Kidnapped Dubai Brilliance Children Reunited With Families


The American children (63) liberated from child slavers aboard the Dubai Brilliance have been reunited with families thanks to the Navy SEALs who saved them and the efforts of the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s child sex crimes division, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

As reported, SEALs killed nine kidnappers on the Dubai Brilliance, then, with help from the U.S. Coast Guard, ferried “hundreds” of imprisoned children to shore in Alameda, California. This article deals only with U.S. children; we will discuss foreign children in the future.

Immediately following the rescue, representatives of the military’s Family Advocacy Program (FAP) arrived in Alameda to gently interview the traumatized children, ages 8-16, 31 boys and 32 girls, all of whom the slavers captured after the Dubai Brilliance dropped anchor in San Francisco Bay on June 12. White Hats did not surrender them to the federal government’s child welfare services because those agencies are complicit in child sex crimes.

“If we turned the poor kids over to the feds or even state CPS, there’s a damn solid chance they’d end up back on another boat. We wanted people we trusted to handle it. We took them somewhere safe and gave them medical assessments first,” our source said.

Most children, he added, were in good physical health. Some had superficial bumps and bruises; a 13-year-old boy had fractured his wrist pounding on a locked door. A few showed signs of dehydration and were given IV fluids. The good news, our sources said, was the kidnappers were interested only in transporting the children overseas, not raping them, as medical found no evidence of sexual molestation.

When interviewed, many children told of a shared experience: while playing outdoors, often only a few yards from their homes, they were grabbed from behind and rendered unconscious, then awoke on the Dubai Brilliance with no memory of how they got there.

“Obviously, this wasn’t amateur hour. This was a professional outfit, not pedos trying to lure kids into a car with candy. We believe the perpetrators began canvassing the San Francisco area for kids right after the ship arrived in San Francisco Bay. The abductions started on June 14, two days after,” our source said.

He added that the abductors used chloroform and injectable sedatives to subdue the children.

They didn’t restrict their kidnapping activities to San Francisco proper and had cast a wide net, snatching kids as far south as San Jose, as far north as Santa Rosa, and as far east as Stockton, ostensibly to minimize the number of abduction reports filed in a given region.

RRN had to address the elephant in the room with our source, asking why, with so many kids vanishing over a few days, millions of phones across California weren’t blaring nonstop with Amber Alerts.

“There were alerts, 23 in San Francisco, Santa Clara, and San Joaquin Counties. I don’t know why there weren’t 63. We are talking about California, and who knows if local law enforcement is compromised or paid off. It’d be reckless to speculate. The children are safe. The bastards that held them at gunpoint are dead. That’s what’s important,” he replied.

FAP councilors, he said, spent sleepless days and nights interviewing the children, many of whom were psychologically shellshocked, and learning their identities, and personally returned the tormented kids to their parents or legal guardians.

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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Richard Longacre

They should take the ship out into the ocean and sink it. Then maybe the owners would start caring about who they hire.

Eugene Templet

Confiscating that ship would make an impact. Legal or not whether the owners were aware wouldn’t matter to me (give it back when they are onboard and cooperating). They’d damn sure pay attention. I think they owners lessees are involved. War must be declared on this. “We the People” should be notified, warned, with a plan in place. How much longer will the let this fly under the radar. The movie “The Sound of Freedom” will go a long way but so many people will not see it. Very sad situation.

Sojourner Truth

Great article! It’s good to hear good news about these children being returned to their families.

Has anyone heard about “World Day Against Trafficking in Persons”? It is sponsored by the United Nations. I’m not sure if I trust the U.N., because of their association with the World Economic Forum, just as the Child Protective Services and the Feds are not necessarily what they say they are.
I hope everyone can see the movie “Sound of Freedom” to awaken a movement of people to the fact that slavery is more prevalent than ever today.

Eugene Templet

I trust them about as far as I can throw a bulldozer. They UN must GO !!


Sound of Freedom has cleverly used some references in the movie, like using the term “chickens”, showing the use of cargo ships and the very subtle use of pedo symbols such as; triangle, heart and butterfly. Anyone who knows would see these things and more but hopefully this is a catalyst for many more people to start down the rabbit holes to red-pull themselves.

John David Beale

This is so bazar it is hard to believe that this happened, but it was San Francisco in Communist Calif.
Praise God for the Navy Seals & Coast Guard. It doesn’t matter how, it only matters that we got them back to their famines. BUT, how is it that so many obductions at one time over a short period of time and the matter never, never appeared on TV news, at lease not in LA, area. Something is wrong with this seen. The news MSM is not viable entity to be trusted, but we already knew that, did we not?


The media could not get the CoViD narrative straight and then they did and now we all know why. 💵💰 They turned that into a billion dollar business in 6 months and now everything is sponsored by PfIzEr or MoDeRnA. The industry in this article is in fact a $152 BILLION a year business.


does your jaw hurt after 15 minutes of oral work on the federal agents?


Amber alert for 2 yr old child from Lansing, MIch. Ex boyfriend stabbed the 22 yr old Mom & left with her baby. He is not the father. Its all over Michigan news. They
caught the EX that took the child to Detroit, without the baby. The mother survived the stabbing. They need to torture that bastard that took the baby. Two year old Wynter Smith’s distraught father said his daughter can count to 40 & say her ABC’s.
He is a football player in Tennessee & is helping in the search with family, police & FBI.


Football player again?

There always on the news, lol.

Time to switch away from diversity for sports. Which is starting soon.


let’s play ‘guess the race’


You guessed it.


This is a wonderful thing they did. Thank you white hat marines. I bet those children were thankful for being saved and their parents especially the foreign parents which we have not heard about yet.

Ann Ononomous

May God bless our wonderful, brave military! Keep them safe against all evil. 😇

Stinky Perfume

I’m in San Pedro, CA and I smell gas or oil in the air really bad all night. Otherwise the air is fresh and cool but it’s permeated with a gas smelling stench not leaking stove gas, something like kerosene or gasoline. I’m afraid they are planning to make fires using this accelerant and create what we see in France “every city in the country is on fire” and I heard France warned all parents to keep their children inside because in the mayhem they would create a way to kidnap children.

If they can’t get any DNA, blood, and human organs for meat they can’t live as vampires underground. The underground sounds like it’s more vast than the surface, one operative said “trillions are down there”, so they would all die if they didn’t have surface earth for a farm.

The whole earth is set up by the underground that wants to live a lot longer.


If they keep living under ground then they won’t be able to see when they go outside again. Have you ever gone into a cave stay a while looking at it and come out of it on a sunny day? You know what I am talking about you need to come out slowly to get you eyes use to the sun.


Our air smelled badly of burnt rubber in Michigan during the Canadian wildfires.
Unfortunately for all of us, the fires are still burning and it is even affecting air
quality over Europe.


Don’t they know only real vampires can live in the dark?

Humans can’t.

Humans get consumed and much worse conditions.

Real Vampires, they already dead. So being in both worlds is no issue.

Last edited 1 year ago by Talion

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Great don’t want to know!


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Less all those that stand against this evil. #savethechildren


 “…the cheating ratio of ‘marriedgay males, given enough time, approaches 100%...Many gay lovers, bowing to the inevitable, agree to an 'open relationship, for which there are as many sets of ground rules as there are couples.”

Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, authors of After the Ball, are gay. Gay researchers are the ones publishing this information, not me.

The divorce rate of gays and lesbians are 150% higher than rate of straight couples, according to gay writer Camille Paglia.

My coworker in IT, who supports the LGBTQI+, couldn’t believe it. My other coworker who is a lesbian unfriended another coworker of mine along with me because we both support marriage between a man and a woman, not two men and not two women.


Yet same sex couples want children and have to use others to achieve that.

Stinky Perfume

They might keep one for show and sell the rest they got. They will never fit in society and they were all about the money and power most times so they get lots of money from somewhere. Travel management surveys who is traveling with how much money to spend where they go because there’s a requirement to have a certain amt of money to get into lots of countries. They discovered that gays had more money in their bank accounts than anybody else.

Sojourner Truth

Wait a minute–can’t men and women become pregnant???


Ha, they turned on each other.

All of the countries fallen cause of them.


More evidence parents are fighting back:
Schools are being sued or threatened for any attempt to stop this drive to alert grammar school kids to the ‘possibility’ that they might be ‘gay.’ One school district in New York agreed to pay $30,000 dollars to a middle school student who was sent home for the day because she refused to change her T-shirt that declared ‘Barbie is a Lesbian.'”



Even Vietnam actually banned the movie barbie too.

Tides have turned.


Jud 1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. 


Deu 23:17 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. 


Parents fight back!!

www .youtube. com/ watch?v=_Cd5VUhMrF4


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Operation Vigilant Foxx has officially failed. RIP you talentless hack!


All glories, and much gratitude to our very excellent US White Hats and US Special Forces. May God Bless You always for these rescues of America’s and the globe’s children.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna
John .S

Snooze ya lose, prepare for incoming storm, in Brooklynese i.e , Andrew Dice Clay demeanor: total effing shit-show.

Today as perfect leisure day to acquire a portable generator, power cords, fuel jugs and other accoutrements. Get while the getting is good.

God Bless America.

Will Caulfield



Faggot you are

Dave Strickland

Very ironic advice in huge letters on the vessel’s superstructure when you think about its cargo: “Be Safe, Be Secure, Be Alert, Conserve, Preserve, Protect.”


The People need to Preserve through pre-dawn raids and protect by holding in indefinite detention.

Michael R Davis

Dubai Brilliance is leased by Chevron Corporation, its last stop before anchoring in the South Bay, was just 13 miles north at the big Chevron refinery at the Port Richmond San Rafael bridge, several weeks ago. Did the trafficked kids come from Chevron or a previous port of call?

https ://photos .fleetmon .com/vessels/dubai-brilliance_9422550_680081_Large.jpg

Stinky Perfume

Seems to point to Chevron being in on it. Oil refineries are all involved from what I’ve seen. The gangs in the streets all live near oil refineries. Slums, HUD projects, beaches, and oil refineries are all very close to each other in San Pedro, CA the human trafficking capital of the USA, but SF probably not much different.

There doesn’t appear to be enough man power to research under all the refineries.

The article sounds like they were all from off the streets. I would also guess some foster care parents are gang members who sold the children, even sent them outside to get kidnapped.

The children can be seen on some people’s home security video cameras which hacking is routine procedure. People think it’s security but strangers are watching their live recordings. The system underground is far more elaborate from what I’m hearing. Instead of security camera’s they use brain hacking from underground and can see though someone else’s eyes, read their minds entirely and hear anything they say.

All they need to subdue victims is the date rape drug burundanga and they can walk them in compliance straight into a burning oil drum like to get rid of single mom. I saw it growing in the desert of CA on the side of the road.

Another way I’ve seen operations or told about them since 1991, like a standard prince charming temporary boyfriend, is just a gang related guy. He get’s addicted mom some drugs or causes the addiction by force, then takes a baby and claims someone else snatched them while she was high. Mom is too addicted to look for the baby, but if she misses the baby, they give her another needle in the arm and she’s forever kept for sex slavery. The kept ladies don’t leave or they suffer withdrawal.

They can burn bodies with no trace at oil refineries and when I was just parked near one, I noticed how suspicious or hostile they were.

The child snatchers don’t work on the boats as far as I can guess, they are closely involved with CPS, gangs,and refineries, and keeping eyes on people’s buisness on every block. Gang members mind people’s business for a living. They know everybody’s phone number and read all their contacts in a phone from apps they get with connections at the cell phone stores.

In California snatched children or soon to be made pregnant ladies, go to a house that has private garage parking, and walkway tarps are common so helicopters can’t spot them, then they get out of the vehicle in the garage and take a secluded walk under the tarp to the side door.

If they child has blue eyes the pay is a lot more. Same in Africa when they sell white people meat.

I’m hearing every being that lives underground has to have surface dwellers to consume. It’s all predator/prey and always has been. It’s how they live a long time is consuming human DNA.

Sandy Koufax

Michele Obama was spotted having lunch with Tom Hanks’ clone in Greece. Hanks was taken into custody on June 12, 2021, so his clone has been firing on all cylinders for over 2 years.


Yeah, right. Clone. (Snicker)


Fuck off.


00010011 11000001 01010011


The vengeance of the nerd!

Last edited 1 year ago by Julie

Are you a fn 6 years old or a retard


Fuck your code

Fucking bitch

Will Caulfield

Reptilian shapeshifter is more likely. Or a hologram.


Mask-wearing reptilian shape shifter body double doppelgänger with a portable hologram generator


that’s a long sentence for a jew pig

John .S

Portable (hologram) Generator believed acquired at Harbor Freight, suspect during prior Memorial Day sale.

John .S

Hanks “doppelganger” is his brother Larry, both having remarkable resemblance and attributes of each other.

As long as Larry doesn’t perpetrate forgery, he’s free and clear to do almost anything.


Big Mike and Barry’s doppeleganger actors, have been doing many, many “interviews” these days, in spite of the fact that they are both dead! Allegedly, US Special Forces eliminated both of them some time ago, as this superb website detailed for us all.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna

One year to go. According to clone expiration date, they only last 3 years.


Maybe that explains the heavy cgi and/or distorted facial features in his movies and interviews.


So glad you’re feeling better, Michael. Continue your healing – we need you. It’s very refreshing to get news that justice is being served to so many who have lived a secret life of sick kind of crime. God says that what is done in secret, will be brought to the light. Thank you for sharing the light of justice. It’s about time. Keep up the good work and keep taking good care of yourself.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

And Joe Biden is not the president, he’s the paedodent.
Donald Trump is my President. Sorry not sorry.
The paedophiles, rapists, incest offenders, child sex traffickers, Satanic paedophiles and other sex offenders are destroying the normal healthy sexual natures of our sons and daughters.
Most of them are sexually and psychologically ruined, some
of them became abusers themselves,
some commit suicide,
some abuse drugs and alcohol,
some are unable to enjoy normal romances with the opposite
some of them are unable to enjoy normal sexual relations
with the opposite sex in their marriage beds,
some of them are unable to have children,
some of them are unable to tolerate friendly, affectionate
touches because to them all touches are sexually deviant because of the abuse,
some of them are unable to breastfeed their children,
some of them have rage disorders,
some of them are soul ravaged from the abuse,
some are unable to earn a living because their minds are
messed up from the abuse.
I don’t hate nature, I love nature and every living
creature in it; but I hate anybody who destroys the normal healthy human
natures of these young ones!!




Your sick


Some are cutting and pasting others people’s writings and claiming them as their own


Fuck off




Right on the mark, Xena.

Stinky Perfume

I can’t take anyone’s pleasure away for sex because I’ve tried and tried and they don’t believe it, don’t want to hear it. But vampires know what’s up. If they fixed the world the way it should be there wouldn’t be sex without making babies. Humans would be levitating and other fantastic things that we think are for superman only. There wouldn’t be secrets either.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

the gunbelt, take it off the agent before you suck her american dick!


Bought tickets to the Sound of freedom for Mon 3rd 2 million children are trafficked a year.
Acter Jim Caviezel asked if he could sell 2 million tickets for each child trafficked Angel you can get tickets




So supreme court just strip aft power. No more gun control laws.

Not only affirmative action. Now aft looses too.




Stop mocking.


Your nothing more than a fucking bastard.

Fuck your feelings too.



I wish Buck was back!


Yawn. Inconsequential.

No one gives a fuck about some Gaytf rule. GayTF rules and DHS directives are for federal employees only–same as federal income taxes, and if you have no taxable federal income you have no taxable state income. No private citizen is under the thumb of reproach of ANY of these fuckers.

Pistol brace rule? lol


Yes the Supremes are starting to get it. “Gun control” is illegal in the USA, yet our communist government is hellbent on making it legal. “Shall not be infringed” and “Inalienable rights” puts gun control to bed for good in the USA. The communist Dems hate this fact with a passion.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna

Roger, Jim and will hate the west.


The abductors dead is a pretty good message, since the SEALS or White Hats are alone in missions like this. Confiscating the ship would’ve been a load move. Good to hear children are OK. Thank you RRN. Thanks Michael, hope feeling better day by day.

Stinky Perfume

You think they get off the boat and abduct in the streets? Guys in the streets do that and know where to sell children because they belong to huge gangs and want sex, money, and drugs really bad, not child support.

American Living in Canada

Did a search on pedo pos quotes, look at who turned up #1….

“#1. The thing I love about reporting is being able to blend in with any group, whether that’s neo-Nazis or pedophiles. – Author: Anderson Cooper

American Living in Canada

My neck of the woods.. these individuals seem to just disappear themselves.. strange isn’t?

American Living in Canada

A lot people listened to ole Elvis.. I kinda liked Glen Campbell at the time..

“Now my working day seem shorter than it ever did before
And the evening breeze gets cooler day by day
And the morning sun is always shining down on my backdoor
And your laughter washes all my cares away

And there’s not a day goes by that I don’t look up to the sky
And humbly thank the good Lord up above
For bringing you to me in time to make me realize
That all a poor man really needs is love
Now I’ve got everything a man could ever need
I’ve got dreams to dream and songs to sing in the morning
I’ve got hands to hold my babychild and eyes to watch my woman smile
I’ve got everything a man could ever need”


Very nice, like it. Sounds like you are happy, content & being blessed by God every day. Enjoy.


And this is a father of two saying this?! God help the kids!!

Sandy Thomas



Your interpretation is about perversion.
I believe the SONG is NOT about perversion at all, but about ‘normal life’.
Sometimes we get WAY too far under the evil to recognize the good.
Give yourself a kind word & a cup of tea/coffee/juice. Smell the roses.


Yep, Anderson Cooper is for sure a product of his raising.


I Wish a TON of people would get the picture of Anderson Cooper (as a child) where he is depicted being hung with his hands above his head, bound with rope in a drained in-ground pool & send it to him on mugs, tee shirts, etc. Maybe he’ll have a mental breakdown & get jolted out of the Matrix & spill the beans on everyone he knows about how they are doing all of these Nefarious acts of Satanic Ritual Abuse & Sacrifice on all of these poor children.

It’s been said that his older brother died as being one of those Satanic Sacrifices. First born sacrifices are said to be common practice with these E-V-I-L Psychopath’s.

Last edited 1 year ago by Cheryl
American Living in Canada

Do you know something about Glen Campbell that we all don’t know? I didn’t see him on any bad guys list.


Folks I know this is off the topic of these poor children. I just read part of an article where they were mentioning that the people of PA did not like Fetterman and he was about as popular as Joe Biden. They showed a picture of this Fetterman….no swollen neck, looked 20 years younger and had a head the size of a Walnut on his big body. I actually burst out laughing at their feeble efforts to create a Fetterman instead of admitting he has been dead around 4 months.

John .S

That’s a viable off topic comment, please continue with additional Fetterman info when available.


You didn’t have to waste your valuable time reading it. I thought maybe someone would be interested since this creature was reported to be dead by Michael a few months ago. Sorry if you were offended…NOT!!


You’re right. Just take a look at a “before” picture and compare it to the “now.” He looks like a beast. He’s quite homely.


just look at the ‘bdien’ now vs when he was beside Hussein Shit-stain!



They’re desperate as fuck. Look at the ‘cheney’, lol. Have you seen the ‘jaime foxx’ that’s out now? Of course, there are those who say, “It’s fake!” And we agree, it is a fake cheney and a fake James Foxx.


Well done everyone especially the seal team that did the operation! God bless you all for everything you do in this battle against evil.

Has anyone found out where the ship was headed and “who might be buying the cargo?” It would be good to exterminate them with extreme prejudice. Follow the money!


Will the ship be seized Michael? It would be good to know. Strip them of their assets so it can’t be done again. Give it to the Navy for target practice and send it to the bottom of the sea.






Fuck your feelings


I can confirm Jim confirmed Cryus was the killer–on more than one occasion I might add. Cryus is a rather vengeful lil ccp ape with her friends Rog the jew Swan and Will abortion pill Cowfield.


I can believe it.

They seem and are trying to silence you.

Buy have failed.


That’s a big 10-4. Affirmative.


I heard some muslims have an op in france!


Well there pro migrant leader got taken out.


♥️🇺🇸I’m from this area, yes no amber alerts. But there were report after report of young girls gone missing. Some were reported as returned. Could be fake news of course. My daughter spotted a large poster in Walmart of these girls. We hadn’t heard of many of them. Only one boy was on the poster. The weird thing is they all had a similar look. Dark long hair, light skin and dark eyes. Not all but many of them. Also, this happened last year. I believe RRN reports news after the incident is all done and criminals are dealt with. If we are reading this so are the bad guys.♥️🇺🇸


They enjoy doing this.

Jim does since he’s unstable


Jim sends ethel out to local divebars to get unwitting dupes back to the house where they cum in ethel and then Jim can get a slice of that cream pie!


They don’t care about anyone but themselves.


so they must be american?


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Dr John

I spoke a couple of days ago about how we can make things more difficult for these criminals and safer for our children. A few more things have come to mind after hearing some of the comments joining in on that message and conversation.

I wish to thank everyone who contributed to the discussion.

Someone mentioned get the recorded data from the areas of the kidnappings. It made me think. They would likely avoid street cameras or residence with cameras trying to avoid being identified?? If so the search for them should be in areas that don’t have cameras. What kind of homes did these kids come from would help identify where the criminals prefer to work (maybe).

I was thinking social media would be a great place to share non-identifi
able information, but that has problems of their own as was mentioned. Besides a database storing the information would be hugely beneficial because searches for regional areas, but town, city, state, date, time, etc would be very helpful. And with proper security the data base could hold some limited information where people can talk among themselves or get involved in the search effort.

As an example I have 2 conference bridges that each allow 250 people to connect and talk while those who do not have the login and password cannot get involved. The audio system is professional and I will donate its time to this project. Obviously ZOOM is available but it is offered by China. The question is are they China the good or bad guys??

For the first 3 years you can set up a very inexpensive WEB site that has unlimited email addresses, the WEB site email addresses could end up being the ID for each participant, so no names, phone or addresses are readily available.

These WEB sites offer SQL databases and a number of languages and tools for developing WEB pages like Word Press which offers posting of conversations. This WEB site uses WordPress with a Theme “News Paper” offered in most cases FREE.

This entire operation can be built for almost no cost. Everyone can get involved from the East to West Coast and beyond. Once the system is set up, others can be created under the same format for other countries that could have access to similar databases. Making the search and rescue world wide operating at the speed of the internet.

I was kicked off of Twitter numerous times for exposing MSM propaganda. We all worked together and dispelled lies sometimes as fast as the media presented. Seconds if not minutes later we had the truth out their and Twitter users were spreading the word!! The world joined in our efforts… it was way cool.

Is it possible we can more rapidly expose these kidnapping at such a level that it makes it too dangerous for these criminals to act? With neighbors notified in seconds of an event with some actionable details would/could scare them off.

The Amber Alerts are a joke in most cases with little if any detail on how to deal with the situation to protect your child, let alone enough information to help track down the perpertrator with a network of spotters.

Just ideas, but they are better than doing nothing.


Sometimes you got to go hard.

We warriors prefer to kill than let them live.

We always fight against big enemies alone against many by ourselves.

truth is stubborn

Hmm. Need to interrogate every one of them in depth for intel before anything else. You can lose a lot of critical info opportunities by being only visceral.


That only works on certain officers.

Low level ones. not much info.

High ones yes.

Will Caulfield

Lol. Another keyboard warrior.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield

Fuck you


Will the abortion pill Cowfield, ladies and gentlemen!




Here comes Jimmy the Jackass again. Sometimes he makes a good point. Sometimes it’s just the point on his head. Paid troll is my guess.
Go ‘way, Jimmy. Somehow we’ll manage without ya.


Shut up you wacko.

I never date you.

Fuck off and die.


He confirmed Cryus was the killer. I can confirm


I can see why they have him dead now, lol.


If she’s american perhaps!

John .S

There’s cameras everywhere, there’s no hiding. It’s getting difficult in hoodwinking someone in giving an old fashion tune-up, especially upon registered sex offenders, dam those camaras.


They made them to harass us.


kinda fun


Lol, indeed.


We can also teach the kids martial arts so they can fight back the paedos and the rapists, especially when the parents or guardians are not there. That happens on the outside.
But my bigger worry is how do we protect the kids from paedophiles and the rapists when they are their own dad, grandad or uncle abusing them? Child sexual abuse happens on the inside as well.
We don’t want to intrude on family privacy, but personally I cannot stand the thought of kids being abused, especially by family members they are supposed to trust. And the poor kids are too scared to tell anyone for fear of betraying the tribe.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena
Dr John

No one likes to hear it, but you are right and it happens too often. I taught my daughters self-defense, but when you are not watching (busy at play) someone can sneak up and using chloroform, etc. put you down.

The children often believe if they speak up it will break up the home/family and they will have no place to go. More often than you think the spouse is aware of what is going on and are simply turning a blind eye to the situation. After all they could lose the bread winner of the house!

Others can threaten the child with the lives of the parents. It goes on and on and is sick!


Chloroform? Are you Snidley Whiplash?


You’ve used up your allotment of questions for the day. Goodbye!


Since just above, you seriously mis-interpret a SONG as showing perversion, I think your judgement is ‘clouded’ at best and UNRELIABLY DISTORTED. You’d do better to stay OUT of OTHER PEOPLE’S FAMILIES & look to your OWN, Personal & UNRESOLVED ISSUES. I do appreciate that you care.


So you support defenseless people?


Your part of the problem.

Probably why you loose your comments

John .S

Harbor Freight July 4th sale is on that’s offering 20% off, and 25% off coupons as seen on website.

Good time to acquire an inexpensive portable generator at leisure. Nothing worse than scrambling when catastrophe strikes, preparation is key.

John .S

Harbor Freight July 4th sale is on that’s offering 20% off, and 25% off coupons as seen on website.

Good time to acquire an inexpensive portable generator at leisure. Nothing worse than scrambling when catastrophe strikes, preparation is key.

Most important step of any journey is the first step, get a portable generator today.




Fuck off.



Eve Bright

Any companies that are involved of child trafficking should be stripped their license operating a business immediately! Crews including the Captain their licensed to operate a ships should be revoked. Jail all the crews and hang them if they are complicit such child trafficking activities.

Sojourner Truth

Including the privileged President’s son.


Oh, tell me about it!!! And Joe Biden is not the president, he’s the paedodent.
Donald Trump is my President. Sorry not sorry.


Reportedly, hanged already.


Lindsey Graham gets BOOED in S.C.

twitter .com/ PapiTrumpo /status/ 1675178786822733825?s=20


Graham is the man in front of Jim!


Michael, is Elon considered a white hat? When he first took over Twitter he unsuspended lots of Great Patriotic accounts but once he hired this new woman who came from NBC Universal she has changed things back to the way it used to be on twitter, suspending good people and allowing the Twitter Bots to run free



He created ai and wants human brains being linked to tech.


yep, fuck elon


Once I found out he dated amber heard.

I lost respect.

Now I hate the dude even more.


Michael, is it safe to say that these heat waves are artificial and are being done by the Deep State against the human population using weather engineering apparatus? Is it also safe to say that these mosquito infestations with malaria are also being done purposefully and state government say they are spraying for mosquitoes they aren’t actually killing any mosquitoes but instead they are infesting neighborhoods with them? Seems like some nefarious things happen when black cats have control of the skies and this needs to stop. Is there a plan to stop them?


Only Gaia can stop it.

Vash the Stampede

Research DARPA’s H.A.A.R.P.

Sojourner Truth

Also, when I flew internationally recently, the stewardess made an announcement that the WHO is requiring them to go through the aisles to spray with insecticide. It smelt like peaches, but I put a blanket over my head. I wondered if they were spraying us with nano particles, in case we were unvaccinated.


They were. They want us dead


They will have to kill us before we die






https ://rumble. com/user/DoctorPatriot

[Excellent truther/commentary channel featuring well-chosen 3rd party truther clips.]



https ://www. brighteon. com/bb1b50a6-55dd-46f8-ab19-4d013221cef6

Outstanding, informative expose documentary of this terrible crime against humanity in and around the state of Arizona. Contains dodgy blue/green screen Visual Effects (VFX) work and (staticky) monophonic sound at times. Even so, don’t let that prevent you from seeing this masterpiece if you are interested in its subject matter. Known whitehats battling this terrible crime in some form or fashion are listed in the end credits–thus (indirectly) vetting the quality and content of this documentary.


Thanks, reposting!

Michael R Davis

Can somebody who lives in the area put some binoculars on the ship and see if it is sitting high in the water (empty) or low in the water? (ballasted with sea water) Michael Baxter said he was told “no oil on the ship”.

This tanker still sitting in South San Francisco Bay is a crude oil bulk carrier. It cannot be used to fuel Naval ships because it is far too slow and too large. Crude oil has to be delivered to refineries, refined before it can be used as fuel. Children seem to be the most valuable ‘commodity’ this tanker, the Dubai Brilliance, carries. Maybe the Military should grab the executives from the Chevron oil refinery just 13 miles to the north, have them explain what was delivered by this tanker just a few weeks ago.
Crude oil or Children?

Which port of call were the hundreds of children picked up at, Mongstad, Norway, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, and Skikda, Algeria, or from Chevron on San Francisco Bay?

John .S

Vanguard Group Inc is the largest individual Chevron shareholder, owning 160.65M shares representing 8.48% of the company. Vanguard Group Inc’s Chevron shares are currently valued at $25.10B.


Aka umbrella corporation


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

This will forever be a constant war. To fight against child rapers, molesters and evil. We can never allow this to happen again. The children are among the most vulnerable in the world. Along with the elderly and disabled. We MUST protect them.



Last edited 1 year ago by Jim



Michael- when will the whitehats take away all of the weather modification apparatus away from the cabal/blackhats?



John .S

Ha – weather modification devices in hands of the cabal, that’s a low level easy fix.

My ol’e lady can change the course of weather from a calm sunny day into hurricane and tsunami all at once, in a spit second. All it takes is lingering essence of my gumada’s perfume, which also produces thunder and lightning.

The cabal should hire my wife, no need for expensive equipment.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

They can do it right now. Where’s it located so a team can be sent out.


Well, looks like Macron and his butt buddies in the Establishment have lost control over their peasantry! Lol. What in the world will the threatened DStards do now? Train derailments in paris? I mean, they can’t even keep a lid on a bunch of angry unarmed peasants, but they think they can quash American gun owners?

Bring your A game G

Hal Brown

It was Arabs, and they had lots of firearms and even snipers on roof tops. Were the firearms made in USA? French fighting back with bats


just because someone has a fishing pole does not mean he can fish




Your disturbing


He wants to be disturbing. That is his sole reason for being here Talion.




$$$$ $$$ $$$


Jim has to pay someone to post here?




Not much at this point, lol.

Even the briccs are loosing control


Semlaw posts:

Extremely disturbing: Child slave markets and child prostitution are rampant in Saudi Arabia. Saudi men bid for the kids in Egypt and Yemen and then bring them to their markets in Saudi Arabia. They are given false identities and passports so they can be trafficked to buyers around the globe. What if we learn that Epstein was purchasing children from Saudi slave markets and hiring traffickers to ship them to his island. No one would miss these kids if they disappeared. Here is a brief excerpt from a report titled:

“There are reports of child sex tourism taking place in the Middle East, including in Syria, which has now become a popular destination for sex tourists from wealthier countries in the Middle East – many of whom are Saudi men. High prices are offered for virgins.18 There have also been reports of Saudi and other Gulf visitors acquiring youth brides in so-called ‘temporary marriages’ in Egypt.19 Domestic service that is abusive and early forced marriage are other practices that are creating demand for child sex trafficking in the Middle East.”


Epstein had in his discovered safe box cash, diamonds and expired Saudi passport/ Residency




Odd comment, but alright. I don’t disagree with you here, but as far as Trump being President over there..Why not install someone who we know will do a job at combating the issue, and monitor the situation?




That involves the Unted States possessing that country, and since 2017 we have stopped being the world’s policeman and pushing on for endless wars for profit – that’s the military-industrial complex President Eisenhower was warning us about in 1961 and what President Kennedy was trying to stop from destroying the world like Carter, Biden, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama pushed to destroy the world. They shot him for that. The cabal refuses to stop doing what t has beending even if it involves raping and killing our kids, they do not care. Raping and killing kids is not a 2016 Pissagate thing, this is a problem as old as time because Lucifer has been doing it since the Fall in Eden. Let Saudi Arabia be. We have to fight for America First.


Saudi Arabia is Israels ugly siamese twin sister. Just like Epstein was an Israeli/Mossad operation. The Talmud declares pedophilia to be kosher. It is an essential element of their black magick sex rituals. Demons seek embodiment to suck the blood of children. Jews are willing to offer their bodies up as golems for these dybbuks in exchange for sheckels.


You’re a lying sack of s***


You are uninformed


Agreed. YOu never hear House of Saud criticizing Israhell and vice versa. Sunni muslims and the jews have close ancestral ties.


Last I heard Saudi Arabia was still on the Alliance side.


Saudi defected to china


You sure a pig.

Michael already took care of cryus.

You next.


Cryus was the killer. Jim confirmed. The idiots had no idea what op sec was, so it was easy.


As they say: “snakes in the shadows”


Or maybe Oprah was bringing them in from Africa and Hillary was bringing them from Haiti…no one would’ve noticed orphanage kids going missing….


These evil men and women who torture, abuse, and rape little children are the most despicable low crawling demons on the face of the earth. They will surely pay for what they have done in the worst way possible. How heartbreaking to even think of what these babies go through so these demons can enjoy themselves. I am overwhelmed just imagining this. We have to help these children.


We will, but only if we gather together and fight back the demons destroying our families, here in American and globally. If people want to help us lock the vipers away, we can help them too. Isaiah 54:17, 1 Corinthians 4:20 and Deuteronomy 33:26.




NO weapon formed against the children of the USA & these other countries will prosper. Word of the Lord.




This is what Al Waleed was doing, and the other Saudi family members did not like what he did. The media did not report it because they did not know or because some of them have been compromised. These dogs don’t care about kids, they only care about the money; this is why they traffick kids to enrich and empower themselves. and the kids are treated worse than trash. This is what Epstein himself did.


The Saudi Royals are actually a Babylonian Radhanite Zionist jew who usurped the original King along time ago.


Lying sack of s***

Sandy Thomas

You can hate it all you like.


Cryus the great.


cryus gone cry.


Exactly, lol.

He failed big-time.

The Original cryus the great was a ruler of Babylon for a shortime.

Then died of I recall.


Too right! Too right!


If I’m not mistaken, what you described probably happened before The House of Saudi capitulated to DJT during his visit back in 2017/18 for fear of DECLAS( declassification) of their deep involvement of the atrocities or simply crime against humanity, you mentioned. Also recall, DJT was in the traditional Sword Dance signifying the Arabs working with DJT to stamp out crime against humanity. Before that, Saudi Arabia was a hotbed or hub of child trafficking etc.. Blessings 🙏🙏 from The REAL Delavic.


entire ME should be glassed