Seven Deep State Jurors in Custody; One Dead Resisting Arrest


Seven of the twelve Deep State-adjacent jurors who wrongfully convicted President Donald J. Trump on imaginary charges are currently in military custody at a JAG Holding center in South Florida, and an eighth jurist is dead, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

The deceased, a male in his early 30s and presumably the most boisterous anti-Trump critic of the dozen, was killed near his New York City home on June 20 after JAG investigators armed with a military arrest warrant confronted him while he was returning home from a coffee shop two blocks from his house. The incognito investigators presented their credentials and the warrant, and the juror claimed they had made an enormous mistake. He reportedly told investigators they had the wrong man and, in fact, espoused amorous affection for President Trump, saying he was MAGA and had twice voted for Trump.

He then showed investigators an Instagram page in someone else’s name with dozens of photographs showing the juror sporting MAGA regalia and posing next to an American Flag. One image was captioned “True Patriotism,” and another, “I Stand With Trump.”

Our source said the investigators realized at once that the juror was no MAGA because the Instagram account was only three days old, created to obfuscate his Deep State allegiances should anyone confront him.

Our source added that the investigators had been watching the juror for days and had positively identified him based on facial recognition evidence and video White Hats had taken of the jurors during the unlawful trial.

When shown a video snippet of himself sitting in the jury box at Trump’s trial, the juror became belligerent and told investigators, “He might look a little like me, but that’s definitely not me; you got the wrong guy. How did you get that footage anyway?”

“He started sweating visibly at that point, and it had nothing to do with the heatwave in the northeast,” our source said. “Our people asked to see his I.D., and that’s when the suspect escalated the situation.”

The juror, he explained, threw a punch at one of the investigators, then spun on his heels and started screaming for help at the top of his lungs while fleeing down the alley. The investigators chased him down and sent him crashing to the pavement—after his head had somehow forcibly struck a brick wall several times.

“It’s pretty stupid for people to run into brick walls,” our source said. “Heads aren’t made of steel.”

The juror started convulsing and died of blunt force trauma shortly afterward.

“We recovered the body, and we’re sure we have the right person,” our source said.

Real Raw News will provide details on the other jurors’ arrests tomorrow.



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Robert Dukes

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Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Dukes

I Watched the (farce, clown Show ..) which some fools
Refer to as a “debate”…
No it WASN’T ..
90 minutes of wasted time !
And A SAD pathetic display


Michael, On 6/23 you stated:

“Real Raw News will provide details on the other jurors’ arrests tomorrow.”

It is now 4 days later than 6/23 and I haven’t been able to find that follow up post.


I understand how you are concerned …
Because I am Also


I quit working my desk job and now,I’ve made $70,000 so far this year working online and a full time student. I’m using an 0nline business opportunity. I heard about it and I’ve made such great amount of money. It’s really user friendly and I’m just so happy that I found out about it. Here is I started,go to this site home media tech tab for more detail thank you 
More Details Us……………….. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille
Above Reproach

So yesterday I wrote a peace that had the word F in it. It was quite long but it drove a railroad spike in the eye of the Democratic anti American establishment. It went under review, and today it’s nowhere to be found.
If the word F offends the overseers to the point of removal, I believe it’s against the First Amendment , freedom of speech should include words that
not only tell the truth, but also express the very emotion written to convey the message in the manner it was meant to be conveyed. After all, the democrats are actually F ing the entire country! Why should they be saved from being called F ing stupid 🐐🕳️’s. Just saying ! If the shoes fit, so do the words.


How come I am allowed to
Print. Fork, Fart, Freaking,
Bone, Bang, Hit and so forth ?

You must be on probation,
Were you a really BAD Boy ?

Above Reproach

The mere mention of me sends shivers and Cold Sweat down the spine of people like Hillary Obama Chuck S. And Nancy P. For I am, Above Reproach, I will not Lie, I will always be 100% truthful unapologetic righteous and speak the loudest truth about the wrong doings of the Money Grubbing lying 💩 Eating Politicians Who Throw Their Weight around as if they have the right to lie and deceive the American people who were Stupid enough to vote them into a position of responsibility,
only to use it to line their pockets at everyone’s expense. I verbally kick down the door and expose them for what they are. It’s actually easier than you might think. One way to see it for yourself is to, do your best to stomach watching the main stream media but in this particular method. Turn off the volume so you can’t hear anything,. Just watch their faces, ( Try not to puke ) Simply watch the expression on their faces as they LYE Through their pie Holes. Notice the slight movement of their heads, how they bob there heads so slightly nodding up and down to make you subconsciously think YES or NO. It’s the oldest trick in the book. Convincing someone you’re telling the truth. Car salesman are actually trained to do it. ( come on man a successful guy like you can afford 435.00 a month easily, with his head bobbing up and down eyes fixed with the buyer and a convincing smile. ) Bam, the customer shoulders go back he stands straight and agrees with the compliment,
I’m a successful man. Were do I sign ! And there you have it, News channels like CNN MSNBC CBS and the like, Never actually tell you news. All they do is lie. Conjecture, Fabrication, Deception, Stories about events that happened are TWISTED To fit a Narrative that they the PIGs want you to believe. Scare tactics on a grand scale. Like Global Warming, and Sickness, ( This Bird Flu Sickness Has the Potential to Wipe Out Humanity, But we have a Vaccine THAT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE, RUN AND GET YOURS BEFORE there all gone .
On and on it goes 💩 Storm after 💩 Storm, Truth Comes Out about one of them. Suddenly a Cargo Ship Hits a Bridge in the exact spot to destroy it in most possible way. And there you have it, We are all being taken advantage of by Criminals in a grand scheme, Oh and how they Hate DONALD J. TRUMP ! He’s the one man with the fortitude, and backbone to do what is right and necessary to end their RAPE of the American people. Truth is like a PIE in the Face ! And The Liars don’t like pie, Or truth tellers.


I Agree with you 100%.


You are leaving something out.
You have been a really Bad
Maybe it’s just the attitude ?
I print ( fart, Fork, Bone, )
And the censoring let’s me get away with it. !
You are just going to have to get creative.



Gill Ford

Haha I found a theme song for RRN

Last edited 3 months ago by Gill Ford
Robert Dukes

Try this online job right now which gave you an opportunity to earns every day more than $600 by only working in part time. last month i have received $17291 from this job simply by working online after my whole busy day. this job is so easy to do and regular income from this are amazing. no special skills required to do this job just need some basic internet knowledge. join this now by follow instructions here………….. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Dukes
Above Reproach

Democrats are so stupid it’s unbelievable. Every single one of the jurors who participated in the unlawful trial have been surveyed by the top digital forensic experts in the country, their is no escape from the history of a person’s digital footprints. They can see what you were doing, seeing, writing, or purchasing for as far back as you have been the owner of a computer, or phone. In some ways it’s bad, but in these ways it’s totally awesome and necessary. I just wish the Hangings were made to be public and televised across the world. Putting a completely different perspective on what Americans do to Socialist Communist Traitors. I’m convinced that they deliberately poisoned me in the beginning of COVED for my opinions.
I would love to see how many people who were banned from Twitter actually wound up with severe COVED. Or Died. I was 180 pounds of Muscle in the best shape of my life when I was poisoned, and yet there are BIG Fat Ass Hogs eating Junk Food in every corner of the country with more health problems than a hospital can handle in a year still walking around as if they were Physical Fitness award winners of blubber.
God is coming, The Reckoning is near.


wow, JZ Knight donated big time. could this person be russian?


This autumn it will be either world war or world government

ByBenjamin FulfordJune 24, 2024

https ://

True to its promise, the Black Sun organization is increasing mayhem worldwide. They promise that if a World Federation is not announced this autumn, there will be a world war.

The signs are everywhere that major and simultaneous military moves are planned against the Khazarian Mafia-controlled countries. “The current regimes in the United States, NATO, South Korea, Japan and Israel will be dismantled,” a North Korean representative promises.

The Anglo-Saxon Five Eyes military alliance will not use nuclear weapons to protect these entities, the head of MI6 promises. They say the current Khazarian Mafia (what they call DVD) controlled governments need to be removed before new global arrangements, including a new financial system, can begin.

Regime change has already begun in the UK, France and Japan where summer elections are expected to overthrow KM-controlled governments.

OK, let us look at the war scenario in detail now. Multiple information sources make it clear it will start with simultaneous military moves by Serbia against NATO, North Korea against South Korea and Turkey plus Egypt and Iran against Israel.

At the same time, some very nasty events are expected inside the US.

Let us start with the US. As we and others have previously reported, at least 7.4 million military-aged, male illegal immigrants have entered the US since the Rockefeller run Biden administration seized power in 2021. We also note that containers filled with weapons have been stashed all over the US.

Now, the US government says:

…all immigrant males between the ages of 18 and 25 are required by law to register with the Selective Service System (SSS) within 30 days of arriving in the United States. This includes naturalized citizens, parolees, undocumented immigrants, legal permanent residents, asylum seekers, refugees, and all males with visas more than 30 days expired.

https ://

These are not political or economic refugees. Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary says the asylum system is “a complete scam” and that such individuals “are not refugees” because they are arriving from safe countries and then flushing their passports down the toilet.

https ://

No wonder 62% of registered voters favor “a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally.”  

Now Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell -who headed the intelligence agency under the Obama administration- and Graham Allison, the former U.S. assistant secretary of defense for policy and plans during the Clinton administration, are saying a major terrorist incident is likely to take place at the US/Mexico border in the near future. This warning came in the Rockefeller-controlled Foreign Affairs magazine, indicating the Rockefellers and their KM cohorts are hoping to stage a huge holocaust (sacrifice to Satan) in order to have an excuse to mobilize and arm the illegal foreign immigrants to round up US patriots and send them to concentration camps.

https ://

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent J.J. Carrell says FEMA is constructing a huge network of internment camps in all 50 states that will be used to house political dissidents, not illegal aliens as seems to be the claim.

https ://

Here, for example, you can see their list of facilities for the State of Texas.

https ://

Needless to say, the white hat military will have to decapitate the Rockefeller network in the US to prevent this from happening.

In any case, while the US is distracted by an undeclared civil war, this will be seen by the rest of the world as an opportunity to remove Satanic regimes in many parts of the world.

In Europe, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has placed the country’s army on full combat alert and ordered its units to move closer to the border with Kosovo.

https ://

The Train has Left the Station and No One Can Stop It,” Europe Will be at War with Russia, Vucic says.

https ://

Serbia is seeking revenge for the destruction of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was destroyed by Bill Clinton Rockefeller in order to create the criminal state of Kosovo and steal the mineral resources there.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping both recently visited Serbia to offer their public support.

After promising to support Serbia, Putin went to North Korea to re-establish a military alliance.

In an article published in North Korea, Putin said Russia is ready to:

to confront the ambition of the collective West to prevent the emergence of a multipolar world order…[and fight the US-led] “rules-based order”, which is essentially nothing more than a global neo-colonial dictatorship relying on double standards [and will] will support the DPRK and the heroic Korean people in their struggle against the treacherous, dangerous and aggressive enemy, in their fight for independence,

http ://

The official Tass News Agency reports Russia and North Korea “consistently defend the idea of building a fairer and more democratic multipolar world order” based on international law and cultural and civilizational diversity.

https ://

The North Korean representative says his country now has 200 nuclear weapons capable of hitting the US mainland so they no longer fear US nuclear retaliation for any attempt to reunify Korea. They say the US will not trade Washington, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago for Pyongyang.

Russian FSB sources say military moves against Kosovo (ie NATO) and South Korea would take place at the same time as Turkey, Iran and Egypt move on Israel.

Turkey, which has the largest NATO army after the US, has already said it wants to join the BRICS alliance. Egypt has also warned it is going to end its peace treaty with Israel. Iran, of course is already on the warpath against Israeli dictator Benyamin Satanyahu.

If war starts in the Autumn, there can be no doubt the fascist KM controlled “rules based world order” will lose. Pentagon sources say Russia, China North Korea, Iran and other allies have more than 10 million soldiers with 20 million in reserve and up to 30 million more available via emergency conscript military operations. By contrast NATO (excluding Turkey) can field a maximum of 3 million soldiers.

Needless to say, facing these odds, the collective West is suing for peace. There are high-level negotiations taking place for some sort of announcement this fall of a replacement of the post-war international system based on the UN, the BIS, the World Bank the IMF etc.

However, before we get into that, we would like to offer a chance to all those investors who bought the Iraqi Dinar, the Zimbabwe Dollar and the Vietnamese Dong in expectation these currencies would be revalued as part of the new financial system. The people pushing them have been saying for decades “These currencies are about to revalue next week and make you $ billions so, in the meanwhile could you please send a few thousand dollars?” This is not going to happen. However, investors can get in on the ground floor of a $10 trillion bonanza by buying…

Above Reproach

The words, Only the Strongest Will survive. The just will prevail, the coming of Christ is near.

Richard Ludwig

i would prefer world war….but thats just me…

Above Reproach

I thinking it won’t be a world war. China is dying, they have no land, they have no growth potential. They eat just about anything they can boil, fry, grill, bake, chop, slice, dip, scrounge up out of garbage cans,
mash together in a blender, bugs, everything and anything. They want our land so they can grow healthy food and livestock. It’s a land grab, the entire thing. Planed from the very beginning. A war will only set them back 1000 years with all the pollution and sickness. And they don’t have the time to wait. Now if a president would say, Come clean on the origins of COVID and Hang all the bastards behind it, we the people of America might be willing to orange a deal whereas they could be allowed to partner with the farmers in our country to help feed the billions of starving Chinese people. At a cost of corse ! But it would take a president who can negotiate a real lasting solution. Donald J. Trump is by far the one for the job.


You said, …you would Prefer
A World War !
That’s EVIL
That’s Deep State, depopulation plan. !

Shame ..Shame …Shame 😕

Above Reproach

Let’s just say you spent your entire life working hard to build your world around you, the way that makes you happy. And Politicians are picking away at your wealth and trying to control every aspect of your life. Making all your efforts completely irrelevant. But what is worse is that all you worked for is to be given to someone who illegally came to this country, has never done anything to deserve even as much as a happy meal from Macdonald’s. And War is being manufactured as a means of controlling the people who worked for everything they have. You say Someone’s rather would be to have that war is Evil. Seriously ? What’s more Evil ? Letting Filthy Politicians destroy your life ! Or rather have the Opportunity to at the least Fight Back Against Tyranny. Chew on that for a while. I can understand that if you’re living in your parents basement playing video games, and can go upstairs to raid the fridge when ever you like. And even cutting the grass is beneath your exaltation. I stand with the guy who would rather go to WAR. My final act would be to Burn everything I’ve worked for to the ground. SO Nobody could ever have even the smallest thing I worked for. A 100% BLAZE OF GLORY OF RUBBER, OIL, GAS, AND WOOD So hot that even the devil himself would complain how HOT IT WOULD BE !


Well, since you explained how you feel, .I believe
That we both are on the
Same page …




👍🤔. …..


You must be RGBs 2nd account….!
Long winded bable


Do you or Fulford or anyone else know the will of Almighty God the Father who is pulling the strings on world history? I think not! The Father will decide what will take place and when!

Isaiah 46:9-10
9 Remember former things from forever; for I am God, and no other is God, even none like Me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from the past things which were not done, saying, My purpose shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure;


I­ g­e­t­ p­a­i­d­ o­v­e­r­ $250 p­e­r­ h­o­u­r­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­ w­i­t­h­ 2 k­i­d­s­ a­t­ h­o­m­e­. i­ n­e­v­e­r­ t­h­o­u­g­h­t­ i­’d­ b­e­ a­b­l­e­ t­o­ d­o­ i­t­ b­u­t­ m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 18k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­…………………………….. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille
Robert Gregory Boensch


SITREP Ep. 79 – 9:00 PM ET –
Streamed on:Jun 20, 9:02 pm EDT


Just forget about Me

And just watch this video

Veterans CannCon and Alpha dive into the stories behind the stories of Veterans. Why did they take an oath, why did they choose their branch of military? What was life like before and after service for our military? What sacrifices and rewards does the public not know about. Conversations with veterans of all branches and timelines week after week to hear their combat and non-combat stories. Learn what’s in the minds of our military on The SITREP.

Keith Blandford

South Carolina

this Man is Doing it the right way In taking control of his state.



Above Reproach

If you believe that Hillary Clinton is actually alive and kicking I’ve got some ocean side property in Ohio to sell ya ! I’ll show ya pictures of it too ! Just like they show you pictures of Hillary on the news where suddenly she is 15 to twenty years younger then the way she looked during the campaign against TRUMP. ( At that time she was showing signs of dementia and a debilitating condition that makes the body of a person unable to be managed by the brain. Falling up stairs, and having three big strong men toss her uncontrollable body into a car. Seriously when is the Joke going to stop. She’s not with us anymore. Digital media is what you’re looking at.
Or someone with twenty pounds of Silicone rubber recreation glued over their head.


HRC has been DEAD ..and in a body bag on ICE @Gitmo

Forget about it !

Above Reproach

Watch them try putting her in the White House. And suddenly she becomes president ! And You thought America couldn’t get worse.


I agree with You

Thad Nipper

So much for “tomorrow”.


We are Not in charge,
If I were
I would have fixed. Everything 🤔


I­ g­e­t­ p­a­i­d­ o­v­e­r­ $250 p­e­r­ h­o­u­r­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­ w­i­t­h­ 2 k­i­d­s­ a­t­ h­o­m­e­. i­ n­e­v­e­r­ t­h­o­u­g­h­t­ i­’d­ b­e­ a­b­l­e­ t­o­ d­o­ i­t­ b­u­t­ m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 18k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­…………………………….. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille
Red Dog

Hello Michael Baxter, You wrote: “Real Raw News will provide details on the other jurors’ arrests tomorrow.” TOMORROW WAS YESTERDAY!! We come here seeking and hoping to find your RELIABILITY AND TRUTH.

Last edited 3 months ago by Red Dog





You’re a foolish man.


JUST YELL LOUDER… maybe he’ll hurry just for you… the rest of us will wait because “ASAP” … means “wait patiently”



Kay Mitchell

At least he tried.

He gave it everything he had.

He’s a Hero in my book!




Ella is right about you (crusty) …🤔

Above Reproach

Finally the pour guy broke his chains !


He has been in prison since 2019…!🥴

Above Reproach

For telling the truth !


Yeap …


Stoopid. Silly. Nonsensical cynicism. Ignorance is not an excuse.

Robert Gregory Boensch


Organizational Chart of the U.S. Government
Organizational Chart of the U.S. Government … For over eight decades, The United States Government Manual has been the “official handbook” of the Federal Government. This New Deal-era publication was published initially as a loose-leaf notebook, its pages held in place by three metal rings.

Get smart KAOS and controlKAOS (Kompetent Agents Operating Safely) is the international organization of evil and the main enemy of CONTROL (Counter Intelligence) . KAOS is a secret organization that seeks to disrupt and destroy the efforts of CONTROL, a top-secret United States government agency responsible for counter-intelligence and espionage.

Just open up the link and See the GAME Board



Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

It is now two days later and no word on the other jurors arrest….”Real Raw News will provide details on the other jurors’ arrests tomorrow.” Waiting…..




Supreme Court agrees to hear Biden’s request to appeal state’s ban on puberty blockers and hormone usage on minors. Transgender Children Are A Mockery Of GOD.




We learned that You are a Trans ..
How SAD !🙃


I­ g­e­t­ p­a­i­d­ o­v­e­r­ $250 p­e­r­ h­o­u­r­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­ w­i­t­h­ 2 k­i­d­s­ a­t­ h­o­m­e­. i­ n­e­v­e­r­ t­h­o­u­g­h­t­ i­’d­ b­e­ a­b­l­e­ t­o­ d­o­ i­t­ b­u­t­ m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 18k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­…………………………….. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

I’m still waiting for the Next
Apprehended jury member article.


I’m still waiting…..
Patiently. …..!


I’m still waiting…


So…………………. will the White Hats be arresting Jake Tapper BEFORE the debate on Thursday? LOL What a total DICKHEAD!


Yeah sure why not. Of course, he will instantly be replaced by a clone and nothing will change.


Probably putting on the final touches right now. Everybody is somebody else


But I am Me. !
I think. ! ? 😧


Or a clone replacement


Hi everyone.I am Lucille I need Urgent some people.

I­ g­e­t­ p­a­i­d­ o­v­e­r­ $250 p­e­r­ h­o­u­r­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­ w­i­t­h­ 2 k­i­d­s­ a­t­ h­o­m­e­. i­ n­e­v­e­r­ t­h­o­u­g­h­t­ i­’d­ b­e­ a­b­l­e­ t­o­ d­o­ i­t­ b­u­t­ m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 18k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­…………………………….. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

People, people who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world…..
With one person, one very special person
A feeling deep in your soul
Says you were half, now you’re whole
No more hunger and thirst
But first be a person who needs people….

Susan Banks

Barbara Streisand


High witch


No, that was Elizabeth Montgomery. She played Samantha on Bewitched.


Her name changed to Barbra. Thanks, Mandela Effect.


And here is,
why they stopped counting across every battleground state on Nov 3, 2020.

The State of Wisconsin:
A dump of 143,379 MAIL IN BALLOTS at 3:42 am, every single one for Joe Biden,

A not Trump supporter: “Why was the USPS even looking for ballots on November 4th, hours after the polls closed at 8 pm?.”

Wisconsin Election Commission Executive Director,
Democrat Claire Woodall-Vogg:
Xeroxing 64,000 ballots at Milwaukee City Hall room 501. Just the margin needed at 3 am.


Debunked years ago, why do you guys act like this same old bullshit is some big new smoking gun? Y’all are gonna spend the rest of your lives obsessing over Trump losing the 2020 election. Probably the 2024 election too.

Susan Banks

I’m not sure we will have a 2024.


We will and y’all will probably cry even harder than you did in 2020


I concur.

Kay Mitchell

Stop whining Susie.

You’re stinking the place up with your fear.


Nope, calendar says it’s 2024 and my neighbor Chris says it’s 2024, so we are definitely having 2024.


The theft was evident!!!
Everyone went to bed nov 3rd with President Trump way ahead in the vote count. All of a sudden all these invalid ballots show up overnight??!!
Buddy, your one of the blind ones who refuse to wake up.


Y’all endlessly cry and scream fraud but after 4 years you still never managed to prove “all these invalid ballots” are invalid ballots. You’re just mad that at one point Trump was in the lead, then he wasn’t. That’s just something that can normally happen when you count. Being in the lead when like 3% of the vote is counted is not some magical guarantee that you’ll be in the lead when all 100% are counted.


If cheating happens, the
Count is wrong…!😕


But you’ve never proven cheating. You all just say there was cheating. The thousands and thousands of fraudulent ballots you claim have never materialized, even 4 years later




Cobb is a Troll,

Above Reproach

I was awake and watching the results when the numbers flipped right before my very eyes ! My next door neighbors woke up when they heard what came out of my mouth at a few minutes after 3:00 am. It was the worst feeling I ever experienced.


I saw the Same thing happening …😕

David T

He receives compensation to be dishonest

David T

Liar and you know it.


We All know Corn Cobb is a
Liar and known TROLL !

Kay Mitchell

The Cabal must have what they think is another Unbeatable Cheating or Assasination plan for November 2024.

Why else would they be proping-up Biden’s corpse
to run?

It doesn’t matter to them what Biden says or does as long as he’s still breathing on election night.

They haven’t cared what voters thought of Biden since they ran him in 2016 to this very day.

They don’t even care that the ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS he’s just an empty suit!

If they lose they know they will all HANG.

So in their mind, President Trump MUST go.

Plan A: Lose OR Plan B: Die.

Then once he’s out of the way they can deal with us.

A few nukes on us from China and/or Russia would get rid of enough of us for them to handle.

Or poison the water, shut off the power, speed up the chem-trail drops…. You name it.

I’m sure President Trump is aware of all of these possibilities and has a plan that will Knock their socks off!!

So get your popcorn ready folks… The Greatest Show On Earth is about to begin!

Where we go ONE we go ALL! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


What about the mortal threat we face from sinking electric speedboats surrounded by sharks? President Trump warned us!!



Island Coyote

All you have to do is ask yourself how a state like Florida, with a population of 23MM people, can run an election and report the results at the end of the day and Wisconsin can’t, or won’t. Wisconsin has a population of under 6MM people.

The answers to these questions lead you directly to the corruption. We the People must demand free and fair elections.

Trump had single digit leads in the swing states by end of evening reporting on election day. It is almost mathematically impossible for Biden to have amassed a lead by the morning in said states with an alleged 50/50 split of supporters. Not even getting into poll watchers being denied, videos of late night vote deliveries and other shenanigans going on. Fortunately there will come a system overhaul, similar to the replacement of the dollar, that will free us from this corruption.


And so, I asked myself …🤔
Yes, .. that sounds about right !



Kay Mitchell

DON’T use mail-in ballots or drop-boxes!

Vote in person and vote early for Trump!


I voted in person in 2020 and 2922, yet both times I was told that they “already accepted my mail in ballots” which of course was their fake ballots, all for Biden of course. AZ was a leader in the steal I am sickened to say.


Recycled and disproven garbage


You are garbage and a 🤡
No one takes you seriously. …..

Above Reproach

One afternoon just before the last election, I was shipping a package to a hundred year old company, as I observed a guy in a absolutely brand new truck unloading USPS large boxes from the back of his Covered 8’ bed. He was using a two wheeled cart to take them into the store to be shipped. I’m a guy who works for a living and I could see that the boxes were stuffed with something right to the lid, 5 boxes on top of one and the bottom box had no visible signs of compression. The two wheel cart struggled to tip back onto the guy’s arms and he could barely hold the mass as it put the weight onto him. I immediately thought, those are stuffed with fraudulent ballots. ( Town of Webster NY.) Back and forth he went, until the truck was empty. 5 trips of 6 boxes each, and he was already in the process of doing the deed when I got there. It hit me so hard, that I actually called 911 and reported the visual to the operator with the make model and license plate number of the truck. I had the raunchy feeling that I was observing illegal activity. Seriously what business is doing that well of a business to be doing that much shipping under the destructive influence of COVED. And who had
the money during that time to purchase a 34,000 dollar Truck and ship 30 boxes, ( that I saw) in a UPS delivery Location of USPS boxes.
For a hole month afterwards I kept telling myself I should have grabbed one of the boxes off his truck when he went inside and ripped it open to see what was inside. But I didn’t want to face a arrest of any kind. What I should have done was call 911 and say I’m observing a RAPE in progress in the parking lot at the Webster mall Then park my vehicle behind his and hide behind the corner until the cops showed up. We Americans need to be vigilant, and the cops need to be on high alert for obvious signs of treachery. Keep your eyes wide open, if what you see doesn’t fit, SAY Something about it ! Act OUT don’t look like other way. I should have doubled down on what happened right in front of me.

Nukken Futz

“It’s pretty stupid for people to run into brick walls,” “Heads aren’t made of steel.”

Bick walls matter… the wokeycrats used to bark……


Bick walls


You know …brick🤔


Walls made of inexpensive ballpoint pens. Eye-poke hazard


Hi everyone.I am Lucille I need Urgent some people.

I­ g­e­t­ p­a­i­d­ o­v­e­r­ $250 p­e­r­ h­o­u­r­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­ w­i­t­h­ 2 k­i­d­s­ a­t­ h­o­m­e­. i­ n­e­v­e­r­ t­h­o­u­g­h­t­ i­’d­ b­e­ a­b­l­e­ t­o­ d­o­ i­t­ b­u­t­ m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 18k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­…………………………….. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

I understand the desire to get Bragg and Merchan in this case, questioning the legitimacy of going after the jurors before the main culprits are arrested. And while I agree that the higher-ups need to face justice too, I take a slightly different view. Jurors are the last step—the last hope—for justice; the last step for a person, innocent or guilty, to get a fair trial. You can have a corrupt DA, and a corrupt judge, but if the jury does it’s duty there can still be a true verdict. That’s NOT what happened here. Jurors knowingly and willingly, for the promise of a high payoff, disregarded the facts and the truth of the case and without much review or discussion convicted an innocent man. I hold them more accountable, not less. The way I read this, they’ve now got 8 of the 12. Once they get the other four they’ll be tried together for treason, they may even try some in abstentia. Then, as RRN reported, WHs are going to make it “a matter of public record.” That’s what I’m waiting for, though I do wonder how it will fit in with the 7/11 sentencing. I guess we’re going to find out. 🇺🇸❤️🗽


MB will write yet another fake story about an imaginary execution and you will continue to waste your sad life waiting around for any of his dumb murder-porn horseshit to become public.

Lady Mary Killigrew

Seems your life is sadder if you keep coming back to make snide comments about everything and everyone.


I appreciate your concern Lady Killigrew, but my life has been going just fine as of late 🙂
I only come here for a few minutes at a time to post a few snide comments for my amusement. My life does not revolve around this fantasy bullshit. My worldview doesn’t hinge on this crap being secretly magically real somehow.


Troll .. with a SAD, boring
Life …(Corncob)
That’s real. !🥴


The problem with you loonies is you’re starting to believe your own idiotic comments.



Kay Mitchell

There’s a new invention called paragraphs.

If you use them I will read what you have to say.


Hey everyone, look at ukraine. Look at israhell/lebanon. Look anywhere but America’s SW border!


Wet Backs

Kay Mitchell

Racism is not a solution.

I think that’s been proven time and again.




That’s OK, ….
Then sign them up to vote
All 20 million of them …🥴


THEN … Deportation ..

Kay Mitchell

The deep state does not underestimate the low IQ and hopeless stupidity of approximately 25%-35% of Americans.

Simple “Distraction techniques” are obviously very effective on them.

Sadly, there is no cure for stupid.

Last edited 3 months ago by Kay Mitchell

How much of that stupidity was caused by the DS itself? Frankly, isn’t the DS’s “stupidity: the worst possible kind? Ever hear the quote that “sin makes you stupid”? The ignorance we are facing can be challenged & eradicated by strong philanthropic leadership. All life needs to be respected & treated humanely,. We need Christ as King!



Kay Mitchell

Religion and Politics don’t mix.

End up discussion.

Above Reproach

We need a Army of True Americans to join hand to hand and demand that the government follow the Constitution to the letter.
Any politician who has, Or goes against the constitution shall be held in the charge of Treason, All his or her wealth, and property, shall become the property of the American people. People like Nancy P. (especially) her money should be used to reduce the deficit she helped to create. The Constitution is the sole of America, and that’s why they hate it. Seriously dose anyone want to cower. to the democratic socialist agenda. I think Not. Even the stupid ones will turn their backs on the democrats when the reality of what is in store gets closer, it’s actually happening right now. The crunch is beginning to show. It does take quite a bit to break through the thick skulls of democrats. Look around, you can see it in their eyes. You can see their feet stuck in their own mouths.
Hay democrats are you all still enjoying CROW for dinner.
Don’t say we didn’t worn y’all ! Now that you’re picking your teeth with crow feathers 🪶


That pretty much describes the RRN True Believers.

Above Reproach

Fact, there is no cure for Stupidity, Fact #2 Stupidity breeds more stupidity. Consequence, The reproduction of the Democratic Party.


The juror in this story went through an elaborate 3-day preparation for what he thought was an inevitable visit from marines or JAG investigators coming to escort him to Gitmo.

He must have known what happened to those first 4 jurors. Someone tipped him off. Or maybe he was following the story at Real Raw News.

Hypothetical question: if you were one of the remaining 4 jurors, or if you were advising those jurors, what would be your thought process and what should be done?
any of those jurors are following RRN, this would be the chance to give advice.

Should they flee the country? Transform into fake MAGA followers? Ask the judge and attorney general for protection?

My answer: renounce all Satanic influence. Get right with the Lord. Contact JAG asap. Turn yourselves in. Do a Mea Culpa. Spill all the beans you have. Especially disclose all financial payoffs, and everything you know about who told you to do this. Don’t tell family or friends what you are doing. Instead, leave them a note they can read after you turn yourself in. In the bigger picture of things, this really is your only chance for leniency (20+ years) for this inevitable trip to Gitmo.


Or they can just point at you and laugh.


That’s good advice that I doubt any of the 12 will follow.

Kay Mitchell

Those jurors could call-in sick claiming to be having new onset of sporadic, severe chest pains.

Pain cannot be medicaly proven or disproven.

That person would be relieved of further jury duty on the basis of illness.

Of course that person could be privately threatened to knock it off and continue showing up every day for jury duty…. or else.

So that person really has no choice but to cooperate and take the $ or the bullet.

Last edited 3 months ago by Kay Mitchell

Exactly — not a very fair situation.


They DID have choice when Letitia James called them in, probably before DJT was even “indicted” to screen them and train the willing to fake their way through jury selection. They made their decision before they were even “selected” for jury “service”. They Chose.


All of the sitting jurors were on board with this blatant bribery and injustice. They had choices, and chose the big payoff. They thought they’d get away with it, but they didn’t.


MB’s audience doesn’t want him to write a mea culpa, tomato. They need their execution porn.


What you are suggesting is really good, but how would they contact the WH’s? They would face real challenges revealing their crimes to anyone else. Furthermore, they were probably threatened severely about having any kind of change of heart.

Kay Mitchell



I’m going to call the Judge Advocate General’s office in DC and offer to turn myself in. Wonder what they will say? Maybe they’ll invite me down for a clone fitting.


two more to go……3 in June…..7 today and one dead…….wonder how far those two ran? Good job WH”s


I am not here to win any contest or to get upvotes. ZEE ( stinky pants ) and I go way way back. She earned my respect.

Make The America Great Again List


Speak for yourself. But I’m here for the downvoted.


Would you like to rephrase that?


I have come to the conclusion BAX1 is extremely depressed.

I hope he is able to recover. He hasn’t been himself since he chose to try and please more readers.

He never took the hard line approach I would have taken. He cut his own wrists vertically for you, his audience.

When you do that – you’ve sold yourself to the Peanut Gallery.

You wouldn’t be here • if he had chosen my fuck you all • this is my business approach. But you would respect him more had he.




I recommend Xanax and masterbation.

Kay Mitchell

Xanax is a sedative and would impair the ability to have an orgasm.

I suggest you take the entire bottle of Xanax and spare humanity from having your DNA in the gene pool.


Benzodiazepines the most horrible drug that the pharmaceutical companies ever came up with.


zanax is classified as *fiercely addictive”


What about Thalidomide?

Kay Mitchell

You win

Comet Ping Pong

It also affects your ability to masturbate cuz you can’t reach your cock with your little flipper arms.


like yer skank mom


yer mom is a xanax hoe

Kay Mitchell

Blah blah blah

s alan

What is with all these engineered storms most everyday now. The blackhats lost that ability so the White Hats are up to something using the heavy storms.
It’s easy to tell they are fake just look at the clouds and constant thunder.
Knock it off boys were getting tired of all the rain in the Midwest.


I just saw a pink sky after the storm

Kay Mitchell

Post the pictures you undoubtedly would have taken.

Last edited 3 months ago by Kay Mitchell
Nukken Futz

Looks like the black hatters can still use HAARP system, though and that’s what they are using, because they probably used the last of their shekkle bucket funds to fuck with the whether buttons, one-a-lasta time. The white hats need to take a P-47 WW II era fighter bomber and bomb the shit out of the antenna arrays, up in Alaska, which is run by the U of Alaska in Fairbanks, supposedly for pieceful purposes, whatever that’s sposed to mean, but the moneymen black hatters, got other uses, after they pay off the owners. Oh, but it can be used for other useful purposes, if fallen into the wrong nasty hands…….It’s a cheap way of playing master of de world and it can give a psychopath’s ego a dandy thrill….


There is a LOT of stuff going on in Alaska……………………. OMG.




Someone needs to check out this Sarah Palin chick




Hi everyone.I am Lucille I need Urgent some people.

I­ g­e­t­ p­a­i­d­ o­v­e­r­ $250 p­e­r­ h­o­u­r­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­ w­i­t­h­ 2 k­i­d­s­ a­t­ h­o­m­e­. i­ n­e­v­e­r­ t­h­o­u­g­h­t­ i­’d­ b­e­ a­b­l­e­ t­o­ d­o­ i­t­ b­u­t­ m­y­ b­e­s­t­ f­r­i­e­n­d­ e­a­r­n­s­ o­v­e­r­ 18k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ a­n­d­ s­h­e­ c­o­n­v­i­n­c­e­d­ m­e­ t­o­ t­r­y­. t­h­e­ p­o­t­e­n­t­i­a­l­ w­i­t­h­ t­h­i­s­ i­s­ e­n­d­l­e­s­s­…………………………….. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille



Free Hawk Tuah for everyone


Finally! Praying for his recovery & protection! God bless him! ❤️🙏🌹🇺🇲✝️




Yes, I just saw that, now I wonder if the deep state will kill him?


No need, we replaced him with a clone 4 years ago


They had a spare Bill Maher clone lying around so they fine-tuned it for Julian.



Kay Mitchell

May he live long and prosper.

truth is stubborn

The update paragraph at wiki. Still criminalizing journalism, but mitigates the DS’s prison persecution:

Assange agreed to plead guilty to one count of violating the Espionage Act in exchange for release on 24 June 2024.[25] The agreement entails the US Department of Justice seeking a sentence of 62 months, the time he served in British prison while awaiting extradition; this allowed for Assange’s immediate release. On his release Assange boarded a plane and left the UK. The agreement currently awaits approval from a federal judge; a plea hearing and sentencing is scheduled for 26 June at the District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands.[26] Assange is expected to return to Australia after the proceedings conclude.[538]

Robert Gregory Boensch

51 USC 60601: Space weather
Text contains those laws in effect on June 23, 2024
Subtitle VI-Earth Observations

§60601. Space weather (a) Findings.-
(1) Space weather.-Congress makes the following findings with respect to space weather:
(A) Space weather phenomena pose a significant threat to ground-based and space-based critical infrastructure, modern technological systems, and humans working in space.
(B) The effects of severe space weather on the electric power grid, satellites and satellite communications and information, aviation operations, astronauts living and working in space, and space-based position, navigation, and timing systems could have significant societal, economic, national security, and health impacts.
(C) Space-based and ground-based observations provide crucial data necessary to understand, forecast, and prepare for space weather phenomena.
(D) Clear roles and accountability of Federal departments and agencies are critical for efficient and effective response to threats posed by space weather.
(E) Space weather observation and forecasting are essential for the success of human and robotic space exploration.
(F) In October 2015, the National Science and Technology Council published a National Space Weather Strategy and a National Space Weather Action Plan seeking to integrate national space weather efforts and add new capabilities to meet increasing demand for space weather information.
(G) In March 2019, the National Science and Technology Council published an updated National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan to enhance the preparedness and resilience of the United States to space weather.

this is also very large document


  • Inclosing an extended space; of great extent; wide-extended.
  • Having large or ample room; not contracted or narrow; roomy.
  • Extensive; on a large scale; abounding: said of persons.
  • Synonyms Wide, capacious, ample, broad

Bob, how much longer is this cut-and-paste jag going to go on? Random copying stuff is a waste of electrons.

Lord Drath Kronus

All your space are belong to me.

Robert Gregory Boensch

50 USC 1701: Unusual and extraordinary threat; declaration of national emergency; exercise of Presidential authorities
Text contains those laws in effect on June 23, 2024

§1701. Unusual and extraordinary threat; declaration of national emergency; exercise of Presidential authorities (a) Any authority granted to the President by section 1702 of this title may be exercised to deal with any unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in whole or substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States, if the President declares a national emergency with respect to such threat.
(b) The authorities granted to the President by section 1702 of this title may only be exercised to deal with an unusual and extraordinary threat with respect to which a national emergency has been declared for purposes of this chapter and may not be exercised for any other purpose. Any exercise of such authorities to deal with any new threat shall be based on a new declaration of national emergency which must be with respect to such threat.

This One is huge and worth Searching Through

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Just Me

So now five more to go, go get them Jag and thank you.

Robert Gregory Boensch

42 USC 262a: Enhanced control of dangerous biological agents and toxins
Text contains those laws in effect on June 23, 2024
Part F-Licensing of Biological Products and Clinical Laboratories
subpart 1-biological products

§262a. Enhanced control of dangerous biological agents and toxins(a) Regulatory control of certain biological agents and toxins(1) List of biological agents and toxins(A) In general The Secretary shall by regulation establish and maintain a list of each biological agent and each toxin that has the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety.
(B) Criteria In determining whether to include an agent or toxin on the list under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall-
(i) consider-
(I) the effect on human health of exposure to the agent or toxin;
(II) the degree of contagiousness of the agent or toxin and the methods by which the agent or toxin is transferred to humans;
(III) the availability and effectiveness of pharmacotherapies and immunizations to treat and prevent any illness resulting from infection by the agent or toxin; and
(IV) any other criteria, including the needs of children and other vulnerable populations, that the Secretary considers appropriate; and

(ii) consult with appropriate Federal departments and agencies and with scientific experts representing appropriate professional groups, including groups with pediatric expertise.

165 more lines of text

Barack Obama.   



Just Me

The only real threat is this administration and we know Biden is not running the country his treasonous handlers are. They open the border wide open as of 31/2 years to allowed unvetted illegals from all over the world including countries that hate America to come here. This alone is treason and its a National Security of our country and and endangering Americans lives. Already 2 young ladies and one young girl of 12 years old have been murdered by illegals! I will not be surprise of a false flag or a attack from enemies who are here. The question is will there be a election? We know these woke radicals are desperate and desperate people will do whatever it takes to get what they want, they do not care for our country and have no loyalty to our constitution. May God help us.

Last edited 3 months ago by Just Me

Oh well, maybe later in the week!


As many have been asking of late, I wrote a valid comment in keeping with the known rules for posting and it has been two hours and the comment is still awaiting approval. I “subscribed… confirmed” et all as usual when I am interested in hearing others thoughts re my comment within minutes of completing the comment and now, two hours later, it is still awaiting approval.
In the time between articles many of us read one another’s new comments and stay involved in that way.
Given the evidence that “truthers” are under attack, I feel some concern that someone “else” may be controlling the board to any degree.


It happens occasionally — do not take it personally. Did you copy your text because you could try sending it again!😊


Thanks Maryn and I do keep copies so I can decide when there is no more point in sending them😊


So sorry your comment disappeared — please repost it so we can read it! God bless your heart! 🌹🙏❤️

Robert Gregory Boensch

8 USC 4301: Purposes; sense of Congress
Text contains those laws in effect on June 23, 2024

§4301. Purposes; sense of Congress (a) The purposes of this chapter are-
(1) to encourage noncareer service in the uniformed services by eliminating or minimizing the disadvantages to civilian careers and employment which can result from such service;
(2) to minimize the disruption to the lives of persons performing service in the uniformed services as well as to their employers, their fellow employees, and their communities, by providing for the prompt reemployment of such persons upon their completion of such service; and
(3) to prohibit discrimination against persons because of their service in the uniformed services.

Barack Obama

Robert Gregory Boensch

32 USC 315: Detail of regular members of Army and Air Force to duty with National Guard
Text contains those laws in effect on June 23, 2024

§315. Detail of regular members of Army and Air Force to duty with National Guard (a) The Secretary of the Army shall detail commissioned officers of the Regular Army to duty with the Army National Guard of each State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. The Secretary of the Air Force shall detail commissioned officers of the Regular Air Force to duty with the Air National Guard of each State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. With the permission of the President, an officer so detailed may accept a commission in the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard, as the case may be, terminable in the President’s discretion, without prejudicing his rank and without vacating his regular appointment.
(b) The Secretary of the Army may detail enlisted members of the Regular Army for duty with the Army National Guard of each State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. The Secretary of the Air Force may detail enlisted members of the Regular Air Force for duty with the Air National Guard of each State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Virgin Islands.

Barack Obama. 

Robert Gregory Boensch

32 USC 104: Units: location; organization; command
Text contains those laws in effect on June 23, 2024

§104. Units: location; organization; command (a) Each State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands may fix the location of the units and headquarters of its National Guard.
(b) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this title, the organization of the Army National Guard and the composition of its units shall be the same as those prescribed for the Army, subject, in time of peace, to such general exceptions as the Secretary of the Army may authorize; and the organization of the Air National Guard and the composition of its units shall be the same as those prescribed for the Air Force, subject, in time of peace, to such general exceptions as the Secretary of the Air Force may authorize.
(c) To secure a force the units of which when combined will form complete higher tactical units, the President may designate the units of the National Guard, by branch of the Army or organization of the Air Force, to be maintained in each State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. However, no change in the branch, organization, or allotment of a unit located entirely within a State may be made without the approval of its governor.
(d) To maintain appropriate organization and to assist in training and instruction, the President may assign the National Guard to divisions, wings, and other tactical units, and may detail commissioned officers of the National Guard or of the Regular Army or the Regular Air Force, as the case may be, to command those units. However, the commanding officer of a unit organized wholly within a State, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, or the Virgin Islands may not be displaced under this subsection.
(e) To insure prompt mobilization of the National Guard in time of war or other emergency, the President may, in time of peace, detail a commissioned officer of the Regular Army to perform the duties of chief of staff for each fully organized division of the Army National Guard, and a commissioned officer of the Regular Air Force to perform the duties of the corresponding position for each fully organized wing of the Air National Guard.
(f) Unless the President consents-
(1) an organization of the National Guard whose members have received compensation from the United States as members of the National Guard may not be disbanded; and
(2) the actual strength of such an organization in commissioned officers or enlisted members may not be reduced below the minimum strength prescribed by the President.

Barack Obama.


Ease up buddy!!!!

Robert Gregory Boensch

10 USC 491: Nuclear weapons employment strategy of the United States: reports on modification of strategy
Text contains those laws in effect on June 23, 2024
From Title 10-ARMED FORCES
Subtitle A-General Military Law

§491. Nuclear weapons employment strategy of the United States: reports on modification of strategy (a) Reports.-By not later than 60 days before the date on which the President implements a nuclear weapons employment strategy of the United States that differs from the nuclear weapons employment strategy of the United States then in force, the President shall submit to Congress a report setting forth the following:
(1) A description of the modifications to the nuclear weapons employment strategy, plans, and options of the United States made by the strategy so issued.
(2) An assessment of effects of such modification for the nuclear posture of the United States.
(3) The implication of such changes on the flexibility and resilience of the strategic forces of the United States and the ability of such forces to support the goals of the United States with respect to nuclear deterrence, extended deterrence, assurance, and defense.
(4) The extent to which such modifications include an increased reliance on conventional or non-nuclear global strike capabilities or missile defenses of the United States.

(b) Annual Briefings.-Not later than March 15 of each year, the Secretary of Defense shall provide to the congressional defense committees a briefing regarding the nuclear weapons employment strategy, plans, and options of the United States.
(c) Reports on Nuclear Posture Review Implementation Study Decisions.-During each of fiscal years 2022 through 2031, not later than 60 days before the date on which the President carries out the results of the decisions made pursuant to a Nuclear Posture Review Implementation Study that would alter the nuclear weapons employment strategy, guidance, plans, or options of the United States, the President shall-
(1) ensure that the report required by section 492a of this title is transmitted to Congress, if so required under such section;
(2) ensure that the report required under section 494(a)(2)(A) of this title is transmitted to Congress, if so required under such section; and
(3) transmit to the congressional defense committees a report providing the high-, medium-, and low- confidence assessments of the intelligence community (as defined in section 3(4) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3003(4))) as to whether the United States will have significant warning of a strategic surprise or breakout caused by foreign nuclear weapons developments.

Robert Gregory Boensch


John Philip Sousa was born in Washington, D. C. on November 6, 1854. His father, John Antonio Sousa, was born in Spain of Portuguese parents, and his mother, Marie Elizabeth Trinkaus, was born in Bavaria.
Sousa received his early education in Washington public schools, while simultaneously studying music at a private conservatory. At age 13, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Band as a “boy” (apprentice) musician, but he also continued his private music studies. His most important teacher was George Felix Benkert, with whom he studied violin, harmony, and composition. After serving seven years with the marines, he was discharged. Thereafter, he performed as a violinist and conductor in various theater orchestras in Washington and Philadelphia.
By 1880, his fame as a conductor, composer, and arranger had been established. He was appointed leader of the U. S. Marine Band and held this position for 12 years, eventually molding the band into the finest military band in the world.
Sousa resigned from the Marine Corps in 1892 to form his own civilian band. In a matter of months this band assumed a position of equality with the finest symphony orchestras of the day. It was a concert organization, not a marching band. The finest available instrumentalists were engaged, and among the celebrated soloists to perform with the band over the years were Herbert L. Clarke (cornet), Arthur Pryor (trombone), Simone Mantia (euphonium), Estelle Liebling (soprano), and Maud Powell (violin). Numerous other artists of international fame performed with the band at one time or another.
People throughout the world flocked to see “The March King” during his many American and worldwide tours. He employed a principle that endeared him to the public: Everything was played to perfection, whether it was a classical masterpiece or a popular song.
Sousa was a man of considerable self-discipline and extraordinary talent. He excelled in everything he undertook, yet he was unassuming, approachable, tolerant, and in possession of an almost saintly disposition. To all who knew him, he was a man of incredibly high moral standards. From his childhood, he was determined, and industrious, and in command of such an unbounded optimism that nothing seemed impossible to him. Foremost in his mind was how best to please his audiences.
Sousa’s musical compositions represent a heritage that belongs not only to Americans, but also to vast numbers of music lovers around the world. His influence on American musical tastes was remarkable, and much of his influence spread abroad. The Sousa band traveled the world in 1910-1911, made four additional tours of Europe, and annual tours of America.
Although Sousa is stereotyped as a march composer, he composed music of many forms, including 15 operettas. Among his many original works for band are suites, humoresques, fantasies, descriptive pieces, and dances. In addition to the over 200 songs of his operettas, he composed 70 other vocal works, and many of these vocal works wee transcribed for use with the Sousa Band.
The musical philosophy, which stimulated his composing, (“I would rather be the composer of an inspired march than of a manufactured symphony.”) is reflected in all of his works. Basically a humble, deeply religious man, he composed only upon genuine inspiration and repeatedly stated that his melodies came from a “Higher Power.”
Sousa was an indefatigable worker, proclaiming that, “When you hear of Sousa retiring, you will hear of Sousa dead.” This prediction came true; he died suddenly following a rehearsal of the Ringgold Band in Reading Pennsylvania on March 6, 1932. He is buried with other family members at Congressional Cemetery in Washington. Among hundreds of honors he received during his lifetime and posthumously, was election to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans. Only 102 persons have been so honored.
-Paul E. Bierley


Where are the traitorous CBP fucks? Still letting in illegal aliens?

Robert Gregory Boensch

John Philip Sousa
At 13, he tried to run away to join a circus band, but his father instead enlisted him in the U.S. Marine Band as a band apprentice

John Philip Sousa was a renowned American composer and conductor of the late Romantic era, known primarily for his American military marches. He is often referred to as “The March King” or the “American March King” to distinguish him from his British counterpart, Kenneth J. Alford.

Early Life and Career
Born on November 6, 1854, in Washington, D.C., Sousa was the third of 10 children to John Antonio Sousa, a Spanish-born musician, and Maria Elisabeth Trinkhaus, a Bavarian-born musician. He grew up surrounded by military band music and began studying various instruments at a young age. At 13, he tried to run away to join a circus band, but his father instead enlisted him in the U.S. Marine Band as a band apprentice. Sousa remained in the band until he was 20 years old.

Military Career
Sousa served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1868 to 1875 and then again from 1880 to 1892. He rose to the rank of sergeant major and was the leader of the Marine Band. During his time in the Marine Corps, he composed many marches, including “The Washington Post” and “The Liberty Bell.”

Civilian Career
In 1892, Sousa resigned from the Marine Corps to form his own civilian band. The band quickly gained popularity and became one of the most renowned concert bands in the world. Sousa toured extensively with his band, performing in the United States and abroad. He was known for his innovative compositions, which blended classical music with popular melodies.
Notable Works

Some of Sousa’s most famous compositions include:

  • “Stars and Stripes Forever” (1897)
  • “The Washington Post” (1889)
  • “The Liberty Bell” (1893)
  • “Semper Fidelis” (1888)
  • “The Stars and Stripes Forever” (1897)


Sousa’s legacy extends beyond his music. He was a pioneer in the development of the sousaphone, a type of tuba. He was also a strong advocate for music education and was involved in various musical organizations throughout his life.

Personal Life
Sousa married Jane van Middlesworth Bellis in 1879, and they had three children together. He was a member of the Freemasons and was proud of his Masonic heritage.

Death and Burial
Sousa died on March 6, 1932, in Reading, Pennsylvania, at the age of 77. He was buried in the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C.

Nukken Futz

What does Mr. Souza’s ditties, have anything to do with ramming brick walls with one’s ha’id…?