Army CID Arrests “Black Hat” Army Recruiter


Investigators from the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) have found and arrested a former Army Staff Seargent (E-6) who bribed future enlistees to take part in the Deep State’s war against President Donald J. Trump and his supporters, sources in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

As reported last week, a few of the 165 Fort Drum soldiers in White Hat Custody revealed to investigators that military recruiters visiting High Schools had singled out students who disliked Trump and promised them $5,000 a month plus base pay to enlist and await further orders. Those accepting the offer were eventually assigned to companies and platoons loyal to Lloyd Austin and the criminal Biden regime.

Our source said White Hats pulled and reviewed the soldiers’ personnel files.

“Someone with much authority redacted, blacked out, recruitment details on 145 files, the recruitment stations, the station commanders, and the recruiters’ names. Only a bigwig at the DOD could do that, and it has complicated our job because only four of these guys are talking. Three remembered their recruiters’ names, and two were recruited by the same sergeant at the same high school the same year,” our source said.

Former SSG Jayden Carter enlisted in the Army following his senior year at Central High School in Philadelphia; he graduated in the bottom 10% of all graduating students that year. His SAT score was abysmally below average. He passed the armed forces placement exam by only 4 points, scoring 35 out of 100, limiting his military career options. He attended infantrymen (11 Bravo) Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Benning in 2016, after which he was assigned to the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, where he excelled and apparently pleased his chain of command. In 2020, as his contract neared fulfillment, his commanding officer encouraged reenlistment, promising Carter a letter of recommendation to the Army’s Basic Leadership Course. Carter accepted the offer and completed the course with excellence, whereafter he returned to Fort Drum and was quickly promoted to sergeant.

Six months later, he requested to attend the Army Drill Sergeant School at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Again, he surpassed expectations as would a college valedictorian and completed the 65-day course. He then returned to the place of his military genesis, Fort Benning, instructing future 11 Bravos how to fight and, hopefully, stay alive on the modern battlefield.

In January 2022, Carter received orders reassigning him to the Army Recruiter Course at Ft. Knox. Upon graduating, his MOS changed from 11 Bravo to 79 Romeo (Army recruiter), and he was placed at a recruitment station in his hometown of Philadelphia, at which point he, defying all odds, metrics, and requirements, was promoted to the rank of Staff Seargent ahead of others who had more time-in-grade.

In April of that year, Carter visited his old high school and–as is described in a previous article–convincingly persuaded at least two students—now PFC Malik Johnson and PFC Jamar Davis—to enlist with an understanding that they might be called to action to defend Joseph Biden from his enemies, fellow soldiers and civilians who still endorsed Donald Trump.

For reasons unknown, Carter in June 2023 requested and received an early discharge, approved by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Although such requests are commonly denied sans extenuating circumstances, 10 USC 1171 states that any regular enlisted member of an armed force may be discharged within one year before the expiration of the term of his enlistment or extended enlistment. Carter did not meet the established criteria.

When Army CID decided to arrest Carter on charges of treason, aiding and abetting the enemy, bribery, insubordination, and treason, they encountered an obstacle because Carter’s separation paperwork had no forwarding address. Interviews with family and acquaintances led investigators to believe that Carter had magically become wealthy and was living a lavish lifestyle in the Virgin Islands. Carter, it turned out, had bought a $850,000 beachfront home in St. Thomas, where he cruised the tropical nirvana in a $140,000 Audi R8 sports coupe. While Carter’s impoverished siblings and mother lived in destitution in Philadelphia, he squandered fistfuls of cash at pricey bars, brothels, and strip clubs. His wanton spending and chronic inebriation put a bullseye on his back, simplifying the task of arresting Carter after he drunkenly stumbled out of a beachside bar Wednesday night.

“From what our friends at CID told us, Carter could barely stand. They read him the charges even though he was probably too damn drunk to understand and took him in. They flew him stateside. Once he sobered up, he flipped out seeing himself in handcuffs on a flight back to the U.S. As far as we know, he isn’t talking. What we do know is he must’ve done a hell of a lot more than recruiting two Black Hats to get that kind of cash. CID will handle the first interrogations, then he’ll go to Camp Blaz. One sure thing is that the Army doesn’t just swap out someone’s MOS. He must’ve asked for it and someone out there was pulling some strings. He was a stellar soldier until he turned. What a shame,” our source said.

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Just goes to show how little the left cares for anyone/ anything other than themselves.
Pawns of the NWO.

Zero respect for the divinely inspired design of our Constitution/ Republic.
Which will ensure their mortal death.
God will decide their spiritual death.

Willy 2.0

Hang em’ high


can you say SCAPEGOAT for Carter ? geez….


SCAPEGOAT for Carter ? geez….


Yes, I can say that

David T



In the mean time Pres.Trump is facing 400 yrs prison time or death at the hands of garland and biden


Nothing will happen, it’s all a shit show of political theatre designed to distract and manipulate the people. Trump is a traitor owned by the rothchilds. Do some damn research.


If Trump was a Rothchild operative, he wouldn’t be persecuted. He’d be celebrated.

Only an imbecile like you could make such a illogical statement.

Put the crackpipe down and get some much needed pyscotherapy!


He’s probably AI.


He’s the “usual Troll” thats trying to make a lame comeback.

Victor Bravo

Have another glass of gin, Nancy.

Carol B.

And, these two….Garland and Biden are the ones guilty of Treason…….not Trump

William Turner

Why isn’t General Smith arresting Milley and Austin?

Marta Limberg

The time is coming for all traitors. All will have to face the military tribunals. All will receive their just dues. No ifs, buts, or ands!

Ellen T

…And they will have to stand before God for judgement as well.


I think Austin left the country. Milley? I suspect he was picked up a while ago and we are looking at a double. It may be on this website.

Dave Strickland

Easier said than done


Probably can’t touch them…yet

Carol B.

yes, yes, it is time or them Milley & Austin ……


This guy was in a hurry to spend his ill gotten gains.. Just like the one stealing 1% of taxes.. IMO the reason they are being so rash &in a hurry is bcos they know that very soon that fiat money Dems are printing will be worthless.. That’s probably why they are spending it all over the world..
Those bank accounts will probably be worthless too as how will criminals be able to put in a lawful claim to the new US government for redress on ill gotten gains???


Michael, DO NOT POST

Recommend to your friends that it might be useful for some of their computer wizards to run a search of all the military personnel records, active, discharged, and retired, to identify all incidences of redacted information. That could bring to light more turncoats like the ones discovered thus far.


Blacks have NO HONOR.


That’s not fair & it’s racist. None of that is welcome here.


It’s free speech. I don’t agree with it but we are free to like or hate anyone for whatever reason as long as we dont break the law. He could be a troll though. Still, people need to stop attempting thought control. I can hate someone for being fat if I want or being ugly or being pretty. My thoughts and speech are my own.


I did try to edit my comment to add to it but the site kept saying I was posting comments too fast, whatever that meant! What I wanted to add is that there are plenty of whites that also have no honor. Probably more whites than blacks so that’s what wasn’t fair about the statement.


Lol, accusing all whites only? So blacks killing and robbing get free passes?

Chicago says hi. New York says hi.


You forgot Los Angeles and Seattle.

Mark David

If you’re talking percentages, you are incorrect.


Mark Dice (on YT) showed the graph of percentages of crimes committed by different groups. A real eye opener. I was ahocked at the dispatity between the groups. Definitely not shown on MSM.


I’m getting that, too.


And I don’t care if you’re white, pink, purple, black, blue, yellow or red, a traitor has no honor. Period.


and you will be judged accordingly as every action has an opposite reaction, we will all be judged on our actions one day and some will be doomed to repeat this trip through hell over and over again until we get it right
I, for one, will not be living through the do-over


So blacks can run wild?


Tell that to EdBob, Dave Kelly, Big Ed, Sue and FireDog. They spew that racist filth themselves.


Ok, EdBoob, we read your racist rant already. No need to post it twice under a different name

David T



‘..stellar soldier until he turned. What a shame?!’

Carol B.

He was sucked in with the wrong motives anyway…….satan makes some things so tempting…..what a shame


‘..stellar soldier until he turned. What a shame?!’

As is every single Philadelphia nigger, he *always* was an enemy of the people.

The black race sold them own selves into slavery, then have the narcissistic gall to accuse whites of the deed after our Godly constitution framed the very argument that freed them.

Sons and daughters Cain they are – cursed – not one black city on earth desirable to live in.

Blacks have NO HONOR.

You can plug one into a white collar job and the system will hide the low standard, but as a race, in Africa they haven’t even invented the wheel, or ‘irrigation.’ Turned South Africa into a SHIT HOLE after they kicked whites out – now they sing Kill the Boer! and conduct mass white genocide.

Japanese rebuilt Hiroshima into a gleaming jewel after WW2 but Africa remains a SHIT HOLE.

Watch what you eat! I warned you. They puttin any nasty thing they can in your chick fil a meal.

97% vote for Satan, Marxism, baby blood drinking demoncrats. They ENABLED this shitty CIA controlled world we live in yet you whites pander to their black asses all day long and Dan Cathy polishes their nasty shoes.

Think I’m over the top?

Then YOU are part and parcel of the problem and the truth of your shame shall be made known in the judgment.


You’re an irredeemable asshole.


And a miserable racist.


Facts and truth aren’t racist.




And you are living in fantasyland.


For once I agree with you.


Not the entire race. There is evil in every race on Earth. You live among peoples of five different races in this country. Deal with it.


Yes and some clearly demonstrate that they are worthless pieces of shit.

Mark David

Not the entire race, but a Much Higher Percentage than any other race Are racists.


You actually are making the kind of sweeping, hateful, and divisive statements that are the fuel for the hatred these young people have for Trump supporters. You have so much to learn though to ever understand that YOU are really part of the problem too.


and everyone is being brainwashed to freak out if somone overgeneralizes about skin color but not other things. Lighten up.


Making the writer most likely a black hat plant. None here should be so easily fooled.


I don’t agree, yes, in general they have been duped but not all and without useful idiot whites it could not happen. It doesn’t help to condemn a whole race, it won’t change the situation. It’s good to be intelligent enough to recognize patterns but this is an overgeneralization and doesn’t apply to all. Most are good people who have been gullible, we only see the rotten ones for the most part. . but we have Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and many


Lol you speak to much truth and facts for the dumb fucks. While not all blacks are racist ignorant pieces of shit many are and the facts you speak cannot be denied.


Can’t argue that fact.

Mark David

Ed bob, you are correct. The truth is very powerful, but not everyone can handle it. If you don’t protect yourself And become Situationally Aware of your surroundings and those around you are just weak, ignorant and vulnerable.

Carol B.

We do not want this to be true…….we pray for mankind, and too often mankind does not help himself…..


Nothing surprises me that came out of Philadelphia!


Kensington-the city, is a prime example! Thee shit hole of shit holes-go take a peek, y’all..!


Affirmative action Austin coward sits in another country hiding as he barks orders to the White hats. To the gallows you treasonous pos Austin.


Oh they plucked him out of a small pool of possibilities and asked, “you want to be on the “president’s cabinet?” “Sign here and we’ll tell you what you have to do. ” The rest is history.

Carol B.

sorry to say this but you can look at Austin and tell there is nothing to him.

William R Nicholson

Damn sorry story that again points out the dangers of growing up without a responsible father whom fears Creator God ! I’d bet he never had the father , mentor needed to develop a moral compass. I’ll bet that when he wakes up , he’ll have a story that will be a humdinger. Can’t wait to hear it. The wealth exhibited was clearly cash under the DS apparatus & perhaps above that level , as THEY , are desperate & pulling out futile moves before their final fall. Good Work , let’s hope the few idiots that can be saved , will be ! It’s dang shocking how many don’t know what a true warrior is Supposed to be Pledged & Aligned to ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Aw stfu placing blame on poor bigger didn’t have a father. 1) He easily could have, and yet that demoncrat father taught him to hate America like all blacks do. 2) lack of a father isn’t a demoncrat thing, caused by ‘policies.’ It’s a NIGGER thang! Caused by, well, being a NIGGER. They all breed like cockroaches and not one of them knows who they daddy is.

I say again. Stfu you fraidy white coward. Grow a pair, and speak the TRUTH, for ONCE.


Put on your pointy white hood gramps. Cross but in’ at midnight


The white hoods were nothing compared to the death jab genocide and the fema camps.


Not to mention cannon fodder in all the wars between banking systems they made we the people fight for the banks. Plenty of blacks on the front lines along with all colors.

Mark David

The medical mafia members and the big pharma scum should be hanged 24/7, 365, a thousand at a time, until they are all gone.


and stop feeding trolls.


You don’t have to be a white supremacist racist just because you state true facts that everyone can see with their own eyes and ears. Judging a race by their own actions is certainly fair and appropriate. You want to judge a race by a few individuals while edbob is judging them by their majority. You might not like it but that doesn’t make him wrong.


Shit up Ed Bob. You are a half baked potato and I promise you that you have never done anything important to help defeat these globalist bastards.

You are the DS themselves trying to make us all look like dumb bitches.

I don’t associate with your kind.


That’s a typist statement. “Your kind” Pot meet Kettle.

Nukken Futz

Another “Brownshirt” goes down for das fuhrer; Obamatose….


This guy did Not “turn” as he was always a hater of Trump voters. You can tell by how much money DS poured into him, like he was a promising NFL player.


How you would you know if his email provider put your emails in his spam folder?


He’s not as smart as an imbecile and certainly dumber than a moron. That makes him an idiot

William R Nicholson

Good point ! You’d better get hold of him & tell him , he’s perfect replacement for Chuck Schumer …….. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Do you notice how his intelligence went up, likely after getting involved with other DS haters? Once he picked up his Evil DS cause, he became smarter… and more focused on Evil. The problem with him isn’t intelligence, it Is his Demonic Hatred. But once he “Retired” he immediately went back to his usual lack of focus, slothful ways.


Yes, I noticed. Someone did a little adjusting here and there.

Pepe Penname

Time to utlize waterboarding on this certifed imbecile.

He’ll talk. Oh, will he talk.


About what? Don’t “we have it all?”


oh it’s a double troll. I see what yo


oh it’s a double troll. I see what you did there


Amazing what an un-motivated young person can accomplish when motivated! Pity it all turned to crap. (Up & down both helped by one or some in high position(s).

Sparky Sr

GREED… plain and simple…




Follow the money right to BLACKROCK and Larry Fink.





https ://bestnewshere. com/

Lady truther condenses DS plan for depopulation and enslavement down to its bare essence to warn others and offers helpful solutions to persevere and avoid their dark, evil solution. What she says is in accord with prior extensive online research and is on the up and up. Please spare 5.5 minutes to watch them.

https ://www. tiktok. com/@yumnaturalsemporium/video/7262404279200173317
https ://www. tiktok. com/@yumnaturalsemporium/video/7262410884985785605

DO NOT watch the mirror copy on Bitchute I found at Bestnewshere that I WILL NOT link to. The uploader ‘re-recorded’ the clips reducing their visual quality and tacked a 5-minute ad on the end for some sort of Bitcoin clone with ‘daily compound interest growth’ which might (ultimately?) be part of the DS trap outlined by the lady truther in the clips above.

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Bernie_Madoff

basically offered the same thing in a different format until he was arrested by authorities, tried, convicted, imprisoned, and died in jail.


Related link to the lady truther’s TikTok clips I found online somehow and is VERY IMPORTANT! Please watch this 4.5 minute clip.


https ://www. bitchute. com/video/PAA34yoBRIMe/

More of the patently evil DS policy of “they want you DEAD” (if you can’t pay for your medical care, not admitted as a patient, or seen by a doctor for emergency care) disguised as an ‘anti-loitering’ policy at hospitals. This is the ‘dark side’ of the ‘not in my backyard’ mentality and goes against the Hippocratic Oath that doctors used to pledge to before it was removed before the start of the Plandemic (2020-03-11 – ). 🙁


Michael Baxter, thank You for the information contained in this article! Answers a few questions but obviously creates others.
Appreciate everything You’ve done and are doing to pull the curtain back on these a~~holes.
General Smith snd Admiral Crandall, thank You Sirs and White Hats everywhere, working 24 hours a day to eradicate this filth from the face of the earth!
Keep after ‘em.


He probably thought you were joking. I’m sure they get a lot of young persons who like to walk in and just mess around and waste time.


They get the same income as others of their rank. They don’t get paid for each person they recruit.

Captain Bill

I say America love it or leave it!!


He left it didn’t he. That’s telling.


I’ve seen some Russian sympathizers here…they should move too. This is ‘Merica!

Michael R Davis

No, this is our Constitutional Republic America under assault by Globalist Deep-State Communist Fascist Khazarian Democrats. If you cannot comprehend who our real enemies are, then we do not need you.


If you’re sympathetic to Russia, you can move there and support them. ‘Merica!


deep state troll


Many people here love and admire Putin.


Russia is not the enemy we most need to be worried about. They are future allies. This has been predicted for years. Franklin Roosevelt thought so almost 80 years 5, which may be why they made sure he didn’t survive long after WW2.


They’re our future Allie’s but they killed Roosevelt?


Hey Troll, they’re our current and future allies,. The world in the future will have countries not divided over banking systems like it has been, We do not have to hate them for having their own currency and not letting the deep state banksters enslave their people. What a concept. Welcome to the future, deep state minion.


Hey Troll, they’re our current and future allies,. The world in the future will have countries not divided over banking systems like it has been, We do not have to hate them for having their own currency and not letting the deep state banksters enslave their people and steal their natural resources. What a concept. Welcome to the future, deep state minion.




Yeah , and the problem is lots of “Mericans” are ignorant products of the Kazarian education that taught them what to believe, who to hate, and who to obey. Don’t you understand YET that you have been lied to about EVERYTHING?


it’s a troll


At this point Russia looks like a better place to be and certainly more moral.


But the police and military are a lot more aggressive according to some reports.

Captain Bill

Does anyone else’s family refuse to talk to them now because they refuse to see the TRUTH?

I try to send my kids articles from whays really going on and all they do is tell me I am a “conspiracy theory” and I need to adjust my medication

It’s so sad how all they want to do is what tick tocks of “rap music” instead of learning WHATS REALLY GOING ONN



More and more people around me seem to be waking up slowly. I think its only a matter of time before most people begin to understand how twisted this world really is. Someday the kids will finally realize that Captain Bill was right all along. Lol

American Living in Canada

You got that right.. just today.. total strangers are finally saying hello to me.. as to before looking at me like I was the crazy bugger down the street.

Dave Kelly

So do you think the possible gang-stalkers have realized their masters /controllers have abandoned them and are going down?


We can go as far down the ranks of office, or any agency or force, as we need to. Decide which side your bread is really buttered on. We’re America, love it or leave it!


tides are turning.

people are breaking the spell.

as more get woken up. things will change.


My view is the opposite: Anyone I have told these stories to think I’m an idiot!


ok jimbo.


You’ve never shared one of these stories and had someone look at you like you had two heads?


Fuck off

Ellen T

Praise Jesus!! It’s been a LONG time coming!


I have given up on trying to wake up my grown children. The best I could do was keep them from getting the vax poison. Interestingly, my 15 year old granddaughter is way more awake than her parents.

Jane Giffin

The last time I visited my brother and his wife , he’s 76, she’s 58, he told me he didn’t want to know any more of the waking up I was trying to share with them !! He told me he has no grandchildren to be concerned about ,I have 7, so he just didn’t want to know anymore ! I didn’t share any of this type of information , it was all the other stuff ! I am 71 , we are so different , my only sibling . He’s had 2 strokes , suffered in September 2020, so I just accept that it is probably some brain damage . But his wife is a quiet liberal , she worked in CPS , state of Florida , but they both took the vaccines and now she has eye sight damage , full disability ! \She was born with Retinosa Pimatosa , a genetic retina deterioration as you grow older , before the shots , she was still working and driving ! They just don’t want to hear that they made some bad choices , I had the virus and no complications after ,walking pneumonia , but got over it easily in 2weeks ! I think they are both angry and don’t want any more political stuff in their lives anymore , just live on the surface and don’t care about the rest go the world !!

James Abbott

A lot of people in my family are the same way


Old and sick? Or just tired of someone yelling fake news?


Oh. You’re just a bot. I had thought you were a person with divergent views.


You’re a bot!


It’s Jimbo or a bot.


I’m sorry about your family members. so tragic. If your brother had children, they would maybe have changed his mind.

Nukken Futz

I too, have close friends that were BS’d into taking the clot shots, because they were democrat party faithful dolts and now their healths are going down hill and don’t want to admit they were conned by their party bosses and feel like they had been had. I could not get through to them no matter what. I warned them about the scamdemic and what the BS that their political party told them! Now they are democrat chumps….


This scenario is being played out in millions of families.. God gave them free will.. they chose to destroy their lives.. can’t do anything but pray for their souy


My dad too the shots a few months before his planned retirement. 3 years in, he is well but slowly declining pushing 60. I tried to tell him about everythung but he will not have it even though he votes Red across the board


Let them be blind.. not only to the truth but their God given existence on Earth


However they are the majority in this country . Two thirds of the population got the vaccination. Still legal .


They are the kind of idiots that need to go, the vaxx will do it’s job.

Ellen T

That’s a REALLY terrible thing to say!


Captain Bill, I have three children, three in-law children and 7 grandchildren. We sometimes discuss what is going on in the world. But we avoid politics. They know what my husband and I believe. Husband has bumper sticker “Biden voter: Embarrassed yet??” But I don’t bring division by discussing what I KNOW they are not ready to accept. However, reality is constantly confronting them and doing a much better job than I can. So I wait. Patiently. I keep all lines of communication open. The time will come when they realize they believed lies. We will be there for them when that happens.

Sharon Janice Manning

Same here.


If they are still breathing

Ellen T

I truly hope that soon people will realize that this isn’t really about politics. It’s a fierce battle of good vs evil (God vs satan). Thankfully, we know how this is all going to end! I never thought this would happen in our lifetime. I always assumed it would be years and years after this generation was gone. I don’t think that any longer. It’s great to be on the winning side! Best wishes to everyone! We’re in it to win it!


i have no one for me.

we got our own issues.

to divided and pretty small.

we got nothing. but death in ours.




If they are (hopefully) not ‘properly’ jabbed with a ‘low dose’ version of the death jab (in all its forms including anesthetic for dental procedures) blunting/removing critical thinking skills and independent thought, it looks/sounds like they drank the CIA-controlled Main Stream Media Kool-Aid hook, line, and sinker and believe whatever they say (on TV and online) WITHOUT QUESTION FULL STOP and REFUSE to think for themselves and do any independent (online) research to the contrary (anymore). 🙁

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

In the past, I came across a direct link online where this quote is authenticated by someone who was in the same room as Casey when he said this but sadly, I do not have it at hand and it appears to be (now) buried/scrubbed on Google so I cannot link to it, sorry.

Related links

“THE CIA OWNS EVERYONE OF ANY SIGNIFICANCE IN THE MAJOR MEDIA” WILLIAM COLBY, CIA DIRECTOR 1973-76 (‘soundbite’ version with additional related content)
https ://www. bitchute. com/video/9uRIBjvyXP34/

https ://www. bitchute. com/video/ELWjT8WucCiA/

I am reminded of a quote online I saw somewhere: ‘Lies on TV. (Deliberately hidden/obscured) Truth in movies [that you have to PAY for to find out].’

Exhibit A is

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/September_11_attacks

Proof the TV coverage was NOT on the up and up

Simon Shack – September Clues [YouTube scrubbed Simon’s channel containing the original upload and scrubbing/hiding all mirror copies of it there]
https ://odysee. com/@ReluctantMystic:7/September_Clues:d

Collin Alexander (as Ace Baker) – 9/11 The Great American Psy-Opera
[Mirror copy of ‘maimed’ scrubbed/buried original now (sadly) age restricted but (thankfully) still online at YouTube]
https ://www. youtube. com/watch?v=WCoKYQFruqs

What REALLY happened

Peter Valentino’s EXCELLENT 9/11 analysis report [hidden by YouTube but thankfully not scrubbed. You will NEVER find it if you haven’t seen it before and
remember the title/thumbnail image/Video ID as a ‘limited hangout’ of a different, related clip comes up instead in Google search for ‘papamundi 911’]
https ://www. youtube. com/watch?v=BpbsMyZq0So

Dimitri Khalezov SOLVED the ‘how’ of 9/11: [N2 mines] were (ultimately) used [YouTube scrubbed all his content and actively prevents it from being reposted there. Khalezov had to ‘take measures’ (in the past) to avoid being scrubbed or ‘disappeared’ after he released this epic, landmark presentation with bonus Q&A session tacked on the end. Finally scrubbed/buried on Bitchute though the presentation itself only is still available there]
https ://odysee. com/@VRP_Archive:7/911-The-Third-Truth—Dimitri-Khalezov-full-version-+-AFR-discussion-at-the-end:2

Incomplete, expanded 11th anniversary edition first released on 2021-09-11
https ://www. bitchute. com/channel/I2bjPeZ0Cvnc/

Downloadable mirror copy of above
https ://odysee. com/@GenderPirate:3?view=content

Maybe Dimitri will finish this someday.

Dimitri’s English YouTube channel
https ://www. youtube. com/@DimitriKhalezov

Department Of Energy [N2 mine test] clip that ‘ties everything together’ proving they were used on 9/11 and that Dimitri’s explanation/presentation is correct and corroborated by footage seen in the other clips by Simon Shack, Collin Alexander, and Peter Valentino.

https ://www. youtube. com/watch?v=EeyEXkVAifM

Proof that 9/11 was in the works SINCE AT LEAST 1949!

https ://odysee. com/@ODDTV:b/ultimate-911-predictive-programming:5

Exhibit B is the Plandemic, known on (DS tool) Wikipedia as

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic

Eventually proven to be a Department Of Defense (depopulation) operation (done at the behest of the bad guys ‘behind the curtain’).

https ://www. bitchute. com/video/sBTRIrnl67hT/

https ://www. bitchute. com/video/7poGJ5KB3c6U/

[money shot at 23:54 to save time if you want]
https ://www. bitchute. com/video/rxVnYacTUbOM/

Longer podcast interview version of the above
https ://www. bitchute. com/video/0N9ANJnycBPm/

predictively programmed from

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Andromeda_Strain_(film)


https ://en. wikipedia .org/wiki/Songbird_(2020_film)

and beyond(?)

Exhibit C is

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Matrix

So much truth about the DS plans hidden in that masterpiece that was finally(?) decoded and exposed. As a result, the directors of this film

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

‘changed genders’. Was this punishment/advancing the ‘trans’ agenda like

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Caitlyn_Jenner

as well?

Surgery and a mindset change DID NOT change these 3 world famous people at the chromosome level–they are still ‘XY’ and not ‘XX’.

It seems all top-linked results in Google of these 3 people as/in their original, true genders has been scrubbed/buried. This will ‘gaslight’ future generations who do not/(will not?) remember the REAL TRUTH of this matter about these 3 people.

The first 30 seconds of the following clip sums this matter all up VERY NICELY.


https ://rumble. com/v354vsg-you-gotta-be-kidding-me-man.html


Truth in movies [that you have to PAY for to find out].
Look at the new MI5 movie – very telling!!


Just looked up Jenner in Google Images

With ‘Bruce’ the pics are about ’50/50′ before/after.

With ‘Caitlyn’ the pics are practically 100% ‘after’ — only a tiny few ‘before’ pics sprinkled into the top results. Future generations who do not know about the ‘before’ Jenner will be ‘gaslit’ and wonder who is the person in the few ‘before’ pics they see.

Of course, if the ‘right persons’ see this post, they may tell Google to tweak the image search results for ‘Caitlyn Jenner’ to be filled 100% with ‘after’ pics so people who were alive/around when Jenner was in the ‘before’ state–famously at the 1976 Summer Olympic Games in Montreal, Ontario, Canada and on WHEATIES cereal boxes back then–will be the only ones to remember this and (try to) remember (if they want) to pass this tidbit of information down to future generations so they won’t be ‘gaslit’ about the true origins/state of this world-famous person.

Commercial network TV is filled with fictional programming for entertainment/agenda propagation purposes and lies on the evening news because it is all paid for by BIG BUSINESS, INC (owned by the bad guys ‘behind the curtain’) who spread even MORE LIES in their advertising to get you to buy their products/services. About the only news you can trust is the local weather report on your local TV network affiliate station because there is no way that can be spun into an agenda–stuff like that has to be done at the national level on the TV network evening news programs.

Long ago, when Google started with Adwords, that should have basically killed all forms of ‘meatspace’ advertising except for the Yellow Pages phone book. All a business REALLY needs is a storefront, a Yellow Pages phone book listing, and word of mouth advertising from satisfied customers. Adwords took care of the online portion of advertising because you saw ads related to the stuff you searched Google for. Now Adwords has been gamed/co-opted and is essentially worthless. Now potentially commercial search terms fed to Google will return a page full of sponsored ad links instead of the information you were looking for. So you have to add ‘reddit’ or other keywords in order to get useful, non-commercial search results (if you can).

YouTube advertising has gotten so pervasive and time-consuming, I usually use 3rd-party software to download the clips and watch them in VideoLAN (dot org) Even then, sometimes/most of the time there are ads imbedded in the clips by the uploaders because YouTube won’t pay them enough to not have to do that or their content is not ‘advertiser friendly’ (like truther clips that go against ‘the narrative’). Once in a while, these ads are ‘disguised’ as content and are entertaining/interesting to watch or are tacked on the end of the clip so you can watch the content uninterrupted and skip the ad(s) at the end if you want. Of course, the ‘like/share/subscribe’ appeals in clips hosted on videosharing sites like YouTube are ads as well and and can be jarring and ‘in your face’ if not done (somehow) in a subtle fashion.

‘Ad creep’ has made watching ad-driven TV programs in real time pointless-it is all one-third advertising or more! You have to use a DVR, VCR (remember those?), or buy/rent the program DVDs to avoid having your precious time wasted being interrupted by constant sales pitches.

On the ‘product’ placement front in movies, this is THE ABSOLUTE BEST ONE I EVER SAW.

[38 seconds in of]
https ://www. youtube. com/watch?v=g9rLC2O1JNk

here, the product placement (originally from the original theatrical cut of SUPERMAN [1978]) was (somewhat) subtle and organic to the scene where it was used. None of the other product placement moments I’ve seen in movies since then were as good as this. They were either blatant and obvious (like closeups of hood ornaments on branded cars) or sticks out badly while trying to hide in the background (like the passing branded beer truck on the highway in SPEED [1994]).

Advertising on TV and before movies (including in-movie/TV program ‘product placement’) offers viewers a view into a strange, nowadays creepy alternate reality of real life where ‘the good life’ can be had if you just buy the product or service being advertised to you to obtain said ‘good life’ or make some sort of problem ‘go away’ and/or not be seen as some sort of social pariah within that world framed by the advertisers and their facilitators–the

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Mad_Men

on Madison Avenue in New York City.

In closing, a LOT of online advertising can be filtered out at the ‘hosts file’ level if you have a comprehensive enough host file which makes surfing the internet online with your PC more bearable than without it.


I am so sick of being nagged to like & subscribe on youtube vids. Why can’t they just get over themselves? if peopel don’t know where those button are by now, they never will.


What makes it insane is that they always start out, before showing their video, is with,” Please like and subscribe”!
Umm , cant we at least see it first before we do that? Ask for your likes afterwards.


Not a single credible source in the entire list

Michael R Davis

Captain, most of my family are strong Trump supporters. However, they want nothing to do with my ‘conspiracy theories’ which are steadily proven true one after the other. My one sister used to exclaim ‘Oh I just love the Bush family.’ She has given up on that now, especially after I remarked that most Bushes had been executed for treason, watch the Bush funeral, now embarrassed since the entire family would mock her. The military veteran men quietly agree with most of my ‘conspiracy theories’, but don’t want to upset their wives.


Shouldn’t hide the truth from them. So what if it upsets them. Do they think they will feel any better when its all exposed to the world?


Ignoring truth now days will get you killed, FACT !!!


Agreed. Show them everything. They’ll handle it.


I haven’t talked to my so called fam for a long time.


Friends and family. We still maintain good relationships but they some think my wife and I wear tinfoil hats. But regardless, I feel it’s our responsibility to help debrainwash them because when the white hats go public, they won’t be able to handle it emotionally. A big chunk of the brainwashed population will have serious emotional problems. After the Iron Curtain fell, mental breakdowns, drug use and suicides skyrocketed because those people couldn’t comprehend the fact that they have been believing lies their entire lives.


Maybe the same thing will happen when Q and all this nonsense is confirmed as a gigantic LARP perpetrated by con artists


Oh I’m there! My BIL tries baiting me into conversations based on msm info! You can’t debate based on lies! All you can do is show them the lies and hope they see it, which he doesn’t and won’t until things start really moving forward.


I have the same problem in my family, Captain Bill, but “they” are beginning to wake up. I’m not as kooky now as I was when I begged them all, not to get the shot! They got “the shot” and got sick anyway. Now they realize what I’ve been saying all along, and that is Joe Biden is a sick pedophile, intent on destroying this nation!


I read these stories to my coworkers, more than half of whom are Marine and Army vets with service in the Gulf and Vietnam. I do a dramatic reading to make it more enjoyable. The result is always the same – unrestrained laughter. Selected comments add to the entertainment.


Lots of questions. Doing well in Military, requests to leave early, approved by Traitor Austin, goes to St Thomas and buys a house and car $990,000 plus Whores and alcoholic binges. Where did this windfall come from? Embezzlement or just Theft? Only 2 months to Squander his wealth, and now arrested, sober, at Camp Blaz waiting for his Military Tribunal and sentencing date. What will Michael Baxter give us from his day in court. Will he be a Mockingbird or go to his doom protecting the biggest Traitors? Michael I know that is a Plate full, I know this is the Prelude to a much bigger story and events. Thanks Michael for all the info you have given us to this date and all the crap you have had to endure Physically and from some of the meatheads commenting, calling you a fraud and liar. Fortunately those are in the minority. Hope you are feeling much better!


Where did it come from? Imagination


you sure defend deep state harrison.

Captain Bill

Harrison is probably an FDA agent aka a FED


Harrison Ford is an actor!


I have no idea why you are getting thumbs down on this. He is a globalist swine AND an actor.


He’s a scruffy nerf herder AND and actor!


No, I have a real job


Real job? Let me guess your rich too.


I don’t understand why they don’t use scopolamine on these traitors and make them tell everything they know.

Stinky Perfume

I thought about that. They probably do use that but sometimes they have other methods. They prefer to push them into angry outbursts and can learn more about them that way. The are sure to have master interrogators and the authority that has power is clear. They are arrested meaning they lose everything. Plus his alcohol someone said was binging is probably not the case. There’s alcoholics that don’t binge and if they don’t get a lot of liquor every day they will be in a lot of pain.

Michael R Davis

They have my permission to waterboard, a very effective interrogation method, every single one of these bastards. I would expect these treasonous enemies to do that to me, and much worse such as pulling teeth and fingernails, if GOD permitted.

Debra Rudolph

Get Obama, Schumer, Biden, Harris, Zelenskyy, Alex and George Soros, Michelle Obama, Blinking, Yelled, Garland, Vilsack, Cardona, Mayorga, Matsui, Lee, Swalwell, Waters, Delacroix, Pressley, Talib, Omar, Sta sbury, Nader, AOC, Cohen, Green, Romney,


What makes you think they haven’t already “gotten” them?

Mary Parry

The reason one cannot believe the Obamas, etc., have been charged is because they are still in the public doing their dirty deeds! Now the DS are saying they want to make Big Mike the next POTUS!


Sorry but you’re so Naive

Linda Hutchison

Ever heard of CLONES? AI? Movie Actors?


I have. But what’s the point if nothing changes?


You have to have patience like our president Trump says trust the plan


Hopefully the small children in your family die from the vaccine….since you trust this plan and are fine with it.


That’s a vile thing to say


You have to hit these fucking idiots with hard reality.


He has actually never said that


You mean the plan that so far has gotten millions of people murdered worldwide? Oh yea that’s a great fucking plan you fucktard idiot.


You really thinks it’s them? Have you read the RRN articles about clones? Doubles? CGI? Some just can’t get their heads out of the 20th century. We’re not in Kansas anymore. I do wish they would get those damn clones and doubles, but all in good time.

Captain Bill

If you think about it you realize there is no way to tell which might be a clone but I have read that they do have a bar code on them BUT for most of them it’s under the hair so you would never see it unless you shaved their head


Oh there are ways. But aside from recognizing the hardware, there’s a spiritual component missing in them. This may force a drastic upgrade of the human intuitive faculty.


Great. There’s articles. Why has nothing changed?

Captain Bill

I personally think the clones don’t realize they’re clones


Have you ever asked yourself WHY you believe all this bullshit without a FUCKING SHRED OF PROOF?!? How about getting some critical thinking skills and stop being addicted to no proof HOPIUM !!!




Are you sure about that? I don’t think what you supposedly see on tv is actually them I believe they are already long gone.


There is a video on bitchute that I just watched tonight and it’s of Michael when he was much younger wearing short shorts and doing a exercise video…shaking his booty. I could tell right away it was the future Michelle…it’s hilarious.


obama secrets are now out. hes dead or in hiding.

Michael R Davis

That is definitely not Hussein O. Big Mike could easily be replaced by any negro linebacker wearing a Big Mike full facemask.


All of them maybe only one still walking around


Get Flint too


they are all arrested, lol.


George Soros: arrested and awaiting tribunal per RRN.
Thomas Vilsack: arrested, convicted and executed per RRN.
Anthony Blinken (or clone): Shot by Chinese Communist military in China per RRN.
Miguel Cardona: arrested, convicted and serving 20 years at GITMO per RRN.

Linda Hutchison

They already HAVE dealt with some of these folks. Use PC and check the archives.


As it stands…
“One Christmas Eve in 1963, 77 US Generals birthed the plan to save the world. Three months later 133 Generals became part of “Operation Freedom Eagles” that eventually led to the “Q” operation. That is 59 years dedicated to planning where we are today. This is the origin of “Q”.

Source: Bitchute “Weekend Warrior.”


thank Q for your wealth of knowledge




like yourself harrison.


This is awesome. I was wondering about Q. I knew it was real. God is good and will protect the White hats and the Alliance!! Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day.

Nukken Futz

Another definition of “Q”, which stands for “Quntum Computer”, located in Prescott, AZ that can see up to 150 years into the future. The military uses it for future planning, but when not in use, some technicians were feeding it white hat probabilities and the machine was giving positive results….


Interesting. Computers can only act on the programming done by its human operators. So to see 150 years into the future would require a human who do the same. Nuk, I think you stepped in the bullshit


Your full of bullshit


This is too Harrison


Yes that’s how it started


No, that’s not a true assessment of Q—a group of Generals formed a Q Alliance to protect Abraham Lincoln—that didn’t go so well—beyond that Q is a book that was left out of the Bible, Q is referenced to mean the pinnacle moment of conception, Q runs much deeper than your definition.


Q is higher than top secret military intelligence. Perhaps there is more than one thing that is called Q.


It is a clearance level assigned by the US Department of Energy to people who design and build atomic weapons. It has no other use. Apparently CodeMonkey didn’t know this when he invented Q.


Ok 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙄

American Living in Canada

When I seen Trump going down that escalator.. I said out loud… that crazy son of bitch is the one that’s going to be the one. Don’t ask me why I knew this.. just did.

Trump Supporter ever since.


When there were only like 5 left running for the repub party, I thought, gee. Trumps still in it. God reminded me a story about Jesus. The ruling jews were upset people were listening to Jesus and not them. Let’s get rid of him, they said.. Someone stood up and said, “if he is not of God, this will die down. But if it is if God, nothing you can do will stop it.” God said that’s trump. So the more they try to stop him, the more powerful he gets.


A 59 year military plan that didn’t know vaccines were bad in 2020?

Only someone as ignorant as the average reader at this place could think that makes logical sense.


Wow someone on here with a fucking BRAIN !!!


Wouldn’t they have to tell the principal that they were on campus. Before they could talk to him? Did they have their uniforms on? I don’t know any one who could talk to students unless the Principal knows they where there.


The Principals are ALWAYS aware of who is in their schools, speaking with students. The school boards would also be aware.


Yeah, that’s how shooters get on school premises; by speaking to the principal. Security at schools are a joke. The first thing that should be done at all schools is to SECURE YOUR PERIMETER. Companies where adults work do it; so can schools.


Security doesn’t help when the Principals and School Boards are letting them in. This has been going on a very long time.

Cognative Disonance

Or the Romeo was just being a tease….

Don Reed

U.S. Army is bringing back old recruiting slogan —– “Be All You Can Be”. Perhaps that should be tweaked a bit ——- “Be Like Biden Be Bribed”


‘Be the Biggest Nigger You Can Be’


Isint this automaticly a treason to join other than the official military ?

If they recruit +18year oldies, they are liable themselfs.

After completed basics official military, you can be called into special forces and others etc.


Not if they’ve been lied to first. No one argues with the military.

Usual Suspect

I think you may have turned over a highly populated rock, You may start to see a lot of scurrying but no place to run. A flame thrower would be perfect!


I don’t know about this story. Something’s telling me this is satire. It just sounds untrue, fiction.

Jack Lee

Names and dates and locations. Probably 100% true.


Go watch CNN!


If Rettig can get 40 Billion in fraud money, lit’l ole Carter might have been paid off with some of that cash. Check to see if he is a guard at one of his palaces. The enemy looks for the weak in people.


Fed! Fed! Fed!

You might be on to something. Especially since the site’s disclaimer says it’s satire


you sure want it to be satire.

you think people in cages deserve to suffer harrison.

Lisa Cordaro

Off topic
If Hawaii is burning God will put it out


LOL, Really?


When all the D.U.M.B.S. are burnt inside and out.

Citizen Joe

WTF? “God will put it out” dozens burned to death and “God will put it out”? Why didn’t god do that before it destroyed an Edenic paradise and kill dozens of innocent people? Why is it that your god can only deal with aftermath and not act to prevent disaster? God can help rescue sex trafficked kids but can’t prevent them being sex trafficked? That’s the pathetic action of a “god” as George Carlin put it that “doesn’t give a shit”, which explains a lot of what we see in the world!

American Living in Canada

Keep on Truck-in CJ.. you never know what can happen when you keep on sending out positive vibes… Try it.. I get smiles and a thanks most of the time.


Romans 9:18-20
[18]Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
[19]Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?
[20]Nay but, O man, WHO ART THOU THAT REPLIEST AGAINST GOD? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?


Sorry American Living in Canada…that text was meant for Citizen Joe. When I check back it was address to you. My bad!

American Living in Canada

No problem.. I know we got this.. Keep on Truck-in..


Romans 9:18-20
[18]Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
[19]Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?
[20]Nay but, O man, WHO ART THOU THAT REPLIEST AGAINST GOD? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

Nukken Futz

This is very old english diction from the 900 AD. Cant this text be updated to current standards and spaketh in understandable new english…just a thot…

Michael R Davis

Amplified Bible
18 So then, He has mercy on whom He wills (chooses), and He hardens [the heart of] whom He wills.
19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still blame me [for sinning]? For who [including myself] has [ever] resisted His will and purpose?” 20 On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers [arrogantly] back to God and dares to defy Him? Will the thing which is formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” 

Cognative Disonance

Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 in action (act of God) or Deep State taking out opposition?


i know who this god of there is.

klaus schwab.


Check this, Talion.


you have no idea hes tricking you into giving up everything.

thats about the last psyop he do to get the nwo he wants.


Romans 9:18-20
[18]Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
[19]Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?

Who do you think you are citizen Joe railing against God? What? Do you think you are more righteous than God? Satan replied against God, are you the child of the Satan, if not then stop acting like Satan before you end up in eternity with him.


Understandably people get upset, confused and may be angry with God… We can curse, scream and throw things in the sky (i have witnessed someone do that).. He still loves us and understands. We really don’t need to question Him just have faith and trust. By doing that, it gives you inner peace.


Free will


These seem to be reasonable questions – or at least, logical ones.

“Thou art indeed just, Lord, if I contend
With thee; but, sir, so what I plead is just.
Why do sinners’ ways prosper? and why must
Disappointment all I endeavour end?
   Wert thou my enemy, O thou my friend,
How wouldst thou worse, I wonder, than thou dost
Defeat, thwart me? Oh, the sots and thralls of lust
Do in spare hours more thrive than I that spend,
Sir, life upon thy cause. See, banks and brakes
Now, leavèd how thick! lacèd they are again
With fretty chervil, look, and fresh wind shakes
Them; birds build – but not I build; no, but strain,
Time’s eunuch, and not breed one work that wakes.
Mine, O thou lord of life, send my roots rain.”

Source: Gerard Manley Hopkins: Poems and Prose (Penguin Classics, 1985)


Logic doesn’t work with q retards if u haven’t noticed.


And this is how you know it’s a government brainwashing operation.


Spoken like a true edgy pseudo intellectual annoying Atheist


Hawaii is burning because the DS lit it on fire, probably to get the property and build back better while the little owners get their property and life stolen. Check to see who is offering them peanuts for their land.


We had to destroy the village in order to save it


then your sick in teh head harrison.


Twitter has gone viral about this. Many commenters think it was Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), and some have commented that that happened in Leftist Land. Then I started to think about how many horrendous incidents have happened in Leftist Land, and I have decided that it is because they have the leftist “flying political monkeys” there to facilitate such a disaster. In a conservative area, they would not have flying monkeys to facilitate a disaster (or false flag).

Then I thought about how leftist voters must be having second thoughts about voting Democrat if they do this to their own voters.


There are pictures of the DEWs setting the fires being shared on The internet. Just like they did to Paradise, CA.


And there is absolutely zero chance these are fakes like the ones the MSM uses.


Harrison, the COINCIDENCE theorist strikes again.


The real God, Father Nature, is burning shit, Thank You. Give credit where it is due!!


Doesn’t Hawaii normally have rain at least once a day?


Not if He is burning it. Ever “think” of “that”???? Probably not. Just Sayin.


I hope the insane asylum finds you soon before you hurt yourself.


Is this by chance the Sergeant Carter of “Gomer Plyle” fame?

Well, gaawwwleee……….!

Bust A Nut

They’ll waterboard the piss out of that dude for violating his oath and bullshiting new enlistees with bullshit promises. As the article said he wasn’t exactly very bright and only qualified as a lead stopping grunt.


His career rise was as quick, unqualified and sudden as Obama’s!


Thank goodness! I can’t wait to tell my husband. His head will explode; he thinks this is nonsense


Than your husband is a fool.


You’re married to a fool.


Why did you reply twice?


At least one of you is sane


Lloyd Austin needs to go and fast for I feel sorry for those boys.

Marta Limberg

The recruitment team is meeting the absolute lowest of the low, snagging them in with totally absurd promises. If it sounds to be too good, it isn’t true!

American Living in Canada

“Keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them dogies rollin’
Through rain and wind and weather
Hell-bent for leather
Wishin’ my gal was by my side.
All the things I’m missin’
Good vittles, love, and kissin’
Are waiting at the end of my ride.”

“Keep movin’, movin’, movin’
Though they’re disaprovin’
Keep them doggies movin’,

Don’t try to understand ’em
Just rope, throw, and brand ’em
Soon we’ll be livin’ high and wide”


Victoria Flood

Yeah baby! Round up the deep state and throw, rope and brand them!

American Living in Canada

“And justice is the one thing you should always find,
You gotta saddle up your boys, you gotta draw a hard line
When the gun smoke settles we’ll sing a victory tune
And we’ll all meet back at the local saloon.
We’ll all raise up our glasses against evil forces, singing,”

“Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses”


They Branded themselves many years ago when they Chose to follow and give allegiance to Communist Traitors.


I guess they either don’t speak to their parents or the lure of easy money is too great for the family.

Nukken Futz

You forgot the bullwip pops in between the paragraphs for extra zing…


This is horrible for this man. Austin has to go!

Lisa Cordaro

Watch King Arthur everybody gets screwed out of walking papers
America wants their birth certificate cleared and handed to them. How many people don’t even know it is going on


Apparently, only you know about our birth certificates and you won’t tell…


Nesara is involved of course



Remove 1 space and welcome to the American Sovereignty movement. They did this to many other countries, but because we were enslaved first they owe we Natural Born Americans over 90% of all physical assets on the Earth. Does this explain the craziness? They owe baby boomers over 30 trillion dollars. Rather eliminate all of us “useless eaters,” then square the books and admit the criminality worldwide. Most first world countries have been replaced with Government Services Corporation, most are bankrupted and guilty of almost every capital crime on the books.


Go try to collect and let us know how that works out.


I will check that out. I have asked her several times what she was talking about and she never answers. Thank you. I just wanted to know what it meant.


Why don’t you just tell them.. All of our burth certificates has the name of a bank on the edge top bottom side somewhere.. Birth certificates were supposedly used to get loans for our federal reserve.. Supposedly our birth certificates are owned by certain banks and traded constantly.. Supposedly.. It is something I had heard a few years ago.. My certificate has a banks name at the bottom as well.. I do not know the complete story.. Thats what I had heard..


It probably says American Bank Stationary Co. which is a company that made high quality paper for official documents


May I suggest we listen to the wife of a Military General, Kay Griggs. She did multiple Days of video interviews around 1998. In these story she mentions her husbands diary and how ALL the upper Military Echelon were sadistic homosexuals.

fascinating interview……but now we a reaping what they sowed over 25 years ago.

I just searched on Bing and the videos are still there….

Actually, her videos that I listened to over 10 years ago became my awakening process…..


What do the videos do?


She has an incredible recall and is so detailed in who did what to whom……when where etc

I truly was astounded at the incredible level of detail she was able to communicate.

The video’s made me believe we were under siege by a corruption I had never dreamt of……

It made me fully comprehend that homosexuality is not a way of life, it is a diabolical evil that at some point the victim becomes the predator…opened up the real world for me. So now seeing all the gender dysphoria, I was able to ascertain we were at war with Lucifer/Satan and all their minions…..


Where is whistle blower Kay Griggs – Is she dead or alive? Why won’t MSM help find her or tell her story?
Kay Griggs gave a famous 4 hour video interview in which she exposed the killings committed by her former husband Colonel George Griggs pictured with Kay at this link: 


showthread.php?704763-American-Army-professional-assasins-used-against-U-S-citizen-whistle-blowers-amp-witnesses-of-government-crimes-amp-corruption-Colonels-Steele-amp-Griggs&p=1913742#post1913742 A very credible Kay Griggs who has no mental impairments or substance abuse issues explains in detail how she found her husband’s diary and confronted him about it. The diary and her husband explained many murders or “contracts” he fulfilled on orders from the U.S. government which pledged him immunity from prosecutions. He claimed to have murdered over a dozen people including American citizens and it was to him “his duty” to kill these people. The interviews were finally published online in 2005 and Kay went missing within three months. None of her clothing or valuables were moved from her house for over nine weeks and then all disappeared. Relatives said they have not heard from her and fear that her ex husband may have come back to kidnap and kill her. The U.S. military will not even confirm if Colonel Griggs is still on active duty or retired. WHat can you all help us find about what happened to Kay?
Discussion point: If you watched her video interview, do you think she deserves to be killed for betraying government secrets?

Kerry Benthall

We know what happened to Kay Griggs. Her husband died quietly at his home at 85 in 2020. I’m sure Kay didn’t get that opportunity. A true warrior.


I watched the videos. She was a good person who believed in God and understood the evil needed to be exposed. I think she knew her life would be at risk.


I agree, she had to know what the outcome would entail, but righteousness won her day.


Where is whistle blower Kay Griggs – Is she dead or alive? Why won’t MSM help find her or tell her story?
Kay Griggs gave a famous 4 hour video interview in which she exposed the killings committed by her former husband Colonel George Griggs pictured with Kay at this link: 

A very credible Kay Griggs who has no mental impairments or substance abuse issues explains in detail how she found her husband’s diary and confronted him about it. The diary and her husband explained many murders or “contracts” he fulfilled on orders from the U.S. government which pledged him immunity from prosecutions. He claimed to have murdered over a dozen people including American citizens and it was to him “his duty” to kill these people. The interviews were finally published online in 2005 and Kay went missing within three months. None of her clothing or valuables were moved from her house for over nine weeks and then all disappeared. Relatives said they have not heard from her and fear that her ex husband may have come back to kidnap and kill her. The U.S. military will not even confirm if Colonel Griggs is still on active duty or retired. What can you all help us find about what happened to Kay?
Discussion point: If you watched her video interview, do you think she deserves to be killed for betraying government secrets?


She should be hailed as a hero who had bigger balls than her husband and all of the Marine Corps officers that promoted these satanic rituals and behavior. Look up col Michael Aquino, founder of the temple of set (satanic.) He was allowed to practice his faith openly, and given numerous assignments when he should have been hanged at GITMO.


Just listened to a 20 min clip. They started with the college secret clubs….Skull and Bones (Yale..Bushes, J. Kerry) Cap and Gowns (Princeton) rape/homosexuality was the initiation of the day.

The indoctrination was ‘get the young’.


This is a far cry from initiation via walking on the roof and guzzling 72 tequila shots….


Well lets use Kay’s words:

  • they do a lot homosexual enticement
  • when the boys come in they strip them nude, they violate their personal parts
  • ‘Tailhook’
  • ‘Dining in’
  • Induction
  • ‘coffin’ oral and anal
  • ‘Shellback’
  • anal sex gets the young boys to the top

If this isn’t initiation, I truly don’t know what is…….


Didn’t Aquino resign his post after getting threatened with exposure on TV?


If it’s on the Internet it must be true. People never lie or make things up


You got that right.


“Be lie ve” it or not”, porn was started to combat homo-sexuality. What can’t a homo-sexual do???? Reproduce. Now, look at the problems with cps, dfs, and kids being torn from Families. All to push the buying and selling of kids, to homo-sexuals, or other worlds as food, or “fuck puppets”. “They” will say that anybody, would simply “live thy neighbor”, hmmmm, no! The real fuckin JESUS, didn’t “turn the other cheek”!!!!! He MADE THE MIC!, Socrates, wasn’t and is not, “homo-Sapian”!!!!! “They” will call looking at porn “sin”, when it’s far worse, but for whomever made “it”. Think deep fake, “catfish” crap, and a big part of “unsolved”, “motive not comprehended” “things” can be answered. Dump the cup of ignorant knowledge. “Humans” aren’t “humane”, be a humane being, not “Hunan”, that’s only one lazy ass RACE!!!!! Too lazy to actually LEARN, have to “steal, and turn everything into a weapon????? Including TRUTH??? Karma, research KARMA, THINK, CLIMATE. Nature is the CHOSEN, not idiots at war with NATURE. Swallow it!!!


They explain in specific detail how the deep state (communism,) has infiltrated our military for an eventual over throw of our Republic. I highly recommend it to understand the craziness we suffer as a result of these subversive and treasonous acts. Suffice to say that Germany lost WII, but the nazis (askenazi jews=socialist=facists=communists= jesuits=vatican=UK…etc. ALL = sons of cain, children of satan. Look up operation paperclip, the nazis got the NSA, CIA, NASA and so much more. Also known as the military, industrial, congressional complex.

Hope this helps.


Yes Anonymous, I’ve seen those interviews also. Good that you remembered that. I think others reading this should look up Kay Griggs interviews.



John .S

Headline Photo, Times Square NYC, walked past it last week.




Thank you Mr. Baxter. Appreciate your news and look forward to more. May God bless you and family.

Michael R Davis

Guam in the Mariana Islands, a US Territory, is to become apparently the most heavily defended, most important island on Earth. State of the art missile systems, including long range Aegis will protect the island. Allegedly, the upgrades are to defend from a hostile China. But Guam, far to the East of the Phillipines, is nowhere near the sphere of influence of China, and likely of no use to China. Are the JAG Courts on Guam and high ranking prisoners on Guam the real reason for the defense upgrades?

Andersen AFB to the north, Guam Naval Base to the south, and Camp Blaz Marine Base mid-Guam all seem to have JAG (Judge Advocate General Corps) criminal courts conducting international treason trials.

https ://www


I would say these measures are to defend the White Hats from the Black Hats. There are no doubt some demons on that island they want to liberate. Probably not those 2 men Austin says he wants. Austin will slip up and come back to the states and they will get him….they always do.


And we love it!


Guam. Hmmm. Islands can be vulnerable. Recall what happened on Maui and Big Island this week? Recall Pearl Harbor? Islands in the Pacific have seen many perils.


We haven’t ruled out the 2 Haw. islands could be a WH operation. Many celebs homes were destroyed. These celebs have not said anything, which of itself is rather telling.


They value their privacy too much to talk about it.


Well if they get/got arrested, they just destroyed all of the valuable assets that they had! Which would have been confiscated!


I pray not for Guam!

I keep hearing that they want to build 15 minute cities on Maui. I have no idea what’s truth, but I know it was not nature that burned the island.


You may have a clue.


And, likely some DEW.

Michael R Davis

Certainly 8Q8, but Andersen AFB on Guam will provide plenty of aircraft defense, and 2 aircraft carrier task forces in the Pacific will provide much more defense plus the long-range Aegis missiles from the task force Ticonderoga cruisers and Arleigh Burke destroyers. Also, one RRN article seemed to indicate that Guam received two Arleigh Burkes from Gitmo for its defense.


Good thing they did.


Wow. A sergeant was arrested. That’ll set the Black Hats back on their heels. And a boring story to boot


Mr. Baxter, I hope you realize that almost all of us appreciate your efforts to provide this valuable information to us. It gives us a morale boost. This treachery has been going on for so long and we are thankful President Trump exposed their malevolent plans. We are grateful that you have taken on this important task for us. It strengthens our hope and faith and personally, I can feel an end in sight. God bless you.

Andrew Stevano

Ditto that.

Rene Labre

A Sargent living in an 850,000 beachouse,driving a 140,000 car? Retired? Most high ranking officers could not afford that. That is a pretty shady place at best.To live there you need a lot of dough.Paying taxes on that? Don’t make me Islands. So this guy has skimmed through the article. big name,no big title.excitement junkie? The perpetrator was hoping to slip through the cracks.Almost pulled it off.lets you know just how thorough this thing is.All the way up to General Smith,ARREST THAT PIECE OF SHIT! IT’S ALL OVER NOW FOR YOU. O man,so very true,the old life is over,forever.Everything is confiscated.Poof! This is not the site for excitement junkies.Things can get slow around here sometimes.Never for to long.MB does not make this up.There are many other sties to go to for excitement junkies,they grovel for money all the time,stupid t shirts,I just want a basic black t shirt with nothing on it.. at work with a safety vest.Useless snake oil meds.Waste of good money.I have good supplements that work.


I suppose there’s a point to this blather. I do see the ALL CAPS ATTACK. Likely as effective as the rest. LOL.


Michael I think it is a very important story showing exactly how our kids are being preyed on, and exploited, and how it is being allowed. Thanks for this. Our kids come first, and they are precious, and they are our future.


They are.




I have no idea why people here defend you and your useless comments, Harrison. Lol.

Guillaume DesChamp

These kind of comments are free speech, too. And while Harrison’s attitude is rather ascerbic, he’s not wrong. It’s not really a very interesting story, compared to many others that MB has given us.


so hes allowed to have it cause he’s deep state agent?


A few thousand worldwide die from the vaccine and ” white hats ” are arresting absolute nobodies 7 years in.

That is what folks around these party’s consider an intelligent plan.

Logic isn’t great around these parts.

John .S

Love it, reminds me of yesterday “…bars, brothels, and strip clubs – ye-ha.