The Arrest of CIA Deputy Director David Cohen


As reported last week, Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency David Cohen was one of two detainees thrown overboard en route to Guam for trying to incite a prisoner revolt. What follows is an account of the investigation that led to his arrest.

On April 3, an envelope arrived at 1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, Florida, home to the lawfully elected POTUS, Donald J. Trump. It was similar in appearance to the hundreds of innocuous pieces of correspondence that each day arrived at the front gate and got sorted and screened in a guest house that Trump’s security had adapted into a mailroom—piles of hate mail amid scores of fan letters. Packages were screened for explosives, and white mail was tested for contact poison and toxins such as ricin. The screeners ensured no harmful substances escaped their watchful eyes. Hate mail, however, sometimes reached Trump’s desk, and he routinely shredded offensive letters after reading only a single sentence.

However, a specific letter on April 3 caught the president’s eye and warranted a thorough reading. Allegedly authored by Deputy CIA Director Cohen, the document in excruciating detail defined his hatred of President Trump. It was a six-page schizophrenic screed blaming Trump for every woe the United States had faced since World War II. It attacked not only Donald Trump but also his lineage; Cohen wrote that Trump’s father, Fred, was an associate of Aldrich Ames, who in 1994 was arrested by the FBI for selling American secrets to the KGB during the Cold War. Cohen’s words insinuated that Fred Trump, too, had been a Soviet spy. “Like father, like son,” a sentence read. He wrote, “We should take care of [Trump’s son] Barron now, so he can’t follow in your footsteps, or imperil the United States like Eric and Don Jr. have.” The letter closed with, “Don’t think what happened to the traitor General Berger can’t happen to you and yours,” an allusion to the seven days Gen. Berger spent in the hands of CIA kidnappers in January.

Trump had a graphologist scrutinize the longhand prose. He had seen counterfeits and fakes before. In December 2016, following his resounding defeat over Hillary Clinton, his mailbox was inundated with threatening letters from a person purporting to be Barack Hussein Obama. The script so closely mimicked Obama’s that it fooled two handwriting experts, and only under the inspection of a microscope and infrared scanner were the letters ruled forgeries.

In comparing the Cohen letter against publicly available signatures and memos, Trump’s people were 99.97% certain that Cohen had written the aggressive message.

That percentage increased to 100% when President Donald J. Trump had the White Hat partition of the U.S. military authenticate his findings. The pages and envelope were covered with Cohen’s fingerprints, a 12-point match.

At that point, General Eric M. Smith and his council ruled that the illegitimate CIA deputy director was a clear and present threat to Donald Trump and his family. Threatening the president of the United States is a federal felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making “any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict great bodily harm upon the president of the United States.”

Gen. Smith also suspected that Cohen had orchestrated the abduction of Gen. Berger.

On April 7, Delta Force operators arrested Cohen in Fairfax County, Virginia. Cohen must have felt invulnerable and untouchable, for he had traveled without protection and had made no attempts to alter his route from home to work at the CIA’s headquarters in McClean, Virginia.

And thus, he must have been shocked shitless when Delta Force surrounded his vehicle in the parking lot of CIA headquarters and gave him a military arrest warrant charging him with treason, aiding and abetting the enemy, and threatening POTUS’ life.

“When Delta confronted him with the charge of threatening the president, Cohen said he didn’t know what they were talking about because he was loyal to Joseph Biden and would never, ever, threaten Biden. Delta then told him they meant Trump, and Cohen murmured something like ‘oh, shit, him’ and reached for a pistol under his jacket,” a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

A Delta Force operator pistol-whipped Cohen with his sidearm, knocking him unconscious.

Cohen was then taken to GITMO, where he stayed until placed aboard the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer headed to Camp Blaz, Guam. Had he not been thrown overboard and minced by the ship’s screws, he would’ve answered before a military tribunal.

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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Brigid Bardont

Mean face. POS

Rene Labre

Bill Clinton at gitmo, total sellout to the DS. had his luxurious two cheeseburger and masted potato meal. most prisoners eat nothing like that, it was poisoned.



Rene Labre

Goodness,tossed of the ship into someplace in the pacific ocean. The ship moving fast at flank speed. It would say whatever,I think it is over for you. Whatever? The prisoners still on the ship,where there must be order,got it explained to them.You want to behave and cooperate with us,because if not we will do you in. It is all the same to us,.ice cream will be included with your meal tonight,enjoy..

Rene Labre

Admiral Crandell,let us give credit where it due,an officer and a gentleman.The only one I observed rattling him was Liz Cheney with her demon eyes.he called a recess. I think he was on the phone saying we have to move this out of gitmo. Starting right now. and it damn sure did.


🇺🇸♥️ 😅My god that story is great.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Afshin Nejat

Very entertaining. And the BORDER INVASION?


Just an irrelevant observation, but…looking at the pics to the right…
One could almost think that David Cohen and Rochelle Walensky look like they could be siblings. Similar noses, mouths, hair color, jaw line…just sayin’.

Brigid Bardont

Imagine how f’ugly their demon parents are??


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Mark David

Props to Cohen. :0) I guess he couldn’t cut it as the deputy . He’s all washed up now since he got screwed.

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired


Surf Nazare

gotta hand it to you that is a good one—-


Hahahaha. I jus PEED


Look at his face would you trust that face?


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Angela James

I am up to date on all of the politicians who have been executed as reported on this site since it started. However, very few celebrities have been mentioned regarding tribunals besides Hanks and Baldwin. I am very interested in knowing about all of the other evil pedophiles, treasonists, and Satanists in Hollywood who have already been picked up and taking care of. There must be hundreds, if not thousands who have openly shown they are in the one eye club.

Last edited 1 year ago by Angela James
richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

just search hollywood elites executed youll get a list its most of hollywood



Ann Ononomous
Go in their search and type in Hollywood elites. You’ll find plenty.

Rene Labre

That breaks my heart,that part of it.Almost all did not start out like that.It was not their goal. they wanted a break in the business.A regular gig.They had no desire to be pedophiles,satanists,or anything like that.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
johnny galt

GOOD RIDDANCE loser! “Cohen”, now that’s the kind of name you can trust right?


Sounds too good to be true but still hoping it is!

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

i know i hope he was dead james bond movies come to mind where they pop up from underground 30 years later after they were thought that they had been long dead


This pos even looks mentally deranged.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

It burns my butt that this POS can post multiple times each time MB posts an update, and my replys to anyone’s post go automatically into a “pending approval” status, never to be released. Just so you know.


Sharks have babies to feed too


No need for him to talk at a trial, its good like that, Quick trial; at sea! The LAW of the Sea, Maritime LAW… that “They” created.

Rene Labre

He asked for this one,they do not want an outbreak of prisoners on this vessel,a very sophisticated warship. They would kill all of them,that would be nothing but a overboard they both went,probably with a bullet in the head.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Julio Antonio Laguna

Hopefully he’ll get an indigestion after swallowing salt water! 🙂

Mary Wells

This makes me a very happy patriot 😊!! Get every last traitor, treasonous scumbag, and Satanist who destroys our children!




You can if you want.
I’d rather not.

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

you shouldnt say stuff like that about who they refer to as potus man you might get a knock at your door ya know but do what you want none my business


Maybe cohen possessed an irrepressible attraction, even obsession, with Donald Trump–similar to many DStards who simply cannot get Trump out of their minds!

Cohen may have become psycho-pathological with his obsession with Trump and just wanted to BE Trump? I mean, Melania is more attractive than Cohen boyfriend, for sure.


LoL, to a normal man. But then again, you have the tranny possibility qnd how deep the rabbit hole really goes


Not too many trannies who are Orthodox Jews or born-again Christians out there.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Cohen and Liu
Only one was a jew

Liu was half ape
Learning to bob and weave
But the pacific threw him lots of feints
The little chink, deceived

They stupidly thought they could outsmart the blindfolded lady watching over them…

Robert Dziok

Throwing him overboard was a bad case of polluting the entire ocean. Hope all the sea life survived it.


Sharks as predators are also the cleaners of the oceans. A couple of deep state traitors won’t hurt them.


the sharks can still make a turd from them, lol! Sharks are a lot more older and resilient than people. They can eat a POS man and turn him back into carbon

Above Reproach

It’s like a dolls eye , until it bites down on ya and it rolls over in its socket.
ya can hear the screams across the black water for miles……….




I sea what your sayin

Proudly Unaffiliated

And to think: they chucked this snarling idiot overboard on the way to Guam. 💥

Sandy Koufax

Cohen’s clone has hit the ground running without missing a beat and there will be no discernable difference in how the US Government operates.


Sources say any joo clone can only last <30 sidereal days, something about subpar genetic material.


hehehehe, you funny



Afshin Nejat

Nice story, bro.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
mary pascucci



typical joo countenance

Hal Brown




Stinky Perfume

I would guess that picture shows a demon possession. They love a nasty trouble fight. They possess a lot of or most operatives for deep staters.


Looks like one angry bickering POS cxnt

Jerry Chandler

“You just have to flood a country’s public square with enough raw sewage, you just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing, that citizens no longer know what to believe. Once they lose trust in their leaders, the main stream media, and political institutions, and each other and the possibility of truth the game is won.” Barack Obama


Barrack Hussein Obama, aka, Barry Soetoro, aka, America’s first, and last, black, muslim, communist, homosexual pres-i-dent, went in to Benghazi to capture Qaddafi’s vast warehouses of weapons in order to give them to ISIS, whom the CIA was training, funding, enabling. THAT was the, ‘Benghazi coverup.’ Eventually, all through 2013-2016, ISIS drove all over the middle east, sawing the heads off little Christian boys and girls whose parents would not bow the knee to Obama’s satanic god, Allah. ISIS did this in front of their parents, and then ground the children up and fed it to the parents. THIS is the hero demi-god of the demoncrat voting constituency, of the CIA, who are, America’s ENEMIES.

General Smith, When will this wickedness be brought to justice publicly? When will you take down the mainstream media?! Please sir, finish this with extreme prejudice. You are the warrior hand of the Creator God Yahweh, to avenge this great evil. We pray Psalm 91 protection on you and your men, every day, every hour, as you combat this insane network of wickedness. God Yahweh help him, protect him, empower, him. Give him energy and speed beyond his normal capabilities. Cause him to be a fury that would make Patton, Puller, LeMay, Nimitz, Grant, and Washington, proud.

Last edited 1 year ago by EdBob

Well, Hussein Shit-Stain facilitated lack of trust in himself! So how did they benefit him?


Hussein shit-stain…. thats a wonderful thing of description


Just like John McStain.

Above Reproach

Except the fact that the majority of Americans already know exactly what they’re trying to do. The people who are distracted by, and believe in what the main stream is propagating simply are cannon fodder, the dumbest, and most stupid of the stupid,( mainly Democrats ) who have been Vaccinated and have little or no time left on the upside of this planet. The rational people who have the intellect to look for truth before jumping in both feet first, will be the people to make the decisions in the upcoming elections.
Even if they try to allow illegals vote, they just left communist control, do you think they will vote for communism. I bet they don’t. But say they do,
the true American patriots will not stand for it, it just might push our country into a civil war. And you can bet your Ass we the people will come out on


I love that he got arrested in the CIA parking lot! Wow, bold!
Also need to comment Michael about how much I love the new avatar for the site, of President Trump. Just the other day heavenly father reminded me to continue to look for and focus on the joys in the victories. Then I open up your site and there is President Trump looking so joyful and victorious it did my heart so much good. This is where I come to get those great reminders, thank you for all you do Michael.🙏❤️🇺🇸

Stinky Perfume

There’s no driving into the McLean CIA parking lot without them doing a tag check but they don’t know much. I accidentally drove in there on 9/10/2001. Next day was the WTC and Pentagon explosions. What happened just for immediately exit in a u turn at the gate, was some car chased me up the highway with a tag that read 001 I could see after I braked, turned around and wouldn’t move because they bothered me tailgaiting. The next day was 9/11 though. The CIA was obviously jumpy waiting on their 9/11 event.


Wow. That must have frustrated them! “Hey, move out of the way, we have 7,000 people to kill in New York and the Pentagon, and Cheney and Rumsfeld want us back at the office!”


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Was there any confirmation that he was munched by the ship’s screws??? Shark bait for he and Liu…. I still think a Seal Sharpshooter should have put bullets in both!

Above Reproach

I feel sorry for the sharks if they actually ate his burger. They probably will die of sickness in some way or another.


Sharks will never die from eating shiite

Stinky Perfume

What are the ships screws?


Its sorta like as mask, … but its not?


Just too many holes in this story and the one of throwing overboard story. CIA parking lot arrest? They don’t let people sit in parking lot waiting on their directors to be kidnapped or arrested. Thrown overboard and chopped up? The fantail extends past the propellers. You cannot drop someone into the propellers. A Medic falling for a prisoner faking being passed out? Very unlikely. should be expecting that, trained how to tell the difference. Shooting in leg on a ship with metal decks? No telling where that bullet will ricochet. Letting them go alive? Slight chance of being found alive.
I want to believe but need tighter story than these.


As I stated before I have a problem with this story too. The things you mention makes it sound like the story doesn’t add up. If the so called white hats are being as barbaric as the deep state what’s to say they wouldn’t turn against the people? If true what they did was wrong and against the code. The hypocrites on the board will have a good time hitting the negative key but screw them …I stand with Truth, Right and Justice … not a narrative that is blindly accepted. I’d like to believe all the arrest are true, but not this story. I don’t want to believe the white hats would do something like this.
Negative away hypocrites.

Above Reproach

On the other hand, it’s quite possible that the true demise of these people is so distasteful and disturbing that the real truth of it could make the most hardcore patriot puke on his own pants. So hopefully
the only truth we can wish for, is that they are Dead and gone.


This story is about as plausible as the “white hats” protecting our borders! They want us to rise up in arms! That’s THE PLAN! Wake up Sheeple!


Agreed. but without illegals the US may not have a military!!!!!



Rene Labre

That is pretty fair. We don’t really know.I don’t think they would be alive when they got tossed.don’t think the prisoners are mistreated,Not real well treated yet if they behave.Sounds like a pain in the ass detail as well as a dangerous one.


The world is a better Place without David… would we all agree ?

Last edited 1 year ago by Wildcat
Will Caulfield

Nope. His clone is already in place and nothing has changed.

Jan D Hunsinger

Source? Walensky has no “clone” in place.


How do you know walensky has no clone in place?


she resign..


Does the world even notice?


Has anyone noticed that all these deep state bozos have a demon look on their face?


Yes.. I have!😺

Jan D Hunsinger

Not all but many, certainly including Cohen. What a creep.


That was a gift from God, he gave it to them so “we” would know who they are.


KM…look ????


Cohen’s visage is emblematic of his unwavering commitment to pussy-hood. He couldn’t choke a corpsman, little man!


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Michael R Davis

Hussein Obama appointed the angry jew David S Cohen as CIA Deputy Director in 2015 to 2017, who had no previous experience in an intelligence agency. Then Resident Biden (Arthur Roberts) renamed Cohen to his old job as Deputy Director in January 2021, where his hatred of Trump drove him on. Now he has been sent off to Hell where he always belonged anyway.

Jan D Hunsinger



racists are bigots by tautology

Michael R Davis

Clueless old senile bag.
Bigot means by GOD in German, and I certainly do criticise the enemies of GOD, the haters of JESUS, the persecuters of Christians, as He would have me do. Doing it GOD’s way, obeying GOD which you do not.

Rita nelson

Well, he does look angry. And Cohen is a Jewish name, so michaels post isn’t bigotry. Just the facts, ma’am.


MB, can you give me an honest and truthful answer. Why do you keep censoring my postings? I never see them posted after I’ve submitted them. There is no reason for you to censor my postings.

Jan D Hunsinger

He may not be doing it. He allows filth and hostility all the time. Some of mine don’t stay up either and I am neither filthy nor hostile. I am in Ecuador so some of my comments might not make it. Also sometimes they seem to disappear and then reappear.



Julian Metter

This guy was nuts. Not only treasonous, but incredibly impulsive and totally lacking in any capacity for self control. I’ve thought a lot about my earlier post questioning the appropriateness of his summary execution at sea. Gotta say, all things considered, the actions of the SEAL team was perfectly understandable.


Whew! They were worried that you might not agree.

Julian Metter

Ah sarcasm. There is an issue that we would be wise to consider. The signature characteristic of all totalitarian states is the impulse to inshrine brutality as a virtue. I’m referring here to the idea of the “cleansing fire”. The history of the Balkans and now Ukraine are a perfect example of how summary executions on a massive scale, mutilations etc can be transformed into a myth of national strength and determination. It is a human characteristic and unfortunately draws a new crop of psychopaths into positions of power. We see that currently with the Azov Battalion, Right Sector, etc. You will say that the death of two scum bags can not be equated to thousands buried in mass graves. Remember Stalin’s comment the death of “one man is a tragedy, the death of one million is a statistic”. Desensitization happens. More importantly we need these particular scum bags to talk on tape before their departure because there are masses of unawakened that need to be reached. I don’t have answers Roger only concerns. We are approaching the challenge of dealing with a vast legacy of evil that reached into every corner of humanity. We can go follow the example of Pol Pot and Robespierre or learn from history and find a different way forward.

Rene Labre

Funny,real good mate!


One less psychopath to mislead mindless minions.


As an act to inflict pain, even damages, you never go against the son of your worst enemy (if you have one).
Neither from a dispute with another person you will not go against his/her son/s.
Crooked Cohen shoot himself on the foot as soon as he sent that letter to DJT.
Now he was turned into open sea fish meal.
And I think a lot of fish that ate his flesh may have become sick.


hope the fish did not die.




That is exactly what Hillary and Nancy did, they went after Trump’s family members as well. The deep state killed Robert and Ivana. There is a special kind of hatred and revenge one has when one’s family is threatened. That person will unrelentingly and unswervingly fight back until the enemy is defeated.
We need our 2A. The criminal Biden regime not only wants to take our guns away so he can kill us, but also kill our families. Hitler, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Un, Stalin, Mao and Castro and the corrupt transnationalists believed in gun control for public safety, and look what happened.

Rene Labre

Pol Pot,people tend to forget he was quite a card,he would do an impression of fDR that would have them rolling in the aisles of The politburo!


Take care of his son Barron? …Never ever threaten anyone’s child..That is stepping way too far over the line.. Nice little necklaces are being made for these wastes of skin..we should start a piecework line for them




I think Barron is going to need a lot of therapy. And a name change

Jan D Hunsinger

Are you under the impression that these satanists value children and being decent?




Too bad he was minced by the ships propellars. He could have been doused with a couple units of blood from the infirmary and tossed into the shark infested waters.


They didn’t need to do that, they shot him in the leg when he thought he was going to take over the ship. No doubt plenty of blood!!

Above Reproach

Man in the water, Sharks in the water, goodbye to the fare ladies of Spain !