Special Forces Unalive Obama Clone


White Hats on Saturday confirmed to Real Raw News that Barack Hussein Obama, long suspected of running the Deep State from abroad and pulling the strings of the entire Biden regime, had at least one clone, and possibly many more.

United States Special Forces on Friday killed a three-man Secret Service detail that had been protecting what appeared to be Hussein Obama as the quartet strolled the sands of Falmouth Heights Beach, Massachusetts, a ferry ride away from the Obama’s Martha’s Vinyard fortress.

The previous day, U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) intercepted an unencrypted email from Tina Tchen, Executive Vice President of the Obama Foundation, to Connecticut House Rep Jim Himes (D). In the letter, Tchen said she was writing at the bequest of “President Obama,” who wanted Himes to know he would be taking an exercise jog in Falmouth the following afternoon and that Himes was welcome to join him, if his schedule allowed.

The correspondence, our source said, aroused immediate suspicion because Obama’s unpublished travel plans are always enciphered with nearly unbreakable encryption. ARCYBER did not detect a reply to the query, if Himes sent one.

The email went up the chain of command to General Smith at Camp Pendleton, and he, after conferring with the White Hat Council, felt the letter deserved an investigation, just in case the sender goofed and Obama actually showed up in Falmouth. And since Tchen precisely named the rendezvous point, he had little to lose, so long as Special Forces avoided any traps or ambushes that might await them.

Before sunset Friday, a black limousine with tinted windows pulled into the sandy parking area at Oyster Pond Road and Surf Drive intersection, next to a paved bike path abutting the beach. Three men in sober suits and blue ties exited the limo, followed by a six-foot-two-inch wiry Black male who looked precisely like Obama, elephant ears and all.

Encircled by the federal trio, Obama, wearing a blue tracksuit and a pair of spotless Nike basketball shoes, started warm-up exercises, touching his toes and twisting his lanky neck, as he boasted to the agents about his unrivaled athleticism.

After a few deep knee bends, he said he was ready to run and told the agents to keep pace with him, though they wore starched shirts and oxford shoes.

They were jogging to the bicycle path when four incognito Special Forces soldiers converged on them with sidearms drawn and ordered Obama’s security to drop to their knees and place their hands atop their heads.

“What’s going on here? Who are you men? Is this an exercise?” Obama said.

“Stay behind me, Mr. President,” an agent said, his hand dipping inside his blazer.

Two bullets struck the agent’s head. As he fell, a second fed, gun in hand, leaped in front of Obama and screamed into his lapel microphone for backup. He discharged a single round, missing wide, and was shot dead. The last agent fell to a volley of gunfire that also hit Obama, now gasping and wheezing on the ground.

The Special Forces lead held Obama’s wrist and felt his fading pulse.

“Why?” Obama gurgled and died.

Inexplicably, the body spontaneously combusted, starting at both hands and spreading to the arms and chest. Special Forces tried extinguishing the flames with sand and water, but their efforts were in vain—the flames were rapidly charring burnt flesh.

“Check his feet,” the Special Forces lead, who had been trained to spot body doubles and clones, called out.

They swiftly yanked off Obama’s socks and sneakers and saw he had flat feet, and that his sneakers had been augmented to fit people with fallen arches. They pulled down his pants; Obama had no genitals, a telltale indicator of cloning.

The body became too hot to touch and was soon consumed by fire.

“We have the remains—some bones, teeth,” our source said. “The burning thing is a failsafe we hadn’t seen before. We know they can be programmed during maturation and recalled when they near expiration, but this is new to us. I don’t know if we’ll learn much from what little’s left.”

We asked our source a burning question, no pun intended: How does a clone mimic a human without realizing it has no genitals?

“These abominations are hatched in cylinders by some truly evil men. They are not of God. We don’t have all the answers,” he said.

In closing, we asked whether Rep. Himes ever arrived at the beach.

“No sign of him. If he had, he’d likely be dead right now.”

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Obama was executed with a shot on he’s head.


I believe big Mike was allegedly poisoned by the kitchen staff shortly after they did Barry in.


Osama Obama is NOT and NEVER WAS running a damn thing!

Robert Gregory Boensch

You Silly People!
Are We going to Quietly Quit Playing these Childish Games!
Remember, our declaration of independence was made null and void by King George’s 1783 Treaty. However, people don’t it and more important don’t ask why Washington, Congress and the Senate did not create a Doctrine of Conquest or an American Treaty claiming ALL of what we were told the American Patriots and supporting Colonist fought for.
That Doctrine or Treaty should have had an introduction that read – that a victorious nation (America) in war acquired sovereignty over the conquered nation (British Crown) and could exert its own legal and political jurisdiction chosen by its sovereign residents.
Oh Well! Ignorance is alive and well.
To long of A Post.
Keep being a Willing Slave


I beg to differ and I guess you’ve never heard of the man who saved us as that king forgot about the expiration date and Russel J Gould took THE FLAG. He is now the commander in chief and I wonder why Trump doesn’t recognized him in some fantastic way.

Van helsing

Obama doesn’t need a dick anyway. He’s Big Mike’s bitch.


More than 24.000 views, trolls lose.


“Elephant ears and all that”. Lovely.
Thank you Michael. Thanks RRN

Charles Smith

Question is obama dead, and when was he executed? Its not here on real raw news is it? I don’t think so.


Hi and “Michele” are on the List Of Arrested And Executed Celebs. published in 2021. amg-news.co

Charles Smith

Is that accurate? Why hasn’t Micheal Baxter here at Real Raw News Reported on it?


Perhaps the Admirals and Generals and JAG, did not want him to report on it. They call the shots as far as what gets in print and what does not.

joe blow

Michele has the genitals




Maybe you can touch it to make sure.

Van helsing

Probably more than you and I got combined.

mary pascucci


Sandy Koufax

Show your hair and Obama, or one of his clones will be there.


So the US military enlisted, on ship, were told that Russia bombed Israel. Heard it from a guy’s close buddy. I can’t confirm a bombing from Russia recently. However, this is what they have been told. Believe or not.


Bullshitters trying to start WW III


This is ww lll , enjoy it.


Better, not.
It does not make any sense for Russia to bomb Israel now.
Do not listen to that kind of gossip.


An artificial replicated human life form.


They are hatched deep underground level 6 or 7 of Dulce NM.

1904 SD

why don’t we rake level 7 out what’s stopping them? or seal it shut forever? what gives?


One demonic barry clone down. More to go. Great job white hats.


One step up two steps back . Probably dozens . 3 secret service agents do not die in the line of duty un noticed.


‘Nessun dorma’

Grant Wilson

How awkward it would be if cloned Barry and Micheal tried to re-enact the now famous #realJoeBiden walking into the WH with Barry on his knees taking in the nothingness into IT’s fake mouth!
Sorry, I’m enjoy the show a little too much evidently!

Last edited 1 year ago by Grant Wilson

This happens in a joggers park and no one witnesses it? This is where I have a problem


EXACTLY! All of MB stories are to be questioned. All his stories miraculously have zero accountability and no witnesses to verify outcome. And don’t give me the ol’ “its covert, no leaks, blah blah”. Its unimaginable that ALL his stories can not be verified and under wraps. Someone, out of all the garbage being spewed would have seen or heard something. if you follow the Q stuff, it says question everything. MB is certainly to be questioned.
Just like Phildo godlewski, Utsava, WhipLash to name a few, MB is not privy to any information.


One anonymous source , every story .

Linda J

How do you know nobody witnessed it, just bc they didn’t say it?


Goodwood point!


Goodwood?????? Don’t k ow where the extra d and w came from.
This phone does this once in awhile.


Even though if you see you cannot prove and I believe they  are cutting all the frequencies no electronics will work

Grant Wilson

It’s going to be like finding a no-needle in a hay-hay stack, running and activating the demon failsafes in what could be hundreds of Obama’s out there. Hundreds? Why not? If I was a AI-infested already sick fuck demon parasite, I’d have thousands of the fuckers. We have to think about what they can do using unlimited to our pre-comprehensions of what is possible. We are the only thing stopping
IT. IT knows and, if really a god, should be scared.

George Greenfield

Who and why would anyone clone a piece of sheet ?


What do you think the Deep State Cabal and Satanists are?

William R Nicholson

This burning episode just once more proves these evil beings are closely associated with Hell ! The depths of their stupidity , knows No Limits ! THEY are only fooling themselves with fantasy that has them producing a world with no future. Their efforts are futile and no amount of black science will keep them from their Eternal Destination. He Lives ! He Has Arisen ! Lucifer , Barack , Senator No Name and many others may as well jump into the nearest incinerator …. they’ve No Escape ! No Eternal Life ! You cannot get Eternal Life from The Traitor to Heaven. Barack is a Traitor & no one will remember him or his associates like his puppet master. //Good Work White Hats ! I commend your efforts in this operation. No Good Guys harmed and I only ask one favor. If more BHO Clones ignite ….. Please ; Just Piss On Them , Next Time ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195





https ://odysee. com/@robthehook:1

The Black Nobility Families Equals The ‘JWO’

Contains information confirmed via prior extensive online research.

Audio extracted from a 3.58 GB 51-minute 3-party videoconference.

Compressed down to a 7 MB monophonic ‘telephone quality’ MP3.

uploaded here:

https ://we. tl/t-5Phd0d7WtC

Above link expires 10-16-2023 or so

Related links:

https ://www. bitchute. com/video/XVpoymBuA2bl/

Watch ‘War Castles’ 1-9 and ‘End’ in that order at the ‘bottom’ of the below channel for full background to above clip if you want
https ://www. bitchute. com/channel/XWGDguj3Kwe8/

https ://www. bitchute. com/video/iFqbSXY8gNz5/

Detailed historical background. Very long documentary series (parts 1-77)
https ://www. youtube. com/playlist?list=PLCED9C361662866BD

YouTube blocked part 69 on copyright grounds. Thankfully, a mirror copy is here
https ://www. youtube. com/watch?v=DFqJpiwxC5M


obama was full of hot air, thats why he caught fire…LOL, but we all knew that.


The surname OBAMA does not exist on Earth.

However, GENESIS 36:14 cites Esau’s 3rd wife was Oholibamah.

It’s not a stretch for jack weed Barry Soetoro to plagiarize Oholibamah to OBAMA because after all Barry preferred the wifely role to husband Michael Robinson-Obama.

It’s also not a stretch for jack weed Barry to self-adulate “O Holy Bama” in the mirrors…. 

According to AMG-news, jack weed Barry was executed by Military more than a year ago.


Yes, according to AMG news, he was shot to the back of his head sometime in 2021. And “Michelle” chose the metal injections.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16 thousand bucks a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just
using this site… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

Thanks for the good work special forces and white hat military!


general Smith Relinquished his command in August.

Mike Huntsucker

Wow that must have hit a not so funny bone for Mr Baxter what’s up with that


A slap, for a slap, or as Jesus said, Everything you say, and do, shall come back to you.


Thanks Michael.


Thanks for calling out that scumbag, MB….. I still miss Buck Fiden and hope he returns as he was awesome!

just looking

Thank you Mr. Baxter


Now is the time. We can easily distinguish the light partners from trolls. Stay connected peoples from earth.We will need this connection because soon I believe the SWHTF.


WOW! Absolutely outstanding work special forces. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Now we are making astonishing progress against our mortal enemies in the deep state globalists regime!


Exactly – I feel this one is a BIG victory

Mike Huntsucker

How is that? What did they really accomplish?? Wacked a couple secret service goons and a clone that they probably got a hundred more just like it…that’s were I say woopy fuck


Eliminating ANY D.S. is great.


More evidence that women shouldn’t have the right to vote.

You realize this development represents zero strategic gain, right?


I do IMMENSE research when facing the ballot. I M M E N S E.

Stinky Perfume

The other’s didn’t spontaneous combust? Is that just for people and clones that could be interrogated? That’s some high level I have to guess ET or maybe back in Atlantis tech to make clones. Why don’t they know they don’t have genitalia. But how do they pee? If they have a memory, they would know how they used to pee and remember sex. I need a picture of this lack of genitalia. Would be nice to see the flat feet also.


Clones have been manufactured since the 1930s….


27 years before the discovery of DNA. Impressive. Did they use an Easy Bake Oven?

Gregg Nickens

Whatever happened to the actor Tim Russ (Tuvok) from Star Trek playing Obama? You catch him and, he’ll give up the goods.


MB forgot about that storyline, it happens


I’m sure, one of many doubles


All of the corrupt elites had several doubles.Hilary has been arrested and dealt with several times. There is still a few walking around.


Michael wrote 300 Hillary’s were cloned, and their expirations are 3 years. Hillary was executed in June 2021; so her clones have expired throughout the world. It’s reported Deep State replaced clones with actors.


I did not mean to imply doubles are clones. Doubles to me are anything that is supposed to be the original which btw would include robots.


Hamas needs to go, so does Blinken. Hamas
terrorists are funded directly by Iran. We have
done WAY too much of this appeasement BS.

Kay Mitchell

Trump would “appease” them with some rockets andmissles up their asses within hours of their first attack on Israel!!


thanks for sharing M. but am a little sceptical cuz when mainstream media hammers out a story it is usually not the truth of what may be happening in reality – jmo


Hello Bunny. This is NOT from MSM. I do not watch them and do not
believe them. This is from the horses mouth.

James Abbott

So you’re saying the MSM is telling the truth this time? I don’t believe that personally.


Evidently you can not read. This is NOT from MSM. I said I DO NOT WATCH any MSM AND DO NOT BELIEVE THEM.


The MSM are under control of the White Hats. Period. They put out what they are told to. Most all of their visual employees are actors. It blows my mind that people can’t figure out that the White Hats control everything.

Guillaume DesChamp

And a bang up job they’re doing too!



They are eliminating the corruption and childtrafficking that has been going on for centuries and have been fighting this war for about 6 years. You think that’s an easy job? What have you done to help with this war besides criticize? You are incredidibly pathetic.


Am with you. The movie The greatest Movie ever shown, mentions it as a result of the msm/big tech oligarchs capitulating to DJT back in 2017/18.


Hamas has taken hostages and has taken credit for major
missile attack on Ashkelon in Israel. Its all over the internet.


You are absolutely correct. There’s already old videos/photos being posted online. Not saying there isn’t carnage going on, just that you’re not getting the truth or the Who and Why. I suspect it’s a FF. CIA & Mossad have started most, if not all, terrorist groups… with the military industrial complex nearby licking their chops. I suspect the DS is running out of money since Ukraine’s losing steam.


God has promised through prophecy that they will not get Israel.


Israel migrated to Arserath (America) in 13:40-50. What illegally invaded and occupies modern counterfeit Israel are the haavara coin nazis whom God says are his enemies Luke 19:27.
God cut off and cursed Judah and replaced them with Catholics his new Elect in 2 Esdra 1:24.


Utter non-sense! Father God Jesus has said, ISRAEL is not land, ISRAEL is the HEBREW people … WHITE people … ARMY OF GOD “WHITE as milk” and “WHITE as cotton with rosy cheeks” scattered over the Earth, missioned to “protect humanity and eradicate evil” while the NON-White people are missioned to “nurture and protect Earth on the lands Father God Jesus placed them.

Father God Jesus said He “gave the JEWS as SLAVES to His HEBREWS, the ISRAELITES, for Millennia. Jews are half-breeds and of them inbreeds among BROWN and BLACK people. The Catholics and Muslims are extensions of Jews.

People are brain-buggared that read lies. Buy and read the Greek Septuagint that preserves the real Hebrew language — every other religion has edited or rewritten Father God Jesus’ authored Bible that righteous men scribed.

Just saying…


Fantastic that means white man Biden and white man Clinton and White man Bill Gates are all men of God and should be obeyed


The Gaza Strip needs to be flattened completely, from north to south with NOTHING left alive..

American Living in Canada

“Winter is here again, oh Lord,
Haven’t been home in a year or more
I hope she holds on a little longer
Sent a letter on a long summer day
Made of silver, not of clay
Oooh, I’ve been runnin’ down this dusty road
Oooh, the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin’
I don’t know where I’ll be tomorrow
Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin’
I’ve been trying to make it home
Got to make it before too long
Oooh, I can’t take this very much longer, nooo
I’m standing in a sleet of rain
Don’t think I’m ever gonna make it home again
The mornin’ sun is risin’
It’s kissin’ the day”

Keep on Truck’in President Trump… and all Trump Supporters…

Kay Mitchell

Deserter…stay up there!
You are not missed.

American Living in Canada


American Living in Canada

I guess you’re new here.


She is….a couple of articles back she said she had made her last post on this site…but it looks like she has doubled down on posting and saying her rude hateful things to people. Ignore her and maybe she will fade away.


Why don’t you give it a rest with all your critical comments.


Practice what you preach.Most of your comments are just plain wrong. You are not as awake as you think you are.


I know nicotine is addictive but I sounds like smoking clones could be habit forming as well!


Recently Dr Ardis, UniFYD Healing, had Jason Shurka, an expert on the nicotine addictive or non addictive studies. Listen to the whold thing this week. I found it on Duckduckgo. Very informative.

Kay Mitchell

I hear duckduckgo was purchased by google.

Better use Brave.


You are right. I used DuckDuckGo in the past; no more. Brave is where it’s at!


We can learn much from Dr. Ardis. Nicotine can be a life saver.


Right, nicotine itself is NOT addictive although it has some useful psycho-active properties… it is said to be “centering” and “grounding” which may explain why the native american people valued smoking it when they were having a conference (pow-wow?)
Tobacco companies add opium and other chemicals with addictive properties to cigarettes.

Kay Mitchell

Don’t quit your day job.

You’ll never be a comediene. 😑


The real Obama died in his first term. It’s going to take people a long time to catch up.
When was the first time you heard an argument about cloning? Mid 1990’s? Earlier?
That’s how long the US shadow government has been cloning politicians.

Last edited 1 year ago by geo

@ real was charged with 9 counts of Treason in the 9/11 court case.

Left the stage long ago.


Dec 22 2017 was dated court papers.


First I’ve ever heard of that. What was his ‘role’ re 9/11? Where did you see the dated court papers? I’d be interested in learning the source.

Gregg Nickens

Longer than that my friend. ‘Jurassic Park’ wasn’t just an idea or fiction. Neither was ‘Pure Genius’ with Directed Energy Weapons. OR ‘The Matrix’ (One World Government) OR ‘Wag the Dog’ (One World Government).

The One World Government (WEF) is very arrogant in telling you truths while they color the rest with lies and fiction, so that you will pass it all off as phony. It’s their way of ‘rubbing our noses in it’.

But, pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Kay Mitchell

You’ve done your research.


They sprinkle the true concept or incident with a tooth brush.Then shatter hope of the people by using fear/ psychological warfare and manipulation saying”It’s worse than you thought “


Yes he has. He watches a lot of TV

Diana Barahona

“The Boys From Brazil” was, I think, the first soft disclosure on cloning humans. Go to GoodLion-dot-tv for a video (speculative, but interesting) called “Celebrity Cloning.” Dave Chapelle was cloned, and I’m fairly Michael Moore was, too.


Why would anyone clone an ugly despicable creature like Michael Moore? By the way, he has been silent for a while now when he and his fat rump used to show up regularly and spew garbage.


Michael Moore was executed. You can find Moore among the listed executed criminals at AMG-News … Barry Soetoro [alias Obama] and husband Michael Robinson [alias Michelle] and hundreds of others criminals are on the execution list.


I have a lot of trouble believing that list….it could be true but if it is, I am surprised there is a single person walking around in LA.


That fat prick was from Flint, Mich and he was never well liked by anyone that he went to school with. His father was a shop rat & Moore produced the movie “Roger & Me.” He was considered an activist but he was an agitating liberal & prominent leftist. That fat MF stiffed his ex-wife, Kathleen Glynn out of profits from THEIR movie projects. She dumped the creep. SHE produced some of Moore’s greatest movies.
Fat f’ing phony.

Diana Barahona

For the same reason they cloned Chapelle–they didn’t want anyone to criticize Obama from the left.
‘The Oscar-winning director of “Bowling for Columbine” and “Fahrenheit 9/11” officially ended his 22-year marriage to Kathleen Glynn on Tuesday. The split was marred by squabbling as the couple sorted out their considerable assets, among them nine homes that included a $2 million, 10,000-square-foot manor in a tony Michigan lake community that is also reportedly home to stars such as Madonna and Bruce Willis.’
Madonna was a Luciferian high priestess.


Not “was”…”IS”
Another Vile blasphemer like Silverman.

Kay Mitchell

The Deep State began on President Lincoln’s time.

Do your research.


That’s hard to believe considering that the Bauer brothers [alias Rothschild] have fleeced and murdered for Millennia and collected other pedophiles along the way. I read recently Vettel Rothschild controls / owns the Democrat Party … no surprise … they’re all Satan worshipers among the renegade angel goats.


I have read recently that all of those fake-named scumbag-demons are originally from the family name and bloodline of the “Orsini” family who go back to the days of Babylon.


Clones have been used since the 1930s … you must be a young`n.


Obama and Trump are cut by the same scissors. The same poop with different color.


Go on back to Cuba Julio, Ur so full of shit that i know you have really dark brown eyes

Kay Mitchell

What’s that putrid smell?!?



100% !!!

Stinky Perfume

Do you mean the clone of Trump?


Real trump died in the 80s


The Trump who ever he was, as @ real passed in 1989. Quote [ Fall of Camelot ] JFK.
Was dealt with in 2021 when he left the stage.

This was Covered by Quote ( HRM Queen Romana. )

The court case so far has not been released. As far as I know.

Kay Mitchell

troll disinfo.


More like you & KillEmAll


We know how to analyze and use logic, Not like you and your idol with the golden fake hair.


You are radical materialists who know “the price of everything, and the value of nothing” Your opinions have no value either analytically OR rationally.
They are lies and unfounded arrogance.


just like your mother.


One difference is your poop comes out of your mouth.

Gregg Nickens

Obama, ” Look what you’ve done!! I’m melting, melting, 🫠 Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world. destroy my beautiful wickedness. “


Pres Trump to speak this week:
Mon, 10/9/23 at 9:00 am EST
Weds, 10/11/23 at 5:00 pm EST

You can view at RSBNetwork.com or at C-Span. The first site will usually replay it several times.

Kay Mitchell

Thank you very much Sue!


The 11th might be another EAS. Some think it will be the removal of fake Biden. We can only hope.


Yup. The fake Biden is an actor that reports to POTUS Trump and Military … the world is watching popcorn movies until the people who are brain-buggered come out of their hypnosis; otherwise, they’ll either go insane, suicide, or run to the streets in unbridled rage shooting innocent people when Truthful news are reported worldwide. It’s reported 80% of Americans are now “awake” and onboard.

At long last, I’ve spent more than 60 years slapping the “senseless” to wake up … I’m ready for a break!


What first woke you up? JFK?

Doug Gault

It would be a beautiful thing if the white hat army could get their hands on a remote destruct device for these clones. And disable the all of these clonesl at once during a Biden State of the Union on Capital Hill.

I can already see all of the spontaneous human combustion going on in the House Chambers. Making Bi-dumb look like the Devil himself the first time he studders in his speech with his voice raised.

All to to the sounds of the Star Spangled Banor playing in the back ground with bombs bursting in air. What a memorable night this would be!

Good to hear of another successful special forces operation without casualties. We’ll Done Patriots. Even if this was a clone of the unalive one’s

Kay Mitchell

You paint a MARVELOUS picture in my mind!

Whatever happens at the BIG REVEAL I’m sure it will be an Earth Shattering and Jubilant occasion!!



I had to go to ER for a fractured ankle a week ago. The RN asked me if I got the shot. Obviously not. Would you be willing? Then the MD comes into my life…He was wearing a yellow mask when many others were not….living in fear. Also, he was not compassionate. Told me to wear the walking boot as the fracture was” hair line” Then when leaving the ER the overhead speaker spoke: It’s time for your Covid vaccine …the number one killer is the Covid virus. I limped out and laughed uncontrollably.

James Abbott

Which hospital?


The big building with patients but that’s not important right now.


Excuse me Stewardess, I speak jive.

“Cut me some slack Jack!”

Kay Mitchell


Kay Mitchell

Almost ANY hospital.

Similar experience happened to me with “Attitude” from staff about the Vax.


Ask them next time if they keep that up have they ever heard of the game, Meet-the-rope? Splain it to them – I’m sure that’ll shut them up!🤣

Last edited 1 year ago by Sismj

Report them to General Smith’s office. Military will collect them for GITMO executions because the medical community accepted money to murder.


Saint Mary’s

Julian Metter

What State? I’ve had a little experience with the St. Mary’s just north of Philadelphia, (Bucks County). Your description fits what I observed.


You must report the matter to General Smith because the medical community has accepted money to murder. Military will collect and execute the criminals.


there’s a St Mary’s in every state of the union.

Kay Mitchell

I believe this time next year things will be Very, Very different!

Maybe even much sooner.

WWG1 WGA 🇺🇲🗽


The big Flash will occur before 2024. We will not have a year 2024.

Guillaume DesChamp

How did you break your ankle?

Kay Mitchell

Shoving her foot up your ass troll.

John .S

Oh-yeah, I believe ya Steph, went through the same with fractured femur bone.

Stinky Perfume

I broke my wrist during Covid, and it took 9 months to heal. Painful but do you think I went to ER? No freaking way. I got a few medical wrist guards and wore one 24/7 and took Vitamin D. For some reason it helps heal bones. I had a broken ankle a couple years earlier snapped going off a curb. I hobbled home on a grocery cart using one foot and a year after that it started it hurt again. I was up to 9 aspirins trying not to wake up screaming and calling an ambulance. I made it to the grocery and found Vit D on the shelf and in 3-4 hours I didn’t need a single dose of aspirin again.

Andrew Stevano

good info. Thanks,

Kay Mitchell

Medical advice from a troll.


The only reason I went to the hospital was because I needed help with walking. I don’t even take any pharmaceuticals. I don’t have a PCP or health insurance. My personal choice.I just needed that walking boot.


Vitamins D and D3 strengthen the immune systems [primary and secondary] and skeletal system. If you are eating organic foods, then the vitamins and minerals are absorbed by the intestinal lining that nourishes the blood that nourishes the bone marrow, and then, nourishes the heart.

I don’t know your age, and severity of your bone break, but 11 months seems too long to heal. Of the 10 anatomic systems, the skeletal system takes the longest time to rebuild at average of about 4 months under age 50. The skin system is the quickest to rebuild at average of about 30 days under age 50. So, that should give you a guide to gauge your healing processes. If you’re consuming B-complex and D and D3, that should speed the process to rebuild your health and wellness.

Research the Internet for CHARTS on vitamins and minerals for healing and preserving health until our Military’s “medical beds” replace the medical community and big pharma [AMG-news dot com]. Just saying….


It’s super good for the bones!
That sounds very painful.
Great info, thanks.

Surf Nazare

So much for the US being a Christian nation——-You wont believe what you will see——The Hindu’s have unveiled their 2nd largest temple in the world in Robbinsville NJ. 88,000 sq.ft 191ft. tall on 185 acres—-dedicated to Bhagwan Swaminarayan—–it has 10,000 statues and 151 carvings—–opened officially on 10/8—–just about the same date as attack on Israel——It is a must see—-again there is no Christian church or institution that even comes close—–By the way there are over 100 Hindu Temples in this country—–go look it up—–amazing !!

Side note—-if you think the attack on Israel was by accident on the 6th—–50 yrs. to the date was the last time they attacked Israel in 1973 and on the last day of the Jewish Feast Tabernacles—-Most attacks always come on a Feast Day—-tell me that Israel was that stupid and Mossad didn’t know—–please—–I am telling you we are almost there—–look up !!!! Israel will now take back the West bank and the Dome could be coming down—–but hey that is just me spit balling—–


Sounds to me like Christians just aren’t trying hard enough. No one is stopping them from building a church with 10,000 statues or whatever 🤷‍♂️


Nothing stopping them except superior intellect.

Kay Mitchell



The Eastern Indians are committing crimes against Americans and Father God Jesus. American Christians know they are to pray to Father God Jesus to stop the worship of Baal, Satan, and Moloch that is stealing the children, raping the children, and bringing hell upon Americans and their land.

Father God Jesus is sickened by the Jew, Catholic, and Muslim and NON-White people in America and promises to cause an exodus of ALIENS simultaneously … yes, an exodus greater than any exodus in writing and experience because of ALIENS’ “unworthy intentions” of coming to America.

As for me, I shall sit on my beach chair and fly balloons, and blow the kazoo as Father Jesus marches all ALIENS, dating from 1777 to present time, out of America with only the clothes on their backs … no tangibles and intangibles leave America … just the wicked.



You are retarded. Please take your medicine


And that is exactly how they destroy a country from within.


Detroit, MI the largest Masonic Temple in the world. Ten Hindu temples in Michigan. They are number freaks, check out all the events happening on 9/11


Yes, its in the Cass corridor @ 500 Temple St.
Not the best side of town. Maybe someone will
tear it down..

Kay Mitchell

Don’t turn this into a religious war.

If we cut off the globalist-head of the snake then the rest of the snake will die.


The head(s) of the octopus has been cut off but its many tentacles are still alive and dangerous, albeit diminishing in quantity.

Surf Nazare

who is the globalist head ? Who is the head of the Muslims—–who is the head of terrorist —–the snake is Satan and he will always make it a religious war—–I am not trying to be argumentative or smart ass BUT the real power behind all and I know you know it——

Kay Mitchell

Opinions are like assholes….etc, etc.

Surf Nazare

and you got one


Baal, Moloch, and Satan … that’s who the Jew, Catholic, Muslim, and NON-White people worship … that’s the reason they herded into all White nations by “unworthy intentions.”

Pray and repent in unity daily, and fight back harder as Father Jesus commands.


Thank you for identifying the trolls. This is very important because some are new to this site. No more deception. We the people are making it happen.


The snake doesn’t die unless American Christians pray, repent daily in unity, and fights back harder as Father God Jesus commands!


isreal is as big a war criminal state as the us … you mean they are going to steal back the west bank.
After the us it has got to be the next biggest deep state stronghold.
I for one will be glad to see when they finally get their comeuppance.

Kay Mitchell

troll and a hate disseminator.

Surf Nazare

Obviously you have no clue what the land or the West Bank was like. You seem to think it was a wonderful place and a prosperous land with Arabs occupying it. Got news for you—-it was desolate a total desolation and nobody wanted it. From the 7th century when the Muslims took control until 1917 the land became desolate !!!! Don’t believe me but a famous writer that even you may have heard of by the name of Mark Twain in his travels wrote a book “The Innocents Abroad” said it was desolate. He said there was not a solitary village throughout its whole extent. I will cut this short—–the land was unoccupied by the time the Jews got it !!!! So no more whoa is me about the theft !!!!! Until the jews made it prosperous and needed laborers there weren’t any Arabs in the land. Go read Twains accounts that even you have to admit are unbiased. Side note—-originally the area called Jordan was also given to the Jews but taken away and given to the Arabs/Palestinians and no Jews were allowed to even invest in it. Guess why those Palestinians went to Israel——jobs because unproductive—–no work or jobs or businesses——- in Jordan


Certainly real Christianity MUST be better than the abomination that is called “Christianity” in our country. The DS created a pack of hyenas to send after any of their ideological opponents. How could such an entity create great things?


The Christians in America were brain-buggered by Nazi-Fascism. By 1950, the CIA replaced clergy. The Christians left their churches that were sold to heathens. The Covid shut-down of churches/temples/synagogues/mosques affected the heathens. However, the brain-buggered Christians’ faith and allegiance to Father God are returning to Him by His calling and repentance.

For Americans who are aware, Father’s Holy Spirit communes 24/7/365 within a human’s brain, heart, spirit, body. Most Christians keep the Sabbath Holy and commune with Father Jesus at home or congregate among Christian homes on Sunday/Pentecost with Father Jesus as He commands.

So, you’re correct, the so-called Christians do not belong to Father Jesus because they belong to Satan. However, it is HARVEST TIME … Father Jesus commands Christians to harvest the sheep who were led off the path of righteousness by goats. Father Jesus says He doesn’t want to lose a single one of His “beloved offspring humans” who He imaged Himself upon.

There is limited time remaining to Harvest!

Guillaume DesChamp

Why don’t the clones have genitals? All the animals that people clone have genitals.


That’s just something MB made up to explain some thing or other in an earlier story.

Kay Mitchell



MB probably wrote it that way so that his audience could have fun making the same “I knew Obama had no balls” joke like 400 times here in the comments


And yet..it is You who is making the lame joke.

Kay Mitchell

What else could biggs do with a lame brain?


I disagree, referencing other people making the joke is not making the joke myself

Kay Mitchell



No one cares


They’re like Barbie dolls. And we don’t know that for a fact if cloned animals have genitals.

Guillaume DesChamp

Animal cloning has been around for many years now. Don’t you think we would have heard if the cloned animals were missing genitalia?


Different type of clone. Human looking but more like a biological robot. Grown much quicker than a ‘real’ human clone, hence the incomplete anatomy. Similar to the little grey ‘aliens’ that have dissimilar anatomy than humans and no genitals, etc..

Guillaume DesChamp

And where are you getting this info from?

Kay Mitchell

That would wipe out any sex for You..troll.


Were you the official animal genital examiner? I’ve heard your breath smells like sheep dick.


LOL 🙂 That is a good one actually


Why wouldn’t people know if cloned animals have genitalia? They don’t even wear clothes.


Most animals mature to ‘adulthood’ much quicker than humans so no need to make a quick growng clone with incomplete anatomy.

Kay Mitchell

There’s no cure for Stupid but take your meds anyway.


Aren’t their fur and leather coats like clothes?

Kay Mitchell



It does make one wonder how they pee, however.


They don’t need to. They are ‘living’ robots.

Kay Mitchell

You only speak for you


They pee out of their buttholes, Rose

Kay Mitchell

Ask your mommy Troll.

Guillaume DesChamp

You don’t have an answer to my very reasonable question, and so you resort to insults.

Kay Mitchell



In reality they would have genitals because the dna is the SAME. This garbage ass website has nothing to do with reality.


Gibberish as usual.

Stinky Perfume

I think a guess they could but they don’t want the human clones out mating with anybody.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stinky Perfume

Different type of clone. More like a living, biological robot. Does not eat, sleep, pee, etc. like a human.

Kay Mitchell


Diana Barahona

They can make a clone any way they want to. Maybe they wanted to make sure this one didn’t get in trouble–he doesn’t seem very intelligent.


I doubt that the agents know if the thing they are protecting is a clone or not.


I question everything after reading this article that is published here-


www. tiktok. com/ @melissakaymcatee?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

Kay Mitchell



tiktok 404 can’t find page

Stinky Perfume

She said the Phizer stab glows in the vial. I saw a YT video where they used a blacklight to see the glow in people’s veins at an airport overseas. I found a blacklight flashlight. I don’t want to bother my neighbors, only some people might not get insulted or feel discriminated or something.

Sparky Sr

Another dead clone –
we still need to find the other clone labs…
Possible SA… there we have another 15-25 bio-labs…

Kay Mitchell

Lead on.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16 thousand bucks a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just
using this site… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

x .com/ JamesOKeefeIII /status /1710754486841454868?s=20


Is he still a thieving asshole or has something changed?


It’s a broken link but regardless he’s still a huge loser who tanked his whole organization


Tom Heneghan explosive Intelligence says gore is pres. I don’t know for how long?

Kay Mitchell

Not after inauguration day of 2025.

The way things are going, Trump may be back in office before that.


As President he never left. We are very close to the big reveal. Maybe this week. There was an EAS scheduled for the 11th. Maybe all breaks that day. The Supreme Court decision concerning Congress verifying the election has been made. It has not been announced but Congress is gone.When it is announced , maybe this week, our entire govt. will be invalidated and announced to us and the world. That will end the movie. What we have been waiting for will finally start.


There will be no 2024. The 5D ascensaion Flash will occur before. Just like there will never be Christmas again.


2 year old BS


“The Invaders” sitcom from 1967. They are definitely not human and its like the white hats have been in the closet longer than 911 and or big Mike.


Satan has done a marvelous job….the Greatest Deceiver has half the population believing satanist Obama is dead and the other half believing he’s alive.

Well done, oh satan…….

We would ask Michele/Mike but he/she is in France taking photo shots with Tom Hanks and his wife….
This is right up there with satan deceiving many that he satan doesn’t even exist or that Jesus is actually satan.

The one thing I am confident about is the monies via Trump used to upgrade GITMO…and aerial shots via Goggle showing before and after. The Tribunals appear to be real and ongoing.

As far as anything else it’s a matter of Faith and Hope that we are slowly but surely defeating some levels of evil.

Q has said from day 1 that Israel will be saved for last. Well we’re there and I’m still not sure with Israel who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.
So, once again the Greatest Deceiver keeps plugging away trying to obfuscate the Truth….

I will take a respite from here for awhile unless I find something of importance towards our safety. Otherwise, I posted this yesterday, stop relishing in the demise of any of God’s children and someone also posted yesterday remember God says hate the sin not the sinner. I think this is important because I see to many ppl salivating over the killing and adding their own levels of increasing the pain. Remember REVENGE IS GOD’s Just keep praying staying close to God and obeying all the Commandments.

Psalm 118-4
Thou hast commanded thy commandments to be kept most diligently.


VENGEANCE is mine sayeth the Lord.


thank you Sue, that is correct…


Justice & retribution for harms done & laws broken & crimes against humanity is fair, right, & appropriate. Dispassionate justice is all we ask for. The vengeance part does belong to God. All we get is to have them go meet their maker, & answer for their actions there.


Justice is best served cold.


perfectly articulated….