Putin Bombs Big Pharma in Ukraine


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered the destruction of a Kyiv pharmaceutical laboratory suspected of manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines that reached the arms of Russian citizens.

The Farmak plant was flattened Wednesday night by hypersonic cruise missiles launched from a Russian frigate in the Black Sea, Real Raw News has learned. The blast and ensuing fireball killed approximately 150 employees, Russian intelligence sources told RRN.

FSB Agent Andrei Zakharov and Dr. Angelica Balabinov said on a call that Moderna had contracted Farmak to produce and distribute the clot shots across Eastern Europe. RRN has detailed Zakharov’s impressive credentials in the past. Dr. Balabinov is the FSB employee and immunologist who correlated the vaccines to a sudden surge of HIV among Russian citizens, prompting President Putin to shut down pharma plants in Russia, destroy vaccine stockpiles, and summarily execute medical professionals that defied his edict outlawing COVID-19 vaccines in the Russian Federation.

In October, the FSB acquired intelligence suggesting that Farmak had created a figurative pipeline by which its representatives had smuggled the deadly vaccines across the border and set up clandestine inoculation centers to jab willing Russian citizens. Like people in every country, the Russian populace has been duped into believing boosters save lives, and, according to Zakharov, throngs of naive people are still clamoring for a jab.

On October 17, the FSB and Moscow police raided Boxberry–a delivery service for online stores and other long-distance trade companies–and found dozens of boxes holding identical products: COVID-19 vaccines. The employees were arrested, and the vaccines were sent to the Ministry of Science for chemical analysis.

“They traced the vials back to Farmak,” Dr. Balabinov said. “This is very disheartening; as we’ve seen before, a toxicological analysis showed the vials had venom from the Caspian cobra.”

A week later, the Russian Army, on Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu’s orders, stormed a St. Petersburg church where Doctors Without Borders was administering “influenza” vaccines to masses of Russian citizens.

“We believed these flu shots were really COVID-19 shots and mislabeled on purpose, and the people knew this,” Zakharov said.

The physicians and nurses, and a handful of citizens, were “detained” for interrogation.

“Yes, at first, they said they just wanted an influenza shot. But we broke them, and they admitted the truth: The shots were boosters,” Zakharov said.

“That lot also came from Farmak,” said Dr. Balabinov. “And again, we found venom.”

At that juncture, Zakharov said, the FSB planted undercover agents in Farmak to verify the company was indeed pumping out the potentially lethal jabs. Having confirmed the clot shots’ presence, the agents reported their findings to the Ministry of Defense, which then informed Putin.

“We do not, how you say, dilly dally. President Putin, you know, is a humanitarian, not the warmonger the West says he is. He struck the plant at night when fewer people were there,” Zakharov said.

The undercover agents had determined the Farmak ran three round-the-clock shifts, and 75-150 employees worked the graveyard shift instead of the 350-500 on the other shifts.

A Russian warship in the Black Sea, Zakharov said, fired a volley of 3M22 Zircon hypersonic cruise missiles, which travel at Mach 9 and can defeat air defense systems, at the Farmak plant. The barrage razed the compound to the ground—no wall was left standing.

“These demons, all of them, must be dealt with. If they bring their poisons into Russia, they are fair game. President Putin—he will not allow these filth here,” Zakharov said.

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richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

id like to know why in the fiddly fuck our military are still letting americans get slaughtered by jabs ill tell ya on mt desert island maine people are dropping like flies bout time to go arrest our governor id say dont you think jag??????? fucking chem trails getting sprayed on us steadilly too by time theyre done we wont have a tree left in maine alive!!! im not a tree hugger but them dying off because theyre getting poisoned and rotting not being used that bothers the fuck out of me

Kay Mitchell

Making every month extra dollars by doing an easy job Online. Last month i have earned and received $18,539 from this home based job just by giving this only 2 hrs a day. Easy to do work even a child can get this and start making money Online. Get this today by follow instruction on this website………… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Kay Mitchell

Mr Michael Baxter: Whoever posted the advertisement above, is using my name.

Is that permissible on your site?

I do object and request that you prevent it from continuing to happen.

Thank you in advance,
from the real and the first “Kay Mitchell” to post on RRN.


So, just to get this right, ya ain’t making $9,500 per week?




Next to Trump he is on my A-OK list

orange julius

These people won’t stop until they are executed. So great to read about another successful mission.

Kay Mitchell

I’m making $90 an hour working from. home. r I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me she prescribed for me to attempt it simply Everybody must try this job now by just
using this website……. W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m

Kay Mitchell

Mr Michael Baxter: Whoever posted the advertisement above, is using my name.

Is that permissible on your site?

I do object and request that you prevent it from continuing to happen.

Thank you in advance,
from the real and the first “Kay Mitchell” to post on RRN.

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

he probably figured it out the first time you posted it theres nothing he can do except ban you both i think he said in the past so suck it up airborne! and drive on!🤣😉👍😁

Kay Mitchell

Mr Michael Baxter: Whoever posted the advertisement above, is using my name.

Is that permissible on your site?

I do object and request that you prevent it from continuing to happen.

Thank you in advance,
from the real and the first “Kay Mitchell” to post on RRN..

Rene Labre

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 10 months ago by Rene Labre

They need to do this here in the U.S. and publicly.

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

absolutely this pussy footing around for the birds but they have the looking glass they see what outcome happens whether they do a…. or b… or even plan c then when the future looks good they know which one to do! hooah! 525th infintry thats down at Ft Bragg on ardense 82nd airborne they should have got off on a mental plea they say were 80% nuts for jumping out of a planes to start with and if theyd seen combat well 100% ptsd

Last edited 10 months ago by richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired

The people in media and Hollywood who called pizzagate a hoax now stand with Israel.

Joe Biden
Hilary Clinton
John Podesta
Alan Dershowitz
Bill Gates
Jamie Lee Curtis
Oprah Winfrey
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
Meghan McCain
Seth Myers
King Charles
Prince William
Kate Middleton
Meghan Markle
Prince Harry
Kim Kardashian
Chrissy Teigen
John Legend
LeBron James
Ellen DeGeneres
Jamie Lee Curtis
Sarah Silverman
Mark Hamill

How many pedophiles can suppport Israel until mathematically impossible?

Subscribe: Edward Snowden✅ Private.


I watched Dershowitz on Rumble last month showing off his baseball memorabilia and the cameraman caught his left ankle whereby homeboy is sporting a GIANT | SMART monitor! THE man has been reported under house arrest since 20 by Amg-news! It is nice to see all the 🧛‍♂️ locked up until they are all ZEROED for drinking sooooo much baby 🩸!!!!!! I bet he is singing like a canary to keep his dumb $$A alive for NOW!


Doesn’t AMG-news regurgitate what is reported by RRN?

Dave Strickland

“A lot”? I count only three confirmed deceased as per RRN reporting: Clinton, Podesta, and Gates, with Teigen apprehended by the military at a get together.


They lying to you.

All dead


Which ones, other than the ones on who you reported?


Yet their dopple gangers are still with us.

Kay Mitchell

Mr Michael Baxter:
Someone is posting those tired old ads using my name but of course a different thumbnail pic.

Is that permissible on your site?

I do object and request that you prevent it from continuing to happen.

Thank you in advance,
from the real and the first “Kay Mitchell” to post on RRN.

Kay Mitchell

Mr Michael Baxter:
Someone is posting those tired old ads using my name but of course a different thumbnail pic.

Is that permissible on your site?

I do object and request that you prevent it from continuing to happen.

Thank you in advance,
from the real and the first “Kay Mitchell” to post on RRN…


Filth. Absolute filth. Filthy persons. How many are of reptilian origin?


“legions” the Demon said.



Marta Limberg

Putin has the correct way of dealing with the Deep State. Out right obliteration of the manufacturing facilities for the bio weapons as well as the people running the facilities. At the core are the “black” royalty and reptilian shape shifters who control the operations. How did humanity find themselves in this mess? Follow the money trail!


Could not agree more. Criminals against humanity which is against God/Source in essence. They chose dark. Remove.


Putin signed into law on Monday a change to the country’s constitution that will allow him to run for two more six-year terms, granting himself the chance to remain in power until 2036.

Michael R Davis

Good news. Trump should get two more terms.

Lucky star

4 more at least..one for 2017-2021 due to disruption by those dep state, one for 2020 stollent election

Guillaume DesChamp

Sure. Just throw out the Constitution. Who needs it, anyway?

Michael R Davis

Your Communist Globalist buddies have already thrown out the Constitution. Trump is bringing back a revitalized more powerful Constitution.

Guillaume DesChamp

Really? And who is writing this new and improved Constitution?


Your ghost did

Guillaume DesChamp


Michael R Davis

Doesn’t need to be rewritten. Just lawfully applied, strictly adhered to, taught properly in school again, along with our history, along with GOD’s Law which our Constitution is based upon. You do comprehend the word revitalized? No?


He is just provoking people for a rise.


Hello, that’s what these demons have done since 1871.


Well done, Putin.


Man I love the way Putin deals with criminals, no mercy.


Putin protects his country and his people. I have to say that I agree with his philosophy, the demons will most probably have to be eliminated – they crave the greed and the power and will only return to their bad deeds. We need to pray that God guide us and protect all of those who are not a part of this.

John .S

Off topic for Sunday morning coffee.

Had Z-Gens aka, Femboys’ [college kids] going fagdom crazy outside Starbucks -, totally sissy meltdown via my current vehicle window writings.

Said: “there’s four of you, and one of me, I’m giving you the opportunity to test your manhood to throw me a beatdown” – they declined my gracious offer, like the sissys they are.

What was hilarious, one of them was brandishing his wanna-be tough guy tattoos, I told him to: “retrieve his genitalia from his so-called girlfriend’s pocketbook so I can scalp your transgender man bun for a trophy”.

OMG, almost pissed myself with laughter, many alfa-male boomers experiencing bladder control via the onset of old age.

John .S

I’m sorry, was thoughtless of me not scripting my window writings.

Attention Z-Gens
pack up your stuff,
Middle East war awaits you.
Thank the Democrats for that.
Femboys sodomized if taken prisoner.

Having a blast with my psy-op. Had few popo interactions via cop calling Karens, no action taken.


Lol, That reminds me of my 5mo’s in Davidson cnty jail, There were two young really racist black boys 18/20 yr olds, I’m in the bath room when one of them came in as i was leaving he said old man i’m going to kick ur ass, as he approached me i put his nuts up under his belt he hit the floor on his knees then i round housed him in the side of the head and there it ended, There was two more coming in as i walked out i told them they might wanna chk that guy out laying in the floor he just fell over there! The next day i told him if he ever decided to kick my ass agin he might wanna be at least half way thru before he tells me! Oh BTW did i mention i was 72 at the time??? BTW agin, CEO walked by my bunk the next day & said Mr B=== i said yes & he gives me two thumbs up,,,

Guillaume DesChamp

What were you in for?


Filing liens against the internal robbery service! Signed my own name and they called it forgery and fraud! We were trying to get our cestui que trust acc.

Guillaume DesChamp



Do a search on the paper terrorist’s they actually made up a this name for the guy’s!!!

Rene Labre



Yep Davidson cnty,


Thanks for sharing. I’m thrilled that this turned out well. Those pussies needed a smack down and you did it well. However, my good bold man, take care that you always stay on the right side of the ‘thin blue line.’

The only time anyone is authorized to engage in an act of violence against another is if you believe you are under threat of ‘severe bodily harm.’ ‘Stand your ground’ ‘castle doctrine’ is legal now in any common sense state (god hep you if you live in a dem stronghold though) which translates that you can legally remain in position when attacked – you do not have a duty to retreat. Once attacked, you have the right to defend yourself, even to the point of discharging a firearm, and taking a life. Cameras and video is always going to be helpful when the police arrive, who will arrest and put one through due process, to ensure you didn’t commit murder.

However, in the instance you articulated above, I suppose a jury could reason that you helped instigate a potential violent situation, so be aware of that. My technique is to thrash them with words and statements and hard truth just like you did, that rip to their core exposing their cowardice and evil, yet I never cross the line of implying any physical violence.

I did this recently to a black female she-boon, (I loudly proclaimed her and her constituency’s sins) after the hangry, black beast blasted her horn at me in a Chick-fil-a drive through simply because I was a MAGA white boy. After I boldly proclaimed exactly what the truth of her was, she phoned her black flying monkey 300lb, 6’2” boy friend who raced to the scene from his gubment housing and proceeded to block me in the drive thru with his car while his black demon bitch blocked me in from the rear and he attempted to enter my vehicle. I said not a word but did show him the business end of a Kimber 45 caliber pointed right at his chest. The black, marxist, satan possessed, baby killing supporter was smart enough to back away while I called the police –

When the cops got there, the Chick-fil-a manager, a soy boy like you describe above, was yelling out that *I* was the problem, and so the black cop happily cuffed me (he danced and skipped a jig as he got him a white boy!) and let the black nigger and his she boon bitch yuk it up and take selfies. Being cuffed is not fun – it’s horrific. . Meanwhile, a dozen other police arrived and they reviewed the in store video, .. they were all shamed and embarrassed that they got it all so wrong – they uncuffed me, handed me back my weapon, and went in to the store and got me the meal I had payed for. They (the city police) then all stood semi-circle as I preached out loud to them the errors of their ways and how blacks are running amok in America.

As a retired military man, Eagle Scout and model citizen, I could have sued the living shit out of Dan Cathy and made him shove that now infamous shoe shine kit up his tight ass.

I chose not to. Suing is not my style. Trusting my God for His vengeance IS.

Make no mistake, both Dan and the blacks, the FBI, the CIA, the Dems, the Rhinos, the 501c3 church, the wicked self serving officers in the U.S. military, the soy boys, the lib Karens, they will all *reap as they have sown.* God is not mocked.

But I am absolutely stunned to see how far this nation has been brain washed to call evil good and good evil.

God sees all, and is currently resolving all of this. Stay hopeful on that line, keep your bullets dry, pray, and stay on the right side of the law. If you do find yourself in an emotional engagement with the enemy, do not cross that thin blue line, but be ready to defend yourself and others if need be. Get your concealed weapons permit, so that you know the law, become proficient with a firearm, or learn to use a knife – I recommend study of IDF kravmaga knife fighting tactics on YouTube.

We live in perilous times and are surrounded by demons, but America ‘ain’t dead yet,’ and you aren’t either. Keep the faith, don’t look for trouble but square off on evil and be bold enough to call it what it is.

One more thing; don’t fear what they can do to you – job loss, threats of social disbarment – none of it is anything you should fear. Our God is well able to provide for His children. He is mighty, and can easily reach down from heaven. I lost my job because I went to see the POTUS speak on 6 Jan at my own capital, so I am an expert on this line.

This message was for the children of God. It was not for the children of the devil. My message to the children of the devil is same as always; you and your grisly gang go do your worst, we will do our best.

Last edited 10 months ago by EdBob
John .S

*WRONG* “The only time anyone is authorized to engage in an act of violence against another is if you believe you are under threat of ‘severe bodily harm” – *not when you call them out Man-to-Man and they except the challenge. Been on that rodeo a few times.

Myself called-out two bar bouncers, Man-to-Man, I eff them up, hospitalize one of them, ambulance & PoPo the whole magilla, assault charges dropped.

Last edited 10 months ago by John .S
American Living in Canada

I suggested to a guy we take a walk outside at a local establishment a lifetime ago.. didn’t know he just got out of the joint a couple of days prior.. was hit-tin on my good look’in gal.. found out later his aka name was “Lurch” I didn’t do too well against him… But man.. what a night with my good look’in Gal.

Rene Labre

I thought a man with longer hair looked cool with a ponytail.

Rene Labre

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 10 months ago by Rene Labre

Senator Barack Obama – Bio Lab Connection in Ukraine, 2005.

Ukraine has been the slimes honeypot for a long time.

Here’s Obama getting his share of the lucrative bio-lab pie.

🇺🇸Share this far and wide 🇺🇸!



Hi, B T–link didn’t work–how can I make it go to intended destination? Thank you!!

Michael R Davis

You have to belong to Telegram which is very risky in my opinion.

Stinky Perfume

Does it depend on who is after who? People just joining to read might not be on a hit list.


Download Telegram.

I have been using Telegram since 2020 election. ( No Facebook, no twitter, no YouTube )

Very cool, App. And safe for MAGA.

Or try Mac OSX and PC versions. I got them too.

My sole news source.


I removed Telegram when I saw how much space it took on my iPhone. It was enormous!!

Anne Stallybrass

I value Telegram hugely for getting info, comms, laughs, and nice sensitive stuff. Wouldn’t have a Smartphone on principle – know too much about electrosensitivity etc – so it’s on my PC.

Dave Strickland

I also lack ownership of a smartphone on principal: it’s only because they are 99% made by slave labour (as I am given to understand).




Guess what? You are an arsehole


Oh damn man the truth really hurts don’t it??? The only thing he left out was the fact that he was not PRESIDENT! He was the pedodent queer and Big Mike’s plaything, Why do you suppose his chef drowned in 8′ of water and him over 6′ and a great swimmer!!!

Mike Huntsucker

What makes him an asshole…thats the honest truth….




Very true as no N!663R should be allowed to bare RULE over any nation but his in Afrika! There you will find all sorts of degenerates, cannibals and rat eating coons that look and smell like Hussein! They all need to be shipped there, along with every J00 under their armpits!


Another Fed.

Both ‘Bob’ and ‘Big Ed’ are controlled op Feds, who came up with tags to mirror, disrupt and confuse the very powerful, truth filled posts that I make.

The one and only EdBob


I am far from a fed, man…… I loathe all taxpayer funded work as it is all legalized theft!

Annette Payne


Kay Mitchell

You sound like an ignorant thug.


Welcome to RealRawRacism<dot>com!

Rene Labre

Known crackhead,Bathhouse Barry.


J.S.U.K That’s not senator B.O its sinister BO, & Jookraine!!!


I’ll bet Russia doesn’t have any Chem trails in their sky’s.


oh Jen, I went out early this morning and the air was so fresh and the sky a beautiful cerulean blue but – the spraying had already started – within the hour the sky was covered with those trails that spread out so wide – it will be a harsh hazy white sky soon and the refreshing cool air will become oppressive and stifling

never will I be convinced they are spraying the “good stuff” now because it looks exactly the same and strayed in big Xs

if we are winning this war between good and evil and if WHs have DEW capabilities WHY have these trails not diminished?

i have yet to hear a common sense explanation to this question

Someone Else

Assume we’re being lied to.

About everything.

Jonathan Ray Carmona

Isn’t it obvious? the Deep State still has a giant Military Industrial Complex active and working with a large chunk (possibly majority) of the Military on tehri side so OF COURSE they are still spraying us. Come on now – this is not hard to figure out. They still Fluoridate our city water, GMO our foods, and naturally still spray our air.

Until the Biden’s and Obamas and entire Deep State apparatus is toppled, don’t expect to see chem-trail free skies; though we may get another break form that if Trump get’s back in office.

Annette Payne

Seems we need Putin over here to take care of the situation described.

Rene Labre

Some very heavy racist overtones in some comments.I could live with a brilliant black person as our President.Obama-Soros was not that.Now look at who he was running against,John Mcain, a miserable traitor no better than Soros.


yeah I agree JRC
question: do you see the deep state ever being toppled?
I used to believe in trump before he even ran in 2016 but not so sure now
simple truths never see the light of day – ie: US has been bankrupt since 2019, pedo satanists run the world, jabs are bioweapons – this needs to be on the news 24/7!
instead, twisted narratives just keep morphing into greater more complex lies
I have seen all this coming since I was a child in the 50s – always knew the media was demonic – always knew the history books are lies! Everything is a lie – elections have always been tampered with no matter when or which country …
MB’s reports are good and I believe they tells us a little about what’s going on
if the chemtrails are still in my sky – well – it’s not a good tangible sign is it


The Expose’ had a UK pilot interview from 24 Nov. Excellent deep dive.

In brief, “2Excel”, a UK shell company founded and staffed by former RAF pilots, uses older cargo 727’s operating out of Doncaster pretty much non-stop. Last year they were paid about $41 mil. And you’re right, it’s been going on a long time.

However, operating aircraft is expensive, I work for an aviation company and we charge min. $20k per hour of active flight time, and $15k just to be on-call. Prices only go up from there. When times are good, you’re basically printing your own money.

That said, the MINUTE a contract dries up or gov-agency loses their funding, you’re in immediate financial peril! I’ve seen hundreds over the last 2 years take early retirement or just quit and our headcount is a fraction of its former self. Water cooler says we’ll be belly up within the year. Frankly I see that as ‘optimistic’.

But for the Deep State, CT’ing is a cornerstone of their depopulation agenda. They’ll continue to move money around to make sure these dark ops continue to get fed. No matter where they pull the $’s from. So probably NOT a “leading indicator”. IMHO.

Someone Else

“deep state” is a mentality.

corporations and governments, as themselves, are nothing. it’s the people that comprise them, and the stock holders that drive them, that are the problem.

until that mentality is changed, down to the lowest petty tyrant at the local HOA, it’s an endless battle.

Anne Stallybrass

Never never never hope to change someone else’s mentality. But what I can do is change my own. And from that comes all the power needed to change the world.

And with chemtrails, TRUTH is important. I’ve met so many who call every single visible contrail a chemtrail. Emotion In, Science Out simply causes problems. Some contrails are just that. Contrail formation depends on relative humidity which depends on temperature, pressure and altitude as well as water content. The main chemtrail giveaway is consistently equidistant parallel lines. No other pattern comes close to being proof.

Last edited 10 months ago by Anne Stallybrass
Above Reproach

If Trump announces that he will abolish every single jet that farts crap out of the back side in favor of the ones that you see flying that have apparently nothing coming out of them. 95% of the American population will vote for him ! Come to think of it, way less jets were doing this during his tenure as president.


At least in the UK, these aviation shell corp’s are able to skirt reg’s by claiming their flight certification is for oil spill mitigation. Supposedly their reason for being is to aerially deploy detergents to counter and contain maritime tanker spills. So we can reasonably conclude their CAA is being paid off too as obviously there aren’t tanker mishaps 24/7/365.

So how do they work around flight paths over LAND? They’ll be given a secondary designation to combat “forest fires”.


vented gas cans, fluoridated city water and  chem-trails are low on any president’s list; just saying.

Above Reproach

I see jets flying across the sky as high or even higher than the Chemical Weapons jets, Nothing comes out of them 0, and if it was vapor because of the difference in temperature, the ones that fly are generally way higher than the chemical jets. Yet again proving that what ever the current government says is just a complete and utter Lie.
When a Democrat speaks he’s lying, when he’s not speaking, he’s thinking up his next lie. Period…


Last July we attended a child’s birthday party just outside Salem, OR. Absolutely beautiful day. Until around 1pm. Started with a single white streak in the sky at approx. 10K’. Then another, and another! All in grid, non-sensical flight patterns. By 3pm the sky turned white and hazy as you’ve described.

Additionally, the refraction from aluminum oxide, strontium and barium create an unnatural glare. Unlike natural sunlight. It’s irritating to the eye even with sunglasses and impossible to turn away from.

We’re accustomed to seeing -contrails- off passenger jets descending into PDX from SFO but these trails start N/S and then are crisscrossed E/W. Who pays to have planes fly around in grid patterns w/ no clear destination..?



Above Reproach

I actually think you’re 100 % on target.

Sandy Thomas

On this particular comment.


The synagogue of satan.
You are correct.

Rene Labre

I don’t think he is that bad of a guy.


Very easy to see that this is not at all a real poster. It’s a controlled op Fed whose goal is to disrupt truth and confuse new readers.

They like to use the smear tactic that Trumpers are lunatics. Nothing could be further for the truth. Trumpers and the white hat alliance are the only thing standing in the way of marxist new world order takeover.


Insulting the Jews is controlled op?? Lol

Huck Finn

When you say ASHKE-NAZI, whom do you exactly refer to? I hope it designates Bolshevik fake Nazis as in Ukraine. Let us not put a negative light on Hitler, when he protected Christian Germans living in Poland that were being persecuted and murdered by Polish Bolshevik commies before WW2. Furthermore Hitler was a major advocate and supporter of God fearing Christian churches everywhere. He put Germany on the Gold standard, created zero unemployment making Germany most prosperous country on Earth. Hitler arrested and ran the Rothschilds out of Germany, and became the victim of MSM fake Rothchild owned news media Just like Trump. He had back up plan (like Trump) before war even started. If you can find it, Trump’s speech in Berlin, Germany where he praises Hitler’s accomplishments. Do not post.

Anne Stallybrass

Source? David Irving is very one-sided, only mentions the things that suit his story. Having said which, no doubt there were pockets of light in the cesspools of Hitler’s mind. He was demonically possessed. Maybe putting Germany back on the gold standard was one good thing he did. But he was ultimately responsible for the concentration camps, the behaviour of the German invaders, the invasion of not just Poland but a lot more, and the misery and loss of freedom into which the people of those countries were forced. My mother lived through it, saw it first-hand. Don’t give me propaganda.

Huck Finn

You know why there are no shortage of holohoax survivors ? Because they all survived. Yet another brainwashed zionist stooge. My grandfather fought in hand to hand combat in WW1. Checkmate.


The Holocaust was not a hoax. Real people died there and real Nazis were punished for it.


Want to try that again?
In the aftermath of the Nazi invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, over 750,000 Poles were killed in the line of defending their country from the Nazis and the Soviets. Hitler loved the Ukrainian Nazis, and over 100,000 Poles were killed in the massacres of Volhynia and other towns by the OUN. He was also friends with Ustachi leader Ante Pavelic of Croatia during the war.
Over the course of the war,  some reports say 6,000,000-10,000,000 Poles were killed – military,  civilian and partisan alike, not to forget the 3,000,000 Polish Jews included in those fatalities.
Now tell me again Hitler was protecting the Polish Christians, who are really Roman Catholics, because Poland is a Roman Catholic country.  

  1. If he was protecting them,  then why were so many Poles  killed?
  2. Why was Gen. Wladyslaw Sikorski killed over Gibraltar on July 4th 1943 when he stood up to Stalin demanding answers to why 22,000 Polish officers, nobility, clergy, intelligentsia  and intellectuals and dissidents were murdered in 1940 by the NKVD on Stalin’s direct order signed by him?
  3. Why did UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill ignore Witold Pilecki’s undercover report about Poles, Jews, and anyone anti-Hitler being enslaved, tortured and killed in Auschwitz?
  4. Why did US President Franklin Roosevelt   ignore Witold Pilecki’s undercover report about Poles, Jews, and anyone anti-Hitler being enslaved, tortured and killed in Auschwitz, despite being concerned for getting the Polish American vote in 1940 and 1944?
  5. How was Hitler protecting Irena Sendler if she had to rescue and evacuate 2,500 children from the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942–43, and the Nazis arrested and tortured her after the fact?
  6. Why did Churchill refuse to help stop the killing in Majdanek concentration camp when Ms. Lucyna Tomaszewska wrote a letter to him, asking him to help the prisoners after Sikorksi was killed?
  7. How did Hitler protect the Poles when, in August 1944, at least 40,000 civilians (men, women, and children) were methodically rounded-up and executed by the Einsatzkommando of the Sicherheitspolizei under Heinz Reinefarth’s command and the SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger, named after that Nazi paedophile Oscar Dirlewanger, on the direct orders of Heinrich Himmler?
  8. If Hitler protected the Poles, why was Gestapo officer Fritz von Ballusek allowed to be the commandant of Jedrayow (one report says Krakow) while sexually molested little children and then killing them in the crematoria afterwards? This same man was taken to court when a little girl, Liselotte Haas, was found raped and murdered on the side of the road years afte the war ended.
  9. Why did other similar massacres take place in the areas of Śródmieście (City Centre), Stare Miasto (Old Town) and Marymont districts?
  10. Why, between 1939 and 1945, at least 1.5 million Polish citizens were deported to German territory for forced labor by the Nazis?
  11. Why were more than 200,000 Poles were killed by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
  12. Did you know Auschwitz was the first Nazi concentration camp built to get kill  the Poles first before they started bringing in the Jews for killing? A Polish  survivor from the Nazi camp of Auschwitz, now  living in America, told his story of his time in that camp before the Nazis built Birkenau-Auschwitz II and Auschwitz III, along with Stutthof and all the other camps throughout occupied Europe. He said Polish people were put there first and them the Jews came later. He was one of the batches of Poles that were incarcerated here first. 
  13. How was Hitler protecting him if he and other Poles got arrested and locked up in Auschwitz, and what crime did he commit other  than breathing?

Although reports vary, Poland lost 10% of its total population at war’s end.
If Hitler was protecting the Poles, including Polish Christians as you say he did, why did he build Auschwitz to lock them up and torture and kill them in a processed manner after he attacked Poland? You don’t protect a country by attacking its lands and enslaving its populace and killing its citizenry.    

Above Reproach

I do believe that if Trump announces that when he becomes president again that he will in fact shoot down any jet spraying shit in the sky. Have all persons involved in Chem trails Shot rather than hung. It’s so much less expensive, and 0 fanfare. One shot from a group Of 12 marksmen so no one pulling the trigger will know who had the live round. If he says it the amount of people voting for him will go up to 95 % of the population. Every freaking day I look into the Sky and see filthy disgusting poison billowing out of jets crisscrossing our skies ! And now the poison includes crap that will kill your pets dogs and make you sick too. How do you think they got COVID spread across the entire world in such short order. Don’t even try to tell me it was from person to person, or we all have Bats and Pengalens
having unprotected sex In cages in our living rooms. Or 90% of the entire population eats bat wing soup. If it was truly that the death toll would be less than Bidens I Q, and that number is equal to the intelligence of a Chicken . If anyone reads this and owns chickens tell them I’m sorry for the comparison reference.


The entire “Wuhan wet market” ploy sounded insulting from the start. Really! You guys are going w/ THAT!? Uh.., sure.

I’ve heard in addition to their go-to’s of aluminum oxide, strontium and barium the ALSO throw in viruses, human DNA and plasma. Why not CV?

“the death toll would be lower than Biden’s IQ” So stealing that! Lol

Someone Else

Fervent prayer also removed active chem trailing.

Try it sometime.

The children of God are above them.

Dave Strickland

Apparently there are instances of ethereal wispy-looking clouds which are termed sylphs (I’ve seen photos of them), and these are an agency used to attack and dissolve lingering trails from CT operations: they swallow them up. It is said they are directly from the divine and appear in response to prayer. Educate-yourself dot org has or had a lot to say about them.
Apparently there are instances of ethereal wispy-looking clouds which are termed sylphs (I’ve seen photos of them), and these are an agency used to attack and dissolve lingering trails from CT operations: they swallow them up. It is said they are directly from the divine and appear in response to prayer. Educate-yourself dot org has a lot to say about them.

Last edited 10 months ago by Dave Strickland

They want that exclusive to the west.

Aka Europe genocide


Putin said: “imagine a world with no west”

King Kong

about damn time. Nazi Ukraine had bioweapons, Clone labs. Human kidnapping tunnels. Biden island was connected to the tunnels. No one ever talked about Ukraine now we know why.


…you forget very lucrative…anodochrome(spel) labs..

Michael R Davis

Adrenochrome – very addictive

https ://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90×75/images/7e6456e3a480b1d13068988833444a452bee7f06d11932c795231783f211ffcb_1.jpg

https ://namesuppressionnz.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/adrenochrome.jpg

https ://namesuppressionnz.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/adrenochrome-31.png

https ://redebarreto.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/0da46-1gcltil8idot9sf0ywrl-sq.png

Annette Payne

Are you saying telegram has bad information and we should not pay attention to it or did I misunderstand you?

Michael R Davis

No. When I tried to join, they demanded far too much personal information for my liking, so I declined. As far as I know, their information is as good as other social platforms, assuming we research each nugget properly.

Anne Stallybrass

Curious. I was not aware of any sensitive info leaving me when I got Telegram installed. And boy, am I glad I joined! There’s a lot of rubbish there but there’s info that’s fun, checkable, and really useful re. what’s going on, how to detox, ET stuff, DUMBS, etc etc etc. And so many channels open up to explore. I found little problem with ads.

BioClandestine. Ultra Pepe Lives Matter. Far more than I can list.

Above Reproach

I just don’t understand why he hasn’t just turned the leadership into nano particles of dust . What the hell is he waiting for ? If I was him, bugs would be the only thing crawling around.

Anthony Gregory

It will never end until ALL western governments are flattened.
I’ll be waiting with deck chair crate of beer n crisps to watch parliament disintegrated.


G&t’s for me. Parliament is collapsing. The back benchers do the real work for their constituents. There’s light at the end of the tunnel.

Above Reproach

Along with thousands of little children in cages in them tunnels.


Well as president Trump said they have it all. They are dismantling the whole satanic cabal Network. They’re trying to do this methodically and carefully to prevent as many deaths as possible. They believe doing it suddenly could bring on riots and Civil Wars. In the meantime people are dying still from the cabal. Stay safe, fight on!

Annette Payne

So which is better, get rid of them all at once or do it slowly like we are and let them continue to ruin America until sometime in the future?


It’s about tipping points. These crooked “governments” internal implosions are setting off chain reactions. Taking down the IMF, WHO, UN along w/ central banks with them.

I won’t disagree though, as Simon Parkes has noted, real people are getting hurt in the process so enough with this “get popcorn and enjoy the show”. The suffering is real.

However, if the Georgia Guidestones are, well any guide, the Cabal wanted to eliminate 13 out of 14 of us. The DS has tons of depopulation weapons at its disposal. We know our food supply is undoubtedly tainted, but what are the good guys supposed to do? Tell everyone not to eat until the last one of them is in jail or executed..?

Tough choices all around, and that’s not an accident.

Above Reproach

The slow burn is getting old. I want the remaining purps Ripped off like a crusty old bandage. Just do it and let the chips fall where they may.

Michael R Davis

This is a World War, Globalists against an Alliance of about 100 nations.
There are many casualties in a war.
Commander-in-Chief Trump is trying to keep our casualties to a minimum, enemy casualties to a maximum. Good against evil; good will prevail GOD willing.

Annette Payne

That is a good thing, BUT while it is being done slowly more and more bad is happening like illegals killing and raping us, protesters who do not even understand what they are protesting about concerning Palestine, congress voting for bad things against good and the list goes on. He wants lives saved but in the meantime lives are being destroyed. Come back with military and get it over once and for all. Put teachers in who are not brainwashing students, etc.

Annette Payne

And of course covid shots continue in the US which will likely kill more people. There is a time for slow and a time to get it done already.

Michael R Davis

BEWARE of FAKE News exaggerations, outright lying, attempting to panic us. JAG built those extra 200 cells at Camp Blaz, Guam in order to shut down the FAKE News, to end the propaganda, to replace the liars with truthseekers. Truth will unite us. The truth will set us free.

Annette Payne

I wish we knew they were filled up. How will anyone know what is happening as long as they are getting clones or fakes to fill their places. The same thing keeps going on. Also Trump said something big was going to happen this month. Do you know what it is? Has it happened behind the scenes? If he told us it was going to happen then if it were behind the scenes how would we know? Not much of the month left.

Michael R Davis

No, not anything specific. Over 4 days left.
A record number are leaving, more Dems than Reps.

“So far, 28 U.S. House members and seven U.S. senators are not seeking re-election in 2024.”


The Deep State-controlled msm would never exaggerate about their supposed accomplishments..?

And look how quickly they abandon narratives once it’s obvious they’re either being exposed or their false flag non-events are getting zero traction w/ the public. A public btw who’s grown weary of their endless poly crises spinning.

Many are too fatigued to care even if they bought the t-shirt for the cause. The Cabal is staring down the barrel of diminishing returns. Look at the disparity in response to Parkland and Uvalde. School shootings for example barely last a news cycle.

People now know not to bother getting invested b/c there’ll be another one coming down the pike before they can Google where the heck Uvalde IS..?

Insert troll down vote here___.


So you want to speak Chinese?


This is good news these medical 🏥 experiments 🧪 are a Nazi death ☠️ cult!


These Demonic mutants trying to kill the world .on Ninos corner .nettv one guest said there was 130 different venoms found in clot shots .If this doesn’t make you believe they are trying to kill us off , maybe you should get your booster and you flu shot too

Last edited 10 months ago by Defiantlbich1462
Above Reproach

My words to the letter, let the stupid lemmings get boosted, for a short time big pharma will reap the rewards, but when they have all died, and by then
pharma will crash and burn. I would rather die of natural causes than be subjected to pills, shots, and radiation from X-rays and tubes sticking out of every hole in my body. Ben there dun that, 110 days in the hospital with delta. I lived, And I’m dam sure I pissed off the money grubbing shit stains running the hospital. You can’t keep a good man down. Now I’m 100 % natural, home cooked everything, never any type of processed food.


Becareful what you wish for

Rondelle Cagwin

Putin is apparently an awesome leader of his country. He has outlawed all synthetic food, gotten rid of all the dumbs underground, SAVED sex trafficking children/DESTROYED bio weapons Labs-now all gone.
He has welcomed Ukrainian soldiers to the Russian side and given them an opportunity to fight against the corruption in Ukraine.

RUSSIA is in a better place than the United States right now, but by the grace of God, we will be in a better place someday.

Last edited 10 months ago by Rondelle Cagwin

The Politburo appreciates your loyalty, comrade. You will get an extra ration of potatoes. Continue to turn your back on America and the puppet we control, Donald Trump

Kay Mitchell

You seem to hate America So deeply.

Would anything make you happier than to see America fall?


I’m not the one praising our #2 adversary. All you old goats on this site remember the Soviet Union and the Cold War. Your hero, JFK, made it his #1 priority. Putin hasn’t changed his stripes very much. What has changed is Russia’s intensive public relations campaigns to convince everyone they are just pussycats with 5,000 or so nuclear weapons. What’s your favorite saying about Satan? His biggest accomplishment is making the world think he doesn’t exist. Putin’s accomplishment is making the world think he’s willing to sit quietly and be a superpower also-ran, letting the United States lead the way.


Russian converted to Christianity decades ago. America meanwhile converted to satinism, as is evidenced by your response, you damned by God federal agent.


I do not work for the federal government. I work for capitalism and free enterprise.


‘You lie!’

Kay Mitchell



dumbell…how you seen supermarkets in the Moscow…????


Harrison, move to China you nazi troll

Someone Else

You are clearly a true believer of the mainstream lies.


Another dime for Harrison Homo.


A lot of this does not make sense as usual. Putin is in charge. He is the official president and controls the army and the KGB/FSB. So he could just dictate that flu vaccines are banned and clot shot vaccines are banned. And then enforce the ban with guns via all the federal agencies. So why not do that? Are we saying that he is not in control or that this story is just that?


Did you actually READ the article? It CLEARLY states he “outlawed them” !!


Yeah he outlawed them but apparently the deep state can administer all vaccines as and when they like in Russia. Despite putin being in control of the army,police , the FSB and all other Fedral agencies. Which part of that confusion are you missing?

Anne Stallybrass


Annette Payne

He did dictate that in October and it continued on so looks like he has now gotten rid of the source.



Michael R Davis

The Russian people were also captives of the New York jew Zionist Communist Bolsheviks. The rabid Bolsheviks hacked the Christian Romanov (Czar Nicolas) family to death in Yekaterinburg, children too. Many Russians who refused to obey the Soviet Union Commissars were also murdered in the gulag, not just Kulak Ukrainians, and other nationalities, as reported by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Putin freed Russia from Communism, executed the last of the jew Commissars, then built 300 Russian Orthodox churches. Now he protects them from the Globalist genocidal butchers. They love him.

A brood of vipers from the Synagogue of Satan.
GOD warned us, but most did not listen.

Anne Stallybrass

well said Michael.

FYI however, there is very strong evidence that at least two of the Romanov children survived. Read The Escape of Alexei, Lost Eagle, and To Save Russia.

Last edited 10 months ago by Anne Stallybrass
Michael R Davis

There have been rumors that First Lady Melania is a daughter of one of the escaped Romanovs. Not any strong evidence that I have seen. I do see a resemblence in some of the Romanov photos. She seems quite aristocratic to me.

Annette Payne

Wonder why he does not end the Ukraine war so we do not have to keep sending equipment and money. Money to be laundered back to Biden and congress. Something must happen to stop all this 3rd world stuff going on in America. People afraid to go outside for fear of being killed. Ridiculous to let this continue.

Michael R Davis

Why should Putin end the Ukraine war before his objectives are successful?

  1. NATO stays out of Ukraine
  2. Russians in Eastern Ukraine, Donbas, Crimea free from attacks
  3. NAZIs completely exterminated and banned from Ukraine
  4. Ukraine returns to trading peacefully with its neighbors
Anne Stallybrass

you’re correct, shame on your down-voters.


Russia is definitely better than U.K. in that regard! Same shite over here. People still get their clot shots regularly! I think here they are up to 6 so far and look forward to the next and the next. We definitely need this stopped! This is obscene madness with No critical thinking whatsoever. If there is a warning ⚠️ light on the car not to drive over 20 miles an hour they think the car is safe 😔. The safest people on the roads are the ones that aren’t driving! But those that are driving and traveling are jabbed to the hilt among other things and are dangerous and shouldn’t be on the roads.
The places need to be brought down and I wish Putin would aim some at these places that people have to drive to to get these jabs and blow them to Kingdom Come! He is Right! Now with snake venom in the ones in the building they brought down is even more crazy although I had heard that this was in some. What a Horrific Mess! This cannot be slow walked Anymore!!! Nothing will Wake these Zombies up to not taking their next Jab except them Not being able to get another One!!! Glad Putin is taking these necessary steps.


Not half bad for someone the entire D.C. cabal hates.

Rene Labre

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 10 months ago by Rene Labre
Above Reproach

He Shoots He Scores! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA anyone still pushing vaccines is a criminal. ( Do Not Take another Vaccine ) I’m not a doctor, don’t even want to be. After seeing the stunt that employe said in that restaurant about
making different strains of Covid so they could keep making more vaccines.
( Heck yeah it’s big money ) blurted out the clueless big mouth. Only to find that he was caught red handed by the project v. ho you big bully, call the police, wait don’t call the police, give me that. As he ran around in a frantic violent manner trying to smash a laptop. All on film. Certainly if that’s not enough proof of the evil doing’s of big pharma I don’t know what is…..

Kay Mitchell

Vaccines weren’t created for Covid.

Covid was created for vaccines.


Apparently trump and team q retard missed that memo.

Anne Stallybrass

no they didn’t you stuck-gramophone-record liar


Love live Putin! We should be doing the same thing here! May it all end soon! Be careful out the people!


out there


over 50 year back I took stand against ‘Med’, also Legal and Insurance industries, deciding to pursue such fields not, Not, NOT… leaving High School, with draft number that could have gone either way, but eventually was not called, I headed into community college determined not to seek anything of the money grubbing sorts, sensing among the whole lot a large scale disingenuousness and even faux ambitions similar to outright, mind-bending, greed, I could not imagine instructors, teachers, profs that were persuade by anything other than almighty buck in those fields… and indeed, earning an advanced wall hanging, I schooled in what is closer to poverty than wealth… subsequently, throughout life often working multiple jobs, and by end, retirement, having accumulated little more than debt… …. ….. anyway being anti ‘Med’ early on I sought understandings of vits and supplements having now been faithful to such regiments for many decades and have scarcely ever been driven to need of “Medical” experts well known for the cutting and medding of their victims while extracting obnoxious prices (required to fund vast pools of Insurance and Lawyering tag-a-longs… greedy fools all)

it is no surprise, to me, my generation is at the height of medical fraud rampant around the world today, they (we) have been long taught it is only all about moolah, damn all else, the root of all poly-ticking too, the few scum suckers who prey on the Great many, God also having fallen out of their convictions… a good decade back I learned/found Chiropractic care aligned more wholly with my ‘health’ concerns/ambitions, they dabble, work, far beyond back alignment, and also are significantly against cut and med health scare driving the much bigger bank accounts… even before that, I confronted vax concerns having involvement with several families convinced of major harm… Chiropractic world is essentially anti vax too… so we never fell under the curse of the current vax scam, that coming natural to both of us, late in life… THANK GOD… now seeing/realizing it, the vax, harnessed by the poly-tickers among us, like global warming in 80s early 90s, a peer-review fudging of honest data to make outlandish predictions and suck down fabulous cash rewards from the big Gov of We, The People, anyway dodging this current vax scam came easy

but seeing this newest insidious hell-bent, Godlessness, fully aligned/akin to much earlier mad peer-review anti-science scientists of half life back, the root of global warming scam/scum, vax-ers of these days, well, it just figures, none of this has snuck up on me, but that does not mean the vastness and rapidness of social/civil harm/decline, the boldness of pure EVIL Overtaking and Overlording, fails to alarm me, as early as March 2020, I often pointed to rise of Drop-box declaring it latest hoax, the ScamDEMic paved the means to RIG November election and by Super Tuesday when all Dems caved to slowjoe Crooked Creeper (well known even back then to have infamous ties to CCP… also rooting virus scam), the shutdown fully installed, I knew back then the rat stink invaded highest heaven Nostrils… few, IF ANY, suspected vax would prove so fatal back then, I heard, recall, none of that back then, whereas I was opposed to vax long before, for several reasons and at various levels, and unaware of the Gates experimentations that came most of 2 decades prior, I regarded vax harmless for most, but never necessarily for all… can any really boast, mid year 20, they feared vax as danger doing great and grave diabolical harm, yes, by then Drop-Boxes were greatly feared, but not vax, not yet delivered, but only a twinkle in world of hope-filled eyes, I recall none of it, only that any vax may well prove not good for all

it does not comfort, that my long time concerns/suspicions about vax has become common and growing into nom for days ahead, I had regarded them a personal decision/matter/chance/opportunity/regret, not an attempt/ambition of mass murder by Global Thuggery, though now it comes as mere logical follow-up-through to the easily spotted Drop-Box Scam, if you allow yourself chance to imagine EVIL progressions… admittedly an EVIL vax is fully kin to Hilly’s, Barry’s too, rush/thrust into WW III, the NK missile scares of 2016, that now slowjoe also gives freshened rise to… such an evil violent lot… Trump dodges, both them and WW III threat

anyway if workforce was on table in Ukraine, I would have suggested/argued shift change between 2 largest, also targeting the most knowledgeable work pool, although all 3 shifts got/felt the thunderous wake up call, those knowing/suspecting the most and most dedicated to all EVIL are now eager, and remain available, for new startup… like Gitmo detainees, they will serve their masters to the end, but essentially, this too is another job well done by Putin

as footnote: once I feared a bit the demise of our whole Medical establishment, after all, resetting broken bone, healing crash victims and gun wounds, catching babies, their cutting and drastic medding skills can often be appreciated, after my accident I sought their advice, some of them have a legit place, so seeing the field totally trashed may not be best plan, however, seeing them nocked down many pegs, their numbers in ruination, is acceptable plan to me, but beyond that some rather new ‘supplements’ mostly found on Truth Social links have proven good for my… scope of ONE (me) science, I experiment, observe and find good results, much of what ‘Doctors’ are too well known for today, are better, best remedied by things Big Buck Big Pharma will not touch and indeed scheme against with enormous sums, of ill-gotten gains, in order to collet far bigger piles with yet greater hoax, I feel this is increasingly well understood and appreciated, thus let chips fall, Big Med/Pharma cannot get chopped fast enough or far enough, alternatives are far better plan, true remedies are to be found for ills Docs have long surrender to only offering us ever increasing bills, the epitome of all greed, do/become your own science of one

Kay Mitchell

In 25 words or less,
What do you want everyone to know?


It’s a fed, doing what they do – mucking up comments section with goal to disrupt RRN credibility.

Last edited 10 months ago by EdBob
Kay Mitchell

Possibly so.

Nothing would surprise me any more.

Anne Stallybrass

it’s not a fed, EdBob, it’s just somebody starting to wake up … sadly so verbose he’s putting a lot of us to sleep …


back to kindergarden…KAY..


One of the biggest problems with healtcare, is that if is profit-based it becomes prone to hoaxes and schemes, as well as corner-cutting, and if it is state-run it becomes corrupt in other ways and leads to communism because of how expensive it is. Healing people, not that that seems to be much of a priority these days, just isn’t directly profitable.


This is why people need to research their ailments and cure THEMSELVES, young person! I took myself off short | long insulin + lisinopril + heart medicine + statins + metphormin! In 16 after years of mismanaged diabetic care under western medicine! From 310 pounds in 08 to a cool 195 in 23, off all meds, i have just started to live! I am highly unvaxxxed + unmasked — fought thru all that inn20! I even told my employer to stuff it when they tried forcing the jabbb on us at work. I manage the diabetes with exercise & diet just fine. I even killed covid 3 times this year as i processed migrants for the city! I love all things holistic and keep oil of oregano for my go to on antibiotics + plenty of baking soda+ 🍋 + ph 9.5 distilled water 💦 on hand for daily medicine! Lion mane, Chaga, Reishi and Turkey 🦃 tail mushrooms 🍄 are always in my coffee for super immunity!



Oh, I did that decades ago. I even refuse tranqs at the dentist. Just do whatever it is quickly!


Nice bedtime story….. Yours put me down after 4th sentence! Great job, CRAMPS!


Agreed. Thinking out loud (?). Critical thinking skills capacity beyond many.


Demons must be back to the pit of the hell. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.


So justina trudeau turns canadian parliament into a WAFFEN SS rally and then turns around and sends special forces to help the Issraeli Dicksucking Force with their holocaust? Is justina telling the world jews are the real nazis?

And zelensky the wannabe western euro dwarf wants funding from the US when it’s already aiding israhell’s genocide? So more evidence zelensky the eurotrash dwarf may likely hold nazi beliefs as well?


Putin is smarter than his citizens. He is just trying to protect them. The media has spread their poison. Thankfully he dors not mess around!

Kay Mitchell

From 2016 – 2020:
We had a wonderful President who fit that same description.

I believe what you say about Putin is true.
And because it’s true, he will never choose to align with China or any evil dictator against the U.S. especially if Trump is President again.

But I don’t believe Putin would be an ally of any corrupt U.S. regime like Biden’s.

Last edited 10 months ago by Kay Mitchell

Trump had his chance but blew it. He’s not so genius after all..


Trump is controlled opposition. He has strong ties with the black nobility. He violated his oath of office when he allowed an illegitimate government to take power.


Anne Stallybrass

bollocks, ST. Go and look up “Continuity of Government”. Trump’s Executive Orders only make sense if you see that he is still CIC to all the loyal military. You don’t need to rely on RRN for proof of that. Just go and look up some basic good info. He never “allowed an illegitimate government to take power”, he just stepped into the shadows to let Bye-Done destroy himself, and reveal the depths of The Swamp, so that eventually people see it and get motivated to HELP drive out the evil. Sun Tzu’s Art of War in practice. Strong ties with the black nobility my foot! What are you doing here??

Kay Mitchell

So you’re saying that President Trump “stepped in the shadows” to let millions upon millions of men women and children die so he could prove a point??


Will it be Obama Image shooting a US Airmen?
Will it be HRC/Huma Abedin Frazzledrip?
Or Will it be the NSA releasing a whole flood of incriminating evidence on to the internet to bring on the Major Cyber Attacks?
Will a Video be played in Times Square NYC as well?


I think Im falling in love with Putin. I love his direct and to the point style!!!

Kay Mitchell

What you see in Putin is what President Trump saw in him too.

Anne Stallybrass

and still sees

Kay Mitchell

Yes..still sees.

Trump’s and Putin’s admiration and respect is mutual.

Last edited 10 months ago by Kay Mitchell
Nukken Futz

Way to go Vlad, keep on truckin’ this vermin to the shit pit of hell…..




I don’t like popcorn and I gave up keeping it in stock 2 years ago……………. this is not funny to me and years ago when that Charlie Ward doofus made his whole podcast saying, the WAR IS OVER. THE WAR HAS BEEN FOUGHT AND IT’S OVER, so just sit back and enjoy the SHOW. He’s so full of shit, and the past 3 years of this show has SUCKED for so many. I don’t think making light of this horror is appropriate.


Watching people walk off a cliff in obliviousness is funny to many. I think this is just a question of different phases, like stages of grief. I know I had a phase twenty years ago when I became morose and sometimes hysterical about all this while everyone around me was giggling like stupid children, as usual, and as if nothing was amiss. But that slowly changed to sarcasm, mockery and bile when no one was interested in listening, and there I have stayed. People didn’t care to listen in time and now they will die because of it. My hysteria over that they wore out decades ago with their ridicule and it isn’t there anymore. It’s inevitable now anyway.

Kay Mitchell

Fortunately you still have a right to say what you think here and so does B.T.


That line “dilly dally” was almost the perfect comedy writing. Humanitarian, only hit them when at low occupancy. Like I said, Moderna killed MY beloved father, he believed the lying MSM POS journo shills. I begged him not to. May they all ROT. Nobody will miss these mass murdering assholes. And you can bet they are ALL unjabbed. All the risk for thee, not for me!


Why would they even put cobra venom in them? That is just proof of how evil these demons are. I am so sorry you lost your father.

Nukken Futz

JAG caught the HNIC of Moderna Pharma, some 8-10 months back and are holding him at Gitmo, I believe. RRN reported his capture, but a army of DS lawyers prevented RRN of any more publicity of his tribunal at the threat of litigation and I believe that he has already been tried and hung….,I hope…


My condolences for the loss of your Father. It’s so sad how many people have been taken during this plandemic. Just look back at the write ups that MB did on Cuomo and his taking in all of the old folks living in Nursing Homes………….. OMG, where were all of their families? Nobody there to FIGHT for those lives, and the nursing homes went along with loading them all up into freezer trucks? MY GOD, the misery and destruction they have done, the lives they have taken and families they have ruined……….. We can NEVER let them forget.


My 98 year old mother was in great health till this PLANDEMIC. My brother got every shot for himself and my mother. My sister and I tried to warn him. She died in a nursing home May 25TH of this year. She was fine until she got into nursing home…..they complained she kept yelling help me, so they put her at the end of all hall in a room by herself. I swear nursing homes drug without family approval. Pure evil. I’m convinced the fact she hated doctors was why she lived so long. My brother shuttled her to doctors fearing going against COVID shots would get him in trouble with COVID police. It’s amazing how big media hypnotizes sane people. Our educational system is also brainwashing children.

Anyway WEF AND WHO run by elite Rothchilds, Payseurs and other bloodline families are wanting to eliminate our lives. Kill us off like we are bugs. Funny how they want to feed us bugs.

Michael R Davis

In New York and Michigan, families were prevented from seeing their elderly, restricted to seeing them through closed first floor windows, impossible on second floors and higher. Elderly were prevented from saying goodbye to families and grandchildren, no goodbye hugs. Many were quite healthy, were trucked to mass burial grounds in freezer trucks, buried some still alive. Just imagine the trauma as they froze to death. Families had no gravesites to visit, pay respects. Gretchen Whitmer still needs to pay with her life.


She’s dead.


We just buried a brother in law veteran last week. Massive heart attack he was full of clots.
The VA told him to take the jab.


Moderna killed my dad. May they all rot in hell.

Rebecca Tracy

I’m sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss


You’re repeating yourself.


Ukraine is a playground for Satan. Everything that is hidden will be exposed. Everything. The world will be beyond shocked.


Sounds like a great place to visit!!


please, go there.


As Mark Twain said, “Heaven for climate, hell for society.”


Ukraine? How about America?.. its a mess here✔️



Anne Stallybrass

I swear you are correct, don’t know why you got downvoted, no doubt the trolls attracted here … well, that was plan A until the Ykraine war failed.


it looked like the original obama at that funeral where they got the white envelopes?

Kay Mitchell

I am so looking forward to finding out what was written in those notes, especially the one that went to Bush junior!

He turned white as a sheet.

We’ve never heard a Political peep out of him or his wife since that day.

What a blessing it’s been!

Last edited 10 months ago by Kay Mitchell

“I told them everything”

American Living in Canada

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you’re older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I’d something more to say”

Pink Floyd….

Keep on Truck’in… got my chips cashed in……

Truckin’, got my chips cashed in
Keep truckin’, like the do-dah man
Together, more or less in line
Just keep truckin’ on

Arrows of neon and flashing marquees out on Main Street
Chicago, New York, Detroit and it’s all on the same street
Your typical city involved in a typical daydream
Hang it up and see what tomorrow brings

Dallas, got a soft machine
Houston, too close to New Orleans
New York’s got the ways and means
But just won’t let you be, oh no

Most of the cats that you meet on the streets speak of true love
Most of the time they’re sittin’ and cryin’ at home
One of these days they know they gotta get goin’
Out of the door and down to the street all alone

Truckin’, like the do-dah man
Once told me “You’ve got to play your hand”
Sometimes your cards ain’t worth a dime
If you don’t lay’em down

Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me
What a long, strange trip it’s been

What in the world ever became of sweet Jane?
She lost her sparkle, you know she isn’t the same
Livin’ on reds, vitamin C, and cocaine
All a friend can say is “Ain’t it a shame”

Truckin’, up to Buffalo
Been thinkin’, you got to mellow slow
Takes time to pick a place to go
And just keep truckin’ on

Sittin’ and starin’ out of the hotel window
Got a tip they’re gonna kick the door in again
I’d like to get some sleep before I travel
But if you got a warrant, I guess you’re gonna come in

Busted, down on Bourbon Street
Set up, like a bowlin’ pin
Knocked down, it gets to wearin’ thin
They just won’t let you be, oh no

You’re sick of hangin’ around and you’d like to travel
Get tired of travelin’ and you want to settle down
I guess they can’t revoke your soul for tryin’
Get out of the door and light out and look all around

Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me
What a long, strange trip it’s been

Truckin’, I’m a goin’ home
Whoa whoa baby, back where I belong
Back home, sit down and patch my bones
And get back truckin’ on
Hey now get back truckin’ home

Grateful Dead….


What’s the point of typing out some really tired and old rock songs from days of yore? Can’t you think about something original and positive? If so, do it!

American Living in Canada

What’s your point? You pissed off because you can’t read between the lines?

American Living in Canada

I’m one of the most positive People on this site.. by the way…

Kay Mitchell

We’ll say something positive then.

This site needs all it can get.

Last edited 10 months ago by Kay Mitchell

I’m notoriously bad at lyrics and always heard The Dead line as: “Dallas, got a soft blue sheen”. And having driven toward it at night, seems to make perfect sense!

Kay Mitchell

I wouldn’t waste my time reading song lyrics.

Speak for yourself and I’ll listen.


A little passe’ with all that’s come to light post-Obama but conspiracy researcher Dave McGowan wrote extensively on the connection between the absolute explosion in Pop music in the 60’s and the Mockingbird media in “The Laurel Canyon Conspiracy”.

In a way, that whole Rock & Roll psy-op is still being used today via Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga etc. Just updated for the newest generation.

Miles W. Mathis also covered The Beat Writers ( Ginsberg, Kerouac etc. ) and how Bob Dylan was catapulted past other, legit protest singers to discredit the anti-war Viet Nam movement. The lyrics were intentionally vague so listeners were free to interpret as they saw fit. Kind of a musical Rorschach/ink blot test.

Not only was the entire Op a complete success, it also cemented the conduit between the CIA and the Entertainment industry. An industry they control to this day.


Those songs were written in a time when the cabal was firmly in power…. It is time to look to the future and leave the past behind.

Kay Mitchell

“Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.”


When what we have learned that our past were all lies, it is perfectly ok to leave TH33 dead in their graves!

American Living in Canada

I’m trying to decipher who the evil doers were in the past.. I don’t want to listen to any of their shit anymore.


Scroll past

Michael R Davis

A brood of vipers from the Synagogue of Satan.
GOD warned us, but most did not listen.
Revelation 2:9
Revelation 3:9
Matthew 23:33
Matthew 23:35

The Russian people were also captives of the New York jew Zionist Communist Bolsheviks. Many Russians who refused to obey the Soviet Union Commissars were also murdered in the gulag, not just Kulak Ukrainians, and other nationalities, as reported by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Putin freed Russia from Communism, executed the last of the jew Commissars, then built 300 Russian Orthodox churches. Now he protects them from the Globalist genocidal butchers. They love him.


I am a loyal patriot to America but I have to say I love him too. I think he is a good guy. Do you ever notice how the Rothschilds villify everyone who tries to try a new money system? Saddam, Ghaddaffi, Kim, Putin etc… i wish the men in Americas military wouldnt go along with them like little monkeys on a stick.


Not just vilify. Slaughter. Romanovs and Kennedys and Trumps.

Kay Mitchell

That is one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever seen!

I am truly embarrassed for you if you believe that.

Anne Stallybrass

It’s not dumb, Kay. Certainly for Romanovs and Kennedys it is true; I cannot say for Trumps in the plural because I don’t know enough but would think it highly likely in the case of Trump’s first wife. And you can add Lincoln.

Last edited 10 months ago by Anne Stallybrass

Exactly, Anne. And we don’t know yet if Maryanne Trump died from naturally causes or not. After what happened with Robert and Ivana, I put nothing but nothing past the cabal.

Michael R Davis

Suspected by many that Trump’s ex Ivana and both brothers Robert and Fred, were murdered by Globalists.


Not sure about Fred. DJT had a brother who died for alcoholism-related illness.


lmao wut

Kay Mitchell

Supposedly the military take their orders from the commander in chief.

But who knows anymore?

They will again when Trump is back in the office.


Holodomor. Make them all say it. Genocide of the fair skin people. Jews and Muslims are not White.

Last edited 10 months ago by Dot

Broods, broods, broods. Everywhere you look there’s broods. Don’t brood over broods.

Michael R Davis

Truth upsets you?
Do the rabid serpents inhabiting the dens you slithered out from want the truth crushed and censored?


Serpents can’t contract rabies.

Michael R Davis

a extremely violent, furious
b going to extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling, interest, or opinion
c: affected with rabies


Note the “UN” before “vaxxed” — All have nanobots. Listen to this to the end for remedies.
https ://www.bitchute.com/video/pK7CsWByZM53/

Her substack:
https ://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/my-interview-with-sgt-report-on-darkfield

Citizen Joe

tragically, Substack has NO privacy policy! They openly collect your personal identifying data and share it with 3rd parties! Bastards! If you run a secured browser you aren’t allowed to see any content on that site! Malevolent bastards!! Sadly, these facts seriously undermine the credibility of Substack which also seriously discredits any content published on the site! Substack is one of the worst offenders for privacy invasion and data collection I’ve seen! They are right up there with google, fb, and the rest of social media! Unless you allow them unrestricted access to your personal identifying data, you can’t view anything on that site! Scum bucket bastards! Unfortunately, EVERY browser by default allows anyone and everyone unrestricted access to your personal data and to track you! Worse yet, many of these malevolent entities are “White listed”!!! To try to hide the privacy controls, ALL browsers by defualt hide the “Menu bar”. They ALL want you to search from the address bar linked to google! There is NO browser other than TOR that has any privacy by default! That all has to be done manually later!


That is the whole purpose of clickbait, to lure you in with some improbable story, scrape your info, and sell it. What did you expect? It’s a trap!!!

Kay Mitchell

I don’t click on Anything anymore.
I don’t even read Michael Baxter’s stories.

I’ve seen enough, read enough and heard enough.

Every lie and exaggeration is like a punch in the gut. I can’t take anymore.

I do everything I can to support anyone who is fighting for President Trump.

All I care about now is info about President Trump getting back into office before it’s too late for America.

“America First” or ALL is lost.

When Trump is back, America can help the world again but until then we better help ourselves Make America Great Again.

Who else will?

Last edited 10 months ago by Kay Mitchell
Someone Else

I’m not sure he’s coming back.

There are too many brainwashed tools who act like he’s the devil incarnate.

Kay Mitchell

I can’t afford to entertain the possibility that Trump is not coming back.

I can’t exist in that America.


I am certain when Rome was falling internally men like Cicero echoed your bullshizzle, “Rome first” or ALL IS LOST…. Guess what? It fell and yet God’s Kingdom moved forward! I have news for you: Amerika has fallen to the CCP and the world knows that a house divided (think: multiculturalism, many gods) has always fallen! Once the dollar is wiped out, all you phat White Maga’s who sat on the sidelines waiting for the rapture will have only T’s PayTriot ie., J00 owned rallies to recall! T ain’t coming back! Get yerself a new J00 idol to worship!


Click on the title under the video to view video.

I also suggest watching Dr Bryan Ardis on Rumble or Brighteon.


I wonder why Ardis stopped going to Awake Nation with David Zublick. That guy is awesome.


Q official website:



The Q movement is dead as fried chicken

Kay Mitchell



Adrenochrome is real and so is the process to get it!


sources say harrison and deschamps adrenochrome obama for extra coin!

Guillaume DesChamp

You’re the only.source of adrenochrome for me, Julie.


Of course it is. Now be a good boy and eat the rest of your vegetables

Kay Mitchell

Maybe so.

Got proof?




It’s true that Putin cares about his people, all people. When i see stupid talking heads disparaging over Russia, I let them have it!

Kay Mitchell

Just ignore them.

There are far better uses for your energy and time

There’s no cure for stupid.


Now that’s justice, if need be, delivered by cruise missile.


Just ice
is nice

Kay Mitchell



a heartwarming story! good job!


Putin is the idiot for mandating any vaccine.

Susan Sloate

Did you read the story? He banned the vaccine all over Russia. How is that mandating anything?


He did at first mandate it, before he knew what they were doing. People think, because their presidents, they know everything, or medicine, and they don’t, they trusted the wrong people, that were suppose to be experts in their fields.


Not a word about any of this on the official Russian news media, which he controls. Wonder why. Could it be F A K E?


yep, p utin was down with the initial lockdowns and went all in on the sputnik vaxx in lockstep

Citizen Joe

FYI, Sputnik was a conventional vaccine built on a known and proven vaccine system used for other viruses like Ebola! It was not originally an mRNA nano particle population reduction clot shot.


Hes not an idiot he isnt a doctor. He like Trump deferred to the so called medical experts for the sake of the people. They are diabolical. I feel proud of myself not only will I never take a clot shot but I never war a mask either.

Kay Mitchell

They’ve put Covid into aerosol form and have at least a dozen other ways to infect us in public or at home.

Someone Else

Covid doesn’t exist.

Just the death jab, fake tests, and death protocols in the hospitals.

Kay Mitchell

That’s true. My bad.

Vaccines were not created for Covid.

The Covid myth was created for vaccines.


If this story is on the up and up, he might have just saved a bunch of Americans as well. America has to be at the top of the list when it comes to still pushing the “Jabs”.
I would think being in a Red state taking any jab could have very detrimental to your health.


At least in Oregon, they had a “vaxx reservation line” where you could call ahead, give them your full name and set up an appointment”. No thanks!

( Like they wouldn’t check your voter registration for GOP to make sure you’d get a hot dose..!? ) Like that didn’t TELL you everything you needed to know…

And still w/ the virus thing from the DS. They just can’t let it go.


Yeah, many of the doctors that were hung, were from Oregon and Washington. Libtard country!


Rumor is they’re well hung out there

Kay Mitchell

Vax registration for appointments at several drug stores in California too.

I asked my doctor if he recommends the vaccine. You said yes and I left.

No way I could trust him or his judgment after that.


And that’s s sad because people moved to red states to avoid the jabs and they were forced to take the jab anyway.


Everyone, and I mean husband, both sons,dtr in law, grandchildren (3) all took the jabs. So far all is ok with them. Every day I hold my breath, praying to God, that they do not die. They would not listen to me. Spouse even took all the boosters, except for the last one. I started printing articles from this site for him to read. They must have made him change his mind about the last booster. May God help them all.


Yikes…………… that is so sad


The old provinces of the British empire minus India, I think. I keep reading insane things from there even now.


I’m a nurse that lives in a red state, they are still offering big money to give the covid shot. I had to retire, to keep from giving or receiving the jab. They said I could get religious exemptions, I said why should I jump through hoops for you? The bad thing is the patients end up paying with their lives, because of the nursing shortages, and the good nurses who quit. Again, this goes to depopulation also, patients die, because they are not getting good care.


At least you did the smart thing, and got out so that you could have a clear heart and know that you didn’t participate in the murders.


Someone in the comments made a very good point. They continue to murder the elderly in the nursing homes with the death shot and nothing is done to stop it. We may have a new sheriff in town but it’s the same old road. Nothing makes sense about any of this. 5g towers still dot the land. Very few people mention it anymore. I am convinced none of this will be for the benefit of the common man. I do believe the blood drinkers have already been killed. Now for a time such as this the Bible says “This is the patience(wisdom)of the saints. He that lives by the sword dies by the sword. He that leads into captivity must go into captivity ect.” Beware of strangers bearing gifts. This comment is for any Christians out there.

Someone Else

It’s not over yet.

Pray and prepare, as we still don’t know what’s going on.

If there’s a plan, it seems to include the death jab.


Whether by needle, lance, bullet or club many will be delivered to satins’ lair in the name of peace and love.

Last edited 10 months ago by gbw

Satin’s Lair sounds like a strip club


Lots of minion blood drinkers out there in the millions still. This has been a big reason for the caution that is still beíng displayed around the world.


Dr. Drew Pinsky did an interview with the son of a WEF member it was very encouraging to me. It was a confirmation of what I have heard elsewhere.


They murdered the elderly in the hospitals. Still walking on their own with a full social life and the hospitals shot them up with Remdesivir. Guaranteed to kill quickly, within a month. The doctors knew, obviously, because their patients kept dying.


The people STILL involved in the death jab Plandemic ‘machine’ (2020 – ) are either:

Genuinely (sadly) brainwashed into thinking they are actually doing good in spite of all the truth that FINALLY came out (after about 3 years) that the jabs are actually death shots put out by the DS through the DoD.


https ://www.bitchute.com/video/EiXV11qD8XJr/

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/E1LSfEzBLvGJ/

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/sBTRIrnl67hT/

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/ek1QHrm8ebzh/
‘Mic drop’-grade money shot at 23:54. Save time and just watch that if you want.

https ://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html
“The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

https ://rumble.com/v3v0q2m-shot-dead-the-movie.html

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/eGANMaGBrEgd/

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/89ikc0kI8wxP/

The two ‘Last Messages’ links at

https ://odysee.com/@isthisfairuse2:b

I cannot directly link to them because RRN
will (currently) ‘re-write’ the URL making it invalid

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/XpQjGsvSeGoF/

COVID Memorial.
https ://rumble.com/vo6gyl-covid-memorial.html

mega. nz scrubbed the link to the original upload that Rumble needlessly recompressed and made larger.

Doing it solely for the monetary payouts–especially for the ‘ventilator bounty’

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/PaSejIn79zZJ/


Scott Quiner Update: Criminal Investigation Into Doctors, How They’re KILLING, Payoffs for MURDER!
https ://rumble.com/vss6sn-scott-quiner-update-criminal-investigation-into-doctors-how-theyre-killing-.html

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/1tuGkkwVJe9Y/

Stew Peters interviewed this guy in the above clip but I cannot find it again on Stew’s Rumble channel.

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/93RzAlrsuDh8/

Excellent eyewitness interview from the Plandemic done sometime after the jab rollout in December 2020. Can’t find Max’s original upload on Bitchute–it appears his channel there has been scrubbed in the wake of his commentary on the situation in Gaza (2023 -). John O’Looney was interviewed in an excellent follow-up interview with Stew Peters with more information about the the deadly scam of the Plandemic but I cannot easily find it again. Rumble DOES NOT show the exact upload date of a clip like YouTube does.

The third reason is this. The Plandemic is being done to both kill as many people as possible AND scrub the Mark of their Creator encoded into their DNA–likely replacing it with another Mark altogether.

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/uwhZzjVuOLIw/

First found the above clip via Jim Stone

https ://www.voterig.com/

who recompressed the original 180MB+ file into a much smaller file and hosted it to distribute it to others.


https ://www.bitchute.com/video/Jo5gIGp7YSfV/

Companion clip to the above with more important related information.

The ‘endgame’ is to ‘go cashless’ worldwide and implant the ‘identity token’ INSIDE peoples bodies.

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/lCiyfDLrvbU2/

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/8zhO1sjdiDLq/

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/csuSNArbslT5/

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/AV2G4mgzqG3x/
‘Mic drop’-grade money shot at 0:48 to 3:15. Save time and just watch that if you want.

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/S2HYs6mk0P34/’


https ://www.bitchute.com/video/OvC1LQUvSDwI/

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.

— Revelation 13:16-18

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is [the book] of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

— Revelation 20:10-15

And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, [even] the Son of man which is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

— John 3:13-18

And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

— Luke 23:39-43

And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:
The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.
And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour. And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew [them] into the marketplace unto the rulers, And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city, And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans. And the multitude rose up together against them: and the magistrates rent off their clothes, and commanded to beat [them]. And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast [them] into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely: Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.

And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed. And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here. Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas, And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house. And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed [their] stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway. And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.

— Acts 16:16-34

KJV Bible https ://bibleprotector.com/TEXT-PCE.zip

If this post is downvoted/replied to by trolls, their ‘playbooks’ are online at the links below so you can be aware of their methods so you can ignore them.

Masonic Diversion Tactics – Get a copy before it is scrubbed from the net (link in description)

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/BYTCYu2kJVRu/

the ‘Tactics’ section of
https ://archive.org/details/RulesForRadicals

https ://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

https ://8kun.top/truthlegion/res/360.html
[ see the ‘Clown’ posts by LVAnon at the above link]

https ://media.128ducks.com/file_store/09127920a64af937df422c5fa19246854ebc2f7e9233d7749098c92aa705e6cc.png

How Israel censors the internet – If Americans Knew 
https ://www.bitchute.com/video/0RZTW9x4BChJ/

Owen Benjamin’s comical version of the above complete with actual ‘damning proof’ 

https ://img.ifunny.co/images/3ee45071082298008166509c8485fd58d9108968d25e8e558e2889bac4de52c5_1.jpg

shown in the clip below


2:20:45 – 2:29:25 
2:20:45 – 2:36:48 [longer ‘FULL’ version]


https ://bitchute.com/video/Aog7TSfHkxGo/


Thank you for posting such an extensive list!!
I am watching Payload 2, and it is the most scientifically thorough piece I have ever viewed. The information is astounding and answers many many questions, some I didn’t even know I had.
Thanks again!


Can you be any more boring? I don’t think so.


Grumpy ass


GREAT links & help!!! Appreciate this, Fair!! God bless you!!

Michael R Davis

All of your links are adequate. Thank you.