White Hats Foil (another) Plot to Assassinate President Trump


U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division officers on Wednesday arrested two men suspected of plotting to assassinate President Donald J. Trump at the CPAC conference in National Harbor, Maryland, sources at CID’s headquarters told Real Raw News.

He said White Hats shadowing President Trump on the campaign trail learned of the diabolical scheme Tuesday morning when CID officers spotted a pair of suspicious characters lingering outside the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center and drawing a map of the venue and side streets on a sheet of graph paper. The observant CID men witnessed a suspect sketching an outline of a multi-level parking garage adjacent to and overlooking the convention center’s main entrance, through which attendees and speakers, including President Trump, would enter the building later in the week. The suspects also drew a dashed line that the CID investigators took as the flight path/line of sight a bullet would take from the upper level of the garage to the doors leading into the convention center.

The suspects appeared to be foreigners who spoke limited English with thick Eastern European accents, characterized by heavy use of guttural and palatal consonants. Although the duo discussed dining arrangements and not devious details of assassinating the president, the existence of the map and its shady artists raised the alarm, and the CID officers, having notified their commanding officer and Gen. Smith’s office, requested permission to surveil the suspects.

“We sent four guys to back them up, just in case,” our source said. “It was damn suspicious, but the parking garage seemed an unlikely vantage point. The conference is several days long, and that garage would be packed with cars and people coming to and leaving the convention center. It would be a great place to take a shot—for someone wanting to get caught. Not to mention it had security cameras. I can tell you President Trump was cautioned against appearing in Deep State territory—and we hadn’t had any credible threats until that point—he wanted to send the Deep State a message—he didn’t fear them. Anyway, we quietly watched the two.”

CID learned quickly that the suspects had leased a nondescript van and rented a room at the MGM National Harbor Hotel & Casino a mile north of the convention center. White Hats at U.S. Army Cyber Command accessed the hotel’s registry and discovered that the men had booked separate rooms using the undeniable aliases of William Henry James and Stephen Butler.

On Tuesday evening, CID considered apprehending and grilling “James” and “Butler,” but superiors at CID headquarters advised the officers on location to continue observing the suspects in case they belonged to a larger terrorist cell. The CPAC conference would kick off in two days, with President Trump to speak Saturday night.

Early Wednesday morning, while the sky was still black as pitch and “James” and “Butler” slept soundly in their rooms, the CID team located the suspects’ van, parked on a crossroad, and discovered that someone had cut out a circular hole—large enough to accommodate a scoped rifle—in a rear door pane of glass, which had been carefully reseated using transparent tape.

Our source said the team bypassed the vehicle alarm. The interior held electronic surveillance gear and a steel case secured with a padlock, which CID picked. Upon opening the case, their fears became realized; it held a suppressor-equipped M2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle, a U.S. Army weapon that supplemented the venerable M24 Sniper Weapons System in 2010 and saw combat in Afghanistan a year later. The case also had two pistols with silencers, the drawn map, ammunition, and notes on President Trump’s publicized travel itinerary.

“That cemented everything. These guys planned to drive to the top level of the garage and snipe President Trump, somehow, try to, even though he’d be heavily shielded by security. The agents on scene informed HQ, which consulted with Gen. Smith, and they said to stake out the van and grab the suspects ASAP,” our source said.

The CID hadn’t waited too long. At 7:00 a.m. Wednesday, “James” and “Butler” exited the hotel and began sauntering toward the van, unaware of the CID investigators walking behind them and at the truck, ready to pounce. CID sprang into action when the suspects touched the door handles, tackling them to the ground and holding them at gunpoint while frisking them for firearms or paperwork that might betray their real identities.

CID seized the van and took “James” and “Butler” to an undisclosed location for interrogation, our source said, adding that President Donald J. Trump was immediately made aware of the situation and again encouraged to postpone his speech—should additional assailants lurk elsewhere nearby. But Trump would have none of it. He agreed to added protection but refused to shirk his responsibilities to MAGA and the United States of America. He said his oration would continue as scheduled, and he will speak tonight, delivering what MAGA says will be a passionate Magnum Opus.

According to our source, White Hats identified one suspect as a member of Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate who entered the U.S. with forged credentials 10 days ago. How or where they obtained the rifle is unclear.

“We know one thing for sure, President Trump plans to stop funding Ukraine’s aggression. That alone might be reason enough for them to take a pop shot at him. We’re doing whatever’s needed to get a full confession,” our source said.

Free Speech and Alternative Media are under attack by the Deep State. Real Raw News needs reader support to survive and thrive. 

Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps. Contributions help keep the site active and help support the author (and his medical bills)

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The Marxist Cabal ruining the world resorts to this whenever (THEY) are threatened. Read Mike King’s Book:
Crash Course NWO: 250 Years of Globalist Conspiracy in Just One Hour

(THEY) have been behind many assassinations throughout history- Maybe, hopefully, the good guys in the military-governments of the world will turn the tables and put all these scumbags on ice very soon. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP and good people defending him and US.

Last edited 7 months ago by meme
Robert Gregory Boensch

Department of Defense Law of War Manual United States of America; By Law President Donald John Trump is Still our President of The Fifty States
5 Favorites
People Learn And Live Stress Free
By See the Truth
Our World Today is Protected By
Our CIC and the worlds Military guided By Space force and The U. S. Army Cyber Command
By Law President Donald John Trump is Still our President of The Fifty States
That were part of the United States of America
and washington dc is a captured foreign country
After setting up a New form of Government by the former States and Territory’s
a New election will Be held to Elect The President and Congress
Within 120 Days after the End of this Insurrection
This is Why We the People have to take control of our states.
Why Do I post My real Name and Address.
Because It takes Blood and guts.
To take on the CABAL
My Date to go public on a Blog
And My FIRST Day of waking up was on Good Friday in church
When I was 5-6 years old
So what Did I see on that day.
What Do I see today
And Who is protecting Me and spending a huge amount of resources.
How much did I disclose over the last 1088 days
1088 daysIt is 1088 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
Or 2 years, 11 months, 21 days excluding the end date.
Or 35 months, 21 days excluding the end date.
Over 7,000 Hours invested in the last 1088 Days DECLASE
And Data collected for a span of 60? Years
It just To Bad I never Had A Real Job?
Or Did I ?
Those 4 days in Eleventh Grade in high school have sure paid Off..
For I never learned how to join the herd.
Please if you are interested
Break Away from the Herd.
Learn how to play the Game
The days are waning and the curtain is closing
on the worlds CABAL their Grip on all things
Our heavenly Father has Created for Us on this vessel We call Home
Will your name be Printed in the Book of Life for being one
That Answered the call and Picked up A Sword
And Are making the ultimate sacrifice of time and sharing knowledge
And Coming forward With the TRUTH
Can you see how close we are to the end of the action
The ark is getting closer to dry land and we are starting to see the birds flying in the
The Land of freedom is near Please Come out and help .
President Trump and company take us over the finish line.
WE Have It All (DATA)
Your Part is To Wake Up all those that Are Still Asleep
Without explaining the technology, our source said ARCYBER rerouted Gabriel’s calls to Baumann to ARCYBER’s Fort Gordon headquarters 
ARCYBER told him it was safe to come back because Trump was in deep shit
 a JAG investigator pointing a pistol at Gabriel’s forehead
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”

Robert Gregory Boensch



Thats a much better picture!

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home . I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦

Gregg Nickens

presence is required to enforce what must be.
It was told to me by a Post Commander that there are about 18

Robert Gregory Boensch

Yes, we are at the time when a military presence is required to enforce what must be.
It was told to me by a Post Commander that there are about 18 million veterans, a little less than 1/2 are able bodies and well armed. All we may need is the optics, of a few millions to arrive at Capitol Hill to make their demands to congress and the senate to step away from their seats that day.. Without a shot being fired. These are the men an women that no longer consent to being used as cannon fodder.

Loo Seee

Thank you for changing the crosshairs picture out for this one. This one is much better. 🙂
I appreciate all you do for US, Mr. Baxter. Thank you. 🙂


Dear Michael, Thankyou!!!!! for the picture. This is excellent as they usually are.


Good job with the new picture. It hurt me greatly to see our great President with a bullseye on him. Thanks Michael for all you do in keeping us informed.

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started____________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


🇺🇸Holy smokes I can’t imagine the pressure on that man.

Ellen T

We need to keep him in our prayers every day.


I hope the interrogation began without a WORD & with a hammer on one or two bare fingers or toes. Just so they know interrogators are not kidding.


God is the King of kings;
He removes and sets Kings… according to the Spiritual state of the Nation.

Only if we Unite in Prayer and Fasting, before THE ALMIGHTY GOD,

Asking HIS HELP, Divine Protection for President Trump, his Descendants, Collaborators and Followers; and for us and our Families, under the Blood of Jesus Christ, who conquered death and hells, and with the Help of the Holy Spirit, Amen

We are in Perilously times, in the last Generation of the End Times.


&/Or, the FIRST GENERATION of the NEW BEGINNING. “We’ll see what happens.”


Thumbs up! MUCH better picture! Thanks!

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started___________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


Nothing but $#!+ comes out of Ukraine.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Top Total Cases by State
#1 (306506) – Texas
#2 (167678) – California
#3 (104588) – Arizona
#4 (49705) – New York
#5 (49559) – New Mexico
#6 (41630) – Florida
#7 (39094) – Pennsylvania
#8 (34705) – Ohio
#9 (27887) – Illinois
#10 (24522) – North Carolina
Top Sealed by State
#1 (67640) – California
#2 (44429) – Texas
#3 (25592) – Pennsylvania
#4 (24897) – New York
#5 (18767) – Illinois
#6 (18518) – Ohio
#7 (16471) – Massachusetts
#8 (13617) – New Jersey
#9 (12533) – Maryland
#10 (11083) – New Mexico
Top Unsealed by State
#1 (262077) – Texas
#2 (100038) – California
#3 (94920) – Arizona
#4 (38476) – New Mexico
#5 (36886) – Florida
#6 (24808) – New York
#7 (16187) – Ohio
#8 (14904) – North Carolina
#9 (14198) – Missouri
#10 (14057) – Virginia
Top Resignations by State
#1 (5) – California
#2 (5) – New York
#3 (4) – Illinois
#4 (2) – Connecticut
#5 (2) – Maryland
#6 (2) – Massachusetts
#7 (2) – Texas
#8 (2) – West Virginia
#9 (1) – Alaska
#10 (1) – Arkansas
Top Rackets and RICO by State
#1 (1413) – New York
#2 (1045) – Texas
#3 (943) – Florida
#4 (681) – California
#5 (447) – North Carolina
#6 (390) – Pennsylvania
#7 (347) – Illinois
#8 (343) – Ohio
#9 (342) – New Jersey
#10 (308) – Virginia
Top Illegal Aliens by State
#1 (71667) – Texas
#2 (21369) – Arizona
#3 (14595) – California
#4 (11884) – New Mexico
#5 (2982) – Florida
#6 (1248) – New York
#7 (993) – Utah
#8 (769) – Virginia
#9 (744) – Michigan
#10 (689) – Puerto Rico
Top Public Corruption by State
#1 (609) – Virginia
#2 (383) – Washington
#3 (382) – Florida
#4 (377) – Texas
#5 (308) – California
#6 (238) – Ohio
#7 (234) – New York
#8 (233) – Pennsylvania
#9 (167) – Kentucky
#10 (154) – North Carolina
Top Human Trafficking by State
#1 (1192) – Texas
#2 (799) – New York
#3 (778) – Florida
#4 (608) – Missouri
#5 (542) – California
#6 (459) – Pennsylvania
#7 (432) – Illinois
#8 (380) – Ohio
#9 (339) – Virginia
#10 (334) – Michigan
This is Just Part of The Action
Go to the link and see it all
President Donald J. Trump
We all Thank You for Draining the SWAMP
Robert Gregory Boensch


Thank you M.B. This photo much better.

Consent Revoked

The image or photo of
President Trump with the
crosshairs sight on him
top of this story, replaced.

Much better.

Thank you RRN.


Bless you all for everything you do for president Trump and America. May the protection of God be around all of you 🙏


Partial verbatim repost of

https ://realrawnews.com/2024/02/deep-state-wont-see-a-dime-of-trumps-money/#comment-709230


(basically) Absolute PROOF Real Raw News contains true/plausible content.

Simply visit

https ://www.fanfiction.net/

and browse around the ‘Reviews’ area for the stories there. You should not find any comments there that attack the authors of the stories. You MIGHT find comments that attack the stories themselves as ‘crap’, ‘tripe’, etc. These attacks are basically/tenuously ‘constructive criticism’ to the author to help them improve their storytelling skills.

You will/should not find any ‘author attack’ posts there because all the content there is pretty much 100% fiction or fictionalized from real-life events. There is no incentive to make such attacks because the content available there is, by definition, NOT TRUE.

Here at

https ://realrawnews.com/

basically ANY post that contains examples of ‘bad guy’ behavior that is true/plausible is (almost?) always contains child posts from posters that ATTACK THE POSTER instead of the content they posted with true/plausible content of their own as a counter-argument that could be used in a court of law as ‘circumstantial evidence’. At best, all I’ve seen from these posters is ‘begging the question’ style posts–especially during the time when JAG just nabbed Stephen Colbert.

https ://realrawnews.com/2023/11/jag-arrests-stephen-colbert/

https ://realrawnews.com/2023/11/jag-grills-pedophile-stephen-colbert/

These posters DELIBERATELY disregard the existence of life-like Computer Generated Images, 

https ://realrawnews.com/2022/01/military-bidens-surgeon-general-is-cgi/

60 Minutes – How synthetic media, or deepfakes, could soon change our world

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb1GCjmw8_8

previously unseen footage pre-recorded for use for some future contingency, such as pResident Brandon’s inauguration in January, 2021


https ://www.bitchute.com/video/HW8hlkRps9M8/


https ://www.bitchute.com/video/9HO0MCZZI3K5/

[ Please watch this clip that ‘explains everything’ by military veteran/truther Derek Johnson ( https ://thedocuments.info/ ) who sourced his information from online official government/military websites.

https ://rumble.com/v46zv29-presidential-emergency-action-documents-by-derek-johnson-january-14-2024.html

If pressed for time, just watch the ‘money shot’ portions listed below that explain all you need to know so your time isn’t potentially wasted watching the whole clip from start to finish.

46:03 – 46:55 

1:00:36 – 1:23:27 ]

or coached/trained real-life stand-ins wearing MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (1966 – 1973, 1996 – 2023) grade ‘rubber masks’. 

[ Q: Why is Joe Biden wearing a Joe Biden mask in this picture?

https ://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/president-joe-biden-attends-the-ceremony-at-the-national-9-news-photo/1235181192

A: It is not Joe Biden, it is a stand-in and they forgot to cut off the ‘pull tab’ in front of his right ear.

Q: Why hasn’t the DS had this image scrubbed? It is proof that Joe Biden IS NOT POTUS. Why would Joe Biden need to disguise himself as Joe Biden at a public ceremony? That is a patently absurd idea.

A: JAG/WHs is protecting this image and the page it is linked to via some sort of NDA with Getty Images. The person who took this picture is either a WH or a DSer that ‘screwed up’ and published this image by mistake. 

Another such image via

https ://realrawnews.com/2024/02/trump-ousts-mcdaniel-for-failing-to-investigate-voter-fraud/#comment-699061

https ://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/president-joe-biden-calls-out-as-he-is-joined-by-former-news-photo/1339648561

There could be more ]

Because of this, they (are paid to) believe such stories are not true.

I’ve been a reader/poster on RRN for quite some time and I have NEVER seen ANY posts from such negative posters containing any content that would both be useable in a court of law as ‘circumstantial evidence’ and in a formal debate setting.

These negative posters actually PROVE that the content here at RRN is true/plausible and useable in a court of law as ‘circumstantial evidence’. They are either being paid by their evil paymasters responsible for the evil in the world JAG and the White Hats worldwide are fighting against to discourage people from reading/posting to RRN so it ‘dies’ and ‘goes away’ so the evil paymasters win or they are unwilling to leave RRN to read content elsewhere on the internet more to their liking.


Partial verbatim repost of

https ://realrawnews.com/2024/01/nih-honcho-alfred-johnson-hanged-after-getting-pranked-whitmer-style-by-marines/#comment-688375


Andrew Cuomo 2.0 (likely a mask wearing stand-in) via John .s posted 2024-01-25

https ://13wham.com/resources/media2/16×9/full/1024/center/80/2b051c46-64ae-4703-962c-9ee9e3af2e0c-large16x9_100022.jpeg

Andrew Cuomo 1.0 (original) via Michel Baxter of RRN posted 2021-11-04

https ://realrawnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/image0-3-696×454.jpeg

https ://realrawnews.com/2021/11/military-executes-andrew-cuomo/

Their right ears and forehead wrinkles/creasing between and above their eyebrows are NOT the same.

Looks like two different people to me. Do other non-troll posters here see the same thing I do in both these pictures? The trolls will just say ‘Botox’ or some other explanation. Please don’t fall for their lies.

More proof is that, per Michael Baxter, before Cuomo was hanged, his body zipped up in a polyurethane bag, and likely stored in a ‘meat locker’ at GITMO, New York State dropped their court case against him without saying anything more and

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathy_Hochul

became Governor Of New York State 2021-08-24.

You can’t legally prosecute a dead person, they are beyond your jurisdiction. New York State officials didn’t say anything about dropping their case against Andrew Cuomo because (likely) they KNOW he is dead and are probably under a ‘gag order’/Non-Disclosure Agreement by JAG/WHs to not say anything to avoid ‘giving the game away’ while they continue to deal with other DS criminals ‘in the shadows’ for maximum effectiveness in ‘draining the swamp’.


At best, from the closeminded / (paid DS) troll standpoint, they are in an impasse with those who believe Real Raw News contains true/plausible content useable in a court of law or formal debate setting due to it being (mostly) patently true ‘circumstantial evidence’ corroborated by other sources OUTSIDE of Real Raw News. The situation involving/revolving around Andrew Cuomo is, to me, the BEST example of this situation and ‘cinched it’ for me that Real Raw News contains true/plausible content related to the ‘shadow war’ currently being fought between the forces of Good and Evil with the fate of the entire world and all within it at stake.

The closeminded and (paid DS) trolls (and the software ‘bots’ that post for them at times–sometimes with patently useless Make Money Fast posts) will (likely) downpost/downvote this post–preferring to attack the messenger/message that is true/plausible WITHOUT posting true/plausible counter-argument content of their own.

Please ignore them, do not reply to them with a post of your own or upvote/downvote them (that is how they ‘get paid’ see truther Owen Benjamin commentary on this matter below:


2:20:45 – 2:29:25 

2:20:45 – 2:36:48 [longer ‘FULL’ version]


https ://bitchute.com/video/Aog7TSfHkxGo/

for more details), and come to your own conclusions with additional (online) research should you choose to do so.

Last edited 7 months ago by IsThisFairUse2
Patty Hoch

Isn’t is fascinating how MSM posts the names and addresses of those who were in the Capital on J6; yet, this website doesn’t post the real names of the guys who were plotting against President Trump?


Fascinating! Probably because RRN is fake and the assassins in this story don’t exist.

Patty Hoch

Did you see Mark Levin last night? He had a guest on who names two Chinese men who are running everything in the USA; including pushing transgender in schools, etc. He names names; both men are in China now literally trying to turn Americans against one another: “Divide & Conquer.” We MUST stick together for the sake of our children & grandchildren.


It is fascinating! As if RRN/Michael Baxter, I mean cough, Michael Tuffin is completely fabricating a lot of his stories. This one should raise the flag for sure. I highly doubt 2 doofuses, hired by the DS decided to take their crayons and pencils to sketch out a plot to take out DJT the day of the convention, or for that matter days after. If DS was involved, pretty sure they would have their attempt mapped out to the T, dayyyyyys in advance. But no, lets see how dumb the RRN subscribers really are to fall for this crap.


If you show truth why would you argue with someone is it because you try to cover for the untruth wake up


Some people on this site make truth whatever they want it to be when someone give them truth they call you a troll or deep state just to shut you up enough of the nonsense


No more


Michael: Thanks for changing the photo!


Text do disappear


Also prove me wrong show me videos because I starting to believe this site is bs propaganda


I not a troll I want truth if you can not prove truth your not being honest


Go get your own truth.

Sandy Koufax

The Kameltoe will never certify the election, if Trump wins. Numerous blue state Democrat congress persons and Senators from the same state will object during the certification process and they will elect Biden.

Last edited 7 months ago by Sandy Koufax
Mi ke

You haven’t been paying attention. Right after 2020 election, they wrote a bill that stops the VP from being able to certify or decertify an election. That’s because Pence actually had that authority despite saying he didn’t. They sewed that up quick.


Wouldn’t be to surprised 😲 if this was set up by the CIA in recruiting undercover entanglements in other countries so no one can back track where the source came from. Only if your able to trace it back to the individual is hiding cash or gold or other expensive items in there homes in other countries as a payment of an assassination plot! Even the Wagner group as mercenaries as jail converts are recruited by the CIA ! Because the CIA always uses criminals to carry out their crimes because there easily recruited an controlled because law abiding citizens will not commit crimes because they are not black mailed!


Michael, that’s not a very nice picture to put up. Just the photo of Trump is enough without overlaying a target on it.


Michael is doing his job. I’s just a picture. It’s constitutionally protected press. Trump has been targeted not only by the deep state but by the evil himself for his New York Order, which Trump is fighting like a gladiator to defeat alongside We the People. We are all praying for President Trump and his family. The fact that he survived 68 attempts on his life is a miracle in itself. God is powerful more power than any picture.


Forest for the trees folks. Geez!


No it’s not it shows a gun site on Donald J Trumps head it’s not just a picture


Sorry, I mean to say New World Order. Stupid keyboard lag.


Your right Sue


MB has amended it since. But you are right to raise it.

For many years we have all been programmed with films, TV, and other media, showing us horror and child abuse, rape, and murders etc etc etc — all of which was done to get our (tacit) consent to it. The Cabal have to get our consent before they go ahead with their evil. (Galactic Law.)

And (accidentally, for sure) that photo was kind-of getting us to see a bad reality and ‘consent’ to it.
You were right to raise it.

”We do not consent to Trump being shot in the head.”

AND, if you want to make use of this follwoing AFFIRMATION, it can hopefully undo anything that that MSM did with their trickery:

‘I recall, rescind, and revoke any permissions, approvals, consents I gave, or which may have been construed as given, by interacting with plays, movies, books, songs, TV, newspapers, subscriptions, or other media, or participating with this media in any way – I REVOKE AND TAKE BACK TO MYSELF any such permissions, approvals, consents etc. No consent is given; it’s mine again.’

Say it three times:)

Consent Revoked

Just noticed the previous image
or photo with crosshair sight
replaced with one appropriate.

Thank you RNN.

Many people are tricked, cheated,
conned, snookered, into giving their
direct or indirect approval, authority,
or consent, energy, in good faith.

Many do not realize they had been
dealt with in bad faith, and do not
seek remedy.

Many decades ago, one instructor
had a single word “pet saying”:

So-called agreements entered into
without full disclosure, or fraudulent
information or terms, are VOID.

Call out the con artists on their fraud,
take back what is rightfully yours.

Consent Revoked

Also, any policy or legislation
that is in violation of the
Bill of Rights (America),
is NULL and VOID.

There is NO obligation to obey that
which has no lawful authority to exist.


Nostradamus Prediction 2024

Nostradamus calls President Trump the **White Dragon – that Trump will endure continuations of lawsuits and penalties – a driving force – to try to stop his Presidency.

**White Dragon is considered as an omen of good fortune or future wealth…

Stop It

Wouldnt trump be an orange omen?


Orange is a freemason colour, I believe.


No….the reference is white dragon.

Last edited 7 months ago by CD22
David T

That picture at the heading of this article is disturbing to me. I firmly believe in the power of prayer and the effectiveness of energy (both good and bad) in manifesting outcomes. That picture has a bad energy to it.


Michael is doing his job. I’s just a picture.


Nostradamus Prediction 2024

San Andreas Fault – It slices California in two from Cape Mendocino to the Mexican border. 

The worst possibly earthquake to ever happen in California prediction is between April 20th to April 24 2024. – more likely April 23rd, 2024 during the Full Moon Phase

The devastation will cause the migration of millions of people from California to move throughout the United States.

The infrastructural cities of California will be destroyed – Los Angeles & Hollywood San Francisco etc.

Possibly of a major tsunami wave..


Let’s all disagree to that happening.


The stresses induced in the earth by an extraterrestrial mass are proportional to the gravitational field gradient.

Earthquakes might be expected in California during winters with heavy precipitation than in winters of drought.

Other factors – The excessive torrential rain in California and flooding for the past 3 months causing more land erosion – infrastructural buildings, bridges becoming destabilized.


FEMA predicts an 8 to 9.2 earthquake in California in 2024


Fema the crooks – They would be having a field day robbing and stealing from all disaster homes.

David T

Troll alert: Lonnie and K.E. are relatively new fed trolls appearing on this forum. Ignore them.


Your full of shit to proof what you saying or shut up


Thank you for letting me know David 🫡


One thing about the hole the snipers had cut in the back window of the van. Is it had to be laminated glass, or the the hole had to be cut before the glass was tempered. Because, I don’t believe you can cut a hole in tempered with out it shattering into a million pieces.

Michael R Davis

Simple to explain.
The Nazi Ukrainian snipers arrived successfully in the US, FBI or CIA agents met them, provided them with a leased van with the rear window already replaced with a window with a shooting hole already taped, firearms and a sniper rifle in the van, instructions on the best sniper position in the parking garage. But the snipers decided to look for a better shooter position, and were spotted by Army CID white hats.


Ukraine is a deep state enclave of the Rothschilds.


No kidding.

Jose Ramirez

We’re doing whatever’s needed to get a full confession,” Good I agreed. Make then talk. Latinos for Trump!!!


Wonder if Joan coughed up yet?

Sandy Koufax

If Biden is not the nominee and Trump is still around, his replacement may pick Haley as their running mate because of her name recognition and anti Trump stance.


I’d much prefer Dr. Ben Carson!

Sandy Koufax

Biden’s replacement would not pick Ben Carson.


I think they might insert michael obama. Cause if they pull Kamala out, people might call racism. But if they insert another black woman . . . .
But they have to get kamala out of the way . . .
Just pondering.

Consent Revoked

“Mrs. Obama” is a man.

Has been found out to be a transvestite.

Michael Robinson.

With apologies to Simon and Garfunkel,

“where have you been, Mrs. Robinson?”

Some stories, probably breathing
dirt or ice now.

Last edited 7 months ago by Consent Revoked
Usual Suspect

That little detail doesn’t seem to matter to the “elect”!


The president reality show is always an exciting time. Using the fraud machines … watching the mules at 4 in the morning. Seeing video of observers being denied access to the counting … what fun! It kinda make you feel like you’re actually participating. You won’t be able to stay in your seat while they count the fraudulent ballots in secret.
And when they announce who they selected you can pretend it was a open a fair election especially if Donny wins. It will be business as usual. With the gray hats keeping the carrot on the stick and kicking the can down the road. Fortunately for us their time is running out, having power over the people, and this planet will be liberated despite gray hats efforts to stop it.

Sandy Koufax

A sniper would try to target the ear, not the temple depicted in the photo, because the ear is a better target. Trump should grow his hair longer to cover his ears.

Last edited 7 months ago by Sandy Koufax

Shalom Mr. Koufax, In my opinion, whether the target to take out President Trump in the temple or ear and gets hit, then the white hats could use the same Cabal Clonesville great deception, and Trump Miraculously recovers.

Sandy Koufax

It’s interesting that DeSantis never pushed back at Trump for Operation Warp speed and the COVID shot in the debates or primaries.


Warpspeed was always the plan to set the depopulation agenda in motion: T was always cabal! I have been on the losing end since 92 with the Constitution Party! If they held power our lives would be radically decentralized; with T it is same old same old with the state being strengthened! Communism is nearly here as the Chinese are shipping military aged men over in CA!

Sandy Koufax

The battle is between Christ and Satan, not Left vs. Right.


Are you correcting me?

David T

Ecclesiastes 10:2; “For the heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.” NIV. Many other verses confirm that fools and non-followers of Christ are to the left, and the believers are to the right. Jesus ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. Not on the left. This right vs. left theme is consistent throughout scripture.

Sandy Koufax

Except that the terms right and left have been hijacked by the satanic zionist freemasons, so we must be explicit.


Desantis is deep state and pro vaccine just like drumpty

Sandy Koufax

Initially DeSantis was pro vaccine, but he pushed back later on.

David T

NoNuts would not know true pro-vaccine even if he got a series of shots and boosters right in the middle of its forehead.


That’s because he locked down and he pushed the vaccines on the seniors and boasted how many he vaccinated, well over 60%, maybe close to 75%. So how could he argue Trump on this?

Remember how Rodney Brown the pastor in Tampa was arrested and jailed for opening his church?
Why is it no media reps are asking him to renounce his support of the vax? Because if he doesn’t know now that it has killed 15m or so then he’s delusional.

Stop Chemtrails

Dear White Hats,
Patriots reading Real Raw News want to be part of the solution and help save America. Feel free to ask and enlist our help at any time.


Lmao. ….u didn’t leave your recliner for 9/11 or COVID or the election steal


David T

You don’t know fecal material from a cheap grade of peanut butter. DF Fed troll.


There is a group already at the border called the Patriots. Feel free to go join them if you wish to assist.


You can SHARE, RRN, both far, and wide❣️🌐💯💥



None if this shit is real dude, there are no White Hats

Sandy Koufax

Haley Would be the nominee if Trump is gone. Her losses in the primaries still give her massive publicity and name recognition. There is no such thing as bad publicity in politics when the elections are rigged. Haley would be perceived as next in line for the nomination.

Last edited 7 months ago by Sandy Koufax

She’s a filthy hole

Sandy Koufax

I agree, but so were Romney, McCain, Bush Jr and Bush Sr. Every election is based on voting for the lesser of two evils.

Last edited 7 months ago by Sandy Koufax
David T

Your opinion only, and I’m not sure what factual reality you base it on. Haley was outperformed significantly by DeSantis, who in the best interest of the party, bowed out of the race after a couple of state primaries. Haley is not viewed well by the bulk of the GOP and there was some awful publicity for her regarding her stance on the border and some other key issues. Haley is the RINO’s RINO and people with a functioning cortex can see that.

Sandy Koufax

The basis for my assertions are that this article reports yet another of many attempts on Trump’s life, plus Trump could potentially be convicted of one of the bogus criminal offenses and be sent to prison. Both of these are facts are known to virtually everyone who participates on this site, except for you, apparently.

Nobody who opposes the pharmaceutical industry will receive the nomination. DeSantis denounced the efficacy of the COVID Shot and will never become the nominee. Chris Christie is a disgusting fat body and will never become the nominee. Ramaswamay agrees with Trump on most issues, but he has also denounced the COVD Shot. All three have suspended their campaigns and none have received much media coverage except for criticism for denouncing the COVID Shot. Haley is the only pro pharma candidate. Christie has some name recognition and is tolerated by the media and might be Haley’s running mate, if she receives the nomination.

Last edited 7 months ago by Sandy Koufax
David T

I’m very aware of the reported attempts on Trump’s life and the myriad bogus lawsuits against him. I am not willing to give big Pharma the credit to have the pull to help in the steal of yet another election. Haley lost to None of The Above in Nevada. She won’t be the GOP nominee if somehow it isn’t Trump. Mark my words.

Sandy Koufax

Haley checks all the boxes. Zionist, pharmaceuticals, abortion, gun control, climate change and transgender. Chris Christie would play the role of Haley’s cuckold imbecile VP, but only if Trump is gone.

Last edited 7 months ago by Sandy Koufax

Maybe that’s why she’s hanging on. She is Hoping Trump will be unable to run for whatever reason. Trump should hurry up and pick HIS choice for vp, to move them into second place. I am praying for trumps safety.

Sandy Koufax

Trump selected Pedophile Pence last time. It seems like most of his choices for cabinet positions turned out to be his mortal enemies, last time. I wouldn’t expect very much from his VP.


What a wonderful catch! Thankfully, ‘James’ & ‘Butler’ spilled the beans
🫘 🫛 with even more spillage good soon to come.

My poor President Trump. He’s in my prayers. 🙏😢

Fani got ‘glob smacked’ with her lies. Looking none-to-sweet for behemoth Letty Jay, as well.

Last edited 7 months ago by K.E.

Fani and Leticia both racist baboons who need to be deprived of oxygen

Sandy Koufax

Wade’s theme song:

Fani, Be tender with my love
You know how easy it is to hurt me
Fani, be tender with my love
‘Cause it’s all that I’ve got
And my love won’t desert me


Give them the waterboard treatment and execute them.


A delete any post they don’t like


Ii my opinion the reason for this site is to stall stall stall make people believe something is being done in reality very little or nothing is being done



Last edited 7 months ago by Yang888

Prove me wrong


You want to suck my what?


No one cares that you’re gay and enjoy dudes blowing you

Thank God you’ll be dead soon from clone drumpties death jab




I just can’t resist … You must be a real egotist to think anyone would want to suck anything on you … your what may be so small it can’t be located, if you even have a what … and people probably can’t figure out which eye to look into. 😀




😤 game over

David T

Well that’s a new troll twist. Don’t let the door hit you in the keester on the way out.




Prove me wrong jackass


My opinion stands 🧐

Truth Seeker

Let’s not forget that there is photographic and video evidence showing that there were Ukrainian agents embedded amongst the J6 crowd.


Nuke Ukraine, Iran North Korea and china


That would be messy. Besides, all that shit would float on the wind and poison us.


The CIA did the same thing to RFK in LA.


So worried the WH will not always catch one of these deranged assassins. I pray for divine intervention and angelic watchers. Please God save our CIC, and preserve our freedoms.


Almighty God has NO onligation to save a sinning nation such as the U.S.!

Michael R Davis

Except for His promises to His people which He will NOT break.


When did we become his people. Of all the nations in the world why would God choose us over any of his other creations. We are a warmongering corrupt nation that has and continues to propagate evil under the guise of democracy. You may down vote and call me a troll but in the words of Joe Friday “Just the facts, Ma’am”. For the Bible stompers show where is America appears in the scriptures. I agree with K.E. “God will not protect us. Individually, yes. Collectively, NO!”

Last edited 7 months ago by NICOJONES

Suck a dick. It is not we the people who did all that but the filthy commie bastards who shall be dealt with


Again q retard no one cares that you’re gay and like dudes blowing you


I replied to you yesterday but it was not posted.
Again, “Just the facts, Ma’am”, potty mouth. I agree with K.E. “God will not protect us. Individually, yes. Collectively, NO!”

Stop It

The woman escapes to the wilderness where she is protected. The constitution is tge restrainer of evil fir a time being until the end when they override it to pass one world religion hoax. Just like the CoVid hoax the Russia Russia hoax and the inside job on 911 WRC Gold Heist cover story used to invade Irak becuz they were getting off the Petro dollars like Lebanon before them and then Syria etc. They use false flags to implement control such as patriot act which means the opposite of its name label.
religious freedom and freedom of the press and free speech are why God blessed America. So the evil side is raring to destroy the constitution restraints in order to claim the whole world as it requires tipping that domino to accomplish the satanic NWO pedo cult agenda objectives of stealing killing and destroying everyone and everything in their wake.


I agree. We allowed abortions since ’72. Churches did nothing to protect unborn children & cry for more death with partial & after birth abortions in order to protect their corporation, 501c3, status. They rarely discussed abortions in church. If they did they didn’t call it abortions.

The Deep State has done tons of damage. Now pedophilia is encouraged. God will not protect us. Individually, yes. Collectively, NO!


Paedophilia is only happening in the churches because the men in the secret societies are making it happen. Remember, even in the old movies and TV wives were never allowed to join their husbands at the lodges. If the wives knew what really happens in these lodges, they would never be allowed to join or stay there.
Sure, the men at the lower levels get a night away from the women every week and have some fun, but once they reach a certain level or degree, they have to engage in child rape or incest to honor Baal. According to a child sex trafficking survivor when one gets to the 33rd degree, one has to sacrifice a baby, at least in the UK. Can’t speak for the US.
These are the guys in power making governing decisions and representing us, and they cannot get anything done because of all the spiritual war manifesting itself in the physical. Good guys versus bad guys. Michael Cawthorne, Jim Jordan, Josh Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Steve Scalise are the minority fighting the lodge-happy majority like Rubio (Jesuit-connected) , Graham (Lodge), McCain (Lodge), Pelosi (CIA- and Jesuit-connected), Hillary (Illuminati), Biden (Jesuit-connected), Schumer (Khazarian), Obama (Illuminati), Nadler (Khazarian), Schiff (Rothschild spawn), Bush 41 (322) & Bush 43 (322), Kerry (322), Omar, AOC, Tlaib, Pressley, Durbin (Jesuit-connected), etc.
Baal is stealing their time, money, marriages, families and worship time from God away from them so they cannot do their jobs effectively. Another secret society survivor says just because one reaches a high elective office , that doesn’t meant the sacrifices stop. Infact, even more sacrifices have to be done to keep that position and keep it moving forward. Look at Benghazi in 2012, and the Chinese virus aka Covid plandemic Fauci announced in 2017 and Biden ushered in in 2020, and think about the sacrifices performed to bring them about. They had to have happened somewhere.

Stop It

But first God is sending out his invitation and warning before the final destruction. For all That have eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to understand, come out if the pagan mix of apostate religions and come to the truth of God in worship of The Creator God. The aliens are just demonic angels serving satanic regime in a coup against God in trying to gain full control of this world as a foothold to undermine Gods throne. Read the Book of Job for fuller context for that. The biggest mistake is going after God’s spiritual children. The progsnda war has been raging since before the creation of this earth not quite several thousand years ago.
we are experiencing a micro cosmetic of the macro cosmetic attempted coup using plot is, progsnda lies, deception, delusion and innuendo to try and remove the rightful ruler who serves the best interests of the people. The evil cabal is vying for complete totalitarian control and animism of all life in order to lay claim. A persons mind becomes decidedly closed and their heart hardened until there is no turning back from their course. Once everyone is decided, the tipping point is reached and the end winds up time like a scroll after unleashing the evil one to expose himself fully in his utter most horrendous vile disease, war famine deprivation enslavement, death and destruction. There will never be any doubt about it. No one would ever take that course again seeing it to its bloody end. The universe is looking on and watching this play out. Everyone has free will to choose where to place their fate.


Go kill yourself


I bet he didn’t take drumps death jab

It’s obvious you did .

Here’s a clue..he won’t be dying .

U will


If that were true, He would not have sent us His beloved Son over 2000 years ago., He would have let us destroy ourselves. .


Text deleted I have come to the conclusion whoever is monitoring this site is very evil and hiding there real reason for this site my opinion

Consent Revoked

There might be a server delay
before the post shows.

Wait 10-30 minutes.

Then it shows.

Happens to me from time to time.

Michael R Davis

Then go find somewhere else to continuously whine.


WE can whine appropriately.


This happens too much.

It’s ridiculous that you received 👎thumbs.

Last edited 7 months ago by K.E.

I have my doubts too- However, if TRUMP was not in control, we would all be in death camps for being patriots by now. Hold the fort ( little longer). This year we know if we are winners or losers. Hang tight. I do feel your skepticism. We have no choice but to let it play out. I live in CT, seems like I am the minority in a sea of foreign invaders. Newtown, all bullshit. If the traitors, (ALL silent CT Cops) politicians, media, law firms and clergy do not hang for treason, we are 100% finished. Time will tell. By the time the next election rolls in, we will know. America does not need a 4 year break, but we do need a 360 redo- All traitors must hang or we have no chance of survival.


The bible says prayer isn’t the least you can do for somebody…but the most. Pray for Trump daily, wrap him in love and prayers, he must be weary-even a normal campaign is difficult..but he’s facing assassination attempts-ontop of campaigning, endless travel, ontop of endless smear campaigns (by the Deep state) ontop of endless lawsuits. God almighty, a pray you protect your son and give him peaceful rest and strength to get throw the next 9 months safely. Surround him with your angels, give them wisdom to sense any danger. In Jesus name we pray. Amen❤️🙏

