Putin Bombs Cloning Lab in Ukraine

Illustrative only

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday ordered a cruise missile strike against a Deep State cloning facility in part of the Donetsk region still in Ukraine, FSB agent Andrei Zakharov told Real Raw News.

The strike was conducted by the Admiral Grigorovich, a Russian warship of the Black Sea Fleet, which unleashed a wave of Novator Kalibr missiles that hammered the laboratory, killed the occupants, and unalived clones of U.S. and Russian politicians that were growing in maturation cylinders.

According to Zakharov, the lab held multiple clones of Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Marjory Taylor Greene, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Federal Assembly Chairman Volodin Vyacheslav Victorovich, and Jim Jordan, among other less notable anti-Deep State advocates. Zakharov guessed that “programmed” clones were meant to replace the actual persons after foul play came to them.

“These clone batches, all of them copies of people fighting the Globalists Deep State. We learned of this place only a week ago, and President Putin said to bombard it. We got a man inside the laboratory first, and he saw all these clones in cylinders. We got, how you say, tip saying manufacturing plant was transformed into cloning lab,” Zakharov said.

Two Ukrainian-speaking FSB agents with forged credentials entered Ukraine on November 8. Posing as code enforcement officers, they performed faux structural integrity inspections on businesses near the cloning laboratory. But when they tried inspecting the lab, six armed police officers standing at the entrance turned them away at gunpoint. The cops reportedly said that Volodymyr Zelenskyy owned the building and that only authorized persons could enter it. Zelenskyy’s orders, the cops said, superseded state code enforcement’s authority.

“They agents, they left for then. They knew right away that was the place but still wanted a peek inside. At night, they dress in black and stealth around the building, avoiding the police there, and they look for a window or anything, but there is none. All windows got cemented,” Zakharov said.

The agents climbed atop the roof and found an access hatch leading inside. The hatch had a gap wide enough to snake in fiber optics, and the agents saw a half-dozen workers and rows and columns of cloning cylinders containing the persons mentioned above. Having confirmed the tipster’s claims, they immediately left the area and reported their findings to the FSB’s Moscow headquarters.

“We had the proof, so President Putin said to make the building dust and leave none alive,” Zakharov said.

At 3:00 a.m. Friday, the missile barrage battered the structure.

Zakharov said the assault caused “some collateral damage,” but he would not supply further details.

The presence of the laboratory categorically proves that the Deep State has not only shifted its adrenochrome production to Eastern Europe but also its expansive cloning operations.

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1904 SD

I think that they may not be repIacing the individuaIs with these cIones but they might aIso be using them for fiIming purposes to video them doing various opps poIticaIIy which couId be used to have the originaIs percieved as traitors or hypicriticaI or just pIain stupid I have given some thought to this and this is my opinion I mean what coud the originaIs do about this? Not much reaIIy If they are reaIIy up for kidnaping or worse murdering the originaI peopIe then they are even worse than the criminaIs they aIready are very dangerous game, poIitics isn’t it I think that if these peopIe Jim Jorden, MTG, & the others need to be informed about this situation and properIy guarded, ASAP!

1904 SD

Continued, sorry I thought about a few more things, AIso, caught during a crime or worse for backmaiI purposes maybe this is what happened to Trumps attorney Jenna, paced her in a compromising position so embarrasing or eviI, such as one that couId ruin her career and or her marriage, famiiy bonds, etc in fact, think about it, the skys the Iimit here isn’t it how truIy viIe and unexceptabIe! What are we going to do about this probem? I mean to bring it out to the mainstream society? First of a they might not take it seriousIy, then if they do who is to say that there aren’t peopIe out there who couId aIso create these things? bringing this out to the pubIic couId create even more probIems Damnm what a perpIexing probIem no? Hope this situation gets resoIved soon


It makes sense. Very possible.

Kay Mitchell

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then you are a man. ~Rudyard Kipling


I would add if you can keep your head and DIGNITY when all around you are losing theirs, then you are a MAN.

Kay Mitchell

My cell phone is getting hot. Let’s never happen before.

Shutting it down for a while before it explodes or something.


I’m making $291 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just
using this website……………………………………… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Robert Gregory Boensch



I guess people do here love Jim and his sexuality remarks

Everyone here loves criminals and killers after all.

Kay Mitchell

It’s true that there are some Very toxic people on this site.

Evil is everywhere in life.

There are also some Very bright, humorous and valuable people here.

Avoid the evil and focus on the good wherever you find them.



Last edited 1 year ago by RustyJim2
Kay Mitchell

Is that your best contribution to this conversation?

American Living in Canada

EAS system test throughout Canada today…

American Living in Canada

From AMG…

“* There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.”

“* The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.”

Dr John

To be honest over the years I have been called a Conspiracy theorist enough times to think it is my first name. Interestingly, every conspiracy I proposed turned out to be true! And now they all remember not only believing me, but some think they brought the idea to the table first.

Minds made of clay are easily molded, they say. Trying telling that to the hard heads we have to wake up!

I have seen some people wake up to the lies and deception. Realizing they have been played BIG TIME is not a pleasant ordeal. It is people I have tried to help along the way and who refused to deny the truth foisted upon them by their best buddies and dear friends; the ever so honest news media.

This is not just a collapse of ideas or concepts, it is a collapse of their buddies, their best friends, those they let into their homes via the boob tube.

For them it is like realizing the sun does not rise in the EAST, but the WEST. I know the sun does not rise, but the earth rotates. It is a phrase commonly used. But the total reversal of long standing beliefs suddenly shifted all in a matter of minutes is not easy and will challenge some people for the rest of their lives.

My feelings are this is very similar to going to war and suddenly seeing all the corruption, all the filth and wanton waste for what it is. The war destroys all of your childhood beliefs about so many things you held to be true. When you return home you no longer see the world for what it was; the rose tinted glasses have been ripped away.

Yes there are good people, but you see through most if not all of the deception, the lies. Your brain replays the war over and over in your head, because it is trying to order the disparity. The same think will be happening to a lot of awakened WOKE! And it will not be comfortable or easy to re-align.

Remember you were lucky to be alert and on top of what was going on. It is your role, to help these people feel accepted. A little compassion could go a long ways to helping them normalize. Some of them had a lot of help getting screwed up. They were at the epi-center of the mess, in schools or sheltered at home where the only voice they heard was that of the Deep State propaganda. And YES universities were involved as were grades 1-12 schools.

Tell them the truth and help them wake up, but understand this is a form of trama and they may not respond to force. You cannot argue them awake. You need to spoon feed them. I know you want to go faster, but that just is not going to work. They will shut you out.

Wake them please, but think about how to go about it. The monolithically slow speed we have been operating at with all the BS is for the WOKE to wake up without startling them out of a deep sleep.

It took years to build the credibility of the propaganda and to etch the true-lies into the WOKE. To build social repore across the air waves that is nurturing and welcome. The media is a better friend they your own family, if that is who you trust. After all they never get mad at you, the never tell you off and they are always their sharing stories and jokes. They are you BEST FRIENDS, just like social media!


The war destroys all of your childhood beliefs about so many things you held to be true. When you return home you no longer see the world for what it was; the rose tinted glasses have been ripped away.”

Ego deflation. In sadness is the only way we will turn away from this world.

I am going to let those around me reach rock fucking bottom in their terror and despair before I extend my thoughts, for currently people are too enamored of their illusions to even offer more than a glance of consideration to what may be the truth.

So be it.

1904 SD

Are you reaIIy a doctor? If so, is it even possibIe to recreate an aduIt human with DNA ? To speak, movements, character traits? voice, Ingo, personaItytraits etc? crazy isn’t it I wonder if these things might house an aIen species and if so, how Iong have we been deaIng with this probIem? Seems to me that Trump was a godsend in more ways than one, he exposed this probIem Crazy! Now what? I aIso watch Restored RepubIic the one with Judy Buyington her daiIy news fed two days ago that Trump is reaIIy maried to Iady Diana the princess, at first I thought they were batshit crazy but after giving it some thought I came to the concIusion that it just might be true, I mean his reaIationship to MeIania appears cordiaI right? & then it aIways struck me as unusuaI that Baron wouId have an entire fIoor aII to himseIf beneath theirs in NYC Trump Tower This just keeps getting better and better doesn’t it how deep does this rabbit hoIe go? I know, we are indeed being farmed and we are the food right? us and mostIy our chiIdren, Messed up! RR heIps to deaI with this because it cIaims that we are being heIped with ( don’t laugh ) Venusians Commander Thor & The Lightbeings who are aIso heIping us eradicate the deepest caverns where we cant go because it is just to deep I thought this was weird aIso but its aII faIIng into pIace isn’t it Thank You & a Shout Out to these brave heIpers from thwe GaIactic Federation & aIso to the person who mann’s this channeI,


Yes, Diana & President Trump are together & Baron is actually their son together. Also, Putin & Melania are together & of course it’s not the old Putin. Diana was coronated, & the Charles wasn’t really him but a look alike.

Kay Mitchell

Anything is possible.

1904 SD

True enough it is isnt it Iike Wow!

John .S

Been seeing helicopter activity by me.

Also seen NYPD escorting Black Mercedes Van, no glimpse of licence plate traveling JFK vicinity.

Guys recently hunting Adirondacks, encountered border patrol on Interstate 87 aka, Northway above Albany traveling southbound.

Agents did quick Q & A, Guy’s Brooklyn accent and demeanor assured US Citizen status.

1904 SD

AIso the Caribu in CoIorado peopIes front yards Iike they fear whatever is Iurking intheir habitat in the wiIderness right? To strange! AIso what about an astroid/comet hiting the moon the other day? a piece of it is orbiting the earth my daughter toId me this I dont reaIIy know if it is true but I beIieve her

1904 SD

And the peopIe disappearing in the NationaI Forests?!

Kay Mitchell

Maybe so.


This story adds new meaning to the term “pod people.” It is strange how life imitates art, and from the stories on RRN, I guess the Deep State must watch a lot of movies for inspiration.. The bombing of the clone lab reminds me of “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” in which aliens form clones of humans and kill the originals. “The Sixth Day,” a 2000 film, deals with a cloning as does “Judge Dredd.”
Both films describe the acceleration of the growth cycle and implanting false memories in the clones to teach them to walk, talk, and obey.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Every body world wide was told when why and how
If you understand the wording he said
The election was stole from us
It was stolen from Me
It was stolen from you
Now peaceably Go Home
see the post below
Great Question
Our Government is Suspended

Link to a video of congress talking on 07-21-2022
and Trumps Proclamation in less than180 seconds
you will hear the November 3, 2020
Was Declared Stolen From Us Says President Trump
January 6 2021 at 4:05
, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

People This is not a He said She Said

This is The President Telling You The Government of this Country is Suspended

And the military is now In Control of this Country And It’s Job is to protect the Constitution

This means The House Is suspended and has no legal standing

The only recourse is for pence to sign article 25 and only then the can the house do something legally by voting on it

Or the house can try to impeach the president and then have the senate vote on it

It has to be done in this order on follow the law!

No article 25 signed no movement forward to the house.

No article’s of impeachment ( Done with Due Process of Law No moving Forward)

The senate impeachment hearing Again No Due Process of Law no moving forward also It has to be done before January 20 2021.

The House could not go forward and certify the Electoral collage votes.
for any Body running for president.

The GOP trying to Put President Trump in office was Mute for the same reason.
They had no standing in Law to Do this action also.

The Military Is the only Way forward.to protect the constitution..

And the only way forward is for the People to rise Up and take control of their State

And then and only then The Insurrection can be put Down.

§254. Proclamation to disperse Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

And Watch this video

If you don’t take the time to watch this video just keep circle _____
your self and please do this privately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dr John

Well done Robert, this is important information for people to understand. You are reporting on past events that explain what has been happening (military control) and what must happen.

You included why Biden (not an acting President, but an actor) could not approve any military movement or transfer of any monies or our countries assets. He does not have the power to order toilet paper!

Fake administrators (all) reporting to him in turn have no power to do anything, since he is not President and cannot appoint representatives on his behalf.

Further Congress IS SHUT down, despite all the media hype! PROPagaenda.

YES, the US government as we understood it, HAS BEEN suspended.
YES, the military is running the show until ALL criminals have been contained including those that were overthrowing the government and those still trying to overthrow the government. This includes all associated corruption.
YES PRESIDENT TRUMP is the head of the military and by their consent, OUR PRESIDENT.

Why is he not in the White HOUSE. IT IS ON FOREIGN SOIL and represents in many of the structures those that have usurped our government. The White HOUSE is a figure “figure” of authority, it is not the authority, it is an asset where dignitaries were invited to negociate relationships and a podium from which out leaders might address us. Make no mistake Washington DC is tainted and may more than anything be a symbol of our over throw through and long and incidious 5th column movement.

This movement stole our rights not just in Washington DC, but in every state in the union. What laws has your state legislator passed that were not to your benefit. When the fake COVID PLANdemic occured who protected you from the lies and gladly supported false death tolls while greedily sucking in millions if not billions is funds for a VIRUS that never existed!

Remember Masks, Standing in Lines 6ft apart, business closed, and the intimidation to get toxic shots. Where was your government. Do you now have 5G in your community despite its potential dangers and invasion of your privacy. You state constitution says the community has the right to refuse such dangers. Oh wait in 1986-1987 your state likely rescinded those rights (ILLEGALLY). But it is ok because they were paid off by the monolith utility companies. And besides they were following a national LAW. Wait the Federal government cannot tell states what to do, so why did your state follow without question an illegal demand of the federal government!

There are so many laws enacted in your state that are not for your benefit. You don’t need a concealed gun permit to carry a gun, it is your constitutional right. You can be tazed with 50,000 volts? Have you looked at the damage that causes long term. It is not something the police should have the right to use. Restraining orders are issued without you being present. It you are lied about; tough luck, you are locked out of your home and cannot even speak to your spouse. No chance to speak and protest the lies that ousted you. Yes, some cases seem necessary, but most are savvy spouses taking people down with lies. Innocent people are being taken down because a law was created that circumvents your right to be heard before such dramatic action is taken.

I could go on and on, but it the interest of keeping is SHORT; each of you need to look at the laws that have been enacted that circumvent your state rights. And what laws are being bent in elections to sway the votes. If you think it is not happening in your state… YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Okay, maybe not an idiot, but you are definitely being deceived.

Well never mind, if you ignore it long enough it may go away and if not who cares, right, right! You have commercials and re-runs to watch or the latest fabrications of what is really NOT going on. Go back to sleep. If you close your eyes and ears tight enough you cannot be blamed for what is or will be happening to you and your country. “My Country tis of the, let someone else handle it for me. I can neglect that Freedom thing.” If that is your attitude; you need to adjust, align and get with the program. THIS IS YOUR COUNTRY and it is BUILT ON YOUR BACKBONE… if you have one.

Dr. John

Someone Else

Your point about state governments is well taken.

We are surrounded by control freaks at all levels of government.

Not only do we have to fix the fed level, but also the state level. And in some places, local.

I think the core of the issue of a lack of godliness all around.

Remember things like HOAs, which are also full of mini tyrants.

Until that mentality is changed, all positions of authority will naturally be filled with control freaks.

Robert Gregory Boensch

President Trump is just Trying to catch up with How Many times The Croup State and others have Arrested Me with no Due Process and taken me to Court ETC.

I think my count is Still Higher Than His


Dr John is very clear on the every thing he has written..

Every one of you here
That is an child or and elder or even handy capped
You are exempt from the Following Message.

To Those that Cant Understand what has Been Posted By DR John.
Or My Self. Robert Gregory Boensch
Each one of You are Fools and.
You will remain Fools Until ?????????????????

It’s Not our Truths We are Talking About.

These Are the Truths that We See That We are Talking About.

And Know Are True

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Ps We Know That a lot of the Trolls posting on this Blog and Else where
Are Special Forces Just rattling The Bushes to keep this story Going

And We Salute You!

Job Well Done!


Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch



“My Country tis of the, let someone else handle it for me. I can neglect that Freedom thing.”

Nice. Yep, here in az, almost ALL politicians at state, county and local levels are criminals at least in central/south AZ. Judges, cops, deputies, sheriffs, so many traitors. Rope em up! Oh no, julie may have unintentionally INTENDED to incite violence! Better incarcerate her!

Kay Mitchell

I trust and I will follow President Trump’s plan.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

Well, now is the time to train clone dogs. There are cadaver dogs trained find bodies, or even just places where bodies were. Dogs can sniff out all kinds of conditions.

Charlotte Cain

They just pull their pants down,no genitalia. look for flat feet and no molars ever.

Michael R Davis

Excellent idea.
Dogs might even be repulsed by the strange flesh not coming from GOD.


Now we know why Biden is deeply in love with Zelenskyy. Joe’s handlers are running out of available clone bodies to keep fooling the American public that joe is large and in charge. Zelenskyy is Joe’s man for that job.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by barshembar

Bolshevik old hag was on PBS today.. thought she was Dead


All they need to do is get all the Clones to meet the original person and put them on display. Then let the people determine who the real one is, picking them off one by one.


What if a lot of the real ones are already dead???


It’s possible and the only issue is people are dying unless they are old deaths?


that would be way too much logic and intelligent thought for team q retard. also it might wake folks up. that cant happen. they prefer death by vaccine.


MB, chinese president xi jing ping arrived in SFO international airport and guess who was there to meet him? The infamous governor of CA Gavin Newsome. I thought RRN reported a few years ago he was hanged. So which is which? Can you please clarify? Thank You MB. Patriots standing by.


RRN is just fake stories for qanon boomers who need execution porn to jack off to. None of the shit MB writes actually happens. Hope this helps.

Kay Mitchell


So I guess I owe you an apology Biggs.

You can’t be an Alt of MB.

Sorry ’bout that.

But you can still be a dick…. albeit a humorous one….sometimes.


You are going to have to do better than that to convince us. But if bashing RRN makes you feel happy, so be it. You stick out like a sore thumb on this site. We are Patriots who support our US Military, who come here daily.


Remember the photshopped image of Gavin and when someone pointed out that the metadata was visible, Mike got mad and deleted all the comments? Pepperidge Farms remembers

You will soon be treated to a litany of excuses purporting to explain how this is possible. None will make sense

Kay Mitchell

Sad but true.

Anyway, I guess you’re not an Alt of MB either. I don’t think he’d talk like that about himself.

Sorry ’bout that.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

Gavin and his auntie are no longer of this earth, imo. California is being kept alive by Gavin and nan’s clones, doppelgangers and actors and the pathetic crumbling dem party out here in commiefornia.


Fb fact~checkers censored my re~post of this MB article, citing an unbelievable source. That one’s pretty rich, coming from them. Putin, & Company, we like your style.




That’s all you do.

Is laugh at people being censored.

I’m sure you think concentration camps is funny Jimbo.

Kay Mitchell

Chill out Talion.

There’s a time and a place for “gallows humor” and this is it.

Know what I mean?


Yet, they can mock them.


I get silence for anything I say, yet they can say?

So much for free speech.




Move to Russia

Kay Mitchell

Check again. You’ll probably find it


You love Jimbo.


How did Cabal types clone them? Stolen drinking glasses? A strand of hair? This is getting tech~crazy. Genuine moral compass required, & instead every oversight committee, however blithely named, seems hell-bent to run a Deep State Agenda. Get ’em all.

Last edited 1 year ago by ROSE SEAL

That’s how they found out Chelsea Clinton was connected not to Bill Clinton but Web Hubbell…. they took her glass, ran the DNA, matched it to Web’s DNA and there’s your proof Web is the father. Bill loves Chelsea and raised her as his own, though. But Hillary was so evil even she revenge cheated on Bill…no woman likes to be cheated on and Bill was horny as a goat with every female in sight….but why Web? Even plastic surgery didn’t hide the Hubbell features on Chelsea’s face.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena


Sandy Koufax

It’s quite obvious that Bill tapped Chelsea’s buttocks.


Man what even

Kay Mitchell

Never heard that rumor before.

I did a search for a picture of him And they show a number of side-by-side pshots of Web and Chelsea. So I guess it’s old news.

Anyway, all 3 of them look alike; Hillary, Web and Chelsea. Ugly as mud!

Imagine that coupling! 🤮

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

Supposedly Bill Clinton didn’t want to molest children, and asked his handlers why it was necessary.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Pete Seeger

3,660,245 views Feb 18, 2008
On July 26, 1956, the House of Representatives voted 373 to 9 to cite Pete Seeger and seven others (including playwright Arthur Miller) for contempt, as they failed to cooperate with House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in their attempts to investigate alleged subversives and communists. Pete Seeger testified before the HUAC in 1955.
In one of Pete’s darkest moments, when his personal freedom, his career, and his safety were in jeopardy, a flash of inspiration ignited this song. The song was stirred by a passage from Mikhail Sholokhov’s novel “And Quie Flows the Don”. Around the world the song traveled and in 1962 at a UNICEF concert in Germany, Marlene Dietrich, Academy Award-nominated German-born American actress, first performed the song in French, as “Qui peut dire ou vont les fleurs?” Shortly after she sang it in German. The song’s impact in Germany just after WWII was shattering. It’s universal message, “let there be peace in the world” did not get lost in its translation. To the contrary, the combination of the language, the setting, and the great lyrics has had a profound effect on people all around the world. May it have the same effect today and bring renewed awareness to all that hear it.


184,710 views • Apr 24, 2015
THE ASSOCIATION Requiem For The Masses 1967 Smothers Brothers Television Appearance

The Animals – We Gotta Get Out Of This Place (1965) HD/widescreen

Paint it Black – Vietnam War
with a play list

Kay Mitchell

To see that President Trump DID sign the insurrection act before officially leaving office in 2021…. Just do a search of the internet for:

Did President Trump sign the Insurrection Act in January 2021?

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

Nope, all the searches I do says he never did . Thought about it but never did it . Please show or tell me what you have as proof . Of course if he did he would have to notify the public why he did it .


Just keep googling until you happen across some random crank on telegram or something who baselessly claims he did. Proof!

Kay Mitchell

I wouldn’t use G.o.o.g.l.e unless you don’t mind the FBI keeping a file on you for every site you search and visit.

And they don’t make it easy to find anything that supports the truth when it concerns President Trump.


Why would the FBI give even half a shit about what I google?


They are interested in what your habits are, and what porn sites you visit.

Kay Mitchell

Funny but don’t be naive.

You think the 3 letter government agencies aren’t keeping lists of citizens who are voting and speaking against what they’re doing?

If Trump isn’t back in the Oral Office come Jan. 2025, we’re all screwed.

Kay Mitchell

Are you serious??

If the Deep State manages by hook or crook to put Biden or some other democrat puppet in the Oval Office again in 2024, they’re going to “punish” everyone on their list for speaking against them and supporting Trump.

What do you think those 87K new IRS agents are going to be doing?


The 87k new IRS agents will be auditing tax returns. Lol why would the IRS be reviewing people’s Google search history and shit? This conspiracy crap makes no sense Kay

Kay Mitchell

That is what I said.

It’s the 87K IRS agents who will be targeting who to “punish” via tax audits IMO.

I did not say it was the IRS agents who will be reviewing your Google searches.

I don’t know which Agency handles that.

Keyword’s trip a surveillance of all internet comments and searches which include political names and specific terms they are monitoring.

I’m sure you know that.

1904 SD

Your so annoying, I bet you Iove paying taxes, maybe you can pay mine to?

1904 SD

I thought they were fired

1904 SD

what do you use? browser, which one?


Go to hell.



Kay Mitchell

Can’t we all just get along?


Now attacking me for attacking your boyfriend.


Another idiotic claim.

Kay Mitchell

Here’s my source Biggs:

I added spaces in the link so I could post it here.

It’s a short video of President Trump telling people to go home peacefully which is legally required BEFORE he could invoke the Insurrection Act.

www. newsweek .com/fa ct- check- did-donald- trump- sign- insurrection- act-1560520

There are sites that say he did not sign it but I believe Newsweek because it jibes with what I heard on Jan. 6th and shortly afterwards
by QAnon.

Q explained in one of his Youtube videos before they deleted his account that there was a requirement that Trump had to FIRST “warn people” to stop and leave peacefully BEFORE he could legally invoke the Act – which he did.

I have the live-link to the video but this site wouldn’t accept a live-link.

I hope you can make it work by either removing the spaces or just retyping it in your search engine.


q didn’t do youtube videos lmao

Kay Mitchell

There was a guy that always wore a black hoodie but you couldn’t see his face and another guy who wore the white mask with a cartoon-ish face.

I thought one or both of them was Q anon.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Every body world wide was told when why and how
If you understand the wording he said

The election was stole from us
It was stolen from Me
It was stolen from you
Now peaceably Go Home

see the post below
Great Question
Our Government is Suspended

And Watch this video

Kay Mitchell

OK Exile ~

TRY SEARCHING FOR THIS But add the http:// to this:


I tried copying and pasting the live link that I have I guess we can’t post a live link on this site.

So I tried removing the http:// … But it’s still printed the entire link As originally copied and pasted.

I’ll take a closer look at how other people do it on this site and try to emulate it.

Let me know if it still doesn’t work Or better still tell me how to post a link here.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

search for goatse

Kay Mitchell

Sit on your thumb and spin first.

Guillaume DesChamp

You clearly haven’t read that Newsweek article.


This Newsweek article is correct.


The viral claims that Trump signed the Insurrection Act over the weekend are not supported by evidence. It is legal convention for a proclamation to be issued before the powers invested in the president under the act are invoked. There is no evidence that Trump signed the Insurrection Act over the weekend.”


You have to hold Exile’s hand, because he is incapable of using a search engine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dragonista


Last edited 1 year ago by Dragonista
Kay Mitchell

Exile~ I added spaces in the link so I could post it here.

www. newsweek .com/fa ct- check- did-donald- trump- sign- insurrection- act-1560520

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
Kay Mitchell

Exile ~ I added spaces in the link so I could post it here.

It’s a short video of President Trump telling people to go home peacefully which is legally required before he could invoke the Insurrection Act.

www. newsweek .com/fa ct- check- did-donald- trump- sign- insurrection- act-1560520

There are sites that say he did not sign it but I believe Newsweek because it jibes with what I heard on Jan. 6th and shortly afterwards
by QAnon.

Q explained at that time that there was a requirement that Trump had to first “warn people” to stop and leave peacefully BEFORE he could lawfully invoke the Act – which he did.

I have the live-link to the video but this site would’nt accept it.

I hope you can make it work by either removing the spaces or just retyping it in your search engine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

Kay, it says the insurrection act was not signed , did you read it ? If not signed then the military cannot arrest civilians and this entire site is not true . Kind of figures with no public arrests , witnesses or real proof . He would also have to make a public statement why he is invoking it , that certainly never happened .

Guillaume DesChamp

Agree with Exile. The search doesn’t yield results that indicate that Trump.signed the Insurrection Act.

Robert Gregory Boensch

see the post below
Great Question
Our Government is Suspended

Watch the Video below
2021-01-06 4. 05 pm
President Trump
proclamation this is what activates It The Insurrection


Easy to understand


Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Guillaume DesChamp

Sure, Commander. Sure.


Your mad the truth is coming out.

Guillaume DesChamp

No, I’m mad that you still don’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re.”


Petty and trivial.

Kay Mitchell

And funny as hell.

Don’t be such a sour-puss. 😬

Kay Mitchell

Damn, you trolls Do come up with some funny lines.

Obnoxious usually, but thanks for the occasional laughs.


Oh just shut up.

Kay Mitchell

Your = possesion

You’re = contraction for You are

It’s ok and never too late to be grammarically bruh.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

Shut up Jimbo.

Robert Gregory Boensch

2021-01-06-4.05 PM
This was played in congress in July 21 2022
And after I saw this I Called the Speaker of the House aid and Had a very Strong Words With Them

The Next Day 14 special Birds Came Up and And did what they were built for.

We have it all The rats were scurrying and I was so impressed for such a quick response from them


Some people Are very brave and have no limits

Robert Gregory Boensch

We Have it All
but some have to shake up the nest to get every last RAT!

Kay Mitchell

Thank you for the link
I’ll watch it and it’s entirely tomorrow morning..

I had no idea we could call the aid(s) to the Speaker of the House.

Thank you for that information as well.

Also I would like your opinion on whether or not President Trump signed the Insurrection Act in 2021 before leaving the office of the Presidency in January.

I found conflicting information on the Internet. Newsweek said he did.

Someone Else

There’s no way to know for certain.

And we may never know.

I know if someone came knocking at my door saying DJT signed the Insurrection Act and is looking for help clearing out the DS, I’d tell them they are full of it and slam the door in their face.

I’ve seen more evidence that he hasn’t, than he has. What, you say?

Look around to what’s really going on. Does it look like “the white hats are in control”?

Sure doesn’t to me.

Although gas prices are curiously low.

Maybe the day will come when DJT is clearly prez and he says what happened. And the fake false fallen media is gone.

Until then… pray and prepare.

Kay Mitchell

I hear what you’re saying and you may well be right.

I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. I will definitely watch your video this morning.

I can see President Trump’s situation as him holding-off on using the Insurrection Act unless he absolutely must as a last resort.

As I watched the inauguration of Biden in Jan. 2021 I was absolutely Positive the military was going to swoop in and arrest them all because I was convinced President Trump had signed the Act.

If they actually try to put him in jail I still believe the military will come to his aid, at his command, as the lawful CIC.

We may not have long to wait in order to find out.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
Someone Else

If DJT isn’t controlled opposition, I’d say there’s a high likelihood that he did sign it.

Nothing was done at the fake inauguration because there are still millions of duped tools in the US who believe the lies of the left.

Last edited 1 year ago by Someone Else
Guillaume DesChamp

Newsweek did NOT say that he did.

You need to actually read the article.

Kay Mitchell

I was in a hurry to post that link and based on its title, I thought for sure it supported the fact that he did sign it.

I’ve believed that he did sign it all this time and that it was his Ace-in-the-Hole.

I was wrong.


Kay – did you even read the Newsweek article you linked? It VERY CLEARLY says he didn’t:


The viral claims that Trump signed the Insurrection Act over the weekend are not supported by evidence. It is legal convention for a proclamation to be issued before the powers invested in the president under the act are invoked. There is no evidence that Trump signed the Insurrection Act over the weekend.”

Please work on improving your reading comprehension. This is really straightforward stuff.

Kay Mitchell

I am Deeply embarrassed to say that I did not read the newsweek article.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
Kay Mitchell

I am Deeply embarrassed to say that I did not read the Newsweek article.

I was in a hurry to post the link and the title of the article seemed to support my belief that he did sign the Act.

I Have learned my lesson and will not make that mistake again.

My sincere apology to all concerned.


have an upvote


You call the public number and some bored teenage intern listens to your rant. The call is logged and promptly forgotten. Most members of Congress will not bother with calls that don’t come from their district

Kay Mitchell

I see.

Perhaps a handwritten letter would garner more attention.


If you google it and some random nobody on the internet says he secretly signed something that it isn’t legal for the President to enact without a proclamation, then it totally must be true, amirite

Robert Gregory Boensch

Could you believe
president Donald J Trump

He speaks very clear here



did he write his name on a piece paper which started the insurrection act? yes or no?

the answer is no but go off i guess


Shut up you hater.




You hate the free world don’t you???

You want slavism constantly.

Kay Mitchell

Newsweek is the source.

I’m searching for more sources. Some sites say he did some say he didn’t.

Guillaume DesChamp

Did you actually read the Newsweek article? It says that he didn’t sign the Insurrection Act.


Newsweek is hardly credible.

Kay Mitchell

The pot calling the kettle black?


Newsweek said he didn’t. Try reading your own link Kay. Like actually reading it this time.

Kay Mitchell

Excellent advice.

Kay Mitchell

Will do.

Kay Mitchell



The trolls are busy today. Their narrative no longer works.


Lol y’all can’t even read. Kay is here posting links to a Newsweek article that clearly states Trump didn’t invoke the Insurrection Act.

Kay Mitchell

My mistake. You’re right.


That is hardly a way to surface reliable information about anything. Search algorithms bring up the results based on what they know you like. Spend a lot of time on nutbag websites? You get nutbag results. Trumps own campaign team says he never signed.


Your evil.

You want us to worship Joe Biden like a dumb fat fuck don’t you Fatboy?


lmfaoooooooo triggered


Great imagination. Keep going.. Lol.

Kay Mitchell

I was wrong.

Kay Mitchell

You’re right.

Kay Mitchell

100% True. 👍


All of these creatures, these demons need to be executed. We don’t have the PATIENCE to listen to them after 20 years of sitting on their ass. Let’s get on with it, Start executing them. No deals,
No nothing. You CONFESS to everything, you give information For a lighter sentence ok, you can have a lighter Execution um sentence LOL ! . Ok, . We’ll put 3 bullets in your face instead of 9 bullets in your face. You get a discount on how many times you get shot FOR COMMITTING TREASON !
What are we going to achieve? I putting dirty rotten stinking money laundering American citizen, killing Muslim Dick sucking clowns in the senate and a house. And what do we do when needs? People are released by Joe Hussein Abdella. Hussana Biden
One of the 750,000 clones with the same name, all of them are fully developed. Their brains are not activated until the first one dies. Then they activate the 2Nd one. And when it explodes or short circuits catches fire, The jizzcrats activate 3rd one. Joe Biden will be the President for 950 million years. They just have to keep cloning him. Go for broke, make 990 billion. Joe Biden’s 300 billion Obamas 90 billion, micheal Obama’s 80 trillion Hilary Clinton’s 9 trillion bill Clinton’s( all deactivated Piled up like Cord wood and when the Demons find out one has exploded. They just turn the next one..programming it to not touch or sniff children not to pull his pants down in front of children and to dictate and be a good programmed dictator….


S. J. you make some good points but we must find a stronger incentive for them to reveal the truth and expose the manipulative psychopaths and turn them in so we can get to the Soros of the globalist Cabal like George Soros and Klaus Schwab a German engineer pushing anti-human philosophy, like population reduction. He looks like Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Like Dr. Evil. Another criminal mastermind with aspirations of world domination. Schwab bragged: he was very pleased with himself and he and his organization had penetrated the cabinets of governments around the world), he’s the bald-headed German who looks like a James Bond series villain you can almost picture him petting a cat as he says, “um you will have nothing and you will be happy”.
(Look up: “I Went to the World Economic Forum as a Spy —THIS is What Scared Me The Most | #16”)

For a better motivation to get them to tell the truth besides death, because in time we will all die, we will make them watch recording of NDE. Near-Death Experience are becoming a science because so many have had common experiences where they talk about the Hell to avoid and a Heaven to gain. If that does not work we will put them in a room of mirrors to make them face themselves and think. They will listen to radio drama programs of “Unshackled”, dramatic accounts of true stories that make you face yourself and think!
Real people…real life stories…stirring, dramatic accounts of hopelessness, and the hope that changes everything. They have catalog of 3,646 programs, a collection of stories in MP3 format. A life can reach a life and grip the heart with compelling and relevant stories of transformed lives. ‘unshackled.org’ offers a means for one life to touch another deeply, there is more to life and we are not alone.
The first thing they need to learn is, just because God is not real to them does not mean God is not real to others and that they could know God as Father.


Why won’t Justice Thomas make the decision to invalidate the 2020 election ? What is he waiting for, supposed to be done by now. Also appears all of the SC are intact and making decisions from the bench . No Gitmo round up .


The decision to invalidate was made many months ago. Why it hasn’t been announced I have no idea. Must be one of those White Hat “trust the plan” decisions.


Think maybe he doesn’t have the authority and it wasn’t true ?

Guillaume DesChamp



Your a human exterminatot.

Guillaume DesChamp

You’re a human tatertot.


Enjoy death, when you stop cheating it.

Kay Mitchell

😄 Bingo


Go to the Supreme Court website and search for Brunson. You will find the whole history of the case. You will also find it has been dismissed and is not eligible for a rehearing


in 2023 after 60 years its trust the retard plan sir.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Great Question
Our Government is Suspended

10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperseText contains those laws in effect on November 13, 2023From Title 10-ARMED FORCESSubtitle A-General Military LawPART I-ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL MILITARY POWERSCHAPTER 13-INSURRECTION

§254. Proclamation to disperseWhenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.


Book Mark this link above and the date will change daily

When this is no longer posted
text contains those laws in effect on November 13, 2023
Then We will be in a new _________

Every thing being presented to you from the Government Is a bad movie./

And Shortly They will find out the cookie jar is empty.No funding .

Only The CIC and The Military has legitimate authority To take Action .
And this is only to Protect the constitution

And Only When We the People Of These states rise up.
And Start controlling their States –Take Control of their States Peacefully.

To Explain My Remonstrance
It Does Not follow the US Constitution Fully only a small Part Of It .

And This Is where My Life is on the Line
In the Summer of 2021 I tried To enter The Largest NG Base in Michigan.
In my State and I was asked to Leave Two times .
So I did what any Sane Person would Do.
I Irritated them More And really Got a Interesting Response.
Why Would One Do This you ask.
I needed to let them know that I met Business.

President Trump Said 2017-01-20 He was Giving the Power Back to The People.

No Man Or Woman In Service has the power to take this Away from US

The Remonstrance Starts in 1657

President Donald J Trump is The Commander I Chief Of the USA Military.

We are The sovereign people of the [states] Country’s We live In.

If you really want to watch A show.
Show Every one in this country My Remonstrance.
And Ask every one in the Congress what their opinion is of it

I know Send this To Our CIC
If He has True Power over My Remonstrance .
That in 2022-04-06 was put into their hands

By Constitutional Law And this 13-INSURRECTION Being Law.
He Would Have Picked Me Up a long timer Ago.

I made one mistake in a Email And I was put on notice very Quickly.
Why you ask because the subject mentioned was before I filed the Remonstrance.

Once I Had this Filed I am on Their Side
They Did not Under Stand Why it was written the way it was.

And To Day they are Giving Me So Much

Thank You
President Donald J Trump
USMC General Burger
USMC General Smith

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Be The Commander of your future


Robert Gregory Boensch

On My Two farms in Arenac Count michigan

The A 10’s

Fly with in 500 feet of Us all the time some times even close 250 feet

The come just as close and some time hover 15 feet off the ground

United States

These come in close and when ever there flying t
he A10 fly cover over them like hawks


One time many year’s ago
2014 when I was Running for the Michigan United states Senate seat
Two A 10’s played a game over our house
the firsts one came in from the west at about 200 ft. off the deck
We hade a very clear look at the Nose gun and the pilots helmet
The Next one came from the north a fraction of a second later just as low.

In the 70’s one of our elderly friends one day went out for dinner with his Wife.
And when they came home and he walked into his living room
He found his easy chair was fluffed up more than he likes.
And he looked at his celling and there was a big hole in it clear through the roof.
He called WAF Base the SAC base just north of us and told them what he found.
They said there was a report of a Fighter had a round get loose.
And asked what is address Was.

Just some of the perks living near a SAC base


Robert Gregory Boensch

I forgot to put this video in the post above


Here is the Insurrection

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Kay Mitchell

Everything is so deep and convoluted, there’s no way we can know what the hell is going on at this point.

We have no choice but to trust the Plan for now.


There is no plan Kay

Kay Mitchell

Maybe so.

I guess we’re going to find out pretty soon.


Big of you.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Grand Old Prostitutes
This is A True Michigan Story About The .
Grand Old Prostitutes ?
And The Commander Of Michigan
April 6, 2022 at 11:58 am
Mail received Us Post office
To The Michigan House of Representatives

WOW! MI House Speaker Jason Wentworth OUSTS Trump Endorsed Candidate
For Speaker, Rep. Matt Maddock, From House GOP Caucus Only 3 Days
After Establishment GOP BloodbathApr 27, 2022

No chance In OUR REMONSTRANCE seeing the light of this house

Open link and see it in full color

Look At the Message From President Trump
Short review open link and see the Traitor Jason Wentworth?
Late in the day on Tuesday, the MI House Republican Caucus, under the
leadership of Speaker Jason Wentworth and House Caucus Chair Matt
Hall, has expelled the popular conservative MI State Representative
Matt Maddock (R).
Local far-left media was elated to see the establishment Republicans
attacking one of the most popular and consistently one of the top
fundraising Republican lawmaker’s in Michigan. Jonathan Oosting of
the Detroit Free Press cites sources “familiar with the situation” to
accuse Maddock of “allegedly violating caucus rules.”
We spoke with Rep. Matt Maddock, who said he was “never given a
reason” for the decision to expel him from the caucus.
So, what was Rep. Maddock’s crime? Why was he expelled from the House
Caucus?Rep. Maddock’s crime was supporting President Trump and Trump-
endorsed candidates in Michigan. Instead of supporting candidates
simply because they’re incumbents, Maddock has taken a more
thoughtful approach and has thrown his support behind America-first
candidates who will fight to support Trump’s agenda.
Maddock’s most serious crime, however, might be his happy marriage to
the intelligent, outspoken, conservative, and beautiful MI GOP Co-
chair Meshawn Maddock, who has never wavered in her steadfast support
for President Trump.
On Saturday, Michigan establishment Republican lawmakers were
humiliated when 2,000 GOP delegates voted at the state convention to
choose Kristina Karamo as their secretary of state candidate and
Constitutional Attorney Matt DePerno as their candidate to run in the
general election. Both are grassroots candidates, and with a few
exceptions, like Rep. Matt Maddock, they got no support from members
of the GOP majority Republican House.
he majority of House and Senate Republicans in Michigan fought hard
to convince delegates to support DePerno’s strongest opponent, Tom
Leonard, for the AG spot. Leonard is a fellow establishment
Republican who ran for AG in 2018 and lost to Dana Nessel, giving
Michigan America’s most lawless attorney general.
Michigan GOP delegates, who’ve openly expressed their frustration
with Republican leadership in Lansing for refusing to conduct a
forensic audit of the 2020 election, rebuffed attempts by
establishment Republicans, and overwhelming chose the Trump, and
Meshawn Maddock endorsed candidates, leaving GOP leadership in
Lansing with egg on their faces.
The Maddocks, whose influence has grown exponentially in the Michigan
Republican Party over the years, are not afraid to rock the boat with
establishment Republicans. But on Tuesday, House Speaker Jason
Wentworth and House Speaker wanna-be Matt Hall put the couple on
notice—do it our way—or we will strip you of any power or influence,
and we’ll publicly shame you in front of fellow lawmakers.
It’s worth noting that House Speaker Wentworth, who is term-limited,
and House Speaker wanna-be Matt Hall are keenly aware that by
stripping one of the most popular grassroots lawmakers in Lansing
from the House Caucus, they can also prevent the Trump-endorsed
Maddock from running for Speaker in 2022.
Their plan is eerily reminiscent of the Democrats’ plot to impeach
President Trump for the Jan. 6 incident, when they hoped their
demonization of Trump would cause him to lose favor with his base.
Speaker Wentworth and Caucus Chair (Speaker wanna-be) Hall may have
overplayed their hand this time, however, as their scheme is
relatively transparent and will likely cause Maddock to become even
more popular with members of the House after they realized the dirty
tactics employed by Wentworth and Hall in an attempt to take Maddock
out of the running for Speaker.
The MI GOP Caucus meets three days a week before they go onto the
floor to discuss legislation. Every elected GOP Rep. is a member of
the caucus. Being excluded from the caucus means you are alienated
from discussing or debating bills with members of your own party
before voting, essentially stripping members of the ability to better
understand bills they’re voting for or against. In the very rare case
that a lawmaker is expelled from the caucus, they are expected to
simply show up and vote
Maddock’s expulsion from the House Caucus means he can no longer
communicate with other members of the MI GOP about upcoming bills or
any other issues on a private caucus thread. Maddock’s name was also
removed from the MI GOP House website. What that means is that
spiteful MI lawmakers have made it impossible for Maddock’s taxpaying
constituents to locate him on the MI GOP House website.
Only twice in the last 7 seven-year has a member been removed from
the GOP House Caucus.
hree Democrats have been in serious trouble over the past year-and-a-
half. Not one of them has been removed from their House Caucus.Only
one year ago, MI State Rep. Jewell Jones (D) was pulled by Michigan
State Police officers for suspected drunk driving after crashing his
vehicle in a ditch. His blood alcohol of more than .19, nearly twice
the legal limit. Rep. Jones and the woman in the passenger seat both
had their pants pulled down when he was pulled over. Jones fought
back against police officers resisted arrest, was tased by police
officers and repeatedly name-dropped MI Democrat Governor Gretchen
Rep. Jewell Jones was never removed from the Democrat House Caucus
MI State Rep. Mary Cavanaugh (D) was arrested in February for drunk
driving. She was seen by officers driving on two flat tires when she
was pulled over. When asked how much she had to drink, MI Dem Rep.
replied, “two glasses.” Her blood-alcohol level of .20 was even
higher than her fellow Dem Rep Jewell Jones. This was Rep.
Cavanaugh’s second drunk driving arrest.
Dem. Rep. Mary Cavanaugh is still a member of the Democrat House
Caucus and is now running for a position as a MI State Senator.
During the testimony on voter fraud in Detroit, House Oversight
Committee member, Dem. Rep. Cynthia Johnson attempted to doxx one a
City of Detroit whistleblower. The next day, the Democrat state rep.
made a threatening Facebook video warning, “You Trumpers—be careful—
walk lately,” following up with a video calling on her supporters,
“Those of you who are soldiers,” she said, “You know how to do it—
make them pay!” MI GOP leadership stripped Johnson of her committees,
while Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer asked the GOP leadership to
reinstate her, saying her crime didn’t fit the punishment.
Dem Rep. Cynthia Johnson is still part of the Democrat House Caucus.
Trump lawyer Christina Bobb nailed it with this tweet:
And then, we have Emily Lawler, the Free Press politics editor, who
reported Rep. Matt Maddock to AP fact-checkers for a quote she found
on his Facebook page tonight. LOL! This has to be one of the sorriest
“reporters” in America.
Still blank Easy work if you can’t get it

The Commander Message

To The U.S. Army Cyber Command From The Commander Of The Territory of
Please Investigate the Elements and all the players In Michigan That
Have Failed to Represent Their Constituents.
Elements that prove?
THE STATE of MICHIGAN Inc.is a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
And Has Waged War Against these People of The United States for
Under the leadership of Speaker Jason Wentworth
The Democrats’ plot Succeeds
follow the time line and how they kept my remonstrance from getting
in the hands of
True Followers of the Constitution.
Some are mention in the red highlighted names below
Late in the day on Tuesday, the MI House Republican Caucus, under the
leadership of Speaker Jason Wentworth and House Caucus Chair Matt
Hall, has expelled the popular conservative MI State
Representative Matt Maddock.
Maddock’s most serious crime, however, might be his happy marriage to
the intelligent, outspoken, conservative, and beautiful MI GOP Co-
chair Meshawn Maddock, who has never wavered in her steadfast support
for President Trump.

This is A True Michigan Story About The .
Grand Old Prostitutes ?
This is just a sample of my States action against the
Is their a State that can top My states corruption?
The Republican spent all of their money to put the democrats into

Johnny Cash – Ring Of Fire (OFFICIAL VIDEO) COLOR VERSION ReMastered
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
Guess What this Is

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

You’re a fucking idiot.

Kay Mitchell

And you are a crude, angry thug.


Please stop your emporership .

Robert Gregory Boensch

Event by which a person is forced away from home
Napoleon’s Exile on Saint Helena by Franz Josef Sandman (1820) The
First Night in Exile – This painting comes from a celebrated series
illustrating one of Hinduism’s great epics, the Ramayana. It tells
the story of prince Rama, who is wrongly exiled from his father’s
kingdom, accompanied ..
Comfortable exile is an alternative theory recently developed by
anthropologist Binesh Balan in 2018. According to him, comfortable
exile is a “social exile of people who have been excluded from the
mainstream society. Such people are considered ‘aliens’ or internal
‘others’ on the grounds of their religious, racial, ethnic,
linguistic or caste-based identity and therefore they migrate to a
comfortable space elsewhere after having risked their lives to
restore representation, identity and civil rights in their own
country and often capture a comfortable identity to being part of a
dominant religion, society or culture.”
Government in exile[edit]
Main article: Government in exile
During a foreign occupation or after a coup d’état, a government in
exile of a such afflicted country may be established abroad. One of
the most well-known instances of this is the Polish government-in-
exile, a government in exile that commanded Polish armed
forces operating outside Poland after German occupation during World
War II. Other examples include the Free French Forces government
of Charles de Gaulle of the same time, and the Central Tibetan
Administration, commonly known as the Tibetan government-in-exile,
and headed by the 14th Dalai Lama.
For inanimate objects[edit]
Ivan the Terrible once exiled to Siberia an inanimate object: a bell.
[16] “When the inhabitants of the town of Uglich rang their bell to
rally a demonstration against Ivan the Terrible, the cruel Czar
executed two hundred (nobles), and exiled the Uglich bell to Siberia,
where it remained for two hundred years
Exile is an early motif in ancient Greek tragedy. In the ancient
Greek world, this was seen as a fate worse than death. The motif
reaches its peak on the play Medea, written by Euripides in the fifth
century BC, and rooted in the very old oral traditions of Greek

mythology. Euripides’ Medea has remained the most frequently
performed Greek tragedy through the 20th century.[18
In ancient Rome, the Roman Senate had the power to declare the exile
to individuals, families or even entire regions. One of the Roman
victims was the poet Ovid, who lived during the reign of Augustus. He
was forced to leave Rome and move away to the city of Tomis on the
Black Sea, now Constanța. There he wrote his famous
work Tristia (Sorrows) about his bitter feelings in exile.
[20] Another, at least in a temporary exile, was Dante.
The German-language writer Franz Kafka described the exile of Karl
Rossmann in the posthumously published novel Amerika.[21]
During the period of National Socialism in the first few years after
1933, many Jews, as well as a significant number of German artists
and intellectuals fled into exile; for instance, the authors Klaus
Mann and Anna Seghers. So Germany’s own exile literature emerged and
received worldwide credit.[22] Klaus Mann finished his novel Der
Vulkan (The Volcano. A Novel Among Emigrants) in 1939[23] describing
the German exile scene, “to bring the rich, scattered and murky
experience of exile into epic form”,[24] as he wrote in his literary
balance sheet. At the same place and in the same year, Anna Seghers
published her famous novel Das siebte Kreuz (The Seventh Cross,
published in the United States in 1942).
Important exile literature in recent years include that of the
Caribbean, many of whose artists emigrated to Europe or the United
States for political or economic reasons. These writers include Nobel
Prize winners V. S. Naipaul and Derek Walcott as well as the
novelists Edwidge Danticat and Sam Selvon.
Avoiding tax or legal matters[edit]
Main articles: Tax exile and Fugitive
A wealthy citizen who moves to a jurisdiction with lower taxes is
termed a tax exile. Creative people such as authors and musicians who
achieve sudden wealth sometimes choose this. Examples include the
British-Canadian writer Arthur Hailey, who moved to the Bahamas to
avoid taxes following the runaway success of his
novels Hotel and Airport,[3] and the English rock band the Rolling
Stones who, in the spring of 1971, owed more in taxes than they could
pay and left Britain before the government could seize their assets.
Members of the band all moved to France for a period of time where
they recorded music for the album that came to be called Exile on
Main Street, the Main Street of the title referring to the French
Riviera.[4] In 2012, Eduardo Saverin, one of the founders of

Facebook, made headlines by renouncing his U.S. citizenship before
his company’s IPO.[5] The dual Brazilian/U.S. citizen’s decision to
move to Singapore and renounce his citizenship spurred a bill in the
U.S. Senate, the Ex-PATRIOT Act, which would have forced such
wealthy tax exiles to pay a special tax in order to re-enter the
United States.[6]
In some cases a person voluntarily lives in exile to avoid legal
issues, such as litigation or criminal prosecution. An example of
this is Asil Nadir, who fled to the Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus for 17 years rather than face prosecution in connection with
the failed £1.7 bn company Polly Peck in the United Kingdom.
Avoiding violence or persecution, or in the aftermath of war

And So it was Of The Many Life’s In


Emperorship refers to the rank or office of a sovereign or supreme male monarch of an empire,

What is stopping the Rest of You here From Being O)ne Also

 the rank or office of a sovereign

President Trump Proclaimed We All Are Sovereign

More Than Once.
So I grasped This Power and Showed Us the way

What Are You waiting For Claim Your freedom


Thank You Exile
Great Commit and timing!

Please all give + votes
to Exile

I like the name you have chosen
It’s where We Are
AND Sovereign IS where We are Going

Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

This and your other posts are a veritable river of bullshit.


It’s called loyalty and research. You should try it sometime.. ✔️


Ain’t nobody got time to read all that

Kay Mitchell

You can only speak for yourself.


I mean, I guess if you *do* have the time to waste you are welcome to read Gregory’s novel here, Kay. It looks like a wall of meandering gibberish to me, but to each their own

Kay Mitchell

I just don’t like people using the presumptive “we” when they’re just trying to strengthen their own viewpoint.

It’s a bad habit.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

It’s cause your guilty

I can see why you deny such stuff.

No wonder you kill others.

Then deny other people freedoms since you think cages are funny. Maybe you should live in one.


Talion has to be a bot, right? Like there’s no way this can be a real person. What kinda fuckin weirdo says stuff like “No wonder you kill others” to random people on the internet? I have never killed anyone, my guy.


It’s Mike or Chris trying to be an eastern european troll but not doing a great job at it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ethel

I hate you guys so much. Ruining society.

Then mocking innocents death.

I hope you suffer a terrible fate.




I’m with you on this. Has a cartoon feel to it

Kay Mitchell

I don’t think anyone took it seriously except you.


I mean it’s not like it’s just this one post though. Tal posts like 300 dogshit comments like this on every article

Kay Mitchell

I didn’t know that. Sounds pretty bad.

He’s either mental or a bot I guess.

Not going to lose any sleep over it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell
Kay Mitchell

That would explain a lot.


Your that exe type.

Your just trying to cover up your stuff and your sexual crap is annoying.


I mean when I say exe type I mean exile type fellow which is Jimbo the fatman.




Laughing at others suffering is not funny asshole.

Your narcissistic piece of shit.

Go rot in hell.


it’s hilarious


Biggs.exe not found 🤖


Admit it.. you can’t read.. 🙃




He only understands death.


He was brainwashed to not read unless it’s people dying.


Lmao what


Go rot in hell you faggot.


You mad bro? You sound really mad


that’s words.


Eat shit and die.


TRIGGERED lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Forwarded from : American Patriot

😎🇺🇸🦅 Mayors. Governors. Local politicians in a lot of major cities in America take trips to Israel. The reality. Most take an oath and swear their allegiance to the Zionist state in exchange for. Their soul. Their souls radiates in the likeness to its own city. Sodom and Gomorrah. Open immorality. Fear. Pacifism. Communism. Control. Crime. Smart cities. And so on. From the CCP to the Cabal ownership within its walls walking through their all seeing eye pyramid system. When the military hit these streets of America this is what you will see. The evil souls and all those connected to the snake permanently disconnected for all the world to see. Glorious. Forward we go.


You Americans would love communism.

Robert Gregory Boensch


Last edited 1 year ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

Good post Robert but imo it should be even longer

Robert Gregory Boensch

. .


well done, sir!


Eat shit and die.




From Justus Knight Lisa Haven broadcast: 

BEWARE : This Will Disturb Most Viewers

103 Pages of Horror Just Secretly Released by U.S. Gov.!

https ://
 beforeitsnews DOT com/politics/2023/11/103-pages-of-horror-just-secretly-released-by-u-s-gov-beware-this-will-disturb-most-viewers-3302739.html

John .S

Justus Knight & Lisa Haven, they’re nobodies, media opportunist, actually whores, playing it safe, never venturing on the dark side.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

Did you actually read the report ?


Of course he didn’t read it.


Is it???

I knew these secrets since 2002.

Kay Mitchell

Most of the viewers here are already disturbed.


It’s all about the example parents set for their kids.

I said it before and I will say it again: it starts at home, too.
Many parents don’t know how to parent, they cuss out the kids and abuse the kids, they traffick the kids, they rape their kids and other people’s kids for their own sickness and for money, they cheat on their spouses and significant others — all this behaviour lays the blueprint for future adult behaviour when the kids grow up and live their own lives.  average statistics state that 30% if not more of kids who are victims or witnesses of abuse and domestic violence become abusers themselves. That goes for adultery, incest, sex trafficking, drug abuse, alcohol abuse.
Look at Joe and Hunter Biden and how they ruined their family members via sex crimes and child pornography and child sex trafficking. . Nobody, not even a moron in their right mind would vote for dirty filthy, slimy pigs like Incest Joe or associate with his meth mouth son, Hunter.
It’s all about the example.
And we wonder why our kids’ divorce rates are so high? Our kids’ porn consumption rates are so high? Our kids’ drug and alcohol abuse rates are so high? Our kids’  domestic abuse rates are so high? 
These parents have no morality or dignity or ethics, no sense of right and wrong, no good character, and they pass it on to the kids, willingly or unwillingly. The kids then soak it up like sponges.  
Don’t blame only the culture or social media or other bad people for the bad turnout of kids by bad parents. BLAME THE BAD PARENTS . These are the ones that make good parents look bad. It’s parents like these that make kids not want to have kids of their own because for them, because having kids means abusing them, mistreating them, neglecting them, cursing them out, abusing them in different ways and worse, and they don’t know any other way to raise a kid because they learned how at home. 
It’s all about the example.
Look at Sydney and Justin Simpson, OJ and Nicole’s kids. You don’t see them married with kids because all they know is growing up with an abusive father and dead mother. They had a patch of heaven living with their family members on Nicole’s side during the trial but after the non-guilty verdict OJ took them right back.
They now live their adult lives childless and without spouses or romantic conjugal partners, they live in hiding and isolation. Why? Because love hurts. Nobody wants to get hurt for loving someone, or being in love with someone, or acting in loving motivation. For them, love means being abused and killed, and they don’t want WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR MOTHER to happen to them. they don’t want that for themselves.
It’s all about the example.
Jason Lamar Simpson, OJ’s other son, physically abused his girlfriends Jennifer Green and DeeDee, because his father abused his mother, and Nicole, and possibly Paula Barbieri.
It’s all about the example parents set for their kids.
Want a reason for the bad turnout of the kids? Blame the hypocritical, incompetent, nasty parents.  The moms and dads are the first teachers for the  kids before they set foot in any classroom. They are the ones teaching them manners, they are the ones  making sure they learn from the Good Book  if they are believers. Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis cared about being a good wife and mother to a French publication and said so to the American people as well. She said that if you blunder parenting your kids, nothing else matters. And she was right. 


I agree. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, these last 2 generations have been given NO BOUNDARIES. They are rude, vile, abusive and act out, knowing they have no responsibility for their actions. If the Police would start charging the parents, along with the child that is running around acting a fool, then parents would wake up and start teaching their children. When I see some kid that has psychological issues, and they go into a classroom and shoot people, you can NOT TELL ME that their PARENTS didn’t know their child was fucked up…………. No way.


Excellent Idea. Then abolish welfare ALL AROUND so we can cut off their benefits, and neither the lazy parents nor the lazy child, can get any more money from our tax dollars — particularly if they are out rioting with Antifa, BLM and never-Trumpers, thereby forcing them to get a job and make some honest money – not the sex trafficking kind or the drug-dealing kind. Want money? EARN IT!! No more welfare for these lazy lima beans. Work or starve.


They tried that once, it didn’t work, lol.


No I don’t men welfare to work, like Clinton did in the 1990s welfare reform program, I mean abolish welfare completely and put everybody to work, no ifs and or but6s. Hire for work and no more sucking on the government tit. Even Prime Minister David Cameron said it was wrong for people to make more money sitting on their arses doing nothing than people breaking their arses doing something and getting paid for it. Big difference. No work, no pay.

Kay Mitchell

If parents were held Legally responsible for Any crimes committed by their children until the age of 18, I bet they would learn how to discipline them much more effectively than they do now.

My dad used corporal punishment with a belt until I was 16. That last one was for speaking to my mother in a disrespectful tone.

It Worked!

I had a friend who was only punished with “time-outs” Or removal of privileges. I thought she was incredibly lucky.

But she Was always in trouble for one thing or another and dropped out of high school because she was pregnant after taking the family car and running away with her boyfriend

My whole life I have appreciated the wisdom of my parents disciplinary measures.

Last edited 1 year ago by Kay Mitchell

it is to help you go beyond yourself.


Except mine.. I’ll kick them in their ass.. 👍💯💪

John .S

Parents promoting Fagdom, it’s out of control – Fag there – wussy here, cannot escape it. Gender non-binary pronouns WTF.

Disciplining kids with a “time-out break, never happen in my house, you got your head handed to ya.

WTF is a play date? Fagot parents aka, cop calling Karens initiated that, they’re everywhere.

Can’t stand the mere sight of them, or the sound of their voice, triggering me to no avail.

Can smell them anywhere making my nostrils flare, and my lip quiver, which causes me to spew my coffee.

America is doomed, overrun with fagdom, thank the libtart democrats, and Bud Lite beer.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

John, usually I like your posts man, but this one is such whiny boomer shit. Do you really feel that threatened by non-binary pronouns and Bud Light?

John .S

Nah- it was either writing this, or another Colostomy Bag Adventure. What do you prefer?

When article goes stale, and there’s a lull in the action, blogosphere becomes a free for all – anything goes.

Debra Hourly, Kati Hobbs on the burner and not a peep.

Guillaume DesChamp

I vote colostomy bag!

John .S

Soon, converted few bags into decorative Christmas tree ornaments, with glitter and glue, having nice fringes too.

Secretly retrieve them from garbage after wife packed-up holiday stuff, she thought she was slick, myself always a few steps ahead.

Man – will she be pissed, effing Sicilian brat, not to exclude her knife throwing antics, reiterating, always a few steps ahead. Currently she’s waiting on her pistol permit.

Was hoping to have a kevlar RRN Guinea t-shirt before Christmas, a little extra added protection won’t hurt.

Suspect lull in news action has something to do with MB preparing to launch his merch store, similar to X-22, Cyber Monday encroaching.


Your sick to defend that.

Your a sick robot.
