Carrier Strike Group Drops Anchor; Defies Biden Regime!


The Gerald Ford Carrier Battle Group dropped anchor in the Mediterranean Sunday night in a repudiation of the criminal Biden regime’s authority over United States military assets, with senior leadership saying they would not follow questionable orders that could needlessly endanger sailors and plunge the nation into an international conflict, high-ranking military sources told Real Raw News.

On Sunday the fake president and his criminal associates—fraudulent Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, corrupt Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Charles Brown, and alleged pedophile John Kirby—announced they were sending warships to the Mediterranean Sea in response to Hamas’ rocket attack on Israel.

The carrier and its escorts are tantamount to a floating fortress, including 7,500 sailors across six surface ships, each able to start or thwart a war, and two fast-attack submarines reportedly armed with nuclear-tipped torpedoes. Its precise location in transit is kept secret for operational security, and even media aboard the ships are forbidden from broadcasting its whereabouts. However, sources told RRN the strike group was within an arm’s reach, figuratively, of Israel when Vice Adm. Thomas Ishee, Commander of the 6th Fleet, issued a fleetwide announcement to drop anchor and await further orders.

Sources said Ishee and the strike group captains held a video conference to discuss the Middle East crisis and the Biden regime’s illegitimacy. Four captains said Biden had stolen the 2020 presidential election and, therefore, his orders were invalid and unconstitutional, while two expressed uncertainties over which president–Trump or Biden–was commander in chief of the Armed Forces. Ishee said National Command Authority, a term used by the DOD to refer to the ultimate source of lawful military orders, had been compromised and that only Donald Trump, President Donald J. Trump, had the power to mobilize the fleet.

The intricacies and nuances of the conversation are unknown to Real Raw News, but we were told that after a two-hour conference, all six captains supported Ishee’s decision and told crews the ships would hold fast until further notice. At this time, RRN does not know if the ships’ captains gave crews their reason for issuing “all-stop” orders.

Our source said Ishee spoke with four Republican House Armed Services Committee members and House Judiciary Committee Chairperson Jim Jordan before conferring with the captains.

“The battle group has the support they need. It’s important to understand this isn’t about Israel or Hamas or picking sides; it’s about if a criminal and a make-believe president controls billions of dollars of hardware and service members’ lives. If President Trump tells them to go, they go. If he tells them to turn around, they turn around. It’s as simple as that. His is the deciding voice, not the cabal’s. The sailors on those ships will respect that. But some people on the Gerald Ford didn’t like it when the ship stopped,” our source said.

When Gerald Ford came to a dead stop, an on-board MSNBC film crew demanded answers. They harassed the ship’s command master chief and executive officer, demanding to speak with the captain. “Why are we stopping? We must get to Israel. Who gave this order? Does President Biden know about this?” Their cameras were confiscated, and they were tossed in the brig.

President Trump, our source said, has been apprised of the development.

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Stinky Perfume

breaking911 .com/us-deploys-thaad-system-moves-carrier-strike-group-to-middle-east/

Stinky Perfume

There’s an AF guy in the RRN comments complaining about the Army National Guard base take over in California. Article “Special Forces Attack Deep State Listening Outposts” he said he would have been briefed if Trump has signed an insurrection act, so ALL the military would know who the president is. Can I guess Trump signed it and the greys as master deceivers and in control with their overlords, snitched it so there isn’t a copy?

youtube com/watch?v=LWIppVS1fPc&t=931s

According to Max Igan the earth reset is going on as planned.

rumble com/v3ku75p-max-igan-the-reset-of-our-civilization-inspired.html

Max’s source thinks they do this reset every 138 years average. Max comes up with 2046 and the reset final times. They came up with 2030 as the final times on many sites. In the meanwhile the surface dwellers can’t feel right due too nasty depressing news and they need to hope into something.

What we know for sure is the land grabs are DEW posing as fire, so the deceivers doing this are working for who? The greys are the master deceivers, so they don’t want humans living too long, this is clear as day or some of us would live to 150, 200….

The med beds I heard are only allowing 40 years deaging maximum 3 times. That’s only 120 more years while the overloads ruling from underground and by spaceship are living several hundred years to thousands of years and have access to all our past life records.

I liked the idea of a level playing field, not one where we don’t know things we seem to need to know about life and death. it’s kind of obvious someone with a spaceship could drop off an organic papaya from the rain forest on the door stop as faster than Amazon one day delivery. But these military on boats, are unnecessary for anything but making noise and just something to do. The war battles are making people fight each other so war areas yield fresh live orphans for the greys to live a long time as vampires and their hybrids on earth to go about stronger on adrenochrome.


The USS Gerald Ford is in the Adriatic Sea, not in the Mediterranean Sea. It sitting off the coast of Italy. The USS Eisenhower is still in Virginia.


The Gerald Ford Strike Group drops anchor in repudiation of the criminal illegitimate biden regime and its illegitimate secretary of defense and corrupt chairman joint chiefs.

Newd has just announced a second carrier strike group heading to Israel and meet up with GF. What can you say about this MB?


Lies. The Eisenhower is still in Virginia.


Why does the American people think Biden and his administration will save the American hostages of hamas when FJB left Americans behind in Afghanistan and free weapons


Would that we could toss all the mainstream media in the Briggs so to speak, try them for crimes against humanity Etc, and dispatch Justice! That would be a great day.


They won’t be charged. The brigg is meant to keep them from contacting HQ.
Never throw a fit in front of senior command.


Wait till Zelensky gets there,,, 2 birds one stone.


Open fire on all Israeli military and intelligence facilities, and hardware.
Even the score board. Destroy their ability to launch offensive operations everywhere.
Whiskey Zulu Alpha Tango Foxtrot

Last edited 1 year ago by geo

The Khazars maybe in charge, but there are innocent civilians in Israel and the Gaza Strip. Don’t pull the tares or you may disturb the wheat.


Don’t buy into the jew bullshit propaganda that it’s just the khazars. That is complete bullshit.


Israel doesn’t need a military anymore. This is outrageous.


Also, wheat is poisonous to humans. I dare you to eat it fresh off the stem.

Robert Gregory Boensch

You Silly People!
Are We going to Quietly Quit Playing these Childish Games!
Remember, our declaration of independence was made null and void by King George’s 1783 Treaty. However, people don’t it and more important don’t ask why Washington, Congress and the Senate did not create a Doctrine of Conquest or an American Treaty claiming ALL of what we were told the American Patriots and supporting Colonist fought for.
That Doctrine or Treaty should have had an introduction that read – that a victorious nation (America) in war acquired sovereignty over the conquered nation (British Crown) and could exert its own legal and political jurisdiction chosen by its sovereign residents.
Oh Well! Ignorance is alive and well.
To long of A Post.
Keep being a Willing Slave


Demons are salivating at the thought of all this chaos and death.

William R Nicholson

Israel has supplied most essential items needed for Hamas controlled Palestinian side for decades. The water , electricity and medical supplies have been given by Israel. Hamas would spend no money building infrastructure to help the people within their own neighborhoods. Armsmeant to kill Israeli citizens are the only item on Hamas menu. If Israel cuts off the water , electricity to Hamas controlled area, why would anyone object ? Should maybe Israel supply air conditioning and dope filled smoking pipes to Hamas ? Israel has no obligation to supply anything to people trying to massacre them ! Libs are insane. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


After watching John Kirby’s speech yesterday, I concur 100% with this decision. Let Israel handle it’s own business. They wouldn’t have the weapons they do if they hadn’t stolen the technology from the U.S. by spying and conniving. F— ’em.


Nope, Israel has lost the right to maintain a nation state. It’s over.

Above Reproach

That fucking ass hole , is taking his orders from you know who to start world war 3. Everything he has done is to throw America into a conflict with other nations. He gave enough money to the aggressors to start this stupid mess.He and his dwindling support are grasping for power in any way possible. Simply tell him, Americans see through his wispy paper thin ass ! We see what he’s been doing and the gig is up. Turn the ships around and park them where they can protect America 🇺🇸 !


Pres Trump to speak shortly today, 10/11/23, at 5:30 pm EST.


Time now scheduled for 7:00 pm est / 4:00 pm pst.


Who cares? Fuck trump the jew traitor !!!


First and foremost, that’s not OUR FIGHT! Remember what happened on 9/11 ( even though it was an inside job) and the Isrelis said, : Death to the US” ? Okay, then. We don’t have to do a doggone thing to help. Sincerely, This Navy Veteran who said it!


American hostages????




I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16 thousand bucks a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just
using this site… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

“America’s Appalling Ally”

Israeli citizens live large in subsidized family homes, travel on worldclass public transport, get American technology on the cheap, and then make a profit selling it to Americas adversaries.

In this piece White-Papers outlines how US support for the so-called State of Israel undermines American prosperity and security, and how the Israeli state abuses and compromises the United States in numerous ways.

For example the Israeli government has been caught:

Placing spy devices near the White House

Planting spyware on the devices of American government officials

Carrying out massive economic espionage on American firms

And is believed to have stolen bomb-grade uranium from the United States

In addition to these questionable acts and crime, the Israeli government also harbors known criminals who face prosecution in the United States, and is one of the foremost global centers of online and cash fraud.

Israeli behavior is appalling, and the American nation gains nothing by having the so-called State of Israel as an ally.

Forwarded from: White-Papers


Agreed. The wanderers will have to wander yet again once the so called state of israhell is returned to the rightful islamist owners. But now that the world knows izrahell is mostly white racist fanatics, no one will accept them.

J Bill

BT loves semen


but izrahell loves the american seamen even more!


Have you read wiki leaks papers. You may find the US did a lot of this stuff as well. Maybe look at home first


Yes but we were controlled by the puppets of the NWO. This has been happening for decades. I believe that Iran said that we were controlled by satan. They were absolutely correct


Fuck Israel, like the U.S; DS/CIA,. they have always been the worst terrorists in the world,.Their end is coming. What about that PofS Milley????????


Hiding like a coward.


Shoot, I meant Austin


Wow, looks like the white racists in israel want a FOURTH REICH!

J Bill

69th reich is more like it


That was 2:00 central time they started but on Recess

J Bill



🆘🆘BREAKING: Steve Scalise wins the House GOP speakership nomination beating Jim Jordan 113 to 99

I’ve heard Steve Scalise is more Uniparty than MAGA

Here we go again folks!


John .S

Yeah-baby a “Roman Catholic Italian”, not a WASP. I’m tickled pink.

Going to invent a pasta dish, calling it: “Pasta a’la Scalise”, going to experiment with baccala, utilizing home made pasta. On the fence Cavatelli or Pappardelle.

Thank goodness for my KitchenAid stand mixer and pasta accoutrements. Wife doesn’t complain as much when making fresh pasta, though she hates making tortellini.

Pasta Scalise – bon appetit.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S
J Bill


Above Reproach

Scalise is definitely going to do a better job than the bumble who was allowing Nancy to put her feet on the speaker’s desk.Doesn’t that say it all !
Or maybe she was under the desk calling the shots. Democrats want to shit on America, just look at San Francisco. Truth is in , or should I say on the sidewalk. Any leader who would allow the people of his district to live like Animals is a Looser scum sucking pig . Deliberate lowering of the standard of living to destroy the moral compass of the people. Remember the words, let them eat cake ! It’s the same as saying, let them do drugs !
Or break the law, Or anything to allow them to disrespect the people who built this country. The word is DECAY ! Those people who fell into the trap of being worthless have no reason for being, no chance to pull up their boot straps, we don’t need them in our world. The people who allowed this to happen are in the same category. VOTE ALL OF THEM OUT OF OUR LIVES.


Full blown liberal and the best way to find out
about him is to look at his voting record.
Not impressed with Scalise.


Scalise is just more garbage, 99.5% of them are traitor ass trash. For the solution see my title.


House Republicans Expected to Vote on Speaker of the House @ 2:00 pm today ET I take it. On RUMBLE. Shown on the RSBN Right Side Broadcasting Network is the channel covering it.


The white racist israhellis and the brown racist arabs hate Jesus Christ and His followers more than anyone else.

J Bill

How long do you think it’ll take to get to 350k? A few years? A decade?


350k chewish martyrs? i think israhell has more white racists than that!

J Bill

closer to a decade. got it

Mike Huntsucker

Militaries. Israel’s Intelligence Agencies include Mossad, which is deeply connected to the CIA and MI6. They all knew Hamas was going to attack Israel several months ago including several hours before the attack.

· The United States knew the attack was coming, as did Australia, UK, Canada and EU Intelligence. There were several satellites over Iran, Israel and Palestine. Near all captured thousands of troops moving towards Israel. All major Intelligence Agencies knew the attack was coming. News reporters (Israeli spies) in Palestine knew the attack was coming and tried to warn Israel and the military.

· India Intelligence knew the attack was coming and tried to contact Israel, but Israel commanders and President blocked ALL calls before the attack.

· This attack on Israel was an Inside Job


Israel needs to stand down in the name of peace. These white racists in israel will even poison water of the brown people.

The racist whites from israel are all over the US and EU too! They need to put in camps for their own safety!

Julian Metter

I’ve heard about warnings from Egypt about the impending attack but the other warnings you mentioned. Do you have any follow up links we could look at?

The one essentially step now that would break this open is solid disclosure that Bibi knew and was complicit in either setting it up or allowing it to happen. That has the power to change everything.


Well, Isreal needs to handle it. That is not our fight. We didn’t see not one of them take down the Bushes, and the rest of them when it came to 9/11. So, Isreal handle Isreal. The United States have nothing to do with it.


Israel was behind 9/11 with the traitors in our own govt.= jews.


Tommy Tumbleville


Hayden’s words smack of desperation and are a threat to our democracy. white racist israel apologist Hayden probably would withhold water from brown people given the chance!

J Bill



For those who may not know (or remember) the USS Liberty ‘incident’…

https ://theintercept .com/2017/06/06/fifty-years-later-nsa-keeps-details-of-israels-uss-liberty-attack-secret/#:~:text=Bamford%20argued%20in%20his%202001,Israel%27s%20attack%20on%20the%20vessel

Andrew Stevano

Thank you. Important to not ever forget this.


Excellent, few are aware of this Israel is not our friend and never has been.


The white racists in israel now say they have abolished all rules of war! They think they can just kill whoever they want whenever.

No wonder the arabs have to revolt.

The white racists in israel are genocidal misanthropes!


MOSSAD or fake Jews are to blamed

Dave Kelly

There are NO fake jews that is bullshit


They are not fake jews, just jews doing jew shit.

Kay Mitchell

Arabs are a beastial, sub-human, homoerectus species that has not evolved and cannot assimilate into this society.

They are too dangerous to live with.

Mary Catherine Podlesak

Including Christian Palestinians, also stuck in Gaza?


If you did dna testing on them you would probably find that they are the real original hebrews, jews are fake imposters.


…but they share blood with the hebrews!

Dave Kelly

You are FUCKED in the HEAD, go see a shrink, you need SERIOUS HELP.


No what she said is true only it applies to both islam and jews. Islam and judaism are basically the same religion with both teaching you can do all kinds of evil shit to anyone including children as long as they are not of your same religion. Followers however often ignore this rule on both sides.


as opposed to frail white american men who take female hormones and couldn’t lift 20lbs without a strong female to help?


Stfu Monkey

Last edited 1 year ago by goober

Beware of blanket statements.


And jews are the same.


Scalise Wins Secret Ballot for Speaker!

So what his story?

What his party?

Anyone know these answers thanks?


He is a GOP
He is from Jefferson Parish, Louisiana

He survived an assassination, while playing basketball game in DC several years ago.

Last edited 1 year ago by B T

and he’s compromised, like all of the ‘candidates’.

David T

Actually was a softball game, and he was shot by a Bernie supporter. DC police gunned the would-be assassin down with pistols and the shooter had a rifle.

Kay Mitchell

I’m sorry to hear this.

I believe Jim Jordan was the right man for the job.


I’m with you on this one Kay.


He’d be perfect for the job since he’s dennis hastert 2.0


fuck JJ and his wrestling

David T

Me too.


He’s just another piece of shit like the rest of them. Doesn’t want the job because he would be quickly exposed.


He’s David Duke without the baggage (allegedly)


JJ vs TT vs DD


He’s a pretty typical boilerplate Republican like McCarthy, you guys will probably hate him too.


well, yea, if those boilerplates were made in china!


🆘🆘BREAKING: Steve Scalise wins the House GOP speakership nomination beating Jim Jordan 113 to 99

I’ve heard Steve Scalise is more Uniparty than MAGA

Here we go again folks!


Last edited 1 year ago by B T
Julian Metter

Apparently Scalise is pro Zelensky support for the Ukraine war.


Just another uniparty asshole. No one up there will do anything to benefit the people or to uphold The Constitution for The Republic of The United States.


Trump to speak today, 10/11/23, at 5 pm est. Time is fluid, sometimes runs 30 mins late.

J Bill

Don’t care


J Bill is a troll nothing to see here folks!




but you care enough to write, dumbass?

J Bill

yep, dumbass. lmaooooooooooooo


that makes no sense. do you live in israhell?

J Bill

i live in your smooth brain, rent free.


good comeback!

David T

But you cared enough to comment on it. Troll turd with more names than Obama has boyfriends.


Sure would be nice if he would take the reins.
I understand he has done more than any, and I am appreciative.
But it’s got to end.
He is the one that put himself in his position as a leader, all we want is him to lead.
WE THE PEOPLE are not going to lay down.


You’ll lay down


with j bill

J Bill

lol let’s go ethel

Last edited 1 year ago by J Bill

Great the real CIC!


so another racist white israhelli man is going to talk! yea!

Dave Kelly

What is he selling today, more NFTs?


Fuck trump, he’s just another cabal owned traitor ass jew.


Imagine a group of white people who allege they were holocausted a long time ago but then turn around and show their gratitude by holocausting brown people.

wild stuff in 2023!


The marching orders have apparently gone out and “julie” or whoever the f you are,
is now spouting constant drivel
MIS-characterizing people
by claiming that their activities are representive of their RACE.
and being performed as a feature of their racial identity

which is a demonic LIE FROM JULIE, THE RACIST, RACE-BAITING LIAR (and her troll-mate ) -“Hopefull”

How about you, Julie and all the rest of the race-baiting LYING, marxist shills stuff your wrap around smear DRIVEL, where the sun don’t shine, right next to your heads.

Kay Mitchell

Some of Julie’s many Troll alts:

Biggs, Ethel, JBll, Exile Noname, Bofa, Wozz, and Russell

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
J Bill

Oh Julie has many more names


I don’t always write as j Bill, but when I do I write dumb shit!


Hey look, I’m just having fun when I post as Biggs, Ethel, JBll, Exile Noname, Bofa, Wozz, and Russell.

It’s just fun! lol

David T

The troll turd “Ju1ie” is a/k/a B1ggs, Exi1e, J Bi11, Harris0n Berger0n, N0name, DesChumps. I see that Kay M is also onto this troll turd’s many aliases too.

Kay Mitchell

Julie is Biggs, the troll.


Honestly Kay I find this insulting. My posts are nothing like julie’s and I certainly don’t post nazi shit like Holocaust denial like julie does.


Even many jews admit the holohoax was/is a LIE. There wasn’t even six million jews in all of Europe at the time. Complete jew bullshit.


yup, the Transfer Agreement


I only post nazi shit as Julie. I find it entertaining to play ‘parry and joust’ with my other screen-names. The erudite reader will see many exchanges between the ‘biggs’ character and ‘julie’.

Are you not entertained?

Mike Huntsucker

GREAT INDIAN LEADER SITTING BULL: “Yet hear me, friends! We have now to deal with another people, small and feeble when our forefathers first met with them, but now great and overbearing. Strangely enough, they have a mind to till the soil, and the love of possessions is a disease in them. These people have made many rules that the rich may break, but the poor may not! They have a religion in which the poor worship, but the rich will not! They even take tithes of the poor and weak to support the rich and those who rule. They claim this mother of ours, the Earth, for their own use, and fence their neighbors away from her, and deface her with their buildings and their refuse. They compel her to produce out of season, and when sterile she is made to take medicine in order to produce again. All this is sacrilege. We are free. NO man controls our footsteps. If we must die, we die defending our rights

Elaine Phillips



All while we put grease on our hair, live in teepees, and work our women to death in 16-hour days. In their leisure time they get to chew rawhide to soften it.


racist much? The round eye never learns…

J Bill



ethel wants her dick back


Where did it go?

Kay Mitchell

It’s common knowledge that Ethel is one of your many alts Julie.

J Bill

very common knowledge!


kinda fun though!


well, we are right back there! These racist white people in israhell are all over our country! no wonder the democrats say systemic racism is a bane on our beloved USA!

Deport all white racists who support israhell!

Mike Huntsucker

The sad part is 98% of the human race wants peace and harmony and the two % that have all the money want death and destruction… But the 98% are too chickenshit to stand up to 2%….what the fuck happens to us..?????????

J Bill

What happened: they went on a compromised wordpress blog and got their shit stolen lmaooooo


well, you are known in dim circles as the turd burglar!


it’s a stark dichotomy. You either fight or die.


Yes, Michael, but how about being clear as to the point of posting THAT comment, in relation to an article about White Hats refusing to be used to advance an illegitimate attempt to start a war.

Are YOU now here working to fan the flames of this bs wrap-around smear being waged against this site by posting the observations of a revered leader of the indigenous people of America very scatter-shot at the people who now comprise America and are still, as ever, fighting against a more clearly identified enemy which is not based on the color of their skin but whether or not, their allegiance is to
Are you now working for the race-baiting LIARS/SHILLS ie “julie/LYING RACE BAITING TROLL/SHILL PLANT et all?

There is no need to contribute to the LIE that our differences and our issues have ANYTHING TO DO with our ethnicity or the color of our skin.

That is how the Satanist s have always played the people IE;.;.
“Let’s you and him, FIGHT” and we will take all of your property, your resources, re-direct all of your power to our own EVIL agenda,

I mean, imagine!!!!! IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR ‘ended’, the NAZIs infiltrated our government, aided and abetted by not-sees already in “our” government, to be moved gradually up the ranks until they run all of the departments we are supposed to trust and be guided by.

Don’t fall for it and kindly frame an interesting comment like the one above so as not to assist them in their false portrayals of patriots of whatever nation or skin color etc.


Please write more Michael ! There are some great comments & writers in the chat. THE ISRAELI ATTACK ON THE USS LIBERTY and this is one of them. Which everyone should read.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16 thousand bucks a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just
using this site… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

Israel is walking right into the anti-semites’ plan if they retaliate against Palestine. A violent reaction is what the anti-semites want. Israel needs to be peaceful and sign international petitions to stop the violence. Violence does not solve anything, so israel needs to stand down!


Violence was the only way to stop Hitler and Japan. Singing Kumbayah doesn’t bring down a school shooter, another gun did that. If someone is bound to attack you, you are allowed self-defense.


eh, the swiss and the US funded hitler and japan.

Just because someone attacks you, you are just going to ignorantly attack back? Weak mind.


Jews/Satanist funded those wars and really all wars.

voice of one in the wilderness

That’s not what stopped them. Offering them asylum and high paying jobs “stopped” them.


Israel/jews are the source of most of the worlds violence and problems.


Imagine white people in Israel intentionally poisoning the water supply of people of color in 2023! Systemic racism is alive and well in israel!

Wild stuff!


Imagine the Saudi Arabians taking American land in AZ and sucking up enormous amounts of pristine water, water in aquifers that were last at the surface 600,000 years ago when mammoths roamed the earth. And all to grow alfalfa for THEIR cows which they ship back home instead of using all their oil money to build desalinization plants. They don’t use reclaimed water, oh no. What racism against our people! In addition, their own govt refuses to build water wells for their own people

Last edited 1 year ago by Sue

The white americans gifted that water to them right under your nose. the white j.ews in az and in the US hate the goyim.

Saudi’s and white j.ews share the same bloodline.


White people or jews.
You must have misspoken.
Jew does not equal white, just ask one.


oh, so the blanched skinned j.ews are not white? Are they black, brown, red or yellow? I did not realize I was that color-blind!

When americans say ‘white supremacy’ what they mean is ‘white jewish supremacy’.


So: “White Supremacy” isn’t just something made up by Bigoted Little Minded “not Whites”, as a justification for this aversion to indoor plumbing in “not White” indigenous lands?


How about you take your trash talking idiocy back to the ward for the mentally infirm that accidentally released you, race-baiting moron?


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah………..


Jews are known for poisoning wells going back thousands of years.

Mike Huntsucker

The First Major World Politician Apologizes To the Unvaccinated: ‘You Were Right, We Were Wrong.’ Danielle Smith, the Premier of Alberta, Canada, is the first major elected politician in the world to issue a heartfelt apology to the unvaccinated for crimes perpetrated against their human rights by the government during COVID Lockdowns. “I can apologize right now. I’m deeply sorry”, she said, “for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to discrimination as a result of their vaccine status, I’m deeply sorry. For any government employee that was fired from their job, because of their vaccine status, and I welcome them back if they want to come back”.


too little too late. to the gallows with her!

Brian Gail

She didn’t paly a roll in any of this…..she was against it from day one when she got in after all the mess was going on.


she played her role to perfection, fooled you didn’t she?


Trying desperately to stay in power. Typical politician.


She is just trying to save her life because she knows she might be eventually executed. Remorse might just give you life in GITMO like poor Bill who never had a noose around his neck but was poisoned with ricin.


Needing support from the pure blood


Odd that she addressed her apology to ”government employees” when people working for the government where the most likely to be given exemptions.
Meanwhile I have yet to hear anyone in government admit the relationship of myocarditis, calamari clots, turbo-cancer and or sudden adult death syndrome to the bio-weapon. No honest doctor can refer to the material in that bw as “therapeutic” unless the subject volunteered to take the known risks in a game of medical “russian roulette”.

Elaine Phillips

Prayers for Sen Tubberville! He fell down some stairs today!


Is he another ancient politician?


nah, you’re just new to the reading thing!


Biden did it first!


RIP Tommy Tumbleville


RIP Miss Milley!


Not only Netanyahoo, but the entire zionist jew mafia need a reckoning. They are a many headed hydra.


LAND GRAB BY ANTY MEANS POSSIBLE 🔥 provide a means of escape and an exit while Israel steals your land and we bleed America dry of its wealth by funding Ukraine and now Israel while millions of dollars of military Equipment built and sold by the military industrial complex rakes in billions of dollars of profits and you the American Citizen starve and live in pallet made tents under a bridge some where as your politician who ever he is puts policies in place to steal your freedoms at every turn 😡🤷🏻‍♂️🇺🇸



why not? oprah and ccp are into it!


STOP the injustice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For God’s sake!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Gregory Boensch

The US Naval technical research ship Liberty was attacked by Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats off the
Sinai Peninsula on 8 June. The following account of the circumstances of the attack has been compiled
from all available sources.
1. The Liberty reported at 9:50 a.m. (2:50 a.m. Washington time) on 8 June that it had been orbited by
two delta-wing jet fighters, presumably Israeli Mirages. At 3:05 p.m. (8:05 a.m.) the Liberty was
strafed by unidentified jet aircraft. The Liberty apparently was not able to establish communications
with other units of the US Sixth Fleet during the air attack, and the first information available to the US
commanders was after the subsequent attack by unidentified torpedo boats, which occurred at 3:25 p.m.
2. At 4:11 p.m. (9:11 a.m.) the US Commander in Chief, Europe, notified the National Military
Command Center in Washington that the Liberty was under attack and was listing to starboard after
being struck by a torpedo. The Commander of the US Sixth Fleet declared the attacking units hostile
and sent attack aircraft from the carriers America and Saratoga to protect the Liberty. A good part of
the ship’s communications equipment was destroyed by the crew during the attack but emergency
communications were soon established with the Saratoga and with the naval communications station in
Greece. Because of the tenseness of the situation and the communications delays, the initial reports
from the Liberty were sketchy and somewhat confusing.
Specifics of the Attack
3. According to these reports, however, the sequence of events took place as follows. The ship was
attacked at 3:05 p.m. (8:05 a.m.) by [Page 470]unidentified jet fighters, believed to be Israeli, at
position 31–35N, 33–29E. Six strafing runs were made by the jets. Twenty minutes later three torpedo
boats closed at high speed and two of them launched torpedoes after first circling the Liberty. One
torpedo passed astern, and the other struck the starboard side of the ship in the spaces occupied by the
SIGINT collectors. One of the boats was later identified as Israeli and the hull number of one unit was
noted as 206–T. Some 50 minutes later two Israeli helicopters arrived on the scene.
Israeli Identification of the Ship
4. None of the communications of the attacking aircraft and torpedo boats is available, but the
intercepted conversations between the helicopter pilots and the control tower at Hatzor (near Tel Aviv)
leave little doubt that the Israelis failed to identify the Liberty as a US ship before or during the attack.
Control told (helicopter) 815 at 3:31 p.m. (8:31 a.m.) that “there is a warship there which we attacked.
The men jumped into the water from it. You will try to rescue them.” Although there were other
references to a search for the men in the water and although US units later searched the area, no
survivors were recovered from the sea, nor were there any indications that any of the 22 missing
personnel from the Liberty had been lost overboard.
5. A subsequent message from the control tower to the helicopter identified the ship as Egyptian and
told the pilot to return home. Although the Liberty is some 200 feet longer than the Egyptian
transport El Quesir, it could easily be mistaken for the latter vessel by an overzealous pilot. Both ships
have similar hulls and arrangements of masts and stack.

6. The weather was clear in the area of attack, the Liberty’s hull number (GTR 5) was prominently
displayed, and an American flag was flying. The helicopter pilot was then urgently requested to identify
the survivors as Egyptian or English speaking (this being the first indication that the Israelis suspected
they may have attacked a neutral ship). The helicopter pilot reported seeing an American flag on
the Liberty. In another intercept between an unidentified Israeli controller and the helicopter number
815, the pilot reported that number GTR 5 was written on the ship’s side. The controller told the pilot
the number had no significance.
7. Thus it was not until 4:12 p.m. (9:12 a.m.) that the Israelis became convinced that the Liberty was
American. This was about 44 minutes after the last attack on the ship and the attack had apparently
been called off, not because the ship had been identified, but because it seemed to be sinking. (The US
Defense Attaché in Tel Aviv reports that Israeli helicopters and the three torpedo boats searched the
area until 6:04 p.m. (11:04 a.m.).) The Israeli offer of assistance was declined [Page 471]because of
the sensitive mission of the ship. According to US Navy reports, the ship was saved only through the
efforts of her crew.
Damage and Personnel Losses
8. The ship suffered heavy material and personnel casualties. A hole estimated to be 39 feet wide at the
bottom and 24 feet wide at the top near the waterline was opened by a torpedo. The ship is flooded
below the second deck between frames 52 and 78 (36-inch frame spacing). The crew carried out
emergency destruction of classified communications and radar equipment, but the ship’s engineering
plant is intact. Several flash fires and cannon holes throughout the superstructure caused some minor
damage and the ship’s motor whale boat and virtually all of its life rafts were lost. Personnel casualties
include 10 killed, 90 wounded, and 22 missing, most of whom were probably trapped in the flooded
compartments. The wounded and the dead have been removed from the ship and some additional crew
members put aboard. The ship is expected to arrive in Malta on 14 June for dry docking and hull
repairs. Security precautions are being taken to protect the classified intercept equipment in the flooded
spaces. The US Navy has convened a board of inquiry to look into the incident.
The Ship and Its Orders
9. The USS Liberty is a converted Victory class merchant ship utilized as a SIGINT collector. The unit
had moved from its normal station off West Africa to provide additional SIGINT coverage of the
Middle East crisis. Official US statements, however, have described the Liberty as an electronics
research ship which had been diverted to the crisis area to act as a radio relay station for US embassies.
10. The Liberty sailed from Rota, Spain, on 2 June under orders to patrol no closer than 12.5 miles of
the UAR coast and 6.5 miles of the Israeli coast. A modification of orders issued by the Commander of
the US Sixth Fleet at 12:17 p.m. (5:17 a.m.) on 8 June had not been received aboard the Liberty,
according to the ship’s commanding officer, before the Israeli attack. This change, together with
messages from other commands which ordered the Liberty to approach no closer than 100 miles of the
coasts of the UAR and Israel and 25 miles of the coast of Cyprus, was delayed in transmission in part
because of a misunderstanding of responsibilities for delivery.
11. At annex is a listing of events in chronological order.

Robert Gregory Boensch

t’s entirely possible that LBJ is the most evil or one of the most evil presidents in US history. (ILLUSTRATION: The USS Liberty post-Israeli attack).

And every President tried to out do him
An False Flag event with CIC and the highest ranking Military ?

Not including President Reagan and President Trump in this group

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

he was a frail white man easily threatened, similar to the police force you have in the US


No, Race Baiter, LBJ was just another EVIL son of a bitch, who loved to rub shoulders with other not-sees, say tann ists and mafioso.
Your ridiculous associations of race and ethnicity are a malevolent act against this web site and the values of the people who support the work Michael does.


Clearly you don’t know shit about the U.S..


ain’t nobody got time for all that

Steve Rodgers

True. And it sucks he was born in Texas probably a good man then became a currupt Democrat.


It must suck to be so irredeemably STUPID that reading a detailed and well-articulated story about a relevant and IMPORTANT event provokes you to flaunt your shocking intellectual limitations.
Most of the people on this board are fully literate and know the value of KNOWLEDGE !!!
That is EXACTLY what we have time for. That is WHY we are here.
It is called Learning, something that is supposed to begin with the mastery of the alphabet.

You (AND JULIE!!!) really come across as imbeciles.

Michael R Davis

The FAKE Newsmedia is very busy with their FAKE news, FAKE photos, FAKE videos, FAKE bullshit.

Caution: the deceitful israelis have sneak-attacked us before.
They are not our friends, not our allies, enemies of GOD, are major welfare parasites living off our national wealth.

Remember the USS Liberty cowardly israeli sneak attack in 1967.
Our enemies did that, murdering 34 Americans, 174 wounded.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Remember the USS Liberty cowardly Israeli sneak attack in 1967

Yes this is what I posted.
But if you Watch all of the Videos and the testimony of the Men on Board the ship.
They tell you what really Happened.

You will Cry when you hear Our Own President calling off the fighter jets.
that the aircraft carrier launched to save our own Men on this Ship.

This Attack only ended When the Russians came with their Ships.
And when the attackers seen this they fled.

The story Goes that it was a US Submarine that put the hole in the

And then What President Bush did to them

CHICAGO — With all of the recent hype about ”supporting American troops” I am appalled that George Bush chose to snub the survivors of the USS Liberty who waited in vain for the president at the White House on June 8.
On June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty, an unarmed, clearly marked communications vessel stationed in the Mediterranean Sea, was savagely attacked by Israeli jet fighters and torpedo boats. Thirty-four U.S. servicemen died and another 171 were injured. Israel claims that the Liberty was mistaken for the small Egyptian freighter El Arish, even though Israel and the U.S. were both aware that El Arish was far from the area.
Israels flimsy explanation for the attack contradicts known facts and evidence, </strong>but was accepted without question by the American government. In 1967, the Johnson administration imposed silence on all survivors of the Liberty. In 1991, George Bush refused to acknowledge the former crews presence on the lawn of the White House.
Is official recognition for these veterans being denied because their attackers have such powerful supporters in U.S. politics, media and business? Now is the time to end the media blackout and suppression of information concerning the assault on the USS Liberty.

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

israelis know nothing but cowardice


But,…… “their” moto is; “By Way Of Deception We Make War”!!!
And the White Christian will fight the brown skinned Muslim for us,…..( and “they” will still remain innocent on the surface ).
Best thing to do is get that ship outta there!!! Before, it becomes targeted. But, yet Biden & Obammy need a human sacrifice.


So, another race-baiting troll talking about people with personal histories and relevant charateristics -constantly emphasizing the color of their skin as though skin color is the major determing factor affecting integrity of values and/or character.

This must be your new assignment… to write a lot of hogwash constantly talking about human beings with names as mere skin criminals or skinn-ocent.
Your agenda to smear others around the vile content of YOUR commentary – is TROLL-FULLY OBVIOUS.

Steve Rodgers

I was only 6 y.o. in June 1967 and never knew the history of this event. Thank you for posting the details. That was a lot of information.


Please don’t encourage his ramblings.


let’s encourage yours!


Poor desperate blowhard.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Is there something I am Missing here.

You like ………….. Better?

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

www .rt. com /news/ 584653-zelensky-nato-ukraine-stoltenberg


We love getting our news from Russian government-controlled media, don’t we folks

Dave Kelly

MORE TRUTH FROM Russian media like RT than anything emanating from the zionist satanist degenerate jew CONTROLLED , OWNED AND OPERATED msm THAT IS A FACT. this is why RT gets banned from USA TV screens. This is why JULIAN ASSANGE is being PERSECUTED , because WIKILEAKS REPORTED THE TRUTH. Mr. TRUMP ” I love WikiLeaks ” did FUCK-ALL to help Mr. ASSANGE although WikiLeaks WITHOUT A DOUBT enabled TRUMP to win the 2016 ELECTION and WE ALL KNOW WHY , DON’T WE, THE PODESTA EMAILS and HRC’s 30.000 plus EMAILS. YET Mr. TRUMP let JULIAN ASSANGE TWIST IN THE FUCKING WIND, DJT once again did one for TEAM DEEP STATE. yeah team Pedophile and HUMAN/CHILD TRAFFICKER. The Donald loves ya! Wink Wink. FUCK YOU Biggs FUCK YOU!


They are better than the corporate news in the us.


fair enough, but some prefer the american style of brainwashing inasmuch as it is more palatable to their soft sensibilities!


ah cool, russian propaganda! I never thought I’d see that on rrn /s


It’s so reassuring to know that Putin is a deeply Christian man who was never a KGB spy/torturer/killer who worked hard to destroy the United States. It’s equally reassuring to know that, when his colleagues disagree with him, Putin has a calm and rational discussion with them, and would never think to poison them, throw them out a window, or blow up their airplane. Putin has been a proud American since he was in the Red Brigades and never once thought Stalin had a lot of good ideas even if he was a little clumsy in carrying them out.


…says the chewish nazi! why don’t ya just have a calm and rational discussion with zelensky and justina trudeau after the nazi rally!



Dave Kelly


Elaine Phillips


Last edited 1 year ago by Elaine Phillips
J Bill





Present Trump there for has to make a decision for Israel needs help now! Not tomorrow. I heard the ships were there and being off loaded for the iron dome needs those rockets.


Whistle blower in Israel stated that the Iron dome is a fraud. No missile can intercept another missile.


it’s all artifice with these chews.




Oh come on! That technology has existed for years.


They basically shoot the rockets down, like from a boat, no iron dome…


Leave it to israel to start another war … they are controlled by the black nobility and do their bidding.
israel is a cabal stronghold second only to the us.

You want to send our people to die for the cabal plan of war to protect a war criminal state.


NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God forbid any support of the synagogue of Satan!!!!!!!

Dave Kelly

yeah sure


israel can’t do it themselves. they always cry to the strong americans, “Oy vey! Save us wanderers!”

King Kong

Why would you allow a nazi liberal news media on your ships to start with. Smart move in putting them in brig. They are deep state.


You wouldn’t, why it’s almost as if the story makes no sense and MB just threw in that last bit about a random nameless “MSNBC film crew” because he knows his audience hates the MSM and would clap and cheer at that part

Dave Kelly

THERE YOU GO AGAIN , speculating on shit you know nothing about.


Well why in heaven’s name would the navy take them along on a sensitive mission?


they wanted to hang out with semen


Sounds like you want to partake a party with them shiver me timbers lass.


I’ll have them save the semen for you


well, they should have petitioned j bill to fill them up instead of your lower colon! lol

Elaine Phillips

ewww, gross

Last edited 1 year ago by Elaine Phillips
Robert Gregory Boensch

11 hours ago
Defective Process, Improper Service, No secured chain of custody of instrument [legal document] via *Certified Mail.
Registered Mail transforms the letter carrier into process server, certified mail doesn’t lacking secure chain of custody, handled as regular mail, void ab initio.
David Kelly
4 hours ago
In other words GARBAGE
Robert Gregory Boensch
15 hours ago

Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan;
They failed to respond; It’s law Now;
In law, acquiescence
The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended
period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a

Make your own opinion
Open up this link

mailed 22-04-04
Image of the date they received certified Mail
April 6, 2022 at 11:58 am

At 12.06 Pm was the Air nation Guard plane Wheels Up.
Leaving the Lansing Air Port.
Heading South going to Nashville Tennessee.
With this Remonstrance in Hand?

Open up the link and follow the flights
and all of the Birds that were in the air that day.
on this mission

The Military was tracking this Instrument before It even left the
Au Gres Michigan United States Post Office.

And they have had 24-7 Surveillance on my Farms for a few years now!

Why is this you Ask.

Some people Are A strategic Value to the Safety of this Country!

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

A bonus in this link
January 6 2021
The Insurrection Act being he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

0 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse
Text contains those laws in effect on October 10, 2023
From Title 10-ARMED FORCES
Subtitle A-General Military Law
§254. Proclamation to disperse Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

Forgive me for asking but what the hell is this about? It looks like random copy and paste from the Internet.

Robert Gregory Boensch

I gave you the first +
You replied to one of my posts below.
In 2021 on 3-08 I posted on a blog for the first Time.
And then started posting on Archive,org
and last year on this site ReaRawNews.

It’s the Story of My life and all of My experiences.
and the things I have witness and learned in my Life.

The only way to survive is to network with each other and share Intel.

It’s OK for any here and for all to commit on what i posted.
and you are more than welcomed to correct me if i have erred in what I said.

How Much History does one Know?
And how big is ones own experience in all things.

I was mostly self employed my whole life.
Start farming when 12 years old
Worked for a federal Agency as a on call employee.
Punched a time clock for only 13 weeks in construction.
And just learned to be proficient in more disciplines than most have ever heard of.

We are never get out of this Bondage with out some one showing the way.
And Most people Here and else were are not willing to Pay the Price.
So It’s Slavery for All.
Unless you are willing to learn the World We live In.

And Stand Up and Write a Document That can start making a differences
on the Vessel We live On.

Robert Gregory Boensch

To Harrison_Bergeron
i day ago posted
The Commander of Michigan makes sense to you? He thinks he runs the entire state because he wrote a letter to the state legislature complaining about the way he’s been treated.

How about Reading the Document first.
And then tell every one what it Does.
Oh that is Right.
Judge Bergeron was the circuit Court Judge in
The Arenac County Court System.
I met him more than once.
Any relation to you.
Mr Harrison
Mr Bergeron.
Any legal opinion on My Remonstrance.
The Bar system is over in Michigan!


It is so cool that everyone, including the US Admirals & Generals running RRN, are starting to call a spade a spade, by referring to joe as the “current and fake US president”!

Guillaume DesChamp

Everyone is not doing that. Break out of your bubble.

Last edited 1 year ago by Guillaume DesChamp



Admirals and generals running rrn? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

William R Nicholson

C.I.C. Trump is Legitimate Sovereign Authority & Power , & Chosen as The Leader to bring us through these times ! Stay Navy Strong ! Let Your Roar Be Heard Loud Enough To Be Heard by All Members of Space Force ! Use Dangerous Navy Desk Cleaner as Necessary …. keep away from children ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195 .



Space Force is for people too pathetic to get into the Coast Guard.


we need a steven seagal update


Many are saying he’s still in that cave, still punching Anunnakis in the face even to this day. 🙏

Elaine Phillips

I hope we get an update soon. This sounds interesting!!


I just know he is!!!

Bob James

Netanyahu is a Khazarian, as are the Rothchilds. Netanyahu is directed by the same Satanists as our bankster cabal.

Bob James

LOL, the MSNB crew were really surprised to be in the brig! LOL




Eventually when they get lonely they’ll find out most of them are not the correct gender.

John .S

Suspect day two of Milley trial, much to enter on the record, no stone unturned. Don’t anticipate a third day.

No doubt there’s a litany of charges, much illicit activities, many implications elsewhere beyond what will be disclosed.

We will just get a taste, tossed a few hors d’oeuvres, sampling portion of the main course, dessert is Milley’s toe tag via his lasts words.

Ghoul Pool, hangs Friday, dispatched quickly. Suspect spectators are making travel arrangements.

Crandell In musical satire greeting spectators: “welcome back my friends to the show that never ends, so glad you could attend [come inside – come inside]. Actually as outdoor extravaganza.

voice of one in the wilderness

Be careful as you pass….move along….move along….

Last edited 1 year ago by voice of one in the wilderness

Come inside the shows about to start, guaranteed to blow your mind apart,
Ya gotta see the Show!