Special Forces Arrest Ukrainian Criminals in U.S.


United States Special Forces on Monday arrested Ukraine presidential aide Andriy Yermak and Economy Minister Yulia Svyrydenko as the duo’s diplomatic motorcade prepared to leave a Deep State meeting at a Virginia studio whose interior mimicked the White House Diplomatic Reception Room, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Yermak, Zelenskyy’s righthand man, and Svyrydenko, Ukraine’s corrupt financier, were in the U.S. this week to meet with the criminal Antony Blinken and to siphon more taxpayer dollars from the U.S. Treasury Department.

Our source said the Blinken they met was an imposter, as a preponderance of evidence puts the authentic Blinken somewhere in Eastern Europe, like Warsaw, Poland. And Blinken has been spotted in nine countries and sixteen states at home in the last five days, suggesting he has a plethora of doppelgangers, doubles, and clones.

Asked why Ukrainian despots risked traveling to the United States instead of collaborating with Blinken abroad, he said, “To support the ruse that Ukraine is so desperate for more tranches of cash it sends delegates here. Nailing Yermak and Svyrydenko is almost as good as getting the bastard Blinken would be.”

Yermak and Svyrydenko, he added, were among Ukraine’s most prolific crooks. Only they were not burgling Ukrainians blind. Instead, they had profited massively from the hundreds of billions of dollars the criminal Biden regime had gifted Ukraine since the beginning of Vladimir Putin’s Special Military Operation. Their names reportedly appeared on Treasury Department spreadsheets U.S. Army Cyber Command had obtained from the late Janet Yellen’s electronic devices, which indicated they had each received $3.6bn for their part in brokering “equitable exchanges” between the United States and Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense. Yellen’s files did not specify the framework of those “equitable exchanges,” but White Hats deduced that Yellen received kickbacks on each transfer, and Yermak and Svyrydenko kept a healthy percentage before sending the rest to the Ministry of Defense. In short, American tax dollars made scores of Ukrainians wealthy.

“When the Deep State Department released a memo saying Yermak and what’s her name was coming here, we wouldn’t miss the chance to grab them. We knew they weren’t meeting at the White House—it’s been shuttered and under military guard since January 2021. That left eight places, including Tyler Perry’s property, they’ve used as fake White Houses—mostly buildings renovated into production studios. We had to move fast and sent men to each place we know of,” our source said.

Fifth Special Forces Group commander Colonel Brent Lindemen, who is helming White Hat operations while Gen. Eric Smith recovers from the assassination attempt on his life, sent troops to New York, Connecticut, Delaware, California, Oregon, Illinois, Michigan, and Virginia, Deep State bastions and homes to the cabal’s CGI and deep fake broadcasting sites.

On November 13, Special Forces in Virginia spotted Yermak and Svyrydenko’s motorcade—three limousines with opaque windows and diplomatic plates—approaching an Urgent Care center near Interstate 95. The limousines parked and out stepped Yermak and Svyrydenko and their entourage of discreetly armed security guards.

Our source said Special Forces did not move on them at once because civilians were strolling around the area.

“Our rules of engagement are to not engage if there’s a risk of citizens getting caught in the crossfire. There are times we’ve had to abort missions for that reason. We didn’t want to abort this one,” our source said.

Special Forces sat tight. They couldn’t see inside the building because someone had lowered the blinds. However, using directional parabolic microphones, they heard Yermak tell the Blinken double that Ukraine needed an additional $200bn, almost four times the amount the regime had pledged to give Zelenskyy. A voice sounding like Blinken’s said, “You know you’ll get what you need. We must do these things judiciously.”

At that point, our source said, Special Forces telephoned Col. Lindemen and requested permission to storm the building and arrest everyone inside, including whatever incarnation of Blinken was present. Col. Lindemen denied the request, saying a plan to deal with the Blinken lookalikes was already in motion and instructed Special Forces to focus only on apprehending the designated targets.

Special Forces maintained surveillance until the meeting ended and the Ukrainians exited the studio and sauntered toward the parking lot. As the area was momentarily devoid of civilians, Special Forces moved, encircling the delegation before they reached their vehicles. The six security guards began reaching for sidearms concealed under their jackets, but stopped when they found themselves staring down the barrels of M4 carbines and M870 shotguns. A translator among them blurted, “You cannot do this! President Biden gave us diplomatic immunity.”

“I got news for you; Biden isn’t the president, and we don’t recognize diplomatic immunity,” the Special Forces lead said.

Special Forces hurriedly subdued the Ukrainians, putting Yermak and Svyrydenko in an armored SUV. They zip-tied and gagged the guards and packed them in the rear of one of the limos, which Special Forces commandeered.

“They’re now detained as foreign spies and face espionage and conspiracy to defraud the United States charges. Also, willful retention of illicitly stolen funds. The charges do carry a death sentence. Their guards are being held as enemy combatants,” our source said.

In closing, we questioned the source on the logic of leaving the Deep State’s studio intact, as, theoretically, the Blinken inside could have been the genuine article.

“Mike, I know you’ve heard the phrase, trust the plan. It’s been necessarily amended a few times, but it’s working. General Smith and the council abide by it. That’s really all I can say,” our source replied.

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Mb: What about the time you wrote about A Blinken getting shot in his face | mug when in China? I tbink the real Blinken is dead!




give em a break. they are victims of the US Dept of Education


It is nothing to do with education.
During these three years, all information regarding the members of the government and all deep staters is so smoggy, so not surprisingly people do not know what to believe, what is a false flag, what is not, what is a movie, like WH say, what is not, what is truth, what is lie and what direction to think.

Kay Mitchell

Also true.

truth is stubborn

In this case, this is people’s failure to read the article before commenting on something the article already answers.

There’s fog out there in general, but not in what the article said.


Some of us don’t remember every word written several months back. Not an educational issue, but more of a memory issue. I read a lot and it was a simple question. How quick we turn on our own. For clarity I went back and here are the last two paragraphs of the article. Thanks

“Blinken is the Deep State,” our source said. “He’s a key figure in everything they do. We’d really like to look at that corpse. Until we do, we’ll run under the assumption it was a convincing body double or a clone.”

There was no mention of doppelgangers or clones in Krittenbrink’s conversation with Austin.

Last edited 10 months ago by Jeffrey
Bernadette Bennett

Yes, you’re right about the lack of comprehension, but what’s the excuse for all the horrible spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure? Even Michael, for all his wonderful creativity in storytelling (whether true or false), has a bit of a problem with all three points.
Examples: “But” “comprhension”, and “beleive”.
Although it’s acceptable to begin a sentence with a conjunction (But), it’s better to use a comma, then continue on with the thought.
Michael would also benefit by the little song many of us learned in grade school:
“I before E, except after C, or when sounding like A, as in neighbor, or weigh”.
I don’t mean to insult Michael. His devotion to the cause of getting the truth to everyone is much appreciated. Proofreading is also important because one doesn’t always have the option to edit.
We all should give a little more attention to our written word because it reflects on us in so many ways.


Bernadette, Many people, in this world, have a hard time getting their point across, for whatever reason. Personally, I applaud them, when, whether it is spelling errors or having a hard time getting THEIR POINT across, they keep trying. If I understand what they are trying to say, I’m happy to hear their opinion. I’m especially happy to read yours because, not only do you get YOUR point across but it, clearly, shows me who you are. I don’t think I’d like you, if we ever met.

Sandy Thomas

Pretty sure I wouldn’t like YOU if we ever met. You’re one of those ‘coolness’ virtue signalers, probably out of the late sixties. Very happy to display all of your kindness and compassion before wrapping it up with a poison-shot-parting-shot.
We are subject to alot of sneers and derision, both from the media at large and from friends and families, as well as paid discreditors on this site, this is what ‘fact checkers’ (who never so much as check a fact) do for income. They jump on whatever weak point they can. It doesn’t hurt to run a quick self-edit for a few seconds in the onslaught we’re in. It Does reflect on truthers, Maga, patriots, on what we’re trying to say. I thought Bernadette was as kind and appreciative as she could be.

Tuco Benedito

Please give me some advise I to do not want to look like a looser. Come on man, be a fren.

Cindy W.

Using Michael as your example is lame. Even the best of us get caught up in autocorrect bugs and other inadvertent slips. Those are hugely different from the sheer lack of knowledge, ability and caring for one’s work, including making comments to online posts.


Michael is fighting against a health condition, yet he continues the effort to report vital news to American nationals (Constitutionalists); so, we waived English rules long ago.


There is no perfection when writing. Writing was also developed by the Dracos to bind us with “THEIR” words.. leave the people alone to do as they wish when writing… Ty✔️


Who the hell gives a rats ass about spelling and punctuation???? Seriously?????




There are programs and dictionaries on the internet that can check spelling, mistypes, and mistakes. I use them. So, the word “believe” was written correctly, if you mean that.word.

Katherine Gunning

Yup! I couldn’t agree more. I was known as “Miss Grammar” by my classmates in high school. I wanted to TEACH it, but lacked the funds and got married, etc.. But my oldest son’s appreciation of my grammar and spelling corrections on his high school papers paid off when he went to the Air Force Academy “2004, Prepared For War” and thanked me for preparing him for the rigors of academia his first year. VINDICATION! YES!!!!! We appreciate your articles and the information in them, Michael, but you could use a refresher in grammar and spelling my friend. Regardless, the content, timeliness, and effort you put in and the gravity of the information you have provided us, (especially those who know how to pray and get answers) are far more important in this war against the devil and his pathetic, hell-bound lackeys than the wrong conjugation of a verb.

Last edited 10 months ago by Katherine Gunning
Susan Banks

I recommend the Decoder of Q drops is FCB Decode on Rumble. He is amazing. He is going to have his first guest on Dr. Jan Halper Hayes. She is a gem. Don’t miss it. You will be less confused if you go listen to any of his shows. God Bless.


I used to like FCB until he was adamant that the Maui Mascara was a White Hat operation. He claimed it for over an hour and discredited any of the live people calling in as if “FCB” was the only guy in the know. I haven’t watched him since. I found him to be a blow-hard,


TH33 same goes for B2Reach for gold, Genie-Decode, Juan O’ Bullshizzler, Jerk Johnson, Jim CaWeisel ( married to a man ), Marjorie Taylor Greene ( a dude ), Laurel ( Hardy-HardON Loomer ) & Jaco!


Thank you. I will.


Jan Halper is Joan “the Bullshizzler” Rivers!


Well said Joan. But ONE THING is certain. We watched the United States government under Barry Obama turn so very wicked and twisted, that it was like we were living in a nightmare – Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating government, Obama supporting Morsi in Egypt as he chanted to destroy Israel, gun running ops with cartels, total race baiting as he fanned the flames of discontent, pallets of cash to Iran, a sheeboon tranny freak for a first ‘lady,’ our school systems plunged into starvation, lib tard idiots singing songs of praise with ‘tingles running up their legs’ as the marxists adorated the black Kenyan son of Frank Marshall Davis,.. the list is endless. Point being; there is no way in hell that there would not have been general/admiral officers who SWORE that oath to the CONSTITUTION against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC, to not only resist, but to attack and destroy this vile, treasonous evil. What put me personally over the top was, ISIS. Working for the military at the time, I learned ISIS was the creation of The Kenyan, and the CIA – and that it was driving all over the middle east sawing the heads off little Christian boys and girls [whose parents would not bow the knee to Allah and the 6th Caliphate], then GROUND THEM UP, and FED THEM, to the parents.

Folks, there is a reckoning coming that is far, far, FAR beyond the arrests and hangings you are reading about on this site. When the American loyalists are given power back the rage and wrath of God will consume the courts, the streets and the public places. As Q said, they will not be able to walk the streets.

In closing on this rant, I circle back to your post’s premise and submit that there ARE things, there WERE things that we KNOW happened, and that DEMAND restitution by our military, our duly elected president and by We the People.

David T

Damn good post! Thank you for your service to our nation, and for sharing your first-hand experience with this evil that is trying to overthrow our nation from the inside out.


Great post. What a lot of people overlook is the real truth. Obama is a demon and he and his fellow demons have done so much evil it is almost incomprehensible. His day is coming and very soon I hope.


I’m making $291 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just
using this website……………………………………… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


Cut and paste for repeat questions.




still have to do it, gets old.

Maggie the Cat

Hi Michael and Joan……There is so much doubt in all this that when we try to explain to someone who the latest persons executed are and they then show up with a microphone somewhere we get the CRAZY label or we go on trying to explain about movies, false flags etc. The deeper the explanation the harder is it for newbies to believe it all and to digest it. It is bizarre, truly, and then halfway through all this the newbie will say: “I don’t want to know, I don’t want to know!” It’s frustrating to say the least. BUT, I keep on keeping on.

Nukken Futz

Why try telling the normies of what is going on, because all of the true happenings are outside of the box. They’ll either figure it out over time and some will never accept it. To accept what the rotten govt. has been doing to the normies all these years will make them feel like a sucker and a chump and they will have to admit it to themselves…..


I wonder why we are still calling them “normies”.. IMO there is nothing normal about avoiding the truth.. So I have discovered that the world is full of the “deplorables” and the “delusionals”.. it is often said that the DS accuses everyone they want to discredit if the sins that they are guilty of..
Well, I have been called “delusional” by “normies” so many times that I have come to realise that infact they are the ones that are in reality, delusional..
If they want to call me a Deplorable, I am happy to wear that cap!!

Tuco Benedito

It is called Projection.


I have a friend that abruptly changes the subject whenever I bring up the Biden Crime Syndicate or any other reference to the Deep State…


Same here. My best friend and my family won’t talk politics with me. They are completely and totally asleep at the wheel. 🙁

That’s one reason I come here. We can talk out are political frustrations. 🙂


Thank God for that!!

Tuco Benedito

May I suggest a song by King Crimson titled Matte Kudasai. It’s a song about New York City, it’s about crime in the streets… The explanation is going nowhere…

Susan Banks

You and millions of others just like you, including me. Your explanation of trying to tell the normies is perfect. When we go deeper we lose them. It’s so ridiculous that it’s funny to me now. That makes them more confused! I’m so damn excited that all I can do is smile. God Bless you!!


I recently took in a homeless woman, I was told she thought I was extreme about what was going on that you don’t see or hear on the MSM Recently she has changed her mind after what was told her has come to light on other news sources… So many people to reach with truth, and Jesus Christ. I am sure we can reach those who are with God, as Jesus is always there for those who seek truth. Never give up on truth. Hope is always appreciated. People need hope now a days, I am thankful for these bits of possibilities Michael writes and to the white hats for their courage and sacrifice, may God bless and support you.


You’re nuts and asking for trouble. So you believe in rewarding bad behavior. When things start missing and/or you suddenly get attacked, don’t wonder why.


So true. I have that label in my family


Because they don’t pay attention they’re not following hard enough just reading once a month


Your allowed to be human, we appreciate all that you do for us.


Totally understandable but I too get quite moody being accused as a conspiracy theorist or I have no idea what I am talking about. Must be patient. Sending blessings

Church lips

To those people who question your inputs of information, tell them you know how to read and you weren’t born yesterday.


Great statement. I am now telling people to prove me wrong and tell me about it so I can correct my information. They never can find anything and do not want to spend time investigating. I have watched many documentaries 5-7 hrs long. They do not want to waste their time. Do you know what God says about that/ Discipline.

Rene Labre

The rebel will only rage ans scoff.

Susan Banks

Amen!! I’ve been saying that since the 2020 election. Prove me wrong that Trump did t win in 2020. They can’t!

Kay Mitchell

Good reply.

I will remember that.


No one in my family believes me when I try to explain to them what is going on in the world even though I am sending them every article from RRN and AMG-NEWs. com and all parts of the Fall Of The Cabal. All of them are well-educated. Still, they just laughed at me and all that news from those sites. They say: “We will believe when we see, at least one arrest on TV” and so on.
And I suspect the same situation is in many other families.


Here’s hoping one day those that have belittled others will have to eat some crow.


You’re in good company.


Gee, I have also been accused as a conspiracy theorist with misinformation and not knowing what I am talking about. I guess I am not alone. Saw a great comment on an article today. and was consoled by this statement. The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about. That statement applies to most people I deal with every day.

Kay Mitchell

You are definitely not alone.



By the way, the NASA astronauts jumping on the Moon was shown on TV, but it was fake. People did not see astronauts on the Moon themselves, they trusted the TV. Even now, when those astronauts said they never were on the Moon, many people still believe they were there.

Why I am talking about it now?

Because I think when people see any of the WHat’s court or interrogation on TV, they will NOT believe in it. They might think it is fake.


But both are true.

Susan Banks

That phrase will be so outdated very soon. When the lights go out and all we can see are hangings on TV, they will try to remember everything we had said. They will be calling us and we have to be the ones to still guide them through this, Only with Open Hearts! it’s going to be amazing.


No, they won’t be calling you. They’ll avoid you.



Kay Mitchell

What a waste of time.

David T

Makes sense to me.

Kay Mitchell

Excellent point Julie.

Lucky star

Oh come on… they are libtard anyway




Not everything is the fault of the teachers.. Us older parents had our share in the indoctrination by introducing our children to the indoctrination media in our sitting rooms.. I cannot say I didn’t enjoy the heady days of the new idea of sport on Saturday afternoons and Sundays and evenings.. Couldn’t get enough until it started to dawn on me that a lotnif it was fake and fixed to aid the bookies..
I loved everything till I started to wake up.. Maybe a little too late to re-educate my children bcos they had already moved out.. Now they don’t want to hear about the children or anything else..


Well really why should they? They have their own lives to lead.


It’s very difficult when you have the exact DNA of any WOKE Radical Far Leftist.


Good one, Julie lol

Cindy W.

They are victims only until they leave the system’s mess. Adults can take steps to shore up the gaps in their ‘formal education’, should they so choose and make the effort.


Newbies catch up at a pace meaningful to them. Also, this is not the only site many of us partake of and information doesn’t always jive. It can be difficult to sort out who said what and process what’s been shared.

Legalize Freedom

Can you tell me other sites like this one please I need more info!


Operationdisclosureofficial.com is restored republic.

Kay Mitchell

Thanks. I’ll search for It.

Kay Mitchell

Thanks. I’ll check it out.

I like the name too.


Lately, they give the same information every day.
The amg-news.com gives much more including Restored Republic info.


This same Military Info is also intended everyday for the new people tuning in so they can know as much as possible too as well.

Last edited 10 months ago by GLADALLOVER

restoredrepublic.co is it’s site name. NOT dot com


Yes, it is restoredrepublic.co
Also, amg-news.co. It includes restoredrepublic.co and more.


I get complete updated Military Intel everyday At Restored Republic Dot Com & also from The Judy Byington Report too as well.


Judy Byington with her 27 personalities is a baloney site. She’s been doing the same schtick for YEARS. The dates change but it’s the same old bull$hit.




Generally speaking in the Intel community, there are (3) basic levels. Intel gatherers, Intel processors and Intel consumers.

We’re on the consumer end. As such, the best we can do is attempt to triangulate varying accounts from multiple sources, verify that which CAN be verified ( or reasonably surmised from the facts given ) and draw our own conclusions.

Then debate them here or on other boards. There’s a multitude of Q boards out there and they are a good place to start. If you really want to deep dive, I rec MelQ’s old Telegram account. Read “The Wave & The Split” as well as The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America.

Janet Ossebard covers the whole Devolution concept as well as Kash Patel.

Cognative Disonance

Why is the chip company known as “Intel” and why are their chips known as “processors”?


Yes. Janet Ossebaard is a gift to mankind!




RRN is the best. If you want more non-fake or non-cabal news, try OAN, Breitbart, WND, The Expose, Stop World Control, Restricted Republic, Natural News, thebl.tv, RT, G-news.org (they broke the story on teh Bden laptop) Rebel News, Redacted, because those media networks are HATED by FB, Instagram, Reddit and FB Messenger.
Anything FB hates, it’s good, because they never let them post due to the fact that their content is “deemed abusive.” They never let RRN be posted at all.

Last edited 10 months ago by Xena

Rebel news is Canadian.They also had a very good one called conservative Beaver. I was probably one of the first in the US to find out about Obama’s arrest a long time ago. There was a gag order for media in the US about this arrest but Canada and Mexico do not have to follow these guidelines. It was really early and I didn’t know if I should believe it. Of course the conservative beaver was taken down right after that’ never to return.

Nukken Futz

I have been heavily researching all that is going on for 15 years now and have come up with a news scale of accuracy:

Heres a break down of news accuracy that was compounded by some news truthers:
Level 1 news: up to 25% accurate, but usually hovering at 8-12% accuracy. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, newspapers, NY Times
Level 2 news: up to 50% accurate, but usually hovering at 25-40% accuracy. Epoch Times, Breitbart, X22 report
Level 3 news: up to 75% accurate, but usually hovering at 60-70% accuracy. Breitbart, Rumormill, X22 report
Level 4 news: up to 100% accurate, but usually hovering at 80-90% accuracy. RRN, Ben Fulford, Rumormill, AMGnews
Level 5 news: Absolute truth, on the money and involves Galactic Federation ET activity. Rumormill, Galactic Federation

I read mainly levels 4 and 5 news, but sometimes scan the lower levels. I’ll have a few beers when in a jovial mood and read some level 1 news which is comprised of lies, lies, lies and more lies……

Kay Mitchell



You are right!! RRN IS the best. I’ve had people tell me that Michael “makes that shit up!” I, quickly, point out that he hasn’t been sued yet…. Nuff said.


And he never will be because he is protected by the First Amendment. That said, all of his stories are completely made up

Nukken Futz

amg-news, rumormill..


Amg-news.com was the first site where in the Autumn of 2020 or 2021 I found the list of arrested members of the government, Holywood actors, musicians, governors, and so on. All pedophiles and trisoners.

And information about Obama and his “wife”, their arrest, and execution. 

Kay Mitchell

So many sites to check out.


Sorry, it is amg-news.CO, not com.


And a healthy dose of confirmation bias. Only read stuff you agree with.


I check a few times a day amg-news.com.
Lots of information.


AMG, aka, AmericanMediaGroup.com gets somewhat good intel. Not nearly as good as Michael’s intel however, which I consider the very best and highest level, of intel on the web today. This is because the US Special Forces, etc. LIKE & approve of Michael. He is the key.


MOM-POP-SHOPS are websites managed by the owner (REAL RAW NEWS; GeoEngineering,” “Hagman Report,” John B. Wells’ news networks: “Ark to Midnight,” “Caravan To Midnight,” “Jelly Fish,” “Talk Stream Live”).
STRIP MALLS are “platforms” (“gate keepers”) (RUMBLE, BIT CHUTE, YOU TUBE, TWITTER, REDDIT) managing news channels (e.g., “And We Know,” “X22 Report,” “SGT Report,” “Total Eclipse,” “Roseanne Bar”).
SHOPPING MALLS amalgamate news stories (“collective intelligence”) from among Strip Malls, and Mom-Pop-Shops (“AMG-news,” “Before Its News,” “Rumor Mill,” “Restored Republic”).


I think it is a great idea about pinning replies to the same question asked multiple times. Would be less aggravating for you as well after hearing it so many times.

Last edited 10 months ago by Mondexmomma

Terrible idea. Exercise in tedium and futility. Some readers here don’t have the wherewithall to continuously scroll for responses, and therefore don’t bother. A better comments system needs to be implemented.

Kay Mitchell

Such a waste of time.


You were moody almost to the point of rudeness the first time. It did not take you 12 replies.


Yes, RRN is more informative and has less water.
Thank you, Michael! I check your site not only every day but every couple of hours.


Thanks Rosey.💐


Added comment: I think that this back and forth confusion about clones, who is alive, who is not, where is this clone and that one, and where is the real person…. could be a glimpse of what will come when the reality and the evil implications of cloned politicians and other elites makes its way to the mainstream.

If ever.

When and if the time comes, it may take 24/7 broadcast disclosures and discussions on CNN, MSNBC, C-span, CBS, ABC, NBC, and more. MSM will first need to be cleansed and properly re-formatted.

Unless things are delicately and appropriately presented to the world at large, mass suicide could be anticipated, as peoples’ fundamental belief structures about the world are challenged and proven to be erroneous. (include our beloved trolls in that population of ‘world at large’)


💥Those who don’t have a reasonable idea of what is real and what isn’t never will, as their minds are incapable of abstract analysis and reasonable conclusions. Nor do they have an “I’ll watch how this plays out” attitude to make learned decisions along the way.

I stopped babysitting people in 2017 after watching the insane frenzy of attacks on Donald J Trump and knowing why. Those who listen to what I say in general conversation and have an ah-ha moment will never look back because they can’t. They will keep learning, as will I and most everyone here.

👍Take care- Stay vigilant-

Ellen T

Ya definitely cannot ever look back once you’ve had your “ah-ha moments!” Nor would I want to.


Won’t happen . No one will believe without real proof . All these stories have one anonymous source with no interviews , pictures , eyewitnesses. MSM has more than one and will not accept anonymous reports .


MSM are irrelevant now. Yesterday’s newspaper. Alt News is the new norm.

Dave Smith

Look Virl Drones to that’s another one that I’ve heard of lately. It kinda explains why some of these people act the way they do. I still need to research it more I still have some questions about it that wasn’t explains how and why. 🧐🤔🧐🤔✌️🇺🇸🫡✌️🇺🇸🫡🧐🤔💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🙏


Vril as an overarching concept is not new. It goes back to the 1920’s, as per the Vril Society pre Nazi Germany. The medical and biological side refers to concepts seen in Sci-fi, like the Stargate series and the fight against a serpentine parasite race called The Go’auld, who desired the use of human hosts.

Dave Smith

Sorry spelled it wrong. I should have said new too me . I’ve been doing lots of research searching lately and learning alot of new stuff. I appreciate good and bad criticism it makes me want to due better. Thank you for any information you can give us on this. 🧐✌️😎😃💚💚💚💚💚💚 we all need to find out what is really going on. Thanks again sincerely Dave Smith 😎✌️🙏💚🇺🇸🙏🙏


Good one Dave 👍

Rene Labre

Two separate networks had two different live broadcasts of Hillary doubles at the same time,east and west coast,realizing their grievous error both broadcasts were cut.Special forces moved in and executed both doubles.


I believe Michael had an article about the white hats “unaliving” the two clones.


Keep in mind that we are getting bombarded with so much Info, that I believe some are on overload. Our minds and memories are getting taxed these days.



Surf Nazare

I will put my post here and hope it doesn’t get buried too deep—–
Blinken has been seen all around Europe, I guess he is smart enough not to come home to the states. So a clone or doppelganger or some kind of an imitation has shown up and yet the ones that actually disperse the monies to the crooks like Yellen (remember I said she probably has billions in Ukraine et al) have shown up in US to be a diversion of some sort. —–Now begs the question, why would someone who has $3.6 BBBillion take the chance and come to the US and get their collective heads chopped off.I suggest they are not the real thing either. With the monies they have they sure could afford clones etc. also—–And to top it off they made it too easy to get picked up——6 guards with hand guns and no resistance——- anybody worth their salt puts out a point man and recons before exiting with supposed high profile personnel. I have a feeling this was more just testing the waters if what was presented was accurate
But hey, what do I know—–With 3.6 BBBillion I would just go to Qatar and live with the other terrorist heads in luxury


Sorry bout that, MB!

John Q

“…the dearth of reading comprehension on this site is astounding.” -MB

Intellectual laziness coupled with short attention span/memory.


Mr. Baxter, please allow me to remind you that, as a member of the White Hats and the Awakened Ones, these people are in your care. Yes, the school systems have failed us and we have failed ourselves. But that is a disability, and not a sentence. It is up to us [me and you and John] to add our hands to their bootstraps and to pull as they must pull. Thus, the meaning of: wwg1wga.


Amen. Well said.

Part of me wants to strangle my relatives & friends. The other wants to give them a big hug everyday for having made it this far!?


We will have a chance to remake the world and this time in our own image and likeness. I hope you find the results to your liking, Will.

Rene Labre

The objective is for all of us to be pulling in the same direction.




I reject the notion that readers, voluntary present, are “in the care” of a reporter/author. I suggest that adult persons are responsible for them selves, if not legally institutionalized or medically disenfranchised.


After 175 years of American mind-fuck, that’s too big a job for most of us, Pal. Once we set the world a-right, we can be, as Senor Boots is so fond of saying, “not our brother’s keeper, but rather our brother’s brother.” In fact, my next episode [#47] will be all about the cabal war against our reading and against our ability to think.


The mere fact that you consider Juan O. Savin credible proves you are in need of guardianship


Yeah, it’s brutal. I used to say that the human race is just so LAZY. They REFUSE to read anything longer that a fragment of a sentence…….. I try to post RED PILLS for those lazy folks, but if it’s a couple of paragraphs, they just continue scrolling! Boggles the mind how LITTLE people are willing to do. If they can’t watch a 3 minute tick tock clip, they just don’t do it.


This is true. We all chose to be here a soul journey to lead the way and to help the rest of humanity. What a great time to be alive! Like Trump said…..some will not be able to handle the TRUTH. This is going to be a difficult realization to the sleeping sheep. We are the shepherds of humanity. Yes it can be very draining. Keep the Faith. Blessings.

Last edited 10 months ago by Mondexmomma
Kay Mitchell

An inspiring philosophy!


Even as a “shepherd of Humanity, after trying to wake up the sheep around me, (and trying and trying…..) I have decided that when the light dawns on “them,” I am only answering questions. No more diatribes/lectures/enlightenment attempts. I’m hoping to make my life simpler when the truth gets through to them. (Finally!)


Me too. Thank you.


These people are in your care? Better call Social Services.

Kay Mitchell

Beautifully said! 👏


Why would the white hats who are running this movie make a big deal about a clone ? And by the way many people havre posted the basically the same comment and all you do is criticize our reading skills. So we are to blame? Actually it should have said”An” if you want to criticize. Lots of readers misread the same article according to you Michael.

Cognative Disonance

I really appreciate the “edit” feature after having made a post.


You certainly do not have that Edit option on Messenger, but you certainly do have that option on FakeBook??


I just got on here and the clone confusion does try my patience and I”m only on the second whiney post about it. Actually it was very clear back when I read it: they thought it was a clone. Pretty straightforward.


If the Haavara coin Nazis would stop using doubles to continue being parasites it would make everything a lot easier.


Why have the archives been closed to me?


I always check your archives, Mike, don’t get aggravated. I’ve posted links for everybody that didn’t get the Blinken article. That should inform them.

Last edited 10 months ago by Xena

Not quite sure where to jump in here, but I would like to remind everyone that we are in a war, have been traumatized, poisoned, vaxcinated, fumigated, irradiated, EMFed, DEWed, Fluoridated, Maskified/smothered, Modernified, Pfizerized, GraphenOxidized, Pesticided, Herbisized, Chemtrailized and who knows what else… It’s a miracle even one of us has a nerve left to think with… Let’s give each other the benefit of the doubt and finish this out with Joy and Kindness… Slow down, read more carefully, and be gracious to one another…
Thanks, Mike, for your time and patience with all of us. Sometimes RRN is the only sane place for us to come to to be encouraged…we need you!

Someone Else

Not to mention incessantly lied to from all official sources.


True. 👍

Kay Mitchell

You any others whose posts are above this, totally renew my faith in the calibur of minds on this site.

I am encouraged to improve.


This is the audience you have intentionally cultivated for yourself, Mike. You know they are not bright, otherwise they wouldn’t buy into your crap. That’s on you, buddy. If you want an audience that appreciates the subtleties of your narrative or whatever, then don’t write stuff directed at delusional leftover qanon believers.

Last edited 10 months ago by Biggs

By extension, we are the audience you have cultivated who can appreciate your wit, style and intellect.


Not really, my posts here are practically pearls before swine. Hardly any of y’all appreciate the depth of the Mole People lore I’ve written here.

Kay Mitchell

I’ll pay more attention.


The ego is strong with this one.

Kay Mitchell



And yet ego cannot BE strong since it is fear based, and one cannot be strong and fearful. Therefore, b.ggs, at least in your perception is weak.


You make a good point. 👍

Kay Mitchell



The vermin has arrived. On queue.

Kay Mitchell


Is that a bitter dragon I hear?

Kay Mitchell

It needed to be said. thank you.


So says any so called WOKE Radical Far Leftist Intellectual But Idiot.

Cognative Disonance

Winkin’, Blinken and Nod.


Boomer is right

Jane Giffin

I do recall the report being a clone that they had acquired , notnthe real Antony Blinken .


“Bob” is a dickshit fed….
And too bad that no one bombed the “Biden”/Xi meeting today with Kerry, Blinken, Yellen and that stupid brunette twat all there.


Lol. 🫣


People don’t comprehend what they are reading. This doesn’t mean that people are stupid, it just means that they are not reading what their eyes are seeing. Their own preset cognitive dissonance interferes and this is the mistake they make. ~The Nak~

Ultrafart the Brave

I agree entirey, Mr. Baxter.

It should have been patently apparent even to those Chinese over there way across the Pacific Ocean that the Blinken they shot in the face was a clone.

It’s ENORMOUS ARSE was a dead giveaway – unlike the REAL Anthony Blinken whose slender butt is so trim, taught and terrific I find myself reaching for a box of tissues every time I see it.

In contrast, Hillary’s gorgeous super sexy Godzilla sized butt is indistinguishable from a clone’s humungous rear – but that’s another story.


Dearest patient, hardworking, discreet, Michael, when the Lord God, who rules this tiny planet, gave out “patience”, you were first on line!!!

Kay Mitchell

” The dearth of reading comprehension on this site..”

Reminds me of Hillary’s attitude when she spoke of “the basket of deplorables”.

Dave Strickland

No, it’s grammatically incorrect. I noticed the “A” title but could not decipher it. If you’d put “An” instead, I’d have understood immediately.


The Chinese knew that Blinken was a blinkin’ clone. That’s why they summarily executed him. Even now, they would never have done that to one of the non- clone “Biden” Administrators.

Last edited 10 months ago by Claire

It would be very interesting if they did. It would be one of the cabal family fights and vendettas we never hear about because they view the sheeple as humanoids undeserving of the truth.


It was a double, Bob.


Cabal doesn’t usually use doubles. They use clones.


Except when they makes clones of the doubles or have doubles stand in for clones


Bugz moonlights as a stand up comic. 🤡


Of course, it makes it easier to fit into all theirs narratives when a camera catch’s one of their mugs.


Of course he is dead. Once their clones start being dragged out into the public, is a clue that the original is long dead.


Good riddance. The deep state was letting dirt bags get rich from funding the war. I know someone who worked on a resort island in the Mediterranean that was packed with Ukrainians for the past few years.


Execution sounds like the answer for the Ukraine criminals


Wow good going men


Don’t waste time and tax payers money on these bastards. Omit the Military Tribunal, straight to the gallows. Hang Em. Now! And go get zelensk.

Gregg Nickens

I’ve heard that the Deep State utilizes Hollywood Actors to play politicians, agency people etc. TODAY I got a revelation. Christopher Wray is being played by Michael Imperioli of ‘Sopranos’ and ‘Project Blue Book’ fame. The looks, the mannerisms, are all there. The next time you watch Wray being grilled by Congress listen to his voice and mannerisms. Then watch the ‘Sopranos’ or ‘Project Blue Book’. Boy, what an epiphany…..


And where is the real wray?


Cloned and the real Wray disposed!



Mark David

These Ukrainians and Khazarians are some of the ugliest People I’ve seen in the news. They should be easy targets for our military to kill on sight.

William R Nicholson

Interesting article which makes me think the intimate lines of communication for the DS , are breaking down ! Why would DS crowd risk sending major players on their side , to what is now , Clearly , enemy territory from their point of view ? Money must be getting low for the pyramid worshippers & major players are now making desperate moves , just to keep the DS fully operational! I thought they were showing weakness in August 2021 as THEY tried to recruit me into their organization but seeing this story gives me glee ….. they’re just as desperate & weak , as I had assumed in 2021 ! I pray that The Plan , continues to show a bountiful harvest ….. Good Wishes My White Hats ! Check Your Package ; And Then , Move Ahead At Flank Speed ……. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Lorenz Manner

And now prepare the gallow to have all of them swinging very soon. They are Traitors and people mooching money off US since a long time. This was an extraordinary move to get them. Bravo 👍 👏 👍. NO MERCY.

Billy Bob

Пал Андреич, вы шпион? Видишь ли Юра…

Billy Bob

Another smooth episode of Operation “Trust”.


I really wish the Military would just blow the head off of anyone that they think is Blinken, or Biden, or Kamala, or Mayorkas or Lloyd Austin or Buttigieg, or OBAMA. you get my point. ALL OF THEM……………..send a message to those impersonating them all, that they will receive the same “justice” as the person that they represent.

Wanda yemm

Thank the miy for being on their toes. This people have took so much money from our country. I’m so glad you got them. Can’t wait till you get all of them. Joe, Obama Schmidt, Barr, all four of those girls that are tery and hate our country, when these are gone then it might go a lot faster getting the rest one then.they need to arrest those judges that are not going by the law at all and treating Trump so bad.

Kay Mitchell

Today RSBN is reporting that President Trump will visit the border for Thanksgiving.

He might as well be walking onto a target range.

Absolutely mind-blowing.


Oh, he’s going to Texas. Okay. Not Arizona.. Still waiting for a planeload of criminals to be arrested from Arizona……………… MB, any whispers of them, or if they were all hauled in back in September when they grabbed Katie Hobbs?


$1,200,000,000,000.00 to go to the drag queen whore and his shopaholic wife. Shame on zelensky!!

Stinky Perfume

Over half of the area of Camp Pendleton, CA is blocked on google earth and the blocked line is straight across the map and all blurry with anything south of the line.

Google Earth won’t show the east USA either, just main roads and a green background. I went to look where FEMA just took over a rest stop on the 91 in Vermont and set up an operation as top secret. Starting at 24:12 theres video of it.

Over half of the area of Pendleton is blocked on google earth and the blocked line is straight across the map.

I went to look at Acapulco to see if they let us see the Cat 5 200 MPH wind tunnel damage they called a hurricane, that lasted just one hour, and it’s all blocked but you can see what is bldgs and it’s all got blocking scrap paper looking pixeled cover stuff on everything, so nothing can really be seen in clarity. Zoom up close is possible but anything that is damaged or might be, is covered up by blocking software pixels.

Up the coast towards the north of Alcapulco looks totally wiped out, nothing can be seen but blur and road lines where there should be buildings, all the way up to San Diego, it’s all blocked out with blur on zoom at street level, all the way up to Camp Pendleton when the blur line is totally straight so obvious and stops. Anything coastal is full of blur and extra color pixels all over anywhere. Their tech covering is so obvious.

Whatever is coming up or covered up got pixels on top of over half the things or blur ahead of time by design. The do either total blur spot area blur or clarity with pixels on top of most things.

Stinky Perfume

Urgent Care in Virginia near the 95. Okay, what happens to people going there to expect urgent care? There’s also the rest stop FEMA took over on the 91 in Vermont. People trying to stop would face a guard tower and told to leave immediately. There’s stuff going on out there and would be nice to know where not to go. Those people need adrenochrome so they are on the take. I can guess even shop for children out of rest stops. I tend to think satellites are following the children around so they voice into the head to operatives on the ground (from talking to the ones on the ground, they can see if I have money in my house. Maybe they are just mind reading.

William R Nicholson

Everything will be revealed when Commander Trump is fully acknowledged as The Legit President of The United States Republic . New episodes of X Files with the original cast , will be made & the true but unbelievable stories will be broadcast of the real events that were just performed in these past few years. Many of the Still Drugged Up Stoners of The Left , will just think the new X-Files are Hollywood fantasy ….. but we Still will try to awaken those weirdo’s, stuck in old Lost In Space …. environments …… Nick ,, NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Trump asked the judge to permit a live stream of his federal election subversion case from the courtroom. He wants the trial to be seen by everybody in the world.


Last edited 10 months ago by Sue
Surf Nazare

A little side note—-Mike Pompeo just got put on Board of a telecom co. in Ukraine but will say the Mother ship (Co.) is out of Amsterdam

John .S

Currently *right now* on Brooklyn waterfront, Red Hook at Liberty Warehouse [175 Van Dyke Street] and MH 60 R just flown over. Seen Huey helicopters flying along Belt Pkwy few days ago. Months back seen 3 Ospreys traveling coastline.

John .S

Update, just now, 3 Black Huey helicopters just flown over Red Hook [Port Authority] Container Port, seeing much copter activity over lower New York Harbor, not sightseeing copters.

American Living in Canada

Choppers up here also, again I’m near a lot of Veterans and active Military Bases.

Mind you.. no where near what was going on around late 2017, early 2018.


Are we to assume that these 2 individuals will get 20 years in prison, or will they be frog-marched to the platform where they will be hung by the neck until dead, and they’re assets frozen? It’s now pick n’ choose day here at the GITMO HOTEL.. We’ll give that guy 20 years. We’ll give him 15 years because he didn’t pick his nose. During the trial, we’ll give him 20 years because he promised not to pull-down his pants. During the trial, we’re gonna hang that guy. Because he did pull-down his pants and exposed himself during the trial. What happened to the phrase? No deals, death will appear before you instantaneously. You don’t get a deal you don’t get off. Fun killing people laundering money and destroying the country killum. Burnum, hang up by their neck until dead….we going to punish these slime by making them disappear from this mortal coil? They don’t come back in 20 years.You should’ve grabbed the blinken clone and put a bullet in his head and chopped off his head and fed-exed it to Joe Biden. Ask him if this is the real blinkin. Find all the blinkin drones chop their heads off. Meltdown the bodies in mail the heads federal express Joe Biden’s $550 million dollar beachfront home and then accidentally hit the property with a direct energy weapon with the decapitated heads sitting on joe biden lap. wonder why later why Joe Biden’s pants were down to his ankles and he didn’t have any underwear on.

Julian Metter

Question for Michael or anyone who has thoughts on the subject. We’ve heard a number of times that the White House in Washington has been shuttered. There is some photographic evidence for this in the form of a lone Marine walking outside, but that bit of video is dated now.

My question is, if the press briefings and other functions that are reported from the White House are actually taking place elsewhere, how does the Deep State apparatus maintain silence amongst all the reporters who are gathered there? Many of them are stooges who would honor some sort of NDA but there are some who would balk at that. Ditto for politicians like MTG or Jim Jordan.

I don’t doubt that extreme pressure can be brought to bear, however shifting all functions of the White House to duplicate venues would create many complications in receiving foreign dignitaries from countries like China who are not on board with the Deep State apparatus.

Any ideas?


Michael, is there a word / character control on responding to comments?….


You can’t say “booger.”


Depends what Comments plug-in is used on this site. Some plug-ins use a swear word black list, some use an obfuscation tool like c***.


“Hi Dee and good morning well I’m about to blow your mind here 😖😳 “

What if we find out that Barack Hussein Obama 🥸 never was ? 😳😳 yes what if he was a fictional character mostly CGI 🤯😱 concocted by the CIA and the 13 families that ruled the world 🤢 a story can be told that the super elite families that have control the world and the flow of money for centuries care very little for humanity only to serve their perverted needs 🤔 I personally hope he’s real just to watch him die for the thought of the evil he represents I wonder , in my fathers time Hitler was the anointed antichrist by the 13 families 😳 in our time it’s Obama and Soros as we now know they were only the puppets and the puppet masters who control them are living in the shadows of anonymity as they worship their evil gods 😖😳 but the greatest disinfectant from evil is to bring it to the light and we did that 😉🤷🏻‍♂️🇺🇸



Chip Schwarz

One day I guess the plan will be reveal.
Gather up all the body doubles of a large well known group & show the public.
Of course lots will say it’s fake so be it.
Every time people see it more will wake up.
Like a wave of water on rocks, over time they dissolve away.
I love these updates.


👆 According to an explosive report, Obama has been secretly overseeing the Biden administration, heightening concerns the ex-President is actually the secret commander-in-chief with his former VP operating as a frontman.


Now what happened in one week? We went from the FCC commissioner saying… The Biden administration is in overreach mode, and I am totally against their take over of the Internet……….to Sept 15th vote approval for the takeover. Same ring as The PATRIOT ACT.

FCC commissioner calls Biden equity plan for internet control ‘sweeping, unprecedented, and unlawful’
Now is the time to arrest FCC commissioner Brendan Carr and find out if he’s been replaced via clone…etc


Debbie Fitzko



Don’t shoot the messenger, (named Michael), let’s just get the story and the important points and thank God for sending him.

Surf Nazare

unless he doesn’t like the negative realities of the information he has written—–find my post above and you will see he buried it although filled with solid questions and observations where giant mistakes were made—-not to mention possibilities—-not being mean or nasty but just thought provoking




Someone should create an organized global hit squad to take out these clones. Just like in the movies.. Lol. Err hmm.. 🤭



Michael R Davis

“Hamas Using Hospitals as Human Shields” says CIA and Israel.
Therefore the dead hospital staff, patients, children, are collateral damage.
Watching the brood of vipers from the Synagogue of Satan self-destruct.

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gepzrW8E1qE


So tucker carlson is giving airtime to the owens/shapiro circus side show act to entertain the restless americans.

So a jewish white supremacist vs a black female actress the white conservatives can accept?

all the world’s a stage…aint that right tucker?


Finally some say Biden isn’t the real president.


Those must be the ones that have come off their sleeping pill meds.

Michael R Davis

The israelies are destroying themselves as they enrage the world population against them by attacking the Al-Shifa hospital, killing scores of unarmed wounded and innocents, then being so stupid as to raise israeli flags all over the hospital as if they have heroically captured some great enemy stronghold. Idiotic. The arrogant brood of vipers from the Synagogue of Satan at their very worst.

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXQq1a_58N4



Michael R Davis

Yes, the Synagogue of Satan does not hesitate to sacrifice their own people when necessary, nor to sacrifice their allies.

Remember the USS Liberty.
Remember the World Trade Center on 911.
Keep those Carrier Task Groups far away from israeli treachery.


The irony is, the hospitals contained weapons caches. Weapons are only useful in the hands of soldiers. So the IDF decides to take out hospital because they were threatened by hospital rooms full of inanimate weapons. This takes stupidity to a new low.

Michael R Davis

The Complete Plan, from JoeM

https ://rumble.com/v3ooyms-the-complete-plan.html

John .S

Good morning Kathy Hochul and Eric Adams highly suspect yourselves or staff is monitoring RRN.

I’m giving you both the heads-up that Admiral Crandall has a seat awaiting you.

Recommend attaining a law firm that handles JAG matters, Yippie Ki-Yay.

PS: “I’m in the New York State of Mind” – Billy Joel.

Last edited 10 months ago by John .S

Law firms will not go anywhere near a military court. They know which side their bread is buttered.





Forwarded from: BenjaminFulFord

The Corporation of the United States, Israel, Poland and Ukraine may cease to exist as defeated HMM

The geopolitical situation is in the midst of a collapse similar to the situation in the USASR. This will lead to the fact that many countries will disappear from the map in their current form. Among the countries that are likely to disappear are Israel, the United States, Ukraine and Poland. This comes at a time when Rockefeller’s henchman President Joe Biden will sign the surrender documents of the larger Planetary Liberation Alliance in San Francisco this week, according to Western sources in the White Hat and Asian Secret Society.

The centuries-old Satanic plan to turn the planet into a huge plantation of slaves with the help of three world wars has failed. The Khazar mafia hoped to use this plan to dominate the world from Israel and the Great Khazaria (Ukraine + Khazakhstan, etc.). Instead, as we will see below, the HMM suffered a decisive defeat in Ukraine, and will soon be defeated in Israel.

“Ukraine is an important figure on the geopolitical chessboard that we cannot afford to lose … our current path… means that our global order is taking over,” admits Nathaniel Rothschild, who headed the HMM after most of the Octagon group was neutralized.



Blinken is dead! You know how I know, a day or so after RRN reported he may have took a bullet in the face for flapping his pie hole on a Tarmac in China, an Avatar of him made an appearance on one of the fake news outlets. The new guy was pretty skittish and you could tell he was new. He definitely wasn’t as polished as some of the DS warmongering pricks.

Billy Bob

That Russian dude Zelya of Krivoy Rog (Crooked Horn) is something else, the best Putin’s apprentice – destroying everything he can, entrapping the West to self-destruct while stealing shitload of undeclared American money. Mission accomplished.


Ahhhh, the sight of good news in the morning, well done patriots! God bless you all and keep up the good work


dearth; that’s funny!


Critical things to think about, by Ray Payne: [abridged]
—If a guy pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
—Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
—Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.
—It was cool for Joe Biden to “blackmail” the President of Ukraine.
—Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
—People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
—People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.
—Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
—Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang member or terrorist who jumps the southern fence is welcome.
—$5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.
—If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
—If you cheat in an election nothing happens to you, but if you point out the mathematical errors of that election you are a conspiracy theorist & disdained.
—People who say there is no such thing as a gender are demanding a female President.
—We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan for us.
—Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
—Criminals are caught and released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it’s a violation of their rights.
—And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us “racists”?!
Nothing makes sense anymore – no values, no morals, and no civility. People are dying of a Chinese virus, but it’s racist to refer to it as Chinese even though it began in China. We are clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good, where killing murderers is wrong but killing unborn babies is okay!
Wake up America, the great unsinkable ship Titanic America has hit an iceberg, it’s taking on water, and is sinking fast. We Americans are drowning. Speak up while you still have breath and a voice for soon you will have neither if you don’t!”

Kay Mitchell

Stunning! Thank you.


Yeah the irony of it all! Well said! I think we are definitely in the storm! Not turning back now! NCSWIC!


‘Criminals are caught and released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it’s a violation of their rights.’
That reminds me of a girl who was harassed by a bully in front of her schoolmates and told her parents. The parents reported it to the school and the school refused to punish the perpetrator because the perpetrator had rights. WHAT ABOUT THE FRICKEN GIRL’S RIGHTS?! BLM and ANTIFA have rights but the victims of the rioters that tore America apart don’t?!
Take the welfare benefits away from these lazy feckless outlaws and their parents and make them work for their money even if it means scrubbing toilets and Porta Potties. No work, no money. Just like in 1 Thessalonians 3:-8-10 if a man refuses to work, neither should he eat.


one of many discoveries in Q drops, or Q code as I call it, is the proximity, in time, between Q drops and 45 tweets (back in those days) coupled with similarity in messaging and both arrived with clear timestamps for us to workout delta

in these days we get no good timestamps, but I can testify that with/at the appearance of this RRN article, in close proximity, time, 45 posted same/similar theme

“trust the plan” is oldest Q rendition of the theme I point to, last paragraph above… coming presumably from military sorts, I suggest it is highly similar to Trump’s frequent rally cry, ‘best is yet to come

at approximately same time, under text of “41 DAYS UNTIL” Trump (TS) hit the same future-focused admonition upping the ante/promise higher than I have ever heard before (about 1:05 mark out of 1:46 vid)

45 now promises, though America is lower than we have ever been before, what comes is a greater/better America than ever before, time to put our big pants on trusting plan

now I’m not trying to say MB source is Q or even Qish, but is it not remarkable that “General Smith and the council”… I’d figure less than 10…”abide by it”… that is the old Q line of trusting plan

would it not be even more remarkable if MB source would soon hand-off a, “The best is yet to come.”… 5 times in Q code starting in 2019… and 45 would soon thereafter project even a stronger, futuristic admonishment


It’s good to hear that these two will be dealt with accordingly and it is prudent to trust the Plan. There was a story a few months the back when Blinked attempted to land a plane in China after being told not to do so. The report indicated he was shot dead on the tarmac. If that was the original Blinken, then he doesn’t know he’s still alive.


Shame on the fake news.

This is why the sheeple are not waking up, the normies aren’t getting a clue as to why people are dying from the jab, why China is getting the upper hand in taking over our country, why George Soros and his son Alexander have destabilized and corrupted our country and other countries including their media outlets and politicians, and why the deep state is trying to stay deep while we are all fighting like hell to expose them. If they did, then the sheeple and the normies would truly get a rude awakening about the filthy, dirty people they worshipped and defended, and the honorable, heroic, brave people they savaged and defamed.
Delenda Coniurati (the cabal must be destroyed)
These vile animals are determined to destroy and kill President Trump and his family every which way, not to mention We the People and our global human family, and the fake news media are too cowardly to even try to report on it.

They tried to kill First Lady Melania Trump by poisoning her.President Trump’s sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, was found dead in her apartment and we don’t know yet if there was foul play or not.Independent observers and truth tellers were connecting the dots on PDJT’s brother Robert Trump’s suspicious elimination in a New York hospital. We can be certain the cabal got to Robert Trump as well after he met with his brother Donald, who was running for reelection in 2020, and then after Tweeting about Madonna drinking Adrenochrome, he was found dead in his hospital bed and his Twitter account suspended. The timing was suspiciously fast after Robert’s Tweet went out.They tried to poison the First Family in the White House with possibly a weaponized form of COVID-19.RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details on Ivana Trump’s demise in her apartment in connection with the COVID jabs she got, we can be sure, on the part of the cabal.
RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details on John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Brock Long, and David Cohen threatening and/or trying to kidnap and kill Barron Trump
RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details on Nancy Pelosi trying to kill or disfigure Ivanka Trump Kushner.
RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details on the cabal trying to assassinate President Trump 67 times.
RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details on the cabal trying to destroy America via 9/11 and the War on Terror involving Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and possibly even Colin Powell, not to mention the lying and coverup that ensued.
RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details on the cabal helping the not-dead Jeffrey Epstein escape on J6 during the Capitol siege during which he was supposed to be the Kraken expose Joe Biden and Hunter Biden for visiting the island and have sex with children, including “double-teaming” the underage girls sexually.
RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details on the cabal working in the Ukraine sex trafficking children for Hunter and Joe, maintaining properties for them to have paedophilic sex with the kids, the Adrenochrome trade being protected by their fellow paedophilic dog Z-bitch, and the first to expose the White Hats uncovering a Biden hideout for sex trafficking in 2021, plus the destruction of biolabs being destroyed by President Putin in 2022 (the MSM factchecked or downplayed the last part).
RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details on the successful efforts of the joint US Special Forces/Russian Spetznas rescuing our sons and daughters from these demonic sex-trafficking pigs, annihilating paedophile cartels and Adrenochrome supply chains.
RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details on the movements of Russia’s President Putin taking down the Azov/Neo Nazis/Banderites and their fellow international mercenaries and getting the upper hand, while a Ukrainian MP said on live TV on Sky News the same thing — but because the NWO/CIA/globalist-connected lamestream media cannot admit Russia is winning and the Ukraine is losing, they deep-sixed that live interview because they support the Ukrainian drag queen whore.
RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details of the arrests, military tribunals and executions./incarcerations of deep state traitors and the release of those found innocent of crimes (Shannon Corless and Jeff Sessions). Even C-Vine is refusing to report on them, and many of us were told they would be updating us. Michael Baxter is the only one who has kept his word in doing so, and consistently at that. Thank you, Michael.
RRN is the ONLY news network on the planet to report the details of the dastardly genocide of the cabal force jabbing the populace, including schools, hospitals, medical clinics, the military, law enforcement, medical staff, airline pilots and others targeted for global euthanasia on the part of the WEF/NWO/Khazarian/Rothschilian/Jesuit/Luciferian/Illuminati/globalist cabal.

If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31a

….I shall not fear what man shall do to me. Hebrews 13:6b

For we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus…. Romans 8:37a

Fear not… Isaiah 41:10a


Last edited 10 months ago by Xena

Mike – doing your own PR is cheesy, like when Trump used to call reporters and pitch stories under the alias John Baron.

Kay Mitchell

I did not realize. Thank you!


She’s delusional.


You’re welcome.

Someone Else

Only one stating it.

Doesn’t mean it’s true? Especially if no where else is saying it…


Well said and it is the truth. The ones who are criticizing you for writing this, can’t say they have heard this anywhere else. So thankful for MB and his writing.


Same here, thanks.



Red October + 13 days = Nov 20


POTUS OPENS THE DOOR OF ALL DOORS Delta Nov 20 = UBS, Credit Suisse Crimes that date back to their beginning ie Funding both sides in WW1 & 2 just like they do now in everything Terror Related. See WikiLeaks.

Joe Biden Birthday NOV 20.




Oh stop the nonsense.


Sat, 11/18/23 at 4:00 pm EST (Fort Dodge, IA)
Times are approximate.
rsbnetwork.com carries the speeches and usually replays them afterwards.


source says: “you’ve heard the phrase, trust the plan”, last paragraph

I have not kept up with all comments, not like MB has on “A” (“An”) ‘AB’… but I would suspect the “trust the plan” ‘phrase’, has drawn typical bad comments from usual rotten apples herein

trust the plan is found 35 times in Q drops/code, all except one in 2018 between 5th day of Feb and Sep, the full phrase is “stay the course and trust the plan”, April (2018) has the highest use, 14 times, over 1/3 of total and in typical Q style that month the phrase is linked with lines like “APRIL SHOWERS.”, “Have faith.”, and “+++ ++ +”

like WWG1WGA, ‘trust the plan’ has gained much recall having become a ‘hold the line’ battlecry for many

not to project any what/when, it is hard to ignore focus on April, when/if thinking on ‘plan’

and since 45 describes our current situation as “lower than ever before”… …. ….. up is only place we can spring… leap… by faith