JAG Convicts Oprah Winfrey, Sentences to Death


The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and Office of Military Commissions last week convicted Oprah Winfrey of accessory to mass murder and ultimately decreed that she get hanged by the neck until dead for abetting Deep State criminals and contributing to malicious loss of life during last summer’s Maui inferno.

As reported previously, JAG investigators apprehended Winfrey on December 3, 2023, while she was in Los Angeles to visit friend and fellow television personality Gayle King, a broadcast journalist for CBS News. She had missed her appointment with King because investigators had intercepted her limousine near a museum near Interstate 405, and the vehicle’s other occupant, Winfrey’s personal chauffer and valet, was tragically gunned down while reaching in his breast pocket for “presidential immunity” paperwork investigators had mistaken for a firearm.

Shortly after that, JAG shipped Winfrey to Guantanamo Bay, where they held her in pretrial confinement until the commencement of her military tribunal last Tuesday, February 6.

The Winfrey who wobbled into GITMO’s south courtroom Tuesday morning was a sickly reflection of the slenderer body double currently masquerading as Oprah in media appearances, a point Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall commented on when a belligerent and winded Winfrey protested the “illegal tribunal” and said that her fawning fans and friends would notice her societal absence and search the planet to find her.

“This may surprise you, detainee Winfrey, but no one knows you’re gone. See, they replaced you with a skinny—well, not skinny but a skinnier Oprah Winfrey almost right away and even coached your replacement on how to explain the weight difference—a miraculous diet. Your fans are dolt, detainee Winfrey, and highly susceptible to suggestion. In the end, even you were little more than a useful but expendable asset,” the admiral said as a pair of MPs steered Winfrey to an oversized seat at the defense table.

“I have powerful friends,” Winfrey said.

“Who? Barack and Michael? Looks like even they couldn’t spring you,” the admiral said.

“You’ll get no help from me,” Winfrey shouted. “I won’t be a party to incriminating myself.”

“You’ve done that already,” Adm. Crandall replied. “We neither need nor want your help. Your arrogance, blind allegiance, and unscrupulous greed built our case. All we need is for you to sit and stay quiet until we’re finished, and if you can’t keep quiet, we’ll make you quiet.”

Admiral Crandall then told a 3-officer panel JAG had evidence proving that Winfrey had foreknowledge about the unstoppable blaze that reduced Lahaina to mounds of ash last August, a catastrophe that purportedly began when a strong high-pressure system north of Hawaii intensified easterly trade winds that toppled utility poles and power lines that hadn’t been de-energized beforehand. In the aftermath, Hawaii Electric took responsibility for the deadliest “wildfire” in U.S. history.

“We’ve all heard the official narrative, and refuting it plays no part in detainee Winfrey’s tribunal today, because, frankly, we can’t prove she knows the cause—exotic technology. She might not know because she didn’t need to know. But she sure knew a disaster loomed on the horizon and stood to profit massively from it, depraved indifference be damned,” the admiral said to the panel.

Onto a large screen he projected text messages Winfrey had deleted from her phone, but which Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command had recovered. The first, dated July 15, 2023, two weeks before the fires, was from Hawaii Governor Josh Green.

“Oprah, an event will soon forever change the Maui landscape. We believe your property is in the safe zone, but it would be prudent to protect it against what’s to come,” Green had written.

Winfrey, apparently clueless until that point, replied: “Really? I haven’t seen anything in the weather. I have flood insurance and [the property] is built to code for typhoons,” she replied.

“No, you’re not getting it. Oprah, we’ve been years-long friends. I was told I could count on your cooperation. We’re only letting a few people know, eyes only. Remember the Smart City ideas? That’s a go. Maui has to change for that to happen. Just in case, fireproof your property, relocate irreplaceable valuables, and be somewhere else starting the second week of next month. Can we count on your backing? The ROI will be profitable,” Green wrote.

“Better yet, don’t reply. Delete this. I’ll come see personally,” Green added in a follow-up.

“I don’t care if those people burn or get washed out to sea. A lot are just dirty people anyway,” Winfrey replied before wiping the message chain.

Imprudent curiosity, however, prompted her to seek clarification from the shemale Michael Robinson, also known as Michelle Obama. The admiral avoided speculating why Winfrey thought the Obamas were privy to an impending disaster but pointedly remarked on Michelle/Michael’s response to Winfrey’s inquiry.

“O, we’re making a new future. What’s rebuilt in Maui will become a blueprint for future cities nationwide. There’ll be some residual mess to clean up, but it’ll almost be like terraforming. And you and me and a handful of others will have equity in a future where people won’t have to worry about what to do since they’ll be guided on what to do,” Mrs. Obama texted.

“I have 3 billion dollars, so what do I stand to gain?” Winfrey texted back.

“Potentially 30 billion dollars,” came the reply.

“30bn? Count me in. For that much, if my house there burns, idgaf,” wrote Winfrey.

“No, hon, they’ll need to borrow your home for a bit. I’ll arrange more details in a day or so,” Mrs. Obama wrote.

On August 1, Winfrey departed Maui for the mainland, and a Federal Emergency Management Agency team disguised as contractors started reinforcing her 4,300-square-foot residence with fire-retardant silicone and coating her nearly 1,000 acres of land with what Vice Adm. Crandall called “invisible fire block spray.” He played surveillance video showing 16 men in coveralls, some wearing respirators, spraying a guesthouse with a prismatic liquid emanating from high-pressure hoses affixed to 50-gallon drums mounted on the beds of a fleet of pickup trucks. The admiral paused the video and zoomed in on what appeared to be the crew’s foreman.

“That man is known to us,” the admiral addressed the panel. “That is FEMA Region 5 Deputy Director Michael Chesney, current whereabouts unknown. I can’t testify to Mr. Chesney’s hobbies, but I’m pretty sure he wasn’t just moonlighting far from his jurisdiction as a contractor.”

“Where did you get this video?” Oprah suddenly sprang to life. “You were illegally spying on my property?”

“How we got it is not your concern, detainee Winfrey. That we have it at all should be your concern,” Adm. Crandall said.

“But I disabled all cameras before leaving,” Winfrey said.

“That’s an odd thing to do, isn’t it? I assure you what you’re seeing here isn’t from your security system or doorbell footage,” said the admiral.

He resumed the video. It clearly showed that FEMA was vested in safeguarding Winfrey’s property. Each day before the fire, FEMA applied a fresh coat of the fire-resistant compound. And on August 8, as Lahaina burned and flames illuminated and licked the sky, throngs of armed FEMA agents sat comfortably in Winfrey’s air-conditioned living room between assaults on a stunned populace trying to flee the inescapable firestorm.

“She loaned her house to FEMA as an operating base,” the admiral told the panel. “She’s just as culpable as the agents that gunned down civilians. It’s no different than if she pulled triggers herself, because she could’ve acted to save lives. Instead, detainee Winfrey, a devotee of the Deep State, abetted FEMA’s murderous actions, causing unimaginable despair. Why? For some people even having four billion bucks isn’t enough. Money is a powerful motivator to these people.”

“They made me do it!” Oprah cried out. “I’m nothing but meat to them. I was afraid.”

The admiral told Winfrey she had squandered an opportunity to divorce herself from the Deep State, from FEMA, from the Obamas, and therefore would share the same caliginous fate as other Deep Staters that valued wealth and power over constitutional law. He concluded his denunciation by asking the panel to find Winfrey guilty of accessory to mass murder and conspiracy to commit mass murder and return a sentence of death by hanging.

A four-hour deliberation ensued, after which the panel returned a verdict of “guilty on all charges” and recommended that Oprah’s neck be placed in a noose. Admiral Crandall scheduled a date of execution for February 14.

Real Raw News is awaiting an update on the sentencing.

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President Donald J. Trump
We all Thank You for Draining the SWAMP
Robert Gregory Boensch


That is not all she is guilty of–She has committed many crimes against humanity over the years and was also involved in that girls school in Africa and selling orphans to pedophiles-Finally she is getting what she deserves!

David Agosta

Any updates on her execution. This article says it was suppose to be carried out; on Valentine’s Day.

1904 SD

Why hasn’t Gov Green been arrested by Jag yet it figures that a white Gov would be the one to f–k up the Hawaiians, I went to school there and being white was rather difficult, understandably, considering how we took over illegally, they just figured it out, and so are we, Hawaii will be given back to the Hawaiians, not that they could possibly run it as it is today, nor can they return to the way it was. With the exception of Niihau anyway, Beautiful Niihau!

1904 SD

Btw, just thought about this, what if they the DS, know that Governor Josh Green will be being picked up by Jag and they approach Governor Green and must tell him of his being hung by a tribunal due to his involvement in the fire? He would likely be asked to supply his DNA for a new clone to be made for him to escape hanging, (for a little while at least right) then once the clone was made he would leave, probably keep his paycheck leaving his clone in office, but then they would be in charge of everything else his governorship is required to do including making his decisions for Hawaii until he leaves his office, And the clones would probably be hung too, just thinking aloud.

Di andy

Never liked Oprah from day one. It amazed me how many people allowed her to use the race card and how undiscerning they were to her prideful manipulations. The deep state supported her from the beginning … How else could she be on top so quickly. Sadly I am looking forward to news on her demise. She made her own choices. Plain and simple she is a murderer many times over. Maybe she should be burned to death like those poor people in Maui.


It just hit me – the full reasoning, and essential logic to why this all had to happen the way they’re doing it..

If all this went mainstream, the public, not just the left, would rise up to stop it. No one would have the stomach to hang the beloved Oprah. The trial of evidence would have to go on for weeks before the general public would accept it, and the left and the ‘easily impressionable Oprah fan/friends dolts’ would NEVER accept it. Riots in the streets is an understatement. Half of America has grown so very soy boy effeminate weak, it couldn’t stomach mass hangings on this scale.

I’m always left wondering though, how in the world can the military keep from leaking this out. I suppose they’re ‘read in’ to the classified (?) operation. This is absolutely the strangest military situation we’ve ever found ourselves in.

Other questions:

  • How much of the military is read in? Assume it’s only the ones directly in the kill chain..?
  • Is the military security clearance granting agency (DSCA/Consolidated Adjudication Services (CAS) now controlled by White Hats?
  • If Trump was duped on the vaxx, why hasn’t he made a full, 100% apology, and also made statements for people to stop taking it?
  • When oh when will this go mainstream?..
  • When will NESARA kick in?
  • Will I be able to sue the former U.S. government and FBI for their crimes and entrapment they committed against me on J6?
  • Once the dust settles, will Halmark eventually make an, ‘Oprah is Dead’ Valentines card?

That’s all the questions I have for today. There’s many others that hang around constantly in our minds though, like;

  • Was there a full blown war on DUMBS?
  • When all this goes mainstream, will the full delusion also be uncovered? EG; earth is flat, NASA/Moon landing was a full blown hoax, aliens aren’t real but demons are, the earth is only 6,000 years old and evolution is a hoax, the real Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia and the Great Pyramid is actually the monument to the Lord spoken of in the bible.

Kind regards,


Regarding GESARA/NESARA information visit amg-news.com

Also, I do not think there will be a riot because of Hopra. People easily forget those whom they admired yesterday. Moreover, inside they are even glad when that person finally fails. It shows them that that person is not better than they are, he/she is THE SAME. And it boosts their self-esteem.


Sorry EdBob…But you don’t seem to know true earth history or geology. It has been estimated by true science that the earth is about 4.5 billions years old. But it has only been 6,000 years since the LORD God “re-created” the heavens and the earth for human habitation. The time sequence between Gen. 1:1 and Gen. 1:2 is known as the GAP theory. Except it is NOT a theory but a fact that the real Star Wars between the archangel Michael and his angels and Satan (Heylel) and his demons occurred sometime after Gen. 1:1. That rebellion resulted in the destruction of many things, including the solar system.


The revolution won´t be televised,but we can catch snippets and evidence that it´s happening here and there,friend.


Feb 22nd. Bitch Gayle King is looking ruff! Under a lot stress?

Brigid Bardont

It’ll take time to build a strong enough scaffold.

Lorenz Manner

Another manure was flushed away. Good riddance.


Today is the 2-20. Any update on oprah?


Did she go?


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
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On Monday, Feb 19th Entertainment Tonight profiled Oprah. I watched some of it. To my eyes, there has been more than one “real” Oprah for several years.

joe blow

“I’m nothing but meat to them. I was afraid.” Crandall “and now you’re just meat to us”. Get the rope!


Harpo is dead meat now! Her father Moloch welcomed her home with a fiery pitchfork and shoved it up her arse!


Mike so glad this article was delayed because many think these articles are fake, a psyop, however I have remained sceptical because it always seems when you break a story, that criminal (at least the BIG players) always hits the headlines (DS comms I suspected). The fact that this article was delayed and before it a fake O was indeed presented to the public is awesome because people are right now questioning this “new” O. Right on schedule… New O = New DS Comms (for sure I’d now say). Keep it up! God’s speed to our JAGs.

Stinky Perfume



Someones getting money with NY handing out 10,000 dollar credit cards for all illegals to have cash on the tax payers dime.

Baby Bull

One of the Networks is doing a 1-hour special on this POS tonight (Monday)! Perfect timing for the deep state pigs. C’mon Military White Hats…Let’s get this party started. Real American Patriots are more than ready to help…screw the sleeping sheep. Enough is enough!

Last edited 8 months ago by Baby Bull

I’m making $90 an hour working from home . I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Baby Bull

Yo Richard…SUCK IT! 🙂

Brigid Bardont

He will for $90 an hour.

Merry S Deutscher

I’m more than a little curious. Why, in heaven’s name, did it take 4 hours of deliberation by the panel to rule death by hanging for Oprah???


Obviously, they have been voting. Then, it means, there was no consensus in coming to the final decision.

Peter Harter

This article is filled with passive verb clauses. Michael Baxter doesn’t do that. Wonder who wrote it, You’ve got singular/plural noun agreement problems as well that are unusual for a mature journalist.


And who cares? Pretty sure we aren’t here for a grammar or English class. Go ahead and make fun. I don’t care


Odd comment, hyperfocused..vested interest?


if this is true concerning Governor Green, then Hawaii is in for a level of horror and drama, the likes we’ve never seen before. Green is the father of young children. Yet, how would he be able to avoid the noose?


They have been trying to get Green for months. He managed to escape and they haven’t found him yet….but they will.


There is nowhere to hide on this rock. He’s “governing” as intensely as ever with all his crazy initiatives.


When is Newsom going to get justice? He fire-stormed Northern California, drained our reservoirs and declared a drought. I think there’s a body-double acting now, but both are equally guilty. Does anyone have info? Between the insurgence at the border, and his ‘sanctuary cities’ and his Prop 47 making it legal to steal, California is in a bad way.

Jon Wilford

Newsom was taken out by the White Hats in 2022… Scroll back through MBs tribunals, Newsom has already been hanged… we’re seeing either a double or a clone, same as Trudeau.


Yes, he was hanged already.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


Correct me if Im wrong, didn’t this fat sow get the noose already?


Maybe but Mr. Baxter won’t be writing about it until he gets the official story and go ahead from General Eric Smith’s office.

Izonda Skyz

But I could’ve sworn the story came from here that she’s gone.


The date was chosen, February 14, 2024.
MB is waiting for the confirmation of that event.

Izonda Skyz

That’s what I thought. I’m confused.




Before this RRN story, she was mentioned in the List of Arrested and Executed as being on house arrest.,

I was also surprised why in the tribunal Adm. Crandell did not mention her participation in the child traffic, her friendship with the most horrible women’s and child’s rapist John of God, her school in Africa where the girls were raped, her cannibalism, her connection with Gislane Maxwell. and so on and on

Last edited 8 months ago by Joan

That’s not how the law works.The charges were not about those other things, as important as they are. She was present to face crimes specific to Maui.

Last edited 8 months ago by Spectrum

So, if there was no Maui fire, she would not be in the GITMO?
Then why was she in the house arrest? It was long before Maui.

Susan Banks

She was head Witch at some point of her Career! She was involved in a whole lot more than Maui!! I never could stand her! Those old talk shows she had were a disgrace to the American people! So happy she is gone!


Music to my ears to hear that ugly pig has gone to slaughter…I have despised her since she gave cars to welfare Mom’s,(to allow them to get to jobs) then took them back(behind the scenes) because they couldn’t pay the taxes.. Worthless piece of monkey snot. Thanks God that has been dealt with 🙏


yeah. that, “you get car and you get a car. . .” was a big con job. she did not bother to tell her audience THEY would be responsible for paying the tax, title and license fees.

michael, what are the chances video of oprah’s execution will be made public?

Frederick Carreon


Gregg Nickens

Has anyone compared recent Oprah pics to known pics of Oprah? The nostrils are noticeably different.


What do you think of the new “Oprah” playing her? Looks taller and “skinny”! Very obvious a fake double same as the old man playing biden. Even hillary’s double is so fake i don’t understand why people act like they are real.

Stinky Perfume

People think if it’s on tv or a very official long recognized organization said it, it’s true. They watch tv. They believe tv. They never had a reason not to in their lives. The one’s that want to lie know how easy it is to create illusions for gullible people. So the vast majority of the population is delusional.

Nobody has made a law against being delusional.


So true. When I talk to my family all those Obama, Hillary, Blinkin, and others are clones or doubles, they look at me like I am out of my mind, and smile as if I was mentally sick.

Meanwhile, I truck all information regarding the swamp since 2020 after I found Fall Of The Cabal.


I noticed that she looked different in the picture with Rock when they asked for donations for Maui. But then I thought she could not look the same all her life. How old is she?

Frederick Carreon

Around 70


I wonder what her last words were at her hanging.


you CANT do this to me. Im OPRAH!


Please, just one more bucket of original tecipe!


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


please watch your surrounings if you live in a liberal city. BLM will start trouble once news of oprah’s demise gets around. keep a close watch on gayle king !

Gregg Nickens

The reveal won’t happen until the massive flood of truth comes out. By then, her supporters will have wanted to have been the first in line to lynch her.


I wonder, how many chances are that Gayle King had not participated in human trafficking. She was a close Oprah’s friend.


So good that arrogant bitch is gone. I feel sad about the poor chauffeur, though.


I don’t think that people get chauffeur jobs for Oprah if they have clean hands. For her to trust him, he would have been part of the coven, or she had sure blackmail on him.

Stinky Perfume

Well in this case he got presidential immunity papers, so he knew stuff and figured he needed these papers. That’s telling enough.

Dan Strausbaugh

Just thinking back to Tom critical dancing on her couch acting like a complete fool for her worked up moroniccaudience and then foprah does damage control by going too tomsicals crib up inntellemark and he’s so welcoming and even has slippers for her hooves all the while I’m thinking how can anyone with a functioning mind believe this shit … only good thing was seeing his property !!!

Dan Strausbaugh

I had been under impression that foproh was gone long ago… so much dis info and mid info it’s impossible too know from an outsiders position looking in… either way I knew she’s duirty disgusting skank ho and deserves punishment but I hope it’s gonna be shown her crimes for all world too see … millions of moronic esp woman are gonna shit themselves when truth is exposed!!!

sam stagelski

SAW-WING! you fat pig…SAW-WING!


Oprah is a die hard Obama devotee through and through. She worships the ground he walks on. She is gay, just like he is.


Probably the reason she would not marry that hunk of a man, Stedman years ago

Izonda Skyz

But surely, all those trucks at her property before the fire, SOMEONE must’ve seen a caravan of them and wondered what was going on. They still have to travel the main roads to get to her property. But if this is true, when is the rock’s turn? I won’t capitalize his name, just like satan’s.

And it’s past the 14th. Is she gone?

Last edited 8 months ago by Izonda Skyz
Frederick Carreon

She was already gone EVEN before the report she was ready for GITMO. This is a late story.

Last edited 8 months ago by Frederick Carreon

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
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Gregg Nickens

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Last edited 8 months ago by Gregg Nickens



Now get Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson before his upcoming Elimination Chamber role.

Dan Strausbaugh

Rocks been gone for quite awhile … ain’t him !!! No worries


He is in the List as executed.

Shirley Anne

Any news on Winfrey’s hanging, Michael? She’s a greedy traitor and will join her mentor, Satan, in hell
Thanks for this welcome news.

Mark David

I think is Oprah Winfrey is a male. Would that disclosure here violate any publishing rules?


Too many womanly curves. Men don’t have that.

Izonda Skyz

One of her replacements was a male. Idk if he still performs. I don’t think so.


She is a male all the way in her sexual preferences. She used to flirt a lot and pretend to be straight with Harvey Weinstein. She hung with him to pick up and enjoy for herself, all the young starlets, he raped.

Frederick Carreon

I think Taylor Swift too is a SheMale. She got the Adam’s apple on her neck.


You would be right.


MB – Sincerely Thanks for this revealing information, FACTS!


Right? .. cracking fat jokes? come on now.


having a hard time believing this one

Izonda Skyz

Well if you can’t believe one of them, how can you believe any? They all come from the same source here. Personally, I do.

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started_______________   𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


What struck me most was the alleged words of MVR. These evils are beyond anything fathomable. They seem worse than any devil with horns. The arrogance is immeasurable. But the Red Cross demands traitors release? Puullleeeessse


JAG saved Oprah and any clones from being ripped to shreds by the Hawaiians when they find out about this properly.
As for clones. Yes they are guilty too but they do not last forever. Limited lives.

Annette Payne

But remember the doubles. Will they get some sort of punishment. Maybe Oprah does not have a double but Biden does and Hillary and others. What will happen to them?

Mark David

Since doubles are most certainly helping their Masters commit treason, they deserve the same punishment.


Absolutely. They can & will be punished, I have no doubt.


Yes, & also what about Zuckerberg? He is now building an underground mansion worth 200 Billion in Lahaina?


I WISH little Zuck could be video taped being drowned in bull pi$$ upon the move-in day at his mansion. What a show that would be!


JAG should have let the Hawaiians and the Maui residents have at her for what she did to them, their homes, their families and their lives. DEW-instigated fires, kidnapped kids, deliberately murdered people trying to escape, assistance withheld, stealing from people’s pockets who just want to help others in need, protecting her own home from the fires,. but not giving a way of escape for the Maui residents, allowing the child sex traffickers to take the kids out of the fire for rape murder and exsanguination and even organ harvesting? No, JAG should have let the people tear her to shreds. She was just too vile and demonic, like Hillary and Nancy and Podesta and Schiff and Bates and Fauci and Liz Cheney and NoName and Poppy Bush.
But Crandall and Stephens and Hannink are righteous gentlemen, as well as officers and judicial authorities, for bringing these filthy animals to justice, military style. That’s way more than what these deep state traitors deserve.

Last edited 8 months ago by Xena

You forgot to include H@nks, P3nce, 0scuma, and Big M!ke in that demonic bunch. May they all roast in Hell for eternity.

Patty Hoch

Isn’t it pointless to take out Oprah but not her doubles/clones as the enemy can continue their evilness w/the use of the clones?


The clone is needed so the population is not aware of how many of these Deep Staters are no longer around. Clones only live for around 3 yrs but they will all be taken down ónce the movie is close to the end. The normies would not cope if they knew their idols were dead sadly, Even Oprah did not get the memo the real Obama’s are long dead. This is a big part of the movie, as they have nó idea their numbers are now limited, the Head of the Snake was taken off many years ago, and the minions that are left are running for cover. 😂 Quite funny really

Last edited 8 months ago by Anita

this is dumb why replace them with clones just get rid of them. same with supposedly the rock he confessed to eating kids but he’s wrestling now ppl will say that’s a clone ni get rid of that too why keep deceiving ppl


Probly because of their “dolt” followers. They would implode. That’s why this is so damn SLOW.

Izonda Skyz

That’s exactly why. And also so as not to tip off those they haven’t captured yet. Although, I’m sure they’re aware something weird is going on and are probably paranoid as hell.


She just told you why.

Izonda Skyz

As close as she was to them, I’m finding it hard to believe Oprah wasn’t aware the Obama’s have been replaced. I didn’t even know til I read this. Nothing odd looking about them as with Biden and Oprah and a few others. Now I’m suspicious.

Last edited 8 months ago by Izonda Skyz

If you compare older pictures of the 0scumers with pictures during the last six years, you will definitely see subtle differences in ears and teeth and hairlines. They are some elite clones, but there are never any “perfect” clones.

C May

People should be told. Awareness is what is going to stop the criminals.

Izonda Skyz

They will be when the time is right.

Annette Payne

That is the same for all the others who have been hung at GITMO. Fake Austin is out there as well as fake Fetterman and others. They just keep on putting the fakes out there so most do not know what is really happening.

Rebecca Tracy

Question, if we seize all of their assets, where are the doubles getting their money from to operate?

Izonda Skyz

From the deepstate.


…and from S0r0s and his son, among other devils.

Ann Ononomous

Well, that’s what I had said from the beginning…. They can just keep cloning and popping more out to take the last one’s place. And I find it very hard to believe the white hats can totally remove everyone and every cloning center by the end of this “movie.” On the other hand, there’s so much misinformation/disinformation out there, who knows what to believe? 🤷🤦


The “taking out” of criminals began as soon as Trump took office in 2017 — been going on for seven years now.

Ann Ononomous

Yes, I understand that. However, it appears that this can/will go on until doomsday if they are always replacing old with new. I recall around the time fake Biden took office, I had read the white hats were blowing up the tunnels but some were even deeper and they couldn’t risk blowing up all of them because it could bring on another ice age. They also haven’t found all the cloning factories yet, either. Who knows how many of those are on the earth?? Besides, in Revelation 13:3, the antichrist’s deadly wound was healed and he resurfaced (cloned?) which caused people to worship him. Maybe that’s why the second coming… Only He can chain and seal all the 💩 from the earth for 1000 years. Man obviously is not capable.


Many dumbs were destroyed and the alliance is now in control of their most important hubs. Check out updates of the UNDERGROUND WAR in Rumble,

Izonda Skyz

That’s why this is taking so long. It’s not easy.

Annette Payne

Or are they going to slow like 4 hours for an Oprah decision?

Max Kammerer

WOW—-Hope it’s all true that she and others have hanged
for what they have done-!!!–Many prayers to all the men and woman
taken in this…Hope to see this like we just had for Fani W live court.
People must see this worldwide…

Patty Hoch

Isn’t it pointless to take out Oprah; yet, have the doubles/clones continue their evilness? How does removing her but allowing the clones to remain change anything?

C May

They choose to give the public the mushroom treatment; still. And it’s getting old.

Patty Hoch

Why not take out her along w/clones in one swoop? Obviously, both the public & gov’t have access to this website; so, if this is truthful and open to everyone, why hide the agenda at this point?


Who’s to say they wouldn’t say she went to the hospital for week, while they foudn another double for her?

Patty Hoch

That’s my point. Where does it end? What’s the use of taking her out (or anyone, for that matter) if the public is led to believe they still exist? It’s futile.

Izonda Skyz

Hold onto your horses. They’re coming for them.

Patty Hoch

In my lifetime: In my grandchildren’s lifetime? It seems fruitless to remove her; yet, allow phonies to walk around as though she’s here. There’s no logic in that. Why have we not seen the actual hangings?


Arrogant bitch.


All the other Oprahs ARE OPRAH as much as the original, since they are clone copies of her, and are therefore, aren’t they just as guilty? Of course, if you take out ALL the clones of her, there WOULD be no Oprah and how would you explain THAT to the public?

Patty Hoch

What’s the point of removing her but allowing the clones to continue to exist? How does that change anything?


Timing is everything…..

Patty Hoch

It would seem to me that removing her ALONG w/the clones would be perfect timing. Otherwise, what’s the sense of removing her but keeping clones/doubles in place? Waste of rope, wouldn’t you say? And, creates false hope…


Hush Patty! You’re making too much sense! 🤫


Patty, you are right! I think the same way.
The only reason for having new and new clones, I think, is that white hats do not have control of cloning labs. Probably, they would be more than happy to disable pedos one by one without that additional problem with clones, issued by the deep state.

Patty Hoch

Why aren’t white hats going on the “horn” or better yet, go to a Trump Rally (Right Side Broadcasting, perhaps) and show someone wearing an Oprah mask and communicate to those watching what is happening. BLOW THE LID OFF ALREADY! Otherwise, Michael Baxter will continue to write articles “after the fact” and people will continue to be on the defense instead of the offense.


I guess, Trump keeps all information under his control until the right day. 
He is a chess champion on 5 boards. So, he is smart enough to overplay and win deep-staters.

Patty Hoch

We need a “win.”


You’re too naive.

Patty Hoch

Not being naive. White Hats need to show others that we are winning. How about throwing us a crumb, providing us actual proof that Oprah was taken out? How about taking out all the traitors already?


WatchfulOne just told you why. Your “perfect timing” would set off global civil unrest and war, which is what the cabal would love more than anything. The deep state is frothing at the mouth for bloodshed and you would be playing right into their bloody hands. Thank God you’re not in charge.

Patty Hoch

So, we lay down in fear that we may start a war? I don’t agree. Better to be on the offense vs. defense. We should all be ready for what’s coming. That being said, we are to stand up for our children, our grandchildren, not in fear; rather, to defend their future.

Mark David

The doubles and clones will be taken out, but not at the pace you may want. Th White Hats have planned this operation in great detail, and I trust them to do it the most effective way.

Patty Hoch

Feels as though Michael Baxter expects his readers to trust & believe everything he writes without actually seeing & living it as reality. The truth is: If the clones continue to exist, nothing changes, sadly, for my grandchildren. Now, you remove the clones; then, we have some light, some hope.


I think they’re using mostly silicone masks now and are intentionally making the them look less and less like the person to prompt the braindeads to finally figure it out for themselves.
The organisms playing Madonna, Tom Hanks, Morgan Fairchild, to name a few, are nothing short of comical!!! 🤣

Patty Hoch

I understand; however, everyone has access to this website, “Real Raw News.” That being said, why not wipe out ALL the imposters thereby not only making an impact for positive change but also, to prove to those who want to have hope & faith that we’re going the right way? To take out one but leave imposters/clones/ mask wearers to “do damage” — what does that do?


The purpose,imo,is to get the public to see them destroying their legacy, their own image and their credibility themselves -instead of making them martyres or heros claiming to be persecuted or victims of any injustice, imo is the most effective way to make sure there are no rallies gathering people for riots and other attacks on society.

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started_________    𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦