A White Hat blockade prevented an armed FEMA convoy from entering the tornado-ravaged suburb of Elkhorn, Nebraska, Saturday morning after a violent twister outbreak razed hundreds of homes and businesses and left citizens stunned and clamoring for necessities such as food, water, shelter, and electricity.
Two days earlier, Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command eavesdropped on a telephone conversation between FEMA Director Deanne Criswell and a Mission Support Associate Administrator Tami Franklin. The tyrannical twosome discussed the National Weather Service’s heightened risk for a tornado outbreak in the Great Plains and mentioned having a “survey team” ready to assess future storm damage. A seemingly prophetic Criswell suggested having a caravan prepared to “roll into Omaha” once the storms dissipated, prompting an inquiry from her subbordinate: “Armed?”
“Standard procedure,” Criswell replied. “But be cautious. We’ve taken too many losses lately.”
Given FEMA’s history of terrorizing and burglarizing storm victims, Cyberspace Command notified General Smith, who asked if they got a bead on Criswell’s location. He was told that the elusive FEMA administrator had made the call from Switzerland. Criswell is among the horde of despotic Deep Staters who have been hiding abroad to avoid getting picked up and shipped to Guantanamo Bay.
“These guys just won’t stop. You’d think they’d be a bit more cautious after the pasting we gave them in Maui. Their endurance is…surprising,” a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.
He added that FEMA’s longevity is largely contingent on its access to unlimited cash and willingness to employ convicted felons. The agency is currently binge-hiring, offering $30/hr. in a desperate effort to replenish its rank and file. Our source said White Hats accessed FEMA’s application database and found it was indiscriminately glossing over felonies that preclude government employment and firearm possession.
“Kidnappers, sexual assault, home invaders—FEMA doesn’t care,” our source said.
He compared Criswell to actor Cliff De Young’s portrayal of abolitionist Col. Jay Montgomery in the 1989 film Glory, wherein the jayhawker pillaged and firebombed the city of Darien, using hatred of slavery as a pretense for personal profit.
“FEMA has coffers of cash and black budget surplus in overseas accounts—they plunder because they enjoy it. Any FEMA employee taking up arms against or robbing citizens is guilty of treason. And Gen. Smith expected that would happen if FEMA rolled into Omaha if a storm struck,” our source said.
Upon hearing the call between Criswell and Franklin, the general activated two rifle platoons and had them flown to Offutt AFB, a White Hat-controlled installation in southeast Omaha. As they prepared for a possible engagement, Cyber Space Command monitored FEMA’s tactical frequencies hoping to glean the agency’s next move. That information came late Friday evening after devastating tornadoes flattened homes in the Omaha suburb of Elkhorn.
“Intel was an ‘advance damage assessment team’ would arrive in Elkhorn at first light. Damage assessment team is really lingo for terrorizers. We got word they’d be coming into Elkhorn from Lincoln on Highway 6, and the general decided we’d have an ambu—a surprise for them,” our source said.
The Marines, he added, positioned vehicles on either side of the Ashland Bridge spanning the Platt River, while a reconnaissance team drove toward Lincoln in a civilian car in search of FEMA raiders. At 3:45 a.m., the recon team spotted six SUVs with FEMA decals on the doors and two tactical mobile command centers driving north toward the bridge.
The FEMA convoy rolled to a stop after crossing the bridge, its forward motion halted by a Humvee roadblock and 50 Marines pointing rifles and a couple of AT-4 rocket launchers at the lead vehicle. The platoon leader, a lieutenant, made clear his intent: a bullhorn amplified his voice as he informed FEMA that arming themselves or retreating would end with their destruction. The rear element remained hidden on the opposite side of the river in case FEMA foolishly tried to flee.
Marines swarmed the FEMA cavalcade, pulling supervisors and grunts from their vehicles and restraining them. The Marine lieutenant told the FEMA agent-in-charge (AIC) he intended to inspect FEMA’s cargo for weapons.
“If all you’re carrying is food and water and not guns, you’ve nothing to worry about,” the lieutenant told him.
The AIC, however, said the Marines had no authority to delay his “mission of mercy,” though he admitted to having a small stash of firearms, purely for self-defense.
The minuscule stash, our source said, turned out to be 34 M4 Carbines, 27 Glock 23 pistols, 3 M24 Sniper Weapons Systems, and a plethora of ammo. Although FEMA had enough weapons to wage a small war, it carried not a single MRE or bottle of water, nor any relief supplies to aid the now homeless residents of Elkhorn.
“We’ll be confiscating these,” the lieutenant told the AIC.
While frisking the AIC, the lieutenant found what our source called a smoking gun on him, a document that held the names and addresses of Elkhorn’s wealthiest residents. It listed their jobs, annual incomes, and whether they had ever filled out Form 4473—the ATF’s mandatory firearms transaction record.
“Good day for gun confiscation, is it?” the lieutenant said to the AIC.
The AIC protested: “We just need to know who has guns for our safety.”
“You’re not going to Elkhorn today,” the lieutenant replied. “In fact, you’re not going anywhere—except to GITMO, you and your whatever you call yourselves—team leaders. The rest of your ‘relief team’ can leave, back to whatever rock you crawled out from. Your men can tell Criswell she’s not welcome here, not welcome anywhere.”
Disarmed and disheartened, the FEMA convoy left without having burgled or terrorized a single resident.
“The lead and three others we got will be treated as enemy combatants,” our source said. “Marines are still in the area, in Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa, and they’ll repel or eliminate any further FEMA invaders,” our source said.
Edit: Our source the Marines had a “tactical reason” for releasing the bulk of FEMA’s forces, but he wouldn’t clarify the reason.
Correction: We orginally reported that Criswell had spoken with Erick Leckey. This was an error. Source merely identified the contact as a mission support administrator, and I, not remembering the contents of every article written, forgot Leckey was captured in Hawaii last year. We reached out to our souce for clarification, and he identified the other party as Deputy Associate Administer Tami Franklin. We have corrected the article to reflect this.
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I wish they hadn’t let the others go. Seems to me they were at least complicit.
I’m “assuming” they had reasons. I did ask why. I was told it was a tactical decission.
Damn, another police grammar. You know what it meant…. why people like yourselves always like to pointing out little bit fat finger instead of a thank you note and appreciation for the news.
There’s an ass in every crowd.
And you might be one.
Here are the real asses.
It’s her function in life! Probably an active or retired English teacher…🤔
MB is a former English teacher.
His writing would get a C-. Look at those corrections!
Do you work for FEMA?
LOL, oh come now. It’s not that bad.
His typing you mean.
And your heart and soul gets an F.
And a spectacular journalist. He wants accuracy and is not snarky even to snarky people who point out errors. He corrects them! Pure class
Pointing out a legitimate error is NOT being snarky.
Our host used to teach English.
Well if you’re typing all these stories at the speed of light to appease us…then there very well will be typos. #heshumanlikeus
Baloney. It only takes a minute to proofread before posting. SOP
Oh….So YOU would NEVER make ANY mistakes. Well sadly, God forgot to make YOU in charge.
I have been a stickler about grammar and spelling professionally because it is a reflection of me, and we all make mistakes.
I sent an email once and had mistakenly copied the wrong person, who wasn’t supposed to be on the distribution, because the topic was about him…. shit happens.
Who gives a damn. If it wasn’t for MB’s information we’d be totally in the dark and would be hopelessly depressed, thinking nothing was going on…..There’s isn’t a thing about his writing that’s bad. Give him a break….and thank him for a hell of a good job of trying to make sense of this shit show…..
If I could, I’d give you a 1,000 likes for your comment! Well said!
I do and so does he. But YES the most important aspect of RRN and MB is the fabulous information. No reason we/he can’t do both.
Randy, you get the Gold Star !!!!! You are so totally correct.
Yes there will be…and what’s wrong with correcting them as needed….NOTHING.
and if our host is typical, he is probably suffering cognitive damage from the coal fly-ash (or whatever) that has been ‘blessed’ upon us all to one extent or another.
I have been making writing mistakes that did NOT happen a few years ago…
P.S. meadows is a ‘former’ active three-letter mope.
It’s just typos. It’s natural. In the old days we wrote, instead of typed. The proofreader and typist corrected your typos. I leave errors in alot, don’t have time to be perfect. We type so much these days. Plus we’re on phones and laptops. More errors.
Then you are not a professional. You would never be hired where I work. Your standards are appalling.
I agree with you on this to a point. I was a paid professional writer and journalist and of course I had errors WHICH I CORRECTED. You are right on the value of accuracy and wrong in your smug arrogance and contempt for someone doing a hell of a lot more than I suspect you are doing to save our country.
Stupid troll, get a real job!
I take the time! We all spend our time on what we value. MB VALUES accuracy.
Fairy! 🤴🧚♂️
True….My sense is that he is not a kid and also has health issues and is also always in danger.
Yep and I love his attention to accuracy, grammar, consistency, integrity, etc.
Don’t you mean Engleash teacher. Sorry to correct your grammar, or at least the intent. Just wanting to clarify, the earlier clarification of MB.
For myself, I make mistakes to prove I am still human. Or my computer is making a fool of me as usual.
Everyone makes typing errors. Also, speaking for myself, I have been gifted with a dyslexic cursor which likes to leap all over the place removing and inserting letters at will. I correct as best I can but the cursor issue probably developed to punishing some of us for not continually sucking up to the newest Microsoft “versions” with their up-graded back doors.
Mine does that too. I blame the deep state. My brain tells my fingers to scramble words when I type, annoying as hell. I usually proof my posts in an attempt to get it right.
I have the same ‘gift’😆 only mine are whole words! I always have to skillfully edit my posts continually.
Thank GOD Michael offers an ‘Edit’ button, or good people here would think I’m retarted!😂
Yep there’s edit and there’s also red underlines for misspellings much of the time.
Only certain effete people would think that. They feel bad about themselves and must point out the errors of others to feel better.
That may explain it, I am still on Windows 7 and 8, refuse to go to the all snooping Windows 10 and above.
I don’t use the Cloud where all of your pictures and information are exposed to those with a need to know.
Dear Dr John, I’m with you on keeping Win7 and the Windows WORD-EXCEL suite intact. I am ‘just dealing with it’ to have a laptop with Win 10 on it; got the Win10 Office/WORD package and it is a mere shadow of the great functions with the Windows 7 Suite. And I don’t like the Cloud just assuming I want it, filling it with my photos and then chastising me that it needs more space so I need to pay up for more space. As if the Software Moguls really were in need for more of my hard-earned cash. But I digress ….. White Hats! Snatch ALL the FEMA Goons next time; if they are just Followers, give them 20 yrs each to think it over.
Oh boy. Auto correct is horrible :(.
cixelsyD Mean You Don’t
Obnoxious coward critic: how disgusting.
Oh yes…auto correct can go to h.ll in my opinion. Me? I don’t need to make mistakes on purpose to demonstrate my humanity. I make tons without trying…but I try to correct them and do if they are pointed out even if the pointer is nasty.
She should self exile from this site.
Exile from the site for posting one word … you trumpsters truly love tyranny. 🤪
you’re our next target fool. good grief. stop taking yourself so seriously.
I don’t take you seriously😜 Bring it on trumpster🤣
We are. Just ask FEMA
People are free to take themselves seriously if they want to. My suggestion: reconsider commanding others be as you would have them be.
you love the end of our world asshat so eat shit.
Just because you eat shit doesn’t mean I will. So run along and finish your meal.😏
It’s you knuckle dragging leftist trolls that need to exile from this site. You’re all eventual GITMO residents anyways.
OK…either we believe in FREE SPEECH or we don’t. MB does.
spirittoo + 10 more =
NEVER trust what this commenter posts.
Nope. We are not all alike. Some of us care about accurate writing, some don’t. Some point it out; others ignore it….it’s the TROLLS that are TYRANTS….Lockstep mockers. Getting their SOROS checks.
Why? She has freedom just like you (and I) do.
Or a demoncrat… oh I mean Democrat.
oh, what is the difference in demoncrat, demon or democrat?
But often times it is better to be kind than correct, especially when such a hard, unselfish worker is involved….
Not my function in life but I care about the language. (I’m not the one you are talking about, but I care about language, writing, speaking well. If you can’t do it you can’t THINK well either.
And she thought it was helpful. Even I saw the misspelling.
No, rather if it isn’t pointed out to you, you never learn and spend life making an “adz” of yourself. They are doing you a kindness.
“An Englishman’s way of speaking absolutely classifies him,
The moment he talks he makes another Englishman despise him,
But use proper grammar you’re regarded as a freak,
Oh why can’t the English teach their children how to speak!” — My Fair Lady
Even YOUR lofty little post required ‘editing’… Didn’t it, Sue?
It’s OCD….it happens in varying amounts.
Obsessive Correcting Disorder?
😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣that’s funny.
Sure we do. Some of us are just sticklers for correct spelling and punctuation. And yes, sometimes it seems like a curse. Please forgive us.
grammer nazis get me going…
The word is spelled grammar.
just let it go. in the overall picture it really doesn’t mean much
as long as we understand what he is telling us. we have much larger problems than misspelled words.
nicely offered, watchfulone💓
Inn a werld wear therr is sew mucch evil, it seams sili two quabul ovur spelin.
of course yer forgiven!😍❤
Hahaha . . . what an utterly ridiculous statement!
Sorry. Language is important. It is the essence of effective and comprehensive communication. Baxter gets it and graciously responds to and modifies what he has written when an error is discovered. Why? Because he highly values language.
How fascinating that several fellow patriots should expose themselves in this way: Harsh and sweeping criticism with no other supporting evidence other than a simple, helpful spellcheck. Not a good look for those who respond emotionally to a totally unemotional issue.
We are in this together last time I checked.
The grammar police can be useful. I, for example, have always been good with spelling and grammar, but there is no place in our world to use this modern skill set. So to keep up my skills and for my amusement, I would find a chat with a very heavy argument, and I would start correcting the grammar of every single poster. It didn’t take long for the chat to unite against a common enemy i.e. me. No thanks necessary, just doing my part to unite the Internet. PS I know there are mistakes in this. Siri is the worst dictation that I have ever known.
really? Worse then G👀gley Goo?? Their auto check is atrocious.
I always assumed the dictation tools new what you REALLY meant and you had no right to change it.
amen, the timing of this correction is very wrong…..Michael is working at both ends night and day risking all……….and wow, he put an extra s in a word……..We appreciate you Michael…….VERY MUCH …..
I’m one too. And I will continue to be one. I do 100 x the thank yous though. But we need to write/speak accurately and clearly and as a top-flight journalist MB knows this.
We would not have a FEMA Today
Or Covid Jabs
Read this post Below and you Can see this is all my Fault
Earth would have been just I floating Ball of Ice Can you See
And No FEMA No World Wars just ICE
And A Quite Winter breeze 44-7 a steady Minus 500 Degree’s
The Day I Took Control Of The United States Government By Robert Gregory Boensch.
The Day I took control of The United States Government by Robert Gregory Boensch. And You the people Have This power today Watch this video and see the way. What caused the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon? As more details emerge about the events leading up to the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon, it has become clear that the single-minded drive for profit and a total lack of regulation created the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. In the United States Congress A Bp Official was asked how do you market your oil. He answered they hedge three barrels of oil to one barrel of production. Search this price of oil and look at their contracts, Was there an incentive for them to Shutdown the Gulf of Mexico oil production. Now comes My Involvement in this disaster. The Whitney Township was waging their first war With my Family. And I was defending my Farms from this action. And after 30 days of all the noise about this [disaster]. I took a day to investigate every piece of evidence and videos on the web I could find. The next morning I wrote a two page paper of my findings and sent this to BP, and the Government Agency handling of this. And also one of my Detroit Lawyers, No response From the government. The two of us watched this and talked about it every few days. It was so risky in how they were handling this action. And one day they were scheduling A very dangerous maneuver.
I had no choice But to call congress directly. And aid answered the phone I asked him if he was in front of a computer he said Yes. I gave him my Web address and had him open it. Then Asked him if he could see two pages of PDF s, he said yes and wanted to know what this is about. I Asked him if he could print these out he said yes and printed them and I asked can you read them. He said yes a what should he do. I said send them up to who’s in power. At this Moment I took control of the congressional and Federal well control of this accident. They halted all of their action and let the well leak per my order. And built the Well control Cap to my Specification. Why would they do this you ask. Because this was an extinction level Event. If they would have loss the riser package off the well head or any part of this. There would have been such a high volume of material, and at an extremely high pressure, And a high chance of blowing the whole well casing out of the hole. And then this would cause all of the sediment in the gulf to be in Suspension for up to 40,000 years as this was calculated and referenced in an engineer published chart From my knowledge in studying. And then The salt water would flow back into the well and increase the salt level of the oceans and probably turn them to complete ice. They then understood my plan was better?
What happened to the township war nothing Good and lost just about everything We had. President Trump says pick your battles wisely. The choice I had was save my Family and take a chance of all of us perishing, Because, the strong possibility Of this being An extinction level Event. Or take Control Of the United States Government, Question Did I make the right Choice? PS, A couple of G men showed up to one of my lawyers friends house in Detroit, after this well was cemented in and questioned him all about oil well control in the gulf. Something he knows nothing about. And the lawyer that I was corresponding with had the paper work Asked Me all of the Question that were relayed to him. I answered them, and Most of the questions were very obscure, child like, with no understanding of the Industry, then I told the G men listing on the phone, Just talk to me direct the next time you can’t handled a disaster? A true Story and there Is two lawyers in Detroit that were involved. In the United States Congress A Bp Official was asked how do you market your oil. He answered they hedge three barrels of oil to one barrel of production. Search this price of oil and look at their contracts, Was there an incentive for them to Shutdown the Gulf of Mexico oil production. This is another point. I watched this congressional testimony. They only had to ask one more question and We would have had a testimony and evidence of Murder of the workers that died. And an intentional world biological event against the world Etc. And What I saw was Just a play with congress and BP. I could see the dollars flowing from BP to congress. All of these congressional members are accessories to this act That had stocks in BP Schlumberger This Company in which I respect. Do they have culpability in this action [Accident] And was never Question that I know Of! On that day when I searched for all the data. It was reported that Schlumberger Told BP to shut the well In Meaning Kill this Well Cement the Whole Well In And the BP on deck refused. Schlumberger operator on the rig turned around went into his office. And called in a Helicopter and Removed their people immediately. and A boat came to the rig and removed All of their instrument’s Which is never done unless the rig is going under. Where did all of this data Go. Any one on an offshore Rig has authority To Shut the Rig Down! From Just Facts and Questions Robert Gregory Boensch
he Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the “BP oil spill“) was an environmental disaster which began on 20 April 2010, off the
Robert Gregory Boensch
What caused the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon?
As more details emerge about the events
It was reported that?
Schlumberger Told BP to shut the well In
Meaning Kill this Well Cement the Whole Well In
And the BP on deck refused.
Schlumberger operator on the rig turned around went into his office.
And called in a Helicopter and Removed their people immediately.
and A boat came to the rig and removed All of their instrument’s
Which is never done unless the rig is going under.
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
I am certain Mr. Baxter doesn’t need an editor here. He is doing his best, has a real life outside of this and tries to get out the news quickly for us. We all have made a mistake when we are trying to get a post out quickly. He is doing us a great service and really does know how to spell. Let him be please.
But . . . obviously he DOES need an editor.
oh Ellie, let it go please.
He makes a lot of spelling mistakes for a former English teacher.
he makes alot of mistakes for ANY one… ask MB if he dyslexic?
I heard he’s being protected.
Protected from whom? The Grammar Police? lololol . . .
Well said
fuck oFf we all should say what we believe, i hate grammer nazus but will fight for free speech
I would criticize your idiotic use of the concept of “free speech” but the ridiculous comment you make takes care of that for me.
Hahaha… Are you going to spell check his “grammer” or should Sue?
Exactly! The grammar police are Trolls with nothing of substance to share and eager to speak against MB in whatever way their limited imaginations can imitate.
yes, agreed; and if I may add? He can spell some really tough, difficult words, too, bc I have to look up the definitions!😂 I love him for expanding my vocabulary.🤗💕
Create whistle blowers! (Do you get it now?)
Thanks, GracieAlanna, for your commitment to proper grammar/spelling. I’m likeminded. 🙂
more like, u are fuckminded
Hau daahr ju!?
Grammar Nazi !
If the article was so full of error that it could not be understood – the “grammar nazis” might have a point, however when it is a misspelled word or accidental mis-placement of a punctuation mark in an otherwise perfectly spelled and punctuated piece of writing comprised of important and worthwhile information – the one who criticizes an irrelevant error is displaying the distinguishing characteristic of a petty mind.
Michael is always gracious about correcting any overlooked error but the gloating trolls are like feasting vultures over a fresh kill.
guess my sarcasm didn’t translate well.
It’s okay Gracie, we all need a little sharpening up.
Trumpsters are pretty hateful … -68 for one word. No attack just one word. Welcome to trumpsters world Gracie.🤭
Trolls are especially hatefilled as well a vulgar against all people on this site. Yet you have no problem dishing it out, do you.
Never to trumpsters like you who love to self project.🤭🤫🤥 The comments offers clear evidence of those being vulgar and it mostly you trumpsters. A FACT🤨
Decisions? Try making some good ones.
James 2:13 Amp Bible
For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; but [to the one who has shown mercy] mercy triumphs [victoriously] over judgment.
Proverbs 26:27
Whoever digs a pit [for another man’s feet] will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone [up a hill to do mischief], it will come back on him and crush him.
geez he pressed a wrong key, haven’t you ever done that or double pressed a key when typing? get a life !
I’m sure if you pointed out a typo, MB will correct it. Like any intelligent writer would do.
Good grief. Typos happen to the best of us. They can make the text more interesting.
Sorry, Gracie. Some, actually, a lot of people do not appreciate correct spelling.
Lke leaving them behind so they can run back, shaking, to tell other would-be thugs of their narrow escape and give eyewitnesstestimony of the consequences of being part of this devil work.
Personally, I like it.
Heartily agree…
Because, according to your source, the White Hats had already detected that FEMA was accepting applications from and hiring felons… “kidnappers, sexual assault, home invaders…” and soon to be sanctioned-by-the-deep-state–murders, none of them should have been allowed to leave.
totally agree
You can bet they had a good reason to let the others go, cause the word will get back to Chriswell to show how stupid she really is.
Still doesn’t guarantee other people won’t become their victims.I ‘d bet my house the ETs know exactly where Chriswell is. Research the very recent story of the approximate 900 bankers that got arrested. All because of the quantum technology the ETs have.
Maybe create some disunity in the rank and file.
oh yes-you can bet theres a reason they let them go…
Probably to see where they would go after released and who they would call or contact. The more released the higher chance of getting something.
Yes, tactical
They obviously need to report to someone about what happened & why mission is not accomplished.
My fingers are crossed! Hoping you are right (oops! haha… correct).
Excellent story. Great news for the most part. However, according to your source, the White Hats had already established that FEMA was accepting applications from and hiring known felons– “kidnappers, sexual assault, home invaders—“ some, no doubt, soon to be deep-state-sanctioned murderers… none of the convoy should have been allowed to leave.
Can any ex military here, give us a clue why they let a portion of a criminal gang leave?
Part of the reason could be that that their holding facilities are currently strained.
Hi michael…… please see my question below.
F@ck queensbury rules > the Red Hats would have holocausted them !!
We don’t really know. Putin, maybe. But mili guys still value intel and strategy.
For what reason?? You can’t just massacre cuz you like the sight of blood. Then you’re as guilty as them and should be arrested as well. It’s called over-aggression for no reason. This was a crime PREVENTED. Not a crime in progress. Chill out dude.
You have NO WAY of knowing that OR even if it would have been the best strategy. Armchair “warrior” fantasy.
Find out where they came from, and see what else they have there.
Those were my thoughts exactly however I was thinking whatever reason it was not spelled out by the source was probably reason not to speculate “aloud” here so to speak. By now, that concern is almost certainly no longer relevant except to stuff this reasonable consideration back down the troll’s clamoring throats.
drug ’em all, while they’re unconscious, implant tracking devices in their bodies, find the nest and exterminate them all. way past time for drumhead courts martial and summary executions.
Also, in the article, it’s the “Platte River,” not “Platt.”
This is a guess. It should be obvious per the content of the news article.
JAG forces got the ‘big fish’, proof of intent to rob, and all the weapons. If JAG meant business, they could have sent all the other ones away unarmed and walking for ‘maximum op security’ to JAG forces. The others that were released could/would act as ‘advertising’ to others to NOT sign up for ‘FEMA duty’ in the future.
The ‘big fish’ and proof of intent to rob can be used at GITMO in order for JAG to ‘swim upstream’ and catch even bigger treasonous ‘fish’. The weapons they confiscated can be used by JAG forces on other missions so their overall firearm/ammunition supply ‘lasts longer’ in their current ongoing war with BH forces.
The ‘intent to rob’ proof is proof that the DS is extremely low/’out’ of cash to operate and must resort to the (ghastly practice of) looting(/killing) of disaster area victims in order to get the funds to ‘keep going’ as seen in past Real Raw News articles such as this one:
https ://realrawnews.com/2023/09/marines-in-maui-were-in-the-shit/
I do hope JAG doesn’t consider this post ‘sensitive info’ that shouldn’t have been posted in the first place. ^^;
Plus they have the conversation between FEMA agents that tipped them off in the first place. That evidence is sufficient to get a conviction in concert with what they confiscated.
Also the lie about weapons of self defense – is sufficient to denote consciousness of wrongdoing or he’d not have tried to minimize the sizable weapons cache.
Probably they are tracking them all to see where they go & what they do & monitor what they tell people! Very difficult to impossible to charge them all. Most are employees who may or may not know the crimes about to be committed. This way they can find out – because they have all their identities. Great information trails to be found there.
Check the spelling of “philanthropist” on your donation page. 🧑🎓
It sounds to me that this op would have been better handled by the Red Hats. Why not just provide them the intel and see what happens.
In a bank holdup, if there is a death, every member of the gang suffers the death penalty, even the getaway car driver, they all share equal responsibility.
Of course we don’t need the Red Hats if the White Hats will stop acting like The Lone Ranger and thinking they have to kill no one. This is getting to sound a lot like the strategy that was clearly a losing one as in Viet Nam.
White hats did a great job – no one endangered by fema in town & no WH’s injured – all done very orderly.
Mightve been white hat plants among them.
They want to dismantle FEMA seems the more important goal.
Thank you for correcting your mistakes which seem to happen more frequently now since the blog is 4 years old. It happens when you’ve written too much BS
you should know……
hit dogs will holler
Who are you to talk? You write NOTHING of value.
Thank you Michael….God bless you………
Allowing lower ranks to leave was an excellent psychological operation. Having some exposure to Ranger reasoning, I would suggest they are using this group to spread the word: any FEMA found robbing citizens will be shot on sight.
I speculate that the W.H.s allowed them to go so that they can track and trace where they go and who they communicate with via their electronic devises.
It absolutely boggles my mind how many arrogant critics think they are smarter than these top, seasoned Generals.
The leaders have the valuable intel. The FEMA grunts will go back and tell other grunts. The know the next time the Marines may not be so forgiving. Psychological warfare.
Perhaps they want the grunts to go back and the military follow them to find where they are located.
You know, I think you nailed it. The grunts will get the word out to other ex felons the last thing they want to do is work for FEMA.
That’s exactly what I was gonna say. Guess there was a reason for the season, but such a shame they were let go 🙏❤️⚠️
Keeping them under surveillance. See where it leads.
Hopefully, they got all of their personal info and prints before they “let them go.” That would make the most sense.
I’m sure fema is shaking in every boots! It’s like fighting a war, but only fight the leader and leave the other troops to fight again. If I were a fema goon, I would get paid well to do this many times over, suffer no consequences, and make good $$!….Best of all worlds. It what way does this make sense?! Let’s not overthink it fictional white hats! You are obver-playing what little hand you have, and I truly mean little! Until you control the military and the Fed Reserve/IRS, you CONTROL NOTHING, and it’s glaringly apparent if you had the slightest grasp on basic economics! But, I digress into something that can be actually measured, unlike your supposed successes!
if you only knew the truth or recognized the truth you would see how close you are to the ‘factual’ truth. Willful ignorance I suspect.
And I could say the same for you… Willful ignorance served with a stupendous amount of cognitive dissonance! At what point will you accept the fact you have been given absolutely no proof.., just stories from an unnamed and unverified secret “source”!
When everyone realizes all moves are made purely based on economics and not patriotism or religion, then the truth becomes much more apparent! If I controlled the fictional white and black hats, I would do just as they have… control both sides of the narrative.. good cop/ bad cop, etc! Maga folks are like the people standing in line for more vax’s! They can’t get enough of a lie!
We are on a need to know basis. The military does not owe us any information so be grateful for what we get.
Ok, you might be Right….
Has it crossed anyone’s mind that they might have released the lower ranks because they had white hat infiltrators inside that FEMA group? if they arrested them all it would remove their infiltrator useless and sometimes it is more valuable tactically to allow other small fish to escape in order to keep your spies active.
This was my very first thought, they will just fill up with more hate and increase their evil……
What are they going to do with them, feed them and hold their hands? That would have been like rounding up every Nazi soldier in WWII in the Nuremberg trials and it would still be going on.
At the very least. Dismantling FEMA seems where it’s going. If the criminals get out on their own to disaster scenes without being in the name of FEMA, IDK what could happen. They could get in rental cars and come back if their weapons and list of houses weren’t confiscated by the white hats, so it should be okay, especially if they can really take FEMA down.
THIS GUY makes a nice video and claims FEMA was in Sulphur Oklahoma after the tornado and used a lot of drones helping keep looters away. Were the team FEMA the military got some other group entirely? wwwDOTyoutube.com/watch?v=llyueeDxqN4
That was a great Story MB!!! Felt like a Movie! I’m so glad they got them before!! They are just coming out of the woodwork. How will this ever end if they are hiring felons? There are so many to choose from. Maybe once they get Criswell it will be over for FEMA. Imagine all these years what they have stolen? Just so sick!
Awesome! I’m so glad to hear this fabulous news. My son’s g/f’s father lives in Lincoln so it to close to home for me knowing they visit quite frequently. Thank You again Michael for bringing the news to us.
I have long known how deep state our government is across all ABC groups but
didn’t realize how corrupt FEMA was until Katrina 2005.
I didn’t know until that last Fla one maybe two years ago. Hit South of Tampa on west Coast
You know FEMA will be prowling for some new victims in Sulphur OK from last
Saturday night.
If FEMA is all scum then just shot them. I do realize some good people work within it shouldn’t be hard to find out.
They’re waiting for Criswell.
Marines, good job. I wish those agencies were nonexistent because We The People don’t deserve what the deep state is doing to all of us! All their funds need to be confiscated by the military to run them out of business! They would scatter likes rats if their monies were nonexistent because they would have no choice but to quit.
Everything was taken from them!! Yes that’s what is keeping them alive until they’re hung. The rest goes into a big kitty for us!!
Was there a reason of their release ? Absolutely ! We need their eyes to collect more evidence against FEMA. Those that prey on suffering should be accountable ! Thank you WHITE Hats!
All right! They are going public with what’s going down! https:// x.com/ BriceHobbs/status/1784969257593225242
FABULOUS story. I despise FEMA!!!!! Wonderful correction, too MB….One of MANY reasons I believe you!
FEMA is hiring replacement for those no longer with them due to white hats standing up to them. $30 per hour, ok if violent crime in background. Citizenship not a hard requirement, but voting democrat is.
All your reports are great stories, but where’s the BEEF? – To quote Wendy’s.
The longer the White Hats drag this BAD Movie out, the darker their hats get.
Hey cowardly CYNIC. The BEEF was that they stopped these FEMA PIGS!. THis is not an entertainment video for your personal entertainment!!!! You are DISGUSTING.
Anyone coming to take guns, in uniform or not, should be shot on sight.
I’d like to see the white hats destroy ALL ATF files- records it has on citizens. It’s a rogue agency that is unconstitutional.
The new hires by FEMA obviously know they’re not going on missions to aid anyone. I hope the trail is good & the hunter of innocent Humans becomes the prey upon which worms will devour their flesh ! Damn Good Job Marines ! One Thousand extra Attaboy’s , a cup of Navy Desk Cleaner , Black , No Cream , No Sugar ! Ya Gotta Stay Tough ……… Did I mention Ya Look Like A Marine ? ? Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195
Curious you would say that, Navy Smoke.🤔 Do you think these new hires were told in the interviewing process or orientation, that they steal victims belongings? Or is it through some kind of secret osmosis: understood? Surely, they all do not read RRN to know that FEMA is devilish.
Seriously, I am interested in your explanation. Thank you.🤗
The main focus is that the WHs have got a bead on these FEMA scavengers. I would have arrested the lot of them, but I’m sure the military knows better than me why. Keep up the good work Mr. Baxter!
Thank you White Hats
All of them should have been taken to get more. They’re all losers and they’re all criminals and should be treated as such no regard for human life obviously😡
Marines cooperated with Swiss militaries to extract sicko Schwab. Yes, he did worldwide the kind of sick damage Criswell is doing only to the US. But knowing that Swiss militia CAN cooperate with US Marines now, it would be good news to hear they’re cooperating again to extract sicko Criswell.
I hope Criswell is next on the Marines list of things to do!
It’s beyond disturbing to discover that so many of our tax payer funded, three letter government agencies exist to serve their despicable and traitorous anti American, commie overlords.
Children are under the mountain Oprah’s property, on Maui.
I’ve gotten ahold of myself now to thank our Military for saving our unfortunate brothers and sisters in Nebraska from their own government ripping them off. You all make us proud, soldiers, to be Americans. May GOD bless and carry you through each day and into the night.😍☝🙌💫💓
Can I scream??!!??!! Quietly inside, I mean. Holy Smokes! These rodents from FEMA!!! Not one bottle of water or any food found?!! They don’t even try to deceive these victims of a disaster anymore! Just bring guns and muscle, like all low life criminal crooks! They know these poor Americans are in shock being through a storm with power to destroy their homes to rubble and what kind of B.S. can they tell them??? “hey, we have nothing to give you but line up and we’re just going to look inside your homes…” WT- – – !!! I am enraged that this organized crime can still be going on!!!
These crooks have no soul, no heart, if captured, I’d be looking at their DNA bc they can’t be human. At these precious victims worse time in life, they get monsters storming on what little they have left. I can’t take it anymore.😭😭
OMG!!! All this information Michael is giving us and all of you are discussing grammar or spelling???!!! Thank you again Michael!
shocking, isn’t it?🤦
Not if you remind yourself that Real Raw News has enemies who are determined to keep you looking elsewhere than where the truth is.
Thermal blog keeps originating
(-54.4169036, 3.2915040)
They are causing these storms. So many thermal videos of signals heating up the atmosphere and the continuous emergence of the blob from Antarctica causing tsunamis. New Jersey waiting for tsunami. “Climate Change” seems to be code to start their weapons.
to all self appointed spelling/grammar/punctuation/syntax freaks, whoopsie I mean police who seem to be swarming and storming in this ‘bitty’ talk (few may think the strings of 1s and 0s I muse, that’d be rare, it’s my push out on the ‘recognized’ envelope; others might think I miss-keyed ‘biddy’ correcting it in their own heads with more to muse; some may scratch head a bit leaving not amused; some will just move on quickly, their funk not adequately interrupted; still others will strive to take it only/strictly very literally showing the joke is really on them as they fight to miss it all; those thinking ‘pity’ are to be most pitied; others might ponder ‘petty’ at least in same ballpark; those who considered ‘betty’ or ‘batty’, I think try to pry lids off to see what might fly out, bravo; any who questioned ‘pithy’, certainly are not wrong
because of many roots, English is one of the world’s richest languages and with melting/melding pot America, depth and breadth expands much further, and now with internet, will it all race faster, ‘change’ was clocked at 10% per century back when I still schooled, will digitization make pace hasten, so always, what might be right today could be wrong tomorrow or day longer, and visa versa… people, that is usage, owns the language, always has, always will, not any bunch of small minded ‘professionals’ their real assigned task is to study/map usage, not POLICE it, as a bunch of egotistical biddies, as if to LORD over us
I got to wonder if our local ‘police’ …I keep seeing ‘lice’ making me ponder and wanting to take step back (don’t fret, I do love Law and Order)… I ponder if our local ‘police’ have ever labored in/at more than one language, any outside of Indo-Euro (do I date myself), how about past/dead languages, how many computer languages worked in, now this may well erupt foul talk within, but ancient Hebrew having survived well for several millenniums, started, written form, backwards to us with no vowels and really no discernable space, no punctuation either, yet today it remains well formed accommodating a little modernizations, centuries back
I’d characterize our local police as locked in GITMO cells, that got dropped shipped into darkest jungle, now just a punch of shrunken heads in steal gages far bigger than warranted, a grand waste of good space
internet is a language revolution among unending revelations, I am not of the forced ‘inclusion’ crowd always trying to make/force others, that is to use a strong measure of slave mastery, to conscript others into being what they never were, for one thing, we do not need to force all ‘grammatical’ rules into all the languages of the world, that would just be asinine stupidity and end with more divisive babble at any/every tower… of relay… accommodation though, the melting/melding/smelting pot, has long been America’s hallmark well before original 13… thus came demands for freedom, so here on this platform I declare freedom, throwing off past balls and chains, and thanks to any entertaining my two cents thrown down… what is that worth in these inflationary times where costs increase but intellects show little to no gain
to close, I confess:
a number of simple, everyday words, I have looked up many times and will many more, strictly for spelling concerns, ya can correct me endlessly, I may never get those pesty things right… one promotion I got, I openly bragged I was world’s best miss-speller, but I did understand spell-check, rather new at the time and I did value/favor integral transfer of messages… in one advance paper, management topic, I used schedual seven times, everyone spelt different, not one correct, what skedule is ever write, err-I-mean–try-right, should we never make any scheduel a rite, but then, I did religiously write, wrong… I also confess, I brag I am the most creative miss-speller most will ever spot… and I love and admire the Jefferson run-on, a great mind of power-filled intellect, writing America on right course, of human events, always think bigger, longer, avoid bragging on being small minded
kids, us children dawning the Age of Internet, this is whole new town, break out of town, get your freedoms on, and take care not to rob others of theirs
Rambling incoherent nonsense.
Nice Post I like It.
Sweet. Send a team to switzerland and find the FEMA scum.
Now that is a stupendous move! A salute to all Military Patriots who participate in this eradication of this treasonous entity. May you be protected by THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD, and continue on your mission …. soon you will have Criswell and Franklin. Their arrest, Tribunal, and exeQshuns should be made public for all to see …. open the eyes of the citizens to forworn them of the theft and dismay for our fellow countrymen and countrywomen who work and slave just to survive.
A salute … to our wonderful Military Patriots!
Thank you for your service!
I despise FEMA. I hope they get Criswell soon.
Is it way past time for STHTF ?
The fema foot soldiers let go is to put the fear in other fema personel. The agents in charge on the other hand are and will be charged as enemy combatants – treason!
Do you think other top agents will be going to any other disasters?
I think not!!
Great job Marines
May God bless you all….
Obviously they were all out to point guns and confiscate other people’s guns. OPEN UP! OR COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP, IT’S FEMA! Your under lawful orders to step outside property for the crime of illegal weapons in the home. The weapons FEMA had didn’t indicate self defense. They can argue they expected the hordes to attack them, but they weren’t even there to deliver water, blankets, transportation to shelters, no nothing. Who knows how to do that better without much training than someone that’s had it done to themselves previously? FELONS. Maybe these ex felons that somehow got pardoned just for this.
Good news for those who were hit by the tornadoes 💛
So they had guns, plenty of ammo but no food or water AND a list of the wealthiest residents….these people are despicable !!
Great job Marines/WH’s!
We don’t ever want to see fema in our towns & cities!
Wish other Countries were working with White Hats, and nab these treasonous FEMA leaders.
How do you not know about this?
MB-Thanks for the info! You must have a triple layer of alligator skin to continue with your articles. Somehow, FEMA appears to be a kind of government agency, maybe? Do they work for WEF, Dems, or just regular corrupt judges and politicians. I still have faith is DJT and the USA military & the Constitution.