Chelsea Clinton Hanged at GITMO


The false bravado Chelsea Clinton displayed at the conclusion of her military tribunal quickly evaporated when she learned the Office of Military Commissions intended to hang her, as it had her mother, for crimes committed against the nation and children of the world.

The decision to hang Clinton, a JAG source told Real Raw News, was not reached swiftly because Rear Adm. Crandall was initially uncertain whether legal precedence supported the execution of a criminal not convicted of murder or treason. Although the 3-officer panel recommended capitol punishment, Rear Adm. Crandall sought council instead of making a unilateral judgment.

On October 28, two days after Clinton’s conviction, Rear Adm. Crandall tasked 6 senior JAG officers with deciding whether Clinton should be hanged or spend life at Guantanamo Bay. Until that point, all executions took place after a military tribunal found the accused guilty of murder and/or treason, clearly defined capitol offenses worthy of a hanging or firing squad. Trafficking in foreign children, as opposed to American ones, “muddied the waters,” Rear Adm. Crandall said, but also admitted that the severity of Clinton’s crimes paralleled her mother’s.

For nine days JAG’s brightest legal minds pondered Clinton’s fate, ultimately concluding that Chelsea Clinton would indeed be hanged. “Chelsea Clinton’s crimes, on which she has been convicted, and wanton disregard for child safety and welfare leave us no choice but to support a death penalty. Her lack of remorse at her tribunal leads us to believe that lifelong imprisonment will not benefit her,” they wrote in a memorandum.

Upon learning her fate, Clinton collapsed in a tearful fit.

“You can’t hang me, I’m a mother, what about my children. They’ll be left motherless,” Clinton said to Rear Adm. Crandall.

“I guess you should have thought of that before you ruined the lives of thousands of mothers and children,” Rear Adm. Crandall snapped.

“Why don’t you hang Marc instead? Why aren’t you hanging him?” Clinton asked.

“He cooperated with us,” Rear Adm. Crandall replied.

“I’m so, so sorry. It was my mother and Bill. They forced me—” Clinton started, but Rear Adm. Crandall interrupted her.

“–You’re not very adroit at faking emotion. You hang tomorrow.”

And on the morning of November 6, Chelsea Clinton’s neck snapped, ending over 30 years of Clinton carnage.

RRN did not feel it necessary to spell out the details of the actual hanging as they were remarkably like those of other Deep State agents whose lives ended at the gallows.

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None of your business.

I guess Hillary was psychic when she said, “if we lose this election, we’ll all swing from nooses”. She knows what she did, and knew there would be a death sentence if they fell out of power. Good riddance.


so if this is all true why arnt they revealing this and when will the reveal this when will this covid bs go away. because all we know is that this May not even be true

Gunny HiWay

Sure she was….
And the reason that RRN is the ONLY website “reporting” this is:?
(Because it is bullshit/fake news propaganda)
I bet Mr. Ed from RMRR wrote this fake article.

Robert James

This should have happened halfway through Clinton’s first term.


Like mother, like daughter, Two demons cut from the same cloth.


To Michael and anyone watching, I just watched Simon Parkes Nov 9th update, about 51 minutes long. He specifically mentioned Cuomo being hanged, and not going very nicely, vile comments all the way down. This to me confirms the veracity and appropriate direction RRN has been taking us very carefully. My sincere thanks, and wish for your continued health and safety.


That update definitely proves the veracity of Michael Baxter’s reporting. After all, Simon Parkes could not possibly have just read Baxter’s article here, or a copy of it stolen by some other disreputable clickbait website, and repeated the claims.


His mother was an alien, let us not forget that. Maybe Anunnaki even.


Get thee to a nunnery


Do they still have nunneries? If so I’m on my way .


Michael, I was wondering if you could share the details regarding the last few moments of Chelsea’s existence, as I find it very interesting to hear folks final words. It is very revealing of their true character. Thank you.


What ever for ?


How can Christians sleep comfortably without knowing about exactly how the people that they hate died horribly and brutally? Did not Christ Himself tell His followers to dwell upon the suffering and torment of their enemies?


Father God gave those corrupt people (putting it mildly) who died, all the chances to mend their ways but did not. Believe me it breaks His heart to lose just one single soul and we should leave at that. He is the ultimate judge IMO. Blessings,

Angelina Barrientos

Correction— NY marathon was on Nov. 7th

Angelina Barrientos

Michael Baxter, why have you deleted my post? I asked how is this possible if Chelsea Clinton was hanged on No . 8th if she just ran a marathon in NY on the same day WITH her parents by her side??? I want to believe what is being posted . I am a patriot and a Trump supporter but I have questions. Please refrain from deleting my questions.

Angelina Barrientos

I accept your answer Mr. Baxter. Truth is hard to come by now a days and there will be questions. A lot of scratching heads and doubts when we are all seeing one thing and reading another. I pray all intel is correct and we will be seeing great things happening in the near future. God Bless you.

Sue Grantham

Robin Williams was coming forward with the truth on Pedowood. He isn’t dead, he is in hiding.


When is the public going to see these trials ,millions of people are suffering who have done nothing wrong , Trumps coming back , white hats, med beds, quantum qfs , Q, EBS, dumbs and so on enough is enough ,let the people of the world see, for me wheels are coming off the cart very fast now !


They can’t handle it !


“I’m a mother.” Hard to imagine fathering children with that. Eeeewwww yuck.

Angela James

It’s hard to believe that someone who can traffic children and turn a blind eye to their torture, rape, and murder could be a mother at all.


I sure hope it’s not genetic like it was/is with the Bush’s. Those two Bush girls are pumping out babies right and left. This country needs the TRUTH now.


“It was my mother and Bill.” Bill, not “dad”. She apparently knew Willy wasn’t her real father.


I noted that immediately, too! Very telling! Webb Hubbell is most likely her real Dad…she looks just like him.

Sue Grantham

I’m relieved to know she will never be able to do anything like this again. Praise God Almighty.
Nagging question, as ridiculous as this may sound 🤣: Michael-would you happen to know her last meal? 🤔

Sue Grantham

No one is allowed to ask questions?
You should tell people what an asshat you are with your own green acres comparisons. You seem to be the pig in that scenario


It is kind of weird even compared to OWD. You think it might be a satanist deep state recipe by request ? However she did run in the NYC marathon on Sunday . Did pretty well too. You think running is a pre requisite for being a body double ?


As the world turns…


At a “cleaning” rate of one per week, how many years will it take to prune the (more than) 10,000 evils ? 200 years ?

Sue Grantham

The military has been carrying out tribunals for the last 4 years; GTMO isn’t the only military tribunal place either. DelFuego (sp) is another. 100s have been dealt with.


Does anyone have a list ? Who is keeping count ? When ?


After what most of us know about what these freaks do to children, there’s no reason to try and rehabilitate any of them – its fruitless and a moot point.
They all need to go to the gallows.

Grace is pulling mahairout

Great Story Sir √ There was this sense of relief reading it. Then the second to the last paragraph…. BOOM 😮 It was light the end of a Horror Flick. Scared me,, LOL.. Michael??? Are they really gone,😵‍💫 But what about The CHILDREN , Bloodline .. Rockafellers 🤔


That would be “capital punishment” not “capitol punishment.” The “Capitol” refers to the building in DC where the House and Senate meet.

Sue Grantham

So relieved there’s grammar police close by🙄


Oh damn. And Killary was grooming her to be queen. Hate it when that happens.


The role of the Biden actors would be interesting. Getting to meet and greet ‘dignitaries’ particularly overseas. Meeting the ‘Pope’. Playing to a huge audience. Good money. The only downside would be execution or life imprisonment for impersonating a supposed Head of State. Any takers?

The option would by ok if they were employed by the Good Guys.


Yes Chelsea, You are a mother! Hang tight sweetie!


She finished under 4 hours at the NYC marathon , her first .

Sue Grantham

And last 🤣🤣🤣


Sounds like she was out and alive for it, not in Gitmo?


“Spell out the details” for Americans have a right to know!


Of the race ?


Only if this was all true

Daughter of the American Revolution

I usually have a good eye for CGI but I just saw a clip of Gen. Berger and another marine (on Telegram)…where Berger is saying he needs all marines to get the vaccine, and he trusts it and its safe. I can’t detect a deep fake, it looks real!

No mention that he cares a fig about Nuremberg or Constitutional or Human rights there. My head is spinning, I hope Yeshua comes sooner rather than later, so sick of all the deception…

Last edited 2 years ago by Daughter of the American Revolution
Daughter of the American Revolution

Edit: I compared more closely the video of Berger to the photo, there are some… omg, so very subtle differences – but it’s so close it’s disturbing. And the only reason I can think Berger himself would support and want to enforce the jabs … well I don’t want to go there yet. Praying for this nation, BOY the deception is THICK.


Please don’t skip dosage of your medications to save money. Use them as directed.


If he looks real then you can imagine all the others that are . It only takes one to blow up the doubles ,CGI, clone theories .

Daughter of the American Revolution

False logic, you’re also discounting Deep fake vids and a lot of other evidence, not to mention body doubles have always been used even before that tech – and Biden is definitely not actually Biden. I examine all evidence and wait for more, so its pointless trying to convert or demoralize me. My faith is in God not man.

Sue Grantham

I use to be somewhat suspicious of CGI, etc
On October 10, 2021, 60 Minutes had an episode and dedicated 15 minutes to CGI
after watching it, I realized EVERYTHING ON MY TV is and can be, and probably has been easily manipulated by CGI I’m freaked out that 60 Minutes actually showed this to their audience, like they are preparing to unload some crazy stuff soon 😳

Last edited 2 years ago by Sue Grantham

Isn’t 60 Minutes deep state? MSM to be sure.

Daughter of the American Revolution

Agree. I’ve worked in the entertainment industry and have a trained eye at observation. I’m only a bit behind because I’ve been out of it for a few years – but the leaps in technology amazes me. From all the stuff I’ve seen on Telegram though, yes indeed it’s FAR too realistic; frankly it’s pandora’s box – that technology should never have been developed, but …. people are evil so develop such things in order to screw the whole world for their own gain. SMH


Mr. Baxter, Do we rightly presume Chelsea’s bitter tongue was either equal or worse than Andrew Cuomo’s tongue? Based on Rear Adm. Crandall’s interruption of Chelsea’s court room drama, did your source(s) contribute anything more from Chelsea such as “a final statement” either in the courtroom or at the moment a hanging rope dropped over her head?

Deb S


Deb S

your mom

Lorenz Manner

All these devils have to pay for what they have done and destroyed. They have ruined lives of people and families, innocent children who were tormented and killed to satisfy their pleasures. Doing all these devilish deeds they also earned dirty money. They deserve the punishment of the law. Drain the swamp!

Deb S

dirty deeds done dirt cheap!

joe blow

They killed Shrek’s donkey !

Deb S


Deb S

tfw the gqp can’t keep their stories straight about a disappearing politician:


Chris Russ

24/7 1-866-293-0962

Sandy Koufax

Chelsea must have gotten word that Bill and Hillary died at Gitmo and that they would come for her eventually. Child trafficking must have been an all consuming passion for her.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sandy Koufax

The law needs to be changed to any child from any country not just the US. Kids are the same the world over.

Deb S



I think that you have a good point
A HUMAN anywhere in the world should have the same rights.
Change the law to reflect that


Child trafficking to or from any country in the world.
We have to put a stop to this.

Buck fiden

I’m not a fucking greaser, spic, beaner, tacobending illegal POS!
And FYI, Spiccanese is a European (ie WHITE) language last I checked.
Too bad Mexicans speak it so poorly. American pubic schools are awful, nigger nests of brainwashing. Spic schools don’t teach spics how to spell, and Spanish is damned near 100% phonetic! Dumbasses they are!

Doc John

Now that leave Chelsea’s little brother as the sole survivor…Oh, I forgot, Monica swallowed him!

Deb S

wow clever. did you get that from FB?


You forgot Bill had no part to play in her conception.


Doc, you sure have a very impish sense of humor. 😂😂😂



Doc John

Say Hi to your mom for us!

Deb S


Sue Grantham

You assume that no one can type on her Twitter account other than Chelsea
Your depth of knowledge is a puddle 🙄


Spartacus says……

Bee Bennett

Thank You Michael, I am so anxious for President Trump to return, but I understand each one has to go before he can come back. And there are so many. Still praying for Soros, and Pelosi, and Obama, and Fauci to be part of the Swift Justice. So thankfull for the Delta Forces and Military Tribunals carrying out the insurrection act and sealed indictments left by Trump. Praise God for the process to be Completed…

Deb S

trump will be back #soon according to my sources


Can we still say imminent ?


RRN did not feel it necessary to spell out the details of the actual hanging as they were remarkably like those of other Deep State agents whose lives ended at the gallows.”

Lol MB is really starting to phone these in, I guess there’s only so many ways you can write a description of a hanging.


Not very perceptive of you.

He did that for lots of reasons having nothing to do with his creativity. ( or the alleged lack thereof).

Wise decision on his part.

For one thing lots of folks thought of her as an innocent child.
And much more.


Yeah I mean why waste your time writing out all the details when people keep sending the donations either way.

Deb S

i donated more because he left out the gory details


Spot on decision, good riddance. When the children cried for their mother zero empathy from these demonic beings.

Deb S

go check out her breastfeeding class

Proudly Unaffiliated

At long last, the Clinton crime wave is over. Yes, there will be much more mess to mop up but the main actors have been punished and can no longer harm anyone else. This is a MAGA moment.

Deb S

so fascism? great work!


All these chatty people here and no one will answer you . Imagine that .

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

QAnon- “The longer we wait, the more of them we can catch.” Yeah, no shit, there’s going to be more of them you can catch. You can wait a whole decade, and then half the people on the planet will be possessed by demons, and then congrats to you buddy your entire species will be trying to eat each other, but yeah, you’re going to be able to catch more of them. Fucking imbecile this kind of thinking is why the Muslims will control more land than the Christians by the end of the 21st century.

Buck fiden

At the glacial rate we’re going in now, Q may as well be fucking Methuselah!
(Is “Methuselah” Kike for “Meth User”? Is that how he got to be so old?)

If nothing else more children will be neglected and abused . What if it happens tonight or tomorrow to someone because no one has moved on arresting them . Longer you wait for people to be ready the more will suffer .

Sue Grantham

IMO- it’s the children’s story of human trafficking that will unite the citizens of the world; its going to be the cushion and basis for the EBS.
It doesn’t matter what race or creed, which party, organization or political position you’re with, when it comes to the children, there’s a human instinct to defend, protect and seek justice for our most vulnerable. Humanity will unite as one force against all evil. This will show the child monsters, they will be forever hunted and eradicated.


Of course it doesn’t matter but you did not answer my question about children being hurt and neglected because of all the waiting for the right time. We could arrest them as soon as possible but if not they could be hurt later today or tomorrow. They have to wait because the general public can’t handle it now? Why?


Don’t forget to donate to unlock “Patriots Only” stories and details! There is so much more to read about how she spent her last hours. What she said as she begged for her life! Who else she said was involved! Hints and clues to new stories!
Donate now and get your MOTB number!


At least MB is earning the money, unlike Ziden and his ilk that collude and take pay-to-play money form the Chicoms for their big utopian plan to control the world via Marxism. Gee, do you think you are a barking up the wrong tree??!!


Impersonating someone and asking for donations in their behalf is a crime,doesn´t matter if he is another corrupt agent, he is not untouchable,there will be consequences if Michael Baxter or his contributors decide it´s time to take action against him.

Buck fiden

Lighten up, Kike-ass. MB can roll with the punches. Tedless generates electricity, up and down votes, promotes conversations, interest and therefore donations.


Naw…he just faux impersonates as an associate of michaels. He’s guilty as charged. None of this generates electricity stuff…but nice try shillin for a turd.

Deb S

lmao no


Good point!

Deb S


take pay-to-play money form the Chicoms for their big utopian plan to control the world via Marxism


Buck fiden

Great Idea! BONUS CONTENT for premium/VIP donors! Do we get to stream these executions?

Deb S

hell yes*!



next up…gavin newsom or better yet fauci, or that other governors that killed a lot of elderly for the cov count. And I hope all the actor, comedians, employers, pharmacies, nurses, dr’s, and anyone else pushing the vaxx see their dog day. EVEN IF THEY WERE JUST DOING THEIR JOB. that would teach the world of criminal murderers they can’t get away with “just doing my job” crap, when they know it’s not good…AND THEY (nurses and dr’s) KNEW IT WAS A BAD THING TO JAB PEOPLE WITH BECAUSE NOW THEY ARE CRYING AND SCREAMING, NOW THAT THEY HAVE TO TAKE IT BY FORCE TO KEEP THEIR JOBS. JUST SHOW US THAT THEY KNEW AND WERE JUST DOING THEIR JOB TO KILL PEOPLE FOR PAY.

Last edited 2 years ago by AmericanFaith
Deb S

MTG said newsome is alive. whoooooooops

Sue Grantham

Military already arrest Dr Birx aka scarf dr.
Wonder what’s happening with her? Wonder if she cooperated and that’s why Fauci’s diabolical secrets were divulged??


And the very best of all, she was told she will join her mother on the other side.
And they both are there, in the abyss with everybody else who have done wrong to humanity, specially all of those who will join them soon.

Deb S

“specially” your mom


The military tribunal trials convictions and executions are accelerating
Thank GOD for the Righteously courageous members of JAG and All members involved in the Apprehension of child killers and Traitors to our Nation; and thank GOD for M. Baxter and RRN.

Deb S

thank god for “MT”


I am happy to see that All three Clinton’s are gone!
Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton, all got what they deserved.
Justice has been reported.
I look forward to Obama, Biden, George SOROS, Nancy Pelosi, Upchuck Schumer, and all the other Hollywood pedophiles,human traffickers and others being arrested and sent to military tribunal for crime’s against humanity


If you close your eyes and use your imagination you can pretend they’re all dead already! It’s the same effect as several month from now when you pretend they’re all dead because Michael Baxter will have written a bunch more of there repetitive articles about them being hanged or whatever.


Trolls such as yourself are in denial.
I am satisfied, justice has been served. Period,… Next !
I only look forward to others being executed
Who had planned to reduce the excess population of the planet “the Deep State/Cabal ” involved in the Mass genocide of the world by way of the Bio Weapon. Created in the Wuhan lab in China..
This just the first chapter…
We are just getting started.
JUSTICE will NOT be denied.
Then we move on to the pharmaceutical companies
Then the child and human Trafficking.
Then the crooked politicians around the globe.
EVIL will be rooted out…


Approximately how many people have to be executed ? All of congress ? All Democrats?


Well I am glad to hear you are satisfied, because nothing has changed really, all the “executed” people are still here and in their same jobs and stuff, but if you feel better pretending those ae just clones or whatever then more power to ya, I guess.


They never answer the hard questions , do they ?

Deb S


boris said

Baxster you are so full of shit ! you print Lies just to get real American patriots to send you there hard earned $$$ , your Fake news , you should be hung for all your Bull Shit Lies !


The operation is still covert. You won’t find the reports on TV news, nor will G00gle provide the evidence because 90% of the media is owned by globalists that are trying to collapse our country . . . because they want what we have.


How did the Newsome news make it to Fox?

Deb S

it won’t be on google but it’ll #soon be on DDG. got it


Sue Grantham

I believe that the military has issued NSA Gag Orders, if violated, mandatory military prison sentences.


Yet here you are


Then leave. And don’t come back…

Deb S

cry more snowflake


SO why are you here?
Calm down.
Does it hurt to be a Troll?….loser


And Brian Stelter weighs in, accompanied by James McCarville

Irish Girl

I think it’s interesting the time – 9 days – that JAG deliberated on her sentence. While I’m not typically a patient person, I have to think this indicates the uncompromising adherence to maintain the letter and spirit of the law.
Kinda different from the other side, isn’t it?


Not really, no. It’s cuz it’s Chelsea. Left wingers would over freak about xcuting her. Folks think she’s an innocent baby.
It’s faux eggshell walking 🥚 🐣

I think she had blood on her whole person, from treason to adrenochrome harvesting, and much, much, much more.

This piece has some creative spin to it probably from the white hats. To keep the peace.

Daughter of the American Revolution

Things are moving faster..hoping this means it will be broadcast far and wide soon…


Oh count on it .

Deb S
