White Hats Arrest Loony Jihadist Infiltrator


White Hats on Tuesday detained a U.S. Army captain after discovering he was a closet Muslim who wanted to “disembowel all Jewish-looking people in response to Israel’s airstrikes on Gaza,” a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Captain Timothy Joseph Daniels, born Zaamil el-Alam, was raised in Afghanistan in 1978. He is the only child of Saahir and Radwa el-Alam, healthcare workers at a Kabul hospital prior to their murders at the hands of Taliban insurgents during the Afghan Civil War in 1997, who, mistaking the el-Alams for CIA advisors, publicly beheaded them. Nineteen-year-old Zaamil saw his parents’ brutal execution and vowed to avenge their deaths. He migrated to the United States and earned legal citizenship. He disavowed his Muslim heritage, or so he said, and embraced Christianity, joining the First Christian Church in Lansing, Michigan. While attending Michigan State University on a scholarship, he legally changed his name to Timothy Joseph Daniels to make himself seem more American. Upon graduating with a bachelor’s in political science, he wrote a heartfelt letter to Senator Lindsay Graham, asking for a letter of recommendation to West Point to take part in George W. Bush’s war on global terror. Graham authored the testimonial and endorsed el-Alam, calling him “more patriotic and driven than people born in the United States.” The year was 2003.

El-Alam completed West Point in 2008, by which time the war on terror had shifted from Afghanistan to Iraq and back to Afghanistan, and he, a fledgling 2nd lieutenant, was assigned to a communications platoon stationed in Kabul. By then, he was enraged at Barack Hussein Obama’s recent ascension to the Oval Office. He had asked a company chaplain for guidance, wanting to know how a prominent Muslim became POTUS and commander in chief. He confided in the chaplain that he would never trust a Muslim again and that no Muslim should be allowed to run for office in the United States. The chaplain cautioned him to not speak negatively about Obama, for it could jeopardize his career. Under an alias, “Patriotic Foreigner,” el-Alam created several social media profiles to bash Obama and anyone who voted him into office. “Obama is a fake Christian. Obama is a terrorist. No one with the name Hussein is a Christian. Obama must be impeached. Death to Obama! Obama has a fake family. Obama is not who you think he is,” el-Alam had written, and much more.

While serving three tours in Afghanistan, el-Alam submitted four requests for transfer to an infantry unit, but the Department of Defense denied each, citing “the needs of the Army.”

He rotated stateside in 2011, continuing his clandestine Facebook attacks on Barack Hussein Obama, and was eventually promoted to 1st lieutenant and, in 2016, captain of a company at Fort Polk—now called Fort Johnson thanks to the regime’s Woke Department of Defense.

In 2021, el-Alam found a new person to target on social media: the criminal Joseph R. Biden, who, el-Alam often wrote, was an illegitimate president, an election thief. Using his non-de-plume, he said he’d do anything to help reinstate Donald Trump. He underwent a metamorphosis, abandoning his virtual discretion to share his hatred of Biden—Obama incarnate, he called him—with subordinates, one of whom ratted him out to the battalion’s executive officer.

Fortune smiled at el-Alam; the XO, a grizzled major, was what can loosely be called a White Hat recruiter. He quizzed el-Alam on his allegiances and ordered him to close his social media accounts, for he was drawing unwanted attention. The major put him in touch with a White Hat field unit, and for three years el-Alam loyally served the White Hat movement.

That changed Tuesday as Israel retaliated against Hamas with blistering airstrikes on Gaza settlements. El-Alam told a fellow soldier that “Allah called to me” for the first time in more than 20 years and commanded him to “disembowel” any soldier who looked or smelled like a Jew. “Allahu Akbar. It will be a glorious Jihad,” el-Alam chanted. He blamed “the Jews” for “holding him back,” saying he should have been promoted to a full bird colonel with his time-in-service and time-in-grade.

“Captain Daniels, that joke’s in poor taste,” the soldier told him.

“My name is Zaamil el-Alam, Allahu Akbar,” el-Alam reportedly replied, and drew a blade.

He rushed the soldier, whose last name was Weinstein, but four other soldiers tackled and disarmed him before he could fulfill his oath to “disembowel.”

“We don’t know if el-Alam was a closet Muslim the whole time, or if he just snapped like a twig, or if Allah really spoke to him. He will be charged with attempted homicide,” our source said.

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And this is the latest?

Mike Huntsucker

What…! There all earth shattering….


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16 thousand bucks a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this site.. w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­7.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

MB, any word about the space force commander? They had planned to execute, then decided not to execute.


We all want to know that one MB.

J Bill

Not all of us care about Mikeys imagination

Jan D Hunsinger

Then go somewhere else and GOOD RIDDANCE!


Dear Jan. Every one of your posts here is awesome. I look forward to them. Thank you 😊

Last edited 1 year ago by Dyno
Kay Mitchell

What a nice compliment.



fuck off lmao

Azurite Crystal

Arent you cute ethel
And conservatives think libtards are rank
Rank coming from both sides

Ultrafart the Brave

Wash your mouth out!

So much for the First Amendment.

Seems very much like the pigs down on Animal Farm, where we’re all equal, but some of us are “more equal” than others.

FWIW, the track record here on the Real Raw News forums shows that’s apparently how the True Believers roll.

Ultrafart the Brave

Wash your mouth out!

What else are we going to do for casual entertainment on a cold Winter’s night?


Shut up, Ethel.

Ellen T

Speak for yourself!


We most certainly DO care about Mikey. His “imagination” is the result of high level, US Intel everyday being handed to him to hand to us.

Stinky Perfume

Follow up don’t much arrive here. Like the battleships that anchored off the coast of Italy waiting for Trump orders is minute by minute tense issues. I read there’s already 300K from Israel waiting to attack the Hamas back. I sit and suspect if they were just sending troops over there so they can make USA more vulnerable.
“The first casualty of war is the truth”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stinky Perfume

And that truth dies on this blog lmao


Like your rancid man-made vagina.


Now that’s just skank nasty 🤮


Teresa, they just don’t wake up and say ive changed my mind. He’s prolly giving wh important info. So he saved his ass.

truth is stubborn

Compared to the tranquilizer-laced lies and distraction of the MSM, RRN is possibly the best stuff available even on a “slow” day.

Son of Ethan allen

Earth shatnering.


William shatner-ing??

Jan D Hunsinger

I’m guessing that you mean they’re all earth shattering.

Kay Mitchell

Rockin’ my world.MB 😁


You report the news that you receive.
Most of us here understand this.


Well said, Mr. Baxter, and you deserve our respect. Your writing is so vivid that it makes me feel like I’m standing in the middle of the action. No offense, we just want more. Thank you for keeping us all in the loop even when it’s a small fish in that big sea!


Even little fish lead to the big fish, and when we get the big fish, everybody can eat!


You betcha!


I love a good fish dinner


It’s hard. Nobody likes the loss of life. I hate it when people die. But we can all band together against this evil global cabal and win IJN. Military warriors, prayer warriors, digital warriors, truth tellers, public servants who have not been bought or blackmailed like our beloved DJT, we can all fight together and win. Never forget that.



how can a 60 year plan to save humanity be short on manpower or resources?

that makes no rational or logical sense .

it makes the folks in charge of ” the plan” seem truly incompetent.


A 60 year plan fighting an enemy that has ruled for centuries?
Your question shows you lack understanding and logical sense!

Kay Mitchell

“Noname”, is a straight-up ISIS sympathizer who uses a dozen other names on this board to spew anti-Israeli propaganda, obscenities and distractions.

The Alts:
Ethel, Biggs, Julie, JB ll, Exile, Bofa. Wozz, Russell and many more.

Whenever you see lots of red negative votes, there’s a 95% chance that Troll is this One person.

I recommend you not “Feed” any Trolls with comments which only wastes your valuable time.

Just give it a NEGATIVE VOTE and move on to something relevant.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

Hows that Israel research coming along moron?


Kay you forgot, to add noname to the list but good job anyway.


Kay is one of them also. Use discernment. You are being deceived whether you know it or not.

Azurite Crystal

I support palestine
Now watch them call me a terrorist or a terrorist sympathizer because I believe Palestinians have the right to live!
Israel was given palestine land in 1947 by the UN world cult leaders
They knew jews and Arabs would kill eachother.
This social experiment was a failure too just like the entire UN .


The Palestinians don’t even believe they have a right to live. Not only is it in their slogan but they use each other as human shields. And yeah, you are a terrorist sympathizer. .


You must have been picked on as a child.


Those ‘negative votes’ allow the troll(s) to be paid by their paymasters. The BEST thing to do is to not give them any feedback at all and just totally ignore them.

No feedback == no payday.

REAL truthers share helpful information here on RRN (or elsewhere online) to help warn/inform others FOR FREE.

This ‘trumps’ the DS hirelings paid to be online to do what they can to (ultimately) shut RRN (and other worthwhile online truther sites) down as source(s) of true/plausible news of the ongoing war between the forces of good and evil that the Main Stream Media REFUSES to report on.

Related links

https ://www. bitchute. com/video/0RZTW9x4BChJ/


2:20:45 – 2:29:25 

2:20:45 – 2:36:48 [longer ‘FULL’ version]


https ://bitchute. com/video/Aog7TSfHkxGo/


Best Said. Votes are irrelevant as the Truth is all that matters. On every site SO few can handle the Truth. People who care about “votes” are emotionally retarded in their development operating at a grade school level child. “Votes” are all a CIA op developed to RETARD a mature social discourse and to get participants to Self- Censure themselves to be “accepted” by a group think.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi

Exactly. Ignore the trolls completely & they won’t stay because they won’t be paid. Of course you’ve got people like Jan who can’t help herself because she has no control when triggered & she’s always triggered by trolls so, in a sense, she’s become one of them by responding to them.

Azurite Crystal

Most people CANT ignore trolls because they are as immature as the said troll and thrive on bickering and division.


Yup they “troll” like a fisherman dragging a lure behind a boat waiting for some unsuspecting fish to rise to the “bait”

Don’t take the bait
Don’t get caught in by the 🧌

Kay Mitchell

Thanks for enlightening me. I’ll pass it on.


You’re so right—don’t feed the trolls

Azurite Crystal

Thats a very overused phrase
On every platform known to man
But it never stops people


Oh Dear! I thought I was helping identify these hateful people with a negative vote. Thanks for explaining.


You learn well grasshopper

Azurite Crystal

Iam not a troll if I disagree with you or anyone else here.
Got it?
I dont get paid to comment here
The troll canned regurgitated response from both sides is past old


If you attack the PERSON and not the person’s IDEAS in an intelligent, thoughtful manner with counterexamples as in a formal debate, then that would be the criteria of a troll. Also the known trolls here at RRN also make (lots of) useless off-topic or ‘no content’ posts. These posts have nothing of value in them and just take up space and clutter the comment chains here at RRN and at other (truther) sites infested with troll posters.

Kay Mitchell

Thanks. You’re probably right about negative votes.

I’ll mention that the next time I post that troll warning with Biggs alt names.


Isis is an israeli/ mossad operation so there is that. 🤔😁


Likely, so is Hamas.

Azurite Crystal

Funded by Iran
Iran funded by US
So hamas could be US terrorist organization
Its all comes full circle
The US created ISIS and funds Hamas


Only a fool would downvote your comment, so I upvoted it. Am Yisroael Chai and thank you.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tzippo

Biden plays both sides against the middle while Hunter skims off the cream


Like the Jews would start an organization designed to kill its own people. Dream on.

Azurite Crystal

Terrorist organizations are funded by the US.
The US military could be seen as the largest terrorist organization globally by how much they occupy illegally and kill heinously
Obamas war in syria is one example but there are Many.


Like the Jews would start an organization designed to kill its own people. Dream on.


So you are in favor of the US bullies coming over to dictate to a different people, different culture, different language, etc..
But you cry if people who look like YOU take over your federal government and bully you!

Azurite Crystal

They are brainwashed
They are war propogandized since BIRTH


He also masturbates every time he gets a response so maybe consider that when posting responses to his lies. Do people here really want to be a source of pleasure to him?

Azurite Crystal

Very mature response Sean
Libtardish response



Azurite Crystal

Thats ridiculous at best
Stop claiming ppl support terrorism because they dont participate in your hive mind mentality

Kay Mitchell

Don’t try to gas like me.

People who are good at it have tried and failed.


You like gas? Ok I ate a burrito, pork gravy and topped it off with hard boiled eggs cabbage and a couple of dark beers.

Be sure to breathe through your nose when I pass the gas


I believe the negative vote ….gets them paid, the more negative votes the more $$$$$ they make…..stop supporting the trolls….jmo


Do not feed the trolls 🧌


So team q retard can’t gather proper resources in 60 years and you think that’s normal ?

Best plan ever.

Go team q retard


lol! yea really. I’ve come to realize with americans, you can tell them anything if it parallels what they want to be true, and they may likely believe it.

for instance, everyone thinks the USD is going to collapse. And yes, but not anytime soon. In fact, it is going to rally BIG TIME to usher in the next financial leg down.

Jan D Hunsinger

If not millennia?

Kay Mitchell

I don’t know why people insist on feeding the trolls.

” If you give a rat a cookie it’ll come back for a glass of milk.”


There are some who refuse to understand what the plan is and prefer to embed themselves in darkness rather than the light.


And just how many of the white hats have ended up dead??? Do you think there are not casualties on both sides? It takes many months/years to become specialized in warfare enough to be really good at what they do. Can you even imagine the mindset they have to acquire in order to go into combat anywhere in the world? These soldiers are not mass produced!!!


No idea bc your white hats are compulsive liars

That said it’s been 60 years.

If you can’t get proper proper resources in 60 years maybe it’s time to hang it up and give the people a chance.

U know how many of them have died.

Hundreds of millions on your white hat watch.

Go team q retard



Had the WH’s laid the smackdown earlier, how many toxic train derailments would have been prevented. How many processing centers would not have burned? How many innocent animals would not have been murdered by the feds?



perhaps they are waiting until we see their hats are actually BLACK!

Dave Kelly

Well Julie you have t remember that both Trump and Gen, Berger slow played this entire affair for 2 years which set the White Hats by at least 2 years.

Mark David

Who cares? You? I don’t think so. Stop listening to yourself because you are listening to an idiot.


Exactly zero. The whole White Hats thing is completely made up, a fake, a fraud, a deliberate lie. It’s designed to separate you from your money so bottom-feeding con men don’t need to get real jobs.


Agreed. But I wonder if it is designed to derail the americans from acting now to such a time when their acting would be moot.

Mark David

Who u gonna act against? Your neighbors? The COPS? Shoot people in the park? The Govt has the intel and knows who to go after. If you don’t like the pace, change the channel.


Hey julie why don’t you go out and ‘act’ and find out


When all people do is sit at a keyboard and live their lives through a computer screen
Well …. that covers it. Reality is something they can’t comprehend as they live on a computer.

Dave Kelly

Well this Nation has been at war , really two wars for around 20 years so ONE would think that this Nation’s ARMED FORCES would be MORE than sufficiently BATTLE HARDENED,.

Mark David

So where will the battles occur? Who will they shoot? When you rile up the Gang, the Gang might do anything. Best to tell people to arm themselves, teach them how to defend themselves, and stay in your homes while the purge is underway. If you exit your home looking for a fight, the COPS will not understand until you are dead.


Whoever you actually are, you very much deserve a good ol Singaporean caning.


My full name and address are public knowledge on this forum.

Still waiting.on even one of you to leave the recliner.


singapore! the land of economic ‘freedom’ while being politically chained!


Perhaps you haven’t been paying attention. Start any day.


Because “O’butthead” and “Buy-them” have instituted the recruiment of “P*****S” in our Military !!!!



‘We’ve been planning on eradicating the DStards for SIXTY years. SIXTY YEARS of planning I tell you, but now we are thin on personnel and simply cannot complete the plan as planned. How will we tell the people the Q plan has failed?”

“We don’t. We just keep the ruse going! That way michael jaco can sell more dumbshit videos and michael yon can accumulate more donations.”


No one has failed as The Book of Revelations is unfolding. No one can stop it or accelerate it. God’s Plan is the ONLY Plan that will unfold. But what side you are fighting on will determine your Eternity afterwards. Regardless of the outcome on Earth. For the New Earth to be Born there has to be a Destruction of the Old. Birth Pains is what we are witnessing. No One can stop God’s Plan.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi

You are precisely right!! I read the back of the book and I know who wins!

Jan D Hunsinger



insulting God will do nothing

Azurite Crystal

There are vloggers that have been telling people for sometime that there SS benefits will rise.
Luckily Im not dependent on that but telling ppl this when it never happens is not helpful at all
The lies piss me off no matter what side they are spewed from.

Mark David

We don’t know how many other Plans are in play. Unless you know, its best not to negatively speculate when you know so little.

Boss Lady

Well said Michael, thanks for this reply. Personally I appreciate when authors/sources engage in the comments (when precious time allows), means a lot, thanks again.


That is why everyone who can pray should always pray for them. So many people on here think it is their duty to spew hatred on the WH for not doing everything the way they think they should. Most of them would run in the face of what they do. I among others, are so grateful for the White Hats and DJT. I know they are worn out and they just keep going. God Speed to all of them and to you as well MB.


White Hats are awesome!


The white Hats are men not gods and in a world where do much evil is unleashed upon us they can only do so much

Julian Metter

Your comments are much appreciated MB. You are giving us a glimpse behind the curtain in the midst of very strange and chaotic times.

It’s strange to read some of the demeaning comments, a lot of angry self entitlement stuff. But you are holding up very well, certainly better than I would in your place. Carry on with our thanks.

Carol B.

Well said Julian Metter, we agree…..


Baxter is a professional writer and we expect backlash and these exact responses. As the saying goes “No response is a bad response” ~ when our work evokes ANY reaction it is all good. We are detached as we are professionals.


Indeed! Well said! There are now 2 warships (Carrier groups * 2) 3 to 4 micro carriers plus 11 to 18 missile destroyers like the John Paul Jones in the movie Battleship there would be at least 9 or more submarines capable of controlling underwater drones with a virtually limitless numbers can create them……Is it possible Iran possesses the firepower and if properly deployed could end up sinking BOTH carriers
just a deep feelin in my soul.

American Living in Canada

Thanks for all you’ve done Sir.. Myself here on the outside looking in,,

Just asking… Are we and all going to see the Truth?


I’m glad the carrier force stopped going there, as we don’t need WWIII started. An attack on our carrier group could start that.


I’m sure Mossad was planning just that.


News reported carrier group is parked off coast of Gaza facing the war zone.


A reminder for those who pray….pray daily and often for white hats and their success!


Micheal, why are you not deleting all the daily scam advertisements recruiting people to a fantastic career online? It is so easy to remove them with the delete bottom. Are you getting kickbacks from those ads?

Pls reply.

Anne Stallybrass

Michael and others have explained why over many posts in the past. Not as easy as you might assume.

It would be really nice Michael to have an FAQ page about such things. When you have time aside from the “URGENT” stuff that is! Much appreciate all your top class work. Keep safe and keep your health!


His focus should be ONLY on articles. It’s self evident to ignore the trolls. Next you’ll be asking him to come clean your house.


Baxter ‘s focus is WRITING not babysitting overly sensitive readers.
Ignore it. Be a grownup.


Please read these two prior posts I made.

They explain EVERYTHING needed about the scammers and trolls that post here at RRN and other (truther) sites.

https ://realrawnews. com/2023/08/deep-state-take-down-maui/#comment-545494

https ://realrawnews. com/2023/10/white-hats-arrest-loony-jihadist-infiltrator/#comment-595764


God Bless you Michael. We appreciate you!


How about some news about the lizzid people and underground battles with aliens? And when are they going to take out the current Gavin Newsome clone who is wreaking as much havoc on California as the “original”?


Wow, it’s almost like if they called on the heavily armed and trained veterans and militias they could be almost everywhere all the time. Hmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Most of us out here would volunteer to help if they would allow us. I know I would if my skills would be up to the task. I am not sure what to make on this Israel issue. I do see President Trump is very tired from photos.Maybe James 5:16 is our best option while we wait.

Jan D Hunsinger

This is obvious to anyone with an IQ above a house plant. You and the White Hats are 24/7 HEROES.


bring back the call in show


Thank you, Mr. Baxter – you’re doing a GREAT job, that nobody else is doing. Hang in there, we need you.

Ultrafart the Brave

I get it too.

Kind of like George Martin and The Game of Thrones.


All are very much of interest, and enlightening. WE appreciate every one of them. Whose website is it anyway?? Ignore the “Donnie Downers”.

Dave Kelly

Looks like RRN possibly belongs to the msm, any idea of being an independent or alternate news source has to questioned.


Hey, just because I don’t like bibi or the Khazars, doesn’t mean I love nut ball Muzzies. I want them out of the USA and Europe too. Dave, you can suck up to the “Skinnies” in St.Paul if you like.

Last edited 1 year ago by TimeIsNow

Yeah, I know that the IDF got intel from several sources way in advance of the attacks, both Egypt and India have said as much, so Israel knew it was to happen and wanted it to happen. Some people are calling it a “green flag,” or letting something happen to give you the right (green flag) to go ahead and do something terrible that you always wanted, but could not do without a harsh excuse.


You don’t know this for sure. I doubt it myself.



This has been reported widely by both India and Egypt, who have both been reliable sources the last few decades, so I trust them over Bibi’s government denial.

Look, Netanyahu and his government are Khazars or Fake Jews. Israel was designed in 1917 by the Rothschilds, and implemented in 1947 with the use of Khazar money as they ran UK, the Vatican, and USAs’s money by 1947. The City of London, the Fed in the USA and the Vatican bank was their playground by then.

The Khazars worship Satan in the Baal Demon form, and child sacrifice is their religious desire to get magik through their god of this world. Baal is a female/male mix that loves him/her many fetal sacrifices (see planned parenthood), but any innocents will do (including real Jews to get WWIII).


So the ethnic cleaning of Gaza, nor the War with Iran is not the final goal, but WWIII involving Russia and the USA is that final goal. Except DJT and the WH know about this and won’t let it happen, and so do the Russians.

Last edited 1 year ago by TimeIsNow
Dave Kelly

Did you figure that out all by your self.? wow no one saw that coming.


Everyone knows Israel created Hamas. Practicing Khabbalist Jews always perfort Jewish blood ritual sacrifices on Jewish holidays. Why do you think God himself calls them evil? In Luke 19:27 God calls them his enemies and says he wants them to be killed.
Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 i know the blasphemy of those who call themselves jews but do lie but are the synagogue of Satan.

Dave Kelly

Suck up to the ” Skinnies ” in St. Paul LoL WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN ? TIN what you talkin bout Willis?


yes, get ready for a FRESH wave of Islamic refugees fleeing Palestine.. you will see them at your local grocery store with 4 or 5 kids tagging along… Just like in Kent, WA.. the new Dearborn Michigan… with a little Minnesota Somali spice… we R United Nations Refugee CAMP.. as the rape us with property taxes out the ass

Kay Mitchell

Dave Kelly is probably alt troll of Biggs.

Dave Kelly

yeah thats right Kay you are spot – on Baby, you are so FUCKING SHARP, SO you and Biggs got a thing going on? COME ON Kay from one troll to another, tell me. Are we talking troll LOVE? So do you two attend the BLACK ritual sacrifices together, chucking little tykes into Baal for laughs. yeah that’s you and Biggs having a soulless weekend together. You two pieces of shit are made for each other, a match made in HELL, you feed off each others stench. That is …..your POWER.

Kay Mitchell

Dave Kelly is Another alt TROLL of Biggs and Julie etc etc

Don’t feed it, just down-vote it.

They hate that.😄


Every down vote gets them a paycheck as this IS their goal.
They WANT you to hate them. Their bosses want your ATTENTION and you gave it to them with your “vote”


At least it puts a warning up for the unwary.

Dave Kelly

How about some rest for the unwary, get’em some of that too. MOFOmaybeprefuct.

Dave Kelly

Oh the BOSSES, Don’t you be talkin bout no BOSSES Teddi , next time they git you, you will not get the courtesy of anal lube for you , they do you DRY, Boi Yah!


lol, i could give a shit about +,-

Dave Kelly

Oh , they know you HATE IT, they know

Dave Kelly

How would you know what I hate? I cannot speak for Julie, but “hate the down vote”, NO , down votes are sign that you kikes are feeling it. yeah you are feeling right up your ASSHOLES. right where YOU NEED IT , You have to have it UP DEEP INTO YOUR ASSHOLES. Is there a PROCTOLOGIST in the TEMPLE? IS HE KOSHER?


It would be just like the lying msm to create a false sense that justice has already been served. Nothing more to see here. Jedi mind trick for the weak of mind. Move along, move along.

Dave Kelly

WE just call then jew tricks


Every story you write is vital, Mike. Don’t let anybody dissuade you. You are a patriot and you love the truth and you are our ally fighting this ugly war against the cabal. THANK YOU!!


John Baron, is that you!

Dave Kelly

Da jew take offense at you Xena, NO WAY, the jew go against you poor Girl. What is this World coming to.


Hey it’s news we need to hear


No apologies need, Mr. Baxter. One by one, ten by ten, it’s moving forward that counts. Thank you for taking your talents and informing that we have movement all over the planet. God bless all of you who deliver the messages. Our prayers are with our devoted military in ridding the unbelieveable corrupt beings in the world.



Rose Mary Abbott

I love all of the articles. This guy might have taken down a lot of people but he didn’t get the chance to and that’s a great story with a great ending. He won’t be hurting anyone now. Thanks Michael for the great report. Great article.


Yes! We love ALL the Articles.


MB, what about the space force commander?
They were going to execute him, but decided not to.
Anymore word about him?
Is he talking?

Thank you for your hard work! God bless you!


MB ran out of ideas on where to go with that storyline so it just kinda fizzled out.


Kind of fizzled out, huh? Just like your sex life with Heidi…


She was a bit dry…


Bro who the fuck is Heidi


seems like it!

i guess no more RPG explosions in maui stories? people just didn’t resonate with violently loud gunbattles fought in maui in hushed tones!


He more than likely after being confined in that 6’X 9” cell at Club GITMO had a change of heart & realized that in order to have that desired self preservation he has opened up exposing all that he knows.

Dave Kelly

He was working SECRETLY with TRUMP and Milley, Milley ends up ODD man out. Tough break

Kerry Benthall

MB thank you for your continued service to Patriots and humanity. Those that don’t believe this is real news are as fake as the claims they make. Keep broadcasting as long as you can and are able. Right now this is the only good news channel. Most of the others spout either hopium or vitriol. Most here seem to be real Patriots and truth seekers. Thank you.


It says right on the About page that these stories are humor and parody. What further evidence do you need?

Dave Kelly

Its COVER dip -shit any heeb could figure that out.


That’s Correct. It is the Only Good News Channel. So everyone Stop Making Demands on Baxter as he’s overwhelmed with work. Appreciate what you get. Go to Christ if you want more data and an update. Only God will save you. Baxter is just one fellow with human concerns & needs like the rest.
I’m amazed he gets out as many articles as he does.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi
Dave Kelly

How about settling for RELEVANTLY INFORMATIVE, that would work.


Great article.Just more proof of the psychopaths that live amongst us.Yet, as my mother would tell me…that unfortunate person is someone’s child.


Everybody is someone’s child….that does not excuse any of their behavior.


Oh grow up. Demonic entities have children. Rats have children. Cock roaches have children. How did the world get SO EVIL ~ Someone deciding to give birth who has no business breeding. Just because something is born doesn’t mean it is GOOD. Jeffrey Dahmer had a breeder.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi
Dave Kelly

What do they call the parasite that spauns jews, is there even a name for it? Come on Teddi Boo, WHAT IS IT THAT SPAUNS jews, This was on Jeopardy just other day Teddi Boo, , what do they call it , that spauns jews?j It is a parasite but what is it called, you know that which spauns jew


Tomorrow should be livelier. It’s gonna be a Milley day.



Kay Mitchell

Michael – there’s no point in apologizing to a troll.

The rest of us appreciate your work very much.

Thank you.😊👍


troll = anyone who disagrees with the consensus of this site

Dave Kelly

The GROUP THINK. if you do not comport with The GROUP THINK, you know you are on the right path.

Ultrafart the Brave

Without the occasional “troll”, what would the Comment Nazis do with themselves? Turn on the True Believers?

In the dark and musty corridors of Real Raw News, be afraid – be VERY afraid.

Dave Kelly

From a jew troll. yeah Mr. Baxter is really feeling it. like jock itch.

J Bill

this is the circle jerk of larping lmao



Dave Smith

Good to see you back was hoping you were OK thank you for this platform where we can voice our opinions and not be banned. Even though we don’t always agree with other people comments I’m glad we have the right to share our views. And as always God bless us all amen and be the change for the better world and universe amen. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🇺🇲✌️🙏

John .S

Why is this comment still pinned? Why was it pinned in the first place?


I take some peace in knowing, that the White Hats & Military are getting it all handled. We have all been programmed to believe certain things, none of which is necessarily accurate & true. Real Awakening involves dropping such early programming in favor of thinking for oneself. This soldier got triggered back to such early childhood programming, which was basically, “Kill all infidels.” Many Jewish people have had similar Zionist stuff pushed at them since infants as well, stuff like everyone else are animals.

Dave Kelly

“CHOSEN ” you can say it, FUCK the kikes , say it “chosen” self anointed sociopath zionist satanist degenerate lowlifes, the practitioners of Judaism , jews aka spaun of satan.


Try looking in Gaza — just sayin

Ann mouse

Guess you missed the massacre in Israel and resulting humanitarian crises while making up a story.

Good thing Biden is President.


I couldn’t hear you eh the train goin by was quite loud…..
🚂-TrumP-TRUMP-trump TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMp-[###|

Ultrafart the Brave

Holy Shit, Dude!

Look at all those up-votes!

I strongly recommend that you audition for a South Park script writing gig.


Dear Michael, You have the MOST earth shattering real & very raw news on the entire global web. Keep up your excellent selfless work, as you do each day. You have attracted the attention of God’s angelic kingdom, make no mistake.


Expand your research

Dave Kelly

yeah , this sounds like a bullshit story being used to appease zionist satanist degenerate jews and loony Christians and asyou said with GLOBAL CONFLICTS ERUPTING , RRN presents THIS BULLSHIT. Just what the fuck is going on here? Someone posting here at RRN said they were informed that RRN was owned or recently ( at the time ) purchased by the zionist satanist degenerate jew OWNED , CONTROLLED and OPERATED MSM. At that time I figured that was just some BS being peddled but NOW after having read this story , RRN being now part of the msm could very well be that case. If this is the case , how FUCKING PATHETIC.

James Abbott

I literally thought the same thing Dave. To be honest I haven’t trusted this site for a little while. When Fulford outed this site I started scrutinizing it more and this story just takes the cake. The Hamas story made no sense either, but again that story made the Jews look good. This site is Jew controlled guaranteed.

Anne Stallybrass

Fulford’s own info on this site is faulty, seriously so.

Leslie Parsons

Fulford’s information has ALWAYS been flawed. His predictions never happen and his intel is generally wrong!

Dave Kelly

But he markets and sells tons of shit , he maybe WRONG but his advertisers are very HAPPY So they LIE, big deal jew don’t care


Maybe because Fulford is Black Sun.


We like the team calling themselves “Michael Baxter,” don’t we, Anne?


Fulford himself has been “outed” as being chummy with Trudeau and other cabal biggies. Don’t know why anyone would trust him. An American extolling the Chinese Dragon Family as if they, of all people, would have our best interests. They may have Fulford,’s interests but not ours. Nobody has “outed” RRN. It is what it is–telling what is possible to tell at this time. If you are suspicious, move on.

Last edited 1 year ago by Claire

All those that CHARGE to read the Truth are Satanists in Sheep’s clothing.


Easy. I plan on marrying Kerry Cassidy for her money.

Dave Kelly

you would KNOW Teddi Boo! yes you do.

Dave Kelly

The IMPORTANT THING , China has Israeli jew best interests at heart. GOOKS and JOOKS, marxists communists zionists satanists jews all rolled up into one huge pile of SHIT That’s the shit satan talkin bout.


Fulford???? He’s as Illuminati as you can get. Boy, vet your source before reading.

Dave Kelly

you takin ODDS?


Hit the road jack

Dave Kelly

YES James you ,we are spot -on , this is the REASON for so much negative , EVIL energy being cast our way. So yes James , we are on the PATH of The RIGHTEOUS . ON WARD BROTHER!


Really losing it, are you? So eloquent & elegant. Keep telling us who you are.

Dave Kelly

WHY you have it all figured out, 45 . You scared Paladeen? This tone of yours, the FEAR, YES the FEAR, you feeling it aren’t you? Keep counsel with The GROUP THINK, this way you are ALL together.

Someone Else

I don’t understand.
How/why do you think there’s WW3 afoot?
Personal spy plane, or perhaps drone?

After the worldwide coordinated scam called “covid”, that was pushed for about 2 years straight, and you believe anything you believe online, especially things repeated from multiple sources?

Question everything.


Boy, you are Delusional.
Denial is the favorite tactic of the Druggies. Keep smoking your weed.


Someone is right. Teddi questions Someone when Teddi needs to “question everything.”


Lmao at MB pinning this comment just so everyone can downvote you and yell at you


Sadly you just do not get it, period! There are many more of us than those like you that hate the way our country was founded as a Representative Constitutional Republic instead of the current Deep State Fake Banana Republic you seem to love so much!


Biggs got BIGass from from deep throating bananna bread


Lmao what the fuck


who doesn’t deep throat banana bread? lol

Last edited 1 year ago by Ethel

Stop replying to “Your Check is in the Mail” Biggs. He’s PAID to provoke you and you’re falling right into his plan.




You ungrateful, pig headed dipshit, Mike Baxter releases only what he is authorized to release. He is a controlled messenger.


And you are an IDIOT !!! 🤣🤣🤣

William Turner

BOTTOM LINE: Israel has BIG plans for their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT with Jerusalem as its capital. This is why the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) extraordinarily brutal, barbaric and sadistic counterattack against the Palestinians in Gaza is meant to both shock and awe the world community of nations into submission. As Israel has done time and time again, their true Khazarian Cabal leadership is threatening the entire planetary civilization never to leave the Zionist reservation; or to try and do so in the future will only occur on pain of death. The final conclusion to this terribly tragic saga is still being written by Israel’s increasingly barbarous and wanton violence now being perpetrated against the Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere. Israel is last for a reason.


Finally someone with intelligence who sees the Truth. The Kharzarian Mafia’s world headquarters is Tel Aviv with their western headquarters being CHICAGO.

Dave Kelly

You have the Chicago Part CORRECT, but it is going to be D.O.A. and NEVER come to FRUITION.


I’m not convinced World war 1 and 2 actually happened. We’ve been lied to about everything so why believe in a World war 3?

Robert Gregory Boensch

1657 Flushing Remonstrance
Wee are bounde by the law to do good unto all men, especially to those of the household of faith. And
though for the present we seem to be unsensible for the law and the Law giver, yet when death and the
Law assault us, if wee have our advocate to seeke, who shall plead for us in this case of conscience
betwixt God and our own souls; the powers of this world can neither attach us, neither excuse us, for if
God justifye who can condemn and if God condemn there is none can justifye.
Before the 2020 election there was a short video on the
internet showing President Trump Being President for the year’s
And this is a true story of how long he will be president of these united states.
Why you ask
Because he has limited power as the Commander in Chief of this country.
If he exceeds this power he will become a dictator?
Now why is the people in the Jan 6 still in jail.
The military has no power to intervene in this cause or any cause in this conflict?
They only step in and do an action to protect our constitution.
Or else their action will be a military coup
So who does have the power.
It’s the people in these States.
The only way to end this insurrection By law is to address your states congress
by petition or a remonstrance.
Now we all know how corrupt these people are.
Especially Michigan.
And my beautiful relation with them?
And also (I) we have to stay in line with the constitutional restraints.
But this is also a disadvantage to end this action the Insurrection.
So in come’s the The Flushing Remonstrance of 1657
The whole base of this is our God given rights.
And it precedes our constitution and the law of war manual.
So I started with a clean Sheet
and the first thing on it was Remonstrance
And then it was built with the needs that we needed address today.
And there is a couple of constitution laws inserted.
And also part of the law of war manual.
In Michigan this was presented and accepted by default of response?
This remonstrance is Reciprocal to the other 49 states and territory of this country?
Give President Trump back his full power.
And let the Military go be the best they can.
If you would really like to release the Jan 6 prisoners.
You The People of these States Have this Power
and no one else on this planet can help you
rise up and peacefully Speak
to those around You!
And when we End this insurrection
We then can restore our Constitution
And start Building This Constitutional Republic on a clean Base!
We The People of these States Have this Power
and no one else on this planet can help Us
rise up and peacefully Speak
to those around You
Ps this insurrection and also the Remonstrance suspend all elections until the insurrection is over
and the Remonstrance removes the biden electrical college votes
and all of the bad actors and their staff.
And For Justice
Expunge The first and second impeachment Of President Trump
suspended elections
This is why President Trumps video
Showed 2024-2028-2032 etc.
it was a clue and a big reveal
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
Why Wait till 2032
for this to be OVER
2020 election Insurrection?

Robert Gregory Boensch

1657 Flushing Remonstrance
Wee are bounde by the law to do good unto all men, especially to those of the household of faith. And
though for the present we seem to be unsensible for the law and the Law giver, yet when death and the
Law assault us, if wee have our advocate to seeke, who shall plead for us in this case of conscience
betwixt God and our own souls; the powers of this world can neither attach us, neither excuse us, for if
God justifye who can condemn and if God condemn there is none can justifye.
Before the 2020 election there was a short video on the
internet showing President Trump Being President for the year’s
And this is a true story of how long he will be president of these united states.
Why you ask
Because he has limited power as the Commander in Chief of this country.
If he exceeds this power he will become a dictator?
Now why is the people in the Jan 6 still in jail.
The military has no power to intervene in this cause or any cause in this conflict?
They only step in and do an action to protect our constitution.
Or else their action will be a military coup
So who does have the power.
It’s the people in these States.
The only way to end this insurrection By law is to address your states congress
by petition or a remonstrance.
Now we all know how corrupt these people are.
Especially Michigan.
And my beautiful relation with them?
And also (I) we have to stay in line with the constitutional restraints.
But this is also a disadvantage to end this action the Insurrection.
So in come’s the The Flushing Remonstrance of 1657
The whole base of this is our God given rights.
And it precedes our constitution and the law of war manual.
So I started with a clean Sheet
and the first thing on it was Remonstrance
And then it was built with the needs that we needed address today.
And there is a couple of constitution laws inserted.
And also part of the law of war manual.
In Michigan this was presented and accepted by default of response?
This remonstrance is Reciprocal to the other 49 states and territory of this country?
Give President Trump back his full power.
And let the Military go be the best they can.
If you would really like to release the Jan 6 prisoners.
You The People of these States Have this Power
and no one else on this planet can help you
rise up and peacefully Speak
to those around You!
And when we End this insurrection
We then can restore our Constitution
And start Building This Constitutional Republic on a clean Base!
We The People of these States Have this Power
and no one else on this planet can help Us
rise up and peacefully Speak
to those around You
Ps this insurrection and also the Remonstrance suspend all elections until the insurrection is over
and the Remonstrance removes the biden electrical college votes
and all of the bad actors and their staff.
And For Justice
Expunge The first and second impeachment Of President Trump
suspended elections
This is why President Trumps video
Showed 2024-2028-2032 etc.
it was a clue and a big reveal
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
Why Wait till 2032
for this to be OVER
2020 election

Last edited 11 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

I’m making $290 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just

using this website………………………………………… W­w­w.B­i­z­W­o­r­k­1.C­o­m


🇺🇸Freaking crazy shit man.🤔😂


I imagine seeing your parents beheaded would change any human into a revengeful psycho. Not excusing this depraved SOB but not surprised at his obsession. Can’t figure our why he blames jews for the execution of his parental units though.


Allah is Satan.

When is Lindsay Graham going to be hanged?

Ramona Lee

He should be hung at GitMo.


Restored Republics Thurs. 12 Oct. White Hat Intel: – U.S. Special Operations Command in the Middle East area were preparing ops to find U.S., Italian and Israeli hostages ( over night operations will begin).

The U.S. has sent the Navy Battle Fleet to the region only to deter other countries from interfering in the War. – No U.S. Troops will be deployed to Israeli grounds for combat (only U.S. Special Forces in the regions are working with Israeli Special Forces to locate and retrieve the hostages).

A Green Light has been given by the Pentagon/ CIA/ M16/ Mossad to prepare a Massive Strike Attack on the Gaza Strip in 72 hours.

The Attack on Gaza will cease within two weeks or so. The Deep State was pushing this operation to flood the Mockingbird Media with an intensive False Full War Scenario that would lead to WW III.

The purpose was to get funding ( that leads to money laundering) by taking money from U.S. tax payers for Israel assistance though weapons in the Military Industrial Complex system,
though also so Netanyahu could attain full dictatorship.

– U.S./ Israel has already done military battle War games and War simulation assessments and decided that U.S./ Israel cannot win the War – Israel has been given the Green Light
for few days or week(s) to attack Gaza and then after a stand down, a truce will be reached.

In case you don’t see what’s happening, Qrash The Matrix on Telegram – For Babylon to fall they need to put up thru a scare event. They are using events to pull off the finale of the movie. – The World has to shut down for a while for different reasons.

1. To switch to Quantum, QFS and Tesla. 2. To get us to stop living our lives and pay attention to what’s happening in our countries.

We were told we’re gonna hit a point where we are near death experience. It needs done so that we never allow this to happen again in the future. I wish I could say I’m over exaggerating but I honestly feel like I’m under exaggerating what’s to come.

Once money crashes, we won’t be going anywhere anyway because without money the World stops. – They need us afraid to leave home. They know they can’t lock us down again like they did in 2020. So they are using events.

* Fires * The border invasion * War * division/ hate * Cyber attacks * Looting retail stores * Talk about everyone buying AR-15’s * Toxic air/ toxic water / toxic food * Strange deadly contagious illnesses, etc.

Don’t be afraid, just be prepared…mentally and physically. God will destroy the wicked and He will use the chosen ones to help rebuild the righteous. Godspeed patriots WWG1WGA.

Cities At Risk of Major Riots:
1) New York City
2) Los Angeles
3) Chicago
4) Philadelphia
5) Washington DC
6) Houston
7) Nashville
8) New Orleans
9) Charlotte
10) San Francisco
11) Detroit
12) Seattle
13) Atlanta
14) Las Vegas
15) Baltimore
16) Boston
17) Miami


Ya maybe ever thought Izreal did it to themselves with Mossad Agents acting with Hamas? They’ll stop at nothing to steal more land, and yes Palestine is a Country and was a Country “before” the purchase of their land by the Rottenchilds – find an old 1800’s Bible, it has the maps in them of ancient middle east.
After all, Izreal created Hamas to spy on them.


I thought you were being sarcastic. Then I saw it was you and changed my mind.


Following the money leads one to the natural gas fields outside Gaza which ‘someone’ wants to steal. Wars are never over ideologies but riches.


Yeah, Israel “someone” wants gas over peace. Sure.


Your post makes no sense and is complete and utter blather.

Charles Smith

@ Micheal Baxter,

…write an artical on a few of these traitors if you can. We havent hurd and update on any of them. FYI I like too keep track of whos gone, and their status, thats just me…

Patricia L. Conrad – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on March 19, 2022

Valerie Jarrett – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL in May 2022

Maria B. Barrett – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Aug. 31, 2022

Frodo Baggins – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Oct. 5, 2022

Blaine L. Baker – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Oct. 5, 2022

Shannon Corless – ARRESTED &
October 20, 2022

Eli Roth – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Dec. 4, 2022

James Baker – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Dec. 8, 2022

Cloning Scientists – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on January 6, 2023

Tom Shimabukuro – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Feb. 1, 2023

Carol Johnson ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on February 24, 2023

Kumar Jha ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on February 24, 2023

Mark Suzman ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on February 27, 2023

Carolyn Ainslie ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on February 27, 2023


100 Covid Clot Shot Loving Physicians ARRESTED & 90 Currently AWAITING TRIBUNAL on July 28, 2023

Albert Bulera – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Aug. 9, 2023

Erik Hooks – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Aug. 22, 2023

Colonial Bryan Kneels ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Sept. 2, 2023

TRIBUNAL on Sept. 13, 2023

Debra Hourly – ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Sept. 18, 2023

Penny Pritzker ARRESTED & AWAITING TRIBUNAL on Sept. 22, 2023

Guillaume DesChamp

Frodo Baggins is a fictional character, buddy.


Reminds me of another Hobbit Bibi Nutenyahoo the mass murdering psychopath.


You’ve either got to get off drugs or try some new ones.


Strangely I saw a recent picture of George W Bush and he LOOKS very much alive although older, decrepit and weathered, guilt-ridden too. I also remember the story on his capture about a year ago….hmmmm? Anyone else see Georgie lately?

Last edited 1 year ago by kent



I’v been ‘buckled up’ for two years…..tired of it. Going COMMANDO for now.


Makes one wonder if there isn’t MKUltra programming in there somewhere, to snap at a certain point… or at a certain (5G?) frequency.


what is more believable? ‘ollie anthony’ or this story? lol

Mark Mariani

What’s wrong with what this guy did? The real Biblical Hebrew Isrealites are the Palestinians. The AshkaNAZI Jews are the “name stealers” and have infiltrated every alphabet agency in our government. The REAL “terrorists” are these psychopaths. Why do you think: “ISRAEL IS LAST” – “Q”? Because their the head of the snake. Wait till you all find out about the underground tunnels with kids in cages, the absolute horrific shit these Vipers do to them. Israel is the last stone that needs to be overturned. They should give that guy a medal, not put him in prison.


Wow – somebody needs to read some history. Loony isn’t the only nut case.




Yes and THANKYOU for saying so but Mauro Biglino has done the ancient readings, THE NAKED BIBLE will upset everyone’s perspective, it did mine.


what made that man loony was clearly climate change and myriad social injustices.


Seeing his parents murdered would have done it for me.


So Whats up with the Milley trial? Inquiring minds want to know. Thanks MB.


Yes, these muzzies snap very easily.


This Israel thing is gone flat nobody’s buying it 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s all a bullshit land grab same old story pray for Jews while they blame a terrorist group, they helped to create 🤔 a propaganda war while you all forget about , the stolen elections , the Clinton foundation , Hunters laptop, the plandemic vaccines , the treason against a sitting president, the trillions of dollars spent on Ukraine laundering money right back into politicians pockets at your expense , the drugs and open borders of our country ignored while they steal our wealth to protect the borders of a country you couldn’t find on a map 😡 leaving you to worry about your next months rent 🤷🏻‍♂️😡 I’m ready to turn this channel because this movie stinks


Is more of this what you want, Juan? Better switch to specifics of actuality. The food at the back of the fridge is starting to stink. And thank you for your service. wwg1wga

Mark Mariani

BT, my man. Most people cannot handle the depths of what’s actually going on, which you’ve so eleoquently provided. They’re stuck in the FAKE right paradigm and think the “JEWS” are the chosen people. Wait till this all plays out, it’s going to put people in coma’s. In the meantime, guys like you and I will drop truthbomb seeds which hopefully will help when the dust settles.


We were chosen to give the world the Ten Commandments.


That anyone would upvote your tripe means that the trolls abound.


He needs better edge weapon handling skills. A soldier with a blade in his hands would easily defend against 4 and assail another.

BS story

Dave Kelly

YES it is BS, The kikes were furious over the previous story, the IDF trolls screaming for a retraction that would never be forthcoming so MB was remanded to do something to appease these sociopath degenerate satanist whiners and cry-babies so he produces this crap we have before us. So really it is NOTHING to get all hung up about, The only problem is this is the garbage that languishes for days at RRN till MB produces his next Masterpiece. In the mean time the IDF kike trolls and some of the usual suck-asses banter about this work of trash as other rational , RIGHTEOUS individuals have to put -up with it.


BREAKING: CNN journalist Sara Sinder who announced on air that “babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated” has now apologized for spreading false information.



Basically they made her recant telling the truth!! Other people have reported the same thing…so how do the demons get around that?

Dave Kelly

yeah, she deserves to have her head cracked, repeatedly.


I so thought CNN would be gone by now, but they linger on spreading their lies. I wonder who is paying their bills besides drug companies selling their “cures” for everything.


The truth is, the mind is a far more delicate instrument than most realize, & early upbringing beliefs are planted quite deeply, often without much further thought. For example, the Cabal had known all along, that all they needed to control people’s actions, was to make them afraid. We tend to revert to form. I realized this years ago thru personal experiences, & found myself praying Hail Mary’s during natural childbirth in my thirties, tho’ I hadn’t been Catholic since I was thirteen years old. Old beliefs die hard. They’re usually still there, & nearly primal. Many people believed the media & science with the same unwavering faith & trust, as a child toward his parents. It is a challenge to shake loose such early convictions.


Most of us believe the faith of our childhoods, often without questioning any of it.


Until its replaced but too many will not forage the world and research other more truthful paths. A very wise Master named Rebezar Tarz once said “religion is good to be born in but bad to die in”. (quote is from memory)


Execution seems like a good end to the Rat Bastard.


The whole picture looks like to me: Rothschild lost Ukraine, so DS wants to grab another territory in Middle East ?

Dave Kelly

THE DS is desperate for a win as morale amongst the cretins is all but VANQUISHED.


How about we reserve spots in our service academies for AMERICAN BORN CITIZENS and it might curtail having looneys like this nutcase and traitors like Omar from going to school on OUR DIME!!!!


Dateline: Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Friday the 13th, in the 8th year of the fight since the day of The Escalator.

It has been a humbling experience to have Marines the age of my Grandsons insist on carrying my duffle or jumping to open doors for me. But I am gracious and have affected a limp in deference to their solicitude. I have a cot in Charlie Barracks and hot food. Takeoff is early morning Saturday the 14th in the same C-130 that picked me up at two in the morning at the old Bunker Hill airbase, now called Naval Reserve Air Base Peru, 30 minutes north of Kokomo, where they watch my Corvette, with the keys, and a promise not to leave the base with it.

The wind off the bay whips the pages of my notebook as I turn to stay on between the lines with my #2 pencil. I can see the line of vehicles five hundred yards off. At first I did not think they were moving. The light seems tricky here, closer to the Equator.

Now, I see the orange jumpsuit flapping about an oversized figure looking none too happy to be here, or is that my imagination? I was hoping to see our Hero President, but I see no one I know except the corporal who has kept me in sight since I landed.

The scene is comparable to a fifty yard line. I wish I was closer, but I do what I’m told. I count three atop the gallows, standing, waiting, the same as I wait, but slouching to show they’ve done this before. I can feel the pulse at my temple. I can hear my own heartbeat. The wind has dampened all of the voices.

The figure in the orange jump suit has been pulled by both arms out of his vehicle. Now, Marines both push and pull. General Milley does not fight it, but neither is he in a hurry. He takes the first steps two at a time, but then slows to study each and then he is at the top. He seems to be looking at me. More voices. Small movements are a blur. Unaccountably, my mind drifts, thoughts of home and then a surprise in sharp focus and I see the orange jumpsuit hanging by a rope, a few jerky movements, then nothing. I feel like I missed it.

The American Republic is safer now. We are safer. This will end with a bang and a whimper, their whimper. Our bang. This is WrongWayCorrigan reporting waterside in Cuba.

Guillaume DesChamp


It’s RRN fanfic. Awesome.


Not bad WWC, maybe MB needs some xtra writers?


Well….it should be all over for Detainee Milley at this point. I hope he humbled himself and let go of his lies about President Trump. I kind of doubt it though.


Do people know that Texas has in law constitutional carry which means they can carry and use their guns.


You can do this ANYWHERE in the USA. It’s called the Constitution.
Only a moron let’s the criminal regime tell them they can’t defend themselves

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi
Dave Kelly

Unfortunately the US Constitution and Bill of Rights does NOT carry the same weight in ALL fifty states, NOT yet anyway so morons will still be PERSECUTED as has been the case for too many years. The hero President did NOTHING to CORRECT this WRONG.


Open carry means you can take your AR and a few 50 rd clips with a bump stock fishing, and you don’t to explain your actions to anyone nor answer any f’n questions.


People forget that God said His people are a treasured possession to Him:

3Then Moses went up to God; the Lord called to him from the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the Israelites:
4You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.
5Now therefore, if you obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession out of all the peoples. Indeed, the whole earth is mine,
6but you shall be for me a priestly kingdom and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the Israelites.” Exodus 19:3-6


God also is going to destroy all the humans that are tainted and no longer His. As in the Days of Noah, all will be destroyed for their wicked ways. The Book of Revelation written by Christ’s Favored Apostle, most like Christ, John. Dictated by Christ HIMSELF to John. God uses the Enemy to accomplish His Goals.
The people will perish who reject knowledge ( Hosea ).

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi

No idea about anything the bible says since I’ve never taken it as accurate and unabridged. Mauro Biglino has done a deep, deep dig into what the older versions of the so called Good Book said in ancient Hebrew and Greek and you’ll be frozen solid with what he’s found. THE NAKED BIBLE is only for those with courage and a lust for truth.

Last edited 1 year ago by kent

Do some research Israel was designed by Rothschilds in 1917,and the money behind it’s implementation in 1947 was also Khazars or specifically Rothschilds, and control over Israel has been mainly Khazars ever since, so they are not of the Hebrew lineage. The Khazars are Baal (Satan) worshipers. You are kissing up to Satan worshipers, as Netanyahu and his government are not from the Hebrew lineage. The people who control Israel are not the Israelites of the Bible.

It’s simple the Rothschilds are Evil Khazars, Xena they designed modern Israel (which isn’t the Bible Israel…Xena: LOOK IT UP THE NON-BIBLE MODERN ISRAEL,IT’S A HISTORICAL MODERN FACT THAT IT WAS CREATED BY KHAZARS, AND FINANCIED BY THEM ALSO. THE PEOPLE WHO RUN MODERN ISRAEL AREN’T THE ISRAEITES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The Khazars then financed Modern Israel to be under their control) in 1947.

They and the Biden DS people are of the same group, and they now want to cause WWIII.

Last edited 1 year ago by TimeIsNow

When Trump picked on Bibi the other day that was DJT’s first shot across Netanyahu’s bow. There is no way that Netanyahu nor Israel’s present government are White Hats. Netanyahu was about the first to congratulate Biden on his Fake win, long before the smoke cleared.

So are you on Trump’s and the White Hat’s side or the Baal worshipping Khazars the Fake Jews who run the non-Biblical Israel.


If you’re going to cite anything in the ‘bible’ first read what the ‘good book’ really said thru it ancient Hebrew and Greek interpretations. THE NAKED BIBLE will set you and everyone else str8 about whether the collection of writings are in any way “god’s word’ or a decent recording of ancient HISTORY. Christians will be floored when they find out who ‘the christ man’ really was.


What color is the sky in your world, TIN?


“…if you obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession…” (Exodus 19:5). If they do not obey it’s obvious, they are not His “treasured possession”. Those supposed “treasured possession” rejected God twice (1) when rejected God as their King: “And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them” (1 Samuel 8:7); (2) they called for His crucifixion saying, “… His blood be on us, and on our children (Matthew 27:25).
Today all people, even biological Jews, can be God’s “treasured possession” if they accept God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ” as their Savior. The scripture plainly says, “… For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed” (“Romans 9:6-8).
“For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:26-29).
Those who “have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ”…”if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise”. Biological Jews that do not accept Christ Jesus as their Savior have no claim to the inheritance as Abraham’s seed and are not heirs to anything anymore than other unbeliever.


THE NAKED BIBLE will set you free and you’ll probably never again quote any of the rubbish we’ve been taught to believe. Its’ ancient Hollywood movie script


Its like Trump derangement syndrome, only in reverse.


Everything the Zionists do is in reverse, its an Institution run by the mentally insane. Thats how we find out who & what they are and where they hide,…just by following their cookie crumbs leads you all the way to izreal.

Last edited 1 year ago by goober

That’s why we’re still here despite everything, and we’re not hiding anywhere, which unfortunately is why people come and kill us. Duh..


“Allah” is Satan. No one will ever convince me otherwise. Growing up, we had an Arabic family living behind us. They had one daughter. The way they treated her was abhorrent! I have hated every Arab except that little girl, my entire life.

Dave Kelly

YES you are a FOOL.


It’s time for the World to wake up to the Khazarian Maffia’s illegal and brutal occupation in Palestine. The bottom line was that with the Global Currency Reset the Elites will be losing their money source, so they have been promoting and funding the War in Ukraine and now a War in Palestine because they make money’s off both sides of War.



What these people don’t get is the modern Israel isn’t the Biblical Israel, and the modern Israel was created by the Rothschilds in 1917 and financed in 1947 to be run by Khazars, or non-Hebrew lineage Fake Jews. So they constantly conflated the Hebrew Israelites of the Bible with the Satan worshiping Khazars of today.

Everything you said is true, but their ultimate goal is not just ethnic cleaning of Gaza, and war with Iran, as they desire to bring Russia and the USA into it and start WWIII (the ultimate Baal sacrifice).


Modern Israel is an extension of the Biblical Israel. Dennis Prager covers this in his videos.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tzippo

Nothing was occupied. The UN declared Israel a state on May 14,1948 and all lands were annexed after wars that Israel did not start but won, with some being given back for peace. The bottom line is you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tzippo
Susan Sloate

So he thought Obama and Biden were criminals.

So far, I’m right there with him, and so are millions of Americans.


They are crimals. Obama is not an American period.


So are you going to disembowl random Jews too, Susan?

Dave Kelly

IT’s Susie , NOT Susan , Susie.


Bro can you read?

Stinky Perfume

I can guess a two personality implant. One ran it’s useful course. Muslims who just like to kill the infidel exist. Any excuse will do, Jew or whatever but disembowel is like asking for crazy. Muslims who like to kill wives that cheat are like men can, women can’t. The women they are blaming aren’t even placed in brothels. They have take too much disorder and one day someone finds a way to take something of value from them.

There’s another narrative that all the military in USA is going to get raped by Chinese military.

Maybe someone has to give horn dogs their karma? IDK how it plays out. I wouldn’t have guessed why the Chinese fighting age males are coming in huge numbers was here for that.


JN: History tells us that if you let politicians break the law in an emergency, they would likely create an emergency so they could break the law.


Hegelian Dialect. They create the Drama and then swoop in in the Roles of “Hero”


Yup. They’re getting better at it after a few centuries. Izreal attacks Izreal under the guise of Hamas (who they created) and then blames ALL the Palestinian people for it, ….so they destroy their entire country for it and steal their land. But first, they need to kill a lot of BOTH Christian & Muslim Palestinians.

True patriot

Hey Baxter What happened all these past stories that you brought us? You tell us the beginning, but we never get Follow up on the conclusions. Examples are the 200 some traitorous American soldiers who swore allegiance. To biden They were all captured weeks and weeks ago and you tell us nothing. What about the deep state king pins semi king pins that have been caught And shipped off to guam or gitmo ? But not executed yet. Please get an assistant. !!!


He forgot about them and he didn’t write the conclusions…so that’s it. His imagination can only go so far.


He forgets/gets bored with story lines and they just fall off the list. Happens a lot. Takes a great deal of work to resolve all these tales in a way that pleases the audience.


It will end up as they ALL DO = the gallows.

Michael Tiner

Was his hatred for Obama & Biden all a sham as well? It seems there is more to his story that has yet been understood & revealed.

Dave Kelly

It’s a fictional tale so MB can create any ending he desires or an ending that will appease degenerate zionist satanist kike IDF whiners and cry-babie trolls and shut them up.


The Biden rageam is forcing Americans trapped in Israel to sign promisesary notes to repay all travel cost if they deside to be rescued by the U.S. Government oh this don’t surprise me look what they did for the Americans in Afgnastan!




Ethel is just a name for the loser “exile”
You Worthless TROLL !


Democrat: No war means No money
The press spent four years screaming that Donald Trump would start a nuclear war. Instead, we got the Abraham Accords, the first presidential visit to North Korea, the end of ISIS, stability in Ukraine, and a planned withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Under Joe Biden, that Afghan withdrawal became a national embarrassment. Israel is in its biggest war in half a century, and Europe is in its biggest war since the defeat of Hitler. Everyone is waiting in fear, wondering “what war will start next?”

Joe Biden’s foreign policy is a calamity.


The GOP platform for 2020 was literally nothing


You are a worthless nothing…


My take of your first statement: No war no money- war enriches the military industrial complex thus putting money in the pockets of politicians’ in both sides of the aisle.
Under JB, the Afghan withdrawal was a national embarrassment: The is by designed courtesy of the white hats whose ultimate goal is to destroy the Dem Party to stubble.
As for the current Israel vs Hamas war, the West lead by the U.S., so they can send aid to Israel while sneaking additional aid to Ukraine.


It’s more complicated than that…


There is a saying “War is the Best Business There Is” ~How all the Wealth in the World 🌍 is Created
( Rockefellers, Carnegies, Vanderbilts )
All the Wars created their wealth.
Now it’s high tech and Silicon Valley idiots supply all the weaponry.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teddi

He cold have very well heard Satan talking to him & thought it was Allah. Well, oK, they are one in teh same, but you know what I’m saying.


I hope they confiscate his copy of Blues for Allah. Degenerate Dead fan.

Country Girl

Thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for revealing this full bird imposter. Thanks Mike.


Let’s play a guessing game of the questionable “soldier.”

ZAAMIL el-ALAM is appearing brain-buggered having a mixture of contrived names to confound his “personal” enemies before premeditative murdering. THE TRUE IDENTITY OF THE USURPING IMPOSTER IS NOT YET KNOWN. His DNA blood type must be examined to trace his lineage location on Earth, and then, conduct a widespread investigation of his connections. Examine the specific historical names the USURPER hides behind.

Father Jesus says He gave the JEWS AS SLAVES to His Hebrews/Israel for MILLENNIA. Jews declare having DNA of White Family’s lineage from Noah’s progeny Sem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and Joseph [therein is Satan’s contrived half-breeds and inbreeds as was CAIN before the Great Flood to destroy Father Jesus’ “beloved offspring humans.”].

Father Jesus’ “beloved offspring humans” hierarchy: FAMILY, Tribe, Clan, Children

Noah’s 1st son SEM = White Family [blood type-A]: ARMY OF GOD/HEBREW/ISRAEL/CHRISTIANS
Joseph [12th Tribe of Hebrew Jacob/Israel that Father Jesus gave the birthright]
Daniels [Clan of 4th Tribe Judah royal title of Hebrew/Israel – Clan’s Children migrated by three events to northwestern Europe from BCE to AD (England, Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Saxon, Welsh, Celt, Goth, Gaul, and more).

Jews were left behind, and chose to usurp the Hebrew/Israel nation to gain power over the regions of Families, Tribes, Clans, and Children until Italy Rome and Middle Eastern Tribes and Clans forced Jews out by their falsified identity. Jews fled and hid in the eastern/southern European nation Khazar / UKRAINE, land of Russia since 10th Century. The same falsified ‘identity’ of Hebrew/Israel continues throughout the world by Jews’ falsified Masoretic and Talmud bibles.

Noah’s 2nd son JAPHETH = CAUCASIAN Family [blood type-B]
Timothy [Greek Tribe/Christian]

Noah’s 3rd son HAM = 1st son Cush BLACK Family [blood type-O] and 2nd, 3rd, 4th sons Mizraim, Put, and Canaan BROWN Family [blood type-B]
Alam [Arab BROWN Family; alam means “banner” to Muhammad prophet]. Pseudo surname ALAM emerged in FLORIDA in the late 19th Century … invaders/infiltrators.
El [a Romanized prefix instead of Arab Al prefix]

GUESS the identity of the questionable SOLDIER…. 


Holy F$&k, you are one crazy mother.


Think what he could accomplish if he used that brainpower for Good and not frivolous idiotic narratives.
In a word = Yes ( he is ).


Not so fats f-stick, you know exactly what he wrote don’t you.




We fight NOT Flesh & Blood but Forces of Darkness ( Spirits )


We were told to follow the Families – Yours & theirs.
Its who & what you are.


Impressive, I studied this a little deeper, …it explains a lot of unanswered questions.
Follow the Families!!!


Um, did they even have testing for blood types back then?


The winds are shifting sideways. Be alert.

J. Kyle

MB needs to change his site to Real Raw, Red Pill News…..if it weren’t Mr. Baxter, WE would be in the dark about what’s truly going on on this evil planet. I look forward to his posts daily and even go back in time to re-read previous posts just to get a positive vibe to know that DJT and the White Hats are in control.


TRULY going on? Oh you poor deluded soul


so the q retards who admittedly dont have proper resources 60 years into the plan are in control?

what specifically are they in control of?

the media? banking? food production? academia? weather controls?


We would tell you dipsh*ts, but,……….naw……we don’t give a rats ass about you idiots anymore – you’re lost in the fields.
We are leaving you behind with the wolves when the time comes because you’re a waste of time.

Michael R Davis

Caution: the deceitful israelis have let us down, sneak-attacked us before. They murder, betray Christians living there.They are not our friends, not our allies, are enemies of GOD, are major welfare parasites living off our national wealth.

Do not move our carrier fleets within range of israeli aircraft and missiles, nor within range of Hamas or Hezbollah missiles and rockets. Defenses could be overwhelmed by massive attacks.

Remember the USS Liberty cowardly israeli sneak attack in 1967.
Our enemies did that, murdering 34 Americans, 174 wounded.


Israel is not our enemy and “the cowardly sneak attack” was a mistake Israel apologized for, though I doubt that will have any impact on an anti-Semite like you. Ignoring the heinous, savage behavior of hamas and pointing to so-called Jewish crimes doesn’t make you much of a being.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tzippo
Sandy Thomas

Sure, Israel would make a mistake like that.

Sandy Thomas

I would just say, there is Israel, and then there is Israel. Just like there is the U.(Deep)S.tate, and then there is We the People. Just because one is anti-Mossad, does not make them anti-Semite.


That’s like saying that those who criticize Israel are not anti-Semitic, which is also untrue. Mossad is an intelligence organization, which is something I’m sure you know nothing about. Sorry but couldn’t resist.


🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 FUCK Israel, FUCK jews!!!


People forget that God said His people are a treasured possession to Him:

3Then Moses went up to God; the Lord called to him from the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the Israelites:
4You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.
5Now therefore, if you obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession out of all the peoples. Indeed, the whole earth is mine,
6but you shall be for me a priestly kingdom and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the Israelites.” Exodus 19:3-6

Michael R Davis

Do you see the word ‘jew’ in those scriptures? No?
GOD never calls His Israelite people ‘jews’.
In Revelation He calls the ‘jews’ the synagogue of satan, warning us to never trust them. Our people did not listen.
Now we have these Zionists trying to trick us when we should know better.


Same thing, they just hide behind words they create – get it?


“…if you obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession…” (Exodus 19:5). If they do not obey it’s obvious, they are not His “treasured possession”. Those supposed “treasured possession” rejected God twice (1) when rejected God as their King: “And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them” (1 Samuel 8:7); (2) they called for His crucifixion saying, “… His blood be on us, and on our children (Matthew 27:25).
Today all people, even biological Jews, can be God’s “treasured possession” if they accept God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ” as their Savior. The scripture plainly says, “… For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed” (“Romans 9:6-8).
“For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:26-29).
Those who “have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ”…”if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise”. Biological Jews that do not accept Christ Jesus as their Savior have no claim to the inheritance as Abraham’s seed and are not heirs to anything anymore than other unbelievers. No one persons is any better than any other: “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Romans 3:10-12). Obey our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ and He will save you regardless your ethnicity. Rejecting Jesus as your Savior will result in eternity without God and His blessings. Please, for the love of your own soul don’t let that happen.



Dave Kelly



Sandy’s correct the Mossad/CIA/MI6 are all Satan worshiping Black Hats, and these that criticize Israel are anti-Khazans as the current rulers of the Non-biblical Israel are Khazans and not Semitic. The problem seems to that current actual Hebrew lineage people seem to love being raped by Khazans.

Several months ago you lied telling us about how the Fake Jews were the BHs in the USA DS, but when it’s pointed out that the current Israel is run by Fake Jews you defend them as Real Jews, but they are Khazans that control Israel and in fact designed and gave the money to start Modern Israel., so now you literally lick the boots and rears of the Satan worshiping khazans.

Those that pick on the Mossad and even Israel are anti-Baal worshippers, so how do you feel about the Baal worshipping Planned parenthood.?

Dave Kelly

There are NO fake jews , there are just jews.


You never made a mistake? Do tell.


As human we do make mistakes that is the whole thing to learn from our mistakes. They want to make us into cyborg without a soul pity them that want that.

Proudly Unaffiliated

I doubt that will have any impact on an anti-Semite like you.

There it is! The leadership in Israel are Khazarian Satanists, not Jewish at all. They have deceived you, just like the devil himself, by cloaking themselves in Judaism. They are definitely not the Jews of the Bible.


I’m not deceived, and you don’t know what you’re talking about, so you can stop frothing at the mouth. Bibi isn’t for sure, and I doubt you can correctly comment on the others. If that’s what you believe about the Israeli leadership, then what about hamas?

BTW, my comment was also intended for you. Glad you caught it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tzippo
Leslie Parsons

Israel AND Hamas are both owned and operated by Deep State Khzarians.


It’s simple modern Israel was designed by the Rothschilds in 1917 and given startup money by Khazar groups in 1947, so you are either deceived or Satan worshipping scum.

Ron Unz a secular Jew went to several Jewish temples a few years ago and he said the Fake Jews and the Real Jews went to the same Temples everywhere, and in fact the Real Jews never shunned the Satan loving fake Jews, instead always approved of the Baal worshipping fiends.

So, whatever was the compact in Biblical times I’m sure that pact was long ago broken by those who allow Satan worshipers into their Temples with no opposition.


Yes they are, your beloved bible jews were also lying theiving murdering child sacrificing blood drinking scum fucks. Their god is lucifer. WTFU


You Worthless TROLL …POS..

Dave Kelly

ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. again there are just jews, no fake jews, just jews, satanist degenerate lowlife jews many of them are zionists as well, still jews. or better , kikes.


Fuck you stinking ass jew. Israel is the biggest enemy of the USA and of all good decent real humans on this planet. Israel is the source of most of the worlds evils and should be wiped off the face of the earth along with every piece of shit murdering scum fuck jew.



Dave Kelly

LoL yeah , FUCK YOU Xena , get a clue.


Chill. This sounds like a provocateur, the sort the makes those he supposedly supports, look like they too are raving haters. There is no point to hating an ethnicity, or any other trait that one is stuck with. Once the financial criminality is eliminated, nobody will be guilty anymore.

Last edited 1 year ago by Claire


Dave Kelly

ABSOLUTE TRUTH has been spoken, listen and LEARN , PEOPLE.

Michael R Davis

You mindless Zionist, a serpent from a brood of vipers serving satan.
My family is descended from Shem making me a Semite, descended from Eber making me a Hebrew, descended from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob making me an Israelite, descended from Joseph, Manasseh making me still an Israelite, now a Christian, making me a son of GOD washed by His blood.

Be gone with your worshipping of the wicked. You are fooling nobody.

Dave Kelly

YES and take Xena with you , cock-sucker.




Yes! Americans never forget and never forgive any of Satan’s half-breeds and inbreeds. We know who they are, and where they are on Earth.

Dave Kelly



Its like they’re everywhere manipulating the mass.
But it will come to pass as the people learn the truth – but only after the panic.
Then comes the pain.


Amen to that 🙏


There’s more than this one.

John .S

Got word NYPD & NCPD [Nassau County] presence is astounding, not venturing today, Triskaidekaphobia.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S
Mark David

Between the sides here, I would trust this Muslim any day before I trusted the KM Je4w. The Musllims aren’t trying to kill all non Muslims, but the KM Je4ws are trying to kill all non-Je4ws, aka CovJabs. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


First off, if some Jews were involved in that mess, doesn’t mean we all were. Bancel wasn’t Jewish, and neither was Fauci or Milley. Duh. Besides, if you trust the Muslims so much, I suggest you go to Gaza now. They’re even holding one of their American supporters hostage, so maybe you will join her.

Mark David

I SPECIFICALLY SAID ‘KM JE4Ws’.. Are you saying you are Khazarian Mafia? I don’t trust any Jew attached toi the KM, expecially Netahyahu who is a murdering scumbag of the lowest order.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David
Dave Kelly

Steven Bancel was a jew, YES Bancel was a jew , the he was EXECUTED, did he carry satanist jew with him in DEATH ?

Dave Kelly

Do some research Tzippo you are WRONG on this account.


They all worship Baal, Moloch, and Satan … hatched and sprang up from Hell.


They worship bofa too!


When Muslims build a mosque, they are claiming the land for Allah. No thanks.


Allah means God in their language.
Just thought I’d tell you.


Not all jews are Khazarians… go after the Khazarians, not the real Jewish believers.


Modern Israel is  Khazarian run 100%, as it was created by Rothschilds, and you can’t get anymore  Khazarian then the Roths. The People at the top are all  Khazarians, every last one. Israel is the very power center for the Khazars.

If the Jewish believers ally with the Khazars they need to wake up and attack the  Khazarians or be seen as on their side, I only see Real Jews defend the  Khazarians, time after time.

Dave Kelly

ALL jews Xena all satanist degenerate lowlife jews , practitioners of Judaism , church of satan . Go pick-up your copy of the TALMUD , Xena. study it again.


This is ALL part of the depopulation plan of the World by the DEEP STATE

Dave Kelly

and zionist satanist degenerate lowlife jews, members of the Deep State.


Kinda sorta, but with a twist – they need their enemies condemned before they even start a war. Lo & behold, its what Izreal did – attack themselves for attn and as a land grab. The US will Not put any Troops on their land, nor will they use any force. They also know that if they don’t, then Izreal will attack the Fleet to garner attn by blaming somebody else like they blamed Hamas – after they created Hamas.

Mark David

He doesn’t sound any crazier than the other side that calls all non-Jews “Goyim”, looks at us as Cattle ready for slaughter, follows the TALMUD for their ‘guidance’, rapes 3-year olds and sees nothing wrong with it, and wants all non-Jews dead, aka Covid Jabs. To make it fair, expose the other side for all of THEIR threats against non-Jews. And remember, Israel’s DUMBs are at least 10x worse than the DUMBs in Ukraine for child rape, child torture, adrenochrome production and stealing organs leaving children to die in horrible conditions.
Also remember that Netanyahu is a very high ranking KM Chief.
Questions? Comments?

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David
John .S

Then NYC’s Rabbi, ”’Menachem Mendel Schneerson”’ [Lubavitcher] high ranking Talmud.

Williamsburg’s “Satmar” sect are Talmud too.

Brooklyn’s Crown Heights [Eastern Parkway] and Williamsburg [Bedford Ave] loaded with them. Areas of Boro Park, Midwood has mixed bag of Hasidic. In Queens, Rego Park & Kew Gardens has abundance. Bronx is the Riverdale section.

Back when, NYPD could not cuff & stuff them, they get walked to police station for processing. Not sure if that still stands.

Believe it or not, they indulge in prostitution, frequenting [appointment house] brothels. They’re the biggest freak-a zoids as per conversations with madams and working girls.

Nassau County “Five Towns” big kosher nostra area, brothel closed.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

I know several people in that area personally, and your statement is a lie, making you a liar.


Eat shit and die jew.



Dave Kelly

NO there is NO stopping the condemnation and VANQUISHING of the satanist degenerate lowlife jews. You will be VANQUISHED as well Xena , you cast your lot with EVIL degenerate satanists Xena, You are CONDEMNED.

John .S

My writings must have hit home, suspect you personally know a rabbinical that was arrested for soliciting prostitution, caught naked in brothel, arraigned in Kew Gardens.

Those freakazoid rabbinicals hit brothel Friday morning, then go to migva, after that do minyan, hit bakery for rugelach all before sunset.

Dave Kelly

John , you have to know that Tzippo tagged along with these degenerate lowlifes, this could not be more obvious.


Kinda sounds like jew york city needs to go away. 🤔

John .S

All the areas I mentioned including it’s inhabitants are factual, I am NYC, Brooklyn & Queens my home turf, there everyday.

The commonality of kosher nostra areas are: all have fleet of little yellow school buses, especially Five Towns [Nassau County’s – Hewlett, Cedarhurst, Woodmere, Lawrence & Inwood], not to exclude Far Rockaway Queens not mentioned prior.


Perfect marksmanship straight from hip. Bravo.


People forget that God said His people are a treasured possession to Him:

3Then Moses went up to God; the Lord called to him from the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the Israelites:
4You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.
5Now therefore, if you obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession out of all the peoples. Indeed, the whole earth is mine,
6but you shall be for me a priestly kingdom and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the Israelites.” Exodus 19:3-6


Those who follow Christ’s Commandments NOT those who repeatedly sin.


You stop it, as you are wrong and sucking up to  Khazarian Israel,. You constantly lie about a Fake Jew/Real Jew divide, then you suck up to obvious .Satan worshipping Mossad/Israel  Khazarians. Just Look at Epstein Island a total Evil Mossad blackmail honeytrap.


Spot On. They are the scourge, no question.


We need this needless killing to stop soon…this is ALL orchestrated on BOTH SIDES. People being killed are being used as props in this nightmare of an optic movie. That is what I am beginning to see. Only God can stop this. Man has a clouded mind, it seems on BOTH sides of this spiritual war. Growing very weary and untrusting of what I can crucially think about all of this.

Mark David

If you depend on God, it ain’t gonna happen. God only helps those that help themselves.




If the Good do not do their part they are PART of the BAD. PERIOD
God does not help those that lay it all in his lap and don’t do what they can to stem the evil.


You scraped some poor bastard’s profile off LinkedIn or Facebook and turned him into a villain. Way to go. Good thing only a few people read this thing so maybe his life won’t be destroyed. Obviously that conscience and sense of morality are still not working.

I would have been disappointed if the major was not grizzled. It’s a requirement for promotion. Did he have rippling, iron-hard muscles too?


Tbh I think in this case MB completely made this dude up. Seems like there’s no record of someone by this name ever graduating West Point.


He’s writing about You Biggs


Interesting how the enemy lies deep and the only way to uncover them is when they think they’re wining show themselves up to be harvested like grapes!…..There is no escape but it’s still on going and maybe will be ongoing for a while yet?…..God Bless A All White Hats WW….🙏🙏🙏