Military Convicts Marc Mezvinsky


Marc Mezvinsky, Chelsea Clinton’s widowed husband, entered Guantanamo Bay’s south courtroom Friday morning in handcuffs and with a bewildered look on his unshaven face. Walking beside him was Amy Sandgrund-Fisher, a Clinton Foundation attorney whose resume lacks any background in criminal defense.

Absent the tribunal was Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall, who had excused himself to prepare for George W. Bush’s highly anticipated trial on December 8. In his stead, Rear Adm. Christopher French, himself an accomplished prosecutor, represented the prosecution before an all-female, 3-officer panel tasked with weighing the evidence against Mezvinsky.

The trial began with Sandgrund-Fisher making a statement on her client’s behalf. She attacked JAG and the OMC for backing out on a plea deal that, she said, they never intended to honor in the first place.

“You dangled a carrot in Mr. Mezvinsky’s face, then yanked it away after he testified against his now deceased wife. This tribunal’s behavior is not only unethical, but frankly illegal. You deceived my client under false pretenses, and I respectfully ask all charges against him be dismissed,” Sandgrund-Fisher said.

But Rear Adm. French seemed unimpressed with her argument.

“Your client’s deal was contingent and conditional, requiring he be truthful and not withhold information. We scrapped the deal because he lied under oath and withheld information pertinent to our investigation into Clinton crimes. An investigation that didn’t stop with Chelsea Clinton’s conviction. Marc Mezvinsky got a fair chance to come clean. He betrayed that chance. And we, therefore, have the right of revocation,” Rear Adm. French countered.

He asserted that Mezvinsky’s prior claims of “I just destroyed evidence for the Clintons” were perjuries meant to shield him from a potential prison sentence, or worse. Rear Adm. French produced two MacBooks the military had seized during a raid on Chelsea’s luxurious Manhattan condominium, and asked Mezvinsky, directly, whether the laptops were his property.

“Please direct your questions to me and not to my client, as I am representing him,” Sandgrund-Fisher barked.

“Very well, are these your client’s computers,” Rear Adm. French asked.

Sandgrund-Fisher denied knowledge of the laptops, arguing that the defense had been denied discovery privilege, and instructed Mezvinsky to keep silent.

Rear Adm. French pointed out that the Apple IDs on both computers matched Mezvinsky’s email address. Digital forensic experts at U.S. Army Cyber Command, Fort Gordon, Georgia, had cracked Mezvinsky’s passcodes and gained unfettered access to files on the machines. He showed the panel an email Mezvinsky sent to Hillary Clinton in July 2019.

“Dear esteemed HRC and mother-in-law,” the email began, “I have considered our conversation and have thoughts on your idea of transporting subjects from Haiti into the U.S. via South America. I assume it is your goal to maximize potential profit while mitigating risk of exposure. I think the Haiti angle has been played to fruition and should be abandoned, and it would be more prudent, though not necessarily less costly, to import from countries such as the Ukraine, Lithuania, and Latvia, as opposed to pushing the Haitian angle any farther. We know from experience that subjects from Eastern Europe command a higher price and, commensurately, have a greater margin of profit. Our third-party dealers agree. No matter what, these kids will have a better life than they have now,” the email concluded.

A response from an anonymous Gmail account—purportedly Hillary Clinton’s—answered: “What’s wrong with you? You’re saying too much. Follow protocol.”

Mezvinsky’s computer also held 500 photographs of young children whose complexion suggested they were from Eastern Europe. Mezvinsky had given each a “star” rating—from 1-to-5—ostensibly based on physical attractiveness. Notes in the metadata said “easy to move,” “difficult to move,” and “perhaps we should eliminate,” along with undecipherable text.

“I submit to this panel that Marc Mezvinsky lied under oath, thus forfeiting any agreement made by JAG and the OMC and did far more than get rid of evidence. He actively aided the Clintons in choosing children to abduct, sell, and profit from in a child sex ring that probably continues to this day. The computers belonged to him, the emails have his signature, and this alone proves our case,” Rear Adm. French said.

The panel agreed. And it decreed, with Rear Adm. French’s consent, that Marc Mezvinsky will spend the rest of his life in prison, at Guantanamo Bay, without the possibility of parole.

UPDATE: It was later determined by JAG/OMC that Mezvinsky did not admit to his full involvement. His sentence was amended, and he was hanged to death 17 days later. I have ceased reporting on each and every hanging because they are all very similar.

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This all sounds like a cheap novel

S gamaj

Just saw Bill Clinton and Killarney and Chelsea and mark live on TV singing and jacking off as some freak of nature artist on the stage singing to him and convincing him it’s you can pull your cock out if you want to Mr. President I don’t mind

Apparently they stuck some viagra in his ass and that brought him back to life


Did anyone else hear that a member of the Trump family had been kidnapped, found and returned with no physical injuries? Taking it further… does anyone out there believe that Barron is not really Melania’s son? When I heard that I had to take a look and there is not much resemblance between the 2 of them. So many theories so little proof.


These People think we are all Putty in their Evil Hands…


Imagine what kind of twisted upbringing you have to have to find Chelsea Clinton attractive in any sort of way, especially after discovering the level of her criminality and lack of remorse. Not to mention all the money she wasted on plastic surgery and still looked busted. What a loser this dude is. Now somebody else can raise his kids because they were losers. Probably the best thing for those kids is to be raised by somebody not a filthy child trafficking criminal.

Angel Askew

That GlobalSTL is deep state lobbyists from Israel and Monsanto. Nothing good will come from that. They are stroking Parsons to gain a foothold in one of the last resource rich and remote areas in our country.
They’ve exploited our coastlines now they want to gut our belly.
If military doesn’t step in now it’s over.

Israel is too small for Israel.


Welp guess it’s over, we had a good run though didn’t we guys 🙂

Angel Askew

Your consistent cognitive dissonance is always a treat, Jay.

Go read about NATO and Biden now threatening Russia at the Ukraine border. Putin told them they’d better back up with their little practice exercises and threats.


You think ?
Just like anything Else, there MUST be Balance.
It is not over… Not yet
Remember the Jing and the Yang. !


Well said!


I like the part about getting the $600.00. Best!


Finally, The End is in Sight of Global SRC Abuse & The Satanic Church of Rome & It’s Lying Pizo Bible Code Writing Fanilies

From Antiquity Unveiled  1892 page 93        

No such person as Jesus of Nazareth existed in the time of Jewish Historian – Flavius Josephus. The reference to Jesus of Nazareth fraudulently interpolated by some Christian copier of his history.

Quote by Josephus through full trance mediumship circa 1890

“The only alternative for those who still persist in the work of concealment Is, whether they will confess this truth before mortals, or whether they will wait to be forced to confess it before the immortal spirits. It is only a question of time.  To all these so called spiritual leaders I will say, you will have to return to the only religion ever given by God to man, and that is Direct Communication with the spirit world pure and uncontaminated with pride and selfishness.
This is the Christ–this is the Messiah–this is the light–that is to save all men.”

Yours for the perpetuation of truth, Josephus

But Josephus Knew The Spiritual Law Giver & Healer Who Visited Most Of The World
Born 2 AD Died 98 AD He Was An Essene Not A Jew.

The Scrolls Have Not Been Fully Disclosed !!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee



Something else that will be forgotten in a day or two.

Angel Askew

The Essenes were definitely the peaceful vegan hippies of the tribes.
Are you suggesting Jesus should be debunked based on a Jewish Historians’ meditation from the late 1800’s?

Is that supposed to cancel out Constantine’s dream of Jesus he had on the way to Rome that was so profound he marked all the armies shields with the cross in red and conquered the Roman Empire in the name of Jesus Christ rescuing all the Christians in the catacombs from Nero and the pagans persecution and live sacrifices?

I’m flattered you build off previous posts. May it spark many more readers minds into seeking truth.


Yep you heard it from Zee, folks. Jesus does not exist and never has. Jesus is a metaphor for talking directly to God through 5-D ascension or something. And more importantly he was DEFINITELY NOT JEWISH.

Anyways why have the scrolls not been fully disclosed? What’s the big holdup? Fully disclose the scrolls already, jeez. 😠


So you proclaim that Jesus Christ does not exist and never has. Interesting. Does God exist? Does Satan exist? Why or why not? What’s your source for your information that you reply from?

If you’re truly open to being fully informed, you might take a look at “A Skeptic’s Search for God” and see what you think about that.

Angel Askew

I believe he was mocking the original post from “Zee”
TU for the reading referral!

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

Lol I’m not proclaiming that, I’m just going off of whatever that nonsense was Zee posted above.


There appears to be only 2 positions:

The ‘Big Bangers’ who believe that everything in existence came into being from an explosion of an unfathomably tiny bit of matter into the void surrounding it billions of years ago. Their position is basically a ‘craps shoot’ of random chance and ‘evolution’. In all this, they have no explanation of what happened before this event.

The ‘Bible Thumpers’ believe an all-powerful Individual created everything from nothing by Their Spoken Words of Intelligent Design. This is all recorded in the KJV Bible in a memorable, straightforward manner in the opening verses of Genesis. They accept by faith that everything in existence sprang forth from this Individual and do not have any alternate explanations. When they are jeered and ridiculed for their beliefs in Someone they ‘are sure doesn’t exist’, the believers calmly point to Psalms 14:1 which calls such people ‘fools’.

So both camps are at an impasse. To resolve this deadlock, Pascal offers his Wager

and the Apostle Peter offers his defense of his faith thusly:

1Pe 4:18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?


Yeah ! some research before you post jay…now go stand in a corner and stay there

Your awareness of your awareness is your soul!

Are the White Hats going to have their Hillary Clinton actress be the next president??? I’m on the edge of my seat!!!

Angel Askew

Fun fact shared by General McInerney today:
Go to Wikipedia
Compare “Cultural Marxism” 2014 definition to it’s 2020 definition.

These people think they own you. Now its all for “antisemitism??

I am a nobody but boy oh boy the more I seek the truth…


I’ve enjoyed your well-informed posts Angel A. Blessings to you today and always.

Angel Askew

Thank you for appreciating my humble effort, David. Blessings to you and yours as well, neighbor.

Angel Askew


MEDBEDS to launch 1/2022!!!

Benevolent beings???
The. Unvaxxed will go first.
I dunno…


I already pre-ordered mine! So excited 🙂


Is it covered by Medicare ?


Nah it’s not affiliated with Medicare, the pre-order is by exclusive invitation only. Like, really exclusive. Honestly, if you have to ask, you’re not getting in on the pre-order. You gotta know the right people. Or rather, in this case, you gotta know the right benevolent extra-terrestrial entities.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay

You have to be really well connected.


Being #1 on the Official List of Shills and Trolls is not without its perks 😎


Always the bridesmaid, never the bride…


Tell the Truth.
You have to know.
Val Nek.


Val op de Nek Hudl. Anu ye del dhu Naki biru Val? 😉


Are you fully vaxed? And have you been boostered.?


Medicare ? Yes I do.


MedBeds. , not Medicare. ,… So the answer is you have no clue.
Better do some research..
And get back to me.


NO, YOU can not qualify
For you don’t have a good attitude


You got me there, good thing I don’t need one. Is Simon Parkes really in charge of them?

Lucky Star

See, you received a respond from one troll followed by another troll… funny right, willing to be used as tool


We rehearse a lot .

Angel Askew

Not all comments deserve a reply. MEDBEDS are a fascinating concept, if real. First time I’ve seen a public launch date and details of treatment.

The “pre-ordering” comment is a lie.


Nope I already got my pre-order locked in. Just because you didn’t get an invite to the pre-order doesn’t mean it’s not happening, like I said the invites are highly exclusive.


Didn’t Howard Hughes invent the med bed?


Very good post and share of valuable information

Kelly Knauth Brown

Jay and the C’aNoNs are having a rough time with this and Jack Dorsey. They wanna believe the pedos and crackheads are still alive…otherwise their identity is gone.


Nah that’s no big deal, in the event that my identity is gone I can just get a new one. In fact the clone replacement corp offers that service, if needed I’ll just check the ‘new identity’ box when I order my next clone body 🙂

Kelly Brown

I’m really starting to believe you are one of them. There’s plenty of fake websites I read to entertain myself and I have never ever felt the need…not even once…to tell the authors what they wrote were fan fiction. I just accepted that something on the internet is fake and it ended there. No one in their right mind would EVER waste the amount of time you do on trying to prove a website was fake. No one…you wouldn’t even be able to find an example of it.


Different people are entertained by different things. I rarely ever watch TV because I find hardly any of it interesting. This kooky conspiracy crap, on the other hand, is fascinating to me. Make of that what you will, I guess 🙂


I really think that these nuts on here are so depressed that they need to make up insane stories to explain why others are successful. They are so jealous of successful people that they make up these alien and pedo stories to make themselves feel better. Sour grapes.


Yeah, sort of a “They’re not better than me, I’m better than them! They’re only successful because they cheated!” mentality, in which the cheating is siding with aliens or adrenochrome or whatever they might imagine it to be.

Likewise with all their problems, really. The conspiracies excuse away their problems as no fault of their own, and simultaneously give them hopium that said problems will be instantly resolved and reversed any day now. “I’m not rich only because the Globalist Bankers are oppressing me, but I’ll be a billionaire once NESARA/GESARA finally kicks in!” Or “all my health problems were intentionally created by big pharma/5G/etc. But soon we’ll have med beds which will fix all my health issues instantly! And they will also rewrite my DNA or something to make me younger and skinnier and more good-looking!”

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay
Lucky Star

He paid to do it…so just see them as clown, an entertainment from low life scumbag and their children are so proud to have a troll as their dad… don’t over think them as a valuable human being… just have fun see their empty brain

Kelly Knauth Brown

He’s either paid or he’s a pedophile. The dedication to debunking RRN is astounding…


When Evergrande went bankrupt, there also went the funds for the clone replacement Corp.
They cut you off.! All. TROLLS and Shills have to take better of their clones.. Gotta make sure that they last


Lol no they didn’t, I just got a new replacement last week! Got all the bells and whistles on this one too, it’s working out great so far 🙂


When will Nancy Pelosi be arrested & sent to Gitmo?


When you donate enough money to the RRN GiveSendGo page 😉


Do some research… she was seen in the custody of US Marshalls in January. The list said she got life.


Latest rumor from the Way Out There machine. Democrats trying to figure out how to get rid of Joe and install Hillary as POTUS.


Lol no they aren’t. This makes no sense, Hillary is not in the line of succession.

Angel Askew

Kamala is disqualified due to citizenship requirements.


loool she’s so disqualified that she’s already VP and has been for 11 months, sure that makes sense.


She was born in the USA, not Canada. Doesn’t mean I trust her, or half the politicians in DC whose roots go back 22 generations. Unless both of her parents were naturalized citizens at any point in their lives.

Angel Askew

Her parents were not naturalized.


No way. I seriously doubt that she has the intelligence capacity greater than that of an aphid.


A impostor was placed as fake president and you think Harris’s non citizenship disqualifications will stop a non functioning democratic party from placing her!

Angel Askew

I understand Buydone Team is already looking into offering her the first Supreme Justice seat to start packing the court. She has to be enticed to leave.
It is the “smoother” way.
He’s demolished everything else that he DOES have power over. Why wouldn’t he expose her lack of qualifications? It serves his purpose.

Chris Russ

You obviously aren’t intelligent enough to figure out the possibility of this.


Please share . Oh wait Hilary is alive ?


They can’t get anything straight on here. Is she dead or alive? Can Hillary be the next President? Is the White House in Georgia? Is Trump still running the country from a golf course?

Rob William

It’s a collision of parallel universes – people keep crossing universes causing tremendous confusion! Is Hillary working with Lex Luthor in another universe?


Will the Marvel and DC universes collide ?


You want a straight answer..?
Everything is Bidens fault
The Government is corrupt
Congress is corrupt
The CIA and FBI is corrupt
The Courts are Corrupt
The Big Banks are Corrupt
Cps is corrupt
THE IRS is on the take
Mandates are illegal
VAX don’t stop transmission
Inflation is out of control

Angel Askew

I can see Pelosi step away to give HRC the throne. Maybe that’s why the Pelosi’s just put $25 mill on a house on Jupiter Island in Florida? So much for climate change…



Angel Askew



Pelosi is either ashes or waiting to be incinerated.

Angel Askew

Right! Ha! Please know when I talk about these people I assume if they are captured or dead we are publicly living with the paid actors who are now doing their masters bidding.

However, I don’t recall MB reporting a successful capture of Pelgrossi? Only the double at the SF home.


There was a double at her home is because she was no longer able to be at her home. Last I heard locked up in Iceland.


If they REALLY wanted to they could force HRC into the line of succession by having all the Dem house members vote for her to be Speaker of the House or something. But that shit is not happening man. HRC is not popular and they Dems know it, they would not attempt something that dumb.

Besides don’t you idiots believe she’s dead? Wouldn’t that make it impossible already from your view?



Chris Russ

If Hillary was alive. Kamala can be “encouraged” to step down, citing personal and or health reasons. Paid off and never to heard from again. Then someone of their choosing can be installed as VP. Four months or so from then, Biden announces he is physically unable to perform the duties required. Jill is then paid off to stay quiet and away. Then the newly installed VP becomes president.
This plan came from a person that has predicted at a 99% success rate.
Why do you care so much what others believe or don’t believe? That is a question you need to ponder.


Ouch, that’s gotta hurt.! Jay….


Yes my feelings have been deeply deeply hurt by having my intelligence questioned by this guy who believes Hillary Clinton is dead but also somehow belives there is a chance that Hillary Clinton is about to become President 🤷‍♂️


Hillary was hung awhile ago. Are they still watching MSM.?
Crazy world of politics we live in.!

Angel Askew

Her paid actor double.
Remember, she is just a puppet anyway.


The DemonRats need to kill themselves before the next. Updated poll #’s are available.
They will be slaughtered like the sewer RATS they are.



Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
J Bill

Latest from RRN re: HRC – not exactly “alive and kicking.”


Mercy shown to any of these people is misplaced. Left alive, there is always the posibility that one of them could escape or be rescued by the same dark forces. Shoot him through the head and be done with it.

Rob William

That will severely constrain the possible storylines – it will require too many miracles to bring the people back. Better to keep them alive for the next seasons.


Readership most likely increased


Lol look at how mad people are when one of these fake articles doesn’t end with an execution. MB if you really want to rile people up you should write a tribunal article where Gavin Newsom is acquitted of all charges 😀


Crazy to be a Shill Jay


Mike and I don’t want to end every story with a murder for exactly the reason why you see so many comments. We want to get the comments going and drive up the click through rate.


Makes sense! Ted, please pass my idea along to Michael. I can see it now: Rear Admiral Crandall’s close and methodical examination of the evidence reveals, surprisingly, that Newsom actually was framed – just like he said. The tribunal’s decision is swift and unanimous, Newsom acquitted of all charges. Crandall apologizes to him personally for everything they have put him through. JAG immediately flies him back to the CA governor’s mansion to resume his job running CA.

Just think of the flurry of furious responses that would get, clickthrough rates would be through the roof!


Life in prison is too good for any person contributing to the rape, torture and death of children. He should be facing a firing squad.


Anyone else see Hunter Biden standing next to his mom when they delivered the 2021 Christmas Tree at the White House? I’m sorry I meant to say Clone- mask wearing-CGI- body double Hunter Biden.


A Christmas miracle !!




Oh Delta, you sweet naive fool, that Hunter was obviously a hologram of a clone-mask-wearing-CGI body double.


Triple crown of identity trickery!

Kelly Knauth Brown

You NEED these pedophiles and crackheads to be alive like you need air. It’s absolutely amazing to every one of us in here how you need these people to be alive.


Lol you have this backwards, Kelly. I exist in the real world and I don’t care about Hunter Biden at all. You’re the one who NEEDS Hunter to be dead (when he clearly isn’t) because your whole worldview is balanced on this goofy fan-fiction wordpress blog written by an obvious con artist.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay

Trolls accomplish nothing when they spread seeds of doubt.
The readers can make up their own minds and do the research.

Kelly Knauth Brown

You are def a pedo.


I personally revile everyone ever mentioned on this site and believe they are responsible for the greatest evil acts committed in the 20th and 21st century.
I just don’t believe for one second that a single one has faced the tiniest form of justice, nor will they in this world, and I sure as hell don’t believe all the excuses of cgi alien lizard pod-people clones every time one of these stories falls apart.


SO YOU DON’T BELIEVE that a single one has faced the tiniest form of Justice?
This site draws those who are interested in justice.
ROMANS 12: 17
GOD will judge and punish, not us.

A military tribunal and swift justice on the “blog”, has readers return.

Also Trolls spreading seeds of doubt.
Your name appears on the list as a Troll.


Please see my post above, it’s a challenge to his assertion.


If not a single one has faced justice, then please explain if, NoName had brain cancer diagnosed on July 17, 2017 and died on August 25, 2018, and the next day, August 26,, 2018 Ohio Governor John Kasich tells Chris Cuomo on CNN that, “It’s been 24 hours since John McCain was put to death….”
NoName’s daughter, Meghan McCain, said when she was on The View in 2019 reading a list of names from a movie about political assassinations, and she gets to her dad’s name, saying, “You can’t kill him again, but whatever….”
Cancer is a thing, not a person. Although both can kill, once one is dead, one cannot be killed twice. So what, or who, is she referring to about killing her dad again?
Tell me how NoName did not face justice for multiple counts of treason in wartime (Vietnam Hanoi Hilton) and peacetime (Syria). Even the Syrian and Middle Eastern news networks are calling NoName the Godfather of ISIS. In America, Independent media has reported that NoName is the founder, funder and supporter of ISIS, Al-Nusra and Al-Qaeda.
Not to mention the fact that it’s been reported that he was protecting sex traffickers in Arizona with his good buddy, Jeff Flake, who also was protecting them; while his wife, Cindy McCain, was speaking out against human trafficking and appeared in public hearings to bolster her fight against it. There is an article somewhere that someone mentioned about his trafficking children at his home — still trying to search for it. Considering NoName was quite probably a secret society member, it would make sense that his nefarious activities would include trafficking young persons for others to commit sex crimes and crimes against humanity. And he was chummy with Hillary, the adrenochrome queen.

Angel Askew

Well said Xena.
I saw those “he was killed” clips too.
Many photos with him in Middle East with Osama bin ladin and others laughing and smiling too.




Thank you, OWD.

Kelly Knauth Brown

What’s funny is how none of us give a fuck if you believe us or not, but the deniers of RRN are HELL BENT on debunking this website. I mean Jay is here by the minute…everyday. To be honest, you both look like serious pedophiles…after awhile you can only read so many desperate posts debunking people like Hunter’s death…it’s really not that important to anyone except you two. I think you guys are both serious pedophiles and really afraid that if these stories are true, you’re next. It’s obvious to us.


How about me ? I always get left out .




.I remember to list you…


We still love you Exile. You are at the top of our lists.


Glad that my efforts are noticed .

Terminally deplorable

Hate to break it to you. You dont even qualify for the bottom of the barrel.


Fame is so fleeting .


Lmao, Kelly, I didn’t post on here at all for the past 5 days until this morning. You yourself asked just yesterday why I haven’t been around, you goofball 🙂

But again, I don’t think Hunter Biden is a good person, nor do I really give a shit about him at all. Stating the obvious that a person is alive is not a defense of that person. Again, I just think it’s funny that you believe he’s a CGI clone or whatever because the grifter wordpress blog told you so.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay
Kelly Brown

Yeah right. You’re either a satanic pedophile or smoke crack or both. It’s the only explanation for your behavior!


That comment explains how you only see people as in agreement with you or a satanic pedophile. Who hurt you and what are you doing to get better?

Kelly Brown

Yeah right, you’re a pedophile. It’s the only reason anyone would come here and not want any of this stuff to be going down. That’s just my opinion, man. And I think MB and the military would agree.


I believe that you are right over the TARGET
Exile, Ted. DELTA , Jay, hanging with Matty and Thomas are all on the list of Shills and Trolls.


You act as if being a troll is bad . I wear it as a badge of truth and courage .


Whatever gives you that impression?
Did I ever say you were bad?

Kelly Knauth Brown

I am right. They are all pedophiles. They absolutely can’t have RRN or anything associated with it be true. Because they are scared for facing the same fate.


It amazes me and Mike how you sheep love fake news! You love it so much that you keep donating to the fundraiser proving that a sucker is born every minute.


The Truth is that the Trolls cannot accept reality.
The pedophiles are. Their Hollywood idols. And favorite political heroes
They are in denial and wearing face diapers and are looking for an adult to change the ones that they crap in
THEY can not function without a Booster seat or shot.


Reality that Biden won and is in the real White House?

Angel Askew

International rigging by elitists of our election to control and depopulate humanity. Everyone knows it including you you obtuse twit.


“The trolls cannot accept reality” said the guy who relies on an internet blog to tell him all the people he doesn’t like are secretly dead even as they’re running the country and shit 🙂

Lucky Star

So you agreed those clintons were bad people, stories about them were true and yet you glorified her. Good to know your mind…ckckckckc…




I KNEW IT! Those tricky bastards! LMFAO!


Satanists don’t celebrate Christmas.
Hunter is Rotting in a body bag.
All. Clones have a recall.
Factory can not get chips from China


Saw Jack Dorsey from Twitter is stepping down as CEO. Wonder if his time is coming????


Yeah.. his time to retire with $12 billion at age 45 and spend the rest of his life chilling on a beach or something.


Possible even get An Ocean view from a small window facing
Guantanamo bay… Just saying…


Honestly it would be really funny if Michael Baxter “reports” that Jack has just been arrested and sent to Gitmo, because that would mean he completely forgot that he “reported” that Jack was already sent to Gitmo and tried months ago.

Kelly Knauth Brown

I would assume Dorsey has been gone and that this is just how he’s going out. It’s absolutely no secret he’s a pedo. We are at war. Be afraid, Jay. Be very afraid.


I’m 0% afraid Kelly, there is no war, and I’ll still be here 6 months from now, still making fun of you for falling for the same scam over and over and over. “Soon!!”

Kelly Knauth Brown

Be afraid, Jay…now Chris Cuomo is stepping down.


The stock lost value today


He has that other business, Square to run now.


Imminent, obviously…


Jim Carrey Was Right  youtubeDOTcom/watch?v=kdnuMDuyWKA
His Controversial beliefs in 2015 Before THE BIO-WEAPON JAB

In 2015 Jim Carrey suddenly went public with some very controversial beliefs. It turned out that he was anti-vaccination. “California Gov [Brown] says yes to poisoning more children with mercury and aluminum in mandatory vaccines. This corporate fascist must be stopped,” he wrote, referring to a new law that had just been passed. Naturally, there was an angry response to his comments.

First, people were quick to point out that mercury is not used in vaccines anymore. And second, they made the point that refusing to vaccinate children poses a huge risk to public health. “I am not anti-vaccine. I am anti-thimerosal, anti-mercury. They have taken some of the mercury-laden thimerosal out of vaccines. NOT ALL!” Carrey tweeted in an apparent attempt at damage control. Still, it seemed that his reputation had already been tarnished.

Time magazine even published an article titled “Jim Carrey, Please Shut Up About Vaccines.” The piece accused “the anti-vax crowd” — and therefore Carrey — of being “all about rage, all about echo-chamber misinformation.” In one fell swoop, then, Carrey had apparently gone from beloved comedian to anti-science kook.

Angel Askew

Here, In America, that is about when, for no apparent reason, ones rights to not vaccinate children or self became a HUGE deal again. Out of no where states were suing people.

What do you think of the term, “Implied Consent” being used by schools to unilaterally vaxx your child while you have your child attend school in their care??

It has begun.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

The fumes from an open container of mercury
in your room overnight can poison you to death.
If any amount is injected into a human adult or child ,
And you are a dead person walking…
It is just a matter of time until you keel over.
This is todays Holocaust. Mass genocide worldwide.
Get the Vax and kiss you azz good bye…and your family too.

Angel Askew

Get those Mercury fillings out too. So many suffer from this poisoning.

The vaxx is unimaginable.

Anyone remember Mercurichrome?


I do…..and cyclamates.
And Jim Jones Kool-aid drinking party.

Chris Russ

Seeing a few people posting Jack Dorsey has been terminated from Twitter. Can anyone confirm this?

Chris Russ

Disregard – it’s now all over the news.


Lol looking forward to the article MB posts in an hour or two where he retroactively claims Jack Dorsey was arrested by the military days ago and his resignation is a cover story. 🙃

Kelly Knauth Brown

Doubt it. Jack Dorsey has been in General McInerny’s crosshairs for awhile and he’s not a priority.

Kelly Knauth Brown

Be afraid, Jay…be very afraid!!!


Of what? 🙂


The knock on your door


Oh I think I hear it! Oh wait, no, nevermind, there’s nobody there. Just like the last 6+ months I’ve been posting on this goofy-ass website 🙂


Useless idiot for NWO…
Imbecile.. They will pick you up when your Name gets to the top of the LIST.


Been waiting for them to pick me up for like 7 months now, I’m beginning to think that they aren’t coming! Who knows, maybe JAG/Special Forces don’t actually give a shit about me posting comments on the internet 🙂


Me too. I got one of those Technivorm coffee makers I want to try out on guests. If they come to your place send them here after, I’ll be ready and a gracious host.

Lucky Star

He is not useless idiot but a very useful useless fool idiot to be used as fool.

Angel Askew

No access to trial with the public phone number provided to listen in.

Hanging with matty

So “jag” admits the trafficking may still be ongoing!? Can’t they stop anything? How bad are they at this? The white hats drag their feet some more, I guess


The American public is not ready for all to be revealed. Part of the plan.


The “PLAN” is not tied to a certain DATE, but rather a certain set of events. And the order of events can be ADJUSTED.


Adjusted forever I presume. Nothing is happening.


Of course, if the article stated “all the bad things you don’t like have been totally stopped” then people would be asking Mr. Baxter why the bad things they don’t like haven’t actually stopped. It exposes that the articles are fake. So instead it’s this perpetual state of “the Deep State is about to collapse SOON! Everything you believe will become real SOON! But not just yet because some excuse or other. Anyways keep reading and head on over to our donation page!”


Everyone seems to ignore the fact that while we are waiting for the right time and plan to come together that additional children could theoretically be harmed or neglected. What happens to these people while someone decides when the public can handle all this catastrophic news of arrests and executions? Who is the waiting determiner individual? Full disclosure now. It’s time.


You can not handle the Truth, your not ready for it yet
You are too fragile.
Stay in denial.
It is safer for you


last man that got life in prison (bill clinton) was poisoned. did they find out who did that?


Some how I get the impression nobody gives a shit, so dragging out the investigation may take up to 51 years to complete.
I beleive thats a bit more of a logical excuse than any other.

J Bill

Many were concerned…. that 51 years wasn’t long enough for a thorough job.


Jack Dorsey, twitter’s CEO, has probably been executed at the time we speak.


Just not sure about that one . Why ?


Looks like he’s resigning from the Twitter.


RESIGNING ??? and taking short one way vaciation to GITMO ????hmmm

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
Angel Askew

Something is definitely up.


Yeah this is very suspicious, no one has ever resigned from a company before 🤔

Kelly Knauth Brown

Why is Chris Cuomo stepping down? And where’s his brother?


they have been preparing for that since one year, Lin Wood implies.
He is probably dead for a long time and the company was run by smaller minions like Parag and Bret.
I have been explained most of the DS works with smaller minion men in the background and for twitter I understand it was implied those smaller minions were people like Parag and Bret.

Angel Askew

When Dorsey banned Trump it told me EVERYTHING.
Is it me or does it seem Zuckerberg has “fallen back” and trying to save himself in some delusional rebranding/shapeshifting?


ShapeShifting sounds just like what. Zuckerberg is good at..
I am sure that Dorsey has been scooped up and
On the way to Gitmo


Zuckerberg is one of the most obvious Anunnaki shapeshifters out there, just look at how creepy and inhuman his eyes look! Maybe spend less time ruining society with Facebook, and more time practicing your shapeshifting abilities, amirite?


I guess Zuck is dead.
I was told big bossed were gone, and we remain only with middle men like in the twitter Dorsey step-down.

Some people say the renaming of Facebook as “meta” is a White Hat hint that Zuck is gone, as “met” in Hebrew means death or dead.

My analysis is that Zuck is, indeed, “met” : he is dead and gone.

Angel Askew

That is a fabulous perspective, Forsaken. I hope it is true! Always good to hear your take on things. TU.:)


Lin Wood? Oh come now, he’s a joke and gets worse every day. You’ve seen his latest skirmish with Flynn and Sydney?


Lol he also released a phone call recording in which Mike Flynn calls Q a bunch of nonsense and possibly a CIA psy-op, I would love to hear the Flynn-loving Q believers’ opinions on that 🙂

Incorrigible Skeptic

He most certainly did not reference “Q” specifically. It was Qanon and there is a huge difference between the 2.


I hope all that is a misunderstanding, but unfortunately the whole thing is consistent with the DS modus operandi : been there and done that


Resignations are running rampant at this day and age.
I wonder, sometimes, if anyone would know the reasons why. I’m sure theres a multitude of answers.
snicker snicker

Angel Askew

Ha! I pray the tide is finally turning. It will be because of awakened people following the Constitution and going back to basics holding people accountable with the truth!

December is going to be a freaking mind trip! Believe half of what you see and less of what you hear.


Lol remember when the tide was finally turning last month? And the month before that and the month before that. And the month before that. Same as it ever was.


.and yet you are still here,
With the other trolls today
Like exile, hanging with Matty, Delta,…
Even after your bonus was canceled.
Are you on a Fixed income and retired and bored like exile ?


Nah dude, I have a job. It has nothing to do with politics or any of this junk. I just post here for fun 🙂

The fact that nothing changes month after month is exactly why I’m still here. That’s what makes this site so funny. You guys are like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football.

Kelly Brown

I can’t imagine going to a website I believed was fake everyday of my life…maybe once or twice, but not everyday. The more you come here, the more I realize this stuff is so 100% true…


I think reality TV shows are terrible and boring, and I can’t imagine watching them every day. But millions of people do exactly that. Different people are entertained by different things, Kelly.

I certainly concede that it’s a weird hobby, and I probably can’t adequately put into words why it fascinates me, but some rando guy like me shitposting here does not confirm this garbage is real by any means. I could go to some Flat Earther forum and make fun of the nutjobs there, but that doesn’t make the Earth flat, now does it?

Kelly Knauth Brown

You’re a pedo for sure.

Kelly Knauth Brown

Chris Cuomo stepping down too??? Hmmmmmm……………………


I’m not on a fixed income , I get paid to post here by JFK Jr. I first came here to learn about the Anunnaki and after a while I was not bored but I don’t usually post anywhere .


One resignation is a tide turner? I will stay tuned.

J Bill

I figured something was up forsaken. The D/S Yahoo finance news this morning featured an article citing JD as “leaving as CEO…” .

Right. In a body bag….


ps. watch for it’s impending collapse. just like soros’s btcn blunder with his down 12% in the last few days.


Thanks for the link.
I believe he is already dead.
twitter has never been a real business making real money : to me, it was just operation mockingbird from day one

Lorenz Manner

If it is TRUE then my joy cannot be stopped and will be forever in my heart. He was a real dog vomit. Sorry but a better word I cannot find for this human manure called Dorsey.

Vlad The Impaler

Probably end up poisoned as bill


I imagine that would defeat the purpose of a necktie party.
You don’t think he was vaccinated to death, do you? LOL


Yes, a little ricin sprinkled in for flavor. In his next meal

Angel Askew

What a name you chose for yourself Vlad. Ha!

Angel Askew

The Maxwell family ties to Israel will shock the world.
Lookup her father and BlackCube.
This presiding judge worked for Obama at the WH.
James Comey’s daughter is the lead prosecutor.
Nothing personal but, follow the Jews and you, follow the money and the answers to ALL of our problems.
The only Hebrews left are the Palestinians.
There is zero chance Epstein is dead.
The world will lose a billion people. Possibly by Spring.
The Deep State begins in Israel and they are first in line sacrificing their own with their planned depopulation agenda.
Wake up faster.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

And are the Jews in the room with us right now, Angel?


This presiding judge worked for Obama at the WH.
James Comey’s daughter is the lead prosecutor.
Which should be known to all, why this Courts proceedings are no doubt questionable.
Jew vs jew
A jew can never be held accountable for the crime they commit – (jack the ripper)

Angel Askew

I just read after posting this that Biden has already appointed this judge to a higher position in DC as soon as she finishes this case!


Ya know, The Vatican and Rome are long time filthy too but the deeper thicker root of this satanic circus always leads back to hiding behind… The gypsy Jews.

Sorry folks. Nothing personal. Civilization is on the line here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew

Angel, any thoughts on this? Anyone have inside info on a Missouri based company named GlobalSTL?

From December 2 – 11, Governor Mike Parson and First Lady Teresa Parson will travel to Israel and Greece for a third international Trade Mission. Israel and Greece are key trade partners for Missouri, with nearly $54 million and more than $12 million in exports in 2020, respectively.

Consistent with Governor Parson’s infrastructure and economic development priorities, the goal of the Trade Mission is to build relationships with key international figures to promote Missouri’s strong capacity for trade.

“As Governor, I look forward to meeting with our partners in Israel and Greece to strengthen relationships and broaden our state’s global trade opportunities,” Governor Parson said. “Countries around the world already purchase billions of dollars in Missouri-made products each year. We’re thrilled to again represent our state to international officials and companies while promoting Missouri as an ideal business location.”


Israel Highlights

Governor Parson will take part in an ag-tech roundtable discussion in Tel Aviv alongside GlobalSTL, a premier Missouri organization that aims to recruit high-growth international companies with the goal of establishing headquarters in St. Louis. Key industries of focus include agriculture and plant science, medical and human health, cyber security, financial technology, and food and nutrition.

Meetings scheduled include SIBAT, the International Defense Cooperation Directorate of the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMOD), and the Deputy Chief of Mission Michael Ratney of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.

Governor Parson will also receive economic briefings from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the U.S. Embassy Israeli Country team.


I take it Izrahell will be begging for more hand outs and freebies, which will now include food for them, of course they’ll be forced to pay for it with the money they get by begging and blackmailing our Politicians, all of which should be met with a stern “no”, go ask Chyna for it!

Angel Askew

I bet they already received it with our last two Biden bills that passed.

Angel Askew

It sounds to me like Parsons has clearly sold you all out.

Israel sees the plethora of natural resources and is stroking Parsons to steal it and move in.

Right in the heart of our country.

I like how Arkansas has term limits for their Governors.

I suggest you attend these meetings and sign up for the updates on this bologna, TW.

There is NOTHING good for us coming out of Israel. They play us for stupid. Sad part is, Mike Pompeo and Trump are in bed with them.

You need to get a whole lot of neighbors and friends and question why Mr Parsons is seeking offshore assistance rather than working with the resources here at home??

Also, what has he done during his tenure to ask for help, offer programs or offer these solutions locally??

I’m sure Missourians would prefer to upgrade their living and self sustainability amongst there own before inviting in complete strangers.


Research that company. Guarantee it’s connected to Big pharma and Shipping some kind of way. Imma look.


A Billion people ! That is why they are stepping up vaccines on children and even babies now……

Angel Askew

It certainly is. As well as the fact that enrolling your child in public school now qualifies as “Implied Consent” and they have the right to vaxx your kid during gym class and/or ship them off to a camp.

Folks better home school immediately.


I must agree with the majority of the readers,
I am disappointed with mezvinsky NOT getting the
Necktie party he deserved.


What no hanging, the rope was ready and willing.

Kelly Brown

Where are Jay and the CNN’s trying to debunk this?


The CNN gang are touching up their resumes in anticipation of their “we’re going in another direction” talk with the new owner. He’s already said at least 2/3ds of them need to go.


This fan fiction story isn’t worth the time. I do enjoy reading the comments and checking my fundraiser though.


Aw I missed you too Kelly 🙂

Kelly Knauth Brown

What’s up with Jack Dorsey?


Sounds to me like he’s ready to retire. And why not, he’s obscenely wealthy at a net worth of about 12 billion, and by stepping down he can do whatever he wants with his life and not have to worry about it affecting the company or being called in to testify before Congress anymore and other such headaches.

By the way if you think he was just arrested, did you know Michael Baxter reported he was arrested and awaiting tribunal like over 6 months ago and then never mentioned it again and probably forgot that he wrote that? lol

Kelly Knauth Brown

He’s been done. We all know everyone is going out…it’s just a matter of HOW they go out so as not to upset people like you. I would really hate to be you…the mental gymnastics you do is amazing.

Lucky Star

Did he pay you high enough as his butt kisser????


Lol in what way is this butt-kissing? Billionaires suck, I’m not calling him a good person here, I’m just pointing out that a CEO cashing out and retiring young is a perfectly reasonable explanation for stepping down from a company.

Remember Myspace? Look up Tom Anderson, aka Myspace Tom. That dude had the right idea, he sold Myspace for like $500m at the height of its popularity 15 years ago, retired young and just travels around the world taking photos. Meanwhile Zuckerberg and Dorsey stayed on running their platforms, and made billions, but the cost is that now everyone despises them and blames them for all the problems social media has inflicted on society.

Kelly Knauth Brown

What’s up with Chris Cuomo stepping down?

Angel Askew



he aided and abetted first degree rape and murder. just life in prison?


The same sentence given by blue states for those crimes except he will not get paroled in 10 years.


Hillary’s already back on the talk circuit. I’m looking forward to many more Clinton family public appearances, and hearing the excuses from the hopium addicts.


Standard clones , CGI and body doubles upon body doubles . However speech and opinions are the same as before. Hate Trump love the demos, vote and comment and write books and make lots of money . Waiting for JFK Jr too.


I was told last week that JFK Jr was coming to get me, but wouldn’t you know it, he still hasn’t shown up 🙁


I’m sure you are greatly disappointed. Maybe he didn’t have a GPS unit.

Robert Thompson

Good, at least he may have some time to repent for his crimes against humanity, and mostly against God!


Rear Adm. French and his 3 female panel are fucking cowards and have no balls to actually get the job done. Im embarrassed to have served in the marine corps. This article even quotes he believes the child sex ring is still going on today and he gives one of the ring leaders life in prison? Are fucking serious? So it doesn’t matter how many kids you rape, abduct or kill, you just get life in prison. So if they won’t rid the world of child sex ring leaders then I guess none of the child molesters should get the death penalty. I guess raping and killing kids, isn’t that bad of a thing


He may start remembering more if he sits and rots in a cell awhile longer.


He’ll cough up some info sooner or later.


It pisses me off too. If one of my kids went missing, and I
Thought this animal had something to do with it… I would want him dead and I would want to help and or watch

Incorrigible Skeptic

Just remember its kind of hard to squeeze info out of a dead man. I’ll guarantee that little bitch will squeal like a pig once stuff starts getting real! There may be method to the madness?

Sue Grantham

Suicide pending🤣🤣♥️🇺🇸🙏


Yep, Arkancided with 2 bullet wounds to the back of the head = suicide.


Before we knew how involved Marc was with SRA and children’s lives, he came across as a NEBBISH (Yiddish); more than just timid, unfortunate, ineffectual, meek & weak and a twit for liking the Clintons. How could a Jew allow himself to be led into evil? That he did Evil…he and his parents so parents must be of the Khazarian blood lines. Faux Jews. Jews are supposed to follow the 10 commandments or they are not accepted as Jews. He broke THOU SHALT NOT KILL he knew these children can only live a short while. A Nebbish no longer but a monster rat.

Angel Askew

Imagine the joy when the children are returned to the parents. Clintons always claim the parents are dead. That’s why they get so many “orphans” during natural disasters.

Haiti questions the Clinton Foundation when the parents turn up seeking out their children. They know the Clintons are FOS and always were. I have a feeling that is why their most recent President was suddenly assassinated last year.


Just thinking,

Was Chelsea & Marc the new SRA duo since Epstein & Maxwell got caught?


I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ANY MORE BULLSHIT ABOUT HIS CHILDREN….THEY’LL BE BETTER OFF WITHOUT EITHER ONE OF THESE SATAN WORSHIPPING DEVILS AS PARENTS. DID U READ THIS? “Dear esteemed HRC and mother-in-law,” the email began, “I have considered our conversation and have thoughts on your idea of transporting subjects from Haiti into the U.S. via South America. I assume it is your goal to maximize potential profit while mitigating risk of exposure. I think the Haiti angle has been played to fruition and should be abandoned, and it would be more prudent, though not necessarily less costly, to import from countries such as the Ukraine, Lithuania, and Latvia, as opposed to pushing the Haitian angle any farther. We know from experience that subjects from Eastern Europe command a higher price and, commensurately, have a greater margin of profit. Our third-party dealers agree. No matter what, these kids will have a better life than they have now,” the email concluded. “WE KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE.” ” OUR THIRD PARTY DEALERS AGREE” DUUHHH! IF HE WASN’T THOOROUGHLY INVOLVED IN THIS KIDNAPPING PEDOPHILE RING HE WOULDN’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT “THE OPERATION”. THAT’S PROBABLY WHAT THEY’LL CALL IT IF IT EVEN GOES MAINSTREAM, AND IT BETTER. TH CNN’S OF THE WORLD WOULD TALK ABOUT THE OPERATION – NOT THE SEX TRAFFICKING OF SLAVES FROM BIRTH TO LATE TEENS MOSTLY. AND SOME FUCKING EVIL PARENTS EVEN SELL THEIR OWN KIDS.


Just like a jew to be a Profiteering Rat. I bet he seen $$$ signs, and more than likely had thought about the angle of ratting them all out and keep all their $.
But its obvious he thought wrong when he never thought they would find this info. Nonetheless, this asshole deserves every bit the penalty the rest received – if they in fact received anything at all.


Marc looks like a worm…let’s hope he rots in prison for the rest of his life!!! POS 💩💩💩 will have lots of time to think about how many lives he & The Clinton Crime family have destroyed…🖕🖕🖕 Mark Mezvinsky!!!


Meet the Biden Secretary of Defense…At least prostitutes sell themselves because they have to. This guy does it because he both enjoys it and wants to.

Here’s How Much Secretary Of Defense Lloyd Austin Is Worth

If you would like to watch the video, it’s on the Forbes Breaking News channel on YouTube…



Last edited 2 years ago by tinydruid
Angel Askew

Lloyd Austin was shown how to have federal contractors scrub his acquired riches clean from his years in Iraq. It was part of his deal to take his current position.
If I locate the video from last year I will share it.


Please do, I’ll watch for it.

Angel Askew

I recall it being an X22report video prior to his appointment. December or January? He did well in the poppy biz.


Thanks Michael! So, Sandgrund-Fisher accepted the panel’s decision without a whimper?! hahaha-a-a-a-a.

Julia M Wescott

No, he should be hung by the neck til dead. He’s no different than the rest.


Hey aside from the occasional hurricane there Marc, you have to ask yourself, how many are lucky enough to retire early in the tropics? Free room and board and an occasional ocean view.

Kelly Brown

West Seneca, NY town supervisor just slammed the new mask mandate for his county even for the vaccinated. Says it’s an abuse of human rights. His name is Gary Dickson!

Last edited 2 years ago by Kelly Brown

Thanks for the update.



Lucky Star

Totally agreed 100%


Sources have confirmed that Biden is discussing signing the insurrection act to compel citizens to get vaccinated. This means that the National Guard could be rounding up people and forcing vaccines on them.


This could be a fulfilling exercise . Then you will see what it’s like when the Insurrection act is really signed and implemented.


You two fleas need your own room.


Exile & Ted Idiot SHILLS


I’ve heard Lin Wood not getting along very well with Gen Flynn and Sydney. Flynn said Q Anon was total nonsense and started by the CIA.


bullshit & more bullshit


Would that be before or after he sends our oil from the strategic reserves to his pals in China?

Last edited 2 years ago by Dave

Too late he’s already sending them our oil.

J Bill

now that’s funny!


The souls of the demonic democrats and their cohorts (i.e. comey, susan rice, brannon, podesta, hanks, etc.) executed in GITMO are roaming the grounds in GITMO awaiting more demoNcRats and RINOs. Hang them all.


I HEARD -GITMO- IS FULL… and they transfer new prisoners to island of the California and to ICELAND…..


You are correct, there are a few more places that are unknown also – so I’ve been told. They know better than to keep all their eggs in one basket and a name list isn’t included, meaning nobody will ever be able to find out where a certain person is being held.

Russ C.

You hurt kids, you don’t deserve to live. JMOFWIW