Ramaswamy Asks to Meet White Hat Council


Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has emailed General Eric M. Smith requesting an audience with the White Hat council, a source in the general’s office told Real Raw News.

Gen. Smith’s office, he said, received the note Thursday morning. In it, Ramaswamy wrote that he was aware of White Hat efforts to eliminate the Deep State and applauded the general and his men for going above and beyond the call of duty to safeguard the United States from treasonous criminals. Ramaswamy said he understood that Gen. Smith’s loyalties lie with Trump, but added, “You should leave options open should anything unfortunate happen to former President Trump.” He asked Gen. Smith to arrange a meeting between himself and the White Hat Council.

The email was similar in context but different in tone to one DeSantis had sent earlier this year. “Trump is damaged goods. He’s the past; I’m the party’s future,” DeSantis had written. White Hats have shunned DeSantis over his ties to FEMA Director Deanne Criswell and the crimes her people committed against Floridians during Hurricane Ian.

Our source said Gen. Smith cocked an eyebrow at Ramaswamy’s “should anything unfortunate” sentence.

“It could be nothing; it could be a veiled threat. We’re always on the lookout. And we really don’t know much about this Vivek Ramaswamy guy,” our source said.

Ramaswamy appeared on the political stage out of thin air. A Yale and Harvard graduate, he worked on Wall Street before founding a biotech company, Roviat Sciences—a company focused on amalgamating technology and drug development—in late 2014. He championed the growth of modern medicine, particularly immunosuppressive infusions.

Upon declaring his candidacy on February 21, however, Ramaswamy seemingly pivoted toward the anti-vaccine crowd, saying he abhorred Covid lockdowns and would “expose and ultimately gut” the Food and Drug Administration if elected President of the United States.

He has appealed to Truther communities. He denounced the official 9/11 report and said, “I don’t believe the government has told us the truth.”

“We can handle the truth,” he said in a call for a full accounting of UFOs at a House oversight hearing this month.

Moreover, he said in an interview with CNN hack Jake Tapper that he would abolish the Federal Reserve.

His appeasements aimed at Truthers are paying dividends; although Trump has an insurmountable lead over contenders, Ramaswamy’s percentage points have steadily ticked upward.

General Smith, however, isn’t convinced Ramaswamy is a true patriot.

“Gen. Smith has seen his share of fake patriots, supposedly loyal politicians, and armed forces members succumb to Deep State corruption. After reading the email, Gen. Smith feels Ramaswamy’s background was, until recently, questionable. He won’t entertain what might be a Trojan Horse. As far as I know, he hasn’t sent a reply,” our source said.

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You too MB.

Anne Stallybrass

having read lots of comments here I want to break through at the top because I think Brian Cates has just given the answer … ALL competition to Trump are ignoring the elephant in the room – the election fraud/stealing has to be corrected before EVERYTHING else … because it will simply continue otherwise. https ://briancates. substack. com/p/dear-gop-establishment-the-elephant

That’s the proof that Smarmy Rami Swami is a fake … they all are

Boss Lady

Cates came up with that now did he?🤣


Unless and until election integrity is guaranteed, we cannot expect positive change in this country. Trying to prioritize anything else is a waste of time and effort.


There are no ABSOLUTE guarantees however we must have the will and fortitude to clean out the obvious corruption or we will all be slaves of the democRATS answering to them yes massah and no massah AGAIN!

Dave Kelly

YES and that is where Trump and the White Hats FAILED and FAILED MISERABLY, They knew EVERYTHING at least months before the 2020 Election ever took place, and they ALLOWED the election to be stolen , ripped -off etc. Again Trump and the White Hats ALLOWED the 2020 Election to be stolen and ripped -off, THIS IS THE QUESTION EVERYONE , PATRIOTS , America First ,etc. should be and should have been asking ALL ALONG,


They did NOT fail. They avoided a civil war. Too many sheeple were still asleep.


Too many sheeple are still asleep and will remain that way until the cash flow stops. People aren’t a sleep they know the truth but the money is better on the other side.
If people think Joe got 81 million it’s only because of cash. Money talks and BS walks this day in age.


Joe Biden only got 21 million votes TOPS! The remaining 60 million were stolen – you know it and I know it. Trump is right that election was STOLEN! And the American people just stood by with their thumbs up their asses and did NOTHING!! A fine message we sent to the democRATS. We may as well walk to the nearest FEMA camp and beg them to enslave us!!


Saw this few days ago!!


I’d be surprised if Biden even got 21 (less the “million”) legitimate votes total. His rallies (when he dared leave his basement) were downright humiliatingly empty, except for a few dumb paid actors to fill those seats. He could not fill a bathroom stall with ALL his voters nationwide combined.


“They” avoided a civil war. So what we got now is better than avoiding a civil war? And who is this great “They”?


Civil war may well be the answer or will you be walked to the FEMA camps in chains?

E. Grogan

There ARE other ways, see my comment just above for links. White hats are working behind the scenes.

Sharon M McMillin

Yes, and they had to give them the election so the black hats would fall in to the trap and people would soon wake up. After Labor Day all hell is supposed to let loose.


Look up the number of stolen “individuals” that have been saved, since then! Coming out soon.


I think it is true.
If arrests started in 2016 then WH well knew what to expect from them. But from the other point of view, Trump usually bring trators to front and middle, so that everybody sees their real face and intentions. So, it might be part of his plan.


if i have a hunch. all the papers and confirm robot president.

are all part of it.

its to have everyone see the whole side of who’s wrong of who’s right.


Well now that you see who they are and what they plan on doing to us — what are you going to do about it?! Sitting there and doing nothing has worked soooooo well over the last 100 years now hasn’t it?

E. Grogan

Exactly. He also brings traitors front and center to see who supports them – that’s how he finds out who the black hats are.

Sparky Sr

They had to… most people are NOW AWAKE to all corruption. You would not have know all that’s going on and the players involved…
Trump and the White Hats had to set more & more traps to get the lil indian chiefs while searching for the real puppet masters.
1) remember Trump stating – ‘we caught them all, we have it all’? what he was refering to was WASH DC…
2) remember in Feb 2020 in the middle of the night, the limo busses going in & out of congress??? That night they were all told to take the deal or die as they were removing the trafficed kids from under-ground.
3) proof of vote fraud, Mike the pillow guy – who gave him that???
4) 2000 mules – trickled down to the states..
5) Biden crime family
6) “O” 16yr plan among other things
7) corrupt cia / fbi / doj / fed res / irs / cdc / fda / the list goes on & on………………….

Think what’s going on today with Trump – fake indictments
How do you show the world using the DS’s own arsenal that everything Trump stated was TRUE???
How do you bring evidence into court legally by using the DS courts that can’t be rejected like Ricky Lakes???
Let the prosecutors bring their evidence and then you show the real evidence………..
Trump master chess player – use the DS against themselves.


The people still don’t know who the winner is in this chess match. The fact that millions more people will die before this match is over is some of the bad news. They still think the bad guys are going to release another virus before the next election so as to stop the vote.
People might turn against the master chess player when they see the real truth.
The good guys had the evidence all along and decided to wait till the corrupt people retired to arrest them, and they let millions of people die rather than expose the truth early on and save lives.

Sparky Sr

Most of the people do know who won—-
The corrupt judges/govs would not allow the evidences.

The White Hates don’t want a civil war – too many innocent people will get killed…

Yes more people will die from the kill shot(s)..

If they arrested all those corrupt officials with the military, the cia paid msm would be shouting Trump coup….along with congress who are just corrupt…

We all know they want to release more fake virus’
The problem is most people know it’s just a shit-show now
We all know that the CDC & FDA lied as well as Big Parma.
Fauci made vids on new varients + into 2024
Gates foundation is spreading the same in Gates’ name.

It had to be this way…


Sure hope so too as that’s what it looks like…when you get ppl like Eric Holder..one of O’s besties..your getting real close to the top so hopefully the s..t will hit the fan real soon…we can’t all this crap much longer!!!


I agree with this strategy, for multiple reasons, even though I’m as eager and impatient as everyone else to see it all wrapped up already. Trump IS the master strategist and Chess player. Always miles ahead of everyone else.

One reason being, that Trump and White Hats have carefully thought through ALL of these details WAY in advance – re: the timing, the Nesara/Gesara changes, the truth disclosures regarding the MASSIVE proven elections fraud, the captures of Deep State bad actors WORLDWIDE, the underground tunnels and all the horrors that occur down there, the grossly massive human trafficking, the thousands of child torture and sacrifices, the tribunals of well known (respected?) public figures, executions, the mass poisoning of the world with vaccines and drugs, toxic foods, deliberate disasters from HAARP events, intentional food shortages, corrupt news media, corrupt world leaders, etc..well in advance of these proceedings. It’s quite simply – A LOT!

Another reason being that, sadly, there are still far too many brainwashed sheeple who are 100% clueless about 99% of all the crimes and corruption that are occurring, and that have been occurring for generations. They need to begin to SEE for themselves on MAINSTREAM TV exactly what horrors they were never aware of. That step alone could take longer than we would prefer – waking up the unenlightened – or we could end up in a full blown civil war.

All of these factors have been carefully calculated well in advance, and the sequence and timing of events that must occur, in order to reduce the severity of the backlash and possibility of civil war.

Sparky Sr

TRUISM….. it was 35yrs in the making as Trump came down the Escalator

E. Grogan

Exactly! You’ve been paying attention for a long time it seems. So have I, glad to meet another one who has done that.

Stinky Perfume

TV can’t wake anybody up and the movies with hints only work for those who are catching on to other density worlds and beings and have some personal experience to back it up. It takes examples and who some people don’t have them IDK but it’s pretty annoying. I think they can’t figure out a holographic world or something. The video games is better at explaining, or the movie the Matrix, like TV news could be explaining. No such luck as it appears they have zero use to explain that stuff. Michael Baxter can’t much talk about Annunaki except he tried real hard on twistedtruth.net and now he reminds me of a stuck Trump where he has to work with what we knew in WW2 and can’t get past that. Who lives in WW2 mentality? Hispanics I noticed mostly. They don’t think the movies hints around, they think it’s all entertainment.

Michael R Davis

For fear for their lives, soon the FAKE Newsmedia will be forced to not only switch to reporting the truth, but their censorship will be ended. Refuse to submit, you will disappear. Currently, their attacks on Trump are necessary.

Mike Huntsucker

So instead we just let these assholes wage war on us from every front ..I thank I’d rather have civil war then play this game much longer at least we could put some cross hairs on em and start elimination of these parasites….


Tempting thoughts…. But I think, realistically, we must “Trust The Plan”. There are many, many folks, a lot smarter than me, who have spent many years working out this plan, from many different angles, with ALL the relevant intel, and the best possible technology, at their disposal. And with Trump at the top of that chain, I DO trust it. I may not enjoy all aspects of it, but I have to trust it.

Mike Huntsucker

I don’t know what to trust any more it just seems a little screwed up that the people that are awake that know what’s going on have to suffer for the fact of waking the sleeping dead up slowly and gently the same people that ridiculed us called us domestic terrorist conspiracy theorist but we’re supposed to have compassion on waking them up gently …give me a break..white hats better shit or get off the pot cuz we the people aren’t going to stand by waiting forever

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike Huntsucker
E. Grogan

Excellent post with great info, thank you!


correct, everyone has awaken at this point.


More have yet to awaken


Perhaps Trump allowed it to happen to let sheeple see how bad it would get. I would hope even the stupid commiecrats see their failed policies now! Any of you hear from the commiecrats recently about prices and Biden policies??


they are trying to remove amendments now.

1st and are under attack.

John .S

How about 6th Amendment, hence J-6’ers.

Sparky Sr

This had to happen to open more eyes to the corruption.
All politicians don’t give a rats @ss about anyone.
They make policies for us, not them.
BUT what they don’t realize now is that President Trump bankrupt the US Corp, they become treasonous by passing any policy that violates the Constitution out right.
So it doesn’t matter whether they are a Demoncrat or Rhino – they don’t care.
Biden policies have no reflection on prices. It’s the administration that tells big Corp to raise their prices which trickles down to all prices to go up.
Also by destroying food processing plants, prices go up.
Inflation is man-made or should I say government-made to CONTROL you….


I believe the White Hats reasoning is so any charges would stick that were brought against those who had a hand in the Steal. They allowed them to pursue it and COMMIT the actual crime, rather than just having it down on paper as a backup plan. It wouldn’t be enough to convict the DS Traitors in the eyes of those who aren’t aware and support the Left


It is the majority of our individual 50 US state legislatures who control the electoral votes, and who gets them, not Trump! They chose Joe.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna

No, they allowed all the Rats & Rhinos to out themselves.. They set up cameras to catch the mules.. And still the Rhinos are protecting the Rats.. They think as long as Trump doesn’t get re-elected, they are all home free..
They are so obtuse and stupid, they don’t realise that the WH alliance is bigger than just Trump!!!


Trump caught them all, with guilty hands in the Cookie jar. The 2000 mules are all known by name. All officials were caught. It was the most monitored election of all time. The show must continue because the United States Corporation has no money – they are bankrupt. People must be awakened by watching this train wreck and all corporations fail.
All this before the Republic can be restored.


I can see why they allowed it.. to get all the rats out of all corners.. but it has now gone on too far.. put the hammer down already..

Rene Labre

I’ve got my first check total of $13k pretty cool. I am so excited, this is the first time i Actually earned something. I am going to work even harder now and I can’t wait for next week’s payment. Go to the home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply… http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Rene Labre

Where’s my 10% cut?


well see but looking so good


And the child sex trafficking, not even Vivek is tackling that one. Shame on him.


It’s very telling when a presidential candidate doesn’t discuss Sound of Freedom or trafficking. I think they hate that Jim Caviezel called President Trump our Moses


Uh-oh. The cabal is going to the bathroom in their pants at that one.


Vivek real name is Mola Ram
Thuggee cult leader


Vivek’s name actully Means Mola Ram … He is the leader of the Thuggee cult 1956 to 2023…
These are his current job accomplishments
Underground heart surgeon…
Human organ removal specialist….
Child trafficking Czar for Joe Biden 1981 to 2024
Child abduction transporter Czar
for Joe Biden 1961 to 2023
Child slavery Czar for Joe Biden
1978 to 2024..
An all-around evil, megalomaniacaĺ psychotic priest…
Joe Biden’s CDC czar appointee for 2024

Recent surveillance video shows Mola VIVEK Ram, sneaking around and then walking off with Obama’s dildo collection

Do not pursue him cuz no one cares

Almost sounds true lol !


Nice try. Not at all the same guy


Exactly, because if he’s 38 that means he was born in 1985, so how could he be alive in 1978 or 1981? His parents weren’t even old enough to procreate yet.


He reminds me of that lunatic in Indiana jones movie THE TEMPLE OF DOOM will there be gatherings of Mola Ram
& Thuggee cult, which practiced child slavery, black magic, and ritualistic human sacrifice to honor the goddess Kali maa
Trans swammytogoha, Mukti degi Tranny maa, Tranny maa, Tranny maa, shakti de. ….
a giant swirling volcanic pool and boiling hot magma sacrificing prisoners ripping their heart out and lowering them in a locked basket as an offering to Michael the Tranny Maa, they are dropped to their death to appease the TRANNY Maa
There will be gay men appeasing Michael’s mangina with sacrifices

voice of one in the wilderness

DeSantes stepped in it recently too. Said something like, “…the 2020 election was legitimate, but we cannot allow changing of the rules late in the process…” Something like that. A very crude paraphrase. At best, he’s trying to play both sides. Which is bad enough to eliminate him from receiving my vote. He was already eliminated anyway. Just sharing….


Agree. However, it’s going to be hard for the country to “correct” the election fraud. The fraud, imo, is emanating from the individual communist vs. patriot’s, in our 50 US state legislatures, who ultimately grant the electoral votes to their pick, not always, the pick of the majority of the American people. We, as a country, seem to be very weak in our election processes.


Thank you, Michael Baxter.


Thank you, Mr. Baxter, for allowing me to post once again. Enjoy what’s left of the weekend.



Donna Miller

Right with you there…. I am sorry,but I am really not buying this Ramaswamy… Do you remember when a unknown Obama came out of no where… I think more needs to be done concerning research on this person… What he said in case something would happen to President Trump… These people all have their give a ways or tells shall we say…


Absolutely right! The reason I never voted for obama in spite of him saying all the right things was I couldn’t find anything on his background!

Elisa Orozco



He was a senator and lawyer.


Having been a senator and still a lawyer, gives him no creditability whatsoever!!!


What would ?

David T

A valid US BIRTH CERTIFICATE for starters and not previously being known by a different name, like Barry Soetero and having a mom named Stanley. How’s it going today W0zz? Or is it Ll0yd, etc?




That is so funny!!


This was input in the wrong place.

Charz Ann

Yes, and don’t forget on his “supposed” authentic birth certificate back in 1961 that referenced his race as African-American that wasn’t even a term back then. They were referred to as either Colored or Negro’s. If you’ve seen a copy of his fake birth certificate online, it references his race as Colored, not African American. Case closed.

Rose Mary Abbott

The one I read said that he was born in 1985 which looks more accurate with the picture of him.


Let’s see. That would make something. ething.


40 something.


He’s 38. His birthday is today, 9 August 1985.

Sandy Thomas

You replied to the wrong comment.

Sandy Thomas

So that cancels your own point. Not sure what you mean.


The lady who tried to make a decent, believeable birth cert. was named Lorreta Fuddy…who was the only one who died in small crash of a small plane with approx. 5 ppl. on it…
very strange..yup very strange indeed!!


go back to mom a basement…


A track record of positive documented achievement.




Right….my thoughts too!

Obozo should have been turned upside down..inside out..he wasn’t…he had changed his name from Berry Soetoro to Barack HUSSEIN Obama..WHY…he said, “to sound more mid eastern…WHY???
Well..we know now don’t we?!?
Swamy needs to be looked at closely also!


Linda Hutchison

With a name like THAT he can’t have very deep roots in the Republic. That ALONE would disqualify him for me.

Rebecca Tracy

He was born to Indian immigrants, whether legal or illegal don’t know. his wife is medical Dr surgeon. They have two children. Here is what NBC says about him. I don’t believe anything NBC says 🙏❤️🇺🇸



Those Indian “immigrants” were illegals who invaded our country. His parents were NOT citizens when he was born.


Pretty sure if his parents were not citizens at the time of his birth then he doesn’t meet the requirements to be the President of the USA.

Rose Mary Abbott

I want to see the information. Where did you find it?


Where is this verified?




Another Obozo/ Kamala fraud


He said his parents immigrated legally.


I don’t trust India Indians they have a malicious hatred for Christians


Biotech entrepreneur….nothing to see here. UGH!!!!!!! It’s the proverbial ‘wolf in sheeps clothing’….’trojan horse’


Not only that he is a Hindu. We are founded upon Judeo-Christian principles. POTUS should be a Christian or a Jew. I don’t mean nor are we anti-religious as we welcome all religions. Other than Jew or Christian will complicate our stance farther. Think Sharia Law.


Js are the reason for global upheaval 100


Ks, not Js.


What’s a Ks?


global upheaval 100….


elcome all religions. Other than Jew or Christian will complicate our stance farther. Th


He was a junior senator for less than 5 months with no background, experience or training when he decided to run for president! Where have you been, asleep?

Rose Mary Abbott

Yeah, that says Obama all over the place! Why does he want to be so obvious?


I have to wonder with Obama’s birth certificate in the light, did he earn those degrees to become a lawyer/senator?

Charz Ann

Yes, and don’t forget on his “supposed” authentic birth certificate back in 1961 that referenced his race as African-American that wasn’t even a term back then. They were referred to as either Colored or Negro’s. If you’ve seen a copy of his fake birth certificate online, it references his race as Colored, not African American. Case closed.

Rose Mary Abbott

There’s no way the man in the picture who is running is 61 or 62 years old. Wrong Ramaswamy. I’m not a supporter but I’m a stickler for facts.



Excellent Charz Ann; facts plus mental deduction based on facts!

God bless you!


Not enough and then the lies started cropping up and one after another and then the press started villifying the messenger. Now we all know, the press and the person were in on the lies. Now we know, he hung around with liers. Hmmm, His wife, boyfriend, did the the same thing. All the lies, All the lies. Not so smart of the people who believed and were deceived. He went to lawful liers school, called Law School.

Dave Kelly

And a homo sexual , PEDOPHILE , degenerate criminal and so much more



Last edited 1 year ago by Dragonista
Dave Kelly

As far as Obama being a lawyer that is highly questionable , NO PROOF of him attending law school , no transcripts etc. THERE are countless other lawyers and attorneys out there under the same suspicion

Rose Mary Abbott

Both totally corrupted occupations.


Obummer was the Jr senator. The new senator. Only a few months a senator, before he announced his Candace for pres. He voted “present” all the time so no one knew exactly where he stood.


Hussein was a CIA plant who always played his part for the cabal!


He was born in Africa proven!


Kenya belonged to Britain the year he was born so he is MI6.


Only if he entered upon attaining the age of majority. One cannot become MI6 at birth.



Charz Ann

Yes, he even admits to that in his book titled, “Dreams Of My Father.” And then wants to say he was born in Hawaii??? Think again! 🤔 💭 🧐


And guess where his maternal grandmother worked: the Social Security office in Hawaii. Both his maternal grandparents were rabid communists.


Obama was Hitlers grandson and a Rockefeller puppet. Also he was Mi6. Kenya belonged to Britain the year Obama was born.


No, he was not. He was a Brit according to his parentage in Kenya, but he was never Hitler’s kid. Hitler had no children.


There’s a lot of people who say he did. Some say angela Merkel is hitlers daughter too


Nope. Merkel’s dad was a Lutheran pastor.


I have a lot of admiration for you, Xena, so I am puzzled that you
are SO convinced of mainstream pabulum where some subjects are concerned and then quite hard-core with your excellent descriptions of some of the deception.
For me, the evidence remains that Decievers Decieve and when credible evidence supports that… as well as first person accounts and reasonable deductions, alternative explanations have been found to yield the likeliest probabilites.


Nancy P, AngelaMerkel et al are his girls.


Nope. Nancy P was born of Italian stock, both sets of parents did, and neither set was German.


You got it




Hitler never had kids.

Obama’s are not Hitler kids.


Don’t ever do that again of misleading his personal life.

Hitler and Obama’s are not related.


Hitler had no kids and actually couldn’t get it up with Eva or any other woman. Everyone you people don’t like is related to Hitler, it seems.


Ok weirdo.

You sure defend Bidens


Just how naive can you people be? Those of you with eyes out there have a LOOK at Angela Merkel. Spitting Image. As for Nancy Pelosi, I hate her so much I don’t trust myself when it comes to what I am capable of believing about her… have to get a lot of corroboration however… Does anyone here not remember that Mengele (Dr) was a rabid Not-see and was totally gob-smacked with the possibilities of “twinning” et all, probably the forefather of cloning technology. Anyway… Adolf does not need to get a stiffie in order for his gizz to be extracted and inserted into any creature, animal, vegetable or mineral that it amused them to experiment with. Peopl e here ought to be aware that Adolf and his closest buddies “escaped” with a lot of help from probably the same agents involved in Op Paper clip to a South American country (probably Argentina because apparently the Obummers and others use that country as a hide-out from their pursuers)… and because the Not-sees began to make their reappearance in South American countries like El Salvador, Guatamela and Nicaragua with the horrors of “death Squad” terrorism in the 90’s which oddly enough did not seem topical enough for the msm-now media to report on. Very horrorshow, all of it.


im convince hes a bot.


First of all, you guys say everyone you dislike is related to Hitler. It’s your go-to insult. Second, I don’t trust your dim elderly eyes squinting at a computer screen to do amateur photo comparisons and determine beyond a reasonable doubt that someone is Hitler’s kid. Merkel looks German but she is a far throw from looking like a short Bavarian corporal with erectile issues. There is no evidence anywhere, other than crackpot Internet theories, that proves Hitler had any kids. And Germans are meticulous about record-keeping.


Just fuck off Harrison.


It is the Marxist propagandists who call everyone they don’t like “Hitler” but that accusation from you is, of course a scattershot attack and a mis-direct. Nazis (like Stasi s) Nazis Fascists and Marxists are ALL creations of the same source with one goal… complete world takeover and enslavement. Sure there are plenty of “useful idiots” that get sucked up into their propaganda and mind-control, the global death cult ARE obvious megalomaniacs and bow to demons for their archetypal heroes and they DO cherish their sordid “achievements” and histories. The wars, the multiple millions killed are regarded with septic pride and no one wants MORE to duplicate their most successful genocidal campaigns (and get away with it) than these slithering cockroaches (and those that serve them!) .
Mengele (obsessed with genetic research and the “twinning” phenomenon) AND the American Nazis (who backed Hitler AND Lenin… probably Castro as well) protected their protégés. After the 2nd world war they rescued Hitler and probably most of the top ranking Nazis and got them to a South American country – probably Argentina and got them plastic surgery and whatever else was needed to protect their identity. Then the C_I_A – army of the globalists gave America Operation Paperclip in which 1600 not-see “scientists” were rescued from their deserved fate, and brought to America (to keep us at the forefront of “Science”!) , many of whom were installed into the various lettered agencies (think Dept of Agriculture, of Education, et all)
How many of our beautiful, courageous young men had died in Normandy? All over Europe and in the Pacific in order to protect humanity from the scourge of Not-see-ism and the criminal not-sees already employed by “our” government sh*t all over their newly dug graves by bringing home the enemy to “run” our country. Is it any wonder the hell they are seeking to finalize here on Earth?
So, Yes, of course… they want their genetic blue-plate specials reproduced and “running” things just for the sake of mockery of their intended victims, if nothing else. Know Your Enemy.
Oh and I have the healthy, youthful DISCERNING, eyes of an artist who is noted for the amazing likenesses of those whose portraits I commit to permanence while your “responses” have all the clichés constantly in use by the legion of liars who protect their paymasters.


if hitler were to come back from the dead, he would take you in.


Heck, even Hitler himself would be disappointed in your comment.


Obama’s too young to be Hitler’s grandson. If you’re gonna make shit up, at least get the numbers right.


What I found in his background was appalling. He went to Rev Wright’ church, who espoused this; “God damn America”. BO went to his church for many years and had a long-term affair with the “organ player”. What a play on words there. Said organ player, died mysteriously……….hmmmmmm. Kind of like the chef mishap.


That made the news, too and he got elected anyway.

Rose Mary Abbott

Hillary was pissed! They told her to wait. She should never have been Secretary of State. That, in my opinion is what showed me how evil she really was.


Hillary sold American plutonium to Russia (which was not hers to sell). Talk about Russia, Russia, Russia!
That’s all commiecrats ever do – accuse others of the crimes they themselves are doing.


It was uranium ore, unrefined and not weapons grade, She did not “sell” the ore, she approved an export license.


I found out what was going on with Hillary and it was not good. I’ll vote for any woman, but never someone like her. When the news came out that she was associated with piasagate, forget about it!! No way in hell would I ever vote Hillary if you paid me. I voted for President Trump and I never regretted it.


What brought that up? Killary swung, anyway. Years ago.

S. A.

An old ‘Sunday Standard June 27, 2004’ edition, states: ‘Kenyan born US Senate hopeful, Barack Obama…’. Once a liar always a liar. President Trump was right again!

Rose Mary Abbott

I knew not to vote for Mitt Romney in 2012 because he had scrubbed articles about going to the Bilderberg meetings off the internet but they were still listed on the search engine.


Thanks for that information.


Exactly what I was going to say! Thank you!

Elisa Orozco

I share your reservations, Donna Miller!!!!!


He lost me at Yale and Harvard.


So that we get this straight: Who knows whether or not The Skull & Bones got to him at Yale??

Last edited 1 year ago by GLADALLOVER
Carol B.

yes, this is a very good point…..and the skull and Bones is demonic for sure


You mean being a coffin-masturbator should be disqualifying? But you’ve had three of those before and you didn’t seem to mind! What gives?!


Those are definitely negatives! Ever seen a Harvard civil engineer grad design a road intersection…. It’s so bad, it’s either comedic for lack of ability, or he is just screwing with drivers, or both! I’ll go with both!

Karel Sejnoha

So do I !


I really hope he is not another sex offender. I WOULD HATE IT IF THAT WERE TRUE.


he probably is.


Why. Don’t you want these scum exposed and removed from society?


he may not be a sex offender, but he could be another infiltrator like obama.

Carol B.

But – remember obama was a sex offender…..he like young caucasian boys around 14-16 ….


That’s the most infuriating them about any politician. That they say they care about the people but they are hurting the people sexually.


What do you mean WAS!


And the comment “Trump is damaged goods. He’s the past”. Damaged goods HOW?!?!?!?


I would ignore anything DeSantis has to say. The proof is in the preferred Republican nomination. Trump is ahead in a landslide.

Charz Ann

Yes, and this is why the DS is messing with him by indicting him so much. He’s right, It’s election interference at the highest level to try and take him down out of the 2024 election altogether. It won’t ever happen. Every time they create a new false fabricated indictment DJT’s poll ratings skyrockets to top once again! MAGA!

Last edited 1 year ago by Charz Ann
Charz Ann

He’s still in the basement as the shadow government president telling JRB and his cronies everything and how to do it.


Hie campaign got flooded by the same elitist, crazy morons who ran the McCain and Romney races right at the outset. Expect nothing from the Rhonda Santis presidential run and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.


Yup! That comment sent my Spidey senses on edge!!!

Carol B.

I must agree with you Donna, I was thinking the very same thing………I promised myself that the next time someone flew out of nowhere with a huge smile and smug look, that I would study and study and study……


Exactly! We have to vet them because the media sure doesn’t.


Good move.

truth is stubborn

I dunno, give him a fair shake: Ask him to submit to a few harmless polygraph questions like MB mentioned their doing in past. “Was reaching out to us your idea, or someone else’s? How long have you supported President Trump? Has anyone asked you to report details about your exchanges with us? Do you in fact believe the election was stolen? Why do you believe that? Do you believe the Biden administration is legitimate? Have you ever watched 2000 Mules?” Etc., etc., etc.

Obviously never walk into anything blindly – but also don’t make needless enemies if they can with confidence be friends instead.


No way! Are you nuts!?

Rene Labre

I make $100h while I’m traveling the world. Last week I worked on my laptop in Rome, Monti Carlo and finally Paris. This week I’m back in the USA. All I do are easy tasks from this one cool site. check it out on this site.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Rene Labre

Exactly what I was thinking ! Wondering what secret societies he may have been in? Skull & crossbones, knights of Molta, Masons, Eugenics club and others?Obama fooled many of us, we won’t be fooled again! The price would be too high! Trump 2024!


Oh I remember that unknown Obama in 2006, and questioned what he was then—did not like him the or now.My inner instincts have served me well with good reason. I do not like that Ramaswamy shooting off at the mouth….


Same feeling here. Too flashy and too quick on the scene…. Just like Barry!

S. A.

100%. Beware Wolves in Sheep clothing!!!




Karel Sejnoha

That is exactly what I was thinking! We are too close to trust anyone!

Dave Kelly

I understand the questioning and need to be vetting Mr. Ramaswamy much further but the White Hats love affair with DJT, WTF ? DJT is a DECEIVER and a LIAR , DJT is ALL ABOUT the parasite , user zionist satanist state of Israel and zionist satanist degenerate jews and the practitioners of Judaism church of satan, DJT sells out the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA the REPUBLIC and the AMERICAN PEOPLE for these zionist satanist jews and the parasite state of Israel satanists at the drop of a hat and DJT will do this to his very END and the White Hats , Patriots , America First supporters do not question these heinous acts of BETRAYAL,

Rose Mary Abbott

Racism bad.


Goodness, what set you off? Triggered much?


Same old shit, different day.


It’s Trump or nothing

Marie Claire Olivier

YES! investment partner at a hedge fund, founded a biotech company, cofounded an investment firm, and all before his 38th birthday. I want to wait, watch, and think about this one… He is telling us all the things we want to hear – antivax, disclosure, abolishing the Federal Reserve, the truth about 911… BUT, There is no penalty for lying. 


The penalty for declaring what it can be presumed we want to hear with no evidence… no skin in the game,so to speak, is REJECTION of your bid for our vote. Unless, as with OB, the fix is in.


Yes, the part about abolishing the Federal Reserve is a red flag, because Pres. Trump already abolished the Federal Reserve and placed it under the Treasury. It can no longer print money for the Deep State!!!! So, this guy has obviously been bought!! I pray Gen Smith stands his ground and does not respond!!!


The “abolished” Fed just raised interest rates a quarter point. Trump must have missed something


Exactly, and we’re all still paying taxes! Missed that one too! No you get it… “the plan”!


The Fed are nothing more than Kabuki Theater.


Check your credit card interest rate and see how much of a pantomime it really is.


Stop dude, don’t ever ask for personal information


I don’t have a credit card. Best not to make assumptions.


Largest clown show on the planet today. The US Fed.


your dumb bot.

Carol B.

Wow, yes, what wonderful points here …….so, he does not know what is going on then……hmmmm. red/flag.


Excellent point.


that’s backward. Half of what you hear, none of what you see. In todays time
its also none of what you hear unless verified.

Son of Ethan allen

Trust, but verify.


Don’t trust; get the Gitmo team could check him out. If and only the Generals approve, then maybe let him prove himself. If they trust him with their families then maybe he’s a go.


You do realize that ain’t gonna happen.

David T

How are you so sure of that? Please explain yourself.


I don’t need to explain myself. Mr Baxter has done that already. Gen Smith has ignored Vivek advances. Read the article above once more and then go get an eye examination.


And check the source of verifications, because deep state plants exist in them there parts, too.


I lost my son the love of my life.I can’t eat or drink I am losing my mind.You never thought you were going to lose a child.🙏


So sorry, Steph!! What happened?? Prayers for you & your son!!


He was a white hat


Then I am certain your child is a hero. He is certainly safe with God now. I know for 100% certain of heaven and know he will be greeting you when it’s your time.


I’m so sorry. I lost my child as well. I think of her when I wake up and when I go to sleep. I and my other children speak of her often. Hers was a horrific way of dying and you never get to let go of the grief. It will never end. You just have to find a way to get through each day without falling apart.

I can’t go into a Hallmark store and buy or read greeting cards as I end up sobbing in public. It’s been over 30 years and it still feels like it happened recently. There is no death more horrible than losing your child. My prayers go out to you. God bless you and I hope you find a way to get through each day as well.

Muriel Vargo

I am so sorry. I understand, I lost my daughter 13 years ago it was also a horrific death. God Bless you and Steph.

Surf Nazare

Steph—I have the answer for you !!!!! I lost a daughter so I know where you are coming from—-she was the love of my life !!!! The awesome thing with being saved and truly believing in Jesus as Lord is that they would NEVER want to come back if they could. I saw Isaiah 57: 1/2 The righteous perishes, And no man takes it to heart; Merciful men are taken away, While no one considers That the righteous is taken away from EVIL. He shall enter into PEACE; They shall rest in their beds Each one walking in his uprightness !!!
Just remember he is removed from all this evil that is now coming onto this world and it is going to get worse—–You should turn it into rejoicing—–he is free and you are locked here until it is your time—–Then think of the rejoicing to come !!!!!


Thank you. GOD bless you. The Angels rejoice in heaven.

Roger That

How long has he worked for the CIA?


That would be my first question!!


My second question is: who’s funding his campaign? Follow the money trail.




Bingo! 👍


How do we find this information?


Check below




Including these stories by MB, some have a hint of truth and no more.


My did used to say the same thing. We must be related.


Stay safe, sir! The Lord Bless your home.


Wrap yourself in the full armor of God, and Jesus is the “lord” though I prefer
calling him by his sacred name, Jesus.

Azurite Crystal

Is there alot of censorhip here?
If there is it wont surprise me
Amercans cant say anything anymore without it being censored


you bet. just dare to question the veracity of a story, or ask for a bread crumb of evidence, you’ll be banned in a heartbeat.


Simple. Don’t ask stupid questions.

Mike Huntsucker

Can you say Commy pinko puke s

Anne Stallybrass

Michael B has been incredibly light with censorship. I’ve seen him over time. What you are getting is simply the feelings of others here regarding your remarks. Trolls have to be ejected in the end, because they disrupt sensible or thoughtful discussion for everyone.


No, we have free speech here, so have at it. You can totally say whatever is on your mind, good, bad or ugly. This is not Facebook or Twitter or Youtube where they censor you for speaking the truth, no matter how much evidentiary support you have or how many witnesses can back you up. Have at it.


Maybe you called his stories fake, but I didn’t.


then thats your problem, not his.


you would enjoy living in china countries.

would you like to move into a prison world?

Donna Miller

Michael, maybe you should send General Eric Smith some of these reply’s here as I feel we all are thinking the same way… Be careful who you follow and who you believe…



John .S

Smith has first hand knowledge of blogs herein, intel folk are monitoring RRN.

We’re all are being profiled and categorized here, risk assessment.

There’s folders on everyone here, to think different I have a bridge to sell ya in Brooklyn..

Hello – Hello White Hats in blowing ya a kiss, and as for the Cabal, I’m flipping ya the bird, and double fisted bird directed at you Al Gore – you – you – Coney Island White Fish Mofo.

John .S

Hey MB, any news on grand opening of the RRN Merchandise Store?

Idea, free RRN coffee mugs for anyone catching typo errors in your spelling.

Love to have a coffee mug, better yet RRN Guinea t-shirt, and pocketed t-shirt too, both types 100% cotton.

Highly suspect first run of coffee mugs will be a collector’s item, later fetching crazy money on eBay.

No doubt DJT will be thrilled in receiving complimentary mug, Admiral Crandall and General Smith too, perfect for Irish coffee.

DJT receives mementos of gratitude from foreign dignitaries, though Donald will cherish and use a RRN coffee mug.

MIA blogger: Buck Fiden would be tickled-pink if receiving a complimentary mug upon his anticipated return. Have inkling Buck goes before parole board.

Suspect Katie Hobbs blocked RRN web access on all state computers, especially in Maricopa County jail.

In closing, lacking satire, in sincerity have a good Sunday MB.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

just what we need… another PAY-triot


Hmmm….Katie Hobs blocking RRN access? Check her devices for dating websites or sex pictures.

John .S

Nice satire post on Katie. Will have RRN send you a complimentary coffee mug on me, once I open my RRN merch account.


she not allowed to do that. that goes against the 1st amendment.

all these so called politicians suck.

John .S

Yes she can, in restricting non-governmental use on *State computer servers. Especially in Maricopa County jail library, allegedly where Buck Fiden is trying to log-on to RRN.

Would love to sent Buck some RRN merchandise upon his return. Anyone knows Buck’s t-shirt size? unlike baseball caps, one size fits all.

Suspect Buck thrown a fit, not being able to log-on, trashing library, catching beat-down, adding time on his sentence in solitary confinement.

Believe Buck’s photo is on Katie Hobbs and DA’s Rachel Mitchell dart board, with other undesirables for publicly questioning AZ. election results.


Katie Hobbs is also making excuses and refusing to stop the Saudi Arabians from stealing Arizona water to grow alfalfa for their cows. All the while people are being denied water to their small towns and have to truck barrels of it to their homes. Cold clear water in aquifers that was last at the surface when the mammoths roamed is being drained at a horrendous rate! And all because, like the communist Chinese, they allowed foreigners into our country and to buy our land!

John .S

Wow, just researched water issue, didn’t have any knowledge of that.

Thanks for the enlightenment. Will send ya a RRN coffee mug when available.


Season 2 Episode 6 of Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory series entitled Great Lakes calls it “Blue Gold”. China has been draining the Great Lakes for years. They fill up these huge bladders the size of ships and take them to China because their water is so polluted. I loved that series and now see he was right about every single one. There were 24 episodes in 3 seasons. Try to watch them. They are eye opening to say the least. It’s no wonder the series was cancelled


Ventura is not a Trump supporter and I don’t care for his political views but his series isn’t about President Trump. I just wanted to clarify that.


e, in sincerity have a good Sunday MB.


i dont trust Vivek at all…..the Lord has His Hand on Trump…..


hear hear!

American Living in Canada

Keep on Truck-in Michael… up here.. the deplorable’s have a rougher ride on showing the non believer’s the truth.. Just keep on plugin away..Step by step.. 1. 2. 3.


Same to you…thanks for what you do….


Thank you, Michael. Enjoy!


Vivek Ramaswamy is not eligible for the position of POTUS, he has said his parents are from India…POTUS requirements are that he has to be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN IS SOMEONE WITH TWO US BORN PARENTS….
they tryed this with obama…and they’ve, DS, has been trying to change this requirement since way before obama…
AND Vivek has no business trying to get in contact with the WH council. He hasn’t even held any substantial positions to get any special treatment with the Military.


If he was born in the US he is a citizen . A parallel is anchor babies from over the border. Born here , citizenship here .


Isn’t a “Natural born citizen” the child of two US citizens? I thought that this is what made them citizens, naturally?


Currently, not the way the law is written. It should be that way, but if anyone here illegally drops their egg on our soil, it is now a US Citizen. This is why you see so many pregnant illegals rushing in to get on the dole. Most illegals with kids you see are unmarried on purpose- These invaders now get free medical, food stamps, rent subsidy from our welfare programs. Dead wrong!


Correct and even more than that. Illegals get free food, free housing, medical, dental, education, a free cellphone, $750/month cash and a $1500 EBT card from Biden. In addition Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citibank give HOME LOANS to illegals with no money down, no mortgage insurance, and less documentation required than from American citizens. If the illegal defaults the taxpayer is stuck. Then they also claim EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) from the IRS when they’ve never worked a day in their life here. And when each illegal spews out a baby they are paid by the head. It’s a subsidized breeding program. The illegals call it “Reconquista” aka “Reconquer.”. They invade and overbreed while the American taxpayer is their financial slave – including our disabled who live in pain 24/7 yet are taxed to support these able-bodied invaders.


Oh forgot to add that when illegals come here they start bringing in, on average, 24 more like them. And then the grandparents go to social security/disability as well.


Like mice.


But that may be how the system ‘grants’ citizenship, but what is the legal, Constitutional definition of “Natural born citizen”. Surely the law has defined a term that is now thrown around loosely? There were arguments about Obama, too, and Kamala, right? Not a lawyer, just very curious as your country is founded upon the Constitution. Writers of it would not have missed that,
I think? Appreciate help understanding. “Google” allows for a lot of misunderstanding, in my opinion. Have a great day!


If they want to come to America so badly, do it legally. No discrimination or racism here. I know one Catholic who tried to enter America legally, sold his house and everything to get his education and new life started, bought the tickets, the visa, the documents, and because of the Muslim ban under President Trump (because he was from a Muslim majority country in Africa) he was denied upon entry and had to go right back to his country. He was very angry, he lost everything and now has nothing. This is what he told me. And this is not fair because he is not a Muslim, but a Catholic, and has done no wrong.


We don’t want him or anyone else! Stop ALL immigration!


It IS fair. We don’t want him. Let him work, fight, sacrifice and live in his country to make it better. He is NOT coming here! Good riddance.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sue

Another scam Pres Trump vows to end: anchor baby sponging!


His parents illegally invaded our country and were NOT legal US citizens when he was born.


There is a difference in being a citizen and being a “ natural-born citizen.” He’s not eligible, as obama wasn’t.


Same with Harris

Judy Kennedy

He is an American, born an bred in the US. Even so, he made a big mistake by being so presumptuous to think that Gen.Smith would want to meet him.
Red flag was his sentence telling Gen.Smith to keep his options open because “what if” something happened to Trump. To question Gen.Smith’s process was a dumb move, who does he think he is!
He’s either too full of himself or just too eager to get a foot in.


Next thing he’ll be turning up at Gitmo’s front gates, like DeSantis tried to do. Let’s be honest, Vivek in the overall scheme of things is a nobody.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dragonista



My Grampa used to say that.
You little “whippersnapper!”


He was born to 2 illegal alien invaders who were not citizens the day he was born.


His parents were illegals who invaded our country and not citizens when he was born.


He is a “Drop Baby” – East Indian Parents that are hindu, made sure their baby was born in Ohio, giving them all “Citizenship Rights” under our bizarre laws. He attends hindu temple.


Which is funny because Senator Obama was the one making it hard for John McCain to run for president in 2008 without proof of his birth certificate and he was born in Panama in 1936 before President Carter or someone sold the canal to the Chinese in the 1970s. Now all traffic via the canal has to be monitored. You don’t go through without their say so, so it takes over 2 months to go the long way around the tip of Argentina and Chile to get to the other side of the world whereas it take two weks to go through the canal. SHAMEFUL.

centerforsecuritypolicy. org/ carter-clinton-legacy-chinese-penetration-of-panama-2 /


Can anyone say “supply-chain interruptions”?

Despicable these literal gate-keepers. Such Cheats and Cowards.


Can anyone say “supply-chain interruptions”?
Despicable these literal gate-keepers. Such Cheats and Cowards.


Your assertion about natural born citizenzhip is not entirely correct, but I will admit that the definition is not exactly black and white either.

https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Natural-born-citizen_clause_(United_States)

[three spaces included]

Carol B.

We love and support you Michael Baxter……keep on keeping on…..xoxoxox


he came out of No Where almost like obama only difference is obama was a senator before he ran for the number 1 position. this guy wants the number 1 position first.


Obama was a junior senator for less than 5 months before he decided to run for the presidency! He had no education, training or experience and was a Deep State plant.
Ramaswamy is a scam artist who took a failed drug, renamed it, and made millions with false claims.


Another fake Obummer


I’m just wondering why I’m not allowed to post.


There are 2 things that boggle my mind.. the number of traits in this country.. and the absolute stupidity of the masses

Johanna M. Hartin

Good General thank you for having our back u got our President Sir u got ours thank you God Bless You
Johanna H.


Ramaswamy sounds like he is a corporate patriot.


Been hearing some things about this Indian-American running for president. Can a person with a dual-cultural upbringing be trusted? Can anyone know for certain where his loyalties lie? I vote no and hell no on the thought of electing a president with strong ties to another nation, especially a third-world shithole like India.

Captain Bill

I don’t trust this guy

John Strickland

tell Gen Smith Ramaswamy is a Soros family Trojan horse, proved by Brian Craig of MAGA Florida radio

Melody Hart

I am with the General,this guy popped up from no where,just DeSantis,he is too good to be true,I only trust Trump.You dance with the one who brought you to the dance !


Ramaswamy’s problem is that he no real background. One cant just get on the scene, be warm and fuzzy saying the right words, depose the king with cleverly devised words and expect to get away with it. Hmm let me see, didnt Lion heart have a similar story.

Connie Wilmet

I don’t trust V Swammy. He has repeated everything that President Trump has done his accomplishments and will continue to do once back in. He can’t do what President Trump has already done with the trafficking and all involved. Swampy is mimicking word for word from President Trump.


Swami is a Soros Sellout. His parents are Indian Hindu Immigrants (no money) he was born in Ohio. He attended the local Hindu temple in Dayton. High School was run by Jesuits. 2007 Ramaswamy graduated from Harvard. His senior thessis was on the ethical questions raised by creating human-animal chimeras. by 2011 he was wealthy from involvement in pharmaceutical and biotech industries. By the time he graduated, he suddenly had $15 million, and received the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for “New Americans” – Gene therapy and Vaccines working for big pharma RoiVant – return on investment. Axivant, Viking Global Investors. He has tried to re-invent himself for his campaign but he is not telling you his ties to Soros, Big Pharma, nor who he really is.  https://beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2023/08/maui-hawaii-wildfire-truth-now-exposed-crucial-piece-of-evidence-hidden-true-agenda-revealed-behind-this-event-2562976.html


so this guy is more than a Dark Horse candidate; his background is “questionable.” sounds like Barry to me.

Captain Bill

always important to be careful


Here is hoping that our beloved Admirals and Generals blow Ramaswamy off, royally. Do not trust this person whatsoever. He is a deep state embracing stooge. He will openly, proudly and loudly open the floodgates of illegal immigration from India next.

Brigid Bardont

White hat or not, wrong name, wrong color. This is a white, Christian country, founded by white men. That’s why it’s great. Not because of “diversity”, but in spite of it. We’re being genocided physically via sterilization (2020 flu jab, HPV vax to pubescent teens of both genders only here & Sweden), culturally & genetically. Seen any mixed couples on TV lately? Monkey see, monkey do, pun unintended. The only wise thing I ever heard the “Dolly” Lama say before he started making out w/ 13 yr old boys in public was about mass immigration/invasion: Africa is for Africans, Asia is for Asians, Europe is for whites. The whites in the socialist countries have been brainwashed to think they’re “selfish” & “privileged” because they’re white by their govts. And a lot white Americans seem to feel the same way. We need to wake up, and reject the guilt tripping, and preserve our race. Would you like to live in Asia/live an Asian culture? Would you like to live in Africa/live an African culture? That’d be like trading a dollar for a dime. Come on, President Trump!




He kind of gives me the “willies” like there’s something else in there, you know what I mean? I DON’T TRUST HIM! Even if he were fully vetted, I still wouldn’t trust him! NOPE!


Well, I think that most of you are correct on three points:
1) 2020 was stolen and no one seems to care.
2) Any correction in course must begin with correcting the election fraud situation.
3) Rama(what ever) is a distraction, not an offered blessing, in case we lose the ability to restore supreme justice.
So, what I’m saying is, we don’t have to put up with this. However, it is an all or nothing battle. We (USA) have won these historically with flying colors. However, in all of the past dark times, we were still a united peoples.
Let us not focus on the enemies tactics to further undermine what we have. Rama(whatever) is just a mile marker along the road to salvation of this nation. Nothing more. Let’s just pass him by as if he were nothing but I pin in the ground. And keep on truckin toward the final victory. The important thing to remember is, together we are strong. We must not consider any other options than total victory. We must not be further fragmented as has already begun. Hold fast in your beliefs. God is with us, and if so, how could any be against us. Well, we are getting a real education in how Emmerson explained how evil creeps in and what to do about it.
God Bless us all, and stand fast. The answers are not far off. And, I am convinced that it will not be easy yet, but it will put an end to this corruptive evil for a long time.


“While at Harvard, a precis of his senior thesis, on the ethical questions raised by creating human-animal chimeras was published in the Boston Globe and The New York Times”– those underground hybrids the subject of VRs thesis. Paid by Paul $0.r.o$…..THE MONEY

Brigid Bardont

I’d love to read his arguments FOR it. His gods are chimeras!


VR got a Fellowship from Paul ( the “invisible” S.o.r.o.s) and Daisy, his wife. Vivek Ramaswamy is the child of immigrants from India.. The requirements— he is a Trojan horse too.

Fellowship awarded to support work towards a JD in Law at Yale University. Look on…..rumble. Well HIDDEN. Why he CANT be a VP. Needs to be known.

John .S

Awaiting on a Putin – Trump phone call article.

Could only imagine Putin saying: “Hey Donald, the vax is killing your people, and you know it, the evidence is in, when are you going to halt it”?

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

CDC already issued warning leprosy for Florida. Another fake
Real cause of leprosy

Desoros transition team says:

Links from AIM


Had to copy the below:

Keep Ron on a short leash. Now that he has no chance to take on the presidency in 2024, his Babylonian Radhanite handlers will want something out of him after all the time and money they have spent grooming him.

Watch for draconian moves to create a police state out of Florida. It’s so easy to take out millions of conservatives as they create a literal land prison (like a smart city for the entire state). All roads out of Florida will be controlled for traffic in or out. Can’t drive a car or truck out/in of the state from the Gulf or Atlantic, and all waters will be patrolled by drones.

The Babylonian Radhanites will demand that their boy DeSantis turn the entire state into a giant smart state and he is on the record for supporting this.Then watch your utility bills TRIPLE, your property taxes increase, insurance companies leave the state so that your mortgage will be in default and BlackRock and (((Larry RAT Fink))) seize your home and it’s equity…. All the while, inflation and interest rates increase, the dollar loses value, the medical system collapses leaving millions of seniors without care.

You had better get coordinated down there and start manhandling that governor because he’s coming after each and every Floridian for his paymasters. Basically, King Charles will be seizing Disney World land (which is already his) and all of Florida as DeSantis offers you up like sacrificial lambs.

Marta Limberg

Very dubious. Election interference and election integrity have to be restored! Deep State in the middle of trying to create confusion and division.


Where was the picture of him taken? It looks like hes telling jokes on America’s Got Talent!

Brigid Bardont

Auditioning for Gypsy…?


Michael, I know you never post anything of mine and that’s ok but hope you read this. What ever happened to the warehouse in California that had deceit children in the freezer?


Ramaswamy may be small of stature, but he has a giant, huge, condescending, nasty, entitled, globalist type of ego. Thanks but no thanks.


Obama appeared overnight too and look what we ended up with. The problem with most, they say alot of things to get your vote and then do the opposite when elected. Am i saying this guy is bad, no, but does anything good come out of Harvard? Just sayin

Rene Labre

Great article

Rene Labre

A big ho hum on this article.By no means whatsoever is this person Presidential material.


The UN “chief” is announcing that People (esp Christians) who object to child rape (and a host of formerly recognized as CRIMINAL ACTS) will be “shunned” essentially banned from participation in whatever public or social dialogue and that children “want to have sex with adults” and to deny them that is to “discriminate”

I hardly trust myself to describe my emotions.

They are flaming out now – evidently dropping all the disguises!!!!



It’s a bullshit made up story. Been debunked months ago


It has NEVER BEEN DE-BUNKED  and make no mistake… there is nothing to be gained by making up stories like that by the intended targets of these crimes… this back and forth, now you see it, now you don’t format of  controlling the roll-out, first of the audacious idea, testing the push-back to see how placid people have become, mocking anyone perceptive enough to recognize the presentation of the idea for what it is, but little by little the idea is presented in more formats thinly veiled alternating with shock runs… until the crime becomes the law of the land. That is the goal… all of the pedos looking to re-write  laws to legalize their crimes.
You are the one spreading bulllshyte here spreading deception about “debunked”. That is the same lie all the trolls on message boards are assigned to dissemble when some especially horrific fact about the agenda being advanced is first sent out like a trial balloon. One step forward –two steps back , testing the water, pushing, pushing the agenda
Trolls like you have the job of ridiculing any revelation of the truth, before the crime is so advanced it cannot be reversed… It anoints itself in the deception of having been consented to by those who ‘never saw it coming’


It’s made up. If you looked outside your dark, tiny circle of “Truther” sources you would find ample evidence. You WANT this to be true and that’s why you will not be dissuaded. The head of the UN has NO AUTHORITY over governments anywhere, ours included. It’s an international body that relies on the voluntary cooperation of its members.

The post you quote has done precisely what it intended for you; induce emotional overload and, more important, spread the story. It’s clickbait and you have been hooked.


“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
― J. Edgar Hoover

It is the Marxist propagandists who call everyone they don’t like “Hitler” but that accusation from you is, of course a scattershot attack and a mis-direct. Nazis (like Stasi s) Nazis Fascists and Marxists are ALL creations of the same source with one goal… complete world takeover and enslavement. Sure there are plenty of “useful idiots” that get sucked up into their propaganda and mind-control, the global death cult ARE obvious megalomaniacs and bow to demons for their archetypal heroes and they DO cherish their sordid “achievements” and histories. The wars, the multiple millions killed are regarded with septic pride and no one wants MORE to duplicate their most successful genocidal campaigns (and get away with it) than these slithering cockroaches (and those that serve them!) .
Mengele was famously obsessed with genetic research and the “twinning” phenomenon (clones, anyone?) AND the American Nazis (who backed Hitler AND Lenin… probably Castro as well) protected their protégés. After the 2nd world war they rescued Hitler and probably most of the top ranking Nazis and gave them safe haven in a South American country – probably Argentina and got them plastic surgery and whatever else was needed to protect their identity. Hitler faked his death it was confirmed from comparison of dental records)

Then the C_I_A – army of the globalists gave America Operation Paperclip in which 1600 (interesting number isn’t it? Isn’t that the address of their ultimate target? the White House? not-see “scientists” were rescued from their deserved fate, and brought to America (to keep us at the forefront of “Science”!) , many of whom were installed into the various lettered agencies (think Dept of Agriculture, of Education, et all)
How many of our beautiful, courageous young men had died in Normandy? all over Europe and in the Pacific in order to protect humanity from the scourge of Not-see-ism and the criminal not-sees already employed by “our” government sh*t all over their newly dug graves by bringing home the enemy to “run” our country. Is it any wonder the hell they are seeking to finalize here on Earth?

So, Yes, of course… they want their genetic blue-plate specials reproduced and “running” things just for the sake of mockery of their intended victims, if nothing else. Know Your Enemy.
PS I have the healthy, youthful DISCERNING, eyes of an artist who is noted for the amazing likenesses of those whose portraits I commit to permanence while your “responses” have all the clichés constantly in use by the legion of liars who protect their paymasters.

Last edited 1 year ago by whateverfloatsyourboat

NPC’s are falling for this Obama clone


Because the clone looks, acts and speaks like the original. There is no discernible difference.


Your pathetic Harrison.


Who are the Biggest Donors? • OpenSecrets


Sounds like a veil threat to Trump.


Gen Smith doesn’t have to send any. Let him sit a wait, there are a lots a traitors dressed as patriots.


Can I comment now?


Because the clone looks, acts and speaks like the original. There is no discernible difference. great think


Let him sit a wait, there are a lots a traitors dressed as patriots. hahahha okay


“You should leave options open should anything unfortunate happen to former President Trump.”
That language sounds to me like an anonymous warning.


Michael Baxter; was Army MajGen A. Potts, who perished on July 25th, while piloting and alone in a single engine (private?) airplane, a White Hat?
Please advise.


Pease get us some news so I don’t have to look at this PofS,scumbag, male Nicki Haley when I open the page every day.


Prayer for President Trump

(If you are a mature Christian, please proceed.)

Father God, we repent for this nation, especially for the shedding of innocent blood through abortion, through Satanic human sacrifice, paedophilia, adrenochrome production, incest, child rape, and child sex trafficking, according to Leviticus 18:6-18, Jude 1:7, Galatians 5:10, 2 Kings 23:10, Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:20-32.
We repent for ANY and ALL sin that opened the door for the enemy to gain legal ground for what is taking place in this nation. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Father, we come boldly to your throne of grace, standing in AGREEMENT, with one accord, as demonstrated in Acts 1:14.
Jesus made an open show of and disarmed principalities and powers, and we have been given that power, authority, and dominion over ALL the powers of the enemy.
 We exercise it now,  per Luke 10:19, IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS we take authority over the principalities and powers, wicked spirits, thrones, and dominions and rulers in the high places; in the air, on the land, in the water and underground.
We bind the strongman over our nation right now, all territorial spirits and all marine spirits operating over the nation. We lift up President Donald J. Trump and his family to you. We bind, cage and chain every demon operating against the Trump family.
Satan, we bind you, rebuke you, and render you and your demons powerless against PDJT.
In Jesus Name, we bind the strongman assigned to him. In the name and by the shed blood of Jesus, we cut off and bring to naught the power of the spirit of the witch, wizard, warlock, witch doctor, magi, divinator, sorcerer and high priest sending assignments against him.
We come against them by the power of the SHED BLOOD of JESUS. We loose a WALL OF FIRE of the HOLY GHOST around ourselves, PDJT and AMERICA! (Zechariah 2:5).
We sever the silver cord of every spirit that is astral projecting. In the name of Jesus we cut off and bring to naught every ritual, custom, ceremony, curse, hex, vex, spell, incantation, chant, evil spoken judgment, magik, evil prayer, dance, trance, animal or human sacrifice, drums, shells/beads/bones /candles, pins, nails, rituals, customs, voodoo and hoodoo, hulu and julu, santeria and palomayombe.
We cut off ALL these supply lines, seals, cords, alters, ligatures, laylines, pathways, gates and portals. We declare that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God to the tearing down of strongholds.
We decree that Jesus Christ is the Name above every name and that at His Name, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that He alone is Lord, in heaven and on earth.
Right now, we loose civil war into the enemy’s camp! We command the mighty warrior angels to make war immediately on all entities, fallen angels and dark powers to destroy our President Trump and his family! Even as Paul declared blindness upon the agents of darkness in Acts 13:6-11, we, too, declare blindness upon all those taking part in evil plots against PDJT—that they will grope about as one in darkness so their plans CANNOT be carried out! WE DECREE RIGHT NOW THAT OUR ENEMIES ARE TURNING ON EACH OTHER and that every curse from the kingdom of darkness will fall upon those sending it. In Jesus Name we send ALL curses back to the devils.
Father, we ask you to deliver President Donald J. Trump from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. We ask that you would grant President Trump complete amnesty from his enemies. We make a request (according to Philippians 4:6) that all evil deeds and assignments be stopped, and that massive arrest warrants to hell’s agents are going out NOW! God, we thank You that You are the God who has fixed His throne upon righteousness and justice!
We ask that You place Your mighty warrior angels to stand shoulder-to-shoulder around President Trump and his family members, that no evil would penetrate. We decree and declare that no evil will befall President Trump, his wife, his children or his grandchildren.  
And finally Father, we ask you to bless these United States of America. We give You the praise, honor, and glory, and we give you thanks. We pray this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from Nazareth.


So this is all it takes to shut down Satan? Why wasn’t this done years ago?

Gary T.

First two strikes against guy, Harvard and Yale the same septic tank as the Bushes, Clintons, Obama’s etc, went to and produced crimes against humanities, sex with children and killing children, I couldn’t trust of these people Republican or Democrats same mold. I support true Patriots

Stinky Perfume

Gross, I bet Rama Swami has flat feet. At least he looks like one of those.


Vivek’s background doesn’t coincide with the White Hat agenda. Like the article states, “Ramaswamy appeared on the political stage out of thin air.” That’s a red flag in itself. The guy seems too good to be true.

If Vivek backs everything Trump, then why does he still feel the need to run against Trump? I believe it is all lip service to gain Trump Supporters who may otherwise feel the need to leap off the Trump Train before it derails in their mind, who believe the News Narratives when it comes to Trump’s legal woes, still that’s a thin majority, but nonetheless a Vote away from Trump.

Vivek may APPEAR to have good intentions, but Michael also says here that they know little about him. How/why is that? He needs to be monitored closely and vetted thoroughly sooner rather than later. Gen. Smith should put Vivek on notice by giving him a thanks, but no thanks at this time and that Vivek’s dealings, Voting on Bills, etc. will be highly scrutinized going forward. I’m glad Gen. Smith has his guard up.


Check below




This is the original WEF page that had Vivek’s name attached:
archive .is /DiGw5

This is the WEF page after the name was stripped:
www. weforum. org/ agenda /2021/ 03 /meet-the-2021-class-of-young-global-leaders/

www. ntd .com /ramaswamy-settles-lawsuit-against-wef-after-organization-falsely-claimed-ties-to-2024-gop-candidate_934146.html

nypost .com /2023/ 04/ 19/ dont-use-my-name-vivek-ramaswamy-tells-world-economic-forum/

dailycaller .com /2023 /08 /01 /world-economic-forum-removes-vivek-ramaswamys-name-from-young-global-leader-list-after-lawsuit/

Same editor removed the Soros Fellowship information with the edit summary of “Deleted extraneous material re fellowship”.

en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Talk: Vivek_Ramaswamy

www. mediaite .com /politics/ exclusive-vivek-ramaswamy-paid-to-have-his-soros-fellowship-and-covid-era-role-scrubbed-from-wikipedia-page/

en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ User: Jhofferman

sigma toolforge. org/ usersearch.py? name=jhofferman&page=Vivek_Rama

en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ User: Bejnar

indiawest. com/ anti-affirmative-action-vivek-ramaswamy-benefitted-from-soros-fellowship-but-now-wants-it-erased-from-record/

www. conservativenewszone. com/ articles /I ts-time-to-have-a-serious-talk-about-george-soros-protege-and-top-gop-candidate-vivek-ramaswamy/

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

Figures. So he is a fraud. People are supporting the dude without knowing who he is, lol.


When Hilary was uncovered as having a hand in the murders of 114 people and the Pizagate scandal in 2016, that was it.
Now the Clinton Body Count is up to 179, but Hillary was hanged in 2021.


geez, even in death she still kills.

lol, the ghost never dies, lol.


Only the ABC journalist who was shot to death for writing Secrets on the Tarmac and was not only writing another book, but was also slotted to testify against WJC at his tribunal. They got to him before he could appear in GITMO. His widow testified that he was not suicidal, despite his protecting his family as best he could.

realrawnews .com / 2022 /04 /loretta-lynch-to-be-lynched/

Delenda Est Coniurati [The Cabal Must Be Destroyed]

Thanks, WWC


Rip journalist.


I don’t trust Vivek, but did anyone see that his plane made some kind of emergency landing due to oxygen system going kaput. I can’t help but wonder if this DeSantis move to try and ingratiate himself with white hats got the attention of the black hats. I’m so sick of the bullshit and liars, I hope we finally see some justice dispensed in full view of the public once and for all.


Nope, not here.


Looks like the Biden robot is falling apart.

Now I’m convince. They mocking us.

Julio Antonio Laguna

With that “should something unfortunate” statement, I would arrange the meeting at Gitmo. What a jackass!

Barry Dember

Ramaswamy, smells and looks like another conservative Rhino.

Michael R Davis

Ramaswamy is just another Kamala Harris. Both are high caste Brahmin Indian. Both are born to non-American non-citizen parents. Neither are qualified for the office of President. Harris cannot succeed Biden, but Biden is just an actor playing the Resident anyway. Brahmins are among the most racist people on Earth, extremely separated from the lower castes.


America is a Christian nation. Ramaswamy is Hindu. He’s a CANDIDATE and wants information only the President should have. Smells like another DeSantis to me, an infiltrator. He’s tied to the pharmaceutical industry. So far, he’s adding up to me to possibly be another trojan horse bought by the Deep State to funnel intel to them, with the appearance of DeSantis and Flynn. I don’t see anything special about him. I say he gets nothing until he’s President. A big smile doesn’t win my contest.


No it’s not, stop with the lies.

America is not christian only

Last edited 1 year ago by Talion

Of course! You DON’T  have to conform to ANY faith to live in America. That was the Main reason people fled to “the new world” … to get away from religious persecution so of course people of all different faiths live here without interference

Also, the men who wrote the Constitution sought guidance through prayer to identify which ideals are the most important to guarantee the freedom for which the Revolution was fought.

It is a principle of Christianity that we are to have no authorities above God as Jesus identified God to us. That means NO DICTATORS. NO EARTHLY OVERLORDS OR AUTHORITIES. Each of us is free to take counsel with God as we understand him and to act in accordance with what we believe… as long as we don’t interfere with the guaranteed rights of others. These are Christian concepts, Christian ideals and the guiding principles incorporated into the documents which establish the foundation of our laws and system of government as it was documented at the time of its founding.




Pres Trump speech today, 8/8/23, at 2:30 pm EST. Go to RSBN.com and go to the 3 horizontal stripes, then go to Watch Live. If you miss it RSBN replays it several times. Be aware, sometimes Trump is delayed an extra 30 minutes.


Ramaswamy is a scam artist. This link shows how he used an already failed drug, renamed it, and made millions scamming innocent people. His run for the presidency is just a bigger scam filled with bull$hit and doubletalk.