?

Rene Labre

There were two articles on this site mind you.I read them a few times of course.They went poof! You can’t find them and no reason is offered.Nor will one be I am sure. No other site reported it except for what was reported here. Dark Outpost was one. The arrests number one, were way to easy. It was reported right here that Obama sold out Mike,Chose two bullets in the head. she was given lethal injection. both died as cowards. anyone who tells you they are dead,that is what they will say.

Rene Labre

Funny also to say, about the only one who died like a man was W.No last shave,no final meal,no struggle,no profanity.”come on,just do what you have to do.”


Read it again…..he cursed and use every profanity he knew….then he told them to do what you have to do. He was totally belligerent and obnoxious!!

Stinky Perfume

I read that also, but a search isn’t bringing it up. Do you have the old link?

Rose Mary Abbott

All of his minions sure seem to believe that he is alive.


yea, but similar minions believed hussein shitstain would save them before the beautiful blindfolded lady had her way with them!!!!


It’s obvious the DS thinks he is alive. That much is certain.

Stinky Perfume

A body double is good enough for them to try and use as a living Obama.


True enough. That could be happening. They could be using body doubles and CGI and/or masks. Also though, when JAG thought they had the real ones, it’s possible that they had clones instead. Back then, they didn’t even believe in clones so maybe they killed the clones instead of the real deals. We don’t know…

Will Caulfield

Because his clones are just so damn convincing.


As long as you’re not trapped in an elevator with one




oh, the Gay J, Swan Man, and Will the Dil having a circle jerk!


Deep denial.


BHO death not obvious at all. He may very well have simply been arrested, or, my gut feel – he’s gone into the deepest levels of hiding and will therefore be one of the last demons to be captured.

Based on Mark Taylor’s prophecy that the country will in fact see him, ‘mumbling and stuttering,’ during his tribunal, I would venture that he’s still alive. Another concept is that he was captured long ago and already tried and put to death, but the alliance is holding off on reporting it here, for some reason.

One thing is for sure – he represents a level of nasty evil in this epic chapter of world history that so begs for justice to be served, that it will absolutely eclipse Adolph Hitler and possibly Joseph Stalin. I say possibly Stalin, since Stalin killed so very many – 20 million estimates.. Dear God this has been a horrific world for some.. Thank you God for protecting your own children, but thank you also even if you cause some of us, your children, to be allowed to suffer and even die if you will. Tough words. Words are cheap. Prayer is not. Divine protection/divine empowerment/divine timing/divine creative inspiration on the righteous military and Donald J. Trump.

Will Caulfield

“Gut feeling” and a “prophecy.”

Nice to see a logical, fact-based approach to the question.


Define ‘fact’

Rene Labre

Tarred and feathered also.





Michael R Davis

Hussein O was obsessed with his own magnificence, could not possible stay out of the limelight. Like most homosexuals and pedophiles, he had to push his sick abominations in our faces, show off his queer fullback ‘wife’, gloat over his child trafficking out of our White House, sneer at the many Americans so easily deceived. He and Big Mike are dead, gone to Hell.


Nope. RRN says he is still moving.


You have to admit, Hussein Shitstain was obsessed with michael obama squating over his chizzle like Gay J


Because he keeps showing up in public and doing things where lots of ordinary people can see him.


It’s not obvious at all. There have been no reports of his execution other than a bunch of “I heard…”!! I believe he and that creepy guy he is married to are very much alive and spreading their demonic crap all over our country.


If Bammy was dead, he would not be still reported as being alive by RRN, he would not be invoked by the deep state traitors when they faced execution, Hunter would not have spilled the beans on him being the center of all the nefariousness with his buddy Biden, and he and Michelle would not have thrown a huge birthday bash with adrenochrome as the main treat — not the food, not the cake, not the drinks, not the fancy horse dovers — A-D-R-E-N-O-C-H-R-O-M-E. And Nancy was there, too.


Yes. Absolutely. Every word is true (eye roll)