GITMO Chases Off Yacht Claiming to be Red Cross Relief Ship


Guantanamo Bay forces on Friday fired warning shots at a surface vessel that demanded permission to berth at the naval station to medically evaluate the health of “unlawfully detained” officials held at Camp Delta, a GITMO source told Real Raw News.

At approximately 1:00 p.m., GITMO received a radio transmission from a vessel claiming to be a “medical ship on a mission of mercy” carrying a delegation of American Red Cross officials tasked with investigating reports of GITMO staff mercilessly torturing helpless prisoners. The caller, who refused to identify himself and the vessel, said the ship was 30 nautical miles south of the naval base and would dock within two hours. “This is a humanitarian relief craft. We are unarmed. Do not fire upon,” the calling party repeated.

The aberrant radio call marked the second time in two months GITMO had heard from the Red Cross. As reported, JAG’s office in Pensacola, Florida, received a letter from Red Cross CEO Gail McGovern. She had beseeched “military personnel with a stake in Donald Trump’s political ambitions” to cease extrajudicial tribunals and halt human rights abuses against persons detained at Guantanamo Bay. Sources at Naval Air Station Pensacola later told RRN that JAG ignored McGovern’s implied threat and trashed the letter.

“Apparently, our silence offended her,” a GITMO source told RRN. “We were already tracking the ship on radar, and assumed it was a large pleasure craft out of Venezuela or a Central American country. We advised it to change course or risk preemptive measures. It kept repeating the same message, which seemed automated.”

GITMO leadership, he added, sortied two UH-1Y Venom choppers crammed with Marines to intercept and identify the boat and persuade it to dock elsewhere. Spotters indeed identified it as a pleasure craft, the Sherakhan, a Denmark-flagged 230-foot luxury yacht with accommodations for 19 crew and 26 guests, according to

“It was perplexing. The Sherakhan was too small to hold an invasion force. And why would the Red Cross even risk it in a $600,000/week rental? There were no indications it was a diversion or a trick. But heck, that ship could’ve been loaded with explosives for all we knew,” our source said.

As the Sherakhan ignored commands to change course, one of the Venoms swooped in low, its door gunner firing a phalanx of warning shots off the ship’s bow. Several bursts from the M134 minigun caught the crew’s attention. Whoever manned Sherakhan’s radio issued a fearful plea: “Are you mad? We have on board medical supplies and staff, with orders to dock at Guantanamo Bay to medically check Camp Delta prisoners. We have no weapons, so cease your attack.”

A man in a medical smock appeared on deck, waving a white flag emblazoned with a red cross. He dashed back inside as more warning shots hit the sea.

“Sherakhan, you have entered restricted waters and will be fired upon unless you immediately change course. No more warnings,” one of the Venom pilots told the Sherakhan.

Our source said the choppers were moments away from shredding the Sherakhan when it turned sharply to port and retreated south on a course that would eventually lead to the Venezuelan coast.

Asked why the Venoms didn’t blow the boat out of the water, he said, “We’re not murderers, and we don’t know who was actually on the Sherakhan. Maybe it was, or maybe it wasn’t the Red Cross. If it was, they took a hell of a chance. But they also had to know they weren’t docking here. It could’ve been another attempt by the Deep State to probe defenses for weaknesses. There are always ulterior motives. If they try again, we’ll be less lenient.”

The Sherakhan is worth $100,000,000 and owned by Jan Verkerk, founder of Unlimited Yacht Charter. RRN attempted to ask for a comment from the company, but a spokesperson named “Yana” said the business does not share clients’ names.

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Robert Gregory Boensch

Marcus Aurelius was emperor of Rome during the 2nd century AD, the last in a line of five emperors
known to have ruled Rome with authority, humanity, and competence. We know him today as one of
the Stoics,
75 Best Marcus Aurelius Quotes
1. “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to
think, to enjoy, to love.”
2. “You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
3. “Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them. Think constantly
on the changes of the elements into each other, for such thoughts wash away the dust of earthly life.”
4. “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”
5. “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”
6. “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”
7. “How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.”
8. “The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”
9. “Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together,
but do so with all your heart.”
10. “The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.”
Related: How to Use Wisdom to ‘Know Your Enemy’—Here Are the 75 Best Sun Tzu Quotes
11. “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks
of the insane.”
12. “If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.”
13. “Think of the life you have lived until now as over and, as a dead man, see what’s left as a bonus
and live it according to Nature. Love the hand that fate deals you and play it as your own, for what
could be more fitting?”
14. “Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself in your way of thinking.”
15. “Let men see, let them know, a real man, who lives as he was meant to live.”
16. “Try praying differently, and see what happens: Instead of asking for ‘a way to sleep with her,’ try
asking for ‘a way to stop desiring to sleep with her.’ Instead of ‘a way to get rid of him,’ try asking for
‘a way to not crave his demise.’ Instead of ‘a way to not lose my child,’ try asking for ‘a way to lose my
fear of it.'”
17. “The memory of everything is very soon overwhelmed in time.”
18. “Do not indulge in dreams of having what you have not, but reckon up the chief of the blessings
you do possess, and then thankfully remember how you would crave for them if they were not yours.”
19. “[I have learned] To read with diligence; not to rest satisfied with a light and superficial knowledge,
nor quickly to assent to things commonly spoken of.”
20. “You shouldn’t give circumstances the power to rouse anger, for they don’t care at all.”
21. “It is the responsibility of leadership to work intelligently with what is given, and not waste time
fantasizing about a world of flawless people and perfect choices.”
22. “The mind freed from passions is an impenetrable fortress—a person has no more secure place of
refuge for all time.”
23. “That cucumber is bitter, so toss it out! There are thorns on the path, then keep away! Enough said.
Why ponder the existence of nuisance?”
24. “A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions.”
Related: 30 Money Affirmations and Mantras
25. “Let each thing you would do, say, or intend, be like that of a dying person.”
26. “The best answer to anger is silence.”
27. “Give thyself leisure to learn some good thing, and cease roving and wandering to and fro.”
28. “Because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible.”
29. “You have been formed of three parts—body, breath, and mind. Of these, the first two are yours
insofar as they are only in your care. The third alone is truly yours.”
30. “Don’t return to philosophy as a task-master, but as patients seek out relief in a treatment of sore
eyes, or a dressing for a burn, or from an ointment. Regarding it this way, you’ll obey reason without
putting it on display and rest easy in its care.”
31. “Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason
which today arm you against the present.”
32. “The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing, because an artful life requires being prepared
to meet and withstand sudden and unexpected attacks.”
33. “No random actions, none not based on underlying principles.”
34. “Keep a list before your mind of those who burned with anger and resentment about something, of
even the most renowned for success, misfortune, evil deeds, or any special distinction. Then ask
yourself, how did that work out? Smoke and dust, the stuff of simple myth trying to be legend…”
35. “Whenever someone has done wrong by you, immediately consider what notion of good or evil
they had in doing it. For when you see that, you’ll feel compassion, instead of astonishment or rage.”
36. “Choose not to be harmed, and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed, and you haven’t been.”
37. “Stay calm and serene regardless of what life throws at you.”
38. “Kindness is invincible, but only when it’s sincere, with no hypocrisy or faking. For what can even
the most malicious person do if you keep showing kindness and, if given the chance, you gently point
out where they went wrong—right as they are trying to harm you?”
39. “How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks, but
only at what he does himself, to make it just and holy.”
40. “If someone is able to show me that what I think or do is not right, I will happily change, for I seek
the truth, by which no one was ever truly harmed. It is the person who continues in his self-deception
and ignorance who is harmed.”
41. “Dig deep within yourself, for there is a fountain of goodness ever ready to flow if you will keep
42. “All you need are these: certainty of judgment in the present moment: action for the common good
in the present moment; and an attitude of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your
43. “It is essential for you to remember that the attention you give to any action should be in due
proportion to its worth, for then you won’t tire and give up, if you aren’t busying yourself with lesser
things beyond what should be allowed.”
44. “Don’t be ashamed of needing help. You have a duty to fulfill just like a soldier on the wall of
battle. So what if you are injured and can’t climb up without another soldier’s help?”
45. “Whatever anyone does or says, for my part I’m bound to the good. In the same way an emerald or
gold or purple might always proclaim: ‘whatever anyone does or says, I must be what I am and show
my true colors.”
46. “The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know
them for what they are.”
47. “Pass through this brief patch of time in harmony with nature, and come to your final resting place
gracefully, just as a ripened olive might drop, praising the earth that nourished it and grateful to the tree
that gave it growth.”
48. “I learned to read carefully and not be satisfied with a rough understanding of the whole, and not to
agree too quickly with those who have a lot to say about something.”
49. “Life is short — the fruit of this life is a good character and acts for the common good.”
50. “Wherever a person can live, there one can also live well.”
51. “That which isn’t good for the hive, isn’t good for the bee.”
Related: 4 Benefits of Raw Honey
52. “Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you
together, but do so with all your heart.”
53. “Here is a rule to remember in future, when anything tempts you to feel bitter: not ‘This is
misfortune,’ but ‘To bear this worthily is good fortune.’”
54. “Live out your life in truth and justice, tolerant of those who are neither true nor just.”
55. “We live only now. Everything else is either passed or is unknown.”
56. “To love only what happens, what was destined. No greater harmony.”
57. “Do not act as if you were going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over you. While you live,
while it is in your power, be good.”
58. “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
59. “What we do now echoes in eternity.”
60. “Understand at last that you have something in you more powerful and divine than what causes the
bodily passions and pulls you like a mere puppet. What thoughts now occupy my mind? Is it not fear,
suspicion, desire, or something like that?”
61. “It isn’t manly to be enraged. Rather, gentleness and civility are more human, and therefore manlier.
The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength.”
62. “Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt
always look.”
63. “This is the mark of perfection of character—to spend each day as if it were your last, without
frenzy, laziness, or any pretending.”
64. “Every living organism is fulfilled when it follows the right path for its own nature.”
65. “The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it.”
66. “Begin each day by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude,
insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness – all of them due to the offenders’ ignorance of what is
good or evil.”
67. “For it is in your power to retire into yourself whenever you choose.”
68. “Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do
not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.”
69. “Receive without conceit, release without struggle.”
Related: From Narnia to Wormwood to the Four Loves—Here Are the Best 125 C.S. Lewis
70. “You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to
trouble your soul about things you can’t control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave
them alone.”
71. “There is no nature which is inferior to art, for the arts imitate the nature of things.”
72. “Frightened of change? But what can exist without it? What’s closer to nature’s heart? Can you take
a hot bath and leave the firewood as it was? Eat food without transforming it? Can any vital process
take place without something being changed? Can’t you see? It’s just the same with you—and just as
vital to nature.”
73. “Often injustice lies in what you aren’t doing, not only in what you are doing.”
74. “Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What
fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?”
75. “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your
estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.”
Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that flourished in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
[1] The Stoics believed that the practice of virtue is enough to achieve eudaimonia: a well-lived life.
The Stoics identified the path to achieving it with a life spent practicing the four virtues in everyday
life: wisdom, courage, temperance or moderation, and justice, and living in accordance with nature. It
was founded in the ancient Agora of Athens by Zeno of Citium around 300 BC.
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
A simple way to live Happy and free.
wisdom, courage, temperance or moderation, and justice, and living in accordance with nature..

Robert Gregory Boensch

We need every one that can – please post on this blog today.
And every Day!
Every pieces of data can fill in our puzzle and save this country.
Each little pixel has value and can give Us a deeper picture of what happened
So I say to all that can To Be Brave and please comment On any thing that you
know that can free this country and the people of this planet from evil.
All data has value even if its off the topic of this blog today
Please Tell.
We come together today as equals nobody has better info than another
For this is One for all and all For one === MAGA ===
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
Like President Trump Said Many times.
We Love You You Are Very Special Lets Do this And Be Safe.


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Last edited 6 months ago by Noname
William R Nicholson

I had contact regularly with Red Cross in San Francisco which is one of their favorite hangouts for management. They always gave me the creeps ! I always sense evil bass tards quite well guess thats why I was hired to guard Joe Montanas place as he moved into San Francisco to lead the 49er’s . Anyways that org really is creepy & I can understand why San Francisco’s weird Party scene appealed to them. Some weird spooks that knew me in Navy Days loved waving at me everytime they cruised in their black limo . Weird very weird dudes ………. Nick NavyBlueSmoke LST-1195
  Fmr Security 4 Joe Montana’s Place when He Was New QB 4 49er’s NFL Team N.A.C. # 1274 iss 20 Apr 72
Credited by crew of U.S. Navy ship LST-1195 w saving new ship in Biblical Class Storm , early January 1974 in The China Slot also known as The Graveyard , Seal Team , Marines , 20+ Officers , 200+ ships crew & CIA’s top asset aboard ( The Master of Masters ) & everyone safely delivered to Hong Kong harbor . Thank Creator God That He Gave Me Temporary Strength of Hercules & Samson to accomplish this task & give All Aboard the opportunity to know Jesus The Christ as their Saviour ; so they may Enter Heaven via The Narrow Gate !  Take The Narrow Path ! 


Resurrection Day was mocked,
by Biden and his henchmen, celebrating ‘transsexual visibility’ with children collecting snake eggs and a giant rabbit (playboy-ped0filos-Disney)

Then, God of all Creation has placed HIS SIGN over USA; a Big X, the crossing of 2 Solar-Total Eclipses…

“Blow the Trumpet in Zion and Sound an Alarm, for the Day of the Lord is near…”
Joel 2


Does that boat have a couple cannons sticking out of it’s side?


Those 2 dark things on the side are bunpers for docking the boat.. They protect the side so there is no damage.


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Last edited 6 months ago by Noname

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Last edited 6 months ago by Noname

I get paid over 220 Dollars per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. i never thought i’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 15k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. it was all true and has totally changed my life. This is what I do, check it out by Visiting Following Website
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Last edited 6 months ago by Noname

Start now making every month extra $19k or more by just doing an easy online job from home. Last month i have earned and received $16650 from this job by giving this only 3 hrs a a day.Every person can now get this job and start earning online by use this following website..,.,…… W­w­w.B­i­z­W­o­r­k­1.c­o­m


Start now making every month extra $19k or more by just doing an easy online job from home. Last month I have earned and received $16650 from this job by giving this only 3 hrs a a day. Every person can now get this job and start earning online by use this following website……………..  W­w­w.B­i­z­W­o­r­k­1.c­o­m

Last edited 6 months ago by Noname

Why didn’t the Marines tell them we have our own medical staff at gitmo. we don’t need the Red Cross here?


Just another Ruse to get information who is at GITMO. Thankful that they could not fool our GITMO leaders. After all , they are under our protection to receive an honorable trial based on the truthful facts of crimes they agreed to commit !

Last edited 6 months ago by Rebecca

Merrik Garland can’t get out of his rightful end. No way, no how.


Tomorrow is his last day on earth.

Sue Rodrigues

Well than it won’t mind loosing that yacht.


Jan Verkerk will be the next one on Gitmo’s list of detainees.


Start now making every month extra $19k or more by just doing an easy online job from home. Last month I have earned and received $16650 from this job by giving this only 3 hrs a a day. Every person can now get this job and start earning online by use this following website.,.,.….. W­w­w.B­i­z­W­o­r­k­1.c­o­m

Patriot Cowgirl

good job gitmo, they will keep trying and thankfully you are ready each time. God Speed and be safe, we pray for all WH every day


Omg,thats so exciting! Nice job Micheal. You go White Hats! That just made my morning! Happy dance…


Yes, It made me laugh.


GITMO has to stand “always at the ready” to identify and intercept Deep Staters. we. the Patriots pray daily for their safety and our pride and respect for their allegence to our country, GOD bless and keep you safe.


Well they are Military, it’s what they do best and they are best.


did they ever catch this spooky yacht? i mean, thank goodness the scary boat has moved away. imagine what dangers it posed! they could’ve brought champagne and caviar to gitmo


And considering it was from the Red Cross, they would have had plenty to go around. We all know about the Red Cross, don’t we?


Yep, I would have had them sink it. Red Cross is as bad as FEMA.

Marie Claire Olivier



Start now making every month extra $19k or more by just doing an easy online job from home. Last month i have earned and received $16650 from this job by giving this only 3 hrs a a day.Every person can now get this job and start earning online by use this following website.,.,.….. W­w­w.B­i­z­W­o­r­k­1.c­o­m


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Last edited 6 months ago by Kitty
Charlotte Cain

Red Cross is still operating? I am surprised they have not been brought to justice.


I think most of these ‘imposters’ may have started out with good intent and are later induced to “play the game” for gain. The more monetarily successful and organization is, the greater the interest in subverting them. Horrific. I can’t begin to fathom how very much corruption needs to be squashed. Creating misery in the name of good has been going on for most of history, I believe. All that can be done, will be done. Great job being done. I’m very hopeful that big organizations parading under promises of aid, power, enlightenment, and the like will ALL be brought down.

We are promised peace, just when? So far only soon. Massive changes I expect to come to light before US fed elections 2024, which will NOT happen.


Imposter’s – that’s it exactly!


Start now making every month extra $19k or more by just doing an easy online job from home. Last month i have earned and received $16650 from this job by giving this only 3 hrs a a day.Every person can now get this job and start earning online by use this following website….. W­w­w.B­i­z­W­o­r­k­1.c­o­m


Getting paid every month easily more than $15k just by doing simple job online. Last month i have exactly received $17529 from this online job just by giving this 2 hrs a day online. start earning more cash online just by follow instructions here……..>>>>>>>>>>> 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Nukken Futz

I figured that the black hats would want Mr. Garfinkle (and he changed his jew lawyer name so nobody would know he was a jew lawyer, Garland which does not expose his true identity) they would stage some sort of stunt to get him back. He was one of the Biden mouthpieces running the show, along with the now dead, L. Austin. Maydorkus and Wray are the other two Biden mouthpieces to capture now and they will be taken down.

Mark David

The Red Cross cannot be trusted on anything.


The RED CROSS, as with all humanitarian entities, are here to rob the world. It’s quite the game.

Jacob Rothschild shed his lizard 🦎 skin recently.😁👍

Last edited 6 months ago by K.E.

Yes, I agree they are all a get rich scheme. people need to quit donating to all the organizations that beg for money using wild animals, pets, children and J’s to get money…they are always a scam. If you want to use your money to help, then help your neighbor, your local food banks, pregnancy aid, shelters and animal shelters. Not even many churches use any of the tithes they get,to help the communities, they use it to make their facilities bigger. So if you give to the your church make sure they are using the money to help the community otherwise you are just giving your tithes for nothing. Tithes are to be used to help the church help others in the congregation and the community.


Jags called this just right. The minute the so called Red Cross ship said ““unlawfully detained officials held at Camp Delta” that was a dead give-a-way to their mission. Let them run back to their masters and tell them what happened. Gitmo REFUSED DeSantis from a visit in Feb of 2023 and his office was livid. Found out DeSantis had some very shady friends helping him financially while he tried to run for POTUS while collecting a governor’s salary. THAT irked me to no end and those limp d***s in the FL legislature allowed it. DeSantis is deep state folks, make NO mistake about it. I already think the DeSantis we are seeing lately is a clone.


I agree. I am a Navy veteran. I just looked up USNS Comfort aka Big Sis. She moored in the Gulf of Mexico. She would be the closest ship to go to GITMO. GITMO do not need to Big Sis right now. There is no disaster or nothing major at GITMO. Definitely a set up and I am glad they didn’t fell for it. HOOYAH! ⚓️🇺🇸


you’re a real navy veteran? so was my husband. he was stationed in Hawaii though so he didn’t know much about gitmo

Combat Engineer 4 God

He was a fucked Devil-clone before he became a Bio- clone because any REAL believer knows the wages of Sin is Death, and these stupid Fools think that’s what life IS!!!??? INSANE PSYCHOPATHS- ruining peoples lives (to- “JUST DO IT”) like a shifty – SHITTY shoe slogan, GOD ALMIGHTY HAS A NEW COMMAND FOR YOU SHORT SIGHTED PSYCHOPATHS!!
God’s next command in Revelation 18:4 – will definitely get your divided rotten attention- GET READY & BE ADVISED KEEP PUMPING MORE STORY LINES TO SO PEOPLE CANNOT “MINGLE” on the message board.. Michael B (don’t be part of the problem or create new ones) FYI- LET THE GARBAGE SINK IN!?!!




Duh, known that for years re Desantis. Not so much a clone but an actor in a mask more likely. But that is old news. Are u new to the Truther community?

Last edited 6 months ago by Anita

yup-I thought that earlier on also..not to be trusted

Stinky Perfume

I wrote on a previous comment, similar and the difference with you is that I don’t think they wanted to get into GITMO and played their hand so they would get rejected by sounding hostile. “you have illegal detainees”. That would be like they would be killed if they didn’t go and knowing it was deadly to get in. Get rejected.


Start now making every month extra $19k or more by just doing an easy online job from home. Last month i have earned and received $16650 from this job by giving this only 3 hrs a a day.
Every person can now get this job and start earning online by use this following website……………………….. W­w­w.B­i­z­W­o­r­k­1.c­o­m

Last edited 6 months ago by Kitty

They should have shot at the Red Cross. They are nothing but a bunch of swindlers and thieves!


Did they worry about Afghany and Iraqi people’s health when they were incarcerated in 2001 and later?
I think it is DS’s order. It was a wolf in the sheep’s skin.


Go back one more war, add Persian Gulf. They sure didn’t especially when they sprayed that Agent Orange on use soldiers.

An Bolynn

Go back to WW2 and research the way they treated our mil then. They were rats, for anything good they may have done.


Go back to WW1 and see the use of mustard gas. We can always go back and find atrocities


$100 Million! The Deep State certainly seems not to be lacking in wealth and resources of any kind. Why are they so worried about us useless eaters if they’re so wealthy. Why ……. because when the meek get PO’d enough from so much abuse, we will eventually come to the understanding that they are really mass murderers who are just waiting for the right opportunity to murder billions of humanity.


They have no moñey. It has all been taken back

Stinky Perfume

Deep state surface ruling monsters just work for the spaceship-vampires underground who galactic trade human DNA aka fresh blood out of who they can kill off at reset or harvest time, or any other time, so they use surface earth for a blood and loosh vampire factory.

I don’t see much in the way of profound evidence of positive miracles like the days of Jonah in the bible or Jesus Christ casting out demons. Jonah story is supposed to have some kinda redo on 4/8/24 because it involves several USA towns of Nineveh (same town name the fish vomited Jonah into), in or close to the eclipse path). 4 with 8 is said to be a created destiny.

There is nothing profound/divine showing their skills to the masses, and it’s not clear what it would take for effects expected from humans. Matrix key codes maybe can tweak it to look profound/divine.

It’s not clear how many on earth are real humans vs no souls, because if souls was the case, the critical mass collective mind applies. The hundred monkey effect plays out telepathically. Visions flash around between humans.

The humans ran out by the masses listening to MSM and got vaccinated and the talk is they are not necessarily human anymore just animated. All I hear is they live up to 10 more years at the most and when they die, it’s sudden and unexpected.

I heard one little part of “the plan” in 2016, we’re supposed to trust, and it was Trump being told they were going to kill all the deep state high level operatives and replace them all with look alikes.

The deep state originals still left alive and working, clearly don’t like losing their associated originals and working with look alikes. The real monsters, can’t quit killing or trying to, won’t take themselves out, and even Benjamin Fulford admits, can only be killed off.

There’s evidence that forever-unnamed spaceship lords with lasers ended civilizations whole cities at a time turning them into rocks and sand. The way they are doing their plan of current end times is they want to save Oprah and her blue roof house, etc…… It’s very different this time not to just melt out everything on surface earth (from said Annunaki) but this white hat/black hat war.


Sink the ship, then call FEMA.


No, the Jags did the right thing and as one of them said, “we are not murderers”. Has anyone noticed that the detainees have pretty much disappeared from public view? I always say that whenever someone puts down RRN as “disinformation”….I remind them, “if you believe that, when was the last time you saw so and so?”
Bravo RRN! Bravo


Who is so and so?

Katherine Gunning

I don’t completely agree. Deep State has enough people willing to stand in wearing masks, etc. to cover for diminishing DS ranks to keep the general population completely fooled. Unless RRN had been keeping us informed the vast majority would think nothing was happening and give up heart.


FEMA is as pathetic as Red Cross. A little bit of
levity doesn’t hurt. Get both of them. And that will

Mark David

Better yet, sink the ship, then call the Red Cross.


Hahahaha two birds with one stone.


Glad they didn’t put up with that lie.

Glad they shot at them to prove to the red cross that they are not credible.

Their white coat, their white flag, their 100 million dollar boat -an obvious red flag for us who are smarter than they.

Their surprise to be shot at – priceless!


Are you aware you’re practicing witchcraft and are listening to demons?




Most likely next time. If they hadn’t turned the boat when they did it sounds like it was that close to being sunk.


MB explained your question in the write-up. The answer is there.🤔


This is maybe ONE of the Red Cross stash facilities….Look at all the money they have!!!!!
bitchute . com/video/9Q7L7015jdB1/

Last edited 6 months ago by AmericanFaith

Red cross = Rothchild money laundering crime syndicate.
They could have had any number of NBC’s aboard to wreak havoc on GIMTO?
Descretion is the better part of valor, make them an offer they can’t refuse, go away or swim with the fishes!

Mark David

Correct, or as I like to say, the better part of Valor is Discretion. Without sound judgement, commitment or involvement to something can backfire very badly.


Marine Traffic website shows the Sherakhan docked at Rotterdam, Netherlands. Unless the ship found a portal in the space/time continuum to another portal, this didn’t happen last Friday. It’s rated cruise speed is listed at 11 knots or 12.5 mph over 4800 miles of ocean. The good ship is available for $488,000 per week plus expenses. It will carry about 2 dozen people and crew.


Hmmmm…but yet they tried to disguised themselves as a Naval hospital ship? Big Sis is moored in the Gulf of Mexico. She’s safe.They better mess with her or Little Sis Mercy. That will be the day I will have someone to reactivate me back in.


The Red Cross is a scam….. They keep most of the donations and donate very little. Stop donating to them




Now this, pissed me off. Where is the Dirty Red Cross’s out rage for our J6ers?
received a letter from Red Cross CEO Gail McGovern. She had beseeched “military personnel with a stake in Donald Trump’s political ambitions” to cease extrajudicial tribunals and halt human rights abuses against persons detained at Guantanamo Bay. Sources at Naval Air Station Pensacola


Yes, time for “good old Gail” to go. $640,483 is not a bad salary
in 2023 for this CEO. Red Cross assets are in the millions. How
about halting their insidious blood drives loaded with all kinds
of infectious diseases: aids, MNRA, etc, ad naseum.


They are in the billions Maggie! It is a crime syndicate!




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Last edited 6 months ago by Kitty


…likely massive military move by Russia, North Korea and China to take Western Europe, South Korea and Taiwan out of Western control. The West is so paralyzed by criminally incompetent governments that this will not be a war so much as a walkover. 

Let us start with Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), issued an “order” to the Russian people saying the special military operation in Ukraine is “a new stage in the national liberation struggle…to fulfill the mission of those who defend the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the West, which has fallen into Satanism”.

htt ps://

Let’s make it clear, Russia is run by the Orthodox Church and you don’t declare Holy War unless you are deadly serious. The Russian FSB has made it known they consider the Federal Reserve Board and the families that own it to be their real enemy.

That is why FRB puppet Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk warns of the “real” threat of conflict in Europe, saying “literally any scenario is possible. We haven’t seen a situation like this since 1945.”

htt ps://

If Russia moves into Western Europe, the French and German military high command have admitted they could not resist for more than a few weeks.

Lieutenant General Rob Magowan, deputy chief of the country’s defense staff admitted in Parliament the UK would be unable to “fight a full-scale war against Vladimir Putin” for more than two months due to a lack of ammunition and equipment reserves.

The US military is no longer going to be able to help either. The demolition of the bridge in Baltimore has ensured that.

By the way, if you are one of the few remaining cool aid drinkers who still believe the “official” story this was an accident, please look at the videos and visuals below.

My initial suspect for this attack was Barack Obama because his Netflix movie predicted a similar event.

However, if you ask the question qui bono or who benefits from this, it has to be Russia. The bridge collapse trapped four ships the US military would absolutely need to transport equipment quickly across the Atlantic in the event of a war in Western Europe. These are:

The Cape Washington, a Cape W Class roll-on/roll-off vessel.

The Gary I. Gordon, a Gordon-class roll-on/roll-off vessel.

The SS Antares (T-AKR-294), an Algol-class fast sealift vehicle cargo ship.

The SS Denebola (T-AKR-294), another Algol-class fast sealift vehicle cargo ship.

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This means if Russia moved into Western Europe the US would not be able to transport enough military equipment on time to be able to do anything about it. Field Marshall Douglas MacGregor says Russian submarines could take out any remaining US transport ships.

In any case, we know from our own Pentagon contacts the US military does not intend to fight to protect KM puppet governments in Europe anyway.

This matters because Russia has all but declared war. The Russian Foreign Ministry is demanding the arrest and extradition to Russia of all people involved in the March 22 (322) terrorist attacks on Russian territory, including Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) head Vasyl Malyuk.

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Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova make it very clear the US government incriminated itself by immediately blaming ISIS despite it being well-known Isis etc are US and British creation.

htt ps://

Alexander Bortnikov the chief of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has also publicly accused the United States, Britain and Ukraine for the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.

ht tps://

Our own FSB sources say Russia is further demanding the arrest of fake US President Joe Biden and his boss Barack Obama. They are also asking for the arrest of Charles Mountbatten Windsor.

That is why Russian ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov says improving relations with Washington under President Joe Biden is “impossible”. 

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There are also signs that any attack by Russia would take place simultaneously with a North Korean move on South Korea.

In what looks like preparation for war, North Korea is importing huge amounts of fuel for military vehicles from Russia. At least five North Korean tankers sailed this month with oil products from the port of Vostochny in the Russian Far East.

North Korean tankers may have delivered more than 1.5 mln barrels of oil products between January 1 and September 15, 2023, the Russian Tass News Agency reports. “Moscow and Pyongyang have promised to strengthen their military-technical cooperation,” it adds.

htt ps://  

Russia also used its veto power last week to stop UN monitoring of arms transfers between Moscow and Pyongyang.

ht tps://

Amid this tension Japan has been desperately trying to talk to North Korea but North Korean Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui reiterated Pyongyang’s stance Friday that it will reject any contact with Japan

ht tps://

Our own North Korean sources say they control the Japanese underground and are preparing to remove the slave government in Japan because it murdered over 400,000 people with vaccines.

Another sign something fundamental has changed is that Goldman Sachs is shutting down its’ banking business in Japan.

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When I was working for Forbes I remember going to GS parties where the likes of former US Vice President Walter Mondale were employees. It was the de facto government of Japan. Their leaving is big news.

Japan is about to have a new Emperor and a new government according to my own sources connected to the greater (Fujiwara) imperial family.

“I’ve described the security environment as the most dangerous I’ve seen in 40 years in uniform,” said U.S. Adm. John Aquilino, head of Indo-Pacific Command, before the House Armed Services Committee this month. 

htt ps://

China and Taiwan though, will reunify without any war, Asian secret society sources say. They say a deal has already been made for peaceful reunification.

In any case, the situation is so tense an emergency meeting has been called this week with representatives of the Habsburg family (European Royalty), the Pentagon, the CIA, the Russian FSB, the people in Antarctica and Asian royals.

A person who will be attending the meeting says they will discuss….


Extensive and I am sure very well thought out. Something missing is the World Alliance and consideration of the pending APPEARANCE of war.



Easier to read it there

Surf Nazare

Finally you have posted something of value–very good—I read and listen to him myself—-Not that you have to agree with everything he says but gives meat to chew on and he does have inside connections—most don’t have a clue about what is really going on especially toward the east—

Justis Foreall

Sinking if not turning like it did was proper.


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Last edited 6 months ago by Kitty

Getting paid every month easily more than $15k just by doing simple job online. Last month i have exactly received $17529 from this online job just by giving this 2 hrs a day online. start earning more cash online just by follow instructions

Last edited 6 months ago by Kitty

Red Cross = Rothschild

American Living in Canada

Found this in my notes… in and around Wednesday January 20, 2021.

“Notable POTUS quotes today! ” You’re going to be seeing incredible things coming” ” The future of this country has never been better” “We will be back in some form” “We put this miracle together” “Have a good life, We will see you soon”

American Living in Canada

Found this also… guess what… you tube 86’d it…

ht t p s ://w w w. you IEMsHwM

Spaces added

American Living in Canada

“Did President Trump Just Save The Western Civilization?”


Well, I’m sure he has, saved humanity, actually. But I think there isn’t much of a ‘Just’ about it. Long has the war been raging.


youtube owned by google so standard procedure.


I think I’ll stick with prayer. Thanks anyway.


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