DOJ Body Double Spoofs U.S. Marines


An actress impersonating Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, the late Merrick Garland’s righthand woman and an enemy of patriotism, was killed “resisting arrest” Friday evening as U.S. Marines blitzed Monaco’s house in the outskirts of D.C., sources in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Both the imposter and two federal agents protecting her died by Marine gunfire after they refused to surrender peacefully and drew pistols on the squad General Smith had sent to apprehend what he believed to be the legitimate deputy A.G., the source added. The sanctioned raid occurred at approximately 9:45 p.m. Friday when Gen. Smith authorized Marines to storm Monaco’s residence.

According to our source, White Hats elevated Monaco, who played a crucial role in illegal arrests of nearly all J6ers currently under indictment or imprisoned, to their Ten Most Wanted around the time of Garland’s tribunal and execution, as part of their effort to purge the Deep State’s Dept. of Injustice from the top down. The hunt for Monaco, a second source said, had begun before Merrick Garland arrived at Guantanamo Bay, but the elusive Deep Stater displayed a keen ability at eluding tails and vanishing without a trace.

The sources admitted that White Hats are unsure when the actress replaced the real Monaco.

“I hate admitting to failings, but our people who are experts at finding body doubles or clones can’t say when the switch happened.”

White Hats, he explained, first moved against Monaco in March, surveilling her six houses—two valued at over $4,000,000 and bought under an LLC. she had registered to obfuscate the purchases—but finding no signs of life or evidence the homes had been recently occupied. They assumed, but could not prove or disprove, that Monaco had clandestinely fled the country to avoid Garland’s fate. The properties’ value was more than a simple civil servant could afford–without illicit, unreported income.

In April, however, Monaco’s face appeared on a taped NBC news segment touting the importance of jailing President Trump and his “violent supporters” still at large.

Digital forensic analysts at Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command scrutinized the footage; voice and facial recognition technology concluded with a 97% probability that the Monaco on video was indeed the genuine article, and the analysts saw no indicators—seams near the neckline and eyes, discrepancies in skin tones, misshaped nose or ears, etc.—she was a double wearing a prosthetic mask. If it were a lookalike, software and trained eyes could not distinguish it from the authentic person, tasks they had successfully completed in the past on other Deep State targets.

White Hats thought they had another shot at apprehending Monaco in May when her office scheduled her to deliver a keynote speech to widows of fallen federal officers at a Los Angeles restaurant later in the month. Employing all available resources, Cyberspace Command scoured confidential databases in hopes of finding an airline ticket booked in Monaco’s name. Their efforts were futile, and queries to federal 5th Columnists were likewise ineffective. No one had a clue how, when, or from where Monaco would appear in Los Angeles. General Smith ruled out having hundreds of Marines patrol numerous airports for three weeks, calling the endeavor insuperable as it would mean tracking tens of thousands of passengers boarding and deboarding hundreds of flights daily.

Instead, he opted to station a Marine reconnaissance platoon outside and near the restaurant the day of the dinner gathering. If possible, the plan was to identify her and then confront her quietly only after the event concluded.

At approximately 4:30 p.m. on May 23, Marine spotters on nearby rooftops believed they saw a woman who fit Monaco’s physical description in the rear seat of a chauffeured sedan heading toward the restaurant. But when the car pulled into the parking lot, no one emerged from the car, and Monaco appeared to have disappeared, the back seat now unoccupied. Two minutes later, the driver started the engine and pulled off.

“It was like a magic trick, unless two sharp-eyed spotters peering through binoculars saw the same mirage. One minute she was in there, and the next, she wasn’t. We had men watching inside the restaurant, too, and she never showed up. We’ve had Deep Staters pull a Houdini act on us before, and this was a damn good one. We considered stopping the limo but didn’t want to tip our hand, assuming we hadn’t already. Our next stroke of luck, if you can call it that, was last week. Who we thought was Monaco was suddenly back at her house in D.C.—with two FBI agents guarding her.”

General Smith, he added, had grown weary of the deception and ordered Marines to storm the residence and apprehend Monaco and her federal companions as accomplices to her crimes. The Marines waited until a fed stepped outside to inhale on a vape pen before charging into action, catching the fed by surprise and shoving inside the doorway, beyond which Monaco and the second agent had already drawn sidearms and were leveling them at the Marines rushing inside. The Marines fired first, in self-defense, killing the agents and Monaco.

Except it wasn’t Monaco.

A bullet that pierced her cheek had first torn through a breathable latex-type mask that seemed hermetically sealed to her face. It was flawless and seamless, the pigment perfectly matching both the imposter’s and the real Monaco’s complexion.

The Marines bagged the bodies and arranged for them to be shipped to a facility where experts could identify Monaco’s play-actor.

“We know the person but aren’t releasing it yet,” our source said. We’re talking about much more than just some actor. I mean, this person was willing to take a bullet for Monaco. That’s commitment. She’d been trained to mimic Monaco flawlessly in every possible way. Monaco’s still out there, somewhere in the shadows, and our mission to find and arrest the traitor continues.”

Last week’s flubbed operation wasn’t the first time White Hats got spoofed by a masked imposter. In May 2021, while hunting down Nancy Pelosi, they arrested a Pelosi double wearing a life-like mask.

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Well that’s too bad but the imposter down is one more they don’t have to deal with. Maybe they used a projector to fool them that she was in the car.


Hi everyone.I am Lucille I need Urgent some people.

I­ g­e­t­ p­a­i­d­ o­v­e­r­ $250 p­e­r­ h­o­u­r­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­ w­i­t­h­ 2 k­i­d­s­ a­t­ h­o­m­e­. i­ n­e­v­e­r­ t­h­o­u­g­h­t­ i­’d­ b­e­ a­b­l­e­ t­o­ d­o­ i­t­ b­u­t­ m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 18k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­…………………………….. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

This autumn it will be either world war or world government

ByBenjamin FulfordJune 24, 2024

https ://

True to its promise, the Black Sun organization is increasing mayhem worldwide. They promise that if a World Federation is not announced this autumn, there will be a world war.

The signs are everywhere that major and simultaneous military moves are planned against the Khazarian Mafia-controlled countries. “The current regimes in the United States, NATO, South Korea, Japan and Israel will be dismantled,” a North Korean representative promises.

The Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes military alliance will not use nuclear weapons to protect these entities, the head of MI6 promises. They say the current Khazarian Mafia (what they call DVD) controlled governments need to be removed before new global arrangements, including a new financial system, can begin.

Regime change has already begun in the UK, France and Japan where summer elections are expected to overthrow KM-controlled governments.

OK, let us look at the war scenario in detail now. Multiple information sources make it clear it will start with simultaneous military moves by Serbia against NATO, North Korea against South Korea and Turkey plus Egypt and Iran against Israel.

At the same time, some very nasty events are expected inside the US.

Let us start with the US. As we and others have previously reported, at least 7.4 million military-aged, male illegal immigrants have entered the US since the Rockefeller run Biden administration seized power in 2021. We also note that containers filled with weapons have been stashed all over the US.

Now, the US government says:

…all immigrant males between the ages of 18 and 25 are required by law to register with the Selective Service System (SSS) within 30 days of arriving in the United States. This includes naturalized citizens, parolees, undocumented immigrants, legal permanent residents, asylum seekers, refugees, and all males with visas more than 30 days expired.

https ://

These are not political or economic refugees. Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary says the asylum system is “a complete scam” and that such individuals “are not refugees” because they are arriving from safe countries and then flushing their passports down the toilet.

https ://

No wonder 62% of registered voters favor “a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally.”  

Now Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell -who headed the intelligence agency under the Obama administration- and Graham Allison, the former U.S. assistant secretary of defense for policy and plans during the Clinton administration, are saying a major terrorist incident is likely to take place at the US/Mexico border in the near future. This warning came in the Rockefeller-controlled Foreign Affairs magazine, indicating the Rockefellers and their KM cohorts are hoping to stage a huge holocaust (sacrifice to Satan) in order to have an excuse to mobilize and arm the illegal foreign immigrants to round up US patriots and send them to concentration camps.

https ://

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent J.J. Carrell says FEMA is constructing a huge network of internment camps in all 50 states that will be used to house political dissidents, not illegal aliens as seems to be the claim.

https ://

Here, for example, you can see their list of facilities for the State of Texas.

https ://

Needless to say, the white hat military will have to decapitate the Rockefeller network in the US to prevent this from happening.

In any case, while the US is distracted by an undeclared civil war, this will be seen by the rest of the world as an opportunity to remove Satanic regimes in many parts of the world.

In Europe, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has placed the country’s army on full combat alert and ordered its units to move closer to the border with Kosovo.

https ://

The Train has Left the Station and No One Can Stop It,” Europe Will be at War with Russia, Vucic says.

https ://

Serbia is seeking revenge for the destruction of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was destroyed by Bill Clinton Rockefeller in order to create the criminal state of Kosovo and steal the mineral resources there.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping both recently visited Serbia to offer their public support.

After promising to support Serbia, Putin went to North Korea to re-establish a military alliance.

In an article published in North Korea, Putin said Russia is ready to:

to confront the ambition of the collective West to prevent the emergence of a multipolar world order…[and fight the US-led] “rules-based order”, which is essentially nothing more than a global neo-colonial dictatorship relying on double standards [and will] will support the DPRK and the heroic Korean people in their struggle against the treacherous, dangerous and aggressive enemy, in their fight for independence,

http ://

The official Tass News Agency reports Russia and North Korea “consistently defend the idea of building a fairer and more democratic multipolar world order” based on international law and cultural and civilizational diversity.

https ://

The North Korean representative says his country now has 200 nuclear weapons capable of hitting the US mainland so they no longer fear US nuclear retaliation for any attempt to reunify Korea. They say the US will not trade Washington, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago for Pyongyang.

Russian FSB sources say military moves against Kosovo (ie NATO) and South Korea would take place at the same time as Turkey, Iran and Egypt move on Israel.

Turkey, which has the largest NATO army after the US, has already said it wants to join the BRICS alliance. Egypt has also warned it is going to end its peace treaty with Israel. Iran, of course is already on the warpath against Israeli dictator Benyamin Satanyahu.

If war starts in the Autumn, there can be no doubt the fascist KM controlled “rules based world order” will lose. Pentagon sources say Russia, China North Korea, Iran and other allies have more than 10 million soldiers with 20 million in reserve and up to 30 million more available via emergency conscript military operations. By contrast NATO (excluding Turkey) can field a maximum of 3 million soldiers.

Needless to say, facing these odds, the collective West is suing for peace. There are high-level negotiations taking place for some sort of announcement this fall of a replacement of the post-war international system based on the UN, the BIS, the World Bank the IMF etc.

However, before we get into that, we would like to offer a chance to all those investors who bought the Iraqi Dinar, the Zimbabwe Dollar and the Vietnamese Dong in expectation these currencies would be revalued as part of the new financial system. The people pushing them have been saying for decades “These currencies are about to revalue next week and make you $ billions so, in the meanwhile could you please send a few thousand dollars?” This is not going to happen. However, investors can get in on the ground floor of a $10 trillion bonanza by buying…




fuck oFF


how b o r i n g…



EVEYBUDY D.I.E.D. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi everyone.I am Lucille I need Urgent some people.

I­ g­e­t­ p­a­i­d­ o­v­e­r­ $250 p­e­r­ h­o­u­r­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­ w­i­t­h­ 2 k­i­d­s­ a­t­ h­o­m­e­. i­ n­e­v­e­r­ t­h­o­u­g­h­t­ i­’d­ b­e­ a­b­l­e­ t­o­ d­o­ i­t­ b­u­t­ m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 18k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­…………………………….. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille
P. E. Hunter

The Marines always do their utmost to protect America. It’s too bad for that body double but she chose to side with the enemy – the people who are anti-American/Constitution.

John .S

Awaiting headline news this Sunday ””morning””‘ hopefully arrest of Deanne Criswell, which is long overdue.

Smith been fiddle-farting who needs to ‘shit, or get-off the pot’. So-called Red Hats have at it, time is of the essence.

Last edited 3 months ago by John .S

Looking forward to that, she won’t be missed, except by my cousins best friend that works at FEMA & brags about the “good” work they do.

Robert Dukes

I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work………..𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.C𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Dukes
Combat Engineer 4 God


Sandy Koufax

Bax is lax with the facts.

Robert Dukes

I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work………..𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.C𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Dukes


Combat Engineer 4 God




Combat Engineer 4 God

Typical- TOTALLY rotten & TOO stupid to see God’s face in Jesus, ” HIS only begotten Son”! John 3:16!
PSYCHO – FUCKED TWO- PARTY SHIT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited 3 months ago by Combat Engineer 4 God

I understand him! 🤣

Watchful One

It sounds as if you have just woken up to all the “poop” we have been fed, by our controllers, for the past 150yrs.. Yes we have all been angry when we found out the truth.. The truth is supposed to set one free, instead it seems like you are living in a prison of your own anger.. It’s pointless been angry with the people around you.. Some of them are still asleep and living in a dream world, where we all were not so long ago..
You need to “Let go and Let Yah” take care of business.. Pray for the sleepers bcz the quicker they wake up, the quicker we can get out of this mess..


more pathetic xtian hopium addiction ?

grow up bitch


Do you spend a lot of time in restraints or heavily medicated?


It’s night time combat dufas


If you do not have wealth, assets, $ now, you are pretty well fucked. Hard wake up call for many americans!


You do remember the “Boy Scouts Motto.”

Be Prepared.

I guess you’re fucked because you don’t have anything substantial. No love. No respect. No savings. Not a Jew.

Last edited 3 months ago by PoopyPantsPennsylvaniaAve
truth is stubborn

I have some allocation to precious metals.

Brass and lead, for example.


It pains me that Michael Baxter killed his highest ranking flying monkey Talion. She wasn’t an effective troll rebuttal figurehead so he dumped her in the trash just like Angel Askew. I know the drill. Don’t try to con Oliver Wendell Douglas.

Bye Bye




Asshole that you are it is no wonder that you have shitty pants for a brain.

Robert Dukes

I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work………..𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.C𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Dukes


truth is stubborn

What kind of clearing firm are we talking about?


Do you spend a lot of time on street corners screaming at people passing by?

American Living in Canada

Will this stick? Rebel News….

“As you might have heard, Toronto’s police chief tweeted that Rebel News is under investigation for a “hate crime”.
He was bowing to political pressure from Trudeau’s MPs and the NDP mayor of Toronto, who had condemned an ad that we were playing on our Rebel News billboard truck, calling it “Islamophobic”.
It was a bizarre thing for him to do. Normally police wait until an investigation is over before deciding that a suspect is guilty. Not Toronto’s hyper-political police chief, Myron Demkiw.
He announced our guilt in advance.
What would you do if the chief of police (and most of the regime media in Canada) accused you of committing a crime?
Well, I did the responsible thing:

I got in the billboard truck,

Turned on the ads at full volume,

Drove down to police headquarters,

Parked the truck right in front of the main entrance,

And then I walked right in and asked the chief to arrest me!”

Isn’t that weird?
I actually brought the “crime scene” with me. I threw myself on the mercy of the law. And not only did the chief refuse to meet me, every police officer there ran away from me when I tried to talk to them! No-one would arrest me!
I waited around for a full hour, before finally leaving. (I left a note for the chief with my phone number and email, so hopefully he’ll call.)
I’m making light of things. But it’s deadly serious.
The chief has now painted himself into a corner. He’s already declared me guilty, in the most public way possible. He’s facing pressure from politicians and the pro-Hamas lobby.
How can he back down?
But running ads on our truck criticizing pro-Hamas gangs isn’t against the law. It’s our right, and as journalists, it’s our duty.
And as far as hate crimes go, section 319(3) of the Criminal Code specifically says statements “relevant to any subject of public interest” are exempt from hate speech laws.
What makes this whole thing even crazier is that Toronto is in the middle of a massive crime wave. Pro-Hamas street gangs have terrorized the city for eight months, not just expressing “hate”, but committing assaults, vandalism, trespass, uttering threats, and even shooting at a Jewish girls’ school. (Oh, and by the way, there is a pro-Hamas billboard truck driving around Toronto calling for the genocide of Jews — no comment about that from the police chief.)
It’s been about 24 hours since I left the police chief my phone number and email address, and I haven’t heard from him yet.
He might just try to drop the whole thing — but given his public statements, I don’t know how he could.
He could send officers to arrest me, at my home of our office. I think there’s a real possibility that he’ll do that. He’ll want to embarrass me and catch me unprepared.
Or he might try to get revenge on us another way — like arresting our reporters in the street. They’ve already done that to David Menzies several times this year; I’m sure they’d like to do it to me, too.
I’ve hired a top criminal lawyer, and she’s on stand-by. (If you can help me cover the cost of my lawyer, please do,Thanks.)
And if I’m arrested, and taken to jail, the rest of the Rebel News team will give you all the updates they can.
In the meantime, I give you this solemn promise: we’ll continue reporting on the pro-Hamas gangs in Canada, and two-tiered policing. Oh — and we’ll keep using that billboard truck.
If that puts me on a collision course with the police, so be it.
Because last I checked I still live in Canada, not Gaza.
Yours truly,
Ezra Levant

P.S. I don’t believe in “hate speech” laws, but the police say they do. Except they haven’t charged pro-Hamas extremists with that crime. Or countless real crimes, either.

American Living in Canada

Thank you RRN… God Bless you Ezra..

American Living in Canada

Update from CTF….

You have an anti-capital gains tax billboard outside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s window.

You’re sending Trudeau, his MPs and bureaucrats a message they can’t ignore: Canadians don’t support your tax hike. 

Trudeau will see your message every time he looks out his office window. You can be sure his MPs will get your message too. And every time bureaucrats head to work they will see your billboard. 

Because of you, those big-taxing bureaucrats and politicians will see your billboard and know they’re wrong to hike capital gains taxes. “

The billboard is right out front of Parliament Hill because you took action. 

I want you to know the Canadian Taxpayers Federation will keep fighting until Trudeau’s capital gains tax hike is reversed.

And I want to thank you for taking action and fighting for Canadian taxpayers. 

All the best, “

American Living in Canada

Thanks… but will anything change?


OMG, all of this has GOT TO BE STOPPED! Time for the SHIT SHOW TO END!!!! Enough already! Praying for your safety from Arizona, USA. Do you need to leave Canada for a while?

American Living in Canada

Thanks Connie…Interesting… Arizona has been my first choice if I head back home to the USA.

So far. so good staying here. Small Town living in Canada is not that much different than living in the States.

American Living in Canada

The Law has already tried to railroad me.. didn’t work.

Keep on Truck’in…

Truckin’, like the do-dah man
Once told me “You’ve got to play your hand”
Sometimes your cards ain’t worth a dime
If you don’t lay’em down'”

“Busted, down on Bourbon Street
Set up, like a bowlin’ pin
Knocked down, it gets to wearin’ thin
They just won’t let you be, oh no

You’re sick of hangin’ around and you’d like to travel
Get tired of travelin’ and you want to settle down
I guess they can’t revoke your soul for tryin’
Get out of the door and light out and look all around”

Grateful Dead…

John .S

This just in:
Stay out of Phoenix at all cost. DOJ findings astounding, proof positive of injustice system.

Karen B

How hypocritical these tyrants are: Select viewing, Select arrests, Select harrassment, Select everything they are. Even though their narcissism is in epic high level numbers, they still continue to gaslight the truth and continue as a show of their power.. I am so weary of them. Thank you for your reporting and bravery. Rock on, Northern brother patriot. 👍😘🤗🗡🛡🛐💟

American Living in Canada



You’re talking about Canada. America ultra-light



Midwest patriot woman

We know its all about the election and any loose remaining wicked are fighting a life and death battle. Pray. Keep standing strong. God Wins.


It was Rachel from Friends

Robert Dukes

I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work………..𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.C𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Dukes
Surf Nazare

Sometime ago I had posted the US Carrier the Eisenhower had been hit met with some disbelief but Yemen/Houthis are saying they did hit the AC Carrier and it is also being reported on Israeli TV I-24—but of course the US is denying it—-kinda funny why all of a sudden it is out of service from the Norther Red Sea–

wake up—war is building and coming big time in Israel—-Ezekiel—If you don’t think this is end time stuff then explain the Euphrates being dried up—
How do you like the heat—what does the bible say about that—ok we have had heat since whenever—-but at these temperatures for length of time—-just getting started—-
Look up !!!! Guess who is coming —-I guess it depends on which team you are on—is it Satan or Jesus—-they are both getting ready to do their thing—One unto salvation and the other unto hell—but the scary thing is the one that brings salvation is also going to loose all hell on earth too—-so double whammy—-
But you have a nice day


I hope you have a wonderful
Day !🤔


The ship has now sunk to the bottom of the Red Sea . It was hit and no way to repair it. The powers that be, decided to leave it where it was . Fact . 😔 🇺🇲

truth is stubborn

I don’t think I buy the sunk part. I also watched the video and still suspect the official story may yet prove to be a lie (irrespective of the scoffings of the trolls), but I’m not sure if the Red Sea is deep enough to conceal something of that size. I tried to track the ship online, and it had appeared to make it as far as the Gibraltar Strait. The rumor I heard was it was going to be taken home and scrapped. I mentioned last time the hints I read were it may have been a Russian hypersonic or two in tit for tat for uses made against Russia of weapons that the Bidenists supplied to the Ukies.

Last edited 3 months ago by truth is stubborn



I guess that’s why Revelations says there will be a new Heaven and Earth….




At times I feel like the real Lucifer…so full of dark malevolence and dripping hatred for this world and humanity.



Last edited 3 months ago by PoopyPantsPennsylvaniaAve

where is this jew vader? fuck her


in the mouth ofcourse…


You’re Jew Vader




Moron says what?


You’re awesome 👍 😎

American Living in Canada

Bringing this to the top.. IMO RRN is censoring Rebel News articles.. Rebel News is a Staunch source of independent news of the truth up here in Canada. They reported the stuff your American msm wouldn’t report on your behalf… If RRN fucked up and censored by mistake.. fine.. c’man and admit it.
truth is stubborn
 Reply to  American Living in Canada
 14 hours ago
Look, just leave out the hotel tango tango papa slash slash colon entirely.
Or put a space in like ht tp:/
But if you’d rather stomp off in a drama huff over no reason at all, rather than have the humility to admit you screwed up and posted an intact link, you won’t be the first.
American Living in Canada
 Reply to  truth is stubborn
 right now
I’m going to stick around to hold RRN accountable. You don’t have a clue on what I tried to post.

American Living in Canada

Double post of the same post… one was on the “awaiting for approval” shit list.

truth is stubborn

If you catch it within the in ten minutes or so, you can just delete the content and replace it with something like [duplicate post}.

truth is stubborn

Two downvotes on a constructive technical suggestion. Guess the trolls really do their feeble best.

American Living in Canada

Bringing this to the top.. IMO RRN is censoring Rebel News articles.. Rebel News is a Staunch source of independent news of the truth up here in Canada. They reported the stuff your American msm wouldn’t report on your behalf… If RRN fucked up and censored by mistake.. fine.. c’man and admit it.
truth is stubborn

 Reply to  American Living in Canada
 14 hours ago

Look, just leave out the hotel tango tango papa slash slash colon entirely.
Or put a space in like ht tp:/
But if you’d rather stomp off in a drama huff over no reason at all, rather than have the humility to admit you screwed up and posted an intact link, you won’t be the first. Vaya con dios en cualquier caso.



American Living in Canada

 Reply to  truth is stubborn
 right now

I’m going to stick around to hold RRN accountable. You don’t have a clue on what I tried to post.



Last edited 3 months ago by American Living in Canada


Greg Reese 5-minute version
bitchute com video onS5Zb11qcBy

Full 101-minute version (contains pitch breaks) with download link (2.7+ GB MP4 file)
banned video watch[question mark here]id=667329a54e224dd6b27a1afa

Earlier 21-minute version given at some official hearing overseas somewhere
bitchute com video nT1jfeOI9ZNa

[USD] Shot at end of this presentation at 23 minutes and 54 seconds. Save time and just skip there and watch that. The rest of the presentation before it builds up to that moment–TRULY a ‘mic drop’ moment!
bitchute com video ek1QHrm8ebzh


Habakkuk 2

9 Woe to him who builds his house by unjust gain,
    setting his nest on high
    to escape the clutches of ruin!
10 ** You have plotted the ruin of many peoples,
    shaming your own house and forfeiting your life.
11 The stones of the wall will cry out,
    and the beams of the woodwork will echo it.

12 ** “Woe to him who builds a city with bloodshed
    and establishes a town by injustice!

17 The violence you have done to Lebanon will overwhelm you,
    and your destruction of animals will terrify you.
For you have shed human blood;
    you have destroyed lands and cities and everyone in them.

Zionist Isreal – murderers

A prophecy current day Lebanon – destruction of **Gaza and lives lost.

Surf Nazare

I understand what you are trying to get at but you seem to forget that Hamas and Hezbollah are animals —demonically controlled—they don’t care if you are Jewish or Christian, the results are the same—-there is nothing good or of value with or in them—-the people where they control suffer deeply from their cruelty and godless souls—-Satan is their god–
Hamas killed 1100 when they invaded and took 250 prisoners—116 rescued —19 dead when returned and said 50 still alive–(WSJ)—-burning babies alive in cribs doesn’t sound anything but Satanic—
So I would reserve all that venom for more then just the Jews


Hamas IS NETANYAHU controlled psyop

against his OWN people & rest of world


Thank you, CD! The genocide in Gaza must stop/end now! God bless you!

Robert Dukes

I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work………..𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.C𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Dukes

Need more frequent intell mr baxter, the world depends on us




Some comments say that they
Feel like they are censored ! ?
YET the scammers and the. Trolls .. are NOT.!!???
Wouldn’t that make sense ..
They would be the First to be ?
So I Think 🤔
How about you. ?


Being held back in any way starts and ends above the eyes 🧠


Hmmmmmm, crazy


Some of the participants here at RRN are absolutely fabulous and thrilling. I tip my Red patriotic MAGA hat to you.


It’s a failure of the SS that jews still exists today for sure, but the darkest onus is on the romans! they should have slaughtered the jews forwith when they had a chance!

Robert Dukes

I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work………..𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.C𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Dukes



I visit RRN for New Articles most every day.
I don’t care about How much
Money some 🤡 say that they
I scroll past the scams and
Long winded comments from
A new article has fewer trash
To scroll past…. to waste our
Time 🤔
Anyways that is my opinion..
Why are you here ?
Amirite ?


jewy jewy girl in a jewy worl


fucky u fucky u


sources say jesus was NOT a jew but was their king. that’s why the kykes hate him to this day!

fuck you jew!!!


Well Jesus’s mom was Jewish, so the humanity side of Jesus was Jewish…..


I guess all is peaceful in the world this week! (place emoji here)


I watch Benjamin Fulford’s videos every week and he was saying there is so much going on behind the scenes he is not at liberty to speak of them.


fulford admitted he was full of shit about most the stuff he says. he admitted he made up the ‘white dragon’ shit. you fn people






Please calm down ….🥴

truth is stubborn

Maybe language, but I seriously doubt Fulford ever said that either.


Please supply the proof backing up what you stated otherwise you are lying and look like a fool.


jim willie and fulford interview

ben admitted through his worsening lisp he made up the white dragon bit!
he’s a fucking tool

Bev Kungl

That’s not proof…documentation…that’s only what YOU say. LOL Provide the video in which he says this otherwise what you say is just bs. Anyone can say what you said…anyone can lie. Proof is proof.


You can’t handle the proof


No, it’s you who cannot handle the proof. Perhaps the reason why most people, here, down vote your comments is because your comments are truly pathetic lol Thanks for the laugh.


Nobody cares about popularity. What counts is grit. You don’t have that. Downvotes 🫵😂


You’re a black 55 year old chick from Alabama. Huh….

truth is stubborn

This would be relevant to anything how there, PP?

And Beverly was 100% right. Claiming something was said and documenting it are different things.

Wannabe doxxers are assholes, can we admit that?

It’s the ultimate form of ad hominem, it’s what you do when you can’t make a valid case against someone else’s argument.

If anyone still had any respect for you, it should have gone out the window the instant you tried to dox anyone.

Last edited 3 months ago by truth is stubborn

So did Michael Baxter on Truth Social about 15 months ago. I told him to get back to work!

truth is stubborn


Specific link please.

And not someone else saying it happened: the original item itself.

Last edited 3 months ago by truth is stubborn


You are herby challenged to prove all seven jurors are in JAG custody. If you can’t do it then why are you asking for someone you cannot deliver yourself?

Tis tis tis tis “you’re a poor clipped winged flying monkey.” Sent to cause dissension.



Dumb smokescreen. There’s only speculation about nothing.



Robert Dukes

I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work………..𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.C𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Dukes



Everybody is Professor here advising white Hats what to do lol smh


yes, please address me as:

Professor MAGA!!

keepin it reaL


Pedophile MAGA100



yer mom is chode addicted


You don’t copulate at all …. 🫵


that wud be too much like fucking air…

do i need to explain???


Yes, explain why an intelligent individual acts childish and talks about people’s mothers?

truth is stubborn

> “Pedophile MAGA100” [PPPA]

Mr Kettle, Mr Kettle – call from Mr Pot.

Last edited 3 months ago by truth is stubborn

i treat ppl exactly how they behave

with or without respect

their choice


Advisor Kykestan especially


While we await the next report from Michael, here is something that might interest some:


Skip to….
1:33 State of Earth now
2:00 Movie list with some truth in the fiction
Battlestar Galactica
Jupiter Ascending
Gods of Egypt
Avatar-1 and 2
Dune-1 and 2
The Knowing
They Live
Raiders of Lost Arc
Alien Races
(Stephen Spielberg films often used real ETs)

2:26 The Attack on Earth & this Gateway
8:40 Fake Nukes/No Nukes
9:52 Water Hydration and Salt
12:10 Seed Oils, Alcaline Oils, Sun, Light Waves
13:20 Universe a Simulation
15:15 Alcohol, Demon Spirits, and Witchcraft
16:15 A Good Deed
27:00 Comments on C21 Dates/Predictions


b o r i n g…


I enjoy reading the comments. They are hilarious.


especially from the kykes


especially from yer mom…


I enjoy a NEW Article, …fresh


Think twice…..why the need for this article?? Last sentence ….
Regulators find weakness in ‘living wills’ from BofA, Citi, Goldman, and JPM

Regulators found weaknesses in “living wills” submitted by four of the country’s largest banks detailing how the lenders would wind themselves down if something catastrophic were to happen.

The Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation determined that there was a “shortcoming” in the plans submitted in 2023 by JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup.

A shortcoming, according to the agencies, is a weakness that raises questions about the feasibility of the plan.
Where the two regulators disagreed was concerning the severity of weakness in the plan submitted by Citigroup.

The FDIC said it found the bank’s plan weak enough to be considered a more serious “deficiency,” while the Fed stuck with the less severe “shortcoming” rating.
Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser.

The banks must tell regulators by September how they plan to fix their weaknesses, and they must also address the shortcomings in their next resolution plans due July 1, 2025.

Regulators didn’t identify material weakness in the plans submitted by other large banks, including Wells Fargo, Bank of New York Mellon, State Street, and Morgan Stanley.

Living wills emerged in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, when a housing meltdown and the unraveling of Lehman Brothers triggered chaos across the financial system, taxpayer bailouts for giant financial institutions, and a cascading series of bank failures.

The Dodd-Frank legislation passed in 2010 made it a requirement for banks of a certain size to put together these plans on a regular basis, showing how they could be wound down in the event of a crisis without putting the greater financial system at risk.
The shortcomings in the 2023 plans from JPMorgan, Bank of America, Goldman, and Citigroup happened when they were asked to simulate an unwind of their derivatives and trading positions in two scenarios with different time frames.

In the case of Citigroup, regulators said the weakness had to do with a shortcoming identified in its 2021 plan “regarding resolution data integrity and data management issues.”
“The agencies have significant concerns with the amount of time that will be necessary to remediate the significant resolution data integrity weaknesses.”

In a closed meeting Thursday on the topic, the FDIC’s vice chairman Travis Hill voted against the board majority’s decision to give Citi a deficiency rating, finding the weakness in Citi’s plan not as severe.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation headquarters in Washington, D.C.

“The institution is in the midst of a multiyear process to address these underlying issues, which the firm’s management has prioritized,” Hill said in a statement Friday.

Citigroup said in a statement that “we are fully committed to addressing the issues identified by our regulators. While we’ve made substantial progress on our transformation, we’ve acknowledged that we have had to accelerate our work in certain areas, including improving data quality and regulatory processes such as resolution planning.”

The disclosure comes three days after Citigroup held an investor day to showcase its best-performing business and tout its transformation into a more efficient company.
CEO Jane Fraser told investors during that event that the bank will do whatever it takes to get its regulatory processes up to snuff.

“We recognize there are places where progress has been too slow, so we have intensified our efforts in areas such as regulatory processes and the related data remediation,” Fraser said Tuesday.

The company added in a statement Friday that “we continue to have confidence that Citi could be resolved without an adverse systemic impact or the need for taxpayer funds.”
Find saving alternatives: Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 says a Bank can steal your deposits if they are in financial risk…..


I don’t do business with any
Of Those Banks. ,
Or wells fargo …
Deep State has their hooks
In them …🤔


When the big banks fail they will collapse the entire financial system…’s all just a house of cards….


Come on Michael don’t make us wait.

John .S

Follow-up on Gift Card Joan ‘somewhat’ acceptable since ongoing matters at Guam are squelched.

News via Tierra del Fuego involving entertainment industry is welcomed.

Disappointment if continuance of Kurtz/Smith saga whereas significant matters at Guam goes unreported.

Enough of the hors d’oeuvres, bring on the Guam ‘meat & potatoes’ i.e., Fema Agents as culprits of the ‘Genocidal Crime’ of the decade.

Previously, ‘Fema this and Fema that’, Fema – Fema – Fema, now dead in the water.

Again, another apprehended Trump juror as pimple on rat’s-ass in grand scheme of things.

Last edited 3 months ago by John .S

Think twice…..why the need for this article?? Last sentence ….
Regulators find weakness in ‘living wills’ from BofA, Citi, Goldman, and JPM
Regulators found weaknesses in “living wills” submitted by four of the country’s largest banks detailing how the lenders would wind themselves down if something catastrophic were to happen.

The Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation determined that there was a “shortcoming” in the plans submitted in 2023 by JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup.

A shortcoming, according to the agencies, is a weakness that raises questions about the feasibility of the plan.
Where the two regulators disagreed was concerning the severity of weakness in the plan submitted by Citigroup.

The FDIC said it found the bank’s plan weak enough to be considered a more serious “deficiency,” while the Fed stuck with the less severe “shortcoming” rating.

Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser. (REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz/File Photo) (REUTERS / Reuters)
The banks must tell regulators by September how they plan to fix their weaknesses, and they must also address the shortcomings in their next resolution plans due July 1, 2025.

Regulators didn’t identify material weakness in the plans submitted by other large banks, including Wells Fargo, Bank of New York Mellon, State Street, and Morgan Stanley.

Living wills emerged in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, when a housing meltdown and the unraveling of Lehman Brothers triggered chaos across the financial system, taxpayer bailouts for giant financial institutions, and a cascading series of bank failures.

The Dodd-Frank legislation passed in 2010 made it a requirement for banks of a certain size to put together these plans on a regular basis, showing how they could be wound down in the event of a crisis without putting the greater financial system at risk.
The shortcomings in the 2023 plans from JPMorgan, Bank of America, Goldman, and Citigroup happened when they were asked to simulate an unwind of their derivatives and trading positions in two scenarios with different time frames.

In the case of Citigroup, regulators said the weakness had to do with a shortcoming identified in its 2021 plan “regarding resolution data integrity and data management issues.”
“The agencies have significant concerns with the amount of time that will be necessary to remediate the significant resolution data integrity weaknesses.”

In a closed meeting Thursday on the topic, the FDIC’s vice chairman Travis Hill voted against the board majority’s decision to give Citi a deficiency rating, finding the weakness in Citi’s plan not as severe.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation headquarters in Washington, D.C.

“The institution is in the midst of a multiyear process to address these underlying issues, which the firm’s management has prioritized,” Hill said in a statement Friday.

Citigroup said in a statement that “we are fully committed to addressing the issues identified by our regulators. While we’ve made substantial progress on our transformation, we’ve acknowledged that we have had to accelerate our work in certain areas, including improving data quality and regulatory processes such as resolution planning.”

The disclosure comes three days after Citigroup held an investor day to showcase its best-performing business and tout its transformation into a more efficient company.
CEO Jane Fraser told investors during that event that the bank will do whatever it takes to get its regulatory processes up to snuff.
“We recognize there are places where progress has been too slow, so we have intensified our efforts in areas such as regulatory processes and the related data remediation,” Fraser said Tuesday.

The company added in a statement Friday that “we continue to have confidence that Citi could be resolved without an adverse systemic impact or the need for taxpayer funds.”

Find saving alternatives: Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 says a Bank can steal your deposits if they are in financial risk…..

Last edited 3 months ago by anonymous
Julian Metter

Good point and I appreciate your posting the article. The collapse of the western economic system appears to be near at hand, probably as part of the cabal’s last attempt to hold on to control. Presumably part of their plan is to create enough of a disaster that the survivors would latch on to a central bank digital currency. Fortunately events aren’t going to go that way, for which we can all be grateful.


Michael Baxters 10 days of darkness started on June 19th.
Stay alive until June 29th.

Oh’ baby baby it’s a wild world
it’s hard to get by just upon a smile


Yeah, sure…


shut up yer faCe


troll hatred is street badge creds

but is nothing compared to the xtian negative red mark totals i get

proud to be maga atheist


He’s sitting by his computer waiting for the e-mail from Wells Fargo telling him to report to his local redemption center to cash in his Zim bonds and currency. NESARA/GESARA is happening this weekend, you know. Just as it did pretty much every day for the last 15 years or so.


sooonx . .


the ONLY nesara that might happen is a deepstate AMBUSH/execution of any gullible hopium addicted conservatives

yet another possible reason to avoid falling into the ‘belief’ snare

listening to origmarkz & his friday sidekicks over time convinced me he was definitely deepstate RUSE


Ooo -Ooo-Ooo-Ooo, Staying
Alive, Staying alive. Somebody help me …😏


I believe that you’re singing the wrong song?

“It’s a wild world. It’s hard to get by just upon a smile
I’ll always remember you like a child girl.”


You’re singing the Bee Gees


Yes, 👍. ..😏

Robert Dukes

I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work………..𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.C𝐨𝐦

Last edited 4 months ago by Robert Dukes
Dr John

Michael Baxter, 2 of my last post have been blocked by you NEW and IMPROVED system.

YET, there are a preponderance of these posts you and your team can’t see.

Do an SQl search and delete by name and at least force them to create a new name.

Do an SQL search and delete by phrase like “I am making a real GOOD MONEY” or “Last month I GOT check for nearly”, or this online work is simple and straightforward”, or a number of other phrases common to the jerk. It takes a couple of minutes if that to run a query with all of the above suggestions and only takes a second or less to run.

You can also implement a filter to all posts with the above query, just as easy and so fast no one will notice the filter in place. It is installed in the Java code or PHP using SQL script.

Don’t know how send the team to where all programming commands are accessible for a number of language like HTML, PHP, Java, JavaScript and SQL. Everything your team needs to clean this up.
This is not just marketing it is a CON!

I may seem a pain in your side, but I am offering this as a friend and patriot. What is good for your readers is good for you.

Your readers deserve better.

Dr John

Robert Dukes
8 hours ago
I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work


You’re a kook asking for special treatment. You’re not going to get it here because this murder porn site likes ___________ add your favorite word..

Bill Meadows

W3schoolDOTcom is a Bible thumper site. W3SchoolsDOTcom is the programming site.

I hope you’re not this sloppy in your medical research, John.


Bible thumper? You mean people who read the instruction manual for living? I doubt you’ve ever read it.


You can read it right here..
There is a religious Fanatic
That loves Rev. 18 .4
Quotes it every day


Using SQL in Your Web Site
To build a web site that shows data from a database, you will need:

An RDBMS database program (i.e. MS Access, SQL Server, MySQL)
To use a server-side scripting language, like PHP or ASP
To use SQL to get the data you want
To use HTML / CSS to style the page

Bill Meadows

LOL. It’s pretty obvious that there’s no “team” here at RRN.


Chris and Mike sharing a warm bath could be construed as a Team.


i share my biggest ‘warm loads’

with yer mom

guess we a team


The “team” is MB and his brother. He uses WordPress, not any original code, so he can’t modify the source. It’s a subscription.

truth is stubborn

Have we ever had indications the brother participated in RRN?



Last edited 3 months ago by sejmon
Dr John

Michael Baxter, 2 of my last post have been blocked by you NEW and IMPROVED system.

YET, there are a preponderance of these posts you and your team can’t see.

Do an SQl search and delete by name and at least force them to create a new name.

Do an SQL search and delete by phrase like “I am making a real GOOD MONEY” or “Last month I GOT check for nearly”, or this online work is simple and straightforward”, or a number of other phrases common to the jerk. It takes a couple of minutes if that to run a query with all of the above suggestions and only takes a second or less to run.

You can also implement a filter to all posts with the above query, just as easy and so fast no one will notice the filter in place. It is installed in the Java code or PHP using SQL script.

Don’t know how send the team to where all programming commands are accessible for a number of language like HTML, PHP, Java, JavaScript and SQL. Everything your team needs to clean this up.

This is not just marketing it is a CON!

I may seem a pain in your side, but I am offering this as a friend and patriot. What is good for your readers is good for you.

Your readers deserve better.

Dr John

Robert Dukes

8 hours ago

I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work

Last edited 4 months ago by Dr John

That’s odd. I’m able to see them.

Debra Rudolph

Body doubles are still committing Treason!


Yes I agree with you. Body doubles and clones should be illegal.


Clones and doubles and masks, OH MY!


kykes and jews and pigs oh my!


You don’t even know how to compose a cohesive sentence.


I really need to get some of
Those Flying Monkeys…
I’m bored. 😄




None of them are here because BAX1 is on vacation


Put your personal definition of a flying monkey at the top of this board, for easy access.. I will read it and comment.. 👍


Omg! 🙀 😳

John .S

Awaiting arrest of DEI Alvin Bragg, news of additional apprehended Trump jurors as ‘pimple on rat’s ass’ in grand scheme of things.

Also current news on ‘anti-white’ Leticia James suspected taken to Guam.

Guam is silent, cannot figure-out why nothing is blipped from there.

Murdering and child abducting Fema detainees at Guam via horrific crime of the decade should be blaring, though mumms the word.

Seem like attempt to flush ‘Lahaina Atrocities’ down memory hole in adage: “nothing to see here”.

Last edited 4 months ago by John .S

John, you should know this. There is nothing going on in Guam involving extrajudicially abducted detainees. That’s just a branch of the story arc that will be developed at some later time.

John .S

It’s starting to seem that way.

Fema this – Fema that, Fema Barges, Railroad Cars, Aircraft also Marauding Agents after weather related catastrophe.

Fema Camps being built across America and Fema narrative ‘herein’ went silent, where it should be on front burner.

Have video proof of Fema Camp in Elmont NY at UBS Arena at Belmont Park.

Robert Dukes

I am making a real GOOD MONEY (300$ to 400$ / hr )online from my laptop. Last month I GOT check of nearly 18,000$, this online work is simple and straightforward, don’t have to go OFFICE, Its home online job. At that point this work opportunity is for you.if you interested.simply give it a shot on the accompanying site….Simply go to the BELOW SITE and start your work………..𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.C𝐨𝐦

Last edited 4 months ago by Robert Dukes

The Merrick Garland clone is still up and running causing havoc. The cloning labs in full swing. Why not sort that out first.


Because we’re mobile.


get mobile on my chode


Mother chode?


yer propensity for petnames is

a bit ofF