JAG Sentences Eric Holder to Hang


If silence were golden in JAG’s eyes, detainee Eric Holder comported himself well at the start of Monday’s proceedings, but Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, after summarizing Friday’s transcript, clearly wanted from Holder an admission of guilt in the matter of firearms that went missing and were used in homicides and a mass shooting event, under his watch as attorney general of the United States.

But Holder had chosen to remain silent as he sat at the defense table with a smug expression indelibly etched on his weathered face. He had heard the admiral call him “a traitor,” a “cowardly assassin by proxy,” and a “servant” of the most diabolical creature to walk the earth—Barack Hussein Obama.

The admiral addressed Holder directly: “Your keeper, your master, your lord, your liege has thrown you under the bus. You were nothing to him but a blunt tool. He used you and tossed you aside like a piece of trash. I’ll give you a choice to make that’ll expire in one minute: change your verdict to guilty, admit Obama masterminded Fast & Furious and Gunrunner, agree to testify against him in the future, and I’ll recommend to this panel a life sentence instead of the more final option.”

A minute passed.

“I guess you’ll die for Obama,” the admiral said.

He showed the panel his next evidence, an official document Holder had authored and sent to CIA Director John Brennan—executed by JAG in May 2021 on different charges—in June 2013. It authorized Brennan to drone strike a gathering of the Missouri Citizens Militia for no other reason than they “continue to push disproven theories POTUS is Muslim, not born in the U.S.A., and that POTUS fabricated his long-form birth certificate.” Holder named seven militia members, including founder Aaron Penberthy, who had to die in an “effective, surgical” strike. He even provided the CIA with an excuse for exceeding its purview—telling the public and press that the militia was a mix of domestic and foreign terrorists who joined forces to plan the assassination of Barack Hussein Obama.

The operation, the admiral said, never saw fruition because the militia gathering never took place. Apparently, they’d been tipped off.

“That Holder’s sinister plan didn’t happen, and the American citizens are still alive doesn’t lessen the gravity of this crime—conspiracy to commit murder. We have authenticated the document as well as Holder’s handwriting. How petty. Plotting murder over the question of citizenship. Obama must really hate people who challenge his birthright.”

“As with the lot of these Deep Staters, enemies of America, we could spend months and years giving evidence but is a waste of money and this commission’s time. The accused doesn’t seem interested in offering a defense, so I offer that this tribunal finds detainee Eric Holder guilty of treason against the United States and of conspiracy to commit murder,” the admiral said.

Holder stayed silent while the panel quietly deliberated his fate.

“We find the defendant, Eric M. Holder, guilty as charged on both counts and urge him to get the maximum punishment,” said the highest-ranking officer on the panel.

“A verdict has been reached unanimously,” the admiral said, glancing at a stone-faced Holder. “The convicted is now sentenced to hang by the neck until dead…It seems we have an open slot Friday, July 21, at 10:00 a.m.

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Looking at the photo above, when did this country allow a bunch of foreigners invade to run everything?!


Wondering if mcconnell has been
Captured by the whitehats. Was that his clone that froze on tv this week


Hey, Soetoro… you’re our favorite turd. That’s why we’re saving you for last, in case you were wondering.


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Last edited 1 year ago by DaRadiant1

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website… http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by DaRadiant1

Michael, you claim Eric Holder was arrested and tried this week then sentenced to be hung yet he shows up on MSNBC yesterday? Care to explain how he can be in two places at one time? How about showing us a picture of him sitting in the tribunal? If not guess the story is more fiction? Just like everything else written here.


Do some resesrch.


With those bug eyes, Holder looks like Lori Lightfoot’s brother. (And that’s before they hanged.)

Barry Dember

Shalom Michael, I wonder if the parents of the brave Border Patrol agent
Brian Terry, who was ambushed and killed will be authorized to attend Eric Holder’s hanging at GITMO?.


Hours away or maybe not even. He could be dead by now.

George Greenfield

Pictures please ….


Obviously, you’re one of those people who still believe in pictures, when they’re all photoshopped and manipulated.


For the love of Communist WOKE ANTIFA BLM Mandingo Big Mumba Watusi stick in the nose decorated people.


Thank you, Michael. Have a great day!


Today is the day the miserable bastard hangs!

George Greenfield

Today @ 10:00
Yay !
Adios POS !


Tomorrow 7-21-2023 Americas looks forward to one of the best news we will ever see. He was hanged! But nothing is better than watching live kenyan citizen being executed in public. The anti-Christ!



Last edited 1 year ago by Rusty

You really have to applaud the efficiency of our Constitutional Republic – United States Military.


No doubt! My brother is retired military and he told me 3 years ago that when the military starts tribunals that it will be fast trials and faster executions. Boy, was he right!! It’s so funny to see the AI dead people on MSM, like Nancy Pelosi yesterday praising fake Biden and saying how she thinks of him as a young president. Who comes up with this crap? Still so amusing when you know the truth.


I wonder what Saltzman’s FATE was?


The sheep and woke want pics.




Get out and watch The Sound of Freedom!!!


And be sure to get some “Coke” with your popcorn!


Mm yeah I could sure go for an ice-cold nanobot soda right now

Surf Nazare

nothing has changed Jim except your handle—-you are still the ultimate jackass


I win!!!! I’m not Jim but w/e…Jim did get resurrected though; at least based on the commas it looks like him. Check out his latest comments in the new article!


The Secret Service confiscated the coke to protect the corrupt

Wanda yemm

Thank you all that are going after all these people that are doing our country like they do. Everyone knows Obama is a bad person he is a terrorist to our country he needs to be picked up and be and be held accountable of all he has done to our country.

Surf Nazare

You wont believe this—-just saw where they have self healing METAL—What does that remind you of—-Terminator Lives——
For any bible believers out there the scriptures are coming alive—-
Joel 2: 7/8 They run LIKE mighty men (not men)–They climb the wall LIKE men of war; Every one marches in formation, And they do not break ranks. v8 They do not push one another; Every one marches in his own column. Though they lunge between the WEAPONS, They ae not CUT DOWN
V 10 The earth quakes before them—the heavens tremble

Joel is an end times prophet—-It is a short book so for any that might have an interest at least open it—–it can tie into Revelation—–we are there people—-!!!! Watch what happens around Israel—–war is coming !!!


Hell yeah, let’s make copper bracelets great again!

Surf Nazare

you are too smart for me—I wish I knew what you were talking about—-on second thought, I really don’t—-


Brett Favre and Jerry Rice love them!

Surf Nazare

who are they ???


Do you want a copper bracelet or not?

Surf Nazare

depends, what is the price of copper now—-are you going to charge me or give it to me


I’ll something from the site, you pick: copperfitusa.com

That’s how nice I am and I’m finally constructive. Brett is no longer affiliated with them though


Make one out of scrap wire from abadoned appliance cords


I will. Pick which model you want from the site and i’ll make you one. It’ll be special! (and constructive)


Come with me if you want to live, Surf 😎

Surf Nazare

where are you going to take me—-you got one of those thar fixer up beds or something—-new body —-mine is busted up pretty bad—-kinda rough life so need a new one—-



Last edited 1 year ago by Rusty

Michael, do you recall when the alternative electors went to the Michigan State Capital and were denied entrance by former senate majority leader Mike Shirkey (R) and the Michigan State Police? Well, now the Michigan Attorney General, Dana Nessel, is charging them all with 8 felonies each. She needs to be Gitmoed next along with the Michigan Secretary of State, and Mike Shirkey.



We are now in the FO portion


I’d like to get together with you so you can “FO”. They were following the law.




Maybe they shouldn’t have committed felonies 🤷‍♂️


They didn’t pedo. They followed the law.




Check the law asswipe. The law has a provision for alternate electors.



Stinky Perfume

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings92.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Stinky Perfume

I just love you stinky perfume.. 💃

Stinky Perfume

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website… http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Stinky Perfume
Stinky Perfume

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings92.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Stinky Perfume

Hispanics are voting for Trump because they are realizing the corrupt imposter-in-chief Biden are child-trafficking over 750,000 children, & probably more since 10 million children are enslaved right now. Horrific, evil illegitimate weaponized WH!!!


Maybe even 50 million!!


Rookie numbers. There are at least 17 trillion children imprisoned in the DUMBs right now.


I’m sure you are keeping track, pedo.


You should know pedo.


Who wouldn’t?


Pfizer Plant in North Carolina Damaged by Tornado ntd .com /pfizer-plant-in-north-carolina-damaged-by-tornado_931902.html


My roommate thinks the Pfizer building looks more like an explosion site. White hat operation? Or a black hat operation to further decimate the medicine supply? Who knows?


false flag, per the usual


So did the Deep State point their HAARP tornado generator at their own vaccine factory, or what?


Go away and get back to boning yo mama.


How did you know? Secrets aren’t kept too long. Truth does come out👍


NBC this morning covered the IRS whistleblower testimony against Biden with only a snippet of a rebuttal. The IRS agent is a married gay Dem (Pete anyone?). He did not come forward to do Republicans any favors. Along with Schiff’s CA impeachment buddy Goldman(Levi Strauss heir) they are moving to remove Biden. China is watching the chips fall and moved 16 warships to Taiwan(Zerohedge)-the most in a single day.


Biden isn’t getting removed Christine, it’s yet another overblown nothingburger


Justice is never forgotten by THE Triune God of the universe! All evil is revealed in this life, and the next!


The “trinity” is a false Catholic doctrine. There is only one God, Jesus Christ.

Usual Suspect

You’d have to go back to pre-Constantine to sort that out. Bart Ehrman has lectures on you tube about early Christianity that will leave you knowing more but also be more confused.

Last edited 1 year ago by Usual Suspect
Usual Suspect

From his lectures you can ascertain thay the whole thing was and is a power strugle right up to the present day. Just look at the chief players involved and it becomes obvious. So there is no way to know about the trinity. I think they were trying to complicate things so we peons would have to depend on the “authoritys” for salvation.



Religion was a setup too to deceive.

Last edited 1 year ago by Talion

Amen! 3 gods is idolatry



Usual Suspect

I ike the idea of showing older stories on the sidebar: Bill Gates & Dick Chaney. It shows the newbies that there is a history and gives an oppertunity to see it! If they look they will see a lot more!

Stinky Perfume

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website… http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Stinky Perfume
mary pascucci


John .S

Oprah Winfrey eye opener.



From all accounts, Oprah Winfrey is heavy into child trafficking and needs a nice vacation at GITMO!!


I heard she is already wearing an ankle monitor. and any celebrity you see wearing a moon boot, hiding their monitor.

John .S

They all will pay the piper, it’s systematically happening. Waiting on the Governator to take the hot seat.

Surprised, nothing surfaced on Whitman dabbling in Newsom type activities.


www. youtube. com /watch?v=Q93MkBSboHI

John .S

Rosenberg trial in Federal Court, executions outsourced to Ossining State Prison. Crandell can outsource executions to Huntsville adage: don’t mess with Texas – Hook-em Horns.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S
Nukken Futz

O’bama and Holder that got into high office, have totally destroyed all that blacks have slowly gained, rung by rung up the success ladder for so many years, all for money and power! I remember voting for Obamatose and he came over very convincingly as a hopeful new spin against the same ole shit, politicians and then to find out he was a big fuckin monster of ill repute that has caused so much destruction and mental anguish, through the years, beats the bejabbers out of me. Hillary Rockefeller was another person that downgraded women’s fight against the establishment for greed and power…..


Totally destroyed!!!!


Killary wasn’t a woman anyway so “it” did not downgrade any true woman’s fight for humanity.


Oh come on! Even back then Obama came across as a sleaze with his complete lack of background and his singsong way of speaking.

Thomas Blow

It seems as if the Deep State has assured everyone that if they ever testify against, any and every person they hold dear will be obliterated.


Actually they get in to the club by personally sacrificing someone near (and presumably “dear” to them) themselves. That is how they prove they qualify for “the big leagues”


What do you have to do for the minor leagues? It might be worth it to stay at that level


For that you merely have to sacrifice an acquaintance or a roommate or something


Too bad somebody didn’t sacrifice you

Mrs. Joe Strummer

Yes! I don’t think that many people who have gone down this rabbit hole & have learned alot know much though about these particular sacrifices (maybe because it’s so disturbing to comprehend). I’ve researched much speculation on certain alleged sacrifices…Depp killing River Phoenix, Dave Groehl killing both Cobain & Taylor Hawkins and Maddie McCann being sacrificed to Tony & John Podesta by her parents. Her Father, Gerry, is a member of The Red Shoe Society! And in one picture, he’s standing right next to Tony. And we all know about him & his sick brother & their vile home “artwork” & Pizzagate emails.

Stinky Perfume

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings92.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Stinky Perfume

You have to wonder if Obama and Holder were butt buddies? Or maybe they tagteamed big Mike?


Do you have to wonder that, Dennis? Do you often find your mind wandering to thoughts of gratuitous gay sex? 🤔


just shut up weirdo.

Mark David

Stop attacking readers comments. Comment about the article or just stfu.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David

To tag-team someone could mean to gang up on them with your friends and mess with them.


😄 Thats a good and accurate point.


Na its coming out Obama is Gay why you think big Mike was their?


Yeah man it’s coming any day now


That makes me nauseated.


As you scroll down and read the comments by the various parties, you realize the real lies and gaslighting that is destroying the USA. And many of the schmucks posting their attacks on everyone here, they themselves are candidates for the gallows at GITMO so keep it up you seditious POS morons, your day will come!


Come at me bro


You’re not a bro: you’re another pedophile from the slavery, child-molester party.


Lol I’ve never done any of that shit you paranoid weirdo


stop lying jim. your unstable.


Wrong on both counts


Then why are you defending it? Pick a side, quit straddling the fence, your taint must be mighty sore.


Ha ha. Hank wants a gay facial.


So you’re JBill lol. Dude cannot stop thinking about sucking off a guy

Last edited 1 year ago by Oliver

You should write a letter to gitmo and guam about all these POS morons


so like yourself trying to kill off humanity.


So in your pea sized brain, everyone who doesn’t believe these stories will go to the gallows at GITMO?

Do you read this garbage back to yourself before posting it?


Don’t you just love when a slot opens up to hang another treasonous bastard like Holder! Here, hold my beer while I pull the lever! The only one more deserving to hang than this POS is Obama! 10 am on the 21st works for me, is there going to be a televised event or pay per view?




your sad you cant kill anymore.


False, RRN says Obama is alive. And he’s the Deep State Dark Lord and he throws kickass birthday bashes 🥳

truth is stubborn

Yeah, I’m still a little freaked by Michael’s reporting that they lit up that Martha’s Vineyard event with adrenochrome :-0

Hank is technically right, RRN never said they got the big fish yet. I suspect it will happen, however,, and I look forward to reading it.

That one won’t even be a three-part posting, it’ll be a five-parter.

Last edited 1 year ago by truth is stubborn
Alan Stevens

Hanging is lethal.


Thank you for that informative report, Alan


Alan can roll his brain


jim stop crying.

John .S

Here’s Curtis Sliwa NYC WABC Radio podcast of Long Island Gilgo Beach Murders, with audio recording of former Congressman Peter King waving a red herring. Big politicos mentioned, deep stuff, Wow!




welp, europe just made removeable batteries a thing for all gaming systems, phones and etc.

things are changing.


Lol what does that have to do with anything? Was ‘non-removable Nintendo Switch batteries’ the key to the Deep State’s evil plans or something, Tal 🙃


shut up the west hater.

you sure hate anything the west does.

you need to go to serbia since you hate freedoms so badly. all you do is kill the westerners off.

you support genocide.


How many people have my posts killed, Tal?


incase people don’t know. this is a good thing. saves the environment from being wasted.

unless you want to fall into there world with everything electriticized to the point where a emp blast or solar flare can shutdown electronics.

thats another goal of the deep stae and wef and ccp 2030 agenda.


Wow!!!! They can replace batteries now? What’s next? They’ll have the Internet on computers?


I heard that by this time next year we’ll even be able to access the internet on our phones! What a time to be alive!!


Will that prevent them from being used to spy on us???? If so….let’s all have some battery removable phones…..


Good question.

Stinky Perfume

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings92.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Stinky Perfume

And what disgusted me was that I found a video of Attorney General Eric Holder honoring the 50th anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy’s installment as US Attorney General at the DOJ.

www. youtube.com /watch?v=k-8oDjsDQFA

Bobby’s widow, Ethel was there, and his eldest daughter, Maryland’s Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend was there. Kathleen is the mother of demised daughter Maeve Fahey Townsend McKean, married mother of three, and grandmother to Maeve’s 8-year-old demised son, Gideon Joseph Kennedy McKean, both found dead on the Chesapeake waters during the lockdowns after Maeve spoke out about Bill Gates’s vaccines while working with an agency connected to the vaccines.
The same deep state that assassinated JFK Snr., RFK Snr., JFK Jnr., ruined EMK (Senator Ted Kennedy), threatened and blackmailed Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, possibly killed Mary Kennedy, RFK Jnr.’s second wife (found dead in a barn), and possibly killed Maeve and Gideon off the Chesapeake waters during the lockdowns is the same deep state involved with the genocide via clotshot for Gates and the New World Order, which JFK and RFK were fighting against. Ethel and Katheen cannot speak out about it because the deep state has threatened the entire Kennedy family, except for RFK Jnr. who is still fearlessly speaking out against the vaccines.
Eric the Traitor ran the Fast and Furious gunrunner scheme that killed many innocent people in the United States, Ft. Hood and Mexico; and now, according to RRN, is a homosexual living with another homosexual in a sexually intimate relationship in New York apart from his wife and kids. He is about to hang for his crimes as illustrated above.
This abominable man kissed both Ethel and Kathleen after his speech and Kathleen’s speech about her dad, as if he was such an admirer of Bobby Kennedy and the Kennedy clan while running a deep state gun running operation under President Obama — that other traitor — that killed many innocent people, and the deep state is responsible for killing their family members. Talk about chutzpah!
I am an admirer of the Kennedys, too, but I do not agree with treason or murdering the innocent. THIS MAN, ERIC HOLDER, IS A TRAITOR AND AN OFFENSE TO EVERYTHING THE KENNEDY FAMILY STANDS FOR.
And this is a family that has lost family members to the Rothschilian cabal, not just gun violence as the fake news media always says (the cabal killed JFK Snr., JFK Jnr., and RFK Snr.). And Dr. Sharon Malone, M.D., Eric’s wife, was there along with the entire Kennedy family in the audience honoring Bobby’s career as a crime-busting AG.

Be not afraid, Ethel and Kathleen, this traitor is going down. If you are reading this, or if any Kennedy family member is reading this, I’m so sorry you lost Maeve and Gideon; because like all of you, Maeve saw evil IN THE SHOTS and she dared to speak out against evil, as well as the shots.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

There was and still is continual evil from Eric Holder and his master…Barack Obama. He will be getting exactly what he deserves early Friday morning. No black knight is going to rescue his evil rearend. All of you bleeding hearts who think Adm. Crandall did not make his case….have got to be kidding!! He had enough to hang this traitor 50 times over.


Oh no…anyways


Reposting from American Living in Canada:
“Globalization has been described as “socialism for the big banks; free market competition for everybody else.” It has resulted in the export of most of the well-paying manufacturing jobs from North America and Europe to the Third World—where wages are abysmally low, and safety and environmental standards are virtually non-existent. We can see one effect of this in government plans to force us into electric vehicles, the batteries and chips for which require rare-earth elements that are often mined by children in regions where soil and water are poisoned by the effluent of mining and milling processes. And meanwhile, power engineers know that there is no way we can possibly provide the many megawatts of electricity needed to recharge all those electric car batteries. The drive to replace internal combustion vehicles with electrics is a fools’ mirage.”
From CHP up here in Canada.’

So many Democrats, RINOs and crazycrats want globalization under the many ice cream flavors of Socialism and Democratic Socialism and Communism, National Socialism, Fascism, Antifaschistiche (ANTIFA),and Black Lives Matter (BLM) which is another form of Socialism, and they are forcing us to like it — as if we didn’t know it was Socialism — they want it to be the norm and they are telling us eschew capitalism, nationalism and free enterprise as unpardonable sins. Obama even said in advocating Universal Basic Income (UBI) “You don’t need to make any more money.”
The hell with you, Barry the Bum. This is America and we can ALL make as much money as we want to, and there’s nothing you and your dirty little homosexual cabalistic bathhouse hooligans can do about it.

It’s still the same ice cream no matter what flavor you make it.
Socialism is totalitarianism/Democratic Socialism/Communism/National Socialism/Fascism/Antifaschistiche (ANTIFA)/Black Lives Matter (BLM) no matter how you slice it, and ice cream is still ice cream, no matter what flavor you make it. Strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, Rocky Road, pistachio, butter pecan, rum raisin, cookie dough, etc.

Shame on them.


We’re in rerun season of COMMENTS by other people


If Hunter Biden was executed two years ago, then why was Marjorie Taylor Greene showing pics of his huge dong in Congress today? Michael, can you explain this please?


Seems weird to me…weren’t they just worried about kids being exposed to this stuff? Kids can accidentally end up on c-span and see hunter’s junk

Sandy Koufax

Hunter Biden served as Vice Chairman of the Amtrak Board from July 26, 2006 – January 29, 2009.
Driving that train, high on cocaine,
Casey Jones, you’d better watch your speed,
Trouble ahead, trouble behind,
And you know that notion just crossed my mind

Sandy Koufax

Trouble ahead
A lady in red
Take my advice
You’d be better off dead
Switchman sleeping
Train hundred and two is
On the wrong track
And headed for you


It’s the fact you child-molester party pedophiles are so stupid. You’re on a 2 to 5 year ”behind reality” time scale for slavery party cock gobblers.


Lol I love getting lectured about ‘reality’ by goobers who believe every elected official in America has been secretly executed and replaced by magical clones


were not giving you cash so you can kill more.

i know what you want to do us. so stop.


Man what in the fuck are you talking about? What cash? What killing? You’re the most delusional person here, Tal. And that’s no easy feat, it’s a competitive field.

Last edited 1 year ago by Hank
truth is stubborn

So Hank, I have to ask.

What would your reaction be – hypothetically – if you were to find out you were wildly wrong in your sarcasm and these elections had actually taken place?


You don’t think there are still pictures of dear Hunter Biden around?


How many “dongs” have you seen to compare it to? You like the pen15?


jim killed 70 people. he confirmed it.

truth is stubborn

Seems like the obvious answer would be it was one of the hundreds of files taken from Hunter’s laptop.

Oh, wait, forgot, the MSM said that that was all a giant roosky conspiracy :::-\

If Brennan is really gone, I’m sure not missing him.


I asked this question…and sincerely because I wish sooo much for all this to be true~ 🙂






What questions do you have bro, I’ll answer em for you 🙂


Here’s a question. How long have you been boning yo mama?


Easy, the answer is I have never done that. Here’s a question for you Tuck, why are you so obsessed with incest sex? You post about it a lot, my man.




Something about this does not make sense. On the first day Holder was full of fire and was very vocal in his defence. Then on the second day he was completely quiet. So what has changed? This site is full of bigots who lust in hearing stories of death and glaring inconsistencies seem to pass. Does anybody on this site have the ability to think. Or have I missed something?


MB got bored of writing it and realized he could make the second article really short if he just wrote that Holder decided to not talk anymore


That’s funny


Sounds like you missed something


None of these stories are true, and the people here who believe them are like children.
This is an adult comic book and some people pay the creator of the comic, Mike Baxter.


Threatened by truth?


You wouldn’t know. Your decisions and your opinions are IRRELEVANT.


Not at all. Show me some proof. I’m more than ready to see justice for the Deep State, it’s not here however, this is nonsense and designed to part you with your money, sweetie.


And yet here you are.


Yes, for entertainment and to laugh at the idiots who believe this garbage, and the leftists idiots who make fun of you.


Piss off and get back to your child porn.


Well SlimeGreen, do you have proof these articles are not true? There are many things that point to them being true. If you think it is all a comic book, why do you come here and read them. I guess you love your comic books!!


Yes, I do, honey.
I know for a fact that pedojoe and his evil admin are in fact using the White House. My little cousin and her class went to the WH and took a tour. It’s filled with pedojoe admin.
I know for a fact that there was no “shootout” in Uniondale, Long Island because I have family who are police there.

Those are 2 of the stories I have literal direct proof are completely made up and fake.


Are you going to talk about shape shifting, clones, and other magic tricks now, uneducated moron?


Speaking of “uneducated morons” arrives a rank new example from the Soros stable
of bots, trolls and shills.
What condescension!!
Your sources are as uncertifiable as you are.
And yet you
criticize us for taking into consideration.information that we find to be of interest.
Considering that the only “source” of your evidence is “you” your un- corroborate-able
“evidence” doesn’t “prove” anything.
You can take your high & mighty opinion of yourself and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine…
If the information on this website’s not for you, feel free to stay away..It’s not like you will be missed.


I couldn’t have said it better myself!!


Of course you couldn’t because you’re a moron too.


Part of your mental illness is you assume everyone who laughs at your ignorance is somehow doing it for “soros.”

I’m a limited govt conservative with a polisci degree who loathes soros.
You’re a moron who just started paying attention when Trump hit the scene. We’re not the same.
There is literally zero proof even one of these stories is true.
Now go fuck yourself and take anyone wo carews what you say with you, traitorous moron.


There it is, the talisman of intellectual insecurity… throwing out your badge of indoctrination,
A degree in Polly Sigh as though it distinguishes your opinions when the actual “quality” of your “thought” does little more than weary the soul.  Oh yeah… getting a passing grade from a Marxist professor is like getting the Tavistock seal of approval.  
It does not seem to have occurred to you that our presence here on this board is not categorical evidence of what anyone here “believes”. You are not unique (not special!) in recognizing that we do not have concrete ”evidence”  but no one here is obliged to tolerate your rude assumptions about an entire group of people who did not volunteer for your unsubstantiated condescension. And then you get all bent out of shape when that is pointed out to you.   And by the way, having a lime green yeti is only an example of bad taste, not originality.


You display lack of intelligence as well as mental illness. You have provided zero proof for any of these stories like the dopey writer. You are a child who gets the sads and lashes out when an adult comes in and steps on your silly kingdom made from toys. You and the other morons here get upset when the blanket fort you built with couch cushions is exposed to daylight and reality.
Tolerate me? I tolerate you, traitorous little piggy.

Re: the last part of your ultra retarded rant, you don’t even know what a lime green yeti is, tubby. Start there.


You show up here with a couple of moderately interesting considerations and then proceed to insult everyone on the board for your assumptions about our intelligence relative to yours.
Whether you are a tent (a yurt) or an abominable snowman (a yeti) – you display the same attitude of the other bots and shills who are here only to demand that the rest of us denigrate this website and be ruled by your conclusions as fact.
You are the one who gets “upset” and call those of us who see things differently than you “morons”, apparently your favorite word.
And as I said before, we are all aware that these stories are not verified – Michael himself describes the site as “satire” and maybe it is. We are having a conversation here, among ourselves, for what it is worth to us. You can share what you believe to be true, your doubts and convictions… and people may learn from you… but if you are here to borrow from the msm- generated crock of plausible deniability to claim intellectual authority, some of us be interested in original information you share… but not your presumption of intellectual authority. If you actually ARE “smart”, while very important, it isn’t everything. A little civility and a smidgen of humility would go a long way towards finding an audience you can influence here.

truth is stubborn

Lime, flesh that out a little for us.

How long ago did they go, and did they take photos I assume?

You have every right to ask MB to speak to that. Michael, if you see this, please note.

The Uniondale reference is from “Special Forces Free Imprisoned Marines Who Visited the Capitol on Jan 6” posted March 11, 2023, but MB’s article says it was a clandestine detainment center, an abandoned warehouse the feds had turned into an “illegal prison.” I’m sure your Uniondale family thinks they know everything that happens in town, but there’s also a good chance there’s a lot they don’t.

But tell us more about your cousin please.

Last edited 1 year ago by truth is stubborn

My little cousin visited the WH during the school year that just passed. She was with her classmates, and parents who chaperoned. I have seen the pics of her on the tour they took, i saw the pics of her standing with a horrible disgusting leftist Biden official, they’re also on fascist facebook. It was fully functioning. Anecdotal i agree, but what evidence does the writer have? I mean we’ve all seen the youtube vids of the WH being “dark” being filmed from a rooftop but that looks fake to me.
Believe it or don’t.

Re: the shootout in Uniondale i can also help with more info. It’s a vile nasty crime infested tiny town and i don’t have family who lives there, but who are police there. I have family who live in nearby Garden City. Now, Uniondale has a thing called “shotspot” that detects gunfire and pinpoints the location and the family i have who are police there (in the tiny town) respond to EVERY shooting. There are very few “abandoned warehouses” that don’t have a population within eyesight. Literally no place in uniondale to house an illegal prison, nor a place to have a gunfight without all of Long Island knowing about it.
MB’s problem is he used Long Island which is densely populated and he got caught in a lie. It’s completely made up and fake.

I look forward to your response.

truth is stubborn

I’m still kind of agnostic on the first, I walked past the DC White House myself one evening within the last year or two and saw one guy come out but knew nothing about him either way. It’s possible the whitehats had to abdicate the site unreported or something else (an MB reply would be interesting), but it also appears true that the guy who passes for Biden (I think the face pulltab thing was real) doesn’t give “press conferences” in the ordinary press room, which I’ve seen. And after that microphone mislayering video it is still obvious they’re doing CGI a lot.

Never been to Uniondale, and I’m familiar with the triangulation software, but if it had all been indoors, the noise outside might have been muffled enough not to activate it. And “illegal prison” technically doesn’t have to be full scale, you might keep only a half dozen people inside, in which case a “warehouse” might not be that much bigger than an old storefront, I know one myself that’s like that.

But either way, people are wrong to downvote and insult you, that’s just simplistic and silly. I myself don’t happen to believe MB is lying, let alone for money (this seems like too much work and not the fastest way), but your observations are important, disagreement is normal, and infighting is not something we can afford a lot of. We’re all trying to just get nearer the truth in an inherently murky situation, and I appreciate your taking the time to explain those things in greater detail 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by truth is stubborn

excellent communication between you & Lime!

Hal Brown

A wee bit of introspection,
And some time for reflection,
Caused the smartest man in the nation,
To realize his train had left the station.

Last edited 1 year ago by Hal Brown

Because: 1. more evidence against him is irrefutable; and 2. his cult leader, Obama, is still controlling him, just like other cult leaders who brainwash their followers.


false flag


We have all been curious why Holder didn’t speak out. We were only told that he sat there with a smug look on his face and said nothing. It was indeed out of character for this DS demon. However, that was all we got.


Michael said he was stoned